UNIT 2.sensitivity
UNIT 2.sensitivity
UNIT 2.sensitivity
brain cerebro
from desde
to do hacer
Internal ..interna
many muchos
What is sensitivity?
We receive stimuli from the external environment and our body
responds. For example, if we see a rock coming to us. we move
How does sensitivity works?
Sense organs capture information (stimuli) from the environment
with the cells called receptors.
The nervous system consist of the brain and the nerves. The
nerves transport information from the sense organs to the brain. The
brain decides what to do and sends an order. The nerves transport
the order from the brain to the muscles.
In the locomotor system, the muscles receive the order and work
with bones to move.
Internal coordination
All the organs and systems in our body work together in many
processes. The nervous system carries out this internal coordination.
The nervous system carries out the function of sensitivity. It receives and
interprets the information, gives orders and coordinates all organs and
systems in the body.
The nervous system is made up of nervous tissue. The cells in the nervous
tissue are called neurons. Neurons form nerves and they have three parts:
body, dentrits and axon.
The nervous system has two parts:
The central nervous system. It has also two parts:
o The brain has three parts:
The cerebrum controls actions, thoughts and emotions
and stores data.
The cerebellum controls movement, coordination and
The brainstem controls internal organs activities, for
example, heart rate and breathing.
o The spinal cord is made up of nervous tissue. It is protected
by the spinal column. It connects the brain and the peripheral
nervous system. The spinal cord produces involuntary
The peripheral nervous system. It consists of the nerves, that
connect the central nervous system to all the organs. There are two
types of nerves:
o Sensory nerves. They transport the information from the
receptors to the central nervous system
o Motor nerves. They send orders from the central nervous
system to the muscles and other organs.