Reasons, Regulations, and Rules: A Guide To The Validation Master Plan (VMP)
Reasons, Regulations, and Rules: A Guide To The Validation Master Plan (VMP)
Reasons, Regulations, and Rules: A Guide To The Validation Master Plan (VMP)
This article
describes the
requirements of
a Validation
Master Plan
(VMP), what it
should look like,
what level of
detail should be
included, and
Reprinted from
The Qualification phase provides documentation that equipment and utility systems were
installed properly through an Installation Qualification (IQ), operate correctly through an Operational Qualification (OQ), and perform effectively through a Performance Qualification (PQ).
Qualification assures that the criteria set forth
in the Basis of Design documents generated at
project inception have been met in the field
Process Validation
Building on the data generated from the Qualification phase, the Process Validation (PV) phase
focuses on the reproducibility of the systems
used and the resulting product quality. This
program challenges the ability of the systems
used (methods, equipment, and operators) to
meet the pre-approved design intent.
Final Reports
Final Reports (FR) compare the conclusions of
data gathered to the acceptance criteria outlined in the Qualification and Validation phases.
They determine the pass/fail status and address the resolution of any deviations. They also
can be referred to as Summary Reports.
Compliance Programs
The Validation program must ensure policies
and procedures comply with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). Systems such as
calibration, preventative maintenance, change
control, and revalidation contribute to a continuous state of validation.
2. Do it (IQ/OQ/PQ/PV).
3. Tell them what you did (FR).
This article will focus on the Tell them what youre going to do
part of the Validation Program, otherwise know as the Validation Master Plan.
Planning Overview
The purpose of the VMP, in a prospective or concurrent validation effort, is to explain the validation rationale associated
with the installation, start-up, and use of a new production
line. This rationale should review manufacturing systems and
assess the potential of each to affect end-product quality. The
new process may be as simple as an accessory change on
existing product equipment, or as complex as a new building
with all new utilities and equipment. The size and scope of the
project determines the size and scope of the resulting VMP. For
a retrospective validation effort, the VMP documents the
existing production line and outlines the anticipated test and
analytical methodologies to be employed.
The VMP should be authored for its audience, including the
organizations quality, engineering, and regulatory departments, the FDA, and potential outside contractors. Each group
looks for different elements. Outside contractors want a
Deliverables List on which to base quotes and define the scope
of work; the FDA looks for the pre-approved intention to
comply with Federal regulations; while in-house quality, engineering, and regulatory departments look for an accurate
representation of systems and corporate policies. The VMP
should address all of these concerns.
The VMP serves the purpose of documenting the intent of
the validation program, and therefore needs to be pre-approved by the same departments that will ultimately be
responsible for reviewing and approving the subsequent protocols. At a minimum, this includes Regulatory Affairs, Quality,
and Engineering.
Drug Products
For drug products, Parts 210 and 211 of the cGMPs refer
loosely to maintaining appropriate validation data. However, the practice of validation is implied more strongly in
211.68 (a): Automatic, mechanical, or electronic equipment or
other types of equipment, including computers, or related
Typical VMP Contents
Facility Description
Process Validation
Catch Tank
Utility Systems
Installation Qualification
Operational Qualification
Performance Qualification
Process Validation
Not Applicable
For Biologics, Part 600 addresses unique considerations associated with biological products and blood components. Biological-derived drug products must adhere to Parts 210 & 211.
Also, cGMP section 601.12 requires validation for changes to
an approved application. Before distributing a product made
using a change, an applicant shall demonstrate through appropriate validation the lack of adverse effect of the change on
the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the product.7 This requirement governs changes in product, production process, quality controls, equipment, facilities, responsible personnel, or labeling.8 Whether the change is
Medical Devices
For Medical Devices, 21 CFR 820 serves as the cGMP requirements section. Section 820.75 deals with Process Validation
and states that the validation activities and results, and
where appropriate the major equipment validated, shall be
documented.9 This outlines the need for a validation program,
and the VMP can help comply with this requirement by
documenting which major equipment systems will be validated.
Part 11
All regulated industries are struggling to understand and
comply with the requirements of 21CFR 11, which addresses
Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures, and requires
Validation of systems to ensure accuracy, reliability, consistent intended performance, and the ability to discern invalid or
altered records.10 Based on the number and complexity of the
computer systems utilized, a separate Computer System Validation Master Plan may need to be written and referenced in
the VMP. Here again, this can serve as a vehicle for a preexecution meeting with the FDA in order to gain guidance.
These specific instances do not explicitly detail the requirement for a Validation Master Plan; however, a properly crafted
VMP will document the pathway to compliance.
VMP References
Increasingly, the FDA is showing it agrees. Recently, the
Agency issued a Guidance for Industry document, meant to
1. Introduction
This section should include the company name, location, division or subsidiary name (if applicable) and business sector
served. A short overview of the project provides the reader with
the necessary background from a macro standpoint. A crossreference to the relevant company Quality Assurance Policy is
appropriate here.
2. Scope
This section defines the breadth and reach of the validation
effort covered by the VMP. A brief description of the installation, whether single- or multi-product, and a breakdown of
installed equipment as new or existing should be included
3. Facility Description
Whether the project is a new building, extension, or remodeling of a current building, the facility characteristics are listed
here. The number of floors, the inter-connectivity of process
and utility systems, isolation means, and the design product
and personnel flow used to minimize cross-contamination are
identified. Be sure to note any room classification (cleanroom
certification levels) and specialty surfaces and finishes integral to achieving the required product quality. Process Flow
Diagrams (PFDs) are useful here, depicting the anticipated
personnel, raw material, process, and waste material flow. The
emphasis here is on design considerations to eliminate crosscontamination of material.
5. Qualification
The selection criteria governing what equipment and utility
systems will undergo Qualification is discussed here. Individual definitions of IQ, OQ, and PQ, may be included. Company policies, regulatory references, and published guidelines
used in this selection process should be addressed. This discussion may include considerations such as product contacting
surfaces, critical/non-critical instrumentation, direct and indirect systems,12 and downstream processing, among others. A
discussion of protocol and final report formats may be included
here, with either a reference to existing protocol development
procedures, or a description of the format to be utilized. Final
Reports may be generated as attachments to the protocols
themselves, or as separate documents.
6. Process Validation
This section addresses the selection criteria governing what
equipment and utility systems need to undergo Process Validation. Company policies, regulatory references, and published guidelines utilized in the selection process should be
addressed. One such criteria is if the results of a process
cannot be fully verified by subsequent inspection and test, the
process shall be validated.13 Also included is a discussion on
the appropriate Cleaning Validations (CV) required to verify
inter- and intra-campaign cleaning methods. If this is to be a
finished product, Packaging and Sterility validation needs to
be addressed.
Moisture/Dewpoint Determination
The measured dewpoint at selected usepoints must closely
correspond to the dewpoint of the supply.
Particulate measurements will be at or below predetermined
Oxygen Concentration
Oxygen concentration at predetermined usepoints must
closely correspond to the oxygen concentration of the supply.
11.3 Calibration
A system shall exist detailing the methods, frequency, and
documentation of the calibration program including justification for a no calibration required status.
11.5 Revalidation
A crucial part of the Validation program is determining when
to revalidate. This determination may be periodic, or triggered
by the replacement of critical instruments. Part of the Change
Control program will be an assessment of the impact of any
proposed change on the validated state of the affected equipment, and if revalidation is required.
In its simplest form, the VMP is meant to document the major
equipment and utility systems associated with the production
process, assess the impact on the quality of the resulting
product, and determine the validation requirements. With the
inclusion of some additional information; however, the VMP
can help serve as a resource- and task-planning tool. For
instance, a Deliverables List can be developed from the List of
Protocols, which can be used to gauge the man-hour requirements of the job, for either internal budgeting or comparing
outside contractor quotes. The Additional cGMP Programs
section can isolate the need for policies or procedures to be
created and/or updated.
The creation of a VMP at the beginning of the project serves
many purposes: to identify the timing and level of anticipated
resource needs, to document the corporations validation philosophy and individual elements, and to show the FDA the preapproved intent to bring on a new product line in full compliance. It is well worth the extra time spent to write this
document at project inception, and to get early regulatory
feedback via a pre-submission meeting with the FDA, than to
answer Agency questions during the approval cycle and pay
with a delayed product launch date.
2. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Chapter III, Sections 301, 303, 304, as amended by the FDA Modernization
Act of 1997.
3. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Chapter V, Section
501 (a)(2)(B), as amended by the FDA Modernization Act of
4. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR parts 210 &
211, Proposed Rule, Federal Register, Friday May 3 1996
Docket No. 95N-0362.
5. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR parts 210 &
211, Proposed Rule, Federal Register, Friday May 3, 1996
Docket No. 95N-0362, page 20113, proposed 210.3 (b)
6. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR parts 210 &
211, Proposed Rule, Federal Register, Friday May 3, 1996
Docket No. 95N-0362, page 20115, proposed 211.220 (c).
7. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 601.12 (a),
April 1, 2000.
9. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 820.75 (a),
April 1, 2000.
10. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 11.10 (a),
April 1, 2000.
11. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Guidance for Industry and/or for FDA Staff: Guidance on Quality System
Regulation Information for Various PreMarket Submissions, Draft Guidance-Not for Implementation, Draft released for comment on August 3, 1999, Section 19. Design
History File (DHF).
12. ISPE Baseline Pharmaceutical Engineering Guide: Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides for New and Renovated
Facilities; Volume 3, Sterile Manufacturing Facilities,
First Edition, January 1999, pages 119-120.
13. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 820.75 (a),
April 1, 2000.
1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Manual of Standard
Operating Procedures and Policies, Communication, SOPP
8101.1, Version 1, Effectivity date February 11, 1999.