Technical Assistance Evaluation Program Findings of Evaluations and Updated Program
Technical Assistance Evaluation Program Findings of Evaluations and Updated Program
Technical Assistance Evaluation Program Findings of Evaluations and Updated Program
This paper is the third to be issued under the Funds Technical Assistance Evaluation
Program, which was launched in FY 2003. It reports on the findings of five completed
evaluations, and updates the program of evaluations for FY 20072009.
The completed evaluations featured in this paper are: (i) an evaluation of technical assistance
provided by the Legal Department to Indonesia related to the strengthening of the
commercial courts and the implementation of the bankruptcy law; and (ii) evaluations
of technical assistance delivered by the Monetary and Financial Systems Department to
Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo
to strengthen capacity in the financial sector. The LEG evaluation was conducted by
external consultants, while the MFD evaluations were undertaken by present and former
Fund staff who had had no previous involvement in the subject countries. MFD plans to use
external consultants for some evaluations in the future, and will prepare a program once its
forthcoming merger with ICM is completed.
All of the above evaluations concluded that the respective technical assistance projects were
generally successful, although the effectiveness and sustainability of the TA were at times
compromised by factors outside the control of the TA providers and its immediate recipients.
In line with a key objective of the Evaluation Program, the evaluations highlighted some
useful lessons that could serve to guide future work by the Fund. These include the
importance of country ownership of a TA project, and of ensuring familiarity with local
customs and circumstances by staff and experts executing a TA project.
Looking ahead, the Evaluation Program for FY 20072009 has been updated to comprise
eight planned evaluations. Projects covered span all three main areas of Fund TA, namely,
fiscal, monetary and financial systems, and statistics. Also included is an external evaluation
of the Middle East Technical Assistance Center.
The cost of conducting evaluations under the Program varies widely between individual
cases. Key factors for this variance include the respective scope of each evaluation, and
whether it is conducted internally or by outside experts. Nevertheless, taking an average of
the costs of both completed and planned evaluations in the program so far, the cost for
conducting each evaluation is about $160,000.
An important goal of the Evaluation Program is to draw lessons that could be fed back into
the Funds technical assistance work and related operations. In that regard, some operational
responses that have resulted from past evaluations are discussed towards the end of this
This paper summarizes the findings of evaluations of technical assistance (TA)
projects implemented by the Legal Department (LEG) and the Monetary and Financial
Systems Department (MFD), and updates the Technical Assistance Evaluation Program for
the period FY 20072009. The Evaluation Program was launched in July 2002, and is
organized as a rolling work plan of three to four evaluations per year (see Box 1). Evaluation
results are reported to the Board for information on an annual basis. Since the Programs
initiation, seven evaluations have been completed and their results presented to the Board
(Table 1).1
The completed evaluations, or summaries of their content, are published on the Funds
external website (
Presented in this paper are an evaluation by LEG of TA provided to Indonesia to
strengthen the commercial courts and implement the bankruptcy law, and evaluations by
MFD of financial sector TA provided to Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(DRC), Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. The LEG evaluation was conducted by
outside consultants, in coordination with staff, the Indonesian authorities, and representatives
of the Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta, which financed the project. The MFD evaluations
were conducted by Fund staff which allowed for significant cost savings and a former
Fund staff. None of the MFD evaluators had any previous involvement in the subject
countries. MFD plans to use external consultants for some evaluations in the future.
Although the nature of the TA covered by the evaluations is different, they
nevertheless provide a number of important lessons which point at broader issues cutting
across the Funds TA program. For example, all evaluations found that, with the benefit of
hindsight, some of the objectives defined at the outset for each TA project may have been too
ambitious. The evaluations also stressed the importance of factors such as familiarity with
local customs/circumstances and strong country ownership to the success of the TA
programs. In the case of the Indonesia and DRC projects, the evaluations noted that, while
the TA was appropriately focused and effective, consideration could have been given to a
selective broadening of the areas of Fund involvement, which would have permitted the
Funds TA to be framed within a larger context of reforms.
In the sections that follow, Section II briefly summarizes the findings of the LEG
and MFD evaluations. The evaluations themselves are provided in Supplements 1 through 5
of this paper, respectively. Section III provides some general information on the cost of
conducting evaluations under the Program, and presents the proposed Evaluation Program
FY 20072009. A brief description of the evaluations covered in that Program is included in
the Appendix. Section IV discusses some operational implications and changes as a result of
past evaluations.
The TA program was financed by the Netherlands, through the Netherlands Embassy
in Jakarta. Phase I of the program, which began in May 2000 and ended in May 2003,
focused on three main areas:
Phase II of the program began on May 16, 2003, and was completed in January 2005.
It sought to consolidate the progress made under Phase I, and consisted of three
complementary components:
A full-time, long-term expert on Indonesian law and legal institutions was dispatched
by LEG to Jakarta as the Resident Program Coordinator. Two Jakarta lawyers were also
hired by the program to assist on legal and strategic advice. Throughout the program period,
LEG coordinated closely with the area departmentAsia and Pacific Department (APD)as
the TA program was also designed to support Indonesias successive Fund-supported
economic programs. In addition, LEG also coordinated closely with the World Bank on
corporate restructuring, and on governance and institutional issues.
The External Evaluation
The external evaluation of the TA program was included as part of the Funds ThreeYear TA Evaluation Program endorsed by the Executive Board in 2002. In this regard, under
the TA program, the Indonesian authorities, the Dutch authorities, and Fund staff agreed to
the terms of reference for the external evaluation. Under these terms of reference, it was
agreed that the evaluation, in particular, would:
Review the quality, timeliness and relevance of the inputs provided, activities
undertaken, and outputs produced.
Assess the effectiveness of the technical assistance provided, including short- and
long-term outcomes and results, the sustainability of the TA provided, and its
integration into Indonesias overall law reform program.
Identify any problem (internal and external to the TA provided) that may have arisen;
make recommendations to resolve any such problem.
Make recommendations on what should be done in the final months of Phase II and
after the completion of Phase II in December 2004.
The evaluation was undertaken during July 2004 in Jakarta by a team of three persons
appointed, respectively, by the Government of Indonesia, the Government of the
Netherlands, and IMF staff. The following summarizes the evaluation findings.
Overall Conclusion of the External Evaluation
At the outset, the external evaluation report recognized the difficult political, legal,
and institutional environment within which the TA program had to operate. Given these
difficulties, the evaluators noted that, although few of the programs ultimate objectives
such as the realization of a Commercial Court that applies the law in an efficient, impartial
and consistent mannerwere fully met, they were pleased by how much the program was
able to achieve under the circumstances. These achievements resulted in a large measure
from the structure of the TA program and the sensitivity of approaches used. While a number
of program weaknesses were identified, the report states that these shortcomings did not
ultimately affect overall program success or failure. On the whole, the evaluation concluded
that the TA program laid significant groundwork for further reforms that deserve continuing
Evaluation ConclusionsStrengths of the TA Program
Effective Program Advisors. The Resident Program Coordinator and the two Jakarta
lawyers acting as legal and strategic advisors were regarded with extraordinary respect by
every source whom the evaluation team interviewed. The regard was not only for their
knowledge, seriousness, and capability, but also for the quality of the program activities
themselves, even when these did not work out well. The three knew well the legal, historical,
and institutional circumstances. They worked well together and with the numerous
organizations that, along with local legal experts, made up an extensive web of contacts,
resources, and alliances.
Building of Local Ownership. The TA program team evidently understood that an
effective reform effort required local ownership and engagement, a point often missed by
foreign aid donors and administrators. From the start, the program relied upon capable local
NGO expertise for research, planning (including the development of various blueprints for
institutional reform), and institutional analyses, which served the program well and helped, at
the same time, to strengthen the NGOs involved. Relevant government bodies, including the
National Planning Council (BAPPENAS) and a key inter-departmental steering committee,
were intimately involved in the program. In addition, the program extended its contacts
throughout the network of relevant donor agencies, maintaining close working relationships
with those engaged in legal reform projects.
Flexibility. The flexibility of the program, in terms of a quick decision-making
process (with appropriate decentralization) and practical operational procedures, proved to be
a significant factor in allowing rapid adaptation to opportunities of change as they became
available. At nearly every stage in the programs evolution, support for strategic changes was
quick and smooth. Experimentation was not obstructed. Similarly, the efficiency of the
program administration was well regarded by the evaluation teams sources, including NGO
partners, contractors, consultants, and other donor agencies.
Simple Funding Procedures. Flexibility and a moderate level of bureaucratic
procedure in funding mechanics were cited by program participants as highly positive
aspects. The evaluation team found these dual factors important because they facilitated the
use of local expertise and thereby fostered local ownership. As the capacity for project
implementation is low in Indonesia, complicated, burdensome funding requirements would
have hampered the ability of local partners to undertake and fulfill program activities.
Evaluation ConclusionsWeaknesses of the TA Program
Given the complexity in resolving the target problems, the evaluation team did not
always reach a consensus position on whether particular issues could properly be
characterized as weaknesses. The report indicates where such differences arose.
Over-ambitious Program Objectives. The evaluators found that the program was
called upon to achieve unrealistic objectivessuch as the realization of a Commercial Court
that applies the law in an efficient, impartial, and consistent manner and would have been
better served with more concrete, achievable, intermediate targets.
Closer Monitoring and Evaluation. Two evaluation team members thought that
there could have been closer monitoring and evaluation of TA activities relating to the
Commercial Court. The third member concluded that monitoring was adequate and that little
more could have been done to improve Commercial Court development because of endemic
institutional weaknesses. More generally, the evaluation report found that there was over
reliance on tracking progress indicators and under reliance on using evaluative tools.
Wider Use of Local Expertise. Two members of the evaluation team were
concerned that the program had relied too much on a few local consultants and experts. The
third member thought that, among a limited number of available local organizations in
Indonesia, the program had already found the best among them, and had gone some distance
to make use of and to assist new and developing research organizations.
Low Profile of the TA Program. It was felt that the activities and outcomes of the
TA program could have been more widely publicized within Indonesia, in order to help
maintain, consolidate, and broaden the local constituency for legal and judicial reform.
Wider Scope of the TA Program. It was noted that the program did not focus on
legal education and the development of the legal profession more generally. Both were stated
to be in serious need of attention, and to have an imperative influence on the objectives of the
TA program over the long run. Their absence from the program limited its efficacy.
However, it was also recognized that, in neither case could the TA program credibly have
engaged itself in these daunting twin tasks.
Lessons Learned from the Evaluation
Both explicitly and implicitly, the external evaluation report offered the following
TA programs should use as much as possible only those foreign experts who are
really knowledgeable about the local issues and conditions, and thus are readily
accepted and respected locally.
The use of local expertise, where possible, can serve both as a way to develop local
ownership of TA programs and as a way of further developing local expertise. Both
aspects serve to improve the sustainability of reform efforts.
Political and institutional will for reform is necessary to achieve deep, effective, and
sustainable reforms. If carefully calibrated, and focused more on local than on foreign
involvement, the public profile of TA programs may be useful in building stronger
local constituencies for reform that could, in turn, help generate the necessary
political and institutional will for reform.
With regard to the collapse of the Indonesian economy during the Asian financial
crisis in mid 1997, the authorities view is that the external evaluation report unduly
focuses on the role of Indonesian state institutions as a factor in the collapse of the
economy. The authorities feel that sufficient attention is not paid to other factors that
also contributed to the economic crisis, such as the manipulation of currency
exchange values by external speculators and the breakdown of the private sector.
The authorities reject the statements in the evaluation report that, at the onset of the
economic crisis, Indonesia lacked a credible legal system that could address the
resulting issues of corporate insolvency. Rather, the authorities believe that Indonesia
did have a credible legal system at that time that was capable of handling bankruptcy
cases, but that the unprecedented crisis engendered an overwhelmingly detrimental
impact upon the legal system.
The authorities disagree with the notion in the report that the judiciary has
traditionally been insular and resistant to reform. While acknowledging that the
judiciary (and the public) may be slow in digesting reforms that are happening, the
authorities respond that the judiciary (and the public) is not insular or resistant to
The authorities found that the report made broad, unsupportable generalizations about
the lack of sufficient commitment to legal, judicial, and governance reforms by
Indonesian stakeholders such as public officials (including court leaders), private
sector professionals, and civil society.
As agreed between staff and the authorities, the authorities comments have been
attached to the evaluation report and will be published together on the Funds external
B. Technical Assistance Provided by MFD to Sierra Leone
Background to the TA Program
Over the period 20012004, Sierra Leone was a major recipient of MFD TA,
generally among the 10 countries in the world receiving the most MFD assistance. This
involvement represented a substantial contribution by the Fund towards the reconstruction of
the country after the devastating civil war that ended in 2000.
In November 2001, an MFD-led mission visited Sierra Leone to identify priority
areas for TA and to agree on an initial action plan to enhance capacity at the BSL. An earlier
mission in 2000, in the immediate post-conflict period, had focused on some specific issues,
but the 2001 mission sought to broaden the process by undertaking a diagnostic review and
identifying areas for priority assistance. The 2001 mission included experts in central bank
organization and banking supervision, as well as MFD staff. While giving initial
recommendations, the mission concluded that the central bank organizational structure was
relatively sound and, hence, not a priority for further assistance at that time. However, the
mission found that assistance was urgently needed in banking supervision, monetary
operations, and payments system reform.
The Evaluation and its Main Findings
Given the relatively large resources provided for TA to Sierra Leone, the evaluation
of the countrys TA program was warranted in its own right. It also served as a pilot for
other MFD evaluations. The evaluation was conducted through a review of the relevant
documents, a questionnaire shared with the Bank of Sierra Leone (BSL), and discussions
with individuals involved, both in Sierra Leoneduring a visit to Freetown in the period
December 39, 2004and among Fund staff.
Particularly, as regards banking supervision, there has been substantial
implementation of past action plans; as regards monetary operations, experience is more
mixed. The early stages of the banking supervision program focused on drafting manuals and
guidelines, and training staff; this has been substantially completed. Measures regarding onsite supervision have also been implemented. The BSL is on the way to developing a high
quality banking supervision function, although the next stagewhich will critically include
enforcement of supervisory requirementswill be particularly challenging.
Many of the elements in the early action plans on monetary operations were not
implemented at that time. It seems that this was due in part to mis-sequencing, in the sense
that the program was over-optimistic in its estimate of BSL staff capacity and resources.
Some of the recommendations focused, for instance, on developing a repo market, although
at the time there was still only limited understanding even of the workings of the primary
government debt markets. Meanwhile, the action plan for this area has been refocused to set
out more clearly the intervening steps toward full money market development.
Regarding the payments system, there have been important improvements in line with
program recommendations. Much more, however, remains to be done. One disappointment
has been the apparent lack of interest from the banking sector, perhaps due to banks concern
about cost implications. Another is the series of delays on certain critical components of the
program, such as the implementation of the contract to acquire the BankMaster system for
the BSL.
Other areas were rightly given lower priority in the TA program. The program
focused on a limited number of areas, given that there was a clear need in those areas, and
that both delivery and absorptive capacity were limited. Thus, the BSL organization was not
pursued after the initial visit, and foreign exchange markets were handled only as a
subsidiary element within monetary operations. At this stage, however, with the BSL
broadening its focus, foreign exchange and reserve management issues may be added into the
The BSL staff, Fund staff and experts, and outside observers consider that there has
been a considerable enhancement of staff capacity over the past three years. This has been
helped by the fact that the BSL has so far managed to retain the bulk of its staff and ensure
relative continuity in the occupancy of many of the key positions. On the other hand, there
are staff shortages in some of the newly emerging subject areas, as staff redeployments
toward those areas have not matched the increasing demands on them. Also, continuing
efforts need to be made to ensure that skills transferred to direct TA counterparts are
disseminated widely within the respective departments.
While substantial progress has been made, there remain serious risks to the further
enhancement of capacity at the BSL. The first is that macroeconomic developments make it
hard for the BSL to operate monetary policy successfully. Excess fiscal borrowing or
shortfalls in donor financing may reduce the ability of the authorities to manage the fiscal
deficit, thereby impeding the development of money and debt markets. The second risk
derives from the fact that, in the coming period, the BSL will be increasingly dependent on
other agencies, in particular the Ministry of Finance (MoF), for instance, in any forecasting
of fiscal flows. While efforts have been made to involve the MoF, intensified cooperation
will be needed.
A particular risk concerns the possible tenuousness in the transfer of skills in some
areas. The enhanced capacity in the BSL will only be sustainable if the newly-acquired skills
are passed from the individuals directly involved to the institution as a whole. In that regard,
the preparation of some written manuals, guidelines, and documentation on the BSL
continues to be a central element of the TA program. In the absence of these, past
enhancements in capacity would be particularly vulnerable to staff turnover or to outside
attempts to interfere with the proper carrying out of the BSLs function.
Overall, the Sierra Leone TA program of 20012004 has demonstrated some
remarkable successes. The completion of a range of off-site manuals and the development of
capacity in on-site banking supervision should stand the BSL well for the challenges ahead in
handling the banking sector. The development of the treasury bill market and initial steps
toward secondary market activity are important steps toward establishing capacity for sound
monetary management and the fostering of financial markets. And the introduction of a
book-entry system is an important milestone for the initiation of enhancements to the
payments and settlement systems.
These successes may be linked to certain key elements in the design of the TA
program and the responsiveness of the BSL. From November 2001, an integrated approach
was adopted for the delivery of TA with careful prioritization and sequencing; clear
specification of program objectives and interim stages; continuity and selectivity in expert
assignments; and their integration with the periodic multi-topic missions.
That said, in some areas, developments have not moved as quickly as initially
expected. Liquidity forecasting is still at a relatively early stage and there was limited initial
progress in developing monetary instruments. On the payments side, too, there have been
delays, for instance, in the implementation of the contract for introducing the BankMaster
system. While progress has been good on the banking supervision side, major challenges lie
ahead as the program moves on to the enforcement and restructuring stage.
To some extent, the delays may simply reflect the ambitious nature of the initial
scheduling or the refocusing of the agenda as the program proceeded, but other explanations
have been put forward. On the monetary side, initial recommendations may have
overestimated the extent of capacity in the BSL. Not all experts may have been adequately
skilled at transferring their expertise to their BSL counterparts. Capacity problems may have
been exacerbated by resource problems, since there was only limited redeployment of staff
toward the areas identified as priorities. And the lack of explicit ownership by some senior
management may have led to less-than-full commitment by some of the staff responsible for
taking the program forward.
Lessons Learned from the Evaluation
In some regards, the Sierra Leone program may serve as exemplary for other
intensive TA programs designed to enhance monetary and financial capacity, but some
lessons from the shortfalls might be learned. First, experience from the monetary side
indicates that capacity constraints may mean that one has to start at a rudimentary level in
order to get a program going. Second, formalization of the process for taking a program
forwardsuch as through a steering committee made up of all key participants that would
meet regularlycould help maintain the momentum, including during periods when
missions and experts were not in the country. Third, explicit assertion of ownership by senior
management at the principal TA recipient institutionfor instance, by signature on a
document setting out the main elements of a programcould help motivate staff and
encourage decisive action.
Program TA was delivered through a combination of long-term experts, staff from
IMF headquarters, and short-term experts identified for their operational experience at a
central bank, regulatory authority, or similar institution. The BCC supported this approach.
Due to acute capacity constraints, the recourse to long-term experts was critical to ensure
continuity in implementation of TA advice, and to enhance on-the-ground coordination of
TA provided by other donors such as the World Bank, the National Bank of Belgium, and the
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
The Evaluation and its Main Findings
The evaluation covered activities undertaken during the period May 2001April
2004. It was conducted by MFD staff who were not involved in the provision of TA to the
DRC during this period. The evaluation examined the implementation of the TA program by
two resident experts (a general advisor to the central bank governor and an internal audit
advisor), three multi-topic missions, and ten short-term expert visits.
The evaluation concluded that the program had yielded positive results. In particular,
the TA helped to: (a) strengthen the BCCs operational capacities, and reorganize the Foreign
Services Directorate (DES) in the foreign exchange area; (b) improve monetary instruments
and develop liquidity management in the monetary area; (c) overhaul the legal and regulatory
setup for, and reorganize, the Directorate of Supervision (DSIF); (d) establish new prudential
norms, and initiate oversight activities in the supervision area; and (e) develop risk mapping,
an audit charter, and an audit plan in the internal audit area.
The evaluation found that these positive results were attributable to the TA programs
design, strong ownership by the BCC, and the TA delivery modalities, as follows:
At the outset, MFD took an integrated approach in the program design, by selecting,
prioritizing, and sequencing a set of key measures framed in annual action plans, by
clearly defining program targets, and by choosing carefully experts for inclusion in
multi-topic missions. The selection of priority TA areas reflected the authorities
priorities in macroeconomic stabilization in the context of the Fund staff-monitored
program (SMP). Measures included in the action plans were well understood, had
been discussed extensively with the BCC staff, and took into account absorption
In the execution of the TA program, the evaluation noted the strong efforts made to
ensure continuity of both MFD staff and experts involved in the program. This resulted in
good relationships between Fund staff, the experts, and their BCC counterparts, as well as in
general consistency in successive action plans. There was also substantial continuity of
counterparts in the BCC, although staff rotations and shortages occasionally caused some
variation. In the rare instances when there was a break in continuity (e.g., unavailability of
the expert), the situation affected the proposed planning. The authorities stressed the
importance of continuity, particularly in the relationships between the expert and the BCC
staff, for the success of the TA program.
In general, coordination with other donors and TA providersnotably, the
World Bank and the National Bank of Belgium (BNB)worked well, owing to the efforts of
the resident experts serving as advisors to the Governor. The general advisor (up to
December 2003) was praised, among other things, for his ability to approach the World Bank
to get capacity-building projects moving. However, it was noted that room for improvement
exists in coordinating assistance with CIDA and the BCCs external consultants.2
Concerning expert selection, a major consideration initially was the DRCs postconflict environment in which experts had to work. The security situation never directly
imperiled the experts, but logistics, communications, and living conditions were challenging.
These factors hampered MFDs ability to attract peripatetic experts. Nevertheless, the
evaluation found the BCC to be very satisfied with most of the experts involved in the
program, including all those active in the program at the time of the evaluation. The major
factor for the generally positive assessments of experts was their direct operational
experience, and their ability to transfer that direct experience to the DRCs circumstances.
By the same token, where the BCC gave less-than-positive evaluations of experts, this was
attributed largely to the experts lack of operational experience, problems encountered in
transferring operational experience to local circumstances, or difficulty in taking into account
the circumstances of those whom they interacted with (e.g., family obligations making it
impossible for local staff to work beyond regular working hours).
Lessons Learned from the Evaluation
In some areas, and in certain respects, the BCC program could serve as a model for
other intensive TA programs designed to build central bank capacities. Some lessons that can
be drawn from the less positive results include:
First, in light of the central banks policy record (e.g., in monetary area) and its
capacity constraints, launching a TA program: (a) at a more rudimentary level;
(b) with practical training activities; and (c) with closely-timed visits by short-term
experts, could have facilitated better and faster assimilation of the reforms and fewer
delays in implementing action plans.
Coordination between the IMF resident experts and CIDA was practically non existent in
20032004. The BCC felt also that coordination with BNB in capacity-building activities
could have been stronger.
Third, the development of a broader and more comprehensive multi-year capacitybuilding program in priority TA areas, along with the commitment of senior
management to allocate the requisite financial resources, could have helped motivate
local staff and encourage them to act with determination.
Fourth, the TA program implementation was slower than expected. Although they
seemed realistic at the time of their formulation, the timetables for implementation of
the action plans turned out to be over ambitious. A key reason was that major factors
had not been taken into account, notably: (a) the necessity for government approvals
for key decisions in areas such as foreign exchange and banking supervision; and
(b) the highly centralized decision-making process within the BCC, which sometimes
led to delays in decisions being taken.
assistance was provided in the areas of central bank management, reform coordination,
central bank legislation, central bank accounting, payments system, international reserves
management, research activities, and banking supervision.
Overall, MFDs TA program in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was successful in
assisting the CBBH in building its capacity and in developing the financial sector. The
progress achieved in a few years is remarkable, considering the low starting point in terms of
institutional/technical capacity. Currently, BiH has a well functioning financial sector, with
private banks, an efficient payments system, ATM machines, and (for the moment) two
separate supervisory agencies. Initially, a foreigner managed the CBBH, but now BiH
nationals run the CBBH through the Executive Board, and manage all departments. The
currency board has been working well, and the CBBH has an accounting and modern
payments system that meet international standards.
The key to this success can be found in the appropriate sequencing and strong
ownership of the TA program. The simultaneous modernization of all main central bank
functions and the willingness of the authorities to implement reforms was particularly
important. The evaluation suggests that, except for a few slippages, all main TA objectives
were achieved. It is also important to emphasize the good coordination between EUR and
MFD. No issues were reported regarding coordination with other TA providers, in particular
with USAID in the area of supervision and payments system.
Notwithstanding this positive evaluation, there were a few drawbacks in the TA
program. To some extent, the existence of the Federation and the RS and two separate
supervisory agencies affected the delivery of TA in the areas of banking supervision and
payments system. The lack of harmonization and synchronization of the laws between the
two regions was also an impediment to the quick consolidation of central bank accounts. In
the area of research activities, the project of creating a full-fledged Research Department was
scaled down and higher priority placed in other areas. Finally, insufficient coordination with
FIN and STA complicated the reconciliation of accounts and monetary data presentation.
The evaluation makes an attempt to provide some concrete evidence of the impact
that MFDs TA had on the CBBH, the financial sector, and the economy as a whole. MFD
TA was very effective in building institutional and operational capacity at the BBBH. The
last MFD-appointed Governor worked very closely with the national vice-governor and
prepared him to take over the governors position in 2004. MFD staff was essential in the
finalization of the central bank law and in defusing initial political pressures regarding the
power-sharing in the CBBH. The central bank accounting system meets international
standards and CBBH accounts are published monthly in local newspapers and in the internet.
The modernization of the payments system is particularly noteworthy. BiH was the first
country of the former Yugoslavia able to dismantle, in about nine months, the old,
systemically risky payments system, and to replace it with a modern system in line with EU
The TA program achieved other important results. MFD assistance was instrumental
in creating a safe and transparent foreign exchange investment department. Investment
mistakes, which occurred in the past in the absence of a front-,middle-, and back-office, have
been eliminated. Although not fully developed, the Research Department provides policy
advice to the CBBH board and publishes monthly and annual reports. Some progress has also
been made with USAID and MFD assistance in the area of banking supervision. Key
prudential regulations are in place and an on-site inspection program to supervise banks on
an 18-month cycle is underway.
The establishment of a functioning central bank has greatly contributed to stabilize
the economy and to spur growth. Between 1999 and 2005, the economy grew at an annual
average of some 5.7 percent, while inflation was reduced from over 13 percent in 1998 to
less than 1 percent in 20022004. The financial sector, as measured by the M2/GDP ratio,
more than doubled from 24 percent in 1999 to about 55 percent in 2005. During the same
period, foreign reserves more than doubled, and commercial banks total assets more than
TA to Kosovo
MFD technical assistance to Kosovo has been provided under special circumstances,
since it is not a member of the IMF or of the World Bank. As a region within the former
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia severely affected by the war with Serbia, Kosovo has been
administered by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) on the basis of UN
Security Council Decision 1244 of June 10, 1999. After the end of the war, the UNMIK
requested technical assistance from the IMF. The IMFs Executive Board approved this
request, and MFD began providing TA in late 1999.
MFD had to face the challenge of helping develop a financial sector in a region that
was not officially recognized as a country, with no financial infrastructure, and scarce skills
and human capital. At the end of the conflict there was no central bank nor any banks
operating in the country, and all transactions were made in cash. In order to assist the local
authorities, MFD embarked on a comprehensive post-conflict TA program in cooperation
with other donors, in particular USAID and the EU.
An assessment of the technical assistance delivered by MFD to the Payments
Authority of Kosovo (BPK) covering the period 19992005 was conducted in March 2006.
MFD TA concentrated in the areas of central bank management, central bank accounting and
internal auditing, international reserves management, research activities, payments system,
banking regulation and supervision, and insurance supervision. MFD used a mix of advisory
missions (2.7 person-years), long-term experts (6.6 person-years), and short-term experts
(4.8 person-years).
MFD faced significant difficulties to deliver TA, especially in the initial phase of
implementation. This reflected the lack of human and financial resources, and the poor
economic infrastructure in Kosovo. Staff turnover at the BPK, in particular in the area of
banking supervision, was a major impediment to the delivery and implementation of TA. As
a result, and as expected, some delays have occurred in almost all areas of assistance.
One key step in the reconstruction program has been the creation of the BPK. The
BPK was grafted on the former Yugoslav payments bureau (ZPP/ZOP) as a payments center
and gradually evolved into a de facto central bank. Its Managing Director has been provided
by MFD since the BPK was established, with five MDs have been appointed so far. Since
Kosovo uses the euro as its currency, MFDs TA has focused on building capacity in all key
operational areas that are typical of a central bank without independent monetary policy.
USAID provided significant assistance and support to the BPK in the area of banking
supervision since its inception. USAID experts held positions of Deputy Managing Director
in charge of Supervision until February 2006, when this was changed to an Advisor position.
Similarly, an EU expert held the position of Deputy Managing Director in charge of
Operations until end-2005, and the EU has also provided TA in the payments systems area
management of the giro project (Kos-Giro). MFD has gradually increased its involvement in
banking and insurance supervision through the engagement of peripatetic experts.
The overall evaluation is largely positive. Considering the low starting levels of
institutional capacity, considerable progress has been achieved. Most of the TA objectives
have been achieved, in particular regarding the development of the accounting and payments
system. Coordination between EUR and MFD has been very good. Together with other TA
providers, MFD has succeeded in laying down the foundation of a modern financial sector
and in building human capacity to eventually manage the system. Although the economy is
still largely cash-oriented, a giro system for mass payments was recently introduced, the use
of credit cards is slowly taking off, accounting and audit operations are conducted by the
BPK, and a safe international reserves management system is in place. Bank supervision is
improving, and the Research Department publishes a monthly bulletin with data and analysis
of the financial sector. However, much remains to be done.
The evaluation notes that there has been less than full ownership of the TA program
in Kosovo, but ownership is increasing over time. As a region administered by UNMIK,
many important decisions are made by expatriates. In the case of BPK, Fund-appointed
expatriates have managed BPK since its inception in 1999. The involvement of Kosovar
officials has, nevertheless, increased and more decisions are now made by them. The
Chairman of the BPK Board has always been a Kosovar official and there are two Kosovar
Deputy Managing directors as members of the Board. All BPK departments are currently
managed by Kosovar officials.
There is a general consensus regarding the good quality of the majority of the staff
and experts that have contributed to the TA program. However, some reservations were
raised about the performance and skills of certain BPK Managing Directors appointed by
MFD. Considering that Kosovo uses the euro and has no independent monetary policy, one
of the major responsibilities of the BPK is the supervision of the financial sector. Therefore,
it seems that, in principle, an MD with a background in supervision (as the last two) would
have been a better selection at the outset. Alternatively, if the MD was not an expert in
supervision, some MFD staff visits should have been planned to coordinate the work with
USAID experts.
Although the TA program generally worked well, TA delivery could have been more
effective in the areas of research and banking supervision. The overly ambitious project of
developing a full-fledged Research Department had to be scaled down. A different point has
to be made in the area of banking supervision. The objective of fostering a sound banking
system has been jeopardized by problems that have recently emerged in the banking sector.
Although banking supervision received the largest share of TA resources, which were used to
establish a supervisory framework from scratch, including licensing, regulations, off-site
analysis, and on-site inspections, weaknesses have emerged that culminated in a recent bank
failure (March 2006). The evaluation viewed current problems to be a result of shortcomings
in the initial licensing procedures and enforcement practices of the BPK. While there have
been notable improvements in recent years in BPKs enforcement practices, better
interagency coordination might have led to prompter corrective action.
Overall, MFD TA was very effective in building capacity at the BPK. Accounting
and auditing have improved significantly and external audits can now take place. The
management of international reserves provides about 80 percent of BPK revenue. The
payments system is gradually developing and modernizing and banking and insurance
supervision capabilities are strengthening over time. The gradual progress made in
establishing the BPK and its activities in the financial sector have had an impact on the
economy as a whole. GDP stopped dropping in 2003 and positive growth was recorded in
2004. Inflation remains under control. Such progress was partly due to the increasing role of
the financial sector in the economy. The degree of financial intermediation, as measured by
the ratio of bank assets to GDP grew from 19 percent of GDP in 2002 to some 39 percent of
GDP in 2005. During the same period, private deposits in the banking sector doubled from
about 17 percent of GDP to 34 percent of GDP, and credit boomed from less than 4 percent
of GDP to an estimated 21 percent of GDP.
Lessons Learned from Both Evaluations
On the basis of MFDs experience in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, the
following lessons may be drawn for future TA projects, especially in relation to post-conflict
In the case of countries that are dollarized/euroized, or under a currency board, more
emphasis is placed on areas such as accounting, supervision, payments system, and
less on building up a full-fledged Research Department. Considering the limitation in
implementing monetary operations, it would be more efficient to provide peripatetic
experts rather than long-term advisors to support research activities.
In the capacity building phase, MFD missions should consider being more hands-on
oriented than report oriented. Short-term peripatetic experts and workshops are
preferable to MFD reports, in particular in the areas of accounting and reserves
IMF Area Departments should be better informed about the visit of peripatetic
experts and their assignments.
It would be desirable to limit the turnover of TA project managers and mission chiefs.
The Program has been updated to include a total of eight planned evaluations over the
period FY 20072009, a number of which are new since information about the Program was
provided to the Board in March 2004 (Table 2). The planned evaluations include a number of
subjects that are closely related to major policy initiatives in the Funds work in low-income
countries, and in that respect the lessons derived from those evaluations could be expected to
enrich the Funds work in non-TA areas.
Although the full cost of carrying out the evaluations is difficult to ascertain with
precision, it is estimated that on average, TA evaluations cost around $160,000 each. This
reflects the estimated cost of both past and planned evaluations. The average cost of carrying
out the evaluations already completed is about $150,000. This includes both staff time
(around 0.48 person years, or about $92,000)3 and the cost of hiring consultants and travel
(about $58,000). Regarding the planned evaluations, it is estimated that on average they will
cost $175,000 each, requiring 0.43 person years of staff time (equivalent to an estimated
$82,500)4 and $92,500 for hiring external consultants and travel costs.
It should be noted that the actual cost of individual evaluations can vary widely,
reflecting differences in the evaluations scoperanging from single-country programs, to
multi-country topics, to regional TA centersand whether they are conducted by Fund staff
or outside consultants. For example, the cost of completed evaluations range from about
$20,000 for the DRC and Sierra Leone programs, to about $330,000 for the evaluations of
the regional TA centers. For the evaluations featured in this paper, the LEG one cost around
$150,000.5 In contrast, MFDs internal evaluation of TA to the DRC consumed about 0.11
years of staff time, which translates into approximately $21,000.6 The Sierra Leone
evaluation was even less costly, since the bulk of the costs represented staff travel expenses,
which were minimized through bundling with TA activities in other regional countries.
A key objective of the Evaluation Program is that the findings of completed
evaluations be used to generate lessons that can feed back into the Funds TA program, so as
to strengthen its operations and effectiveness. While such lessons would be expected to feed
back into operational responses to future TA requirements, they would also be expected to
have a wider impact on the TA program itself. In that connection, highlighted below are
some operational responses arising from selected evaluations completed so far.
With respect to the evaluations of public financial management TA to Francophone
and Anglophone African countries, FAD has modified its TA policy on account of the
evaluation conclusions. The most significant operational lesson, now incorporated in TA
management, was to take a comprehensive and strategic approach to TA, including through
more intense dialogue with the authorities, area departments, and other TA providers. This
has resulted in FAD taking a medium-term view of TA needs and strategy in countries, and
adopting a common diagnostic implement (Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability
(PEFA)) in many cases. Also, the new approach has resulted in better coordination and
Comprising 0.07 years of staff time (or about $15,000, based on FY 2006 standard costs for
A9-A15 staff), and $135,000 for external consultant fees and travel.
in (FY)
Board Paper
(March 2004;
(March 2004;
(March 2004;
(June 2005;
Supplement 3)
(June 2005;
Supplement 1)
(June 2006)
TA to Sierra Leone
(June 2006)
(June 2006)
(June 2006)
TA to Kosovo
(June 2006)
in (FY)
Board Paper
In progress
FY 2007
In progress
FY 2007
FY 2008
TA Provided to Guatemala as a
Follow-up to the FSAP
FY 2008
FY 2008
FY 2009
FY 2009
FY 2009
Experience with implementation of the upstream approach for delivery of TA
in revenue administration (FAD)
The objective of the upstream approach is to achieve greater overall results and better use of
Fund resources by: (1) focusing FADs revenue administration work on the most critical
reform priorities and developing an agreed reform strategy with country authorities; and (2)
strengthening coordination with the World Bank and bilateral TA agencies which will largely
be responsible for supporting implementation of the reform strategy. The evaluation will
review FADs revenue administration TA provided to member countries over the past three
years. Key issues to be addressed include:
a description of the key features of the upstream approach and comparison with the
downstream approach (evaluated by an external consultant in 2000), to determine if these
features are appropriate for FAD revenue administration TA;
the approachs impact on FAD advice, to determine if the approach has improved
the effectiveness of FAD revenue administration TA;
the approachs impact on FAD resources, including steps taken by the relevant TA
divisions to adapt their organization, resources, and work processes;
the approachs impact on the authorities ownership of, and commitment to,
revenue administration reform;
the approachs impact on FADs coordination with the World Bank and other
donors; and
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the substance of FADs TA in helping countries
deal with the revenue effects of trade liberalization. The focus will be on policy aspects (so
that customs administration issues, in particular, would not be addressed), and will include in
particular FAD advice on both the design of trade tax reforms themselves (tempering revenue
considerations and the efficiency gains from reform), and accompanying changes in domestic
taxation. The evaluation would also reflect on FADs actual and potential analytical
contributions on this issue.
future strategy for PFM reforms (objectives, priorities, timeline, means, etc.), in order
to bring about significant and lasting improvements in the PFM systems of low-income
countries. The role of the main stakeholders (i.e., governments and TA partners) will also be
considered in this context.
The evaluation is expected to be conducted by three external consultants, supported by FAD
staff, and will involve a number of country visits.
The proposed evaluation aims at providing an assessment of the intensive TA that has been
delivered to the Bank of Guatemala (Banguat) and the Superintendency of Banks of
Guatemala. MFD has devoted considerable resources to assist Guatemala in strengthening
monetary and financial policies following the recommendations provided by the Financial
Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) in 2001. A number of missions were fielded using Fund
resources, which have resulted in sizable institutional, policy, and operational reforms. This
evaluation would allow the Fund to draw lessons to enhance the effectiveness of MFDs TA,
particularly assistance that is rendered as follow-up to FSAPs.
The evaluation will study MFDs TA to Guatemala in the various topics that are considered
integral components of monetary and financial policies. It will also examine the role played
by the country authorities benefiting from the project in terms of ownership, commitment,
and implementation of the TA recommendations. The evaluation will be conducted through
an examination of documents produced under the project since inception, including terms of
reference, back-to-office reports, mission reports associated with TA delivered, and through
interviews with representatives of country authorities and with Fund staff. The exercise will
be undertaken by IMF staff, including area department economists. Provision may need to be
made for an intermediate review of the evaluation prior to its finalization, to be undertaken
by an independent expert.
General Data Dissemination System (GDDS) project in Anglophone African
The GDDS Anglophone Africa TA project (launched in November 2001) has several
features that distinguishes it from the standard approach to TA that characterizes most of the
mainstream Fund TA in statistics. The project, which is funded by the United Kingdom
Department for International Development (DFID), has made it possible for STA to increase
TA to African countries by a significant volume. The proposed evaluation aims to provide an
assessment of the TA delivered under the project, including a review of its unique features
and their contribution to the effectiveness of the TA delivery. The evaluation should produce
useful findings that could assist with the design of STAs other TA programs and associated
The evaluation will cover project TA delivered to up to 14 Anglophone African countries in
four macroeconomic statistical areas and allied topics (e.g., institutional framework). The
evaluation will also examine the role played by the country authorities benefiting from the
project in terms of ownership and commitment.
It is proposed that the evaluation be undertaken mainly using assessments by IMF staff,
including area department economists, supplemented by a field mission of some two to three
weeks to review TA delivered in selected participating countries. The evaluation will
examine documents produced under the project since inception, including project review
documents, back-to-office reports, mission reports associated with TA delivered under the
project, responses to questionnaires, and interviews with representatives of country
authorities and with Fund staff. Provision may need to be made for an intermediate review of
the evaluation prior to its finalization, to be undertaken by an independent expert.
The statistical infrastructure in post-conflict countries tends to be extremely weak, with most
relevant institutions needing to re-establish themselves often from a zero base. Successful
TA to such countries requires modalities quite distinct from those applicable to other
countries. TA to post-conflict countries also need to be on a more sustained and intensive
basis. In recent years, STA has provided such TA in the form of resident advisors, peripatetic
expert missions, and short-term missions, responding to the most urgent needs of the relevant
METAC was established in October 2004, with the over-arching goal to assist countries and
territories in the Middle East region in strengthening their capacity for effective
macroeconomic management, and to support the regions integration into the world
economy. METAC was established to provide TA to ten beneficiary countries/territories over
an initial three-year period through November 2007. As anticipated in the METAC project
document, a mid-term external evaluation was foreseen after 18 months of operations, to
assess the Centers activities and performance and to formulate recommendations for the
Centers future.
The evaluation will assess the contribution of METAC in fostering economic reforms and
institution building in its beneficiary countries/territories, within the Funds core areas of
expertise. Issues of the Centers operational effectiveness will be addressed, and METACs
performance will be measured against the benefits that are characteristic of the Funds
regional center approach to TA delivery.
The evaluation will comprise a review of all relevant documentation, and the gathering of
information through meetings and telephone interviews with a broad cross-section of
representatives of METAC stakeholders. The exercise will be carried out by two senior
consultants, with one each to be selected by the METAC Steering Committee and the Fund.
To the extent possible, attempts will be made to engage evaluators who are either from, or
have experience with, the region.
Assessment of the effectiveness of the PRSP process for capacity building in
macroeconomic statistics (STA)
A number of PRSP countries have been encouraged, on a pilot basis, to include their GDDS
participation as a component in their PRSPs. This involves identification of plans for
improvement to the national statistical system that would enable the country to meet the
recommendations of the GDDS. The use of the PRSP for this purpose provides focus on
national priorities for statistical reforms, and could facilitate funding for such reforms.
The evaluation will examine the impact of the PRSP process on the effectiveness of the
statistics TA programs in pilot countries, and the implications for statistical capacity
building. The evaluation will also consider the role played by the country authorities and
donors as partners in this venture, and the extent to which earmarked budget resources made
a significant contribution.
It is proposed that the evaluation be undertaken mainly using assessments by Fund staff,
including area department economists, supplemented by a field mission of some two to three
weeks to assess the impact of the pilot program in selected countries. The evaluation will
examine documents associated with TA delivery, including project assessments, back-tooffice and mission reports, responses to questionnaires, and interviews with representatives
of country authorities and with Fund staff.