IoT Aware Architecture For Smart Living

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

An IoT-Aware Architecture for Smart

Healthcare Systems
Luca Catarinucci, Danilo De Donno, Luca Mainetti, Luca Palano, Luigi Patrono, Maria Laura
Stefanizzi, and Luciano Tarricone

AbstractOver the last few years, the convincing forward

steps in the development of Internet-of-Things (IoT) enabling
solutions are spurring the advent of novel and fascinating
applications. Among others, mainly Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), and
smart mobile technologies are leading this evolutionary trend.
In the wake of this tendency, this paper proposes a novel, IoTaware, smart architecture for automatic monitoring and tracking
of patients, personnel, and biomedical devices within hospitals
and nursing institutes. Staying true to the IoT vision, we propose
a Smart Hospital System (SHS) which relies on different, yet
complementary, technologies, specifically RFID, WSN, and smart
mobile, interoperating with each other through a
CoAP/6LoWPAN/REST network infrastructure. The SHS is able
to collect, in real time, both environmental conditions and
patients physiological parameters via an ultra-low-power
Hybrid Sensing Network (HSN) composed of 6LoWPAN nodes
integrating UHF RFID functionalities. Sensed data are delivered
to a control center where an advanced monitoring application
makes them easily accessible by both local and remote users via a
REST web service. The simple proof of concept implemented to
validate the proposed SHS has highlighted a number of key
capabilities and aspects of novelty which represent a significant
step forward compared to the actual state of art.
Index TermsRFID, WSN, healthcare, 6LoWPAN, smart
environment, hybrid networks, CoAP, REST


MPROVING the efficiency of healthcare infrastructures and

biomedical systems is one of the most challenging goals of
modern-day society. In fact, the need of delivering quality care
to patients while reducing the healthcare costs and, at the same
time, tackling the nursing staff shortage problem is a primary
issue. As highlighted in [1], in fact, current procedures for
patient monitoring, care, management, and supervision are
often manually executed by nursing staff. This represents, de
facto, an efficiency bottleneck which could be cause of even
tragic errors in practices.
Recent advances in the design of Internet of Things (IoT)
technologies are spurring the development of smart systems to
Manuscript received November 10, 2014; revised January 19, 2015.
Authors are with the Department of Innovation Engineering, University of
Salento, Lecce, 73100, Italy (e-mail: [email protected]).
Copyright (c) 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected].

support and improve healthcare and biomedical-related

processes [2]. Automatic identification and tracking of people
and biomedical devices in hospitals, correct drug-patient
associations, real-time monitoring of patients physiological
parameters for early detection of clinical deterioration are only
a few of the possible examples.
Among others, Ultra-High-Frequency (UHF) Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN), and smart mobile represent three of the most
promising technologies enabling the implementation of smart
healthcare systems. RFID is a low-cost, low-power technology
consisting of passive and/or battery-assisted passive (BAP)
devices, named tags, which are able to transmit data when
powered by the electromagnetic field generated by an
interrogator, named reader. Since passive RFID tags do not
need a source of energy to operate, their lifetime can be
measured in decades, thus making the RFID technology well
suited in a variety of application scenarios, including the
healthcare one [3]-[5]. The recent availability of UHF RFID
tags with increased capabilities, e.g. sensing and computation
[6]-[8], represents a further added value. In fact, RFID-based
sensing in healthcare enables zero-power, low-cost, and easyto-implement monitoring and transmission of patients
physiological parameters. Nevertheless, the main drawback of
RFID tags stems from the fact that they can operate solely
under the reader coverage region, i.e. up to 15 m and 25 m
when respectively fully-passive and BAP tags are used.
Clearly, such an aspect limits the use of UHF RFID
technology to object/patient identification and monitoring
within quite small areas.
On the contrary, WSNs are basically self-organizing ad-hoc
networks of small, cost-effective devices (motes) that
communicate/cooperate in a multi-hop fashion to provide
monitor and control functionalities in critical applications
including industrial, military, home, automotive, and
healthcare scenarios. Currently, most WSN motes are batterypowered computing platforms integrating analog/digital
sensors and an IEEE 802.15.4 radio enabling up to 100-m
outdoor communication range (single hop).
Compared to UHF RFID tags integrating sensing and
computing capabilities, WSN motes consume significantly
more power, thus making the overall network lifetime the
major limitations of such technology [9]-[11]. In such a
context, RFID and WSN represent two complementary
technologies whose physical integration might provide

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

augmented functionalities and extend the range of applications
[12], e.g. in the healthcare domain. To the best of authors
knowledge, only few attempts have been done to leverage the
combined use of UHF RFID and WSN technologies in
healthcare application scenarios. Furthermore, none of the
available solutions realizes a seamless integration of different
technologies, according to the so-called Internet of Things
(IoT) vision [13]. Basing on this concept, IoT devices will be
remotely accessible though the Internet, thus allowing the
development of innovative applications able to exploit
pervasive collected data and leverage on the new control
possibility offered by the IoT enabling solutions.
In this work, a novel IoT-aware Smart Hospital System
(SHS) is presented and discussed. It is able to guarantee
innovative services for the automatic monitoring and tracking
of patients, personnel, and biomedical devices within hospitals
and nursing institutes, by exploiting the potentialities offered
by the jointly use of different, yet complementary,
technologies and standards, such as RFID, WSN, smart
mobile, 6LoWPAN, and CoAP. Specifically, the designed
SHS is able to collect, in real time, both environmental
conditions and patients physiological parameters via an ultralow-power Hybrid Sensing Network (HSN) composed of
6LoWPAN nodes integrating UHF RFID Class-1 Generation2 (Gen2 hereafter) functionalities. In particular, two new kinds
of WSN nodes are proposed. The former integrates an RFID
Gen2 reader while the latter integrates an augmented RFID
Gen2 tag in order to store sensor data and patient information.
In this way, physiological parameters of patients can be easily
retrieved by RFID Gen2 readers scattered in the hospital and
delivered to a control center where an advanced monitoring
application makes them easily accessible by both local and
remote users via a Representational State Transfer (REST)
web service. During normal operations, therefore, no WSNbased transmission is performed, thus reducing the node
power consumption and limiting the impact on the network
capacity. The designed system is also able to timely and
reliably manage emergency situations. In fact, in this case, the
WSN-based transmission is activated so as to promptly inform
the nursing staff via Push Notifications on a customized
mobile application. Doctors can also connect their smartphone
to a portable UHF RFID reader and use the same mobile
application to interact with patients nodes during daily
medical inspections.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the related
work is analyzed, whilst the architecture of the proposed SHS
along with involved hardware and software components are
outlined in Section III. Section IV discusses the adopted
RFID-WSN integration strategy and provides some
experimental results on RFID communication range and
power consumption. Details on the implemented architecture
are given in Section V while a prototype implementation of
the proposed SHS is described and validated in Section VI.
Concluding remarks are drawn in Section VII.
Recent advances in micro-electromechanical systems

(MEMS) have opened up great opportunities for the

implementation of smart environments. Especially in the
medical field, several sensors to evaluate different types of
vital signs (i.e. heartbeat, body pressure and temperature,
ECG, motion, etc.) have been developed, thus enabling the
design of innovative services able to substantially improve
citizens' healthcare. In this field, among the several research
activities already presented in the literature, those related on
the use of the UHF RFID technology are mainly focused on
tracking patients in hospitals and nursing institutes. In [3],
authors combine together wearable tags and ambient tags to
develop a fully-passive RFID system, named NIGHT-Care,
for monitoring the state of disabled and elderly people during
the night. Specifically, NIGHT-Care relies on an ambient
intelligence platform which is capable to estimate sleep
parameters, classify the human activity, and identify abnormal
events that require immediate assistance. In [4], RFIDLocator,
a web-based application developed at the University of
Fribourg (CH) in collaboration with Sun Microsystems, has
been proposed to improve the quality of hospital services.
Passive RFID technology has been successfully used also in
[5] for equipment localization in hospitals. As evident from
the cited literature, since RFID tags can operate solely under
the reader coverage region, the use of UHF RFID technology
is limited to patient/devices monitoring and tracking in quite
small environments.
Another set of related work proposes the use of WSN
technology to implement solutions able to meet the specific
requirements of pervasive healthcare applications. In [1], a
WSN providing patient localization, tracking, and monitoring
services within nursing institutes is presented. The localization
and tracking engine rely on the received signal strength
indicator (RSSI) and particle filters while bi-axial
accelerometers are used to classify the movements of patients.
In [14], a wireless localization network able to track the
location of patients in indoor environments and also to
monitor their physical status is presented. A location-aware
WSN to track patients using a ranging algorithm based on
environment and mobility adaptive filter (REMA) is proposed
in [15]. A quite complete project providing patients
monitoring and tracking is WSN4QoL [16]. Specifically,
WSN4QoL relies on a three-tier system architecture, where, at
the lowest tier, a Bluetooth-enabled wireless body area
network (WBAN) connects sensor nodes to a local collector
which, in turn, sends measurements reports towards a gateway
through a IEEE 802.15.4-based ZigBee network. Finally, the
gateway performs local computation and forward data to the
public IP network towards the professional caregivers for realtime analysis. In [17], the 6LoWPAN standard and smart
mobile communication techniques are combined to monitor
the health condition of patients and provide several effective
healthcare services. More in detail, the proposed solution
makes use of WSN devices to measure photoplethysmogram
(PPG) signals and deliver them to a server through the
Internet. An Android device is used to provide a mobile
healthcare service by means of a customized application.
Unlike the UHF RFID technology, the use of WSN allows the

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

patients to be monitored in a more efficient manner at the cost
of complex algorithms required for their precise tracking. The
combined use of the UHF RFID and WSN technologies, on
the contrary, could bring considerable benefits, thus paving
the way for the development of innovative, smart services.
A first example combining UHF RFID and WSN
technologies is presented in [18] where a wireless localization
system for monitoring child position in theme park is
implemented by equipping WSN nodes with UHF-RFID
reader capabilities. The localization problem is also addressed
in [19], where a grid of UHF RFID tags is used to enhance the
localization accuracy of standard RSSI-based WSN
algorithms. In [20], authors propose the integration of WSN
nodes and UHF RFID readers for the development of a smart
warehouse management system.
To the best of authors knowledge, only few attempts have
been done to leverage the combined use of UHF RFID and
WSN technologies in healthcare scenarios. In [21], RFID,
WSN, and GSM are exploited together to track patients in
hospitals and monitor their physiological parameters. A smart
system using active UHF RFID, WSN, and GSM for real-time
supervision of patients is presented and discussed in [22]. An
interesting attempt that aims to combine and integrate, at
physical layer, heterogeneous technologies, adopt the RESTful
paradigm and Push Notifications, and manage alert events in a
smart hospital is reported in our prior work [23]. More in
depth, it describes a smart system based on UHF RFID and
ZigBee-based WSN solutions for the automatic monitoring
and tracking of patients within hospitals. It is able to collect, in
real time, both patients physiological parameters and
environmental conditions, and, in case of emergency, to
promptly inform the nursing staff via a software application
specifically designed for smartphones and tablets. In order to
address the shared goal to design a seamless framework easily
deployable in a variety of scenarios, the use of a WSN based
on the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) for
connecting and monitoring medical sensors is advocated [24].
The CoAP adoption in healthcare scenarios represents an
important aspect since some CoAP built-in features, such as
resource observation (particular useful for real-time
monitoring of patients vital signs) and discovery, enable a
dynamic environment where the available resources are
automatically discovered and configured.
This work aims at designing and implementing an IoTaware Smart Hospital System (SHS) having, as main
peculiarity, the capability to readily combine different, yet
complementary, technologies enabling novel functionalities.
Basically, the system we envision should be able to collect, in
real time, both environmental conditions and patients
physiological parameters and deliver them to a control center.
At this point, an advanced monitoring application should
analyze the received data and send alert messages in case of
emergency. The conceived SHS has been put into effect
according to the architecture illustrated in Fig. 1. As shown, it
is composed of three main parts: (1) the RFID-enhanced

Fig. 1. Overview of the Smart Hospital System (SHS) architecture.

wireless sensor network, named Hybrid Sensing Network

(HSN) hereafter, (2) the IoT Smart Gateway, and (3) the user
interfaces for data visualization and management.
The HSN consists of an integrated RFID-WSN 6LoWPAN
network composed of four typologies: (1) 6LowPAN Border
Routers (6LBR), (2) 6LowPAN Routers (6LR), (3) 6LowPAN
Router Readers (6LRR), and (4) 6LowPAN Host Tag (HT).
According to the 6LoWPAN standard, the 6LBR is in charge
of connecting the network to the Internet by translating
6LowPAN packets into IPv6 packets and vice-versa, while the
6LR provides forwarding and routing capabilities. Referring to
the proposed RFID-WSN integrated system, the 6LRR is
defined as a 6LR node interfaced with an RFID Gen2 reader
while HT identifies a typical 6LowPAN Host (i.e. a node
without routing and forwarding capabilities) interfaced with an
RFID Gen2 tag. More details about HSN nodes with RFID
Gen2 capabilities are provided in Section IV.
At a finer level of detail, the proposed SHS assumes that
several 6LR are deployed in the hospital to collect data from
the environment, such as temperature, pressure, and ambient
light conditions. In addition to the sensing capabilities, the
main function of 6LRR nodes, instead, is to track patients,
nursing staff, and biomedical devices labeled with RFID Gen2
tags. In particular, we envision patients wearing a HT node
which is capable to detect important physiological parameters,
such as heartbeat and movement/motion. Sensed data are
periodically logged on the user memory of the RFID Gen2 tag,
thus allowing 6LRR nodes deployed in the environment to
retrieve and deliver them to the IoT Smart Gateway. This last
one is connected, on the one hand, directly with the HSN and,
on the other hand, with the Internet through a Local Area
Network (LAN). Therefore, in the proposed architecture, the

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

gateway plays the role of 6LBR, enabling the communication
between WSN nodes and remote users. A Monitoring
Application (MA) running on the gateway analyzes the
received data and store them into the database (Control DB in
Fig. 1). To make the collected data easily accessible by both
local and remote users, the REST Web-based paradigm has
been adopted. Specifically, a Web-based graphical interface
allows network operators to manage environmental parameters
of sensor and actuator nodes. The same interface allows
doctors with specific privileges to access both real time and
historical patient data. Such information can also be managed
remotely by the medical staff through a customized mobile
software application. Furthermore, doctors can be equipped
with a smartphone connected to a portable RFID Gen2 reader
and running a customized application, named Medical App.
Through this App, during the daily medical inspections in
hospital, doctors can interact directly with the HT node worn
by the patient and check his/her physiological parameters by
reading the most recent information stored into the user
memory of the RFID Gen2 tag or historical information stored
into the Control DB. The Medical App allows doctors also to
update the memory content with important information to
remind (e.g. the last visit, changes of patient therapy, health
examinations, etc.). As clarified in the next section, the RFID
Gen2 technology not only provides standardized EPCglobal
identification and tracking of both patients and nursing staff
wearing the HT node, but also enables quasi-zero-power
read/write memory operations.
By exploiting the RFID-WSN integration, the developed
SHS architecture is also able to timely manage emergency
situations. Indeed, only in case of critical events, such as
patient falls or heartbeat irregularities, the HT node resorts to
its long-range, high-power, reliable IEEE 802.15.4 radio
transceiver to send a notification to the MA. This strategy
allows the HT nodes to always use the RFID Gen2 radio
interface for routine operations, e.g. medical inspections, data
logging, identification/tracking, while keeping the IEEE
802.15.4 radio off for most of the time, thus maximizing
battery lifetime.
At the IoT Smart Gateway, the MA exploits Push
Notifications (PN) to inform the nursing staff about patient
location (i.e. the last position where the RFID Gen2 tag has
been read) and health status. The doctor can then check patient
vital signs through the Web application or directly on his/her
Since the system collects sensitive and confidential data, the
platform must ensure an adequate level of security to data
access and management. For this reason, users need to be
authenticated before they can access the platform. Moreover,
also local and remote communications must be adequately
protected. In the former case, the mobile application could
exploit a local Access Point (AP) for connecting to the Local
Area Network (LAN) and interacting with the SHS.
Obviously, the mobile app should be properly configured to
guarantee the desired level of security. In the latter case, it is
necessary to provide a stronger communication channel, since
the interaction between the remote application and the SHS is

performed through the public Internet. To do so, the proposed

solution exploits a Virtual Private Network (VPN) channel
that links the mobile device with the IoT Smart Gateway.
Once this access is granted, whether local or remote, the user
can act on the system.
As discussed above, the envisioned reference scenario
relies on two distinct levels of integration between IEEE
802.15.4-based WSN and RFID devices, namely reader-level
and tag-level. In the former, a 6LR node and a standard RFID
Gen2 reader, physically interconnected as sketched in Fig. 2,
make up a 6LRR. In the latter, a dual-interface RFID Gen2
tag, a 6LowPAN node, and a customized multi-sensor board,
physically interfaced as in Fig. 3, make up a HT.
It is worth emphasizing that the proposed integration
strategy makes the information exchanged between the tag and
the reader via the Gen2 air interface directly accessible by
6LowPAN devices, thus allowing standardized EPCglobal
data to be relayed, in a multi-hop fashion, over the IEEE
802.15.4-based 6LowPAN network. Details about the
hardware and software components making up the outlined
RFID-WSN integration approach, along with experimental
results, are provided in the following subsections.
A. 6LRR device: hardware and software integration
As shown in Fig. 4 and accordingly to the architecture in
Fig. 2, a 6LRR consists of a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
RFID Gen2 Reader interfaced with the XM1000 mote from
receiver/transmitter (UART) communication bus. The
XM1000 in based on TelosB technical specifications, with
upgraded 116-Kb EEPROM, 8-Kb RAM and integrated
temperature, humidity, and light sensors. It is equipped with a
16-bit ultra-low-power TI MSP430F2618 microcontroller unit
(MCU). Wireless communication capabilities are provided by
the IEEE 802.15.4-compliant TI CC2420 transceiver with
transmission frequency of 2.4 GHz. The selected RFID Gen2
reader is the Sensor ID Discovery Gate UHF which can be
easily configured and controlled by the XM1000 board via the
UART interface. The reader supports standard Read (Write)
commands for reading (writing) data from (to) the RFID tag
user memory via the Gen2 air interface. The reader operates in
the standard European UHF RFID band (866-868 MHz) with a
maximum equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 2 W

Fig. 2. 6LRR (6LowPAN Router Reader) architecture. Red connections

show how the on-board power is routed to the functional blocks.

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Fig. 4. Interconnected boards and devices realizing the 6LRR architecture

envisioned in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3. HT node architecture. Red connections show how the on-board power
is routed to the functional blocks.

(33 dBm), adjustable via software.

The software aspects concerning the interfacing between
XM1000 mote and Discovery Gate UHF RFID Reader have
been implemented in Contiki OS, a popular open-source
operating system targeted to small MCU-based architectures
and developed by the Swedish Institute of Computer Science.
Contiki OS communication stack is organized in several layers
in which both protocol solutions and radio transceiver features
can be thoroughly configured. Contiki OS provides a full IP
network stack, with standard IP protocols such as UDP, TCP,
and HTTP, in addition to new low-power standards.
Specifically, Contiki OS supports also the recently
standardized IETF protocols for low-power IPv6 networking,
including the 6LowPAN adaptation layer, the RPL IPv6 multihop routing protocol, and the CoAP RESTful application-layer
protocol. Furthermore, Contiki OS is highly memory efficient
and provides a set of useful mechanisms for memory
allocation. These features make Contiki OS the ideal choice
for the development of new innovative smart applications,
capable to exploit the new possibilities offered by the
integration of RFID and WSN technologies.
Specifically, in the 6LRR node implementation, several
functions allowing the XM1000 WSN mote to fully control
hardware and software parameters of the Discovery Gate UHF
RFID Reader, handle Gen2 inventory and Read/Write
commands, manage the tag population, and retrieve data from
Tags user memory via the UART communication interface
have been implemented in Contiki OS as system driver.
B. HT device: hardware and software integration
As shown in Fig. 5 and accordingly to the overall
architecture envisioned in Fig. 3, a HT node comprises three
different parts interconnected with each other: a dual-interface

RFID Gen2 tag, a 6LowPAN node, and a multi-sensor board.

The dual-interface RFID Gen2 tag has been fabricated in our
labs by using a photolithography process on FR4 substrate and
hand soldering off-the-shelf discrete components. The
developed printed circuit board (PCB) is equipped with a
battery holder (not exploited in the proposed RFID6LoWPAN integration since the required power is fed directly
from the 3-V battery of the 6LoWPAN node) enabling an
auxiliary BAP mode of operation in addition to the standard
fully-passive one.
A dipole-like UHF RFID antenna has been designed and
patterned directly on the PCB. The antenna impedance has
been tuned to achieve a complex conjugate matching with an
Impinj Monza X-8K RFID chip exhibiting input impedance
Zchip=Rchip+jXchip=20.83-j181.39 at 866.5 MHz, i.e. the
center frequency of the European UHF RFID band. Monza X8K is a new-generation UHF RFID Gen2 integrated circuit
(IC) with 8192 bits of non-volatile memory (NVM) and an I2C
interface. As an I2C device, Monza X-8K operates as a
standard EEPROM whose contents can also be accessed via
the Gen2 air interface. In the fabricated prototype, the small
female header, which exposes the I2C bus, is used to interface
the RFID chip with the 6LoWPAN node as sketched in Fig. 3.
The 6LowPAN node comprises a ST Microelectronics
MB851 board equipped with a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 MCU
operating up to 24 MHz and embedding 16-KB RAM and
256-KB Flash ROM. It integrates also a 2.4 GHz wireless
transceiver fully compliant with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
The board is also equipped with an external antenna connector
and 24 highly configurable GPIOs with Schmitt trigger inputs.
Among the exposed GPIOs, the SDA and SCL lines, an
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) input port, the ground pin
(GND), and several output ports have been used respectively
to implement I2C communications, sample analog sensors, and
power connected devices and sensors.

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Fig. 5. Interconnected prototype boards realizing the HT architecture

envisioned in Fig. 3.

Likewise the RFID board, the multi-sensor prototype board

has been fabricated in our labs by using a photolithography
process on FR4 substrate and hand soldering four COTS
sensors. Specifically, acceleration data are provided by the
Analog Devices ADXL345 I2C sensor which is an ultra-lowpower three-axis accelerometer with high-resolution
measurements (13 bits/axis) up to 16 g. The MAX44009
sensor from Maxim Integrated is used to collect 16-bit
ambient light measurements via the I2C. Temperature and
barometric pressure data are provided by the Bosch Sensortec
BMP180 16-bit I2C sensor while the PS25251 from Plessey
Semiconductors is used as a dry-contact analog ECG sensor.
Similarly to the 6LRR node implementation, Contiki OS
has been chosen to develop the MCU firmware of the
6LoWPAN node. Specifically, the software components
required for MB851 MCU to communicate with both sensors
and RFID chip have been implemented in Contiki as system
drivers. As for the sensor interface, I2C read/write and ADC
sampling routines have been developed to retrieve
measurement data respectively from the digital and analog
sensors equipping the multi-sensor prototype board. As for the
RFID chip interface, instead, several functions to set hardware
parameters, configure the RFID communication interface, and
manage Monza X-8K memory spaces have been implemented
in the form of I2C communication routines.
C. Experimentation
In order to experimentally evaluate the performance of the
proposed hybrid devices integrating both RFID Gen2 and
6LoWPAN technologies, a series of experiments was carried
out. The achieved results are presented and discussed below.
One of the fundamental aspects to investigate is definitely
the power consumption of HT nodes, being the available
energy provided by the on-board battery a critical constraint
when designing real-world WSN applications. As for the
6LRR, power consumption is not an issue since such nodes
make up a fixed network architecture and, therefore, they can
be connected to the standard AC power grid. In order to
provide excellent performance in terms of node (and therefore

network) lifetime, all the components and ICs making up the

HT nodes have been accurately selected among the lowestpower ones available on the market. Table I summarizes the
current consumption of different modules and peripherals of
the HT node at 3-V supply voltage. Data have been retrieved
from datasheets but the reported typical values have been
confirmed by accurate measurements. Specifically, we used an
Agilent DSO-X-2012A digital oscilloscope to track the
voltage drop across a 1-k precision shunt resistor connected
in series with the HT node; then we calculated the absorbed
DC current under different operating conditions by the Ohms
law. In addition to the power consumption, the achievable
RFID Gen2 communication range is another fundamental
aspect to evaluate for the HT node. In fact, in the envisioned
application scenario, the HT node uses its Gen2 interface to
deliver patient physiological parameters and environmental
conditions to both 6LRRs and doctors smartphones connected
to portable Gen2 readers. At the same time, both 6LRR and
portable Gen2 readers can write data into the HT user
memory, still via the Gen2 air interface. Furthermore, the
RFID Gen2 air interface can be exploited as a wake-up radio
for the 6LoWPAN subsystem of the HT node. Such a
possibility to selectively wake up HT nodes using the RFID
Gen2 radio is enabled by the Write Wake Up (WWU)
functionality provided by the Monza X-8K chip. This feature
is tied to memory write operations performed over the RFID
Gen2 interface. More specifically, when the WWU mode is
enabled and a Gen2 reader performs a write operation, the
Monza X-8K asserts the SCL IO by pulling the I2C SCL line
low for the duration of the write operation (approximately 4
ms). This transition can then be detected by the sleeping MCU
and used to wake up the 6LoWPAN subsystem.
Maximum wake-up and communication ranges were
measured experimentally by using a 6LRR set with 33-dBm
transmit power and configured to perform read/write operation
from/to the user memory of the Monza X-8K chip at different
distances. The experiments were conducted in a large lecture
room with 6LRR and HT nodes placed in the line of sight
(LOS) 1.5 m above the floor, both oriented in the maximumgain direction. The 6LRR-HT distance was increased in step
of 0.5 m and, for each measurement point, the 6LRR was
instructed to perform 100 attempts to access the Monza X-8K
user memory. The fraction of successful wake-ups of the
6LoWPAN subsystem is plotted in Fig. 6 (black solid line). As
shown, the success ratio remains above 80% up to 11 m before
falling sharply to zero. As anticipated, in addition to the fullypassive operation, the Monza X-8K RFID chip provides a
BAP mode. In other words, read and write sensitivities of the
chip are significantly boosted when a voltage is applied to the
DCI pin. Using the same experimental setup of the previous
experiment, we measured the fraction of successful read/write
operations (i.e. communication attempts) performed by the
6LRR when the Monza X-8K is configured in both fullypassive and BAP mode. As shown in Fig. 6, the success ratio
remains above 80% up to 13 m (dashed grey line) and 22 m
(dot-dashed red line) for the fully-passive and BAP mode
respectively. Interestingly, the BAP communication range is
quite comparable to that exhibited by conventional IEEE
802.15.4 radios in WSN nodes when configured with transmit
power levels suitable for indoor applications. Moreover, as

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal



6LoWPAN node

Operating condition

Supply current

Deep sleep w/ clock

1.5 A

Active mode @ 12 MHz

3 mA


30 mA


25 mA

Fully-passive mode

0 A

BAP mode

25 A


25 A


140 A

IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver

Gen2 wireless interface

Dual-interface RFID Gen2 Tag
I2 C wired interface
ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer
Multi-sensor board

30 A

MAX44009 ambient light sensor

BMP180 pressure and temperature sensors

Measurement mode
(1-Hz output data rate)

PS25251 ECG sensor

1.6 A
3 A
2 mA


Fig. 6. Measured fraction of successful attempts (performed by a 6LRR) to

wake up the 6LoWPAN subsystem of the HT node and to access to the
Monza X-8K chip via the Gen2 air interface.

reported in Table I, the current absorbed by the Monza X-8K

in BAP mode is just 25 A which is roughly three orders of
magnitude less than that absorbed by IEEE 802.15.4
The integration of RFID Gen2 functionalities into
6LoWPAN WSN nodes represents the basis on which the SHS
architecture was designed. Implementation details and an
accurate description of SHS components are provided in the
following subsections.
A. Hybrid Sensing Network
As previously outlined, the HSN consists of an integrated
RFID-WSN 6LoWPAN network. In order to achieve a
seamless interoperability with the Internet, the REST
Request/Response paradigm piggybacked on CoAP messages
has been exploited in the HSN design. CoAP is one of the


Examples of resource path

Ambient Sens.


Ambient Sens.
RFID Reader
Ambient Sens.
Health Sens.


most used communication protocol in the IoT and its primary

objective is to provide a lightweight access to physical
resources in order to meet the limited capabilities of embedded
devices. CoAP design is similar to that of HTTP since it
provides a request/response model interaction between two
end-points and includes key concepts of the Web, such as URI
and media types. In addition, CoAP provides a resource
observation mechanism, which allows a client to receive
notifications upon every change in the state of resources it has
previously subscribed to. Since in many cases an observer is
only interested in state changes that satisfy a specific condition
(i.e. the state of a resource exceeds a specific value) an
extension to the CoAP protocol based on the concept of
conditional observations has been proposed [25].
Referring to the proposed HSN architecture, three different
kinds of resources can be identified: ambient sensor, health
sensor, and RFID-related resources. More in detail, as
summarized in Table II, 6LR nodes scattered in the hospital
can monitor only environmental parameters and, therefore,
expose just CoAP ambient sensor resources (e.g.
coap://[aaaa::1]/ambient/temperature). In addition
to such kind of resources, 6LRR nodes can expose an RFID
represents an aggregated information of tags read within the
6LRR RFID range. Finally, HT nodes also expose an RFID
resource (coap://[aaaa::3]/RFID/tag, which identifies

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

the user memory content of the integrated Monza X-8K Gen2
tag) in addition to both ambient and health (e.g.
which provides
sensor readings from the integrated 3-axis accelerometer)
sensor resources. Each resource can be individually accessed
from anywhere in the Internet by using CoAP methods.
For the sake of simplifying the development of a new class
of services capable to exploit the new possibilities offered by
the RFID-WSN integration, we drawn on the implementation
presented in [26] where Erbium (Er), a low-power REST
engine for Contiki, is extended to support conditional
observations through a Conditional Observation Module. Such
implementation has been adapted to our hardware.
Specifically, in order to get sensor readings, each sensor has
been registered as a resource and a proper handler for each
sensor has been defined. Upon receipt of a GET request
coming from client applications, the handler polls the sensor
and builds the response message using the sensor state as
payload. If the request is an observation request, the client is
registered as an observer in the Conditional Observation
Module for future notifications. The registration of a single
observer will trigger the activation of a function that
periodically checks for resource state changes and informs all
registered observers.
As stated previously, in the proposed SHS, the HT node
embeds sensors able to monitor not only environmental
conditions, but also vital signs, e.g. heartbeat and motion,
which should maintain predefined values in patients with good
health conditions. However, if their values fit outside a
specified range, it might indicate the patient needs attention.
The use of conditional observation methods allows client
applications to be notified not only when and how sensor
values changes considerably but also when critical thresholds
are violated.
B. IoT Smart Gateway
The IoT Smart Gateway represents the core of the proposed
SHS. It is in charge of data collection and processing, system
management, and service execution. Hence, it controls the
overall SHS behavior. The different components of the IoT
Smart Gateway are highlighted in Fig. 1 and described below.
2-way Proxy. The 2-way Proxy enables transparent
communication with CoAP devices. It has the burden of
translating HTTP requests coming from user interfaces (i.e.
web or mobile applications) and the MA into CoAP messages
and vice versa. Specifically, the 2-way Proxy is able to
receive, process, and reply to requests, in JSON format,
coming from the MA and the user interfaces. It has been
developed by using the Spring Framework and deployed on
the Jetty application server installed on the IoT Smart
Gateway. The proxy logic has been extended by implementing
a caching service, thus supporting multiple requests to the
same resource and limiting the amount of traffic injected into
the IoT peripheral network. This feature is particularly
important for constrained nodes, which are not able to
simultaneously manage requests from multiple clients.
Furthermore, to simplify the automatic management of the

network, the 2-way Proxy also embeds a Resource Directory

(RD), which maintains a list of resources, their corresponding
server contact information, their type, and other system
information. RD allows new devices to publish the description
of the available resources and CoAP clients (i.e. the MA) to
locate resources that satisfy certain criteria, such as specific
resource types.
Management Application and Control DB. The MA is a
Standalone Java Application, easily configurable and
accessible via the user interfaces. It performs two different
tasks: (1) it allows network operators to control hospital
environmental conditions and (2) it is responsible for
monitoring the patients' health status and alerting doctors in
case of critical situations. For these purposes, the MA stores
the information retrieved from the HSN nodes on a MySQL
database, called Control DB. The presence of this database
decouples data collection from data processing and
visualization, so that doctors and operators do not need to
directly interrogate HSN nodes during the normal mode of
operation. This approach is particularly useful for batteryoperated devices, since it allows HT nodes to stay most of the
time in sleep mode (e.g. the IEEE 802.15.4 radio transceiver is
kept off) and to wakeup only in case of emergency. More in
detail, the MA registers itself as an observer to the CoAP
resources exposed by HT nodes and to the RFID reader related
resources exposed by 6LRR nodes scattered in the hospital. In
such a way, when a patient enters within the coverage region
of 6LRR node, all the information stored into the user memory
of the Monza X-8K RFID Gen2 chip can be read and
delivered to the MA for a further analysis. At the same time,
the use of conditional observation methods allows the MA to
be notified only when the value of patients physiological
parameters fit outside a specified range, thus substantially
reducing the number of notification messages in the network.
In case of medical emergency, the MA is also able to send
Push Notifications to the mobile devices of medical staff using
Google Cloud Messages (GCM). It is worth to note that the
use of the GCM instead of other technologies (e.g. GSM)
allows the SHS to directly interface with the mobile App and,
therefore, to provide all the information about the patients
stored into the database. In particular, we resorted to the
Amazon SNS cloud service, since it can seamlessly scale and
add an abstraction level allowing programmers to use the same
APIs for sending notifications on different platforms (e.g. iOS
and Android). In order to monitor hospital's environmental
conditions, the MA also observes important environmental
parameters (i.e. the temperature in the intensive care unit) and
maintains specific control rules defined by the network
operators (e.g. if the temperature rises above 28 degrees
Celsius the air conditioner is turned on).
Secure Access Manager and User DB. The Secure Access
Manager (SAM) application ensures privacy and data
protection. It coordinates all communication between end
users and IoT Smart Gateway, providing access to stored
information only to authorized users, i.e. registered on the
User DB.

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

C. User Interfaces
Authorized users can interact with the system through user
interfaces, accessible via web browser by both fixed
workspaces and mobile devices. Specifically, such interfaces
implement RESTful services, which allow user to
communicate with the HSN through the 2-way Proxy. The
developed user interfaces offer two main functionalities
depending on two possible client profiles: network operators
and medical staff.
Operator Interface. This interface allows network operators
to register to the SHS in order to manage current and historical
information from environmental sensors, set rules and alarm
notifications. It is also used to easily and remotely configure
new nodes identified by using the RD server implemented in
the 2-way Proxy.
Medical Interface. Similarly to the Operator Interface, the
Medical interface allows medical staff to register to the SHS,
configure the HT nodes assigned to new hospitalized patients,
visualize and eventually change the historical patient data
stored into the Control DB. Furthermore, this interface allows
doctors to directly access to the health sensor data of each
patient wearing an HT node. Doctors can interact remotely
with the system by using the Medical App, a customized
Android application. As previously described, the Medical
App also allows doctors equipped with an RFID-enabled
smartphone to directly retrieve and manage patients data
stored into the Monza X-8K user memory during the daily
medical inspection. Finally, the Medical App provides PNs in
case of emergency.
In this section, a prototype implementation of the proposed
SHS is described and validated by means of a simple proof of
concept representative of the main functionalities, capabilities,
and aspect of novelty of our system compared to similar stateof-art solutions available in the literature.
A. Functional Validation
In the prototype SHS implementation, the ADXL345 digital
3-axis accelerometer connected to the multi-sensor board of
the HT node has been exploited to evaluate a patient fall and
generate an alert. Especially for hospitalized elder, these
accidents could give rise to serious consequences if aid is not
given in time. Although many solutions in the literature
propose sophisticated mechanisms to detect and prevent falls,
a simple threshold-based approach has been considered in this
work. Thresholds have been set on the basis of empirical data
obtained through several tests carried out in our laboratory. It
is worth noting that the aim of this paper is to demonstrate the
feasibility of just one of the several possible use-case
scenarios where the proposed SHS could find adoption.
Therefore, the definition of specific, optimum algorithms to
detect patient falls is outside the scope of this work. Moreover,
procedures similar to those described in this section for the
fall-detection case can be easily replicated to handle also
different emergency situations, e.g. related to the violation of
critical heartbeat thresholds.
The considered SHS validation scenario and all the
components involved are depicted in Fig. 7. As shown, each

Fig. 7. SHS validation scenario.

node can expose a variety of resources which the IoT Smart

Gateway connected to the 6LBR can manipulate through
CoAP methods. Specifically, the two main actors of the
system are: (i) the HT node, in charge of monitoring the
patient's health status and detecting potential patient's falls,
and (ii) the 6LRR node, in charge of reading and delivering to
the IoT Smart Gateway data retrieved from the user memory
of the Monza X-8K RFID chip equipping the HT node. To this
end, in the considered example, the HT node exposes the
following resources:

while the 6LRR exposes:


The RFID Gen2 tag embedded into the HT node contains,

in addition to environmental and patients physiological
information, the Electronic Product Code (EPC), used to
univocally identify the patient within the hospital. Note that
conventional identification-only Gen2 tags could be also used
to identify and track the nursing staff and biomedical devices.
In the considered scenario, the Control DB stores
information about the location of each 6LRR node in the
hospital (e.g. the 6LRR #1 is placed in Room #21) and data
about the employed doctors while a Nexus 4 mobile phone
running Android 4.4.3 KitKat connected to the BlueBerry
RFID Gen2 reader from TERTIUM Technology is used as
handled reader. The Medical App is installed on the Nexus 4
and uses the Wi-Fi or 3G Internet access. When a patient-fall
event is detected the application receives the PN sent by the
MA and notifies the doctor with a sound. The Medical App
also allows the doctor to retrieve from the IoT Smart Gateway
further details on the occurred event and the last registered
patient location (i.e. the last location where the patients HT
node has been successfully read by a 6LRR).
In order to ensure the proper operation of the designed SHS,
an initial setup phase is required. During this phase an
authorized medical operator registers the new hospitalized
patient to the SHS. Specifically, as shown in some
exemplifying screenshots in Fig. 8, the operator accesses the
system via the web application and requires the MA to
coap://[aaaa::3]/health/ECG by sending a CoAP

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal




Fig. 8. Screenshots of the prototype SHS in action: (a) the operator registers the new patient; (b) the operator requires the MA to observe important physiological
parameters of the hospitalized patient.

message to the HT node assigned to the patient. We assume

that the MA is already registered as observer of the
coap://[aaaa::3]/RFID/reader resource exposed by
the 6LRR node. The 6LRR and the HT nodes maintain a list of
active subscriptions, while, in the MA, an event handler is
installed at run-time and associated to received notification
messages. In this simple proof of concept, we consider that
MA requires the HT node to be notified only when the
acceleration values along the three axes, measured by the
accelerometer, exceed predefined thresholds (representative of
a potential fall event) by means of conditional observation
To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed SHS, the
functional validation has been conducted considering two
different use cases: (i) patients' monitoring and (ii) emergency
event handling. In the former, the following operations are
1. the 6LRR identifies the patient by means of his/her unique
EPC and retrieve his/her current and historical health status
by accessing the user memory of the Monza X-8K RFID
chip equipping the HT node;
2. the 6LRR node sends a notification message containing the
read data to the MA using a CoAP method. The MA
application running on the IoT Smart Gateway analyze the
received data and store them into the Control DB.
In the latter, the following procedure is used to handle
emergency situations:
3. the HT node detects the patient fall and activates its IEEE
802.15.4 radio transceiver to send a notification message to
the MA;
4. the MA retrieves from the database information about the
nearest doctor/nurse in the hospital (e.g. the mobile phone
number) and sends him/her a PN. The doctor/nurse
receives on the Medical App the emergency notification
(Fig. 9a) and visualizes the actual location of the patient
(Fig. 9b). Note that the location refers to the room where
the patient is hospitalized or, alternatively, to the last
position where the RFID tag has been read;
5. the doctor visualizes details about the patient fall and
promptly provides to handle the emergency.
As shown in Fig. 9c, the Medical App is also able to
retrieve all the information stored in the Control DB
concerning hospitalized patients.




Fig. 9. Screenshots of the Medical App: (a) PN on the mobile phone; (b)
visualization of details about the emergency situation; (c) list of patients and
their location.

B. Architecture comparison
As highlighted by the state-of-art analysis proposed in
Section II, only few attempts to combine UHF RFID and
WSN technologies in the healthcare application scenario have
been proposed in the literature. With respect to such work, the
main advantage of our solution consists in its intrinsic
scalability to large-scale deployment. Furthermore, as clarified
in the previous sections, the proposed SHS is able not only to
track and monitor medical devices and hospitalized patients
but also to provide medical staff with advanced features and
services. First of all, the integrated use of UHF RFID and
WSN allows HT nodes to maintain their IEEE 802.15.4
transceiver in deep sleep mode for most of the time, thus
substantially reducing their power consumption, which
represents one of primary challenges in WSN contexts. In fact,
differently from the classical approach relaying on the IEEE
802.15.4 RF interface (see [16], [17], and [22]), the HT nodes
are able to transmit both environmental and patients
physiological parameters via the energy-efficient RFID Gen2
interface. As reported in Table III, such a strategy provides a
current consumption roughly three orders of magnitude less
than that observed in WSN-only systems (i.e. not exploiting
the RFID Gen2 interface for sensor data transmission).
At the same time, in the proposed SHS, doctors, equipped
with a smartphone connected to a portable RFID Gen2 reader,

2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Reference work

Sensor node

Available sensors

RF interface current consumption


TelosB using the TI CC2420 IEEE

802.15.4 transceiver

Ambient light, temperature,


RX: 18.8 mA
TX: 17.4 mA


Customized M2M device using the TI

CC2420 IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver


RX: 18.8 mA
TX: 17.4 mA


Customized mode using the Digi

XBEE IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver

Body temperature, heart beat

RX/TX: 40 mA

Proposed SHS

HT node transmitting sensor data via

the RFID Gen2 interface

Acceleration, light, pressure,

temperature, ECG

RX/TX fully-passive mode: 0 mA

RX/TX BAP mode: 0.025 mA





Services provided








Proposed SHS





Remote Patient

IoT interoperability

can use a customized mobile application to check, at any time,

patients status by reading the health sensor parameters logged
on the user memory of the HT node worn by the patient.
Finally, the adoption of IoT protocols and solutions, such as
REST, 6LoWPAN, and CoAP, makes the designed
architecture easily extensible and interfaceable with different
standards and technologies. A comparison overview between
our SHS and some of the most relevant systems in the
literature is presented in Table IV.
In this work, a novel, IoT-aware, Smart Hospital System
(SHS) architecture for automatic monitoring and tracking of
patients, personnel, and biomedical devices within hospitals
and nursing institutes has been proposed. With the IoT vision
in mind, a complex network infrastructure relying on a CoAP,
6LoWPAN, and REST paradigms has been implemented so as
to allow the interoperation among UHF RFID Gen2, WSN,
and smart mobile technologies. In particular, taking advantage
of the zero-power RFID-based data transmission, an ultra-lowpower Hybrid Sensing Network (HSN) has been implemented.
It is able to collect the real-time variation of any critical
patients physiological parameter as well as of the
environmental conditions. The sensed parameters are

delivered to a control center where they are made easily

accessible by both local and remote users via a customized
REST web service. Two different use cases have been
implemented to validate the proposed SHS. The former deals
with patients' monitoring, the latter with the management of an
emergency situation caused by patient falls promptly detected
by 3-axis acceleration measurements. The achieved results
demonstrate the appropriateness of the proposed system to
perform not only identification and tracking of patients,
nursing staff, and biomedical devices within hospitals and
nursing institutes, but also to provide power-effective remote
patient monitoring and immediate handling of emergencies.



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2327-4662 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2015.2417684, IEEE Internet of Things Journal













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Luca Catarinucci is an Assistant Professor of

Electromagnetic Fields and Professor of Microwaves at the
University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. He authored more than
110 papers published in international journals and
conferences. He is strongly involved in RFID-related
activities, including antenna and system design and integration
between sensors and RFID tags.
Danilo De Donno received the Ph.D. degree in information
engineering from the University of Salento, Lecce, in 2012.
He is currently a postdoctoral fellow with the Innovation
Engineering Department of the University of Salento. His
research interests lie broadly in the areas of computational
RFID and software-defined radio.
Luca Mainetti is an Associate Professor of software
engineering and computer graphics at the University of
Salento. His research interests include web design
methodologies, notations and tools, services oriented
architectures and IoT applications.
Luca Palano graduated cum laude in Computer Engineering
at University of Salento (Italy) in July 2013. He is a research
fellow at University of Salento. His activity is focused on the
design and development of languages and software
architectures concerning the Internet Of Things.
Luigi Patrono is an Assistant Professor of Computers
Network at the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. His
research interests include RFID, EPCglobal, Internet of
Things, and Wireless Sensor Networks. He authored almost 90
scientific papers published on international journals and
Maria Laura Stefanizzi graduated cum laude in Computer
Engineering at University of Salento (Italy) in 2012 and
currently she is a PhD student at the University of Salento.
Her activities include design and validation of innovative
applications and protocols for WSN and new solutions for the
integration of RFID and WSN technologies.
Luciano Tarricone is a Full Professor of Electromagnetic
Fields at the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. He has
authored approximately 300 scientific papers. He is currently
involved in bioelectromagnetics, EM energy harvesting and
wireless power transmission, novel CAD tools and procedures
for MW circuits, RFID, and EM high-performance computing.

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