Item Particular Dedailed Specification 1 Site Clearing: Mortar

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Site Clearing

Clearing shall consist of the cutting, removing and disposal

of all trees, bushes, shrubs, grass, weeds, other vegetation,
anthills, rubbish, fences, top organic soil not exceeding 150
mm in thickness and all other objectionable material,
resulting from the clearing and grubbing.
Clearing shall include the removal of all rocks and boulders
of up to 0.15 m3 in size exposed or lying on the surface.

Excavation and

Sides of trenches shall be vertical. In case the soil does not

permit vertical sides, the Contractor shall protect side with
timber shoring. Excavated earth shall not be placed within
1.5 meter of the edge of the trench.
Excess digging if done through mistake shall be filled with
1:4:8 concrete.

Back Filling

This work shall consist of filling for construction of

embankment for plinth of building, road works and parking
area and includes furnishing, placing, watering, compacting
and shaping suitable material obtained from approved
sources in accordance to lines, levels, grades, dimensions
shown on the Drawings and or as required by the Engineer.
Fill material used shall not exceed 150 mm and 75 mm
within the 300 mm and 150 mm of formation level

Masonry work

The mortar used in work shall have the strength not less
than 5 N/mm2 or 7.5 N/mm2 at 28 days as specified. Mortar
used should be of ratio 1:15.
Setting out Walling
The contractor shall provide proper setting- out rods and set
out all work on it for corners, openings, heights, and shall
build the walls.
Laying Brickwork
The brick shall be built in English bond with upwards facing
frog in case of 230mm thick brickwork.Each brick shall be
set with bed and vertical joints filled thoroughly
with mortar. Selected bricks shall be used for the exposed
brickwork as specified. The walls shall be taken up truly
plumb. All courses shall be laid truly horizontal and vertical
joints shall be truly vertical. Vertical joints in alternate
course shall come directly over
the other.


Bricks shall be laid that all joints are full of mortar. The
thickness of joints shall be not more than 10mm. The face
joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 7mm by a
raking tool during the progress of the work when the mortar
is still green, so as to provide proper key for the plaster or
pointing to be done.Where plastering pointing is not to be
done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished at the time
of laying. The face of brickwork shall be kept cleaned and
mortar dropping removed.
Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable
Masonry work in cement mortar shall be kept constantly
moist on all faces for a minimum period of seven days. The
top of the masonry work shall be left flooded with water so
as not to disturb or washout the green mortar.

Concrete work

Batching and Mixingof Concrete

Before any batching, mixing, transporting, placing,
compacting and finishing and curing the concrete ordered or
delivered to site. Concrete for the works shall be batched
and mixed in one or more plants or concrete mixer. All
mixing operations shall be under the control of an
experienced supervisor.
Transportation Of Concrete
The concrete shall be discharged from the mixer and
transported to the works by means which shall prevent
adulteration, segregation or loss of ingredients, and shall
ensure that the concrete is of the required workability at the
point and time of placing. The loss of slump between
discharge from the mixer and placing shall be within the
Placing Of Concrete
Preparation of Surface to Receive Concrete
Excavated surfaces on which concrete is to be deposited
shall be prepared as set out in relevant Section Existing
concrete surfaces shall be prepared before deposition of
further concrete they shall be clean, hard and sound and
shall be wet but without any free-standing water. Any flow of
water into an excavation shall be diverted through proper
side drains to a sump or be removed by other suitable
method which will prevent washing away the freshly
deposited concrete or any of its constituents.

Compaction Of Concrete
Concrete shall be fully compacted throughout the full extent

of the placed layer. It shall be thoroughly worked against the

formwork and around any reinforcement and other
embedded item, without displacing them. Care shall be
taken at arises or other confined spaces. Successive layers
of the same pour shall be thoroughly worked together.
Concrete shall be compacted with the assistance of
mechanical immersion vibrators. Immersion and surface
vibrators shall operate at a frequency of between 70 and
200 hertz.
concrete work shall be protected from rain by suitable
concrete work shall be kept constantly moist on all faces for
a minimum period of 14 days


Construction of Formwork
Joints in formwork for exposed faces shall, unless otherwise
specified, be evenly spaced and horizontal or vertical and
shall be continuous in a regular pattern.All joints in
formwork shall be water tight. Where reinforcement projects
through formwork, the form shall fit closely round the bars.
Formwork shall be so designed that it may be easily
removed from the work without damage to the faces of the
Preparation of Formwork
Before any reinforcement is placed into position within
formwork, the latter shall be thoroughly cleaned and then
dressed with a release agent. The agent shall be either
suitable oil incorporating a wetting agent, an emulsion of
water suspended in oil or low viscosity oil containing
chemical agents.
Removal of Formwork
The Contractor shall give 24 hour notice of his intentions to
strike any form works. Forms shall be removed without
shock vibrations or other damage to the concrete.
Formwork shall be carefully removed without shock or
disturbance to the concrete. No formwork shall be removed
until the concrete has gained sufficient strength to
withstand any stresses safely to which it may thereby be

Flooring work


Cement: Portland cement as per specification under
Concrete Work
Aggregate of 12mm nominal gauge shall be properly
The concrete shall be either 1:2:4 mix or 1:4:8 mix or as
specified in
the drawing. All mix shall be batched by volume except
cement, which
shall be proportioned by weight and as specified.
Mixing shall be done on a watertight platform. Material shall
be dry
mixed after accurately gauging different materials in
wooden boxes.
Preparation of Sub-grade
The sub-grade shall be cleared of all loose earth, rubbish,
and other
foreign matter. If necessary the sub-grade shall be cleaned
with wire
brushes. Cleaned sub-grade shall then be wetted with water
thoroughly, but no water pool shall be allowed.
Concrete shall be laid in horizontal layers and gently
It shall be compacted first with wood float. The blows shall
be fairly
heavy but as consolidation takes place, light rapid strokes
shall be
given. Beating shall continue till all hollows in concrete are
filled with
mortar paste.The cement slurry shall be trawled smooth
with a steel float several times till approved finish is
achieved. The surface shall be without the float marks or air
Curing shall not be commenced until the top layer has
Hardened concrete shall be kept wet for 15 days. Covering
with empty
cement gunnies shall be avoided, as the colour is likely to
bebleached with the remnants of cement matter from the

Terrazzo Tile

Marble Chips: Marble chips shall be of 3 mm gauge having

size 3mm and minimum size of 1.5 mm and shall be of good
Top course:
The marble chips and cement shall be mixed by measuring
boxes to have the required proportion firsed dry mixed, and
thoroughly mixed by adding water gradually to have a
uniform plastic
mix. Within two hours of laying of the bottom layer of
concrete, the upper layer of marble chips and cement shall
be laid,
and the surface tamped lightly and finished perfectly level
with straight
edge float and trowel.
The base shall be made rough and watered and given a
cement wash
and then the mortar shall be laid in 20 mm. thick layers as
instruction of Engineer.
After about two hours of laying, the surface shall be covered
with wet
bags and kept wet and left undisturbed for two days.
Finally, when the surface is absolutely dry, oxalic acid
powder shall be
rubbed well on the surface with grinding machine with
water, and this
operation shall be repeated until the surface becomes
smooth and glossy. The surface shall be rubbed with wax to
give a
glazing surface. White cement or color cement shall be used
in joint to
have the required color as per specified.


Tiles: The tile material for Glazed/Non-glazed Vitrified

(Granite Viglacera-Vietnam, Portebello- Brazil or equivalent
make) /
Glazed/Non-glazed Ceramic tiles. The size and thickness of
the tiles shall be as specified. The contractor shall submit
samples of tile for selection and approval by the Engineer Incharge and all tiles delivered to the site shall conform to the
approved samples with regard to size, quality, texture and
Mixing shall be done as per specification for mortar mixing
of brickmasonry work.
Preparation of Surface and installation
Wall surfaces shall be brushed cleaned and wetted. Prior to
any tile, the Contractor shall inspect surface and conditions
in areas to
receive tile work and shall notify the Engineer of any serious
or conditions that will interfere with or prevent a satisfactory
installation and shall coordinate with other traders of work.
Approximately 12 mm thick level and plumb, scratch coat of
mortar 1:4 or as specified by site engineer shall be applied.
scratch coat shall be moist cured for at least 24 hours before
application of floating coat.
Before applying floating coat the scratch coat shall be
wetted. The floating coat, plastic mix of neat cement of
3 mm thickness shall be applied.
Joints in Tile Work
Joints in tile work shall be accurately aligned with horizontal
level and vertical joints plumb.
Tile Layout
Tiles shall be laid out in such a way that no tile less than half
occurs. Where tile must be cut at edges or penetrated the
cut edges
shall be carefully filed and neatly ground. Chipped, cracked
or broken
tile shall not be used and all defective work shall be
replaced and
repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Grouting the Tile Joints

After tiles have been set firm and strings removed, the tiles
shall be
dampened and joints grouted full with a plastic mix of neat
cement by
trowel, brush or finger application. Unless otherwise
directed, grout
shall be white cement. During grouting all excess grout shall
becleaned off the tile surface with damp cloth sponges. The
finished floor surface shall be true to required levels.

Plaster Works

Plastering shall be started from top and worked down. All

putlog holes
shall be properly filled in advance of the plastering as the
is being taken down. Wooden screeds 75 mm wide and of
thickness of the plaster shall be fixed vertically 2.5 to 4
meters apart
to act as gauges and guides in applying the plaster. The
mortar shall
be laid on the wall between the screeds using the plaster's
float and
pressing the mortar so that the raked joints are properly
filled. The
plaster shall then be finished off with a wooden straight
edge reaching
across the screeds. The straight edge shall be worked on the
with a small upward and sideways motion 50 mm or 75 mm
at a time.
Finally, the surface shall be finished off with a plaster's
wooden float

Windows and

The window shutters may be fully panelled, fully glazed,

partly glazed
and partly panelled, battened or Venetian as specified.
Styles and
panels shall be neatly planed and truly finished to exact
Styles and rails shall be framed properly and accurately with
and tenon joints and fixed with bamboo pins as per drawing.
shall be applied at al joints before clamping and fixing with
pins. Panels shall be of one piece without any joints and
shall be
housed with 12.5mm insertion into rails and styles.

Paint Works


Paint Application:
Painting Items as described hereafter shall comprise the
and shall all include for preparing and priming surfaces as
described: Cement Paint : Apply two coats.
Plastic Emulsion : Apply a minimum of three coats, using a
medium or water only if and as recommended by the
An approved plaster primer tinted to match may be
substituted for the
first coat.
Paint : Apply two undercoats and one finishing coat of
enamel gloss
oil paint.
Flat oil paint : Apply two coats of flat oil paint, using thinning
medium in accordance with the manufacturers
instructionsOil : Apply two coats of linseed oil.
Wax Polish : Apply a minimum of two coats to approval.
Lacquer : Apply three coats of Polythene lacquer as
described, to
Prime : Prepare and prime only before fixing

On the plastered/POP surface, paint shall be prepared with

papering, putting, and two coats of primer. The paint is
applied in two
coats of acrylic emulsion with roller or spray. The surface
should be
properly cleaned and treated with water based primer as per
manufacturers specifications. Rectification of defects in
plaster, POP
with broken edges should be done by using a proper colour
paste as per manufactures specifications.
The surface on which paint is applied shall become hard dry
in 12
hours. The necessary single / multistage scaffoldings
required for the
work shall be provided as detailed out under coatings. The
rollers or spray used on the work should be immediately
washed with
water to facilitate future use. After the first coat of the paint
hardened, the second coat is applied as instructed by the


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