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. . . Published ahead of Print


The Physiological Profile of a Multiple Tour de France Winning Cyclist

Phillip Bell1, Matthew Furber1, Ken van Someren1, Ana Antn-Solanas1, and Jeroen Swart2

GSK Human Performance Laboratory, Brentford, United Kingdom

Sports & Exercise Medicine Clinic and Clinical Research Centre, The Sports Science Institute
of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa



Accepted for Publication: 26 July 2016

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Copyright 2016 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health on behalf of the American College of Sports Medicine

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Publish Ahead of Print

DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001068

The Physiological Profile of a Multiple Tour de France Winning Cyclist

Phillip Bell1, Matthew Furber1, Ken van Someren1, Ana Antn-Solanas1, and Jeroen Swart2

GSK Human Performance Laboratory, Brentford, United Kingdom

Sports & Exercise Medicine Clinic and Clinical Research Centre, The Sports Science Institute

of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa

Phillip Bell


Corresponding Author:


GSK Human Performance Lab, Unit 2 Brentside Executive Park, Great West Road, Brentford,

Tel: +447903847304


Email: [email protected]

No external funding was provided or sought in the preparation and completion of this
manuscript. The authors of the study declare no conflicts of interest. The results of the study do
not constitute endorsement by ACSM.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionNon Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to
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Running title: Physiology of an elite endurance cyclist

way or used commercially.

Introduction: This case study reports a range of physiological characteristics in a two-time Tour
de France champion. Methods: Following body composition assessment (DXA), two
submaximal cycling step-tests were performed in ambient (20C, 40%) and hot and humid
(30C, 60% [HH]) conditions from which measures of gross efficiency (GE), lactate-power

landmarks and heart rate responses were calculated. Additionally, thermoregulatory and sweat
responses were collected throughout. O2peak and peak power output (PPO) were also identified


following a separate ramp test to exhaustion. Results: O2peak and PPO were 5.91 Lmin-1 (84
mLkg-1min-1) and 525 W respectively, whilst mean GE was 23.0% and 23.6% for ambient and
HH conditions respectively. In addition to superior GE, power output at 4 mmolL-1 lactate was


higher in HH vs. ambient conditions (429.6 W vs. 419.0 W) supporting anecdotal reports from
the participant of good performance in the heat. Peak core and skin temperature, sweat rate and
electrolyte content were higher in HH conditions. Body fat percentage was 9.5%, whilst total fat
mass, lean mass and bone mineral content were 6.7, 61.5 and 2.8 kg respectively. Conclusion:

The aerobic physiology and peak power output values indentified are amongst the highest


reported for professional road cyclists. Notably, the participant displayed both a high O2peak
and GE, which is uncommon amongst elite cyclists, and may be a contributing factor to their
success in elite cycling. Additionally, performance in HH conditions was strong, suggesting
effective thermoregulatory physiology. In summary, this is the first study to report physiological
characteristics of a multiple Tour de France champion in close to peak condition and suggests
what may be the prerequisite physiological and thermoregulatory capacities for success at this
Keywords: Cycling, Physiology, Endurance, Elite Performance

The limits of human endurance performance and the nature of fatigue have been debated
extensively (1, 23, 25, 31, 32, 40) and cyclists competing in the Tour de France (TdF) represent
the extremes of endurance performance characteristics. This can be attributed to unique
physiological and morphological characteristics developed from extensive training-induced

adaptations (21). To date there is limited information on the physiological characteristics of TdF
cyclists, and even less on the winners of the race who represent the elite of the elite endurance


athletes. Widely recognised determinants of endurance cycling performance include; gross

efficiency (GE), peak oxygen uptake ( O2peak), peak power output (PPO), and numerous lactate


landmarks that represent distinct changes in aerobic metabolism.

The TdF is a 3 week stage race which covers variable terrain in which the winner is the cyclist
who completes all the stages in the lowest overall cumulative time. The key stages that have
been identified as the most relevant to overall performances are time trial (TT) stages and stages

with uphill finishes (20). During TT stages, cyclists are required to produce a high absolute


power output, usually in excess of 400 W, for prolonged periods (1 hour) (35). Maximal 40 km
TT power has been positively correlated with the power output produced at a blood lactate
concentration of 4 mmolL-1 and has additionally been shown to coincide with the average power
output sustained during the hour record (2, 33). Although this relationship is not universal, the
measurement of sustained maximal power output for a duration of 1 hour (also known as
Functional Threshold Power [FTP]) is correlated to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmolL-1
when performing an incremental exercise test in the laboratory. Stages with uphill finishes
similarly require very high sustained power outputs but in addition, require a high power to

weight ratio. The final climbs of these types of stages can range from 5-20 km in length,
requiring maximal power outputs for periods of 10 minutes through to 1 hour, during which the
cyclist will be required to sustain a continuous power output of over 6 Wkg-1 (20). A power to
mass ratio in excess of 6 Wkg-1 coinciding with the blood lactate concentration of 4 mmolL-1 is

therefore a requirement for top performances during uphill finishes at the TdF.

GE is a measure of effective work and is expressed as a percentage of total energy expended that


produces external work (12). In well trained male cyclists, GE was reported as ranging from 1025% (14) whereas in professional cyclists, GE was further elevated in the range of 22.0-28.1%
(22). Paradoxically, within professional level cyclists, O2peak and cycling efficiency have been


found to be inversely related and it has been hypothesised that a high efficiency might
compensate for a relatively low

O2peak (22). TdF cyclists typically demonstrate high GE

values with the best cyclists in the TdF (top-10 overall finishes and stages winners)

demonstrating GE values of ~24% and the winner as high as 25% (39).

A study of a multiple TdF winner measured maximal oxygen uptake on five separate occasions,


four prior to the athletes first TdF win and one in the year of his first TdF victory (8). These
tests demonstrated large fluctuations in maximal oxygen uptake ranging from 5.29-6.10 Lmin-1
between tests. The highest recorded value of 6.10 Lmin-1 (81.2 mLkg-1min-1) was also
recorded six years prior to the first TdF win. Oxygen uptake at lactate threshold relative to
O2peak was also highly variable and ranged from 76-85%. Interestingly, GE increased
progressively from 21.2% to 23.1% over the six year period. However, none of these data were
recorded within the three months preceding or following the TdF victories. In addition, the study

results were subsequently challenged based on the calculations used to derive efficiency and the
equipment used during the investigations, claims that were refuted by the study's author (26).
Lastly, the athlete was retrospectively stripped of his titles and the results of all TdF wins were
annulled based on evidence of the use of prohibited substances and methods. As a result, the
observed results from this report should be reviewed with caution given the potential impact of

performance enhancing substance abuse during this period of testing.


Although limited in scope, one study has described physiological data pertaining to blood lactate
parameters in a TdF winner in close to peak condition (33). The tests were performed within 2
months of the athletes 4th TdF victory and shortly before a successful World Hour Record


performance. During a graded cycling ergometer step test protocol (35 W increments every 4
minutes) to exhaustion, a peak power output of 572 W (7.06 Wkg-1) was recorded. The power
output recorded at 4 mmolL-1 blood lactate concentration was 505 W (6.23 Wkg-1). These
authors also demonstrated that the power associated with 4 mmolL-1 blood lactate concentration

was highly predictive for the maximal effort that the athlete was able to sustain for one hour


during the Hour Record performance.

A study of a regular top ten TdF finisher has described training loads and performance data
collected in the field over a period of 6 years (37). The highest recorded power outputs for
durations of 45 min & 60 min (which correspond closely to power outputs associated with 4
mmolL-1 blood lactate) were 5.9 Wkg-1 and 5.7 Wkg-1 respectively. These are considerably
lower than the relative power values recorded for a previous TdF winner at 4 mmolL-1 blood
lactate prior to a World Hour Record attempt (33).

Despite extensive research into the physiological demands of professional cycling and the
physiological characteristics of riders, there is a limited amount of data identifying the
potentially unique characteristics of grand tour winners. Accordingly, we conducted a
physiological assessment of a double TdF including; peak oxygen consumption, peak and
submaximal power output, blood lactate response, body composition and thermoregulatory

responses, during a period when he was close to maximal training status. These tests provide key


insights into the physiological requirements to win a race of this magnitude.



The participant was a 30 year old, elite male cyclist competing in the UCI World Tour Series. At
the time of testing, he was the reigning and two-time TdF champion. Testing was conducted one
week prior to competing in the final Grand Tour of the 2015 road cycling season (La Vuelta de



Informed Consent and Ethics Statement

The participant completed written informed consent following detailed explanation of all data
collection procedures prior to the performance of any testing. Included in the written consent was
a statement detailing permission for the publication of all collected data and the likelihood that
their identity be evident irrespective of the anonymisation of resulting published work. Approval
by an independent ethics committee was not deemed necessary for a number of reasons
including; the participant approached the laboratory and requested that the tests be conducted on
him and was therefore a volunteer with no recruitment process; the participant specifically

requested that the results of the tests be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal due to the
general and scientific interest that these results would generate; the data were collected as an
observation on a single day and no intervention, experimental method or prospective nature was

Pre-Testing Procedures

On arrival to the laboratory, testing procedures and schedules were verbally communicated prior


to the completion of written informed consent and a pre-test health screening questionnaire. The
sequence of tests was; body composition and bone mineral content, submaximal aerobic profile
in ambient conditions, maximal aerobic profile in ambient conditions, and a submaximal aerobic


profile in hot and humid (HH) conditions. All tests and procedures were conducted on the same
day and in accordance with GSK Medical Governance approval and GSK Human Performance
Lab standard operating procedures.

Body Composition and Bone Mineral Content


Body composition was measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) (GE Lunar
iDXA, GE Healthcare, Bucks, UK). The scan was performed following an overnight fast (>8
hours), a morning urinary void, and with all metal artefacts removed. Fasted body mass was then
measured using a digital column scale (seca 704, seca Ltd., Hamburg, Germany). The scan was
performed in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines for patient positioning and was
analysed using enCORE Software, version 14.10 (GE Healthcare, Bucks, UK). Based on the
participants size characteristics, the scan was undertaken using the standard thickness mode. In
addition to regular machine calibration, a standard quality assurance (QA) procedure was

performed and passed prior to the test (laboratory coefficient of variation (CV) for this QA
procedure is 0.07%).

Aerobic Profile and Thermoregulatory Response Protocol (Ambient Conditions)

Aerobic profiling (pulmonary gas exchange, heart rate, blood lactate) was conducted two hours

post-prandial (all food consumed by the participant was self-selected) in order to control for the
blood glucose response and was subdivided into two parts; submaximal and maximal. In addition


to aerobic profiling, a number of thermoregulatory responses (core temperature, skin

temperature, sweat rate and sweat electrolyte content [sodium; Na+]) were collected throughout
the test. Pre-exercise temperature (degrees Celsius; C), relative humidity (RH) and barometric


pressure (millibars; mb) were 19.5C, 49.3% RH and 1016.2 mb, respectively. Fan cooling was
provided for the participant throughout all cycle testing; a floor fan was positioned on the floor to
the front right of the participant at a 45 angle and set to an air speed of 5.8 ms-1.

An electronically braked, indoor cycle trainer (CompuTrainer, RacerMate Inc, Seattle, USA)
was used in conjunction with the participants personal bicycle (Pinarello Dogma F8, Pinarello,


Treviso, Italy) to complete the test. The CompuTrainer system was selected as it allows the
participant to use their own bicycle and does not require a set cadence in order to elicit a constant
power, allowing the participant to cycle at a self selected cadence. The crank arm length was 175
mm and an oval chain ring (Osymetric USA, NC, USA) was used. Following a 10 min, selfselected warm-up, the cycle trainer rolling resistance was calibrated to reflect a tyre-load
generator pressure of 0.93 kg. The indoor cycle trainer software (RacerMate One, RacerMate
Inc, Seattle, USA) was programmed to elicit an incremental step-test, starting at 250 W with

increases in work rate of 25 W every four minutes. An online (i.e. continuously measured/real
time) gas analyser (Metalyzer 3B, Cortex, Leipzig, Germany) was used throughout the protocol
to measure oxygen and carbon dioxide fractions, and volume of gas in inspired and expired air.
The analyser was warmed-up and calibrated for oxygen (17%) and carbon dioxide (5%) fractions
and gas volume (3 L syringe) as per manufacturers prescription. During the tests, the participant

breathed through a low dead space (70 mL) mouth piece, low resistance turbine (<0.1 kPA.L-1.s-1
at 16 L.s-1), whilst inspired and expired gas was sampled continuously at 50 Hz. The analyser

dynamic calculation for each breath.


rise time and transit delay for O2 and CO2 were <100 ms and 800-1200 ms respectively, using a


In addition to the continuous collection of expired gas, heart rate and thermoregulatory data, in
the final thirty seconds of each exercise step, blood lactate and rating of perceived exertion (5)
were assessed. The submaximal test was terminated at the end of the step that produced a blood
lactate concentration of >4 mmolL-1. Following completion of the submaximal test, a 15 min

rest period was provided prior to commencing the maximal test. During this period the


participant was able to consume water ad libitum and cycle at <100 W. The indoor cycle trainer
was re-calibrated and the software was programmed to elicit an incremental ramp test starting at
150 W, increasing at a rate equivalent to 30 Wmin-1. The participant was instructed to continue
cycling for as long as possible and to maintain a cadence of >70 RPM. Expired gas and heart rate
were collected throughout the test. The test was terminated when the participant was unable to
maintain a cadence of >70 RPM.

Assessment of Submaximal Oxygen Cost (

In order to assess for

O2 and


and Peak Oxygen Uptake (


O2peak, expired gas data was averaged across 30 s intervals

using the online gas analysis software (MetaSoft Studio, Cortex, Leipzig, Germany) prior to
downloading for subsequent assessment.

O2 was represented as the final 30 s of expired gas

from each step in the submaximal test;

O2peak was calculated as the highest 30 s average


(mean) for O2 data of 1.8% in the range of 2.05-3.94 Lmin-1..

collected during the maximal test (19). Routine QA records demonstrated a laboratory CV

Gross Efficiency

Gross efficiency of the participant was assessed through calculating the amount of work


completed relative to the amount of energy expended during each of the submaximal test stages
using the following equation:

gross efficiency (%) = [work rate (W)/energy cost (Js-1)] 100


Work rate was converted to joules per second to quantify energy output, and the tables of Lusk
(24), in accordance with stage RER and O2 (average of last 60 s of stage (36)), were used to
identify energy cost. Energy output as a percentage of energy cost was used to express GE. Stage
and overall mean GE was calculated (8, 9) for the submaximal trials in ambient and HH
conditions, however it should it should be noted that GE data calculated for power outputs above
steady state exercise may be influenced by the O2 slow component and as a result should be
interpreted with a degree of caution.

Peak Power Output

Peak power output (PPO) was calculated from the data collected in the maximal aerobic test.
PPO was determined as the highest 30 s average from the incremental ramp test and
subsequently expressed relative to body mass. A comparison of the recorded power output data
from the RacerMate software was made with the data collected from the athletes personal

power meter (Stages Cycling, Kirchzarten, Germany) and the set ramp test power on the
CompuTrainer. This analysis demonstrated power output was within 0.7 2.2% according to

according to the RacerMate software.


Blood Lactate Sampling


the power meter and within 0.7 0.8% of the programmed power during the maximal test

Capillary blood samples were collected from the earlobe prior to warm-up and in the final 30 s of
each stage during the submaximal aerobic test. Briefly, 20 L of blood was collected into a
capillary tube before being analysed using an automated blood lactate analyser (Biosen C-Line,

EKF Diagnostics, Cardiff, UK). The coefficient of variation for blood lactate measurement in the


laboratory was 0.27% in the range 2-18 mmolL-1.

Heart Rate

Heart rate was collected continuously via a wireless telemetry system (Polar T34, Polar Electro
(UK) Ltd, Warwick, UK). In the submaximal aerobic test, heart rate data from the final 30 s of
each stage was used for further analysis, whilst in the maximal test heart rate data collection was
incomplete due to a signal drop out mid-way through the test.

Power and Heart Rate at Landmarks Associated with Blood Lactate Thresholds
Due to the lack of a gold standard measure and conjecture surrounding the use of a single
landmark to define lactate thresholds (3), a number of landmarks were calculated. Blood lactate
concentrations and heart rates collected during the ambient and HH submaximal trials were
inserted into validated software (Lactate-E (29)), which subsequently calculated the predicted

power and heart rates at the following reported landmarks; 1 mmolL-1 above baseline, DMAX
(6), Modified DMAX (3), 2 mmolL-1 and 4 mmolL-1. Subsequently, the predicted power at


these landmarks was expressed relative to current and predicted race body mass (Wkg-1).

Core Temperature


Core temperature (Tc) was recorded using a non-invasive technique. During breakfast the
participant opened a sealed package containing a core temperature sensor pill (CorTemp,
Palmetto, Florida, United States) and consumed it with water following removal of the magnet
which activates the pill. A CorTemp data recorder (CorTemp, Palmetto, Florida, United

States) wirelessly received the signal from the pill (sampling rate was 0.1 Hz) and converted it


into a digital format, displaying temperature in real time and saving for subsequent analysis.
Manufacturer documentation reports the CorTemp sensor to be accurate to within 0.1C. The
sensor was consumed two hours prior to the aerobic profiling session to ensure the pill was
settled in the participants digestive tract, minimising the influence of fluid consumption.

Skin Temperature
Skin temperature (Ts), using a single site measurement, was monitored using a medical grade
thermal validation system (E-Val Flex, Ellab, Hileroed, Denmark) at a sampling rate of 60 hz

and a resolution of 0.01C (manufacturer reported accuracy is 0.05C). Once the participant
was in a comfortable position on the bike, a skin thermistor (MHD Flexible Plast Foil, Ellab,
Hileroed, Denmark) was affixed to the centre of the left scapular region using surgical tape
(Micropore, 3M, Loughborough, UK) following which Ts was recorded continuously until the
end of each cycling test. Single site measurement was selected due to wire placement logistics

and participant comfort. This positioning also allowed the thermister to be shielded from air flow

Sweat Rate and Electrolyte Content


of the cooling fan.

During aerobic profiling sessions, the participants sweat was collected for analysis of electrolyte


content using absorbent patches. The patches (Tegaderm, 3M, Loughborough, UK) were affixed
to four regions on the right side of participants body; forearm (mid-dorsal), chest (superior to
the nipple, ~5 cm lateral from the sternum), back (spine of the scapula and ~7 cm lateral from the
vertebral column) and thigh (mid-ventral). Each site was cleaned and dried prior to the

application of patches using distilled water, gauze and using latex free gloves in order to avoid


contamination of the collection area. Following testing, each patch was removed using sterile
disposable tweezers and placed in to a vial for later extraction. Sweat was extracted from the
patch using centrifugation (Heraeus Multifuge 3S-R, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, United States)
at 3,600 RPM for 10 min. Sweat electrolyte (Na+) concentration was measured using flame
photometry (Sherwood Scientific Model 420 Dual Channel Flame Photometer, Cambridge, UK).
Subsequently, absolute sweat electrolyte losses were calculated by multiplying the concentration
of each electrolyte (mmolL-1) by the volume of fluid loss (L) during the session and time
corrected to attain electrolyte loss per hour. In order to determine sweat rate, changes in pre and

post exercise body mass were measured and corrected for fluid consumption. The participant
showered after completing the ambient aerobic profile, and prior to and following the HH testing
session the same patching and analysis process was followed.

Submaximal Aerobic Profile and Thermoregulatory Response (Hot and Humid Conditions)

In order to determine the responses of the participant in hot and humid (HH) conditions, which
are regularly encountered during UCI World Tour cycle racing, the submaximal aerobic test was


repeated in an environmental chamber (TIS Services, Alton, UK). The test was completed two
hours post-prandial and followed the exact same procedures as described previously. The
chamber was set to provide the environmental conditions of 30.0C, 60.0% RH and 1015.0 mb.


As per the previous submaximal test, heart rate, expired gas and thermoregulatory data were
continuously collected, whilst blood lactate and rating of perceived exertion were collected in the


final 30 s of each exercise step. The termination criterion for the test was also replicated.

Body Composition and Bone Mineral Content


Fasted body mass was 70.0 kg, as measured using the digital column scale and the participants
body fat percentage was 9.5%. Total fat, lean mass and bone mineral content (BMC) were 6.7,
61.5 and 2.8 kg respectively (NB. Body composition values are calculated based on the body
mass estimated by the GE Lunar iDXA [71.0 kg]). Soft tissue body composition was further
analysed in three distinct body regions, arms, legs and trunk. Regional fat mass was 0.9, 2.0 and
3.0 kg and lean mass was 7.0, 20.6 and 30.7 kg for arms, legs and trunk respectively.

2peak and

Gross Efficiency

O2 increased linearly with increases in stage power across the submaximal tests in both ambient
(R2 = 0.99; [y = 0.0122x + 0.1473]) and HH (R2 = 0.99; [y = 0.0132x 0.2217]) conditions, with
similar absolute

O2 recorded for each stage.

O2peak was 5.91 Lmin-1, which expressed

relative to body mass was 85 mLkg-1min-1. We were unable to determine peak heart rate due to

a signal drop out at 11 min 31 s into the test at which point heart rate was 154 bmin-1 (selfreported maximum heart rate in competition was ~170 bmin-1). Mean GE was 23.0% and 23.6%


for ambient (range; 22.3%-23.3%) and HH (range; 22.7%-24.2%) conditions respectively

(Figure 1). Mean cadence was 95.9 2.2 and 96.3 1.9 revolutions per minute for ambient and

Peak Power Output


HH conditions respectively.

PPO, the highest 30 s power output from the maximal aerobic test was determined as 525 W,
equating to 7.5 Wkg-1 when expressed relative to body mass (69.9 kg immediately pre-test).

Mean ( SD), minimum and maximum cadence were 97 ( 2.9), 62 and 104 revolutions per


minute respectively.

Submaximal Lactate Profile and Associated Power & Heart Rate Values
Absolute power output, relative power output and race mass relative power output at the
following blood lactate landmarks were calculated; 1 mmolL-1 above baseline, DMAX (6),
Modified DMAX (3), 2 mmolL-1 and 4 mmolL-1 for both ambient and HH submaximal trials
(Table 1). Additionally, associated heart rates and blood lactate values are presented. A
graphical representation of the submaximal lactate profile is presented in Figure 2.

Submaximal Tc and Ts Responses

Tc increased steadily with increases in stage power across the submaximal tests in both ambient
and HH conditions (Figure 3). Tc increased more rapidly and to a higher peak temperature in the
HH conditions (38.6C vs. 38.2C).

Starting Ts was 1.0C higher in HH compared to ambient conditions (33.1C vs. 34.1C) (Figure
3) and was elevated above ambient values throughout the test. Ts increased rapidly to a peak of

stage and at a lower temperature (33.5C).


Sweat Analysis


35.4C in the early stages of the HH test, whereas in ambient conditions, Ts peaked in the final

Sweat rates during the submaximal aerobic tests were 1.42 and 1.70 Lh-1 in the ambient and HH
conditions respectively. Following sweat composition analysis, the rate of Na+ loss was



calculated as 1.64 gh-1 (50.3 mmolL-1) in ambient and 1.92 gh-1 (58.9 mmolL-1) in HH


To our knowledge, we present the first data from a winner of the TdF that includes peak oxygen
consumption, peak power output, submaximal power output and blood lactate data, collected
when the athlete was close to peak physical condition. The participant had won the TdF 22 days
prior to the testing and was in preparation for the final 3-week stage race of the year, which
started 5 days after the testing date and was therefore arguably, excluding the increase in body
mass, in peak physical condition.

An unexpected finding was the higher than anticipated body fat percentage of 9.5%. Previous
work in male US Cycling Federation athletes reported a mean body fat of 4.7% in male road
cyclists (44), although these measures were collected via an alternate method (seven site
skinfolds (16)), which has previously been reported to underestimate fat percentage when
compared to DXA (7, 10). Conversely, a mean body fat of 10.2% was reported in professional

road cyclists (43), however these measurements were taken in pre-season where the condition of
the athletes is unlikely to be optimal. Anecdotally, the athlete in this case study reported that in


the three weeks following the TdF (i.e. immediately prior to testing), they had gained 3-4 kg of
body mass. Aside from the potential differences in mass due to changes in hydration status and


glycogen stores, a large amount of this added mass might be represented by added body fat.

The peak power output of 525 W is considerably greater than data published for 10
internationally competitive male cyclists (445 52 W) (30). However, this is lower than that
recorded for another TdF winner in peak condition (572 W) (33) and also lower than the highest

peak power output recorded from a group of professional cyclists (585 W) using a similar ramp


protocol (22). This can primarily be attributed to the large variations in body mass and
somatotype amongst elite cyclists (13). Standardisation of power data is therefore best expressed
as power relative to body mass. When expressed in relative terms, the peak power output of 7.5
Wkg-1 is amongst the highest recorded for any professional cyclist. Relative to other TdF
winners, this value is considerably higher than previously recorded (7.06 Wkg-1) (33). However,
the comparative data was collected using differing protocols, which can significantly influence
these results, for example, higher ramp rates yielding higher peak power outputs (39). It is
however, lower than the best value recorded from a group of European professional cyclists

(7.70 Wkg-1) which used a similar ramp protocol (22). If calculated using the athletes self
reported race mass (67 kg) the relative peak power of 7.84 Wkg-1 would be the highest recorded
to date.

The workload at 4 mmol.L-1 has been well correlated with professional cycling performance in

the field in time trials and uphill cycling, two characteristics required to excel at stage racing
(34). Submaximal power at 4 mmol.L-1 (6.1 Wkg-1) was significantly higher than that reported


for top international road cyclists who excel at time trials (5.7 0.2 Wkg-1) and uphill cycling
(5.7 0.5 Wkg-1) (28). However this value is very close to that recorded for another TdF winner
when tested in peak condition (6.2 Wkg-1) (34). Once again, if calculated using the athletes self


reported race mass, the relative power at 4 mmol.L-1 (6.4 Wkg-1) would be the highest value
reported to date. Comparisons to other studies of submaximal workloads in relation to blood
lactate concentrations are confounded by the multiple differing methods, lack of reporting of the



methods and a lack of standardisation with respect to the methods used to analyse blood lactate

Mean GE across both ambient and HH conditions (23.3%), as well as the mean GE for the two
submaximal at 80% of

O2peak (23.2%), compared favourably to the values described

previously (22). All of the athletes tested in this report that recorded a GE greater than 22%, also
recorded O2peak values below 77 mLkg-1min-1 (22). The results presented in this case study
therefore demonstrate a uniquely high

O2peak in combination with a high GE, two

characteristics which are required to sustain the very high submaximal power outputs required to
win the TdF (Figure 4).

The GE in HH conditions declined as a function of work rate in keeping with previously

published data (14), whilst in normal ambient conditions efficiency initially increased at low
work rates and declined above work rates of 360 W. GE at lower work rates (<350 W) was
greater in HH conditions than in ambient conditions whilst at higher work rates the GE was
similar for both ambient and HH conditions. The differences between the values recorded

exceeded the typical error of measurement for GE (27) by a considerable margin. This increased
efficiency at lower work rates in HH conditions is in contrast to the study by Hettinga et al (15)


who demonstrated that GE for a group of well trained cyclists in hot conditions (35.5C ; 15.5%
RH) was on average 0.9% lower than in cool conditions (15.6C ; 20.0% RH). Similarly,
submaximal power output values recorded at various blood lactate landmarks were higher in HH


than in ambient conditions, which may be directly attributable to the improved GE. The
mechanism underpinning higher GE in HH conditions is difficult to ascertain. Potentially, an
efficient thermoregulatory response allowed the maintenance of lower muscle temperatures,
which has been shown to allow higher degrees of glycolysis (4) and subsequently may allow for


more efficient energy production.

The participant expressed anecdotally that he performs well in hot environmental conditions. The
improved GE and submaximal power outputs in HH conditions appear to support this, however it
should be noted that because both ambient and HH trials were performed on the same day, we
were unable to control for circadian rhythm and any associated fluctuations in physiology (41).
Despite the higher than anticipated body fat percentage for an elite cyclist, the athletes low body
mass index (19.4 kgm-2) and ectomorphic somatotype may predispose to maintenance of
performance or reduced decrement in performance in the heat (11, 18, 42). Furthermore, in line

with other highly-trained athletes, the participants sweat rate was relatively high in both ambient
and HH conditions suggesting an efficient thermoregulatory response to exercise (38).
Interestingly, the sweat Na+ concentration in both conditions were similar and of moderate
magnitude (50-60 mmolL-1) which is also indicative of well developed acclimation to hot and

humid environments.

Prior to the tests conducted for this case study, the participant had only undergone performance


laboratory testing on one previous occasion in 2007 (an interval of 8 years between tests). A
longitudinal analysis of the two data sets may well be confounded by the use of different
methodologies and protocols and at the time of publication we were unable to establish the


specific methods employed to collect the data in 2007. However, taking into account these
confounding factors, some differences are clear that provide some interesting insight. The
participants mass recorded in 2007 was 75.6 kg. This is 4.8 kg greater than that recorded on the
day of testing (70.8 kg) and approximately 8 kg greater than the self reported race mass of the

participant (67 kg). This equates to a change in mass of 10.5%. The reduction in mass appears to


have been predominantly through the loss of body fat mass. The recorded body fat percentage
was 16.9% in 2007 in comparison to 9.5% for the more recent test, however differing
methodologies may result in significant differences in the determination of body fat percentage
(17). It is therefore not possible to conclude definitively whether the mass lost by the participant
was predominantly fat mass, muscle mass or a combination of both. Such a large reduction in
mass would have an equivalent or greater performance enhancing effect during uphill racing
provided that the ability to produce power was not adversely effected. The PPO of 525 W

compares favourably to the PPO of 540 W reported in 2007 when expressed relative to body
mass (7.5 Wkg-1 vs. 7.1 Wkg-1).

In conclusion, we present a broad range of physiological variables from a two-time TdF winner.

These values were recorded at close to peak condition and therefore arguably represent the
extremes of human endurance performance characteristics. The values for peak power output,


O2peak, submaximal power outputs and GE are amongst the highest reported for professional
road cyclists.


Body fat was higher than previously reported for professional cyclists, which may be explained
by the athletes self-reported 4 kg increase in body mass since his second TdF win. When recalculated, relative values using the reported competition body mass, peak power output and



submaximal power at 4 mmol.L-1 blood lactate concentration are the highest values published to

Two unique characteristics of this case report are the high GE in relation to

O2peak when

compared to that reported for other professional cyclists, and the potential for strong
performance in hot and humid conditions owing to higher GE and lower submaximal blood
lactate versus those presented in ambient conditions. This may in part be explained by efficient
thermoregulatory processes as well as by the higher GE recorded during the first half of the
exercise bout conducted in HH conditions. The characteristics of a high O2peak and high gross
efficiency are critical to sustaining high power outputs. Such traits are a requirement to excel in

time trials and uphill stage finishes, two areas where time is usually gained over other stage race
competitors. The TdF takes place in mid-summer and usually experiences high temperatures and
humidity on many stages. The ability to maintain performance in the heat may therefore be an
important contributing characteristic to performance in this race and is reflected in the athletes

TdF performances to date.

In summary, these data provide a unique insight into the characteristics required to succeed at the




Tour de France, the sport of cyclings leading event.


No external funding was provided or sought in the preparation and completion of this
manuscript. The authors of the study declare no conflicts of interest. The results of the study do
not constitute endorsement by ACSM.


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Figure Captions
Figure 1 Comparison of gross efficiency across submaximal aerobic profile in ambient
(19.5C, 49.5% RH, 1016.2 mb) and HH (30C, 60.0% RH, 1015.0 mb) conditions.

Figure 2 Lactate and heart rate responses to submaximal step tests in ambient and HH

environmental conditions.


Figure 3 Comparison of core temperature (Panel A) and skin temperature (Panel B) during
submaximal aerobic profile in ambient (19.5C, 49.5% RH, 1016.2 mb) and HH conditions


(30.0C, 60.0% RH, 1015.0 mb).

Figure 4 GE (%) at 80% of O2peak (mean of ambient and HH) vs. O2peak from this case
study ( recorded mass ; self reported race mass) in comparison to those from a group of


professional cyclists (o) modified from Lucia et al (22).




Figure 1




Figure 2




Figure 3




Figure 4

Table 1. Power and heart values at selected lactate landmarks.


Relative Power$





1 mmolL above

Modified DMAX





















Race Weight Relative



Blood Lactate

Fixed Blood Lactate
(2 mmolL-1)
Fixed Blood Lactate
(4 mmolL-1)
*Calculated using Lactate-E software (8); Ambient weight - 70.8 kg; HH weight -71.0 kg; Values
(Lactate vs. Power, Lactate vs. HR)

derived using 3rd order polynomials

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