Fixation is usually the first step to prepare biological specimens for microscopy. Any
treatment which will preserve cell structure and its biochemical composition can be deemed
to be fixation. Of course, the quality of fixation is the key for all following steps which are
necessary in histological research. Hence, preservation of cells with minimal alteration of
morphology and virtually no loss of molecules is essential in tissue preservation. In this sense,
tissue fixation has to preserve the cells in as life-like a state as possible. Moreover, fixation
should protect biological specimens from the denaturing effects of dehydration and all further
Historically, the majority of fixative solutions and fixation procedures were developed for
light microscopic studies. The choice of a fixation protocol will largely depend on the
analyses to be performed. All processes of tissue preparation should be as reproducible as
possible. Obviously, there exists no ideal fixative for all study types. It can be even necessary
to apply different fixation protocols for different structural elements within a given tissue.
Organic and inorganic reagents have been used successfully for tissue stabilisation and a
number of histological stainings. One of the most commonly used fixatives in histology is still
formalin, i.e. formaldehyde dissolved in aqueous solutions (FOX CH et al., 1985; KIERNAN JA,
With the invention of the electron microscope it was soon realized that the usual fixation
schedules developed for light microscopy are not adequate for ultrastructural studies. With
regard to high resolution morphology, electron microscopy is going to be more exacting than
light microscopy. Common histopathological fixatives and tissue preparations allow not to
reveal ultrastructural details satisfactorily because of inherent artefacts such as shrinkage,
extraction and precipitation phenomena.
In the search for adequate fixatives for electron microscopy, major advances were made with
the introduction of glutaraldehyde as a primary fixative which is followed by osmium
tetroxide as a secondary fixative (SABATINI DD et al., 1963; SABATINI DD et al., 1964). The
convenience of this double fixation and the excellent preservation of fine structure has made
this procedure to be the standard in biological electron microscopy. The success of
glutaraldehyde, however, led to the reexamination of other aldehydes as primary fixatives. It
became obvious that f.e. formaldeyhde, freshly prepared from paraformaldehyde (ROBERTSON
JD et al., 1963), compares favourably with glutaraldehyde. Furthermore, mixtures of both
aldehydes and were found to be superior to either of the aldehydes used alone (KARNOVSKY
MJ, 1965).
Histological fixatives contain one or more reactive components. It can be expected that no
matter what reagent is used the molecular structures may become altered: either chemically
by reaction with molecules (e.g. cross-linking of proteins) or physically by precipitation. Both
actions can result in denaturation. Likewise, structures and biomolecules will be disrupted or
being lost during fixation (as well as afterwards during subsequent tissue processing). We
know by experience that fixation methods which offer good morphological preservation are
prone to pitfalls in cytochemical methods such as enzyme histochemistry or antigen-antibody
reactions in immunohistology. For this reason, cell and tissue fixation must be adapted to the
special needs. This is usually done by a number of defined trials to monitor morphological
integrity and molecular reactivity likewise.
Additive coagulant fixatives, e.g. chromic acid, mercuric chloride, picric acid.
A great number of factors will influence the fixation process. Many variables must be
cinsidered and controlled.
Time interval from removal of tissue to fixation: fixation should be started as fast as
possible. Also, avoid drying of tissue between the steps of tissue removal and fixation.
pH, buffering capacity and osmolality: fixation of animal cells is best carried out near
neutral pH. Hypertonic fixatives will lead to shrinkage, and hypotonic solutions result in
cell swelling.
Volume: a high ratio of fixative to tissue will ensure good fixation process. In this sense,
it is best to change the fixative solution several times during the fixation process.
Temperature: fixation is mainly a chemical process, thus, increasing the temperature will
increase the fixation speed.
Concentration: too low and too high a concentration will have adverse effects, and
artefacts can be produced.
Vehicles and additives: some salts can have denaturing effects while others such as
ammonium sulfate can stabilise proteins. Tannic acid can be useful because it penetrates
tissues easily and precipitates polypeptides and proteins. Phenol has an accelerating effect
on formaldehyde fixation. Transitional metal salts such as zinc sulfate helps in the
formation of insoluble protein and polypeptide complexes, thus enhancing antigen
preservation. It is possible to supplement fixatives with detergents with the aim to
enhance subsequent microtechniques. It must be noted, however, that this type of primary
fixation is limited to special applications because detergents in general have deleterious
effects on cellular details.
Duration of fixation: the optimal fixation time depends on multiple factors, f.e. on the
thickness of the tissue specimen and, of course, most of the above mentioned features of
the fixation process (temperature, buffering capacity, penetrability of the fixative
substances, volume ratios). Apart from loss of antigenic reactivity, prolonged fixation will
cause shrinkage and hardening of specimens. In certain cases, degradations can be also
The influence of different fixation methods such as osmolality, ionic strength etc. on the fine
structure and molecules of cells was shown impressively in the electron microscope
(MAUNSBACH AB, 1966a, 1966b; DOGGENWEILER CF and HEUSER JE, 1967).
Fixation procedures
Fixation of biological specimens can be realized by two typical ways: (a) perfusion fixation
via bloodflow; and (b) immersion fixation by which tissue samples are immersed into the
fixative solution. It depends on the type of tissue which procedure is to favour. Alternatively,
phase partition fixation may be preferred under certain conditions (LEIST DP et al., 1986).
Fixation is in most cases done by immersion of specimens into the fixative solution. Tissue
specimens should be placed in fixative as rapidly as possible after they have been removed
from the body. The fixative solution should be at least 20 times the volume of the tissue.
Furthermore, the fixative should be changed several times; the time of fixation is dependent
on the thickness of the tissue.
Perfusion fixation is generally preferred for large organs or when the fine structure of an
organ is critically dependent on a continous blood supply. A number of perfusion methods
have been published and, most probably, many more unpublished variants will exist. A
helpful description of perfusion fixation, perfusion fluids and the route of injection is given by
AM GLAUERT (1975).
In the case of cell smears or single cells which are collected on glass slides by
cytocentrifugation, merely air-drying may also act as a form of preservation. The
requirements of further fixation vary according to the techniques needed for the visualization
of morphological details and the molecules (cell function) to be studied. Cells in culture
growing as monolayer are first rinsed with balanced salt solution, then treated with fixative
(by immersion fixation). The choice of the right fixative and the right buffer solution is a
matter of careful selection since monolayer cells are unprotected against osmotic changes as
compared with cells in tissues.
The handling of isolated cells or cell fractions is sometimes difficult. Therefore, numerous
methods were developed to collect the cells and to perform a primary fixation. Usually,
centrifugation steps are included (RYTER A and KELLENBERGER E, 1958; MALAMED S, 1963;
MCCOMBS RM et al., 1968; SHANDS JW, 1968; FURTADO JS, 1970; SAWICKI W and LIPETZ J,
1971; KUHLMANN WD and VIRON A, 1972).
Cells are fixed in suspension by adding adequate volumes of fixation solution, followed
by centrifugation in order to obtain a pellet. Pellets are washed and further treated
depending on the selected study protocol.
Cells are first pelleted by centrifugation. After removal of the supernatant, fixative is
carefully added to the pellet so as to keep the pellet intact; alternatively, the pelleted cells
can be resuspended within the added fixative. Washed pellets (or centrifugation steps for
cell washings) are submitted to selective study protocols.
Cell suspensions or cell pellets which tend to disintegrate upon further handling can be
encapsulated by several means such as fibrin clotting, suspension in agar gel, crosslinking with bovine serum albumin and others.
In some cases, primary fixation will not be sufficient for cellular preservation so that the
specimens (tissue blocks, cells in suspension or as monolayers) have to be submitted to
postfixation. Postfixation in osmium is very common preparative step in electron microscopy.
In this case, fixed cell preparations are transferred from the washing buffer into a postfixation
solution of buffered osmium tetroxide which is followed by dehydration and embedding.
For a number of reasons, chemical fixation should to be avoided at all so as not to disturb
cellular fine structures and their molecular compositions. Thus, possible alternatives were
searched for, and with the advances made in freezing techniques, vitrous ice was found as a
useful tool in ultrastructural research by which both chemical fixation and chemical
embedding matrix can be avoided (PLATTNER H and BACHMANN L, 1982).
For most purposes, tissue fixation is done by chemical reactions. Two main types of fixatives
are regularly used in histology: cross-linking fixatives and coagulating fixatives. Especially
aldehydes and organic solvents are common. Fixation procedures based on water
replacement by substitution with inert molecules (e.g. ethylene glycol) and physical means
(freeze-drying, freeze-substitution etc.) can be very useful under certain conditions. Fixation
procedures based on water-soluble carbodiimides, periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde
mixtures and diethylpyrocarbonate vapors have also been suggested. Such fixations, however,
have not yet found widespread application.
We have to keep in mind: in performing their role in tissue stabilization, fixatives will change
the chemical and physical nature of cells, and this leads to denaturation of macromolecules by
additive condensation, intra- and intermolecular cross-linkages or coagulation. Sol-gel
transformations, protein networks, conformational changes are some of the results which can
make the tissue components inaccessible for molecular probes in histochemical studies.
Denaturation by fixation
There is a great variability in protein masking or denaturation among the different tissues by
use of the various fixatives. At least various effects of cross-linkage are obtained with
proteins possessing varying amounts of reactive lysine groups. It can be expected that
different polypeptide chains are linked randomly to give a blend of soluble and insoluble
polymers or copolymers. The final outcome in cells will be further modulated by factors such
as pH, ionic strength and the ratio of fixative to protein.
Differences in reactivity are intrinsic to the different antigenic epitopes under study. It must
be kept in mind that fixation is usually accompanied by alterations of the specific biological
nature, and that the extent of denaturation is always difficult to predict. Whereas the
antigenicity of small peptides like hormones appears to withstand fixation quite well,
proteinous antigens behave capriciously due to unpredictible influence on foldings of the
polypeptide chains and its antigenic structure. Upon the action of aldehydes on antigenic
sites, one can expect changes of immunochemical reactivity due to modification of amino
groups in some antigenic sites and due to conformational changes outside those sites. All
changes may occur at random, thus, fixation is a process which is difficult to control.
Changes of cellular characteristics are regular features in tissue fixation and a compromise
between structural conservation and retention of biological activity must be made. On the
other hand, attempts to reconstitute antigenicity can be tried. For instance, some epitope
retrieval may be achieved by tissue treatments with proteolytic enzymes (f.e. pronase), heat
(microwave), certain buffer solutions or by other formulas (which are usually individual
developments for the tissue under study) which enhance the sensitivity of histological antigen
staining and other molecular probe reactions.
Fixation solutions
Fixatives may be organic or inorganic in nature and irrespective of the classification as
additive or coagulant fixative (see above), the routine laboratory designates fixatives as
Organic solvents.
Oxidizing agents.
Aldehydes fix mainly by cross-linkages and are most widely used for fixation and also well
known from the tanning industry (GUSTAVSON KH, 1956). Then, mixtures of aldehydes (e.g.
paraformaldehyde) with periodate and lysine have been proposed (MCLEAN IW and NAKANE
PK, 1974; HIXSON DC et al., 1981). Organic solvents such as alcohols are protein denaturants
which are mainly employed for cytologic smears but rarely in classical histopathology.
Mercurials fix by a virtually unknown mechanism. Their best application is for fixation of
hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial tissues. Also, the way of fixation of oxidizing reagents
(e.g. permanganate, dichromate and osmium tetroxide fixatives) is not well known. They may
cross-link proteins and cause denaturation of proteins much more extensively than aldehyde
fixatives. Chromic salts form complexes with water and have a cross-linking effects which
are similar to that of aldehydes. Picrate fixatives are based on picric acid with an additive
coagulant mechanism of action. For detailed descriptions of fixative formulations and for
relevant references see also the chapter Fixatives.
Since the introduction of formaldehyde by F BLUM and O LOEW as potential fixative of
biological specimens (LOEW O, 1886; BLUM F, 1893; BLUM F, 1894; BLUM F, 1896), this
chemical has become one of the most commonly used fixative for routine histology and
immunohistology. Formaldehyde can be used either alone or in combination with other
chemicals. Though rapidly penetrating into tissue blocks, formaldehyde is not ideally crosslinking as compared with glutaraldehyde.The latter, however, penetrates tissues more slowly
and interferes with macromolecules more intensely than formaldehyde. To achieve
advantages and minimize the disadvantages of both fixatives for an optimal outcome, one can
prepare combinations and vary their concentrations in buffered solutions by trial and success.
Methanol free formaldehyde (preferentially prepared freshly from paraformaldehyde and used
either alone or in combination with other chemical substances) is a widely employed fixative
for immunohistological work. In principle, formaldehyde (HCHO) is a gas and this term
should be in fact restricted to that gas itself. Solutions of formaldehyde gas dissolved in water
are usually called formalin. Yet, the correct use of this terminology is not strictly applied (see
chapter Fixatives).
The molecular mechanisms of tissue fixation with formaldehyde are not well understood. A
number of studies indicate that formaldehyde reacts readily with biological macromolecules
such as proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides by the formation of cross-links, methylene
bridges according to BLUM (BLUM F, 1896). The most reactive sites are primary amino groups
(f.e. lysine) and thiols (cystein). Denaturation, intra- and intermolecular cross-links and
polymerization will considerably alter the characteristics of organic structures (FRAENKELCONRAT H et al., 1945; FRAENKEL-CONRAT H et al., 1947; FRAENKEL-CONRAT H and OLCOTT
HS, 1948a, 1948b; FRAENKEL-CONRAT H and MECHAM DK, 1949; HOPWOOD D, 1967;
HOPWOOD D, 1969a, 1969b; 1969d; 1969e; HOPWOOD D, 1970; MAYS ET et al., 1984;
Aqueous formaldehyde solutions preserve cellular structures by its reaction with peptides and
nucleic acids; in the presence of calcium, formalin is also useful as fixative for lipids.
Basically, fixation with formaldehyde molecules leads to addition products between aldehyde
and reactive amino groups (primarily with the residues of the basic amino acid lysine) by the
formation of reactive hydroxymethyl groups. Subsequent condensation occurs with other
neighboring amino groups to form methylene bridges between polypeptide chains (methylene
bridge cross-links); some of these reactions are partially reversible. Formalin fixation is
temperature dependent and progressive with time with profound change of macromolecular
conformation by changes of tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins. The final result can
lead to failure of subsequent antibody reactions and other molecular probe reactions.
In the selection of formalin as fixative and in consideration of special staining methods, one
has to reconcile that most of the formaldehyde induced cross-links occur at neutral pH. With
buffered formalin fixatives at neutrality, more cross-links are generated because hydrogen
ions from charged amino groups of protein side chains are dissociated resulting in uncharged
amino groups which contain reactive hydrogen to form the above described addition products.
In contrast, less cross-links occur with acid formalin solutions.
Fixation of tissue is more efficient with glutaraldehyde than with formaldehyde and relies on
its cross-linking properties. For reproducible results, highly purified glutaraldehyde is needed.
Besides the monomer, glutaraldehyde freqently may contain large amounts polymers, , unsaturated aldehydes after aldol condensation, glutaric acid and inorganic substances (see
BEILSTEINs Handbuch der Organischen Chemie E III 1.3111) which all together can initiate
unexpected reactions. In theses cases and when highly purified preparations are not available,
the degree of purification of glutaraldehyde can be improved by treatment with activated
charcoal and chromatography (e.g. Sephadex G-10), or better, by vacuum distillation over a
Vigreux column; the degree of purity P.I <0.2 (P.I = E235 nm : E280 nm) being strived for.
Methods of purification and standardization for fixation purposes have been published
The stabilizing effect is attributed to rapid and persistent intra- und intermolecular crosslinkages of tissue components. Glutaraldehyde is believed to react by a similar mechanism to
formaldehyde. Glutaraldehyde, however, will give a more tightly linked product: its greater
length as compared with formaldehyde and its two aldehyde groups allow glutaraldehyde to
link more distant pairs of protein molecules as formaldehyde. This type reaction is a factor
which makes glutaraldehyde an efficient fixative. The degree of cross-linking is progressive
with time, and depends on the accessibility of -amino groups by aldehyde groups which
leads to the formation of Schiff bases. Important aspects of the reaction of glutaraldehyde on
proteins, the cross-linking and the fixation process have been published (QUIOCHO FA and
and KNOWLES JR, 1968; HOPWOOD D, 1969a, 1969b, 1969d, 1969e; HOPWOOD D, 1970;
HOPWOOD D et al., 1970; KORN AH et al., 1972; PAYNE JW, 1973; MONSAN P et al., 1975).
Cross-linking fixatives tend to preserve the secondary structure of proteins and may also
protect tertiary structures as well. Yet, it must be kept in mind that this type of fixation can be
accompanied by an alteration of specific biological activity. The extent, however, is difficult
to predict and varies from tissue to tissue and from cell to cell. In the case of antigenic
epitopes, the action of aldehydes will modify one or several amino groups and may change
the reactive regions of the molecule. Thereby, the charge pattern of proteins can be changed
inducing conformational changes. Furthermore, conformational changes outside the antigenic
epitopes must be considered which will also influence protein denaturation. For more details
see chapter Artefactual staining in immunohistology.
Miscellaneous aldehydes
A number of other aldehydes are known and may be used for fixation procedures. For
example acrolein (acrylic aldehyde) which is mainly used in tanning industries. Solutions of
4% acrolein may be employed for histochemistry. This aldehyde produces more cross-links
than formaldehyde, it is, however, unstable at alkaline pH and tends to polymerize into
disacryl when exposed to light.
Glyoxal, malondialdeyhde, 2,3-butanedione and other di- or polyaldehydes are possible
alternatives to the above mentioned aldehydes for the purpose of histological fixation. They
are, however, rarely employed.
Water-soluble carbodiimides: compounds that react with and cross-link carboxyl groups.
They form cross-links between soluble proteins by joining C-termini and side chains of
glutamic and aspartic acid units. Carbodiimides are mainly used to prepare conjugates of
peptides and larger proteins.
Diimidoesters: theses reagents react rapidly with protein molecules by the formation of
cross-links (amidines). They have proved useful as fixatives in light and electron
Maleimides: reagents with mild cross-linking properties, useful for the preparation of
protein conjugates such as antibodies labeled with enzymes as markers.
Non-aldehyde fixatives
In order to avoid cross-linkage and other aldehyde-induced loss of reactivity of cellular
molecules, other fixatives were looked for as substitutes for aldehydes. Many of them are
coagulating fixatives which precipitate proteins, and ethanol is a typical representative. By
water removal with ethanol, hydrophobic interactions, which give many proteins their tertiary
structure, are (often) disrupted. These events will reduce the solubility of protein molecules
and result in denaturation.
The most common precipitating fixatives are ethanol, methanol and acetone. Acetic acid is
also a denaturant that is used in combination with other precipitating fixatives. Alcohols are
known to cause shrinkage of tissue while acetic acid alone leads to tissue swelling. The
combination of both reagents results in better preservation of morphology. In a number of
histological and immunohistological studies with a variety of organs, the great value of
ethanol-acetic acid fixatives could be clearly shown. Apart from immunohistology, this type
of fixation competed well with conventional formalin fixation with respect to routine
stainings and histochemical reactions (KUHLMANN WD, 1975; WURSTER K et al.,1978;
Oxidising fixatives react with various side chains of biomolecules (including proteins) leading
to the formation of cross-links which stabilize the tissue structure. Potassium permanganate,
potassium dichromate, chromic acid and osmium tetroxide are useful in certain specific
histological studies (BAKER JR, 1965a, 1965b; LUFT JH, 1956). Then, osmium tetroxide has
been often used as fixing reagent in light and electron microscopy (SCHULTZE M and
1959; MILLONIG G, 1961). The effect of some of the above fixatives on proteins has been
described in model experiments (LUFT JH and WOOD RL, 1963; HOPWOOD D, 1969c).
The value of osmium tetroxide for the preservation of cell structure has been already reported
in 1927 (STRANGEWAYS TSP and CANTI RG, 1927). With the development of electron
microscopy in the early 1950s, it became apparent that osmium tetroxide was by far the best
choice for the study of fine structure as compared with the then employed fixatives for light
microscopy (PALADE GE, 1952). The main disadvatage of osmium tetroxide is its slow
penetrability into tissue blocks. Furthermore, the ionic constitution of the buffer influences
the cellular fine structure (TRUMP BF and ERICSSON JLE, 1965) as well as the rate of osmium
penetration. Today, osmium tetroxide has still its important role as secondary fixative in
electron microscopy.
Other fixatives include picric acid and mercuric chloride. Both types of fixatives have proved
useful for special histological studies. The type of fixation, however, is poorly understood.
Recently, new fixative formulations have been proposed as alternatives to aldehydes, organic
solvents etc. with respect to histopathological diagnosis and immunohistology. One of these
promising fixatives is HOPE (HEPES-glutamic acid buffer-mediated organic solvent
protection effect) fixation. This fixative can be employed for cytospins and tissue blocks.
Fixation starts by overnight immersion of fresh tissue specimens into the aqueous protection
solution at low temperature followed by acetone dehydration, paraffin embedment and
microtomy (OLERT J et al., 2001; UMLAND O et al., 2003). Then, special kinds of ionic liquids
containing a heterocyclic cation and based on a substituted imidazole such as 1-methyl-3octyloxymethylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate were shown to be good fixatives with similar
effects as formalin (PERNAK A et al., 2005). All these new fixative formulations are of some
interest as formalin substitutes if they really function as fixatives rather than as tissue
preservatives that prevent autolysis. Further studies will show if those formalin subsitutes
have the advantage of little or no need for antigen retrieval since in many instances the use of
appropriate epitope retrieval allows immunostaining on formaldehyde fixed specimens.
Blum F (1893)
Blum F (1894)
Flemming W (1895)
Blum F (1896)
Strangeways TSP and Canti RG (1927)
Fraenkel-Conrath H et al. (1945)
Fraenkel-Conrath H et al. (1947)
Fraenkel-Conrath H and Olcott HS (1948a, 1948b)
Fraenkel-Conrath H and Mecham DK (1949)
Porter KR (1950)
Palade GE (1952)
Porter KR and Kallman F (1953)
Gustavson KH (1956)
Luft JH (1956)
Ryter A and Kellenberger E (1958)
Bennett HS and Luft JH (1959)
Millonig G (1961)
Luft JH and Wood RL (1963)
Malamed S (1963)
Robertson JD et al. (1963)
Sabatini DD et al. (1963)
Quiocho FA and Richards FM (1964)
Sabatini DD et al. (1964)
Anderson DR (1965)
Baker JR (1965a, 1965b)
Fahimi HD and Drochmans P (1965)
Karnovsky MJ (1965)
Trump BF and Ericsson JL (1965)
Glauert AM and Thornley MJ (1966)
Maunsbach AB (1966a, 1966b)
Anderson PJ (1967)
Charret R and Faur-Fremiet (1967)
Doggenweiler CF and Heuser JE (1967)
Hopwood D (1967)
Marikovsky Y and Danon D (1967)
Habeeb AJ and Hiramoto R (1968)
Hirsch JG and Fedorko ME (1968)
McCombs RM et al. (1968)
Richards FM and Knowles JR (1968)
Shands JW (1968)
Hopwood D (1969a, 1969b, 1969c, 1969d, 1969e)
Furtado JS (1970)
Hopwood D (1970)
Hopwood D et al. (1970)
Mayers CP (1970)
Sawicki W and Lipetz J (1971)
Korn AH et al. (1972)
Kuhlmann WD and Viron A (1972)
Payne JW (1973)
Bernard GR (1974)
Gordon HW and Daniel EJ (1974)
McLean IW and Nakane PK (1974)
Glauert AM (1975)
Kuhlmann WD (1975)
Monsan P et al. (1975)
Hand JW (1977)
Wurster K et al. (1978)
Hixson DC et al. (1981)
Plattner H and Bachmann L (1982)
Hopwood D et al. (1984)
Mays ET et al. (1984)
Fox CH et al. (1985)
Leong AS et al. (1985)
Login GR and Dvorak AM (1985)
Leist DP et al. (1986)
Login GR et al. (1986)
Login GR et al. (1991)
Mason JT and OLeary TJ (1991)
Ohtani H (1991)
Login GR et al. (1992)
Leong AS (1993)
Helander KG (1994)
Login GR and Dvorak AM (1994a, 1994b)
Giberson RT and Demaree RS (1995)
Giberson RT et al. (1997)
Olert J et al. (2001)
Umland O et al. (2003)
Tinling SP et al. (2004)
Pernak A et al. (2005)
Kuhlmann WD and Peschke P (2006)
Kiernan JA (2008)
Full version of citations in chapter References.