Juan Camilo Paul Hi Ac

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Cartagena, Colombia
PHONE: (+57) 3217758342 E-MAIL: [email protected]

To obtain a position as a full-time Assistant Professor in the field of anthropology of stage performance.

Institute of Fine Arts and Science of Bolivar. Cartagena, Colombia.
Research Director

Feb 14 Mai 14
* Managed the Institutions Research Center (CIDESBAC).
* Supervised research groups along National Research guidelines.
* Dictated the undergraduate Research Methodology Seminar in theater and music.

School of Advanced Studies in Social Science (EHESS). Paris, France

Sep 09 Jan 14
* Postdoctoral researcher for the French National Research Agencys funded project Musimorphose.
* Associate researcher for the French National Research Agencys funded project Globalmus.
* Co-organized several workshops and 2 international symposia.
* Co-organized the Ethnomusicology Masters seminar Music and Globalization.

Colegio del Cuerpo Dance Company. Cartagena, Colombia

Dec. 13 Dec. 13
* Photographic coverage with anthropological insight of performances.
* Production of staged photography for the Inxilio stage production.

French National Library. Paris, France.
Library Assistant in the Manuscripts Department

Jul 08 Feb. 2013
* Responsible for circulation and shelving of a wide variety of precious historic documents.
* Assisted in integration of new collections
* Participated in collective database operations

Luis Angel Arango Public Library. Bogota, Colombia
Digital library evaluator

Mar. 01 Apr. 01
*Restructured the photographic section of the digital librarys collection.
*Aggregated web and physical photographic content to the digital librarys collections
* Managed copyright publishing authorizations

Diego Samper Publishing House. Bogota, Colombia.
Assistant photographer

Aug. 98 & Jul 01
* Image bank assistant manager
* Autonomous technician in black and white photographic laboratory
* Assisted in curating photographic exhibits at Bogotas Modern Art Museum

Doctor in Aesthetics, Science and Technology of the Arts, (Theatre and Dance Anthropology)
Paris VIII University. Paris. France.

Oct. 12

Master of Performing Arts (Theater Studies)
Paris VIII University. Paris. France.

Jun 07

Bachelor of Spectacle Arts (Cinema and Theater Studies)
Michel de Montaigne University, Bordeaux. France.

Jun 05

Ethnomusicology Research Master Seminar Music and Globalization.
School of Advanced Studies in Social Science (EHESS), Paris, France.
Sep. 08 Jun. 12

Visual Anthropology Master Workshop Fieldwork Conditions for the Visual Anthropologist.
School of Advanced Studies in Social Science (EHESS), Paris, France.
Sep. 07 Jun. 08

Visual Anthropology Master Workshop Uses of Photography in Anthropology.
Urban Anthropology Laboratory, Nanterre University, Paris X.

Sep. 06 Jun. 07

Certificate of Advanced Studies in French as Foreign Language (DALF)
Michel de Montaigne University, Bordeaux. France.

Jun 02

Certificate of Presentation of Projects with Resources from the Colombian General System of Royalties
(SGR) for the Tourism, Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation sector in Colombia.
Agricultural and Environmental Corporation of the Americas.

Mai 14

Workshop Grant (for Experimenta-Sur Performing Arts Workshop)
Goethe-Institue Kolumbien

1st Prize Photo Contest for Photographic Report on the Art of Viticulture
Vignerons Indpendants, Paris, France

Jun. 14
Jul. 05

Paulhiac, J. (2014). La scne musicale de la champeta face Internet. Volume! La revue des musiques
populaires, 10(2), 131-149.

Paulhiac, J. (2012). Dans les toiles de la champeta : Cration audiovisuelle et Internet dans lindustrie de
la champeta Cartagena (Colombie). In Delatour (Ed.), Musiques au monde. La tradition au
prisme de la cration. (pp. 243-276). Sampzon.

Paulhiac, J. (2012). Les (ds)accords de la champeta: musique, spectacle mdiatique et politiques de
reconciliation nationale en Colombie entre 1991 et 2011. (Doctrate), Universit Paris 8.

Paulhiac, J. (2011). En las redes de la champeta colombiana. Repertorio: Teatro & Dana(16), 97-132.

Music and Globalization Co-organizer of the Master Seminar in Ethnomusicology. School of Advanced
Studies in Social Science (EHESS). Paris, 2012-2013.

Technical Aspects of the Dissertation I & II. Guest Speaker at the Ethnoscenology Master Seminar.
Maison des Sciences de lHomme Paris-Nord, Paris, 2012

Effects of the Internet in Cartagenas (Colombia) Music Scene. Guest Speaker at the Theatre
Anthropology Master Seminar. Sorbonne Nouvelle University. Paris, 2010

Videographic Practices and Independent Digital Broadcasting in Cartagenas music scene. Guest
Speaker at the Music and Globalization Ethnomusicology Master Seminar. School of
Advanced Studies in Social Science (EHESS), Paris. 2009.

When Anthropology Meets Hypertext: Methodological Issues on Digital Anthropology. Guest Speaker
at the Undergraduate Seminar in Anthropology of Modern Popular Music. Paris 8 University,
Paris. 2009.

Paulhiac, J. (2013). Local Music, Digital Technology and Globalization. Paper presented (in Spanish) at
the International Conference on Technologys Poetics. Institute of Fine Arts and Science of
Bolivar, Cartagena, Colombia.

Paulhiac, J. (2012). Champeta 2.0: The Digital Turn in the Champeta Phenomenon. Paper presented
(In French) at the Internationa Globamus Confrence. 3-4 mai 2012, School of Advanced Stidies
in Social Science (EHESS). Paris, France.

Paulhiac, J. (2011). Alternatives to Copyright in Cartagenas (Colombia) Music Industry Paper
presented (in French) at the International Globamus Workshop Journes dtudes
Internationales Pratiques et Statuts de la Cration Musicale. Paris.

Paulhiac, J. (2010)
Videoconciertos : The Effects of Digital Technologies in the Audiovisual
Aesthetics of Cartagenas Local Music Scene. Paper presented (in French) at the Doctoral
Research meeting on Ethnoscenology. Maison des Sciences de lHomme Paris-Nord. Paris.

Paulhiac, J. (2009). Methodological Considerations for an Anthropology of the Internet.
Ethnoscenology Research Seminar. Maison des Sciences de lHomme Paris Nord, Paris.

Paulhiac, J. (2009) Compiling an Ethnographic Corpus on Music Digital Broadcasting. Paper presented
at the Workshop on Intenet Ethnographic Methods at the cole Normale Suprieure. Paris.

French Society of Ethnoscenology
* Founding member (2007)
* Secretary (2007-2008)

Doctoral Research Network on Ethnoscenology
* Coordinator and founding member (2010)
* Seminar and workshop co-organizer (2010-2013)

* Maison des Sciences de lHomme Paris Nord. Paris, France. (2007 - Present)
* Research Center on Arts and Languages (CRAL). Paris, France. (2013-Present)

* Spanish : (mother tongue)

* English : (Read, Written, Spoken. 4 year residence in Long Island NY.)

* French : (Read, Written, Spoken. Certificate of Advanced Studies in French as Foreign Language + 12
years residence in France).


lvaro Restrepo Director
Colegio del Cuerpo Dance Company
(+57) 310 6018771
[email protected]

Ana Maria Ochoa - Director, Center of Ethnomusicology
Columbia University
[email protected]

Jean-Marie Pradier Professor Emerita Ethnoscenology
Paris 8 University
(+33) 685552242
[email protected]

Alfonso Mnera Secretery General
Association of Caribbean States
(+1 868) 6330049
[email protected]

Emmanuelle Olivier Director of Research
Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
(+33) 672255783
[email protected]

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