No. 08 Holy Cross Lutheran Church 1495 Underwood Atwater, Ca. 95301 Tel. 209-358-3471 Sunday Service 10:15 Sunday School 8:45 Aug 2016

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Holy Cross Lutheran Church

1495 Underwood
Atwater, Ca. 95301 Tel. 209-358-3471
Sunday Service 10:15 Sunday School 8:45

E-mail [email protected]
Web site:

Volume 36
No. 08
aug 2016

Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries

In Christ I remain His servant and yours, Pastor Ken Klaus

"The One and Only" June 23, 2016

Jesus said to him, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father
except through Me." John 14:6
It's not often when the Lord and the political candidates come into agreement.
That being said, both our Creator and the candidates agree: the world is headed in a most
perilous direction and has set its foot upon a most precarious path. On the other hand, we
must admit they differ radically on how to correct humankind's sinful condition.
Some time ago at the St. Louis airport, I had a discussion with a man
about heaven. Pointing at the board of arrivals and departures, he said,
"If I want to get to Dallas from here, I can take United Airlines, or
American or, well, I can go any number of ways. If I want to get to
heaven, I believe I can follow any number of deities: Jesus, maybe.
Buddha, possibly. Allah, perhaps. They're all going to get me where I
want to go."
If that man was editing the Bible, I'm sure he would change Jesus' words to read, "I am
one of the ways, part of the truth, and one kind of life. No one can get into heaven unless
they have some kind of religion, are good and gentle and generous and sincere in what they
My friends, lest you never hear it again, I want you to know, Jesus didn't say He was one
of the ways to heaven or even the best way to heaven. Jesus said He was the only way to
forgiveness, salvation and eternal joy.
Now if you're thinking that's not very open-minded, I couldn't agree with you more.
But I would add, open-mindedness can be grossly over-rated. The police aren't open-minded
when you take a car that isn't yours. You can tell them that "One car is as good as any other,"
but I doubt if they -- or the judge who hears your case -- will find that to be an acceptable
When your child goes to a birthday party and you, a few hours later, go to pick him up, does
it make any difference which child you bring home with you? When some irate and worried
parents show up at your door, will they buy into your open-minded statement: "I didn't think
you would mind all that much since all children are basically the same."

Yes, there are times when open-mindedness is a good thing, and there are times when it is
just plain wrong and ridiculous.
Demoting Jesus and making Him one of many paths to paradise is incredibly wrong and
Because of His fulfillment of the many prophecies that foretold His coming, because He
did things only God's Son could do, because He lived a perfect life and gave Himself
sacrificially for us, Jesus remains unique. Most importantly, Jesus rose from the dead and
thereby has shown Himself to be all that Scripture claims: He is the Reconciler of God and
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, send Your Holy Spirit upon the world so humankind may see
how very foolish they are when they try to make Jesus less than He is. May they be brought
to faith where they can proclaim Him as the Lamb of God who has taken away the sins of the
world. This I ask in His Name. Amen.

"The Real God" July 1, 2016

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
A pastor friend of mine told me about a conversation he had with a lady who was asking
about what his church believed.
Everything went fine until he started talking about God's commandments and the penalty for
sin. Hearing about hell, the lady blurted: "Pastor, that's impossible! My god would never do
such a thing."
Surprised by the lady's reaction, the pastor went on to other topics as
he tried to think of a suitable reply.
Before the end of their session, he said, "A little while ago you said
your 'god' wouldn't condemn you for disobeying his law. I think a lot
of people have that god. Their god doesn't condemn them because he
likes them just the way they are. Their god wouldn't call them 'sinners'
or call them to repentance, and he certainly wouldn't suggest they
need a Savior."
"The only problem with your 'god,'" my friend continued, "is that he doesn't exist, and he
certainly isn't the God of the Bible."

"And what was the lady's reply?" I asked my pastor friend.

He said, "I don't know. I never saw her again."
You see, that lady, like many others, thought she was the master,
and God was a beggar, who should be glad to glean any crumbs
that fall from her table. She thought of God as a cuddly-wuddly
teddy bear, who might make her feel warm and secure when she
needed Him, but would -- the rest of the time -- sit patiently on
her bed, or wherever she put Him.
She thought of God as being a spiritual Santa, who waited
anxiously for her to pass on the list of things she wanted, but
who could be ignored the rest of the time. She thought of God
as a nice grandpa, who gave gentle suggestions, but would never
give orders.
Although she might never have said it out loud, this lady was among the hundreds of
millions who wonder

who does God think He is that He can tell me what I'm supposed to do?
who does God think He is that I have to keep Him first all of the time?
who does God think He is that He can push me around?
who does God think He is that I'm not allowed to have anything before Him, alongside
Him, over, under, or next to Him?
Who does God think He is?
I'm going to tell you.
God thinks He's God, and we're not. He's the God whose justice compels Him to condemn
the sinner and the God whose grace sent His Son into the world to save those same sinners.
He is the God who says, "The wages of sin is death, but My free gift is eternal life in Christ
Jesus the Lord."
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, may I always remember that You are the loving Lord, and I am
the sinful soul. May I always remember the sacrifice made by the Savior, who has given me
life through His death and resurrection. In His Name I ask it. Amen.

"What's Really Necessary?" July 2, 2016

(Jesus said) "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things
will be added to you." Matthew 6:33
In 1874 Jules Verne published a novel called The Mysterious Island.
In the book Verne tells of five Union soldiers who manage to escape a Civil War prison
camp in a hot-air balloon. According to the storyline, a great storm catches the balloon and
carries it over the sea and across countless miles.
Horror comes upon the men when they realize their torn balloon is losing altitude and will be
forced into the midst of the ocean. If they are to survive, they must lighten the load. The first
choice is easy: the bags of ballast are emptied. That buys some time, but not much.
Soon the balloon finds itself in danger again. The men throw over all unnecessary provisions.
Guns, extra clothing -- almost everything goes. It's a losing battle. Each choice buys them
time, but only for a while. Next the men agree to jettison their food, then their gold, and
finally, with the men clinging to the netting of the balloon, even the gondola in which they
had been riding.
The men do live. It would have been a very short novel if they hadn't.
But what I want you to remember is that these men figured out what was important and what
was not. Things which had once seemed to be indispensable were reduced to being nothing
more than excess baggage.
Although he didn't know it, Verne was putting into fiction the
Scripture verse which says, "Let us throw off everything that
hinders and the sin that so easily entangles" (Hebrews 12:1b).
In other words, let's keep God first.
Understand, the Lord isn't saying, almost first, or close to first, or most of the time first.
Not so long ago, a national magazine asked people to list the things they couldn't live
without. Sixth-three percent of the people said they needed their automobile; 54 percent
said light bulbs were necessary, and 42 percent wanted to keep their telephone. Twenty-two
percent were unable to give up their television, and 19 percent had to hold on to their aspirin.
Seven and eight tenths percent of the folks asked needed their blow-dryer, and 7.6 percent
said they couldn't lose their personal computer. You will note that God isn't in those lists.
He ought to be at the top of everybody's list, but He's not.

The world, the devil, our own sinful natures do all they can
to push the Lord to the background and everything else to
the front. Indeed, every time God says, "I want to be first,"
you can be sure something is going to pop up to move God,
ever so gently, ever so slowly, ever so unnoticeably, to the
This is exactly why we sinners need the Holy Spirit to hold
His ground. He needs to make sure the Trinity is first and the Savior -- the Savior who gave
Himself to rescue us from damnation -- remains paramount in all that we hold to be precious.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, in spite of the world's seductions, keep me faithful to You. Help
me see the world's distractions for what they are: things that would separate me from the
blood-bought salvation the Savior has won. In His Name I pray this. Amen.

"You Can Be Ready" July 12, 2016

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive
what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. 2 Corinthians 5:10
The world is filled with all kinds of people who make decisions that don't make sense.
For example, there are those who are willing to risk everything and do anything to advance
themselves in this world, but ignore the day when they will appear before Jesus the Judge.
When that moment comes, they will not be able to fake it, nor will they be able to point with
pride to their many earthly accomplishments. On that day they will
either make the cut or they will not. They will either have Jesus as their
Savior or they will not.
On that day their fate will be placed in His nail-pierced hands.
Now, there are a number of ways people respond to the idea of
appearing before Jesus the Judge.
Some gamble there is no God. To them I say, "Go out to the country
on a moonless night. Look at the mathematically precise dance of the
stars. Christians believe God created those stars, put them there, and

keeps them running." Without God in your life, you have to believe that somehow,
someway matter created itself and through a series of coincidences and catastrophes,
set itself in motion.
Without God, you must hold to the theory we are the product of accidents and happenstance.
At a 1981 symposium, Sir Fred Hoyle said, "The chance that higher life forms might have
emerged in this way (i.e. through evolutionary processes) is comparable with the chance that
a tornado sweeping through a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials
If we are being honest, we know a hand more powerful than ours, directed by a mind more
brilliant than ours, has formed these wonders.
In short, there is a God, and He loves us.
You can, of course, deny Him, but that will not make Him less real. You can reject Him, but
that will not make the judgment at which you must appear, less valid. The time is coming
when we will appear before the Savior.
Will you be ready? Do not be numbered with those who maintain that "God is great, God is
good, and He is too kind to judge anyone. And, if He does judge anyone, I'm okay, because I
lead a pretty good life."
Well, my friends, you can hold that position, but
it's not one that comes from Scripture. When you
face Jesus, the only position which is satisfactory
is to have Him as your Judge and your Savior.
And the most wonderful thing is this: that is what
God wants too. It is for that reason Jesus lived,
died and rose. And it was done for you, so your
day of judgment will be worry and condemnation
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, for a Savior who made the sacrifice to transform my day of
judgment into a Day of Thanksgiving, I rejoice. May others know and acknowledge this
great gift of grace. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

Running the race

During three Olympic Games, American triathlete Hunter Kemper never placed higher than
seventh. But his athletic performance never defined him. Whether I win a gold medal or
not, I get my character as a person from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Kemper said.
Thats who Ill always be, and therefore I can never be let down. You can never be let down
if your faith is in the Lord.
Kemper, now 40, said, Trust in the Lord, and hell give you the strength to be on top. And if
you dont end up on top, thats okay too. Ultimately for me, I want to run my race and
give [God] credit, whether in victory or defeat.

Be a lifesaver
About 200 people including 100 lifeguards attended a pool
party in New Orleans in 1985 to celebrate the first summer in
memory that no one had drowned at a city pool. At the end of the
festivities, the four on-duty lifeguards began clearing the area
and found a fully dressed man in the deep end. Despite efforts to
revive him, he died.
Just as swimming with a bunch of lifeguards doesnt guarantee
safety, swimming with a sea of churchgoers doesnt guarantee
peace. People in the pews next to you might be struggling to stay
above water physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually. Be alert to ways you can serve
as a lifeguard. Extend a helping hand, a listening ear and an encouraging reminder of Jesus
ultimate rescue (see Romans 7:24-25).

At the center of it all

Psalm 118:8, the verse that falls in the middle of the Protestant
Bible, reads, It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust
in humans (NIV).
The center of Gods Word reminds us to make God the center of
our lives! No other person or possession can fulfill or save us.
Only God is a safe, certain refuge, and we grow closer to him by
grounding ourselves in his Word and his will.

LCMS Stewardship Newsletter Article

August 2016

Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift (2 Cor. 9:15)! This is St. Pauls exclamation
upon hearing the Corinthian churchs response to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
and his request for support for the Church in Jerusalem. The Christians in Corinth heard and
received Gods mercy in Christ, and they responded to St. Pauls call to support Christians in
Jerusalem with a collection. The Corinthians joy filled Jerusalems need.
This is the reality of stewardship. Because of Gods generosity in the giving of His Son to
die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we
receive? Everything. All that we are and all that we have is the Lords. He is the creator and
the giver. We are His creatures and those who receive what He gives.
It sounds easy. And it is. But then again it isnt. Stewardship is easy because it Gods work.
Through what God gives, we give to others. Through what God gives, we support the work
of the church for the life of the world. He gives; we receive. And like our generous Father
in Heaven, we, as His children, use what He gives to us to love and serve others.
But stewardship is also difficult. That is because it goes against our natural inclination to
think that what I have is mine to do what I want with. This is our sinful nature. It is our
selfishness and our greed. How can we who have been given everythinglife, food,
clothing, house, home, forgiveness, divine sonship, an eternal inheritancebe so stingy
with what we give to the church, the place where we hear about and receive all that God
gives us and does for us? We are all guilty of this kind of thinking. And the only godly
response is to repent and trust in the Gospel.
For if God has given you His own Son, will He not give you all things? Yes. He will. This
is His sure and certain promise. God provides for His people. He provides everything we
need for this body and life and for the life that is to come.
The church is a mercy place. Its a place where Gods mercy in the death and resurrection
of His Son, Jesus Christ, is given and received. For we who believe in Christ, it means
forgiveness, life, and salvation in the face of sin, death, and the power of the devil. Here in
the church we inhale Gods mercy in Word and Sacrament, and exhale this same mercy in
love and service to our neighbor. And that is an enduring, joyful thing to do. Our joy fills
our neighbors need because His joy filled
ours (Heb. 12:2). Thanks be to God for His
inexpressible gift!


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from
the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to
change (James 1:17, ESV).
A new season brings new blessings. What a joy to count you among
them! As you consider your partnership with us for the sake of telling
others about Jesus, we invite you to prayerfully consider a few of the
many opportunities for sharing the Gospel in word and deed with others
through your financial support of the LCMS.
Together as Synod (General Support)
Each undesignated gift to The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod can advance any of the
mission and ministry priorities set by the Synod's Constitution, its Board of Directors and
our Synod acting in Convention. Each precious Together as Synod donation is a gift that
binds together all other gifts. Your donation will be wisely used by the Board of Directors
to fund Witness and Mercy (program) work, as well as the logistical and support systems
at the International Center that coordinate program work, including those aspects required
under the Synod's Constitution and Bylaws or by state or federal law and more - wherever
the opportunity to advance our common mission as Lutheran Christians is greatest.
Global Mission (National and International)
Every gift designated for Global Mission reaches people around the world and in our own
backyard through bold words and deeds, wherever the opportunity is greatest at the time the
gift is received. Global Mission gifts are utilized immediately to fund Witness (Evangelism),
Mercy (Human Care) and Life Together efforts at home and abroad carried out exclusively
by the Office of International Mission and/or the Office of National Mission.
Mercy Forever
Contributions for LCMS World Relief and Human Careor more simply Mercyimpact
people in ways that defy sin, death and the devil in this broken world. Gods unchanging
love, shown in deeds of mercy and human care, opens hearts and minds to hearing the Good
News so that lives are changed and souls are brought into the body of Christ for eternity.


The Office of International Mission

Your gift bolsters work by the Office of International Mission as it recruits, trains, sends and
cares for our official LCMS international missionaries, human-care workers, theological
educators and military chaplains serving outside the United States. Contributions to
International Mission can also fund projects and programs planned by our Synods
international mission teams as they work with specific people groups and strengthen
LCMS partner churches around the world. Donations are utilized immediately, wherever
the opportunity for impact is greatest at the time they are received.
The Office of National Mission
A contribution designated for National Mission is put to work entirely and exclusively
within the borders of the United States, which has the worlds third highest population
of unchurched people. Your donation makes possible vital LCMS programs and
Gospel-centered resources intended to enhance the ministry of congregations, districts,
schools, Lutheran organizations and every church worker. National Mission programs
and resources are designed to meet unique contextual needs of each ministry (rural/small
town, urban and suburban) and enhance Christ-centered worship, evangelism and outreach,
Lutheran education, youth and family discipleship, campus ministry, stewardship, and
human-care and domestic disaster-relief efforts.
Worldwide KFUO-AM Radio
For more than 90 years, KFUO Radio has proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ, our
Savior. In recent years, thanks to Internet streaming, that proclamation has extended around
the world. Has someone you know been influenced by KFUO: grandparents, parents, spouse,
children, YOU? Learn more about how you can help us continue to broadcast the Message
of Jesus around the globe.
Lutheran Housing Support
Lutheran Housing Support helps LCMS churches keep Christ in their communities through
community development work and neighborhood revitalization. Every day, we work with
our LCMS ministries and their partners in mission fields close to home in neighborhoods
just beyond our church doors to perform acts of mercy that open hearts to the Gospel.
LCMS Joint Seminary Fund
One mission. Two world-class seminaries. Your donation helps to form and equip
compassionate pastors, deaconesses and other leaders for the proclamation of the Gospel
to a broken, sinful world. By inviting your financial support of the LCMS Joint Seminary
Fund, our Synods national headquarters is better able to supply additional financial support
to our seminaries beyond what regular worship offerings currently provide. Donations
designated for the LCMS Joint Seminary Fund must go to supporting our two seminaries,
who may utilize any funds received in ways they consider most effective.

The Wittenberg Project

The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod, Concordia Publishing House and Germanys
Independent EvangelicalLutheran Church are boldly reaching people in Germany and
those from around the world with the Gospel under the name The Wittenberg Project. This
exciting outreach and education effort is centered in the very birthplace of the Reformation.
Its facility, the Old Latin School (now called the International Lutheran Center), is part of an
intentional plan to proclaim the Gospel to non-Christians and the unchurched, nurture and
strengthen the faith of Christians in the region, and provide opportunities for Lutherans
around the world to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Martin Luthers impact
on the proclamation of the saving Gospel of our Lord.
The LCMS Foundation: Beyond the Offering Plate
How can you make a lasting impact for ministry and provide for your family at the same
time? The LCMS Foundation exists to help generous LCMS donors create smart plans for
taking care of family today and making the very best gifts to ministry tomorrow. No matter
your age or resources, we can help you plan and direct your passion for supporting local,
national and international ministries.
Gods richest blessings to you this summer!

Answering God's call

During a 2010 trip to report on famine-relief
efforts in Kenya, Kristen Welch observed
conditions unfit for living. How can you
allow so much suffering? she asked God. In
return, he asked her the same question.
That prompted Welch to put her faith into
action by launching Mercy House, a nonprofit
organization that rescues pregnant young
women and their babies. The impact of Mercy
House in Kenya plus now in 19 other
countries is miraculous proof that God is
made perfect in our weakness, Welch says.
Who would have thought a yes in 2010
would make us the poster children that [prove]
God can do anything with anyone?


Bible Quiz

Under what circumstances did strongman

Samson become weak?
A. When a curse was spoken against him
B. When he slacked off on his weight-lifting
C. When his hair was cut
D. When he was bound with ropes that had
never been used

A small laugh
God warned a man named Lot to take his wife and
flee out of the city, said the Sunday school teacher,
but Lots wife looked back and was turned to salt.
A curious boy then asked, What happened to the

Answer: C (See Judges 16:17-19.)


God, I Just Know You Are In Control!

The Gift of Faith
Theme verse:
For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same
function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of
another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them
(Romans 12:4-6a).
Dear Heavenly Father, as we begin this Bible study, please help us focus on Your
words. Open our hearts and minds to Your Holy Spirit and motivate us to thank You
for the gifts You have given Your church on earth. Help us discover and utilize our
gifts for the furtherance of Your kingdom. In Jesus precious name. Amen.
This can be a confusing gift to many people. All Christians have faith. God created that faith
in us when the Holy Spirit entered our sinful hearts. This gift is referring to an extra measure
of faith, those who see the good that comes from bad situations or see the light at the end of
the tunnel.
1. Discuss with a partner a person whom you know to be extra trusting no matter the
2. See what Jesus says about faith to the disciples in Matthew 17:14-20.
3. Next lets look at an example of faith in Numbers 27:1-11. This is probably an unfamiliar
story to many because it was rarely a Sunday school lesson and is tucked away in the
book of Numbers. There are actually five sisters involved.
4. Discuss these women with a partner.
Let this soak in for a second. These women were wandering in the wilderness with their
father. Due to a sin, their father dies and they are left behind with nothing. They refused to
crumble up and die as orphans dependent on others.
5. What are your thoughts about their boldness and what they accomplished?


Women were not held to great value in their culture, yet they boldly go to Moses and lay out
their wishes. God tells Moses how to distribute property in an equitable manner. Forward
thinking, faith-filled women were led by God to change things for all His people. Lack of
faith could have held them back.
6. Here is another example of a faith-filled woman A Syrophoenician Woman
After Jesus left there, he went to the region of Tyre. When he went into a house, he did not
want anyone to know, but he was not able to escape notice. Instead, a woman whose young
daughter had an unclean spirit immediately heard about him and came and fell at his feet.
The woman was a Greek, of Syrophoenician origin. She asked him to cast the demon out of
her daughter. He said to her, Let the children be satisfied first, for it is not right to take the
childrens bread and to throw it to the dogs. She answered, Yes, Lord, but even the dogs
under the table eat the childrens crumbs. Then he said to her, Because you said this, you
may go. The demon has left your daughter. She went home and found the child lying on the
bed, and the demon gone (Mark 7:24-30 NET).
She is an example of aliens like us. The Holy Spirit intentionally included her in the
Scriptures for those of us outside of ancient Israel. She was persistent. She knew that
Jesus would heal her daughter. The womans comment back to Jesus exemplifies her faith.
7. Do we give up too easily in our prayers to God?
8. What is Jesus response?
9. Are you a person of strong faith? Do you barrel ahead with trust in the Lord and know
there will be a blessing coming ahead? Use your gift to strengthen other peoples faith.
Speak the confidence you have; do not hold it in. Share your confidence and encourage
others in their walk.
Lets close in prayer.
Dear Lord, keep our eyes open for ways to give You glory and
serve Your kingdom by speaking Your Words to others to
strengthen their faith. Help us be mindful that as we share our
faith, we are encouraging and strengthening a fellow believer
in Christ. Thank You for this gift of faith that blesses all who
come in contact with it. In Jesus name. Amen.




Rosa J. Young was born in1890 to ordinary black/African American parents. However,
she did not let her race define her. She let her Christian faith define who she was, and so
her Lutheran faith is the center of her legacy. She was instrumental in the founding and
development of 30 Lutheran elementary schools and 35 Lutheran congregations throughout
Alabama. With funding from The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod (LCMS), she
ultimately started what is today Concordia College, located in Selma, Alabama.
By Gods grace in Jesus Christ, the pioneer outreach led by Rosa Young brought many
people into the Lutheran Church during the last century, and many of the students entered
pastoral and teaching ministries. The number of African-Americans in the LCMS has been
declining steadily in the last generation necessitating worthy models of Christian ministry
and vocation to inspire young people to embrace church careers.
The Rosa J. Young (RJY) Academies & After School Programs Initiative is collaborating
with existing congregations that have recently closed their schools to create new academies
and after school tutorial/mentoring and spiritual growth programs to enhance children and
families educationally and spiritually. The collaboration also extends to struggling schools
to help them become effective and productive schools. In urban and rural communities where
no LCMS school exists, the intent is to start new schools and after school programs for the
purpose of founding new mission congregations.
A desired outcome is to inspire revitalization of congregations in Black Ministry as the
Holy Spirit through the means of grace makes new believers from these academies and
after school tutorial and mentoring opportunities within the LCMS.
The Rosa Young Initiative will provide children with a safe environment for education and
spiritual growth; supply the opportunity to worship together and grow in the Word of God;
witness to one another of Gods love, mercy and grace; encourage participation in positive
life-changing spiritual and character building programs; offer healthy nutritious meals and
teach healthy eating habits; and counsel in learning healthy life skills using arts, drama/plays,
sports and other programs to encourage healthy living habits.



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Check out the first five 2016 #shoeboxstories available now.


Love's freedom
Love is the power to grant freedom without desiring to limit or inhibit its exercise. It is the
power to give freedom without any will to take it back. And it is only Omnipotence that can
refrain absolutely from trespassing upon freedom. Only God can give and not take back ...
[God] suffers within himself the entire consequence of allowing man absolute freedom. That
is his love ....
Thus, the existence of evil and suffering in the world is a proof, not that God is either good
but powerless, or all powerful but not good. On the contrary, it is a proof that God is both
loving and omnipotent. Only absolute love could grant unhindered freedom, and only
omnipotence can endure the operation of that freedom. D.R. Davies
The gift of grace
Grace is something you can never get but only be given. The grace of God means something
like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldnt
have been complete without you. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen.
Dont be afraid. I am with you. Nothing can ever separate us. Its for you I created the
universe. I love you.
Theres only one catch. Like any other gift, the gift of grace can be yours only if you reach
out and take it. Maybe being able to reach and take it is a gift too. Frederick Buechner,
Wishful Thinking

The Master Puzzler

In Laughing in the Dark (Howard Books), Christian comedian
Chonda Pierce calls God the Master Puzzler, because in him all
things hold together (Colossians 1:17). In his infinite wisdom,
God can organize the colors better than anyone (Have you seen
a sunset lately?) He knows where to fit every shape and size
(Have you seen a mountain range?).
Until God places the last piece, the final picture is a mystery
to us. But in the meantime, God offers order and purpose,
providing his law as the puzzles edges.
Pierce encourages people to let the Master Puzzler take over when life gets messy. Like
the prophet Jeremiah, we can cry, GOD, pick up the pieces. Put me back together again.
You are my praise! (17:14, The Message).

Grace in, grace out

The computer acronym GIGO garbage in, garbage out describes how putting wrong
code into a machine will lead to faulty output. Jesus offers a similar lesson in Matthew 15:
What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person (v. 18,
GIGO works the other way, too. If we put good things (including the good news of salvation)
in our hearts, Jesus goodness will shine out through our lives. And when Gods grace
enters and changes us, well also reach out and share that good news with others.
Time to pause
The Hebrew word selah (pronounced say-lah) occurs 74 times in the Bible all but
three of them in Psalms. Biblical scholars arent sure what it means, but a few ideas have
predominated: a musical interlude, a break to ponder or weigh the passage just shared,
an affirmation akin to Amen. Some scholars, noting connections in Hebrew to the word
for lift up, suggest selah may indicate a place to stop and exalt the Lord.
The website advises that we combine these possible meanings: When we
see the word in a psalm or in Habakkuk 3, we should pause to carefully weigh the meaning
of what we have just read or heard, lifting up our hearts in praise to God for his great truths.
In the words of Psalm 24:10 (ESV), Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is
the King of glory! Selah.

My purpose
God has created me to do him some definite service
I have my mission he has not created me for naught.
I shall do good; I shall do his work
I will trust him, whatever I am,
I can never be thrown away.
If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve him,
in perplexity, my perplexity may serve him.
If I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve him.
He does nothing in vain
He knows what he is about.
John Henry Newman

All aboard!
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you dont throw away the ticket and
jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer. Corrie ten Boom
The greatest example
How often we quote Leviticus 19:18: Love your neighbor as yourself. Its not a bad
standard to reach for; even Jesus repeated it (see Matthew 22:39 and elsewhere). But in John
13:34, as Bible scholar Dr. Harry Wendt points out, Jesus changes the wording slightly but
crucially: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have
loved you, you also are to love one another (ESV).
Perhaps during his time on earth, Jesus realized humans dont actually love ourselves very
much or very well. So using self-love as the bar by which to measure neighbor-love might be
ineffective. Although we may act self-enamored and self-impressed, its often just a cover
for inner feelings of self-loathing and self-doubt.
After washing his disciples feet and before sacrificing his very life for them (and us), Jesus
changes the wording and the example that will lead us: Love one another not as you love
you, but as I love you. Unconditionally. Unreservedly. Wholeheartedly. Unto death. And
into life everlasting.

The 'art' of forgiveness

An interesting legend is associated with the painting The Last Supper. Some say Leonardo
da Vinci used a rivals face for Judas. Then when the painter tried to create Jesus face, all he
could see was that of his enemy. Supposedly, da Vinci was able to complete Jesus face
and the entire masterpiece only after making peace with his enemy and repainting Judas.
This tale shows the necessity of forgiving other people so we can
accept Jesus forgiveness for ourselves. As Jesus says in Matthew
6:14-15 (NIV), For if you forgive other people when they sin
against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if
you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive
your sins. adapted from Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by
Wayne Rice
Raise your praise
Let praise not merely thanksgiving, but praise always form an ingredient of thy
prayers. We thank God for what he is to us, for the benefits which he confers and the

blessings with which he visits us. But we praise him for

what he is in himself, for his glorious excellences and
perfections, independently of their bearing on the welfare
of the creature. When thou singest praise, all creation
(in a manner) sings in thee and with thee.
Edward Goulburn
Beautiful brokenness
We are bodies of broken bones. I guess Id always known
but never fully considered that being broken is what
makes us human. We all have our reasons. Sometimes
were fractured by the choices we make; sometimes were
shattered by things we would never have chosen.
But our brokenness is also the source of our common
humanity, the basis for our shared search for comfort,
meaning and healing. Our shared vulnerability and
imperfection nurtures and sustains our capacity for
compassion. Bryan Stevenson, Just Mercy

What's up?
Ever wonder what God is doing in your life, or what if anything hes accomplishing
through you? You arent alone! Many people in the Bible surely felt the same way, from
Joseph as a prisoner in Egypt to Mary as a young, unwed expectant mother.
Answers may come in time or may need to wait
until we get to heaven. Meanwhile, like missionary
Elisabeth Elliot, we can take comfort in this truth:
God is God. Because he is God, he is worthy of
my trust and obedience. Elliot proclaimed, I will
find rest nowhere but in his holy will that is
unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what he
is up to.



Prayers for: Rosa Young Academies & After School Programs
Dear Heavenly Father, All glory and honor to You, Lord, for calling Rosa Young to be
a dedicated Christian woman who, through her outreach, brought many people into the
Lutheran Church. Many of her students entered pastoral and teaching ministries, thereby
extending mission work throughout the United States. May we learn from her example and,
with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, vigorously share the Good News of Jesus Christ with
others. In the holy name of Your Son, our Savior, we pray. Amen.
God, You have called us to be Yours, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you and
You have prepared our direction, For I know the plans I have for youto give you hope
and a future (Jeremiah). Help us to answer Your call and follow Your plans by supporting
the Rosa J. Young Academies and After School Programs, which, through Your Word and
the Holy Spirit, the means of grace can make new believers by providing positive lifechanging spiritual and character building programs. It is in Jesus name that we pray. Amen.
Oh Blessed Trinity, We give You praise and thanksgiving for the opportunities You provide
for us to share the Gospel of Christ and the confessional teachings of the LCMS. Some
people today live in a fog of ignorance and avoidance because of the difference of race in
our cultural society and in the church. Help us to overcome that fog, by the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, and reach out in support of initiatives like the Rosa Young Academies and After
School Program where new generations for future education and Gospel outreach will be
started. In Your holy name we pray. Amen.
Lord, Open our eyes and direct our paths to follow the calling You have given us. Where we
have been given the opportunity to help provide children with safe environments, education
and spiritual growth, lead us to respond generously with our mite offerings and prayers. We
acknowledge that the Rosa Young Initiative will offer these things, as well as provide times
to grow in Your Word, participate in life-changing spiritual and character building programs,
and serve healthy meals and teach healthy life skills and habits. We thank You for the work
being done in Your name, and for the opportunity we have been given to support it. In Jesus
name we pray. Amen.

Friday, July 01, 2016 5:49 PM

Update from Mommy Maddie Doig~~Just got off the phone with
the nurses at OSUH and they said the results of the MRI show that
everything looks all clear. The docs had put a note saying they don't see
any re-occurring growths in him!! :) so it all looks Good.
Carol Rogge
Sunday, July 3, 2016 7:52 AM
Prayers For Roy Tanner has he recovers from a Stroke. (John Kessler's cousin)

Friday, July 1, 2016 12:50 PM

Dear LWMLers:
Please keep in your prayers Bev Vietor, our VP Gospel Outreach and all the people in the
Georgetown area who are in the path of the Trailhead Fire.
Lynnette Campbell, President
Friday, July 15, 2016 10:22 AM
Please pray for those who mourn the passing of Robert and Marilyn Jackson. May they find
comfort and hope in the resurrection of our Savior.
Marilyn Denise Jackson March 30, 1955 - July 4, 2016
Robert Allen Jackson September 11, 1959 - July 6, 2016
Thank You, Connie Northern

"Prayer at Sunrise"
O greater Maker of this thy great sun,
Give me the strength this one days race to run,
Fill me with light, fill me with sun-like strength,
Fill me with joy to rob the day its length.
Light from within, light that will outward shine,
Strength to make strong some weaker heart than mine,
Joy to make glad each soul that feels its touch;
Great Father of the sun, I ask this much.
James Weldon Johnson









Nathaniel HALL

Greg & Cathy
Matt & Kendra





Please Remember: It is up to YOU to arrange coverage if YOU are
UNABLE to serve on your scheduled day. Please contact the church
office with any changes.
Aron Schmidt
Larry Rogge

Altar Flowers/Before &

After Worship Greeters
_______________ 8/07

Acolytes: Volunteers
_______________ 8/14
Lay Readers: Volunteers
_______________ 8/21
Stewardship: See Earl
_______________ 8/28
Ushers: Volunteers
Altar Guild:
Anna Bautista

If you would like to help with

any of these committees,
please call the church office.


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