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Measuring Mosfet Curve Tracer PDF

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Measuring MOSFET Characteristics



Curve tracers have generally been designed for making measurements on bipolar transistors. While power
MOSFETs can be tested satisfactorily on most curve tracers, the controls of these instruments are
generally labeled with reference to bipolar transistors, and the procedure to follow in the case of
MOSFETs is not immediately obvious. This application note describes methods for measuring Power
MOSFET characteristics, both with a curve tracer and with special-purpose test circuits. Testing Power
MOSFETs on a curve tracer is a simple matter, provided the broad correspondence between bipolar
transistor and Power MOSFET features are borne in mind. Table 1 matches some features of Power
MOSFETs with their bipolar counterparts. The Power MOSFET used in all the examples is the IRF630.
The control settings given in the examples are those suitable for the IRF630. The user must modify these
values appropriately when testing a different device.
The IRF630 was selected since it is a typical mid-range device with a voltage rating of 200 volts and a
continuous current rating of 9amps (with TC = 25C). For measurements with currents above 20 amps, or
for pulsed tests not controlled by the gate, the Tektronix 176 Pulsed High Current Fixture must be used
instead of the standard test fixture.
The IRF630 is an N-channel device. For a P-channel device, all the test procedures are the same except
that the position of the Polarity Selector Switch must be reversed-that is, for P-channel devices, it must be
in the PnP position.
The curve tracer used as an example in this application note is a Tektronix 576, since this instrument is in
widespread use. However, the principles involved apply equally well to other makes and models. Figure 1
shows the layout of the controls of the Tektronix 576-curve tracer, with major controls identified by the
names used in this application note. Throughout this application note, when controls are referred to, the
name of the control is printed in capitals. For all tests, when the power is on, the initial state of the curve
tracer is assumed to be as follows:
LEFT/ RIGHT switch in off position
DISPLAY not inverted
DISPLAY OFFSET set at zero
STEP/OFFSET POLARITY button OUT (not inverted)
The REP button of the STEP FAMILY selector should be IN
The AID button of the OFFSET selector should be IN
The NORM button of the RATE SELECTOR should be IN

Figure 1. Location of controls in a 576 curve tracer

The accuracy of all tests is predicated on the correct use of the Kelvin connections, as indicated in the
instructions for the curve tracer. This is particularly important for power semiconductors, as inductive and
resistive drops across sockets and wiring are significant.
Some tests require the use of high voltages. After the device is mounted in the test fixture as described for
each test, the test fixture safety cover should be closed and the curve tracer manufacturers safety
warnings heeded. The exposed metal parts of many Power MOSFETs (for example, the tab of TO-220
devices) are connected to the drain and are therefore at the potential of the collector supply.
As with any semiconductor device, some of the characteristics of Power MOSFETs are temperature
dependent. For tests in which there is significant heating of the Power MOSFET, a low repetition rate
should be used. For tests involving a slow transition through the linear region, a damping resistor of at
least 10 ohms should be connected in series with the gate, close to the gate lead to prevent oscillations. If
frequent testing of MOS-gated devices were expected, the use of a test fixture that plugs directly into the
curve tracer would save a significant amount time. Such a fixture is described in Section 12. MOS-gated

transistors are static sensitive. Wrist straps, grounding mats and other ESD precautions must be
followed, as indicated in INT-955.
Measuring MOSFET Characteristics


This is the drain-source breakdown voltage (with VGS = 0). BVDSS should be greater than or equal to
the rated voltage of the device, at the specified leakage current.
1.Connect the device as follows: drain to C, gate to B, source to E.
2.Set the MAX PEAK VOLTS to 350V.
3.Set the SERIES RESISTOR to limit the avalanche current to a safe value (i.e., tens of
milliamps). A suitable value in this case would be 14 kOhms.
4.Set the POLARITY switch to NPN.
5.The MODE control should be set to NORM.
6.HORIZONTAL VOLTS/DIV should be set at 50 volts/div on the collector range.
7.VERTICAL CURRENT/DIV should be set at 50 microA/div.
8.On the plug-in fixture, the CONNECTION SELECTOR should be set to SHORT in the
EMITTER GROUNDED sector. This action grounds the gate and disables the step generator.
9.Connect the device using the LEFT/RIGHT switch. Increase the collector supply voltage using
the VARIABLE COLLECTOR SUPPLY control until the current (as indicated by the trace on the screen)
reaches 250 microA. (See Figure 2.) Read BVDSS from the screen.

Figure 2. Drain-source breakdown voltage

Measuring MOSFET Characteristics



This is the drain current for a drain-source voltage of 80% of rated voltage, with VGS = 0. This
measurement is made in the same manner as BVDSS, except that:
1.The MODE switch is set to LEAKAGE.
2.Connect the device using the LEFT/RIGHT switch and adjust the collector supply voltage to the
rated voltage of the Power MOSFET (200V for the IRF630). Read the value of IDSS from the
display (see Figure 3). The vertical sensitivity may need altering to obtain an appropriately sized
display. Often IDSS will be in the nanoamp range and the current observed will be capacitor
currents due to minute variations in collector supply voltage.

Figure 3. Drain-source leakage current

VGS (th)
This is the gate-source voltage which produces 250 micro of drain current (VDS = VGS). At this gatesource voltage the device enters the active region. In circuits where devices are connected in parallel,
switching losses can be minimized by using devices with closely matched threshold voltages. This test
requires the gate to be connected to the drain and conducted as follows:
1.Connect the device as follows: source to E, gate to B, drain to C. This connection arrangement
may require the construction of a special test fixture. Bending of the device leads can cause mechanical
stress, which results in the failure of the device.
2.Set the MAX PEAK VOLTS to 15V.
3.Set the SERIES RESISTOR to 0.3 ohms.
4.Set POLARITY to PnP. This causes the drain (collector) terminal to be negative with respect to the
source (emitter) terminal.
6.Set the VERTICAL CURRENT/DIV to 50 microA/div.
7.Set the HORIZONTAL VOLTS/DIV to 500 mV/div.
9.DISPLAY should be inverted.
10.Connect the device using the LEFT/ RIGHT switch. Increase the VARIABLE COLLECTOR
VOLTAGE until the drain current reaches 250 microA as indicated by the trace on the screen. Read the
voltage on the horizontal centerline (since this line corresponds to ID = 250 mA) (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Gate-source threshold voltage

This is the gate-source leakage current with the drain connected to the source. An excessive amount of
gate leakage current indicates gate oxide damage.
1.The device is connected as follows: gate to C, drain to B, source to E. This is not the usual
connection sequence, and a special test fixture will be required if bending of the leads is to be avoided.
2.Set MAX PEAK VOLTS to 75V.
3.Set the SERIES RESISTOR to a low value (for example, 6.5 ohms).
5.Set the MODE switch to LEAKAGE.
7.HORIZONTAL VOLTS/DIV should be set at 5V/div.
8.VERTICAL CURRENT/DIV should be set to an appropriately low range.
9.Connect the device using the LEFT/RIGHT switch. Increase the collector supply voltage using the
VARIABLE COLLECTOR SUPPLY control, but do not exceed 20V, the maximum allowable gate
voltage. It may be necessary to adjust the vertical sensitivity. Read the leakage current from the display
(see Figure 5). In many cases, the leakage current will be in the nanoamp range, in which case the trace
will be dominated by currents which flow through the device capacitance as a result of minute
fluctuations in the collector supply voltage.
10.The above procedure is for determining gate leakage current with a positive gate voltage. To make the
same measurement using a negative voltage, reduce the VARIABLE COLLECTOR SUPPLY voltage to
zero, change the POLARITY switch to the PnP position, and reapply the voltage (see Figure 6). The trace
will take time to settle because of the gate-source capacitance.

Figure 5. Gate-source leakage current at +20V

Figure 6. Gate-source leakage current at -20V

6. gfs
This is the forward transconductance of the device at a specified value of ID. gfs represents the signal
gain (drain current divided by gate voltage) in the linear region. This parameter should be measured with
a small ac superimposed on a gate bias and the curve tracer is not the appropriate tool for this
measurement. Even with specific test equipment, as indicated in Section 11, the dc bias tends to overheat
the MOSFET very rapidly and care should be exercised to insure that the pulse is suitably short.
7. RDS(on) This is the drain-source resistance at 25C with VGS = 10V. Since RDS(on) is temperaturedependent, it is important to minimize heating of the junction during the test. A pulse test is therefore
used to measure this parameter. The test is set up in the following manner:
1.Connect the device as follows: gate to B, drain to C, source to E.
2.Set the MAX PEAK VOLTS to 15 V.
3.Set the SERIES RESISTOR to 0.3 Ohms.
4.The POLARITY switch should be set to NPN.
5.The MODE switch should be set to NORM.
6.Set the STEP AMPLITUDE to 1V.
7.Set NUMBER OF STEPS to 10.
8.Set OFFSET MULT to 0.
9.The CURRENT LIMIT should be set to 500 mA.
10.The STEP MULTIPLIER button should be OUT-that is, 0.1X not selected.
11.On the PULSED STEPS selector, the 80 microsec button should be IN (or the 300 microsec, if
the 80 is not available).
12.On the RATE selector, the 0.5X button should be IN.
13.Set VERTICAL CURRENT/DIV at 1 amp/div (IRF630). This scale should be chosen
according to the on-resistance of the device being tested
14.Set the CONNECTION SELECTOR to the STEP GEN position in the EMITTER
GROUNDED sector.
15.Connect the device using the LEFT/RIGHT switch and raise the VARIABLE COLLECTOR
SUPPLY voltage until the desired value of drain current is obtained. RDS(on) is obtained from the trace
by reading the peak values of current and voltage (see Figures 7and 8). RDS(on) = VDS/ID. Logic level
devices would have different settings for 6, 7 and 8 so that the on-resistance is measured at the specified
gate voltage.

Figure 7. Drain-source resistance, pulsed mode

Figure 8. Drain-source resistance

8. VSD
This is the source-drain voltage at rated current with VGS = 0. It is the forward voltage drop of the bodydrain diode when carrying rated current. If pulsed mode testing is required, use high current test fixture.
1.Connect the device as follows: gate to B, drain to C, source to E.
2.Set the MAX PEAK VOLTS to 15V.
3.Set the SERIES RESISTOR at 1.4 ohms or a value sufficiently low that rated current can be
4.Set POLARITY to PnP.
5.Set MODE to NORM.
6.The 80 microsec button of the PULSED STEPS selector should be IN (or the 300 microsec, if
the 80 is not available).
7.The CONNECTION SELECTOR should be set to the SHORT position in the EMITTER
GROUNDED sector.
8.HORIZONTAL VOLTS/DIV should be on 200 mV/div.
9.VERTICAL CURRENT DIV should be on 1 amp/div.
10.The DISPLAY button should be set to invert.
11.The device is connected using the LEFT/RIGHT switch. Increase the VARIABLE
COLLECTOR SUPPLY voltage until rated current is reached (9A for the IRF630). Read VSD from the
trace (see Figure 9).

Figure 9. Source-drain voltage (diode)

9. Composite Characteristics
The forward and reverse characteristics of the Power MOSFET may be viewed at the same time. This
display can be used to obtain an appreciation of the Power MOSFETs behavior in applications in which
current flows in the channel in either direction. Such as synchronous rectifiers and analog waveform
switching. The procedure is the same as for on-resistance except that:
1.OFFSET is set to zero.
2.The POLARITY control is set at AC.
3.The device is connected using the LEFT/RlGHTswitch. The VARIABLE COLLECTOR SUPPLY
voltage is increased to obtain the required peak value of ID. Beware of device heating. Figure 10
shows the trace obtained with the IRF630. To obtain the reverse characteristics of the diode alone,
invert the step polarity. The FET is inoperative, and the display will resemble that shown in Figure
11. The step polarity should also be inverted to obtain the composite characteristics of P-channel

Figure 10. Operation in first and third quadrant (synchronous rectification)


Figure 11. Operation in first and third quadrant without gate drive
10. Transfer Characteristics. The transfer characteristic curve of ID versus VGS may be displayed using
the pulse mode. The test is set up in the same manner as the on-resistance test, except for the
1.OFFSET MULTIPLY should be set at zero.
3.The 300 microsec button of the PULSED STEP SELECTOR should be IN.
4.Increase the VARIABLE COLLECTOR SUPPLY voltage to obtain the trace shown in Figure 12.
The transfer characteristic is outlined by the displayed points.

Figure 12. Transfer characteristic (ID versus VGS)

12. A fixture to speed-up testing time
The most commonly tested parameters in a MOS-gated transistor are gate-source leakage (IGSS), drainsource resistance (RDS(on)), breakdown voltage (BVDSS), drain current (IDSS), source-drain voltage
(VSD), threshold (VGS(th)), and so on. These tests can be greatly simplified with the fixture shown in




C sense disconnected
Drain Source S/C connected
Collector Voltage applied to gate via 330ohms resistor Note: Gate protected by back to back 30V
2 RDS (on)
Collector Voltage applied to Drain
Based Voltage applied to Gate via 330ohms resistor.
Collector Voltage applied to Drain Gate Source S/C connected via 330ohms resistor.
4 VGS (th)
Collector Voltage applied to Drain Gate Drain S/C connected via 330ohms resistor.

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