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Podj 4 PDF
Podj 4 PDF
Angular chelitis is inflammation typically seen at the both commissures (angles) of the lips. Angular chelitis is most often chronic, seen in the older, and due to infective and/or mechanical causes.
It is diagnosed clinically and treated with topical antifungals and antibacterial. The goals of this case
report and literature review is to describe angular cheilitis (soft-tissue disorders) in the oral cavity
that is commonly observed in diabetes and to discuss the clinical presentation, associated causative
factors and management strategies of angular chelitis.
Key Word: Angular Chelitis, fungal infections, Vit B complex deficiencies.
Angular cheilitis is inflammation of one, or more
commonly both of the corners of the mouth. Initially, the corners of the mouth develope a gray-white
thickening and adjacent erythema (redness). Later,
the usual appearance is a roughly triangular area of
erythema, edema (swelling) and maceration at either
corner of the mouth. Typically the lesions give symptoms of soreness, pain, pruritus (itching) or burning or
a raw feeling in the later stage. Angular cheilitis often
represents an opportunistic infection of fungi and/or
bacteria, with multiple local and systemic predisposing
factors involved in the initiation and persistence of the
lesion. Such factors include nutritional deficiencies,
over closure of the mouth, dry mouth, a lip-licking
habit, drooling, and immunosuppression.5 Treatment
for angular cheilitis is based on the exact causes of the
condition in each case, but often an antifungal cream
is used among other measures.
In July 2014, a 52 years old male attended Oral
Diagnosis and Medicine Department of Sir Syed Dental
Assistant Professor and Head Oral Diagnosis & Medicine Department, Sir Syed Dental Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.
Correspondence: Dr. Mahreen Shahzad, DHA, Phase 7, Near
KPT Interchange, Korangi Road, Karachi. Residential address:
House No. 41, 1st Street Khayaban-e-Rahat, Phase-6, DHA,
Karachi. E-mail: [email protected],
Contact: 35383241-35383978, ext- 820
Demonstrator, Oral Diagnosis & Medicine Department, Sir Syed
Dental Hospital
Demonstrator, Orthodontics Department, Sir Syed Dental Hospital
Received for Publication:
September 30, 2014
Revision Received:
October 30, 2014
Revision Accepted:
November 2, 2014
Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 34, No. 4 (December 2014)
In September 2014, a 33 years old female attended
Oral Diagnosis and Medicine Department of Sir Syed
Dental Hospital. Her chief complaint was pain in upper
right side of teeth since 3 days. Pain was severe and
continuous in nature, non-radiating, aggravated on
eating food and was not relieved by taking medicine.
During intra oral examination her upper right second
pre molar had broken down root. Diagnosis of infected
BDR was made because periapical radiolucency was
noticeable on x-ray. Therefore, she was advised to get
the infected roots removed. During facial and oral examination unilateral angular cheilitis and geographic
tongue was also noticed (Fig 2) and patient had mild
discomfort at the angle of the mouth and the tongue.
Her conjunctivae were pale and nails were brittle.
Hence, advised for CBC (laboratory test) but she refused
because that was not her chief complaint. Accordingly,
we only prescribed her miconazole gel QDS for 2 weeks
for angular chelitis and benzydamine hydrochloride
mouth wash 12 % BD for the relief of geographic tongue
In July, a 25 years old female came in OPD of oral
diagnosis and medicine department of Sir Syed Dental
Hospital with the complaint of pain in lower left side
of teeth since 3 days. Pain was sharp continuous and
radiating in nature. It usually aggravated while lying
horizontally and was relieved on taking medicine. A
diagnosis of reversible pulpitis was made and she was
advised to have a confirmatory periapical radiograph.
After that she was referred to endodontics department
for RCT followed by crown. On extra and intra oral examination she was also diagnosed with angular cheiltis
unilaterally on right side of the angle of mouth (Fig
3).While taking further history she said that she had
filling of upper right first molar last week by some other
dentist, since then she have erythema and discomfort
on right side. Her medical history was unremarkable
and the diagnosis of angular chelitis was made due to
long treatment procedure of filling. She was prescribed
miconazole gel QDS for 2 weeks and on her next follow
up after a week time angular chelitis was completely
Angular chelitis is a relatively common condition,
accounting for between 0.7-3.8% of oral mucosal lesions
in adults and between 0.2-15.1% in children, though
overall it occurs most commonly in adults in the third
to sixth decades of life. It occurs worldwide, and both
males and females are affected. Angular cheilitis is
the most common presentation of fungal and bacterial infections of the lips.5 Angular cheilitis appears
Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 34, No. 4 (December 2014)
Park, KK; Brodell, RT, Helms, SE (June 2011). "Angular cheilitis, part 1: local etiologies.". Cutis; cutaneous medicine for the
practitioner 87 (6): 289-95. PMID 21838086.
Neville BW, Damm DD, Allen CA, Bouquot JE. Oral & maxillofacial pathology (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. pp.
100, 192, 196, 266. ISBN 0721690033,2002