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Elige was o were

Write was or were (past).

in Canberra last spring.








Robert and Stan








at school last Saturday.

at home yesterday.


Garry's friends.

very busy on Friday.

in front of the supermarket.

in the museum.

in South Africa last month.


Jessica and Kimberly

late for school.

Was / were

at home.


in the garden.




in the castle.

John and Peggy


at school.

on the trip.
you in London?

2. Choose the right answer.

you in the garden with my parents?

at my Grannys last week.


very hungry.
he at the seaside on Monday?


they at school yesterday?

feeling very well.


I was a good student. (Yo era un buen estudiante).

We were old friends. (Nosotros ramos viejos amigos).
He was a student. (l era un estudiante).
The pencil was on the desk. (El lpiz estaba sobre el escritorio).
She was absent from class yesterday. (Ella no estaba en clase ayer).
The sky was clear. (El cielo estaba limpio).
The child was in the garden. (El nio estaba en el jardn).
It was a pleasant day. (Fue un da placentero)
She was sick yesterday. (Ella estaba enferma ayer).
He was a businessman. (l era un hombre de negocios).
He was a lawyer. (l era un abogado).

Yesterday was Monday. (Ayer fue lunes).

He and Mary were good students. (l y Mary fueron buenos
The man on the corner was waiting the bus. (l hombre en la esquina
estaba esperando el autobs).
He was in Europe. (l estaba en Europa).
He was tired last night. (l estaba cansado anoche)
The tax was high. (El impuesto era alto).
The workout was easy to do. (El ejercicio fue fcil de hacer)
She was angry. (Ella estaba enojada).
You were very serious. (T eras muy serio).
The window was closed. (La ventana estaba cerrada)
He was in the same class as Peter last year. (l estaba en la misma clase
que Peter el ao pasado)
We were members of the club. (Nosotros ramos miembros del club).
She was a good football player. (Ella era una buena jugadora de futbol).
The sky was cloudy. (El cielo estaba nublado).
She was hungry after workout. (Ella estaba hambrienta despus del
They were good friends for many years. (Ellos eran buenos amigos por
muchos aos)
He was in his office. (l estaba en su oficina).

We were busy yesterday. (Nosotros estbamos ocupados ayer)

It was a good movie. (Fue una buena pelcula).
We were married. (Nosotros estbamos casados)
They were sick yesterday. (Ellos estaban enfermos ayer)
He was a happy child. (l era un nio feliz).
She was a stranger to him. (Ella era una extraa para l)
He was at the beach this morning. (El estaba en la playa esta maana)
She was a pretty woman. (Ella era una mujer bonita)
My uncle was a good swimmer. (Mi to era un buen nadador)
They were old friends of my family. (Ellos eran viejos amigos de mi
My aunt was a good tennis player. (Mi ta era una buena jugadora de
I was tired after a long walk. (Yo estaba cansado despus de una larga
The wind was very strong. (El viento era muy fuerte)
He was a football player at college. (l era un jugador de futbol en la
He was her boyfriend. (l era su novio)
The party was boring. (La fiesta estaba aburrida)
She was eating when I arrived. (Ella estaba comiendo cuando llegu)

I was happy to see you. (Yo estaba feliz de verte)

He was reading. (l estaba leyendo)
She was doing her homework. (Ella estaba haciendo su tarea)
She was cooking a cake. (Ella estaba cocinando un pastel)
They were here yesterday. (Ellos estaban aqu ayer)
He was sad. (l estaba triste)
Her teeth were yellow. (Sus dientes estaban amarillos)
She was uncomfortable. (Ella estaba incmoda)
The windows were dirty. (Las ventanas estaban sucias)
It was hot yesterday. (Estuvo caluroso ayer)
I was at the movies yesterday. (Estuve en el cine ayer)
They were at home this morning. (Ellos estuvieron en casa esta maana)
She was a quiet baby. (Ella era una beb muy tranquila)

Presente Simple: Oraciones afirmativas y negativas

Ejemplos de presente simple en oraciones afirmativas:

I work on saturdays
(Trabajo los sbados)
He has a nice computer
(l tiene una bonita computadora)
My dad works near here
(Mi papa trabaja cerca de aqu)
They like the good music
(A ellos les gusta la buena msica)
Peter washes his car every week (Pedro lava su carro cada semana)
Clara and Gabriel have a pet
(Clara y Gabriel tienen una mascota)

Hugo loves his job

My parents and I live in Mexico

(Hugo ama su trabajo)

(Mis padres y yo vivimos en Mxico)

Ejemplos de presente simple en oraciones negativas:

I do not work on saturdays

(No trabajo los sbados)
He doesn't have a nice computer
(l no tiene una bonita computadora)
My dad doesn't work near here
(Mi papa no trabaja cerca de aqu)
They don't like the good music
(A ellos no les gusta la buena msica)
Peter doesn't wash his car every week
(Pedro no lava su carro cada

Clara and Gabriel don't have a pet

(Clara y Gabriel no tienen una

Hugo doesn't love his job
(Hugo no ama su trabajo)
My parents and I don't live in Mexico
(Mis padres y yo no vivimos en



Does she read the newspaper every day? (Ella lee el peridico cada


Do we come to school by bus? (Nosotros vamos a la escuela en



Do you work very hard? (T trabajas muy duro?)


Does she like to sit in the sun? (A ella le gusta sentarse en el sol?)


Do we play in the park every day? (Nosotros jugamos en el parque cada



Does he watch his son in the park? (l observa a su hijo en el parque?)


Do we always try to arrive on time? (Nosotros siempre tratamos de

llegar a tiempo?)


Does he always walk to school? (l siempre camina para ir a la escuela?)


Does she work for your uncle? (Ella trabaja para tu to?)


Does the dog chase the cat all around the house? (El perro persigue al
gato por toda la casa?)


Does Mr. Green work with my uncle? (El Sr. Green trabaja con mi to?)


Do they always play tennis on Sundays? (Ellos siempre juegan tenis los


Does he study for his English class? (l estudia para su clase de ingls?)


Do we eat together every day? (Nosotros comemos juntos todos los



Does she attend church every day? (Ella va a la iglesia todos los das?)


Do you speak several foreign languages? (T hablas varias lenguas



Does she eat in the cafeteria every day? (Ella come en la cafetera todos
los das?)


Does she go there twice a week? (Ella va all dos veces a la semana?)


Does he teaches mathematics? (l ensea matemticas?)


Do we go to the movies every weekend? (Nosotros vamos al cine cada

fin de semana?)


Does she play the piano every afternoon? (Ella toca el piano cada


Does she kiss me every morning? (Ella me besa cada maana?)


Do you watch television every night? (T ves televisin todas las



Does he carry the books in a briefcase? (l lleva los libros en un



Does he enjoy his English class? (l disfruta su clase de ingls?)


Does the bus stops at the corner? (El autobs se detiene en la esquina?)


Does she want to learn French? (Ella quiere aprender francs?)


Does he speak German? (l habla alemn?)


Does she wish to learn Italian? (Ella desea aprender italiano?)


Does the plane leave from the airport at 8 oclock? (El avin sale del
aeropuerto a las a 8?)


Do you drive to work every morning? (T conduces al trabajo todas las



Does he work in the third floor? (l trabaja en el tercer piso?)


Do you always come to class late? (T siempre llegas tarde a la clase?)


Does he live in Boston? (l vive en Boston?)


Do you understand everything in the book? (T entiendes todo en el



Does she want to visit London? (Ella quiere visitar Londres?)


Does he play in the park every afternoon? (l juega en el parque todas

las tardes?)


Do you go to class twice a week? (Vas a clase dos veces a la semana?)


Does he do a lot favors to Kelly? (l hace muchos favores Kelly?)


Do you drive to San Francisco once a week. (T manejas a San Francisco

una vez a la semana?)


Does she seem to be very busy? (Ella parece estar muy ocupada?)


Does this bag belong to Jane? (Esta bolsa pertenece a Jane?)


Do they sell books there? (Ellos venden libros all?)


Does the service opens at ten oclock? (El servicio abre a las 10?)


Does she smoke a lot? (Ella fuma mucho?)


Do they play chess every Saturday? (Ellos juegan ajedrez todos los


Does the class begin at nine oclock? (La clase comienza a las 9?)


Does she need to speak English in order to get a better job? (Ella
necesita hablar ingls para conseguir un mejor trabajo?)


Does the boy cry because his toy is broken? (El nio llora porque su
juguete est roto?)


Does the employee fix the mistake? (El empleado corrige el error?)

Presente simple: afirmativo, negativo,

interrogativo, y respuestas cortas
I get up at eight oclock
You get up at eight oclock
He gets up at eight oclock
She gets up at eight oclock
It gets up at eight oclock
We get up at eight oclock
You get up at eight oclock
They get up at eight oclock

I do not (dont)get up at eight oclock
You do not (dont get) up at eight oclock
He does not (doesnt) get up at eight oclock
She does not (doesnt) get up at eight oclock
It does not (doesnt) get up at eight oclock

We do not (dont) get up at eight oclock

You do not (dont) get up at eight oclock
They do not (dont) get up at eight oclock

Interrogativo (yes/no questions)

Do I like fish?
Do you like fish?
Does he like fish?
Does she like fish?
Does it like fish?
Do we like fish?
Do you like fish?
Do they like fish?

Respuestas cortas
Yes, I do.
Yes, you do.
Yes, he does.
Yes, she does.
Yes, it does.
Yes, we do.
Yes, you do.
Yes, they do.

No, I dont
No, you dont
No, he doesnt
No, she doesnt
No, it doesnt
No, we dont
No, you dont
No, they dont
* Con las respuestas cortas no repetimos el verbo principal. Slo utilizamos la forma
correspondiente del verbo auxiliary do.

Interrogativo (wh questions)

When do I get up?
When do you get up?
When does he get up?
When does she get up?
When does it get up?
When do we get up?
When do you get up?
When do they get up?

Uso del presente simple

* Se utiliza el presente simple para hablar de actividades que se realizan regularmente
y para hablar de rutinas (diarias, semanales, anuales, etc).
NO SE UTILIZA para hablar de actividades que est sucediendo en el momento

* Con he, she, it (la tercera persona singular) en afirmativo, se aade s o es al

verbo,segn las reglas siguientes.

Reglas de ortografa verbo + -s/-es

* Para formar la tercera persona singular (que corresponde a he, she, it) del presente
simple, normalmente se aade s.
eat - eats
work - works
* A los verbos que acaban en ch, -sh, -s, -x, se les aade es. wash - washes
teach - teaches
* A los verbos do y go se les aade es. do - does
go - goes
* A los verbos acabados en consonante + -y, se les quita la y y se aade ies.
try - tries
study - studies
* A los verbos acabados en vocal + -y, se les aade s. say - says
play - plays

Pronunciacin verbo + -es.

*La terminacin es del presente simple se pronuncia /iz/ cuando los verbos acaban en
ch, -sh, -s, -x, aadiendo una slaba al verbo.
I teach - he teaches
En los dems verbos, la terminacin es no constituye una slaba adicional.
we go - she goes

Utiliza la presente simple afirmativa
1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class.

3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school.
4. School ________ (finish) at three oclock.
5.You ________ (live) near me.
6. He ________(like) rap music.
7. She ________ (do) her homework before dinner.
8. We ________ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.
9. I ________ (watch) TV in the evening.
10. My mother ________ (teach) art.

Las respuestas correctas

1. I go shopping with my brother.
2. We sometimes use a dictionary in class.
3. My friends study Italian at their school.
4. School finishes at three oclock.
5.You live near me.
6. He likes rap music.
7. She does her homework before dinner.
8. We play tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.
9. I watch TV in the evening.
10. My mother teaches art.

Hacer las frases en negativa

1. I study French.
2. School finishes at two oclock.

3. You copy from other students.
4. We think English is easy.
5. My friends play volleyball.
6. I watch TV on Saturday morning.
7. She speaks Chinese.
8. The dog likes cats.
9. They listen to pop music.
10. I play with my hamster every day.

Las respuestas correctas

1. I dont study French.
2. School doesnt finish at two oclock.
3. You copy from other students.
4. We dont think English is easy.
5. My friends dont play volleyball.
6. I dont watch TV on Saturday morning.

7. She doesnt speak Chinese.

8. The dog doesnt like cats.
9. They dont listen to pop music.
10. I dont play with my hamster every day.

Escribir las frases y completar las respuestas breves

1. live / at / you / Do / school / ?
No, ___________________
2. in / students / Do / the canteen / ? / eat
Yes, ___________________
3. to school / your brother / on Saturday / ? / Does / go
No, ___________________
4. live / near / Do / your friends / you / ?
Yes, ___________________
5. at / school/ finish / Does / three oclock / ?
No, ___________________

Las respuestas correctas

1. Do you live at school?
No, I dont.
2. Do students eat in the canteen?

Yes, they do.

3. Does your brother go to school on Saturday?
No, he doesnt.
4. Do your friends live near you?
Yes, they do.
5. Does school finish at three oclock?
No, it doesnt.

Presente Simple
1. I _________ (play) tennis after school
2. You _________ (start) school at nine oclock.
3. We _________ (have) lunch at school.
4. They _________ (watch) TV after dinner.
5. She _________ (not get up) at seven oclock.
6. We _________ (go) to bed at nine oclock.
7. What time _________ I (get) up?
8. What _________ she _________ after school?
9. He _________ (play) football.
10. Susan _________ (go) to the cinema.
11. My mother _________ (start) work at half past seven.
12. What _________ they _________ (do) in the evening?
13. How _________ you _________ (spell) that in English?
14. Brian _________ (get) up at eight oclock.
15. Where _________ John and Martin _________ (go ?
16. Serena _________ (not know) what to do.

17. Wendy _________ (not like) to do shopping.

18. My grandfather _________ (not live) in London.
19. My sisters _________ (walk) to school every day.
20. My best friend _________ (like) math.
21. My brother and I _________ (have) breakfast half past seven.
22. My cousin _________ (study) biology.
23. We _________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend.
24. When _________ Mary _________ (start) school?
25. Gill _________ (not work) in a supermarket.

Las respuestas correctas

1. I play tennis after school
2. You start school at nine oclock.
3. We have lunch at school.
4. They watch TV after dinner.
5. She doesnt get up at seven oclock.
6. We go to bed at nine oclock.
7. What time do I get up?
8. What does she do after school?
9. He plays football.
10. Susan goes to the cinema.
11. My mother starts work at half past seven.
12. What do they do in the evening?
13. How do you spell that in English?
14. Brian gets up at eight oclock.

15. Where do John and Martin go ?

16. Serena doesnt know what to do.
17. Wendy doesnt like to do shopping.
18. My grandfather doesnt live in London.
19. My sisters walks to school every day.
20. My best friend likes math.
21. My brother and I have breakfast half past seven.
22. My cousin studies biology.
23. We go to the cinema at the weekend.
24. When does Mary start school?
25. Gill doesnt work in a supermarket.

Presente simple
1. Ana _________ (not watch) TV.
2. Peter _________ (not study) French.
3. Javi _________ (watch) TV.
4. Antonio _________ (play) computer games.
5. Luis Miguel _________ (not read) magazines.
6. _________ Mara _________ (listen) to music?
7. _________ Beatriz _________ (tidy) her room?
8. My parents _________ (read) the newspaper.
9. When _________ your brother _________ (surf) the internet?
10. Who _________ you _________ (play) football with?
11. What _________ your sister _________ (do) on Saturday?
12. Blanca _________ (go) to a sleepover.

13. Isabel _________ (not phone) a friend.

14. I _________ (eat) a hamburger every weekend.
15. My Mum _________ (like) classical music.
16. I _________ (not eat) pizza.
17. I _________ (drink) water.
18. Gonzalo _________ (help) his friends with their homework.
19. Carlos _________ (make) people laugh.
20. Alan _________ (not like) talking to new people.
21. Chris _________ (do) the housework for her parents.
22. I _________ (want) to join Daniels fan club.
23. Isabel and I _________ (see) each other every week.
24. Linda _________ (wear) new clothes.
25. Derek and Sam _________ (wear) striped T-shirts.

Las respuestas correctas

1. Ana doesnt watch TV.
2. Peter doesnt study French.
3. Javi watches TV.
4. Antonio plays computer games.
5. Luis Miguel doesnt read magazines.
6. Does Mara listen to music?
7.Does Beatriz tidy her room?
8. My parents read the newspaper.
9. When does your brother surf the internet?
10. Who do you play football with?

11. What does your sister do on Saturday?

12. Blanca goes to a sleepover.
13. Isabel doesnt phone a friend.
14. I eat a hamburger every weekend.
15. My Mum likes classical music.
16. I dont eat pizza.
17. I drink water.
18. Gonzalo helps his friends with their homework.
19. Carlos makes people laugh.
20. Alan doesnt like talking to new people.
21. Chris does the housework for her parents.
22. I want to join Daniels fan club.
23. Isabel and I see each other every week.
24. Linda wears new clothes.
25. Derek and Sam wear striped T-shirts.

Presente Simple
1. Uncle Joe _________ (wear) glasses.
2. Ducks _________ (love) water.
3. The sun _________ (rise) in the east.
4. The children _________ (not go) to school by bus.
5. Juanma _________ (enjoy) singing.
6. Jesus _________ (not lend) me his bike.
7. Monkeys _________ (like) bananas.
8. Pepi _________ (not collect) stamps.

9. The earth _________ (go) around the sun.

10. It often _________ (snow) in winter.
11. We _________ (wash) our hands.
12. We _________ (eat) three meals a day.
13. _________ he _________ (type) very fast?
14. Luca _________ (work) at the court.
15. Everyone _________ (make) mistakes.
16. Winter _________ (not come) after spring.
17. _________ you _________ (like) my new bike?
18. _________ she _________ (walk) to school?
19. Pedro _________ (speak) English very well.
20. My dog _________ (bark) very loudly.
21. _________ Sara _________ (read) in bed?
22. _________ babies _________ (sleep) during the day?
23. Eva _________ (try) not to disturb.
24. Eagles _________ (fly) high in the sky.
25. My sister _________ (cook) all our meals.

Las respuestas correctas

1. Uncle Joe wears glasses.
2. Ducks love water.
3. The sun rises in the east.
4. The children dont go to school by bus.
5. Juanma enjoys singing.
6. Jesus doesnt lend me his bike.

7. Monkeys like bananas.

8. Pepi doesnt collect stamps.
9. The earth goes around the sun.
10. It often snows in winter.
11. We wash our hands.
12. We eat three meals a day.
13. Does he type very fast?
14. Luca works at the court.
15. Everyone makes mistakes.
16. Winter doesnt come after spring.
17. Do you like my new bike?
18. Does she walk to school?
19. Pedro speaks English very well.
20. My dog barks very loudly.
21. Does Sara read in bed?
22. Do babies sleep during the day?
23. Eva tries not to disturb.
24. Eagles fly high in the sky.
25. My sister cooks all our meals.

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