English III Syallbus

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English III American Literature

Instructor Contact Information:

Ms. Mapes
E-mail: [email protected] (This is the best way to contact me)
School Phone: 815-286-7500 ext 7524
Cell Phone (Texts Only): 815-694-0806 (if you need a quick response)
Availability: Mornings: M, T and F 8-8:40
Afternoons: M-F from 3:05-3:35 (later if scheduled)
Class Website:
Google Classroom:
Course Description:
This class will:
Read and explore American Literature reflecting on how it has shaped who we are as Americans today.
Conduct a research project and write and present a persuasive speech.
Prepare students to take the SAT and ACT tests in the spring.
Analyze American writers differing styles and use this knowledge to better their own writing.
Texts to Be Read (subject to change):
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Selections from Pearson Literature
Course Supplies:
Students in this course are required to have:
A spiral notebook for note taking or loose leaf paper in a binder
A folder or binder to hold classroom handouts
Black or blue pen
Access to your school Google Drive account
Kleenex box (optional)
All supplies should be brought to class by Wednesday August 24th. If you have any problem getting the appropriate
supplies please come talk to me.
Class Rules and Policies:
1. Be on time, on task and prepared to learn EVERYDAY.
2. Respect the teacher, classroom, other students and yourself.
3. Be responsible for your own learning.
4. Keep all personal electronics PUT AWAY.
*All rules and policies in the student handbook are followed*
Class Consequences:
If YOU choose to break a rule:
1st Warning
2nd Phone call home
3rd Referral
4th Dismissal
Note: I reserve the right to bypass any of these and go directly to a referral or dismissal.

Mapes 2016-2017

Since you are all young adults, you will be allowed to use passes as needed. Please note that it is always the
teachers discretion to decide whether or not you may leave the classroom and I will not allow you to go in the
middle of instruction or discussion. If I feel you are abusing this privilege, consequences will occur. Please note that
you will be responsible for any class work you miss while out of the classroom.
All assignments and papers (anything that will be handed in) should have the following MLA heading on the top left
hand side of the paper:
Your Name
Teachers Name
Class Period
Title (centered)
All formal writing should be done in pen. If you need to scratch something out, do so neatly. Some assignments will
need to be typed, if this will be an issue for you please talk to me. Typed writing assignments will be in MLA format
and must have 1-inch margins, be double-spaced and use Times New Roman 12 pt font.
Grading Scale:
A -100 -90
B 89 -80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59
I assign points to each assignment based on importance (i.e. tests are worth more points than homework
Late work
Each assignment/assessment includes both a due date and a deadline date. The deadline date is the absolute last day
an assignment/assessment can be turned in. As long as the work is completed by the deadline, you will receive full
credit. After the deadline passes you will receive a zero for that assignment.
If you do not complete an assignment by the due date (the recommended date to turn the assignment in) you are
required to complete a Missed Due Date Form. These are available by the classroom library and need to be turned in
directly to me.
Remember all assignments are due at the beginning of class and those that are not will be considered past the due
Absent work
If you are absent it is your responsibility to collect your homework. According to the school handbook you have the
same amount of days that you were absent plus one to make up the work.
If you are absent due to a sporting event, field trip or blood drive, where you are in school for half the day you
MUST see me that SAME DAY to collect your missed work.
If you missed an assignment due date while absent, you will need to fill out a Missed Due Date Form. If you missed
an assignment deadline while absent, you will have the same amount of days that you were absent plus one to make
up the work.
Food and Drink
Only water in a clear water bottle with a lid will be allowed in the classroom.

Mapes 2016-2017

Laptop Passes
I will only write laptop passes during passing periods or before or after school. Do not ask for a laptop pass in the
middle of class or interrupt any of my classes for a pass.
Cheating and Plagiarism is not acceptable. Please see the Student Handbook for consequences. Note that
cheating and plagiarism only hurts yourself for not properly learning the material. If you feel like you need to cheat
or plagiarize be sure to ask yourself why. If it is because you dont understand the material or dont feel you have
enough time to complete the assignment, talk to me!

Mapes 2016-2017

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