Lecture Ii-16: BRST Quantization of Gauge Theories Edward Witten
Lecture Ii-16: BRST Quantization of Gauge Theories Edward Witten
Lecture Ii-16: BRST Quantization of Gauge Theories Edward Witten
Edward Witten
where DA : (S+) ! (S ) is the covariant Dirac operator and L(A) the La-
grangian of the pure gauge theory.
Integral (16.13) may not have a gauge invariant regularization. What is worse,
it may not even have a non-gauge-invariant regularization for which the gauge
invariance is restored as the cuto goes to innity. In this case the gauge theory we
are considering does not make sense quantum mechanically, even in perturbation
theory, because gauge symmetry cannot be restored. This phenomenon is called an
A geometric reason for an anomaly is that although the operator DA is gauge
invariant, its determinant det(DA ), in general, fails to be gauge invariant. In other
words, this determinant is not a function on the space of gauge classes of connections
but rather a section of some line bundle over this space, called the determinant line
bundle; this bundle comes with a canonical connection. If this canonical connection
does not trivialize the bundle, this \function" cannot be sensibly integrated.
It is useful to distinguish two types of anomalies.
1. Local anomaly. The canonical connection has a nonzero curvature. In this case
for suitable spacetime manifolds this curvature may represent a nontrivial second
cohomology class, so that the determinant bundle is not trivial topologically.
2. Global anomaly. The canonical connection is
at but has a nontrivial mon-
odromy (and possibly the bundle is not trivial).
Thus, both local and global anomalies can produce topological anomalies, but
only the rst one can be seen in perturbation theory (by computing of the curva-
Here we will consider only local anomalies.
Remark 1. To analyze when we can expect local anomalies, one may consider
the situation from the topological point of view. We assume that our spacetime M
is compact and orientable (e.g. S d), with a specied point 1, and will consider
bundles, connections, and gauge transformations which are trivial at innity. In
this case the space of gauge classes of connections can be regarded as a classifying
space BG^ for the group of gauge transformations G^ . Nontrivial line bundles on BG^
are classied by H 2 (BG^ ).
Now, if M is compact and orientable, we have the transgression map : H2(BG^ ) !
Hd+2(BG) dened as follows: given a two-dimensional homology class, pick a sur-
face S in BG^ which represents it, and take the corresponding principal G^ -bundle
on S . Its transition functions can be considered as transition functions of a G-
bundle on the 6-dimensional manifold S M , which denes an element ([S ]) of
Hd+2(BG). Consider the dual map : H d+2 (BG) ! H 2 (BG^ ). It can be shown
that the Chern class of our line bundle is (C ), where C is a xed d +2-dimensional
characteristic class which does not depend on M , and is computed locally from the
curvature. This class is exactly the local anomaly.
Thus for d = 4 local anomalies live in H 6 (BG), or (S 3g)g , where g is the Lie
algebra of G.
For example, in the standard model the gauge group is SU (3) SU (2) U (1),
and thus the space of anomalies (S 3g)g is 4-dimensional: it equals to the sum of
four subspaces Sinv3 (su(3)); S 3 (u(1)); S 2 (su(2))
u(1); S 2 (su(3))
u(1), which
inv inv inv
are 1-dimensional (here \inv" denotes that we are taking invariant symmetric poly-
This discussion illustrates why anomalies don't arise in the case when all fermions
are in a real representation of the gauge group. Indeed, in this case, the determinant
bundle is real, and thus its Chern class must be zero.
Remark 2. Although the local anomaly can be considered from the above
topological point of view, one should remember that it has a purely local nature,
and has nothing to do with the macrostructure of the spacetime. If there is a local
anomaly, the quantum theory will not make sense on any spacetime, even on Rd.
The problem is that even if the determinant bundle is topologically trivial, it will
not have a
at connection dened in a local way: otherwise this
at connection
would have been good for any simply connected spacetime, and no topological
anomaly would arise. Thus, path integral (16.13) is not sensible even on Rd.
Remark 3. In the standard model, the gauge group is SU (3) SU (2) U (1). In
particular, there is a possibility for local anomalies, and they do appear in reality.
However, one can check that the anomalies coming from the dierent matter elds
of the standard model miraculously cancel, in all four components of the space of
anomalies. An explanation of this is that the representation of the gauge group in
the standard model extends (after adding some insignicant summands) to a spinor
representation of Spin10, for which H 6 (BG) vanishes.
Let us show how to analyse anomaly in perturbation theory. Our goal is to
explain why, after possibly enlarging the space of elds, properties 1. and 2. of
section 16.3 can always be assumed to hold (that is, 2 = 0 and is dened
independently of the choice of a particular Lagrangian) but one cannot assume
that the eective Lagrangian is delta-invariant.
First, let us just try to make sense of integral (16.3) perturbatively. When we
write down Feynman diagrams, we will nd divergences in the 1-loop order which
we cannot remove in a gauge invariant fashion. To x the 1-loop order, we will
regularize the path integral by adding another, very heavy matter eld such that
its determinant bundle is inverse to that for . In favorable cases, our original
theory should be recovered from this theory in the limit when the mass m of goes
to innity. In other cases, the procedure will exhibit why there is an anomaly.
To satisfy this condition, the matter eld can be taken to be a bosonic eld
(+ ; ) with values in (S+ S )
. In this case the complex conjugate eld
is with values in (S+ S )
, where S+; S are the spin representations of
the Poincare (recall that both S+ and S are self-dual and self-complex-conjugate
in Euclidean signature). It is of course needless to say that these elds violate
spin-statistics and therefore, like ghosts, don't make physical sense.
The natural Lagrangian term for the elds would be
(16.14) L0 (A; ) = d4x((+ ; DA )+( ; DA +)+ m(+; + )+ m( ; ))
(Here the Dirac operator is skewselfadjoint).
Remark. The 's are called Pauli-Villars regulator elds.
If we add expression (16.14) to the Lagrangian, we will get the squared absloute
value of the determinant rather than the determinant itself, and will not x the
anomaly. Thus, we modify (16.14) in a way that breaks the gauge invariance: we
let A0 be a xed connection and set
Z 4
L (A; ) = d x((+ ; DA ) + ( ; DA0 +) + m(+; +) + m( ; ))
Now consider the theory with the Lagrangian L + L00 . Integrating out the elds,
we will get a factor det(DA DA0 m2) 1 . For m = 0 this factor is gauge invariant
up to a multiplicative constant, and cancels the determinant in the numerator,
which is caused by anomaly. This shows that in this theory, we don't have a
topological anomaly for any nite m (i.e. the appropriate determinant bundle is
trivial). However, for m > 0, the gauge invariance fails. So we have to study the
limit m ! 1 (which is supposed to recover our original theory) and see whether
the gauge symmetry reappears.
Dierentiating the determinant ratio det(DA DA0 m2)=det(DA ) in the direction
R t 2 g^, we obtain (using the path integral interpretation)
of a gauge trasformation
that it is equal to mh [(+ ; t+) + ( ; t )]i, where hX i denotes the expectation
value of X . This expectation value has a decomposition in powers of 1=m.
To see whether the failure of gauge invariance persists for m ! 1, let us consider
the two-point function of the curvature operator F . It is easy to see that the
leading contribution (in 1=m) to the derivative of this function in the direction of
t is from the 1-loop diagram with a loop having the t operator inside and two
P dabctaFFb-edges.
outgoing This contribution is of the 0-th order in 1=m, and has the form
F c , where dabc is some tensor. So if dabc 6= 0, the gauge-noninvariance
remains in the limit.
Remark. In case the original fermions were in a real representation, dabc is zero
and the regularization in (16.14) is completely satisfactory. The problem arises
when the original representation is complex. Then a regularization as in (16.14)
doesn't work unless one gives up gauge invariance.
Remark. When dabc 6= 0, one can choose a regularization scheme to remove all
loop contributions to the non-gauge invariance except 1 loop.
Now let us consider anomalies from the BRST veiwpoint. If a local anomaly is
present, we will have U = Leff (A) 6= 0 (here Leff (A) is the eective Lagrangian
for A, with the ghosts integrated out). However, since the anomaly is local U must
be the integral of a local expression of A and c which is linear in c. It is also
clear that U = 0. Furthermore, one can show that U involves only A and its rst
derivatives (and no matter elds).
On the other hand, if U is N where N is the integral of some local expression
of A then we can arrange Leff = 0 by redening the Lagrangian as L ! L + N .
Thus, anomalies lie in the cohomology of on local functionals of degree 1 of A
and c (linear in c) modulo complete derivatives.
Now let us show that such cocycles are in fact related to invariant symmetric
tensors on the Lie algebra g (or equivalently, the cohomology of g).
Let C be a G-invariant element in S n+1g. To this element there corresponds a
2n + 2-dimensional characteristic class of G-bundles, namely C (F n+1), where F is
the curvature. The Chern-Simons form CSC (A) corresponding to C is the local
2n + 1 form such that ~C(~FA ) = CSC (A) ^ ~A modulo dierentials of local forms
(here ~ denotes the variation to distinguish from the BRST dierential ).
The main property of the Chern-Simons form is the following. Although this form
is not gauge invariant, its Lie derivative along an innitesimal gauge transformation
is a dierential of a local form.
Now let M 2n be our spacetime. LetR A be a connection on M 2n . We want to
dene a functional of the form U (A) = W (A), where W (A) is a 2n-form on M 2n
which is local in A but not gauge invariant, and such that W = 0.
Let X 2n+1 is a smooth manifold with boundary equal to M 2n . Choose an ex-
tension of the connection A to X 2n+1 in any way (for simplicity we assume that
there is no topological obstruction to the choices of XRand the extension of A; this
assumption is in fact inessential). Now set V (A) = X CSC (A). This functional
depends on the extension of A to X . However, by the main property of CS , the
functional V (A) = W (A; c) (where is the BRST dierential) does not depend
on the extension and therefore is a local functional in A and c linear in c. One can
show that it represents a nontrivial cohomology class in the local -cohomology.
Thus, we get an injective map S n+1(g)g ! H1;local. For 4-dimensional theories
n = 2 and the cocycles come from (S 3g)g = H 6 (BG) as we expected.