Summer 2002 River Ties
Summer 2002 River Ties
Summer 2002 River Ties
Clear free flowing streams are the natural habitat for both
the redeye and spotted bass. The old adage “To catch a
fish, think like a fish” certainly applies here. Like most of
us, fish want to get as much food as possible with as little
effort as possible, by cruising the edge of pools looking for
the easy meal. Pools just below rapids are especially
Page 4 River Ties
The TriState Conservation Coalition’s are opposed to the ARA files notice of intent
State of Alabama’s proposal in its current form. While to sue Sloss Industries
Alabama has been receptive to our past comments and On June 24 the Alabama Rivers Alliance (ARA), Legal En-
made modifications to its proposals, serious flaws remain vironmental Assistance Foundation (LEAF), and Black
in the current document. On a May 9, 2002 meeting held Warrior Riverkeeper filed a 60-day notice of intent to sue
by the State of Alabama negotiators in Gadsden, Alabama Sloss Industries Corporation under the Clean Water Act for
Chief Negotiator Jim Campbell acknowledged that the ongoing violations of its permit to discharge toxic pollution
Alabama proposal does contain flaws and that the docu- into Five Mile Creek, a tributary of the Locust Fork of the
ment requires revision before he will recommend that Black Warrior River flowing through Tarrant, Alabama.
Governor Siegelman sign it.
“Sloss discharges toxins such as cyanide and heavy metals
The Alabama Rivers Alliance’s primary concerns with the that kill fish, as well as carcinogenic compounds that can
draft Act Basin agreement include the following: harm people. Yet they are consistently unwilling to imple-
ment pollution control that would meet the weak require-
• Interbasin Transfers. The State of Alabama’s draft ments in their current permit, and they have used political
water allocation proposal does not place adequate re- influence to successfully resist the imposition of tougher
strictions on “interbasin transfers” of water from the standards” said Brad McLane, Executive Director of the
Coosa River Basin to the Chattahoochee River Basin. Alabama Rivers Alliance. “Of the hundreds of pollution
We believe that interbasin transfers should generally permits our office has reviewed, Sloss’ discharge permit to
be discouraged and should be disallowed whenever Five Mile Creek allows some of the highest levels of toxic
flows on the Coosa River downstream at Rome, Geor- pollution that we have ever seen.”
gia drop below 1200 cubic feet per second (cfs).
• Seasonal Flow Variability. The proposal does not
ensure that adequate seasonal flow variability will be
maintained on the Coosa, Tallapoosa and Alabama
Rivers. Additional provisions must be added to the
agreement to provide for protection of seasonal flow
Volume 6, Number 1 Page 5
For example, after many years of arguments and litigation, On March 29, 2002, ADEM published notice of its intent to
ADEM recently pushed for upgrading the clean water stan- adopt an “emergency rule” virtually identical to its weak
dards applied to Five Mile Creek in order to reduce toxic procedures declared unlawful by the Alabama Supreme
pollution of this stream to levels that would make this Jef- Court. On April 9, 2002, the Environmental Management
ferson County tributary of the Locust Fork River suitable to Commission adopted antidegradation implementation pro-
support fish and wildlife populations. Unfortunately, after cedures as a short-term “emergency rule,” arguing that the
ADEM narrowly secured the approval of the AEMC for rules were needed to allow ADEM to issue permits that
this rule change (the vote was 4 to 3), a committee of the businesses needed in order to operate, meanwhile initiating
Alabama Legislature exercised its authority to initiate a the process for adoption of a permanent rule. Subse-
legislative “veto” of the rules. The AEMC subsequently quently, the “emergency rule” was challenged by LEAF,
accepted the Legislative Committee’s recommendation to and the East Central Alabama Alliance for Quality Living
invalidate them at its June 25 meeting. These actions col- represented by Wildlaw. On April 17, 2002, the Court dis-
lectively make it likely that the US Environmental Protec- agreed with the adoption of the “emergency rule” stating
tion Agency will be forced to step in and apply more strin- “The Court is not persuaded that this is a case of immediate
gent federal standards to Five Mile Creek. danger to the public health, safety or welfare.”
While ADEM’s efforts to clean up Five Mile Creek are At its recent, June 25th Commission meeting, ADEM
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