(IJET-V2I3 - 1P9) Authors: Apurva Ganar, Rachana Borghate, Kumudini Borkute, Nilesh Chide
(IJET-V2I3 - 1P9) Authors: Apurva Ganar, Rachana Borghate, Kumudini Borkute, Nilesh Chide
(IJET-V2I3 - 1P9) Authors: Apurva Ganar, Rachana Borghate, Kumudini Borkute, Nilesh Chide
The objective of this work is to use data logging for temperature measurement. In order to meet the above requirements,
a low cost, versatile, portable data logger is designed for green house. A microcontroller based temperature data logger has been
developed for measuring temperature, humidity, moisture and at different input channels of ADC. The device is designed to
receive data from temperature humidity, moisture and light sensors and to store the results on only memory in PC for post
process analysis. An integrated Liquid crystal display (LCD) is also used for real time display of data acquired from various
Keywords ADC, LCD, MCU, A/D converter. .
development, Developed A/D conversion process uses the
PIC16F877 MCU on-chip A/D converter module in C
language, and the entire program of temperature acquisition
The processes to collect, analyse and store the data for using the DS18B20. The results show that: Developed a data
later use is called logging. It is a process to record events acquisition module with low cost, simple structure and high
during a test or measurement with the use of a system or a reliability features.
product. The human brain and its memory, the natures Anindita Bora [2] have designed the low cost Data
creation, no doubt is the best data logging mechanism. Where Acquisition System (DAS) using PIC18LF4553. The designed
there is the need to collect information faster than a human, DAS has 4 analog input channels having 12-bit resolution and
data loggers can possibly collect the information and in cases was interfaced through the USB port of the PC. The interface
where accuracy is essential. A data logger is a device that can to the PC is basically a USB based virtual serial port
be used to store and retrieve the data. Data logging also emulation using FT232R, a USB to serial UART interfacing
implies the control of how sensor collects and analyzes the IC. The PIC microcontroller firmware has been written in C
data. It is commonly used in scientific experiments and in language and compiled using MikroC compiler for PIC and
monitoring systems. Data loggers automatically make a record downloaded to the microcontroller by using USBurn
of the readings of the instruments located at different parts of programmer for PIC. A PC application program has been also
plant. The type of information recorded is determined by the developed using MATLAB, which allows displaying the
user. Their advantage is that they can operate independently of waveform of the signal(s) in real time and storing the data into
a computer and they are available in various shapes and sizes. the hard disk of the computer for future use and analysis.
The range includes simple economical single channel fixed Swati J Modi [3] described the design and development of
function loggers to more powerful programmable devices ZigBee based Data Acquisition System (DAS) for the
measurement of physical parameters. Physical parameters
capable of handling hundreds of inputs.
Temperature, humidity, moisture and light are the ever- such as temperature, humidity, light intensity etc., which are
changing parameter because of exposition to huge array of generally slowly varying signals are sensed by respective
stimuli from their environment. It can be measured via a sensors or integrated sensors and converted into electrical
diverse array of sensors. All of them infer temperature by signal. The DAS is designed using PIC18F458
sensing some change in a physical characteristic. One must be microcontroller, communicating with Personal Computer (PC)
careful when measuring temperature, humidity, moisture and through ZigBee. The designed DAS has been tested with the
light to ensure that the measuring instrument is really the same application program developed in MATLAB, which allows
temperature, humidity, moisture and light as the material that controlling and monitoring measuring parameters.
is being measured.
ISSN: 2395-1303
Page 1
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue3, May - June 2016
The entire sensors are interfaced successfully with
the microcontroller and successfully display result
on PC. Figure below shows the result of the
parameter name and value on PC.
ISSN: 2395-1303
Page 2
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue3, May - June 2016
The data acquisition system is use to collect and analyse
experimental data, having the ability to clearly present real
time results. Using sensors and probes the system able to
responds the parameters which are beyond the normal range
available from most traditional equipment. The system is used
for measuring the temperature, humidity and detection of
carbon monoxide. We have design a weather data acquisition
system, which is of less cost, portable, and consumes low
power. It is an efficient system, which works in real time
mode and measures the parameter like temperature, humidity
and detects the presence of carbon monoxide gas. These data
can be seen on monitor using Terminal software.
Furthermore for future work:
We can improve the data logger by incorporating the
wireless communication in it. Therefore, by
combining the term data acquisition and wireless
communication, it becomes wireless data acquisition.
This new innovation technology has become the
trend for most industries and companies around the
world to gather information due to its reliability and
outstanding outcome. The advantage of this
technology is that it did not use any physical
components or wires to transfer the data obtained
from sensor at transmitter side to the receiver side.
As a result, an effective system is developed where it
is not only removes all the conventional hardware
and replace with a transceiver modem for data
transfer but also a cost effective system as well.
Moreover, the data transmission range can be
extended into longer range depending on the
transceiver modem capability. With this feature,
ISSN: 2395-1303
Page 3
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue3, May - June 2016
Izzat Din Abdul Aziz, Mohd Hilmi Hasan, Mohd Jimmy Ismail,
Mazlina Mehat and Nazleeni Samiha Haroon, Remote monitoring
in agricultural greenhouse using wireless sensor and short message
service (SMS), Int. J. Engg. Techlon., vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 35- 43,
ISSN: 2395-1303
Page 4