CICS TS Application Programming Guide

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TXSeries for Multiplatforms

CICS Application Programming Guide

Version 5.1


TXSeries for Multiplatforms

CICS Application Programming Guide

Version 5.1


Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Notices on page

Fourth Edition (March 2004)

This edition replaces SC09-4460-02.
Order publications through your IBM representative or through the IBM branch office serving your locality.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2004. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.

Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
About this book . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Who should read this book .
Document organization . .
How to send your comments
Conventions used in this book








. xi
. xi
. xii
. xii

Part 1. Writing applications . . . . . 1

Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS
application programming . . . . . . . 3
Why use CICS? . . . . . . . . . . . .
What does CICS do for you? . . . . . . . .
CICS transaction processing . . . . . . . .
The CICS family . . . . . . . . . . .
Transaction processing terms and concepts . .
Distributed transaction processing . . . . .
Developing applications within CICS . . . .
Developing client/server applications . . . .
How CICS runs your transactions . . . . . .
Components of the CICS runtime system . . .
How CICS executes your transactions . . .
The CICS application programming interface (API)
How to split the program logic . . . . . .
Summary of API presentation services . . .
Summary of API data services . . . . . .
Summary of API business logic . . . . . .
Summary of API problem determination logic .
CICS application development tools . . . . .
Presentation interface development . . . .
Application program translation . . . . .
Application program debugging . . . . .
Using transactions to call your program . . .
Summary of commands used in application
development . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of CICS-supplied transactions used in
application development . . . . . . . .
A sample transaction . . . . . . . . . .
Prerequisites for the Hello World transaction
To create a Hello World application . . .
To run the Hello World transaction . . . .

. 3
. 3
. 3
. 3
. 4
. 5
. 5
. 7
. 8
. 9
. 10
. 11
. 12
. 13
. 14
. 15
. 16
. 16
. 16
. 17
. 18
. 18
. 18
. 20
. 20
. 20

Chapter 2. CICS application design

considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 21
CICS transaction design efficiency considerations .
CICS program design efficiency considerations
Transaction data storage considerations . . .
Data management storage considerations . .
CICS environment efficiency considerations .
Efficiency issues for CICS locking functions .
Performance considerations for CICS developers .
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004

. 21
. 25
. 31
. 36
. 38
. 42


Improving performance of CICS application

programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Improving performance of database access . . .
Improving performance of DB2 file management
Improving performance of Oracle file
management . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using CICS with WebSphere MQ . . . . . . .

Chapter 3. Programming constraints

General programming considerations . . . . . .
Tabs in map and program sources . . . . . .
The use of DCE and operating system functions
Names reserved for CICS . . . . . . . . .
Thread safety . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CICS-safe functions . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the COBOL compilers . . . . . . . . .
Default options in EXEC CICS commands for
COBOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data declarations needed in COBOL . . . . .
COBOL program invocation environment (Micro
Focus Server Express COBOL only) On CICS on
Open Systems only . . . . . . . . . . .
COBOL program invocation environment (IBM
COBOL only) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calling programs from COBOL . . . . . . .
Working storage . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Available memory (Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL On CICS on Open Systems only) . . .
Mixing languages . . . . . . . . . . .
Passing integer data between C or C++ and
COBOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Returning from COBOL programs . . . . . .
Releasing resources . . . . . . . . . . .
Object-oriented COBOL support . . . . . .
Compiling EBCDIC-enabled COBOL programs
Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the C and the C++ compilers . . . . . .
Argument values in C and C++ . . . . . .
Delay processing the task (EXEC CICS DELAY)
Start a task (EXEC CICS START) . . . . . .
Time arguments . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defaulting options in CICS commands . . . .
Data declarations needed in C and C++ . . . .
C and C++ program invocation environment . .
Restriction in cached programs using variables in
static storage . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EXEC CICS address COMMAREA . . . . . .
Calling programs from C or C++ . . . . . .
Mixing languages . . . . . . . . . . .
EXEC CICS address EIB . . . . . . . . .
Releasing resources . . . . . . . . . . .
String handling . . . . . . . . . . . .
C++ considerations . . . . . . . . . . .
Returning from C and C++ programs . . . . .





Using the IBM PL/I compiler . . . . . . . .

Restriction in cached programs using variables in
static storage . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Default options in EXEC CICS commands for
PL/I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PL/I program invocation environment . . . .
Calling programs from PL/I . . . . . . . .
Data declarations needed for PL/I . . . . . .
OPTIONS(MAIN) specification . . . . . . .
Mixing languages . . . . . . . . . . .
Returning from PL/I programs . . . . . . .
Releasing resources . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 4. Coding for presentation

services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
What are the presentation services? . . . . . . 67
Terminal services . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
How text is formatted . . . . . . . . . . 68
Printing the text . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Terminal services design considerations . . . . 71
Basic mapping support (BMS) services . . . . . 71
Developing applications that use BMS services
Using BMS services in application programs . . 81
BMS design considerations . . . . . . . . . 94
Sending unformatted data . . . . . . . . 94
Sending formatted data . . . . . . . . . 95
Using the BMS macros to code BMS map sets . . . 97
Defining a map set . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Defining maps within a map set . . . . . . 98
Defining fields within a BMS map . . . . . . 99
Defining field groups . . . . . . . . . . 99
Terminating a map set definition . . . . . . 99
Coding the BMS definition macros . . . . . 100

Chapter 5. Coding for data services




Relationship between CICS and file managers . .

SFS consistency, isolation, and locking . . . .
DB2 concurrency and locking . . . . . . .
Oracle concurrency and locking . . . . . .
CICS and SFS performance with large files . .
Mixed resource manager applications . . . . .
File services . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using a VSAM perspective to examine
distributed CICS . . . . . . . . . . .
The types of files used by CICS . . . . . .
Accessing files from CICS application programs
Queue services . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Transient data queue services . . . . . . .
Temporary storage queue services . . . . .
Journal services. . . . . . . . . . . . .
CICS journaling . . . . . . . . . . .
Journal records . . . . . . . . . . . .
Journal output synchronization . . . . . .
Relational database services . . . . . . . .
SQL restrictions and relational database services
An example transaction for XA-enabled
relational databases . . . . . . . . . .
Writing a CICS application program by using an
ODBC API that accesses a Microsoft SQL Server
database (CICS for Windows only) . . . . .


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide




File processing using EXTFH with non-CICS

applications . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using DB2 EXTFH with Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL and Net Express . . . . .
Using Oracle EXTFH with Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL . . . . . . . . . .
Using SFS EXTFH with a Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL or Net Express runtime . .

Chapter 6. Coding for business logic

. 157
. 159
. 161
. 164


Introduction to business logic . . . . . . . .

Task initiation . . . . . . . . . . . .
Program execution services . . . . . . . . .
Application program logical levels . . . . .
Link to another program anticipating return . .
Transfer control from one program to another
Passing data to other programs . . . . . .
Passing integer data between programs . . .
Timer services . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Expiration times . . . . . . . . . . .
Request identifiers . . . . . . . . . . .
START TRANSID commands . . . . . . .
Synchronization services. . . . . . . . . .
Storage services . . . . . . . . . . . .
Task-private storage . . . . . . . . . .
Task-shared storage . . . . . . . . . .
CICS private shared storage . . . . . . .
Logical unit of work (LUW) services . . . . .
Possibility of transaction deadlock and its
avoidance . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Techniques for avoiding transaction deadlock
Configuration services . . . . . . . . . .
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . .
INQUIRE and SET commands . . . . . . .
EXEC interface block (EIB) . . . . . . . .


Part 2. Migrating Applications . . . 189

Chapter 7. Migrating CICS
applications to and from TXSeries
CICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Preparing to migrate your applications . . . .
What is migration? . . . . . . . . .
Controlling the migration process . . . .
Coexistence strategies . . . . . . . .
Tests and parallel running . . . . . . .
Migrating data . . . . . . . . . . .
Migration and the CICS-supplied transactions
Migration and CICS resource definitions . .
Migration and programming compatibility . .
Source language and compiler considerations
for migration . . . . . . . . . . .
Other programming considerations for
migration . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Migration and the API . . . . . . . . .
Overview of migration and the API . . . .
Presentation services API migration . . . .
Data services API migration . . . . . .


. 198
. 198

. 198


Part 3. Compiling Applications . . 211

Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and
link-editing CICS application
programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
The PL/I compiler . . . . . . . . . . .
Examples (CICS for Windows) . . . . . .
Source directories and link libraries . . . . . .
Translating, compiling, and link-editing in one step
Prerequisite Tasks . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caching transaction programs and NEWCOPY
(CICS for Windows) . . . . . . . . . .
Translating, compiling and link-editing in separate
steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How translation works . . . . . . . . .
Pre-translating COBOL copybooks . . . . .
The translation procedure . . . . . . . .
Requirements for compiling CICS application
programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compiling and linking a C application program
(CICS on Open Systems) . . . . . . . .
Compiling and linking a C application program
(CICS for Windows) . . . . . . . . . .
Compiling and linking a C++ program (CICS on
Open Systems) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compiling and linking a C++ program (CICS
for Windows) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compiling a Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL application program (CICS on Open
Systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compiling a Micro Focus Net Express COBOL
application program (CICS for Windows) . . .
Compiling an IBM COBOL application program
(CICS for Windows) . . . . . . . . . .
Compiling an IBM COBOL application program
(CICS on Open Systems) . . . . . . . .
Compiling a PL/I application program . . . .

Part 4. Debugging Applications









Chapter 10. Testing and debugging

your application . . . . . . . . . . 253
Preparing your application for testing . . . .
Useful tools for identifying problems . . .
Preparing your testing environment . . . .
Using standard CICS facilities to test your
application . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trace and dump . . . . . . . . . .
Journals and error handling . . . . . .
Using CICS-supplied transactions to test your
application . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Temporary Storage Browse (CEBR) . .
Using Command Level Interpreter (CECI) and
Syntax Checker (CECS) . . . . . . . .
Using Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF) .
Using CDCN and the IBM Application
Debugging Program (xldb) with CICS for AIX
only . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using a compilers integrated debugging tool to
debug CICS applications . . . . . . . .
Using debugging tools integrated with
compilers running on CICS for Windows . .
Using debugging tools integrated with
compilers running on CICS on Open Systems

. 253
. 253
. 254
. 254
. 254
. 255
. 255
. 255
. 256
. 257

. 258
. 263
. 263
. 269


Part 5. Appendixes . . . . . . . . 273


Appendix. CICS commands used in

application programming . . . . . . 275


Chapter 9. Coding for problem

determination . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Error-handling services . . . . . . . .
Handling error conditions . . . . . .
Letting the program continue . . . . .
Passing control to a specified label . . .
Relying on the system default action . .
Mixing methods . . . . . . . . .
How CICS keeps track of what to do . .
Handling attention identifiers (EXEC CICS
HANDLE AID) . . . . . . . . . .

Abend handling . . . . . .
Coding considerations for recovery
Debugging services . . . . . .
Using the API for trace services .
Dump . . . . . . . . . .
Performance monitoring services . .
The monitoring service . . . .
Statistics services . . . . . .




. 243

cicsmap - generate BMS map files .

cicstran - translates source code . .
cicstcl - translate, compile, and link .





. 276
. 278
. 281

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Trademarks and service marks

. 288

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


Locking (exclusive control) during updates to

nonrecoverable files . . . . . . . . .
Locking (exclusive control) during updates to
recoverable files . . . . . . . . . .
COBOL example using SEND TEXT to print
data . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example output from SEND TEXT . . . .

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004

. 39
. 39
. 70
. 71


Fixed-length record example . . . . . . 111

Variable-length record example . . . . . 112
Application programming logical levels
Use of INPUTMSG in a linked chain
Transaction deadlock (generalized) . . . . 185
Deciding whether to take the system default 241



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


Road map for the CICS Application

Programming Guide book . . . . . . . . xi
Conventions used in this book . . . . . . xii
Road map for Writing applications . . . . . 1
Non-CICS-safe functions . . . . . . . . 50
Default options in EXEC CICS commands for
COBOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
EXEC CICS default options for C and C++
Default options in EXEC CICS commands for
PL/I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Functions supported with minimum function
BMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Suffixes used for input map data structures
Suffixes used for output map data structures
Rules for acquiring storage . . . . . . . 86
EXEC CICS SEND MAP options . . . . . 87
Rules for cursor positioning . . . . . . . 88
EXEC CICS ASSIGN options . . . . . . . 88
Comparison of VSAM data set types and SFS
files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Fixed-length KSDS with no overlapping
alternate index fields in VSAM . . . . . . 114
Fixed-length KSDS with no overlapping
alternate index fields emulated in DB2 . . . 114
Variable-length KSDS with no overlapping
alternate index fields in VSAM . . . . . . 115
Variable-length KSDS with no overlapping
alternate index fields emulated in DB2 . . . 115
Variable-length KSDS with overlapping
alternate index fields in VSAM . . . . . . 115
Variable-length KSDS with overlapping
alternate index fields emulated in DB2 . . . 115
Fixed-length ESDS with no overlapping
alternate index fields in VSAM . . . . . . 117
Fixed-length ESDS with no overlapping
alternate index fields emulated in DB2 . . . 117
Variable-length ESDS with no overlapping
alternate index fields in VSAM . . . . . . 117

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


| 33.
| 34.
| 35.


Variable-length ESDS with no overlapping

alternate index fields emulated in DB2 . .
Variable-length ESDS with overlapping
alternate index fields in VSAM . . . . .
Variable-length ESDS with overlapping
alternate index fields emulated in DB2 . .
RRDS files in VSAM . . . . . . . .
RRDS files in emulated in DB2 . . . . .
Journal record format . . . . . . . .
Example transaction column definitions
Sample transaction for an XA-enabled
database . . . . . . . . . . . .
Support required for updating files from
non-CICS applications . . . . . . .
Environment variables used with the DB2
EXTFH on Windows . . . . . . . .
Environment variables used with the Oracle
EXTFH on Windows . . . . . . . .
EXTFH File Type Mappings . . . . . .
Environment Variables for Accessing SFS
Features from EXTFH Applications . . .
Road map for Migrating applications
Road map for Compiling applications
Source directories and link libraries . . .
Setting compile and link options for cicstcl
(CICS on Open Systems) . . . . . . .
Setting compile and link options for cicstcl
(CICS for Windows) . . . . . . . .
File names used by the cicstran command
Programming Language support . . . .
Road map for Debugging applications
Extensions of incoming files and resulting
intermediate files and transaction programs
on CICS on Open Systems . . . . . .
Extensions of incoming files and resulting
intermediate files and transaction programs
on CICS for Windows . . . . . . . .

. 117
. 118


. 149
. 157
. 160
. 163
. 170
. 171
. 214
. 214
. 215
. 219

. 281

. 282


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

About this book

This book describes the IBM TXSeries CICS application programming interface
(API). It contains information needed to prepare application programs using CICS
on AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and Windows systems. Supported programming
languages include COBOL, PL/I, C, and C++. (HP-UX does not support C++;
HP-UX and Solaris do not support PL/I.)

Who should read this book

The information about developing applications is intended mainly for:
v Experienced application programmers who are relatively new to CICS.
v Experienced CICS application programmers who need to know the difference
between application programming for TXSeries CICS and for other CICS
Systems administrators and systems analysts might also find the information in
this book useful.
The information about migration is intended for those responsible for planning
and implementing the migration to or from TXSeries CICS. It is not intended for
those users for whom TXSeries CICS is their first CICS system.

Document organization
Table 1. Road map for the CICS Application Programming Guide book
If you want to...

Refer to...

Know more about application programming, Part 1, Writing applications, on page 1.

designing efficient applications,
programming constraints, and coding for the
presentation, data, and business services.
Migrate your applications to and from CICS
on Open Systems

Chapter 7, Migrating CICS applications to

and from TXSeries CICS, on page 191.

Translate, compile, and link-edit your


Chapter 8, Translating, compiling, and

link-editing CICS application programs, on
page 213.

Code your applications for problem

determination, test, and debugging

Chapter 9, Coding for problem

determination, on page 233.

Understand the commands used in

application programming

CICS commands used in application

programming, on page 275.

Read about the conventions used in this



Read about the CICS on Open Systems

library and related books.

Bibliography on page 285.

Chapter 1 introduces concepts discussed in subsequent chapters, which describe

how to develop CICS applications contain guidance material and should be used
in conjunction with the CICS Application Programming Reference and the CICS
Intercommunication Guide.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


This book contains information about all TXSeries CICS products. Where the
information is different for a specific operating system, it is presented as follows:
v If the information is brief, the information is qualified by the product name in
line with the text, usually in a list or enclosed in parenthesis. Refer to the
following example:
/usr/lpp/cics on AIX
/opt/cics on HP-UX
/opt/cics on Solaris.
v If the information is more that a few words, but smaller than a page, it is
presented as shown:

On CICS for AIX only

Before you begin using the Hello World transaction, make sure that CICS
was installed with both the development and the production system

How to send your comments

Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and highest
quality information. If you have any comments about this book or any other
TXSeries documentation, send your comments by e-mail to [email protected].
Be sure to include the name of the book, the document number of the book, the
version of TXSeries, and, if applicable, the specific location of the information you
are commenting on (for example, a page number or table number).

Conventions used in this book

TXSeries documentation uses the following typographical and keying conventions.
Table 2. Conventions used in this book



Indicates values you must use literally, such as commands, functions, and resource
definition attributes and their values. When referring to graphical user interfaces
(GUIs), bold also indicates menus, menu items, labels, buttons, icons, and folders.


Indicates text you must enter at a command prompt. Monospace also indicates screen
text and code examples.


Indicates variable values you must provide (for example, you supply the name of a file
for file_name). Italics also indicates emphasis and the titles of books.


Enclose the names of keys on the keyboard.


Where x is the name of a key, indicates a control-character sequence. For example,

<Ctrl-c> means hold down the Ctrl key while you press the c key.


Refers to the key labeled with the word Return, the word Enter, or the left arrow.

Represents the UNIX command-shell prompt for a command that does not require
root privileges.

Represents the UNIX command-shell prompt for a command that requires root


Represents the Windows command prompt.


When used to describe a menu, shows a series of menu selections. For example, Select
File > New means From the File menu, select the New command.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Table 2. Conventions used in this book (continued)



Entering commands

When instructed to enter or issue a command, type the command and then press
<Return>. For example, the instruction Enter the ls command means type ls at a
command prompt and then press <Return>.


Enclose optional items in syntax descriptions.


Enclose lists from which you must choose an item in syntax descriptions.

Separates items in a list of choices enclosed in { } (braces) in syntax descriptions.


Ellipses in syntax descriptions indicate that you can repeat the preceding item one or
more times. Ellipses in examples indicate that information was omitted from the
example for the sake of brevity.


In function descriptions, indicates parameters whose values are used to pass data to
the function. These parameters are not used to return modified data to the calling
routine. (Do not include the IN declaration in your code.)


In function descriptions, indicates parameters whose values are used to return

modified data to the calling routine. These parameters are not used to pass data to the
function. (Do not include the OUT declaration in your code.)


In function descriptions, indicates parameters whose values are passed to the function,
modified by the function, and returned to the calling routine. These parameters serve
as both IN and OUT parameters. (Do not include the INOUT declaration in your code.)
Indicates the full path name where the CICS product is installed; for example,
C:\opt\TXSeries\cics on Windows or /opt/cics on Solaris. If the environment
variable named CICS is set to the product path name, you can use the examples
exactly as shown; otherwise, you must replace all instances of $CICS with the CICS
product path name.

CICS on Open Systems

| TXSeries CICS

Refers collectively to the CICS product for all supported UNIX platforms.
Refers collectively to the CICS for AIX, CICS for HP-UX, CICS for Solaris, and CICS
for Windows products.
Refers generically to the CICS on Open Systems and CICS for Windows products.
References to a specific version of a CICS on Open Systems product are used to
highlight differences between CICS on Open Systems products. Other CICS products
in the CICS Family are distinguished by their operating system (for example, CICS for
OS/2 or IBM mainframe-based CICS for the ESA, MVS, and VSE platforms).

About this book



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Part 1. Writing applications

Table 3. Road map for Writing applications
If you want to...

Refer to...

Look up transaction processing, look up the

application programming interface, see the
application development tools, view a
sample transaction.

Chapter 1, Introduction to CICS application

programming, on page 3

Design efficient applications that store data

within and across transactions, know about
data operations, Look up CICS locking and
updating files from non-CICS applications.

Chapter 2, CICS application design

considerations, on page 21

Look up programming constraints caused by Chapter 3, Programming constraints, on

COBOL, C and C++ compilers.
page 49
Look up coding for presentation services.

Chapter 4, Coding for presentation

services, on page 67

Look up coding for data services.

Chapter 5, Coding for data services, on

page 101

Look up coding for business logic parts of

the application.

Chapter 6, Coding for business logic, on

page 173.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS application programming

This chapter provides you with an introduction to application programming
concepts used in the CICS application programming interface. The topics discussed
v Transaction processing with CICS from a CICS family perspective
v How CICS runs your transactions
v The CICS application programming interface (API)
v The CICS application development tools

Why use CICS?

Online transaction-processing systems (OLTP) can provide accurate, up-to-date
information within seconds, from terminals that can give direct access to data held
either as files or databases. Developing such a system would be a major
undertaking, particularly if you had to write all your own control programs for
handling terminals, files, and databases, and provide your own transaction
processing mechanisms. However, CICS supplies all the transaction processing and
resource management functions, allowing you to concentrate on developing
application programs to meet your organizations business needs.

What does CICS do for you?

CICS controls OLTP application programs in a distributed transaction processing
(DTP) environment. CICS handles interactions between terminal users and your
application programs. Your programs gain access to the CICS facilities with
straightforward, high-level commands.
CICS provides:
v Communication functions to terminals and systems required by application
v Control of concurrently running programs serving online users
v Facilities for accessing databases and files
v The ability to communicate with other CICS family members using Systems
Network Architecture (SNA) and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
v Interactive facilities to configure your system
v Recovery processing and data protection if a problem occurs

CICS transaction processing

This section describes general concepts used in CICS application programming.
The CICS family of products is described, as well as transaction processing,
distributed and cooperative transaction processing, and LAN-based client/server
transaction processing.

The CICS family

The Customer Information Control System (CICS) is a general-purpose data
communication and online transaction-processing system that is capable of
supporting a network of many thousands of terminals. It acts as a specialized
operating system that provides the environment for the execution of online
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004

application programs, including interfaces to files and database products. The CICS
family has a long history and wide acceptance in transaction processing. The key
features of the CICS family are the common application programming interface
and easy-to-use communications. These allow significant source compatibility and
access to data and services across CICS systems. The members of the CICS family
satisfy these requirements in various ways.
The CICS family members are often grouped when describing common
characteristics. Those groups are:
v IBM CICS for Windows
v CICS on Open Systems
CICS for AIX offers CICS capabilities for transaction processing on the IBM
RISC System/6000, the IBM workstation for scientific and commercial
IBM CICS for HP-UX offers CICS capabilities for transaction processing on
Hewlett-Packards HP 9000 Series 800 Corporate Business Servers.
CICS for Solaris offers CICS capabilities for transaction processing on the
SUN Solaris Operating Environment.
v IBM mainframe-based CICS
CICS for MVS/ESA for the MVS/ESA environment provides transaction
processing for large mainframe centers and for large distributed sites.
CICS/MVS for the MVS/XA and MVS/ESA environments also provides
transaction processing for the large mainframe center.
CICS/VSE for the VSE/ESA environment provides transaction processing for
the intermediate central site as well as distributed user locations requiring
volume transaction processing.
CICS/DOS/VS for the VSE/SP environment provides transaction processing
for small- to medium-sized businesses.
The following CICS products are also available:
v CICS/400 for the OS/400 environment provides CICS capabilities for online
transaction processing on the AS/400, the IBM midrange processor for business
and commercial applications.
v CICS OS/2 provides CICS capabilities for transaction processing on PCs running
OS/2. It also provides transaction processing for the distributed location where
the PC can access data locally or at the mainframe.
See CICS Family: API Structure and CICS Family: Interproduct Communication for
related information.

Transaction processing terms and concepts

A transaction is a unit of processing that consists of one or more application
programs. A transaction is initiated by a single request, often from a terminal,
usually using a four-character transaction identifier. A transaction may require the
initiation of one or more tasks for its execution.
A task is a single instance of the execution of a transaction. CICS, in conjunction
with the operating system, manages the control of multiple tasks by allocating a
system process to each task. Then, while one task is waiting (for example, to read a
file or to get a response from a terminal), the operating system can give control to
another task.

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

The processing done by the transaction processing system can be grouped into
logical units of work (LUWs). Each LUW is a set of related changes to data. For
example, in an accounting system, one LUW comprises updating accounts payable,
updating the books, and creating a check. The work performed by each LUW is
completely separate from the work performed by any other LUW. If the LUW
changes multiple resources they are either all changed successfully or none of them
are. The transaction processing system ensures that, when there are multiple users
accessing the resources, the partial changes made in one LUW are not made
available to other users until the LUW is completed. Once an LUW has been
completed, its changes are permanent.
For more information on transaction processing, see Concepts and Planning.

Distributed transaction processing

CICS provides a large set of intercommunication services between its family
members. These services support:
v Function shipping, which enables application programs to access resources in
another CICS system.
v Distributed transaction processing, which enables transactions running in one CICS
system to initiate and communicate synchronously with transactions in another
CICS system.
v Distributed program link (DPL), which allow CICS transactions to link to
programs on any connected CICS system. For example, CICS applications can
have access to programs that access databases on a host system.
v Asynchronous transaction processing, which allows a CICS transaction to initiate an
independent transaction in a connected system and to pass data to it.
v Transaction routing, which allows operators of terminals owned by one CICS
system to run transactions in any connected CICS system.
v Advanced program-to-program communications (APPC), which enables CICS
programs to send and receive data from a program running in a remote system.
Programming using APPC conversations is called Distributed Transaction
Programming (DTP).
See the CICS Intercommunication Guide for information about writing application
programs in a CICS intercommunication environment. See the CICS Family: API
Structure and the CICS Family: Interproduct Communication for related information.

Developing applications within CICS

CICS is a general purpose online transaction processing (OLTP) system that
provides an environment for running online transactions. You write a CICS
program in much the same way as you write any other program. Most of the
processing logic is expressed in standard language statements, but you use CICS
commands for some functions. These commands are typically embedded in your
application, preceded by the phrase EXEC CICS. For example:

The program source file is then translated (using the cicstran program) prior to
being compiled, though translation and compilation can be done in one step with
the cicstcl command. See Chapter 8, Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS
application programs, on page 213 for more information.
CICS on Open Systems and CICS for Windows support various compilers and
Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS application programming

CICS for AIX supports the following:

v IBM C and C++ for AIX
v IBM VisualAge C++
v Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
v Java Development Kit (JDK)
CICS for Solaris supports the following:
v Sun Workshop Compilers C/C++
v Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
CICS for HP-UX supports the following:
v Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
CICS for Windows supports the following:
v IBM Visual Age C++ for Windows
v Microsoft Visual C++
v IBM VisualAge COBOL for Windows
v Micro Focus Net Express COBOL
v IBM VisualAge PL/I Enterprise
See the TXSeries Release Notes for the specific versions of this software supported
for the current release.

How a CICS-based application differs from a batch application

Recovery processing for an online application is more complex than for a batch
system. In a batch application, input data is prepared before processing begins. The
data is then supplied to the batch process in an orderly sequence, which is
controlled and predictable. With a batch program, you can repeat the processing,
or continue it from the point of failure. In a CICS application, input data is not
prepared. The application user enters the data as needed while the application is
running, and the data arrives in an unpredictable sequence. With an online
application, you cannot simply rerun the application or continue from the point of
failure because the state of the process is unknown. Online application programs
require mechanisms to ensure that each resource associated with an interrupted
online application is returned to a known state, so that processing can be restarted

Application program development life cycle

Application program design is an iterative process. Decisions about the user
interface affect transaction definitions, which in turn, cause a slight change in
specifications, and the whole cycle begins again. A simple development life cycle
can include steps to:
1. Define the problem: Specify broadly, the function required. This will come
from the user departments within your organization.
2. Design the transactions: You need to define transactions and logical units of
work (LUWs) to perform the defined functions. You must consider several
points when designing these transactions:
v The requirements imposed by the environment. This includes terminal type
and size, data storage format, and security requirements.

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v The machine usage, response times and transaction availability.

v The type, size, and quantity of records to be processed.
v The IBM 3270 Information Display System that CICS emulates. This is how
your applications communicate with the application user.
v The efficiency and usability of the application. These are major goals in any
v The screen layout of your user interface, the consistency between screens, the
number of expected keystrokes, and the number of confirmation messages
issued to reassure users.
v The difference in constraints between online processing and batch
v The exceptional conditions that come with new considerations for an online
v The level of programming specifications and the availability of up-to-date
system information.
3. Write the application program: Considerations include:
v Choosing a programming language
v Deciding how your application program uses the BMS screens
v Defining screens with Basic Mapping Support (BMS)
v Saving data and communicating between transactions
4. Translate and compile the application program.
5. Test the application program.

Developing client/server applications

In TXSeries CICS there are two application programming interfaces that allow
non-CICS applications in a client system to use the facilities of CICS in a connected
server system. Those interfaces are:
v The external call interface (ECI)
v The external presentation interface (EPI)

The external call interface (ECI)

With the ECI, you can write applications that:
v Call a CICS program in a CICS server from a non-CICS program
v Connect to several servers at the same time
v Have several outstanding program calls at the same time
v Access CICS programs, files, transient data queues, temporary storage, and
v Exchange data between the client and the server
The ECI application programs make synchronous or asynchronous calls.
Synchronous calls return control when the called program completes; the
information returned is immediately available. Asynchronous calls return control
without reference to the completion of the called program, and the application is
notified when the information becomes available.
Calls may be extended, that is a single logical unit of work may cover more than
one successive call, though only one call can be active for each logical unit of work
at a time. The application can manage multiple logical units of work concurrently
if it uses asynchronous calls.
The called program can:
v Update resources on its own system.
Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS application programming

v Use distributed program link (DPL) to call CICS programs on other systems.
v Access resources on other CICS systems with function shipping or distributed
transaction processing (DTP).
The ECI consists of three types of calls:
1. Program link calls that cause a CICS program to be executed on a CICS server.
2. Status information calls that retrieve status information about the application
and its connection to the CICS server.
3. Reply solicitation calls that retrieve information after asynchronous program
link or asynchronous status information calls.
Also available with the ECI is the ability to retrieve information about available
servers to which the calls are directed.

The external presentation interface (EPI)

With the EPI, you can write applications that:
v Allow a non-CICS application program to be viewed as a 3270 terminal by a
CICS server system to which it is connected.
v Connect to several servers at the same time.
v Have several outstanding program calls at the same time.
v Schedule transactions, where the application acts as the principal facility.
In CICS servers that support access through the EPI, other CICS transactions
running in the server can use the START command to schedule transactions that
will use the non-CICS application as their principal facility. When a transaction is
initiated, 3270 datastreams and events are passed between the CICS server and the
application. The application can present the contents of the terminal I/O to its user
in any manner appropriate to the applications operating environment.
Transactions may be routed to other CICS systems by standard transaction routing.
Resources on other CICS systems can be accessed with function shipping.
The EPI consists of functions, data structures, and events. The EPI functions define
application programming calls, such as installing new terminals to be controlled by
the process, sending data from a terminal, and terminating the process. The EPI
data structures define EPI data, such as reason codes, details of events, terminal
details, and sense codes. The EPI events are used to respond to events that occur
against a terminal, such as when a transaction sends data and is expecting a reply.

Writing ECI and EPI application programs

ECI and EPI application programs that run on CICS on Open Systems clients may
be written in COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I. Programs that do not make operating
system specific calls are portable between CICS on Open Systems clients and other
IBM CICS Universal Client products. Application programs can use the facilities of
both the ECI and the EPI.
See the CICS Family: Client/Server Programming for related information.

How CICS runs your transactions

This section describes how CICS transactions and application programs are run.

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Note: The term program can have different meanings in different contexts.
Therefore, the terms CICS program, application program, executable, COBOL
program, and loadable object are used when the use of program is otherwise
misleading or unclear.

Components of the CICS runtime system

The major components of TXSeries CICS are:
v The IBM CICS clients that you use to attach to a CICS region and through which
you run CICS transactions.
v The transaction scheduler, a component that receives requests to run transactions,
prioritizes and schedules them, and dispatches them to an application server for
v A pool of application servers that execute the transactions and interact with the
CICS on Open Systems client processes to send and receive terminal input and
v One or more Structured File Servers (SFS) that house the CICS files, intrapartition
transient data queues, auxiliary temporary storage queues belonging to your
region, and asynchronous processing local queues.
v A PPC Gateway server used for intersystem communication across SNA networks.
A PPC Gateway server is only required for synchronization level 2
communications across SNA.

Interacting with the CICS region

On CICS for Windows you interact with a CICS region through the CICS on Open
Systems clients or by using Telnet in conjunction with the cicsteld process.
On CICS on Open Systems you interact with a CICS region by running either the
cicsterm or cicsteld process or a replaceable CICS client process on your local
terminal. cicstermp runs on a printer. These are all multi-threaded CICS processes.
Your local terminal does not have to be located on the same node as the region to
which you wish to be attached, and it is not necessary to have all your CICS on
Open Systems client processes on the same nodes. Because of this flexibility, CICS
communicates between a CICS client and the region by using remote procedure
calls (RPCs). If your terminal is remote to the node housing the region, network
traffic is involved in sending the RPC to and from your CICS on Open Systems
client process. If it is local, no network traffic is involved, but a communication
path still has to be set up between the CICS on Open Systems client process and
the region. The CICS on Open Systems client processes communicate using RPCs
both with the transaction scheduler and the application server processing the
current transaction.
See the CICS Administration Reference and the CICS Administration Guide for related

Transaction scheduler
This CICS component is responsible for scheduling and dispatching the transaction
to be run. Each user, device and transaction has an associated priority; when you
submit a transaction the scheduler computes an overall priority for it which it uses
to prioritize requests in times of heavy demand. When able to do so, it dispatches
the transaction request to an available application server for processing.

Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS application programming

The scheduler communicates with the application server and the CICS on Open
Systems client. The scheduler, as the controller of the overall workload, also
controls the number of application servers in the region.

Application servers
An application server is a multi-threaded CICS process providing a complete
environment for running a CICS transaction. If your transaction is conversational,
it will be processed by exactly one application server, but if it is
pseudoconversational each transaction in the sequence may in turn be executed by
a different server.
When you configure CICS, you specify the minimum and maximum number of
servers for your region. The transaction scheduler ensures that this minimum
number is always present, and creates and destroys servers up to the defined
maximum number depending on the overall workload.
All the application servers in the pool have to be located on the same node, but do
not need to be on the same node as the CICS on Open Systems client. They
communicate with each other using signals and shared memory, and use RPCs to
communicate with the other components of the region.

Structured File Server (SFS)

Your region will use one or more SFSs, or optionally a relational database
supported by your system, such as DB2 on AIX.. CICS provides several commands
to allow you to access SFS files. In addition, intrapartition transient data queues,
auxiliary temporary storage queues, and asynchronous processing local queues
store their data in SFS files. All access to SFSs occurs through application servers;
the application server, a server in its own right to CICS, becomes a client of SFS.
There is no need to locate all the SFSs on the same node, or on the same node as
the application servers. Communication is with RPCs.

PPC Gateway server

A region can use one or more PPC Gateway server servers to access SNA hosts. As
with SFS, an application server becomes a client of the PPC Gateway server. See
the CICS Intercommunication Guide for more information about using the PPC
Gateway server to access SNA hosts.

How CICS executes your transactions

There are two steps in this process:
1. Requesting a transaction to be run
2. Executing the transaction

Requesting a transaction to be run

When you enter a CICS transaction identifier through an CICS on Open Systems
client, the transaction scheduler selects an application server to run the transaction.

Executing the transaction

When you link-edit a CICS program to be run under CICS (for example using
cicstcl to translate, compile and link), the object you create is not directly
executable by the operating system both because it contains some unresolved
symbols and because it expects to be run by a CICS application server. The CICS
application server provides a complete environment for running the loadable
objects produced by cicstcl. To run your transaction, CICS looks up the name and
location of its first CICS program, and uses the operating system dynamic loading
facility to load that program into the application server. The unresolved symbols in
the program are then resolved by symbols provided by the server and the program


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

begins execution. This applies irrespective of the language the program is written
in. Programs produced by the supported compilers are shared automatically
between multiple application servers on the same machine. A copy of the program
is loaded by each application server that is requested to run it.

The CICS application programming interface (API)

CICS offers a common set of programming commands that are used to request
CICS services from an application program. This set of commands is referred to as
the application programming interface (API). Because the API is common to all CICS
family members, CICS applications can be moved from one platform to another.
The commands are statements that you include at appropriate points in your
application program to perform a variety of programming functions. If you are
familiar with CICS mainframe products, you should note that TXSeries CICS
support command-level, but not macro-level, application programs.
You can find full reference information for each of the CICS commands available in
the CICS Application Programming Reference. Refer also to Chapter 7, Migrating
CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS, on page 191 for information about
preparing applications developed on other platforms to run with either CICS on
Open Systems or CICS for Windows.
Note: TXSeries CICS support a subset of the CICS API commands. When
migrating applications, it is important to note that some commands are not
available with all CICS products. Refer to the application programming
information for each CICS product as well as CICS Family: API Structure for

How to split the program logic

The basis of application design is the split of program logic into modules, in much
the same way as for traditional modular and structured programming. In general
terms, there are three parts to an application:
v Presentation services
v Data services
v Business logic
v Problem determination logic
Presentation services
Presentation services are used for communication between the end user
and the transaction processing system. Presentation services interface with
the presentation management facilities of the system, which may or may
not be part of CICS.
See Summary of API presentation services on page 12 and Chapter 4,
Coding for presentation services, on page 67 for information about the
CICS commands and facilities provided for presentation services.
Data services
Data services are used to retrieve and update data. Data services interface
with the CICS data management facilities.
See Summary of API data services on page 13 and Chapter 5, Coding
for data services, on page 101 for information about the CICS commands
and facilities provided for data services.
Business logic
Business logic, which forms the bulk of the processing, performs the data
Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS application programming


manipulation and computation required by the transaction. Subdivide your

business logic in such a way that each module provides a separate service.
For example, you could have modules for:
v Checking the validity of your input data
v Handling communications
v Performing data access
v Accessing system information
v Setting up your processing environment
v Requesting system services
This technique of dividing up your business logic is known as isolation.
Designing your applications in this way can give you a number of benefits,
such as:
v Enhanced portability for distribution of applications across CICS
v Enhanced programmer productivity because code can be reused in other
v Reduced maintenance costs because similar functions are grouped
together, making it easier to locate and modify code.
v Well-defined interfaces, making it easier to add new modules or to
replace outdated ones.
See Summary of API business logic on page 14 and Chapter 6, Coding
for business logic, on page 173 for information about the CICS commands
and services provided for business logic.
Refer also to Using CICS-supplied transactions to test your application
on page 255.
Problem determination logic
Problem determination logic is used to handle error situations and to aid
in the development and debugging of applications.
See Summary of API problem determination logic on page 15 and
Chapter 9, Coding for problem determination, on page 233 for
information about the CICS commands and services provided for problem
determination logic.
For information about application programming for distributed transaction
processes, refer to the CICS Intercommunication Guide.

Summary of API presentation services

There are two ways to write applications that interact with terminals in CICS:
v Basic Mapping Support (BMS)
v Terminal Services

Using Basic Mapping Support (BMS) in CICS

BMS provides both device and format independence for display terminals and
printers. Device independence means that you do not need to know the control
characteristics of the terminal. Format independence simplifies the positioning of data
on the terminal, and allows CICS to adapt displays for different terminals without
any change to the application program.
If you are familiar with CICS on other platforms you will be aware that BMS
provides three levels of support, called minimum, standard, and full function. CICS
on Open Systems and IBM CICS for Windows support minimum function BMS


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

and some standard function (see BMS functions supported in CICS on page 72).
This allows you to code source maps that describe the prompts and inputs on your
screen, which you process using the BMS processor. You then code CICS
commands in your application to send and receive these maps to and from the
terminal. The commands you can use for this purpose are:
See Basic mapping support (BMS) services on page 71 for information on these

Using terminal services in CICS

Terminal services allow you to connect a wide variety of terminals to the CICS
system. The terminal services commands are:
These commands use ASCII 3270 datastreams to communicate with the terminal.
These commands are discussed in Terminal services on page 67.
Note: Advanced use of these commands requires a knowledge of 3270 data
streams and the various capabilities of terminals.

Summary of API data services

Data services refer to the storage of data in files, queues, journals and databases
and the ways in which you can retrieve the data. Data services include the
following facilities.

File services
CICS allows you to access user files managed by an Encina Structured File Server
(SFS) as VSAM files. VSAM refers to the Virtual Storage Access Method that provides
direct or sequential processing of fixed- and variable-length records on direct
access devices.
For more information about how CICS accesses SFS files as VSAM files, see
VSAM emulation by SFS and distributed CICS on page 108 and for more
information about how CICS accesses DB2 files as VSAM files, see VSAM
emulation by DB2 and distributed CICS on page 113.
SFS files support keyed, sequential, and relative access. Files can be defined as
recoverable or non-recoverable. CICS cooperates with SFS to provide the
transactional properties for accessing recoverable files.
In addition to the usual file facilities that allow you to read from, write to, and
delete a file, CICS provides a file browse function. You select the record at which
you want the browse to start. You can then read each record in the file in turn,
either forwards or backwards through the file.

Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS application programming


Queue services
CICS provides some special storage areas of its own, called transient data queues
and temporary storage queues. The transient data service handles queues of data to
be sent to terminals, such as printers, and to sequential files. The temporary storage
service provides an internal scratchpad. Both of these storage types can be made

Journal services
CICS provides facilities for creating and managing journals. A journal is a set of
special-purpose sequential files and may be used, for example, to keep an audit
trail or system log.
See also the CICS Application Programming Reference.

Relational database services

CICS allows access to relational databases that provide a programmable interface
through Structured Query Language (SQL) commands in COBOL, C, C++ or PL/I.
See SQL restrictions and relational database services on page 142 for information
about usage and restrictions.

Summary of API business logic

Business logic refers to the manipulation of data from the time it is retrieved from
storage to the time when it is either presented to the user or updated. The
following sections list the commands used for business logic.

Program execution services

A transaction is not limited to running a single program. You can get one program
to call another, and you can return a request to run another transaction when this
transaction completes. The commands are:
These commands are discussed in Program execution services on page 174.

Timer services
Timer services are provided that enable you to start and control transactions. The
commands are:
These commands are discussed in Timer services on page 179.

Synchronization services
Synchronization services enable serialized access to resources. The commands are:
These commands are discussed in Synchronization services on page 181.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Storage services
Storage areas and commands that manage task storage are provided. The
commands are:
These commands are discussed in Storage services on page 182.

Logical unit of work (LUW) services

Commands are available to delimit logical units of work in your transaction. The
commands used for this purpose are:
These commands are discussed in Logical unit of work (LUW) services on page

Configuration services
Commands are available to enquire upon and dynamically configure CICS runtime
resource definitions, such as files and transactions. The commands you can use for
this purpose are:
These commands are discussed in Configuration services on page 186.
Refer to the CICS Administration Reference and the CICS Application Programming
Reference for additional guidance information on the use of INQUIRE and SET.

Intersystem communication services

As described in Distributed transaction processing on page 5, CICS provides
commands that enable distributed transaction processing (DTP) between a CICS
region and any system supporting APPC protocol. The commands are:
See also the CICS Intercommunication Guide.

Summary of API problem determination logic

Problem determination logic refers to the services provided to aid in error
handling and application programming debugging.
Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS application programming


Error handling
As described in Error-handling services on page 233, a number of commands
allow you to handle exception conditions that might arise during the running of
your applications. Those commands are:

Debugging services
As described in Chapter 9, Coding for problem determination, on page 233,
commands are available to help you debug application programs. The commands

Performance monitoring
As described in Performance monitoring services on page 251, commands are
available to help you analyze the performance of your system and of individual
transactions, thereby helping to determine problems. The commands used for this

CICS application development tools

This information introduces you to the tools provided in CICS that enable you to
develop and debug transactions.

Presentation interface development

Use the CICS BMS processor to translate BMS source files, which contain the
definitions of map sets, to produce a symbolic map and a physical map. The
symbolic map is a programming source language data structure (a COBOL, C, C++,
or PL/I structure) used by the compiler to resolve source language references to
fields in the map. The physical map contains the information necessary to display
the map on a physical terminal, and contains instructions for embedding control
characters within a datastream in order to achieve this.

Application program translation

Application programs that include CICS API commands are processed by the
command language translator (cicstran) that translates the CICS API commands into
statements in the language used. This translator accepts as input a source program
written in COBOL, C, or C++, where CICS API commands are coded, and
produces as output an equivalent source program where each command is
translated into statements in the language of the source program. You can then
compile and link-edit your programs using the COBOL, C, or C++ compilers.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Alternatively, you can request that your source program is translated, compiled,
and link-edited in one step cicstcl. The advantage of using this alternative is that
CICS uses the correct compilers and sets up the options required by CICS for
The IBM PL/I compiler has an integrated CICS processor. This means that it is
unnecessary (and indeed not possible) to run a separate CICS translator step for
CICS programs written in IBM PL/I. You should therefore only use either cicstcl or
the IBM PL/I invoked directly and not attempt to use cicstran.
Chapter 8, Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs,
on page 213 provides full details.

Application program debugging

CICS provides a transaction called the Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF) that
enables you to debug an application program that has been preprocessed with the
-e option (on cicstran or cicstcl) without modifying the program. The facility
displays the state of the application program at the CICS interception points and
allows you to interact with the debugging tool before returning control to the
application code. See Using Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF) on page 257
for additional information.


The Animator tool enables you to test a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL or
Micro Focus Net Express COBOL application program online without modifying
the program. This tool intercepts execution of the application program at various
points before displaying information about the program. Any screens sent by the
application program are displayed by the tools, so that you can converse with the
application program during testing just as you would on the production system.
See Using a compilers integrated debugging tool to debug CICS applications on
page 263.
You can also debug C, C++, and IBM COBOL programs by using debugging
services provided by the relevant compiler. See Using debugging tools integrated
with compilers running on CICS for Windows on page 263.
CICS also provides supplied transactions CECI and CECS for the interpretive
execution and syntax checking of commands. See Using Command Level
Interpreter (CECI) and Syntax Checker (CECS) on page 256.

CICS for AIX only

The IBM Application Debugging Program provides the ability to debug IBM
COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I programs.
There are a number of facilities to go with the debugging tool:
A CICS-supplied transaction, CDCN, that turns the debugging tool on and
off. See also the CICS Administration Reference.
A region-wide attribute, AllowDebugging with settings yes and no, to
control whether the debugging tool can be used within the region.
Two Transaction Definitions (TD) entries:
DFHCDCN0 (for the CICS-supplied program)
DFHCDCN (for the CICS-supplied mapset)
The cicstcl -a flag. See cicstcl - translate, compile, and link on page 281.

Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS application programming


Using transactions to call your program

In CICS, the term transaction is used to describe a fundamental unit of work,
consisting of one or more application programs, that is initiated by a single
request. A transaction is identified by a transaction identifier (tranid) and this
transaction identifier is used to call your application program in the CICS runtime
Because both the transaction and program are defined to CICS (see the CICS
Administration Reference), you can use CICS on Open Systems clients, the cicsterm
command (CICS on Open Systems), or the cicsteld command to run the transaction
and, therefore, run your application program. The transaction is executed under
the control of CICS, which provides the services requested by each API command.
The cicsterm and cicsteld commands are described in the CICS Administration
Note: This is a high-level description of how to call your program from a
transaction. For more detailed information, see How CICS runs your
transactions on page 8.

Summary of commands used in application development

As an application programmer, you use the following commands:
(Generate map). This command takes raw Basic Mapping Support (BMS)
macros and generates either logical maps, or physical maps, as specified by
the map input. See Basic mapping support (BMS) services on page 71.
(Translate application source program). The input to this command
language translator is the COBOL, C, or C++ source code that you have
written that contains embedded CICS API commands. The output is
program source in which each CICS API command has been translated into
statements in the supporting language. The translator ignores any
embedded Structured Query Language (SQL) statements within the source
1. As the Data Language 1 (DL/I) database access language is not
supported by CICS on Open Systems or IBM CICS for Windows, DL/I
commands encountered by the translator are ignored.
2. cicstran cannot be used to translate IBM PL/I source code.
cicstcl This command performs the translation of the application program (as
performed by the cicstran command), and also compiles and links the
generated program source.
Note: Compiling and link-editing CICS applications requires using thread-safe
compilers. See Requirements for compiling CICS application programs on
page 218 and Thread safety on page 50.

Summary of CICS-supplied transactions used in application

As an application programmer, you use the following CICS-supplied transactions.
For more information on any of these transactions, see CICS Application
Programming Reference.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Data Conversion (CALF)

This transaction is used to convert data structured in the Virtual Storage
Access Method (VSAM) format to the file format used in CICS on Open
Systems or CICS for Windows.
Note: VSAM is an access method for indexed or sequential processing of
fixed- and variable-length records on direct access devices. The
records in a VSAM data set or file can be organized in logical
sequence by means of a key field (key sequence), in the physical
sequence in which they are written on the data set or file (entry
sequence), or by means of a relative-record number. See VSAM
emulation by SFS and distributed CICS on page 108 for more

CICS for AIX only

CICS Transaction Diagnosis Configuration (CDCN)
This transaction turns the IBM Application Debugging Program on
and off.

CICS on open systems only


CICS Animator Debug Configuration Transaction (CADB)

This transaction allows users to configure CICS to enable debugging
of Micro Focus Server Express COBOL application programs with
Temporary Storage Browse (CEBR)
This transaction is used to browse temporary storage queues and transient
data queues. CEBR may be useful for debugging.
For more information, see Using Temporary Storage Browse (CEBR) on
page 255.
Command Level Interpreter (CECI) and Command Level Syntax Checker (CECS)
CECI allows you to check the syntax of, interpret, and run CICS API
commands. CECS transaction allows you to check the syntax of CICS API
Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF)
The CEDF transaction allows you to use the Execution Diagnostic Facility
(EDF) that enables you to debug a CICS application program.
Runtime Resources Management Facility (CEMT)
This transaction allows you to inquire about CICS resources in the runtime
environment and to dynamically change their control parameters. Using
the API for trace services on page 247 and Dump on page 250 describe
how you can use CEMT for testing and debugging your application
program. Performance monitoring services on page 251 describes how
you can use CEMT to gather statistics.

Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS application programming


A sample transaction
This information shows you how to write a simple CICS transaction that sends a
message to your terminal. Use this exercise to perform a simple test of your system
and to become familiar with some of the CICS application programming concepts.
On CICS for Windows, you can also refer to the Installation Verification Programs
(IVP), which can be found in opt\cics\samples\IVP. The IVP programs are
documented in Planning and Installation Guide.

Prerequisites for the Hello World transaction

Before you begin, make sure that:
v CICS is installed with both the development and the production system
v You either have CICS administrator authority for the region you are working
with or you are able to ask someone with this authority to add the necessary
resource definitions.
v You have a DCE account. The DCE administrator can set this up for you.

To create a Hello World application

1. Set your PATH environment variable to the value shown in the CICS
Administration Reference.
2. Use an editor to create the following C source file called WORLDPRG.ccs:
int main()
char Hello[] = "Hello world!";

3. Run cicstcl -lC WORLDPRG.ccs to create an executable called WORLDPRG

on CICS on Open Systems and WORLDPRG.dll on CICS for Windows.
4. Have someone with CICS administrator authority:
a. Add a definition of the program WORLDPRG to the same running region
you are allowed access to.
b. Add a definition of a transaction called HELO to run this program on the
same running region.
Note: It is recommended that you have these definitions deleted when they
are no longer required.

To run the Hello World transaction

1. Check that the PATH environment variable is set to the value shown in the
CICS Administration Reference.
2. You are now in a position to run the transaction you have created. To do this,
log on to DCE by using the dce_login utility.
3. To access CICS facilities, you need to run an CICS on Open Systems client. For
example, to get this access on CICS on Open Systems, enter cicsterm on the
4. Now enter HELO as the transaction id. If all worked correctly, HELLO
WORLD is displayed on your terminal.
5. It is good practice to press CLEAR before entering the next transaction.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations

This chapter discusses how to design CICS applications to maximize their
performance and efficiency. CICS application design entails consideration of several
areas including:
v CICS transaction design modes

CICS program design modes

Transaction data storage options
Data management storage options
CICS environment factors
CICS locking function behavior

v Performance considerations for CICS developers

v Using CICS with WebSphere MQ

CICS transaction design efficiency considerations

A primary efficiency consideration for online transactions is whether to design
transactions to occur in nonconversational, conversational or pseudoconversational
A nonconversational transaction has only one inputthe one that causes the
transaction to be invoked. The transaction processes that input, displays a response
to the screen, and terminates. Nonconversational transactions use system resources
for only short time periods.
A conversational transaction involves more than one input from the terminal, so that
the transaction and the user enter into a kind of conversation. In a conversational
transaction, processor utilization times, even including the time for accessing files,
are considerably shorter than the time required to transmit the input from the
terminal to the processor (terminal transmission time). Furthermore, terminal
transmission times are considerably shorter than user response times.
Consequently, conversational transactions use storage and other resources for much
longer time periods than nonconversational transactions.
A pseudoconversational transaction is one in which a series of nonconversational
transactions are embedded in a single sequence. This sequence looks to the user
like a single conversational transaction involving several screens of input. Each
transaction in the sequence handles one input, sends back a response, and
terminates. As a result, pseudoconversational programming uses storage and other
resources for shorter periods of time compared to conversational transactions.

Before a pseudoconversational transaction terminates, it can pass data forward for

use by the next transaction that is initiated from the same terminal, whenever that
transaction arrives. By using the TRANSID option of the RETURN command, a
pseudoconversational transaction can specify what the next transaction is to be.
However, be aware that if another transaction is started for that device, it might
interrupt the pseudoconversational chain that you have designed, unless you
specify the IMMEDIATE option on the RETURN command. In this case, the
transaction that is specified by the TRANSID command is attached, regardless of
any other transactions that are queued for this terminal.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


Nonconversational transactions are embedded in conversational and

pseudoconversational transaction modes; therefore this discussion will focus on the
two latter design modes. This section discusses the impact of a choice of
conversational or pseudoconversational transaction design mode on the following
v Contention resources
Storage use
Processor use
v Exclusive use resources
Response time constraints
Recovery and integrity constraints
Order completeness constraints
Uninterrupted transaction constraints
v Performance profile issues
Performance costs
- Consumption of processing power
- Throughput, response time, and predictability
- Availability of application servers
Performance benefits of operational control
v Program-terminal communications
Screen integrity
Warning capability

CICS program design efficiency considerations

Efficient CICS program design includes incorporating use of the following
operating system and language facilities:
v Shareable, loadable, and executable operating system objects
v COBOL PERFORM and CALL commands
v C program function calls and single executable objects
v C++ Object Oriented design
v Internal and external procedures and functions in PL/I programs

Shareable, loadable, and executable operating system objects

Operating systems minimize storage requirements for normal executables by
sharing program code to the extent possible. If two or more copies of the same
program are running, each runs inside its own process and each is given a separate
data area, the operating system loads only one copy of the program text.
Use the operating systems dynamic load facility when you call a CICS program.
The operating systems dynamic load facility enables the program text being
loaded to be shared by multiple processes. Although, the standard way of invoking
other programs is to use the fork (on CICS on Open Systems) or CreateProcess (on
CICS for Windows) or exec system calls (or variants), do not use these in CICS
programs to call a CICS program because CICS programs are not normal
By using the systems dynamic load facility, you minimize the amount of storage
that CICS requires. It is worth doing this for programs that are likely to be heavily
used by multiple concurrent users.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

You can use the dynamic load facility for functions within your program. If you
have a function that is common to several programs, then you can minimize your
storage requirements by making it shared and dynamically loadable.
CICS links to the dynamic load facility through the cicstcl utility. The following
command example displays the command on the AIX platform.

On CICS for AIX only

The linker called by the CICS utility cicstcl does not produce shareable
objects by default, but you can specify this by passing the flag -bM:SRE
through to the linker.


The CICS commands EXEC CICS LINK and EXEC CICS XCTL are powerful CICS
facilities that are similar to function calls and overlays. COBOL, C, C++ and PL/I,
offer facilities similar to EXEC CICS LINK. For example, function calls in C and
C++ or PERFORM and CALL usage in COBOL function similarly to the EXEC
CICS LINK command. However, these languages do not offer a counterpart to
There are circumstances in which it is preferable to use EXEC CICS LINK and
EXEC CICS XCTL rather than the facilities provided by the various languages.
Some examples of circumstances when these commands are useful include these
v These CICS API commands are helpful when applied to abend handling,
exceptional conditions, and attention identifiers. For example, if you have a
common input-handling function that uses the EXEC CICS RECEIVE command,
then it may be preferable to call it with EXEC CICS LINK. By using the EXEC
CICS LINK command, the input-handling function can set its own attention
identifier handlers.
v The EXEC CICS LINK command is helpful when it is employed to distribute the
processing using the distributed program link (DPL) facility. This enables you to
distribute the processing of your application to where the data resides. For
example, if your region needs to apply a series of updates to a transient data
queue that exists in a remote region, it may be more efficient to do this using
DPL than function shipping each request individually. To achieve this without
using EXEC CICS LINK will mean you will have to use a remote procedure call
facility of some kind, for example the one provided by DCE.
v The EXEC CICS LINK command can be helpful in reducing the amount of code
you need to write.
v The EXEC CICS XCTL command is helpful when you have a situation in which
the calling function does not need to receive control back after the invoked
function is called. In these circumstances it is preferable to use EXEC CICS XCTL
than EXEC CICS LINK because less storage is used in the application server.
v The EXEC CICS LINK and EXEC CICS XCTL commands are helpful if you are
planning on migrating the system you are writing to another CICS platform.
Using these CICS API commands is preferable even at the cost of some


In COBOL, you can use the CALL statement to execute another COBOL program
as part of the calling one. The called program can either be statically linked-in with

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


the caller, or it can be dynamically loaded. Statically linking in the called program
is faster but inflexible; dynamically loading a called program can be slower but
more flexible.
Furthermore, by dynamically loading a called program, you can arrange for the
called program to be shared. In this instance, the first call to it will be
comparatively slow, but subsequent calls will be faster while it remains loaded.
You should be aware that when you take this approach you are not descending a
CICS logical level. (See Application program logical levels on page 174.)
Finally, in designing your COBOL applications, avoid recursion. COBOL products
used with TXSeries CICS other than Micro Focus Server Express COBOL (on Open
Systems) and Micro Focus Net Express (on Windows) provide only a limited
support for recursion. For example, a COBOL program can be coded in such a way
that it can use EXEC CICS LINK to directly LINK to itself, but a set of COBOL
programs cannot be coded to indirectly LINK recursively. In an example of two
programs, progA and progB, progA can directly LINK to itself (provided it has
been coded to do so), but progA cannot LINK to progB and then have progB LINK
back to progA.
If you are using Micro Focus Server Express COBOL or Micro Focus Net Express,
you can use recursion using EXEC CICS LINK and EXEC CICS XCTL. You must
specify the /DATA-CONTEXT flag when you compile the COBOL programs. Each
time the program is called, it gets a new copy of working storage.

C program function calls and single executable objects

The C language encourages the division of related functions into one or more
source files that are compiled separately and then combined to form an executable
object. Each of the source files that you combine into a single CICS program can
include EXEC CICS statements, but you should be aware that when you make a
function call in C to a function that includes the CICS API, you are not descending
a CICS logical level. Logical levels only apply to the use of the EXEC CICS LINK
command. If you need to inherit the same set of attention identifier handlers as the
calling function, you should make a function call; if your called function needs a
new set, then you should make it into a CICS program and call it with EXEC CICS
LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL. It is more efficient to call it as a C function.
C programs can include static data (similar to working storage in COBOL). CICS
programs written in C are given a fresh copy of their static data for the only first
instance of the program.

C++ Object Oriented design

The C++ language provides object oriented programming through such facilities as
objects, data abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. Normally, each class
declaration and definition is in separate header and source files, but this is not
mandatory. The individual object files can be combined into one executable
program or archived into shareable class libraries against which the executable is
Each of the source files that you combine into CICS programs or class libraries can
contain EXEC CICS statements. Neither function calls nor method invocation affect
CICS logical levels, so the EXEC CICS LINK command must be used when a
logical level is desired.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

When using CICS statements in class templates, the statements must be translated
before the template class definition is included in any program. In header files,
avoid using CICS statements in inline functions and methods.
Perform all initialization of static objects in CICS C++ cached programs in the
object constructors, since they are initialized only once.
Explicitly delete any dynamically allocated storage.
Note: Do not use CICS statements in static object constructors or destructors. Static
constructors and destructors are called outside a CICS Logical Unit of Work,
and so using CICS statements at these points can cause abends.

Internal and external procedures and functions in PL/I programs

PL/I programs can consist of multiple internal and external procedures and
functions containing CICS calls.
A function or procedure call does not descend a logical level; logical levels apply
only to LINKS.
Calls to external procedures and functions have their condition handling
suspended across these calls.
The HANDLE ABEND LABEL command is not supported in PL/I.

Transaction data storage considerations

Storage options on a transaction system require consideration to achieve efficiency.

This section discusses the effects on efficiency for storage options in the following
v Storing data within a transaction
Transaction Work Area (TWA)
User storage acquired by EXEC CICS GETMAIN without SHARED option
Program storage
v Sharing data across transactions
Temporary Storage
Common Work Area (CWA)
Terminal user area (TUA)
Display screen
Intrapartition transient data
Your own files
User storage acquired by GETMAIN with SHARED option

Storing data within a transaction

Storage facilities that exist over the lifetime of a transaction include:
v Transaction work area (TWA)
v User storage (obtained by EXEC CICS GETMAIN commands issued without the
SHARED option)
Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations



v Program storage

All of these areas are main storage facilities and come from the same basic source:
the task private pool of the application server. (See Application servers on page
10) None of them are recoverable, and none can be protected by resource-level
security keys. They differ, however, in accessibility and duration and, therefore,
each meets a different set of storage needs. The TIOA is a storage area that is
associated with a terminal, and is allocated from the task shared pool.


Transaction work area (TWA): The size of the transaction work area is
determined by the TWASize option in the Transaction Definitions (TD). If this is
given a non-zero value, the TWA is always allocated, it lasts for the entire duration
of the transaction, and it is accessible to all of the programs in the transaction.
Processor overhead associated with using the TWA is minimal. You do not need an
EXEC CICS GETMAIN command to access it, and you address it using a single
The TWA is suitable for fairly small data storage requirements and for larger
requirements that are both relatively fixed in size and are used more or less for the
duration of the transaction. Because the TWA exists for the entire transaction, a
large TWA size has much greater benefit for conversational than for
pseudoconversational transactions.
User storage acquired by GETMAIN without SHARED option: User storage is
available to all the programs in a transaction, but some effort is required to pass it
across an EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL. However, its size is not fixed,
and it can be obtained (using EXEC CICS GETMAIN commands) just when the
transaction requires it and returned as soon as it is no longer needed.
Consequently, user storage is useful for large storage requirements that either are
variable in size or have a shorter duration than the transaction. This storage is
freed at task termination if it is not explicitly freed by the transaction or is shared
An EXEC CICS GETMAIN command involves a large amount of processor
overhead. Therefore, use it only for large amounts of storage. For smaller storage
amounts, use the TWA , or group the requests together into a larger request.
Although the storage acquired by an EXEC CICS GETMAIN command may be
held somewhat longer when using combined requests, the processor overhead and
the reference set size are both reduced.


communication area (COMMAREA) is a command-level facility used to transfer
information between two programs within a transaction or between two
transactions from the same terminal. For further information, see Passing data to
other programs on page 175.


TIOA in an EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL command with

INPUTMSG: A terminal data area (TIOA) is a facility that tnsfers terminal data
between two programs within a transaction or between two transactions from the
same terminal. For further information, see Passing data to other programs on
page 175.
Program storage: In COBOL, when the EXEC CICS LINK and EXEC CICS XCTL
commands invoke the program, a new copy of the working storage is loaded.
However, programs called with the CALL statement use existing working storage


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

if the program has already been invoked. In C and C++, recursive invocations of a
program in the same transaction share one copy of its statics and external data.

Sharing data across transactions

The following sections discuss how data can be shared intra- and inter-transaction.
A common characteristic between all of these storage areas is that they perform
optimally for a small-to-medium amount of data, very often of a nonpermanent
nature. These transient data and temporary storage service API commands allow
access to sequential and random access queues. The efficiency aspects of
intrapartition transient data queues and of temporary storage are discussed in
Sharing data across transactions.

CICS facilities that exist beyond the end of a task are:

v Temporary storage
v Common work area (CWA)
v Terminal user area (TUA)
v Display screen
v Intrapartition transient data
v Operating System files
v Storage acquired by GETMAIN with SHARED option
The last three items provide more flexibility and function than the other listed
items; therefore, their use incurs more overhead. You can use any of these methods
for passing data either within transactions or across transactions.
With the exception of COMMAREA and the display screen, data stored in these
facilities is available to any transaction in the system. Subject to resource-level
security restrictions for transient data and temporary storage queues, any
transaction may write to them and any transaction may read them.
The operating system also provides shared memory facilities which you can use to
share data between transactions, but you will be reducing application portability if
you use these schemes.
Temporary storage: Temporary storage is the primary CICS facility for storing
data that must be available to multiple transactions. Data items in temporary
storage are kept in queues whose names are assigned dynamically by the program
storing the data. You do not need to define temporary storage queues in the
resource definitions, unlike transient data queues. A temporary storage queue
containing multiple items can be thought of as a miniature file whose records can
be addressed either sequentially or directly, by item number. If a queue contains
only a single item, it can be thought of as a named scratchpad area.
Temporary storage is implemented in two different ways. Which one is used for a
particular queue is determined by what is specified on the command that creates
the first item. MAIN means that the queue is kept in memory, and AUXILIARY
means that the queue is written to disk storage. For either method, CICS maintains
an index of items in main storage.
Both these methods have characteristics that you should bear in mind:
v Main temporary storage requires much more virtual storage than does auxiliary
temporary storage. In general, you should use it only for small queues that have
short lifetimes or are accessed frequently. Auxiliary temporary storage is

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


specifically designed for relatively large amounts of data that have a relatively
long lifetime or are accessed infrequently.
v You can make queues in auxiliary storage recoverable, but not queues in main
Only one transaction at a time can update a recoverable temporary storage
queue. If you choose to make queues recoverable, bear in mind the possibility of
v If a task tries to write to temporary storage and there is no space available, CICS
suspends it. The task is not resumed until some other task frees the necessary
space in the file. This can produce unexplained response delays, especially if the
waiting task owns exclusive-use resources, in which case all other tasks needing
those resources must also wait. You can use the NOSUSPEND option to avoid
this; see The NOSUSPEND option on page 37.
v It can be more efficient to use main temporary storage exclusively in very
low-volume systems that have no need for recovery.
The following points apply to temporary storage in general:
v You must use a CICS command every time data is written to or read from a
temporary storage queue, and CICS must find or insert the data using its
internal index. This means that the overhead for using main temporary storage
is greater than for the CWA or terminal user area. With auxiliary storage, often
the most frequently used, there is usually file I/O as well, which increases
overhead even more.
v You need not allocate temporary storage until it is required; you need to keep it
only as long as it is required, and the item size is not fixed until you issue the
command that creates it. This makes it a good choice for relatively high-volume
data and data that varies in length or duration.
v The fact that temporary storage queues are named as they are created provides a
very powerful form of random access to saved data. You can access scratchpad
areas for terminals, file records, and so on, simply by including the terminal
name or record key in the queue name.
v Resource-level protection is available for temporary storage.
Common work area (CWA): The common work area (CWA) is a single control
block that is allocated at system startup time and it exists for the region. The size
is fixed by specifying a value for the CWASize parameter in the Region Definition
(RD). This means that the CWA has the following characteristics:
v There is almost no overhead in storing or retrieving data from the CWA.
Transaction programs must issue one ADDRESS command to get the address of
the area but, after that, they can access it directly.
v Data in the CWA is not recovered if a transaction or the system fails.
v It is not subject to resource-level security.
v CICS does not regulate use of the CWA. All programs in all applications that use
the CWA must follow the same rules for shared use. The content of and access
to the CWA will be one of the design issues that you will need to discuss with
application developers. It is sensible to supply a copybook or include file to
describe the contents.
v The CWA is especially suitable for small amounts of data, such as status
information, that are read or updated frequently by multiple programs in an
v The CWA is not suitable for large-volume or short-lived data because it is
always allocated.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v You must ensure that data used in one transaction does not overlay data used in
another, by following the rules for shared use discussed above.
v You must ensure that programs do not overrun the end of the CWA as this
corrupts the storage areas in the Task Shared Pool, causing other transactions to
Terminal user area (TCTUA): The terminal user area is defined using the
TCTUALen option in the Terminal Definitions (WD). If this length is not zero, the
address of the area can be obtained with an EXEC CICS ADDRESS command.
Terminal user areas have the following characteristics in common with the CWA:
v Minimal processor overhead (only one ADDRESS command needed)
v No recovery
v No resource-level security
v No regulation of use by CICS
v Fixed length
v Unsuitable for large-volume or short-lived data
Unlike the CWA, however, the terminal user area for a particular terminal is
usually shared only among transactions using that terminal. It is therefore useful
for storing small amounts of data of fairly standard length between a series of
pseudoconversational transactions. Another difference is that it is not necessarily
permanently allocated, because the terminal user area only exists while the
Terminal Definition is set up. The Terminal User Area is allocated from system
startup for nonautoinstall terminals and when the Terminal Definition is generated
for autoinstall terminals. It is discarded for autoinstalled terminals when their
destination is deleted.
Using the terminal user area in this way does not require special discipline among
using transactions, because data is always read by the transaction following the
one that wrote it. However, if you use terminal user areas to store longer-term data
(for example, terminal or operator information needed by an entire application),
they require the same care as the CWA to ensure that data used in one transaction
does not overlay data used in another. You should also take care not to exceed the
length of the allocated terminal user areas, because this causes corruption in other
storage areas allocated from the CICS Task Shared Pool.


to pass information between application programs. For further information, see
Passing data to other programs on page 175.


TIOA in an EXEC CICS RETURN command with INPUTMSG: The TIOA is

used to pass terminal data between application programs. For further information,
see Passing data to other programs on page 175.
Display screen: You can also store data between pseudoconversational
transactions from a display terminal in the display screen itself. For example, if
users make errors in data that they enter, the transaction usually points out the
errors on the screen (with highlights or messages), sets the next transaction
identifier to point to itself (so that it processes the corrected input), and returns to
The transaction has two ways of using the valid data. It can save it (for example,
in the COMMAREA) and pass it on for the next time it is run. In this case, the
transaction must merge the changed data on the screen with the data from
previous entries. Alternatively, it can save the data on the screen by not turning off
the modified data tags of the keyed fields.
Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


Saving the data on the screen is easy to code, but has two limitations. First, you
should not use it with screens that contain large amounts of data if the likelihood
of errors is high. This is because of the additional line traffic needed to resend the
unchanged data. (This does not apply to locally-attached terminals.)
Second, if the user presses the CLEAR key, the screen data is lost, and the
transaction must be able to recover from this. You can avoid this by defining the
CLEAR key to mean CANCEL or QUIT, if this is appropriate for the application
Data other than keyed data may also be stored on the screen. This data can be
protected from changes (except those caused by CLEAR) and can be nondisplay, if
Intrapartition transient data: Intrapartition transient data has some characteristics
in common with auxiliary temporary storage. Like temporary storage,
intrapartition transient data consists of queues of data, kept together in a single
data set, with an index that CICS maintains in main storage.
You can use transient data for many of the purposes for which you would use
auxiliary temporary storage, but there are some important differences:
v Transient data queue names must be defined in the Transient Data Definitions
(TDD) before CICS is started. You cannot define them arbitrarily at the time the
data is created. Thus, transient data does not have the same dynamic
characteristics as temporary storage.
v Transient data queues must be read sequentially, and each item can be read only
once. That is, after a transaction reads an item, that item is removed from the
queue and is not available to any other transaction. In contrast, items in
temporary storage queues may be read either sequentially or directly (by item
number). They can be read any number of times and are never removed from
the queue until the entire queue is purged.
These two characteristics make transient data inappropriate for scratchpad data
but suitable for queued data such as audit trails and output to be printed. In
fact, for data that is read sequentially once, transient data is preferable to
temporary storage.
v Items in a temporary storage queue can be changed; items in transient data
v Transient data queues are always written to a data set. (There is no form of
transient data that corresponds to main temporary storage.)
v You can define transient data queues so that writing items to the queue causes a
specific transaction to be initiated (for example, to process the queue).
Temporary storage has nothing that corresponds to this trigger mechanism,
although you may be able to use a START command to perform a similar
v Transient data has more varied recovery options than temporary storage. It can
be physically or logically recoverable.
v Because the commands for intrapartition and extrapartition transient data are
identical, you can switch easily between the internal CICS facility (intrapartition)
and an external data set. To do this, you need only change the TDD, not your
application programs. Temporary storage has no corresponding function of this
Operating System files: You can also use operating system files to save data
between transactions. This method probably has the largest overhead in terms of


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

instructions processed, buffers, control blocks, and user programming

requirements, but does provide extra function and flexibility. Not only can you
define files as recoverable resources, but you can log changes to them for forward
recovery. You can also use resource-level security.
User storage acquired by GETMAIN with shared option: The SHARED option
of the GETMAIN command can be used to acquire storage that is shared between
transactions. For further information, see Storage services on page 182.

Data management storage considerations

This section provides an overview of the data storage facilities used in data
management and suggests where to store your data.
The CICS data storage facilities are:
v File services
CICS uses file services to read, update, add, delete, and browse data in local or
remote files. See File services on page 105.
v Queue services
In addition to the permanent data that is the basis of your application, you
possibly need to create temporary data for purposes like processing requests and
passing data between tasks or programs. CICS provides queue services for this.
The advantage of CICS queue services is that they persist over multiple
executions of CICS and can represent permanent data. See Queue services on
page 130.
v Relational database services
CICS allows access to relational databases that provide a programmable interface
through Structured Query Language (SQL) commands in either COBOL, C, C++,
or PL/I programs.
v Journal services
CICS provides facilities for creating and managing journals during CICS
processing. A journal is a set of special-purpose sequential files. Journals can
contain any and all data the user needs to facilitate subsequent reconstruction of
events or data changes. See Journal services on page 137.
See also Data services API migration on page 205.

Issues affecting your data management storage decisions

The list below summarizes the key issues to consider in deciding which of the
CICS data storage facilities meets the needs of your application data. A more
detailed discussion on each issue follows this summary list.
v Structure and function
You must consider the structure of your data to ensure a match between the
application programming interface, data, and your processing requirements. You
also need to match the auxiliary function in the facility to your needs when
managing the data.
v Sharing and distribution
You need to consider:
How much data is shared among regions
How much data is accessed outside CICS
How much data is distributed among multiple processors
v Data integrity

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


For shared or distributed data, you must consider data integrity. Programming
requirements to ensure data integrity are more complex when data is shared or
v Data backup and recovery
If your data is vital, you must consider how to recover the data if it is lost.
Recovery might be provided by CICS or another facility. Programming
requirements to ensure recoverability are more complex when data is shared or
v Portability
If you need to store or access your data from multiple platforms (AIX and MVS
for example), you must ensure that your choice is supported in all potential
environments. Possible future cross-platform requirements also need to be
v Performance
Some forms of storage are much more efficient than others. There is generally a
trade-off between performance and function, so you must balance your other
requirements against your performance requirements.
Structure and function: The most important difference between data stored by a
database management system and data stored in either flat files or queues is the
structure that the storage manager imposes on the data. This structure dictates the
application programming interface to the data and determines how easy or hard it
is to store and retrieve the data for a particular processing requirement. If the data
is complex, the structure can be the overriding consideration.
A related difference is where knowledge of the data structure is stored. In a
database management system (DBMS), the logical structure of the data resides in
the DBMS. The physical structure can be changed considerably without changing
application code. In flat files, the logical structure of the data is embedded in the
programs using it, and logical and physical structures coincide.
DBMSs provide services and utilities for managing recovery, sharing and
distribution that can be essential to your application. If your data is voluminous,
recovery and other management functions can dictate that you use a DBMS.
Sharing and distribution: Another storage consideration is the potential users of
the data. Will users access the data from more than one CICS platform? Is the
access made concurrently or serially?
The inability to share data has historically been an impediment to application
growth and change. The problems arise as follows:
v Increases occur in both the size of the data and the frequency with which the
data is accessed: Growth in demands for data occur because applications grow
in volume beyond expectations, or a successful application spawns other
applications which make use the same data. The applications no longer fit on
the processor where they began, and sometimes, they cannot fit on the largest
system available. These applications have to be split into multiple CICS regions,
and possibly, the data needs to be shared among these regions.
v Requirements change for data access availability: Applications originally
intended to be online for only part of the day can grow to demand 24-hour
availability. Data sharing becomes necessary because there is no time when CICS
is not operating to run the associated batch cycle. This associated processing
must be done while CICS is running.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v Reporting requirements change due to increasing time demands in the business

environment: Batch reports require time to program, and results can be obtained
on an established time cycle. Todays business environment can demand instant
access to the data maintained by an application. In addition, business
requirements can call for spontaneous manipulation of data for analytical
purposes. When the data is critical to business operations, time constraints
prohibit programming those reports individually. The data must be available to
be shared with a query manager or report generator.
Current hardware and software makes it practical to distribute a single database
among several remote locations. This distribution enables the data to be kept local
to the code which most often uses it; yet, it permits access by other users. This can
improve response time; however, it also introduces the need to ensure data
integrity and recovery capability in the event of a communication failure.
Data integrity: Data integrity is an issue with all shared data. There is no
problem if all of the parties sharing the data only read it. However, when even one
party updates data, there is a risk that data can become obsolete while other
parties are reading it. This loss of read integrity has varying importance, depending
on the task. If the task is to check the data on a customers charge card balance
and authorize a large purchase, it might be critical. If the task is to analyze the
customers buying habits, it might be less so.
If more than one party can update the files, there is greater risk to data integrity. If
two tasks read the same data item with intent to update, updates made by the first
task are lost when the second task updates. This occurs because the second task is
working from a copy of the data that does not reflect the changes made by the
first. This phenomenon of the lost update almost always matters, and most systems
protect you against it by enforcing write integrity.
Write integrity can be maintained by serializing all updates. Serializing is done by
locking data as soon as a task expresses intent to update and delaying any other
task that wants to update the same data until the holder of the lock updates and
releases the lock. Read integrity can be accomplished the same way if readers, as
well as updaters, lock the data.
However, since locks imply delays, full read integrity is usually optional.
To work, locks must be imposed by a program that has control over all the
potential users of the data. Database managers, the access methods, CICS, and the
operating system all do some locking to prevent conflicts among the users they
control. Among the tasks in a single region, CICS enforces write integrity and,
optionally, partial read integrity. However, CICS cannot control the effects of
sharing by outside users, and the type of sharing that can be done with integrity
varies significantly among the various storage facilities.
Internal data consistency: The integrity losses just described occur because tasks
running in parallel can access a single item of data while it is undergoing change.
Another integrity issue arises when there are processing relationships between two
or more items of data. For example, you have one body of data representing
accounts payable and another representing your purchase ledger. If you pay a
supplier, you need to update both your ledger (to reflect the money paid out) and
your accounts payable (to indicate payment has taken place), and you need to
write a check. You need to do all three updates together to maintain the
consistency (integrity) of your data. The single logical change to your data is made

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


up of all three updates together. If your task fails after making any one of the
updates, you need some way to remove that all updates, so the data is internally
Database management systems generally provide integrity for the data they
manage. Changes to databases are considered provisional until the task making
them issues a request to commit the changes, at which time they are all made
simultaneously. However, a database manager provides this kind of integrity only
to data under its control. CICS extends the concept to allow you to define a set of
related changes to data stored in different facilities, including direct access files,
queues, and database managers.
CICS guarantees that if it cannot complete all the changes to protected data in a
single logical unit of work (LUW), it makes none of them. For example, if you
have made half of a sequence of related updates when a computer fails, CICS
backs out the changes it has made so far in the logical unit of work before
resuming. In general, you decide which data is to be protected in this way,
although sometimes database managers have a say in the matter. Not all types of
data are eligible, and if the integrity of your data is vital, you must consider this
when you choose how to store it.
Dynamic backout and recovery:
There are two situations in which updates to resources can possibly need to be
undone: an individual task can fail part way through an LUW, or the whole
system can fail. (LUWs generally coincide with tasks, although it is possible to
break a task into multiple LUWs; an LUW never spans tasks.)
The resources updated within a single LUW can belong to more than one resource
manager. When this situation occurs, CICS recovery actions include the joint
responsibility of all the resource managers involved. For example, when you are
using an XA-compliant relational database management system (RDBMS), CICS
acts as the XA-compliant transaction manager and controls the backout actions
both of itself (as a resource manager) and of the RDBMS; on the other hand, SFS is
itself a recoverable resource manager. Therefore, although CICS keeps track of such
recoverable entities as transient data queue read and write pointers, it is SFS that
performs the major backout and recovery work.
CICS saves the original and current state of all of its recoverable data that has been
changed in the current LUW. It saves this information in the Region Pool. If the
LUW needs to be rolled back, CICS simply discards the current state information,
leaving the data in its original state. It also instructs all of the resource managers
involved in the LUW to roll back their work.
When there is a failure that results in the abnormal termination of a CICS region,
on restart, CICS has to process every LUW that was incomplete at the time of the
failure. Whether or not other resource managers have to do likewise is dependent
upon whether they also failed. For example: a region has only one SFS was
running, and that server did not fail. In this case, the server is still running, and it
is necessary to restart only CICS.
Restoring the state of recoverable resources after a system failure requires an
external record of all the work that needs to be redone. For this purpose, CICS is
configured to periodically take snapshots (checkpoints) of the states of all
recoverable resources. On restart, CICS reads the checkpoint to reestablish the


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

states of the recoverable resources at the time the checkpoint was written, and then
processes all relevant information held for the region.
The frequency with which this checkpoint occurs is configurable. Refer to the
CheckpointInterval attribute described in the CICS Administration Reference.
Guaranteeing integrity across an LUW involves the need to protect all involved
tasks so that other LUWs cannot update them until the current LUW ends. This
guarantees that only the LUW having the failed transactions needs to be rolled
back. Therefore, the locks that prevent concurrent updates must be extended to the
end of the LUW. Extending the locks, of course, increases the associated delays.
If a task just wants to read data that has been updated in an uncommitted LUW, it
might use data that is subsequently changed because the LUW that wrote it failed.
To ensure read integrity in this situation, readers as well as updaters of
uncommitted data must be locked out until the updating LUW ends.
Data backup and recovery:
The task of keeping backup copies is more complicated with online systems,
because the data is constantly changing. One way to handle backups is to make a
full copy periodically, and keep a record of subsequent changes. In this way, you
can reconstruct the current data by reapplying these changes to the most recent full
copy. Another way to handle backups is to write duplicate copies of critical
databases. This can be done synchronously, so that the two copies are kept exactly
the same, or asynchronously, where the backup copy can be slightly behind the
primary one. Many users keep one copy physically remote from the normal
processing site.
In addition to the time and operational complexity of making the copies, there are
online costs associated with protecting your data. First, there is the overhead of
recording the changes. (Recovery requires an image of each changed resource after
the change.) Second, these after images must be recorded on an external medium by
the time the task making them reaches syncpoint. This requirement ensures that
even if CICS malfunctions at that time, no committed changes are lost in the
process. Furthermore, this external recording of the after image requires that the
task wait for the I/O to complete before the syncpoint processing can be
Considerations involved in deciding how to handle backups include the following
v Is your data is voluminous or volatile?
v How long does it take to make the copies?
v How frequently are backups required?
v How long can your business sustain an outage while you rebuild your data after
an accident?
The business demands and the data storage facilities available in each situation
will dictate your approach to backup requirements.
The following operational concerns are relevant to backup decisions:
v Who will perform the process and how much automation is required? (This is
particularly important if more than one form of data storage is involved.)

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


v Is there sufficient operations staff to perform the day to day requirements of

taking backups, maintaining the storage devices, and ensuring data availability
that meets the time requirements?
Portability: The location where the transaction processing occurs is more flexible
in a distributed system. This makes your design decisions more complex. We
recommend that you design your transactions so that the business logic is separate
from the user interface. This allows you to execute the two parts on different
processors. The execution can occur entirely either under IBM CICS for Windows
or CICS on Open Systems, or it can occur under other CICS products. With the
proper precautions, the CICS platform on which the business logic executes can be
changed without changing your application. If a platform change is likely to be
required, portability must be considered when you choose how to store your data.
Refer to Chapter 7, Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS, on
page 191 for migration considerations. Also refer to the API command descriptions
in the CICS Application Programming Reference, where differences are noted for each
individual command.
Performance: For most online applications, the major component of transaction
processing time is occupied with the reading and writing of externally stored data.
The task waits for physical I/O to occur, and the depth of the embedded directory
level (pathlength) used for storage and retrieval consumes the greater share of the
transaction time. Therefore, the greatest impact on the performance and resource
requirements of your application comes from your choice of data storage facilities
and the way you use any given facility.
In addition to the functional requirements, your design needs to consider the
following performance trade offs:
v In general, the longer the pathlength, the more performance is reduced. Longer
Pathlength are associated with the power of the language function. The more
powerful language functions are associated with programming productivity.
Your design often trades between performance and productivity.
v The more universal the sharing, the more performance is enhanced. But, data
sharing requires significant programming effort to ensure the proper
management of the data. This can make developing and maintaining the
application more costly. However, designing the application to ensure easy
maintenance can result in reduced performance.
There are no right answers to these trade-off decisions. It is critical to understand
the issues and to make trade-off decisions consciously during the design phase. It
is particularly important to understand the expectations for response time and
transaction volume. These aspects, along with recovery, integrity, sharing, and
other requirements, must be carefully examined to ensure that your design choices
meet objectives in performance, as well as in function.

CICS environment efficiency considerations

To know how programming techniques can affect the performance and efficiency
of the CICS system, it is necessary to understand a little about the environment in
which CICS operates. This section discusses the following factors:
v Wait conditions
v Auxiliary trace
v The NOSUSPEND option
v Access permissions for maps and transaction programs
v CICS commands lengths


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Wait conditions
In some CICS products, it is possible to inadvertently stop all CICS activity by
using a facility that causes an operating system wait. This can only occur in CICS
for system dumps, whether operator or software initiated.

Auxiliary trace
Efficiency can be improved by using auxiliary trace to review your application
programs. It can identify many common coding problems, such as:
v unnecessary code
v too many or too large EXEC CICS GETMAIN commands
v failure to release storage when it is no longer needed
v failure to unlock records held for exclusive control that are no longer needed
v unintended logic loops.

The NOSUSPEND option

The default action for the ENQBUSY, NOJBUFSP, NOSPACE, QBUSY, and
SYSBUSY conditions is to suspend the execution of the application until the
required resource (for example, a queue) becomes available, and then resume
processing the command. The commands that can cause these conditions are:
With these commands, you can use the NOSUSPEND option to inhibit this waiting
and to cause an immediate return to the instruction in the application program
following the command. (In the case of the EXEC CICS ALLOCATE command, this
option is known as the NOQUEUE option.)
If you do not use the NOSUSPEND option, the suspended applications attempt to
obtain the required resource periodically until it becomes available. This can
consume significant resources. For example, processor time can be wasted, or the
user can be prevented from typing anything by a terminal lock until the resource is

Access permissions for maps and transaction programs

When you produce a transaction program or map using the CICS commands
cicstcl, cicsmap, or cicstran, followed by the link-edit stage, you must ensure that
the resultant file is either readable by the group cics or has public access.

CICS commands lengths

When a CICS command includes a LENGTH operand, the data type used usually
places a theoretical upper limit of 32K bytes on the length. In practice, the limits
are less than this and vary for each command. The limits depend on file
definitions, recoverability requirements, buffer sizes, and local networking
Length options: In the COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I languages, the translator deals
with lengths. Refer to the individual command descriptions in the CICS Application
Programming Reference for details of when you need to specify the LENGTH option.
In most cases, the LENGTH option must be specified if SET is used; the syntax of
each command and its associated options show whether this rule applies.

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


For journaling commands, the restrictions apply to the sum of the LENGTH and
PFXLENG values. For further details, see the CICS Application Programming
Reference. Note that for journal records, the journal buffer size may impose a limit
lower than 24KB.
Recommendation: For any command, 24KB is a good working limit for LENGTH
specifications. Subject to user-specified record and buffer sizes, this limit is unlikely
either to cause an error or to place a constraint on applications.
You will probably not find a 24KB limit too much of a hindrance; online programs
do not often handle such large amounts of data for the sake of efficiency and
response time.
Note: The value in the LENGTH operand should never exceed the length of the
data area addressed by the command.

Efficiency issues for CICS locking functions

This section describes the following locking functions performed by the Structured
File Server (SFS) and IBMs DB2 when processing transactions:
v Implicit locking on recoverable and nonrecoverable files
v Implicit locking on recoverable transient data queues
v Implicit locking on recoverable temporary storage queues
v Explicit locking
Note: Locking (implicit or explicit) on data resources protects data integrity, but
can affect performance if several tasks attempt to operate on the same data
resource at the same time. The effect of locking on performance, however, is
minimized by using short Logical Units of Work (LUW).

Implicit locking on nonrecoverable and recoverable files

This section discusses the following locking functions:
v the locking provided when DB2 is used to manage CICS queues and files
v the implicit locking (exclusive control) that SFS provides when you update
nonrecoverable files, and
v the extended locking actions that SFS provides when you update recoverable
Note: DB2 handles all files as recoverable files. For nonrecoverable SFS files, SFS
locks the record during an update.
Figure 1 on page 39 shows two tasks updating the same record. Task A is given
exclusive control of the record between the EXEC CICS READ UPDATE and EXEC
CICS WRITE commands. During this period, Task B waits.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Task A




Exclusive Control
during update

Task B





Exclusive Control
during update

Figure 1. Locking (exclusive control) during updates to nonrecoverable files

Figure 2 illustrates two tasks updating the same record in recoverable SFS files or
DB2 files. Task A is given exclusive control of the record until the update is
committed (at the end of the LUW). During this period, Task B waits.
Task A



Exclusive Control extends to Syncend of LUW


Task B




Exclusive Control
until end of LUW


Figure 2. Locking (exclusive control) during updates to recoverable files

The extended period of exclusive control is needed to avoid the possibility of an

update committed by one task being backed out by another task. Consider what
could happen if you used the nonextended exclusive control shown in Figure 1. If
Task B reads the data after Task A wrote it but before the syncpoint (which it could
with nonrecoverable files), and Task A then backs out its changes, Task B would
have the incorrect value.

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


To avoid this problem, whenever a transaction issues a command that changes a

recoverable file (or reads from a recoverable file prior to update), SFS and DB2
automatically locks the updated record until the change is committed (that is, until
the end of the LUW). Thus in Figure 2 on page 39, Task B would not be able to
access the record until Task A had committed its change at the end of the LUW.
Hence, it becomes impossible for Task Bs update to be lost by a backout of Task
The file control commands that invoke automatic locking in this way are:
Note: Locking can lead to transaction deadlock. If a transaction requests a record
for update that is being updated by another task, the second task is locked
until the first update is complete.
When a transaction issues an EXEC CICS READ UPDATE command (for any file,
recoverable or not), SFS or DB2 maintain exclusive control of the record until an
EXEC CICS REWRITE (or UNLOCK or DELETE) command is issued. Two EXEC
CICS READ UPDATE commands for records in the same file without an
intervening EXEC CICS REWRITE command will raise the INVREQ condition.
For recoverable files, you should not use unique key alternate indexes to allocate
unique resources (represented by the alternate key). This is because backout failure
may occur in the following set of circumstances:
v A task deletes or updates a record (through the base or another alternate index
and the alternate index key is changed.
v Before the end of the first tasks LUW, a second task inserts a new record with
the original alternate index key, or changes an existing alternate index key to
that of the original one.
v The first task fails and CICS attempts to back it out.
The backout fails because a duplicate key is detected in the alternate index. There
was no locking on the alternate index key to prevent the second task taking it
before the end of the first tasks LUW. If there is an application requirement for
this sort of operation, the File Servers locking mechanism must reserve the key
until the end of the LUW.
To ensure that the data being read is up to date, the application program should
issue an EXEC CICS READ UPDATE command (rather than a simple READ), thus
locking on the data until the end of the LUW.

Implicit locking on logically recoverable transient data queues

CICS provides a facility for locking logically recoverable (as distinct from
physically recoverable) transient data queues in a similar way to that for
recoverable files.
Note that if DB2 is used as the file manager for CICS, all transient data (TD)
queues are treated as logically recoverable.
Transient data control commands that invoke implicit locking are:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Thus, for example:

v If a task issues an EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD command to a particular destination,
CICS locks that write destination until the end of the task (or LUW). While the
destination is locked:
Another task attempting to write to the same destination is suspended.
Another task attempting to read from the same destination is allowed to read
only committed data (not data that is being written in a currently incomplete
LUW). When trying to read uncommitted data, the task suspends until that
data is committed, unless the NOSUSPEND option is used on the READQ
v If a task issues an EXEC CICS READQ TD command to a particular destination,
CICS locks that read destination until the end of task (or LUW). While the
destination is locked:
Another task attempting to read from the same destination is suspended.
Another task attempting to write to the same destination is allowed to do so.
CICS locks that write destination until end of task (or LUW).

Implicit locking on recoverable temporary storage queues

CICS provides the locking protection facility for recoverable temporary storage
queues in a similar way to that for recoverable files. There is one minor difference;
when the file manager is SFS, locking is not invoked for EXEC CICS READQ TS
commands, therefore it is possible for one task to read a temporary storage queue
record while another is updating the same record (this allows the reading of
uncommitted data, or dirty reads). To avoid this, it is necessary to use explicit
locking on temporary storage queues where concurrently executing tasks can read
and change queues with the same temporary storage identifier.
Temporary storage control commands that invoke implicit locking are:

Explicit locking (by the application programmer)

CICS provides the following explicit locking commands:
These commands can be useful in certain applications where, for example, the
installation wants:
v To protect data that is not automatically protected by CICS for example, when
the data is written into the common work area (CWA).
v To prevent transaction deadlock by locking on records that might be updated by
more than one task concurrently.
v To protect a temporary storage queue from being read and updated concurrently.
To be effective, however, all transactions must adhere to the same convention. A
transaction that accesses the CWA without using the agreed ENQ and DEQ
commands will not be suspended, and protection will be violated. It follows that
you will need installation standards.
After a task has issued an EXEC CICS ENQ RESOURCE (data area) command, any
other task that issues an EXEC CICS ENQ RESOURCE command with the same
data area parameter is suspended until the task issues a matching EXEC CICS
DEQ RESOURCE (data area) command, or until the LUW ends, unless the
NOSUSPEND option is used.
Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


Note: The concurrent use of locks against more than one resource introduces the
possibility of transaction deadlock.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference and the CICS Administration Guide
for related information.

Performance considerations for CICS developers

This section identifies the performance issues that generally fall into the domain of
the developer.

Improving performance of CICS application programs

Writers of CICS application programs need to consider the following points:
v The impact of storage class, see Selecting the appropriate class of storage.
v The value of using BMS map suffixing, see BMS map suffixing.
v The value of shared libraries, see Resident options and shared libraries on
page 43.
v The importance of avoids locks, see Avoiding locks on page 43.
v The impact of reading programs, see Reading programs on page 44.
v The value of caching application code, see Using the program cache on page

Selecting the appropriate class of storage

GETMAIN storage is allocated with a mechanism similar to operating system
malloc and free routines, and comes from the process data segment. CICS
imposes a limit, configurable in the Region Definitions (RD), on the amount of
this type of storage that is given to a transaction program. This class of storage
is reclaimed by CICS if the transaction program abends or terminates without
releasing it.
GETMAIN SHARED is allocated from storage shared between all CICS tasks.
The total available is configured in the region database.
GETMAIN SHARED remains allocated until explicitly freed by a transaction
v Stack


You can use the C language function alloca to allocate stack storage for
automatic variables and dynamically sized automatic variables. This storage is
the quickest to allocate and deallocate and is automatically cleaned up when the
function exits or the transaction program abends. The application programmer
must ensure that this memory is freed at an appropriate time. Because it is not
simple to defend against the possibility that a transaction program will abend
while holding malloc storage, it is normal for transaction programs to use EXEC

BMS map suffixing

Device-specific maps are found more quickly than device-independent maps.
Creation of both types of maps is described in the CICS Application Programming


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Resident options and shared libraries

On CICS for AIX only
The size of a C, IBM COBOL, or PL/I transaction program can be determined
by using the size -f command.

On the HP-UX or Solaris platforms

The size of the C transaction program can be determined by using the size -f
When the size -f command is used, the fields text (program code), data
(initialized data), and bss (zeroed data) are relevant.
Operating-system programs typically make heavy use of shared libraries to reduce
code size. The use of shared libraries for programs containing CICS dependencies,
such as EXEC CICS calls, is not currently supported. However, you can still
possibly benefit from using shared libraries for common functions that, although
called from a CICS program, do not themselves contain any CICS dependencies.
On UNIX, the size of a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL program can be
determined with the ls -l command. Micro Focus Server Express COBOL programs
are managed by the CICS Micro Focus Server Express COBOL runtime. It is
possible for Micro Focus Server Express COBOL programs to invoke other Server
Express COBOL programs using EXEC CICS LINK, and to access C functions by
rebuilding the CICS Micro Focus Server Express COBOL runtime or by using
Using EXEC CICS LINK for this purpose can cause a reduction in storage use at
the expense of processing time.

Avoiding locks
Transaction programs can run concurrently as long as they do not depend on or
update the same data. If they do require the same data, the second transaction
must possibly wait until the first transaction reaches syncpoint.
You can design your application to minimize the amount of contention for locks.
For example, suppose that you must keep a count in a file of the number of
transactions executed in your system. Every transaction needs to contain
statements like the following:
EXEC CICS READ FILE("count_file") UPDATE ... ;
count = count + 1 ;
EXEC CICS REWRITE FILE("count_file") ;

Therefore, every transaction needs a lock on this record.

You get better concurrency if you do this as the last action before syncpoint; that
way, the lock is held for the shortest possible time. You get even better concurrency
if you can maintain several counters, perhaps keyed on transaction type, or
perhaps keyed on a random number, which can then be summarized when the
total is required.

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


Reading programs
On CICS for AIX only
Programs written in C, IBM COBOL, or PL/I are mapped into storage from
the file system, and so require very little paging space.

On the HP-UX and Solaris platforms

Programs written in C are mapped into storage from the file system, and so
require very little paging space.
Programs written in Micro Focus Server Express COBOL are explicitly read from
the file system in such a way that each application server makes its own copy the
first time that application server runs that transaction program. For a system with
a large number of application servers and a large number of Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL transaction programs, this can significantly increase the virtual
storage requirement.

Using the program cache

Caching a program improves performance because reloading costs are saved when
the program is used. The following options affect program caching:
v The Region Definitions (RD) ProgramCacheSize attribute.
Programs in all languages except Java and Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
and Net Express are cached only if at the time a program is loaded, the Program
Definitions (PD) Resident attribute is set to yes and the number of cached
programs in use has not reached the maximum number.
A resident program is not loaded again until one of the following occurs:
command is issued.
Note: On Windows systems, a file on disk cannot be removed or overwritten
while a copy of it is in the cache. Therefore, new copies of programs on
Windows can be used only if they are not cached.
The value of the Resident attribute is changed to no.
The cache is full and the program is removed to make room for a new entry.
In this case, the least-recently used program is removed, leaving
more-frequently used programs in the cache.
Because individual programs in use are not removed from the cache, it is
recommended that the cache size allow programs at every logical level to be
cached when EXEC CICS LINK is used.
v The environment variable COBSW is set to lnn
where nn is the cache size in bytes. This is a Micro Focus Server Express and
Net Express environment variable that sets the length of the Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL and Net Express program cache. This variable is defined in the
regions environment file.
Java programs can be cached by the Java runtime controlled through the Java
Virtual Machine (JVM).
Programs are loaded into the cache in the sequence in which they are accessed.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v Programs are cached for each application server, so a new copy of the
program has no effect on an application server if the application server
has not yet run the program.
commands for a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL or Net Express
program remove every program previously loaded by the application
server, so a fresh copy of every such program is used after one of these
commands is run, not just the program for which the SET PROGRAM
These commands have no effect on Java programs.

Improving performance of database access

The following list provides some tips to help you design applications to access
data files more efficiently:
v If you use non-XA databases, your applications need to issue the EXEC CICS
CONNECT command to start the database server for each transaction. Such
frequent connections use a lot of system resources. Applications can reuse an
XA-managed database connection over and over while the application server is
running without needing to call EXEC CICS CONNECT repeatedly.
v Minimize the number of interactions between a CICS transaction program and a
file system such as the SFS server or the database product.
Calls made between the CICS transaction program and the file system
significantly add to the overall time it takes to complete the program. To reduce
this time, you consider using dynamic SQL calls or calls to SQL stored
procedures, which allow you to process several rows or several files in one
activation. For instructions on how use any of these features, see the SQL
documentation supplied with your database product.
v If the majority of the transactions do not need to access a database, then use a
database that supports XA dynamic registration.
If the database supports XA dynamic registration, then CICS can arrange to
drive syncpoint in the database only when the database is actually updated for
the given transaction. This can reduce the time it takes to syncpoint when you
are running in an environment with multiple XA databases and CICS file control
files. In such an environment, transactions usually update data managed by only
some of the applications.
v Avoid overusing SQL operations that declare cursors or prepare dynamic SQL.
Typically, SQL operations that declare cursors (EXEC SQL DECLARE
CursorName) or prepare dynamic SQL commands (EXEC SQL PREPARE) are
relatively expensive, compared with the SQL operations (OPEN, FETCH,
EXECUTE, CLOSE). Consider using these more expensive calls only once per
transaction program. A programming style such as is shown below can be more
appropriate if it is supported by your database product.
if (SQLCODE == {cursor-not-declared} )

v DB2 provides a choice of two types of table spaces:

System Managed Space (SMS) Table Space, where operating system file
manager calls are used to control the storage space.

Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations


Database Managed Space (DMS) Table Space, where the database manager
controls the storage space.
By default, DB2 uses SMS Table Space. It is recommended however, that DMS
Table Space is used with CICS since, in general, it provides a performance
See the DB2: Administration Guide for details on how to create DMS table space.
See also Improving performance of database access on page 45 for more
information about CICS and database performance.

Improving performance of DB2 file management

A performance advantage can be gained from using DB2 single-phase commit
optimization where the additional data integrity provided by the XA interface
two-phase commit protocol is not required.
In general, DB2 single-phase commit optimization provides an improvement in
performance over SFS file management.

Improving performance of Oracle file management

Refer to the Oracle performance tuning guide for any performance enhancements.


Using CICS with WebSphere MQ


CICS supports access to WebSphere MQ queues through XA or non-XA

connections, using MQ API calls in CICS programs.


For both XA and non-XA connections to WebSphere MQ, CICS transactions that
access WebSphere MQ resources must either:
v Invoke the MQDISC call before returning to CICS
v Install the Task termination exit sample program provided by WebSphere MQ


The MQDISC call or the WebSphere MQ Task termination exit sample perform the
necessary clean up of WebSphere MQ resources. If you install the WebSphere MQ
Task termination exit sample, it is invoked by CICS during normal and abnormal
task termination.


If you do not either install the WebSphere MQ Task termination exit sample, or call
MQDISC before returning to CICS, you will experience unexpected CICS
application server abends during subsequent transaction runs.


For information about the WebSphere MQ Task termination exit sample and how
to install it, see the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide. Refer to the CICS
Administration Guide for information about how to configure WebSphere MQ with
CICS using XA and non-XA connections, and about building CICS/MQ

v With an XA connection to WebSphere MQ, CICS uses a two-phase commit

protocol to ensure that all resources within the logical unit of work are updated
together. The CICS transaction must issue an MQCONN call in order to access
WebSphere MQ resources.
v With a non-XA connection to WebSphere MQ, the MQ API is not managed
within the CICS logical unit of work, so you must use manual methods to make
the two systems consistent. To do this, you must issue EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT
to commit updates to CICS resources (or let this happen implicitly at the end of
the transaction), and issue the relevant MQ API calls to commit updates to MQ


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


Chapter 2. CICS application design considerations



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 3. Programming constraints

A number of topics need to be considered when writing CICS application
programs. This discusses each of the following topics in detail:
v Using COBOL compilers
v Using C and C++ compilers
v Using PL/I compilers
v Tabs in map and program sources
v The use of DCE, and operating system functions
v Names that are reserved by CICS
v Thread safety
v CICS-safe functions

General programming considerations

This section contains topics of general interest to consider when writing CICS
application programs.

Tabs in map and program sources

CICS requires that map and program sources follow strict formatting rules. For
example, a comma in column 72 is used to identify a continuation, and the
continued line must begin in column 16.
Be aware that some editors use hidden tab characters. cicstran and cicsmap report
these as errors.

The use of DCE and operating system functions

You can use functions from libraries provided by the operating system and DCE in
your CICS application programs, but you should be cautious in so doing for the
following reasons:
v Possible difficulties in migrating an IBM CICS for Windows or CICS on Open
Systems application to run on another CICS product. These functions will need
to be recoded if the other operating system does not have identical function.
v Restrictions placed on the use of these functions. The following topics discuss
these functions.

Names reserved for CICS

Do not define maps, tables, or programs that begin with the letters DFH and do
not define transactions or transient data queues that begin with the letter C. These
are reserved for CICS internal use.
As a general rule, avoid the use of the following as names for user variables:
v Or names starting with:
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


Thread safety
Compile all CICS programs by using the thread safe version of a runtime language
As discussed in How CICS runs your transactions on page 8, your application
programs run in a multi-threaded process. Certain types of function may not
behave correctly when called consecutively from two or more threads. These
functions should either not be used, or they should only be called using a
serialization technique. For example, any function that keeps static data between
calls (such as ctime) should not be used.

On CICS on Open Systems

The operating system provides a replacement library, as an example libc_r for
libc, that contains thread-safe replacements for the functions that are not
thread-safe. In some cases, function names have been changed. For example,
the replacement thread-safe version of ctime is called ctime_r.

On CICS for Windows

Functions should only be used from the compiler or operating system
thread-safe libraries.
Note: Use only the main thread in a CICS application to perform EXEC CICS calls
or do any XA work.

CICS-safe functions
Even if a function is thread safe, you cannot always use it in the CICS
environment. Functions that you can use in CICS application programs without
restrictions are called CICS-safe functions.
The functions and services below are not CICS safe and must not be used at all, or
at best, used with caution. In many cases, CICS uses these functions and services
itself; their use in application programs possibly causes CICS to behave
Note: The absence of a function from this list does not imply or guarantee that it
is CICS safe.
Table 4. Non-CICS-safe functions


Function or Service


Any function that is not thread safe

Do not use.

exec (without fork)

Do not use.


Do not use.

Shared memory functions

Do not attach memory at the address

specified with the Region Definitions (RD)
RegionPoolBase attribute. CICS uses this
address for region pool shared memory.

CICS internal functions

Do not use.

exit or _exit

Do not use.

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Table 4. Non-CICS-safe functions (continued)

Function or Service



Refer to the DCE application programming


stdin, stdout, stderr

Do not use these streams.


Do not send signals to any CICS process.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.


Do not use.

cin cout cerr

Do not use these iostream objects.

DCE asynchronous cancellation

Do not use.

DCE threads

You can create threads but you must not use

any CICS facility in them.

Encina TRAN

Do not use.

Encina Transactional C

Do not use.

Encina threadTid

Do not use.

catch(...) (in C++ programs)

Any exceptions not generated by the

application must be rethrown (using throw
with no argument).

See the CICS Problem Determination Guide for related information.

Using the COBOL compilers

Some points to consider are:
v The CICS API supported in COBOL: The full CICS API, as detailed in the CICS
Application Programming Reference, is supported for COBOL application programs.

On CICS for AIX or CICS for HP-UX

Micro Focus Server Express COBOL only
v The character sets supported: Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) is
v COMP-5: The COMP-5 message is an information message, and not a
warning message. The message is produced for the first occurrence of a
COMP-5 variable found by the compiler. The message format is:
COMP-5 is machine specific format. (future occurrences not

v Argument values in COBOL: Argument values in EXEC CICS commands in

COBOL programs are described in the CICS Application Programming Reference.
v Comments: Comments are allowed in the middle of EXEC CICS commands.
When these programs are translated, the comments are retained.

Chapter 3. Programming constraints


Default options in EXEC CICS commands for COBOL

CICS command options that have default values are shown in the following table:
Table 5. Default options in EXEC CICS commands for COBOL


Defaults from














FROMFLENGTH is specified)




is specified)



with no argument







with no argument


















without INTO or SET






Data declarations needed in COBOL

The EXEC Interface Block (EIB) data declaration is provided automatically. The
following mapping of data types in EIB fields is used:
v 16-bit binary integers are defined as PIC S9(4) COMP
v 32-bit binary integers are defined as PIC S9(8) COMP
v Character strings are defined as PIC X(n), where n is the number of bytes
The following data declarations are available in CICS-supplied COBOL copybooks:
v BMS screen attribute definitions (DFHBMSCA)
v Attention key definitions (DFHAID)
For more information about the DFHBMSCA and DFHAID COBOL copybooks, see
the CICS Application Programming Reference.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

COBOL program invocation environment (Micro Focus Server

Express COBOL only) On CICS on Open Systems only
On CICS on Open Systems
CICS application programs written in COBOL language must be compiled
(using cicstcl, for example) into either Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
intermediate files (.int) or Micro Focus Server Express COBOL runtime code
files (.gnt), suitable for dynamic loading by the Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL run-time system. The files created are not directly executable using
cobrun, since they contain some unresolved symbols that are expected to be
provided from the invoking CICS application server (see Application
servers on page 10). To run your transaction, CICS looks up the name and
location of a CICS program, and uses the dynamic loading facility provided
by the the Micro Focus Server Express COBOL run-time system to load and
run the program in the CICS application server

On CICS for Windows

CICS applications written in Micro Focus Net Express COBOL can be
compiled using the cicstcl command for use with or without Animator. The
cicstcl command produces files with the suffix cbmfmt.

COBOL program invocation environment (IBM COBOL only)

CICS application programs written in IBM COBOL must be compiled (using cicstcl
for example) into executables that are linked with thread-safe libraries. These
executables must have a suffix of ibmcob for identification by CICS.

Calling programs from COBOL

CICS enables your COBOL programs to use the CALL statement to call other
programs. With the CALL statement you can invoke a separate COBOL program
whether or not it contains CICS commands or CICS dependencies.

Chapter 3. Programming constraints


On CICS for Windows

Dynamically called COBOL subprograms should be built as dlls and have the
file suffix .dll.
A dynamically called COBOL program must reside in a directory that is
included in the following environment variables:
v For IBM COBOL programs:

v For Micro Focus Server Express COBOL and Net Express programs:

Ensure that the environment variable is in the System environment for use
within CICS.
COBPATH and COBDIR are defined by the compilers at installation time.
For Micro Focus Net Express COBOL programs, all COBOL calls check for the
program in the PD database the first time the program is called. If there is no
PD entry, the run-time looks for the program in the COBDIR directory. After
the first call to this program, disabling the program has no effect.

On CICS on Open Systems

A COBOL program must reside on one of the following directories:
v The CICS bin directory:

Note: Refer to xii for a description of how $CICS is used to represent the
product pathname.
v If it is specified as a file name or a base name in a CALL statement, it can
reside in:

v If it is specified as a full pathname in the CALL statement it can reside

anywhere in the file system.
If a program that calls a CICS program is processed by the CICS translator, the
CALL statement must pass the addresses of DFHEIBLK and DFHCOMMAREA as
the first two parameters, whether or not any other parameters are passed. The call
has the form shown in the following example:

In the called program PROG, the CICS translator inserts DFHEIBLK and
DFHCOMMAREA into the linkage section and into the USING list of the
procedure division statement. You code the procedure division statement normally.
In the previous example, this is:

The translator inserts DFHEIBLK and DFHCOMMAREA into this statement before


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Note: The CALL and PROCEDURE DIVISION statements shown above are
examples only. PARM1 and PARM2 are not mandatory.

Working storage
Applications written in COBOL are given a fresh copy of their working storage
when they are first used within a transaction.
It is not possible for CICS to arrange cancellation of anything but the top level
CICS program. If you wish to have working storage for such programs set to the
initial state both within and across transactions, you must ensure these programs
are cancelled individually.
If you are using Micro Focus Net Express COBOL, every program is given new
working storage if the /DATA-CONTEXT flag was specified when the program
was compiled.

Applications written in COBOL should avoid using recursion. See COBOL
PERFORM and CALL commands on page 23 for more information.

Available memory (Micro Focus Server Express COBOL On

CICS on Open Systems only)
Micro Focus Server Express COBOL allows you to set the amount of available
memory for the Micro Focus Server Express COBOL run-time system (RTS) using
the -l run-time switch. Unless all available memory has been used up, the RTS
performs logical EXEC CICS CANCELs, where a logical EXEC CICS CANCEL
flushes all file buffers but does not release memory. The RTS loads programs that
have been logically canceled in preference to reloading from disk; the memory is
used as a form of cache.
This can give performance advantages, but there is no way for CICS to force the
memory to be freed. If you want to force a reload from disk in order to pick up a
new copy of a program, for example, then you must set the memory switch to zero
in the environment file in your region directory (for example COBSW=-l0) to force
the run-time to reload from disk.
Alternatively, you may force a reload from disk for each separate program using
CEMT SET PROGRAM(program_name) NEWCOPY, where program_name
corresponds to the definition in the Program Definitions (PD).

If you experience problems running Micro Focus Server Express COBOL

transactions after using NEWCOPY, try resubmitting the transaction to overcome
the problem.

Mixing languages
A run unit is a running set of one or more programs that communicate with each
other by COBOL CALL statements. It is an execution of a single entry as defined
in the Program Definitions (PD). PD entries are not required for called
subprograms. In a CICS environment, a run unit is entered at the start of a CICS
task, or invoked by an EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL command.
Be aware of three rules governing calls between COBOL and C or C++ programs
under CICS.
Chapter 3. Programming constraints


v COBOL programs that contain CICS commands can CALL C or C++ programs
as long as the called C or C++ programs do not contain any CICS commands.
v C or C++ programs that contain CICS commands can CALL COBOL programs
as long as the called COBOL programs do not contain any CICS commands.
v COBOL programs can EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL to a C or C++
program regardless of whether or not the C or C++ program contains CICS
Therefore, if your COBOL program invokes a C or C++ program that contains
CICS commands (or vice versa), use EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL rather
than the COBOL CALL statement.

Passing integer data between C or C++ and COBOL

If you want to pass integer data between C or C++ and COBOL programs in a
COMMAREA, the data items must be decalred in COBOL as COMP-5, otherwise
the byte ordering of the data is incorrect and the values are corrupted.

Returning from COBOL programs

There are various methods of returning from a COBOL program:
Returns control to calling program or to CICS.
Returns control to the calling program when issued from a subprogram
invoked by a COBOL CALL. When issued from a top level procedure
division, as in a program invoked directly by CICS, or by EXEC CICS
LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL, it is ignored.
Must not be used in CICS programs because it causes the application
server to terminate.
Terminates the program normally.
Terminates the program normally.
Terminates the program abnormally.

Releasing resources
In short-lived processes, any resources (such as file handles and memory) will be
automatically released. Since CICS uses long-running application servers, this
release will not be automatically done at the end of a transaction. CICS will only
clean up the CICS resources that it owns (such as EXEC CICS GETMAIN storage).
Therefore it is important that if a CICS program calls a function such as open
directly, a corresponding close must be called before the end of the program. If
close is not called, the system may run out of resources.
The resources affected by this consideration include memory segments,
semaphores, locks and file handles.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Object-oriented COBOL support

In a CICS application program written in IBM COBOL Set for AIX, you can use the
INVOKE statement to invoke methods written in IBM COBOL Set for AIX as long
as the methods do not use CICS commands. You cannot use EXEC CICS LINK to
access COBOL methods directly. However, you can link to another COBOL
program which invokes methods directly.

Compiling EBCDIC-enabled COBOL programs

EBCDIC-to-ASCII data conversion can be necessary for communications between a
CICS for Windows system and a remote mainframe or CICS/400 system. For
example, if you use function shipping to access file records from a mainframe, the
data must be converted from EBCDIC to ASCII in order to be usable by the ASCII
program on the CICS for Windows workstation. Often, resource definition
templates must be defined to identify the type of conversion to be applied to the
To avoid the need to set up these conversion tables or to ensure the collating
sequence compatibility of mainframe applications, you can use the cicscobinsert
utility to compile EBCDIC-enabled programs to run on a CICS for Windows
workstation. Such EBCDIC-enabled programs are supported by Micro Focus Net
Express version 3.0 or later.
Note: Use in EBCDIC-enabled programs of the Front-End Programming Interface
(FEPI), Basic Mapping Support (BMS) macros, and pretranslated copybooks
is not supported. Support of EXEC SQL calls is provided through Micro
Focus Net Express.
To create an EBCDIC-enabled program, first write the source code on the
workstation in ASCII or download the source code from the mainframe, using
EBCDIC to ASCII conversion in the usual way. Then set the Micro Focus Net
Express option CHARSET to EBCDIC, as shown in the following example:

Then translate the program on the workstation. Use the cicscobinsert utility to
provide a necessary conversion for alphanumeric literals during interaction
between applications and CICS. See Using Micro Focus Net Express to compile
EBCDIC-enabled COBOL programs on page 227 for information on how to use
this utility with the cicstcl or cicstran commands.
The Micro Focus Net Express compiler converts alphanumeric literals to EBCDIC.
It does not convert character constants represented in hexadecimal format. As a
result, these constants must exist as their hexadecimal equivalent EBCDIC values.
See your compiler documentation for more information. Programs compiled with
the EBCDIC directive run as EBCDIC programs; for example, PIC 9 fields hold
values from XF0 through XF9.
When an application is run and an EXEC CICS call is made, character values are
converted from EBCDIC to ASCII and from ASCII to EBCDIC as required.
Examples of fields and arguments that are converted in this way include the
v EIBTRNID and EIBTRMID field values.
v Arguments to EXEC CICS commands.
The content of data areas passed to EXEC CICS commands is not converted.
Chapter 3. Programming constraints


You should not use COBOL statements to request operating system functions that
can be requested from the CICS API.
You should also not use the following COBOL statements:
If the PROGRAM-ID statement is used, the program name must be the same as the
The PROGRAM-ID is used by the COBOL compilers as the entry-point name,
defaulting to upper-case.
On CICS on Open Systems you can use compiler options to allow a mixed-case
entry-point name, but CICS does not support mixed-case for Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL, and supports mixed case for IBM COBOL only if you compile
and link in separate steps and do not use cicstcl.
On CICS for Windows, CICS does not support mixed-case entry-point names for
IBM COBOL or Micro Focus Net Express COBOL.
Micro Focus Net Express programs are never unloaded from memory.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Using the C and the C++ compilers

If you are writing CICS application programs in C and C++, you must use a
compiler that can link with thread-safe libraries (see Thread safety on page 50).
It is recommended that you use cicstcl to compile your application programs
because this CICS command uses the thread-safe compilers.
Note: For C and C++ transaction programs, the main() function must be contained
in a .ccs file because it must be translated.
The full CICS API, as detailed in the CICS Application Programming Reference , is
supported for C and C++ application programs, with the exception of those
commands related to nonstructured exception handling:
v EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION (with or without a label)
v EXEC CICS HANDLE AID (with or without a label)
Use of these commands is diagnosed by the translator.
In a C and C++ application, every EXEC CICS command is treated as if it has the
NOHANDLE option specified. This option overrides the default action when an
un-handled condition occurs, which is to map the condition to a transaction abend,
and means that control always flows to the next instruction after an EXEC CICS
command. The application must test for a normal response and take appropriate
action if any condition has occurred.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND PROGRAM commands are allowed, but you cannot

Argument values in C and C++

Argument values in EXEC CICS commands in C and C++ programs are described
in the CICS Application Programming Reference.
When CICS requires a pointer argument for data-area or pointer-ref argument
types, the translator will insert the ampersand (&) if you have not already
specified it.
New time arguments are supplied for use with C and C++ programs that cannot
have a packed decimal data type. The commands affected are:
These time fields have previously been defined as data-type hhmmss - packed
decimal. These fields are of two kinds:
1. An elapsed time interval
2. A time-of-day value, relative to the preceding midnight.

Delay processing the task (EXEC CICS DELAY)







FOR has the same meaning as the INTERVAL option used with COBOL programs
(interval of time). UNTIL has the same meaning as the TIME option (absolute
The following is an example of the EXEC CICS DELAY command:

Start a task (EXEC CICS START)

Chapter 3. Programming constraints







AFTER has the same meaning as the INTERVAL option (interval of time). AT has
the same meaning as the TIME option (absolute time).

Time arguments
The option specifies the hours time argument. The argument (hh) is
defined as a 32 bit binary data value.
The option specifies the minutes time argument. The argument (mm) is
defined as a 32 bit binary data value.
The option specifies the seconds time argument. The argument (ss) is
defined as a 32 bit binary data value.
If more than one of the time components (HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS) is
specified, the omitted ones will be assumed to have a zero value and the permitted
ranges will be:
1. Hours - 0 to 99
2. Minutes - 0 to 59
3. Seconds - 0 to 59
If only one time component (HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS) is specified, the
permitted range will be 0 to the equivalent of 99 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

Defaulting options in CICS commands

The LENGTH option must always be supplied in CICS commands in C or C++
language application programs, except on EXEC CICS SEND MAP, EXEC CICS
You can omit the FROM option on the EXEC CICS SEND MAP command and the
INTO option on an EXEC RECEIVE MAP command, provided the MAP option is a
literal string. The defaults are shown in the following table:
Table 6. EXEC CICS default options for C and C++




Defaults to




TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Table 6. EXEC CICS default options for C and C++ (continued)



Defaults to




Data declarations needed in C and C++

The EXEC Interface Block (EIB) data declaration is provided automatically. Within
a C application program, fields in the EIB are referred to in lowercase and fully
qualified as, for example, dfheiptr->eibtrnid, in contrast to EIBTRNID as used in
other CICS applications.
The following mapping of data types in EIB fields is used:
v 8-bit unsigned binary integers are defined as cics_ubyte_t
v 16-bit unsigned binary integers are defined as cics_ushort_t
v 16-bit signed binary integers are defined as cics_sshort_t
v 32-bit unsigned binary integers are defined as cics_ulong_t
v 32-bit signed binary integers are defined as cics_slong_t
v Single character fields are defined as cics_char_t
v Character strings are defined as cics_char_t arrays
v Boolean data is defined as cics_bool_t
The following data declarations are available in CICS-supplied C or C++ include
v BMS screen attribute definitions (dfhbmsca.h)
v Attention key definitions (dfhaid.h)
For more information about the dfhbmsca.h and dfhaid.h header files, see the CICS
Application Programming Reference.

C and C++ program invocation environment

Two arguments are normally passed to a C or C++ main procedure: argc and argv.
The argc argument is the number of command line arguments with which the
program was invoked, and the argv argument is a pointer to an array of character
strings that contain the command-line arguments, one per string. CICS programs
do not have genuine command-line arguments; instead, the following scheme is

The transaction id under which the program is running
A pointer to the EIB
A pointer to the commarea (or NULL)
The commarea length

Note that this scheme differs from other approaches used by the CICS family
where only the transaction identifier (tranid) is provided and the value for argc is set
to 1.
When you link-edit an application program to be run under CICS (using cicstcl,
for example), the object you create is not directly executable by the operating
system both because it contains some unresolved symbols and because it expects to
be run by the CICS application server. The CICS application server (see
Application servers on page 10) provides a complete environment for running
the loadable objects produced by cicstcl. To run your transaction, CICS looks up
the name and location of a CICS program, and uses the operating system dynamic

Chapter 3. Programming constraints


loading facility to load that program into the application server. The unresolved
symbols in the program are then resolved by symbols provided by the server and
the program begins execution.

On CICS for AIX only

If you are compiling a program that uses non ANSI extensions, compile using
the extended mode. Also, the same options apply to cicstcl. If you are
compiling a transaction program that uses non-ANSI extensions, add the
following to your cicstcl arguments:

IBM C++ executables must have a suffix of .ibmcpp for identification by CICS.

Restriction in cached programs using variables in static

When C or C++ programs are cached, variables in static storage are not
reinitialized when the program is re-invoked. This is useful where database
connections (among other things) are stored as variables in static storage and are
required to be kept between successive invocations as this provides a large
performance benefit.
BMS maps may be stored as static, which allows previous data to be shown on the
screen. If you do not want this because of the possiblity of security exposures,
either change the code so that the variables in static storage are not used, or do not
cache the program.


The address of the communication area is not passed as an argument to a C or
C++ main function. This means that C functions must use EXEC CICS ADDRESS
COMMAREA to obtain the address of the communications area.

Calling programs from C or C++

CICS C or C++ programs are only given a fresh copy of their static data for the
first instance of the program. You should not use static data in programs that are
called recursively.

Mixing languages
A run unit in CICS C or C++ is a single CICS C or C++ program. A CICS
transaction can consist of many run units, each of which can be in a different
language, provided that programs written in one language communicate with
programs written in another language only by using EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC
CICS XCTL commands.


The ADDRESS of the exec interface block (EIB) is not passed as an argument to a
C or C++ main function. This means that C functions must use EXEC CICS
ADDRESS EIB to obtain the address of the EIB.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

If you specify the RESP option or the RESP2 option or both in an EXEC CICS
statement, you must specify EXEC CICS ADDRESS EIB(dfheiptr) beforehand. The
name dfheiptr is required. Omitting this step causes the transaction to abend with
an abend code of ASRA.

Releasing resources
In short-lived operating system processes, any resources (such as file handles and
memory) will be automatically released. Since CICS uses long-running application
servers, this release will not be automatically done at the end of a transaction.
CICS will only clean up the CICS resources that it owns (such as EXEC CICS
GETMAIN storage). Therefore it is important that if a CICS program calls a
function such as open directly, a corresponding close must be called before the end
of the program. If close is not called, the system may run out of resources.
The resources affected by this consideration include memory segments,
semaphores, locks and file handles.

String handling
CICS does not generally support the C convention of delimiting strings using a
null byte. Instead, strings are padded with spaces to their maximum length. All
strings output from CICS are always space padded, and therefore cannot be used
directly by C string manipulation functions.
You should take care in passing strings terminated with a null to the CICS
interface. This will work in situations where the option concerned is not of a fixed
length, but will not work for fixed length options. For example, a CICS file name
can be up to eight characters in length, so you can open the literal ABCD and
CICS will handle this correctly. But, temporary storage queue names (including
REQID on certain commands) must be exactly 8 bytes. Therefore, CICS will take
whatever bytes happen to be after the null following ABCD as part of the TSQ

C++ considerations
Do not use iostream objects in CICS programs.
Do not place CICS statements in header files as part of an inline function
definition. CICS statements in class templates must be translated before the
inclusion of the template class definition in any program. C++ allows the creation
of new objects on the heap and it is important that these objects are deleted after
use to avoid memory leaks. Ensure that all initialization is done within the object
You should also ensure that your prodDir is set to the path of any class libraries
used in your CICS environment file.
Do not use CICS statements in static object constructors or destructors. Static
constructors and destructors are called outside a CICS Logical Unit of Work, and
so using CICS statements at these points can cause abends.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Returning from C and C++ programs

There are various methods of returning from a C or C++ program:

Chapter 3. Programming constraints


return Returns control to calling program or to CICS.

exit, abort, and _exit
These must not be used in CICS programs because they cause the
application server to terminate.
Terminates the program normally.
Terminates the program normally.
Terminates the program abnormally.

Using the IBM PL/I compiler

CICS application programs written in IBM PL/I must be compiled (using cicstcl
for example) into executables that are linked with thread-safe libraries. These
executables must have a suffix of ibmpli for identification by CICS.
The full CICS API, as detailed in the CICS Application Programming Reference , is
supported for PL/I application programs, with the exception of HANDLE ABEND

Restriction in cached programs using variables in static

When PL/I programs are cached, variables in static storage are not reinitialized
when the program is re-invoked. This is the desired behavior as database
connections (among other things) are stored as variables in static storage and it is
required that these to be kept between successive invocations as this provides a
large performance benefit.
BMS maps may be stored as statics and this may allow previous data to be shown
on the screen. If this behavior is not desired, such as the possibility of security
exposures, either the code should be changed so that variables in static storage are
not used, or the program should not be cached.

Default options in EXEC CICS commands for PL/I

CICS command options that have default values are shown in the following table:
Table 7. Default options in EXEC CICS commands for PL/I




Defaults from














FROMFLENGTH is specified)




is specified)


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Table 7. Default options in EXEC CICS commands for PL/I (continued)



Defaults from


with no argument







with no argument


















without INTO or SET






PL/I program invocation environment

When you link-edit an application program to be run under CICS (using cicstcl,
for example), the object you create is not directly executable by the operating
system both because it contains some unresolved symbols and because it expects to
be run by the CICS application server. The CICS application server (see
Application servers on page 10) provides a complete environment for running
the loadable objects produced by cicstcl. To run your transaction, CICS looks up
the name and location of a CICS program, and uses the operating system dynamic
loading facility to load that program into the application server. The unresolved
symbols in the program are then resolved by symbols provided by the server and
the program begins execution.
PL/I executables must have a suffix of .ibmpli.

Calling programs from PL/I

CICS PL/I programs are only given a fresh copy of their static data for the first
instance of the program. You should not use static data in programs that are called

Data declarations needed for PL/I

The EXEC Interface Block (EIB) data declaration is provided automatically. The
following mapping of PL/I expressions in EIB fields is used:
v Halfword binary values are defined as FIXED BIN(15)
v Fullword binary values are defined as FIXED BIN(31)
v Character strings are defined as CHAR(n), where n is the number of bytes
For more information, see the CICS Application Programming Reference.

Chapter 3. Programming constraints


OPTIONS(MAIN) specification
If OPTIONS(MAIN) is specified for a PL/I program, the program can be the first
program of a transaction, or control can be passed to it by means of an EXEC CICS
LINK or XCTL command.
If OPTIONS(MAIN) is not specified, the program cannot be the first program in a
transaction, nor have control passed to it by an EXEC CICS LINK or XCTL
The definition of the EIB (DFHEIBLK) is generated in each program, based upon
the pointer variable DFHEIPTR. In programs declared with OPTIONS(MAIN), the
DFHEIPTR variable is set up to address the EIB on entry. In programs other than
those declared with OPTIONS(MAIN), addressability to the EIB is the users
Addressability can be achieved by using the command:

Addressability can also be achieved by passing the EIB address or the values of
particular EIB fields as arguments to the CALL statement that invokes the external

Mixing languages
A run unit in CICS PL/I is a single CICS PL/I program. A CICS transaction can
consist of many run units, each of which can be in a different language, provided
that programs written in one language communicate with programs written in
another language only by using EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL

Returning from PL/I programs

There are various methods of returning from a PL/I program:
Terminates the program normally.
Terminates the program normally.
Terminates the program abnormally.

Releasing resources
In short-lived operating system processes, any resources (such as file handles and
memory) will be automatically released. Since CICS uses long-running application
servers, this release will not be automatically done at the end of a transaction.
CICS will only clean up the CICS resources that it owns (such as EXEC CICS
GETMAIN storage). Therefore it is important that if a CICS program calls a
function such as open directly, a corresponding close must be called before the
end of the program. If close is not called, the system may run out of resources.
The resources affected by this consideration include memory segments,
semaphores, locks and file handles.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services

This chapter describes how to write application programs that use the CICS
presentation services.

What are the presentation services?

CICS provides two API services that handle the presentation interface with the
end-user. These can be thought of as a low-level interface and a high-level interface:
Terminal services
The low-level interface is called terminal services. This interface allows you
to communicate with the terminal using 3270 datastreams. See Terminal
Basic mapping support (BMS)
The high-level interface is Basic Mapping Support (BMS). This facility allows
you to define your presentation logic in terms of maps containing fields.
You define these maps externally to the applications program with BMS
macros. On CICS for Windows and CICS on Open Systems, BMS macros
are coded manually. See Basic mapping support (BMS) services on page
71 and Using the BMS macros to code BMS map sets on page 97.

Terminal services
The CICS terminal services allow user-written application programs, terminals, and
logical units to communicate using API commands. Terminal services handle data
translation, transaction identification, synchronization of input and output
operations, and the session control needed to read from or write to a terminal. This
frees the application from the responsibility of controlling terminals.
During processing, an application program is connected to one terminal for one
task. The terminal services monitor which task is associated with which terminal,
and determine which task is to be initiated.
In intercommunications, terminal services are also used to control communication
with logical units (LU) or with another CICS system. An LU can represent a
terminal either directly, or indirectly, through a program stored in a subsystem
CICS for Windows supports terminals with a process known as a CICS local
terminal. The client process is responsible for reading user input, communicating
with an attached region to run transactions, receiving output from those
transactions, and displaying it to the end-user. The supplied CICS client cicsterm
(CICS on Open Systems) and cicsteld processes contain an IBM 3270 Information
Display System datastream emulation which supports a subset of the 3270
CICS on Open Systems clients, cicsterm, and cicsteld however, cannot emulate all
I/O devices, such as card readers. To enable you to use these devices from CICS,
and to allow you to write enhanced 3270 emulations, the CICS on Open Systems
clients cicsterm and cicsteld processes are replaceable. Information about CICS on

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


Open Systems clients cicsterm and cicsteld, and about writing your own versions
of the replaceable code is in the CICS Administration Reference.
You can use terminal services to communicate with a remote system by means of
distributed transaction processing (DTP), which is described fully in the CICS
Intercommunication Guide.
You can use the following API commands to use the terminal services (provided
they apply to your terminal or logical unit):
Read data from a terminal or logical unit.
SEND Write data to a terminal or logical unit.
Write text to a terminal or logical unit that is formatted in such as way that
words are not split across lines.
Converse with a terminal or logical unit.
Synchronize terminal input/output for a transaction.
Send an asynchronous interrupt.
Other services available in response to terminal services commands apply to
specific types of terminal. Because CICS supports many different terminal types, it
provides a number of special services. In particular, there are many commands for
communicating with display devices such as those members of the IBM 3270
Information Display System family.
Use the EXEC CICS SEND TEXT command to send text to a terminal. The text is
split into lines of the same width as the terminal, such that words are not broken
across line boundaries. If the text exceeds a page, it is split into pages that fit on
the terminal.
The data area containing the text to be sent is specified in the FROM option. The
LENGTH option specifies the length of this area. To help control the format of the
display, the text may contain embedded new-line characters and embedded blanks.

How text is formatted

When formatting the text, BMS splits it into lines of length less than or equal to the
terminal page width. BMS pads the ends of lines with blanks rather than splitting
words. BMS starts each line with a single blank corresponding to the 3270 attribute
byte. On a 3270, the attribute byte is set to unprotected, autoskip, and normal
If a line of text ends with a non-blank character, and the next character is a blank,
BMS processes the data as if it were a sentence, that is, the blank is removed and
the next character is positioned in the second column of the next line, which is the
starting column for text.
Where a line of text ends with a blank and the next character is also a blank, BMS
honors all blanks to process the data as if it were in table format.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

If the FROM data area contains more text than can fit on a single screen, BMS
creates another screen of formatted text and overwrites the previous screen. If the
ERASE option is used, then the previous screen is erased before the new screen is
written, thus improving the presentation of the text.

Printing the text

CICS for Windows:
See the CICS Clients: Administration for information about using CICS on Open
Systems client services to print the text.
CICS on Open Systems:
Printed text is formatted such that words are not broken across line boundaries
and, if the text exceeds a page, it is split into pages. To print text:
1. Start cicstermp, the CICS printer emulator, as shown:
cicstermp -r region -n netname

where netname is the network name specified in the Terminal Definitions (WD)
entry that represents the printer. Refer to the CICS Administration Reference for
additional information, such as how to specify a print command when
cicstermp is started.
2. Use either EXEC CICS START or CECI START, as shown:

where transid is the application that issues the SEND TEXT PRINT command
(see Figure 3 on page 70), and termid is the printer model entry defined in the
WD. If cicstermp is running, these commands send the text to the printer
specified by the principal facility named with the TERMID(termid) option. If
cicstermp is not running, then the START command is queued until cicstermp
is started.

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services



VALUE +792.
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(40)
PIC X(32)

Figure 3. COBOL example using SEND TEXT to print data

The output will read as shown in Figure 4 on page 71 (in 80 column mode):


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


Figure 4. Example output from SEND TEXT

Terminal services design considerations

To ensure the efficiency of applications using terminal services, you should
consider the following guidelines:
v Keep the length of the datastream short.
Good screen design and effective use of the 3270 features, significantly affect the
number of bytes to be sent in the remote procedure call (RPC) and potentially
therefore across the network.
It is particularly important to keep the number of terminal transmissions as
small as possible as, in most cases, this may be the slowest part of the path a
transaction takes. The efficiency of the datastream therefore affects both response
time and line usage.
v Use CONVERSE rather than SEND/RECEIVE.
If you program it to be conversational, use CONVERSE rather than
SEND/RECEIVE (or a (SEND WAIT)/ RECEIVE sequence). They are
functionally equivalent, but CONVERSE only crosses the CICS services interface
once, which saves processor time.
v Avoid using unnecessary transactions.
For example, avoid situations that may cause users to enter an invalid
transaction or to use the CLEAR key unnecessarily, thus adding to terminal
input, task control processing, terminal output, and overhead. Good screen
design and standardized PF/PA key assignments should minimize this.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Basic mapping support (BMS) services

Basic mapping support (BMS) is an interface between CICS and CICS application
programs that move 3270 datastreams to and from a terminal. BMS formats input
and output display data in response to BMS commands and programs using
device information defined in the Terminal Definitions (WD) and formatting
information from the maps prepared for the application program.
On both TXSeries CICS you can code map definition macros and use the cicsmap
command to generate the maps. This is described in Using the BMS macros to
code BMS map sets on page 97.

Developing applications that use BMS services

BMS provides a front-end interface to 3270 protocol. Because of this, you dont
need to know the details of 3270 protocol. However, because some 3270 protocol
Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


terminology is used in the following discussions, it would be helpful to refer to the

IBM 3270 Information Display Programmers Reference.
BMS lets you separate the tasks of display design and CICS application
programming by interpreting generalized device-independent application program
output commands, and by generating device-dependent datastreams for specific
output devices. BMS also transforms incoming datastreams into a form acceptable
to application programs. BMS determines the format of the datastream for the
terminal from the device on which the task is running, not from the application
You can use the same BMS input or output commands in your application
program for different types of devices. A single BMS command in your program
applies equally to various devices because BMS interprets commands differently
for different device types.
BMS commands are quite simple, because all the low-level formatting information
is held separately, in maps. Consequently your application programs are easier to
write and less affected by changes to the system or its devices. You can make
changes independently of your application programs just by changing the maps.

BMS functions supported in CICS

The following table shows the functions supported with minimum function BMS in
TXSeries CICS:
Table 8. Functions supported with minimum function BMS
BMS function

Is the function

Basic 3270 displays and printers


Default and alternate screen sizes


Extended attributes


Formfeed control


Command-level requests






map set suffixing


GDDM coordination


Aligned and unaligned maps


Out of sequence input maps


Block data


Automatic setting of WCC character line width




In addition to minimum function support, TXSeries CICS also support the use of
the EXEC CICS SEND TEXT command with the following options:
v FROM(data-area)


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

SEND TEXT is included in standard function BMS support.
The existing maps you migrate from other CICS family members are processed
within the TXSeries CICS environment with the limitation that minimum function
BMS and SEND TEXT with the limited options is supported. This supports the
IBM 3270 and IBM 3270-like range of displays and printers, except for SNA
character string printers. (SNA character string refers to, in SNA, a character string
composed of EBCDIC controls, optionally intermixed with end-user data, that is
carried within a request or response unit.)

How BMS affects programming

Different versions of a display map can exploit the features of different devices. By
having the screen data in fields (that is, defining data as having field format), you
can address predefined fields in a display symbolically by name from within your
application, without knowing the actual screen positions of those fields.
Changing field data to and from its displayable form is called mapping.
Although the same fields must appear in all versions of a display, you can move
them around in different versions. A suffixing mechanism enables BMS to associate
a display version with the kind of device to which it applies.

The BMS processor

The BMS processor accepts files containing a series of BMS macro instructions that
were coded in a map source file. The input file name must have extension .bms.
The following describes the map source files and associated input files.
BMS maps: Maps specify to BMS how field data is to be formatted. Maps are not
needed for text data. Every BMS mapping command names a map that contains
formatting instructions. Each map has two forms: physical and symbolic.
BMS formats a display for a given device by embedding control characters in the
datastream. A physical map tells BMS how to do this.
A symbolic map is a source language data structure that is used to resolve source
program references to fields in the map. It is also known as a logical map.
Note: C language symbolic maps must be byte-packed.
Maps must belong to a map set. You usually group related maps together into one
map set. You define a map set by coding a series of BMS macro instructions. BMS
maps are generated by the BMS map processor from BMS source files containing
three types of macros. The first of these macros defines the map set itself, the
second defines the first or only map, the last defines fields within those maps. The
field macros define the field size, shape, position (the row and column), potential
content, and characteristics (such as protected or unprotected, and bright or dark).
You define map sets, maps, and fields within maps with the following macros:
Defines a group of related maps, known as a map set.
Defines a single map within a map set.
Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


Defines a single field within a map.
To map screen display information into the application program, you use the EXEC
CICS RECEIVE MAP command. In order to send data from an application
program to a display screen or printer you use the EXEC CICS SEND MAP
command. You use the EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL command to transmit device
control orders.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.
CICS also provides the EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command. This command
passes control within an application program as a result of an attention identifier
(AID) being received from a display device.
On TXSeries CICS the cicsmap command processes a source file containing BMS
macros, and generates either a symbolic map or maps, or a physical map or maps,
or both as specified by the map input. You use command line options to control
the generation of symbolic or physical maps. See cicsmap - generate BMS map
files on page 276.
The map sets required in your region are defined in a Program Definitions (PD)
entry as described in the CICS Administration Reference.
For the following descriptions, the term processed means processed with the cicsmap
command, and the term defined means defined in a Program Definitions (PD) entry.
Symbolic Map
A symbolic description map set definition is processed and defined in the
subdirectory. The member name is usually the same as the map set name,
but it need not be. Alternatively, the symbolic map can be copied or
inserted directly into the application program.
Physical Map
A physical map set definition is processed and defined in the CICS regions
bin subdirectory.
When you define the physical map, you should consider whether to add a suffix to
its name. See Map set suffixing for more detail. The reason for suffixing a map is
that you might wish to produce alternative versions of it for different emulator
Note: The cicsmap command takes no notice of DFHMSD TYPE=operand. Symbolic
and physical maps are generated depending on the options supplied to the
Map set suffixing: If you want to execute the same transaction from more than
one type of emulator, you might need to use BMS map set suffixing. If you are
prepared to use the same map to format data for all your emulators, you need not
read the rest of this section. If however, you wish to organize output data
according to the emulator in use, making best use of its features, you ought to
consider suffixing map sets.
To avoid problems at the assembly stage, do one of the following:
v Use SUFFIX or TERM on your DFHMSD maps (in which case, you can safely
use the same name for your map set and your maps).
v Make sure you use different names on your DFHMSD and DFHMDI macros.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

When a BMS command requests a mapping operation for an 80-column terminal,

CICS adds a suffixed M to the map set name specified in the command, and
attempts to load a map set with that suffixed name. For example, if the terminal is
80 columns wide, and the map set name is MYMAP, CICS will use a map set with
the name of MYMAPM. If MYMAPM is not found, MYMAP is used. Terminals
that are 132 columns wide do not use a suffixed map set.
Finally, you should ask your system programmer to ensure that your physical
maps are defined with the correct suffixes. In particular, you may need to know
the following points about suffixing:
v If you specify TERM or SUFFIX on your DFHMSD macro, you should ensure
that the physical map set is defined using the correctly suffixed name.
v You can code SUFFIX, instead of TERM, on DFHMSD if you need to create a
special version of a map.
v You should ensure that the Region Definitions (RD) SufficesSupported attribute
is set to yes to ensure suffixed maps are loaded at run time.
The physical mapset name is made up from the mapset name on the DFHMSD
macro suffixed by a 1-character value determined from the TERM or SUFFIX
operand of the macro.
For example:

In this case, M is appended because TERM=3270 is specified. For further

information about the DFHMSD macro, see the CICS Application Programming
In this way, if you generate a base mapset TESTMAP as well as a suffixed mapset
TESTMAPM when you issue a mapping command such as EXEC CICS SEND
MAP(...) MAPSET(TESTMAP), CICS will use the map from the unsuffixed mapset
unless the DEVICE TYPE is a 3270 when it uses the map from the suffixed mapset.
In this way you can modify your maps within the different mapsets to suit
different device types.
How to use the BMS processor: The BMS processor accepts map source files
containing a series of BMS macro instructions. You can create these BMS macro
instructions by:
v Migrating them from another CICS family member
v Typing the macros in with a standard editor
The source file consists of a map set which in turn is broken into a number of
maps and fields. You declare the map set using a map set macro, you declare each
map using the map macro, and you declare the fields using the field definition
macros. The BMS processor processes the macros to produce the symbolic and
physical map files.
The symbolic map file is a programming source language data structure (for CICS
a COBOL DATA DIVISION definition or a C structure or a PL/I Structure) which
you include in your application program. The symbolic map allows you to make
symbolic references to display fields and attributes. CICS loads the physical map
file into the runtime environment, and uses this map file to generate the display
control data to drive a particular display device.

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


You invoke the BMS processor directly from the command-line, by entering the
required options for the cicsmap command. For example:

where mapset is the one to seven character map set name.

You can prefix the input map source file name with an optional pathname, but the
file must have the extension .bms on it. The BMS processor places the output
physical map file in the current working directory, overwriting any previous
physical map file for the same map source file. The output file is named:

If you have used the SUFFIX or TERM option, the output file is named:

where x is replaced with the value given in the SUFFIX and TERM operands in the
map source file.
The BMS processor places the symbolic map file in the following for COBOL:
in the following for C or C++:

and in the following for PL/I :

The symbolic map file is placed in the current working directory, overwriting any
previous symbolic map file for the same map set. No maps are generated if the
BMS processor detects any errors in the map source file.
The contents of the map source file alter the operation of the cicsmap program.
The LANG option you associate with the map set macro (DFHMSD) determines
the output of cicsmap. The LANG option does not affect the production of the
physical map file.
To generate the symbolic map file where the target language is COBOL, set the
option LANG in the map set macro in the map source file equal to COBOL. You
can use the output file as a COBOL copybook file using the COBOL verb COPY.
To generate the symbolic map file where the target language is C, set the option
LANG in the map set macro in the map source file equal to 'C'. You can use the
output file as an include file.
To generate the symbolic map file where the target language is PL/I, set the option
LANG in the map set macro in the map source file equal to PLI. You can use the
output file as a PL/I include file.

3270 terminal emulation

The 3270 datastream conveys both displayable data characters and nondisplayable
control characters between the host processor and an emulator. Using BMS
commands, you do not have to understand the format of the datastream.
Nevertheless, you need to know the range of things the datastream allows you to
do. This section describes the features of 3270 emulators, and discusses how you
can use them.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Input operations: When you have typed data on to a display, you will probably
want to send it to the host processor. You do this by:
v Pressing the ENTER key
v Pressing a program function (PF) key
Although the display will send modified data when you press PF keys, the keys
are not normally used for this. Generally, you assign a specified meaning to the
key itself.
If you want to send data from a terminal without the user having to enter it
explicitly, you can set the modified data tag (MDT) for the required field in the
output to the terminal.
An attention identifier (AID) character is always sent to the host processor
whenever a 3270 input operation is performed. This indicates the cause of the
input operation.
CICS ensures that an application program receives input data intended for it. The
AID allows the application program to react differently, depending on the input
operation. The effect of different combinations of data and AIDs depends entirely
upon the design of the application program.
Output operations: An emulator can receive data from an application program, as
well as send data to it. Some of the data can be displayed, the rest consists of
device controls. By building datastreams containing device controls, you can, for
v Unlock the keyboard for input
v Reset the modified data tag (the MDT) of each field
v Erase all unprotected fields
v Position the cursor
The way you use these features is up to you. However, they can improve the
usability of your application program.
Display field concepts: An application program can divide a screen into more
than one field. The fields combine to produce a complete screen of data.
A field starts with an attribute character, continues with data characters, and ends
at the next attribute character. A field can contain only a single character or it can
span several lines, as the last character on a line is logically followed by the first
character on the next line.
If the screen width is the same as the map width, BMS allows a field to wrap
around from the end of one line to the start of the next. Because of the dependence
on resource definitions, it is not recommended that an application design should
depend on this function.
Normally, a display is divided into several fields by the program, but it is possible
to have a display with no fields (no attribute characters). This occurs when you
press the CLEAR key; such unformatted displays are not supported by BMS and
the use of the CLEAR key causes a MAPFAIL in BMS.
An application program can use the HANDLE AID command to detect the use of
the CLEAR key. An application programmer can use the HANDLE CONDITION

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


command to detect a MAPFAIL condition. (See the CICS Application Programming

Reference for related information.) An attempt to read from a cleared screen raises
the MAPFAIL condition.
Attribute character: The attribute character is always the first character of a field.
It occupies a character position on the screen but appears as a blank.
Attribute characters can convey the following field attributes:
You can enter any keyboard character into an unprotected field.
A numeric-only field is unprotected. On a data entry keyboard, a
numeric-only field causes a numeric shift to occur.
Data cannot be entered in a protected field. If the operator attempts to
enter data, the keyboard is locked. Stopper fields following variable-length
data fields are normally defined with protected attribute characters. If the
operator attempts to enter more characters than the variable-length data
field can contain, the stopper field following it will cause the keyboard to
be locked.
An autoskip field is a protected field that automatically skips the cursor to
the next unprotected field. Keyword fields and stopper fields following
fixed-length data fields are normally defined with autoskip attribute
Normal intensity
A normal intensity field displays the data at the normal operating intensity.
Bright intensity
A bright intensity field displays the data at a brighter than normal
intensity. This is often used to highlight keywords, errors, or operator
A nondisplay field does not display the data on the screen for operator
viewing and does not print the field data. This might be used to enter
security data when the screen is visible to others. This attribute
characteristic should be used with care, as the operator loses the ability to
verify the data entered in a nondisplay field. This field might also be used
to store messages on the screen. The messages can be displayed later by
changing the attribute character to bright or normal intensity.
Base color
A base color image is produced by using the PROTECT and INTENSIFY
attributes of the 3270 standard datastream to select four colors:
white bright, protected
bright, unprotected
normal, protected
green normal, unprotected
The protect attribute retains its protect function when conveying color
information. This characteristic only applies to color monitors, and if you
have not set the color attributes for the field in BMS, the display defaults
to a standard setup which varies from terminal to terminal (for example,
green for normal intensity, white for bright).


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Extended color
Extended color attributes in an extended data stream determine the colors
of display elements. The datastream can specify the colors of
multicharacter fields. Seven colors can be selected: blue, red, pink, green,
turquoise, yellow, and neutral.
As soon as an extended color attribute is received, the display treats the
whole image as an extended color image. Fields that have no color
attribute adopt the default colors (green for normal intensity, white for
bright). If the color control switch has been set to base color, the part of the
image that has already been displayed will change from base color to
default color. Such a change, which could disturb an operator, can be
avoided by applying an extended color attribute to the first field in any
image that uses extended color.
The device interprets extended color attributes to determine the colors of
fields in an image.
Extended highlighting
Extended highlighting can be applied to characters, or character fields, in a
display that uses the extended data stream. It can take one of three forms:
Modified data tag (MDT)
The modified data tag is turned on when fields are modified by the
operator. When the operator presses the ENTER key or a PF key, only
fields that have been modified by the operator or selected by the cursor
select are transmitted to the processor. The program may send fields to the
terminal with the modified data tag already on to guarantee that the field
will be returned with the next inbound transmission.
Insert-cursor indicator
The insert-cursor indicator is not a field attribute. Instead, it places the
cursor under the first data character of the field. If the insert-cursor
indicator is specified for more than one field, the cursor is placed under
the first data character of the last field specified.
Not all devices support all the attributes. BMS ensures that attributes which are not
supported by the device (as specified in the emulator definition or determined by
an automatic query of the device following logon) are ignored when building the
Note: The unprotected, protected, and autoskip characteristics of the attribute
character are mutually exclusive. Only one may be selected for each field.
The normal, bright, and nondisplay characteristics of the attribute character
are mutually exclusive. Only one may be selected for each field.
Programmed symbols: As well as the standard display symbol sets, some devices
can have optional additional symbol store. Support for this feature is limited in
CICS for AIXand IBM CICS for Windows to selection of the default Double-Byte
Character Set for the device (PS=8). This feature uses the extended data stream.
Field Outlining: Field outlining allows lines to be included above, below, to the
left, or to the right of a field. You can use these lines in any combination to
construct boxes around fields or groups of fields.

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


Screen layout design

CICS provides an emulation of the features of the IBM 3270 Information Display
System. These features allow you to design screen layouts for operator convenience
and efficiency. The success of an online system depends on its ease-of-use, screen
clarity, and terminal operator acceptance.
The following features of some IBM 3270 Information Display System screens
make it easier for the layout designer to fulfil these requirements:
v Color
v Field highlighting
v Programmed symbols
v Easy correction
v Field delimiters or stoppers (to control the length of data entered)
The first step in designing 3270 screen layouts is to divide the screen into
functional areas such as a title area, an application data area, and a message area.
The CICS local terminals on Windows, cicslterm, the CICS 3270 Terminal Emulator,
and the CICS on Open Systems client on Open Systems, cicsterm, support the
following screen sizes:
v 80 columns by 24 rows
v 80 columns by 32 rows
v 80 columns by 43 rows
v 132 columns by 27 rows
Title area: The title area of a screen should identify the program that displays the
data. Data fields from the same file can appear in the same screen locations for
different applications, permitting the operator to become familiar with fields by
their screen location. You can use a title to help the operator recognize the
application. The title area is normally the top one or two lines of the screen and
may contain a page number (if you require more than one page), field headings,
and other data besides the title.
Application data area: The application data area comprises the main portion of
the screen. Data from one or more records in the same file or multiple files is
entered by you, or displayed for you, depending on the application requirements.
Three kinds of field are usually found in this area: keyword, data, and stopper.
Keyword fields
Contain constant data sent by the program to identify the contents of a
data field. For example, a keyword field containing:

can precede and identify a data field containing:


A keyword field can also be used in a data entry application to identify the
data being entered. For example:

Data fields
Contain data that the application program retrieves and displays. The data
may appear exactly as stored in a file, or it may be changed by the
application program. Data fields may also be left blank for the user to
enter data. The application program can use the entered data to make


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

changes to a record or to alter the processing of the program. In some

cases, it may be appropriate for the program to display characters in an
entry data field to guide the operator in entering the data. For example:

means enter month, day, year, each having two characters.

Stopper fields
On data entry screens restrict the length of the data fields. Stopper fields
containing no data are used to define the space between data fields and to
stop the operator from entering too many characters in a field.
For example, a field containing a street address may be 20 characters long, but for
screen layout reasons the screen layout designer provides an entire line of the
display for this field. To prevent you from keying more than 20 characters on this
line, the layout designer defines a stopper field starting in the twenty-first position
of the line. The stopper field is protected, restricting the operator to the
20-character field.
Terminating reverse video: If you have a field with reverse video on, and you
want to delimit the characteristics of the field before it reaches to the next field,
you can define a stopper field in between.
For example, on CICS on Open Systems suppose you want a map to look like this,
where both fields are in reverse video and there is nothing in between:
Hello World
Bye World

You define the source bms map as follows:



INITIAL=Hello World


Message area: You use the message area of a screen to send instructions or
messages to assist the user in processing a transaction. You should separate the
message area from the application data area to allow communication with the user,
without disturbing the application data. The message area is normally the bottom
one or two lines of the screen.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Using BMS services in application programs

Application programs use EXEC CICS SEND and EXEC CICS RECEIVE commands
to send and receive data. The following describes the syntax of these and other
commands and demonstrates their use.

Symbolic map data structures

The symbolic map data structures that result from executing map and field
definition macros contain extended versions of the fields, each one consisting of
Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


subfields. Each subfield can be referred to by its name, which is the name assigned
to the field, plus a single-letter suffix. Each kind of subfield has a different suffix.
Furthermore, the whole input or output data structure can be addressed by its
suffixed name. The suffixed name of an input map is its original name extended
by the suffix I. The corresponding suffix for the output map is O.
Input map data structures: The suffixes used to address subfields, and the
contents of those subfields, in input maps are:
Table 9. Suffixes used for input map data structures

A flag byte. This is normally set to X'00'. If the field has been modified but no
data is sent (that is, the field is cleared) the flag byte is set to X'80'.

Input data read from the display. It is set to X'00' if no data is entered for that

A 16-bit binary length value. This defines the number of characters that are
typed into the data field before it is read by BMS.

Input field suffixes: Having read data, a program can process it by issuing
ordinary application programming commands that address fields by name.
Consider a field, called INPUT, in an input map. A program can test that either its
length field INPUTL contains a value greater than zero (data has been entered) or
that its flag byte INPUTF indicates that the field has been cleared. If INPUTL
contains a value greater than zero, you can, for example, move the first INPUTL
characters from INPUTI to another data area.
The suffix on the data structure for the whole map enables you to manipulate the
whole data structure. For example, you can write simple commands to copy the
whole structure into another data area.
Output map data structures: The suffixes used to address subfields, and the
contents of those subfields, in output maps are:
Table 10. Suffixes used for output map data structures


An attribute byte defining the characteristics of the field (for example, protected
or unprotected).

An attribute byte specifying the color of the field.

(C only). This suffix is appended to the field name to derive a structure which
occurs n times (where n is specified by the OCCURS operand of the DFHMDF

An attribute byte defining the highlighting to be used within a field in a display.

An attribute byte defining that SO/SI creation is to be used. SO/SI (shift in/shift
out) refers to code extension characters that are used to substitute graphic
characters in standard character sets.

Output data to be sent to the display. The program usually stores data in such a
field before sending the map. If the contents of the field begin with a null
character, the whole field is ignored, the contents of the display field being taken
from the physical map. If you want to send a blank field, you must store blanks
in the symbolic map data structure. Being non-null, this overrides the contents
of the physical map.

An attribute byte defining the programmed symbol set to be used within a field
in a display.

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Table 10. Suffixes used for output map data structures (continued)

An attribute byte defining the outline to be used.

If you want to use programmed symbols, you must ensure that a suitable symbol
set has been sent to the device.
If MODE=INOUT is specified, the fieldnameA subfield is defined in the input
map data structure. (If you are using COBOL, you will find that compiler errors
occur if a MOVE statement modifying an attribute byte is qualified to refer to the
output map.)
Subfields with suffixes H, P, C, U, and M are only generated if the corresponding
attribute types are included in the DSATTS operand of the DFHMDI or DFHMSD
As with input data fields, a program can address individual subfields in an output
field, verifying or changing their contents. For example, an application program
can check a calculated data value, say BALANCE. If the value is found to be
negative, the highlight attribute constant (BALANCEH) in a field called BALANCE
can be set to produce highlighted characters when displayed. The data value in the
field occupies subfield BALANCEO.
You can also manipulate the whole output data structure using its suffixed name.
For example, you can copy data into it from another area.
Note: You must set this area to nulls before using its corresponding physical map
in an output operation. Otherwise, you can obtain unpredictable results. By
doing this, you ensure that fields and attributes in the output display inherit
the default contents of the physical map, not whatever happens to be in the
symbolic data structure.
The following examples shows how you might do this in COBOL, C and PL/I:
COBOL example:


C example:
PL/I example:

Attribute constants: Subfield suffixing allows an application program to change

the data within a data structure. However, the bit patterns representing particular
attributes are difficult to remember, so CICS provides a list of named standard
attribute bytes. You can code these names in a program instead of their
hexadecimal equivalents. To use them, you must copy the list (a supplied
copybook stored in the system source library at installation) into your program,
using the name DFHBMSCA. For information about the attribute constants and
their meanings, see the CICS Application Programming Reference.
Using attribute constants and subfield suffixing, a program can modify field
attributes using simple commands. The following examples show how you could
(1) put data into an output data field and (2) set the highlighting attribute of the
output data field:
COBOL example:
Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


C example:
PL/I example:


Refer to the IBM 3270 Information Display Programmers Reference for information
about determining the value of an attribute constant.
Invalid data: BMS does not check the validity of attribute and data values in the
symbolic data structure. However BMS does ensure that attributes are not sent to
emulators that do not support them. Invalid data may be transmitted to the
emulator. Some emulators can detect this invalid data and send error information
to CICS.
Sending data to a display: You use the EXEC CICS SEND MAP command to
send mapped data to a display. (See the CICS Application Programming Reference for
related information.) You can send three kinds of data, depending on what options
you specify, as follows:
v Constant display data (with attributes) such as headings, footings, prompt
fields, and comments.
v Variable display data (with attributes) such as user data or warning messages.
v Device control data such as instructions to clear the screen, or activate an alarm,
before displaying data.
The MAP option names the map that is used to format the data, and the MAPSET
option names the map set to which the map belongs.
If the MAPSET option is omitted in an EXEC CICS SEND MAP command, the
name in the MAP option is taken as the map set name.
In its simplest form, the EXEC CICS SEND MAP command is used as follows:
1. The application program assigns values to variables named in the symbolic
description map.
2. The program issues an EXEC CICS SEND MAP command. This uses the
application data in the application data structure to replace default data and
attributes in the physical map, and sends the modified map to the display.
For example, if the first map in a map set called DISPLAY is an output map of the
same name, the map can be displayed using the command:

However, the omission of the MAPSET option in an EXEC CICS SEND MAP
command is not recommended.
Another map, called ERROR, in the same map set can be displayed by:

By default, BMS displays application data or attribute data from the application
data structure rather than default data from the physical map. To override this for
a given field, your program must set the corresponding subfield in the data
structure to hexadecimal zeros (X'00'). before issuing an EXEC CICS SEND MAP
command, or use the MAPONLY option.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Composite displays: If your program sends a succession of maps to a display, the

final form of the display depends on both the design of the maps, and the form of
the EXEC CICS SEND MAP command. For example, if the final map fills the
screen, or the EXEC CICS SEND MAP command includes the ERASE option, it
obliterates all previous output. However, if you design your maps to occupy
different parts of the screen, or to overlay each other only partially, you can
combine them to produce the final display.
Refreshing and modifying displays: You use the MAPONLY option of the EXEC
CICS SEND MAP command to build a display using data from the physical map,
without inserting user data. This can be useful when sending a menu to a display,
as no data is sent with the map, and input data fields regain their default data
values (perhaps blank).
You use the DATAONLY option to modify the variable data in a display that has
already been created by an EXEC CICS SEND MAP command. BMS transmits
variable data but no physical map data.
No data is sent for fields that you have cleared to hexadecimal zeros (X'00'). You
can use EXEC CICS SEND MAP DATAONLY to ensure that only changed fields
are sent.
Getting storage for a data structure: You have now seen how to map data from
one or more data structures. Depending on how you define your map sets, a
program might have to issue commands to acquire main storage for the data
structures it uses. It does this by issuing EXEC CICS GETMAIN commands. You
can usually avoid having to code EXEC CICS GETMAIN commands by coding
It has been assumed so far in this information that every output map has its own
data structure. However, you might decide that this uses too much storage. To save
storage, you can specify that different maps are to use the same storage area. You
do this by coding BASE=name (or nothing at all), instead of STORAGE=AUTO, on
the DFHMSD macro. This section describes what happens when you code each
operand for each language, and how it affects application programs. For
information about using the BASE operand, see the CICS Application Programming
Remember that, however you acquire storage, you should clear its contents before
issuing an EXEC CICS SEND MAP command. If you do not do this, existing data
in storage can modify the output display unpredictably. If you use EXEC CICS
GETMAIN to acquire storage, you can clear the storage by coding the INITIMG
option. Refer to Table 11 on page 86.

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


Table 11. Rules for acquiring storage

The rules for
COBOL are:

When STORAGE=AUTO, the data structure must be copied into the

working-storage section. CICS acquires storage automatically for every
map; you do not have to code an EXEC CICS GETMAIN command.
When BASE=name, the map set must be copied into the linkage
section. You must code an EXEC CICS GETMAIN command to acquire
enough main storage to contain the largest map in the set.
When nothing is specified, or when the map set is copied into the
working-storage section, you dont have to code an EXEC CICS
GETMAIN command, but you should place the largest map first in the
If the map set is copied into the linkage section, you must code an
EXEC CICS GETMAIN command to get storage for it.
When you use EXEC CICS GETMAIN to get main storage for a COBOL
map, you must ensure that you establish addressability for the map.

The rules for C or STORAGE=AUTO specifies that the symbolic description maps are to
C++ are:
be declared as having the AUTOMATIC storage class. If
STORAGE=AUTO is not specified, they are declared as pointers. You
cannot specify both BASE=name and STORAGE=AUTO for the same
map set. If STORAGE=AUTO is specified and TIOAPFX is not,
TIOAPFX=YES is assumed. TIOAPFX is the 12-byte terminal
input/output area (TIOA) prefix.
When BASE=name, you must code an EXEC CICS GETMAIN
command that gets at least enough main storage to contain the largest
symbolic map in the map sets sharing this base.
The name specified in the BASE operand is used as the name of the
pointer variable on which the symbolic description map is based.
The rules for
PL/I are:

When STORAGE=AUTO, CICS acquires storage automatically for every

map; you do not have to code an EXEC CICS GETMAIN command.
When BASE=name, you must code an EXEC CICS GETMAIN
command that gets at least enough main storage to contain the largest
symbolic map in the map sets sharing this base.
The name specified in the BASE operand is used as the name of the
pointer variable on which the symbolic description map is based. If you
omit this operand, the default name (BMSMAPBR) is used for the
pointer variable. You must establish addressability for the based
When nothing is specified you must code an EXEC CICS GETMAIN
command that sets the pointer BMSMAPBR to the address of the
acquired data area. The EXEC CICS GETMAIN command must get at
least enough storage to contain the largest symbolic map in the map

Alternative data structures: The examples so far have shown EXEC CICS SEND
MAP commands that contain literal field map names. If the field map name
referenced by your program is to be a variable, you need to code the additional
options, FROM and LENGTH, on the EXEC CICS SEND MAP command. Also you
can use your own data area rather than the data structures from the symbolic


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

description map, even when use you use a literal map name. FROM enables you to
display data stored in a data area other than the data structure for the symbolic
description map.
FROM and MAPONLY are mutually exclusive.
LENGTH specifies the length of the data string stored in the FROM data area. You
must specify the LENGTH option if the data to be mapped is shorter than the data
area expected by the map.
Device control options: As well as transmitting application data to a display,
BMS can relay device control commands. An application program uses options of
the EXEC CICS SEND command to specify which controls are to be activated.
Alternatively, it can use the BMS EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL command, which
transmits device control commands without also sending application data. For

erases the screen before data is displayed.

You can code one or more of the following device control options in an EXEC
CICS SEND MAP command; they are shown in Table 12.
Table 12. EXEC CICS SEND MAP options

Sound audible alarm on displaying data.


Specify position of cursor after output. The cursor position is a 16-bit

binary value, representing the absolute screen address of the cursor.
However, you need not always specify a value.


Erase screen and place cursor in top left-hand corner of screen before
output. The first EXEC CICS SEND MAP command of any CICS
application program should specify ERASE. This ensures that the size
of the screen is set to default.


Erase all unprotected fields before output.


Send a form feed character as the first character in the

device-dependent datastream.


Unlock the keyboard for data input.


Reset all modified data tags (to not modified state) before output.


Start printing (when emulator is a printer).

The CICS local terminals, cicslterm, The CICS 3270 Terminal Emulator, and
cicsterm support the following screen sizes:
v 80 columns by 24 rows
v 80 columns by 32 rows
v 80 columns by 43 rows
v 132 columns by 27 rows
Cursor positioning: You can control the positioning of the display cursor in three
different ways, as described in Table 13 on page 88.

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


Table 13. Rules for cursor positioning

Normal cursor

You can specify a two-byte cursor position on the BMS EXEC CICS
SEND commands. This enables you to specify the absolute value of the
cursor position on the screen after the SEND has been performed. Note
that the first location on the display screen is address zero.
You specify the address in parentheses after the CURSOR keyword, as

Insert cursor

If you omit the CURSOR option, BMS will search the map for a field
with the IC attribute. (You would have given it this attribute by coding
ATTRB=IC on the DFHMDF macro for the field.) If there is more than
one field with the IC attribute, BMS places the cursor at the beginning
of the last one. If there is no such field, BMS places the cursor at the
cursor position from the map, which is screen address zero.
If you omit the CURSOR option from the EXEC CICS SEND
CONTROL command, the cursor position remains unchanged.

Symbolic cursor

You can use symbolic cursor positioning instead of coding an explicit

value on the CURSOR option of the EXEC CICS SEND MAP command.
To do this:
1. Specify MODE=INOUT in the DFHMSD macro.
2. Set the length of the field (to which the cursor is to be positioned)
to -1.
3. Execute the SEND command, specifying CURSOR without an
CICS then places the cursor under the first data byte in the field on the
output screen. If the length of more than one field is set to -1, the
cursor is placed at the beginning of the first of those fields.
If you use symbolic cursor positioning with EXEC CICS SEND
CONTROL, the cursor is always positioned at position zero of the

Accessing data outside the program: Sometimes your program needs access to
information held by CICS. The ASSIGN command allows it such access.
Some ASSIGN options apply exclusively to BMS. For information about these
ASSIGN options, see the CICS Application Programming Reference.
However, you can only use the ASSIGN options that are concerned with the
position or size of the maps. Those EXEC CICS ASSIGN options are shown in
Table 14.
Table 14. EXEC CICS ASSIGN options



Requests the number of the line, on a display, that contains the

origin of the most recently sent map.


Requests the number of the column, on a display, that contains the

origin of the most recently sent map.


Returns the width of the most recently sent map.


Returns the height of the most recently sent map.

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Receiving data from a display: You use the EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP
command to receive data from a display. The data from the display is mapped into
a data area in an application program.
For information about the full syntax of the EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command,
see the CICS Application Programming Reference . The MAP option names the map
that is used to convert the data to its unformatted form, and the MAPSET option
names the map set to which the map belongs. The effect of omitting the MAPSET
option is the same as explained for a EXEC CICS SEND MAP command.
For example, in its simplest form, the EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command is
coded as:

This command tells BMS to map the input data into a symbolic map data structure
called DISPLAY. The example assumes that the name of the map set is also
Another map, MENU, in the same map set can be read by:

This command tells BMS to map the input data into a symbolic map data structure
called MENU.
After an EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command, your program can determine the
inbound cursor position by inspecting the value stored in EIBCPOSN. To do this,
the application program must be informed of the physical layout of the screen,
although BMS separates the screen layout from the application for other interfaces.
Refer to the following list:
v Receiving data into an alternative data structure
The sample EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP commands shown above use a literal for
the name of the map or map set. You can also use a variable for these names, in
which case you must use one of the options INTO or SET.
If you code INTO, display data is mapped into the named data area rather than
into the data structure for the symbolic description.
If you code SET, BMS acquires a data area for you, maps the display data into it,
and stores the address of the data area in the named pointer reference. Note that
this data area includes the 12-byte terminal input/output area (TIOA) prefix, if
present. (The TIOA prefix is present when TIOAPFX=YES is coded with the
DFHMSD macro.) This option specifies that BMS should include a filler in the
symbolic description maps to allow for the unused TIOA prefix that occurs with
command-level application programs. If this operand is not specified, the BMS
processor issues a warning message and assumes TIOAPFX=YES. For
application portability, however, you should always code it. Refer also to the
EXEC CICS GETMAIN STORAGE=AUTO description in Getting storage for a
data structure on page 85.
BMS sets the receiving area to hexadecimal zeros (X'00') before performing the
EXEC CICS RECEIVE operation, so you should save any data in this area before
performing an EXEC CICS RECEIVE operation. Furthermore, if you depend on
BMS to set a data area to hexadecimal zeros (X'00') for you during an EXEC
CICS RECEIVE operation, you should be aware of the MAPFAIL condition. If
this arises, BMS does not set the input map to hexadecimal zeros (X'00').

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


If an operator types into a BMS input map, but does not fill one of the fields,
BMS justifies the input data, and pads the empty part of the field according to
predefined rules. These depend upon what you specify with the JUSTIFY
operand of the DFHMDF macro.
The MAPFAIL condition can occur unexpectedly after an EXEC CICS RECEIVE
MAP command. For example, it occurs if the emulator operator presses a
program access key (such as PA1 or PA2) when CICS is waiting to perform an
EXEC CICS RECEIVE command. Therefore, you should always consider using
the RESP option and inspecting the returned code, or coding an EXEC CICS
HANDLE CONDITION command for the MAPFAIL condition.
v Uppercase translation
By default, the data to be mapped is assumed to come from an emulator. The
emulator control table entry for the terminal can specify that all input data is to
be translated to uppercase. You can override this for any individual EXEC CICS
RECEIVE command by specifying ASIS. Note, however, that ASIS has no effect
on the first EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command of a transaction. (This means
that ASIS is irrelevant to pseudoconversational transactions, which issue only
v Mapping data from another data area
Sometimes, you need to perform an input mapping operation in two stages;
accepting and storing the input data in one stage, mapping it in the second. For
example, your program might receive (but not map) data using an emulator
control EXEC CICS RECEIVE command. It would then have to map the data
from CICS storage.
You use the FROM and LENGTH options of the EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP
command to specify that data is to be mapped from a data area instead of from
an emulator. FROM names the data area; LENGTH indicates the number of
bytes of data to be mapped. If the data is produced by an emulator control
EXEC CICS RECEIVE command, the LENGTH value of the EXEC CICS
RECEIVE MAP command must match that specified in the original EXEC CICS
RECEIVE command.
After an EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP, the program can determine the type of
attention identifier (AID) by inspecting EIBAID. You cannot issue the EXEC
CICS RECEIVE MAP command in a task not associated with an emulator
because BMS needs to refer to emulator information to analyze the datastream.
For information about the emulator control EXEC CICS RECEIVE command, see
the CICS Application Programming Reference.
Note: The data obtained from an EXEC CICS RECEIVE BUFFER command
cannot be mapped since the data will not contain SBA (set buffer address)
orders and a MAPFAIL condition will be raised.
Responding to emulator input: Some operator actions cause an AID to be sent to
CICS. Each such action generates a different AID. The AID is a one-byte character,
and can be tested by an application program by inspecting the contents of the
EIBAID field and comparing it to the values supplied in the DFHAID copybook.
This can be used as a mechanism for controlling program flow. The EXEC CICS
HANDLE AID command controls conditional branching caused by attention
identifiers. If either the RESP, RESP2, or no EXEC CICS HANDLE option has been
specified, the HANDLE AID function is suspended for that command.
v Exception conditions
On input, you are only likely to encounter a MAPFAIL exception condition
when using minimum function BMS, as follows:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

If the data to be mapped has a length of zero. This happens if a PA key or the
CLEAR key is pressed.
If an AID has been pressed and no data has been entered and no fields have
You should remember, however, that an exception condition is not necessarily an
error condition. Sometimes you might even want to treat an exception condition
as part of the normal course of events. Use the RESP option or the EXEC CICS
HANDLE CONDITION command to respond to exception conditions.
For information about the BMS commands, and the default system action they
invoke, refer to the list of conditions documented with each command. The
commands are documented in the CICS Application Programming Reference.
v EIBAID field
A program can examine the value of the EIBAID field in the EIB to find out
which attention key has been pressed. The 3270 emulator transmits an AID
character, which is stored in field EIBAID. The program can compare the
contents of EIBAID with the constants supplied in the CICS copybook DFHAID.
Using EIBAID is particularly suited to a structured programming environment.
For information about DFHAID, see the CICS Application Programming Reference.
v HANDLE AID command
Instead of examining the contents of EIBAID, you can use the EXEC CICS
HANDLE AID command to pass control to a specified label when CICS receives
an AID from a display device; control is passed after the input operation is
completed. In the absence of an EXEC CICS HANDLE AID for an AID, control
returns to the application program at the point immediately following the input
You can suspend the EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command using the PUSH and
POP commands. Note that RESP (which invokes NOHANDLE) suspends the
EXEC CICS HANDLE AID function in the same way as it does with EXEC CICS
HANDLE CONDITION, and is better suited to a structured programming
An EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command takes precedence over an EXEC CICS
HANDLE CONDITION command, unless the exception condition stops receipt
of the AID. If an AID is received during an input operation for which a EXEC
CICS HANDLE AID is active, control passes to the label specified in the EXEC
CICS HANDLE AID command, regardless of any exception conditions that
An EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command for a specified AID remains active
until the task is terminated or until another EXEC CICS HANDLE AID is issued
for that AID. (If no label is specified in the new request, the existing EXEC CICS
HANDLE AID command is suspended.)
An EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command is valid only for the program in which
it is issued. Each new program in a task starts without any active EXEC CICS
HANDLE AID settings. When control returns to a program from a program at a
lower logical level, the EXEC CICS HANDLE AID commands that were active in
the higher-level program before control was transferred from it are reactivated,
and any EXEC CICS HANDLE AID commands activated in the lower-level
program are deactivated.
If an AID covered by the general option ANYKEY is received and there is no
active EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command for the specified AID but there is an
active EXEC CICS HANDLE AID ANYKEY command, control passes to the label
specified in this command. An EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command for an AID
overrides the EXEC CICS HANDLE AID ANYKEY command in relation to that
Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


The following example shows an EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command that
specifies one label (LAB1) for the PA1 key AID, a second label (LAB2) for the
PA2 and PA3 key attention identifiers, all of the PF key attention identifiers
except PF10, and the CLEAR key AID:

You cannot code more than 16 options in a single EXEC CICS HANDLE AID

Copying symbolic description maps into your application

In Developing applications that use BMS services on page 71, we described how
to process and define the symbolic version of a map set. The defined version of a
map set (the symbolic storage definition) is an application data structure that must
be copied into any application program that refers to fields in its maps.
The following examples show you how to copy these structures for each
programming language. In these examples, mapset1, mapset2, and mapset3 (COBOL
examples), mapset1.h, mapset2.h, and mapset3.h (C examples), and,, and (PL/I examples) are the names of the files that contain
the BMS symbolic map set definition. These files are generated by the cicsmap
v A COBOL program must contain a COBOL COPY statement for each symbolic
map set definition. Generally, you should code the COPY statements in the
working-storage section of a program. This saves you from having to acquire
storage for them:
COPY mapset1.
COPY mapset2.
COPY mapset3.

where mapset is the one to seven character name of the map set.
v A C or C++ program must contain an #include statement for each symbolic
storage definition:
#include mapset1.h
#include mapset2.h
#include mapset3.h

where mapset is the one to seven character name of the map set.
v A PL/I program must contain a %INCLUDE statement for each symbolic storage
%include mapset1;
%include mapset2;
%include mapset3;

where mapset is the one to seven character name of the map set.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

How to obtain BMS printed output


CICS for Windows

To obtain printed output from CICS, use cicsprnt, which is provided by the
IBM CICS Universal Client. Applications need to know the termid of the
printer, so that the application program can direct the output to cicsprnt. For
more information about cicsprnt see the CICS Clients: Administration.

CICS on Open Systems

To obtain printed output from CICS, attach a cicstermp to a printer.
Applications need to know the termid of the printer, so that your application
program can direct the output to the cicstermp process.
Note: TXSeries CICS do not support the CICS local copy key.
Very often you will want printed output (hard copy) as well as, or instead of, the
screen images produced by a transaction. You have a choice of methods of
producing such output. Which one you choose depends on your requirements.
This section describes one method available, which is asynchronous page build
A 3270 printer contains a page buffer. BMS moves data into this page buffer when
commands. The page buffer is printed only when BMS receives an EXEC CICS
SEND MAP or EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL command containing the PRINT
option. Likewise, it is erased only if BMS receives an EXEC CICS SEND MAP or
EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL command that specifies the ERASE option. These
properties of the printer make it possible for a program to build a single page of
printed output from a series of maps.
Note: Each time you issue an EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL PRINT command, the
output is spooled to a file in the /tmp directory. The file is queued to the
printer after a syncpoint has been taken or when the transaction completes.
Two ways of printing a page built from multiple maps are:
1. Using the interval control START command.
You use the START command to initiate a secondary CICS task. This is a print
task if the TERMID option of the command names a printer as its principal
facility. Your initial transaction can pass data to the print task by specifying the
FROM and LENGTH options of the START command. If the primary
transaction has already created a series of output data structures in the FROM
area, the secondary transaction can map the data into the printer buffer, then
initiate printing using a BMS EXEC CICS SEND with the PRINT option.
2. Using a transient data queue with a trigger level.
You can send symbolic map data structures to a transient data queue using the
WRITEQ command. CICS can be made to initiate a print transaction when a
specific number of records have been written to the queue. The name of the
transaction to be initiated, the identifier of the printer that is to be its principal
facility, and the trigger level at which it is started, are defined in the Transient Data
resource definition.

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


Note, however, that output from several instances of your transaction may be
interleaved on the transient data queue. This can be avoided if all the data to be
printed by an instance of your transaction is stored in a single transient data queue
item. Alternatively, each instance of your transaction can get exclusive control of
the transient data queue by ENQ and DEQ commands.
Blank lines and 3270 printers: Every line in a map for a 3270 printer must
contain field data (blanks if necessary), because the 3270 does not print empty lines
(that is, lines of null characters).
Setting the printer page width: BMS builds device-dependent datastreams for
3270 printers by computing set buffer address (SBA) orders based on the page
width specified by the NumColumns attribute in the Terminal Definitions (WD). If
you are using cicstermp, you must set NumColumns to 132, because cicstermp
emulates a 132 column printer.
Form feed characters: You can code an option, called FORMFEED, on the EXEC
CICS SEND MAP and EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL commands. This generates a
form feed character at the start of the datastream. If you code this option for an
emulator that does not support form feed, CICS simply ignores the request.
The form feed character occupies screen position 1 (the top left-hand corner) on a
3270 display or printer. It can be overwritten by other data sent to the emulator, in
which case form feed does not occur.
Be careful when using the FORMFEED option on an EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL
command. The EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL command always generates a
complete blank page. Thus an EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL FORMFEED skips to
a new page and also sends this as a blank page. However, as described earlier,
3270 printers sometimes suppress null lines so that a blank page is printed as a
single line.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference, the CICS Administration Reference,
and the CICS Clients: Administration for related information.

BMS design considerations

To ensure the efficiency of applications using BMS, consider the following points:
Good screen design and effective use of the 3270 features significantly effects the
number of bytes to be sent in the remote procedure call (RPC) and potentially
therefore across the network. Consideration should be given to minimizing the
number of transmissions to a terminal. The efficiency of the datastream affects both
response time and line usage.

Sending unformatted data

If your output to a terminal is entirely, or even mostly, unformatted you can send
it using native terminal control commands rather than BMS (that is, using SEND
without the MAP option). This command is much more efficient in terms of
processor overhead.
Do not use square brackets [] in maps or native terminal control commands if the
transaction might be run, with transaction routing, from an EBCDIC system. CICS
does not support square brackets in non-ASCII terminals.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Sending formatted data

When building a formatted datastream with BMS, you should bear in mind the
factors described in the following list:

Avoid turning on modified data tags unnecessarily

The modified data tag (MDT) is the bit in the attribute byte that determines
whether a field should be transmitted from a terminal to CICS.
The MDT for a field is normally turned on by the 3270 emulator (the CICS
cicsterm and cicsteld processes) when the user enters data into a field. However,
you can also turn on the tag when you send a map to the screen, either by
specifying FSET in the map or by sending an override attribute byte that has the
tag on. You should never set the tag on in this way for a field that is constant in
the map, or for a field that has no label (and therefore is not sent to the program
that receives the map).
Also, you do not normally need to specify FSET for an ordinary input field. This is
because the MDT is turned on automatically in any field in which the user enters
data. This is then included in the next SEND. These tags remain on, no matter how
many times the screen is sent, until explicitly turned off by the program (by FRSET,
ERASEAUP, ERASE, or by an override attribute with the tag off).
You can store information, between inputs, that the user did not enter on the
screen. This is a reason for turning the MDT on by program. However, this storage
technique is appropriate only to small amounts of data, and is more suitable for
local than for remote terminals, because of the transmission overhead involved. For
example, this technique is particularly useful for storing default values for input
fields. In some applications, the user must complete a screen in which some fields
already contain default values. A user who does not want to change a default just
skips that field. The program processing the input has to be informed what these
defaults are. If they are always the same, they can be supplied as constants in the
program. If they are variable, however, and depend on earlier inputs, you can
simply save them on the screen by turning the MDT on with FSET in the map that
writes the screen. The program reading the screen then receives the default value
from a user who does not change the field, and the new value from a user who
Note: The saved values are not returned to the screen if either the CLEAR, PA1,
PA2, or PA3 key is pressed.

Use FRSET to reduce inbound traffic

If you have a screen with many input fields, which you may have to read several
times, you can reduce the length of the input datastream by specifying FRSET
when you write back to the screen in preparation for the next read. FRSET turns
off the MDTs, so that fields entered before that write are not present unless the
user reenters them the next time. If you are dealing with a relatively full screen
and a process where there may be a number of error cycles (or repeat
transmissions for some other reason), this can be a substantial saving. However,
because only changed fields are sent on subsequent reads, the program must save
input from each cycle and merge the new data with the old. This is not necessary
if you are not using FRSET, because the MDTs remain on, and all fields are sent
regardless of when they were entered.

Do not send blank fields to the screen

Sending fields that consist entirely of blanks or that are filled out on the right by
trailing blanks to the screen usually wastes line capacity. The only case in which
Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


BMS requires you to do this is when you need to erase a field on the screen that
currently contains data, or to replace it with data shorter than that currently on the
screen, without changing the rest of the screen.
This is because when BMS builds the datastream representing your map, it
includes blanks but omits nulls. This makes the output datastream shorter. BMS
omits any field whose first data character is null, regardless of subsequent
characters in the field.
BMS requires you to initialize to nulls any area to be used to build a map. BMS
uses nulls in attribute positions and in the first position of data to indicate that no
change is to be made to the value in the map. If you are reusing a map area in a
program, you should take special care to clear it in this way.

Use the MAPONLY option when possible

The MAPONLY option sends only the constant data in a map, and does not merge
any variable data from the program. When you send a skeleton screen to be used
for data entry, you can often use MAPONLY.

Send only changed fields to a screen that is not new

Sending only changed fields is important when, for example, a message is added
to the screen, or one or two fields on an input screen are highlighted to show
errors. In these situations, you should use the DATAONLY option to send a map
that consists of nulls except for the changed fields. For fields in which only the
attribute byte has changed, you need send only that byte, and send the remaining
fields as nulls. BMS uses this input to build a datastream consisting of only the
fields in question, and all other fields on the screen will remain unchanged.
It may be tempting to ignore this advice and send an unnecessarily long
datastream. For example, when a program that is checking an input screen for
errors finds one, there are two options. It can simply add the error information to
the input map (highlighted attributes, error messages, and so on) and resend it, or
it can build an entirely new screen, consisting of just the error and message fields.
The former is slightly easier to code (you do not need to have two map areas or
move any fields), but it may result in very much longer transmissions because the
output datastream contains the correct input fields as well as the error and
message fields. In fact, it may even be longer than the original input stream
because, if there were empty or short fields in the input, BMS will have replaced
the missing characters with blanks.

Design data entry operations to reduce line traffic

Often, users are required to complete the same screen several times. Only the data
changes on each cycle; the titles, field labels, instructions, and so on remain
unchanged. In this situation, when an entry is accepted and processed, you can
respond with a SEND CONTROL ERASEAUP (or a map that contains only a short
confirmation message and specifies ERASEAUP). This causes all of the unprotected
fields on the screen (that is, all of the input data from the last entry) to be erased
and to have their MDTs reset. The labels and other text, which are in protected
fields, are unchanged, the screen is ready for the next data-entry cycle, and only
the necessary data has been sent.

Compress data sent to the screen

When you send unformatted data to the screen, or create a formatted screen
outside BMS, you can compress the data further by inserting set buffer address
(SBA) and repeat-to-address (RA) orders into the data stream. SBA allows you to


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

position data on the screen, and RA causes the character following it to be

generated from the current point in the buffer until a specified ending address.
SBA is useful whenever there are substantial unused areas on the screen that are
followed by data. RA is useful when there are long sequences of blanks on the
Note: If you wish to insert a Set Buffer Address (SBA) into the datastream, then
the values must be ASCII and not EBCDIC.

Use nulls instead of blanks

You should note that, outside BMS, nulls have no special significance in an output
datastream. If you need a blank area on a screen, you can send either blanks or
nulls to it; they take up the same space in the output stream. However, if the blank
field is likely to be changed by the user and subsequently read, use nulls, because
they are not transmitted back.

Use methods that avoid the need for nulls or blanks

For any large area of a screen that needs to be blank, you should consider methods
other than transmitting blanks or nulls; for example, using BMS, putting SBA and
RA orders directly into the data stream, or using the ERASE and ERASEAUP
options. If there are no explicit references to color in the BMS map, the colors
specified in the keymap file (.3270keys) are used in the 4-color mode operation.
On CICS for Windows, see the CICS Clients: Administration for default color
On CICS on Open Systems the default .3270keys file has the color definitions:
low intensity protected
low intensity unprotected
high intensity protected
high intensity unprotected
These colors display the 4 different combinations of protect and intensify field
attributes. For example, the default color for a field defined as unprotected and
high intensity is red; if the characteristics of this field are changed to unprotected,
the color changes to green (the default value for unprotected). Note also that if
you specify COLOR=NEUTRAL for a field, the field is displayed in white, whereas
fields that do not have the COLOR attributes specified, display the default color.

Using the BMS macros to code BMS map sets

This section describes the three macros DFHMSD, DFHMDI, and DFHMDF, that
are used to define BMS map sets, maps, and fields. It show to use the macros to
define a simple map set, and how to catalog this mapset for use by application
The following macros are used to build map set definitions:
Map set definition macro (DFHMSD)
The DFHMSD macro defines a map set. A map set contains one or more maps.
Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


Map definition macro (DFHMDI)

The DFHMDI macro defines a map within the map set defined by the previous
DFHMSD macro. A map contains zero or more fields.
Field definition macro (DFHMDF)
The DFHMDF macro defines a field within a map defined by the previous
DFHMDI macro. A field name can be up to thirty characters long.
You process a BMS map set definition to generate a symbolic description map or a
physical map (or both) using the BMS processor cicsmap command.
Note: Before CICS can load a physical map, you must define a Program
Definitions (PD) entry for it with the ProgType attribute set to map.
The following information provides guidance on how to use these macros to define
map sets. See the CICS Application Programming Reference for syntax descriptions of
these macros.

Defining a map set

Use the DFHMSD macro to define the map set. This macro consists of operands
that allow you to define the basic characteristics of the map, or maps, that make
up the map set. Some of the DFHMSD operands establish defaults for the
DFHMDI and DFHMDF macros.

Defining maps within a map set

Each map in a map set is defined using the DFHMDI macro. This macro is similar
in form to DFHMSD and specifies defaults for fields within the map. It allows you
to override some of the options inherited from DFHMSD, and to specify some new
A map set definition must contain at least one map definition. Where you have
more than one map, code their definitions one after another.
The number of maps per map set is limited to a maximum of 9998. (This is based
on a map size of 8 characters.)
All maps in a map set are loaded whenever any one of them is used. If all the
maps in a map set are used during a single invocation of the program, the single
load of all maps is more efficient than loading each map as it is required. You
should ensure that you use unique names for maps within a map set, or within
multiple map sets that are copied into one application program.
Another reason for loading several maps at the same time is that more than one of
them can appear on the screen at one time. This is because a map definition can
specify where a map is to be placed on the screen. When BMS sends a map to a
display, it does not erase the existing contents of the display unless you code the
ERASE option. Instead, it uses your program data, plus constant map data, to
overlay part of the screen. Therefore, if you design your maps so that they occupy
different parts of a screen, you can display them at the same time. Alternatively,
you can design some maps in a map set so that they overlay one another. In this
way, you can erase parts of the contents of the screen without affecting the rest.
A map usually consists of one or more data fields. Each field contains display data,
and has a set of associated attributes that are initialized by coding operands in a


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

DFHMDF macro. All field definition macros following a map definition macro
belong to that map. The end of one field definition is indicated by the beginning of

Defining fields within a BMS map

The DFHMDF macro is used to specify initial attributes to be given to fields within
a map.

Defining field groups

Very often, an output data display field has to contain several subfields that share
the same display attributes, each of which might have to be modified separately.
On output, subfields that have not been modified by the program can adopt
default data values from the output map. For example, a display can include a
date field with a day subfield, month subfield, and year subfield (shown later in the
example of a map definition with the names DD, MM, and YY respectively). The
contents of the year subfield remain constant over a relatively long period; its
value can safely be taken from a map. However, the day value and month value
must be updated regularly. Similarly, on input the terminal operator can enter data
in each subfield separately.
You use the GRPNAME operand to define a group of subfields that combine to
produce a field. The start of the group is indicated by a DFHMDF macro with the
GRPNAME operand. This operand defines the first subfield, and specifies the
attributes and name of the group. It is followed by other DFHMDF macros, one for
each of the other subfields. Each of these must specify the group name, but cannot
specify attribute values. The definition of the group is terminated by a DFHMDF
macro that specifies a different group name, by one that specifies no group name,
or by a DFHMDI or DFHMSD macro.
Briefly, a group of fields in a map might appear as follows in the map definition:

The POS operand specifies the position of the attribute byte of the field even
though subfields of a group (other than the first) do not have attributes. If the
subfields are positioned contiguously with no intervening blanks, the POS operand
of the second and succeeding subfields must specify the position of the last
character of the previous subfield.

Terminating a map set definition

A map set definition ends with a DFHMSD macro of the form:

Chapter 4. Coding for presentation services


mapset is optional, but if used it must be the same as that on the DFHMSD macro
that began the map set.

Coding the BMS definition macros

When coding the BMS macros, you must ensure that the information appears in
the correct columns so that it can be processed by cicsmap.
Three column positions are significant:
starting column (default 1).
column in which continuation lines must begin (default 16).
last column before continuation marker (default 71).
The following general coding rules apply:
v The label for each BMS macro must start in StartCol.
v The macro name must be separated from its label and first operand by one or
more spaces.
v Operands must be separated by a single comma (,); spaces should be used with
care because they cause the remainder of the line to be treated as a comment.
v Lines containing many operands can be continued after any comma, by placing
a nonblank character (usually X) in the position after EndCol and then starting a
new line with the first character of a new operand in ContCol.
v Blank lines and tab characters are not allowed.
v Comment lines are indicated by placing an asterisk (*) in StartCol.
v All macros and their operands (except INITIAL and GINIT data) must be in


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 5. Coding for data services

This chapter describes how to write application programs that use the CICS data
services. The discussion covers
v Relationship between CICS and file managers discusses the relationship
between CICS and file managers
SFS consistency, isolation, and locking
DB2 concurrency and locking
CICS and SFS performance with large files
v Mixed resource manager applications on page 105 discusses the use of mixed
resource manager applications.
v File services on page 105 discusses how CICS maps VSAM requests onto SFS
files or DB2 tables.
v Queue services on page 130 discusses the use of queues in CICS applications.
v Journal services on page 137 discusses the role journal services plays in CICS
v SQL restrictions and relational database services on page 142 discusses
relational database issues.
v File processing using EXTFH with non-CICS applications on page 157
discusses file processing using the External File Handler.

Relationship between CICS and file managers

You can manage CICS user files (files defined with the File Definitions (FD)) on
either a DB2 or an Encina SFS file manager. Both file managers permit two or more
regions or regions and non-CICS applications (such as batch processing programs)
to share data.
When designing systems to exploit these facilities, consider the networking costs of
transferring data between the File Manager and its client, and the benefits of
distributing the processing and disk access load between several machines.
CICS attempts to minimize network traffic by avoiding unnecessary interactions
with the file manager. For example, at the end of a transaction, CICS retains an SFS
open file descriptor (OFD) for possible reuse where a region uses SFS for file access
services. Such OFDs are released when a file is closed, either by an explicit EXEC
CICS SET FILE CLOSED request, or when CICS is shut down.
Note: If CICS abends or is canceled, OFDs may not be released, including those
for temporary storage queues (TSQs) and transient data queues (TDQs).

SFS consistency, isolation, and locking

The variety of attribute settings and locking modes available with SFS OFDs offer
design efficiencies to CICS applications. Consider:
v OFD consistency
v Isolation level
v Lock modes
Refer to the Encina SFS Programming Guide for a detailed explanation of these

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


CICS uses SFS OFD attribute settings for consistency and isolation level differently
based on the value of the Recoverable attribute in the File Definitions (FD):
v If a file is specified as not recoverable, then the following OFD attributes are
requested by CICS:
Consistency : sfs_nonTransactional
Isolation : sfs_nonTranCursorStability
Operations using OFDs specified as not recoverable do not participate in user
transactions. As a result, an EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK does not
undo changes made with such OFDs. Such changes are immediately visible to
other processes reading such records.
v If a file is specified as recoverable, then the following OFD attributes are
requested by CICS:
Consistency : sfs_Transactional
Isolation : sfs_cursorStability
Operations using OFDs specified as recoverable participate in user transactions.
Changes made via such OFDs do not become visible to other processes until the
transaction reaches EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT. Greater computing resources are
required by operations using OFDs specified as recoverable than for those
operations using OFDs specified as not recoverable.
SFS offers lock modes to use when records are accessed. CICS uses sfs_noLock
mode when reading records and sfs_writeLock mode when reading records to
update them. These modes allow multiple transactions to concurrently read a
record, but prevent simultaneous updates of the record. The lock modes prevent a
transaction from reading data for update that has been written via a recoverable
OFD until an EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT is reached. However, a straight read-only
operation can see the changes prior to the EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT. A record
updated via a recoverable OFD is locked for writing until the transaction is
resolved by reaching an EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT. As a result, greater interprocess
contention occurs when a recoverable OFD is used.

DB2 concurrency and locking

When DB2 is used to manage CICS queue and user files, it treats all files as
recoverable, regardless of the value set in the FD for the RECOVERABLE attribute.
CICS file services access DB2 using cursor stability isolation level and with record
locking enabled. This configuration impacts the behavior and concurrency of CICS
applications in a number of ways.
v An application does not retrieve uncommitted changes performed by another
application. Changes made by a CICS transaction do not become visible to other
applications until the transaction reaches EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT.
v When a transaction writes records to a file in which a browse operation has
already been started, the newly inserted records are not visible to the browse
operation. The browse operation displays a snapshot of committed table data at
the time when the browse operation is started.
v Similarly, changes committed to a file by other applications are not visible to a
browse that has already been started.
v Records can be concurrently read, but they cannot be simultaneously updated.
v An updated record is locked until an EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT is reached.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


Oracle concurrency and locking

When Oracle is used to manage CICS queue and user files, it handless all files as
recoverable, regardless of the value that is set in the FD for the RECOVERABLE

CICS and SFS performance with large files

The BufferPoolSize attribute, which is in the CICS SSD definitions, sets the size of
the I/O buffer that is in the SFS server. This buffer exists only to allow a memory
image of sections of the SFS data volume, so that the SFS process does not have to
wait for the data volume disk. The information that is given here might help you
improve the performance of SFS:
v A large I/O buffer might seem desirable, but that buffer is in the private data
segment of the SFS process, which also contains memory that is allocated to
manipulate the internal structures in SFS. These internal structures can use a
large amount of memory. For example, 320 000 records, each of size 128 bytes, 4
indexes of size 8 bytes, and 1 index of 32 bytes uses approximately 110 MB of
disk space. To load a file with data, you need about 160 MB of memory in the
SFS private data segment. If, in this example, a BufferPoolSize attribute that is
greater than 73 000 is used, this error is returned:
Not enough memory in InitiateBufWrite

The following command would set the size of the buffer to 70000:
cicsupdateclass -w -c ssd -k "/.;/cics/sfs/myServ" -a BufferPoolSize n 70000


Note that the SFS server name has a semicolon where normally you would use a
colon. Also, the server name must be inside quotes. The server must be warm
started in either case to get the change to take effect.


Note: The svmon -P <pid> command is very useful if you want to monitor the
how much memory the data segment uses. This command shows the total
amount that is allocated (in the InUse column), and also the address
range that is allocated (in the Addr Range column). The data segment
normally grows from both ends. When these ends meet, either an
InitiateBufWrite error, or another memory error occurs.
v Before the I/O buffer is full, the SFS process can continue to run efficiently; that
is, it uses at least 100% of one CPU if the load on the operating system allows it.
The disks show that they are running at 100% capacity. If they are running only
write operations, they are not actually slowing down the SFS process; they are
catching up with the I/O buffer asynchronously. However, when the I/O buffer
is full, the SFS process must wait for the data to be written, and it must reread
data from disk because it cannot hold it all in the buffer at the same time. At
this point, many read operations occur on the data disk, the CPU uses SFS less,
and the loading rate decreases greatly.
v To help ensure that your disk write operations are the fastest possible, you can
add extra data volumes to an SFS server. Although the basic CICS SSD
definitions define only one data volume for an SFS server, you can add more
after the initial cold start of the server. To add more data volume, type the


tkadmin map lvolsfs_newVol sfs_newVol 64

tkadmin enable lvol sfs_newVol
sfsadmin add lvol sfs_newVol

where sfs_newVol is the AIX logical volume name that was already defined
through the normal AIX facilities (for example, smitty). For this action to be
Chapter 5. Coding for data services


effective, assign the AIX logical volume to a different physical disk from the disk
that contains the first data volume for the SFS server. By using different physical
disks, you allow write operations to run in parallel. You can then assign the
secondary indexes for a file to volumes that are separate from the actual data
and primary index (which always stay together). For example:


sfsadmin create clusteredfile mult.indices2 f1 byteArray 8 f2 byteArray 8 \

i1 -unique 1 f1 sfs_firstVol
sfsadmin add index mult.indices i2 1 f2 -volume sfs_newVol

If you ever cold start the SFS server, you must rerun the lvol commands to add
the extra volumes.
v If the primary index has already put into sequence the input data for a
particular file, and no secondary indexes are active, that file should load quickly.
SFS slows if it has to recalculate unsequenced indexes.
v To flush the I/O buffer to disk, type:


tkadmin flush lvol

This command flushes all data volumes for the server. You can specify which
data volume is to be flushed, if you have more than one.
When a log volume becomes almost full, SFS tries to compress it. This operation
can take a long time, and does not necessarily create enough free space. In this
condition, you might find the tkadmin force checkpoint command useful. Use it
between sfsadmin and cicssdt commands if the log volume is likely to become
full. This command completely clears the log file only if all data has been
flushed to disk.
v To determine how many pages to allocate in the SFS Server, you can use the
rough formulas for size estimating. For example:
If number of records to store is N, the width of the record is w, and the width of
an Index is x:


Pages (that is, 4096 bytes) for data + primary index = N * ( 28 + x)

/ 2650 + N * w / 4060 Pages for secondary index = N ( 20 + x) / 2650

v For fast loading:

Use a generous log volume size. It might need to be a few times larger than
the size of the largest file.
Increase the soft data segment size for the userid to 52 4288 bytes (in 512 byte
blocks) so that the full 256 MB segment can be used.
If you try to load a large file, and all indexes are active, that file needs, in
private storage, a buffer that is about 1.5 times size of the disk data.
To determine the maximum I/O buffer size that you can use, assume the
starting size to be 240 MB. (It could be from approximately 240 MB to 256 MB
depending on how much other modules in the process use the remainder of
the memory. The ideal maximum is 256 MB, the segment size.)
If the result gives a buffer that is smaller than the disk data size, you might
find it just as fast to deactivate some of the indexes (which means more
memory available for the I/O buffer), load the file, then reactivate the
Put one or more secondary indexes into separate data volumes. If possible,
the initial load should have at least one nonsequenced index being built on
each disk.
v Multiple SFS servers would give better performance if, in production, these
conditions exist:
A particular machine has real memory that is not going to be used (that is,
the machine is not regularly going to swap pages to the paging space).



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

The I/O buffer that is possible with the 256 MB data segment cannot hold all
the pages of SFS files that are in frequent use.
Multiple SFS servers can together provide more than 256 MB of data segments,
and they hold more data in memory that they do on disk


Mixed resource manager applications

CICS coexists and complements other resource managers that access their resources
through COBOL, C, C++, and PL/I programs. Typically, these resource managers
are relational database management systems (RDBMSs) using the SQL language
embedded in COBOL, C, C++ and PL/I programs.
You can write applications that access CICS and RDBMS resources in the same
program. Refer to your RDBMS manuals for information on how to develop these
applications. Generally:
v RDBMSs encourage prototyping and suggest to novice users that there is no
need to follow conventional design strategies. This is definitely not
recommended for online transaction processing. In particular, you should
carefully undertake a full design of your data requirements.
v SQL is a set-level language (that is, it operates on a group of records rather than
individual ones). When performing update operations, a large number of records
could be locked until a syncpoint is reached. You need to carefully consider
performance aspects when designing update operations.

File services
File services commands perform the functions needed to read, update, add, delete,
and browse data in local or remote files.
When used locally, these commands provide access to files managed on either an
SFS or a DB2 database. Used remotely, the commands provide access to the
underlying file manager of the remote system. CICS provides an interface to a
generic record-oriented file manager, regardless of the file manager, the type of file,
or its physical organization.

Using a VSAM perspective to examine distributed CICS

If you are moving to CICS for Windows or to CICS on Open Systems from an IBM
mainframe-based CICS platform, you possibly are familiar with Virtual Storage
Access Methods (VSAM) data sets. VSAM is an access method for direct or
sequential processing of fixed-length and variable-length records on direct access
VSAM is not supported by your operating system, but the CICS-supported file
managers provide similar facilities. As described in Record handling in CICS
files on page 106, TXSeries CICS emulate VSAM.
For reasons of portability and commonality with other CICS platforms, the
commands used for TXSeries CICS file services are described in terms of VSAM
and not in terms of the file managers. The VSAM terminology can be confusing to
new users of CICS. Similarly, users migrating applications from mainframe systems
are equally unfamiliar with the file managers. Because of this, the VSAM
discussions define the most important VSAM terms and correlates them to their
CICS-supported counterparts. This correlation shows how CICS file services map
onto the file managers used by CICS.
Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Record handling in CICS files

The records in a VSAM data set or file can be organized in any of three ways:
logical sequence by a key field (key sequence), the physical sequence in which they
are written on the data set or file (entry-sequence), or by relative-record number.
TXSeries CICS file services support:
v Fixed-length and variable-length records
v Multiple access paths to the same file
v Large records that can span system boundaries (control intervals, disk blocks)
v Record-level locking (or in the case of VSAM, control-interval locking).
If you are familiar with VSAM, you need to be aware of a major difference
between VSAM and TXSeries CICS file services. You do not just define files and
records to the file managers, as is done using VSAM. When using TXSeries CICS
file services, you also have to define the record and each index on the file in terms
of its constituent fields.
Each field can be of fixed or variable length. The index is defined with the File
Definitions (FD) IndexName attribute. Failure to define the index results in error
messages when the file is used.
CICS cannot access a file that has more than one variable-length field in a record.
Also, if a record contains a variable-length field, this field must be the last field in
the record.
In IBM mainframe-based CICS, the CICS transactional support overlays VSAM;
some of the restrictions imposed on CICS file control reflect this. The file managers
themselves provide full transactional support; several of these restrictions could be
lifted in CICS for Windows or CICS on Open Systems. For example, neither file
manager insists that a transaction is limited to a single update per file per LUW,
whereas VSAM does. In order to preserve application portability, both to and from
IBM mainframe-based CICS, TXSeries CICS have retained most of these

Using primary and alternate indexes to access files

You must be able to access each record in your file by a unique key. For example,
you can have records in a personnel file that have as their key an employee
number. No matter how many Smiths there are, each has a unique employee
number. The employee number can be the primary key to the base file. The base
file must be defined to CICS in the File Definitions (FD).
Sometimes, however, you want to access the same set of records in different ways.
For example, if you were producing a telephone directory from the file, you would
want to list people by name rather than employee number. You can identify
records in a file with an alternate or secondary key instead of the primary key
described above. So the primary key is the employee number, and the employee
name is the alternate key. Alternate keys are just like the primary key in
Key-sequenced data set (KSDS) fields of fixed length and fixed position within the
record. (The KSDS file type is discussed in Key-sequenced data set (KSDS) on
page 107.) You can have any number of alternate keys and, unlike the primary or
base key, alternate keys need not be unique. To continue our personnel example,
the employees department code might be defined as a further alternate key.
If you delete an Entry-sequenced data set (ESDS) record via an alternate index, an
attempt to read the deleted record via the index, results in the condition NOTFND.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

(The ESDS file type is discussed in Entry-sequenced data set (ESDS) on page
108.) An attempted read on the same deleted record via the RBA results in the
condition ILLOGIC.
A separate FD entry is needed for each index by which you access a file. So in the
example above, you would have one entry for access by the primary index using
the employee number, and a second entry for access by the alternate index using
the employee name.
CICS treats an alternate index as though it were a KSDS, although the keys need
not uniquely identify the record. Whenever you update a record, all keys in
alternate indexes are automatically updated; primary keys cannot be altered.
A CICS application program disregards whether it is accessing a file by its primary
or alternate key.
See the CICS Administration Guide and the CICS Application Programming Reference
for related information.

The types of files used by CICS

CICS uses three types of files:
v Key-sequenced data set (KSDS)
v Entry-sequenced data set (ESDS)
v Relative record data set (RRDS)
Both SFS and DB2 provide emulation for these file types.

Key-sequenced data set (KSDS)

A key-sequenced data set (KSDS) has each of its records identified by a key. The key
of each record is simply a field in a predefined position within the record. Keys
within a KSDS file need not be unique.
The physical order of the records depends on the collating sequence of the key
field. This also fixes the order in which you retrieve records when you browse
through the data set. An index relates the key of each record to the records relative
location in the data set. When you add or delete records, this index is updated
When you write a KSDS record, you must specify the complete key, and when
browsing, you must provide a record identification field (RIDFLD) sufficiently
large to hold the complete key.
When you use a generic key, you must specify its length in the KEYLENGTH
option. You must also specify the GENERIC option on the command. A generic
key cannot have a key length equal to the full key length. You must define it to be
shorter than the complete key.
You can also specify the GTEQ option on certain commands, for both complete
and generic keys. The GTEQ option causes the command to position at, or apply to,
the matching record in the data set. If no match is located, the command then
positions at the record with the next higher key. When accessing a data set by way
of an alternate index path, the record identified is the one with the next higher
alternate key when a matching record cannot be found.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Even when using generic keys, always use a storage area for the RIDFLD equal in
length to the length of the complete key. During a browse operation, after
retrieving a record, CICS copies the actual identifier of the record retrieved into the
RIDFLD area. CICS returns a complete key to your application, even when you
specified a generic key on the command. For example, a generic browse through a
KSDS returns the complete key to your application on each EXEC CICS

Entry-sequenced data set (ESDS)

An entry-sequenced data set (ESDS) is one in which each record is identified by the
address assigned to it when the record is first entered into the data set. This
address is known as its relative byte address (RBA).
Records are held in an ESDS in the order in which they were first loaded into the
data set. New records added to an ESDS always go after the last record in the data
set. You can not alter the length of a record, and you can not delete a record via
the RBA base. The only way to delete a record is via a alternate index. After a
record has been stored in an ESDS, its RBA remains constant. The browsing
function retrieves the records in the order in which they were added to the data
You use the RBA option on most file control services commands to specify that the
RIDFLD contains the RBA of the record to be accessed. An RBA is used to access
an ESDS. All file control commands that refer to an ESDS base, and specify a
RIDFLD, must specify the RBA option. The following list shows the commands:

Relative record data set (RRDS)

A relative record data set (RRDS) has fixed-length slots, predefined to VSAM, in
which records can be stored. An RRDS record is always fixed length, equal to the
slot size. A record in an RRDS is identified by the relative record number (RRN) of
the slot that holds it. When a new record is added to an RRDS, VSAM uses the
number you supply with the file control request.
You use the RRN option on most file control services commands to specify that the
RIDFLD contains the relative record number of the record to be retrieved. The first
record in the data set is number one. All the file control commands that refer to an
RRDS, and specify a RIDFLD, must specify the RRN keyword.

VSAM emulation by SFS and distributed CICS

The correspondence between VSAM data set types and SFS file types is shown in
the following table:
Table 15. Comparison of VSAM data set types and SFS files


VSAM data set types

SFS files types

Key-sequenced data set (KSDS)

Clustered files

Entry-sequenced data set (ESDS)

Entry-sequenced files

Relative record data set (RRDS)

Relative files

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

VSAM emulation of KSDS files by SFS: SFS clustered files are used to emulate
KSDS access to VSAM data. All segments of keys should be defined as being in
ascending sequence. The primary key should not allow duplicate key values.
SFS allows keys to be segmented, that is, made up from two or more fields in any
position in the record. You can use segmented keys in TXSeries CICS where file
services are provided by SFS. However, you should not do so if you intend to
migrate your CICS applications to regions where files services are provided by
DB2, or to a CICS product that does not support segmented keys.
Defining keys affects the order of presentation of records in the following ways:
v If keys are defined using fields that are not byte arrays, then the order of
presentation of records is that which SFS uses.
v If some segments of a key are defined as being in descending sequence, the
order of presentation of records is affected.
v The GTEQ option associated with CICS commands is interpreted in the context
of the ordering of the records used by SFS.
These factors affect CICS behavior when performing EXEC CICS READ and EXEC
CICS STARTBR operations. For example, consider a request from an EXEC CICS
READ command using a GTEQ option for a record with a key of ZZZZ. This
request could yield a record whose key is actually AAAA because of how order
of presentation is handled by SFS.
VSAM-based CICS and distributed CICS interpret the EXEC CICS STARTBR
command differently due to the SFS-imposed record ordering used by distributed
CICS. Under VSAM-based CICS, an EXEC CICS STARTBR command that specifies
a key GTEQ low values begins the search with the first or last records in the file.
Distributed CICS always interprets an EXEC CICS STARTBR request specifying a
key GTEQ low values as a request to start at the first record in a file. Similarly, a
request for a key of high values is always interpreted as a request for the last
record in the file. The record ordering imposed by SFS has precedence irrespective
of where a high values or a low values key might be positioned in the file.
These potential misinterpretations can be avoided by using the sfs_byteArray field
CICS allows the use of files that have a primary index that is not unique. It also
allows the use of files where the alternate indexes have duplicates. When files
having these conditions are used, CICS limits the operations which you can
perform. This limit occurs because all EXEC CICS READ and EXEC CICS READ
UPDATE requests can access only the first of a set of duplicate records. This can be
useful in accessing data prepared by a non-CICS application.
VSAM emulation of ESDS files by SFS: TXSeries CICS emulate ESDS using the
SFS entry-sequenced file organization. The RBA is mapped onto the SFS implicit
primary index for the file. This implicit primary file index is known as an entry
sequence number (ESN). This is not necessarily the actual physical position of the
record in the file, but it does identify the record as unique. The RBA returned to a
CICS application is a four-byte unsigned quantity. This is derived from the
eight-byte SFS entry sequence number. No meaning should be attached to the
actual numeric value of the RBA. These RBA values should be treated as unique
identifiers assigned in an ascending sequence.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


CICS permits access to files containing records whose ESNs cannot be packed into
a 32 bit RBA. However, records with such ESNs cannot be read, nor can new
records be added to such files because, in each case, no RBA can be returned to the
VSAM emulation of RRDS files by SFS: SFS relative files are used to emulate
RRDS files. SFS requires that the records contain one field to hold the RRN and a
number of other fixed-length fields. For VSAM emulation, ensure that all fields
other than the RRN field be of type sfs_byteArray.
The RRN is mapped onto the SFS relative slot number (RSN). CICS ensures that
data seen by CICS applications does not include the RRN field.
Do not specify any secondary (alternate) indexes for these files.
RRDS files with alternate indexes can be accessed with their RRNs but not with
their alternate indexes. If such files are used, the DUPREC condition occurs if an
insertion or an updates would violate uniqueness constraints.
VSAM alternate index emulation by SFS: Alternate indexes are emulated using
SFS secondary (alternate) indexes, which, like that primary key (index) can be
segmented. Although SFS allows relative files to have secondary (alternate)
indexes, CICS does not support this.
VSAM record emulation by SFS: When defining files to SFS, you must specify
the fields that make up the record. For portable CICS family applications, use only
sfs_byteArray and sfs_varLenByteArray type fields. Use of other data types is
discussed in Functionality differences with SFS on page 112.
The CICS API does not permit records greater than 32 KB in length to be
manipulated. Therefore, the total length of all the fields in your records must be
less than or equal to 32 KB.
Fixed-length records: Fixed-length records must consist of one or more sfs_byteArray
fields, the sum of their lengths equal to the required record length. You need a
separate field for each index to the file, and a sufficient number of other fields to
define the remainder of the record.
For example, Figure 5 on page 111 illustrates a VSAM file having the following
v Record length is 20 bytes
v Primary index has a key that is five bytes long and begins at offset four
v Secondary (alternate) index has a key that is seven bytes long and begins at
offset eleven.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Figure 5. Fixed-length record example

To emulate this VSAM file to SFS, you would define five sfs_byteArray fields to SFS
of lengths three, five, two, seven, and three respectively.
Variable-length records: To define a VSAM file that holds variable-length records to
1. Specify a number of sfs_byteArray fields for the portion of the record holding
any key fields.
2. Specify one sfs_varLenByteArray type field. Define the length of this field so that
the total record length is the maximum length you need.
3. The variable-length field must be the last field in the record.
Note: The size of the variable-length field is recorded in a four-byte header to the
field by SFS. However, the data that is visible to the CICS application does
not include this four-byte header.
For example, Figure 6 on page 112 shows a VSAM file having a variable-length
record of maximum length of 1000 bytes. The keys for this record are in the same
positions as the keys for the record discussed in Figure 5:

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Figure 6. Variable-length record example

To emulate this VSAM file with its variable-length record, you define five
sfs_byteArray fields to SFS of lengths three, five, two, seven, and three respectively,
and one sfs_varLenByteArray of maximum length 979; and again define suitable
Note that although SFSs four-byte header to a variable-length field is invisible to
CICS, a CICS application can make use of the field to convey information to the
SFS. A CICS application can write a 40-byte record to SFS with a command such

where buffer contains:

1 1 1 P P P P P 3 3 S S S S S S S 5 5 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

CICS arranged that the actual record written to SFS has the length of the variable
field of the record (twenty bytes) placed in the field header.
Functionality differences with SFS: The following behavior differences are
important to understand when emulating VSAM files in SFS:
v CICS does not allow simultaneous access to SFS files.
Security facilities are provided to configure SFS and CICS so that simultaneous
access is restricted or prohibited.
v CICS can access SFS records containing data types other than the various byte
arrays. To do this, you must be aware of the restrictions imposed by SFS on
manipulations of these data types.
Numeric data types: SFS does not accept or return partial fields of numeric
types such as sfs_integer. Ensure that applications that access records
containing such fields do not attempt such operations. Examples of how such
requests occur are:

where the specified length encompasses only part of a numeric field, and:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

where the generic key specified includes only part of an integer field.
String data types: SFS requires that strings be null terminated. If data is
supplied which is not null terminated, an SFS error can occur, and CICS
raises an ILLOGIC condition.
v CICS does not permit access to files whose records contain more than one
variable-length field. It refuses to open such files.
v SFS permits records to be deleted from Entry Sequenced files. CICS does not
support this function. However, non-CICS processes can delete records from
such files; this means that there is no guarantee that the first record in an ESDS
file has an RBA of zero.
v In general, the use of native SFS calls is not supported. The following conditions
describe the exceptions to this rule:
When XA resource managers are not used, SFS native calls are supported. XA
resource managers are defined with Product Definitions (XAD) entries.
SFS native calls are supported when recoverable use of CICS file services or
CICS queues is simple and does not require the use of EXEC CICS
SYNCPOINT commands.
See the CICS Administration Guide and the CICS Intercommunication Guide for related

VSAM emulation by DB2 and distributed CICS

CICS can accomplish table creation in DB2 using the following methods:
v The cicsddt tool allows the interactive creation of CICS family portable table
structures. (This is described in the CICS Administration Guide and the CICS
Administration Reference.)
v The cicsdb2import command allows the creation of appropriate DB2 tables from
Schema File Definitions (SCD). (This is described in the CICS Administration
Guide and the CICS Administration Reference.)
v DB2 tables can also be created using the DB2 External File Handler.)
v DB2 tables can be created through the native SQL interfaces.
Each of these utilities supports the creation of appropriate DB2 indexes. It is
important that all tables and indexes are created with the owner designated as
Use DB2 data types that are not associated with a coded character set when
developing CICS family portable applications. This can be achieved by defining
columns as CHAR or VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, or by using BLOBs.
The following sections give more information on the structure of DB2 tables
required for CICS family portable applications.
VSAM emulation of KSDS files by DB2: A series of DB2 data types that are not
associated with a coded character set must be used to create the table definitions.
The number of columns defined must allow for each and every index against the
file, as well as for an additional number of columns sufficient to define the
remainder of the record.
Tables that emulate KSDS files must be created with a unique, primary index. For
performance reasons, it is recommended that you also create a corresponding index
with inverted ordering. For instance, the following command creates a primary
index on the ACCT column of the account table:
Chapter 5. Coding for data services



In addition, a corresponding descending index should be created. This can be done

using the following command:

Similarly, when an alternate index is created, the corresponding index with

inverted ordering should also be created.
This process of creating a unique primary index and a corresponding index having
an inverted order applies to table definitions in the following situations:
v Fixed-length KSDS with no overlapping alternate index fields
v Variable-length KSDS with no overlapping alternate index fields
v Variable-length KSDS with overlapping alternate index fields.
The following sections compare the procedures for creating table definitions for
each of these situations in VSAM and in DB2 emulation.
Fixed-length KSDS with no overlapping alternate index fields: Table 16 and Table 17
compare the procedures for creating fixed-length KSDS records in VSAM and for
emulating them in DB2:
Table 16. Fixed-length KSDS with no overlapping alternate index fields in VSAM
KSDS definition
Primary key (offset length) 1
Alt key 1 (offset length)
Alt Key 2 (offset length)
44 20
Record size (avg max)
500 500

If the record is defined as fixed-length, then a DB2 table definition can be created
using a series of CHAR columns. One CHAR column is required for each key field.
Additionally, each section of the record that lies before, between, and after the keys
must have a CHAR column to define it. No section can be longer that 254
Table 17. Fixed-length KSDS with no overlapping alternate index fields emulated in DB2
DB2 columns







Variable-length KSDS with no overlapping alternate index fields: Table 18 on page 115
and Table 19 on page 115 compare the procedures for creating variable-length
KSDS records in VSAM and for emulating them in DB2:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Table 18. Variable-length KSDS with no overlapping alternate index fields in VSAM
KSDS definition
Primary key (offset length) 1
Alt key 1 (offset length)
Alt Key 2 (offset length)
44 20
Record size (avg max)
200 200

If the record is defined as variable-length, then a DB2 table definition can be

created using a series of CHAR columns. One CHAR column is required for each
index field. Additionally, each section of the record that lies before, between, and
after the indexes must have one CHAR column to define it. The final column is
defined as VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, or BLOB, depending on the maximum
record length. The minimum length assumed is up to and including the last
alternate index.
Table 19. Variable-length KSDS with no overlapping alternate index fields emulated in DB2
DB2 columns







Variable-length KSDS with overlapping alternate index fields: Table 20 and Table 21
compare the procedures for creating variable-length KSDS records in VSAM and
for emulating them in DB2. These examples illustrate the handling of overlapping
alternate index fields:
Table 20. Variable-length KSDS with overlapping alternate index fields in VSAM
KSDS definition
Primary key (offset length) 1
Alt key 1 (offset length)
Alt Key 2 (offset length)
44 20
Record size (avg max)
200 200

In this example, the first index comprises columns ALTKEY1A and ALTKEY1B,
while the second index comprises columns ALTKEY1B and ALTKEY2B.
While DB2 allows keys to be segmented, that is made up from one or more fields
in any position in the record, it does not allow you to utilize segmented keys in
CICS on Open Systems where file services are provided by DB2.
Table 21. Variable-length KSDS with overlapping alternate index fields emulated in DB2
DB2 columns







Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Data associated with a coded character set: Defining keys affects the order of
presentation of records in the following ways:
v If keys are defined using fields that are not defined as FOR BIT DATA, the order
of presentation of records is that which DB2 uses. This is dependent on the
database code page and the collation sequence specified when the database is
v The GTEQ option associated with CICS commands is interpreted in the context
of the ordering of the records used by DB2.
This impacts CICS behavior when performing EXEC CICS READ and EXEC CICS
STARTBR operations. For example, consider a request from an EXEC CICS READ
command using a GTEQ option for a record with a key of ZZZZ. This request
could yield a record whose key is actually AAAA because of how order of
presentation is handled by DB2.
VSAM-based CICS and distributed CICS interpret the EXEC CICS STARTBR
commands differently due to the DB2imposed record ordering used by CICS.
Under VSAM-based CICS, an EXEC CICS STARTBR command that specifies a key
GTEQ low values begins the search at the first or last records in the file.
Distributed CICS always interprets an EXEC CICS STARTBR request specifying a
key GTEQ low values as a request to start at the first record in a file. Similarly, a
request for a key of high values is always interpreted as a request for the last
record in the file. The record ordering imposed by DB2 has precedence irrespective
of where a high values or a low values key might be positioned in the file.
These potential misinterpretations can be avoided by using the FOR BIT DATA
column types when defining DB2 tables.
VSAM emulation of ESDS files by DB2: CICS emulates ESDS files using a
special 32-bit RBA column. In addition, a sufficient number of other columns is
required define the ESDS record. One column must be defined for each and every
index against the file. Furthermore, a sufficient number of additional columns must
be defined to encompass the remainder of the record. These columns cannot be
associated with a coded character set.
CICS processing ensures that data seen by the CICS application does not include
the RBA column. When a CICS facility, such as cicsddt, is used for DB2 table
creation, an RBA column for a file of type ESDS is automatically generated.
However, if you are using native SQL interfaces to create a table to emulate an
ESDS file, then you must ensure that the first column in the table is named RBA.
Furthermore, this column must be defined as CHAR(4) NOT NULL FOR BIT
Tables that emulate ESDS files should be created with a unique primary index
against the RBA column. For performance reasons, it is recommended that you also
create a corresponding index with inverted ordering. For instance, if you create an
ESDS table named ESDSTAB, a primary index could be defined as follows:

A corresponding descending index should be created by using the following


Similarly, when an alternate index is created, a corresponding index with inverted

ordering should also be created.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

No meaning can be attached to the actual numeric value of the RBA. These RBA
values are treated as unique identifiers assigned in an ascending sequence.
This process of creating a unique primary index and a corresponding index having
an inverted order applies to table definitions in the following situations:
v Fixed-length ESDS with no overlapping alternate index fields
v Variable-length ESDS with no overlapping alternate index fields
v Variable-length ESDS with overlapping alternate index fields.
The following sections compare the procedures for creating table definitions for
each of these situations in VSAM and in DB2 emulation. The ESDS table
representation closely follows the equivalent KSDS case.
Fixed-length ESDS with no overlapping alternate index fields: Table 22 and Table 23
illustrate the procedures for creating fixed-length ESDS records in VSAM and for
emulating them in DB2:
Table 22. Fixed-length ESDS with no overlapping alternate index fields in VSAM
ESDS definition
Alt key 1 (offset length)
Alt Key 2 (offset length)
Record size (avg max)

44 20
500 500

Table 23. Fixed-length ESDS with no overlapping alternate index fields emulated in DB2
DB2 columns







Variable-length ESDS with no overlapping alternate index fields: Table 24 and Table 25
illustrate the procedures for creating variable-length ESDS records in VSAM and
for emulating them in DB2:
Table 24. Variable-length ESDS with no overlapping alternate index fields in VSAM
ESDS definition
Alt key 1 (offset length)
Alt Key 2 (offset length)
Record size (avg max)

44 20
200 500

Table 25. Variable-length ESDS with no overlapping alternate index fields emulated in DB2
DB2 columns







Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Variable-length ESDS with overlapping alternate index fields: Table 26 and Table 27
illustrate the procedures for creating variable-length ESDS records in VSAM and
for emulating them in DB2. These examples illustrate the handling of overlapping
alternate index fields:
Table 26. Variable-length ESDS with overlapping alternate index fields in VSAM
ESDS definition
Alt key 1 (offset length)
Alt Key 2 (offset length)
Record size (avg max)

44 20
200 500

Table 27. Variable-length ESDS with overlapping alternate index fields emulated in DB2
DB2 columns







VSAM emulation of RRDS files by DB2: CICS emulates RRDS files using a
special 32-bit RRN column. In addition, a sufficient number of additional columns
must be defined to encompass the remainder of the record. These columns cannot
be associated with a coded character set.
CICS processing ensures that data seen by the CICS application does not include
the RRN column. When a CICS facility, such as cicsddt, is used for DB2 table
creation, an RRN column for a file of type RRDS is automatically generated.
However, if you are using native SQL interfaces to create a table to emulate an
RRDS file, then you must ensure that the first column in the table is named RRN.
Furthermore, this column must be defined as CHAR(4) NOT NULL FOR BIT
Tables that emulate RRDS files should be created with a unique primary index
against the RRN column. For performance reasons, it is recommended that you
also create a corresponding index with inverted ordering. For instance, if you
create an RRDS table named RRDSTAB, a primary index could be defined as

A corresponding descending index should be created using the following


Do not specify alternate indexes for RRDS files. RRDS files with alternate indexes
can be accessed with their RRNs but not with their alternate indexes. If such files
are used, then DUPREC conditions can occur if insertions or updates would violate
uniqueness constraints.
Table 28 on page 119 and Table 29 on page 119 illustrate the procedures for creating
RRDS files in VSAM and for emulating them in DB2:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Table 28. RRDS files in VSAM

RRDS definition
Record size (avg max)

500 500

Table 29. RRDS files in emulated in DB2

RRDS definitions







VSAM alternate index emulation by DB2: Alternate indexes are emulated using
DB2 secondary indexes. Although DB2 allows relative files to have secondary
indexes, CICS does not support this.
VSAM record emulation by DB2: The CICS API does not permit records greater
the 32 KB in length to be manipulated. Therefore, the total length of all the fields
in your records must be less than or equal to 32 KB.
The size of a variable-length field in DB2 is recorded in a prepended header to the
field. However, the data visible to the CICS application does not include this
Functionality differences with DB2: The following behavior differences are
important to understand when emulating VSAM files in DB2:
v CICS allows simultaneous access to DB2 files, either by two CICS regions, or by
a CICS region and a non-CICS application. Applications need to be designed to
account for this possibility.
Security facilities provided to configure DB2 and CICS can be used to restricted
or prohibited simultaneous access.
v The Numeric and Datetime DB2 data types are not supported by CICS and
cannot be accessed by CICS applications.
v CICS allows the use of files whose primary index is not unique. It also allows
the use of files where the alternate indexes have duplicates. When files with
these conditions are used, CICS limits the operations which you can perform.
This limit occurs because all EXEC CICS READ and EXEC CICS READ UPDATE
requests can access only the first of a set of duplicate records. This can be useful
in accessing data prepared by some non-CICS application.
v CICS does not permit access to files whose records contain more than one
variable-length field. It refuses to open such files.
v DB2 permits records to be deleted from entry sequenced files. CICS does not
support an interface to this. However, non-CICS processes can delete records
from such files; this means that there is no guarantee that the first record in an
ESDS file has an RBA of zero.
See the CICS Administration Guideand the CICS Intercommunication Guide for related

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Differences in file behavior between SFS and DB2

The following list describes some differences in file behavior between SFS files and
DB2 tables:
v In DB2, the maximum length for any char field is 254 bytes. See the DB2
restrictions documented in the SQL reference manual.
v All records over 4005 bytes are treated as variable by CICS using DB2 as the file
manager. The following behaviors occur in migrated CICS applications that were
originally written to access fixed-length records over 4005 bytes long:
On a READ, the value returned in the length field is the true length of the
data, not the expected fixed length.
On a READ, the LENGTH option must be specified, otherwise LENGERR is
When DB2 is used as the file manager, files over 4005 bytes long must be
created with the last column of a variable type (VARCHAR, LONGVAR, BLOB).
The total length of the preceding fixed columns cannot exceed 4005 bytes.
v The process of migrating CICS files from SFS to DB2 is subject to the following
SFS files that have a fixed length of over 4005 bytes must be redefined.
SFS files that have a fixed length of over 4005 bytes and have key fields
beyond byte 4004 cannot be directly migrated. The file must be redesigned to
ensure all key fields are within the first 4005 bytes of the record.

Accessing files from CICS application programs

This section describes the following functions available to application programs for
accessing files:
v Reading records
v Updating records
v Deleting records
v Adding records.
Each of these functions is discussed for the KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS file types. In
addition, the command options that can be used in combination with file services
commands are discussed. Finally, a discussion on avoiding transaction deadlocks is

Reading records
There are several methods of reading records, including:
v Direct reading
v Sequential reading (browsing)
v Skip-sequential browsing
If the file contains fixed-length records, and if the application program provides an
area into which the record is to be read, that area must be of the defined length. If
the file contains variable-length records, the command must also specify the
maximum length of the area provided to hold the records.
For fixed-length records and for records retrieved into CICS-provided SET storage,
no length argument needs to be specified. However, a specified length argument is
helpful when reading fixed-length records without using a SET command. The
specified length argument ensures that the record being read is not too long for the
available data area. If you provide the length argument, CICS uses the length field
to return the actual length of the record retrieved.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Direct reading: The EXEC CICS READ command reads records in a file. The
command must identify the record you want, and it must indicate whether the
record is to be read into an area of storage provided by your application program
(EXEC CICS READ INTO), or into CICS SET storage acquired by file control
(EXEC CICS READ SET). If area is to be CICS SET storage, the address of the data
in the CICS SET storage is returned to your program.
The length of time that the CICS SET storage remains valid depends on whether
the EXEC CICS READ command is issued for UPDATE or read-only access. The
SET storage for a non-update EXEC CICS READ command survives until another
non-update or UPDATE READ command (either INTO or SET) is encountered for
the same CICS file. The SET storage for an EXEC CICS READ UPDATE command
DELETE (without RIDFLD) or EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT, whichever is encountered
For both UPDATE and non-update commands, you must identify the record to be
retrieved by the record identification field specified in the RIDFLD option.
Immediately upon completion of an EXEC CICS READ UPDATE command, the
RIDFLD data area is available for reuse by the application program.
To support application portability to VSAM environments, you can only specify
one UPDATE operation for each file within a transaction at any given time. Your
next command to the file should be an EXEC CICS REWRITE, EXEC CICS
DELETE without the RIDFLD option, or EXEC CICS UNLOCK.
Direct reading from a KSDS: When reading from a KSDS, you identify the record
you want by specifying its full key. However, if the key is not unique, the
DUPREC condition occurs.
You can also specify a partial (generic) key. When you specify a partial key, both
SFS and DB2 retrieve the first record whose leftmost characters match the partial
key. Additionally, you can retrieve the record in the file whose key is greater than
or equal to the full key provided with the command. Finally, you can also identify
the record you want by providing a generic key together with the greater than or
equal option (GTEQ) .
An EXEC CICS READ command raises the NOTFND condition if no record with
the key specified is found. Also, the NOTFND condition is raised if no record is
found with a key greater than or equal to the specified key when the GTEQ option
is used. Either the GTEQ option or the EQUAL option can be specified. The
EQUAL option requests a record having an exact match with the specified key. The
GTEQ option requests a record with the first key greater than or equal to the
specified key.
Direct reading from an ESDS: When reading from an ESDS, you identify the record
you want by an RBA. Because the RBA of a ESDS record cannot change (unless the
file is reorganized), your application program can keep track of the values of the
RBAs corresponding to the records it wants to access. An access to an ESDS
specifying an incorrect RBA, or an RBA where there is no record, returns the
ILLOGIC condition.
Direct reading from an RRDS: When reading from an RRDS, you identify the record
you want by its relative record number. Again, the application program must know
the RRN values of the records it wants. For records not present in the file, the
NOTFND condition is returned.
Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Direct reading by way of a path: If a KSDS or an ESDS has an alternate index and
an appropriate entry in the File Definition, you can retrieve a record in the file by
using the alternate key that you set up in the alternate index. The generic option
and the greater than or equal option still work in the same way as for a read from
a KSDS using the primary key.
If the alternate key in an EXEC CICS READ command is not unique, the first
record in the file with that key is read, and you get the DUPKEY condition. To
retrieve other records with the same alternate key, you have to start a browse
operation at this point.
Sequential reading (browsing): The EXEC CICS STARTBR command begins the
browse function. You must identify a particular record in the same way for a
browse function as for a direct read function. However, EXEC CICS STARTBR only
identifies the starting position for the browse; it does not retrieve a record.
You can reset a browse at any time using the EXEC CICS RESETBR command. Use
EXEC CICS RESETBR to define a new starting position for the browse, or to
change the type of search argument used.
The EXEC CICS READNEXT command reads records sequentially from the file; its
starting point is set by the EXEC CICS STARTBR command. Each time an EXEC
CICS READNEXT command is processed, CICS updates the field specified in the
RIDFLD option with the complete key, relative byte address, or relative record
number of the record retrieved.
The record can be read into an area of storage supplied by the application program
(EXEC CICS READNEXT INTO), or into CICS-provided SET storage (EXEC CICS
READNEXT SET). In the latter case, the CICS SET storage remains valid until the
next EXEC CICS ENDBR for this REQID, or EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT, whichever
is encountered first.
The EXEC CICS READPREV command performs the inverse process to the
READNEXT command; it reads the records sequentially backwards from the
starting point set by the EXEC CICS STARTBR command.
If your file supports unique keys only and you change from EXEC CICS
READNEXT to EXEC CICS READPREV (or the converse), then the same record is
retrieved twice. It is first retrieved by the EXEC CICS READNEXT command, and
then on the READPREV command.
For browsing (and for direct read), if the file contains fixed-length records, and if
the application program provides an area into which the record is to be read, that
area must be of the defined length. If the file contains variable-length records, the
command must also specify the maximum length of the area provided to hold the
Browsing through a KSDS: You can use a generic key on the EXEC CICS STARTBR
command when browsing through a KSDS. However, the browse can only
continue forward through the file. If you process an EXEC CICS READPREV
during a generic key browse, you get the INVREQ condition.
You can use the options EQUAL and GTEQ on the EXEC CICS STARTBR
command. The default is GTEQ option. If no record matches the key specified with
the EXEC CICS STARTBR command, you get the NOTFND condition.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

An EXEC CICS READNEXT or READPREV command works only after the

successful execution of an EXEC CICS STARTBR.
You can start a forward browse through a KSDS at the start of the file by
specifying a key of hexadecimal zeros, or by specifying options GENERIC, GTEQ,
command. (In the latter case, you need the RIDFLD keyword, even though its
value is not used.) You can also start from the end of the file by specifying a
complete key of X'FF's on the EXEC CICS STARTBR. This points to the last record
in the file ready for a backward browse.
If you browse with a key whose underlying fields, as defined to SFS, include a
numeric type, then the order in which the browse results are returned for that field
are numeric. This is different from mainframe CICS which treats the key as a bit
pattern. You can use byte arrays to avoid this problem. You should also note that
SFS allows descending keys.
Browsing through an ESDS: You cannot use the GTEQ option on the EXEC CICS
STARTBR command when browsing through a ESDS. If no record matches the
RBA specified in the EXEC CICS STARTBR command, CICS raises the ILLOGIC
condition. Like KSDS, keys of X'00's and X'FF's on the EXEC CICS STARTBR
command enable browses to start at the first or last record respectively.
Browsing through an RRDS: You can use the GTEQ option on the EXEC CICS
STARTBR command when browsing through an RRDS. On a direct EXEC CICS
READ command, this option has no effect. A direct read GTEQ command giving
an RRN that does not exist returns NOTFND because only the EQUAL option is
taken. However, an EXEC CICS STARTBR GTEQ command using the same RRN
completes successfully, and sets a pointer to the relevant position in the file for the
start of the browse. The first record in the file is identified using 01 and the last
record by X'FF's.
Browsing using a path: Browsing can also use an alternate index path to a KSDS or
an ESDS. The browse is just like that for a KSDS, but using the alternate key. The
records are retrieved in alternate key order.
When non-unique alternate keys are involved, a browse operation retrieves all
records with the same alternate key. The EXEC CICS READNEXT command
retrieves those records in an underlying file manager-dependent order. The
DUPKEY condition is returned for each retrieval operation except the last. For
example, if there are three records with the same alternate key, the DUPKEY
condition is raised for retrieval of the first two, but not the third. You can design
the application program to revert from browsing to direct reading when the
DUPKEY condition no longer occurs.
Ending the browse: Stop a browse with the EXEC CICS ENDBR command. Trying
to browse past the last record in a file raises the ENDFILE condition. Always issue
the EXEC CICS ENDBR command before a syncpoint, before task termination, or
before performing an I/O operation on the same file (READ, UPDATE, DELETE
with RIDFLD, or WRITE). If you do not, you get unpredictable results, possibly
including deadlock.
Simultaneous browse operations: CICS allows a transaction to perform more than
one browse on the same file at the same time. You distinguish between browse
operations by including the REQID option on each browse command.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Skip-sequential browsing: For direct access to records quickly, you can browse
using skip-sequential processing. This type of browsing reduces index search time.
To use skip-sequential processing, you change the key, RBA, or RRN in the
RIDFLD option of the EXEC CICS READNEXT or READPREV command to point
to the next record you want. You can even do this on the first EXEC CICS
READNEXT command or the first EXEC CICS READPREV command after an
command must be in the same form (key, RBA or RRN) as that used in the
EXEC CICS STARTBR command or last EXEC CICS RESETBR command. If
you use generic keys on a forward browse, the new RIDFLD must also be a
generic key, although the length can be different.
Specifying a different keylength in the KEYLENGTH option of an EXEC CICS
READNEXT command has the same effect as an EXEC CICS RESETBR command.
To continue browsing from this new point, remove the KEYLENGTH option from
subsequent EXEC CICS READNEXT commands.
If a key equal to search is specified on an EXEC CICS STARTBR command, or an
skip-sequential processing can give a NOTFND condition. It is not possible to
obtain the last record on the file by specifying a complete key of X'FF's during skip
sequential processing. You must use EXEC CICS RESETBR to specify the key in
this form.

Updating records
To update a record, you must first retrieve it using an EXEC CICS READ
command with the UPDATE option. The record is identified in exactly the same
way as for a direct read. After modification by the application program, the record
is written back to the file using the EXEC CICS REWRITE command. In a KSDS or
ESDS, the record can (as with a direct read) be accessed through either the primary
key or any alternate key.
The EXEC CICS REWRITE command cannot identify the record being rewritten. In
any one transaction, CICS allows only a single update to a given file to be in
progress at any time. Therefore, the record being rewritten is identified by the
previous EXEC CICS READ UPDATE command.
A record retrieved as part of a browse operation can not be updated during the
browse. The application program must end the browse; read the desired record
with an EXEC CICS READ UPDATE, and perform the update. Failure to do this
can cause a deadlock.
The record to be updated can (as in the case of a direct read) be read into an area
of storage supplied by the application program or into CICS-provided SET storage.
If the record is read into CICS SET storage, it should normally be copied into
application program storage and rewritten from that storage. For an EXEC CICS
READ UPDATE command, CICS SET storage remains valid until the next EXEC
EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT, whichever is encountered first.
For a KSDS, the primary key in the record must not be altered when the record is
modified. Similarly, if the update is being made by way of an alternate index, the


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

alternate key used to identify the record must not be altered either, although other
alternate keys can be altered. If the file allows variable-length records, the length of
the record can be changed.
Specifying record length: When rewriting a fixed-length record, do not include
the length with the command. If the length is specified, and does not agree with
that defined to SFS or DB2, then the record is not written.
For variable-length records, you must specify the length with both the EXEC CICS
READ and the EXEC CICS REWRITE commands. The length specified must be less
than, or equal to, the keyspan of the underlying SFS file (including alternate
indexes). If the length specified is greater than the maximum defined to SFS or
DB2, then a record is truncated.
Note that the length of records read from an ESDS cannot be changed.

Deleting records
CICS does not allow records to be deleted from an ESDS.
You can delete a record in a KSDS or RRDS by first retrieving it for update, and
then issuing an EXEC CICS DELETE command. You can also delete a record in a
single operation, again using the EXEC CICS DELETE command. In this case, you
must identify the record to be deleted as part of the command by specifying the
RIDFLD option. For a KSDS or RRDS, instead of rewriting the record, the
application program can issue an EXEC CICS DELETE command to erase it from
the file. As in the case of the EXEC CICS REWRITE command, the record to be
deleted must not be identified within the EXEC CICS DELETE command, but is,
by default, the record most recently read for update. When an EXEC CICS
DELETE command follows a EXEC CICS READ UPDATE, it must not include the
RIDFLD option. If RIDFLD is included, an INVREQ condition is returned to the
application program.
If a full key is provided with the EXEC CICS DELETE command, a single record
with that key is deleted. So, if the file is being accessed by way of an alternate
index path that allows non-unique alternate keys, only the first record with that
key is deleted. After the deletion, you know if further records exist with the same
alternate key, because you get the DUPKEY condition if they do.
Unlocking: Use the EXEC CICS UNLOCK command to release a lock held by an
EXEC CICS READ UPDATE command without rewriting or deleting the record.
EXEC CICS UNLOCK releases any CICS storage acquired for the EXEC CICS
READ and releases SFS resources held by the EXEC CICS READ.
Deleting groups of records (generic delete): You can use a generic key with the
EXEC CICS DELETE command. Then, instead of deleting a single record, all the
records in the file whose keys match the generic key are deleted with the single
command. The number of records deleted is returned to the application program if
the NUMREC option is included with the command. If access is by way of an
alternate index path, the records deleted are those whose alternate keys match the
generic key.

Adding records
You can add new records to a file with the EXEC CICS WRITE command. They
must always be written from an area provided by the application program.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Adding to a KSDS: When a record is being added to a KSDS, the primary key of
the record identifies the position in the file where the record is to be inserted. The
application program must specify the key using the RIDFLD option on the EXEC
CICS WRITE command, even though the key is part of the record.
A record added to a KSDS by way of an alternate index is also inserted into the
file in the position determined by the primary key. However, in this case the
RIDFLD option must be used to specify the alternate key.
Adding to an ESDS: A record added to an ESDS is always added to the end of
the file. You cannot insert a record in an ESDS between existing records. After the
operation is completed, the relative byte address (RBA) identifying the record is
returned to the application program.
When adding a record to an ESDS by way of an alternate index path, the record is
also placed at the end of the file. The command must include the alternate index
key in the same way as for a KSDS path. The commands are the same whether
you are using an ESDS or a KSDS so the application program is not affected by
which type of file is in use.
Adding to an RRDS: To add a record to an RRDS, include the relative record
number (RRN) as a record identifier on the EXEC CICS WRITE command. The
record is then stored in the file in the position corresponding to the RRN.
Specifying record length: When writing to a fixed-length file, do not include the
length with the command. If the length is specified, and does not agree with that
defined to SFS or DB2, then the record is not written.
If the file is defined as containing variable-length records, the command must
always include the length of the record. The length specified must be less than, or
equal to, the keyspan of the underlying SFS or DB2 file (including alternate
indexes). If the length specified is greater than the maximum defined to SFS or
DB2, then a truncated record is written.
See the CICS Administration Reference and the CICS Application Programming
Reference for related information.

Using options with file services commands

This section discusses the following command options that are used in
combination with file services commands:
v The RIDFLD option
v The INTO and SET options
v The FROM option
Using the RIDFLD option: Any function you perform on a record (read, add,
delete, or start a browse) requires that you identify the record by the RIDFLD
option. The only exception to this requirement is when you have initially read the
record for update first. Additionally, you must include the RIDFLD option when
performing a browse operation using the EXEC CICS READNEXT or EXEC CICS
READPREV commands. The RIDFLD option gives CICS a way to return the
identifier of each record retrieved.
application program would not usually set the RIDFLD field. Therefore, after each
occurrence of these commands, CICS updates the RIDFLD field with the actual


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

identifier of the record retrieved. (You can alter the RIDFLD value to set a new
position from which to continue the browse.)
The RIDFLD option identifies a field containing the record identification
appropriate to the access method and the type of file being accessed. By itself, the
RIDFLD option usually is not enough to identify a specific record in the file. In
addition, one or both of the options GTEQ and GENERIC can be used with your
command. You use the GTEQ option to search for the first key that is greater than
or equal to the key specified in RIDFLD. The GENERIC option is available if you
are specifying an imprecise or partial key. These rules apply in the following
v When any record retrieval is done from a KSDS
v When an alternate index path is used from a KSDS or ESDS
v When setting a starting position for a browse in a KSDS or ESDS
Indexing and the RIDFLD option: An index can contain multiple fields. When you
create a schema (see the CICS Administration Reference), the index is made up of the
fields listed in the Field Names for Primary Index or Secondary Index - Field
Names fields. This list is separated by spaces, as shown in these example fields
for an address record: number street state zip. However, the fields are not separated
by spaces when you pass the field names with the RIDFLD option, for example:
numberstreetstatezip). When passed by the RIDFLD option, these fields are
concatenated together in the same order in which the fields are defined in the
schema file definitions. This is not necessarily the same as the order in which the
fields appear in each file record.
Using our address record field example, you can assume that the file definition
consists of 4 fields, all of which are byteArrays of 1 byte each. If an index file were
made up of field 2 and field 4, then the RIDFLD for record numberstreetstatezip
would be streetzip. The command would be specified as:
EXEC CICS WRITE FILE() FROM("numberstreetstatezip") RIDFLD("streetzip")

If, however, a alternate index consisted of field 4 following by field 2, the

command would be:
EXEC CICS WRITE FILE() FROM("numberstreetstatezip") RIDFLD("streetzip")

This means that any field in an index can be sorted in any order. If we use the
address record example, the file contains house numbers, street name, states and
zip codes. This file can be sorted on states, and a alternate index can sort on zip
codes. An index on the street name field allows a search for all entries matching
the street name Maple. Alternate indexes allow search criteria to be combined to
yield a more narrow match, for example, a search for all entries matching the street
name Maple and matching the state Maine.
Any field in an index can be sorted in ascending or descending order. And any
field can be unique or non-unique. This explanation applies only to KSDS files, or
a KSDS path over an ESDS file.
Combining the KEYLENGTH and RIDFLD options: In general, file services
commands need the RIDFLD and KEYLENGTH options. The KEYLENGTH option
can be specified explicitly in the command, or determined implicitly from the SFS
file definition.
For remote files (that is, those for which the SYSID option has been specified), the
KEYLENGTH option must be specified if RIDFLD holds a key.
Chapter 5. Coding for data services


When accessing remote files, refer to the documentation for the underlying file
manager for any restrictions in specifying CICS file services commands.
See the CICS Intercommunication Guide and the CICS Application Programming
Reference for related information.
Using the INTO and SET options: With the EXEC CICS READ, EXEC CICS
READNEXT, or EXEC CICS READPREV commands, the record is retrieved and
put in main storage according to the INTO and SET options.
v The INTO option specifies the main storage area into which the record is to be
For fixed-length records, do not include the LENGTH option. If you do, the
length specified must exactly match the defined length, or you get the
LENGERR condition.
For variable-length records, always specify (in the LENGTH option) the longest
record your application program accepts. (This value is likely to correspond with
the value defined to SFS as the maximum record size when the file was created.)
If you do not specify the LENGHTH option, you get the LENGERR condition.
The LENGERR condition occurs if the record exceeds this maximum length, and
the record is then truncated to that length. After the record retrieval, if you
include the LENGTH option, the data area specified in it is set to the actual
record length (before any truncation occurs).
v The SET option specifies a pointer to the address that holds the record. This
address, which is acquired by CICS, points to the buffer in main storage that
holds the record. When using the SET option, do not include the LENGTH
option. If you do include it, the data area specified is set to the actual record
length after the record has been retrieved.
Using the FROM option: When you add records (using the EXEC CICS WRITE
command), or update records (using the EXEC CICS REWRITE command), the
record that is to be written is specified with the FROM option.
The FROM option specifies the main storage area that contains the record to be
written. In general, this area is part of the storage owned by your application
program. With the EXEC CICS REWRITE command, the storage area indicated by
the FROM option is usually (but not necessarily) the same area as the
corresponding area indicated by the INTO option on the EXEC CICS READ
UPDATE command. The length of the record can be changed when rewriting to a
variable-length KSDS.
Always include the LENGTH option when writing to a variable-length file. If the
value specified exceeds the maximum allowed in the SFS definition, The
LENGERR condition is raised when the command is executed, and a truncated
record is written. The LENGERR condition is also raised if the length option is
omitted when accessing a variable-length file.
When writing to a fixed-length file, CICS uses the length specified in the SFS file
definition as the length of the record to be written. So, the LENGTH option is not
needed. If you do use the LENGTH option, its value is checked against the defined
value, and you get the LENGERR condition if the values do not match.
See the CICS Administration Reference and the CICS Application Programming
Reference for related information.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Avoiding transaction deadlocks

A deadlock occurs when a transaction (say, transaction A) requires exclusive use of
a resource, such as a record in a file, and another transaction (say, transaction B)
currently holds that resource. Transaction A waits for the resource to become
available. However, suppose transaction B is not in a position to release the
resource because it, in turn, is waiting on some resource held by transaction A.
Then, both are deadlocked. The only way of breaking the deadlock is to cancel one
of the transactions, thus releasing its resources.
An example of a deadlock: Two transactions running concurrently are modifying
records within a single recoverable file, through the same file definition entry, as

Transaction A ---> EXEC CICS READ UPDATE

---> record 1

Transaction B ---> EXEC CICS DELETE

---> record 2

Transaction A ---> EXEC CICS WRITE

---> record 2

Transaction B ---> EXEC CICS READ UPDATE

---> record 1

Transaction B ---> EXEC CICS REWRITE

---> record 1

Transaction A has acquired the record lock for record 1. Transaction B has similarly
acquired the record lock for record 2. The transactions are then deadlocked because
each wants to acquire the lock held by the other.
A transaction can have to wait for a resource while executing file control
commands for several reasons:
v For SFS files, any record that is being modified is held in exclusive control for
the duration of the request.
v If a transaction has modified a record in a recoverable file, SFS locks out access
to that record by all transactions except the transaction that made the
modification. This lock continues even after the request that performed the
change has completed. This allows that transaction to continue to access and
modify the same record. Other transactions must wait until the initial transaction
releases the lock. The release occurs in either of two ways: by terminating the
transaction or by issuing a syncpoint request.
Whether a deadlock actually occurs depends on the relative timing of the
acquisition and release of the resources by different concurrent transactions.
Application programs can continue to be used for some time before meeting
circumstances that cause a deadlock; so it is important to recognize and allow for
the possibility of deadlock early in the application program design stages.
Using the INVREQ condition to avoid deadlocks: CICS recognizes specific
situations that can lead to a deadlock and stops them by returning the INVREQ
condition to your application. For example, CICS does not allow a transaction to
with RIDFLD request to a particular file if the transaction issued a previous EXEC
CICS READ UPDATE to the same file, and the request has not yet been completed
Tips to avoid deadlocks: CICS does not detect every situation that might cause a
deadlock. You can avoid deadlocks by following these rules:

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


v All applications that update (modify) multiple resources should do so in the

same order. For instance, if a transaction is updating more than one record in a
file, it can do so in ascending key order. A transaction that is accessing more
than one file should always do so in the same predefined sequence of files.
v An application that issues an EXEC CICS READ UPDATE command should
or EXEC CICS UNLOCK to release the position before doing anything else to
the file.
See the CICS Administration Referenceand the CICS Application Programming Reference
for related information.

Queue services
Queues are sequential storage facilities that are global resources within either a
single CICS region or a system of interconnected CICS regions. That is, queues, like
files and databases, are not associated with a particular task. Any task can read,
write or delete queues, and the pointers associated with a queue are shared across
all tasks.
Two types of queues are provided by CICS: transient data queues and temporary
storage queues. Although these names imply impermanence, CICS queues are
permanent storage. Except for temporary storage queues kept in main storage,
CICS queues persist across executions of CICS, unless explicitly discarded in a cold
start. Both of these queue types are discussed and compared in the following

Transient data queue services

CICS transient data queue services provide a generalized queueing facility. Data
can be queued (stored) for subsequent internal or external processing. You can
apply the following functions to selected data, specified in an application:
v Write data to a transient data queue (EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD)
v Read data from a transient data queue (EXEC CICS READQ TD)
v Delete an intrapartition transient data queue (EXEC CICS DELETEQ TD)
To use a transient data queue, you must specify the TD option. If the TD option is
omitted, the command is assumed to be for a temporary storage queue. (See
Temporary storage queue services on page 133 for details.)

Intrapartition destinations
Intrapartition destinations are data queues that are located on direct-access storage
devices. These destinations are available for use with one or more programs
running as separate tasks within the CICS region. Data directed to or from these
internal destinations is called intrapartition data. Intrapartition transient data
queues are efficient, but they must be created and processed entirely within CICS.
Typical uses of intrapartition data include:
v Message switching
v Broadcasting
v Database access
v Routing of output to several terminals (for example, for order distribution)
v Queuing of data (for example, for assignment of order numbers or priority by
v Data collection


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Extrapartition destinations
Extrapartition destinations are queues (files) residing on any file system resource
(disk, tape, printer, and so on) that are accessible by programs outside (or inside)
the region. In general, sequential extrapartition destinations are used for storing
and retrieving data outside the region. For example, one task can read data from a
remote terminal, edit the data, and write the results to a file for subsequent
processing in another region. Logging data, statistics, and transaction error
messages are examples of data that can be written to extrapartition destinations. In
general, extrapartition data created by CICS is intended for subsequent input to
non-CICS programs. Data can also be routed to an output device such as a line
CICS uses extrapartition transient data queues to handle standard system files.
Any system file can be processed sequentially with CICS extrapartition transient
data. Extrapartition transient data files are not recoverable.
Data directed to or from an external destination is called extrapartition data and
consists of sequential records that are fixed-length or variable-length. The record
format for an extrapartition destination must be defined in the TDD. (Refer to the
CICS Administration Reference for details.)
You cannot delete an extrapartition queue.
CICS provides three different logical organizations for the byte-stream data stored
in extrapartition queue data files:
v Fixed-length records
v Variable records
v Terminated records, which subdivide into:
Line-oriented records
Null-terminated records
Byte-terminated records
Fixed-length record files: Fixed-length record files partition the byte stream into
adjacent, nonoverlapping blocks of bytes, all of the same length. The size of the
block for a given queue can take any value between 1 and the maximum permitted
record size (32767), but must remain fixed for all records in the file. Users must
supply records of the chosen length in an EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD call and expect
to receive a record of that length when performing an EXEC CICS READQ TD call.
Files whose length is not a multiple of the chosen record size are regarded as
incorrectly formatted and can lead to IOERR conditions being raised if a task
attempts to operate on the corresponding queue.
Variable-length record files: Variable-length record files partition the file byte
stream into adjacent, nonoverlapping blocks of bytes of varying length, each of
which is preceded by a two-byte length count used to determine the length of the
following record. The record can be of any length between 1 and the maximum
permitted record size. Users should not supply the length bytes in the record
passed to an EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD call as it is written to the file by CICS. The
record returned on an EXEC CICS READQ TD call does not contain the length
bytes. Refer to the TDD RecordLen attribute description in the CICS Administration
Reference for information on how the permitted record size is established.
The length count is stored in the file high byte first. Applications reading a file
written by CICS determine the record length by reading the first byte, multiplying
it by 256 and then adding the second byte. This should generate a value between 1
Chapter 5. Coding for data services


and the maximum permitted record size, giving the size of the following record in
bytes. The next record can be obtained by reading this number of bytes from the
file. If another record is stored in the file (end of file is not reached), the same
procedure can be repeated to obtain subsequent records.
Files with negative or zero record lengths and files whose last record falls short of
the last record length are regarded as incorrectly formatted and can lead to IOERR
conditions being raised if a task attempts to operate on the corresponding queue.
Terminated record files: Terminated record files partition the file byte stream into
adjacent, nonoverlapping blocks of bytes of varying length, each of which ends
with a common terminating byte. The three subcategories correspond to different
choices for this terminating byte:
v Line-oriented record files employ X'10', the ASCII newline character, as a
terminator. (This is particularly useful as a format for queues containing
readable text because it allows the file to be viewed/written using conventional
text editors).
v Null-terminated record files employ X'00', the ASCII null character, as a
v Byte-terminated record files employ a user-defined byte in the range 0 to 255 as
a terminator. (This actually subsumes the preceding categories; they are merely
provided as convenience interfaces to support commonly employed formats).
Users should not append the terminator byte to the record passed to an EXEC
CICS WRITEQ TD call as it is written to the file by CICS. The record returned on
an EXEC CICS READQ TD call does not contain the terminator byte.
Normally, the terminator byte should not appear embedded anywhere in the
record supplied in an EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD call. Any program which
subsequently reads the file is not able to distinguish such embedded terminator
bytes from the byte appended by the EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD call. (This applies in
particular when the file is to be reused as the source for an input TD queue.) The
result of embedding terminator bytes in the record data is an apparent
fragmentation of the record into separate sub-records. In the case where a
line-oriented queue is employed to write readable text, this can not be a restriction.

Indirect destinations
Intrapartition and extrapartition destinations can be used as indirect destinations.
Indirect destinations provide some flexibility in program maintenance by allowing
data to be routed to one of several destinations with changes being required only
in the TDD, not in the program.
When the TDD has been changed, application programs continue to route data to
the destination using the original symbolic name; however, this name is now an
indirect destination that refers to the new symbolic name. Because indirect
destinations are established by means of TDD entries, you do not need to be
concerned with how this is done.

Triggered transaction initiation

CICS applications can initiate transaction processing in accordance with predefined
parameters by using automatic transaction initiation (ATI), a queue management
facility within CICS.
CICS provides the ATI facility for intrapartition destinations. The system
administrator establishes a basis for the ATI facility by specifying a nonzero trigger


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

level and a triggered transaction identifier for a particular intrapartition destination

in the TDD. When the number of entries (created by EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD
commands issued by one or more programs) in the queue (destination) reaches the
specified trigger level, the transaction specified in the definition of the destination
is automatically initiated. The transaction must issue repetitive EXEC CICS READQ
TD commands to deplete the queue.
Once the queue has been emptied, a new ATI cycle begins. That is, a new task is
scheduled for initiation when the specified trigger level is again reached, whether
or not execution of the earlier task has ended.
If an automatically initiated task does not empty the queue, access to the queue is
not inhibited. The task can be normally or abnormally ended before the queue is
emptied (that is, before a QZERO condition occurs in response to an EXEC CICS
READQ TD command). Regardless of the facility type, the task is not started until
the specified trigger level is reached. If the triggered transaction does not read
from the TD queue, it is not re-initiated. If the trigger level of a queue is zero, no
task is automatically initiated. If the trigger level is already exceeded because the
last triggered transaction abended before clearing the queue, a task is scheduled
the next time a record is written to the queue. To ensure that completion of an
automatically initiated task occurs when the queue is empty, the application
program should test for a QZERO condition rather than for some
application-dependent factor such as an anticipated number of records. Only the
QZERO condition indicates an emptied queue.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Temporary storage queue services

CICS temporary storage queue services provide the application programmer with
the ability to store data in temporary storage queues. These queues can be located
either in main storage, or in auxiliary storage on a direct-access storage device.
Data stored in a temporary storage queue is known as temporary data. Temporary
storage queues are efficient, but they must be created and processed entirely within
You can:
v Write data to a temporary storage queue (EXEC CICS WRITEQ TS).
v Update data in a temporary storage queue (EXEC CICS WRITEQ TS with the
REWRITE and ITEM options).
v Read data from a temporary storage queue (EXEC CICS READQ TS).
v Delete a temporary storage queue (EXEC CICS DELETEQ TS).
If the TS option is omitted, the command is assumed to refer to temporary storage.
See Error-handling services on page 233 for a description of how temporary
storage control commands respond to conditions that occur during execution.

Typical uses of temporary storage control

A temporary storage queue having only one record can be treated as a single unit
of data that can be accessed using its symbolic name. Using temporary storage
control in this way provides a typical scratch pad capability. Use the EXEC CICS
READQ TS command with the ITEM(data area) option for access to this type of
storage; failure to use this access method can cause the ITEMERR condition to be
Chapter 5. Coding for data services


In general, use temporary storage queues of more than one record only when
direct access or repeated access to records is necessary. For sequential files, use
transient data queues.
Some uses of temporary storage queues follow:
v A suspend file. Assume a data collection task is in progress at a terminal. The
task reads one or more units of input and then allows the terminal operator to
interrupt the process by some kind of coded input. If not interrupted, the task
repeats the data collection process. If interrupted, the task writes its incomplete
data to temporary storage and terminates. The terminal is now free to process a
different transaction (perhaps a high-priority inquiry). When the terminal is
available to continue data collection, the operator initiates the task in a resume
mode, causing the task to recall its suspended data from temporary storage and
continue as though it had not been interrupted.
v Preprinted forms. An application program can accept data to be written as
output on a preprinted form. This data can be stored in temporary storage as it
arrives. When all the data has been stored, it can first be validated and then
transmitted in the order required by the format of the preprinted form.
v Data sharing. Temporary storage is most suited to the task of data sharing
because there is no need to predefine the facility (as is necessary for file usage).
This is particularly true for scratchpad data.
v Paging through large quantities of data. You can read from a file in sections (for
example, 10K), and put the sections into a temporary storage queue. This
approach allows the display of only as much data as the screen can hold, and
permits paging up and down. This approach is quicker than successive file
access, especially if the data is being accessed remotely. This approach is not
recommended if an update to the file is required.

Naming temporary storage queues

Temporary storage queues are not defined in the region database; instead, they are
created the first time you write to that queue. When you write to a queue that
does not already exist (and you have not specified the SYSID option), CICS creates
a new, local queue that is based on a Temporary Storage Definitions (TSD) entry.
Temporary storage queue templates are defined in the region database and in the
TSD. The purpose of the TSD is to determine the attributes given to temporary
storage queues for that region. The TSD entry names (the TSD key) can be from
one to eight characters long.
Temporary storage queues are identified by symbolic names that are assigned by
the originating task. These names must be exactly eight characters long. When
CICS creates a new queue, it tries to match this eight character name with a TSD
entry name, and uses the template name that matches the most characters at the
start of the queue name.
If no match is found, the queue automatically becomes a nonrecoverable, local
queue with private access.
For example, a queue called FIRSTTSQ is to be created by an application. If there
is a TSD entry with a key of FIRSTTSQ for the region, CICS uses this template
when creating FIRSTTSQ. If there is no match, CICS searches for FIRSTTS, then
FIRSTT, then FIRST, and so on.
Note: The TSD entry names that are exactly eight characters long are a special
case. When an EXEC CICS WRITEQ TS command is received by a queue


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

having a name that exactly matches an eight character TSD name, the TSD
entry becomes a temporary storage queue.
Temporary storage queue names are byte strings, not character strings. They can be
made up from any bytes including binary zeros, and are not null terminated.
The CECI transaction pads names that are shorter than eight bytes with spaces
when reading from or writing to a temporary storage queue. The name is not null
terminated (unlike other names in CICS). The name has pattern matching rules
associated with it that vary depending on whether the queue is local or remote.
This is explained in the CICS Administration Reference.
If you write to a temporary storage queue from a transaction using a queue name
that is less than eight characters, CICS reads eight bytes from the start of the queue
name. This results in unexpected characters at the end of the queue name.
Therefore, it is recommended that you always allocate eight bytes for the
temporary storage queue name.
Temporary data can be retrieved by the originating task or by any other task using
the symbolic name assigned to it. Specific items (logical records) within a queue
are referred to by relative position numbers. To avoid conflicts caused by duplicate
names, establish a naming convention. For example, the user identifier, terminal
identifier, or transaction identifier could be used as a prefix or suffix to each
programmer-supplied symbolic name.
The TSD entries can resolve to remote temporary storage queue templates, by
entering values for the RemoteSysId and the RemoteName attributes in the TSD.
Enter the sysid (up to four ASCII characters) of the remote region on which the
queue is to reside in the RemoteSysId and the Communications Definitions (CD),
and the name of the temporary storage template on that remote region in the
RemoteName. The local temporary storage queue template name and the remote
TSD entry name must be the same length. If you write to a queue that matches the
local template, CICS replaces the template name at the start of the queue with the
remote template name.
For example, you could have a local TSD entry with the name LOCALQ, defined
with RemoteName=REMOTQ and with a RemoteSysid specified. If you write to a
queue called LOCALQXX locally, the queue that is written to on the remote region
is called REMOTQXX.

Deleting temporary storage queues

Temporary storage queues remain intact until they are deleted by the originating
task or by any other task. Before deletion, they can be accessed any number of
times. Even after the originating task is terminated, temporary data can be
accessed by other tasks through references to the symbolic name under which it is
You can use the EXEC CICS API commands on temporary storage queues, but not
on TSD entries.
Note: The CICS Administration Reference provides complete descriptions of how to
make changes to the resource definitions.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


In the special case where a template name is exactly eight characters long, and the
TSD entry becomes a temporary storage queue, you must use EXEC CICS
DELETEQ TS to delete all items from the queue before you delete this TSD entry
using cicsdelete.

Location of temporary data

Temporary data can be stored either in main storage (memory) or in auxiliary
storage (a database file). Generally, use main storage if the data is needed for short
periods of time; use auxiliary storage if the data is to be kept for long periods of
Data stored in auxiliary recoverable temporary storage queues is retained after
CICS termination and can be recovered in a subsequent restart. Data stored in
auxiliary nonrecoverable temporary storage queues is retained only across a
normal shutdown, but not across an immediate shutdown or system failure unless
a database is being used as the file manager.
Data stored in main storage is not retained across any type of shutdown and so
cannot be recovered.

Queue aging
Temporary storage has a queue aging facility that automatically deletes queues that
have not been accessed for a specified number of days. The number of days are
defined with the Region Definitions (RD) TSQAgeLimit attribute. The storage
occupied by these queues is freed and becomes available to temporary storage
once again.
This feature is useful for temporary storage where queues are created dynamically
when required. It is not needed for files or transient data queues that must be
predefined before use.

Queue attributes
Temporary storage queues are created when the first write command is issued to
them. Attributes (such as RemoteSysId, RemoteName, and RecoverFlag) are
inherited from the longest matching queue template found in the TSD.
To use main storage for a queue, use the MAIN option on the EXEC CICS
WRITEQ TS command that writes the first item to the queue. Temporary storage
queues use auxiliary storage by default.
See the CICS Application Programming Referenceand the CICS Administration Reference
for related information.

Differences between transient data queues and temporary

storage queues
There are two important differences between transient data queues and temporary
storage queues:
v Transient data queue names must be defined in the Transient Data Definitions
(TDD) before they are used by an application. You cannot define them arbitrarily
at the time the data is created. Thus, transient data queues do not have the same
dynamic characteristics as temporary storage queues.
v Transient data queues must be read sequentially, and each item can be read only
once. That is, after a transaction reads an item, that item is removed from the
queue and is not available to any other transaction. In contrast, items in
temporary storage queues can be read either sequentially or directly (by item


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

number). They can be read any number of times and are never removed from
the queue until the entire queue is purged.
These differences make transient data queues inappropriate for scratchpad data,
but suitable for queued data, such as audit trails and output to be printed. In fact,
for data that is read sequentially once, transient data queues are preferable to
temporary storage for the following reasons:
v Items in a temporary storage queue can be changed; items in transient data
queues cannot.
v Transient data queues are always written to a file. (There is no form of transient
data queue that corresponds to main temporary storage.)
v You can define transient data queues so that writing items to the queue causes a
specific transaction to be initiated (for example, to process the queue).
Temporary storage queues have nothing that corresponds to this trigger
mechanism, although you are able to use a START command to perform a
similar function.
v Transient data queues have more varied recovery options than temporary
storage queues. They can be physically or logically recoverable.
v Because the commands for intrapartition and extrapartition transient data are
identical, you can switch easily between the internal CICS facility (intrapartition)
and an external data set. To do this, you need only change the TDD, not your
application programs. Temporary storage queues have no corresponding
function of this kind.

Differences in queue behavior between SFS and DB2

Although all CICS queues behave as fully recoverable when DB2 is used as the file
manager, the recovery attributes, as defined in the Temporary Storage Definitions
(TSD) and Transient Data Definitions (TDD) entries for the queues, are not
changed. This determines which file is used to store data for each queue. This is
important when migrating between an SFS and DB2 as it means that queues
defined as nonrecoverable become nonrecoverable when moving from DB2 to SFS.

Journal services
CICS provides facilities for creating and managing journals during CICS
processing. A journal is a set of special-purpose sequential files. Journals can
contain any and all data the user needs to facilitate subsequent reconstruction of
events or data changes. For example, a journal might act as an audit trail, a
change-file of database updates and additions, or a record of transactions passing
through the system (often called a log). Each journal can be written from any task.
CICS journals provide an alternative to extrapartition transient data queues,
although only for output files. Each journal command specifies operation
characteristics (for example, synchronous or asynchronous), whereas extrapartition
operations are governed entirely by the Transient Data Definitions (TDD). CICS
journals have slightly higher overhead than extrapartition transient data queues.
Journal services commands are provided to allow the application programmer to:
v Create a journal record (JOURNAL)
v Synchronize with (wait for completion of) journal output (WAIT JOURNAL).
The responses of a journal control command to conditions that occur during
execution are discussed in Error-handling services on page 233.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


CICS journaling
Journals are fundamental to the recoverability of transactions. In particular, CICS
uses the system journal to log transaction commit processing and syncpoint data so
that CICS can recover all necessary recoverable resources in the event of a CICS or
a transaction failure.
Before considering journaling in detail, we need to review the different facets of
CICS logging and recovery in order to clarify the reasons for logging.

Dynamic transaction backout

If CICS abnormally terminates a transaction, then all changes made by the
transaction to a recoverable resource, such as a recoverable temporary storage
queue, must be backed out to the state existing before the transaction started. This
is known as dynamic transaction backout (DTB).

Recovery after a system abnormally terminates

Recovery after a system abnormally terminates ensures that all recoverable
resources and all prepared transactions are restored to their pre-failure state, before
the system resumes normal operation.
For CICS this is a special case of the more general problem of recovering the state
of partially finished transactions. In principle, CICS records any change made to a
recoverable resource in the system journal as part of two-phase commit processing
so that the change can be committed from that point onwards. It therefore follows
that, during normal operation, CICS only writes to the system journal enabling
CICS transactions to uphold their guarantees. CICS neither reads nor performs
processing on the system journal during normal operation.
During recovery processing (at start-up after your CICS system abnormally
terminates), CICS processes the system journal to re-prepare all transactions that
were in-flight at the time of the crash. CICS recovery processing reads the system
journal to obtain a list of active transactions, and subsequent processing plays back
the appropriate records.
To help speed up recovery, CICS writes checkpoint records to the system journal
with CICS transaction and region status information at appropriate intervals.
Without this information, CICS recovery processing would need to search through
the whole system journal to locate the necessary records.

CICS journaling
CICS provides the following journaling facilities:
v A system journal
v User journals numbered 1 through 99
At startup CICS initializes the CICS system journal followed by any user journals.
CICS abnormally terminates if any of the following conditions occur:
v It cannot open the system journal
v It cannot write to the system journal
v It cannot open a crucial user journal
During a system shutdown, the output from all journals is synchronized, and they
are then closed.
in your application to write to a journal and to synchronize the journals you are


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

See the CICS Administration Guide, the CICS Administration Reference, and the CICS
Application Programming Reference for related information.

Journal records
Data can be written to any journal specified in the Journal Definitions (JD), which
define the journals available during a particular CICS execution. Each journal is
identified by a number known as the journal identifier. This number can range
from 1 through 99.
Journal 1 is used as the system log on other CICS products. Therefore, consider
starting from journal 2 for applications that are possibly used on other CICS
When a journal record is built, the data is moved to the journal buffer area. All
buffer space and other work areas needed for journal operations are acquired and
managed by CICS. The user task supplies only the data to be written to the
Journal records are written in a special format. Each record has a system prefix, an
optional user-built prefix, and a variable record length. Journals are normally
opened for output; in this mode, many users can share the journal. CICS serializes
the writes and helps ensure data integrity.
CICS does not provide online facilities for reading journals.
Each journal record begins with a standard length field, a user-specified identifier,
and a system-supplied prefix. This data is followed in the journal record by any
user-supplied prefix data (optional), and finally by the user-specified data. Journal
control services are designed so that the application programmer requesting output
services need not be concerned further with the detailed layout and precise
contents of journal records. The programmer needs to know only which journal to
use, what user data to specify, and what user-identifier to supply.
Journal records are written to extrapartition TD queues in variable-length record
format. The format of the journal records is specified below in order to allow you
to read and process them in user recovery routines.
Table 30. Journal record format





Length of record - not including this field


Journal ID


Year that record was created


Month that record was created


Day of month that record was created



Hour that record was created



Minute that record was created



Second that record was created



Journal type (JTYPEID on JOURNAL command)



User prefix length (PFXLENG on JOURNAL




User data length

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Table 30. Journal record format (continued)







Prefix data (PREFIX on JOURNAL command)



User data

The definition of the format type displayed in this table is as follows:

is the internal representation of an integer number. For example, the
number 2 is stored as the bit pattern 0000 0000 0000 0010.
string is a character string consisting of alphanumerics.

is a string of bytes as provided by the user on the JOURNAL command.

Note: The implementation of journal records in IBM CICS for Windows and CICS
on Open Systems as extrapartition TD queues is not the same as in other
CICS platforms. This does not affect the API. However, you can see transient
data messages, abend codes, and symrecs when using journal records.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference, the CICS Administration Reference,
and the CICS Administration Guide for related information.

Journal output synchronization

When a journal record is created by issuing the JOURNAL command with the
WAIT option, the requesting task can wait until the output has been completed. By
specifying that this should happen, the application programmer ensures that the
journal record is written on the external storage device associated with the journal
before processing continues; the task is said to be synchronized with the output
The application programmer can also request asynchronous journal output. This
causes a journal record to be created in an operating system file system buffer and,
optionally, initiates the data output operation from the buffer to the external
device, but allows the requesting task to retain control and thus to continue with
other processing. The task can check and wait for output completion (that is,
synchronize) at some later time by issuing the WAIT JOURNAL command.
If possible, journal transactions should write asynchronously to minimize task
waits. However, if journal records must be physically written before end of task to
maintain integrity, you must use a synchronous write. If there are several journal
writes, the transaction should use asynchronous writes for all but the last logical
record, so that the logical records for the task are written with a minimum number
of physical I/O operations and only one wait. Use journals for audit purposes
where the CrucialFlag attribute in the Journal Definitions (JD) ensures that all
writes succeed, or in situations where a significant proportion of writes can be
asynchronous (buffered).
The basic process of building journal records in file system buffers continues until
one of the following events occurs:
v A request specifying the WAIT option is made (from any task) for output of a
journal record.
v Task completion.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v File system buffers are flushed (this takes place periodically and when file
system buffer shortages occur).
When any one of these occurs, all journal records present in the buffer, including
any deferred output resulting from asynchronous requests, are written to auxiliary
storage as one block.
The advantages that can be gained by deferring journal output are:
v Transactions can get better response times by waiting less
v The load of physical I/O requests on the host system can be reduced
However, these advantages are achievable only at the cost of more buffer space
and greater programming complexity. It is necessary to plan and program to
control synchronizing with journal output. Additional decisions that depend on the
data content of the journal record and how it is to be used must be made in the
application program. In any case, the full benefit of deferring journal output is
obtained only when the load on the journal is high.
The STARTIO option is used in EXEC CICS JOURNAL commands to request that
the journal output operation be initiated immediately. This is the default behavior
for CICS, as a write operation to filesystem buffers is always performed
immediately, regardless of the presence or absence of the STARTIO option. Control
is returned to the requesting program immediately after the record is buffered,
unless the WAIT option is used, in which case the return is delayed until after the
journal record has become permanent. The WAIT option should not be used
unnecessarily because, if every journal request uses WAIT, no improvement over
synchronous output requests (in terms of reducing the number of physical I/O
operations) is possible.
If there is insufficient file system space available to write the journal record at the
time of the request, the NOJBUFSP condition occurs. If no HANDLE CONDITION
request is active for this condition, the requesting task loses control and is
suspended until space becomes available again and the journal record has been
written to the journal.
If the requesting task is not willing to lose control (for example, if some
housekeeping must be performed before other tasks get control), a HANDLE
CONDITION command should be issued. If the NOJBUFSP condition occurs, no
journal record is built for the request, and control is returned directly to the
requesting program at the location provided in the HANDLE CONDITION
request. The requesting program can perform any housekeeping needed before
reissuing the journal output request.
When using journal 1, which is the system journal on other CICS systems, it is
advisable to specify a journal type identifier (JTYPEID) to distinguish between user
journal record types and system journal record types.
See the CICS Administration Reference and the CICS Application Programming
Reference for related information.

Relational database services

CICS allows access to relational databases that provide a programmable interface
through embedded SQL commands in COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I programs. For
details of how to use EXEC SQL commands, refer to the SQL documentation
supplied with your relational database.
Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Note: TXSeries CICS on Windows allows access to Microsoft SQL server that
provides a programmable interface through ODBC API in C, IBM VisualAge
COBOL programs.


If the relational database management system (RDBMS) you are using is not
compliant with the X/Open XA standard, or you are not accessing that RDBMS
with the XA interface, you cannot use two-phase commit between the resources
that are coordinated by CICS.
Note: Some databases mentioned in this section are possibly not supported by
your CICS product. Refer to the information about supported products in
the Release Notes.

SQL restrictions and relational database services

Restrictions apply when using SQL to access relational databases with the IBM
CICS for Windows or CICS on Open Systems API. These restrictions apply to XA
enabled and non-XA enabled databases.

SQL restrictions for XA-enabled relational databases

If your relational database is compliant with the X/Open XA interface and your
CICS region is configured to use it, you must use CICS facilities for transaction
control rather than the relational databases facilities. This precludes the use of
database COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements. Instead, code with the EXEC CICS
SYNCPOINT command (or the implicit end of transaction syncpoint) ensures that
the relational database system and the region are updated using the two-phase
commit protocol.
For DB2, the default value of the collection identifier (schema name) of the SQL
package is inherited from the BIND/PREP operation that was used to create the
package. For CICS applications, this schema name is CICS. If you are using SQL to
access objects in the DB2 database that do not belong to the CICS schema, you
need to explicitly qualify the object name with the schema name. For example:

In this example, MYTABLE is the object that is being accessed by CICS. This object
resides outside of the CICS schema in a schema named NOTCICS.
enable access to this object without the schema name identifier. Using this
approach causes all access to the database to default to the new schema name,
even access to the TS or TD queues if DB2 was being used as the file control for
the CICS region. The PACKAGESET identifier MUST then be reset back to CICS
before you access any TS or TD queues.
Therefore, it is recommended that you avoid the use of the SQL SET CURRENT
PACKAGESET call. Instead, qualify the object to be accessed with the schema
name when the object resides outside the CICS schema.
DB2 allows a CICS transaction to CONNECT to any database that has been
defined as an XA resource in the Product Definitions (XAD). If you have only one
database defined, then CICS establishes implicit connections to the database with
the XA interface. For further information on using CONNECT in an XA
environment with DB2, see the appropriate documentation for your version of


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Do not use DB2s CONNECT RESET command in an XA environment. Use of this

command in a CICS XA application can cause the loss of the XA connection. The
CONNECT RESET command will work in non-XA CICS applications. The behavior
of the command differs based on the type of SQL CONNECT command that is
used in the application. Consult DB2 or UDB documentation for details on the
behavior of CONNECT type 1 and CONNECT type 2 commands.
DB2 programs need to be compiled with the NOSQLINIT option. The following
sample application makefile, located in the CICS examples directory, shows how
this can be done:

With the exception of DB2, do not use any relational database commands to
connect to or to disconnect from the database. CICS establishes implicit
connections to the database via the XA interface.
Do not use the Microsoft SQL Server CONNECT statement in an XA enabled CICS
environment. The set of all possible Microsoft SQL Server SQL connections to be
used from CICS applications in a specific region should be defined in the Product
Definitions (XAD) stanza for that region. CICS establishes long running
connections to the Microsoft SQL Server during application initialization. Each
connection should be identified by a unique connection name defined in the XAD
XAOpen string. You can switch between connections in your application by using
the following call:

All connections are automatically enlisted in all CICS transactions.

Other than these statements, almost any SQL statement is legal in an XA-enabled
CICS environment. A few statements can behave differently or even return errors
within a CICS transaction. For more information on such statements, it is strongly
recommended that you review the appropriate relational database literature.

SQL restrictions for non-XA enabled relational databases

In this environment, you must specifically code the SQL COMMIT WORK
command to commit SQL resources that you have updated and explicitly code
EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT commands to commit updates to CICS resources (or let
this happen implicitly at the end of the transaction). If one of these succeeds while
the other does not, you must use manual means to make the two systems
In addition, your transaction needs to connect explicitly to the RDBMS prior to
making any SQL calls and must explicitly close the connection to the RDBMS after
all SQL calls have been made. This last activity should be conducted with care as
the disconnection process can involve multiple steps on some RDBMS.
For example:
Disconnecting from an Informix V5 database after running a non-XA enabled C
transaction involves the use of all 3 of the following calls (shown in C):

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Disconnecting from an Informix V7 database after running a non-XA enabled

COBOL transaction involves the use of all 3 of the following calls (shown in
CALL ECO-SQE USING <eco-sqe-status>.

where the variable <eco-sqe-status> is defined as:

<eco-sqe-status> PIC S(9).

See Informix manuals for further information.

The COMMIT WORK statement commits all modifications made to the database
since the beginning of a transaction. The CLOSE DATABASE statement closes the
database but does not terminate the associated database server process, the latter is
achieved through the sqlexit call.
Restrictions for linking non-XA enabled relational databases: CICS transactions
that include EXEC SQL statements to non-XA enabled databases and use EXEC
CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL calls must be coded carefully. Database
connections cannot be conveyed across the EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL.
You must disconnect from the database before these calls and reconnect in the
called program.
This restriction also extends to EXEC CICS ABEND handling when working with
non-XA enabled relational databases. You cannot use an abnormal termination exit
program in this environment, because a database connection could not be
conveyed to that exit program. If a C application is abnormally terminated, it is
possible that the database connection and associated locks are not released. In this
situation, it is necessary to shutdown and warm start the CICS region for database
resources to be freed. COBOL applications can make use of the EXEC CICS
HANDLE ABEND command with the LABEL option to free database resources
and servers when abending a non-XA transaction.
CICS for Windows:
The exit routine for a COBOL non-XA enabled transaction running against DB2
would include:



If you are coding in C, ensure that all EXEC CICS ABEND calls are preceded by
RDBMS calls to free the database. For example, the following would be included
before each EXEC CICS ABEND call for DB2 non-XA programs:

CICS on Open Systems:

The exit routine for a COBOL non-XA enabled transaction running against the
following databases would include:
For Informix:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide



For Oracle:

For DB2:



If you are coding in C, ensure that all EXEC CICS ABEND calls are preceded by
RDBMS calls to free the database. For example, the following would be included
before each EXEC CICS ABEND call:
For Informix non-XA C programs:

For Oracle non-XA programs:


For DB2 non-XA programs:


An example transaction for XA-enabled relational databases

This simple example illustrates some of the principles involved in writing a CICS
transaction that accesses an XA-enabled relational database (CICS on Open
Systems) and a Microsoft SQL Server database (CICS for Windows).
The examples source, map, makefile, sql, and README file are shipped in the
following directory of your CICS development environment:

Note: Refer to xii for a description of how prodDir is used to represent the product
See the following for more details on how to configure, build, and install the

Example for CICS on Open Systems

The transaction is written in C and runs against a database of cheeses, whose
entries are as follows:
Table 31. Example transaction column definitions


Supplier Address



Northern Dairies

Richmond (Yorks)


Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Table 31. Example transaction column definitions (continued)



Supplier Address



Northern Dairies

Richmond (Yorks)



Gorge Supplies

Wells (Somerset)



La Rochelle Importers

Dover (Kent)



La Rochelle Importers

Dover (Kent)



East Anglian Distribution




Manchester Dairies




East Anglian Distribution



red leicester

Midlands Dairies

Leicester (Leics)



La Rochelle Importers

Dover (Kent)


This sample transaction comprises 4 panels. These four panels are used to:
v View a cheese order (see panels 1 and 2)
v Update a cheese order (see panel 3)
v Review cheese order messages (see panel 4)
These panels are described in the BMS map source in:

The following transaction, UXA1, allows the user to query the number of cheeses
of a particular type that have been ordered, and to update this number if required.
Messages are displayed on the fourth panel. Refer to the table that follows the
example for a description of the code.
The following example code has been written to support Oracle. It is necessary to
define the particular database against which the transaction runs (see line 16).
Other than line 16, the source is identical.
Refer to the uxa1.README file for the actual name of this example. Refer to
Table 32 on page 149 for a description of this program:
1 /*
2 * Transaction: UXA1
3 * Program:
4 * Mapset:
5 */
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <cics_packon.h>
9 #include "uxa1.h"
10 #include <cics_packoff.h>
12 #define NOCHEESE "There is no such cheese in the table"
13 #define UPDATECHEESE "The cheese table was successfully updated"
15 /* define either ORA7 or INF5 here */
16 #define ORA7
18 #ifdef ORA7
19 #define SQLNOTFOUND 1403
20 #endif


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide



int rcode;
varchar name[15];
char supplier[30];
char supplier_address[30];
int order_quantity;
char errmsg[400];
char qmsg[400];
short mlen;

Get addressability for EIB */



Write record to CICS temporary storage queue */

sprintf(qmsg, "%s", "Running Transaction UXA1");
mlen = strlen(qmsg);
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))
/* Send the first map */
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))
/* Receive the response */
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))

/* Select a record from the table based on user input */

#ifdef ORA7
sprintf(name.arr, "%s", panel1.panel1i.newnamei);
name.len = strlen(name.arr);
#ifdef INF5
sprintf(name, "%s", panel1.panel1i.newnamei);
EXEC SQL SELECT name, supplier, supplier_address, order_quantity
:name, :supplier, :supplier_address, :order_quantity
WHERE NAME = :name;
/* Handle "no rows returned" from SELECT */
if (sqlca.sqlcode == SQLNOTFOUND)
Chapter 5. Coding for data services



sprintf(panel4.panel4o.messageo, "%s", NOCHEESE);

if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))

97 /* Fill in and send the second map */
99 #ifdef ORA7
sprintf(panel2.panel2o.nameo, "%s", name.arr);
101 #endif
102 #ifdef INF5
sprintf(panel2.panel2o.nameo, "%s", name);
104 #endif
sprintf(panel2.panel2o.supplo, "%s",supplier);
sprintf(panel2.panel2o.addresso, "%s", supplier_address);
sprintf(panel2.panel2o.ordero, "%d", order_quantity);
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))
/* Receive the response */
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))
if (panel2.panel2i.questi == y)
/* Send the third map */
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))
/* Receive the response */
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))
/* Update the Database */
order_quantity = atoi(panel3.panel3i.newordi);
set order_quantity = :order_quantity
where name = :name;
/* Write a record to the temporary queue */
sprintf(qmsg, "%s", "The cheese table was updated");
mlen = strlen(qmsg);
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


/* The user does not wish to update so free the keybd & return */
/* Commit the update */
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))
/* Send the fourth map confirming successful update */
sprintf(panel4.panel4o.messageo, UPDATECHEESE);
if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))
/* free the keybd & return */
/* Handle general errors */
#ifdef ORA7
sprintf(errmsg, "%.60s\n", sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc);
#ifdef INF5
rgetmsg(sqlca.sqlcode, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg));
strncpy(panel4.panel4o.messageo, errmsg, 60);
sprintf(panel4.panel4o.codeo, "%d", sqlca.sqlcode);

205 }

/* Send the fourth map with appropriate message */

if (rcode != DFHRESP(NORMAL))
/* Rollback the transaction */

Table 32. Sample transaction for an XA-enabled database



1 to 34

As well as including the SQL Communications area (for database error

handling) and database host variable declarations, this section includes
a file named uxa1.h, which is the symbolic map file generated by
running the cicsmap command against the BMS source.

35 to 46

The WHENEVER statement is used to pass control to a generic error

handler at line 179.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Table 32. Sample transaction for an XA-enabled database (continued)



47 to 66

A record is written to a recoverable CICS Temporary Storage queue.

The first panel is sent to the user and the name of the cheese that is
input is returned in the variable panel1.panel1i.newnamei.

67 to 83

A SELECT is done against the database using the name of the cheese
input by the user in the WHERE clause.

84 to 96

This section manages the situation where the SELECT fails to find any
rows that match the name of the cheese input by the user.

97 to 121

The second panel is filled using data returned by the SELECT and is
sent to the user. The user responds by keying y if he wishes to
update the record displayed.

122 to 133

The third panel is sent to the user querying the new order quantity
needed for the particular cheese.

134 to 150

The database is updated with the new quantity of cheeses to be

ordered and, if the update is successful, a record is written to the CICS
temporary storage queue.

151 to 160

This section handles the case where the user has chosen not to update
the database.

161 to 166

A CICS SYNCPOINT is executed to commit the update.

167 to 173

The fourth panel is sent to the user to confirm that the database has
been successfully updated.

174 to 178

Return from the application.

179 to 205

If an error is detected, then the sqlca sqlcode and corresponding

message are passed to the user with the fourth panel.

Example for CICS for Windows

* Transaction: UXA1
* Program:
* Mapset:
#define DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define CDECL __cdecl
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "uxa1.h"
#define NOCHEESE "There is no such cheese in the table"
#define UPDATECHEESE "The cheese table was successfully updated"
#define SQLNOTFOUND 100
int rcode;
char name[15];
char supplier[30];
char supplier_address[30];
int order_quantity;
char errmsg[400];
char qmsg[400];
short mlen;
/* Initialise the maps */
memset (&panel1, 0x00, sizeof(panel1));


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

memset (&panel2, 0x00, sizeof(panel2));

memset (&panel3, 0x00, sizeof(panel3));
memset (&panel4, 0x00, sizeof(panel4));
/*----------* Change the name server1 to a connection name you defined
* in your CICS MS SQL Server XAD stanza XA_OPEN string.
sprintf(co, "server1");


Writing a CICS application program by using an ODBC API

that accesses a Microsoft SQL Server database (CICS for
Windows only)
This section shows some of the principles that you use when you write a CICS
transaction under an XA-enabled environment, and the environment accesses an
Microsoft SQL Server database through the ODBC API/ODBC Driver Library. You
can write CICS application programs by using ODBC API/ODBC Library in C ,
IBM VisualAge COBOL, or Micro Focus NetExpress COBOL. The following
sections explain how to use these methods to write programs. Each section gives
an example.
v Writing Programs using ODBC API/ODBC Driver Library in C
v Writing Programs using ODBC API/ODBC Driver Library in IBM VisualAge
COBOL on page 153
v Writing Programs using E-SQL API/ODBC Driver Library in Micro Focus
NetExpress COBOL on page 156


Writing Programs using ODBC API/ODBC Driver Library in C


Prerequisite tasks and conditions: If you want to use Microsoft SQL Server, CICS
for Windows requires MS SQL Workstation or Server to be installed and
configured according to your Microsoft SQL documentation. When installing MS
SQL, ensure that Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) support is included.


To build CICS/ODBC applications, which integrate CICS and Microsoft SQL

Server, you must have the MSDTC and ODBC components of the Microsoft SQL
Server installed on your development systems. Also, you must have Microsoft SQL
Server ODBC API Library for C and Microsoft Visual C++ to enable you to build
ODBC applications for C.

For more information refer to the CICS Administration Guide for Windows Systems.


Obtaining ODBC connection handles: In an XA environment, connections that

are made to the Microsoft SQL Server database by using ODBC are made through
the SwitchLoad file. The SwitchLoad file makes the necessary connections to the
database through the SQLConnect ODBC API. The SQLConnect ODBC API returns
an ODBC connection handle that is maintained in a CICS internal structure. The
connection handle is unique for every XA Definition that is in the XAD.stanza.


CICS applications can access the list of ODBC connection handles through a
CICS-supplied API. The syntax of that API is:

This procedure describes how to use the ODBC API under an XA environment to
write CICS application programs that can access data that resides in a Microsoft
SQL Server database.


Chapter 5. Coding for data services



Refer to the CICS Application Programming Reference for more information about this


Using a sample CICS C application: The source, map, makefile, and README
file for the example are shipped in this directory of your CICS development


In the following example, ODBC APIs have been used to write the source files in
C. Application programmers can refer to these files to determine how to use ODBC
APIs to write application programs and also to determine how to use the EXEC
CICS ASSIGN ODBCHNDLLIST API to obtain ODBC connection handles.
v cheese_mssql.ccs(source file)
v (Makefile to compile the source)


This portion of the cheese sample source file that is written in C shows how to use
EXEC CICS ASSIGN ODBCHNDLLIST API to obtain a list of ODBC connection


v (map file)

int GetDataFromDB(SQLHSTMT,char *,struct CheeseTbl **);

int UpdateCheeseDB(SQLHSTMT,int,char *);
SQLHDBC GetODBCHandleFromList(struct ODBC_ConArray [],int);
struct ODBC_ConArray Buffer[MAX_ENTRIES];

CheeseTbl *CheeseData=NULL;

Initialise the maps */

(&panel1, 0x00, sizeof(panel1));
(&panel2, 0x00, sizeof(panel2));
(&panel3, 0x00, sizeof(panel3));
(&panel4, 0x00, sizeof(panel4));

memset(Buffer,NULL,MAX_ENTRIES*sizeof(struct ODBC_ConArray));
ODBCHandle = GetODBCHandleFromList(Buffer,CId);
if(ODBCHandle == 0)
ODBCCON="Fetching Connection Handle Failed";
SQLHDBC GetODBCHandleFromList(struct ODBC_ConArray Buffer[],int ConId)
int i=0;
if(Buffer[i].ConId != 0)
for(i=0;Buffer[i].ConId != 0;i++)


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide



In this portion of the example code, the EXEC CICS ASSIGN ODBCHNDLLIST
API fills the buffer that is passed by the program. It fills the buffer with an array
of structures that contains the List of ODBCHandles, Type of the each
ODBCHandle, and the ConnectID.


The ConnectID member identifies the database to which the connection handle
refers. The user sets this ConnectID in the XAOpen string of XAD.stanza for the
XAD product definition. Users use this ConnectID in the application, to obtain the
ODBC connection handle for each database that they want to access.


For more information about the ODBC_ConnArray structure, refer to the header
file cics_odbc.h, which you can see in the directory Drive:\opt\cics\include.


Writing Programs using ODBC API/ODBC Driver Library in IBM

VisualAge COBOL


Prerequisite tasks and conditions: If you want to use Microsoft SQL Server, CICS
for Windows requires MS SQL Workstation or Server to be installed and
configured according to your Microsoft SQL documentation. When installing MS
SQL, ensure that Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) support is included.


To build CICS/ODBC applications, which integrate CICS and Microsoft SQL

Server, you must have the MSDTC and ODBC components of the Microsoft SQL
Server installed on your development systems. Also, you must have Microsoft SQL
Server ODBC Library and IBM VisualAge COBOL to enable you to build ODBC
applications for VisualAge COBOL.

For more information refer to the CICS Administration Guide for Windows Systems.


Obtaining ODBC connection handles: In an XA environment, connections that

are made to the Microsoft SQL Server database by using ODBC are made through
the SwitchLoad file. The SwitchLoad file makes the necessary connections to the
database through the SQLConnect() ODBC function. The SQLConnect ODBC API
returns an ODBC connection handle that is maintained in a CICS internal
structure. The connection handle is unique for every XA Definition that is in the


CICS applications can access the list of ODBC connection handles through a
CICS-supplied API. The syntax of that API is:


Refer to the CICS Application Programming Reference for more information about this

if(Buffer[i].ConId == ConId)
return (SQLHDBC)Buffer[i].DBHandle;
return 0;

This procedure describes how use ODBC API(IBM VisualAge COBOL) under an
XA environment to write CICS application programs that can access data that
resides in a Microsoft SQL Server database.


Chapter 5. Coding for data services



Using a sample CICS IBM VisualAge COBOL application: The source, map,
makefile, and README file for the example are shipped in this directory of your
CICS development environment:


In the following example, ODBC APIs have been used to write the source files in
IBM VisualAge COBOL. Application programmers can refer to these files to
determine how to use ODBC APIs to write application programs and also to
determine how to use the EXEC CICS ASSIGN ODBCHNDLLIST API to obtain
ODBC connection handles.
v chzvacob_mssql.ccp(source file)
v chzvacob_mssql.cpy (copy file)


This portion of the cheese sample source file that is written in IBM VisualAge
COBOL shows how to use EXEC CICS ASSIGN ODBCHNDLLIST API to obtain a
list of ODBC connection handles.


v (make file to compile the source)

v (map file)

* copy ODBC API constant definitions
COPY "odbc3.cpy" SUPPRESS.
COPY "uxa1.cpy" SUPPRESS.
* ODBC Handles
01 Henv
01 Hdbc
01 Hstmt
* Arguments used for GetDiagRec
01 DiagHandleType
01 DiagHandle
01 DiagRecNumber
01 DiagRecNumber-Index



COMP-5 PIC 9(4).
COMP-5 PIC 9(4).
COMP-5 PIC 9(4).




03 ConId


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide



S9(9) VALUE 1.









* Receive the response


COPY chzvacob_mssql.cpy.

The below portion of the code can be seen in the file chzvacob_mssql.cpy .
** SETDBHANDLEFROMLIST SECTION ************************************


In this portion of the example code, the EXEC CICS ASSIGN ODBCHNDLLIST
API fills the buffer that is passed by the program. It fills the buffer with an array
of structures that contains the List of ODBCHandles, Type of the each
ODBCHandle, and the ConnectID.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services



The ConnectID member identifies the database to which the connection handle
refers. The user sets this ConnectID in the XAOpen string of XAD.stanza for the
XAD product definition. Users use this ConnectID in the application, to obtain the
ODBC connection handle for each database that they want to access.


For more information about the ODBC_ConnArray structure, refer to the header
file cics_odbc.h, which you can see in the directory Drive:\opt\cics\include.


Writing Programs using E-SQL API/ODBC Driver Library in Micro

Focus NetExpress COBOL


Prerequisite tasks and conditions: If you want to use Microsoft SQL Server, CICS
for Windows requires MS SQL Workstation or Server to be installed and
configured according to your Microsoft SQL documentation. When installing MS
SQL, ensure that Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) support is included.


To build CICS/ODBC applications, which integrate CICS and Microsoft SQL

Server, you must have the MSDTC and ODBC components of the Microsoft SQL
Server installed on your development systems. Also, you must have Microsoft SQL
Server ODBC Library and Micro Focus NetExpress COBOL to enable you to build
ODBC applications for NetExpress COBOL.

For more information refer to the CICS Administration Guide for Windows Systems.


Note: To write CICS ODBC applications in Micro Focus NetExpress COBOL, you
must use an Embedded SQL API. Micro FocusNetExpress provides an
ODBC converter that converts Embedded SQL APIs to ODBC during
compilation. Applications can, therefore, access the database through the
ODBC driver.


Obtaining ODBC connection handles: Because CICS applications are written

with embedded SQL API in Micro Focus NetExpress COBOL, you must use the
EXEC SQL SET CONNECTION API to set the connection handles for the


Using a sample CICS Micro Focus NetEXpress COBOL application: The source,
map, makefile, and README file for the example are shipped in this directory of
your CICS development environment:


In the following example, ODBC APIs have been used to write the source files in
Micro Focus NetExpress COBOL. Application programmers can refer to these files
to determine how to use ODBC APIs to write application programs.
v chzmfcob_mssql.cpp (source file)
v (map file)
v (makefile)

This procedure describes how use E-SQL API/ODBC Library (Micro Focus
NetExpress COBOL) under an XA environment to write CICS application programs
that can access data that resides in a Microsoft SQL Server database.



This portion of the cheese sample source file that is written in Micro Focus
NetExpress COBOL shows how to use an Embedded SQL API to set the




TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide



* Initialise the maps




Set error handling


*---------* Change the name server1 to a connection name you defined

* in your CICS MS SQL Server XAD stanza XA_OPEN string.

File processing using EXTFH with non-CICS applications

To update user files (files defined in the File Definitions (FD) of a CICS
application) from non-CICS application, you possibly need to compile or link your
programs with either extra flags or with an extra module. In addition, you possibly
need to change identifiers to library links within COBOL system files. The changes
that are required differ depending on the language and the file system manager.
Table 33 details the changes required to process files from non-CICS applications.

Table 33. Support required for updating files from non-CICS applications


Files on SFS

Files on DB2

Files on Oracle


C and C++

No additional support is
required. Refer to the SFS
application programming

No additional support is
required. Refer to the DB2
application programming

No additional support is



Build your application with the

appropriate definitions.

Support not available.

Support not available.



Use the SFS naming convention Support not available.

as defined in SMARTdata
UTILITIES for AIX and set the
appropriate environment

Support not available.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Table 33. Support required for updating files from non-CICS applications (continued)


Files on SFS

Files on DB2

Files on Oracle


Micro Focus
Server Express

Indicators to two COBOL

libraries must be modified in
two COBOL system files.

The application must be linked

with the DB2 EXTFH library
that is provided with CICS.

The application must be linked

with the Oracle EXTFH library
that is provided with CICS.


Micro Focus
Indicators to two COBOL
Net Express on libraries must be modified in
two COBOL system files.

The application must be linked

with the DB2 EXTFH library
that is provided with CICS.

The application must be linked

with the Oracle EXTFH library
that is provided with CICS.


The application or the COBOL

runtime unit (rts) must be
linked with the Encina EXTFH.

The application or the COBOL

runtime unit (rts) must be
linked with the Encina EXTFH.


Table 33 on page 157 shows the support requirements that are needed by CICS to
enable processing of SFS, DB2, or Oracle files when each of the different language
compilers is used. When SFS, DB2, or Oracle files are processed with either the C
or the C++ compiler, no extra capability is required. These languages already
contain what is needed to access SFS, DB2, or Oracle files. With PL/I compilers, no
extra capability is required for SFS access, but DB2 and Oracle file access is not
supported. With IBM COBOL compilers, DB2 and Oracle file access is not
supported. However, SFS file access is possible when specific naming conventions
are employed, and the following environment variables are set:
v ENCINA_EXTFH_VOL specifies the name of the SFS logical volume that was
specified when the server was started, <shortname>.
v ENCINA_CDS_ROOT set to /.:/cics


Note, however, that when the Micro Focus Server Express COBOL compiler (on
Open Systems) or Micro Focus Net Express compiler (on Windows systems) is
used, extra capability is needed for access to SFS, DB2, or Oracle files.


This extra capability that is needed by Micro Focus Server Express COBOL or Net
Express is provided through the External File Handler (EXTFH) function. The
EXTFH is a package that allows COBOL applications transparently to use SFS,
DB2, or Oracle files for record storage. When the UNIX and the Windows
environment has been prepared to use the EXTFH function, the routines to access
data are the same. The COBOL programmer sees no apparent difference between a
standard COBOL I/O and an I/O to an SFS file, DB2 file, or Oracle file that is
using EXTFH. The EXTFH is supported in the Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
and Net Express software and also by EXTFH code on the DB2, SFS, and Oracle
file system managers.

The program is built into an executable by using cob, and is run independently.
The EXTFH interface automatically creates output files if they do not exist. If you
open an existing file for output, its contents are erased unless you open it in
extended mode.
In order to use EXTFH, you must use COBOL and the X/Open TX routines. You
cannot use EXTFH and Transactional-C together.
The following sections cover these topics:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v Using DB2 EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL and Net Express
v Using SFS EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL and Net Express

Using DB2 EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL

and Net Express
This section discusses the following EXTFH topics:
v Micro Focus Server Express COBOL runtime using DB2 EXTFH on UNIX
v Building a standalone Micro Focus Server Express COBOL program using DB2
v Micro Focus Net Express COBOL runtime using DB2 EXTFH on Windows
v Customization of the DB2 EXTFH on UNIX and on Windows
v File and record locking behavior when DB2 EXTFH is used with Micro Focus
Server Express COBOL on UNIX and Net Express on Windows

Using Micro Focus Server Express COBOL runtime with DB2

The steps required to enable DB2 EXTFH functionality with the Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL runtime on the UNIX platform are:
1. Verify that the environment is set up as is shown in the following AIX example:
v PATH is set to the following:

v LIBPATH is set to
v NLSPATH is set to
v DB2DBDFT is set to the name of any DB2 database
v DB2DIR=<DB2productDirectory>
v DB2INSTANCE=<instanceName>
2. Export DCELIBS=-ldce lc_r ldcepthreads lpthreads

Building a standalone MF COBOL program using DB2 EXTFH on


To build a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL application, follow the instructions
for using DB2 EXTFH with an MF COBOL runtime. In addition, you must specify
extra parameters on the command-line to the cob command, as shown in the
following example for clustered files:

This will build a program named ExtFHClust.

cob -mixfile=cics_xfh -L/usr/lpp/cics/lib -lxfhdb2sa -x

ExtFHClust.cbl -lcicssa
rm *.o *.int

Using Micro Focus Net Express COBOL runtime with DB2 EXTFH
on Windows
The steps required to enable DB2 EXTFH functionality on the Windows platform
1. Ensure COBOL environment file settings.
a. Ensure prodDir\bin is in the %PATH% environment setting.
b. Ensure prodDir\lib is in the %LIB% environment setting.
Chapter 5. Coding for data services


2. Compile the COBOL application with correct compile-time flag.

The COBOL application must be compiled with the COBOL compile-time flag
For example, build your program using:

cobol Testprog1.cbl CALLFH"cics_xfh";

cbllink -rE Testprog1.obj

This redirects all COBOL file operations to the DB2 EXTFH.

3. Execute the runtime unit.
When the COBOL application is run, the application must be able to find and
load the library cics_xfh.dll which is found in the directory prodDir\bin.

Customization of the DB2 EXTFH on UNIX and on Windows

The DB2 EXTFH is customized with the following environment variables:

Table 34. Environment variables used with the DB2 EXTFH on Windows

Environment variable




Defines the path name to an alternative log for the

external file handler. Normally this environment variable
is not set and the external file handler appends to a file
called xfh.LogFile in a temporary directory.


If this file does not exist, it is created. Multiple concurrent

external file handler applications can use the same file. If
you do not want to keep a log file, set this environment
variable to NONE. When this is done, errors are reported
to stderr.



Defines the name of the DB2 database that is used by the

external file handler. If the variable is not set, the default
DB2 database is used.



Tools that are supplied with the database are usually used
to regulate who can access the data. However, the
external file handler accesses the database as the user who
is running the COBOL application. In addition, the access
ID can be changed by using these two environment
variables to define the user name and password that are
to be used to connect to the database.



Defines transactional T or nontransactional N access to

the database. The default operation is nontransactional

File and record locking behavior when DB2 EXTFH is used with
Micro Focus Server Express COBOL on UNIX and Net Express
on Windows
Micro Focus Server Express COBOL, Net Express, and the DB2 EXTFH support file
and record locking in the following ways:
v Files opened for output or append can take a file lock.
v To take a file lock on files opened for read only, either of the following settings
must be specified:
the WITH LOCK phrase must be specified on the OPEN statement, or
the LOCK MODE IS EXCLUSIVE phrase must be specified on the SELECT


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Without these specified settings, files opened for read only can take no locks,
and the WITH LOCK clause has no effect on a read statement (standard Micro
Focus Server Express COBOL or Net Express operation).
v The DB2 EXTFH only supports automatic record locking. Files opened with
manual record locking will default to automatic record locking and the locking
schematics used will be that of LOCK MODE IS AUTOMATIC WITH LOCK
Non-transactional access mode
With non-transactional access, changes are immediately committed to the
database. The DB2 EXTFH performs a COMMIT immediately after any
database update operation.
With files opened for input and output in non-transactional access mode, a
lock is taken on any record read and then released on the next file
operation on that file or when the application ends. If the WITH LOCK
phrase is specified on the open statement or LOCK MODE IS
EXCLUSIVE is specified on the SELECT statement, then a file lock is
When a ROLLBACK is performed, the file lock is temporarily released
before being retaken. In this situation, the application receives an error
from the ROLLBACK command and a message is logged.
Transactional access mode
When using transactional access, it is up to the application to:
v Make the changes permanent (COMMIT)
v Disregard the changes (ROLLBACK)
Because some COBOL file operations do not map to single SQL commands,
an automatic rollback does not necessarily occur if errors are encountered.
For example, during a file create, if the database table is created
successfully but the indices are not, the DB2 EXTFH does not perform a
rollback of the table creation. This results in a error when the application
attempts to open the file. Therefore, you should program the application to
handle the error and explicitly perform the rollback.
With files opened for input and output in transactional access mode, a lock
is taken on any record read and then released on the next file operation on
that file except when that record is updated. When a file is updated, the
lock is retained until a COMMIT or ROLLBACK is performed or the
application ends. Therefore, you should program the application to handle
the error and explicitly perform the rollback.

Using Oracle EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL


This section discusses the following EXTFH topics:

v Micro Focus Server Express COBOL runtime using Oracle EXTFH on UNIX
v Building a standalone Micro Focus Server Express COBOL program using Oracle
v Customization of the Oracle EXTFH on UNIX and on Windows
v File and record locking behavior when Oracle EXTFH is used with Micro Focus
Server Express COBOL on UNIX


Chapter 5. Coding for data services


Using Micro Focus Server Express COBOL runtime with Oracle



To enable Oracle EXTFH functions with the Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
runtime on the UNIX platform:
1. Verify that the environment is set up as is shown in the following AIX example:
v PATH is set to the following:



v LIBPATH is set to:


(assuming a 64-bit installation for Oracle)

v NLSPATH is set to:




v ORACLE_SID is set
2. Export DCELIBS=-ldce lc_r ldcepthreads lpthreads


Building a standalone MF COBOL program using Oracle EXTFH



To build a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL application, follow the instructions
for using Oracle EXTFH with an MF COBOL runtime. In addition, you must
specify extra parameters on the command-line to the cob command, as shown in
the following example for clustered files:

This l builds a program that is called ExtFHClust.


1. The variable $COBDIR resolves to the COBOL installation directory. For Solaris
and HP-UX, $COBDIR resolves to /opt/cobol/. For AIX, $COBDIR resolves to
2. ORA_PRECOMP resolves to ${ORACLE_HOME}/precomp/lib for Oracle 8.1.7
or Oracle 9i 32-bit installation, or to ${ORACLE_HOME}/precomp/lib32 for
Oracle 9i 64-bit installation.
3. ORA_LIBP = ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib for Oracle 8.1.7 or Oracle 9i 32-bit
installation, or to ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib32 for Oracle 9i 64-bit installation.
4. EXTFH_LIBNAME=xfhorasa (provided by CICS).


Using Micro Focus Net Express COBOL runtime with Oracle

EXTFH on Windows

cob -x ExtFHClust.cbl -mixfile=cics_xfh ${ORA_PRECOMP}/cobsqlintf.o \

-L/usr/lpp/cics/lib -L ${ORA_LIBP} \
-L ${COBDIR}/lib -L ${LIBDIR} \
-l${EXTFH_LIBNAME} -lcicssa -lclntsh
rm *.o *.int

5. CICS provides a script $CICSPATH/bin/cicsmkextfh to aid users to build the

standalone MF COBOL executable that is to be used with Oracle Extfh.

To enable Oracle EXTFH functionality on the Windows platform:

1. Ensure that the COBOL environment file settings are correct.
a. Ensure that prodDir\bin is in the %PATH% environment setting.
b. Ensure that prodDir\lib is in the %LIB% environment setting.



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


2. Compile the COBOL application with the correct compile-time flag.

The COBOL application must be compiled with the COBOL compile-time flag
For example, build your program by using:
cobol Testprog1.cbl CALLFH"cics_xfh";
cbllink -rE Testprog1.obj


All COBOL file operations are then redirected to the Oracle EXTFH.
3. Execute the runtime unit.
When the COBOL application is run, the application must be able to find and
load the library cics_xfh.dll, which is in the directory prodDir\bin.

Customization of the Oracle EXTFH on UNIX and on Windows

The Oracle EXTFH is customized with the following environment variables:

Table 35. Environment variables used with the Oracle EXTFH on Windows

Environment variable




Defines the path name to an alternative log for the

external file handler. Normally this environment variable
is not set and the external file handler appends to a file
called xfh.LogFile in a temporary directory.


If this file does not exist, it is created. Multiple concurrent

external file handler applications can use the same file. If
you do not want to keep a log file, set this environment
variable to NONE. When this is done, errors are reported
to stderr.



Defines the name of the Oracle database that is used by

the external file handler. If the variable is not set, the
default Oracle database is used.



Tools that are supplied with the database are usually used
to regulate who can access the data. However, the
external file handler accesses the database as the user who
is running the COBOL application. In addition, the access
ID can be changed by using these two environment
variables to define the user name and password that is to
be used to connect to the database.



Defines transactional T or nontransactional N access to

the database. The default operation is nontransactional


File and record locking behavior when Oracle EXTFH is used

with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL on UNIX and Net
Express on Windows


Micro Focus Server Express COBOL, Net Express, and the Oracle EXTFH support
file and record locking in the following ways:
v Files that are opened for output or append can take a file lock.
v To take a file lock on files that are opened for read only, you must specify either
of the following settings:
Specify the WITH LOCK phrase on the OPEN statement, or
Specify the LOCK MODE IS EXCLUSIVE phrase on the SELECT statement.

Chapter 5. Coding for data services



Without these specified settings, files that are opened for read only can take no
locks, and the WITH LOCK clause has no effect on a read statement (standard
Micro Focus Server Express COBOL or Net Express operation).
v The Oracle EXTFH supports only automatic record locking. Files that are opened
with manual record locking default to automatic record locking. The locking
schematics that are used are LOCK MODE IS AUTOMATIC WITH LOCK ON


Non-transactional access mode

With non-transactional access, changes are immediately committed to the
database. The Oracle EXTFH performs a COMMIT immediately after any
database update operation.


With files are opened for input and output in nontransactional access
mode, a lock is taken on any record read, then released on the next file
operation on that file or when the application ends. If the WITH LOCK
phrase is specified on the open statement, or LOCK MODE IS
EXCLUSIVE is specified on the SELECT statement, a file lock is taken.


When a ROLLBACK is performed, the file lock is temporarily released

before being retaken. In this condition, the application receives an error
from the ROLLBACK command and a message is logged.


Transactional access mode

When using transactional access, the application decides whether:
v To make the changes permanent (COMMIT)
v To disregard the changes (ROLLBACK)


Because some COBOL file operations do not map to single SQL commands,
an automatic rollback does not necessarily occur if errors are found. For
example, during a file create, if the database table is created successfully
but the indices are not, the Oracle EXTFH does not perform a rollback of
the table creation. This results in an error when the application attempts to
open the file. Therefore, you should program the application to handle the
error and explicitly perform the rollback.


With files are opened for input and output in transactional access mode, a
lock is taken on any record read, then released on the next file operation
on that file, except when that record is updated. When a file is updated,
the lock is retained until a COMMIT or ROLLBACK is performed or the
application ends. Therefore, program the application to handle the error
and explicitly perform the rollback.

Using SFS EXTFH with a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL

or Net Express runtime
This section discusses the use of the SFS EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL on UNIX and Micro Focus Net Express on Windows systems. The topics
discussed are:
v Using SFS EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL runtime on UNIX
v Using a standalone SFS EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL on
v Using SFS EXTFH with Micro Focus Net Express COBOL runtime on Windows
v Customizing the SFS EXTFH


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Using SFS EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL

runtime on UNIX
To use your Micro Focus Server Express COBOL programs to access SFS files:
1. Verify that the environment is set up as is shown in the following AIX example:
v PATH is set to
v LIBPATH is set to /usr/lpp/cics/lib:/usr/lpp/encina/lib:/opt/dcelocal/lib
v NLSPATH is set to
2. Prepare the environment for EXTFH use
Do this by defining files, setting environment variables, and assigning the
appropriate permissions.
EXTFH uses environment variables to determine which SFS server and volume
to use:
v ENCINA_SFS_SERVER specifies which server to use. This must be set to
the fully qualified name of the SFS, for example: /.:/cics/sfs/serverName
v ENCINA_EXTFH_SFS specifies which server to use. This must be set to
the fully qualified name of the SFS, for example:
v ENCINA_EXTFH_VOL specifies the name of the SFS logical volume
specified when the server was started, <shortname>.
v ENCINA_CDS_ROOT set to /.:/cics
The server is used for all SFS file operations. The volume is used when a new
file has to be created. The environment variables are checked when the file is
opened. These variables can be set or changed using the following calls:
v TR_SET_SFS_SERVER serverName nameSize. The call takes two options: a
string variable containing the fully qualified server name and a numeric
variable giving the length of the string in the serverName option.
v TR_SET_SFS_VOLUME volumeName nameSize. The call takes two options: a
string variable containing the name of the volume and a numeric variable
giving the length of the string in the volume_name option.
3. Export the SFS EXTFH librarys using the following command:
export ENCLIBS="-lEncSfsExtfhWrap -lEncSfsExtfh -lEncSfs -lEncina"

Refer to the Encina README for more information.

4. Verify that the following DCE libraries are correct for your operating system.
(These libraries are also used for implementing standalone SFS EXTFH with MF
export DCELIBS="-ldce -lc_r -ldcepthreads -lpthreads"

Note: The Encina build_rts32 script used to create the MF COBOL runtime
links the required libraries.
5. If DCE authentication is used for the SFS, log in to DCE.
6. Prepare an EXTFH COBOL runtime
Follow the instructions for your version of Encina:

Chapter 5. Coding for data services


a. Ensure that the COBDIR environment variable is set to the COBOL
directory (for example /usr/lib/cobol).
b. Use the following command:
/usr/lpp/encina/etc/build_rts32 -o rtssfs -d .

The script build_rts32 is provided with Encina. The -o option is used

for the name of the runtime being produced and -d indicates the
directory that you wish to place the runtime module in. If you want to
indicate the current directory, use the character ., or you may fully
qualify the directory.

a. Ensure that the COBDIR environment variable is set to the COBOL
directory (for example, /opt/cobol/cobdir).
b. Ensure that the LPATH environment variable includes the
/opt/encina/lib directory. For example,
export LPATH=/opt/encina/lib

c. Use the following command:

/opt/encina/etc/build_rts32 -o rtssfs -d .

The script build_rts32 is provided with Encina. The -o option is used

for the name of the runtime being produced and -d indicates the
directory that you wish to place the runtime module in. If you want to
indicate the current directory, use the character ., or you may fully
qualify the directory.

On Solaris
a. Ensure that the COBDIR environment variable is set to the COBOL
directory (for example /opt/lib/cobol).
b. Use the following command:
/opt/encina/etc/build_rts32 -o rtssfs -d .cob -u ExtFHClust.cbl

The script build_rts32 is provided with Encina. The -o option is used

for the name of the runtime being produced and -d indicates the
directory that you wish to place the runtime module in. If you want to
indicate the current directory, use the character ., or you may fully
qualify the directory.
At this point you have a COBOL runtime (named rtssfs located in the
directory you specified with the -d option) that includes the Encina-provided
routines to access SFS.
7. Compile your program
You may use the following command to compile your COBOL programs.
Depending on your program, you may need to indicate compiler directives;
refer to the COBOL documentation for details.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

$ cob -uv testsfs.cbl

cob -u ExtFHClust.cbl
cob -u ExtFHRel.cbl
cob -u ExtfhSeq.cbl
rm *.int *.o

where testsfs.cbl is the name of the COBOL source file, v specifies that messages
be sent to the screen as this file is processed, and u requests an unlinked
version of the output (.gnt) for use with the runtime. The filenames
ExtFHClust.cbl, ExtFHRel.cbl, and ExtFHSeq.cbl refer to clustered, relative or
sequential files compiled for the application.
8. Execute your program
Use the following command to execute your COBOL programs.
dce_login principal password
export ENCINA_SFS_SERVER=/.:/cics/sfs/serverName
export ENCINA_CDS_ROOT=/.:/cics
export ENCINA_EXTFH_VOL=<SFSlogVol shortname>
export ENCINA_EXTFH_SFS=serverName
./rtssfs testsfs

v principal is the DCE principal.
v password is the password for the DCE principal.
v SFSlogVol shortName is the name of the SFS logical volume.
v serverName is the name of the SFS, for example /.:/cics/sfs/HostA.
A DCE login is required to access an SFS file (this is discussed in detail later in
this document).
testsfs is the COBOL executable module that was prepared using this
procedure. ./rtssfs testsfs causes the runtime to execute the program.

Using a standalone SFS EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express

To use a standalone SFS EXTFH with your Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
programs to access SFS files:
1. Prepare the environment for EXTFH use
Do this by defining files, setting environment variables, and assigning the
appropriate permissions. Set the environment variables as is shown in the
instructions for using SFS EXTFH with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
2. Compile your program
You may use the following command to compile your COBOL programs.
Depending on your program, you may need to indicate compiler directives;
refer to the COBOL documentation for details.
For clustered files, use the following example:
cob -x ExtFHClust.cbl
-L $PRODDIR/encina/lib
-m ixfile=cobol_Extfh -m ixfilev=cobol_Extfh
-m rlfile=cobol_Extfh -m rlfilev=cobol_Extfh
-m sqfile=cobol_Extfh -m sqfilev=cobol_Extfh
rm *.int *.o

For relative files, use the following example:

cob -x ExtFHRel.cbl
-L $PRODDIR/encina/lib

Chapter 5. Coding for data services



ixfile=cobol_Extfh -m ixfilev=cobol_Extfh
rlfile=cobol_Extfh -m rlfilev=cobol_Extfh
sqfile=cobol_Extfh -m sqfilev=cobol_Extfh
*.int *.o

For sequential files, use the following example:

cob -x ExtFHSeq.cbl
-L $PRODDIR/encina/lib
-m ixfile=cobol_Extfh -m ixfilev=cobol_Extfh
-m rlfile=cobol_Extfh -m rlfilev=cobol_Extfh
-m sqfile=cobol_Extfh -m sqfilev=cobol_Extfh
rm *.int *.o

3. Execute your program

Use the following command to execute your COBOL programs.
dce_login principal password
export ENCINA_EXTFH_SFS=serverName
./rtssfs testsfs

v principal is the DCE principal.
v password is the password for the DCE principal.
v SFSlogVol is the name of the SFS logical volume.
v serverName is the name of the SFS, for example /.:/cics/sfs/HostA.
A DCE login is required to access an SFS file (this is discussed in detail later in
this document).
testsfs is the COBOL executable module that was prepared using this
procedure. ./rtssfs testsfs causes the runtime to execute the program.

Using SFS EXTFH with Micro Focus Net Express COBOL runtime
on Windows
To use your Micro Focus Net Express COBOL programs to access SFS files:
1. Verify that the environment is set up to enable command access, library access,
and locale access to CICS, Encina, and DCE commands by taking the following
v Ensure that all applications that use EXTFH are linked to the libEncExtfh.lib
library by using the /CALLFH compiler option.
v Ensure that the LIB environment variable includes the name of the directory
that contains the libEncExtfh.lib library (by default, C:\opt\encina\lib).
v Ensure that the PATH environment variable includes the Encina binary
directory (by default, C:\opt\encina\bin).
2. Prepare the environment for EXTFH use
Do this by defining files, setting environment variables, and assigning the
appropriate permissions.
EXTFH uses environment variables to determine which SFS server and volume
to use:
v ENCINA_SFS_SERVER specifies which server to use. This must be set to
the fully qualified name of the SFS (for example, /.:/cics/sfs/sfs1.
v ENCINA_EXTFH_SFS specifies which server to use. This must be set to
the fully qualified name of the SFS (for example, /.:/cics/sfs/sfs1.
v ENCINA_EXTFH_VOL specifies the name of the SFS logical volume
specified when the server was started, <shortname> (for example, sfs_Ssfs1).
v ENCINA_CDS_ROOT set to the fully qualified name for the DCE cell
(for example, /.:/cics/sfs/sfs1.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

The server is used for all SFS file operations. The volume is used when a new
file has to be created. The environment variables are checked when the file is
opened. These variables can be set or changed using the following calls:
v TR_SET_SFS_SERVER serverName nameSize. The call takes two options: a
string variable containing the fully qualified server name and a numeric
variable giving the length of the string in the serverName option.
v TR_SET_SFS_VOLUME volumeName nameSize. The call takes two options: a
string variable containing the name of the volume and a numeric variable
giving the length of the string in the volume_name option.
3. Export the SFS EXTFH librarys using the following command:
Set ENCLIBS="-lEncSfsExtfhWrap -lEncSfsExtfh -lEncSfs -lEncina"

Refer to the Encina README for more information.

4. Verify that the following DCE libraries are correct for your operating system.
(These libraries are also used for implementing standalone SFS EXTFH with
Net Express COBOL.)
Set DCELIBS="-ldce -lc_r -ldcepthreads -lpthreads"

Note: The Encina build_rts32 script used to create the COBOL runtime links
the required libraries.
5. If DCE authentication is used for the SFS, log in to DCE.
6. Prepare an EXTFH COBOL runtime
Follow the instructions for your version of Encina.

Net Express On Windows

a. Ensure that the COBDIR environment variable is set to the COBOL
directory (for example C:\NetExpress\Base\BIN).
b. Ensure the %PATH% environment setting includes the
\opt\encina\bin directory in it.
c. Ensure the %LIB% environment setting includes the \opt\encina\lib
directory in it.
d. Ensure the Encina EXTFH environment variables
e. Use the following command:

cobol Testprog1.cbl /CALLFH"libEncExtfh";

cbllink -rE Testprog1.obj

At this point you have a COBOL runtime (named rtssfs located in the
directory you specified with the -d option) that includes the Encina-provided
routines to access SFS.
7. Compile your program
You may use the following command to compile your COBOL programs.
Depending on your program, you may need to indicate compiler directives;
refer to the COBOL documentation for details.
C: > cob -uv testsfs.cbl
cob -u ExtFHClust.cbl
cob -u ExtFHRel.cbl
cob -u ExtfhSeq.cbl
rm *.int *.o

where testsfs.cbl is the name of the COBOL source file on the Windows
platform, v specifies that messages be sent to the screen as this file is processed,
Chapter 5. Coding for data services


and u requests an unlinked version of the output (.gnt) for use with the
runtime. The filenames ExtFHClust.cbl, ExtFHRel.cbl, and ExtFHSeq.cbl refer to
clustered, relative or sequential files compiled for the application.
8. Execute your program
Use the following command to execute your COBOL programs.
dce_login principal password
SET ENCINA_SFS_SERVER=/.:/cics/sfs/serverName
Set ENCINA_CDS_ROOT=/.:/cics
Set ENCINA_EXTFH_VOL=<SFSlogVol shortname>
./rtssfs testsfs

v principal is the DCE principal.
v password is the password for the DCE principal.
v SFSlogVol shortName is the name of the SFS logical volume.
v serverName is the name of the SFS, for example /.:/cics/sfs/HostA.
A DCE login is required to access an SFS file (this is discussed in detail later in
this document).
testsfs is the COBOL executable module that was prepared using this
procedure. ./rtssfs testsfs causes the runtime to execute the program.

Customizing the SFS EXTFH

The advantage of using SFS is that you gain transactional guarantees; if you use
the transaction (TX) calls with rollback enabled, changes to records are
automatically undone if the transaction aborts.
COBOL supports four file types: line-sequential, record-sequential, indexed, and
relative. When EXTFH is in use, three of these are mapped to SFS file types, as
shown in Table 36. SFS does not support tape-oriented routines, such as those
designed to handle multiple reels of a tape containing an output file.
Table 36. EXTFH File Type Mappings
COBOL File Type

SFS File Type


Not supported in SFS







Accessing other SFS features:

The environment variables listed in Table 37 on page 171 allow you to access other
SFS features. They are checked when the file is opened. These variables can be set
or changed using the COBOL calls described in this same table. The defaults listed
apply both when the variable has not been set and when it is set to an invalid
value. These function calls return a value of 0 if they are successful and 1 if they
fail. These functions only affect subsequent file opens. They do not change the
behavior of files that are already open. The possible values for the options to the
calls are the same as those for the environment variables.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Table 37. Environment Variables for Accessing SFS Features from EXTFH Applications


Possible Values



Controls the setting

of the operational
force flag SFS uses
when opening the

0 = do not use
operational force.
Any other value
means use
operational force.



Controls where
inserts occur in
relative files.

The string FIRST =

insertions occur in
the first open slot.
LAST indicates that
insertions occur after
the last record.



Controls whether
The string NONE
duplicate detection is disables duplicate
enabled for a file.
detection. ALL
enables duplicate
detection. DEFAULT
= ALL.



Defines the SFS

operation timeout

The number of
seconds to wait for
an SFS operation to
complete. DEFAULT
= 60 seconds.



Defines the timeout

value for SFS open
file calls.

The number of
seconds to wait for
an open file call to
complete. DEFAULT
= 60 seconds.



Defines the size of

the read and insert

The number of pages TR_EXTFH_SET_

to be used for the
cache. DEFAULT = 0
(caching is not

Chapter 5. Coding for data services



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 6. Coding for business logic

This chapter describes how to write application programs that use the CICS
business logic services.

Introduction to business logic

Transaction processing systems tend to involve a number of application programs
that perform separate logical units of work (LUW) or tasks. Dividing transaction
processing up in this way has a number of advantages:
v Programs are smaller and easier to maintain.
v You can write pseudoconversational transactions in which each program
performs a single task and then returns control to the operating system.
v You can distribute your applications so that you keep the presentation services,
data services, and the business logic separate.
For an overview of the terminology used in this chapter, see Transaction
processing terms and concepts on page 4.

Task initiation
Tasks can be initiated in two ways:


Terminal task initiation (TTI)

This is the most common method of task initiation. When an operator
enters a transaction identifier and presses ENTER, the transaction is
started. TTI also covers transactions that are initiated by EXEC CICS
RETURN when the TRANSID option as the transaction identifier is used.
Pseudoconversational transactions that leave a transaction identifier on the
screen are TTI by definition because it is the terminal action. If the
IMMEDIATE option is specified along with TRANSID, the transaction
starts regardless of any other transactions that are enqueued by ATI for this
See the CICS Administration Guide for related information.
Automatic transaction initiation (ATI)
This covers two areas of task initiation:
v Triggered transaction initiation: If the systems administrator specifies a
nonzero trigger level for a particular transient data intrapartition
destination in the Transient Data Definitions (TDD), a task is
automatically initiated when the number of entries in the queue reaches
the specified level. Control is passed to an application program that then
processes the data in the queue.
v Interval control transaction initiation: The Interval Control command EXEC
CICS START TRANSID specifies the transaction identifier that will be
used for a new task, the time the task will be initiated, and, optionally, a
terminal identification if the task is associated with a terminal.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


Program execution services

Transaction processing systems tend to involve a number of application programs
that perform separate logical units of work, or tasks. CICS program execution
services govern the flow of control between application programs in a CICS
system. You can use program execution services commands to:
v Link one of your application programs to another, either locally or remotely,
anticipating subsequent return to the requesting program (EXEC CICS LINK).
The COMMAREA and the INPUTMSG options of this command allow data to
be passed to the requested application program. (You cannot use the
INPUTMSG and INPUTMSGLEN options of a LINK command when you are
using DPL).
v Return control from one of your application programs to another, or to CICS
command allow data to be passed to a newly-initiated transaction. (You cannot
use the INPUTMSG and INPUTMSGLEN options of a RETURN command when
you are using DPL).
v Transfer control from one of your application programs to another, with no
return to the requesting program (EXEC CICS XCTL). The COMMAREA and the
INPUTMSG options of this command allow data to be passed to the requested
application program. (You cannot use the INPUTMSG and INPUTMSGLEN
options of an XCTL command when you are using DPL).



Note: The name of the application referred to in a program services command

must have been defined as a program to CICS.

Application program logical levels

Application programs running under CICS are executed at various logical levels.
The first program to receive control within a task is at the highest logical level.
When an application program is linked to another, expecting an eventual return of
control, the linked-to program is considered to reside at the next lower logical
level. When control is simply transferred from one application program to another,
without expecting return of control, the two programs are considered to reside at
the same logical level, as shown in Figure 7 on page 175:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Figure 7. Application programming logical levels

Link to another program anticipating return

Use the EXEC CICS LINK command to pass control from an application program
at one logical level to an application program at the next lower logical level. If the
linked-to program is not already in main storage, it is loaded. When the EXEC
CICS RETURN command is processed in the linked-to program, control is returned
to the higher logical level program initiating the linkage at the next sequential
process instruction.
The linked-to program operates independently of the program that issues the
EXEC CICS LINK command with regard to handling exceptional conditions,
attention identifiers, and abends. For example, the effects of HANDLE commands
in the linking program are not inherited by the linked-to program, but the original
HANDLE commands are restored on return to the linking program. You can use
the HANDLE commands to deal with exceptional conditions, attention identifiers,
and abends at the new logical level. See the CICS Application Programming Reference
for more information about these commands.
The linked-to program can reside either locally or remotely. For details of how to
access remote programs, see the CICS Intercommunication Guide .

Transfer control from one program to another

Use the EXEC CICS XCTL command to transfer control from one program to
another at the same logical level. You cannot return to the calling program. Refer
to Application program logical levels on page 174.

Passing data to other programs

You can pass data to another program when control is passed to that other
program using a program execution services command.
Chapter 6. Coding for business logic


Using the COMMAREA option

commands specifies the name of a data area (known as a communication area) in
which data is passed to the program being invoked.
In a similar manner, the COMMAREA option of the EXEC CICS RETURN
command specifies the name of a communication area in which data is passed to
the transaction identified in the TRANSID option. (The TRANSID option specifies
a transaction that is initiated either when the next input is received from the
terminal that is associated with the task, or when the IMMEDIATE option is
specified.) For more information about the length of the communication area, see
the CICS Application Programming Reference.


The invoked program receives the data as a parameter. In COBOL, the program
must contain a definition of a data area to allow access to the passed data.
In a receiving COBOL program, you must give the data area the name
DFHCOMMAREA. A program passes a COMMAREA as part of an EXEC CICS
LINK, EXEC CICS XCTL, or EXEC CICS RETURN command; either the working
storage or the linkage section can contain the data area. A program receiving a
COMMAREA should specify the data in the linkage section. This applies when the
program is one of the following:
v The receiving program during an EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL
command where a COMMAREA is passed
v The initial program where the EXEC CICS RETURN command of a previously
called task specified a COMMAREA and TRANSID
A C or C++ program issues an EXEC CICS ADDRESS COMMAREA command to
obtain the address of the communication area. The program must pass the address
of a pointer as a parameter to the EXEC CICS ADDRESS COMMAREA command.
This pointer will then be set to point to the passed data.
The receiving data area need not be of the same length as the original
communication area; if access is required only to the first part of the data, the new
data area can be shorter. However, it must not be longer than the length of the
communication area being passed, because if it is, your transaction may
inadvertently read data outside the area that has been passed. This data is outside
the area you can safely access, and may cause your transaction to have
unpredictable results. It may also overwrite data outside the area, which could
cause CICS to abend your transaction.
To avoid this happening, your program can access the EIBCALEN field in the EIB
of the task to check that the length of the communication area passed to it is as
expected. If no communication area has been passed, the value of EIBCALEN is
zero; otherwise, EIBCALEN always contains the value specified in the LENGTH
command, regardless of the size of the data area in the invoked program. You
should check that the value in EIBCALEN matches the value expected by your
program, and make sure that your transaction is accessing data within that area.
You might also want to consider adding an identifier to COMMAREA as an
additional check on the data that is being passed. This identifier is sent with the
sending transaction and checked for by the receiving transaction.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

When a communication area is passed using an EXEC CICS LINK command, the
invoked program is passed a pointer to the communication area itself. Any
changes made to the contents of the data area in the invoked program are available
to the invoking program, when control returns to it; to access any such changes,
the program names the data area specified in the original COMMAREA option.
When a communication area is passed using an EXEC CICS XCTL command, a
copy of that area is made unless the area to be passed has the same address and
length as the area that was passed to the program issuing the command. For
example, if program PROGA issues an EXEC CICS LINK command to program
PROGB that, in turn, issues an EXEC CICS XCTL command to program PROGC,
and if PROGB passes to PROGC the same communication area that PROGA passed
to PROGB, program PROGC will be passed addressability to the communication
area that belongs to A (not a copy of it) and any changes made by PROGC will be
available to PROGA when control returns to it.


When a lower-level program, which is a linked-to program, issues the EXEC CICS
RETURN command, control passes back to the level one logical level higher than
the program returning control. If the task is associated with a terminal, the
TRANSID option can be used at the lower level to specify the transaction identifier
for the next transaction that is to be associated with that terminal. The transaction
identifier comes into use only after the highest logical level has relinquished
control to CICS by using the EXEC CICS RETURN command, and input is
received from the terminal. Any input that is entered from the terminal is
interpreted wholly as data. If the IMMEDIATE option is specified, the input from
the terminal is not required to start the transaction. You can use TRANSID without
COMMAREA when returning from any link level, but be aware that it might be
overridden on a later EXEC CICS RETURN command. Also, you can only specify
the COMMAREA option at the highest level, otherwise you will get an INVREQ.
In addition, the COMMAREA option can be used to pass data to the new task that
is to be started.
The invoked program can access field EIBFN in the EIB to determine which type of
command invoked the program. The field must be tested before CICS commands
are issued. If an EXEC CICS LINK or EXEC CICS XCTL invoked the program, the
appropriate code is found in the field; if EXEC CICS RETURN is used and no CICS
commands are issued in the task, the field will contain zeros.


Using the INPUTMSG option


If an application program is accessed by a LINK command and the application

program issues a RECEIVE command to obtain initial input from a terminal, no
data exists for that application program to receive if the initial RECEIVE request
has already been issued by a higher-level program. In this condition, the
application program waits for input from the terminal. You can ensure that the
original terminal input continues to be available to a linked program by invoking
it with the INPUTMSG option.

The INPUTMSG option of the LINK, XCTL, and RETURN commands provides
another way of specifying the name of a data area that is to be passed to the
program that is being invoked. In this case, the invoked program gets the data by
processing a RECEIVE command. This option enables you to invoke (front-end)
application programs to obtain initial terminal input. These application programs
are written to be invoked directly from a terminal, and contain RECEIVE

Chapter 6. Coding for business logic


When an application program invokes another program, and specifies INPUTMSG

on the LINK, XCTL, or RETURN command, the data that is specified on the
INPUTMSG continues to be available, even if the linked program itself does not
issue an RECEIVE command, but instead invokes yet another application program.
Figure 8 shows how INPUTMSG is used in a linked chain.


input from

RECEIVE input from terminal

Program LINK to B with INPUTMSG






Figure 8. Use of INPUTMSG in a linked chain


In Figure 8, the real first RECEIVE command is issued by program A. Because

program A is linked to program B with the INPUTMSG option, the next program
that issues a RECEIVE request can also receive the terminal input. That program
can be either program B or program C.


If program A wants only to pass on the unmodified terminal input that it received,
it can use the same named data area for the INPUTMSG option that it used for the
RECEIVE command. For example:


When one program in a LINK chain issues a RECEIVE command, the INPUTMSG
data becomes no longer available to any later RECEIVE command. For example, in
Figure 8, if program B issues a RECEIVE request before linking to program C, the
INPUTMSG data area is not available for program C.




TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


This method of sending data from one program to another can be used for any
kind of data. The data does not have to originate from a user terminal. In Figure 8
on page 178, program A could move any data into the named data area, and
invoke program B with INPUTMSG referencing the data.


The terminal-data that is passed on INPUTMSG also becomes no longer available

when control is eventually returned to the program that issued the link with
INPUTMSG. In Figure 8 on page 178, if program C returns to program B, and
program B returns to program A, and neither program B nor program C issues a
RECEIVE command, program A assumes that the data has been received. If
program A then invokes another program (for example, program D), the original
INPUTMSG data is no longer available to program D, unless the INPUTMSG
option is specified.


The INPUTMSG data becomes no longer available when a SEND or CONVERSE

command is issued.


Using the INPUTMSG option on the RETURN command


If you specify INPUTMSG with TRANSID some time after a SEND command, the
SEND message is immediately flushed out to the terminal. INPUTMSG on a
RETURN command without the TRANSID option is intended for use with a
dynamic transaction routing program.

To pass data to the next transaction specified, you can specify INPUTMSG on a
RETURN command with the TRANSID option. To do this, you must issue
RETURN at the highest logical level to return control to CICS, and you must also
specify the IMMEDIATE option. If you specify INPUTMSG with TRANSID, and do
not also specify IMMEDIATE, the next real input from the terminal overrides the
INPUTMSG data, which is therefore lost. See the CICS Application Programming
Reference manual for programming information about the RETURN command.

Other ways of passing data

Data can also be passed between application programs and transactions in other
ways. For example, the data can be stored in a CICS storage area outside the local
environment of the application program, such as the transaction work area (TWA).
Another way is to store the data in temporary storage; see the CICS Administration
Guide for details.

Passing integer data between programs

If you want to pass integer data between COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I programs in a
COMMAREA, the data items must be declared in COBOL as COMP-5; otherwise,
the byte ordering of the data is incorrect and the values are corrupted.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference and the CICS Intercommunication
Guide for related information.

Timer services
CICS timer services, in conjunction with the time-of-day clock maintained by the
operating system, provide commands that can be performed at a specific time.
Using these commands you can:
v Ask for the time (EXEC CICS ASKTIME)
v Delay the processing of a task (EXEC CICS DELAY)
v Start a task and store data for the task (EXEC CICS START)

Chapter 6. Coding for business logic


v Retrieve data stored (by an EXEC CICS START command) for a task (EXEC
v Cancel the effect of a previous EXEC CICS DELAY or EXEC CICS START
v Suspend the task (EXEC CICS SUSPEND)

Expiration times
The time at which a timer service is to be started is called the expiration time. You
can specify expiration times absolutely, as a time of day (using the TIME option),
or as an interval that is to elapse before the function is to be performed (using the
INTERVAL option).
Expiration times cannot be defined using TIME or INTERVAL options in C. When
using the EXEC CICS DELAY command, you can use the FOR and UNTIL options,
and for the EXEC CICS START command, you can use the AFTER and AT options.
Use INTERVAL to start a transaction after a specified number of hours, minutes,
and seconds (expressed as hhmmss) have elapsed from the current time. INTERVAL
always specifies a time in the future: the current time plus the interval you specify,
assuming you specify a nonzero interval.
Use TIME to start a transaction at a specific time; again using hours, minutes, and
seconds (expressed as hhmmss). An absolute time is measured relative to midnight
before the current time and may therefore be earlier than the current time. TIME
may be either in the future or the past relative to the time at which the command
is executed. For example, to start a transaction at 1530 hours, you would use EXEC
CICS START TIME(153000). The following rules apply:
v If you specify a task to start at any time within the previous six hours, it will
start immediately, unless the start time is before midnight (past) of the day on
which you specify it. For example, the following command issued at 0500 or
0700 hours on Monday expires at 1230 hours on the same day.:

The following command issued at 0500 or 0700 hours on Monday expires

immediately, because the specified time is within the preceding six hours.

The following command issued at 0500 hours on Monday expires immediately,

because the specified time is within the preceding six hours. However, if it is
issued at 0700 hours on Monday, it expires at 0030 hours on Tuesday, because
the specified time is not within the preceding six hours.

Note that the TIME given is never taken to be before midnight of the current
v If you specify a time with an hours component that is greater than 23, you are
specifying a time on a day following the current one. For example, a time of
250000 means 0100 hours on the day following the current one, and 490000
means 0100 hours on the day after that.
If you do not specify either INTERVAL, TIME, FOR or UNTIL on the EXEC
START command, INTERVAL(0) is assumed, which means immediately.
The started interval control element (ICE) will be recovered only if it has been
started with the PROTECT option specified. For example, if an EXEC CICS START
command for a transaction to be started at 0700 hours is issued at 0600 hours with


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

the PROTECT option, and CICS fails at 0630 hours and is warm started at 0800
hours, the started transaction will immediately run.
Because each end of an intersystem link may be in a different time zone, you
should use an interval if the transaction to be started is in a remote system. An
absolute time is always relative to the local system and converted into an interval
before shipping.
The interval to delay the EXEC CICS START request applies from the time of
delivery to the remote system. Therefore, if the request is locally queued because
the remote system was unavailable, the EXEC CICS START request may be
delayed longer than expected.
If the system fails, the EXEC CICS START requests you have made that have not
expired are recovered.

Request identifiers
As a means of identifying the request and any data associated with it, a unique
request identifier is assigned by CICS to each EXEC CICS DELAY or EXEC CICS
START command. You can specify your own request identifier by means of the
REQID option; if you do not, CICS assigns (EXEC CICS START only) a unique
request identifier and places it in field EIBREQID in the EXEC interface block
(EIB). Specify a request identifier if you want the request to be canceled at some
later time by an EXEC CICS CANCEL command.


In a transaction that uses the EXEC CICS START TRANSID command to start
other transactions, observe the following points to maintain logical data integrity:
v Always use the PROTECT option of the EXEC CICS START TRANSID
command. This ensures that, if the start-issuing task is backed out, the new task
will not be started.
v Designate the temporary storage queue used for passing data to the started
transaction as recoverable. This ensures that data being passed to another task
does not inadvertently stay on the temporary storage queue in the event of the
start-issuing task being backed out.
v If REQID is used, that REQID is the name of a queue designated as recoverable
in the Temporary Storage Definitions (TSD).
You can use the PROTECT option to ensure that if a system failure occurs after the
EXEC CICS START that issued the logical unit of work (LUW) has completed its
syncpoint, the transaction to be started will do so (as soon as CICS has been
initialized and the terminal associated with the task is available).
If you are using CICS Clients, you should refer to the procedure in the CICS
Administration Guide for further guidance.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Synchronization services
The CICS synchronization services allow you to serialize access to critical
resources. You do this using the EXEC CICS ENQ and EXEC CICS DEQ
commands. Each task that is to use the resource issues an EXEC CICS ENQ
command. The first task to do so has use of the resource immediately, but
Chapter 6. Coding for business logic


subsequent EXEC CICS ENQ commands for the resource, issued by other tasks,
result in those tasks being suspended until the resource is available. You can
override the suspension of a resource by issuing a EXEC CICS HANDLE
Each task using a resource should issue a EXEC CICS DEQ command when it has
finished with the resource. A task must issue the same number of EXEC CICS DEQ
commands as the number of successful EXEC CICS ENQ commands, in order to
free the resource for other tasks.
The name passed to the EXEC CICS ENQ is purely symbolic: no physical entity is
locked. It is up to application designers to agree standards to be followed in using
EXEC CICS ENQ commands, and to ensure that all programs follow the chosen
For example, suppose that Program 1 issues the following command, where
phonenum is a data area containing a character string containing a phone number:

Program 2 then issues the same command. Because each EXEC CICS ENQ
command specifies the same character string contents, synchronization occurs and
Program 2 waits until Program 1 issues the command:

It is the matching character strings that cause the synchronization. The same effect
would be achieved by different RESOURCE option values, provided that the
contents of the string at each location match. For example:

Similarly, you can enqueue on the address of a data area. For example, if two
programs both issue the following command:

The two programs enqueue on the same location and synchronize, even though the
contents are not locked in any way. However, if two tasks are waiting for the same
resource, which one gets the enqueue, when available, is dependent on the
priorities on the two tasks; the enqueue goes to the task scheduled first.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Storage services
CICS storage services provide several commands and storage areas for your
applications to use. Broadly, there are two types of storage available to application
v Task-private storage, obtained for the sole use of the currently running
v Task-shared storage, to be shared in an application-dependent manner between
In addition, CICS has its own private shared storage.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Task-private storage
Task-private storage is private to the task and cannot be addressed by any other
CICS task in the system. If you need working storage in addition to that provided
automatically by the COBOL, C, C++, and PL/I languages, you can use the
following commands. You can initialize each byte of the acquired storage to any bit
configuration, for example to zeros or blanks. You can get and initialize main
storage by using the EXEC CICS GETMAIN comand. You can release main storage
when you are done using it by using the EXEC CICS FREEMAIN command.
CICS releases all task-private storage associated with a task when the task is ended
normally or abnormally. This includes any EXEC CICS GETMAIN storage
acquired, and not subsequently freed, by your program. CICS also provides your
program with these named task-private storage areas:
v The EXEC Interface Block (EIB) holds information about the last command that
CICS executed for your program. For further information, see EXEC interface
block (EIB) on page 187.
v The COMMAREA is a communication area that you can use to pass information
between one program and the next in the same task. For further details, see
Passing data to other programs on page 175.
v The Transaction Work Area (TWA) is an area that you can use within the
transaction. For further information, see Transaction work area (TWA) on page

Task-shared storage
Task-shared storage, also known as the task-shared pool, is shared between all CICS
tasks. As such, all synchronization to these areas is the responsibility of the
applications that wish to use them. You can:
v Allocate an area of shared storage (EXEC CICS GETMAIN SHARED)
v Release the allocated shared area (EXEC CICS FREEMAIN)
v Load a map set or data table (EXEC CICS LOAD)
v Release a map set or data table (EXEC CICS RELEASE)
Note: Data tables can be used to load an operating system file into CICS storage
for manipulation by an application. The files are loaded (by the EXEC CICS
LOAD command) and the address of the storage is passed to the
application. This is useful as transactions can be written to take data and
place it into either SFS or a database, or can use it directly in a transaction.
The ProgType attribute (described in the CICS Administration Reference)
specifies whether the item is a program, a map set, or a data table.
The SHARED option of the EXEC CICS GETMAIN command can be used to
acquire storage that is shareable between transactions. When you issue an EXEC
CICS GETMAIN SHARED command, you can pass the address of that area of
storage to another transaction in three ways:
v Using the common work area (CWA)
v Using a shared CICS area
v Using a shared operating system area
It is also possible to pass the address from one task to the next at the same
terminal using the COMMAREA.
It is the responsibility of application programmers to keep track of storage area
addresses allocated by EXEC CICS GETMAIN SHARED. Unlike ordinary EXEC
CICS GETMAIN storage there is no implicit means of freeing it. Such storage areas
Chapter 6. Coding for business logic


should be released by a call to EXEC CICS FREEMAIN by some application

program (in a set of cooperating tasks). Otherwise the shared storage will not be
freed until region termination.
The EXEC CICS LOAD command allows you to load a named map set or data
table into shared storage, and by using the HOLD option keep it there. This is
useful to prevent the same map set or table being repetitively loaded, although
CICS itself tries to keep the entity loaded if it can anyway. On a multi-locale
system, there could be several map sets with the given name (one per locale) and
CICS actually loads all such map sets that it finds.
You use the EXEC CICS RELEASE command to release a named map set or data
table that you have loaded. This will not necessarily result in the map set being
physically released from shared storage, as CICS will delay this until it is necessary
to do so.
You can also use MAIN temporary storage as a scratchpad area to be shared
between transactions. For further details, see Temporary storage queue services
on page 133.
CICS also provides your program with these named task-shared storage areas:
v The common work area (CWA) is a storage area allocated at region startup and
exists for the duration of the CICS region. For further details, see Common
work area (CWA) on page 28.
v The terminal user area (TCTUA) is a storage area allocated either when you log
on (for an autoinstalled terminal) or at system startup (for nonautoinstalled
terminals). For further information, see Terminal user area (TCTUA) on page
v The COMMAREA is a communication area that you can use to pass information
between one transaction and the next in a pseudoconversational sequence. For
further details, see Passing data to other programs on page 175.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

CICS private shared storage

CICS private shared storage, also known as the region pool, is private to CICS, but
two commands enable you to obtain information from it and from task-shared and
task-private storage. You can:
v Get access to these storage areas using the EXEC CICS ADDRESS command
v Get values from these storage areas using the EXEC CICS ASSIGN command.
The values returned to the application by the EXEC CICS ASSIGN command are
copied from the region pool. The application program has no access to the
region pool other than through CICS commands.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Logical unit of work (LUW) services

If an individual task fails, backout is performed automatically by CICS. If the CICS
system fails, backout is performed as part of the auto start process.
However, for long-running programs, it may be undesirable to have a large
number of changes, accumulated over a period of time, exposed to the possibility
of backout in the event of task or system failure. This possibility can be avoided by


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

using the EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT command to split the program into logically
separate sections termed logical units of work (LUWs); the end of an LUW is called a
synchronization point (syncpoint).
If failure occurs after a syncpoint but before the task has been completed, only
changes made after the syncpoint are backed out.
LUWs should be entirely logically independent, not merely with regard to
protected resources, but also with regard to execution flow. Typically, an LUW
comprises a complete conversational operation bounded by EXEC CICS SEND and
EXEC CICS RECEIVE commands. A BROWSE is another example of an LUW. An
EXEC CICS ENDBR command must therefore precede the syncpoint.

Possibility of transaction deadlock and its avoidance

The enqueuing mechanisms that protect resources against double updating can
cause a situation known as transaction deadlock. Transaction deadlock is sometimes
known as enqueue deadlock or enqueue interlock.
As shown in Figure 9, transaction deadlock means that two (or more) tasks cannot
proceed because each task is waiting for the release of a resource that is locked by
the other task. (Remember that the locking action protects resources until the next
syncpoint is reached.)


Lock resource 1
Request resource 2

Lock resource 2
Request resource 1




Figure 9. Transaction deadlock (generalized)

If transaction deadlock occurs, one task may be abnormally terminated and the
other is allowed to proceed.
If both resources are CICS resources, the task whose deadlock timeout period
elapses first is abnormally terminated and its CICS resources are released. (It is
possible for both tasks to time out simultaneously.) If neither task has a
DeadLockTimeout attribute value in the Transaction Definitions (TD), they will both
remain suspended indefinitely, unless one of them is abnormally terminated.
CICS then backs out the abnormally terminated task.

Techniques for avoiding transaction deadlock

To avoid transaction deadlock, consider the following techniques:
v Arrange for all transactions to access resources in a predefined sequence. This
might be considered a suitable subject for installation standards.
Extra care is required if you allow updates through multiple paths.
v Explicit enqueueing conventions should also be the subject of your site
development standards so that all applications:
Chapter 6. Coding for business logic


Enqueue using the same character string

Use those strings in the same sequence
v Always access records within a file in the same sequence. For example, where
multiple file or database records have to be updated, ensure that they are
accessed in ascending sequence. Ways of doing this include:
The terminal operator should always enter data in the same sequence as it
exists on the data set.
This method requires special terminal operator action, which may not be
practical within the constraints of the application. (For example, orders may
be taken by telephone in random product number sequence).
The application program first sorts the input transaction contents so that the
sequence of data items matches the sequence on the data set.
This method requires additional application programming, but imposes no
external constraints on the terminal operator or the application.
The application program issues a user EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT command
after processing each data item entered in the transaction.
This method requires less additional programming than the second method.
However, issuing a user syncpoint implies that previously processed data
items in the transaction will not be backed out if a system or transaction
failure occurs before the processing of the entire transaction is completed.
This may not be valid for the application, and raises the question as to which
data items in the transaction were processed and which were backed out by
CICS. If the entire transaction must be backed out, user synchronization
points should not be issued, or only one data item should be entered per
Of the three methods, the second method (sorting data items into an ascending
sequence by programming) is most widely accepted.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Configuration services
CICS provides a number of facilities that enable applications to find out
information about the environment in which they are running:
v The EXEC CICS ADDRESS and EXEC CICS ASSIGN commands provide
information about fields in CICS control blocks.
v The INQUIRE and SET commands provide information about and control of
v The EXEC Interface Block (EIB) provides information about task-related control


You can write many application programs using the CICS API commands without
any knowledge of or reference to the fields in the CICS control blocks and storage
areas. However, you might sometimes need to get CICS information that is valid
outside the local environment of your application program. Use the EXEC CICS
ADDRESS and EXEC CICS ASSIGN commands to access such information.
Do not access CICS control block fields with the EXEC CICS ADDRESS and EXEC
CICS ASSIGN commands explicitly specified as arguments on any EXEC CICS
command, because specifying these commands ass arguments leads to a change of
CICS fields by the EXEC interface modules.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

INQUIRE and SET commands

The INQUIRE and SET commands allow application programs to access
information about CICS resources. The application program can retrieve and
modify information for CICS resources; such as files, terminals, system entries,
mode names, system attributes, programs, and transactions.

EXEC interface block (EIB)

In addition to the usual CICS control blocks, each task has a control block called
the EXEC interface block (EIB) associated with it.
An application program can access all of the fields in the EIB by name. The EIB
contains information that is useful during the execution of an application program,
such as the transaction identifier, the time and date (initially when the task is
started, and subsequently, if updated by the application program), and the cursor
position on a display device. The EIB also contains information that is helpful
when a dump is being used to debug a program.
See the CICS Application Programming Reference for related information.

Chapter 6. Coding for business logic



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Part 2. Migrating Applications

Table 38. Road map for Migrating applications
If you want to...

Refer to...

Consider the migration process,

programming compatibility, and API
migration when migrating applications to
and from CICS for Open Systems and CICS
for Windows.

Chapter 7, Migrating CICS applications to

and from TXSeries CICS, on page 191

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries

This chapter describes how to migrate application programs to and from TXSeries
Note: In the migration chapter, the term existing CICS system refers to the system
you are migrating from.

Preparing to migrate your applications

To migrate CICS applications from a non-TXSeries CICS system, such as
CICS/MVS or CICS OS/2, you must consider the differences between the two
systems. These differences can include, for example, the CICS API commands
supported, or the source languages supported.
If you are planning to migrate from a CICS for Windows system, consult your IBM
representative for support.

What is migration?
Migrating your existing CICS system to TXSeries CICS means moving your
existing applications in such a way as to achieve the same level of functionality
that you were using on your existing CICS system. Migration does not involve
adding new functionality through new system features.
The information describing the migration process outlines the functionality of
TXSeries CICS, so that you can compare it to your existing system, and identify
any inconsistencies. Other CICS systems are described in general terms, without
discussing the particular features of any one family member.
The amount of work required to migrate your CICS system depends on what you
have done to your system in the past. If you use TXSeries CICS without much
customization, and if your programs are written to conform to the supported
external interfaces, much of the work of migrating is quite straightforward. You
need to check your use of CICS functions against the changes, and then make any
necessary adjustments to your programs and operating procedures.
If you have customized TXSeries CICS, or written system programs using
unsupported interfaces, internal control blocks, and so on, you will need to
reassess the way you use CICS and redesign your code to conform to supported
When you consider migrating from an existing CICS system to TXSeries CICS, you
should remember that it may not be necessary, or possible, to migrate all of your
existing applications. Under these circumstances, you may consider continuing to
run your existing CICS system as well as TXSeries CICS, and allowing
communication between the two. This is known as coexistence.

Controlling the migration process

The complexity and variety of possible CICS configurations means that there is no
simple list of instructions for migration planning and implementation. However, by
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


combining the general guidance provided as part of migration planning and

control with the descriptions of changes elsewhere in the migration topic, you
should be able to produce a sound framework on which to build your migration
Migrating to TXSeries CICS requires careful planning and change management. To
achieve this, you will need to:
v Understand the practical issues and the detailed product changes involved in
TXSeries CICS migration
v Plan a satisfactory conversion strategy
v Plan in detail the required actions to achieve the strategy
v Estimate with reasonable accuracy the resources and time involved.
You can maintain service levels to users during the migration process by using
sound change-management practices. To achieve this, you will need to:
v Minimize the number of changes that take place simultaneously
v Test changes before putting them into production
v Have a backout or fallback strategy for each change in case of failure in
v Be able to assess the impact of a change before introducing it into the
production system
v If necessary, be able to limit the extent or localize the impact of any change to an
acceptable level
v Be able to schedule the change or cutover to minimize the impact on end users
or the business.
Your ability to meet these change-management needs depends partly on what you
have done with your existing CICS systems, and partly on the migration strategy
you adopt.
Applying these general rules to TXSeries CICS migration, it is clear that a phased
conversion and cutover is necessary. One possible migration strategy consists of
the following phases:
v Planning your migration
v Installing, testing, and parallel running
v Phased cutover.

The migration planning phase

The objective of the planning phase is to develop a migration strategy with
detailed plans for each step. It should include the following topics:
v Considering corequisite and prerequisite products, such as the specific release of
the operating system, DCE, relational databases, and compilers.
v Planning to migrate to the appropriate levels of corequisite and prerequisite
products where necessary. You need to consider ordering and delivery lead
times when calculating your schedules.
v Planning your education and training requirements.
v Planning to update your operational procedures and the supporting
v Planning the installation of any features or parameters required in the operating
system for TXSeries CICS.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v Estimating and planning the machine resources required for the migration, for
example disk space, terminals and machine time for installation, development
and testing.
v Determining which resources (tables, programs, and so on) need to be frozen
during the migration process.
v Determining where you may require programming changes and planning the
necessary coding and testing.
v Planning to update your programming standards and the supporting
v Planning the installation of TXSeries CICS.
v Considering the actions required by any associated products that have been
added to TXSeries CICS.
v Planning conversion steps, such as changes to tables that are not to be frozen
during the migration process, and installation of resources.
v Determining your testing criteria.
v Planning the cutover phases.
v Determining the best methods of keeping users informed of any changes to
functions or services that might affect them.
v Planning to update your problem determination procedures and the supporting
v Considering any issues raised by your existing CICS system and TXSeries CICS
in parallel.
The end product of the planning phase should be a formally documented plan that
you can use for project management and control.

The migration installation phase

This phase has two objectives:
v To install and customize the basic TXSeries CICS system and to make it ready
for testing and parallel running.
v To install the programs and procedures needed to support TXSeries CICS
processing; such as monitoring and accounting packages, statistics printing,
dump printing, journal handling, and so on.
When these two objectives are met, you are ready to migrate your application
programs and resource definitions.

Migration phased cutover

The objective of this phase is to migrate the working CICS systems to TXSeries
CICS. Note that TXSeries CICS does not support the CICS facility of multiple
region operation (MRO). If you want to migrate a CICS system that uses MRO,
then some distributed transaction processing (DTP) commands in your application
programs may need to be changed.
Regardless of the environment you choose to operate in, you may need to:
v Migrate your application
v Migrate your data
v Reenter all the associated definitions that defined your CICS application and
The following discussion assumes that you have already installed the required
version of operating system and any necessary supporting software. The discussion
Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS


also assumes that you have recoded your programs to comply with the TXSeries
CICS API and removed dependency on MRO. Remember that the objective of the
migration exercise is to migrate CICS applications and their supporting
environment to TXSeries CICS, it should not be an objective of the migration
exercise to increase the functionality of the migrated applications. Attempting to
combine the two objectives is liable to result in an overly complex project that may
be difficult to control and support.
Wherever possible, it is advisable to operate both your existing TXSeries CICS and
other CICS systems in parallel until you can prove that your applications are
operating correctly; as a minimum you should ensure that you have an adequate
fallback position if the migration is not successful.
Single-region systems: A single-region system contains all the programs,
definitions and data that you require to operate your application and can be the
most difficult systems to migrate because of the possibility of having to make large
numbers of changes to your applications and user environment.
Multi-region systems: A multiregion system is, for example, a system that
separates the region that contains your application from the region that contains
the data with the two regions using communications to provide a seamless
interface to the end user. TXSeries CICS has all the same communication facilities
as other CICS systems (except MRO) so that you may choose to migrate one or
both halves of the application. The ability to migrate the constituent parts of your
application only when you deem it necessary or practical may reduce the amount
of conversion effort that you have to expend, and consequently the amount of
direct support to your users.
Non-migrated regions or applications: You may choose not to migrate some
applications that TXSeries CICS does not support, for instance macro-level
applications, but to leave them on your existing CICS system.
v If you consider that an application is going to become obsolete in the foreseeable
future, it may not be cost effective converting it.
v If the cost to convert an application or its data is high, it may not be cost
effective converting them.
In these cases you can leave the application and its associated data on the existing
CICS system and access them through CICS Intercommunication facilities. In brief,
plan to convert only those of your applications not supported by TXSeries CICS
where it is economic to do so.

Coexistence strategies
It can be impossible to migrate all of your existing CICS production regions to
TXSeries CICS without substantial effort. For example, you may have some
macro-level applications that are not supported in TXSeries CICS. In these
instances, you must devise a strategy for migrating some applications to TXSeries
CICS, leaving behind those applications that you cannot cost effectively migrate or
convert. This information outlines how your existing CICS system can coexist with
a TXSeries CICS system using intersystem communication (ISC). ISC is used in all
CICS products to provide communication between CICS systems on separate
processors across a network.
If you are running a CICS system that has elements that you cannot migrate to
TXSeries CICS, you may need to consider adopting an ISC solution that enables


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

you to transaction route between your existing CICS system and TXSeries CICS.
For example, your system may comprise some or all of the following components:
VTAM and BTAM terminals
These are not supported in TXSeries CICS (except as remote terminals for
ISC purposes), and you cannot install them on TXSeries CICS systems. To
support transaction routing from the CICS system that owns the terminals,
you should either ensure that the terminal definitions on the existing CICS
system are marked shippable, or on TXSeries CICS, generate Terminal
Definitions (WD) entries that specify the terminals as remote terminals.
Note that if the system to which your VTAM or BTAM terminal is
connected has a telnet client, then you may be able to use this to gain
access to a region using the cicsteld client.
Note: VTAM refers to Virtual Telecommunications Access Method, a set of
programs that maintain control of the communication between
terminals and application programs. BTAM refers to basic
telecommunications access method, an access method that permits read
and write communication with remote devices.
Command-level applications
You can migrate command-level applications provided they conform to the
TXSeries CICS program compatibility rules.

If the migrated applications access files that remain on your existing CICS
system, you need to define the files as remote resources in TXSeries CICS.
You can access the files by function shipping the file requests.

If you decide to use ISC, you will have to specify resource definitions that define
connections between CICS systems.
When you have migrated the appropriate elements of your old system, there are
several points to consider.
v To access migrated applications from your original terminals you must define
the transactions as remote transactions on your existing CICS system and define
the terminal as remote in the Terminal Definitions (WD) on TXSeries CICS.
v To access applications that you have not migrated to TXSeries CICS, from an
existing CICS terminal, define the transactions as remote in the Transaction
Definitions (TD) on TXSeries CICS. You need to define the terminal as remote to
TXSeries CICS.
Note: There is an alternative to the creation of a remote definition of a terminal
in any remote system to which it wants to direct a transaction routing
request. This is to make the terminals local definition in the terminal
owning region shippable with the Terminal Definitions (WD) IsShippable
attribute. If a terminal definition is shippable, sufficient data is passed
with a transaction routing request to enable the remote system to
dynamically install the necessary remote terminal definition. For further
information about shippable terminals, refer to the CICS Administration
Reference .

Tests and parallel running

The following sections describe tests and parallel running.

Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS


Installation verification procedures

To check that you have installed CICS correctly, TXSeries CICS provides optional
Installation Verification Procedures (IVPs) for you to perform. The IVPs comprise a
set of programs, transactions, and maps, plus a set of instructions for their use.
Note: The IVPs provided with your existing CICS system cannot be used to test
the installation of TXSeries CICS systems.

Testing the running TXSeries CICS

When you have completed installing TXSeries CICS and running the IVPs to
ensure that installation has been successful, you can begin to test and tailor the
system to meet your specific requirements. The tests you may need to run include:
v Testing all resource definitions
v Testing system initialization options, particularly where you use system default
values, which are different from your existing CICS system
v Testing the TXSeries CICS start-up procedure
v Testing off-line utilities
v Testing any associated software products and packages
v Testing any programs that you have rewritten because they originally contained
features TXSeries CICS does not support
v Testing any of your programs that use internal or external security checking
v Testing your applications

Running TXSeries CICS in parallel with your existing CICS

There are some planning and implementation considerations that concern running
TXSeries CICS and another CICS product in parallel. You must consider the effects
on your operational procedures. Some operational areas are affected by the
differences between TXSeries CICS and other CICS systems. These areas include:
v Differences in initialization - messages and system initialization parameters
v Differences in the messages and codes issued, and the operator actions they
v Differences in monitoring output
v Differences in dump output
v Differences in trace output
v Differences in statistics output
v Differences in problem determination, restart, and recovery requirements
v Differences in security administration (with CICS on Open Systems or CICS for
Windows security or with an external security manager)
v Differences in running databases

Migrating data
TXSeries CICS provides the CALF transaction (Convert and Load File) to enable
you to migrate data to your region. This transaction allows you to transfer any file
for which you can create a File Definitions (FD) entry. In this way, data on remote
VSAM files can be migrated. CALF works with function shipping.
CALF accepts the following three filetypes:
v Key sequenced data set (KSDS)
v Entry sequenced data set (ESDS)


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v Relative record data set (RRDS)

The transaction copies records from a source file to a destination file. You enter
control data in the data entry fields to control the transaction, and use the PF keys
to run the transaction.
You start the CALF transaction directly by entering the transaction identifier CALF.
You end the transaction by pressing PF3.

Migration and the CICS-supplied transactions

TXSeries CICS provides a subset of the CICS supplied transactions. In some
instances, the functionality of these transactions within TXSeries CICS may differ
from other CICS systems. TXSeries CICS provides the following supplied
v Data Conversion (CALF)
v Temporary Storage Browse (CEBR)
v Command Level Interpreter (CECI)
v Syntax Checker (CECS)
v Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF)
v Runtime Resource Management (CEMT)
v Signon (CESN)
v Signoff (CESF)
v Routing Transaction (CRTE)
v Application Diagnosis Configuration (CDCN) (CICS on Open Systems only)
A full description of the functionality of each of these transactions is provided in
the CICS Administration Reference.
Some points to note regarding differences in supplied transactions between
TXSeries CICS and other CICS systems are:
v TXSeries CICS does not support the supplied transaction CEDA. You must
perform all resource definition using the resource definition online (RDO)
v TXSeries CICS monitoring facilities are controlled by the CEMT transaction, not
from the CEDA transaction as in other CICS systems.
v TXSeries CICS does not invoke shutdown from the CEMT transaction as in other
CICS systems. Refer to the CICS Administration Guide for information about
v You cannot run the CEBR transaction under CEDF.
v The CEDF transaction does not support the single-screen mode of operation. You
must use two terminals (or two windows), one to run CEDF and one to run the
transaction being debugged.
v Because TXSeries CICS uses DCE security for normal user authentication, you
can only use the CESN transaction to connect to a region after using the CRTE
transaction (transaction routing) or to temporarily change your user identity
after connecting to a region.
v TXSeries CICS does not support a replaceable logon shell. The supplied CESN
transaction cannot be replaced with a user-supplied module as with other CICS

Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS


Migration and CICS resource definitions

TXSeries CICS holds the resource definitions for a region in a set of files. These
files fulfill the same role as the traditional tables used by other CICS family
members, but to emphasize the differences in attribute requirements, the TXSeries
CICS table names are called definitions. For example, the Transaction Definitions
(TD) file replaces the Program Control Table (PCT). The correspondence between
TXSeries CICS and other CICS family definitions is shown in the CICS
Administration Reference.
Suffix support is available in TXSeries CICS, but not in the same way as in other
CICS family members.
TXSeries CICS does not provide macro-level resource definition facilities. The
facilities to perform the resource definitions are described in the CICS
Administration Reference. Resource definitions cannot be exported.
TXSeries CICS provides the resource group facility as in other CICS family
members. A resource may belong to at most one group. TXSeries CICS does not
provide support for the resource list facility that other CICS family members

Migration and programming compatibility

During migration to TXSeries CICS, you should review your CICS application and
system programs, and any CICS-related programs that process CICS output, to
ensure that they are compatible with TXSeries CICS. You need to consider:
v The source languages and compilers that TXSeries CICS supports (described in
Source language and compiler considerations for migration).
v The application program interface (API) subset that TXSeries CICS supports. For
information about the differences in the API across CICS products, refer to CICS
Family: API Structure.
v Your Basic Mapping Support (BMS) requirements. TXSeries CICS provide a
subset of BMS support (see BMS functions supported in CICS on page 72).
Remember that besides your original map requirements, application programs
may also embed BMS commands.
v Other programming considerations such as embedded database commands and
macro-level programs.
In keeping with the rest of the migration documentation, the discussion of the
topic of program compatibility focuses on the support that TXSeries CICS provides,
rather than on the differences between a specific CICS family member and
TXSeries CICS.
You must fully test all programs, whether you change them or not, before you
introduce them into your production system. Where possible, such testing should
be done on your existing CICS system before migrating your programs to TXSeries
CICS, as this narrows the scope for errors, and makes resolution easier.

Source language and compiler considerations for migration

TXSeries CICS supports application programs written in COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I
(refer to the installation documentation for information about versions of COBOL,
C, C++, or PL/I compilers that can be used with your version of CICS and
Table 44 on page 219 for a summary of the support on each platform).


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

TXSeries CICS does not support application programs written in source languages
other than COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I. This means that if you do not discard existing
application programs written in other languages you must recode them, or you
must maintain your existing CICS system and run it in coexistence with the
TXSeries CICS region.
Before you recompile any application programs in COBOL, C or C++ that you
intend to migrate to TXSeries CICS, you must process the application program
with the CICS translator. (Described in Chapter 8, Translating, compiling, and
link-editing CICS application programs, on page 213.) The compilation process
highlights, as errors, any language syntax that is not supported.

Micro Focus Server Express COBOL upgrades On CICS on Open

Systems only
COBOL programs should be recompiled when you upgrade to a new level of
COBOL compiler.
Note: In addition to recompiling COBOL programs when you upgrade the Micro
Focus Server Express COBOL compiler, the cicsmkcobol command must be
run. This command combines the object files containing the CICS COBOL
support routines with the COBOL runtime system to create a single loadable
and executable file named cicsprCOBOL. Refer to the CICS Administration
Reference for more information.

COBOL base locater linkage (BLL) cells

If your existing application programs use BLL cells, you will need to recode them
before porting them to TXSeries CICS as the supported COBOL compilers do not
support them.

Service reload statements

If your existing application programs use SERVICE RELOAD statements, you will
need to recode them before porting them to TXSeries CICS as the supported
COBOL compilers do not support them.
See the CICS Family: Interproduct Communication, the CICS Intercommunication Guide,
and .
The CICS Administration Reference.

Other programming considerations for migration

As well as API, source and compiler, and Basic Mapping Support (BMS)
considerations, you must also consider other factors when you are migrating
application programs to a TXSeries CICS region. These considerations are
described in the following sections.

Macro-level applications
TXSeries CICS does not support macro-level application programs. If your existing
CICS system contains macro-level applications which you may not discard, then
you must do one of the following:
v Rewrite the applications to use the API commands that TXSeries CICS supports.
v Allow the applications to coexist with TXSeries CICS by continuing to run them
in your existing CICS system.

Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS


Database systems
TXSeries CICS supports the inclusion of Structured Query Language (SQL)
statements within application programs but you must separately process the SQL
statements through your database manager. It does not support the data language
1 (DL/I) database access language. If your existing CICS system contains
applications which use DL/I which you may not discard, then you must do one of
the following:
v Rewrite the applications to use the databases that TXSeries CICS supports.
v Allow the applications to coexist with TXSeries CICS by continuing to run them
in your existing CICS system.

Monitoring, dump, statistics, and trace post-processors

TXSeries CICS provides the offline utilities that format monitoring, dump,
statistics, and trace output. Those utilities are:
v cicsmfmt
v cicsdfmt
v cicssfmt
v cicstfmt
As these records are in a format unique to TXSeries CICS, any existing formatting
programs will not work unless you modify them.

Journal post-processors
TXSeries CICS does not provide off-line utilities that format user and system
journals. As the journal records are in a format unique to TXSeries CICS, any
existing formatting programs will not work unless you modify them.

CEMT programmable interface

TXSeries CICS does not support a programmable interface to the supplied
transaction CEMT.

Short-on-storage conditions
The underlying main storage architecture for TXSeries CICS differs from that
provided by other CICS family members in the handling of short-on-storage
conditions. Instead of always suspending a running task (unless you define the
task with NOSUSPEND), TXSeries CICS responds in a number of ways depending
upon the type of storage request made, and whether storage is requested by an
application program or internally by CICS. CICS may:
v Return a CICS condition code to application program.
v Raise a CICS abnormal termination code on the application program, or the
CICS runtime system.
v Suspend the running task pending the acquisition of task shared storage for
loading Basic Mapping Support (BMS) maps and data tables. TXSeries CICS may
subsequently abnormally terminate the application program if storage remains
unavailable for some time.
While application programs that you migrate may translate, compile and link
correctly, TXSeries CICS may raise a number of additional abnormal termination
codes, due to short-on-storage conditions. You may need to change your
application programs to handle such conditions.

Hexadecimal character representation

TXSeries CICS represents characters in ASCII format and IBM mainframe-based
CICS represents characters in EBCDIC format. If programs move specific
hexadecimal values to represent EBCDIC characters (or define variables to have


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

specific hexadecimal values), you need to change these values to the equivalent
ASCII representations. Alternatively, if you are using Micro Focus Net Express
version 3.0 or later on a Windows platform, you can compile EBCDIC-enabled
COBOL programs that run on a Windows workstation. See Compiling
EBCDIC-enabled COBOL programs on page 57 and Using Micro Focus Net
Express to compile EBCDIC-enabled COBOL programs on page 227 for more

Static and global data

A TXSeries CICS application program that is loaded into at least two logical levels
of the same task should not use static or global data because the operating system
shares the programs data segment for this type of data. For example, program A
has a static integer called x that has an initial value of zero. In the course of
processing, program A sets x to 1 and then performs an EXEC CICS LINK
PROGRAM(A) command. The second invocation of program A sees x set to 1 and
not zero.
See Application program logical levels on page 174.

Migration and the API

When considering moving an application to TXSeries CICS, you should compare
the CICS application programming interface (API) commands that the application
uses with those supported by TXSeries CICS, which supports a subset of the full
list of CICS API commands. Note that some API commands have different sets of
options on TXSeries CICS from the options on other CICS products.
This section describes those aspects of application programming that help you to
write portable applications and to migrate applications to and from TXSeries CICS.

Overview of migration and the API

If you need to migrate an application program from your existing CICS system
that uses API commands or options that TXSeries CICS does not support, you
must either:
v Modify the application to use API commands TXSeries CICS does support, or
v Allow the application to coexist with TXSeries CICS by continuing to run the
application in your existing CICS system.
The full list of API commands and options supported by CICS are described in the
CICS Application Programming Reference. Differences between the TXSeries
CICS-supported API and that supported by other CICS family members are given
in CICS Family: API Structure.
If you do not remove the API commands or options that TXSeries CICS does not
support from an application program, you can use the CICS command language
translator to highlight the unsupported commands or options as errors. This is a
quick way of finding out if an existing program will run under TXSeries CICS
without conversion or, conversely, this method enables you to more accurately
estimate the amount of effort you will require to migrate an application program to
the TXSeries CICS API.
In all CICS products, you can place command options in any sequence in a
command, as long as you place the command identifier first. CICS family products
interpret the scope of a command identifier differently; some consider just the first
Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS


word to be significant (such as HANDLE) while others, of which TXSeries CICS is

one, consider one or more words to be significant (such as EXEC CICS HANDLE
NOHANDLE OPEN are invalid in TXSeries CICS. You can tell how many words
are considered to be significant in a command identifier by looking at its title in
the CICS Application Programming Reference.

Presentation services API migration

There are two topics that deal with migration of application programs that use the
presentation services API:
v Migration and Basic Mapping Support (BMS) services
v Migration and 3270 Information Display System datastreams

Migration and Basic Mapping Support (BMS) services

TXSeries CICS provides support for minimum function BMS support and some
standard function BMS support (see BMS functions supported in CICS on page
72). This means that you can migrate BMS macro source code at this level to
TXSeries CICS.
The BMS processor will highlight any BMS function that TXSeries CICS does not
If a map in your existing CICS system (the system you are porting from) uses
other than minimum function BMS and you cannot discard the map, then you
must either:
v Modify the map to use only minimum function BMS, or
v Allow the applications using the map to coexist with TXSeries CICS by
continuing to run them in your existing CICS system.
You can specify the PS parameter in BMS maps (see the CICS Application
Programming Reference) as one of the following:
v PS=8
v PS=X'38' (ASCII)
When an application routes a transaction from an EBCDIC system, TXSeries CICS
converts the sent X'F8' value to X'38'. When a TXSeries CICS application routes a
transaction, the EBCDIC system converts the sent X'38' value to X'F8'. Application
programs that you migrate to TXSeries CICS and that explicitly set PS=X'F8' will
continue to work. Applications that you develop for TXSeries CICS that set
PS=X'38' work on TXSeries CICS but do not work if you migrate them to an
EBCDIC system.
It is advisable that you always code PS=8.
Using the DFHMDF OCCURS option: When the OCCURS option is specified in
a BMS map, an array is generated in the symbolic map. For example, on CICS
OS/2 this array is present in the output map only while a filler is put in the input
map. TXSeries CICS generates the array in both maps.
Refer to the following map:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide



This map generates the header file:

* cicsmap -- Tue Oct 27 10:10:06 CUT 1992
struct mapnameis
struct mapnameos
union mapnameu
struct mapnameis mapnamei;
struct mapnameos mapnameo;
union mapnameu mapname;

Notice that the occursd structure is named in both the input map mapnameis and
the output map mapnameos. This enables the structure to be used for both input
and output operations.
Migrating maps from CICS OS/2: When generating BMS maps in C or C++,
CICS OS/2 always assumes the When generating BMS maps in C, CICS OS/2
always assumes the parameter STORAGE=AUTO while TXSeries CICS does not.
To migrate between the two implementations you must either specify
STORAGE=AUTO in the CICS OS/2 map definition or amend the source program
code to refer to the generated pointer rather than the structure.
This also applies if you are migrating maps from CICS for Windows.
Migrating maps from your CICS system to other family members: TXSeries
CICS allows you to include fields with the same name on different maps within a
map set. This is not the case in other CICS products. If you wish to port your map
set from TXSeries CICS to IBM mainframe-based CICS, you should ensure that all
BMS map and field names are unique within a map set.
The cicsmap command checks that the TYPE= operand specifies either MAP,
DSECT, or &SYSPARM. However, the value is ignored by TXSeries CICS. Map
generation is controlled with the -p (physical) and -s (symbolic) cicsmap flags. If
neither flag is specified, both physical and symbolic maps are generated.
Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS


The cicsmap command accepts the TYPE=&SYSPARM operand to aid portability to


Migration and 3270 Information Display System datastreams

When migrating from an EBCDIC environment to TXSeries CICS, you need to
change application programs that explicitly define 3270 datastreams in hexadecimal
format. If the character representation is used, it will be converted to the correct
ASCII hexadecimal code.
There are also some exceptions. For example, the start field extended special
character in ASCII is X'10' but in EBCDIC is X'29'. The start field extended special
character is not generally supported in ASCII, but has been supported here as a
special case.
Migration requirements: These requirements apply equally to application
programs, COBOL copybooks, C and C++ include files, and PL/I include files.
Where programs assign COBOL copybook, C or C++ or PL/I include field values
to 3270 datastreams, you only have to make changes to the copybook, or include,
and recompile the program.
You need to change:
v Any hexadecimal values or bit masks assigned to translated 3270 datastreams
v Any character values assigned to untranslated 3270 datastreams
You do not need to change:
v Any hexadecimal values or bit masks assigned to untranslated 3270 datastreams
v Any character values assigned to translated 3270 datastreams
Setting 3270 datastreams: Application programs can set 3270 datastream values
v Copying a COBOL copybook, or C or C++ or PL/I include field value
v Copying a program field value
v Assigning a character value
v Assigning a hexadecimal value
v Building up a bit mask
Untranslated 3270 datastreams: TXSeries CICS does not translate the following
3270 datastream components:
v Write control characters (WCC)
v AttributeTypes
v NumberOfPairs
v Data
Conversion of datastreams: TXSeries CICS communicates with its terminals using
ASCII 3270 datastreams. These consist of control sequences and data and may be
constructed from a number of different elements:
v INITIAL or GINIT data from a BMS map
v XINIT data from a BMS map
v Data in a symbolic map
v Attribute values in a symbolic map
v Data for terminal control output
v Control sequences for terminal control output
v Write Control Character given by the CTLCHAR option of EXEC CICS SEND


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

The XINIT data in a BMS map can be transformed from EBCDIC using the -e
option of cicsmap that interprets the data as EBCDIC and automatically converts it
Unless you are using extended attributes, all the other sequences may be portably
coded using character values or values from the standard copybook DFHBMSCA.
Hexadecimal values or bit masks are non-portable and will need to be modified
when moving an application from a non-ASCII system.
Special conversions: TXSeries CICS performs special translations on the following
control sequences because they have no standard representation in ASCII
v StartFieldExtended
v SetAttribute
v ModifyField
StartFieldExtended and ModifyField are represented as follows:
Code: NumberOfPairs : AttributeType : AttributeValue : ..

and SetAttribute is represented as follows:

Code: AttributeType : AttributeValue

where Code is X'10' for StartFieldExtended, X'1A' for ModifyField, and X'1F' for
NumberOfPairs is a hexadecimal value, as is the AttributeType. These will have
the same value on both ASCII and EBCDIC systems.
For all extended attributes, except for Field Validation and Field Outlining, which
TXSeries CICS does not support, the AttributeValue is a graphic character and can
be coded portably as a character value or as a defined value in the DFHBMSCA

Data services API migration

There are two topics that deal with migration of application programs that use the
data services API:
v File services
v Queue services

File services
If you are migrating application programs that use the API file services, be aware
of the following migration concerns:
v EXEC CICS READNEXT and EXEC CICS READPREV with an alternate index
v VSAM emulation
v Exclusive or shared file access permissions
v SFS considerations
v DB2 considerations
EXEC CICS READNEXT and EXEC CICS READPREV with an alternate index:
The behavior of the file control commands EXEC CICS READNEXT and EXEC
CICS READPREV differs between TXSeries CICS and other CICS family members
when dealing with duplicate records in an alternate index. Consider records with
the following keys:
1. AAA
2. BBB
Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS


3. BBB
4. BBB
If a sequence of EXEC CICS READNEXT commands obtains records 1 to 4, and an
application issues an EXEC CICS READPREV command, TXSeries CICS returns
record 4, while some other CICS family members return record 2 (this record being
the first of the set of duplicates with the specified key.)
CICS attempts to return the same record, but must read an additional record when
it reverses the browse. The extra read call ensures that the DUPKEY condition is
correctly raised in indexes that allow records with duplicate keys. In the following
example, there are five records and the browse is positioned at record 2:
1. AAA
2. BBB
3. BBB
4. CCC
5. DDD
An EXEC CICS READNEXT, EXEC CICS READPREV sequence is carried out.
TXSeries CICS returns record 3 for the EXEC CICS READNEXT. Record 4 is not a
duplicate, so it does not set DUPKEY. To carry out the EXEC CICS READPREV
call, TXSeries CICS reads record 4 (the NEXT record) and then sets the browse in
the new direction. TXSeries CICS reads record 3 (the PREV record) and sets the
DUPKEY because record 2 is a duplicate.
Because EXEC CICS READPREV uses two read calls when it reverses the browse,
it is possible for another process to simultaneously insert records and cause an
unexpected result. For example, a process might insert a record with key BBZ
between the two read calls needed for EXEC CICS READPREV. At the end of the
EXEC CICS READPREV, the browse would be positioned at the new record, not
record 3.
VSAM emulation: TXSeries CICS provides emulation of virtual sequential access
method (VSAM). VSAM is an access method for direct or sequential processing of
fixed- and variable-length records on direct access devices. The records in a VSAM
data set or file can be organized in logical sequence by a key field (key sequence),
in the physical sequence in which they are written on the data set or file
(entry-sequence). or by relative-record number. The VSAM emulation that TXSeries
CICS provides is through the use of the SFS, but differs in some areas of detailed
File access
If IBM mainframe-based CICS opens a VSAM file, setting the attribute for
exclusive access, any CICS transaction can access the file but the file is
unavailable outside the CICS region. This limitation is because CICS is
responsible for any recovery processing of the file. TXSeries CICS does not
need to open SFS files for exclusive access as any recovery processing is
performed by SFS.
Record locking
An application requesting a record for update causes VSAM to lock the
complete control interval. The same request using SFS causes only the
requested record to be locked.
Updating alternate keys
Unlike VSAM, SFS allows you to update alternate key values when


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

rewriting a record accessed by an alternate index. You may still only

update the primary key value by deleting the original record and
reinserting it.
Unique primary keys
The primary key for SFS key-sequenced files need not be unique.
Deleting file contents
SFS allows you to specify OpenEmpty for a file, even if you define
alternate indices for the file.
Relative byte addressing
In SFS, the term relative byte addressing (RBA) does not indicate the byte
offset from the beginning of the file as in VSAM. SFS uses RBA as a value
which can be used as a record identifier for any of the three file
Browse operations
If you perform an EXEC CICS STARTBR command with the key set to its
maximum value, then perform an EXEC CICS READPREV command and
lastly an EXEC CICS READNEXT command, SFS raises an ENDFILE
condition. In CICS/MVS, performing the same commands using VSAM
raises an ILLOGIC condition and terminates the application.
SFS considerations: If CICS opens a file, but does not use the file for a
configurable period of time, SFS may eventually treat the file as closed, and permit
administrative activities to take place on the file. When SFS treats a file as closed
and a transaction currently using the file makes a request to SFS, the request fails
and CICS abnormally terminates the transaction. The next request may be a
request for the same file, a request for a different file, or a syncpoint request.
If a new transaction attempts to access the file that SFS is treating as closed, CICS
reopens the file. However, if the structure of the file has changed since CICS last
opened the file, CICS generates an error condition.
You may need to amend your application programs, to handle this condition.
For information about SFS or ENCINA for CICS, refer to the appropriate Encina
1. Sharing SFS files between regions
It is possible to have an SFS file shared between multiple regions in TXSeries
CICS. SFS handles all locking contention between the regions in a manner
which is largely transparent to your CICS programs, but you should be aware
of some restrictions:
v Do not function ship a request to a remote region for a resource which it is
sharing with your local region in the same logical unit of work (LUW). CICS
allows a function-shipped request to read a file for update that has already
been read for update locally in the same LUW, whereas, if the accessing is
entirely local, CICS raises INVREQ on the second request.
v Distributed transactions developed on TXSeries CICS that assume the OLTP
transaction processing model, which establish two or more conversations to
the same remote region and also access the same resources, can deadlock
when ported to a CICS/MVS system. Such transactions do not usually
deadlock in TXSeries CICS, because they are part of one global transaction.
Porting applications the other way, from CICS/MVS to TXSeries CICS, is not
2. Effect of ROLLBACK on SFS
Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS


In CICS/MVS, the CICS region manages the LUWs for VSAM operations, and
CICS only distributes work when the region either performs some ISC
operation with another CICS region, or when a recoverable resource manager,
such as a relational database, is used.
TXSeries CICS has a client/server relationship with SFS, with each SFS being a
recoverable resource. In consequence all CICS operations that utilize SFS (those
concerned with file control, temporary storage queues, transient data queues,
and the local queueing of function shipping requests) cooperate with SFS in the
management of each LUW. Hence, transactions that are entirely local under
CICS/MVS, are effectively distributed under TXSeries CICS.
This difference between the way that CICS/MVS and TXSeries CICS distribute
responsibility for an LUW, and its resolution, underlies some differences in
behavior between CICS family members.
Consider the following sequence, and the effect of a request by some other
transaction to EXEC CICS READ RECORD A, which might occur at any of the
5 indicated points in the sequence. As CICS typically allows locked records to
be read, the results at the 5 points are as shown.







The events at points 1 to 4 are readily understood and consistent between

CICS/MVS and TXSeries CICS. At point 5, the distributed nature of the
transaction, and the shared responsibility for the LUW result in a difference in
CICS treats the ROLLBACK command as complete once SFS has been notified
of the abnormal termination of the LUW, and has acknowledged the
notification. SFS cannot guarantee when it will complete the work associated
with rolling back, and further provides no interface to allow the state of the
rollback operation to be determined. There is therefore a small interval, of
indeterminate length, following the completion of the ROLLBACK request in
which an EXEC CICS READ request may return NOTFND. Eventually, when
SFS completes the abnormal termination, EXEC CICS READ returns SUCCESS.
The true state of affairs is then:






(SFS completes ROLLBACK)

If the read being attempted involves taking a lock, then the reads at points 2, 4,
5 and 6 wait for the transaction resolution, or timeout with an AKCS abnormal
termination. Do not view these scenarios as two separate transactions, but a
single transaction that performs the following sequence:

Queue services
If you are migrating application programs that use the API queue services, you
need to be aware of the following migration concerns:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Transient data queue trigger levels: When a transient data queue reaches its
trigger level for automatic transaction initiation (ATI), and all servers are utilized,
TXSeries CICS postpones the ATI until a further transient data queue record is
written. Thus, TXSeries CICS does not necessarily initiate a task when the trigger
level is reached, but when the trigger level is exceeded. In TXSeries CICS, the ATI
takes place as soon as a server becomes available.
Extrapartition transient data queue considerations: Unlike some CICS systems,
TXSeries CICS opens extrapartition transient data queues whenever CICS runs a
transaction that requires access to an extrapartition transient data queue.
Conversely the application server closes the extrapartition transient data queue
when CICS finishes running the transaction.

Chapter 7. Migrating CICS applications to and from TXSeries CICS



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Part 3. Compiling Applications

Table 39. Road map for Compiling applications
If you want to...

Refer to...

Know about source directories, and link

Chapter 8, Translating, compiling, and
libraries when translating, compiling, and
link-editing CICS application programs, on
link-editing in one or separate steps, and the page 213
special requirements of compiling a CICS
applications program

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS

application programs
After you have written a CICS application, you must first compile and link-edit the
application. If the program is written in COBOL, C, or C++, you must first convert
the EXEC CICS statements that are included in the programs to COBOL, C or C++
statements. (PL/I programs do not need to be translated prior to compilation.) The
two commands you use to do this are:
This is the control language translator that converts source code to an
equivalent source program in which each EXEC CICS command has been
converted into COBOL, C or C++
cicstcl This command performs the translation, compiles the translated program,
and links the resulting object.
The remainder of this chapter discusses translating and compiling application
systems to run in your CICS region. If you are compiling them to run under the
control of a debugging tool, you have to specify additional compiler arguments.
See Using CDCN and the IBM Application Debugging Program (xldb) with CICS
for AIX only on page 258 and Using a compilers integrated debugging tool to
debug CICS applications on page 263 for more information.
Note: Whenever you upgrade to a new level of Micro Focus Server Express (on
Open Systems) or Micro Focus Net Express (on Windows), always recompile
your COBOL programs.
Note: If you are building executable files that use both .so libraries and DCE
libraries, and if you are using the -brtl flag, you must include the -bnortllib
flag. For example,
xlc_r4 -o executable_name object_ files -l dce_library_files -brtl -bnortllib

The combination of the -brtl flag and the -bnortllib flag is used only to
build executable files; it is not used to build libraries.

The PL/I compiler

The IBM PL/I compiler has an integrated preprocessor that should be used instead
of cicstran. cicstcl invokes the PL/I compiler.

Examples (CICS for Windows)

Examples of these procedures are provided by the Installation Verification
Programs (IVP) which can be found in opt\cics\samples\IVP. The IVP programs
are documented in Planning and Installation Guide.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


Source directories and link libraries

CICS uses two directory structures, one for regions and one for your installed
CICS. As an application programmer, you are interested in the installed CICS
system directory structure. More specifically:
Table 40. Source directories and link libraries
$CICS/bin (see note)

Contains those executables that are used by application

development programmers. These include, for example, the
cicstran and cicstcl programs. Include this directory in your
path list, as well as the path list for all CICS users.


Contains those shared libraries that CICS needs to prepare

applications written in C, C++, IBM COBOL, and IBM PL/I.
This path is included in the compile command that cicstcl
uses to compile your application programs.


Contains the CICS header files used to prepare applications.

These are the COBOL copybooks, C and C++ header files,
and PL/I include files. This path is included in the compile
command that cicstcl uses to compile your application

Translating, compiling, and link-editing in one step

Using cicstcl to translate, compile and link-edit CICS programs is the
recommended way of generating your executable CICS programs. Consider
performing these steps manually only if you have good reason (for example if
your CICS program also has to be linked to the runtime of a relational database).
See Translating, compiling and link-editing in separate steps on page 216 for
details on performing these steps separately. The following sections provide the
preferred procedure that tells you how to translate, compile, and link-edit your
application program using cicstcl. The prerequisite tasks must be done before you

Prerequisite Tasks
v Invoke the cicsmap command for any map sets that your application program
uses. (See cicsmap - generate BMS map files on page 276.)
v If you have COBOL copybooks that contain EXEC CICS statements, use cicstran
to translate them (see Pre-translating COBOL copybooks on page 218).
If necessary, set compile and link options. These are not normally required, since
cicstcl attempts to supply sensible defaults but, if needed, they are supplied as
shown in Table 41 and Table 42 on page 215. The values listed are the environment
variables from which the cicstcl command obtains the flags and directories it uses
when compiling and linking programs. For more information on these flags, see
the sections in this chapter on the language you are using.
Table 41. Setting compile and link options for cicstcl (CICS on Open Systems).



Compile flags

Linker flags

Libraries to









TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide



Table 41. Setting compile and link options for cicstcl (CICS on Open Systems) (continued).

Compile flags





Linker flags

Libraries to




Table 42. Setting compile and link options for cicstcl (CICS for Windows).

Compile flags

Linker flags

Libraries to









Micro Focus Net COBOPTS








Note: If you have both IBM VisualAge C++ and IBM VisualAge COBOL installed,
the COBOL directories must be in the PATH system environment variable
before the C++ directories.

Invoke the cicstcl command to translate, compile, and link edit your application
program. If the translation is successful, cicstcl compiles the program, and if the
compilation is successful, link-edits it. (See cicstcl - translate, compile, and link
on page 281.)
CICS writes errors, warnings and informational messages to the operating system
file stream, stderr.
Note: When compiling with cicstcl, you can use the -a option to retain the
intermediate file. On CICS for Windows, this is required if you are using the
program debugging tools.

Caching transaction programs and NEWCOPY (CICS for

Caching a program improves performance because reloading costs are saved when
the program is used. The following options affect program caching:
v The Region Definitions (RD) ProgramCacheSize attribute.
Programs in C, C++, IBM COBOL, or PL/I are cached only if at the time a
program is loaded, the Program Definitions (PD) Resident attribute is set to yes
and the number of cached programs in use has not reached the maximum
Because individual programs in use are not removed from the cache, it is
recommended that the cache size allow programs at every logical level to be
cached when EXEC CICS LINK is used.
Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs


v The environment variable COBSW is set to lnn

where nn is the cache size in bytes. This is a Micro Focus Server Express and
Net Express environment variable that sets the length of the Server Express and
Net Express program cache. This variable is defined in the regions environment
Java programs can be cached by the Java runtime controlled through the Java
Virtual Machine (JVM).
Programs are loaded into the cache in the order they are accessed.
v Programs are cached for each application server, so a new copy of the
program has no effect on an application server if the application server
has not yet run the program.
commands for a Micro Focus Server Express or Net Express program
remove every program previously loaded by the application server, so a
fresh copy of every such program is used after one of these commands is
run, not just the program for which the SET PROGRAM NEWCOPY or
SET PROGRAM COPY(NEWCOPY) command is issued. These commands
have no effect on Java programs.
commands complete successfully but have no effect on C, C++, IBM
COBOL, or PL/I cached programs because, on Windows systems, a file on
disk cannot be removed or overwritten while a copy of it exists in the
cache. Therefore, new copies of these programs can be used only if they
are not cached.

Translating, compiling and link-editing in separate steps

Using cicstcl to translate, compile and link-edit CICS programs is the
recommended way of generating your executable CICS programs. Consider
performing these steps manually only if you have good reason (for example if
your CICS program also has to be linked to the runtime of a relational database).
See Translating, compiling, and link-editing in one step on page 214 for details
on using cicstcl.
The CICS translator, cicstran, is used to translate EXEC CICS commands into
COBOL, C or C++ statements (there is no translate step for PL/I programs).
Table 43 shows the file names required by the cicstran command and the names of
the output files produced by that command.
Table 43. File names used by the cicstran command

Input File Name

Output File Name









If your program includes map sets, then you will also use the cicsmap command.
This command takes source files containing Basic Mapping Support (BMS) macros
and generates symbolic and physical maps. They must be generated before


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

How translation works

For a COBOL application program, each command is replaced by one or more
MOVE and SET statements, followed by a COBOL CALL statement, followed by
an IF statement.
The purpose of the MOVE and SET statements is to encode the information in the
command into the CICS internal format.
For example, an IBM COBOL command such as:

can be translated to:


A similar Micro Focus Server Express COBOL command gives the same

can be translated to:


Note: CALL "cics_api_exec_cobol" USING CICS-ARGS is kept for compatibility.

The translator modifies the linkage section by inserting the EXEC interface block
(EIB) structure as the first parameter, and inserts declarations of the temporary
variables that it requires into the working-storage section. It also inserts a
DFHCOMMAREA if there is not one in the linkage section.
For a C application program, each command is replaced by one or more
assignment statements and function calls. For example, a command such as:

can be translated to:

cics_api_strncpy(CicsArgs.ArgData[5].StringValue, "A", (short)7);
CicsArgs.ArgData[8]DataArea = &;
CicsArgs.ArgMask = 0x20000120;
CicsArgs.FnCode = 68;
CicsArgs.DebugLine = -1;
Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs


Pre-translating COBOL copybooks

If your source contains COBOL copybooks with EXEC CICS statements in them,
then, before you translate the main program, you must translate:
v All copybooks that contain EXEC CICS statements
v All copybooks that include copybooks with EXEC CICS statements in them
You can translate the copybooks in any order as long as the main program is
translated after all of the copybooks have been translated.
Note: When cicstcl is used, all associated .cbl files are erased. However, copybooks
obtained as a result of using cicstran are not erased. This allows you to save
pre-translated copybooks for future compiles.
It is advisable to use the .cbl extension with the COPYBOOK file name. This
allows additional messages associated with translation.
For example, to include a copybook called REPORT:

The CICS translator only recognizes copybooks included in the main program by
the COBOL copy statement.
Note: Micro Focus Server Express and Net Express default to uppercase so the
single quotes are essential.

The translation procedure

This procedure tells you how to translate your application program using cicstran.
The prerequisite task must be done before you begin.
Note: For an alternate translation procedure, see Translating, compiling, and
link-editing in one step on page 214.

Prerequisite task
Invoke the cicsmap command for any map sets that your application program
uses. (See cicsmap - generate BMS map files on page 276.)

1. If you have COBOL copybooks that contain EXEC CICS statements, use
cicstran to translate them (see Pre-translating COBOL copybooks).
2. Use cicstran to translate your COBOL, C, or C++ program. Your program is
now ready to be compiled and link edited. Refer to Requirements for
compiling CICS application programs.
CICS writes errors, warnings and informational messages to stderr.
Note: The advantage of using cicstcl to translate your program is that it uses the
proper compile parameters required by CICS.

Requirements for compiling CICS application programs

This section describes the minimum requirements for compiling CICS application
The following table indicates the languages and compilers supported by TXSeries


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Table 44. Programming Language support

On CICS for:



Micro Focus






Server Express






Server Express






Server Express






Net Express



Compiling and linking a C application program (CICS on Open

Following are the minimum requirements for compiling a C application program.
Your program might require other include files, in other include directories, and
other libraries in other library directories. These other files and libraries might not
be CICS.
For example, to compile and link fred.c, enter:


xlc_r4 -I $CICS/include -bI:$CICS/lib/cicsprC.exp -e main
-o fred fred.c


cc -Aa +z -c -I $CICS/include fred.c
ld -b +e main -L $CICS/lib -o fred fred.o

The +z option is required to generate position-independent code. The -Aa

option is required to put the compiler in ANSI mode.

On CICS for Solaris

cc -misalign -I $CICS/include -KPIC -Xa -c fred.c
cc -misalign -L $CICS/lib -G -e main -o fred fred.o

Compiling and linking a C application program (CICS for

Following are the minimum requirements for compiling a C application program.
Your program might require other include files, in other include directories, and
other libraries in other library directories. These other files and libraries might not
be CICS.






Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs





Link with CICS library



Include path



For example, to translate, compile and link myprog, enter:

With IBM VisualAge C

cicstran -lIBMC myprog.ccs -------> myprog.c
icc -Mt -IprodDir\include -Ge- -Gd+ -Gm+ myprog.c ibmc.def
prodDir\lib\cicsprC.lib ---> myprog.dll

Note: It is necessary to export _main for CICS transaction programs built

with the IBM compiler. This can be achieved with a definition file with
the following two lines:

With Microsoft Visual C

cicstran -lC myprog.ccs -------> myprog.c
cl -IprodDir\include -Gz -LD myprog.c mfc.def prodDir\lib\cicsprC.lib
-------> myprog.dll

Note: The entry point main must be exported and this can be done by declaring it
_declspec(dllexport) void main ....

or linking with a definition file with the following two lines


Compiling and linking a C++ program (CICS on Open

A CICS C++ application program must have an extension of .ccs, and can be
processed using cicstcl or cicstran, just as a C program but there the similarity
ends. The intermediate source file of a C++ program has an extension of .C and
the executable extension of .ibmcpp (on AIX) or .cpp (on Solaris and HP-UX).

Using cicstcl for a C++ program

On AIX, specify the C++ language by using the language parameter IBMCPP:


cicstcl -l IBMCPP fred.ccs

This command produces the executable fred.ibmcpp.

On Solaris and HP-UX, specify the C++ language by using the language parameter


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

On CICS for Solaris and HP-UX

cicstcl -l CPP fred.ccs

This command produces the executable fred.cpp.

The cicstcl options that are valid for C applications are also valid for C++

Using cicstran for a C++ program

Just as for cicstcl, specify the C++ language parameter IBMCPP (on AIX) or CPP
(on Solaris and HP-UX), and then invoke the compiler:


cicstran -l IBMCPP fred.ccs (to produce fred.C)
xlC_r4 -I $CICS/include -c -o fred.o fred.C
makeC++SharedLib -o fred.ibmcpp -p0 -nmain
-bI:$CICS/lib/cicsprCpp.exp -lC_r fred.o

On CICS for Solaris

cicstran -l CPP fred.ccs (to produce fred.C)
CC -G -misalign -KPIC -I$CICS/include fred.C -o fred.cpp -L $CICS/lib


cicstran -l CPP fred.ccs (to produce fred.C)
aCC -c +DAportable -b +z -z -I$CICS/include fred.C -o fred.cpp

Use makeC++SharedLib on AIX to link your applications to ensure the correct

initialization of objects, and link with the CICS library $(CICS)/lib/cicsprCpp.exp.
Note: When using the makeC++SharedLib command ensure that
/usr/lpp/xlC/bin is included in the PATH.

Building a class library

To build a library libfred.a from fred1.ccs and fred2.ccs the process is:
On CICS for AIX:
1. Translate fred1 and fred2
cicstran -l IBMCPP fred1
cicstran -l IBMCPP fred2

2. Compile the files produced

xlC_r4 -c -I $CICS/include -o fred1 fred1.C
xlC_r4 -c -I $CICS/include -o fred2 fred2.C

3. Link and archive

makeC++SharedLib -o fredshr.o -p 0
-bI:$CICS/lib/cicsprCpp.exp fred1.0 fred2.0
ar rv libfred.a fredshr.o

Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs


On CICS for Solaris:

1. Translate fred1 and fred2
cicstran -l CPP fred1
cicstran -l CPP fred2

2. Compile the files produced

CC -c -misalign -KPIC -I$CICS/include fred1.C -oi fred1.o
CC -c -misalign -KPIC -I$CICS/include fred2.C -oi fred2.o

3. Link the object files into the shared library

CC -G -o fred1.o fred2.o

To use the library, set the LDFLAGS environment variable to point to the library.
For example:
LDFLAGS=-L/libpath -l fred

On Solaris, you must also set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to

include this library. Then translate, compile, and link your program as normal.
On Solaris, when using templates, ensure the compiler -ptr option is set to point to
the template database. For example, if you are compiling a file that contains a
template in a directory called /path/apps, the compiler automatically creates a
directory called Templates.DB in the /path/app directory. If you are using the
cicstcl command to prepare applications that use those templates, set the compiler
option using the CCFLAGS environment variable.
On CICS for HP-UX:
1. Translate fred1 and fred2
cicstran -l CPP fred1
cicstran -l CPP fred2

2. Compile the files produced

aCC -c +DAportable +z -I$CICS/include fred1.C -o fred1.o
aCC -c +DAportable +z -I$CICS/include fred2.C -o fred2.o

3. Link the object files into the shared library

aCC -b -Wl, +s +DAportable +z -z -o fred1.o fred2.o

On HP-UX, you must set the LDFLAGS environment variable to include this
library. For example, using libpath to represent the path to the library, set the
LDFLAGS environment variables as follows:
LDFLAGS="-Llibpath -lfred"

On HP-UX, you must also set the SHLIB_PATH environment variable to include
this library. Then translate, compile, and link your program as normal.

Compiling and linking a C++ program (CICS for Windows)

Using cicstran for a C++ program
Following are the minimum requirements for compiling a C++ application
Your program might require other include files, in other include directories, and
other libraries in other library directories. These other files and libraries might not
be CICS.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide







Link with CICS library



Include path



For example, to translate ,compile, and link myprog, enter:

With IBM VisualAge C++

cicstran -lIBMCPP myprog.ccs ----> myprog.C
icc -Mt -IprodDir\include -Ge- -Fe myprog.ibmcpp -Gd+ -Gm+ -Tp myprog.C
prodDir\cicsprCpp.lib ibmc.def ----> myprog.ibmcpp

Note: It is necessary to export _main for CICS transaction programs built with the
IBM compiler. This can be achieved with a definition file with the following
two lines:

With Microsoft Visual C++

cicstran -lCPP myprog.ccs -------> myprog.C
cl -IprodDir\include -Gz -LD -GX -Femyprog.cpp -Tp myprog.C mfc.def
prodDir\lib\cicsprCpp.lib ----> myprog.cpp

Note: The entry point main must be exported and this can be done by declaring it
_declspec(dllexport) void main ....

or linking with a definition file with the following two lines


Building a class library

This example comprises 2 classes ts and td queue in separate source files and the
class is called queue.dll. The process is:

Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs


For IBM VisualAge C++

1. translate
cicstran -lIBMCPP tsqueue.ccs ----------> tsqueue.C
cicstran -lIBMCPP tdqueue.ccs ----------> tdqueue.C

2. compile the files produced

icc -c -Mt -IprodDir\include -Ge- -Gd+ -Gm+ -Tp tsqueue.C
---> tsqueue.obj
icc -c -Mt -IprodDir\include -Ge- -Gd+ -Gm+ -Tp tdqueue.C
---> tdqueue.obj

3. link and archive

ilib /gi:queue tsqueue.obj tdqueue.obj
---> queue.lib, queue.exp
ilink /DLL /O:queue.dll prodDir\lib\cicsprCpp.lib
tsqueue.obj tdqueue.obj queue.exp ----> queue.dll

It is necessary to export _main for CICS transaction programs built with the IBM
compiler, which can be done in a definition file containing the following two lines:

Do not use the LIBRARY keyword in the definition, because this causes problems
when the program is linked.
If it does not already exist, the definition file is created automatically by cicstcl.
These compiler options are described briefly below. Refer to the compiler
documentation for further information. Some options, for example, -Tp, are
positionally dependent and must come immediately before the source file.

Set default linkage to __stdcall.


Use runtime that assumes a DLL is being built.


Use DLL runtime.

-Gm+ Use multithread runtime.


Specify program name.


Compile source as C++ file.


ilib option to create import library/export object pair.

It can also be necessary to use the -Ft- option if you are using class templates.
Note: If you wish to change the default linkage to _cdecl, use the -Mc option
instead of -Mt.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

For Microsoft Visual C++

1. translate
cicstran -lCPP tsqueue.ccs ----------> tsqueue.C
cicstran -lCPP tdqueue.ccs ----------> tdqueue.C

2. compile the files produced

cl -c -IprodDir\include -GX -Gz -Tp tsqueue.C -----> tsqueue.obj
cl -c -IprodDir\include -GX -Gz -Tp tdqueue.C -----> tdqueue.obj

3. link and archive

link /dll /out:queue.dll $prodDir\lib\cicsprCpp.lib tsqueue.obj
tdqueue.obj -----> queue.dll

The compiler options used were:


Set default linkage to __stdcall.


Build DLL.


Enable C++ exception handling.


Compile source as C++ file.

Note: If you wish to change the default linkage to _cdecl, use the -Gd option
instead of -Gz.

Compiling a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL application

program (CICS on Open Systems)
Following are the minimum requirements for compiling a Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL application program. Your program possibly requires other
copybooks and copybook directories, which are possibly not CICS.


Use the /bin/cob compiler.
The PATH environment variable must include /bin.
Then invoke the COBOL compiler with the cob command.


Use the /opt/cobol/bin/cob compiler. The PATH environment variable must
include /opt/cobol/bin. Then invoke the COBOL compiler with
the cob command.

On CICS for Solaris

Use the /usr/bin/cob compiler. The PATH environment variable must include
/usr/bin. Then invoke the COBOL compiler with the cob command.

For Micro Focus Server Express COBOL, use the compiler COBCPY environment
variable for the copybook path. The copybook path is:
Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs


Copybook files are CICS-API and CICS-EIB

Compile with the -C ANIM and -C INITCALL=CBL_DEBUGBREAK options to
use Animator, or the -u option to compile without Animator. If you use Animator,
the command produces the following two files:

If you compile without Animator, the command produces the following file:

For example, to compile and link gred.cbl using Animator, enter:


To compile mprog.cbl without Animator, enter:

cob -u fred.cbl

Note: Do not use the file name extensions for the PathName. For example, if the
program is installed at:

The PD PathName is:


If you have compiled the file with Animator, you must install the .idy file and the
.int file as described in Using the debugging tool integrated with Micro Focus
Server Express COBOL on CICS on Open Systems (Animator) on page 269.
Install the .gnt file according to the PathName attribute in the Program Definitions
(PD) for the required transaction.
Note: To avoid losing leading digits, use NOTRUNC if values greater than 9999
are assigned to COMP items.

Compiling a Micro Focus Net Express COBOL application

program (CICS for Windows)
CICS for Windows supports Micro Focus Net Express COBOL. For Micro Focus
Net Express, CICS supports files with the extensions .cbmfnt, .gnt, and .int. Files
with the extension .int are interpreted files and do not need to be link edited.
Note: It is necessary to install Microsoft Visual C++ for use with Micro Focus Net
Express COBOL because Net Express requires access to the link.exe file that
accompanies Microsoft Visual C++. You must copy the link.exe file from
Microsoft Visual C++ and place it in the \NetExpress\Base\BIN directory.
Warning messages issued on the CODE and DATA sections when using the
Microsoft Visual C ++ version 6.0 can be safely ignored. If Run-Time System
Websync Update version 1.0.006 (Micro Focus patch FixPack) or later is
installed, these warning messages no longer occur.
To translate, compile, and link a COBOL program, you can either use the cicstcl
command or perform the processes as three separate steps.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v The following example shows how to use the cicstcl command to compile the
file myprog.ccp. (This command can be used to produce only .cbmfnt files.)
cicstcl myprog.ccp

This example produces the file myprog.cbmfnt.

v The following example shows how to translate, compile, and link the
myprog.ccp file in three separate steps:
cicstran myprog.ccp
cobol myprog.cbl;
cbllink -D -Mmyprog -Omyprog.cbmfnt myprog.obj

In this example, the cicstran command uses the .ccp file to produce the .cbl file,
which is used by the cobol command. The cobol command produces an .obj
file, which is used by the cbllink command. The cbllink command produces the
.cbmfnt file. The command set is best run from within a Micro Focus Net
Express command window because the environment is already set up. The
semicolon (;) in the compile step is significant because it makes execution faster
by stopping the compiler from prompting you.
If you are using Micro Focus Net Express and want to produce an .int file, you
do not need to run the cbllink command. However, you must specify the
/NOGNT option to the cobol command.
You must either specify myprog in the PROGRAM ID paragraph or use the -M
option to ensure that the program has an entry point matching the source name.

Using Micro Focus Net Express to compile EBCDIC-enabled

COBOL programs
EBCDIC-to-ASCII data conversion can be necessary for communications between a
CICS for Windows system and a remote mainframe or CICS/400 system. For
example, if you use function shipping to access file records from a mainframe, the
data must be converted from EBCDIC to ASCII in order to be usable by the ASCII
program on the CICS for Windows workstation. Often, resource definition
templates must be defined to identify the type of conversion to be applied to the
To avoid the need to set up these conversion tables or to ensure the collating
sequence compatibility of mainframe applications, you can use the cicscobinsert
utility to compile EBCDIC-enabled programs to run on a CICS for Windows
workstation. Such EBCDIC-enabled programs are supported by Micro Focus Net
Express version 3.0 or later.
Note: Use in EBCDIC-enabled programs of the Front-End Programming Interface
(FEPI), Basic Mapping Support (BMS) macros, and pretranslated copybooks
is not supported. Support of EXEC SQL calls is provided through Micro
Focus Net Express.
To create an EBCDIC-enabled program, first write the source code on the
workstation in ASCII or download the source code from the mainframe, using
EBCDIC to ASCII conversion in the usual way. Then set the Micro Focus Net
Express option CHARSET to EBCDIC, as shown in the following example:

Then translate the program on the workstation. You can specify the cicscobinsert
utility as a value for the -X parameter of the cicstcl command or use it as a
separate command step after running the cicstran command, but before
performing the actual compilation.
Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs


v The following example uses the cicstcl command to compile a program called
myprog.ccp as EBCDIC-enabled:
cicstcl -X cicscobinsert myprog.ccp

v The following example uses a separate command step after the cicstran
command to compile a program called myprog.ccp as EBCDIC-enabled:
cicstran -qAPOST myprog.ccp
cicscobinsert myprog.cbl
cbllink -D -Mmyprog -Omyprog.cbmfnt myprog.obj

In this example, the cicstran command uses the .ccp file to produce the .cbl file,
which is used by the cicscobinsert and cobol commands. The cobol command
produces the .obj file, which is used by the cbllink command. The cbllink
command produces the .cbmfnt file. The command set is best run from within a
Micro Focus Net Express command window because the environment is already
set up. The semicolon (;) in the compile step is significant because it makes
execution faster by stopping the compiler from prompting you.
You must either specify myprog in the PROGRAM ID paragraph or use the -M
option to ensure that the program has an entry point matching the source name.
See Compiling EBCDIC-enabled COBOL programs on page 57 and cicstcl translate, compile, and link on page 281 for related information.

Compiling an IBM COBOL application program (CICS for

To translate, compile, and link myprog, enter:


1. translate
cicstran -lIBMCOB myprog.ccp ----------> myprog.cbl

2. compile the files produced

cob2 -c -qlib -qthread -I$prodDir\include myprog.cbl
-------> myprog.obj

3. link and archive

ilib /nol /gendef /gi:myprog myprog.obj %COBOLMAIN%\lib
-------> myprog.def, myprog.exp, myprog.lib
edit the myprog.def file to insert at the top of the file:
LIBRARY myprog.ibmcob
place @1 after the exported symbol _MYPROG@8
------> MYPROG@8 @1
ilib /nol /def:myprog.def /genimplib
-------> myprog.ibmcob.exp, myprog.ibmcob.lib
ilink /free /nol /dll /o:myprog.ibmcob myprog.ibmcob.exp
myprog.obj iwzrwin3.obj iwzrwin4.obj
prodDir\lib\cicsprIBMCOB.lib -------> myprog.ibmcob

Note: %COBOLMAIN% is an environment variable that is set by the IBM COBOL

compiler during installation.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

If you are compiling a program that calls a subprogram, you must compiler the
subprogram, then compile the main program. The following example shows the
compilation of mysubprog:
cob2 mysubprog -dll:mysubprog

If the main program is going to dynamically link to the subprogram, you can also
specify the -qthread option. This specifies that the subprogram gets a separate,
initialized working storage area for each program that invokes it. The working
storage exists for the duration of the main program.
If the subprogram is to be statically linked to the main program, the main program
should be translated, compiled, and linked in three separate steps. The steps are
similar to those shown above, but the names of both the main program and the
subprogram should be used in the ilib and ilink statements.
If the subprogram is to be dynamically linked to the main program, you can use
the cicstcl program. Alternatively, you can translate, compile, and link in separate
steps, but specify that the linking is dynamic using the -qDYNAM option to the
For more information on statically and dynamically linking subprograms, see the
IBM Visual Age COBOL programming guide.

Compiling an IBM COBOL application program (CICS on Open

Following are the minimum requirements for compiling an IBM COBOL
application program. Your program possibly requires other copybooks and
copybook directories, which possibly are not CICS.


cob2_r -qLIB -bI:/usr/lpp/cics/lib/cicsprIBMCOB.exp \
-e _iwz_cobol_main -L/usr/lib/dce
-ldcelibc_r -ldcepthreads -qAPOST
-I/usr/lpp/cics/include -ofred.ibmcob fred.cbl
The cob2_r command generates a file fred.ibmcob

Use the compiler SYSLIB environment variable or the -l flag for the copybook path.
The copybook path is:

Copybook files are CICS-API and CICS-EIB

Compiling a PL/I application program

Following are the minimum requirements for compiling a PL/I application
program. Your program possibly requires other copybooks and copybook
directories, which possibly are not CICS.

Chapter 8. Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application programs



Compile by
pli -c -I/usr/lpp/cics/include -ofred.ibmpli fred.pli
and link by
ld -bI:/usr/lpp/cics/lib/cicsprIBMPLI.exp -e plicics
-l plishr_r
-l c_r

INCLUDE files are and

Note: The entry point for the program is placed as shown above. However, if fred
is a dynamically called subprogram resulting from PL/I fetch, the entry
point is the same name as the subprogram, that is fred in the example.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Part 4. Debugging Applications

Table 45. Road map for Debugging applications
If you want to...

Refer to...

Code for error handling, debugging, and

performance monitoring services.

Chapter 9, Coding for problem

determination, on page 233

Look up how to test your application and

how to use Animator.

Chapter 10, Testing and debugging your

application, on page 253

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination

This chapter describes how to write application programs that use the CICS
problem determination services.

Error-handling services
Every time you process a CICS command in one of your applications, CICS
automatically raises a condition to tell you how the command worked. This
condition (which is usually NORMAL) is passed back by CICS to your application.
If something out of the ordinary happens, you will get an exception condition,
which simply means a condition other than NORMAL. By testing this condition,
you can tell what has happened, and possibly why. Not all conditions mean that
there is an error, even if they are not NORMAL. (For example, if you get an
ENDFILE condition on an EXEC CICS READNEXT during a file browse, it might
be exactly what you expect.) For further information about all possible conditions
and the commands for which they can occur, see the CICS Application Programming

Handling error conditions

When a condition is raised you have three different ways of doing something
about it, and a fourth way that simply mixes these to give you more flexibility. You
Method one
Let the program continue, with control coming straight back from CICS to
your program. You can then find out what happened by testing (for
example) the RESP value that CICS returns after executing a command.
The result of this test enables you to decide what to do next. For details,
see Letting the program continue on page 234.
Method two
Pass control to a specified label if a named condition arises. You do this
by using an EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command to name both
the condition and the label of a routine in your code to deal with it. For
details, see Passing control to a specified label on page 237. You can only
do this in COBOL programs.
Method three
Do nothing and rely on the CICS system default action. This is a
perfectly sensible option in some cases, and means you do nothing by way
of testing or handling conditions. The CICS default action is normally (but
not always) to abend the task.
Note: For the conditions ENQBUSY, NOJBUFSP, NOSPACE, NOSTG,
QBUSY, and SYSBUSY, the default is for CICS to force the task to
wait until the required resource (for example, storage) becomes
available, and then resume processing the command. (There is an
exception to this; see the descriptions of the EXEC CICS WRITEQ TS
and EXEC CICS WRITEQ TD commands in the CICS Application
Programming Reference for the different default actions for
NOSPACE.) For the conditions SIGNAL and EXPIRED, the default

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


action is to ignore the condition and carry on processing. For details,

see Relying on the system default action on page 239.
Method four
Mix the methods in any way you choose. For details, see Mixing
methods on page 242.
There are just over 80 conditions, each with a name (such as LENGERR, for length
error) and a matching number. Apart from these 80 or so conditions, theres a
general condition named ERROR that you can use as a catchall for any condition.
The default action is to terminate the task abnormally. There is also the NOTAUTH
condition, which is a general condition that is raised when a resource security
check on a command has failed.
In short, you have a potentially large number of CICS conditions to contend with,
and three distinct ways of dealing with them. Unless your installation has very
definite standards to the contrary, it is recommended to use the first method to
handle any errors.

C and C++ restrictions for error handling


you are using C or C++ you cannot use:


You can use the EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND PROGRAM command. In a C++ or
C application, every EXEC CICS command is treated as if it had the NOHANDLE
option specified. This means that the default system-action transaction abends that
result from a condition occurring, but not being handled, is not possible in a C++
or C application. Control always flows to the next instruction, and it is the
responsibility of the application to test for a normal response.

Letting the program continue

Letting the program continue means allowing control to return from CICS to the
next instruction in your program following the EXEC CICS command that has just
executed. You have three ways of doing this. You can:
v Put the RESP option on the command
v Put the NOHANDLE option on the command
Just letting the program continue is of little use. However, at the same time, CICS
sets return codes in the EXEC interface block (EIB). You can test for particular
conditions right after each CICS command, executing the command and then
immediately checking whether it did what you wanted by testing the RESP value.
CICS makes it very easy to test the RESP value by using a built-in function called
DFHRESP. With this, your code can examine RESP values symbolically. This is a lot
easier than looking at hexadecimal values that are both less meaningful to
someone reading the code, and awkward to manage in COBOL, C, C++ and PL/I.

How to use the RESP option

Simply code the RESP option on your CICS command and follow it up
immediately with tests on the returned RESP value.
To execute and test an EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command, you code:


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP (your_mapname)

..RESP (your_response_variable_name)

For example, consider the following section of COBOL:




In this example, the first thing to do after the EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP
command is to test the value CICS puts into RESPONSE to check whether it
worked. You start by looking explicitly for condition MAPFAIL because it can
occur without there being any serious error (if, for example, the user presses
CLEAR at this point in the application) and you have to be able to recover:

You now branch to the paragraph at label NO-MAP.

MAPFAIL is by no means the only condition that can arise on an EXEC CICS
RECEIVE MAP command.
As with all commands, you have a choice. You can either test explicitly for all
possible conditions after each command, or test for some subset of those conditions
and somehow deal with all other possibilities elsewhere in your program. (Usually,
this means taking the system default action if all else fails. However, in this case,
because you are using the RESP option, you must make sure that you allow for all
possible conditions somewhere in your code. This is because there is not a system
default available in this case, because CICS returns straight to the application
program. See How CICS keeps track of what to do on page 242.)
Here, the decision is that any value other than normal is to be dealt with in the
paragraph at label OTHER-ERRORS:

The code at paragraph OTHER-ERRORS is to catch all other conditions, in one

way or another, as shown in the following example:



ACCT01 picks up what information it can about what has happened, and then
links to the error-handling program ACCT04, which issues a user abend and
displays a final error message to the user.
Finally, with all condition testing out of the way, you can resume normal
Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination


RESP and RESP2 options: You can use the RESP option with any command, and
RESP2 with INQUIRE and SET, to test whether an exception condition was raised
during its processing.
where xxx is a user-defined 32-bit binary data area. On return from the
command, it contains a value corresponding to the condition that may
have been raised, or to a normal return, that is, xxx=DFHRESP(NORMAL).
You can test this value using DFHRESP, as follows:

The above form of DFHRESP applies to COBOL.

For C or C++ the test is:
if (xxx == DFHRESP(NOSPACE))

For PL/I, the test is:


where yyy is a 32-bit binary value that further qualifies the response to
INQUIRE and SET commands. RESP2 codes are noted in the command
descriptions. For further information, see the CICS Application Programming

How to use NOHANDLE

You can code a NOHANDLE option on any command to ensure that no action is
taken for any condition resulting from the execution of that command.
NOHANDLE suspends the error handling that was specified in previous EXEC
CICS HANDLE CONDITION commands (or with the CICS defaults) but only for
the command on which you put the NOHANDLE. It has no effect on later
commands, or on the error handling set by other HANDLE commands.
To use NOHANDLE on the EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command, all you write in

Note: Using the C or C++ language or the RESP option implies NOHANDLE, so
be careful when using C or the RESP option with the EXEC CICS RECEIVE
command, because NOHANDLE overrides the EXEC CICS HANDLE AID


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

command in addition to the EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command.

(This means that PF key responses are ignored, and is the reason for testing
them earlier in the ACCT code.)

How to use IGNORE condition (COBOL and PL/I only)

Just as you can arrange for control to pass to a particular label for a specific
condition with an EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command, so you can have
the program continue when a specific condition occurs. You do this by setting up
an EXEC CICS IGNORE CONDITION command to ignore one or more of the
conditions that can potentially arise on a command.
EXEC CICS IGNORE CONDITION means that no action is to be taken if a
condition occurs, so control returns to the instruction following the command and
return codes are set in the EIB. The following example ignores the MAPFAIL

While a single EXEC CICS command is being processed, it can raise one of several
Note: For example, you may have a file control command that is not only invalid
but that also applies to a file that is not defined in the file definitions.
CICS checks for these conditions and passes back to your application program the
first one (and only the first one) encountered.
An EXEC CICS IGNORE CONDITION command for a given condition applies
only to the program you put it in, and it remains active while the program is
running, or until a later EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command naming the
same condition is met, in which case the EXEC CICS IGNORE CONDITION
command is overridden. Also, an EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE command will
command is executed.
You can choose an EXEC CICS IGNORE CONDITION command if you have a
program reading records that are sometimes longer than the space you provided,
but you do not consider this an error and do not want anything done about it. You
might, therefore, code EXEC CICS IGNORE CONDITION LENGERR before issuing
your EXEC CICS READ commands.
You can also use an EXEC CICS IGNORE CONDITION ERROR command to catch
any condition considered as an error that has never been handled or ignored.
You cannot code more than 16 conditions in the same command; the conditions
must be separated by at least one space. You must specify additional conditions in

Passing control to a specified label

This applies to COBOL and PL/I programs only.
You have two ways of passing control to a specified label:
v EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION condition (label) command, where condition is
the name of an exceptional condition

Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination


How to use the HANDLE CONDITION command

EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION causes CICS to save information about the
conditions and labels, and use this information to pass control to appropriate
sections of your application if those conditions arise. With an active EXEC CICS
HANDLE CONDITION command, control goes to whichever label you specified
for that particular condition.
The same condition might arise with many different commands, and for a variety
of reasons. For example, you can get IOERR during file control operations and
interval control operations. First, determine which command has raised a
particular condition and then investigate why it has happened. This is a reason to
use the RESP option in a new CICS application. Although you only need one
EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION to set your error-handling for several
conditions, it might be awkward to pinpoint which of several EXEC CICS
HANDLE CONDITION commands is currently active when a CICS command fails
somewhere in your code.
If a condition arises that you have not named, you get the default action for the
condition, unless the default action is to abend the task. If the default action is to
abend the task, you get the action, if any, specified for the ERROR condition. If
you name the condition but leave out its label, any EXEC CICS HANDLE
CONDITION command for that condition is deactivated, and you revert to the
default action for the condition, if and when it occurs.
Using EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION can be a common source of errors,
because you need to deal with all possible conditions. If you use an unfamiliar
command, read the CICS Application Programming Reference to find out what
exceptional conditions are possible. Issue HANDLE commands for all of these, and
ensure that you finish all the error-handling code adequately. Otherwise, the
outcome might be an error handling routine that, by issuing an EXEC CICS
RETURN, allows incomplete or incorrect data changes to be committed.
It is recommended that you use EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION, but let the
system default action take over if you cannot see an obvious way around a
particular problem.
If you use EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION commands, or are maintaining an
application that uses them, take care not to cause a loop. A loop happens if you
include any commands in your error routine that can cause the same condition
that gave you the original branch to the routine. Notice, also, that one EXEC CICS
HANDLE CONDITION command can name up to sixteen conditions, and that one
of these could be the ERROR condition to deal with all remaining conditions.
Take special care not to cause a loop on the ERROR condition itself. (You can avoid
a loop by restoring the system default for any ERROR condition temporarily. Do
this by coding EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION ERROR with no label
specified.) After your error processing, you can reinstate the original error action at
the end of your error routine by including a second EXEC CICS HANDLE
CONDITION ERROR command. If you know the previous HANDLE CONDITION
state, you can do this explicitly. In a general subroutine, that might be called from
several different points in your code, the EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE and EXEC
CICS POP HANDLE commands may be useful. See Relying on the system default
action on page 239.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


The following example shows an EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command
used in the COBOL example program:


In this example, control is passed to the paragraph at label OTHER-ERRORS if any

condition arises that is not explicitly handled before any other CICS command.
EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION ERROR is the first command executed in the
PROCEDURE DIVISION in this example. This is because an EXEC CICS HANDLE
CONDITION command must be processed before any CICS command is processed
that can raise the condition being handled. Otherwise, the EXEC CICS HANDLE
CONDITION does not take effect. Note, however, that your program does not see
the effects when it processes the HANDLE. The program only sees the effects later,
if and when it issues a CICS command that actually raises one of the named
These examples generally use the RESP option. All the commands with RESP on
them have been written with a catchall test (IF RESPONSE NOT =
DFHRESP(NORMAL) GO TO OTHER-ERRORS) after any explicit tests for specific
conditions. So any exceptions, other than those you expect, take control to the
paragraph at OTHER-ERRORS in each program. Those relatively few commands
that do not have RESP on them take control to exactly the same place if they result
in any condition other than NORMAL because of this EXEC CICS HANDLE

Relying on the system default action

You can:
v Use the EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE command (COBOL and PL/I only)
v Use the EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command without a label (COBOL
and PL/I only)
v Do nothing about the condition
You can choose to ignore the condition because you want the default action to
happen. However, this can be a potential source of program maintenance
problems, especially if the CICS system defaults change.
If you ignore the condition by mistake, for example, by forgetting to handle an
obscure condition on an unfamiliar command, and you do not have an EXEC CICS
HANDLE CONDITION to cope with that condition, you get the standard system
(default) action for the condition, which in most cases abends the task.


(COBOL and PL/I only)
The EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE command allows you to nest your
condition-handling code. For example, when calling a subroutine you may want a
completely different set of EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION commands while in
the subroutine. (EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE enables you to suspend all current
AID, and EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND commands. This can be useful, for
example, during a branch to a subroutine embedded in a main program.)
Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination


Normally, when a CICS program calls a subroutine, the program that receives
control inherits the current HANDLE commands. These commands may not be
appropriate within the called program. The called program can use PUSH
HANDLE to suspend existing HANDLE commands.
Use PUSH HANDLE therefore, to save your present set of HANDLE commands
unaltered while you use a new set in the routine. On exit, you can reinstate the
original set of HANDLE commands by using a corresponding POP HANDLE.
You can nest PUSH HANDLE and POP HANDLE command sequences within a
task. Each PUSH HANDLE command stacks a set of specifications; the POP
HANDLE that follows it restores them. The following example illustrates PUSH
HANDLE and POP HANDLE in action:



If you choose to include the error lookup and error message display in one of the
other programs, you can link to a separate program and arrive at this code from all
different points in the code. There are several points to note:
v EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE commands can be nested. EXEC CICS PUSH
HANDLE suspends the current set of HANDLEs (saving them for later use), and
EXEC CICS POP HANDLE restores the most recent set suspended.
v When you link to another program, an EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE is implied.
That is, an EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE occurs between the EXEC CICS LINK
command and the first instruction of the linked-to program that begins with the
system defaults. It can possibly do some of its own HANDLE, EXEC CICS
PUSH HANDLE, or EXEC CICS POP HANDLE commands, but afterwards, the
stack is popped back to the point where the EXEC CICS LINK occurred to
restore the HANDLE status of the linking program when control is returned
there. That is, CICS pushes at each EXEC CICS LINK and pops at each EXEC
Note: You cannot use EXEC CICS POP HANDLE on the first command of a
linked-to program to re-instate the linked-from programs EXEC CICS


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v When you EXEC CICS XCTL to another program, the current table of conditions,
(except for abend handling programs) are cleared, even though there is no
implicit EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE and you are staying at the same logical
program level. (See How CICS keeps track of what to do on page 242.)
One flaw in this example, of course, is that you do not know where to go at the
end of the code and you do not need such sophistication if you are not going
(You could have all your HANDLEs sent to different labels, each of which
would consist of PERFORM OTHER-ERRORS, GO TO back, which would be
wherever this particular error occurred. This shows some of the limitations of

How to use an EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command

The easiest way to restore the system default action for a given condition is to code
EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION without a label on a named condition. You
cannot do this with C.
You might do this when, having tried the more likely conditions, you decide that
anything else is either so unlikely, or so disastrous, that the only feasible option is
the abend that the system default action generally gives you.

How CICS decides whether to take the system default action

CICS decides whether to take the system default action for a given condition
according to the sequence of tests in the flowchart shown in the following figure:


CONDITION been executed for any

Take system default
action, one of abend
task, suspend, ignore

CONDITION been executed for this
condition only?

Do specific action
for the condition

Is default action for condition
to abend?

Take specific default
action that is suspend
or ignore

CONDITION been executed for the
ERROR condition?

Take specific default
action that is abend task

Do specific action for
ERROR condition?

Figure 10. Deciding whether to take the system default

Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination


Mixing methods
You can temporarily deactivate the effect of any EXEC CICS HANDLE
CONDITION by using the RESP, RESP2, or NOHANDLE option on a command. If
you do this, you loose the ability to use any system default action for that
command. In other words, you have to do your own catchall error processing.
You can also switch from ignoring a condition to handling it, or to using the
system default action. For example, you can code:

This code initially ignores condition LENGERR. So if the program raises a

LENGERR condition, nothing happens. The application simply continues its
processing. (Of course, if the fact that LENGERR has arisen means the application
cannot sensibly continue, you have a problem.)
Later in the code, you can explicitly set condition LENGERR to the system default
action by naming it in an EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command without a
label. Once this command has been executed, the program no longer ignores
condition LENGERR, and if it subsequently occurs, it now causes the system
default action. The point about mixing methods is that each condition is treated

How CICS keeps track of what to do

CICS has a table of the conditions referred to by EXEC CICS HANDLE
application. Each execution of one of these commands updates an entry in this
table. This table is created the first time any condition is mentioned in an EXEC
the current level of condition handling. Each entry tells CICS what to do by
indicating one of the four exception-handling states your application can be in,
v Take no action, where control returns to the next instruction following the
command that has failed.
v Go to a label, where control goes to a label that has been specified for this
v Abend the task, if this condition is raised.
v Condition has never been handled or ignored.
CICS keeps a table of these conditions for each EXEC CICS LINK level and each
EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE command that has not been popped. Essentially,
therefore, each program level has its own HANDLE state table governing its own
condition handling.
When each condition occurs, CICS performs the following sequence of tests:
1. If the command has NOHANDLE or RESP:
a. If the default action for this condition is to abend, control returns to the
next instruction in your application program.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

b. If the default action for this condition is to wait, further action is governed
by item number 3 in this list.
Otherwise CICS scans the condition table to see what to do.
2. If the condition has been handled or ignored, this determines the action.
3. If the condition has never been handled or ignored, and the default action for
this condition is to suspend execution:
a. If the command has the NOSUSPEND or NOQUEUE option, control returns
to the next instruction.
b. Otherwise, the task is suspended.
4. If the condition has never been handled or ignored, and the default action for
this condition is to abend, a second search is made, this time for the ERROR
condition, then:
a. If the ERROR condition has been handled or ignored, then this determines
the action.
b. Otherwise, the task is abended. You can, if you want, handle abends.
READQ TD, and EXEC CICS WRITEQ TS can all raise conditions for which the
default action is to suspend your application program until the specified
resource becomes available. So, on these commands, you have the
NOSUSPEND option to inhibit this waiting and return immediately to the next
instruction in your application program.
Some conditions can occur during the execution of a number of unrelated
commands. If you want the same action for all occurrences, code a single EXEC
CICS HANDLE CONDITION command at the start of your program.

Handling attention identifiers (EXEC CICS HANDLE AID)

The RESP, RESP2, and NOHANDLE options on EXEC CICS commands suspend
the use of EXEC CICS HANDLE AID. In the absence of an EXEC CICS HANDLE
AID command, control returns to the application program at the point immediately
following the input command. You can suspend the EXEC CICS HANDLE AID
command using the EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE command and restore them
using the EXEC CICS POP HANDLE command.
An EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command takes precedence over an EXEC CICS
HANDLE CONDITION command. If an attention identifier (AID) is received
during an input operation for which an EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command is
active, control passes to the label specified in that command regardless of any
conditions that may have occurred (but which did not stop receipt of the AID).
The EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command for a given AID applies only to the
program in which it is specified, remaining active until the program is ended, or
until another EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command for the same AID is met, in
which case the new command overrides the previous one.
When control returns to a program from a program at a lower logical level, the
EXEC CICS HANDLE AID commands that were active in the higher-level program
before control was transferred from it are reactivated, and those in the lower-level
program are deactivated.
If no EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command is active for any PA key, PF key, or the
CLEAR key, but one is active for ANYKEY, control is passed to the label specified

Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination


for ANYKEY. An EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command for an AID overrides the
If a task is initiated from a terminal by use of an AID, the first EXEC CICS
RECEIVE command in the task does not read from the terminal but only copies
the input buffer (even if the length of the data is zero) so that control may be
passed by means of an EXEC CICS HANDLE AID command for that AID.
An EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command with the FROM option does not cause a
HANDLE AID command to be invoked because no terminal input is involved.
Note: If you use NOHANDLE (or the RESP option, which invokes NOHANDLE),
it suspends the EXEC CICS HANDLE AID function. If you want to change
the program processing, depending on the attention key pressed, compare
the contents of EIBAID with the fields in the standard attention identifier list
(DFHAID), and then transfer control to the routine needed to perform the
function you want.

Abend handling
A program-level abend exit facility is provided in CICS so that you can write exits
of your own that can be given control during abnormal termination of a task. An
example of a function performed by such an abend exit is the cleanup of a
program that has started but not completed normally.
Abnormal termination can occur because of:
v A user request by, for example:

v A CICS request as a result of an invalid user request, for example, an invalid

EXEC CICS FREEMAIN request, which gives transaction abend code A47B.
v An exception raised while running user code. The task is abended with code
v An exception raised while executing a system call in user code; the task is
abended with code ASRB.
v A looping task, in which case the task is abended with code AICA.Refer to the
CICS Problem Determination Guide for related information.
For information on the transaction abend codes for abnormal terminations that are
initiated by CICS, their meanings, and your responses, see CICS Messages and
The EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND command activates or reactivates a
program-level abend exit within your application program; you can also use this
command to cancel a previously activated exit.
When activating an exit, you must use either the PROGRAM option to specify the
name of a program to receive control, or (for COBOL programs only) the LABEL
option to specify a routine label to which control will branch, when an abnormal
termination condition occurs. The code called in the PROGRAM option is referred
to as the abend exit program; that called in the LABEL option is referred to as the
abend exit routine.
An EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND command overrides any preceding such
command in any application program at the same logical level. (See Application


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

program logical levels on page 174.) Each application program of a transaction

can have its own abend exit, but only one abend exit at each logical level can be
Note that the EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND LABEL command is not able to
handle an abend user code, such as an ASRA caused by a segmentation violation.
When a task is abnormally terminated, CICS searches for an active abend exit,
starting at the logical level of the application program in which the abend
occurred, and proceeding, if necessary, to successively higher levels. The first active
abend exit found, if any, is given control. This procedure is shown in Creating a
program-level abend exit, which also shows how subsequent abend processing is
determined by the user-written abend exit.
If no abend exit is found, CICS abnormally terminates the task.
To prevent recursive abends in an abend exit, CICS deactivates the exit upon entry
to the exit routine or program. If a retry of the operation is desired, the application
programmer can branch to a point in his program that was in control at the time
of the abend and issue an EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND RESET command to
reactivate the abend exit. This command can also be used to reactivate an abend
exit (at the logical level of the issuing program) that was canceled previously by an
EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND CANCEL command. For COBOL programs only,
you can suspend the EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND command by means of the
described in The PUSH HANDLE and POP HANDLE commands on page 239.
Note that when an abend is handled, dynamic backout will not occur unless the
abend handler issues an explicit EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK or abends
from the top logical level.
Some abends cannot be handled with EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND, for example
A141 and A142.
Note: Abend codes can be 1 to 4 characters with no imbedded blanks.
Additionally, they should not begin with the capital letter A as this is
reserved for CICS usage.

Creating a program-level abend exit

Abend exit programs can be coded in any supported language, but abend exit
routines must be coded in the same language as their program.
Upon entry to a CICS application abend exit program, no addressability can be
assumed other than that normally assumed for any application program coded in
that language.
Upon entry to a COBOL abend exit routine, the working storage is in the same
state as it was before the abend occurred.
There are three methods for terminating processing in an abend exit routine or
program, as listed below. Note however that any abend processing should always
terminate with an abend, except for abends generated as a result of application
program logic.
v The EXEC CICS RETURN command indicates that the task is to continue
running with control passed to the program on the next higher logical level. If
no such program exists, the task is terminated normally.
Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination


v The EXEC CICS ABEND command indicates that the task is to be abnormally
terminated with control passed to an abend exit specified for a program on a
higher logical level. EXEC CICS ABEND at the top level terminates the task
v A branch to retry an operation. When you are using this method of retrying an
operation, and you want to reenter the original abend exit routine or program if
a second failure occurs, the abend exit routine or program should issue the
EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND RESET command before branching. This is
because CICS disables the exit routine or program to prevent it reentering the
abend exit.

Restrictions on retrying operations

If an abend occurs during the invocation of a CICS service, you should be aware
that issuing a further request for the same service may cause unpredictable results
because the reinitialization of pointers and work areas, and the freeing of storage
areas in the exit routine may not have been completed.
You should not try to recover from ATNI abends by attempting further I/O
operations. This abend will result in a TERMERR condition, requiring the session
to be terminated in all cases.
If intersystem communication is being used, an abend in the remote system may
cause a branch to the specified program or label, but subsequent requests to use
resources in the remote system may fail.

Coding considerations for recovery

This information offers guidance on aspects of coding that facilitate recovery and
restart in application programs.
Some points for consideration about the EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND
termination command and program level abnormal termination exits are:
v If an abnormal termination occurs during the invocation of a CICS service, you
should be aware that issuing a further request for the same service may cause
unpredictable results, because the re-initialization of pointers and work areas,
and the freeing of storage areas in the exit routine, may not have been
v A command level program can obtain the current CICS abnormal termination
code by using the EXEC CICS ASSIGN ABCODE command.
v In program-level abnormal termination exit code, you may wish to perform
actions such as those listed below. (However, it is recommended that you keep
abnormal termination exit code to a minimum.)
Record application-dependent information relating to that task in case it
terminates abnormally.
If you require a dump to be initiated, you should do this in the exit code at
the same program level as the abnormal termination. If the dump is initiated
at a program level higher than where the abnormal termination occurred,
valuable diagnostic information may be lost.
Attempt any local recovery that may be desired.
Send a message to the terminal operator if, for example, you can deduce that
the abnormal termination is due to unusable input data. If you cant send to a
terminal operator, write to a TDQ (for error messages). This can, in turn, be
redirected to CSMT.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

For transactions that CICS is to dynamically back out if an abnormal

termination occurs, you should beware of writing an abend handler that ends
with an EXEC CICS RETURN command. This would indicate to CICS that the
transaction had ended normally and would therefore prevent dynamic
transaction backout.
You must code abend handlers in the same language as the program of which they
are a part.
For information on the transaction abnormal termination codes initiated by CICS,
their meanings, and the audience actions, see CICS Messages and Codes.
You must terminate a transaction for which an IOERR condition has been raised,
by issuing an EXEC CICS ABEND command. Any program that attempts to
process an IOERR condition for a recoverable resource must not issue an EXEC
An EXEC CICS RETURN or EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT command would cause the
changes to recoverable resources to be committed.

Debugging services
The CICS API provides services that:
v Allow you to trace the flow of control in your application program and in the
v Allow you to dump storage areas
These facilities are described in the following pages.

Using the API for trace services

The CICS trace facility provides functions that allow you to determine the flow of
control through an application program or through CICS itself. These trace
functions allow you to control the type of trace that is produced and its destination
(where this trace is written to). CICS also provides a formatter (cicstfmt) to convert
the data written by the trace facility into a readable form. This information
describes the types of trace and their related trace destinations.
There are two distinct types of tracing available within CICS:
v User trace
v System trace
Note: Sensitive information (such as passwords) may be contained in a trace
output. For information on how to secure the use of trace facilities, see the
CICS Administration Guide.

User trace
User trace allows you to trace the actions of a single task. The output is written to
an operating system file. When this file is formatted by the CICS trace formatter
cicstfmt, you can see the EXEC CICS calls made by the task and any trace entries
that the application makes using EXEC CICS ENTER.
The directory used to write the user trace file is specified by the
UserTraceDirectory attribute in the Region Definitions (RD). The file name used is
specified by the TraceFile attribute in the User Definitions (UD) for the user
running the traced task. If there is no UD for this user, the file name comes from
Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination


the PublicUserTraceFile attribute in the RD. So that CICS does not destroy a trace
file that already exists, a sequence number is always added to the file name. CICS
uses the first sequence number available. For example, if the TraceFile attribute
value is mytracefile and this is the first trace file produced, CICS will write user
trace to mytracefile.001. However, even with this protection, you should choose
the file names used for this type of tracing carefully, so that users can easily
identify their trace files.
User trace is enabled by the EXEC CICS TRACE command issued by the traced
application, provided that the master trace flag and the user trace flag have been
correctly set.

System trace
System trace allows you to trace the activities of a region, CICS off-line utilities,
and CICS terminal clients. This includes entry and exit tracing of function calls,
exception and non-exception events, and EXEC CICS interface calls. Because the
volume of trace produced by a region can be very large, you can limit the type of
trace produced and the functional area that is traced. However, you cannot
suppress the generation of the exception event trace that is produced whenever a
symrec is raised.
System trace can be written to up to three destinations depending on whether the
trace is from a region, a CICS terminal client, or a CICS off-line utility:
v Main storage buffer
v Auxiliary trace
v External trace (on CICS for AIX only)
Main storage buffer (region only): The processes that make up a region always
write any system trace they produce to the same cyclical main memory buffer,
which is also called the main storage trace. This buffer appears in a system dump.
Auxiliary trace: A system trace can be written to operating system files. For CICS
on Open Systems clients and off-line utilities, each operating system process that
executes will write to its own file. The path and name of these files is based on the
setting of the environment variable CICSTRACE. For example, if CICSTRACE is
set to mytracefile, then the trace file names used would be mytracefile.001,
mytracefile.002, and so on.
For a region, two files can be specified by the values of the TraceFileA and the
TraceFileB attributes in the RD. These two files are used alternately. You can
switch between them using the command CEMT SET AUXTRACE SWITCH. When
you cold start a region, auxiliary trace is initially set to use the file name in
TraceFileA. When a region is restarted, auxiliary trace is set to use the file that was
not in use at the time of the previous shutdown.

CICS for Windows

The auxiliary trace files are written in the directory returned by the
cicsname -r regionname datadir


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

CICS on Open Systems

The auxiliary trace files are written in the following directory:

External trace (On CICS for AIX only): If you have an event performance trace
facility (EPTF) on your operating system, you can set the ExternalTrace attribute in
the RD to yes to cause any system trace that a region produces to be written to the
EPTF. CICS on Open Systems clients and off-line utilities write to the EPTF if the
environment variable CICSEXTERNALTRACE is set to a value other than null.

Trace entry points

This information describes the points at which CICS produces trace entries during
its execution for both system trace and user trace.
System trace entry points: System trace can contain the following types of trace
v CICS function entry/exit trace
This is a record of entry and exit of each CICS function. CICS functions are
classified as either internal or external. External functions are those functions
that are used as the interface between the various CICS modules. Internal
functions are those functions that are internal to a module and are therefore not
called from another module.
v Non-exception event trace
This is a record of significant events within the CICS system. An example of a
significant event is the allocation of an area of main memory.
v Exception event trace (CICS on Open Systems)
This records unexpected errors. It is generated whenever a symrec is written to
the symrec file:

where region is the region name.

v Exception event trace (CICS for Windows)
This records unexpected errors. It is generated whenever a symrec is written to
the symrec file called symrecs. The following command gives the path where the
symrec file can be found.
cicsname -r regionname regiondata

where regionname is the region name.

v System message trace
This records the message number of system messages as they are written, so that
you can determine what other system activity the message is associated with.
v EXEC Interface Trace
This records the entry and return of EXEC CICS commands. It is also found in
User trace.
User trace entry points: User trace can contain the following types of trace
v Application trace
This records the TRACEID, FROM and RESOURCE values specified on an EXEC
CICS ENTER command.
v Exec Interface Trace
Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination


This records the entry and return of EXEC CICS commands. It is also found in
System trace.

You can use DUMP to write specified areas of memory to a file, to assist in
debugging an application program or to identify why an abnormal termination or
storage violation occurred. You or the CICS system can initiate and own the
transaction dump. A transaction dump can be generated by:
v Transaction abnormal terminations (including abnormal terminations generating
ASRA and ASRB abnormal termination codes when an exception occurs within
an application program belonging to that transaction).
CICS system dumps can be generated by:
v CICS system abnormal terminations
v CICS system shutdowns
v The transaction abnormal termination code ASRA when an exception occurs in
an application program
v The transaction abnormal termination code ASRB when a system call is made
incorrectly in an application program.
v EXEC CICS PERFORM SNAP Application Programming Interface.

The dump facility uses the dump sequence number to give each dump file a
unique name. CICS increments the dump sequence number each time a valid
request to dump occurs. CICS records the number of dumps taken and the number
of dump write errors as they occur. You can request and output dump statistics
whenever you require. You can disable some types of dump. For example, you can
disable all dumps except for those produced as a result of an EXEC CICS DUMP
Also, the dump facility uses a number of directories to write the dump data. These
directories are sub-directories of the dump directory. The dump sub-directories can
be symbolically linked to directories on different physical devices, which gives you
more space to save dumps in.
You can ask the CICS operator to request a dump when the region is shut down.
Once complete, CICS saves the dump sequence number for the next auto start of
the region.
The CICS Runtime Resource Management (CEMT) transaction allows you to use
control the dump facility interactively during runtime.

Maximizing Dump Information

There are several things you can do while coding and preparing your applications
in order to maximize the information you can use to debug the application from a
transaction dump. This is expecially useful when the application is running on a
production region, when on-line trace and debuggers are not available.
v Use the cicstran or cicstcl -d option. This will place the line number of the
currently executing EXEC CICS statement in the dump so it can be easily


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

identified if that EXEC CICS statement generates an abend. The line number
relates to the CICS source file (filename.ccs or filename.ccp).
(On CICS for AIX only)
v Use the cicstcl option -s for C, C++, or IBM Cobol to obtain assembly listings
and intermediate (compiler source) files. These can be used to identify the failing
line of source code if the application generates an exception, (which results in a
CICS ASRA or ARSB abend) as the offset of the failing instruction may be
shown in the dump.
If the application is compiled with a separate compiler command instead of
cicstcl, or if it is a non-CICS program called from a CICS program, use the
compiler option -qlist to generate these listings.
If an exception occurs in an application program (including a non-CICS
subroutine), the contents of the general purpose registers are also included in the
transaction dump; this information can be used in conjunction with the assembly
listings for debugging the application.
v Use the cicstcl option -s for IBM Cobol applications also to generate a data
map listing. This listing gives the size of all data items and the offsets of data
items within data structures in the working storage area. The working storage
area is included in the transaction dump; to aid location of data structures in
this dumped area it is useful to include unique eyecatchers at the start of such
structures. All data items in these structures can then be located in the dumped
storage (for this reason, it can also be useful to include all data items in
structures where possible).

Performance monitoring services

The CICS API provides services that allow you to obtain statistical information at a
task level (monitoring) and at a resource level (statistics). Those services are
described below.

The monitoring service

The monitoring service provides information, at the task level, about the
performance of your region and your application programs. To use the monitoring
1. Set the MonitorStatus attribute of the Monitoring Definitions (MD) to on. You
can set this attribute to yes or no to indicate whether or not CICS is to perform
monitoring. If you initially set this to no, you can still use CEMT to set it to yes
at a later stage. The default value is no.
Note: You cannot set monitoring attributes through your application programs.
2. Use the user-definable performance monitoring program that produces
performance monitoring data at a user Event Monitoring Point (EMP) which
takes the form of an EXEC CICS ENTER MONITOR or an EXEC CICS ENTER
PERFORM command. The options you provide with this command are passed
to the user exit along with a current copy of the tasks monitoring record. Your
user exit can start and stop clocks and counters, and can cause the monitoring
record to be written to a file. See the CICS Application Programming Reference for
related information.
CICS provides a sample user exit program. See the CICS Administration Reference
for related information. CICS also provides a utility (see the CICS Administration
Reference) to help you format and display the monitoring information.

Chapter 9. Coding for problem determination


Statistics services
You can use the CICS statistics commands (EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS,
CICS SET STATISTICS) to produce region-wide information on resource utilization
and activity. This information may be used in several ways, for example:
Region configuration
You can find out whether or not your attribute values in the Region
Definitions (RD) are correct for your systems usage pattern, by examining
items such as storage usage.
Intersystem activity
You can see how much interaction there is with other systems. This could
be used to show that some functions may be better processed locally rather
than remotely, for example.
Problem determination
You can use the statistics to help track down problems as well as to
provide input to performance tuning.
CICS provides a utility (see the CICS Administration Reference) to help you format
and display the statistics information.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application

This chapter discusses methods used to test and debug CICS application programs.
The chapter is organized in the following manner:
v Preparing your application for testing discusses helpful tools for identifying
problems and tips for preparing a testing environment.


v Using standard CICS facilities to test your application on page 254 covers
using trace, dump, and journaling to aid in testing and debugging.
v Using CICS-supplied transactions to test your application on page 255 details
using Temporary Storage Browse (CEBR), Command Level Interpreter (CECI) ,
Syntax Checker (CECS), and Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF) for debugging
tasks. In addition, details about how to configure CICS to debug Micro Focus
Server Express COBOL applications with Animator (CADB), Application
Diagnosis Configuration (CDCN), and the IBM Application Debugging Program
(xldb) are included.
v Using a compilers integrated debugging tool to debug CICS applications on
page 263 contains information for debugging with the tools that are integrated
with compilers. For CICS for Windows, the debugging tools for the following
compilers are discussed: IBM VisualAge for C, C++, and COBOL, Microsoft
Visual C++, and Micro Focus Net Express COBOL. For CICS for Open Systems,
the debugging tool with the Micro Focus Server Express COBOL compiler is

Preparing your application for testing

This section discusses tools that are helpful in identifying problems in your
applications and tips for preparing your test environment.

Useful tools for identifying problems

CICS and the operating system provide many tools, attributes, and commands to
help you detect errors. Tips for your use include the following suggestions:
v Make use of CICS-supplied transactions and the compiler debugging tools that
can help you isolate problems. These aids are discussed in Using CICS-supplied
transactions to test your application on page 255 and Using a compilers
integrated debugging tool to debug CICS applications on page 263.
v Set the IntrospectInterval attribute in the Region Definitions (RD) to enable
CICS to check the internal consistency of its data structures automatically. This is
particularly useful for identifying when a user transaction has written over a
CICS data area.
v Set the SafetyLevel attribute in the RD to normal. This prevents user transactions
from writing into CICS private storage. An ASRS abend occurs if an attempt to
write to private storage is made. Again, this is useful for identifying when a user
transaction has written over a CICS data area.
v Code EXEC CICS ENTER commands in your program to help you to debug it.
This is discussed in Trace and dump on page 254.
v Use CICS journaling facilities to log application performance. This is discussed
in Journals and error handling on page 255.
v Use the EXEC CICS DUMP and CEMT PERFORM SNAP DUMP facilities to
dump areas of storage in searching for a problem.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004


v Use EXEC CICS PERFORM SNAP API to dump the system memory from the
CICS application code for debugging.
v Use the replaceable cicsterm (CICS on Open Systems)process as a vehicle to help
automate tests that involve user input and output.


For further information about finding a problem, see the CICS Problem
Determination Guide.

Preparing your testing environment

Before you begin testing, complete the following tasks:
v Define your resource settings.
To test your application, or to test a component part of it, definitions must be set
in the regions resource definition database. This is described in the
Configuring CDCN on page 259. Further information is included in CICS
Administration Reference .
v Set up test data.
Your application usually needs test data. For extrapartition transient data
queues, use operating system facilities to set up the data. For temporary storage
queues and intrapartition transient data queues, use Temporary Storage Browse
(CEBR) to set up the data. For more information, see the CICS Administration

Using standard CICS facilities to test your application

CICS provides several facilities that help you to debug the program. See the CICS
Problem Determination Guide.
The following CICS facilities can help you to debug your application:
v Trace and dump
v Journals and error handling

Trace and dump

As described in Debugging services on page 247, the CICS trace control facility
provides a debugging and monitoring aid. Use the EXEC CICS ENTER command
to specify user trace entry points or user Event Monitoring Points (EMPs). Use the
EXEC CICS TRACE command to turn the CICS trace facility on or off. The offline
program cicstfmt formats CICS trace data, outputting the results to standard
output. See the CICS Administration Reference for related information.
The CICS dump control facilities allows the dumping of specified areas of main
storage onto a sequential file. Use the offline utility cicsdfmt to format and print
the required dump file. See the CICS Administration Reference for related
Note that when the TRACE, DUMP, and CEMT PERFORM SNAP commands are
used, and the application program that is coded with EXEC CICS PERFORM
SNAP API is run, the IBM Application Debugging Program (xldb) must be turned
off because it prevents the process from completing.



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Journals and error handling

CICS provides facilities for creating and managing journals during application and
transaction execution. A journal is a special purpose byte-oriented file. The content
of journal records is specified by the application writing to the journal. The CICS
journaling facility provides:
v A system journal (log)
v User journals 1 to 99
v Checking of access permissions
v Error handling. It raises appropriate condition or abnormal termination codes,
and generates messages to appropriate destinations.
See CICS journaling on page 138 and Error-handling services on page 233.

Using CICS-supplied transactions to test your application


The following CICS-supplied transactions can be used to help you test and debug
your application programs:
v Temporary Storage Browse (CEBR), which is used to browse and manipulate
temporary storage queues.
v Command Level Interpreter (CECI) and Syntax Checker (CECS), which are used
to test the syntax of EXEC CICS commands.
v Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF), which is used to invoke the Execution
Diagnostic Facility (EDF).
v Application Diagnosis Configuration (CDCN), which is used to turn the IBM
Application Debugging tool (xldb) on and off. (This tool is used on CICS for
AIX only.)
v CADB can be used to configure CICS to run Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
applications through Animator. (Animator is the debugger that is supplied with
Micro Focus Server Express COBOL). CADB is supported with CICS on open
systems only. See the CICS Administration Reference for more information about
v CJDB, which invokes the Java debugging facilities. See Accessing Java
debugging facilities with the CJDB transaction on page 271 for more

Using Temporary Storage Browse (CEBR)

Temporary Storage Browse (CEBR) is a debugging aid that you can use to browse
(read without changing) and manipulate the contents of CICS temporary storage
queues. CEBR allows you to answer the following questions:
v Did the record go to the correct queue?
v Are the correct number of records in the queue?
v Exactly what data is held in the temporary storage queue?
v What is the current content of the transient data queue to which this application
program has just written?
v Do the transient data records contain the correct information?
You can also use CEBR to copy transient data queues to temporary storage
(although you cannot read an output extrapartition transient data queue) and to
copy temporary storage to transient data queues (although you cannot write to an
input extrapartition transient data queue).
To use CEBR, enter:
Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application


CEBR [queuename]

where queuename is the name of the temporary storage queue that you wish to
browse. If you do not specify a queue name, the CEBR transaction generates one
for you. The generated queue name is CEBRname, where name is your terminal

Using CEBR with transient data

The GET command reads each record in the specified transient data queue and
writes it at the end of the temporary storage queue you are browsing, until the
transient data queue is empty. You can then view the records that were in the
transient data queue. When you have finished your inspection, you can copy the
temporary storage queue back to the transient data queue (using the PUT
command) if you wish. This usually leaves the transient data queue as you found
it, but not always. Here are some things you need to be aware of when using the
GET and PUT commands:
v If you want to restore the transient data queue unchanged after you have
browsed it, make sure that the temporary storage queue on display is empty
when the GET command is issued. Otherwise the existing temporary storage
records will be copied to transient data queue on the subsequent issue of the
PUT command.
v After you GET a transient data queue and before you PUT it back, other tasks
may write to that transient data queue. When you issue your PUT command,
the records in the temporary storage queue are copied after the new records, so
that the records in the queue are no longer in the order in which they were
originally created. Some applications depend on sequential processing of the
records in a queue.
v After you issue the GET command on a recoverable transient data queue, no
other task can read that queue until your transaction ends. If you entered CEBR
from CEDF, the CEDF transaction must end; although, you can respond yes to
the continue question if you are debugging a pseudoconversational sequence of
transactions. If you invoked CEBR directly, you must end CEBR.
v Similarly, after you issue a PUT command to a recoverable transient data queue,
no other task can write to that queue until your transaction ends.
The GET and PUT commands do not need to be used as a pair. You can create or
add to a transient data queue from a temporary storage queue with the PUT
command at any time. If you are debugging code that reads a transient data
queue, you can create the queue in temporary storage (with CECI, or CEBR GET,
or by program), and then refresh the transient data queue as many times as you
like from temporary storage. Similarly, you can delete a transient data queue by
issuing a GET command without issuing a corresponding PUT command.
For more information, see the CICS Administration Reference.

Using Command Level Interpreter (CECI) and Syntax Checker

CECI allows you to check the syntax of, interpret, and run EXEC CICS commands.
Syntax Checker (CECS) allows you to check the syntax of EXEC CICS commands,
but does not allow you to invoke them.
The CECI and CECS transactions perform a dual role in the operation of a CICS


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v When writing application programs, you can check the syntax of the whole CICS
command level application programming interface. If you are using CECI, you
can carry through most of the commands to invocation, and you can request to
see the results of the invocation.
v Using CECI provides a means of interaction with the system. For example, you
can correct a file control record that has been overwritten with invalid data,
create or delete a temporary storage queue, and so on. CECI provides a useful
extension to the facilities provided by the runtime resource management
transaction, CEMT.
To run the command interpreter and syntax checker, you must have a transaction
security level (TSL) key that matches the transaction security key defined in the
Transaction Definitions (TD).
The TD entry for the CECI transaction specifies, by default, that resource level
security checking is required for any resources referenced with the interpreter. This
checking applies to files, transient data queues, temporary storage queues,
programs, transaction identifiers of the EXEC CICS START command, and journal
file identifiers.
To use CECI or CECS, enter:
{CECI | CECS} command

where command is the CICS API command whose syntax you wish to check, or that
you wish to interpret.
Note: If the resource security level (RSL) key specified in the appropriate resource
definition is not matched by RSL keys of the user that is signed on, the
resource security check fails, and the response to the command is the
NOTAUTH condition.
For more information, see the CICS Administration Reference.

Using Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF)

Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF) is used to start or stop an Execution
Diagnostic Facility (EDF) session on a terminal or a region. EDF enables you to test
an application program that has been preprocessed using the -e option of the CICS
translator (cicstran), without modifying the program. If the -d option of the
cicstran command is also used, the translator source listing also has line numbers
that EDF can use. CICS passes control to EDF at specific interception points. EDF
displays the state of the application program at the interception points, and allows
you to interact with EDF screens to both view additional information about the
program, and to overtype certain areas of the screen to test the execution of the
program, before returning control to the application code.
In CICS, you can use EDF only in dual screen mode; that is, you cannot run the
CEDF transaction and the application being debugged on the same terminal.
However, if you have a terminal that supports a graphical user interface (such as
an X-terminal), you can use two windows on the same physical terminal. You can
use EDF only from a terminal that has a screen width of 80 columns or more, and
a screen depth of 24 lines or more. This functionality is available on the AIX,
HP-UX, and Solaris platforms. It is not available on the Windows platform.
When you run CEDF to debug a transaction, the transaction runs, sets a flag, and
exits, all in a very short time. Therefore, CEDF is not running in the system as you
run your transaction (in a similar way that a pseudoconversational transaction is
Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application


not running and most of the time does not appear on INQ TASK displays). On
CICS, both terminals are under control of a single task (the user task), which is
effectively debugging itself and sending the output to the terminal running under
On the Windows platform, you cannot use CEDF to debug a transaction on a
remote CICS system. This is only possible if EDF can be used in single screen
mode on the remote system. You would need to run the CRTE transaction first, to
establish a routing session to the remote system; then, you could transaction route
CEDF to that system.
Similarly, you cannot use CEDF to debug a transaction on a remote terminal.
You can use EDF to test user transactions (application programs) and the function
shipping mirror transaction supplied by CICS. You cannot use it for any other
transaction provided by CICS.
To use CEDF, enter:
CEDF { termid | sysid } [,ON | ,OFF ]

where termid is the four-character identifier of the terminal (termid) on which the
transaction to be tested is being run and sysid is the four-character identifier of the
remote region (sysid) when you want to test inbound transactions from a different
region. The transaction must be defined in the Terminal Definitions (WD), unless it
is generated from a terminal autoinstall. The remote region must be defined in the
Communications Definitions (CD).
The ON setting specifies that the EDF session is to be started, and the OFF setting
specifies that the EDF session is to be ended.
For more information, see the CICS Administration Reference.

Using CDCN and the IBM Application Debugging Program

(xldb) with CICS for AIX only
The IBM Application Debugging Program (xldb) provides the ability to debug IBM
COBOL, C, C++, or PL/I programs on the AIX platform.

debug a program you must:

Change the AllowDebugging flag in the region definition stanza file to yes.
Set the RSLCheck setting of the CDCN transaction definition to none.
Compile the program to be debugged with the -a flag, for example:
cicstcl -a -lC prog.ccs

4. Run CDCN to turn on the debugging tool. (See the CICS Administration
Reference for related information.)
5. Run the transaction.
Note: Refer to the documentation provided with the IBM Application Debugging
Program for information on installing product.
Only programs compiled for debug will produce symbolic output from the IBM
Application Debugging Program when run under control of the IBM Application
Debugging Program. If the IBM Application Debugging Program is triggered for a


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

program that has not been compiled for debug, the IBM Application Debugging
Program displays the program as assembler statements.

Note: While the IBM Application Debugging Program is active, do not use the
CICS CEMT command PERFORM SNAP DUMP and run applications that
are coded with EXEC CICS PERFORM SNAP API . When CICS takes a snap
dump, it dumps out to all the application servers. If the IBM Application
Debugging Program is running, CICS does not have control of the
application servers, and the dump cannot complete.

Configuring CDCN
To ensure that the IBM Application Debugging Program functions with minimal
disruption to CICS, or any other software, two preparation steps are required:
v Resource settings must be indicated for the use of the IBM Application
Debugging Program
v Development conventions must be observed in regard to the use of the IBM
Application Debugging Program.
Required resource settings for the IBM Application Debugging Program
discusses the settings that must be made. Development conventions required for
effective use of the IBM Application Debugging Program on page 261 discusses
the conventions required to ensure proper functioning of the IBM Application
Debugging Program.
Required resource settings for the IBM Application Debugging Program: Some
of the information used to run the IBM Application Debugging Program is
obtained from the .Xdefaults file. This file determines the defaults for fonts, colors,
and the location of the program source. CICS determines the location of the
.Xdefaults file from the value of the variable XENVIRONMENT. The following
lines must be included in the .Xdefaults file:
xldb.sourceSearchPath: /var/cics_regions/regionName/bin . [directoryNames]
xldb.automaticBreakpoints: NO
xldb.ignoreSignals: USR2
xldb.multiprocessDebug: false
xldb.specialLayout: true
xldb.ThreadsScrollbars: both
xldb.ThreadsGeometry: 760x300+40+100

In this example, regionName is the name of the region, the period represents the
current directory, and directoryNames are the names of other directories in which
the IBM Application Debugging Program should search for source code.
Each of the resource settings included in the .Xdefaults file are discussed in detail
in the following sections.
The automaticBreakpoints resource setting: The automaticBreakpoints setting
prevents breakpointing on system calls. However, it also prevents automatic
breakpointing on application calls to other programs. Therefore, you must ensure
that breakpoints are explicitly set at the start of all application programs that are to
be debugged.
Note: The IBM Application Debugging Program sets the default value for the
automaticBreakpoints resource to yes. It is important that you explicitly set
this value to no.
Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application


The ignoreSignals resource setting: The ignoreSignals setting prevents breakpointing

on the CICS internal inter-process signal and ensures that the signal is passed on
to CICS automatically. All signals (other than CICS inter-process signal) MUST be
passed on to CICS manually to avoid the loss of useful information that can be
displayed for the user. For example, if application code caused a SIGSEGV signal
to occur, you would want to manually pass this signal because it would alert the
user to a problem occurring due to an attempt to access an invalid storage
location. Ignore the signal by using any of the following commands: continue,
next, step, machine step, or return. Pass on non-CICS internal inter-process signals
by using the IBM Application Debugging Programs signal command.
The multiprocessDebug resource setting: The multiprocessDebug setting ensures that
the parent process is the only process followed when the process uses a UNIX fork
function to create a new process. This setting also prevents signals generated by a
child from erroneously being passed on to the IBM Application Debugging
Program, rather than to the parent process.
The specialLayout resource setting: The specialLayout setting allows you to alter
scrollbar settings. This setting must be indicated as true, to enable the settings of
the ThreadsScrollbars and ThreadsGeometry resources to be to be registered.
The ThreadsScrollbars and ThreadsGeometry resource settings: The ThreadsScrollbars
and ThreadsGeometry settings are used to make adjustments to the Threads
window. These adjustments make it easier to understand what is happening in a
multi-threaded CICS Application Server environment by enabling you to label the
main thread. A user-written application runs in a single thread of an Application
Server. CICS uses the other threads in the Application Server to handle exceptions
in the application and to process signals from other CICS processes.
Use the following steps to label the main thread:
1. Locate the instance of your application in the Callers Stack window and in the
Source window. When you are able to identify these instances, open the
Threads window, and set a label on the current thread. If the IBM Application
Debugging Program then indicates a breakpoint, the Caller Stack is likely to
look familiar. If the Caller Stack does not look familiar, it indicates that the
breakpoint is occurring for the Caller Stack of a different thread.
2. Open the Threads window, and click on the labeled thread. The IBM
Application Debugging Program then displays the Caller Stack associated with
the user-written application.
Indicating whether IBM Application Debugging Program settings are globally or
individually defined: On the AIX platform, CICS determines the location of the
.Xdefaults file from the value of the variable XENVIRONMENT. Furthermore, the
location of the XENVIRONMENT environment variable tells CICS whether the
IBM Application Debugging Program settings specified in the .Xdefaults file are to
be shared by all users in a region, or whether individual users in a region have
their own IBM Application Debugging Program settings.
v To configure an environment where all users in a region on an AIX machine
share the same IBM Application Debugging Program settings:
1. Add the following line in the file identified by the CICSDEBUGENV
environment variable or in the file /var/cics_regions/regionName/environment:

In this example, XdefaultsPathname is the full pathname of the global

.Xdefaults file, to the file /var/cics_regions/regionName/environment.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

2. Cold start CICS. All users of the region will then share the same IBM
Application Debugging Program settings.
v To configure an environment where individual users in a region have
individually-defined IBM Application Debugging Program settings:
1. Add the following line to a file envFile in your personal storage:

In this example, XdefaultsPathname is the full pathname of the users personal

.Xdefaults file.
2. In the window where you run cicsterm, export the file envFile from your
personal storage by entering the following command:
export CICSDEBUGENV=envFile

3. In addition, you can avoid the need to enter the DISPLAY= parameter when
you run the CDCN transaction by including the following line in your

In this example, XserverName:displayNumber is the name of your display.

This functionality can apply to the Windows platform or to IBM CICS Universal
Client implementations if third-party products are employed to enable X-term
window capability.

Development conventions required for effective use of the IBM

Application Debugging Program
Because the IBM Application Debugging Program can cause processes to stop, or
to take unexpectedly long completion times, it can appear to other CICS processes
that a process has failed. It is also possible that an actual failed process might not
be reported to CICS.
The effects on CICS of these falsely reported process failures and unreported actual
process failures are manifested in different ways. Depending on the circumstances,
any of the following behaviors can occur: resource deadlocks (file and mutex
locks), heuristic (non-deterministic) transaction completions, timeouts and
communication failures, and exposure to the possibility of corrupted transactions.
Additionally, because CICS acts to mitigate what appears to be a major failure,
further symptoms can include transaction rollbacks, spurious restarts of the
processes that are being debugged, and in some cases, the complete halt of a CICS
If any of these symptoms occur while using the IBM Application Debugging
Program, and if the scenario is able to be recreated, it is possible that the use of the
IBM Application Debugging Program is interfering with the normal operation of
CICS. Suspend the use of the IBM Application Debugging Program until you are
able to ensure that the problem is not being caused by interaction from the
debugging program itself.
Because of the possible occurrence of these symptoms, a general knowledge of
CICS internals and the architecture of surrounding systems is required to use the
IBM Application Debugging Program effectively and safely. To ensure that the IBM
Application Debugging Program functions with minimal disruption to CICS, or
any other software, the following development conventions must be observed in
regard to the use of the IBM Application Debugging Program:

Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application


v Never use the IBM Application Debugging Program within a production CICS
v Always ensure that the values detailed in Required resource settings for the
IBM Application Debugging Program on page 259 are set for the IBM
Application Debugging Program.
v Set a label for the user application thread, as described in The
ThreadsScrollbars and ThreadsGeometry resource settings on page 260.
v When running an the IBM Application Debugging Program session, ANY signal
that is received during the session MUST be passed on to the application. Select
Signal from the Commands window to pass a signal to the application.
v Avoid having either CICS trace or CICS dump enabled while running an IBM
Application Debugging Program session. The trace and dump facilities lock and
wait for common buffers, and this can cause a CICS region to run slowly, or
even to halt, in response to other processes queueing to the resources.
v Do not use the CICS CEMT command PERFORM SNAP DUMP while the IBM
Application Debugging Program is active. When CICS takes a snap dump, it
dumps out to all of the application servers. If the IBM Application Debugging
Program is running, CICS does not have control of the application servers, and
the dump cannot complete.

Activating the IBM Application Debugging Program

The IBM Application Debugging Program does not start immediately when you
use CDCN to turn the IBM Application Debugging Program on for a named
resource. The resource you name acts as a trigger to turn on the IBM Application
Debugging Program for the resource when you meet the following conditions:
v You satisfy the security checks
v You are able to run the CDCN transaction
v You are able to access the region database entries.
The type of resource that is being triggered determines when the actual startup of
the IBM Application Debugging Program occurs. The following table details the
startup contingencies associated with each type of resource involved:

Startup of the IBM Application Debugging Program triggered by

Terminal (termid)

The next transaction run on that terminal

System (sysid)

The next transaction run as a result of a request from that system


The next invocation of that transaction

Program (progid)

The next invocation of that program

Each trigger resource can have just one session of the IBM Application Debugging
Program started for it. Control of the debugging session by the trigger resource
adheres to the following order of precedence:
1. Terminal (termid)
2. System (sysid)
3. Transaction (tranid)
4. Program (progid)
To illustrate this order of precedence, consider the following example:
You turn on debugging for both a terminal, identified as AR01, and for a
transaction, identified as ALAN. You run transaction ALAN on terminal AR01. In
this scenario, only one session of the IBM Application Debugging Program is


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

started the session associated with terminal AR01. This single debug session
occurs because two debug sessions cannot debug the same physical copy of the
code, and the terminal trigger takes precedence over the transaction trigger.
It is possible to have multiple copies of the same program code being debugged at
the same time. A second invocation of ALAN that is run from a different terminal
will start a second session of the IBM Application Debugging Program. This
second debug session is associated with transaction ALAN.
For more information, see the CICS Administration Reference.

Deactivating the IBM Application Debugging Program

When the IBM Application Debugging Program is first started, it remains attached
to the CICS application server (cicsas) process, debugging one or more programs,
until the end of the transaction (even when it has been triggered to debug just a
single program), or until you choose to quit from the IBM Application Debugging
Program. The IBM Application Debugging Program is attached when it connects to
the cicsas process (that is, actually debugging one or more programs); the IBM
Application Debugging Program is detached when it is no longer attached to the
cicsas process (that is, when it has finished debugging a transaction and is waiting
to be triggered again). Once the IBM Application Debugging Program has started,
it can only be explicitly terminated in one of two ways:
v When the IBM Application Debugging Program is attached, using the quit
facility of the IBM Application Debugging Program itself.
v When the IBM Application Debugging Program is detached, using CDCN.

Using a compilers integrated debugging tool to debug CICS

Using debugging tools integrated with compilers running on
CICS for Windows
The following table indicates the debugging tools supported by compilers used for
(CICS for Windows):



IBM VisualAge C++



IBM VisualAge C++



IBM VisualAge for COBOL


MicroSoft Visual C++



MicroSoft Visual C++



Micro Focus Net Express COBOL


The debugging options may be switched on in either of two ways:

v Use the -a option with cicstcl compile command to enable the IBM Application
Debugging Program to be used for debugging purposes. See Using CDCN and
the IBM Application Debugging Program (xldb) with CICS for AIX only on
page 258 for more information on this method.

Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application


v Use the debugging tools integrated with each language compiler. If you are
building the application in separate steps, each individual compiler has
debugging options which can be switched on. These options are discussed for
each compiler in the following sections.

Preparing to use the debugging tool integrated with IBM

VisualAge C/C++
1. The following compile and link debug parameters must be specified:



Combine with the idebug command to switch code optimization off.


Combine with the idebug command to switch inlining off.


Combine with the idebug command to generate line numbers and

symbol table.
Or, if performing the link step separately:


Combine with the idebug command to generate line numbers and

symbol table.

2. Ensure that the PATH system environment variable includes the directory that
contains your dynamic link library (DLL).
3. Create a new system environment variable DEBUG_PATH that is set to the
directory path containing the source file (progname.c) for your DLL.
4. For C++, make a copy of the progname.ibmcpp program and name it
progname.dll. Place this file in a directory that is before the progname.ibmcpp copy
in the PATH environment variable, but not where CICS will use it in preference
to the progname.ibmcpp file.
The following example explains this:
PathName=progname is in the PD definition.
The file progname.dll is in the d:\prog_dir directory.
The file progname.ibmcpp is in the e:\var\cics_regions\alex1\bin dir

Note: If you have both IBM VisualAge C++ (Windows only) and IBM VisualAge
COBOL installed, the COBOL directories must be in the PATH system
environment variable before the C++ directories.
Procedure for using the debugging tool integrated with IBM VisualAge C/C++:
Perform the following steps to set breakpoints, to step through the program, and to
look at storage for the purpose of debugging your program.
1. Start CICS and install a terminal.
2. Use the idebug command from the command-line to start the IBM VisualAge
3. Select the Process list button from the Debug Session Control window.
4. Select the CICS Application Server (cicsas) process that will run your
transaction. Click the Attach button, and wait for the debugger to attach to
the cicsas.
5. Select Breakpoints from the Debug Session Control window. Set load
6. Enter your DLL name in the box (eg. progname.dll) and press OK.
7. Enter your transaction ID at the terminal, and press Enter. The transaction
does not start yet because the idebug command has stopped the cicsas


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

8. Select the Run menu from the Debug Session Control window, and click Run.
The process will continue until the DLL is loaded. A message window appears
to confirm this. Click OK.
9. Select Breakpoints from the Debug Session Control window. Enter the
following information; then, click OK:
Set function breakpoint
Executable:progname.dll, Source:progname.c,
Function: main.

10. Select the Run menu from the Debug Session Control window, and click Run.
The process will continue until the application program is about to start.
Ending the debugging session: To end the debugging session, select the File
menu from any of the Debug Session Control windows, and click on Close
Debugger. This shuts down the cicsas that the debugger was attached to, but does
not otherwise affect the region.
The debugger can be restarted and attached to a new cicsas.
Note: Use the CEMT INQUIRE TASK command to identify the process number
being used by a particular cicsas.

Preparing to use the debugging tool integrated with IBM

VisualAge for COBOL
1. The following compile and link debug parameters must be specified:



Combine with the cob2 compile command to switch on idebug.


Combine with the ilink command to generate line numbers and symbol
or, if performing the link step separately:


Generate line numbers and symbol table

2. Ensure that the PATH system environment variable includes the directory that
contains your dynamic link library (DLL), progname.ibmcob.
3. Create a new system environment variable CAT_OVERRIDE that is set to the
directory path containing the source file (progname.cbl) for your DLL.
4. Set MAXSERVER=1 in your Region Definitions (RD). To do this, follow these
a. Open the IBM TXSeries Administration Tool
b. Highlight your region, and right-click on it
c. Select Properties from the popup menu
d. Select the Tuning tab
e. Change the Maximum Application Servers value to 1.
Note: If you have both IBM VisualAge C++ (Windows only) and IBM VisualAge
COBOL installed, the COBOL directories must be in the PATH system
environment variable before the C++ directories.
Procedure for using the debugging tool integrated with IBM VisualAge for
COBOL: Perform the following steps to set breakpoints, to step through the
program, and to look at storage for the purpose of debugging your program:
1. Start CICS, and install a terminal.
Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application


2. Start the IBM VisualAge Debugger by issuing the idebug command at the
3. Select the Process list button from the Debug Session Control window.
4. Select the cicsas process that will run your transaction. (If you set the
MAXSERVER=1, you only have one process called cicsas to select.)
5. Click the Attach button. Wait for the debugger to attach to cicsas.
6. There are two alternative procedures at this step:
a. To debug an individual program, select Breakpoints from the Debug
Session Control window, then:
v Select Entry
v Set Executable:progname.ibmcob
v Set Source: (leave blank)
v Set Entry: PROGNAME (must be in upper case)
v Click Defer Breakpoint
v Click Set
v Click OK
b. To debug all programs compiled for debug in this process, select Options
from the Debug Session Control window, then:
v Debugger settings
v Debugger properties
v Check Set breakpoints at entry points
v Click OK
7. Enter your transaction ID at the terminal and press Enter. The transaction does
not start yet, because the idebug command has stopped the cicsas process.
8. Select the Run menu from the Debug Session Control window, and click on
Run. The process will continue until the entry point of the application program
is reached.
Ending the debugging session: To end the debugging session, select the File
menu from any of the Debug Session Control windows, and click Close Debugger.
This shuts down the cicsas that the debugger was attached to, but does not
otherwise affect the region.
The debugger can be restarted and attached to a new cicsas.
Note: Use the CEMT INQUIRE TASK command to identify the process number
being used by a particular cicsas.

Using the debugging tool integrated with Microsoft Visual C/C++

The windbg command is included with the Microsoft Windows Platform Software
Development Kit (MSSDK). The command is located in the \mssdk\bin directory.
The following compile and link debug parameters must be specified for use with
this tool:



Combine with the windbg command to generate debugging



Combine with the windbg command to switch code optimization off.

The following options should also be used for the linker: -link -debug:full
-debugtype:cv -PDB:none


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Procedure for using the debugging tool integrated with Microsoft Visual C/C++
(windbg): Perform the following steps to set breakpoints, to step through the
program, and to look at storage for the purpose of debugging your program:
1. Start CICS and identify the cicsas which will run the application.
Note: The process number being used by a particular cicsas can be identified
2. Start windbg, attaching it to the cicsas process using the command:
windbg -p <cicsas pid>

3. In the Windbg main window, select File then Open, and enter the path and
program name of your application source . The source is displayed in a new
4. Place the cursor on the line of source where the first breakpoint is desired and
select DEBUG from the toolbar, then Breakpoints. The Location box displays
the path and name of your program, and an offset for the breakpoint, for

Enter the name of your DLL after the source name, for example:

Click Add, then OK. If the DLL is not yet loaded, a message appears indicating
that the breakpoint is not instantiated.
5. Enter your transaction ID at the terminal and press Enter. The transaction does
not start yet.
6. From the windbg control window, select the Run menu, and click Go. The
process continues until the breakpoint is reached.
Ending the debugging session: To end debug, select the File menu from any of
the debug windows, and click Exit. This shuts down the CICS application server
that the debugger was attached to, but does not otherwise affect the region.
The debugger can be restarted and attached to a new cicsas.

Using the debugging tool integrated with Microsoft Visual C/C++

Currently applications need to be built within the MSDEV Studio environment to
make use of the msdev debugger.
Procedure for using the debugging tool integrated with Microsoft Visual C/C++
1. Translate the application using cicstran -lC progname.
2. Double click the MSDEV Studio icon in the MS Visual C++ window.
3. Create a project workspace following instructions in the Visual C++ Users
Guide. Select Dynamic-Link Library as the Type and enter your preferred
directory in the Location box.
4. Add your translated application program to the project by selecting the Insert
menu, then select Insert Files into Project. Select the path and file that you
5. Edit the file by selecting File, then Open, then specifying your file. Add the
line at the top of the code:

6. Save the changed file by selecting File then Save.

Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application


7. Set the build options by selecting Build then Settings:

v General: Not using MFC
v C/C++
General: Warning level = Level 3, Debug info = C7 Compatible
Code generation: Use run-time lib = Multithreaded DLL, Calling
convention = _stdcall
Optimizations: Disable (Debug)
Precompiled headers: Not using.
Preprocessor: Additional include dirs = prodDir\include.
These options should generate:
Project Options: /nologo /Gz /MD /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od
i/IprodDir\include /FoDebug /c
v Link
General: Output file name = prog.dll, Object/lib modules:
prodDir\lib\cicsprC.lib mvscrt.lib kernel32.lib, tick Generate debug info
These options should generate:
Project Options: prodDir\lib\cicsprc.lib mvscrt.lib kernel32.lib /nologo
/dll /pdb:none /debug /machine:I386 /out:filename.dll
/implib:Debug/filename.lib /EXPORT:main
8. Stop the MSDEV studio.
9. Start CICS and identify the cicsas process ID which will run the application.
10. Start the MSDEV attached to the process by msdev -p cicsas pid.
11. Select File then Open and select your source file.
12. Enter your transid - the transaction does not run, but is displayed by the
13. Debug the transaction as desired.
14. To end the debugger select File then Exit. This terminates the cicsas it was
attached to, but the region remains running.

Using the debugging tool integrated with Micro Focus Net

Express on CICS for Windows (Animator)
Animator enables you to test an application program online without modifying the
program. The tool intercepts execution of the application program at various points
before displaying information about the program. Any screens sent by the
application program are displayed by the tool, so that you can converse with the
application program during testing, just as you would on the production system.
You cannot use Animator to debug a distributed transaction processing (DTP)
back-end transaction.
Using Animator with a Micro Focus Net Express Program: There are two ways
to advise the COBOL compiler that the program is to be used with Animator:
v The -a flag can be used with cicstcl command.
v The /ANIM and /INITCALLCBL_DEBUGBREAK options can be used directly
with the compiler.
The following is an example of using the cicstcl command:
cicstcl -a myprog.ccp


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

This produces the files myprog.cbmfnt, myprog.idy, and myprog.gdy.

The cicstcl command produces a .cbmfnt file. If you want to use one of the other
types of files that can be used by Micro Focus Net Express, you must invoke the
cicstran command and the compiler directly.
To produce a .cbmfnt file, follow the steps shown in the following example:
1. cicstran myprog.ccp this produces the the file myprog.cbl
myprob.cbl this produces the files myprog.obj, myprog.idy, and myprog.gdy.
3. cbllink -D -Mmyprog -Omyprog.cbmfnt myprog.obj
prodDir\lib\cicsprCBMFNT.lib this produces the file myprog.cbmfnt.
To produce a .int file, follow the steps shown in the following example:
1. cicstran myprog.ccp this produces the the file myprog.cbl
/INITCALL"CBL_DEBUGBREAK" myprob.cbl this produces the file
Procedure for using Animator with Micro Focus Net Express:
1. Place the .cbmfnt file or the .int file in the region bin directory, or wherever the
pathname in the PD stanza indicates as normal.
2. Set the COBIDY variable in the regions environment file to point to the
location of the .idy files. This must be on a local drive.
3. Set the COBCPY variable in the regions environment file to point to the source,
that is, the.cbl files. This must be on a local drive.
The regions can now be started, and any COBOL program conforming to the above
procedure is able to use Animator automatically.
For more information on invoking Animator, see the Micro Focus Net Express

Using debugging tools integrated with compilers running on

CICS on Open Systems

Using the debugging tool integrated with Micro Focus Server

Express COBOL on CICS on Open Systems (Animator)


Animator enables you to test a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL application
program online without modifying the program. The tool intercepts execution of
the application program at various points before displaying information about the
program. Any screens that the application program sends are displayed by the
tool, so that you can converse with the application program during testing, just as
you would on the production system.


CICS supports cross-session debugging with Micro Focus Server Express COBOL.
Cross-session debugging enables the user to use Animator in a different terminal
window from that in which the program to be debugged is running. Animator is
first started in one session and remains in waiting state until it attaches to a Micro
Focus Server Express COBOL program that has been started in another session.
Details of setting up the cross-session debugging are explained below in the setup

Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application


Use the following procedure to configure CICS to run Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL programs with Animator.
1. Set the AllowDebugging attribute in the region definition stanza to yes. This
setting allows you to run CADB in that CICS region.
2. Using the CADB transaction, enable CICS to run Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL programs with Animator. See the CICS Administration Reference for
more information about CADB. You must run CADB before you run the Micro
Focus Server Express COBOL program; otherwise, the program runs to
completion without attaching to the Animator.
3. Compile a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL program. Use the cicstcl
command with the -a flag. For example:


cicstcl -a -lCOBOL TEST.ccp


This command produces TEST.idy and

4. Setup the cross-session debugging with the following steps.
a. Open a new terminal window to start the Animator.
b. Ensure that the basic environment for CICS and Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL has been set up. (PATH, LIBPATH, NLSPATH, and so on for CICS;
COBDIR and so on for Micro Focus Server Express COBOL). The LIBPATH
(LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Solaris and SHLIB_PATH on HP-UX) should also
include the Micro Focus Server Express COBOL library paths.
c. Set the environment variable COBANIMSRV. Use the same string that has
been entered for the COBANIMSRV ID field in the CADB screen.
d. Use the cicsanimsrv program to start the Animator. The user that starts the
Animator process should be part of the cics group. The Animator waits for
the Micro Focus Server Express COBOL programs to attach.


Note: cicsanimsrv is a CICS-supplied program that is a wrapper to the

cobanimsrv program that Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
supplies. In a CICS environment, the CICS Application Server Process
runs programs under the cics user ID. The cicsanimsrv program
internally runs the Animator process also under the cics user ID. This
action ensures that a program that the CICS Application Server
Process is running, successfully attaches to the Animator. The user
and group IDs for the cicsanimsrv program should match those of
the user cics. For example, if the cics user has a user and group ID of
cics : cics, cicsanimsrv should also be cics:cics (which is the default).
Otherwise, cicsanimsrv permissions must be changed as necessary.



When you have done these steps, the Animator process waits for the Micro Focus
Server Express COBOL programs to attach. Run the transaction that executes a
Micro Focus Server Express COBOL program.


By default, when a Micro Focus Server Express COBOL program that is to be

debugged is run, it waits indefinitely until an Animator process is started.
However, you can use environment variable CICS_ANIMATOR_TIMEOUT to
configure the wait time. Timeout values are set in milliseconds. A value of -1
means wait indefinitely (which is default in CICS); a value of 0 (zero) means DO


Note: You cannot use Animator to debug Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
programs that are remote to this region. For more information on
cross-session debugging and Animator, refer to Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL documentation.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Accessing Java debugging facilities with the CJDB transaction

The CJDB transaction can be used to access Java debugging facilities.To use this
transaction, do the following:
1. Compile the Java program with debugging enabled.
2. Stop the region where the program is to run, as described in the CICS
Administration Guide for Open Systems.
3. Enable debugging in the region by setting the following property in the
/var/cics_regions/region_name/database/RD/RD.stanza file:

4. Use the cicsadd command to add transaction and program definitions to the
cicsadd -c td txn_name ProgName=program_name RSLKey=public
cicsadd -c pd program_name PathName=program_path



where txn_name is the name of a transaction, program_name is the name of the

program, and program_path is the path name of the program.
Cold start the region, as described in the CICS Administration Guide for Open
Set up an X terminal or cicsterm window as the target window for output
from the debugger. See Using the debugging tool integrated with Micro
Focus Server Express COBOL on CICS on Open Systems (Animator) on page
269 for instructions on how to specify a window for displaying debugger
Start a cicsterm window.
Run the CJDB transaction to display the Java debugging window.
Enter the name of the device where debugger output is to be displayed.

10. Enter the transaction ID, program name, or terminal that serves as input to
the debugger.

Chapter 10. Testing and debugging your application



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Part 5. Appendixes

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Appendix. CICS commands used in application programming

This appendix describes the CICS commands used during the preparation of CICS
application programs.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004



cicsmap - generate BMS map files

The cicsmap command processes a source file containing Basic Mapping Support
(BMS) macros, and generates either a symbolic map or maps, or a physical map or
maps, or both as specified by the map input. You use command-line options to
control the generation of symbolic or physical maps.

cicsmap [-a -r ] [ -s | -p] [-e] [-f code_page] {file |} [-x]

The output physical map file, in the current working directory, is where x is
determined by the SUFFIX and TERM BMS macros. CICS overwrites any previous
physical map file for the same map source file with the newly generated map.
CICS places the symbolic map file in mapset.e for COBOL, mapset.h for C or C++, for PL/I. CICS produces the symbolic map file in the current working
directory. CICS overwrites any previous symbolic map file for the same map set in
the current working directory with the newly generated map.
CICS does not generate maps if errors are detected in the map source file. The
contents of the map source file determine the operation of the cicsmap command.
The LANG option associated with the map set macro (DFHMSD) determines the
output of cicsmap.
cicsmap produces both the symbolic and physical maps by default or you can use
the -p or -s flags to restrict cicsmap to producing a single map type.
cicsmap ignores TYPE=DSECT, TYPE=MAP, and TYPE=&SYSPARM options. If you
include any other value for TYPE, cicsmap produces an error message. See
Migrating maps from your CICS system to other family members on page 203
for more information.
Errors are written to stderr.
Note: For important information about permissions, refer to Access permissions
for maps and transaction programs on page 37.
Help information is available when an invalid flag or -? is specified.


cicsmap generates the alternative symbolic map.


Affects the interpretation of the hexadecimal data presented in the XINIT

option. When specified, cicsmap converts the hexadecimal data in the
XINIT option from the code set specified by -f to the current code set.

-f code_set
Code page from which cicsmap is to translate XINIT strings. If you do not
specify this, CICS assumes the users locale.



Name of the input map source file. You can include an optional pathname
with this name. The source file must either have the extension bms, or
have no extension, in which case cicsmap appends the suffix bms.


Generates only a physical map.

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


Generates return codes.


Generates only a symbolic (logical) map.


Prevents PIC G type COBOL code or GRAPHIC type code from being
If PS=8 is specified in a named DFHMDF BMS macro of a BMS COBOL or
PL/I map, the cicsmap command generates the PIC G type COBOL code
or GRAPHIC type PL/I code. For example, if LENGTH=12 is specified in
the field BMS macro, PIC G(6) is generated instead of PIC X(12) in a
COBOL map, and GRAPHIC(6) is generated instead of CHARACTER(12)
in a PL/I map. However, the PIC G type is possibly unsupported on your
version of COBOL compiler, or you may wish not to have PIC G or
GRAPHIC types generated. If this is the case, use the -x flag to prevent the
PIC G or GRAPHIC type code from being generated. (Refer to the
documentation for your COBOL compiler to determine if the PIC G type is

Standard operating system access permissions for files and directories apply.

Returned Values
cicsmap has the following exit values:

cicsmap successfully processed the source map set.

cicsmap (default) encountered at least one error which it has written to


cicsmap (-r set) encountered at least one error of moderate severity which
it has written to stderr.

cicsmap (-r set) encountered at least one error of high severity which it has
written to stderr.

1. To run the command from the current directory to obtain a symbolic map:
cicsmap -s

2. The -e option is required where you have converted maps from EBCDIC, for
example from a CICS/MVS system, and the maps contain the XINIT option. So
that cicsmap produces the correct physical map, you need to specify the -e flag.
cicsmap -p -e

Appendix. CICS commands used in application programming



cicstran - translates source code

The command language translator converts source code written in a supported
language to an equivalent source program in which each CICS command has been
converted into a statement for the supporting language.

Syntax on CICS on Open Systems:
cicstran [-l {COBOL | IBMCOB | C | IBMCPP} | CPP}] [-q] [-s] [-e] [-c number]
[-v] [-d] [-g locale] file

Syntax on CICS for Windows

cicstran [-l {COBOL | IBMCOB | C | IBMC | CPP | IBMCPP} [-q] [-s]
[-e][-c number] [-v] [-d] [-g locale] file

To translate EXEC CICS commands, DFHRESP macros, and DFHVALUE macros
within an application program into source language statements that interface with
the CICS runtime environment, invoke the CICS command language translator
cicstran from an operating system shell. A C application source file of the name
file.ccs produces a C source file in the current working directory with the name
file.c. A C++ application source file of the name file.ccs produces a C++ source file
in the current working directory with the name File.C. A COBOL source file is
produced in the current working directory, with the name file.cbl from an
application source file of the name file.ccp. Errors, warnings, and information
messages are written to the operating system file stream stderr.
You must invoke the translator process prior to the compilation and link-edit steps
when generating program executable code.
You specify options for the command language translation process on the
For important information about permissions, refer to Access permissions for
maps and transaction programs on page 37.
Help information is available when an invalid flag or -? is specified.

-c number
Specifies the number of lines to be included in each page of the translator
listing, including heading and blank lines, of the output file created with
the -v and -s flags. number must be an integer in the range 7 through 255.
If 7 or less, the heading and one line of listing is included on each page.
The default is 60.
Note: This option is null when it is not used with the -v or -s flags.


Indicates that CEDF is to be used to debug the program.

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Note: If you use this option, the programs performance may be degraded
because of the extra activity required to determine the EDF status of
the terminal on every EXEC CICS call.
Produces code that passes line numbers through CICS to be used by the
Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF) and to be included in Transaction
Dump information.


-g locale
Sets the locale the translator is to work in, where locale is a string that
provides information to certain set conventions in the locale category.

Name of application source file.


Identifies the source language of the program input to the translator:

CICS on Open Systems

'C' for C, IBMCPP or CPP for C++, COBOL for Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL, IBMCOB for IBM COBOL (the default is COBOL).

CICS for Windows

C for Microsoft C, IBMC for IBM C, CPP for Microsoft C++,
IBMCPP for IBM C++, COBOL for Micro Focus Net Express

identifies COBOL string literal delimiter; APOST (default) or QUOTE.


Produces a listing file file.lis.


Produces a cross-reference listing of all EXEC CICS commands in file.xrf.

Standard operating system access permissions for files and directories apply.

1. To translate a C program to utilize CEDF, and produce a cross-reference listing:
cicstran -v -l C -e -c 60 Applic2.ccs

The interaction between the command level translator and the application
programmer is through a set of error codes and conditions output by the
translator. These codes are dependent on whether you invoke the translator for
The translator highlights, on an error report, all EXEC CICS commands found to be
in error.
Note: The error report includes line numbers up to 65535. If the line number is
greater than 65535, it is erroneously reported as line number 65535.
The EIBLABEL field, used only for COBOL programs, is used to contain values
relating to handled conditions or abends. The values are:
normal sequential command processing
Appendix. CICS commands used in application programming


2 to nn
a value identifying a label for a handled condition or abend

Returned Values
cicstran has the following exit values:

cicstran has successfully translated the application program and has

generated a .c or .cbl file.

cicstran has detected errors or warnings during translation of the

application program, and has written messages to the operating system file
stream stderr. cicstran has generated a .c or .cbl file.

cicstran has detected translator errors and has written messages to the
operating system file stream stderr.

Refer to Chapter 8, Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application

programs, on page 213.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide


cicstcl - translate, compile, and link

The cicstcl command performs the translation, compiles the translated program,
and links the resulting object by using the appropriate commands.

Syntax on CICS on Open Systems:
cicstcl [-l {COBOL | IBMCOB | C | IBMPLI | IBMCPP | CPP}] [-q] [-s] [-a]
[-e] [-c number] [-v] [-d] [-t (HP-UX only)] [-g locale ] [-x ext cmd] [-X ext cmd]
Syntax on CICS for Windows:
cicstcl [-l {COBOL | IBMCOB | C | IBMPLI | IBMC | CPP | IBMCPP}] [-q]
[-s] [-a] [-e] [-c number] [-v] [-d] [-x ext cmd] [-X {ext cmd | cicscobinsert}] file
Note: The -X cicscobinsert option works only on COBOL .cpp files to be compiled
by using Micro Focus Net Express version 3.0 or higher.

This program accepts all the flags taken by the cicstran program, as well as four
additional flags, -a, -x, -X, and, on HP-UX systems only, -t. You specify compile
and link options by using the environment variables as shown in Table 41 on page
214.On C, C++, and COBOL files, the cicstcl command runs the cicstran program
automatically to provide the compile and link directives required by CICS. On IBM
PL/I files, the cicstcl command calls the PL/I compiler that handles the
preprocessing, compiling, and linking of PL/I files.
On CICS on Open Systems, an application program must be contained in a file
with a suffix based on file type. The cicstran program (run automatically on
COBOL, C, and C++ files as part of the cicstcl command) translates file.ccp into
file.cbl or file.ccs into file.c or file.C. The cicstcl command then compiles and links
these .cbl, .c, or .C files. (PL/I programs are not translated prior to compilation. On
these files, the cicstcl command invokes the PL/I compiler, which handles all of
the processes.) Table 46 and Table 47 on page 282 summarize the extensions of
incoming files and their resulting intermediate files and translation programs.
Table 46. Extensions of incoming files and resulting intermediate files and transaction
programs on CICS on Open Systems
File type

Extension of incoming

Extension of
intermediate file (after

Extension of resulting
transaction program in
working directory




.gnt or .int
















Appendix. CICS commands used in application programming


Table 46. Extensions of incoming files and resulting intermediate files and transaction
programs on CICS on Open Systems (continued)




Table 47. Extensions of incoming files and resulting intermediate files and transaction
programs on CICS for Windows
File type

Extension of incoming

Extension of
intermediate file (after

Extension of resulting
transaction program in
working directory

Focus Net








Microsoft C .ccs



















Specifying the -x flag causes the cicstcl command to run an external command (for
example, an SQL translation step) before the cicstran translation. Specifying the -X
flag causes the cicstcl command to run an external command or, on the Windows
platform, the cicscobinsert utility (which compiles EBCDIC-enabled COBOL
programs that run on a Windows workstationsee Compiling EBCDIC-enabled
COBOL programs on page 57 and Using Micro Focus Net Express to compile
EBCDIC-enabled COBOL programs on page 227 for more information). The
pretranslation step specified by the -x flag must produce a file with the appropriate
.ccp or .ccs suffix. The posttranslation step specified by the -X flag must be able to
handle the .cbl, .c, or .C file produced by the translator.
Help information on the cicstcl command is written to stderr when you run cicstcl
with an invalid flag or -?. If you specify a valid flag that is not supported for the
language type, CICS writes a warning to the standard error stream and the option
is ignored.
Note: For important information about permissions, refer to Access permissions
for maps and transaction programs on page 37. The cicstcl command
accepts multiple source files for IBM VisualAge COBOL for NT.


Required for generating debugging information to support compiler

debugging products.

-c number
(Not PL/I) specifies the number of lines to be included in each page of the
translator listing, including heading and blank lines, of the output files
created with the -v or -s flags. The number value must be an integer in the
range 7 through 255. If the number value is 7 or less, the heading and one
line of listing is included on each page. The default is 60.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Note: This option must be used with the -v or -s flags.

Produces code that passes line numbers through CICS to be used by the
Execution Diagnostic Facility (EDF) and to be included in the Transaction
Dump information.


Indicates that CEDF is to be used to debug the program.


Name of application source file.

-g locale (CICS on Open Systems only)

(Not PL/I) codes page locale in which the translator is to work. If you do
not specify -g, cicstcl uses your locale.

Identifies the source language of the program:

CICS on Open Systems

COBOL for Micro Focus Server Express COBOL, IBMCOB for IBM
COBOL, C for C, IBMPLI for PL/I, IBMCPP for IBM C++, and
CPP for C++ (the default is COBOL).

CICS for Windows

COBOL for Micro Focus Net Express COBOL, IBMCOB for IBM
COBOL, C for Microsoft C, IBMPLI for PL/I, IBMC for IBM C,
CPP for Microsoft C++, and IBMCPP for IBM C++ (the default is

Identifies COBOL string literal delimiter; APOST (default) or QUOTE.


(Not PL/I) produces listing files to facilitate debugging. Produces a CICS

source listing file, filename.lis, for all languages. For CICS on AIX C and
C++ applications, also produces an assembly listing file, filename.lst, and
retains the intermediate file, filename.c. For IBM COBOL, also produces an
assembly listing file, filename.wlist, and a COBOL source listing and data
map list, filename.lst, as well as retaining the intermediate file, filename.cbl.

-t (CICS on HP-UX only)

Generates an .snt (shared .gnt) Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
executable file. Files with the .snt extension are larger than their equivalent
.gnt files but have different characteristics:
v Unlike .gnt files, .snt files are libraries shared across the system.
v There is a lower memory cost because more processes, such as cicsas
processes, use the single .snt image.
v After the initial load of an .snt file, successive loads are faster than when
using .gnt files.
See the HP documentation for more information. Experiment to achieve the
best system performance.

(Not PL/I) produces a cross-reference listing of all EXEC CICS commands

in filename.xrf.

-X {ext cmd | cicscobinsert} (The cicscobinsert option is only for files on CICS for
Windows to be compiled with Micro Focus Net Express 3.0 or higher)
(Not PL/I) The -X ext cmd option executes the specified external command
for each translated file, filename.cbl, filename.c, or filename.C, after running
cicstran for the file. The -X cicscobinsert option executes the cicscobinsert
Appendix. CICS commands used in application programming


utility for each translated COBOL file, filename.cbl, after running cicstran
for the file. The -X ext cmd command is executed as ext cmd filename.cbl,
ext cmd filename.c, or ext cmd filename.C. The -X cicscobinsert command is
executed as cicscobinsert filename.cbl.
-x ext cmd
(Not PL/I) executes the specified external command for each file specified,
filename.ccp or filename.ccs , before running cicstran for that file. The
command is executed as ext cmd filename.ccp or ext cmd filename.ccs.

Standard operating system access permissions for files and directories apply.
The interaction between the command-level translator and the application
programmer is through a set of error codes and conditions output by the
All EXEC CICS API commands found to be in error by the translator are
highlighted on an error report. You can then amend these and resubmit your
The EIBLABEL field, used only for COBOL programs, is used to contain values
relating to handled conditions or abends. The values are:
normal sequential command processing
2 to nn
a value identifying a label for a handled condition or abend

Returned Values
The translation step of cicstcl has the following exit values:

cicstcl has successfully translated the application program and has

generated a .cbl, .c, or .C file.

cicstcl detected errors or warnings during translation of the application

program and wrote messages to the standard error stream. cicstcl
generated a .cbl, .c, or .C file.

cicstcl has detected translator errors and has written messages to the
standard error stream.

v To compile, translate, and link-edit a C++ application complete with a source
cicstcl -l IBMCPP -s Applic2.ccs

v To compile, translate, and link-edit an IBM COBOL application with information

for debugging from dump:
cicstcl -l IBMCOB -d -s Applic3.ccp

Refer to Chapter 8, Translating, compiling, and link-editing CICS application

programs, on page 213.


TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

v CICS Application Programming Reference,
v CICS Intercommunication Guide, SC09-4462
v CICS Family: API Structure, SC33-1007
v CICS Family: Interproduct Communication,
v Concepts and Planning, SC09-4582
v TXSeries Release Notes, GC09-4491
v CICS Family: Client/Server Programming,
v CICS Administration Reference, SC09-4459
v CICS Administration Guide
v Planning and Installation Guide
v CICS Application Programming Guide, SC09-4460
v DB2: Administration Guide,
v CICS Problem Determination Guide, SC09-4465
v CICS Clients: Administration, SC33-1792
v IBM 3270 Information Display Programmers
v CICS Administration Guide for Windows Systems,
v CICS Messages and Codes, SC09-4589
v CICS Administration Reference
v CICS Administration Reference
v CICS Administration Guide for Open Systems,

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

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Database 2


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TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

3270 Information Display System
attribute characters 78
conversion of datastreams 204
datastream migration 204
datastream, setting 3270 204
field concepts 77
field outlining 79, 205
field validation 205
input operations 76
programmed symbols 79
screen sizes 80
setting 3270 datastreams 204
untranslated 3270 datastreams 204
8775 Display Terminal
field validation attribute
character 78, 79

abend code 244, 245, 246
ABEND command 16, 56, 64, 66, 244,
abend exit
program level 244, 245
user exit 244, 245
abend handling 244
abnormal termination handling 246
abort, used in CICS programs 50
ADDRESS command 15, 29, 184, 186
AID (attention identifier) 90, 243
ALARM option 87
ALLOCATE command 15, 243
alternate (secondary) 106
alternate index structure 40
alternate key 106
application development tool 17
using 268, 269
ANSI mode, compiling it 219
application data area of screen 80
Application Debugger 258
application program
Animator 17
application migration 191
calling 18
cicstran 16
debugging 17
logical levels 174
transactions 18
translation 16
application server 9, 10, 53
ASIS option
Basic Mapping Support (BMS) 90
ASKTIME command 14
assert, used in CICS programs 50
ASSIGN command 15, 184, 186
asynchronous journal output 140
asynchronous operation 68
asynchronous page build 93
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2004

asynchronous processing 5
attention identifier (AID)
3270 input operation 77
HANDLE AID command 91, 243
NOHANDLE option 243
RESP option 243
RESP2 option 243
attention key definition 52, 61
attribute characters 78, 83
attributes, use of
IndexName (FD) 106
ProgramCacheSize 44, 215
automatic transaction initiation
(ATI) 173
autoskip field 78
auxiliary temporary storage 27, 136
auxiliary trace 37, 248

base color 78
base key 106
Basic Mapping Support (BMS)
application development tool 16
assembling maps 73
attribute constants 83
CICS on Open Systems map
migration 203
CICS OS/2 map migration 203
cicsmap command 276
coordinating BMS and another screen
manager 88
cursor position 87
defining maps 73, 98
defining mapsets 98
device control options 87
exception conditions 90
field data format 82
field definition macro (DFHMDF) 98
GDDM coordination 88
how to copy symbolic maps 92
how to define maps 97
how to obtain printed output 93
how to use the BMS processor 75
input field suffix 82
invalid data 84
map definition macro (DFHMDI) 98
map set definition macro
map set definition termination 99
map set suffixing 74
mapping considerations 202
mapping input data 89
mapping output data 84
migrating maps from CICS on Open
Systems 203
migrating maps from CICS OS/2 203
minimum function BMS 72
output field suffixes 82
overview 67, 71, 73
physical map 16, 74

Basic Mapping Support (BMS) (continued)

screen attribute definition 52, 61
sending data to a display 84
symbolic map 16, 74, 92
using 12
wrapping map fields 202
writing programs for 81
blank field 95
blank lines and 3270 printer 94
bright intensity field 78
browse 13, 108
end 123
ESDS 123
KSDS 122
path 123
sequential 122
simultaneous 123
skip-sequential 120
business logic 14

abend handling in 144
BMS source files 16
cached programs, restriction 62
compiler considerations 198
compiling a program 219
length of CICS commands 37
link libraries 214
passing data to another program 175
recursive invocations 27
source directories 214
SQL, use of 14, 31
storage, accessing 183
translated code 217
translation of source 16
C programs, caches 44, 215
BMS source files 16
compiler considerations 198
length of CICS commands 37
link libraries 214
passing data to another program 175
source directories 214
SQL, use of 31
storage, accessing 183
translating 198
translation of source 16
versions of 198
cached programs 62, 64, 215
CALL statement 53
CANCEL command 14
catch(...), used in CICS programs 51
CDCN 258
use of 255
use with transient data 256
CECI transaction
security rules 257


CECS transaction
security rules 257
application development tool 17
description of 258
reference 258
syntax 258
DUMP command 253
use of 55
cerr, used in CICS programs 50
checkout, program 17
CheckpointInterval attribute, use of 34
names reserved for 49
CICS client
tracing 249
CICS internal functions, used in CICS
programs 50
CICS on Open Systems clients 9
CICS on Open Systems, defined 4
BMS map 202
map migration 203
CICS_XFH_DBNAME environment
variable, use of 160, 163
environment variable, use of 160, 163
environment variable, use of 160, 163
environment variable, use of 160, 163
CICS_XFH_LOCAL_SEQ environment
variable, use of 160, 163
CICS_XFH_LOGFILE environment
variable, use of 160, 163
variable, use of 160, 163
variable, use of 160, 163
variable, use of 160, 163
CICS-private shared storage 184
CICS-safe functions 50
CICS-supplied transactions 253
summary of 18
cicsdb2conf command, use of 113
cicsddt command, use of 113
cicsmap command
description 276
flags 276
parameters 276
purpose 276
syntax 276
cicsmfmt 251
cicsmkcobol 199
cicsprCOBOL 199
cicstcl 213
cicstcl command
description 281
flags 281
parameters 281
program invocation environment 53
purpose 281
syntax 281
transaction execution 11
use of 215


cicstcl command (continued)

using the IBM PL/I compiler 64
replaceable 67
terminals supported by 67
use of 67
cicsterm 9, 10
replaceable 67
terminals supported by 67
use of 67
using with Animator 269
cicstermp 9
cicstfmt 247
cicstran 213
use of 216
cicstran command
cicstran 16
description 278
flags 278
parameters 278
purpose 278
syntax 278
cin, used in CICS programs 50
CJDB transaction 271
CLEAR key 71, 91, 95
defined 67
tracing 249
client processes 9
client/server application programming
developing 7
CLOSE DATABASE statement, use
of 144
clustered file 109
COBDIR environment variable, use
of 166, 169
abend handling in 144
API commands support (CICS) 51
argument value 51
BMS source files 16
calling programs from 53
character sets supported 51
cicsmkcobol, reference to 199
cicsprCOBOL, reference to 199
commands supported (CICS API) 51
COMP-5 51, 179
compiler considerations 198
compiling your program 166, 167,
debugging with Animator 268, 269
default option 51
length of CICS commands 37
link libraries 214
mixing languages 55
passing data to another program 175
releasing resources 56
restrictions 58
returning from 56
running the program 167, 168, 170
source directories 214
SQL, use of 14, 31
storage, accessing 183
translating 198
translation of source 16
using the Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL EXTFH 159, 162, 165

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

COBOL (continued)
versions of 198
working storage 55
working storage loading 27
compiling with IBM COBOL 228
coded character set 116
BTAM terminals 195
command-level applications 195
files, TDQs and TSQs 195
macro-level applications 195
VTAM terminals 195
Coexistence with other CICS family
members 194
color, extended 79
default options 52
lengths 37
summary 18
Command Level Interpreter (CECI)
security rules 257
cicsdb2conf 113
cicsddt 113
cicsmkcobol 199
default options 64
COMMAREA 26, 29, 174, 183, 184
obtaining address 62
COMMIT WORK command, use of 144
common work area 28, 184
COMP-5 179
ANSI mode 219
compile a translated application 218
compile an application 214, 218
compiling a C application
program 219
compiling a Micro Focus Net Express
application program 226
compiling a Micro Focus Server
Express COBOL application
program 225
compiling a PL/I application
program 229
compiling an IBM COBOL application
program 229
EBCDIC-enabled programs 57, 227
link-edit a translated application 218
link-edit an application 214, 218
position independent 219
translate an application 214, 218
with IBM COBOL 228
compiler debugging tools 253
compiler options 281
CONNECT PROCESS command 15, 37
control and flow 14
conversational transaction 10, 21
CONVERSE command 13, 15, 68, 71
copying symbolic description maps 92
cout, used in CICS programs 50
CURSOR option 87
cursor position
Basic Mapping Support (BMS) 87

cursor select key

handling in program
CWA 28, 184


consistency 33
fields on screen 80
integrity 33
passing to another program 175
reading from a display 89
services 13
tables 183
data declaration
C 61
C++ 61
PL/I 65
data sharing
within transaction 25
data-entry operations 96
CLOSE DATABASE statement, and
use of 144
COMMIT WORK command, and use
of 144
DB2 142
improving performance of 45
Informix 142
Oracle 142
SQL 142
SQL COMMIT WORK command, and
use of 144
Sybase 142
SYNCPOINT commands, and use
of 144
databases and files
exclusive control 38
locking 38
DATAONLY option 85, 96
datastream 71, 94
basic mapping support 94
compressing 96
conversion of, 3270 204
field outlining 205
field validation 205
inbound 95
migration 204
migration requirements 204
untranslated, 3270 204
concurrency 102
example transaction for 145
file access 13
file types 106
keyed 13
locking 102
relative 13
sequential 13
table space 46
non-transactional access 160
transactional access 160
asynchronous cancellation, used in
CICS programs 50

DCE (continued)
programming considerations 49
threads, used in CICS programs 50
avoiding 185
deadly embrace, avoiding 185
EDF 258
overview 263
performance monitoring 16
remote transaction 258
tools 263
using Animator 268
using IBM VisualAge C++ (Windows
only) 264
using IBM VisualAge for
using NT msdev 267
using NT windbg 267
Debugging with CDCN 258
default options, EXEC CICS 52, 64
deferred journal output 141
DELAY command 14, 59
DELETE command 121, 125, 129
DELETEQ TS command 133
DEQ command 14, 181
extrapartition 131
indirect 132
developing applications within CICS
overview 5
device control options, BMS 87
DFHAID 52, 91, 244
dfhaid.h 61
dfhbmsca.h 61
direct read 120, 121
display screens 29
display, reading from 89
distributed program link (DPL) 5
distributed transaction processing 5, 68
DL/I, reference to 18
overview 250
DUMP command 16, 253
DUPKEY condition 123, 125
duplicate key 123
DUPREC condition
cause of 110, 118
in a KSDS 121
dynamic backout 34
dynamic loading 11

EBCDIC-enabled programs
programs 8
EDF 258

57, 227

EIB 52, 187

EIBAID field 91, 244
EIBTRNID field 61
with C and C++ 61
EIBAID field 91, 244
EIBTRNID field 61
emulator control
3270 field concept 77
handle attention identifier 91
map input data 89
print (ISSUE PRINT) 93
threadTid, used in CICS programs 51
TRAN, used in CICS programs 51
Transactional C, used in CICS
programs 51
Encina EXTFH 157
ENDBR command 123
ENDFILE condition 123, 233
ENQ command 14, 37, 181, 243
ENQBUSY condition 37, 181, 234
enqueue interlock
avoiding 185
ENTER command 16, 253
ENTER key 91
ENTER MONITOR command 251
ENTER PERFORM command 251
Entry-sequenced data set (ESDS)
RBA 108
environment variables
CICS_XFH_DBNAME, use of 160,
CICS_XFH_LOGFILE, use of 160, 163
CICS_XFH_TRANMODE, use of 160,
CICS_XFH_USERNAME, use of 160,
CICS_XFH_USERPASS, use of 160,
COBDIR, use of 166, 169
environment variables for accessing SFS
features 170
programs 8
EPTF, use of 249
ERASE option 87, 95
ERASEAUP option 87, 95, 96
ERROR condition 234, 243
error handling 16
default action 233
description 233
ESDS 110, 121
event performance trace facility, use
of 249
exception conditions
Basic Mapping Support (BMS) 90
command 238
command 237
RESP option 234
exclusive control (SFS) 40
EXEC CICS commands
default options 52, 64
EXEC interface block 52, 61, 187
exec, used in CICS programs 50



Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF)

application development tool 17
or _exit, used in CICS programs 50
exit() 64, 66
expiration time
specifying 180
EXPIRED condition 234
extended color 79
external call interface (ECI) 7
external file handler 157
External File Handler (EXTFH)
accessing other SFS features 170
environment variables 170
EXTFH and SFS 165
EXTFH and SFS on Windows 168
EXTFH file type mappings 170
preparing a COBOL runtime 165, 169
standalone EXTFH and SFS 167
using the Micro Focus Server Express
COBOL EXTFH 159, 162
external presentation interface (EPI) 7
external trace 249
destination 131
transient data 30, 131, 137

generic browse 108

generic delete 125
generic key 107, 121
GENERIC option 107, 127
GET command
PUT command 256
GETMAIN command 15, 37, 183, 243
GETMAIN SHARED command 183
GTEQ option 107, 123, 127

HANDLE ABEND command 16, 58,
234, 239, 246
CANCEL option 245
LABEL option 244
PROGRAM option 244
RESET option 245, 246
HANDLE AID command 13, 58, 91, 234,
237, 239, 243
58, 141, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 243
handling errors 233
highlighting 79
HOURS(hh) option 60

FD attributes, use of
IndexName 106
field concepts, 3270 77
field data format, BMS 82
field outlining 79, 205
field validation 205
field, blank 95
File Definitions (FD) attributes, use of
IndexName 106
file types 106
access from CICS application
programs 120
adding records 125
deleting records 125
external file handler 157
external files 131
recoverable 102
services 13
unlocking 125
updating from non-CICS
applications 157
user 30
fork, used in CICS programs 50
form feed control, BMS 94
formatted data 95
FORMATTIME command 14
FORMFEED option 87
FREE command 15
FREEKB option 87
FREEMAIN command 15, 183
abend codes 244
FRSET option 87, 95
FSET option 95
function shipping 5


IBM CICS for Windows, defined 4

compiling a program 229
program invocation environment 53
IBM mainframe-based CICS, defined 4
program invocation environment 64
IC attribute 87
idebug 265
IGNORE CONDITION command 16, 58,
234, 237, 239
ILLOGIC condition 113, 121
inbound datastream 95
index (RRDS)
alternate 107
primary 107
IndexName attribute (FD), use of 106
indirect destination 132
example transaction for 145
inhibit wait, NOSUSPEND option 37
input operations 77
INQUIRE command 15, 187, 236
INQUIRE STATISTICS command 16, 252
insert-cursor indicator 79
installation phase 193
Installation Verification Procedures
(IVPs) 195
integrity 33
interlock, transaction
avoiding 185
intersystem communication (ISC),
defined 4
interval control 59
expiration time 180

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

interval control (continued)

specifying request identifier 181
transaction initiation 173
destination 130
transient data 30, 131
intrapartition transient data
implicit locking upon 40
INVREQ condition 129
IOERR condition 238
IOERR condition processing 247
iostream objects 63
ISC, defined 4
ISSUE ABEND command 15
ISSUE ERROR command 15
ISSUE PREPARE command 15
ISSUE SIGNAL command 15, 68
ITEMERR condition 133
IVPs (Installation Verification
Procedures) 195

journal 141
services 14
journal control
output synchronization 140
journaling 137, 253
CICS journaling 137
DTB 138
Dynamic Transaction Backout 138
recovery after a system abnormally
terminates 138

key-sequenced data set 107
KEYLENGTH option 107
remote file 127
generic 121
keyword fields on screen 80
kill, used in CICS programs 50
KSDS 121
generic 107
key 107
segmented 107

LENGERR condition 128, 234, 242
LENGTH option
default, COBOL 52
default, PL/I 64
Lengths for CICS commands 37
line width for printer 94
LINK command 14, 62, 175, 241
restrictions 144
link libraries 214
link to program anticipating return 175
link-edit an application 214, 218
linker options 281
LOAD command 15, 183, 184
lock modes 102

locking 33
explicit locking by application
program 41
implicit locking on nonrecoverable
files 38
implicit locking on recoverable
files 39
implicit locking on temporary storage
queues 41
implicit locking on transient data
destinations 40
in application programs 38
logging resource states 34
logical unit of work (LUW) 34
services 185
terminal services 67
LUW (logical unit of work) 185

macro instructions
field definition macro 99
field definition, DFHMDF 99
map definition, DFHMDI 98
map set definition, DFHMSD 98
main storage
buffer 248
trace 248
main temporary storage 27, 136
map definition macro, DFHMDI 98
MAPFAIL condition 90, 235
MAPONLY option 85, 96
mapping considerations 202
mapping input data 89
BMS 95, 96
CICS on Open Systems map
migration 203
CICS OS/2 map migration 203
copying symbolic description 92
defining 73
migrating maps from CICS on Open
Systems 203
migrating maps from CICS OS/2 203
mapset 74, 75
MDT 95
message area of screen 81
DB2 159
Oracle 162
Micro Focus Net Express
compiling a program 226
compiling an EBCDIC-enabled
program 57, 227
Micro Focus Server Express COBOL
available memory 55
compiling a program 225
program invocation environment 53
3270 Information Display System
datastream 204
API 201
application migration 191
CEMT 199
change control 191
CICS OS/2 203
CICS OS/2 map migration 203

migration (continued)
databases 199
macro-level applications 199
map migration 203
maps from CICS OS/2 203
migrating data 196
monitoring and statistics 199
planning and control 191
minimizing errors 253
minimum function BMS 72
MINUTES(mm) option 60
mixing languages 55, 62, 66
modified data tag (MDT) 77, 79, 95
MONITOR POINT command 251
cicsmfmt 251
monitoring application
performance 251
record 251
MRO, defined 4
msdev 267
multiregion operation (MRO), defined 4

names reserved for CICS 49
NEWCOPY, use of 55
NOBUFSP condition 234
NOHANDLE option 58, 234, 236, 237,
NOJBUFSP condition 37, 141
non-migrated regions or
applications 194
non-transactional access, DB2
non-transactional access, Oracle
non-XA enabled databases
restrictions 144
nonconversational transaction 21
nondisplay fields 78
NOQUEUE option 37, 243
NORMAL condition 233, 234, 239
normal intensity field 78
NOSPACE condition 234
NOSTG condition 234
NOSUSPEND option 243
inhibit wait 37
NOTAUTH condition 234
NOTFND condition 121
null lines and 3270 printer 94
numeric-only field (3270 attribute
character) 78

using to write a CICS application
program 151
in C 151
in IBM VisualAge COBOL 153
Micro Focus NetExpress
OFD, use of 101
OFF parameter 258

open file descriptor 101

operating system
programming considerations 49
operations and recovery 35
operator identification card reader 91
concurrency and locking 103
example transaction for 145
Oracle EXTFH 157
non-transactional access 163
transactional access 163
output operations 77

PA (program access) key 91
PA keys 71, 95
page width for printer 94
parallel running 196
passing control
anticipating return (LINK) 175
path 106, 122
PERFORM SNAP command 254
command 16
performance and recovery 36
PF (program function) key
BMS 91
PF keys 71, 95
phased cutover 193
non-migrated regions or
applications 194
terminal owning regions 193
cached programs, restriction 64
compiler considerations 198
compiling a program 229
data declarations 65
length of CICS commands 37
passing data to another program 175
SQL, use of 14, 31
storage, accessing 183
translating 198
versions of 198
planning phase 192
POP HANDLE command 16, 58, 234,
237, 239, 243, 245
portability and recovery 36
POS operand
DFHMDF macro 99
preparing applications
cicstran command 278
preparing Applications
cicsmap command 276
overview 214
presentation services
overview 67
primary index 107
primary key 106
print monitor record 251
PRINT option 87
3270 printer page width 93
3270 printers and blank lines 93
printing displayed data 93


printers (continued)
starting a printer task 93
printing contents of screen 93
program access (PA) key 91
program compatibility
API 198
BMS 198
other considerations 198
source language and compilers 198
program design
conversational 21
nonconversational 21
pseudoconversational 21
program execution 174
linking to another program 175
passing data to another program 175
program function (PF) key
BMS 91
program reloads 55
program testing 17
EDF 258
program-level abend exit 244, 245
programmed symbols 79
programming considerations 49
migration 199
protected fields 78
pseudoconversational transaction 10, 21
PUSH HANDLE command 58, 234, 237,
239, 243, 245
Put command
Get command 256

QBUSY condition 37, 234
queue 31, 135
intrapartition 131
temporary storage 14
transient data 14, 136
QZERO condition 133

raise, used in CICS programs 50
RBA 108
READ command 121, 124
READ MODIFIED command 95
reading data from a display 89
READNEXT command 108, 233
READPREV command 108
READQ TD command 133
NOSUSPEND option 37
READQ TS command 133, 243
RECEIVE command 13, 15, 68, 71, 237,
RECEIVE MAP command 13, 89, 234
FROM option 244
records 139
recovery 34
journaling 35
of resources 34
operations 35
performance 36
portability 36
region pool 184
relational database services 14


relative byte address 108

relative record data set (RRDS)
record number 108
slot number 108
RELEASE command 15, 183, 184
reloads, program 55
remote file
KEYLENGTH option 127
remote procedure call 10, 71, 94
replaceable CICS Clients 9
replaceable cicsterm 9, 254
REQID option 123
resource definition 198
macro-level 198
RESP option 58, 233, 234, 243
RESP2 option 236, 243
restrictions, COBOL 58
RETRIEVE command 14
return 64, 66
RETURN command 14, 15, 56, 64, 66,
returning from C programs 63
returning from COBOL program 56
returning from COBOL programs 56
returning from PL/I programs 66
REWRITE command 121, 124, 129
RIDFLD 107, 108, 127
RRDS 108, 110, 121
RRDS Files 118
run unit 55
run unit in XCTL 62, 66

sample transaction 20
screen attribute definition 52, 61
screen layout design
application data area 80
data fields 80
input operations 77
keyword fields 80
message area 81
output operations 77
requirements 80
stopper fields 80
title area 80
screen size
alternate screen size 80
default screen size 80
screen, printing contents 93
secondary index 107
secondary key 106
SECONDS(ss) option 60
security rules
CECI 257
CECS 257
segmented key 107
SEND command 13, 15, 68, 71
SEND CONTROL command 13, 96
SEND MAP command 13, 84
SEND TEXT command 68
sequential browse 122
SESSBUSY condition 37
SET command 15, 187, 236
SET option 120

TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

SET STATISTICS command 16, 252

setlocale, used in CICS programs 50
consistency 101
file 10
file access 13
file types 106
isolation 101
keyed 13
lock modes 102
locking 101
open file descriptor 101
performance with large files 103
recoverable files 102
relative 13
sequential 13
server 9, 10
SFS External File Handler (EXTFH)
using the Micro Focus Server Express
sfs_noLock mode 102
sfs_writeLock mode 102
shared memory functions, used in CICS
programs 50
sharing and distribution and
recovery 32
sharing data
across transactions 27
Shippable terminal, transaction
routing 195
SIGNAL condition 234
signals, used in CICS programs 50
sigprocmask, used in CICS programs 50
simultaneous browse 123
skip-sequential processing 124
SNA 67
source code translation 16
source directories 214
source language and compiler
considerations 198
SQL 14, 105, 142
example transaction for 145
restrictions for non-XA enabled
databases 142
SQL COMMIT command, use of 144
SQL COMMIT WORK command, use
of 144
START AT/AFTER command in C 59
START command 14, 59
START TRANSID commands 181
STARTBR command 122
static storage 62, 64
statistics services 252
stderr, used in CICS programs 50
stdin, used in CICS programs 50
stdout, used in CICS programs 50
stopper fields on screen 80
terminating reverse video 81
of data 31
task-private 183
task-shared 183
task-shared pool 183
temporary 27, 31
user 26
violation 29
working 55

string handling 63
structure and function and recovery 32
structured file server 13
SUFFIX operand 74
supplied transactions 197
summary of 18
SUSPEND command 14
symbolic cursor positioning 87
symbolic description maps
copying 92
field data format 82
symbolic map data structures 81
synchronization 68, 181
journal output 140
SYNCPOINT command 15, 121, 144
command 102, 245
Syntax Checker (CECS)
security rules 257
SYSBUSY condition 234
sysid parameter 258
system trace 248

table space, DB2 46
tabs in map and program sources 49
automatic transaction initiation
(ATI) 173
definition of 4
initiation 173
interval control transaction
initiation 173
terminal task initiation (TTI) 173
triggered transaction initiation 173
task-private storage 183
task-shared storage
data tables 183
use of 183
TCTUALen option 29
techniques, programming 36
temporary storage 10, 14, 133
auxiliary 27, 136
dynamic definition 27
implicit locking upon 41
main 27, 136
names 135
uses of 134
TERMERR condition 246
input/output area 96
services 13
user area 29
terminal owning regions 193
terminal services
overview 67
terminal task initiation (TTI) 173
terminal user area 184
terminating reverse video 81
Installation Verification Procedures
(IVPs) 195
minimizing errors 253
tests and parallel running 195
thread safety 50

time arguments in C 60
time fields in commands 59
time-related services 14
TIOA 26, 96
title area of screen 80
tools for testing 253
TRACE command 16
trace facility
overview 247
trace entry points 249
definition of 4
transaction deadlock
avoiding 129, 185
transaction identifier (CEDF) 17
transaction processing 4
transaction routing 5
transaction scheduler 9, 10
transaction type
conversational 21
nonconversational 21
pseudoconversational 21
transaction work area 26
TWASize option 26
transactional access, DB2 EXTFH 160
transactional access, Oracle EXTFH 163
CECI 257
CECS 257
CEDF 17, 258
pseudoconversational 21
transient data 14, 136
extrapartition 30, 131, 137
extrapartition destination 131
indirect destination 132
intrapartition 10, 30
intrapartition destination 130, 132
READQ TD command 132
trigger level 132
transient data queues 30
transient data, extrapartition 30
transient data, intrapartition
implicit locking upon 40
translate an application 214, 218
translation 16
cicstran command 278
trigger level 133
triggered transaction initiation 132, 173
TTI, defined 173
TWASize option 26

user trace 247

variables in static storage 62, 64
variables in static storage, restriction 62,
vertical forms control 94
violation of storage 29
virtual storage environment 36
VSAM data set types 106
VSAM emulation 108, 113

wait conditions 37
WAIT CONVID command 15
WAIT option 140
WAIT TERMINAL command 13
windbg 267
working storage 55
command 37
WRITE JOURNAL command 141
WRITEQ TD command 234
WRITEQ TS command 133, 234, 243

XA-enabled databases
restrictions 145
XA-enabled relational database 145
XCTL command 14, 56, 64, 66, 241
restrictions 144

zero length field 81

unformatted data 94
UNLOCK command 121, 125, 129
unprotected field, 3270 attribute
character 78
UPDATE option 121, 124
upgrade set 107
user exit
abend exit 244
monitoring 251
program level 244
user files 30
user storage 26



TXSeries: CICS Application Programming Guide

Printed in USA



Spine information:

CICS Application Programming Guide

Version 5.1


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