Inoculation and Growth With Mycorrhizal Fungi: Gigaspora Spores

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Medicago truncatula handbook

version November 2006

Inoculation and Growth with Mycorrhizal Fungi

Mireille Chabaud1, Maria Harrison2, Fernanda de Carvalho-Niebel1, Guillaume Bcard3
and David G. Barker1.

Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes-Microorganismes, INRA-CNRS, BP 52627, 31326

Castanet Tolosan Cedex, France.
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Tower Road, Ithaca, NY 14853-1801, U.S.A.
Signaux et Messages Cellulaires chez les Vgtaux, UMR 5546, CNRS-Universit Paul
Sabatier, BP 41617, 31326 Castanet Tolosan Cedex, France.

Table of contents :
A - Inoculation under axenic conditions:
A1. Targeted inoculation of in vitro Ri T-DNA propagated roots with pre-germinated
Gigaspora spores.
A2. Inoculation of in vitro-grown seedlings or composite plants with G. intraradices.
B - Inoculation under non-axenic conditions:
Inoculation of plants with arbuscular mycorrhiza spores in pots. This technique has
been developed successfully for a large variety of fungal species such as G.
intraradices, G. caledonium, G. versiforme and Gi. rosea.
C- Staining techniques for fungal visualisation:
C1. Ink and vinegar staining.
C2. Trypan blue staining.
C3. Acid Fuchsin staining.
Appendix 1: In vitro production of Gi. rosea spores.
Appendix 2: In vitro production of G. intraradices spores.

The development of M. truncatula as a model plant for studying root symbioses has led to the
establishment of various inoculation protocols for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi which
will be presented in this chapter (see also chapter Symbiotic interactions Arbuscular
mycorrhiza). Following spore germination in the soil, AM hyphal branching (a prerequisite
for successful root infection) is stimulated by strigolactone exudates generated by the host
root (Akiyama et al. 2005, Besserer et al. 2006). Infectious hyphae which penetrate the root

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version November 2006

are initiated from appressorial structures which differentiate on the epidermal surface. After
traversing the outer layers of the cortex these infection hyphae penetrate inner cortical cells
and differentiate into arbuscules, which are the preferential sites for metabolic exchange
between the two partners. In addition to initial (apoplastic) infection through the root
epidermis, subsequent intercellular colonisation along and within the inner root cortex leads to
the propagation of fungal infection in the root. Inoculation protocols have been adapted
specifically for studying different stages of infection in general either early stages such as
appressorium formation and epidermal infection or later stages such as arbuscule formation
and root colonisation.
AM fungi belong to the order of Glomeromycota (Schussler et al. 2001). In contrast to the
limited host specificity typical of rhizobial/legume associations, the AM fungal host range is
very large and covers 80% of land plants. Several Glomus and Gigaspora AM species are
commonly used in the laboratory: such as G. intraradices, G. caledonium, G. versiforme, and
Gi. rosea, Gi. margarita, Gi. gigantea. The manipulation of AM fungi is not straightforward
since these fungi are obligate biotrophs, and in general fungal inocula are prepared either from
germinating spores or mycorrhizal roots.
The AM inoculation protocols described in this chapter have been divided into two categories,
depending on whether axenic or non-axenic conditions are employed. Manipulating in
axenic conditions requires the production of sterile fungal material and has the advantage of
avoiding contamination with other pathogens or rhizobia. This approach is of particular
interest since it is compatible with the use of Ri T-DNA transformed roots growing on
sucrose-containing medium (Fortin et al. 2002). Sterile fungal material is either directly
produced in vitro (spores or mycorrhizal roots, see Appendix) or obtained via sterilization of
fungal spores produced in non-axenic conditions (see chapter Symbiotic interactions
Arbuscular Mycrorrhiza). Two axenic protocols are presented here (section A): the first of
these is adapted for studying early stages of infection using Ri T-DNA transformed roots, and
can be coupled with microscopy for in vivo dynamic analysis at the cellular level; the second
has been specifically developed for gene expression studies in composite plants and is better
adapted for late stage observations.
Non-axenic inoculation (section B), which can be used for well-developed plants, is
appropriate for high-throughput experiments such as genetic screens and may be of particular
interest for the large-scale production of mycorrhizal roots (e.g. for protein extraction). These
conditions can be used for either seedlings or composite plants and are not suitable for early
infection stage observations.
In the last section (C) we present various staining techniques for visualising the fungus in
inoculated and colonised root tissues. Finally, the Appendix to this chapter describes two
techniques for the in vitro production of Glomus/Gigaspora spores.

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version November 2006

A1. Targeted inoculation of in vitro Ri T-DNA-propagated roots with pregerminated Gigaspora spores.
Developed by:
Mireille Chabaud1, Guillaume Bcard2 and David G. Barker1
: Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes-Microorganismes (LIPM), CNRS-INRA, BP52627,
31326 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex, France
: Signaux et Messages Cellulaires chez les Vgtaux (SMCV), UMR 5546, CNRSUniversit Paul Sabatier, BP 41617, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex, France.
See also Chabaud et al. (2002)
Contact : [email protected]
1 - Preparation of fast-growing root explants.
For optimal growth of the explants prior to inoculation, roots are cultured vertically on M
medium (composition below) containing 0.5 % Phytagel (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) in two
steps. An initial pre-culture is set up with 3 cm-long explants (primary root apex with several
laterals), 4 explants/plate, grown on square Petri dishes (12 x 12 cm) for 2-3 weeks. In this
pre-culture, fast-growing explants have a "fish-bone" morphology suitable for targeted
inoculation. All cultures (initial root cultures and inoculated root explants) are incubated at 25
C in the dark.
2 Pre-germination of axenic spores.
Sterile spores are pre-germinated as described in Appendix 1. Gi. rosea spores are gently
inserted into the M medium in square Petri dishes (9 x 9 cm) containing 25 ml of M medium
(0.5 % Phytagel) and cultured at 32 C at a slope of approximately 70 with a 2% CO2
atmosphere to optimise germination (according to Bcard et al,. 1992). This takes between 36 days. Because germ tubes of Gigaspora species have a negative geotropism, once they
reach the surface of the gel, they then grow along the Phytagel surface towards the top of the
Sterile Gi. gigantea spores or Gi. margarita can also be used in this way (see chapter
Symbiotic interactions Arbuscular mycorrhiza for spore production and sterilization).
3 - Targeted inoculation of Medicago truncatula Ri T-DNA transformed roots.
Fresh germinated spores (germinating hyphae are about 0.1-0.5 cm long), are transferred in a
gel plug to another square Petri dish of the same dimensions (9 x 9 cm) containing 25 ml M
medium (0.5 % Phytagel) and a M. truncatula Ri T-DNA-transformed root explant, and
placed just below a lateral root. Note that it is essential that the identical concentration and
thickness of medium is used for spore germination and root culture to facilitate transfer and
subsequent hyphal growth.
This approach allows observations of hyphal growth and fungal/root contacts using the
binocular microscope. Hyphal branching and first appressoria are generally observed within
4-5 days of co-culture and arbuscules approximately one day later.
This technique allows high-resolution microscopic observations of the infection process if the
inoculated explant is first covered with a gas permeable plastic film (bioFOLIE 25; Sartorius

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version November 2006

AG) and microscopy performed with long-distance water-immersion objectives (see Genre et
al., 2005). In this case Gi. gigantea is preferable to Gi. rosea because of its cytoplasmic

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version November 2006

A2. Glomus intraradices inoculation of in vitro grown composite plants

Developed by:
Andry Andriankaja, Mireille Chabaud and Fernanda de Carvalho-Niebel.
Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes-Microorganismes, CNRS-INRA, BP52627, 31326
Castanet-Tolosan Cedex, France
Contact : [email protected]
A method has been developed which is well-suited for the rapid analysis of a large number of
independent transgenic roots of composite plants generated by A. rhizogenes transformation.
Approx. 3 weeks after A. rhizogenes inoculation (see chapter Hairy root transformation with
Agrobacterium rhizogenes), composite plants with transformed roots selected on the basis of
Km-resistance and/or constitutive expression of the fluorescent marker protein DsRED
(Limpens et al. 2004) can be used for AM inoculation tests.
1 - Preparation of composite plants for AM inoculation
Composite plants with transgenic roots are transferred to a pouch-paper support laid on M
medium (0,5 % Phytagel), without sucrose and without antibiotic selection in square Petri
dishes (12 x 12 cm). Note that in these antibiotic-free conditions, non-transformed roots that
stopped growing in antibiotic-containing media will now reinitiate growth. Thus it is
important to remove these non-transformed roots before transferring composite plants to the
antibiotic-free paper support.
3-4 composite plants are transferred per plate and immediately inoculated with a suspension
of G. intraradices inoculum prepared as described below. About 100 spores are used per
plate. Transgenic roots cultivated in the presence of spores are analysed 3-4 weeks after
2 - Preparation of G. intraradices inoculum
In vitro-cultured G. intraradices-colonised carrot root cultures (with hyphae and
extraradicular spores) cultivated on 90 mm plates with M medium (including sucrose) are
used for inoculum preparation (see Appendix 2). Several month-old cultures (together with
the culture media) from 1 or 2 plates are collected and gently mixed under sterile conditions
using 30 ml of sterile water in a blender (about 3-5 seconds at low speed). This G.
intraradices suspension, which contains about 25-30 spores/ml and colonised root fragments
is directly used for inoculation of composite plant roots, applying 3-5 ml/ plate (approx 100
This method is also well suited for the inoculation of young seedlings. In this case,
germinated seedlings are directly transferred to pouch-paper/M media without sucrose and
grown for 4-5 days before spore inoculation. Using this technique we have found that 100 %
of analysed roots are colonised 3-4 weeks after inoculation with an average of 6 infection
sites/root (particularly for lateral roots).

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version November 2006

M Medium composition: (from Bcard and Fortin, 1988)

Macro elements
MgSO4 7H2O
Ca (NO3)2 4H2O
Micro elements
MnCl2 4H2O
ZnSO4 7H2O
CuSO4 5H2O
Na2MoO4 2H2O

Stock solution
in 500 ml
7.31 g
0.8 g
0.65 g
2.88 g

240 mg
400 mg
37.5 mg
300 mg
132.5 mg
75 mg
6.5 mg
0.12 mg or 120 l of solution
10mg/ 10ml.

Thiamin HCl
Pyridoxin HCl
Nicotinic Acid

150 mg
5 mg
5 mg
25 mg
2.5 g

Final concentration

10 g/L
3 to 5 g*/L

- When entire plants are grown on M medium, sucrose is not necessary and hence should not
be included.
- Because of the use of Phytagel as a gelling agent, M medium has to be poured immediately
after autoclaving since Phytagel medium cannot be re-melted.
- A few drops of KOH (0.1M) is used to adjust the pH.
*: Note that 5 g/L Phytagel (instead of 3 g/L) is used for vertical culture.

For 1 L of M medium:
Use 50 ml Macro-element stock solution (20X), 10 ml of micro-element stock solution
(100X), 10 ml of vitamin stock solution, adjust to 1 litre with ultrapure water, add 10 g of
sucrose and adjust pH to 5.5 with KOH 0.1M. Then pour into a bottle containing 3 or 5 g/L
Phytagel for autoclaving.

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version November 2006

B - Inoculation in pots under non-axenic conditions:

Developed by:
Maria Harrison.
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Tower Road, Ithaca, NY, 14850
In this procedure, M. truncatula seedlings are grown until they have one trifoliate leaf. They
are then transplanted into turface or sand and inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal
spores. The symbiosis will develop over the following 4 weeks.
This protocol has been used to colonize M. truncatula with G. intraradices, G. versiforme, G.
caledonium and Gi. rosea.
To ensure that the symbiosis develops under optimal conditions, we routinely sterilize or
surface sterilize all components.
1- Preparation of growth materials and pots
Items required:
- Chlorox (bleach)
- Fine sand (autoclaved)
- Coarse sand or Turface (autoclaved). Turface is a trade name for calcined clay.
- Plant pots (11 cm-diameter plastic pots)
a. The cones are surfaced sterilized before use. Soak cones in 10% chlorox for about 15
min. Rinse well by submerging in deionised water. Repeat the rinse at least 3 x and
leave to dry. Treated cones can be stored in a clean plastic bag until needed.
b. The sand and turface are rinsed at least 3 x with double-distilled water and autoclaved
before use.
2-Preparation of M. truncatula seedlings
a. For seed sterilization and germination, see chapter Seed storage and germination.
Remove the seedlings from the cold and leave at room temperature for 2 days. Then
remove the foil and leave at room temperature for an additional day. The seedlings
will have germinated and will turn green after exposure to light.
b. Plant the germinated seedlings into sand or turface and allow them to grow until they
have the first trifoliate leaf. During this time, they should be watered with a low
phosphate fertilizer such as half-strength Hoaglands solution with 20M phosphate.
3-Surface sterilisation of fungal spores
The fungal spores should be sterilised just before use. There are many protocols for surface
sterilisation. We use the following method.

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version November 2006

Items required:
- AM fungal spores (eg. G. intraradices )
- Chloramine T/ Tween 20 solution (Dissolve 0.4g Chloramine T in 20ml H2O. Add 50l
Tween 20)
- Streptomycin sulphate (200ug/ml Filter sterilized)
- Sterile distilled water
a. Place 200 spores in 20mL of fresh Chloramine T/Tween 20 solution. Stir gently
for 15 minutes. Allow spores to settle then remove the solution. Repeat. Allow
spores to settle and remove the solution.
b. Add 20 mL of streptomycin sulphate. Incubate at 4C for at least one hour- the
spores may be left in streptomycin overnight. Do not leave the spores in
streptomycin for longer than one day as it may reduce germination.
c. Remove streptomycin and rinse five times with sterile distilled water. This is
easily performed by filling the tube with water, allowing the spores to settle to the
bottom, then removing water with a pipette.
d. Save the water from the last wash. It can be used for the mock-inoculation of the
control plants.
4-Inoculating M. truncatula plants with AM fungal spores
Items required:
-M. truncatula plants (first trifoliate leaf stage)
-Sterilised sand, turface and pots
-Sterilised spores
a. Fill 2 plant pots approximately 2/3 full with sterile turface or coarse sand. Then
add a 1cm layer of fine sand. Place 10 seedlings in each pot, spreading the roots
out onto the fine sand. One pot will be inoculated with spores. The other pot will
be a control and will receive the last spore wash.
b. Pipette 200 spores onto the roots of the plants in one of the pots. Cover the roots
with turface or coarse sand. Pipette an equivalent volume of spore washing water
onto the control plants in the second pot. Place both pots in a growth chamber
(conditions: 16h/8h, 25C, light intensity 200-230 E). It is useful to cover the
plants with a dome or plastic bag until they recover from transplanting.
c. Fertilize as needed (usually 1-2 x per week) with a low phosphate fertilizer. The
symbiosis should be well developed within 4 weeks.
To harvest the roots, invert the pots and shake gently. The contents will fall out. Place the
turface and roots in a large volume of water and shake gently. The turface will fall off the
roots. The root can then be stained to enable observation of the mycorrhizal fungus.

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version November 2006

C1. Ink staining of AM fungal hyphae.

Presented by: Mireille Chabaud.
Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes-Microorganismes, CNRS-INRA, BP52627, 31326
Castanet-Tolosan Cedex, France
(modified from Vierheilig et al., 1998)
Staining is performed on root fragments several cm in length. Each fragment is placed in an
Eppendorf tube (with a hole in the cap made with a syringe needle to release air pressure in
the tube during heating).
Root treatment:
a. 7 minutes in 10% KOH at 95C. For very fine roots (produced in vitro for example),
6 minutes should be sufficient. On the other hand thick roots will require a longer
b. 3 rinses in water. Since roots are very fragile because of the treatment in KOH at high
temperature, the rinses are made with a pasteur pipette trying not to touch the roots.
a. 3 minutes in 5% black ink (Noir de Jais manufactured by Shaeffer) diluted in
vinegar alcohol 8 (found in the grocery store) at 95C.
b. 2 rinses in water with 10% vinegar. Same caution as before not to damage the roots.
Leave 20 minutes in the second rinse
Observations :
Roots must be observed the same day as the staining is not stable.
Note: it is possible to first stain roots histochemically for beta-glucuronidase activity with XGluc, and then rinse in water.

C2. Trypan blue staining.

Presented by: Maria Harrison.
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Tower Road, Ithaca, NY, 14850
Trypan blue is a suitable stain for a wide range of AM fungi.
Stock solutions
- 10% (w/v) Potassium hydroxide
- 2% (w/v) Trypan blue
- Lactoglycerol solution (combine 300ml Lactic acid, 300ml Glycerol, 400ml double-distilled

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version November 2006

a. Submerge the roots in KOH (10%) and heat at 90C for 20 min.
b. Decant the KOH and rinse the roots twice with deionized water.
c. Prepare Trypan blue staining solution by mixing 25ml of Trypan blue stock and
1000ml Lactoglycerol
d. Cover roots in Trypan blue staining solution and place at 90C for 3-5 mins (DO NOT
LEAVE THEM LONGER or they will turn completely blue)
e. Decant the stain into a waste bottle and place the stained roots in glycerol.
f. Mount roots in glycerol on slides for microscopy (NOTE Do not mount in
lactoglycerol, it destroys the microscope!). The fungus will be stained blue and should
be clearly visible within the roots. If the fungus has not stained enough, repeat the
staining step. If the roots have stained too much, place them in lactoglycerol and they
will destain.
g. The roots from the mock-inoculated controls should be stained and examined. These
serve as a control and will indicate the quality of the growth conditions. Obviously
they should not contain any mycorrhizal fungi.

C3. Acid fuchsin staining.

Presented by: Maria Harrison.
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Tower Road, Ithaca, NY, 14850
Stock Solutions:
- 500 ml 50% ethanol (95% ethanol is under the hood. Dilute to 50% with distilled water)
- 0.1 M HCl (stock solution under the hood)
- 20% potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution
- 50% glycerol
- Acid fuchsin staining solution contains:
140 ml lactic acid (if lactic acid stock solution is 85%)
10 ml glycerol
10 ml distilled water
0.01 % acid fuchsin
Prepare an acid fuchsin stock solution (e.g. 25% in water) to avoid breathing the dust
of this compound (work with a mask or in the hood). The acid fuchsin staining
solution and stock solution both last a very long time at room temperature
Rinsing solution: Same as the staining solution but without the acid fuchsin.
Staining procedure:
a. Harvest roots and wash gently in distilled water to remove turface and/or sand.
b. Place roots in 50% ethanol (enough to cover the roots) and leave for at least 1 hour.
Overnight or longer is fine.
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version November 2006

c. Remove ethanol. Add 20 % KOH (enough to cover the roots) and leave for 2-3 days.
d. Remove potassium hydroxide and rinse with distilled water.
e. Add 0.1M HCl (enough to cover the roots) and leave for 1-2 hours.
f. Remove acid and leave at least 1 day in the staining solution (enough to cover the
g. Transfer into the rinsing solution and then into 50% glycerol. Cut into pieces approx
2cm long and place on microscope slides for observation.
h. (If stored in glycerol roots will destain).
Do not put the lactic acid/glycerol mix on the microscopes, it is corrosive.
NOTE: Acid fuchsin stains the fungus pink when viewed by light microscopy. It is also
fluorescent and the fungus will appear orange/yellow using an epifluorescence microscope.
Use a filter set for rhodamine/Cy3 or TRITC for observation.

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Medicago truncatula handbook

version November 2006

Presented by:
Mireille Chabaud1, Nadja Feddermann Bhler2, Guillaume Bcard3
Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes-Microorganismes, CNRS-INRA, BP52627, 31326
Castanet-Tolosan Cedex, France
Botanisches Institut der Universitt Basel Labor Nr. 110 Hebelstrasse 14054 Basel
Signaux et Messages Cellulaires chez les Vgtaux, UMR 5546, CNRS-Universit Paul
Sabatier, BP 41617, 31326 Castanet Tolosan Cedex, France.
Contact: [email protected]
Here we present two techniques as examples for in vitro spore production.. The first was
developed for Gigaspora rosea using M. truncatula hairy roots and the second for Glomus
intraradices using carrot hairy roots. However, Gi. rosea spores can also be produced with
carrot roots and vice versa for G. intraradices.

Appendix 1 In vitro production of Gigaspora rosea spores.

This protocol is derived from Diop et al. (1992). Sterile spore production requires 2 to 3
months of culture. On average, 4 pre-germinated spores produce 50-60 new spores (a
multiplication factor of around 12-15 fold), but production is highly variable from one plate to
another (from 1 to 190 newly formed spores/plate).
1 - Preparation of the root explants.
The procedure for obtaining Ri T-DNA transformed roots of M. truncatula, their bacterial
decontamination and subsequent root propagation is described in Boisson-Dernier et al.
(2001) and in chapter Hairy root transformation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes . Root
clones are propagated by subculture every 4 weeks in large horizontal Petri dishes (diameter=
14 cm) containing M Medium (composition below) with 0.3 % Phytagel (Sigma, St Louis,
MO, USA). Culture is performed in the dark at 25 C.
2 Pre-germination of axenic spores of G. rosea Becker and Hall (DAOM 194757).
Sterile G. rosea spores are gently inserted into M medium containing 0.5 % Phytagel in
square Petri dishes (12 X 12 cm) and cultured at 32 C at a slope of approximately 70 with a
2% CO2 atmosphere (according to Bcard et al,. 1992). Within 3-6 days germinating hyphae
appear and grow upwards because of negative geotropism. The use of synchronised pregerminated spores is optimal for mycorrhization and reduces the overall time of the culture.
3 - Inoculation of Medicago truncatula Ri T-DNA transformed roots and spore
Healthy-growing root explants from 15-20 day-old cultures are used for inoculation. A single
explant (about 4 cm long, comprising the primary root with several laterals) is placed in the
bottom part of a square Petri dish (12 x 12 cm) containing M medium (0.5 % Phytagel).
Germinated spores (with hyphae about 0.1-0.5 cm long) are transferred in a gel plug to the
Petri dish containing the explant and placed just below a lateral root. 4-5 pre-germinated
spores are used per dish containing the single explant. Petri dishes with their inoculated
explant are placed vertically in the culture room. Transformed roots grow down to the bottom

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version November 2006

of the dish (positive geotropism) and the fungus develops in the upper part of the plate (Figure
The first new extraradicular spores appear within 4-6 weeks and maximal production is
reached within 2 to 3 months.

4 - Spore conservation and germination of newly-formed spores.

Once maximal spore production has been reached dishes are placed horizontally upside down
(to avoid contact between water condensation and the spores) at 4C for conservation. Several
weeks of cold treatment synchronizes germination of newly produced spores. Following 2-4
weeks at 4C, germination is around 80%. Spores can then be kept at 4C for several months
but the germination efficiency tends to decrease with time. Therefore, spore production must
be repeated on a regular basis (every 1-2 months) in order to have young spores with high
germination rates always available.



Figure 1: In vitro production of Gi. rosea spores using an Ri T-DNA transformed M.

truncatula root culture.

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version November 2006

Appendix 2 In vitro production of Glomus intraradices spores

1 - Inoculum material
Axenic Daucus carota Ri T-DNA root cultures, colonised by G. intraradices are grown in
Petri dishes (diameter: 10 cm) containing M medium (see composition below) with 0.3 %
Phytagel for 5 weeks at 25 C in the dark.
2 - Sub-culture of mycorrhized roots
Every 5 weeks, several colonised carrot root segments (2-3 cm long) are transferred to a fresh
Petri dish containing M medium. Additional extraradicular spores of G. intraradices, which
have developed in the medium of the inoculum plate, are placed on the root pieces.
This regular sub-culturing ensures satisfactory growth of the AM-colonised roots.
3 Spore collection and isolation
With a scalpel blade the spore-containing medium is removed from the plate, and placed in an
Eppendorf tube. The medium is dissolved in citric acid (50 mM). Spores are rinsed with
distilled water and collected from the bottom of the tube.
The medium plug can also be chopped into pieces and used directly for inoculation of roots.
Reference: Fortin et al. 2002.

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version November 2006

Akiyama K., Matsuzaki K.-I. And Hayashi H. (2005). Plant sesquiterpenes induce hyphal
branching in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Nature 435: 824-827.
Bcard G, Fortin JA. (1988) Early events of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza formation on Ri
T-DNA transformed roots. New Phytologist 108: 211-218.
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Microbiology 58: 821-825.
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mycorrhizal fungi by activating mitochondria. PLOS Biology 4:1239-1247.
Boisson-Dernier A, Chabaud M, Garcia F, Bcard G, Rosenberg C, Barker DG. (2001)
Agrobacterium rhizogenes-transformed roots of Medicago truncatula for the study of
nitrogen-fixing and endomycorrhizal symbiotic associations. Molecular Plant MicrobeInteractions 14: 695-700.
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during early stages of infection by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist 156 :
Diop TA, Bcard G. and Pich Y ; (1992). Long-term in vitro culture of an endomycorrhizal
fungus , Gigaspora margarita, on Ri T-DNA transformed roots of carrot. Symbiosis 12:
Fortin, JA., Bcard, G., Declerck, S., Dalp, Y., St-Arnaud, M., & Pich, Y. (2002). In Vitro
Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Root Organ Cultures. Canadian Journal of Botany 80:1-20.
Genre A., M. Chabaud, T. Timmers, P. Bonfante and D.G.Barker (2005). Arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi elicit a novel intracellular apparatus in Medicago truncatula root
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Inoculation and growth with mycorrhizal fungi

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