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Measurements and Testing of I.C.Engines

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Measurements and Testing of I.C.Engines

2.1. Introduction: - The basic task in the design and development of I.C.Engines is to reduce
the cost of production and improve the efficiency and power output. In order to achieve the
above task, the engineer has to compare the engine developed by him with other engines in
terms of its output and efficiency. Hence he has to test the engine and make measurements of
relevant parameters that reflect the performance of the engine. In general the nature and
number of tests to be carried out depend on a large number of factors. In this chapter only
certain basic as well as important measurements and tests are described.
2.2. Important Performance Parameters of I.C.Engines:- The important performance
parameters of I.C. engines are as follows:
(i) Friction Power,
(ii) Indicated Power,
(iii) Brake Power,
(iv) Specific Fuel Consumption,
(v) Air Fuel ratio
(vi) Thermal Efficiency
(vii) Mechanical Efficiency,
(viii) Volumetric Efficiency,
(ix) Exhaust gas emissions,
(x) Noise
2.3. Measurement of Performance Parameters in a Laboratory
2.3.1. Measurement of Friction Power:- Friction power includes the frictional losses and the
pumping losses. During suction and exhaust strokes the piston must move against a gaseous
pressure and power required to do this is called the pumping losses. The friction loss is made
up of the energy loss due to friction between the piston and cylinder walls, piston rings and
cylinder walls, and between the crank shaft and camshaft and their

bearings, as well as by the loss incurred by driving the essential accessories, such as water
pump, ignition unit etc.
Following methods are used in the laboratory to measure friction power:
(i) Willans line method;
(ii) From the measurement of indicated power and brake power;
(iii) Motoring test;
(iv) Retardation test;
(v) Morse Test. Willans Line Method:- This method is also known as fuel rate extrapolation method.
In this method a graph of fuel consumption (vertical axis) versus brake power (horizontal axis)
is drawn and it is extrapolated on the negative axis of brake power (see Fig. 2.1).The intercept
of the negative axis is taken as the friction power of the engine at


Brake power (kW)

Friction Power
Fig. 2.1. Willans line method
that speed. As shown in the figure, in most of the power range the relation between the fuel
consumption and brake power is linear when speed of the engine is held constant and this
permits extrapolation. Further when the engine does not develop power, i.e. brake power = 0, it
consumes a certain amount of fuel. This energy in the fuel would have been spent in
overcoming the friction. Hence the extrapolated negative intercept of the horizontal axis will
be the work representing the combined losses due to friction, pumping and as a whole is

termed as the frictional loss of the engine. This method of measuring friction power will
hold good only for a particular speed and is applicable mainly for compression ignition
The main draw back of this method is the long distance to be extrapolated from
data between 5 and 40 % load towards the zero line of the fuel input.The directional margin of
error is rather wide because the graph is not exactly linear. the Measurement of Indicated Power and Brake Power:- This is an ideal
method by which friction power is obtained by computing the difference between the indicated
power and brake power. The indicated power is obtained from an indicator diagram and brake
power is obtained by a brake dynamometer. This method requires elaborate equipment to
obtain accurate indicator diagrams at high speeds. Test:- This method can be used only for multi cylinder IC engines. The Morse
test consists of obtaining indicated power of the engine without any elaborate equipment. The
test consists of making, in turn, each cylinder of the engine inoperative and noting the
reduction in brake power developed. In a petrol engine (gasoline engine), each cylinder is
rendered inoperative by shorting the spark plug of the cylinder to be made inoperative. In a
Diesel engine, a particular cylinder is made inoperative by cutting off the supply of fuel. It is
assumed that pumping and friction are the same when the cylinder is inoperative as well
as during firing.
In this test, the engine is first run at the required speed and the brake
power is measured. Next, one cylinder is cut off by short circuiting the spark plug if it is a
petrol engine or by cutting of the fuel supply if it is a diesel engine. Since one of the cylinders
is cut of from producing power, the speed of the engine will change. The engine speed is
brought to its original value by reducing the load on the engine. This will ensure that the
frictional power is the same.
If there are k cylinders, then
Total indicated power
when all the cylinders are working = ip1 + ip2 + ip3 + ...+ ipk = ipj

We can write ipj = Bt + Ft



where ipj is the indicated power produced by j th cylinder, k is the number of cylinders,

Bt is the total brake power when all the cylinders are producing power and Ft is the total
frictional power for the entire engine.

If the first cylinder is cut off, then it will not produce any power, but it will have frictional
losses. Then

we can write ipj = B1 - Ft



where B1 = total brake power when cylinder 1 is cut - off and

Ft = Total frictional power.
Subtracting Eq. (2.2) from Eq. (2.1) we have the indicated power of the cut off cylinder. Thus
ip1 = Bt B1


Similarly we can find the indicated power of all the cylinders, viz., ip2, ip3, ..ipk. Then the
total indicated power is calculated as

(ip)total = ipj



The frictional power of the engine is therefore given by

Ft = (ip)total Bt


The procedure is illustrated by some examples worked out at the end of the chapter.
2.3.2. Measurement of Indicated Power: Indicated power of an engine tells about the health
of the engine and also gives an indication regarding the conversion of chemical energy in the
fuel into thermal energy. It is an important variable because it is the potential output of the
cycle.Hence the measurement of indicated power must be very accurate. For obtaining
indicated power the cycle pressure must be determined as a function of cylinder volume. It is
of no use to determine pressure accurately unless volume or crank angle is accurately
Following methods are usually adopted to estimate the indicated power of an IC engine:
(i) using the indicator diagram
(ii) by measuring brake power and friction power and adding them to give indicated power
(iii) By conducting Morse test (applicable only for multi-cylinder engines).
(i) Method using Indicator diagram:- Indicator is a device which measures the variation of the
pressure in the cylinder over a part or full cycle and the plot of such information obtained is
called an indicator diagram. Indicator diagram gives a very good indication of the process
of combustion. Also the losses occurring in the suction and exhaust stroke can be studied using
this diagram.

Indicated power = indicated work per cycle x number of cycles / second

pim Vs ne K
ip = ---------------1000 x 60
pim LA n K
= --------------- kW


Where ip = indicated power (kW)

pim = indicated mean effective pressure (N / m2)
L = Length of the stroke of the piston (m)
A = Area of the piston (m2)
ne = number of power strokes per minute or number of explosions per minute
K = number of cylinders.
Now ne = N / 2 for a four stroke engine and
= N for a two stroke engine, where N is the speed of the engine in RPM.
The indicated mean effective pressure is calculated by using the equation
Area of the indicated diagram in m2
pim = ----------------------------------------------- x indicator spring stiffness in (N /m2) /m
Length of the indicator diagram in m
(ii) Method by measuring Brake Power and Friction Power:- In this method the brake power
is measured by using a brake dynamometer and the friction power is measured by using
Willans line method or by Motoring test or by retardation test and then the indicated power is
calculated as ip = bp + fp where bp is the brake power of the engine and fp is the friction

(iii) Morse Test:- This method is already described in section

2.3.3. Measurement of Brake Power: Indicated power is based on indicated net work and is
thus a measure of the forces developed within the engine cylinder.The rotational force
available at the engine crank shaft and the power corresponding to this is of more practical
interest. This power is interchangeably referred to as brake power or shaft power. Measurement
of brake power is one of the most important measurements in the test schedule of an engine. It

involves the determination of the torque and the angular speed of the engine output shaft. The
torque measuring device is called the dynamometer.
Brake power is usually measured by attaching a power absorbing
device to the output shaft of the engine. Such a device will set up forces (which can be
measured) counteracting the forces delivered by the engine. The measured force is usually
referred to as the braking force, W. If r is the distance from the centre of the output shaft and
the point of acting of Fb ( r is also called the lever arm),
then braking torque = T = W r


If N is the speed of the engine in RPM, then brake power in KW is given by

Brake power = bp = 2NT / (60 x 1000)

bp = 2NT / 60,000



In the above equation T should be in N m.

Since in Eq. (2.7) only the brake load and speed can vary for a given engine, the equation can
be written as
bp = --------------..(2.9)
where C is called the dynamometer constant. Eq. (2.7) or Eq. (2.8) can be used to calculate the
brake power depending on the information available for a given engine.
Brake mean effective pressure: - Brake mean effective pressure (bmep) can be considered as
that portion of indicated mean effective pressure which goes into the development of useful
work output from the engine. Hence bmep is related to brake power by the following equation.
(bmep) LA ne K
bp = ----------------------60000


2.3.4. Measurement of Fuel Consumption: There are two basic types of fuel measurement
methods namely (i) volumetric method and (ii) gravimetric method.
In volumetric method the time taken for the engine to consume a known volume of fuel is
measured and knowing the specific gravity of the fuel the mass flow rate of fuel consumed is
calculated as follows:
Let t = time in seconds for the engine to consume y cc of fuel, and
s = specific gravity of the fuel.

y x 10 6
Mass of fuel consumed per second = m = -------------- x s x 1000

m = ----------- kg/s.(2.11)
1000 t


Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption: This is defined as the mass of fuel consumption per
hour in order to produce an indicated power of one kilo watt.

3600 m
Thus, indicated specific fuel consumption = isfc = --------------- kg/kWh ..(2.12)
Brake Specific fuel consumption:- This defined as the mass of fuel consumed per hour, in
order to develop a brake power of one kilowatt.

3600 m
Thus, brake specific fuel consumption = bsfc = --------------- kg/kWh


2.3.5. Thermal Efficiency : There are two definitions of thermal efficiency as applied to IC
engines. One is based on indicated power and the other on brake power.The one based on
indicated power is called as indicated thermal efficiency, and the one based on brake power
is known as brake thermal efficiency.
Indicated thermal efficiency is defined as the ratio of indicated power to the energy available
due to combustion of the fuel.
Indicated Power in kW
Thus ith = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Mass flow rate of fuel in kg/s) x (Calorific value of fuel in kJ/kg )
ith = --------------..(2.14)
m x CV
Similarly brake thermal efficiency is defined as the ratio of brake power to energy available
due to combustion of the fuel.


bth = --------------m x CV


2.3.6.Mechanical Efficiency: Mechanical efficiency takes into account the mechanical losses
in an engine. The mechanical losses include (i) frictional losses, (ii) power absorbed by engine
auxillaries like fuel pump, lubricating oil pump, water circulating pump, magneto and
distributor, electric generator for battery charging, radiator fan etc., and (iii) work requited to
charge the cylinder with fresh charge and work for discharging the exhaust gases during the
exhaust stroke. It is defined as the ratio of brake power to indicated power. Thus
mech = -------(8.16)
2.3.7. Volumetric efficiency: Volumetric efficiency is the ratio of the actual mass of air drawn
into the cylinder during a given period of time to the theoretical mass which should have been
drawn in during the same interval of time based on the total piston displacement, and the
pressure and temperature of the surrounding atmosphere.


v = ----------------mth


m = a n Vs



where n is the number of intake strokes per minute and Vs is the stroke volume of the piston.
2.4. Illustrative examples:
Example 2.1:- The following observations have been made from the test of a four cylinder, two
stroke petrol engine. Diameter of the cylinder = 10 cm; stroke = 15 cm; speed = 1600 rpm;
Area of indicator diagram = 5.5 cm2; Length of the indicator diagram = 55 mm; spring
constant = 3.5 bar/cm; Determine the indicated power of the engine.
Known: d = 0.1 m; L = 0.15 m ; No. of cylinders = K = 4; N = 1600 rpm; n = N (two stroke);
a = 5.5 cm2; length of the diagram = ld = 5.5. cm; spring constant = ks = 3.5 bar/cm ;
Find: indicated power, ip.

a ks
Solution: Indicated mean effective pressure = pim = --------------- =

= 3.5 * 10 5 N/m2

pim LAnK
3.5 x 105 x 0.15 x (/4) x 0.12 x 1600 x 4
ip = ---------------- = -------------------------------------------------------- = 43.98 kW

Example 2.2:- A gasoline engine (petrol engine) working on Otto cycle consumes 8 litres of
petrol per hour and develops 25 kW. The specific gravity of petrol is 0.75 and its calorific
value is 44,000 kJ/kg. Determine the indicated thermal efficiency of the engine
Known: Volume of fuel consumed/hour = y/t = 8 x 10 3 / 3600 cc/s ;
ip = 25 kW; CV = 44,000 kJ/kg;
Specific gravity of petrol = s = 0.75
Find: ith ;

8 x 10 3 x 0.75
Solution: Mass of fuel consumed = m = ----- = --------------------- = 1.67 x 10 3 kg/s.
1000 t
1000 x 3600

Indicated thermal efficiency = ith = -------------- = -------------------------- = 0.3402 = 34.02%
m CV
1.67 x 10 3x 44000
Example 2.3:- The bore and stroke of a water cooled, vertical, single-cylinder, four stroke
diesel engine are 80 mm and 110 mm respectively.The torque is 23.5 N-m.Calculate the brake
mean effective pressure.
What would be the mean effective pressure and torque if the engine rating is 4 kW at 1500
Known: Diameter = d = 80 x10 3 = 0.008 m ; stroke = L = 0.110 m; T = 23.5 N-m;
Find (i) bmep ; (ii) bmep if bp = 4 kw and N= 1500 rpm.

Solution: (i) Relation between brake power (bp) and brake mean effective pressure (bmep) is
given by
bp = ------------ = --------------60,000
Hence bmep = (2NT) / (LAn) = (2NT) / {(Ld2 /4) N/2} =
= 5.34 x 10 5 N / m2 = 5.34 bar

(ii) when bp = 4 kw and N = 1500 rpm, we have


60,000 x 4

bmep =

Also bp = 2NT / 60,000


= 5.79 x 10 5 N/m2 = 5.79 bar.

60,000 bp
60,000 x 4
or T = ---------------- = -------------------- = 25.46 N m.
2 x x 1500

Example 2.4:-Find the air fuel ratio of a four stroke, single cylinder, air cooled engine with
fuel consumption time for 10 cc is 20.4 s and air consumption time for 0.1 m3is 16.3 s. The load
is 7 N at the speed of 3000 rpm. Find also the brake specific fuel consumption in kg/kWh and
brake thermal efficiency.Assume the density of air as 1.175 kg/m3 and specific gravity of the
fuel to be 0.7. The lower heating value of the fuel is 43 MJ/kg and the dynamometer constant is
Known: y = 10 cc ; t = 20.4 s ; Va = 0.1 m3; ta = 16.3 s ; W = 7 N ; N = 3000 rpm;
a = 1.175 kg/m3; s = 0.7 ; CV = 43 x 10 3 kJ/kg; Dynamometer constant = C = 5000.
Find:- (i) ma / mf ; (ii) bsfc ; (iii) bth.
0.1 x 1.175
Solution: (i) Mass of air consumed = ma = ---------------- = 7.21 x 10 3 kg/s.
10 x 0.7
Mass of fuel consumed = mf = --------- = ------------------ = 0.343 x 10 3 kg/s
1000 t
1000 x 20.4

7.21 x 10 3
Air fuel ratio = --------- = ------------------- = 21
0.343 x 10 3
7 x 3000
(ii) Brake power = bp = WN / C = ------------- = 4.2 kW
mf x 3600
0.343 x 10 3 x 3600
bsfc = ------------------- = ---------------------------- = 0.294 kg/kWh
(iii) bith = --------------- = ----------------------------------- = 0.2848 = 28.48 %.
mf CV
0.343 x 10 3 x 43 x 10 3


Example 2.5:- A six cylinder, gasoline engine operates on the four stroke cycle. The bore of
each cylinder is 80 mm and the stroke is 100 mm. The clearance volume in each cylinder is 70
cc. At a speed of 4000 rpm and the fuel consumption is 20 kg/h. The torque developed is 150 Nm. Calculate (i) the brake power, (ii) the brake mean effective pressure, (iii) brake thermal
efficiency if the calorific value of the fuel is 43000 kJ/kg and (iv) the relative efficiency if the
ideal cycle for the engine is Otto cycle.
Known: K = 6 ; n = N /2 ; d = 8 cm ; L = 10 cm ; Vc = 70 cc ; N = 4000 rpm ; mf = 20
kg/h ; T = 150 N-m ; CV = 43000 kJ/kg ;
Find:- (i) bp ; (ii) bmep ; (iii) bth ; (iv) Relative.

2 NT
2 x x 4000 x 150
bp = ------------ = -------------------------60,000
= 62.8 kW

60,000 bp
60,000 x 62.8
(ii) bmep = -------------------- = -------------------------------------------LAnK
0.1 x ( / 4) x 0.08 2 x (4000/2) x 6
= 6.25 x 10 5 N/m2 = 6.25 bar
(iii) bth = ----------------------- = ------------------------------ = 0.263 = 26.3 %.
mf CV
(20 / 3600) x 43,000
(iv) Stroke volume = Vs = ( / 4) d2 L = ( / 4) x 8 2 x 10 = 502.65 cc
Vs + Vc
502.65 + 70
Compression Ratio of the engine = Rc = ------------ = --------------------- = 8.18
Air standard efficiency of Otto cycle = Otto = 1 (1/ Rc 1)
= 1 ---------------------- = 0.568 = 56.8 %
8.18 0.4
Hence Relative efficiency = Relative = bth / Otto = 0.263 / 0.568 = 0.463 = 46.3 %.
Example 2.6:- An eight cylinder, four stroke engine of 9 cm bore, 8 cm stroke and with a
compression ratio of 7 is tested at 4500 rpm on a dynamometer which has 54 cm arm. During
a 10 minute test, the dynamometer scale beam reading was 42 kg and the engine consumed 4.4
kg of gasoline having a calorific value of 44,000 kJ/kg. Air at 27 C and 1 bar was supplied to


the carburetor at a rate of 6 kg/min. Find (i) the brake power, (ii) the brake mean effective
pressure, (iii) the brake specific fuel consumption, (iv) the brake specific air consumption, (v)
volumetric efficiency , (vi) the brake thermal efficiency and (vii) the air fuel ratio.
Known: K = 8 ; Four stroke hence n = N/2 ; d = 0.09 m; L = 0.08 m; Rc = 7; N = 4500
rpm; Brake arm = R = 0.54 m ; t = 10 min ; Brake load = W = (42 x 9.81) N

mf = 4.4 kg ; CV = 44,000 kJ/kg ; Ta = 27 + 273 = 300 K ; pa = 1 bar; ma = 6 kg/min;


Find:- (i) bp ; (ii) bmep ; (iii) bsfc ; (iv) bsac ; (v) v ; (vi) bth ; (vii) ma / mf
2 NT
2 x x 4500 x (42 x 9.81) x 0.54
(i) bp = ----------- = ------------ = -------------------------------------------60,000
= 104.8 kW
60,000 bp
60,000 x 104.8
(ii) bmep = ------------- = -----------------------------------------------LAnK
0.08 x ( / 4) x 0.09 2 x (4500 / 2) x 8
= 6.87 x 10 5 N/m2 = 6.87 bar.

(iii) mass of fuel consumed per unit time = mf = mf / t = 4.4 x 60 / 10 kg/h

= 26.4 kg/h

Brake specific fuel consumption = bsfc = ----------- = ------------- = 0.252 kg / kWh

6 x 60
(iv) brake specific air consumption = bsac = ------------- = -----------------bp
= 3.435 kg / kWh

(v) bth

= --.-------------- = ----------------------------- = 0.325 = 32.5 %.
mf CV
(26.4 / 3600) x 44,000

(vi) Stroke volume per unit time = Vs = (d2/4) L n K


= ------ x (0.092) x 0.08 x (4500 / 2) x 8
= 9.16 m3 / min.

ma Ra Ta
6 x 286 x 300
Volume flow rate of air per minute = Va = ------------- = -------------------pa
1 x 10 5

= 5.17 m3 / min

Volumetric efficiency = v = Va / Vs = 5.17 / 9.16 = 0.5644 = 56.44 %.


(vii) Air fuel ratio = ma / mf = 6 /(4.4 / 10) = 13.64

Example 2.7:- A gasoline engine working on four- stroke develops a brake power of 20.9 kW.
A Morse test was conducted on this engine and the brake power (kW) obtained when each
cylinder was made inoperative by short circuiting the spark plug are 14.9, 14.3, 14.8 and 14.5
respectively. The test was conducted at constant speed. Find the indicated power, mechanical
efficiency and brake mean effective pressure when all the cylinders are firing. The bore of the
engine is 75mm and the stroke is 90 mm. The engine is running at 3000 rpm.

Known: brake power when all cylinders are working = Bt = 20.9 kW ;

Brake power when cylinder 1 is inoperative = B1 = 14.9 kW ;
Brake power when cylinder 2 is inoperative = B2 = 14.3 kW ;
Brake power when cylinder 3 is inoperative = B3 = 14.8 kW ;
Brake power when cylinder 4 is inoperative = B4 = 14.5 kW ;
N = 3000 rpm ; d = 0.075 m ; L = 0.09 m ;
Find:- (i) (ip)total ; (ii) mech ; (iii) bmep ;
(i) (ip)total = ip1 + ip2 + ip3 + ip4 = (Bt B1) + (Bt B2) + (Bt B3) + (Bt B4)
= 4Bt (B1 + B2 + B3 + B4) = 4 x 20.9 (14.9 + 14.3 + 14.8 + 14.5)
= 25.1 Kw


(ii) mech = ------------- = --------- = 0.833 = 83.3 %
60,000 Bt
60,000 x 20.9
(iii) bmep = --------------- = -------------------------------------------------LAnK
0.09 x ( / 4) x 0.075 2 x (3000 / 2) x 4
= 5.25 x 10 5 N / m2 = 5.25 bar.
Example 2.8:- The following observations were recorded during a trail of a four stroke,
single cylinder oil engine.
Duration of trial = 30 min ; oil consumed = 4 litres ; calorific value of oil = 43 MJ/kg ;
specific gravity of fuel = 0.8 ; average area of the indicator diagram = 8.5 cm2; length of the
indicator diagram = 8.5 cm; Indicator spring constant = 5.5 bar/cm; brake load = 150 kg;
spring balance reading = 20 kg; effective brake wheel diameter = 1.5 m ; speed = 200 rpm ;
cylinder diameter = 30 cm ; stroke = 45 cm ; jacket cooling water = 10 kg/min ; temperature
rise of cooling water = 36 C. Calculate (i) indicated power, (ii) brake power, (iii) mechanical
efficiency, (iv) brake specific fuel consumption, (v) indicated thermal efficiency, and (vi) heat
carried away by cooling water.
Known: t = 30 min ; y = 4000 cc; CV = 43 x10 3 kJ/kg; s = 0.8 ; area of the diagram = a =
8.5 cm2; length of the diagram = ld = 8.5 cm ; indicator spring constant = ks = 5.5 bar /
cm; W = 150 x 9.81 N ; Brake radius = R = 1.5 / 2 = 0.75 m; N = 200 rpm ; d = 0.3 m ;

L = 0.45 m ; mw = 10 kg/min ; Tw = 36 C; Spring Balance Reading = S = 20 x 9.81 N


Find:- (i) ip ; (ii) bp ; (iii) mech ; (iv) bsfc ; (v) ith ; (vi) Qw
(i) pim = ------- ks = ----------- x 5.5 = 5.5 bar = 5.5 x 105 N/m2
pim L A n K
5.5 x 10 5 x 0.45 x ( / 4) x 0.32 x (200 / 2) x 1
ip = ------------------- = ---------------------------------------------------------------- = 29.16 kW

2 N(W S) R
2 x x 200 x (150 20)x 9.81 x 0.75
(ii) bp = ----------------------- = ---------------------------------------------------- = 20.03 kW


(iii) mech = bp / ip = 20.03 / 29.16 = 0.687 = 68.7 %.

4000 x 0.8
(iv) Mass of fuel consumed per hour = mf = ------------- x 60 = ------------------ x 60
1000 t
1000 x 30
= 6.4 kg / h.
bsfc = mf / bp = ------------- = 0.3195 kg/kWh
(v) ith = ---.--------- = -------------------------------- = 0.3814 = 38.14 %.
mf CV
(6.4 / 3600) x 43 x 10 3

(vi) Qw = m Cp Tw = (10 / 60) x 4.2 x 36 = 25.2 kW

Example 2.9:- A four stroke gas engine has a cylinder diameter of 25 cm and stroke 45 cm.
The effective diameter of the brake is 1.6 m.The observations made in a test of the engine were
as follows.
Duration of test = 40 min; Total number of revolutions = 8080 ; Total number of explosions =
3230; Net load on the brake = 80 kg ; mean effective pressure = 5.8 bar; Volume of gas used
= 7.5 m3; Pressure of gas indicated in meter = 136 mm of water (gauge); Atmospheric
temperature = 17 C; Calorific value of gas = 19 MJ/ m3 at NTP; Temperature rise of cooling
water = 45 C; Cooling water supplied = 180 kg.
Draw up a heat balance sheet and find the indicated thermal efficiency and brake thermal
efficiency. Assume atmospheric pressure to be 760 mm of mercury.
Known: d = 0.25 m ; L = 0.45 m; R = 1.6 / 2 =0.8 m; t = 40 min ; Ntotal = 8080 ;
Hence N = 8080 / 40 = 202 rpm ntotal = 3230 ;
Hence n = 3230 / 40 = 80.75 explosions / min; W = 80 x 9.81 N; pim = 5.8 bar ;

Vtotal = 7.5 m3; hence V = 7.5 / 40 = 0.1875 m3/min; pgauge = 136 mm of water (gauge);
Tatm = 17 + 273 = 290 K; (CV)NTP = 19 x 10 3 kJ/ m3 ; Tw = 45 C;

mw = 180 / 40 = 4.5 kg/min; patm = 760 mm of mercury

Find:- (i) ith ; (ii) bth ; (iii) heat balance sheet



pim L A n K
5.8 x 10 5 x ( / 4) x 0.252 x 0.45 x 80.75
ip = ------------------ = ------------------------------------------------------- = 17.25 kW.
2 N W R
2 x x 202 x (80 x 9.81) x 0.8
bp = --------------------- = ------------------------------------------ = 13.28 kW

Pressure of gas supplied = p = patm + pgauge = 760 + 136 / 13.6 = 770 mm of mercury

Volume of gas supplied as measured at NTP = VNTP = V (TNTP / T)(p / pNTP)

0.1875 x 273 x 770
= -------------------------- = 0.17875 m3 / min
290 x 760

Heat supplied by fuel = Qf = VNTP (CV)NTP = 0.17875 x 19 x 103 = 3396.25 kJ/min

Heat equivalent of bp in kJ/min = 13.28 x 60 = 796.4 kJ/min

Heat lost to cooling water in kJ/min = mw Cp Tw = 4.5 x 4.2 x 45 = 846.5 kJ/min

Friction power = ip bp = 17.25 13.28 = 3.97 kW
Hence heat loss due to fiction, pumping etc. = 3.97 x 60 = 238.2 kJ/min
Heat lost in exhaust, radiation etc (by difference) = 3396.25 (896.4 + 796.4 + 238.2)
= 1465.15 kJ/min
Heat Balance Sheet:

Heat Energy Input


Heat Energy spent

(kJ/min) (percent)

Heat supplied by fuel


Heat equivalent of bp



Heat lost to cooling




Heat equivalent of fp



Heat unaccounted
(by difference)









Example 2.10:- A test on a two-stroke engine gave the following results at full load.
Speed = 350 rpm; Net brake load = 65 kg ; mean effective pressure = 3 bar ; Fuel
consumption = 4 kg/h ; Jacket cooling water flow rate = 500 kg/h ; jacket water temperature
at inlet = 20 C ; jacket water temperature at outlet = 40 C ; Test room temperature = 20 C ;
Temperature of exhaust gases = 400 C; Air used per kg of fuel = 32 kg ; cylinder diameter =
22 cm ;stroke = 28 cm; effective brake diameter = 1 m ; Calorific value of fuel = 43 MJ/kg ;
Mean specific heat of exhaust gases = 1 kJ/kg K.
Find indicated power, brake power and draw up a heat balance for the test in kW and in
Known: Two stroke engine. Hence n = N ; N = 350 rpm ; W = (65 x 9.81) N ;

pim = 3 bar ; mf = 4 kg/h ; mw = 500 kg/h ; Twi = 20 C ; Two = 40 C ; Tatm = 20 C ;


Teg = 400 C ; ma / mf = 32 ; d = 0.22 m ; L = 0.28 m ; Brake radius = R = m ;

CV = 43,000 kJ/kg ; (Cp) eg = 1.0 kJ/(kg-K) ;
Find:- (i) ip ; (ii) bp ; and (iii) heat balance;
pim LAn
3 x 10 5 x 0.28 x (/4) x 0.22 2 x 350
(i) ip = -------------- = ---------------------------------------------------60,000
= 18.63 kW.
2 N WR
2 x x 350 x (65 x 9.81) x 0.5
(ii) bp = ------------- = --------------------------------------60,000

= 11.68 kW.

(iii) Heat supplied in kW = mf CV = (4 / 3600) x 43,000

= 47.8 kW

Heat lost to cooling water = mw (Cp)w [Two Twi] = (500 / 3600) x 4.2 x [40 20] = 11.7 kW

Heat lost in exhaust gases = (ma + mf) (Cp)eg [Teg Tatm]

(32 + 1 ) x 4
= --------------- x 1.0 x [400 20] = 13.9 kW


Heat balance sheet:

Heat Input


Heat supplied by fuel






Heat Expenditure


Heat in bp



Heat lost to cooling




Heat lost to exhaust




Unaccounted heat
(by difference)




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