How The Train Turns
How The Train Turns
How The Train Turns
Now consider this. If you were to stand, facing east, then slowly turn in such a way that you are
facing north after one second, then that implies that you have an angular velocity of 2 rad/s (90/s).
Now, if you were to hold a two meter long stick in front of you, and repeat the same thing, in the
same span of time, every point on the stick would have the same angular velocity. That is, it would
cover the same angle during equal time intervals. The actual speed however (as any friend trying
to hold on to the other end of the stick and move along with you would tell you), is very different.
This is because of the distance between the axis of rotation (you) and the point (or friend), i.e. the
radius of the circle. Further away from the axis, a point has to cover a greater distance to cover the
same angle. The actual velocity (or speed, rather) (3), of a body undergoing uniform circular motion
therefore, is defined as the product of angular velocity, and the radius of the circle ( ), 3 = .
More the distance of a point from the center (greater R), more is the velocity of the point*
Now what does this have to do with anything? Well, the speed of rotation of a wheel, and the speed
of the object moving because of the wheel are different for the same reason. If a wheel was to make
1 rotation per second, it means that in one second it would cover a distance equal to its
circumference. This however, depends upon its radius. (So bigger the wheel, the faster you can travel
even if it has the same angular velocity).
By this argument, you dont really need the wheels of a car to rotate at different speeds to turn;
having one large wheel and one smaller wheel, rotating at the same speed would provide the same
result (Like a nail kept on an inclined surface does not roll off, it rotates about its nail head). The
distance covered by one of the wheels just has to be different from the other!
We human beings seem to instinctively know this concept of uniform circular motion. Everyone knows that
touching the blades of a rotating fan can be dangerous as opposed to touching the center of its rotation!
remain exactly on the track. So if it accidentally moves to the right, then the right wheels will be
turning on a larger radius, and the left on a smaller radius. This would cause the train to turn left,
back toward the equilibrium. If due to momentum it carries on too far, then the positions would be
revered, the wheels would cause the train to shift right, again towards the equilibrium position. This
often repeats when a train is moving in a straight line, giving rise to the very familiar swaying
movement that is usually associated with trains.
Thats how the train turns!
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