Comfort Control Principles

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The document discusses different temperature control strategies and HVAC systems that can be employed to maximize comfort provided to building occupants. It also discusses zoning methods and space temperature control strategies.

The three common zoning methods discussed are operating schedule zoning, air quality zoning, and temperature control zoning.

The six basic space temperature control strategies mentioned are on-off control, coil discharge temperature control, reheat control, variable air volume (VAV) control, face and bypass control, and hot and cold air blending control.

Turn to the Experts"

50 '-_


Zone 1



Zone 3

Technical Development Programs CTDP) are modules of technical training on HV AC theory,

system design, equipment selection and application topics. They are targeted at engineers and
designers who wish to develop their knowledge in this field to effectively design, specify, sell or
apply HV AC equipment in commercial applications.
Although TDP topics have been developed as stand-alone modules, there are logical groupings of topics. The modules within each group begin at an introductory level and progress to advanced levels. The breadth of this offering allows for customization into a complete HV AC curriculum - from a complete HVAC design course at an introductory-level or to an advanced-level
design COUl'Se.Advanced-level modules assume prerequisite knowledge and do not review basic
Introduction to HVAC

Load Estimating
Refrigeration Cycle


Air-conditioning systems maintain the desired indoor comfort level, starting with space ternperature. Other comfort parameters include maintaining acceptable room humidity, air motion, air
quality, and air purity. The relative importance of each system function depends upon the specific
project and application. Zoning is required to maximize the nurriber of spaces that are successfully conditioned to the design criteria,



There are many different types of HV AC systems, and many more elements that can be used
to achieve the heating and cooling capacity, provide ventilation, maintain humidity, distribute the
air within the spaces, etc. This module will discuss various temperature control strategies and
HV AC systems that can be employed to maximize comfort provided to the building occupants.

2005 Carrier Corporation. All rights reserved.

The information in this manual is offered as a general guide for the use of Industry and consultmg engineers m designing systems.
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Table of Contents


Operating Schedule ZOning

Air Quality Zoning
Temperature Control Zoning
Multiple Units versus Multizone Systems
Load Diversity and System Capacity
Flow Control Devices





Fans and Pumps
Space Temperature Control Strategies
Room Sensible Heat (RSH)
Room Latent Heat (RLH)
Room Sensible Heat Factor (RSHF)
Cooling Coil Psychrometries
Simplified Psychrometric Diagrams
Fan Heat Gain
Return Duct Heat Gain/l.oss
Supply Duct Heat GainlLoss
Duct Leakage



on-off Control
Operating Characteristics
Psychrometric Analysis
Coil Discharge Temperature Control
Operating Characteristics


Psychrometric Analysis


Reheat Control


Single-Zone Reheat.
Terminal Reheat
Operating Characteristics
Psychrometric Analysis
Variable Air Volume (VA V)
Operating Characteristics
Psychrometric Analysis


Equipment Selection
Face and Bypass Control


Single-Zone Face and Bypass

Multizone Face and Bypass

operanng Chal'actelistics

Psychrometric Analysis
Equipment Selection
Hot and Cold Air Blending
Operating Characteristics
Psychrometric Analysis
Operational Variations





Combinations of Basic Control Strategies

Control Strategy Recommendations
Humidity Control in Air-Conditioning Systems
Cooling Selection and Coil Performance
Part Load Operating Conditions
Sensible Cooling and H eating Loads
Latent Loads
Control Strategy Performance
Work Session
Work Session Answers







The primary function of an airconditioning system is to maintain the desired
indoor air quality, which starts with space
temperature. Other comfort parameters include maintaining acceptable levels of such
indoor environmental factors as relative humidity, air motion, air quality, and air purity.

Figure 1
Comfortstarts with space temperature.
Fo II Waf!' II'" BCY1y'

Rt;qu ncs Heal

ConduclIOn -.---------Convection

FOIl' Space
CQIldl1on:.. to Centro:


Five of these additional parameters relate to the air system conditioning the space. This is because body
heat regulation, key to occupant comfort, relates to space conditions affected by the air system. The relative
importance of each parameter depends upon the specific project and

In a large building or a building

with multiple spaces, or rooms, and
differing load patterns (often called
load profiles), the space temperatures
Figure 2
cannot be consistently controlled
Body temperature regulation and control.
unless the HVAC system is properly
zoned. The space temperature can
only be properly controlled at the location of the temperature sensor or thermostat. The temperature in all other spaces, or all other points in a large room, will be different whenever their load
pattern is not exactly the same as that at the location of the temperature sensor. The only solution
is to provide a separate temperature control zone for each space with a uniquely different load
profile. The system designer must evaluate each project to determine the appropriate temperature
control zoning. This step is usually done during heating and cooling load estimating (see TDP302, Load Estimating, Level 3: Block and Zone Loads for further discussion).


Commercial HVAC Systems




There are many different types of

HVAC systems. The basic system
categories or types can be classified as
all-air, all-water, air-water, and directrefrigerant. Each category has many
systems, and many more elements that
can be used to provide the heating and
cooling capacity and ventilation,
maintain humidity, distribute the air
within the spaces, etc. This material
will be utilized as we discuss the various control strategies and systems that
are employed to provide comfort to
the building occupants. Each type of
system has advantages or disadvan- Figure 3
tages with respect to initial cost, en- System Types
ergy consumption, building space requirements, etc. Providing proper
comfort for the builcling occupants is
only one of the parameters used in
CV. Reheat
system selection, but it is easily the
most fundamental and is a basic
Volume (CV)
Single Zone
requirement for all systems.



Fan Cal. 2-plpe Inductlon.4-plpe

Umt Venblator.

and Bypass

Mixing Box

Duct-Free Spht
Terminal Air
Water Source
Heat Pump


Variable Air

Figure 4
System choicesfor each type.

There are six basic space temperature control strategies, each with advantages.and disadvantages.

On-off control
Coil discharge temperature control
Reheat control
Variable air volume (VAV) control
Face and bypass (F&BP) control
Hot and cold air blending control

They define the operation of an air-conditioning system to adjust the cooling capacity that is
supplied to a space so that it equals the actual space cooling load at that moment. Control strategies used to maintain space temperature include such actions as: on-off equipment cycling, airflow (cfm) volume control, and waterflow (gpm) throttling control. Each control strategy performs differently, especially with respect to the resultant relative humidity within the space.
No HVAC system can use all the available control strategies for space temperature control;
some systems can use only one type of control, while others can be used with three or four different types.

Commercial HVAC Systems




The comfort performance of each type of HVAC system depends in part upon the type of
control strategy that is used and the system part load operating conditions. The HVAC designer
needs to first consider the required equipment capacity (do not oversize) and the building load
profiles that are likely to occur. Then select a control strategy that will provide reasonable perfonnance during the expected part load conditions. The preferred control strategy may not be
available with the preferred type of HVAC system or equipment. In such cases, the designer
makes a reasonable compromise of HVAC system type or equipment in order to provide acceptable part load comfort performance, paying particular attention to space relative humidity.

Air-conditioning systems can be divided into individual control zones for several reasons.
The necessary zoning can be provided by using individual air-conditioning units for each zone, or
by using systems that are capable of providing multiple control zones from a corrunon air source.
The following basic zoning criteria must be carefully observed when selecting and laying out an
HVAC system for a building where multiple zones will be served by a central system.

Operating Schedule - common occupied/unoccupied cycles

Air Quality - grouping spaces based on
ventilation, contaminate control, or rh
Temperature Control- grouping spaces
with similar load profiles

A control zone

Operating Schedule Zoning

When a building is zoned based on common operating schedules, the air-conditioning equipment must be operated whenever any of the zones it serves are in use. Spaces that are occupied
differently than the zone schedule
cannot be served when the system is
turned off, like during nights and
weekends, because most of the buildGoonl Offoee(COAl)
ing is unoccupied. Many buildings
have security offices or communication equipment rooms containing elecAssI "'1 60'
tronic equipment that are in use even
though the building is unoccupied. It
is also common to schedule general
office personnel to work overlapping
shifts so. phone coverage is available I
10-14 hours a day. These unique
:- - - Operotmg Sct;edule V\J- J N
rooms need to be taken off the main _ - - Air Ouallty
zones and given a separate system to
Temperature Control
match the different schedule.

I ~----....,-or;;-"'' ' .. ---.-


Figure 5

Zoning Possibilities


Commercial HVAC Systems






Ail- Quality Zoning

The air quality supplied from air-conditioning equipment must be adequate to serve the needs
of the most demanding zone. It may not be practical to serve zones with diverse air quality needs
from a common air system. For example, a large training area or conference room would not have
the same outdoor air ventilation needs as an individual office. Other air quality problems that
must be addressed in HVAC system design relate to contaminant control and space relative humidity. Minimum code requirements in these areas are presented in ASHRAE Standard 62.1, Ventilaiion for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. To meet the basic ventilation requirement, the system
outdoor airflow must be sufficient to provide adequate ventilation to the most critical space
served by the system.
Using a more sophisticated ventilation control strategy, like demand controlled ventilation,
would allow the outdoor air content of the air source to be adjusted to the actual demands of the
zones, reducing energy usage and providing variable delivery of ventilation outdoor air to match
the zone needs. This control strategy is not covered in depth in this TDP, but discussions can be
found in TDP-631, Rooftop Units, Levell: Constant Volume and TDP-703, Variable Air Volume
A local air treatment device can be provided to serve a zone with unusual cleanliness requirements if the quality of the central system air is insufficient. A local dehumidifying coil
and/or humidifier can be provided to serve a zone that requires supply air at a different dew point
than that available from the central system.
Spaces where dangerous or objectionable air contaminants are generated should not be on the
same air system as spaces that would otherwise be free of these contaminants. The alternative is
to exhaust 100 percent of the air that is supplied to the contarninated spaces plus maintaining a
negative pressure to adjoining spaces.


Control Zoning

The need for temperature control zoning should be investigated whenever several building
spaces are to be served from a comrnon HVAC system. Temperature conU'olzoning is necessary
whenever building areas do not share the same pattern of variation in cooling and heating loads. The
peak design loads may occur at different times of day
or in different months. This occurs in most buildings
between differing exposures because of the solar load
Exposure zoning is one form of temperature control zoning. During intermediate seasons, one space
may actually need cooling while another space needs
heating. If the central equipment is controlled by a temperature sensor located in the common
return air mixture from all of the spaces, the temperature in all of the spaces will likely be higher
or lower than the control setting, depending upon the relationship of the space load to the average
load of all of the spaces.

Commercial HVAC Systems




The need for zoning can be detennined by investigating the percent

of design load airflow that is required
by each zone at various months and
times of day. Figure 6 shows the partition arrangement of a typical onestory office building. Figure 7 shows
the percentage of airflow for each
zone at 9 a.m., I p.m., and 4 p.m. in
the months of July and October, assumirig peak load occupancy and
lighting in all zones.


r --.1:......:-.'<'! '-


- Geraa;
-._- J..-"n-t;8f7lFlEl;

- - - Zone Boundary


10r.._q 10)

seo Jpm
- 2r>.~
- -



~ \'-"""'"


, 2pocok)




With a 20 F supply air tempera@ Zone Number

ture rise in the space, a 10 percent
difference in airflow between zones Figure 6
on the same.thermostat might result in initial Control Zoning Decisions
a space temperature difference of
about 2 F. Zones 3 and 4 are the only zones inwhich the required airflow is within about 10 percent at all of the different times and months. All of the other zones must have their own temperature control. Zone 3 is a large comer office, the manager's office. The thermostat would probably
be located there. The manager might prefer an unusually cold or warm temperature setting, and
the office load would be affected by
occasional meetings with three or four
Time 9 a m I pm -lp m 9 am I pm 4 pm
adclitional people. These factors
#1 Conference
would cause the temperature in Zone
#2 East Office
2p.m Jul
to vary more than the expected 10
#3 SE Corner
3 p.m. Oct
so good practice would re#4 South Office 2p.m Oct
quire these two zones to also have
#5 SWCorner
4 p.m. Sep
#6 VIlest Office
5 p m.Jul
independent temperature controls.
4 p m.Jul
Individual temperature control is always desirable with private partiRgure 7
tioned offices but is seldom provided
Percent of Peak Design Airfiow
'because of the expense.
Zoning analysis requires consideration of the most likely part load operating conditions in
each area. Zones I and 2 have a common east exposure and a relatively similar load pattern under
design load occupancy and lighting. Zone I is identified as a conference room, however. The occupancy load varies from two or three people, to as many as twelve. The solar load will change if
the window blinds are closed for projection equipment, and the lights may be dimmed or off. The
unpredictability of these loads and the need for disproportionate ventilation require that conference and training rooms be considered for separate control zones.

Multiple Units versus Multizone Systems

The choice of whether to use a separate unitary system for each zone or to serve many separate zones from a single larger central system is beyond the scope of this text. However, we 'will
discuss several considerations that affect this choice. A more detailed discussion is presented in
TDP-701, System Features and Selection Criteria.

Commercial HVAC Systems





Load Diversity and System Capacity

The peak zone loads in a multiple zone building almost never occur at the same month and
hour. The instantaneous load on the entire building is found by calculating a peak block load estimate, which is a load estimate that includes all of the individual zones at the same month and
hour. With separate systems, the capacity of the unit serving each zone must equal or exceed the
peak load for that zone. With central systems, the capacity of the central equipment must equal or
exceed the diversified block load of all the zones. For example, a builcling might include ten
zones, with each zone having a peak load of 1.9 tons and a unit selected with 2.0 tons capacity.
The installed capacity is 20-tons to serve 19 tons of loads which occur at different times. If the
diversified block load were 13 tons, a 15-ton central unit would be adequate. The resulting block
load diversity factor would be calculated as:
13 tons -:-19 tons

= 0.69

and the equipment capacity diversity factor would be:

15 tons -:-20 tons

= 0.75

Redundancy is defined as the ability of a system to continue to serve its loads during a failure. A unitary system with a separate air-conditioning unit to serve each zone is considered to
have good redundancy because the failure of a single unit does not affect the operation of any of
the other zones. For example, 90 percent of the building would not be affected by the failure of
one unit in a building with ten units, A central system can have more or less redundancy than a
unitary system. For example, the entire building is out of service during a failure if the entire
building is served by a single central unit. However, multiple central units can be provided. Two
or three units can be provided with a total capacity equal to the building peak load, and manifolded so that the central units serve all zones equally. Alternatively, three units can be provided
with each unit having a capacity of 50 percent of the building load, so that all of the zones can be
served at full capacity during a failure of anyone of the central units.

Flow Control Devices

Whether it is air, water, or DX (direct expansion refrigerant), control of the flow of some type
of fluid is necessary to bring about a capacity change in the output of the HV AC system or one of
its components. The task is accomplished by a controlled device responding to a controller output
t.hat is executing an algorithm that was chosen to implement a particular control strategy. The
fundamentals of controls is covered in
more detail in TDP-801, Controls,
Pnmary All"
Level I: Fundamentals. The basic
Pnmary Elements
S.:.condary Elements
and Zone /lJr
devices follow.
Constant Air
Volume/Constant Air

Heating Source

Air Handler

Cooling Source

Waterside Conduits

Constant Air
VolumeNariable Air

Ventilation Source


Filtration Source

Room Air Distribution

Figure 8
System eletrenu: are controlled.


Commercial HVAC Systems


nil" lu'htJ'lon"


All-air and air-water (or hybrid) systems use many dampers, both at the air source and at the
zones, to adjust the airflow (cfm) as a means of changing the output capacity to match the need. Large
dampers are found in the mixing box
(return, exhaust/relief and outdoor air),
and coil (fuce and bypass) sections of
the air source (rooftop unit, central sta- IS ...'S I SI 'S'"Ad
tion, or packaged). Out at the zone
OuldoorAIr Dumper 2-wayValve SolenoIdValve
level, .dampers are again found in the air
terminals or zone equipment 0f AV and
FPMB terminals, or fan coil and unit
ventilators ).



VAV Terminal



Figure 9

With all-water systems, it is most

common to use two-position and modu- Common Controlled Devices
lating valves to control the waterflow,
again changing the output capacity of the air source, air terminal or zone equipment heating ancVor
cooling coils. Piping details can be reviewed in detail in IDP-502, Water Piping and Pumps. For DX
systems, both two-position solenoid valves and modulating expansion valves (TXV -thermal or EXVelectric), are used to control the flow of liquid refrigerant to the cooling coil .

Fans and Pumps

The most basic flow control devices change output capacity by regulating the speed of the
device or simply turn it on and off. These devices include system fans and pumps, along with the
zone pumps and dedicated system equipment (single zone units and terminal equipment) fans.
This control is usually accomplished using relays, two-speed motors and variable frequency

Space Temperature Control Strategies

There are six basic strategies for adjusting the space cooling capacity of an air-conditioning system to equal the space sensible cooling load. Some types of HV AC systems switch from one control
strategy to another if a desired space parameter is exceeded, such as switching fr-omcoil temperature
control to reheat control on a rise in space humidity. Other-types use two control strategies in sequence, such as first using variable air volume to reduce the airflow to 50 percent and then using reheat to keep the space temperature from dropping on a further drop in space load.
The basic space temperature control strategies are:

On-off control
Coil discharge temperature control

Reheat control
Variable air volume 0f AV) control
Face and bypass (F&BP) control
Hot and cold air blending control

Commercial HVAC Systems



All of these strategies can be used during either the cooling mode or the heating mode. This
discussion is focused upon the cooling mode.
The International Energy Conservation

Code (IECC) that affects building system design

throughout the United States has strict requirements relating to using any strategy that in effect
uses simultaneous heating and cooling. The designer needs to consult the enforced version of the
code in the jurisdiction of the project and review the code in detail. Building design for .commercial buildings needs to follow either the referenced ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Standardjor Buildings
Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, or the related chapter in the IECC.
The space temperature control strategy discussions that follow are based on room sensible
and latent heat loads occurring within a zone on the following design day conditions, and at prot
load conditions that might occur on a cloudy summer morning.




Design Load




Cool and Cloudy Day




Outside air conditions of 800 F dry bulb (loa), 730 F wet bulb (t' oJ, III grains/pound (Woa),
and a space design relative humidity (rh) of 50 percent. The ventilation outdoor airflow rate is 15
percent and the cooling coil bypass factor (bf) is 0.10. The performance of hot and cold air blending control is based on loa of 650 F db, and t' oa of 64.50 F wb, because the heating coil would not
normally be active at an outside temperature of80 F db.

Room Sensible Heat (RSH)

The RSH includes all sensible cooling loads which occur 'within the space and are sensed by
the space temperature control, such as: solar gain, transmission through walls and windows,
lights, equipment and the sensible portion of the heat gain from the occupants.

Room Latent Heat (RLH)

The RLH includes all of the latent heat gains that occur within the space, such as from the
space occupants or cooking.

Room Sensible Heat Factor (RSHF)

The RSHF is the ratio of the RSH divided by the room total heat (RTH = RSH + RLH). A
RSHF of 0.8 means that 80 percent of the load is sensible cooling and 20 percent is due to moisture removal.


Turn ,,)c)I~L'''C'H'

_.;_ __
HVAC Systems


Cooling Coil Psychrometries

Before discussing the individual control strategies, we first need to explain the simple basic
cooling coil diagram, the labels we will use to identify the various points on the psychrometric
diagrams throughout this publication, and the optional application details such as fan and duct
heat gain. Psychrometric diagrams are more complex if all of these details of the specific coil application are accurately rep~
resented on the diagram. The
diagrams that are shown for
the various control strategies
do not include such application details, with the objective of keeping the diagrams
as simple as possible.

Figure 10 shows the

eight basic psychrometric
process lines, including the
typical cooling and dehumidification system process.
The psychrometric process
discussed here for comfort
cooling is similar to those
involved in the other proc- Figure 10
esses. A typical cooling and Psychrometric Process Lines
dehumidification process is
shown in Figure 11. The
various state points are la- Key
beled with descriptors such @) Outdoor Air C-ondflion
75 80 85 90 95 100,30
as RM for room and OA for c Mixture 01 OA S RM
120 ;
outdoor air. If desired, tem- @ Room AJrCondlhon
110 ~
peratures can be labeled a', t Leaving Air Condnlcn
100 i
with a subscript descriptor to
90 -a
identify the point. The mois80 .~
ture content at each point can
70 u
be labeled as W, for specific
60 'g
humidity (grains per pound
50 ~
of dry air, grllbda), with the
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 65 90 95 100
same subscript. The wet bulb
and relative humidity can
also be shown with the same Figure 11
Psychrometric Plots. Cooling and DeJuunidijicalion Process

Commercial HVAC Systems







Simplified Psychrometric Diagrams

The simplified diagram usually begins at the room conditions (RM). The return air (RA) is

assumed to be at the same conditions as the room air. The mixture (MIX) of ventilation outdoor
ail' (OA) and RA is on a straight line between the two points. The location of the MIX point is the
same proportion of the distance between the RA and OA points as the proportion of outdoor airflow to the total mixture airflow. This MIX state point is the condition of the entering air '(EA) to
the coil.
Many air-conditioning systems are located in moderate climates. The cooling coil selves to
cool the air to remove sensible neat and to dehumidify the air to remove latent heat, The cooling
and dehumidifying process requires that the surface of the coil be maintained at a temperature
below the dew point of the air entering the coil. As the air passes through the coil, it is first cooled
sensibly to the dew point temperature of the entering air. Moisture then condenses onto the coil
:fins as the air is cooled below the entering air dew point.
Some of the air that passes through a cooling coil is not exposed to the coldest coil fins. The
ail' that does not contact the coldest fins is called bypass air, and the percentage of Uris air is identified as the bypass factor (bf) of the coil. The amount of bypass ail' depends upon the configuration of the coil, including the number of rows and fins, and the degree of enhancement of the fin
surface by bending or corrugating the surface to increase the air turbulence.
The precise conditions of the air leaving a coil is usually calculated by complex computer
programs that provide ARI-certified ratings of the coil performance. Several simplified strategies
are used to represent and understand basic coil performance. One strategy is to assume that air
will leave the coil at a constant relative humidity (rh), which depends upon the coil configuration.
Air may leave a coil with relatively few rows and fins/inch at 80 percent I'll, whereas it may leave
a coil with more rows and finslinch at 90 percent or 95 percent rho
The other strategy uses the coil bypass factor and apparatus dew point. The apparatus dew
point (adp) is the temperature of the air leaving the coil that has been in direct contact with the
coldest fins. The bypass air is assumed to have no contact with the fins, so it leaves at the EA
conditions. The actua11eaving air is, therefore, a mixture of the air at the adp and the EA that bypassed the coil fins and tubes. We will use this strategy to show coil performance in this study.
The adp must be known in order to obtain the coil leaving air conditions. It can be calculated
by subtracting the enthalpy (611) that must be removed in the coil from the enthalpy of the entering air, hla, with allowance for the coil bf, as shown in the following formula:
hcoll = GTHcoil + (cfm

* 4.5)

- hea - hcoil
adp 1 _bf

The coil adp is at the intersection ofhadp with the saturation curve on the psychrometric chart.
The air will leave the coil on the mixture line between the entering air (EA or MIX) and the adp:

tla = adp + bf* (lmi); - adp)

Commercial HVAC Systems

~ __

IlIltI ..,lh,I,\I"tMI'





The air leaving the cooling coil (LA) is assumed the same air that is supplied to the room
(SA). The capacity of the supply air to satisfy the RSH and RLH loads is:

= cfmcoil * 1.10 '"(trrn - tsa)


= cfmcoll * 0.69 * (~ - gl$a)

If the coil selection does not satisfy the proper proportions of RSH and RLH, it will either
over-dehumidify or under-dehumidify the space. A coil that is selected for too high an adp will
result in the space humidity being too high. Remember, the coil airflow is dependent upon the
selec~ed adp, so a change in adp will result in a corresponding change in airflow.
Several adjustments can be shown on a psychrometric diagram to include additional system
details ofa specific application (Figure 12).

Fan Heat Gain

The work of the fan to create the system airflow is dissipated as heat into the airstream, which
warms the airstream from 0.50 F (for a very low pressure drop return air fan) to as much as 30 F
(for a high pressure drop supply fan). The amount of heat varies with the fan pressure and efficiency. Fan heat also includes the heat dissipated from the motor windings and the bell drive loss
if these items are located inside the fan plenum. The fan heat is shown as a temperature lise between the two points representing the fan inlet and outlet. Supply fans can be either a draw-thru
or blow-thru arrangement, described by whether the supply fun is located downstream of the coil
(draw-thru) and draws the air through the cooling coil into the fan. or whether the supply fun is
upstream of the coil (blow-throw) and blows the air through the coil. Draw-thru fan heat is represented by the line from the point leaving the cooling coil, tJa' tOtsa' which is the supply air to the
space. Blow-thru fan heat is represented by the line from the point representing the mixture of
return and outdoor air, lmix, to tea, which is the air entering the cooling coil. Return air fan heat is
usually represented by the line from the point leaving the space, tnt). to tra. which is the return air
condition at the connection to the outdoor and return air mixing plenum.

75 80 85 90 95 100130

Air Condition


@ Outdoor Air




@ Room Air Condition

Return Air Condition

Leaving Air Condition

@ Supply

Air Condition

Figure 12
Psychrometric Plots, FWI and DuCI Heal Cains

Commercial HVAC Systems







Return Duct Heat Gain/Loss

Return duct heat gain is represented in the same manner as return air fan heat, as a sensible
temperature rise from the room temperature Inn. A return duct heat loss is represented as a temperature drop from the same point.

Supply Duct Heat Gain/Loss

Supply duct heat gain and loss are represented in the same manner as draw-thru supply air fan
heat, as a sensible temperature rise (or fall) fi:omthe coil leaving temperature tla.

Inward leakage of air into a duct at negative pressure is a mixing process, represented as a
point on a straight.line between the air conditions inside and outside the duct, 'withthe location of
the point determined by the percentage of air leakage. Outward leakage from a positively pressurized duct cannot be represented on the psychrometric diagram because the temperature and moisture condition of the air remaining in the duct is not affected by the leakage.

On-Off Control
This type of control consists of cycling the equipment. Figure 13 shows a typical air-handling
unit that could have either chilled water (shown) or aDX cooling coil. There are two options with
on-off control:

The entire unit can

be cycled. Disadvantages of this option
include the lack of
room air motion and
ventilation air when
the fan is off, and the
abrupt change in
room sound level if
the system operation
is audible.


To Zone

The cooling coil can

be cycled while the
fan is operated con- Figure 13
tinuously. This elim- Air Source Components, On-Off Control
inates the disadvan_
rages listed above, but results in higher space humidity, as discussed later. This option
should be avoided in high humidity climates. In such situations staged or modulating capacity control is required to maintain the space relative humidity.

Regardless of which option is used, on-off control has the advantage of being simple and inexpensive.

Commercial HVAC Systems

turn ttl It\r J "P(fI~



Operating Characteristics
The cooling load is usually less than the cooling capacity of the equipment. On-off cont.rol
systems balance the sensible cooling load to the equipment. capacity by cycling the equipment.
DUling normal operation. the space temperature gradually drops toward the off setting of the
space temperature control. When it reaches this point. the control stops the equipment until the
space temperature rises to the on setting of the space temperature control. which restarts the
equipment. The length of the on and off cycles is determined by the space load, the equipment
capacity. and the temperature differential between the on and off settings. The temperature difference of the space control settings must be large enough to prevent short cycling. which can be
damaging to the equipment. An altemative is to provide a timed cycling control to lirnit the frequency of control cycles.
A simplistic view of on-off control is that the cooling coil is always at design cooling temperature during the on cycle. and that no cooling is provided during the off cycle. The percent
operating time is then equal to the RSH (room sensible heat) load divided by the sensible cooling
capacity delivered to the space while the equipment is on.
In reality. the supply air dry bulb temperature is a periodic shown in Figure 14. The
system starts at point A and begins to lower the temperature of the air leaving the coil. No dehumidification occurs until the coil sur- Cooling EqUIpment APullc",B ~1>On~
( ~~1 0
face temperature drops below the enCyc'!!S
tering air dew point. The coil leaving
air temperature continues to drop until
point B. where the equipment capacity
is in balance with the load imposed by
~ 70
the coil entering and leaving air con"
ditions. A-B is the pulldown portion
Cooling Equipmonl
of the operating cycle. The pulldown
Coolin!) con
Cycles Olt
cycle can be relatively short if the coil
LeaVing AIr Temp
50 '-------------did not wann up during the previous
off cycle. and quite long if the coil is a
chilled water coil with a much greater Figure 14
mass of coil and water to be cooled.
Titre- Temperature Graph, OttOJ!Coniroi





J -

B-C is the normal operating portion of the cycle. The coil leaving air temperature will gradually drop during this stage because the entering air temperature and moisture content will drop as
the space temperature and humidity gradually drop. Stage B-C continues until the space temperature drops to the off point of the space temperature control. which will take longer when the space
cooling load is a greater percentage of the equipment capacity,
Most systems. especially the residential type. can be arranged to cycle the fan and the cooling coil in unison. with a
fun delay on the off cycle to improve the system efficiency.
In this case. the space temperature control simply waits until
tile space temperature rises to start another cycle. Commercial systems are usually arranged to operate the supply fan
continuously with the outdoor air damper remaining open
while the compressor is off This results in a residual stage CD of the cycle. The cold coil surface is warmed by the flow
of return and outdoor air across the coil. The moisture that
had condensed on the coil surface. but not dropped into the
Commercial HVACSystems



Residual Phase Effects




drain pan, is re-evaporated into the warm airstream and returns to the space where it increases the
space humidity. Once the moisture has re-evaporated, stage D-A is the remainder of the off cycle,
which lasts until the space temperature rises to the on point of the space temperature control.
Operating the fun while the cooling coil is inactive is beneficial in some respects, but harmful
in others. Constant room air motion and sound level are an advantage. In addition, the outdoor air
damper can remain open to provide code-required constant ventilation. The main disadvantage is
the impact on space humidity, which is usually 5 to 10 percent higher if the fun is operated continuously, due to the wet coil condensate re-evaporating into the space.
On-off control is attractive for many reasons. It is simple, inexpensive, and thermally efficient. Other than the poor humidity control discussed above, the disadvantages include the wide
temperature differential that may be necessary to minimize short cycling of equipment, intermittent sound level, and lack of ventilation and room air motion if the fan is also cycled.

Psychrometric Analysis
A typical psychrometric diagram plot of on-off control performance is shown here. The peak
load system design diagram is shown' dotted. The part load diag.ram lines at'e solid. At part load,
the room air conditions (RM) will become more humid. The outdoor air conditions (OA) will
probably be cooler and less humid, The coil entering air conditions (EA), tedlltewb, being a mixture of space return air (assumed to be at RM conditions) and OA entering the coil, will be cooler
but more humid. The cooling coil leaving air conditions (LA), tldlltlwb, will be warmer and more
humid, because the coil load is greater when the air entering the coil is more humid.

75 80 85

@ Outdoor Air Condition

@ Entenng Air Condition

90 95 100130
120 ~

@ Room Air Condition

@ Leaving Air Condition
@ Apparatus Dew Point

110 ~

100 ?:
90 ~
80 '

Part Load Plot

- Peak Load Plot




60 '0

wb/dp OF....






50 _55606570758085

Figure 15
Psychrometric Plot, OIl-OffCOIIJrol





HVAC Systems


For the time being, consider the cooling coil LA to be the same as the supply air conditions
(SA) into the room or space. The room sensible and latent loads are absorbed as follows:

1.1 0 * cfm.;

* (tnn - tsa) * percent OT

RLH = 0.69 *cfinsa *(Wnn - Wsa)

* percent




= Room

temperature, of

= Supply air temperature, of

Wrm = Room moisture content, grainsllb
Wsa = Supply air moisture content, grainsllb


percent OT = Operating time percentage (room sensible heat load ..;-room sensible cooling capacity of the equipment while it is operating)
The diagram is in balance when the air leaving the coil will satisfy the room sensible and latent loads at part load conditions, and the equipment will produce the capacity to satisfy these
loads at the same operating conditions. A theoretical balance point at any prut load condition can
be found by using a spreadsheet to equate the loads and the equipment capacity, and iterating the
space condition until the loads and equipment are in balance.

On-off control is preferred for small capacity single zone OX equipment and for small capacity chilled water fan coil units. Large capacity constant volume OX units with multiple cornpressors and multiple refrigerant circuits are more likely to be controlled in multiple steps. When the
coil remains active while the compressor capacity is reduced by unloading or staging compressors, the control system behaves like a coil leaving temperature control with discrete steps. Some
DX units have multiple face-split coil refrigerant circuits that are cycled from space temperature.
This control behaves like a multiple step face and bypass control.
Room-type chilled water fan coil units can easily be provided with a two-position chilled water valve. Modulating chilled water valves should never be used with fan coil systems unless the
system includes a separate dehumidified ventilation air system to control the space humidity.

Coil Discharge Temperature Control

This type of control consists of varying the air temperature leaving the cooling
coil, while maintaining constant system airflow. A
modulating coil valve is used
with chilled water coils, as
shown. A step control arrangement is used for DX
systems with multiple stages
of refrigeration capacity connected to a common evaporator coil

An Intake



Supply Air
To Zone

Figure 16
Air SOl/TeeComponents,Coil Discharge Tempera/lire Conirol

Commercial HVAC Systems






The primary advantage of this control method is constant airflow, which provides constant
outdoor air ventilation and air distribution. The room temperature can be very precisely controlled
if a modulating valve is used with a chilled water coil. The most serious disadvantage is the loss
of dehumidification, which results when the coil temperature becomes warmer at part load.

Operating Characteristics
This strategy is easily applied to constant volume air systems using chilled water coils. The
space temperature control positions a modulating chilled water control valve at the chilled water
coil to obtain tile supply air temperature required by the current room sensible heat load. Each
increment of decrease in RSH at part load results in a corresponding increase in the temperature
leaving the cooling coil.
Advantages of this control strategy include the following:

Modulating the coil discharge air temperature provides precise control of the space dry
bulb temperature,

Low energy consumption (c01!lpared to reheat or hot and cold air blending).

No additional space for the air source equipment (compared to face and bypass or hot and
cold air blending).

Psychrometr'ic Analysis
Assuming constant coil airflow, the dry bulb temperature leaving the cooling coil can be calculated as follows:


= trm

- (RSH -:- 1.10 '" cfm)

@ Outdoor Air Condition

@ Entering Air Condition

@) Room Air Condition
Air Condition
@ Apparatus Dew Point
Part Load Plot

- Peak Load Plot

Figure 17
Psychrometric Plot. Coil Discharge Temperance
The cooling coil adp (apparatus dew point) and bf (bypass factor) determine the moisture
content of the air leaving the coil, as shown by point LA on the psychrometric diagram.

Commercial HVAC Systems





The space moisture content is calculated by adding the moisture content that is represented by
the room latent heat (RLH) load to the moisture content of the air leaving the coil:
Wrm- W1a + (RLH -;-0.69

* 1.10)

The space humidity of77 percent is determined from the psychrometric chart, using the calculated moisture content at the 75 F space temperature.
The space humidity is high because the moisture content of the air leaving the cooling coil
was increased when the coil valve operated to raise the dry bulb temperature leaving the coil. The
humidity performance of coil temperature control is so poor that it should not be used as the primary means of space temperature control in a humid climate. A high humidity override control
can be provided to add reheat, which will require the coil to operate at a cooler and drier leaving
air temperature. A better solution is to choose a different type of control.
For room fan coil systems, the recommended solutions are to provide a separate dehumidified
ventilation air system (dedicated air system) and to arrange the fan coil unit control valve for twoposition on-off cycling control. Face and bypass control is a preferred solution for constant volume air-handling units and unit ventilators. VAV control is the recommended solution wherever a
constant flow system is not required.
The coils of large systems with multiple coils can be controlled in sequence using modulating
chilled water valves. Each active coil will be a variable temperature control, but the inactive coils
will function as an air bypass control. The result is space humidity between that of coil discharge
air temperature control and coil face and bypass control.
This strategy is not generally applicable to DX coils. The refrigerant pressure (evaporating
temperature) in the coil can be modulated using a pneumatic signal to a refrigerant hot gas bypass
valve or a refrigerant suction line pressure regulator, though this is not done very often in comfort
applications. DX systems with multiple steps of compressor capacity serving a conunon coil provide increments of coil discharge air temperature control. The space humidity will generally be
somewhat better than for a modulating coil control because the coil leaving air temperature will
be colder for a few minutes of each cycle, thus providing a short period of better dehumidification.

Reheat Control
Reheat control starts with the coil discharge temperature control and adds a reheat coil(s) to
the system. The LA set point is established based on the desired space humidity, cooling the air to
a lower dew point than obtainable with space temperature set point. Because the air would be too
cool ~ormost RSH loads, reheat is needed to warm up the supply air to the spaces.
Reheat control provides maximum dehumidification capacity to the space at all times but is
wasteful of both cooling and heating energy. Its use is, therefore, restricted by most energy codes.
Site-recovered waste heat from refrigeration condensers or other sources should be investigated
as a code-compliant source ofreheat energy.


Commercial HVACSystems

1ul'll .n.11e1"llI'"'





Single-Zone Reheat
This type of control is arranged as shown. A heating
coil (reheat coil) is installed
downstream of the cooling
coil. The space temperature
control adjusts the temperature
of the air leaving the reheat
coil. The temperature leaving _
the cooling coil is either uncontrolled or controlled by a
sensor in the air leaving the
cooling coil. The system has a
single reheat coil to provide Figure 18
one large temperature control Air Source Components. Single-Zone Reheat Control

Supply Ail

Terminal Reheat
Another reheat strategy
uses a multitude of small zone
reheat coils to provide multiple control zones from a single
large cooling unit, as shown.



Zone 1


Zone 2


Zone 3

Zone 4


Figure 19
HVAC System Components, Terminal Reheat Control

Operating Characteristics

Reheat control can be provided on almost any air-conditioning system by installing a heating
coil downstream of the cooling coil, either inside the air-handling unit or in the supply duct leaving the air handler. It cannot be applied with ductless systems unless the unit is designed to accept
a heating coil in the reheat position:
The space temperature control modulates the output of the reheat coil located downstream of
the cooling coil to prevent the space temperature from dropping when the actual RSH is less than
the design RSH. Reheat control provides excellent control of space humidity throughout the entire load range from 100percent RSH to near zero percent RSH.


Commercial HVAC Systems


,p, ..,



Psychrometric Analysis
Figure 20 shows the typical system performance at part load. If the dry bulb temperature of
the air leaving the cooling coil (state point LA) is the same as at design load, the space relative
humidity remains at 50 percent at 40 percent RSH and 100percent RLH load.
The amount of reheat is:

Reheat = design RSH - actual RSH

The supply air temperature leaving the reheat coil, tS3, is:

tsa = tnn - (actual RSH -;-1.10 '" cfm)

The dry bulb temperature leaving the cooling coil, tldb, is:

= tsa - (reheat -;-1.10 * cfm)

The moisture content of the air leaving the cooling coil is found from the psychrometric
chart, with allowance for coil bypass factor. The actual room moisture content is calculated, from
which the room relative humidity can be obtained by use of the psychrometric chart:
Wnn = W1a + (RLH -;-0.69 * 1.10)

@ Outdoor

Air Condition


Air Condition



Leaving Air Condition

@ Apparatus


90 95 100130

120 ~
110 ~
100 ;i.
90 :0

@ Room Air Condition


Dew Point

Air Conditions


80 ::l
70 a;:
60 '~

Part Load Plot


50 (/)

/dp "F~tJ.?

tdb F_ 45




Figure 20
Psychrometric Plot, Reheat Control

The cooling coil entering air conditions are found by mixing the proportions of outdoor and
retum air at their actual part load conditions. As mentioned earlier, the solution is an iterative
process, because the assumed space humidity affects the mixed air moisture content entering the
cooling coil, which affects the moisture content of the air leaving the cooling coil, which in tum
affects the humidity inthe space.
Contrary to some expectations, the cooling coil can experience a large reduction in load at
part load. Any reduction in room latent load causes a drop in space humidity, and a corresponding
drop in the moisture content of the mixed air entering the coil. Any drop in outdoor air temperature or moisture content is also reflected in a reduction in heat content of the air entering the coi I.

Commercial HVAC Systems



~'11'", """ 1'1 '


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------------------------------"-----Chilled water systems result in less reheat energy penalty than DX systems, because the cooling coil LA can be more precisely controlled. With DX systems, a reduction in entering air temperature or moisture content results in a corresponding drop in leaving air conditions because the
refrigeration capacity is relatively constant. This is true at all load conditions for DX systems
without unloaders and is true for the range between each capacity stage on systems with multiple
steps of capacity control.
The energy waste of reheat control is minimized by using a space humidity control to reset
the cooling coil leaving air temperature to the highest possible temperature that will satisfy the
space humidity.
Reheat control provides the best functional performance of any control method. However,
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and the state and local building codes that refer to Standard 90.1 prohibit
the use of reheat control for applications that can be satisfied with more efficient control strategies. The energy waste may be permissible or required in critical applications, such as laboratolies that may require a constant flow of 100 percent outdoor air for makeup from exhaust hoods,
and in other specialized applications that require humidity control, such as museums and computer rooms.

Variable Air Volume (VAV)

This type of control exists when the space temperature control varies the airflow to the space.
It is normally used to provide multiple control zones using automatically controlled air volume

dampers for each zone. The

temperature of the cooling
coil can be maintained at a
constant temperature, or reset
upward or downward to provide the desired dehnmidification at prot load conditions.
To avoid waste of fan energy,
single-zone VAV systems can
be provided with a variable
speed fan drive or inlet vane
control at the central fan.

Mixing Box


The air distribution outlets

or diffusers must be selected
for proper performance at the Figure 21
minimum expected airflows. _HVAC System Components. YAV Corurol
These problems are overcome
by using demand controlled ventilation (DCV) and limited-range VAV (minimum cfm terrninal
set point) in conjunction with another control strategy such as reheat when the room load does not
create sufficient airflow for properV AV system performance.
Other types of VAV systems have local fans, such as series and parallel fan-powered mixing
boxes (FPMB), that induce air from the space or ceiling plenum to create adequate supply airflow
at low loads. A variable volume and temperature or VVT system is a type of VAV that varies
both the supply air volume and temperature on a time/demand-weighted control strategy that allows use of smaller packaged CV equipment to be used in a multizone VAV layout.

Commercial HVAC Systems



o perating


VAV control modulates the supply airflow at each zone to balance the room sensible cooling
loads. The reduced airflow requires less fan power than constant volume systems. There is no
reheat penalty as in reheat or hot and cold air blending systems. VAV systems are sized for the
system block load, not the sum of the zone peak loads; so whatever load diversity exists can be
used to downsize the ductwork sections feeding multiple zones. Any capacity (airflow) that is not
required in one zone is available for any other nearby zone. This can be viewed as a built-in
safety factor or allowance for future loads in sizing the system. When fed from a self-balancing
ductwork design. damper modulation is quiet and unobtrusive within the spaces. FPMB systems
coupled with DCV eliminate the IAQ issues of traditional VAV, and use of high efficiency ECM
motors reduces the energy penalty of the zone-level fans.

Psychrometric Analysis
Typical VAV system performance is shown at part load. In this case, the coil LA is assumed
constant and controlled at the design load set point. At 40 percent RSH and 100 percent RLH
loads, the supply airflow was reduced to 40 percent of the design flow. The space relative humidity increased to 58 percent.
The space airflow, cfinsa, was calculated as follows:


= RSH -:- 1.1 0

* (trm - tsa)

The moisture content at the space (state point RM) can then be calculated as follows:
Wrm = W1a + (RLH -:-0.69 * 1.10)
75 80 85

Outdoor Air Condition

90 95 100130

@ Entering Air Condition

120 ~
110 'is

Room Air Condition

@ Leaving Air Condition
@ Apparatus Dew Point

Part Load Plot

- Peak Load Plot


100 i90 :.0

80 .~

50 55 60 65

70 75 80 85

90 95 100






Figure 22
Psychrometric Plot, YAY Control

Commercial HVAC Systems








Point EA, the condition entering the cooling coil, is found by mixing the proportions of outdoor air and return air at their actual part load conditions. If the ventilation air quantity is held
constant, the percentage of outdoor air will increase as the supply airflow is reduced.
In a VA V system. the outdoor airflow rate will be variable unless a positive flow control is
provided. In this case, we asswned that the outdoor airflow was constant at the design flow rate.
Without control, the outdoor airflow would be somewhat proportional to the supply flow, but
would be also influenced by the building exhaust systems and infiltration.
V AV control is limited by the ventilation air requirements in each zone. It is also limited by
the performance of the air distribution devices. Most ceiling diffusers provide reasonable comfort
with up to a 40 percent volum-e reduction. A few linear diffusers of superior design provide reasonable space coverage without drafts at up to a 75 percent volume reduction.
In dry climates, the useful volume reduction range
of a V AV system can be extended by resetting the supply air temperature upwards as the system airflow is reduced.

Outdoor Air efm


In most climates, however, resetting the supply air

temperature upwards will result in unacceptable space
humidity at part load. In humid climates, the part load
humidity performance is improved by letting the cooling
coil leaving air temperature drop several degrees as the
airflow is reduced A potential problem is that the supply
airflow will be further reduced by the colder supply air
temperature, thus reducing the useful volume reduction
range of the system.
An altemative to improve both humidity and space airflow is to provide upward supply air reset, using face and bypass control of the cooling coil supply air temperature, This will provide
increased airflow and reduced space humidity at low loads.

Commercial HVAC Systems

...;._ __

1111111111""1 '1"'"





VAV control cannot be used unless the HVAC equipment fans and cooling system are designed to operate satisfactorily throughout the necessary range of supply airflows and cooling
Small DX packaged units can be
used successfully with special VAV
systems such as the Carrier VVT
(variable volume and temperature)
system, which limits the range of volume reduction that can occur.

For general use with VAV control, DX equipment must be provided

with an adequate number of stages of
refrigeration capacity and controlled
to providea reasonable constant supply air temperature. Special versions
of most types of packaged equipment
are designed for VAV applications.
Chilled water equipment is simple
to apply to VAV control because any
chilled water coil can be easily arranged to control the air temperature
leaving the cooling coil.

VAV Rooftop

Central Station AHU

Figure 23
VAV Equipment Options

For all VAV equipment, the funs must be capable of operating satisfactorily throughout the
expected range of airflows and operating pressures. Small capacity forward-curved fans with discharge dampers are used on many lower pressure class systems 2 in. wg static pressure). Variable inlet vanes provide better operation with higher pressure class systems and those using
backward-curved or airfoil wheel funs. Electronic variable speed control provides the best control
and efficiency for all types of funs.
Return air and/or relief air funs are more difficult to apply with VAV systems, because they
must be arranged and controlled to operate in conjunction with the supply fan without overpressurization or under-pressurization of the building. A building pressurization analysis is necesS31Y to determine whether such fans are needed. RetlUTIand relief air fans are usually not necesS31Y, unless the system has extensive return air ductwork, and is provided with an outdoor air
economizer that is sized for 100 percent of the system peak load airflow. Then the large amounts
of outdoor air that are brought into the building to cool the building during mild weather, plus the
return ductwork static pressure, usually require removal by fans to avoid over-pressurization of
the building.

Commercial HVAC Systems


hIlUI,I.t't "1




Face and Bypass Control

This type of control consists of a face damper that controls the airflow through the cooling
coil, and a bypass damper that permits air to bypass around the cooling coil. The two dampers are
usually cross-linked and operated by a common damper actuator, so that the bypass damper opens
as the face damper is closed and vice versa, maintaining the constant airflow through the unit.

Single-Zone Face and Bypass

Draw-thru single-zone air-handling milts are arranged with face and bypass dampers as
shown here. Face and bypass control provides the best overall functional performance for commercial systems. Because the
Bypass Damper
supply airflow is relatively
and Duct
constant, it overcomes the
poor ventilation, air distribution, and dehumidification of
the other strategies, but does
To Zone
not provide the fan energy
savings of VA V control.
Chilled water coils are usually
provided with control valves
to shut off the chilled water
flow through the coils to prevent overcooling of the space
due to air leakage through the Figure 24
coil face damper at low cool- Air Source Components, Single-Zone Face WId Bypass Control
ing load.

Multizone Face and Bypass

Multiple face and bypass zones can be provided from a single air supply unit. A generic
blow-thru multizone unit is shown here. A multiple zone damper assembly is installed at the cold
air and bypass air plenum connections at the discharge of the unit. The damper assembly provides
a cross-linked face damper and bypass damper for each zone that is to be connected to the unit.
Multizone systems are
physically limited by the
number of control zones that
can be installed at the discharge of an air-handling unit
and by the duct space. This
duct space is necessary to install a separate supply duct
from each zone damper connection to the zone which it
serves out in the building.

Duct to Zone A



Figure 25
Air Source Components, Millmone Face and Bypass Control

Commercial HVACSystems

IIIIfII" Ihl'l'I" I"



Dual-duct systems overcome these limitations by installing higher pressure/velocity class
ducts throughout the building from the cold air and bypass air plenum connections of the multizone unit, as shown here. A dual-duct mixing box is installed at each control zone. It mixes the
cold air and bypassed neutral
air. Dual-duct systems are
limited by the space and cost
of the supply ducts. Portions
of the cold ductwork can be
sized based on the diversified
peak block cooling airflows of
all the downstream zones. The
bypass duct can provide warm
air to heat the building during
cold weather, as described
later under.blending control. It
is usually sized for 60 to 75
Figure 26
percent of the cold airflow.
HVAC System Components, Dual-Duct Face and Bypass Control

Operating Characteristics
Face and bypass control maintains humidity like VAV control, with the air distribution and
ventilation characteristics of all constant volume control strategies. Blow-thru multizone and
dual-duct air blending systems provide face and bypass control when their heating coils are inactive.
The space temperature control modulates the amount of fan discharge air that passes through
and around the cooling coil. The coil airflow is roughly proportional to the percentage of RSH
load. The bypass airflow percentage is the inverse of the coil airflow, so the fan airflow is roughly
constant. Most bypass dampers have a leakage rate of 5 to 10 percent, so the fan design airflow
must be that much greater than the design coil airflow.

Commercial HVAC Systems




Psychrometric Analysis
The part load psychrometric performance is shown here. The mixture of room air and outdoor
air entering the cooling coil at point EA is the same as for other systems. The portion of air passing through the cooling coil leaves at point LA, which is assumed to be at the same adp as the
design load. The air leaving the bypass damper is at point EA. The temperature of the supply air
mixture of cool coil air and neutral bypass air at point SA is calculated as follows:

tsa = tnn - (RSH +- l.10 '" cfm)

The moisture content of the space will be greater than that of the supply air mixture, and is
calculated by the latent heat formula:

= W1a + (RLH

+- 0.69

* 1.10)

75 80 85

Outdoor Air Condition

90 95 100130

@ Entering Air Condition

@ Room Air Condition
@ l.eavmq Air Condition
@ Apparatus Oew POint

120 ~
110 =;::

100 ;:;.'
90 "'0

@ Supply Air Condition



Part Load PloL

- Peak Load Plot

70 o

~Qt.. /

t Wb/dP OF.... o..~

tdb F~ 45


50 55 60 65

70 75 80 85







90 95 100

Psychrometric Plot, Face and Bypass Control
The space humidity is approximately 64 percent rh at the pan load condition. This is considerably better than the 77 percent I'll, which would result if coil discharge temperature control were
used, but not as good as the 58 percent rh, which would result with VA V control.
In most climates, resetting the cooling coil t1a (and the adp) upwards at part load will result in
unacceptable space humidity, In humid climates, the part load performance is improved by letting
the adp drop several degrees as the bypass damper is opened.

Equipment Selection
Most face and bypass systems' are arranged to take bypass air from the outdoor and return air
mixing plenum. This bypasses some of the outdoor air around the coil, resulting in higher space
humidity than would otherwise occur. The air handler can sometimes be arranged to bypass 100
percent return air, but this requires a separate bypass air filter bank with the associated cost and


Commercial HVAC Systems

Ium ru rhe l '1",,1\



Fan Motor Horsepower

The airflow resistance of the coil and bypass paths

will be approximately 25 percent of their design values
when half of the air is flowing through each path. Because of this variable resistance, the fan airflow will also
vary unless automatic airflow control is provided. The
fan airflow will be at design value when the bypass
damper is closed, increasing to about 115 percent of design when the dampers are at midpoint, and decreasing
back to approximately the design value when the coil
face dampers are closed.

To prevent ice buildup, the cooling coils ofDX equipment with face and bypass control must
be provided with multiple steps of capacity control and proper refrigerant circuiting, similar to
that required for DX-VAV cooling coils due to the variable airflow through the cooling coil. As
mentioned previously, air-handling units with multiple cooling coils can be controlled so that one
cooling coil is completely inactive before the capacity of the next cooling coil stage is reduced.
The result is similar to that of single-coil face and bypass control with discrete steps of refrigeration capacity.
Most SITk'1l1 DX packaged equipment is not designed for use with face and bypass control.
Central station air-handling units are usually available with an optional face and bypass zoning
damper assembly to provide a multizone system. The same unit without the zoning damper can
serve a dual-duct system, or two separate single-zone air-handling units can be provided to supply
the cold and neutral air ductwork.

Hot and Cold Air Blending

This type of control exists when a hot and a cold airst.reamare blended to form the supply airstream. For hot and cold air blending to OCClU", both streams must be significantly cooler or
warmer than the space temperature. Otherwise, face and
bypass cooling will occur
when the heating coil is inactive, and face and bypass heating will occur when the cooling coil is inactive.
A single heating coil could
be installed in the bypass plenum. With both cooling and
heating coils energized, each
of the zones will position its
zone dampers to blend the required amounts of cold and Figure 28
hot supply air to satisfy the HVAC System Components. Dual-Duct Air Blending Control
zone load.
Energy waste is the major disadvantage of this control. Any part load condition of either
cooling or heating cannot be satisfied without wasting energy of the opposite type. A 90 perceIII
cooling load is handled by reducing the cold airflow and adding some neut.ral air. A 90 percent
heating load is handled by reducing the neutral airflow and adding some cold air.
Commercial HVAC Systems






o perating


This control strategy is similar to face and bypass control, except that a heating coil is installed in the bypass around the cooling coil, so that the cold air is cold with respect to the space
and the hot air is hot with respect to the space. Face and bypass OCClU"S when one of the two airstreams is neutral with respect to the space.

Psychrometric Analysis
The heating coil is usually-inactive during the peak cooling load, so the design load performance is the same as that for face and bypass systems. The typical part load performance shown
here is for an outside weather condition in which the heating coil is being operated to provide
humidity control for a critical application. The mixture of outdoor and return air at EA is the same
as with other systems. The airflow splits at this point, with one portion being cooled and dehumidified to a condition leaving the cooling coil at point CSA (cold supply air), and the other portion being heated sensibly to a condition at point HSA (hot supply air). The proper proportions of
these two airstreams are mixed to obtain point SA, which is the supply air condition that will absorb the RSH and RLH to maintain the required space condition at point RM.
75 80 85

Outdoor Air Condition

Entering Air Condition

90 95 100130
120 ~
110 1::

@ Room Air Condition

Leaving Air Condition

<@> Apparatus Dew Point
@ Cold Supply Air
@ Hot Supply Air


100 &:90 U


70 ~

Part Load Plot


\w/dp F.......b.~
t db F_ 45

50 55 60 65

70 75 80 85

60 Ti



90 95 100

Figure 29
Psychrometric Plot, Air Blending Control

Using the same example as-the previous strategies with a hot air temperature of 950 F results
in space humidity of approximately 54 percent r11.This is lower than any other control strategy
except reheat control.
Resetting the temperature of the cold airstream at point CSA affects the space humidity, with
a lower temperature producing lower space humidity. The temperature setting of the hot airstream
at point HSA also affects the space humidity by changing the proportion of cooled and dehumidified airflow. A warmer setting results in greater dehumidification, but more heating energy waste.


Commercial HVAC Systems

~ __







Like face and bypass control, there is a tendency for the total system airflow to increase when
the airflowis divided through both cooling and heating coil paths, The fan motor must be selected
for the maximum flow condition unless automatic air volume control is provided. In addition, like
face and bypass control, most systems are arranged for both cooling and heating coils to be supplied from a common outdoor air and return air mixing plenum. This results in some of the high
humidity outdoor air passing through the heating coil into the space, thus increasing the space
humidity compared to what would occur if all of the outdoor air was directed through the cooling
coil, Custom air-handling units me usually arranged for 100 percent return airflow to the heating
coil, with all of the ventilation outdoor air directed through the cooling coiL
DX cooling coil limitations me similar to those for face and bypass control.

o peratioual Variations
Most hot and cold blending systems, both multizone and dual-duct type, are arranged with a
constant volume supply fan discharging into a plenum from which the air can enter either the
cooling coil or the heating coil. With hot and cold air blending control, it is generally not desirable to provide an outdoor ail' economizer cycle because most hot and cold mixing systems use a
common blow-thru fan to serve both ducts. The increase in heating load is usually greater than
the decrease in cooling load.
A waterside economizer, in which the cold outdoor air is used to provide chilled water for the cooling coil, is a much more effective type of economizer. A waterside economizer will provide chilled
water to cool the cold duct air without increasing the
heating load for the hot air duct. An even better alternative is to operate the refrigeration plant to satisfy the cooling coil load, with a heat recovery system to divert as much of the heat rejection as necessary to satisfy the heating coil load,
Hot and cold air blending is more energy efficient than constant volume reheat, but less efficient than any of the other control strategies. Therefore, its use is restricted by energy codes to
critical applications. Systems with heat recovery as described above me usually considered acceptable for almost any application,

Commercial HVACSystems





of Basic Control Strategies

Each of the control strategies described above has unique advantages, but none of them. when
used alone, are perfect for all applications. A combination of several strategies can usually provide a system that will serve the needs of a proj ect better than anyone method.
F or example, the VA V control strategy is the most energy efficient option because it is the
only one that provides fan horsepower savings. VA V can be combined with face and bypass
when using a multizone or dual-duct system. or with reheat when using a single-duct multiplezone system. The result is a system that is more energy efficient and self-balancing than either
constant volume face and bypass or reheat, but without the air distribution and ventilation problems that can occur with full-range YAY.
Reheat control can be combined with either face and bypass or coil discharge air temperature
control to create a system that will provide constant airflow and positive humidity control without
as much energy waste as a constant volume reheat system.
The blow-thru multizone system shown in Figure 25 uses face and bypass of the cooling coil,
which provides good performance when all of the zones require cooling. However, many old
multizone systems have a single heating coil located in the bypass plenum that is activated whenever any of the zones require heating. The system operates with hot and cold mixing control during Uris mode, which is very wasteful of cooling and heating energy. Modem multizone systems
include a separate heating coil installed in the supply duct to each zone, sequenced with the zone
damper so that all of the air that is to be heated will bypass the cooling coil. Operation of the
heating coil for one zone has no effect upon the air supplied to the other zones.

Control Strategy Recommendations

As we have discussed, there are six fundamental space temperature control strategies. All
types of HV AC systems use one or more of these strategies. With the same HV AC system, the
control strategy can change from one type to another depending upon whether the heating coil is
active, or whether the space
humidity is outside of the acceptable envelope. The control strategy must be defined
in the control system sequences of operation. All of
this is part of the iterative
process of selecting an HVAC
Selo?ct Systern
system for the design proj ect,
which includes assessing the
impacts of using particular
Load Study
strategies. While most control
strategy impacts focus on
comfort, both first cost and Figure 30
operating cost considerations
System Selection Process. Coturols an Important Priority
include the impacts of controls.



Commercial HVAC Systems


The availability of a particular control strategy depends upon the design of the HVAC
equipment. in particular whether space is available at. the proper location within the equipment for
the necessary control dampers and heating coils. These components mayor may not be available
as accessory items for a particular item of equipment. It also depends upon code requirements
regarding energy usage and ventilation.
In comparison with the others, each control strategy has advantages and disadvantages with
respect to the responsiveness of temperature control, the space humidity that is likely to occur
during part load conditions, the amount of energy used by the operation of the control stJategies,
and the cost of the necessary control components and equipment arrangements.
these general reconunendations are appropriate for cl:ima1eswhere dehumidification of outdoor ventilation air is necessary:

On-off control is best for small packaged DX units and for chilled water fan coil units.
Coil discharge air temperature control is best for room-type chilled water fan coil units
that are provided with a separate preconditioned ventilation air system to maintain the
space humidity independently of the fan coil unit operation,
Reheat control is best for code-acceptable applications where the part load humidity cannot be adequately controlled by other strategies. Examples include process, healthcare,
and laboratories with specific relative humidity requirement, or large outdoor air quantities for ventilation or exhaust hood makeup,
VAV control is best for most office applications, especially with demand controlled ventilation. and reheat where code-acceptable .
Face and bypass control is best where constant airflow and ventilation are important, such
as meeting rooms and training rooms.
Hot and cold air blending control is an excellent alternative to reheat control for applications that cannot be served adequately by the other control strategies.

Finally, the availability ofDDC (Direct Digital Control) microprocessor-based control systems makes it relatively easy to combine several of the basic control strategies to fonn a hybrid
control sequence that will better serve the needs of a specific project.

Humidity Control in Air-Conditioning Systems

Most air-conditioning systems provide dehumidification by cooling the supply air to a dew
point that is lower than the desired space dew point. Exceptions are systems with desiccant cool:ing and those located in desert climates where dehumidification is not necessary. Information
from the cooling load estimate is used to calculate the system airflows and the supply air temperature leaving the cooling coil.

--_._-_ .._--- .._.. -_ .....- ._ ... - - ...._ ..__ .._-- ._---------------31

1"''''' .. '11 1., .....



Cooling Selection and Coil Performance

The combination of cooling coil airflow rate, cfrneoil. and leaving air temperature. tla, must
provide both the required RSH and RLH capacity. A colder temperature leaving the cooling coil
will provide more dehumidificarion, usually with greater energy consumption to produce the
colder coil. A warmer temperature leaving the cooling coil may provide inadequate dehumidification, resulting in less comfort and
possible indoor air quality problems.
Most designers use a trial-and-error
8000 8000 8000 8000 8000
process for coil selection, first -assurn75
Room too
ing a coil tla. and then calculating the
airflow that is necessary to satisfy the
Room ~t
RSH. Using this airflow and the moisRequired cfm (1)
291 316 346 383 428
ture content at the assumed coil tla
2000 2000 2000 2000

they calculate the RLH cooling capacgrllbd::.Ivgcoil

ity and/or the specific htunidity (Wnn)
9.8 9.2 8.4 7.6 6.8
to rm (2)
that would result from the assumed
Room grllb(j;
60.9 64.1 67.3 70.5 74.8
Room %rh
coil tla. The entire process is repeated
with a new assumed coil tla if the
(1) = RSH (1.10'" Temperature Difference)
original calculated latent performance
(2) = RLH (0.69 '" cfm)
is not acceptable. Figure 31 shows
possible coil performance/room resul- Figure 31
tant relative humidity for several as- Possible Coil Selections
sumed coil tla.
The same technique can be used to analyze the part load performance of a system. The apparatus dew point (adp) process is a direct approach. The RSHF is calculated and used with the psychrometric chart or tables to determine the coil leaving air temperature that will exactly satisfy
both sensible and latent cooling loads simultaneously. The introductory cooling and dehurnidification process psychrometric plot. Figure 11, shows the relationship of adp to the coil tla.

Part Load Operating Conditions

The system designer must select equipment with sufficient capacity to handle the design
loads. Many air-conditioning systems are designed with safety factors for reasonable pull down
time and potential future 10acL~.The result is that most systems never operate at their peak cooling
or heating capacity, except dUI1l1gpulldown after extended night or weekend unoccupied periods.
The load variation for a given space throughout the day and the season depends upon many

Time of day and solar orientation of the space

Outside weather conditions and solar cloud cover

Occupancy of the space

Usage of lights and internal equipment

Scheduling of control set points


Commercial HVAC Systems

~ __




Sensible Cooling and Heating Loads

Figure 32 shows a profile typical RSH load components in an interior office on an intermediate floor of a multi-story building at varying outside temperatures. If the surrounding offices are
maintained at proper temperature, this office is not affected by outside weather changes and heating will never be required. Depending
upon how much lighting, equipment,
and people are present, however, the
space temperature control strategy
must be able to function properly at
any load from 0 to 100 percent of
peak RSH.
0" .11e-7~..:..:~;r::"ts:::..er4


(No TranSil'llssion)
The same office on a top floor
will be different because of the addiW,nler
tion of the roof load, which may be
either a cooling or heating load, depending upon the outside conditions.
Outside Temperature'"
Top floor interior zones may require
some heating throughout the day, de- Figure 32
pending upon the presence of a ceiling Interior Office Design Load
return plenum, a well-insulated roof,
and a large, constant lighting load.

Figure 33 shows the RSH load

profile for a perimeter office. The
transmission loss through the exterior
walls and 'windowsresults in a possi:c
ble need for heating when the outside
temperature drops more than a few
'iii c
degrees below space temperature. The
solar load is a highly variable load,
being influenced by building orienta8.3
tion, time of day, cloud cover, and
season of year. Shadows from trees or
adjacent buildings can result in one
Outside Temperature ...
office being in full Still while the adjacent office on the same exposure is in
Figure 33
full shade. A perimeter space temperature control may have to operate Perimeter Office Design Load Profile
at any point within the load profile,
shifting from cooling to heating
within a short time,

Commercial HVACSystems



'1IIn .. l,h,





Latent Loads
The RLH load is due to occupants and to activities within the space such as cooking. These
latent loads are equally possible regardless of outside weather. The result is that the RSHF can
become very low at part load conditions in exterior zones, even though it is quite high at peak
load. This table shows the room sensible heat ratio for a typical perimeter office, at design load,
and at a part load condition that might occur on a cloudy summer morning.
Design Load

Cool and Cloudy Day







A low RSHF load condition indicates the need for a cold dew point temperature, tadp. at the
cooling coil.

Control Strategy Performance

For the same space, at the same part load condition, each space temperature control strategy
will result in a different space rh. The control strategies will generally perform as follows at 40
percent RSH part load:

Control Strategy

Part load rh

Coil Discharge Temperature
Variable Ail' Volume
Face and Bypass
Hot and Cold Air Blending



These evaluations of part load humidity performance were based on the same conditions used
in the space temperature control strategy discussions.

Comfort is the primary design parameter for air-conditioning systems. Since space temperature is the foundation for determining occupant comfort satisfaction, control strategies for HV AC
systems should first focus on proper control of space temperature. Space relative humidity, especially under part load conditions, must be carefully reviewed when selecting control strategies for
the HV AC system design. Energy codes will limit the use of strategies that employ simultaneous
heating and cooling. Always utilize psychrometric plots of system part load performance to
evaluate the use of various central equipment and zone control strategy options.

Commercial HVAC Systems


hUHI... h,J'flof11\




Work Session
1. What is the most common comfort parameter used to control HVAC systems?

2. Zoning is used to group spaces with similar load characteristics. This maximizes comfort
Withoutproviding a thermostat for every space. What are tlu:eeconunon zoning methods?

3. HVAC equipment capacity is modulated, or controlled, to affect a change in room temperature by controlling one of the three fluids listed below. After each, write in at least two controlled devices that would be used in an HVAC system to implement the control strategy.







4. List the six basic space temperature control strategies.


W.bichone of the eight psychrometric processes represents the actions of the space temperature control strategies presented in this TOP?


6. Simple on-off control has many disadvantages created by the cycling of the fan; list the one

major benefit.

_-_._._._ .._----------




Each space temperature control strategy has distinct advantages and disadvantages.
primary advantage (think feature) of the following strategies:


Coil discharge temperature control:


Reheat control:


Variable air volume


Face and bypass control:

List the

01AV) control:

8. Simultaneous heating and cooling strategies, best represented by reheat are not permitted by
Energy Conservation Codes in most applications. Name two or three applications that are
given exceptions, and for what reasons.

9. True or False? Cooling coil selection parameters, like leaving air temperature and/or airflow,
can be adjusted to meet both the room sensible heat and room latent heat loads.

10. Part load operation occms on many projects due to variation in load components. Name five
conditions that would affect load variations in the conditioned spaces.




Commercial HVAC Systems



, GQME.QET.G.9t-1TR.9L


Carrier Corp.
Variable Air Volume Sy&tems. 2005.
TDP-703 Book. Cat. No. 796-068
TDP-70) Instructor Presentation, Cat. No. 797-068
Rooftops, Levell: Constant Volume. 2005.
TDP-631 Book. Cat. No. 796-056.
TDP-63l Inst.ructorPresentation, Cat. No. 797-056
Demand Controlled Ventilation System Design. 2001
Cat. No. 811-10088.


ASHRAE Standard 62.1 - 2004, "Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality"
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 - 2004, "Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings"






Work Session Answers

1. Space dry bulb temperature.
2. Three common zoning methods are:
a) Operating schedule zoning
b) Air quality zoning
c) Temperature control zoning


3. Controlled devices used in HVAC system to implement the control strategy are:
a) Air:
fan, outdoor air damper or VAV terminal.
b) Water:
pump, 2-way valve or 3-way valve.
c) Refrigerant:
solenoid valve or electronic expansion valve (EXV).
4. Six basic space temperature control strategies are:
a) On-off control
b) Coil discharge temperature control
c) Reheat control
d) Variable air volume (V AV) control
e) Face and bypass control
f) Hot and cold air blending control
5. Cooling and dehumidification
6. When the fan turns off after satisfying the cooling load, the wetted coil surface does not reevaporate the condensate into the supply air, raising space relative humidity.
7. Primary advantages:
a) Coil discharge temperature control: precise control of the space dry bulb temperature
using a modulating chilled water coil control valve.
b) Reheat control: maximum dehumidification capacity to the space at all times.
c) Variable air volume (VAV) control: variable airflow to multiple zones from a single
piece of central cooling equipment.
d) Face and bypass control: improved dehumidification performance from the central
cooling equipment during part load conditions.
8. Laboratories, healthcare, or process, for special pressurization relationships, crosscontamination requirements, or relative humidity needs.
9. True. A colder temperature leaving the cooling coil will provide more dehunudificauon
usually with greater energy consumption to produce the colder coil.
10. Conditions affecting load variations in conditioned spaces are:
a) Time of day and solar orientation of the space.
b) Outside weather conditions and solar cloud cover.
c) Occupancy of the spaces.
d) Usage of lights and internal equipment.
e) Scheduling of control set points.

Commercial HVACSystems

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An understanding of human comfort parameters, air-conditioning equipment and systems, along
with fundamentals of load estimating and psychrometric properties of air-water mixtures. This
knowledge can be gained from TOP-102 ABCs of Comfort, TDP-103 Concepts of Air Conditioning, TDP-301 Load Estimating Level 2: Fundamentals, TOP-302 Load Estimating Level 3: Block
and Zone Loads, and TDP-201 Psychrometries Level 1: Introduction.

Learning Objec1lves:
In this module, participants will learn the skills and knowledge necessary to:

Identify the different space temperature and relative humidity control strategies.

Compare typical peak design operation and part load operation of the strategies.

Categorize control strategy availability for many types of HVAC systems.

Select the appropriate control' strategy, considering the building, application, and tradeofts.

Supplemental Materl aJ :


Those who wish to build their knowledge in control of HVAC systems should consider the following related publications for their library:

Cat No.

Instructor CD
Cal No.




System Features and Selection Criteria
Controls, Level 1 Fundamentals
Rooftop Units, Level 1: Constant Volume Units
Rooftop Units, Level 2: Variable Volume Units
Variable Air Volume Systems
Variable Volume and Temperature Systems

Instructor Information
Each TOP topic is supported with a number of different items to meet the specific needs of the
user. Instructor materials consist of a CO-ROM disk that includes a PowerPoint'" presentation
with convenient links to all required support materials required for the topic. This always includes:
slides, presenter notes, text file including work sessions and work session solutions, quiz and
quiz answers. Depending upon the topic, the instructor CD may also include sound, video,
spreadsheets, forms, or other material required to present a complete class. Self-study or student
material consists of a text including work sessions and work session answers, and may also
include forms, worksheets, calculators, etc.


Turn to the Expert ...-

Carrier Corporation
Technical Training
800 644-5544

Form No. TDP-702

Supersedes Form No. TDP-9

Cat. No. 06-796-067

Supersedes Cat. No. 791-416

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