Basics of Electrotherapy 2nd
Basics of Electrotherapy 2nd
Basics of Electrotherapy 2nd
Basics of
Second Edition
Subhash M Khatri
College of Physiotherapy
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
Loni, Maharashtra, India
2012, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means
without the prior permission of the publisher.
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This book has been published in good faith that the contents provided by the author
contained herein are original, and is intended for educational purposes only. While
every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information, the publisher and the author
specifically disclaim any damage, liability, or loss incurred, directly or indirectly, from the
use or application of any of the contents of this work. If not specifically stated, all figures
and tables are courtesy of the author. Where appropriate, the readers should consult
with a specialist or contact the manufacturer of the drug or device.
Basics of Electrotherapy
First Edition: 2003
Reprint: 2005
Second Edition: 2012
Printed at
Dedicated to
My children,
Trishala and Uday Khatri
In loving memory of my father
Maniklal Khatri, who raised me,
guided me and believed in me,
no matter what. I could not have
asked for a better teacher and
mentor, than my father
Day-to-day, we come across various physical forces, such as warming
rays of the sun, light of the moon, force of gravity, movement of our
body, our ability to move from one place to another, our ability to
move an object from one place to another, movement and flow of
cold water, movement and flow of hot water, electrical changes,
magnetism and so on. Almost all these things around us form the
part of natures inexhaustible and powerful array of forces. The same
physical forces, if harnessed and properly directed are of great value
in promoting healing. They can relieve pain, increase circulation,
speed up repair and heal the injured body part, improve body
mechanics, metabolism, inhibit growth of germs, restore disturbed
function, cure the diseased body, restore homeostasis, improve
health and so on. This could form the basis of physical medicine.
Though the evolution of Physical Medicine or Physiotherapy has
happened gradually, the physical agents in some or the other form,
which are used for the treatment purpose, are reasonably old, may
be as old as matter itself.
Electrotherapy is an essential and basic subject for under
graduate, graduate and postgraduate physiotherapy students. There
are enough and more books available on this subject by Western
authors. But personally, I feel that there are very few books available
on this subject by Indian authors who can understand the needs of
everybody, in a better way. So a need was felt to bring out a book,
which will comprehensively cover electrotherapy in detail. The
purpose of this book is to provide a foundation of knowledge for the
management of most of the types of patients with electrotherapeutic
modalities. I have tried to write the chapters in such a way so as to
suggest that I was in front of you and explaining the matter to you.
Hence, you may feel as if you are reading my lecture notes. I have also
Basics of Electrotherapy
included my memory tricks for remembering the matter, you may
use them if it works for you. Although, this book is primarily written
for physiotherapeutic professionals, much of the information in this
book may be useful for other clinicians who are actively involved in
the management of various patients.
I have received a lot of appreciation for this book and
probably being the author of this book, I got the highest award for
Physiotherapist in India by being named as a fellow of the Indian
Association of Physiotherapists and that too at such a young age!
The book has been added as a textbook and a reference book for
physiotherapy students of various Indian universities. I would like to
express my gratitude to all admirers of this book and the publisher who
has encouraged me to write a revised edition.
Medical and Physiotherapy knowledge is constantly changing.
As new information becomes available, changes in treatment
procedures, equipment and the use of these equipments in clinical
situations become necessary. I have as far as possible; taken care to
ensure that information given in this book is accurate and up-to-date.
However, readers are strongly advised to confirm the information.
A large number of suggested reading has been included at the end.
This will help more interested readers to conveniently look for extra
material on the subject of their interest.
I have received valuable assistance from various people in the
preparation of this book, Basics of Electrotherapy. I would like to thank
all of them for their suggestions and help. I am particularly thankful
to my students and colleagues who inspired me and provided me
with important feedback. I am grateful to my brothers, Mohanlal
Khatri, Dr Jeevan Khatri and Sanjay Kumar Khatri for their constant
encouragement and support in various ways. For the help in typing and
correction of the manuscript, I am indebted to my wife Mrs Sejal Khatri
and my clinical assistant Dr Poonam Bagi.
The publisher M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd,
New Delhi, India, bestowed upon this work their highly painstaking
efforts in the examination of the text, its editing and printing. I
hereby, thankfully acknowledge all assistance.
In this edition, I have taken immense care to put added contents
as per the recent developments and students feedback to me. I have
included my personal thoughts and comments and they should
be taken just as the guidelines. I would appreciate your comments
about this book.
Subhash M Khatri
1. What is Electrotherapy?...........................................1
2. History of Electrotherapy..........................................7
Muscle-nerve Stimulation 8
Iontophoresis 9
High Frequency Currents 9
Phototherapy 10
Medical Use of Electricity 11
Direct Current 12
Faradic Current 19
Interrupted Direct Current 26
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation 35
Interferential Current 42
Russian Current 49
Sinusoidal Current 50
High Voltage Pulsed Galvanic Current 50
Microamperage Electrical Nerve Stimulation 51
Diadynamic Current 51
Procedure Outline for Low Frequency Current (Lfc) and
Medium Frequency Current (Mfc) Application 52
Basics of Electrotherapy
4. Diagnostic Electrotherapy......................................54
5. Thermotherapy........................................................73
Short-wave Diathermy 73
Microwave Diathermy 80
Oudin Current 82
Paraffin Wax Bath Therapy 83
Hot Packs 86
Electrical Heating Pads 89
Procedure Outline for High Frequency Current
Application 89
6. Therapeutic Ultrasound..........................................92
7. Cryotherapy...........................................................106
Cryotherapy (Hypothermy) 106
8. Phototherapy.........................................................114
Therapeutic Laser 114
Infrared Rays 122
Ultraviolet Rays 128
11. Biofeedback...........................................................143
Glossary ...................................................................149
Suggested Reading...................................................153
Index .........................................................................157
Basics of Electrotherapy
the flow of electrons. Frequency is the number of occurrence of
any event, per unit time. If you take five cups of coffee per day, then
I may say that your frequency of coffee intake is five cups per day.
Similarly, if you are a smoker and smoke three cigarettes per day, then
the frequency of your smoking is three cigarettes per day. With this
kind of analogy, let us try to understand the use of the word frequency
in electrotherapy. In electrotherapy, we use the currents whose
impulses commence and cease at regular interval. The number
of times these impulses come in a particular unit time (second) is
regarded as frequency. Usually, it is expressed in cycles per second or
hertz, kilohertz, megahertz, etc.
What is Electrotherapy?
Phototherapy refers to the treatment of various diseases and disorders
with the help of light. The primary effect of these phototherapeutic
modalities is pain relief, by heat and acceleration of healing through
elevation of temperature, counter-irritation and photochemical
effects. Various modalities, such as, infrared rays, ultraviolet rays and
laser come under this category.
Electrical currents can also be used for the diagnostic purpose.
Electrodiagnosis means, the detection of diseases and disorders by
the use of electrotherapeutic currents or electromyography. We can
use currents like interrupted direct current, and perform various
electrodiagnostic tests such as, rheobase, chronaxie, strengthduration curve, pulse ratio, myasthenic reaction, galvanic-tetanic
ratio, nerve conduction test, nerve distribution test, faradic-galvanic
test, etc. Electromyography is the study of electrical activity of the
muscle by means of surface electrodes placed over the skin, or
needle electrodes inserted in the muscle itself. By electromyography,
we can study motor unit potential, motor nerve conduction velocity,
sensory nerve conduction velocity, etc.
Biofeedback is the process of furnishing the information to an
individual about the body function so as to get some voluntary control
over it. Some biofeedback devices are related to electrotherapy and
hence, they can be included under electrotherapy, for example, EMG
biofeedback. However, one should remember that there are many
biofeedback devices which work on mechanical principles.
Classification of Currents
Therapeutic currents can be classified on the basis of direction,
frequency, voltage, amperage and biophysical effects.
Basics of Electrotherapy
currents are those that flow in one direction only, for example, direct
current and interrupted direct current. Alternating currents flow in
both the directions. Examples of this type of currents are, sinusoidal
currents and interferential currents.
What is Electrotherapy?
work on electricity may not be necessarily called electrotherapeutic
modalities. I always remember one of the professors asking this
question to undergraduate students, Is traction an electrotherapy
modality? Of course, the answer is no. But few students may get
confused and may say yes. We have continuous passive motion
devices, intermittent compression devices and traction machines,
which may work on electricity, but should not be ideally called
electrotherapy modalities.
Students of physical therapy must appreciate the fact that, any
form of physical energy applied to the body creates significant
primary as well as secondary physiological effects. There is a need
to accurately measure the dosages in the application of all physical
agents just as in the use of medication, there is a therapeutic range
required to achieve the desired effects. Too low an intensity may
not produce any physiological changes and too high a dose may
produce serious detrimental consequences. Also, as in medication,
there is a need to determine when to discontinue the use of
these electrotherapeutic procedures, as these cannot be utilized
indiscriminately by using it almost indefinitely in patients who may
not further benefit from its continued use. However, we should keep
in mind that even if we use too many sophisticated or complicated
electrotherapy machines in treating the patients, they just form a
part of total physiotherapy management. We should not forget other
things such as, the human touch, which we can always offer to our
patients through manual therapy.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Passive modalities were also believed to have role in chronic pain,
spasm, altered muscle tension, adhesions and limited range of
motion. Today, the general agreement is that passive modalities
is one part of the treatment and active modalities is another part.
The clinician should be well versed with the benefits and dangers of
these modalities.
Approaches to Electrotherapy
For the sake of understanding, two approaches to electrotherapy can
be explained as a matter of philosophy. These two approaches include,
hammering approach and tickling approach. Here, hammering
means, addition of more energy and tickling means addition of
much smaller energy to the cell membrane so as to change its
behavior. By either hammering or tickling a living cell, an excitement
is created, so that its endogenous potential is accelerated. Since it is
believed that an excited cell will do the same job as a bored cell, but
it will do so at a faster and harder rate. Thus, by using the modality,
we apply energy so as to get excitement in the tissues. Thus, it is the
excited tissue which does the work rather than the modality itself.
This can be further explained with short-wave diathermy modality,
that can be applied with continuous mode, which is comparable
with hammering or it can be applied with pulsed mode which is
comparable with tickling.
Various areas of study in electrotherapy are low frequency currents,
medium frequency currents, high frequency currents, phototherapy,
electrodiagnosis and biofeedback. Low frequency currents are used
for stimulation of muscles and nerves. Medium frequency currents
are used for re-education of deeply-situated muscles, pain relief
and for drainage of edema. High frequency currents are used for the
production of deep heat inside the tissues. Phototherapy is used for
pain relief and acceleration of healing. Electrodiagnosis helps in the
study of electrical reactions of muscles and nerves for diagnostic
history of
Basics of Electrotherapy
at Middlesex Hospital in London. The electrical department
established at Guys Hospital in London is now historically
recognized as the first hospital with a fully-fledged physical therapy
department. Electrotherapy received another boost when renowned
physician, S Weir Mitchell, endorsed exercises of muscles by faradic
stimulation. Surprisingly, I came to know that, once upon a time,
electrotherapy was supposed to be a part of radiology. This was told to
me by professor Nayak, honorary professor of radiology, J N Medical
College, Belgaum. Of course, later on, I got a similar reference from
one of the textbooks on this matter by a Philippine-based author.
It is interesting to note that due to many similarities, the
development of radiology and electrotherapy paralleled each other.
Electrical machines were placed alongside X-ray machines in
hospitals. By 1919, physiotherapy became an adjunct of radiology, in
the years prior to and immediately after second World War.
Muscle-nerve stimulation
In 1780, Luigi Galvani (Fig. 2.1), professor of anatomy at the
University of Bologna, first observed the twitching of frogs leg
muscles by electricity. Twenty years later, Volta proved that this was
due to a sudden make of the current flow in an electric cell. In 1831,
Faraday discovered induction or faradic coil. The man who probably
did the most to place electrotherapy on a scientific level clinically
was, Guillaume Benjamin Amand
Duchenne of Bologna, who in
1855 described its application for
electrical stimulation of muscles
and recommended the localized
application of Faradic current in
the treatment of muscle atrophy.
Reamak, first demonstrated the
motor points for accurate electrical
testing of muscles. Du Bois
Reymond in 1849, formulated
the law of electrical muscle and
nerve stimulation and first used
the induction coil for muscles
stimulation. Leduce introduced
Fig. 2.1: Oil painting of professor
an interrupted direct current.
Luigi Galvani
History of Electrotherapy
In 1934, Morris reasoned out
that denervated muscle will not
contract, unless the stimulus last
for about 100 millisecond. Figure
2.2 shows one of the earliest nerve
stimulator equipment.
The idea of driving the drugs in
the body through the skin by
means of electric current, was
Fig. 2.2: One of the earliest
advanced by Private in 1747. For
nerve stimulator
many years, iodide remained the
favorite for trial introduction, as
its recovery through the urine was conclusive. In 1888, Erb recovered
electrically driven iodide from the saliva and urine of the patient.
In the same year, Arrhenius published his thesis on electrolytic
dissociation and the process had been incorrectly termed ionization
since then until the end of second World War. During the last decade
of the nineteenth century, Ensch scooped a weal out of a potato and
filled it with a solution of potassium iodide. He then applied wires
into each side of the potato and passed the current through it. Starch
in the potato turned blue at the positive pole. The experiment was
popularized by Schazki of Russia and was possibly the most quoted
work on the new start of therapeutic ion transfer. Stephane Leduc of
France, proposed a unit of the dosage, as one milliampere per square
centimeter of electrode surface. In addition to this, hydroelectric
baths were first advocated by Sere.
Basics of Electrotherapy
in the United States, observed the heating action of high frequency
In 1899, Von Zeyneck published a paper which briefly mentioned
about Durch warming or Heating through of his fingertips when
an alternating current passed through them. In 1907, Zyneck of
Germany with Austrians, Preyss and Berend used high frequency
current on animals. They also treated Gonorrheal arthritis with an
apparatus producing damped oscillations and named this method of
treating as thermopenetration. In 1908, Nagel Schmidt in Berlin made
experiments independently and named the method as transthermy,
later on changing it to diathermy. Thus, Nagel Schmidt was the first
person to coin the word diathermy and also demonstrated a more
powerful form of it, which left no doubt about the deep heating
effects of high frequency current. Diathermy reached its greatest
popularity in 1929 when the King of England, who had worsened on
ultraviolet ray treatment, was improved by diathermy.
Microwave diathermy was the sequence of the development
of Radar during second World War. In 1928, A W Hull invented the
magnetron. Hallman of Germany and his associates did the first
study on the biological effects of continuously emitted microwaves.
By 1946, Frank H Krusen and his coworkers reported first clinical
microwave heating. By the end of eighteenth century, Spallanzani
recognized the existence of sound, inaudible to human ear. Pierre
Curie found one of the best methods of producing ultrasound waves
with the quartz crystal. By 1910, Langevin of France produced the
first piezoelectric generator for practical use of ultrasound.
Until seventeenth century, people had difficulty in describing the
colors. Some thought that when light passed through a red glass it
emerged as red since it was dyed by the glass. In 1801, Johann Wilhelm
Ritter named the invisible rays beyond the violet as ultravioletten. At
that time, the measurement of the wavelength had not yet been fully
developed and Ritter used the word ultra, which means beyond.
Since ultraviolet rays are actually below, it would have been more
accurate to use the term infraviolet. By remarkable coincidence a
similar error was done by Herschel, an year before, in labeling the red
rays as infrared. In 1868, Anders Jonas Angstrom, Swedish physicist
mapped out the wavelength of invisible spectrum and published
History of Electrotherapy
his results. Then the old unit of the wavelength of measurement
was named in his honor as Angstrom unit. At the beginning of
the twentieth century, the work of Bernhard and Rollier focused
on the use of ultraviolet rays in the treatment of extrapulmonary
tuberculosis. By 1910, electrically produced ultraviolet generator
became commercially available. With the popularity of ultraviolet
rays, it was easier for the manufacturers to convert the ultraviolet
lamps to infrared burners and soon they started promoting them as
superior to ultraviolet lamps. However, J H Kellog gave the impetus
for the use of infrared rays. In 1981, Kellog built a device similar to
heat cradle or baker with 40 lamps of 20 candlepower.
In 1646, physician Sir Thomas Browne, used the word Electricity for
the first time. Aetius, a Greek physician has prescribed the shocks of
Torpedo, an electric fish for the treatment of gout. Johann Gottlob
Kruger, professor of Medicine at Halle, Germany published the
first book on medical electricity, although the subsequent book
written by his pupil, Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein and published
in 1745, was the first to use Medical Electricity in its title. In 1768,
an electrotherapy instrument was installed at Middlesex Hospital in
London. Electrotherapy received another boost when the renowned
physician S Weir Mitchell, endorsed exercises of muscles by faradic
stimulation. Electrical machines were placed alongside X-ray
machines in hospitals.
Direct current is an unidirectional continuous current. It is also termed
as Galvanic current or plain Galvanic current, as an honor to Luigi
Galvani, professor of anatomy who stimulated muscles and nerves of
a frog with direct current, in 1786. It is also called constant current,
as the current passes continuously in same direction. Schematic
representation of direct current is given in Figure 3.1. Direct current is
mainly used for iontophoresis, anodal galvanism, cathodal galvanism
and for acceleration of healing.
Direct current can be obtained from dry batteries as well as from
household alternating current. From dry batteries: Here dry batteries
or cells are connected in series and a variable resistance control
output. Voltmeter or Ammeter can be added to this so as to measure
the intensity of the output. From alternating current source: Here
AC voltage is reduced with the help of a step-down transformer. It is
rectified and smoothened to get direct current. Output is controlled
via variable resistance and can be measured by voltmeter.
Polarity is generally marked with direct current source by color
codes, for example, red for positive and black for negative. It may be
tested with two simple experiments such as, salt water experiment
and phenolphthalein experiment. Salt water experiment is shown in
Figure 3.2. In salt water experiment, little salt is added to water in a
glass container, then electrodes attached to direct current terminals
are inserted. After this, when the intensity is increased, you can see
many more bubbles getting evolved at negative electrode or cathode
and few bubbles at anode. It is because, water is split into hydrogen
and oxygen ions. Hydrogen being positive ion, gets liberated at
cathode and oxygen gets liberated at anode. Considering the water
molecule, it is obvious that the number of hydrogen atoms will be
double than oxygen and hence, many more bubbles at cathode
are evolved as compared to anode. In case of phenolphthalein
experiment, add a few drops of phenolphthalein over tissue paper
and place the electrodes connected to the direct current source over
it, then pass the current for sometime and you will see pink color
under negative electrode or cathode.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Physiological Effects
The various physiological effects of direct current are stimulation of
sensory nerves, stimulation of motor nerves, accommodation and
chemical production.
Accommodation is physiological adaptation by nerves. Motor nerves
get quickly accommodated to direct current and hence it is not
possible to stimulate the innervated as well as denervated muscles
by direct current. Analogy of accommodation can be done with our
feeling of clothes on the body. We feel that we have put on the clothes
after bath, but afterwards we get adapted and do not get the same
feel throughout the day. Similarly, if ones house is by the main road,
then he gets used to the night traffic and can have sound sleep as a
result of adaptation.
Chemical Production
When direct current is applied to the body tissue it produces
chemicals in the form of acid and base. Base or alkali is produced
at the cathode and acid at the anode (remember A for acid and A for
Therapeutic Indications
Therapeutically direct current is used for medical galvanism,
anodal galvanism, cathodal galvanism, surgical galvanism and
Use of direct current without any drug for the treatment of various
diseases and disorders is known as galvanism.
Medical Galvanism
Here both the electrodes are of same size (Fig. 3.3). It causes vasomotor
stimulation of the skin and increased circulation to the body part where
direct current is applied. Medical
galvanism is used for acute and
chronic inflammatory conditions
such as chilblain, Raynauds
disease, Buergers disease, etc.
Anodal Galvanism
Here anode is an active electrode
and cathode, which is larger, acts
as an indifferent electrode (Fig.
3.4). Anodal galvanism produces
acidic reaction, hardens the tissue
and reduces nerve irritability
(we will coin a word HARN to
remember these effects, where
H stands for harden, A for acidic
reaction and RN for reduce nerve
irritability). Anodal galvanism is
used for pain relief.
Cathodal Galvanism
Here cathode is an active
electrode and anode is an
indifferent electrode (Fig. 3.5).
It produces basic reaction or
alkaline reaction, softens the
tissues and increases nerve
Basics of Electrotherapy
irritability. It is used to soften
scar tissue.
Surgical Galvanism or
Surgical galvanism or electrolysis
is destruction of superfluous
hair (hypertrichosis) by the
use of galvanic current. Here
cathode, which acts as an active
electrode is in the form of needle
and anode, is an indifferent
electrode. Half milliampere of
Fig. 3.5: Cathodal galvanism
direct current is applied for one
minute. Bubbles will come out
and then hair can be lifted easily with forceps. Aseptic precautions
should be taken during this procedure. Skill is required for surgical
galvanism. There are 10 to 20 percent chances of recurrence following
this technique.
It is also known as ion transfer, ionization or cataphoric medication
(memorize these names with synonym ICI). It is believed that
Stephane Leduc discovered it in 1903. Iontophoresis is the specific
transfer of ions into the body tissue by the use of direct current
for therapeutic purpose. (You can recall this definition by asking
questions to yourself, such as, what is transferred?, where is it
transferred?, how is it transferred?, and what for it is transferred?)
It is based on the principle that an electrically charged electrode
will repel a similarly charged ion. In other words, if a drug is in ionic
form, then it can be made to travel through the body tissue through
the skin by the use of direct current via repulsive force between
similar charges. We can understand this theory or principle with
Leduc experiment, as shown in Figure. 3.6.
Two rabbits are arranged in a series. Over positive electrode of
rabbit A, strychnine is applied. Over negative electrode of rabbit B,
potassium cyanide is applied. Other electrodes are moistened in
Effectiveness of iontophoresis depends on number of ions transferred
and depth of penetration. Number of ions transferred is determined
by current density, duration of current flow and concentration of
ions. Iontophoresis is facilitated by increased vasodilation to the
area under electrodes and inhibited by insoluble nature of ions.
Method of Application
Assessment: When you have decided to go for iontophoresis then
inquire about allergy to any drug, inspect the area of the body where
iontophoresis is to be done and check the sensation. Selection of
ion: Select the chemical solution containing the desired ions with
adequate concentration. For example, if you want an analgesic effect
then select salicylic acid as a solution since it contains salicylate ions
which has analgesic properties. Explain the procedure: Explain the
procedure to your patient so that he is aware about what you are
going to do and cooperate with you. Position: Position your patient
in such a way that he is comfortable during the treatment. I prefer
mostly supine. Clean the area to be treated: Clean the area of body
to be treated with spirit or normal saline and cotton swab. It reduces
skin resistance and removes the dust particles from the area and thus
facilitates iontophoresis. Preparation of electrodes and placement:
Basics of Electrotherapy
Moisten or soak the piece of bath towel/lint cloth in the drug solution
and place it over active electrode and now place the active electrode
over the body part to be treated or massage the solution into the skin
and place the active electrode over it. Place the larger indifferent
electrode at least 18 inches away from the active electrode. Secure the
electrodes in position with velcro straps. Application of treatment:
Connect the electrodes to desired terminals. Increase the intensity
until prickling, tingling or burning sensation is produced or 0.1 to
0.5 mA/cm of electrode. Continue the treatment for 15 minutes and
check the undersurface of electrodes after every five minutes so as to
prevent electrochemical burn. Termination of the treatment: After 15
minutes, reduce intensity gradually and remove the electrodes.
Uses of Iontophoresis
Iontophoresis is commonly used for arthritic and myalgic pain,
softening of the scar tissues and adhesions, gouty and calcium
deposits, bursitis and tendonitis, hyperhydrosis, wounds and ulcer
healing and allergic rhinitis. For relief of pain and muscle spasm
in cases of myalgia, arthritis and sprain, sodium salicylic acid can
be used. In order to soften scar tissue and adhesions, a solution of
sodium chloride can be used. Gouty deposits or calcium deposits can
be treated with acetic acid iontophoresis. Inflammatory conditions
such as bursitis, tendonitis, etc. can be treated with hydrocortisone
iontophoresis. Hyperhydrosis, which is characterized by excessive
sweating, can be treated with hyaluronidase iontophoresis. For
the acceleration of wound and ulcer healing, iontophoresis can be
done with an adequate concentration (preferably 5%) of zinc sulfate.
Also, zinc sulfate can be used to reduce infections such as Athletes
foot, tinea pedia and in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Histamine
iontophoresis is used to increase blood supply. Refer Table 3.1 for
details about various ions used in the iontophoresis.
(You can memorize these uses with this sentence: SRG, All
inflammation and infection of wounds ulcers leads to hyperhydrosis.
Here, you only need to remember that SRG stands for soften scar,
relief of pain and gout and all for allergic.)
Polarity of active
Ion utilized
Sodium salicylate
Sodium chloride
Potassium iodide
Acetic acid
Zinc sulfate
Copper sulfate
Let us understand what is original faradic and faradic type of currents
in the beginning, so that we can have a comprehensive idea about
faradic current.
Basics of Electrotherapy
It is produced on the same principle as that of interrupted direct
current. But values of condenser and resistance are low so as to get
short duration of impulses and high frequency. An electric pulse
generator that produces faradic current has four functional parts
in form of power supply, oscillator circuit, modulating circuit and
amplifying circuit. Power supply may be from battery or AC. Oscillator
circuit provides short duration pulses of 0.1 to 1 ms with a frequency
of 50 to 100 Hz. Modulating circuit gives surged output and amplifying
circuit increases the output voltage appropriately.
plain and interrupted faradic current, refer to Figures 3.9 and 3.10,
Surged faradic current is a modification of faradic current
characterized by gradual increase in the intensity in such a manner
that each impulse reaches higher intensity than that of the preceding
one and after peak level it either falls suddenly or gradually. Surging
is also termed as ramping. Surging is obtained automatically in case
of modern stimulators by the use of electronic devices. Advantages
of surging are that, it avoids fatigue, it does not surprise the patient
as current slowly increases over time and not abruptly. Contraction
of muscle is similar to physiological/voluntary contraction. Avoid or
delay muscle fatigue and avoid elicitation of stretch reflex.
It is possible to get various surged durations, frequencies and
waveform. Surged duration is the time taken by impulses to reach
peak level of the intensity (Fig. 3.11). That means, if the duration is
more, impulses will take more time to reach peak level of intensity.
Surged interval is an interval between two surged impulses and
the number of surged impulses per unit time is surged frequency.
Theoretically, frequency of impulses in surged impulses can be
adjusted. Different waveforms such as, sawtooth, triangular and
Basics of Electrotherapy
trapezoidal can be made available
with surged faradic current. In
sawtooth waveform, the intensity
of impulses increases gradually
so as to reach peak level and
after peak level it falls suddenly.
In triangular waveform, the
intensity of impulses increases
Fig. 3.11: Surged faradic current
gradually, so as to reach its peak
level and after peak level it falls
down gradually. In trapezoidal, the intensity of impulses increases
gradually so as to reach peak level. At peak level, it remains for
sometime and then it falls gradually.
Physiological Effects
Physiological effects of original faradic and faradic type of current
are stimulation of sensory nerves, stimulation of motor nerves, effect
of muscle contraction, increased metabolism, effect on denervated
muscle and chemical effect.
Chemical Effect
Very negligible amount of chemicals are formed when faradic
current is applied, as the pulse duration is too small.
Therapeutic Indications
Faradic current is primarily used to produce contraction of normally
innervated muscles and current, usually surged so as to get
contractions, which resembles or is similar to voluntary contractions.
Facilitation of Muscle
Muscle contraction can be facilitated by faradic type of current. The
facilitation effect of faradic current can be used when a patient is
unable to produce a muscle contraction or finds difficulty in doing
so. Muscle contraction may be inhibited as a result of trauma,
inflammation, pain and surgery, etc. (you can remember this
with a word TIPS). Here, faradic current stimulation is used in
assisting voluntary contraction, for example, faradic stimulation
of the quadriceps following meniscectomy. The patient should be
Basics of Electrotherapy
encouraged to attempt voluntary contraction at the same time so as
to get voluntary control by minimizing inhibition.
Muscle Re-education
Muscle action can be re-educated, if voluntary muscle action is lost
as a result of prolonged disease or incorrect use. For instance, reeducation of abductor hallucis in hallux valgus. Here, the current is
applied in such a way that it produces the abduction of the great toe.
Blood Supply
Faradic current can cause reflex vasodilation and hence, can be used
for increase in blood supply in conditions where heat treatment
may not be a safe choice. For this purpose, sensory level intensity is
applied with bath method of application.
Effect on Edema
Faradic current can be used in the treatment of edema for improving
venous and lymphatic drainage. Faradism under pressure method of
faradic current application can be used for this purpose.
Methods of Application
Faradic current can be applied by various methods such as motor
point stimulation, labile, stabile, nerve conduction method, bath
method, under pressure faradism, etc.
Labile Method
Labile method can be used for stimulation of large muscles with
multiple nerve supply for example trunk muscles. Here, an indifferent
electrode is placed at the origin of muscle or muscles and an active
electrode either disk or small plate electrode is moved over the area
to be treated. During this method, current is not usually surged.
As the active electrode approaches and leaves the motor point of a
muscle, that muscle contracts and relaxes.
Basics of Electrotherapy
will cause contractions of all the muscles that it supplies beyond the
point of stimulation. Nerve trunk stimulation causes contraction of
all muscles innervated by the nerve, that is stimulated. This method
is used when it is not possible to use other methods conveniently, for
example, in case of wound, splint and edema.
Bath Method
Application of faradic current to the body parts in a tub, tray or
tank containing water is termed as bath method of application.
Depending upon the placement of electrodes, bath can be of bipolar
or unipolar type. In bipolar, both electrodes are kept in the bath
and in case of unipolar, only one electrode is kept in the bath while
the other one is kept at any convenient part of the body, which is
not immersed in the water. Bath method is commonly used for the
application of faradic current to the foot and which is often termed as
faradic footbath. Advantages of bath method are that skin resistance
is lowered considerably by water and in addition to this, water makes
perfect contact with the tissues. Disadvantages of this method of
application are that, the current cannot be localized, superficial
muscles contract to a greater extent than deeper ones due to the
presence of water, chances of electric shock is greater as water can
make earthing easily available.
Interrupted direct current for the treatment can be availed from
battery or electricity operated stimulator. Electronic muscle
stimulator works on multivibrator or flip-flap circuit (Fig. 3.13 for
more details).
Basics of Electrotherapy
Chemical Effect
Very negligible amount of chemicals are formed when interrupted
direct current is applied since there is pause or rest in between any
two impulses.
As the muscles contract and relax, they exert a pumping action
on veins and lymphatic vessels lying within and around them. The
valves in these vessels direct the fluid towards the heart. If muscle
contraction is strong and moreover, if there is joint movement then,
both of these exert a pumping effect on vessels leading to increased
venous and lymphatic return.
Basics of Electrotherapy
response. Higher amplitudes generate a greater muscular response
due to an increase in the number of motor units activated.
In symmetrical waveform, both electrodes are active and one
should use negative electrode preferably over motor point, while
in asymmetrical waveform, negative electrode is more active and
place the negative electrode over the motor point. Distance between
electrodes will determine depth of current, it is found that greater
the distance, deeper is the flow of current. Frequency or rate of
repetition of impulse determines the quality of a muscle contraction
and fatigue. Usually 25 to 50 pulses per second rate of repetition
that causes tetanic contraction is used. Higher rates like 80 pulses
per second elicit muscle fatigue. Using the minimum rate produces
a good, tetanized contraction that will help to control onset of
fatigue. However, using higher rate produces fatigue and it can be
used for the relief of muscle spasm. Ramp or surge up/down time
can be adjusted since, it helps to offer comfort of treatment and can
be used to mimic normal recruitment or physiological contraction.
Typical ramp up, is up to three seconds but higher ramp time may
be beneficial in minimizing stretch reflex when spasticity is a factor.
Clinical uses of NMES are to retard or prevent disuse atrophy, muscle
re-education, increase local blood circulation, maintain or increase
joint mobility, relax muscle spasm, prevent venous thrombosis in
calf muscles and immediately after surgery.
Figure 3.15 demonstrates the use of muscle stimulator on facial
Frontalis: About halfway between hairline and center of eyebrow.
Corrugator: Above the outer third of the superciliary arch. Orbicularis
oculi: Just below and lateral to the outer angle of eye. Procerus:
On side of nose, just below inner angle of eye. Nasalis: Just above
ala of nose. Orbicularis oris: Upper point can be located at about
halfway between angle of mouth and tip of nose and the lower point
approximately in the same position below mouth. Risorius: About
one finger breadth lateral to the angle of mouth. Buccinator: About
two fingers width, lateral to the angle of mouth. Mentalis: Midline
near prominence of chin.
Basics of Electrotherapy
is one point for each one of the four muscles. Palmar interossei:
About one finger breadth proximal to interdigital webs on palmar
aspect. There is one point for each of these muscles. A very small
electrode should be used. Dorsal interossei: About one or two fingers
breadth proximal to finger webs on dorsal aspect. There is one point
for each muscle. Press the electrode. Pronator teres: About an inch
below elbow and an inch from midline on ulnar side. Flexor carpi
radialis: About one-third down from the elbow to the ulnar side of
the midline. Flexor digitorum superficialis: Middle and lower third of
forearm on ulnar side. Four points can be located on a diagonal line
from medial condyle of elbow to the middle of wrist. Palmaris longus:
Just inside to the point of flexor carpi ulnaris. Flexor carpi ulnaris:
About three fingers breadth below elbow on extreme ulnar border.
Flexor pollicis longus: About two inches above wrist near radial
border. Flexor digitorum profundus: About three fingers breadth
below elbow crease just to ulnar side of midline. Less accessible
than superficialis. Pronator quadratus: At about three fingers width
proximal to wrist crease press the electrode about medial to midline.
Brachioradialis: At about three fingers width from elbow crease with
forearm in midprone position. Extensor carpi radialis longus: Below
and to the radial side of olecranon. Extensor carpi radialis brevis: A
few inches below point for longus. Extensor digitorum: On a line from
a radial side of the elbow to the middle of the wrist; three points in
the middle third. Extensor digiti minimi: Mid forearm at ulnar side.
Extensor carpi ulnaris: About three inches below olecranon and on
ulnar side of midline. Anconeus: About two inches above olecranon
process. Supinator: Difficult to find but can be tried on the dorsum
of the hand at two fingers distal to elbow crease at midline. Abductor
pollicis longus: Near radial border about halfway between the elbow
wrist. Extensor pollicis longus: About three-fourths of the way down
from the elbow on ulnar side. Sometimes difficult to find. Extensor
pollicis brevis: In middle at about two-thirds down from elbow.
Extensor indicis: About halfway between elbow and wrist, just ulnar
to midline.
Electrical Stimulation
Electrical stimulation is given to the paralyzed muscles so as
to maintain nutrition of muscles and prevent disuse atrophy,
degeneration and fibrosis. Selection of the current can be done on
the basis of faradic interrupted direct current test.
Passive Movements
Passive movements should be given to the affected joints so
as to maintain the range of motion and thereby prevention of
overstretching of paralyzed muscles, tightness and contracture of
intact antagonist muscles.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Splints or orthoses should be advised so as to preserve the function
and avoid overstretching of affected muscles by antagonist.
Counseling of the patient should be done. It may involve instructions
about prevention of injury to desensitized parts.
Reassure that the loss of function and sensation could be temporary
and will return within few weeks to few months.
Seddons Classification
As per Seddons classification, peripheral nerve injuries can be
classified as neuropraxia, axonotmesis and neurotmesis. Neuro
praxia: It is a type of peripheral nerve injury characterized by
transient physiological conduction block without any significant
pathological changes. For example, neuropraxic lesion of the facial
nerve in Bells palsy. Neuropraxia causes transient ischemia at the
point of nerve injury, which leads to degeneration of the myelin
sheath and hence physiological conduction block occurs at the site
of nerve injury. However, there is no loss of axonal continuity, there
is no Wallerian degeneration. Nerve deficit is completely reversible.
Axonotmesis: It is a type of nerve injury characterized by intrathecal
rupture of axons or nerve fibers. For example, the radial nerve injury
associated with fracture of the shaft of humerus. Pathologically,
there is rupture of the nerve fibers, but the myelin sheath remains
intact. Axon undergoes the Wallerian degeneration in its distal cut
Sunderlands Classification
Peripheral nerve injuries are classified as first degree, second degree,
third degree, fourth degree and fifth degree injuries. First and
second degree injuries are similar to neuropraxia and axonotmesis,
respectively. Neurotmesis type of injuries comprise third, fourth and
fifth degree injuries. In third degree injury, there is interruption of
nerve fibers. In fourth degree, there is connective tissue damage
in addition to interruption of nerve fibers. In fifth degree, there is
severance of nerve, in addition to above changes.
It is a form of peripheral electrical nerve stimulation through
the skin, which is used to obtain electroanalgesia. In the past,
TENS equipment were also used as nerve tracers for the search of
percutaneous nerves, for maintenance of muscle activity after the
stroke and for muscle development. Today, TENS is one of the most
commonly used electrotherapeutic modality for pain relief.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Historical Aspects
In the first century AD Scribonius Largus described the use of electrical
shocks for the relief of chronic pain. The Roman and Greek physicians
have reported the use of certain species of fish for pain relief such
as Torpedo marmorata, Malapterus and Gymnotus electricus which
had an organ that produced electric charges. Typically, the fish was
kept in contact with the area of the body experiencing pain to produce
a series of electrical shocks. These crude methods continued until
the mid of the 18th century. During 1745, Leyden jar was introduced
and the same was used as power source for electroanalgesia. During
the 19th century, the development of battery and induction coil
added further sophistication. Introduction of electroanalgesia
into the medical profession was met with considerable skepticism
and inevitable opposition to this concept. Due to this and variable
clinical results, there was decline in the interest towards the end of
19th century in the use of electrical stimulation as a means of pain
relief. In addition to this, in 20th century, the increased number
of analgesics turned the interest away from the use of peripheral
stimulation as a pain-relieving mode. But in 1965, Ronald Melzack
and Patrick Wall published their gate control theory and hence the
interest again reawakened in the use of electrical stimulation as a
pain-relieving mode.
During the same period (1960s), dorsal column stimulators
were introduced. Dorsal column stimulators involved the surgical
implantation of electrodes in dorsal column of spinal cord, which
were activated by an external battery operated device. Dr Norman
Shealy initially used the battery-operated device as a screening device
to establish the patients candidacy for dorsal column stimulator
implantation surgery. If patients responded favorably to such external
transcutaneous stimulation, then this was taken as an indication
that they would respond positively to dorsal column stimulator. But
Norman Shealy noted that some of his patients responded better to
transcutaneous stimulation, than to dorsal column stimulation and
so TENS was discovered almost accidentally. This discovery initiated
a new era for electroanalgesia. Meyer and Fields (1972) were the first
to report clinical use of TENS for the relief of chronic pain. In the
following years, researchers and manufacturers together developed
several types of TENS devices with a range of adjustable parameters.
A portable TENS device is shown in Figure 3.16.
In conventional TENS, it is 10 to 100 Hz and in modern TENS it may
vary from 2 to 600 Hz. Frequency is adjustable in both the types of
TENS equipment. Pulse width: The pulse width varies from 50 to
300 microseconds. Pulse width is also adjustable. Pulse shape: Pulse
shape is usually modified rectangular. Output of intensity: It varies
from 0 to 60 milliamperes.
Modulation of TENS
It is believed that the body tissues may get accommodated to TENS
current and hence to prevent this, TENS current is modulated. Gradual
and continuous change in one or more than one parameters of TENS
current, in order to prevent accommodation, is known as TENS
modulation. It can be brought about by changes in frequency or pulse
width or amplitude or all of it together. Usually, 10 percent modulation
is used. Frequency modulation is characterized by gradual and
continuous changes in frequency. For example, if modulated frequency
Basics of Electrotherapy
is selected as 100 Hz, then frequency will gradually vary from 90 to100
in a manner like 90, 91, 92 100 and once again the same trend will
be continued. In pulse width modulation, there will be gradual and
continuous changes in pulse width. In amplitude modulation, there is
continuous and automatic variation in amplitude. In burst modulation,
the output is in form of groups of stimuli ranging from one to ten. In
train modulation, the output is similar to the arrangement of bogies in
a freight train.
Classification of TENS
Depending on the frequency and its use, TENS is divided into two
types namely, high frequency TENS and low frequency TENS. High
frequency TENS is also known as high frequency and low intensity
TENS. Here the frequency is above 50 Hz. It is used for acute pain.
While applying this form of TENS, only perceptible intensity is
used. Low frequency TENS is also known as low frequency and
high intensity TENS. Here, the frequency is below 50 Hz. It is used
for chronic pain and while applying this type of TENS, high intensity
is used. TENS is also classified as acupuncture TENS (0.4 to 4 Hz),
burst TENS (1 to 10 Hz), conventional TENS (10 to 100 Hz), etc.
Mechanism of Analgesia
Exact mechanism of analgesia is not known. The electroanalgesia by
TENS may occur as per the endorphin theory or gate control theory.
Endorphin Theory
TENS causes stimulation and increase in circulation of endorphins.
Endorphins are morphine like endogenous transmitter substances.
They occur naturally in brain and pituitary glands. Endorphins from
the brain circulate and block pain sensation as a result of TENS
nerve fibers and in the fibers descending down from higher centers
(Fig. 3.17). The transmission of pain sensation depends upon the
activation of the transmission cell (T) by large or small nerve fibers.
The amount of transmission from these fibers to the T cell is governed
in turn by the action of a further cell in substantia gelatinosa
of spinal cord (SG). It produces its effect by presynaptic and
postsynaptic inhibition. Substantia gelatinosa cell is activated from
the collateral branches from large fibers, chiefly those ascending in
the dorsal columns of spinal cord dealing with proprioception and
touch. It is inhibited by small fiber activity namely, those known to
be concerned with pain generation.
Normal circumstances: In normal circumstances, there is low
but constant rate of activity in small fibers, which maintain a state of
readiness to transmit noxious stimulus. But normally, the activity of
large fibers predominates and hence T cell transmission for pain is
inhibited via SG cell.
Opening of gate: When the number of noxious impulses rises
in small fibers, then there is simultaneous activity in large fibers,
which initially inhibit discharge of T cell by action upon the SG cell.
However, summation takes place in small fibers and activity reaches
a point at which the SG cell is inhibited by it and T cell becomes
active. The gate is opened and transmission to the brain takes place
and patient feels pain. Central activity also influences the situation,
thus it may facilitate or inhibit pain information. For example, in
Basics of Electrotherapy
heightened anxiety, the level of pain is increased, as it seems that
the activity generated in the limbic system of brain and transmitted
via reticular formation of brainstem results in opening of gate. On
the other hand, pain may not be experienced while an individual is
engaged in a sporting contest. Perhaps, it may be due to the inhibitory
effects of higher centers, which closes the gate.
TENS and closing of gate: Stimulation of large nerve fibers by
TENS activate SG cell and inhibit the discharge of T cell probably by
its effect via presynaptic or postsynaptic inhibition. This closes the
gate and causes analgesia. The duration for which this gate remains
closed varies and is directly proportional to the number of noxious
impulses in small fibers.
Sodium-potassium (Na-K) pump and pain relief by TENS: Re
petitive antidromic stimulation of postsynaptic axon can alter
extracellular potassium ion concentration and reduces the excitatory
postsynaptic potential.
TENS is used commonly for electroanalgesia in many conditions.
Joints pain: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, intra-articular
hemorrhage, etc. Acute pain: It can also be used in the treatment of
the acute pain, such as obstetric or labor pain, acute trauma, acute
orofacial pain, postoperative pain, and primary dysmenorrhea.
Muscle pain: It is also used in the treatment of pain due to various
muscle disorders, such as muscle spasm, spastic torticollis, myositis,
myalgia, and muscle strain. Spinal pain: Spinal cord injury, dorsal
root compression syringomyelitis, arachanoiditis, postcordotomy,
spinal nerve compression can be very well treated. Neoplastic pain:
It can be used in the treatment of neoplastic conditions. In severe
neoplastic pain, TENS can be used for 24 hours a day with a portable
device. It can be applied with self-adhesive electrodes so that the
patient can perform his ADL while receiving TENS. Nerve disorders:
Peripheral nerve injuries, traumatic neuromas, trigeminal neuralgia,
causalgia, brachial neuralgia, intercostals neuritis, mononeuritis,
polyneuritis and neuropathies. Miscellaneous conditions: Itch,
angina pectoris, functional abdominal pain and pancreatitis. Nonanalgesic indications: TENS can also be used in dysmenorrhea,
Raynauds disease, Buergers disease, wound healing and following
reconstructive surgeries. Psychogenic and phantom pain: These
pains also can be treated with TENS.
In acute pain, high frequency and low or perceptible intensity TENS
can be applied for 20 minutes and in chronic pain, low frequency
Basics of Electrotherapy
TENS can be applied with high or tolerable intensity for 30 minutes.
However, if the intensity of pain is very severe then TENS can even be
applied for 8 to 24 hours.
Benefits of TENS
Due to reduced pain, exercise program can progress, activities of
daily living may be improved, faster reduction in pain facilitates
early return to work, there is no side effect with TENS, TENS reduces
cost of medications, early ambulation in postoperative cases can be
achieved, TENS is noninvasive, nontoxic and nonpharmacological.
H-wave Therapy
H-wave therapy (HWT) is a form of electrical stimulation that is
used for electroanalgesia. In the beginning, it was recommended
as an alternative to TENS for dental analgesia. The stimulating
parameters of this current are different from conventional TENS.
HWT signal comprises of fixed pulse duration of 16 millisecond, a
frequency range of 2 to 60 Hz and a biphasic exponentially decaying
waveform. However, it remains unclear if the parameter differences
in electrical stimulus produce differences in the analgesic response
to HWT compared to conventional TENS therapy. Currently, it is
recommended for acute musculoskeletal injuries, postoperative pain
and peripheral neuropathic pain in diabetes.
It is the production of low frequency current in the body tissue by
the simultaneous application of two different medium frequency
currents. As it is obtained as a result of interference of two different
medium frequency currents, it is known as interferential current.
Alternatively, Interferential current can be defined as the resultant
current produced in the body tissue when two medium frequency
alternating currents are applied simultaneously. This current is
produced at the intersection of two medium frequency alternating
currents. Historically, in 1950, H Nemac for the first time suggested
interferential current for therapeutic application. It is also called
Russian current as Dr K M Kots first described its use in 1970, in
Before reading the characteristics, please refer back to page 39,
Figure 3.17 for the sake of comprehension. Here, we will discuss
three fundamental things pertaining to interferential current. (You
can recall them with ABC, where A is area of interference, B is beat
frequency and C is current.)
Two medium frequency currents are used to produce the
interferential current (Fig. 3.18). They are known as carrier waves
as they do not produce muscle nerve stimulation and are just used
to get greater depth of penetration and to produce interferential
current. Out of two medium frequency currents the frequency of one
current is fixed and it is 4,000 Hz. The frequency of the other current
lies in between 4,000 and 4,100 Hz, which is adjustable. When these
currents cross each other, they will produce a third current at the
point where they cross each other and this third current is known as
interferential current.
Beat Frequency
The frequency of the resultant current (third current produced due to
crossing) is known as beat frequency. Beat frequency is equal to the
difference between two medium frequency currents. It lies between 0
to 100 Hz. Beat frequency may be kept constant or varied rhythmically
so as to prevent accommodation.
Constant beat frequency:
It is also called selective beat
frequency. Different selective
beat frequencies can be selected
in between 0 and 100 Hz.
Variable beat frequency: It
is also called automatic beat
frequency. Various variable
beat frequencies can be used.
Fig. 3.18: Interferential current
Basics of Electrotherapy
Beat frequency of zero to five hertz stimulate sympathetic nerves,
5 to 10 Hz stimulate parasympathetic nerves, 10 to 50 Hz stimulate
motor nerves, 50 to 90 Hz produces sedative and spasmolytic effect
and 90 to 100 Hz produces analgesic or pain relief effect. (Memory
clue, SPM, SP social and preventive medicines special portion,
where S is sympathetic, P is parasympathetic, M is motor nerves, S is
spasmolytic, and P is pain relief ).
Area of Interference
Area of Interference is the area where interferential current is set-up.
The pattern of the interferential area may be static or dynamic.
Static interference: Here the area in which interferential current
is setup-remains stationary. This area of static interference gives an
appearance of a clove leaf (Fig. 3.19) as a result of the vector addition
of two currents and it lies to 45 angles to the perpendicular lines
from each electrode.
Dynamic area of interference: It is possible to move the area in which
interference current is developed in a to and fro manner through 45. It
is obtained by varying the current intensity in suitable manner. Current
is varied from 50 to 100 percent. This dynamic area of interference is
also called vector sweep, vector scan, rotating vector, etc.
Therapeutic Effects
Therapeutic effects of interferential current include muscle
contraction, increased blood flow, relief of spasm and pain relief.
(You can use memory trick M BSP, as an abbreviation for these
effects, Mayawatis BSP a political party in India).
Pain Relief
Interferential current is commonly used for electroanalgesia
in various musculoskeletal
conditions. Interferential current
is effective in cases of chronic
pain with or without swelling
but it is found to be less effective
in post-traumatic pain in acute
stage. The exact mechanism
of pain relief by interferential
current is not known. Pain relief
Fig. 3.19: Static interference
Effect on Edema
Edema is the collection of fluid in interstitial space. Edema can be
associated with swelling. Exudates in edema, may get organized and
form adhesions and hence to prevent this, interferential current can
be used. Interferential current causes vasodilation, increases venous,
lymphatic flow, electroporation or increased permeability, and
pumping effect through muscle contraction that helps in accelerating
physiologic mechanism for the absorption of the exudates. Hence,
interferential current is preferred in the treatment of edema associated
with traumatic and nontraumatic musculoskeletal conditions.
Basics of Electrotherapy
increased blood circulation. This therapeutic effect is useful in
promoting healing and thereby it helps in restoration of function.
In electrotherapy, electrodes are the conductors, which are used to
allow the easy passage of therapeutic currents to the body. Various
types of electrodes used for the application of interferential current
include vacuum electrode, pad electrode, carbon impregnated/silicone
rubber electrode, four field electrodes, two field double electrodes,
quadripolar/four point probe electrode, labile electrode, etc.
Vacuum Electrode
Vacuum electrode is like a rubber bell. Here, the electrode is kept
at the base of the bell and wire or lead is connected at the narrow
end. Generally, a soaked sponge or spontex is kept just below the
electrode so as to achieve even contact to the skin and hence there
is even conduction. These electrodes are held to the patient with
negative pressure created by a vacuum pump. The magnitude of the
vacuum should be adjusted so that, the least amount of suction is
necessary to keep the electrodes on the skin otherwise, superficial
bruising may occur. Vacuum electrodes are available in various
sizes. Vacuum can be adjusted so as to get constant or pulsed mode.
When pulsed mode is used, additional effect of the massage can be
obtained. Vacuum electrodes are excellent for treating flat smooth
areas, where they can be applied easily and quickly. On bony areas
such as shoulder and ankle, it is difficult to place the vacuum cup
in correct position without deformation. The deformation squeezes
the cup and the area enclosed by the rim is diminished. As a result
of deformation, the two electrodes in a particular channel would not
be of the same size and the circuit is unbalanced. On hairy skin, it is
difficult to get an airtight seal. In elderly patients, the skin is likely
to be thin and papery, it presents difficulty with contact and bruises
easily. Vacuum electrodes are considered unsafe for patients who
are taking steroids, patients who are taking anticoagulation therapy,
deep vein thrombosis, history of pulmonary embolism. This is again
because of the likelihood of bruising and other complications.
Labile Electrodes
Labile electrode is a special type of plate electrode, which is insulated
on one side and is covered with sponge to provide contact. Two
Interferential therapy can be applied for 10 to 20 minutes and if
more than one area is to be treated, then total treatment time should
not exceed 30 minutes, since it is believed that lengthy treatment
causes tiredness towards the end of the day. Further, it is advised
that interferential current treatment can be given for about 10 to 25
days, once a day basis. Usually, the intensity, which produce a strong
but comfortable prickling sensations without any discomfort is used.
Alternatively, three times toleration (T T T Dose) can be used. Three
T dose is used in treating localized condition that is tender and is
to be an anesthetized. Place the electrodes, increase the intensity
so as to give intense prickling, once the intense prickling sensation
is reduced, increase the intensity once again so as to get intense
prickling and repeat the same once again so as to treat the area three
times with strong prickling.
Interferential therapy (Fig. 3.20) is commonly used for the pain
relief, relief of muscle spasm, improve the venous and lymphatic
drainage, and re-education of
deeply-situated muscles, which
are not easily accessible with
low frequency currents. Various
conditions in which interferential
current may be used are: Osteo-
arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis,
spondylosis, low back pain, frozen
shoulder, chondromalacia, stress
Fig. 3.20: Equipment
Basics of Electrotherapy
incontinence, nocturnal incontinence, brachial neuralgia, sciatica,
phantom pain, Buergers disease, Raynauds disease, myalgia/
myositis, edema following immobilization, bronchial asthma,
bursitis, tendonitis, etc.
Methods of Application
Interferential current can be applied by means of bipolar, quadripolar
(Fig. 3.21 shows qaudripolar placement of electrodes over the
shoulder joint area while Fig. 3.22 presents the same around knee
joint area), stereodynamic and labile method. In bipolar method,
only two electrodes are used. It is said that in case of bipolar
method, medium frequency currents are added inside the machine
(premodulated) to produce low frequency output. This mode of
treatment is sometimes known as electrokinesis. The disadvantage of
bipolar method of application is more sensory stimulation since there
is more skin resistance for this output current as compared to classical
interferential current and hence it gives unpleasant sensation to the
patient. In stereodynamic systems, three pairs of electrodes are used
and the machine provides three outputs. It reduces accommodation
Russian current is a medium frequency alternating current with a
frequency of 2.5 KHz; burst modulation of 50 Hz with a duty cycle fifty
percent. Russian forms of electrical stimulation became popular to a
large extent as a result of the activities of Dr Yakov Kots, who claimed
force gains of up to 40 percent in elite athletes as a result of what was
then a new form of stimulation. The 10/50/10 stimulation protocol
suggested is optimal. Whereas, the 10/50/10 regimen is in the form
of stimulus. 10 sec/on period, 50 sec/off period follows stimulus.
Treatment time is 10 minutes and when applied once daily over a
period of weeks surely increases strength.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Dr Yakov Kots argued that increasing a muscle force generating
capability can be achieved by two means: learning and central
nervous system (CNS) adaptation and increase in physical bulk of
the muscle. Greater maximal volitional contraction is produced by
CNS learning and adaptation of the pattern of excitation. In this case,
force gains are achieved by greater and more effective recruitment
of muscle fibers. Increase in physical bulk of the muscle produces
a greater force output for the same neural input. In this case, the
muscle fiber grows in size and muscle volume increases. The increase
in limb circumference and thus by inference, muscle bulk parallels
the increase in muscle force, so the Russian author concluded that
the force gains were predominantly peripheral in origin.
Sinusoidal current is an evenly alternating, biphasic low frequency
current whose waveform resembles to the sine curve as in Figure
3.23. Its frequency is 50 to 100 Hz and pulse duration is 10 ms.
Sinusoidal current is classified on the basis of frequency as slow
sinusoidal and rapid sinusoidal
current. Frequency of slow
sinusoidal current is 50 Hz
and rapid sinusoidal currents
frequency is 100 Hz. Practically,
sinusoidal current resembles
faradic current, both in effects as
well as methods of application.
Nowadays, it is rarely used for
Fig. 3.23: Sinusoidal current
Diadynamic current is also called Bernard current. It is unidirectional
sinusoidal current with a frequency of 50 to 100 Hz and pulse duration
of 10 ms. Diadynamic current is used for pain relief, minimizes
inflammation, swelling, facilitation of healing, increased circulation
and motor re-education. It is commonly used in the treatment of
painful and inflammatory disorders of muscles, ligaments, joints
and peripheral nerves. It is also used in the treatment of contusion,
hematoma, myalgia, muscle atrophy due to immobilization, inactivity
Basics of Electrotherapy
and epicondylitis. Diadynamic current is applied for ten minutes,
once or twice daily with perceptible intensity. Various modulations of
diadynamic currents are fix monophase, fix diaphase, short periods
and long periods, syncopated rhythm and modulated monophase.
Preparation of Apparatus
1. Select and collect necessary equipment and accessories like
electrodes, leads, straps, electrode gel/water or normal saline
and draping material.
2. Inspect all wires and plugs for frayed or broken connections.
3. Check for current inspection sticker.
4. Turn on and check for leakage of current with current tester.
5. Turn on equipment and check to see that all components are
working properly.
6. Preset all dials to appropriate setting (intensity, pulse
duration, pulse rate, duty cycle, surge rate, treatment time
and electrode polarity).
Testing of Apparatus
Test the apparatus on yourself so as to confirm that it is working
properly and giving the desired output of current with comfortable
Preparation of Patient
(You can prepare your patient with memory jogger SEE, S for
sensation, E for explanation and E for exposure of body part).
1. Explain the procedure.
2. Expose the body part.
3. Check for sensation and contraindications.
4. Position the patient appropriately.
Application of Treatment
1. While using a stimulus intensity that is both comfortable for
the patient and adequate to produce a motor response, find
the optimal stimulation point for the targeted muscle.
2. Determine the appropriate stimulation parameters like
frequency, intensity, rise time/surge rate, duty cycle. Begin
the procedure and modify the procedure based upon the
patients response.
3. Perform the procedure.
Termination of Treatment
Muscle nerve stimulating currents are used primarily for muscle reeducation, pain relief and to delay atrophy and wasting of muscle.
Various currents included in this category are direct current, faradic
current, interrupted direct current, TENS, interferential current,
sinusoidal current, diadynamic current, high voltage pulsed galvanic
current (HVPG). Direct current is unidirectional continuous current.
Faradic current is primarily used to produce contraction of normally
innervated muscles and current usually surged so as to get contractions
that resembles voluntary contractions.
Interrupted direct current is commonly used for stimulation of
denervated muscles and for electrodiagnostic purpose. TENS is used
mainly for pain relief and it is believed that the body tissues may get
accommodated to TENS current and hence to prevent this, TENS
current is modulated. Interferential current is the production of low
frequency current in the body tissue by the simultaneous application
of two different medium frequency currents. Practically sinusoidal
current resembles faradic current both in effects as well as methods
of application. It is now clear that HVPG is monophasic twin-peaked
high intensity current with pulse duration less than 20 microsecond.
Diadynamic currents are also called Bernard currents.
Chronaxie is the shortest duration of electrical impulse that will
produce a response with current, double that of rheobase. The
chronaxie of the denervated muscles is higher than innervated
muscles. The innervated muscles chronaxie is 1 m/s, if constant
voltage stimulator is used. Chronaxie is not a satisfactory method
Diagnostic Electrotherapy
in case of partial denervation. In such case, chronaxie will be of
predominant fibers that are innervated or denervated. Say, in case of
75 percent denervation, chronaxie will be same as that of completely
denervated muscle. (Here is a memory jogger to avoid confusion
between rheobase and chronaxie. Remember that after alphabet C,
alphabet D comes; so chronaxie is duration. Once you remember
that chronaxie is duration, then it is easy to remember that rheobase
is current.)
Strength-Duration Curves
Strength-duration curve is an electrodiagnostic procedure char
acterized by plotting a graph of, amount of intensity required
against various durations of impulse; so as to determine the status of
innervations of muscles. It is also called intensity-time curve.
Procedure for plotting the strength-duration curve can be described in
a stepwise manner.
Preparation of Patient
Explain the procedure in brief to the patient. Position the patient in
a comfortable position, which allows you an easy access to the body
part where you would like to perform the strength-duration curve
assessment. Request your patient to expose the area to be examined
and ensure adequate draping. Make sure that there is adequate light
to see the visible contractions of muscle without straining your eyes.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Application of Electrodes
Secure the indifferent electrode at a convenient area, usually over
midline of the body or origin of muscle and active electrode over
motor point.
It is the shape of curve, which is an important feature in determining
the status of muscle innervations. So, when all the nerve fibers
supplying the muscles are intact, then strength-duration curve is
Normal Innervation
Strength-duration curve with normal status of innervation of muscle
will have various characteristics such as; initial portion of the graph is
a straight line, which is parallel to the X-axis (Fig. 4.1), there is no kink,
the graph is complete and in other words, it is plotted from highest
duration such as 300 millisecond to 0.01. Rise in graph line occurs
around one millisecond duration. The graph looks smooth. The
curve of this typical shape is there because equal strength of current
is required to get minimum assessable response with longer durations,
while shorter pulses need a slight increase in the strength of stimulus
each time when duration is shortened. The point at which this curve
Diagnostic Electrotherapy
begins to rise is variable, but
usually it is one millisecond with
constant current.
Complete Denervation
The shape obtained on plotting
the strength-duration curve of a
muscle that is, completely dener
vated is typical in appearance
(Fig. 4.2). Initial part of the curve
Fig. 4.1: Normal curve
is not parallel. Plotted graph
line looks somewhat vertical,
starting from the X-axis. There is
no kink in the curve. The graph
line is incomplete because
denervated muscle does not
respond to smaller durations
like 1, 0.3, 0.1 and so on. This
typical appearance is due to
required increase in the strength
of stimulus for all the impulses
with a duration less than 100
Fig. 4.2: Denervated curve
millisecond. Response may not
be obtained to very small durations and hence the curve rises steeply
and is further to the right than that of a normally innervated muscle.
Partial Denervation
The graph of a muscle that is partially innervated is typical in appearance.
The plotted graph line shows kink. The kink appears because the graph
shows the features of innervated
as well as denervated muscle
(Fig. 4.3). It happens due to
the response of the muscle to
various impulses. Impulses with
higher pulse durations stimulate
denervated as well as innervated
muscle fibers. But the response
to the smaller pulse durations
is obtained by stimulating only
Fig. 4.3: Partial denervated curve
innervated muscle fibers and
Basics of Electrotherapy
hence to get minimal palpable or visible contractions from these
innervated muscle fibers more intensity is required. Appearance of
kink may give an approximate idea about the extent or proportion of
innervation and denervation. If a large number of fibers are denervated
then a greater part of the curve resembles that of denervated muscles
and vice versa.
If the kink is located exactly at the center, then one may conclude
that innervation and denervation may be 50 percent. But if threefourth of the graph appears like innervated and one-fourth appears
like denervated then innervation could be 75 percent and denervation
could be 25 percent. Appearance of kink can have two interpretations.
If initially, muscle showed strength-duration curve of complete
denervation and later there is the appearance of kink, that means that
muscle is getting reinnervated. On the other hand, a muscle initially
showed normal strength-duration curve and now kink appears, that
means this muscle is getting denervated. In progressive innervation
or denervation, the graph will move from the kink towards left side or
right side, respectively.
Strength-duration curve can be used to find out the status of sensory
as well as motor nerve fibers (Fig. 4.4). A digital strength-duration
curve as seen on machine screen is represented in Figure 4.5. If we
take into consideration only sensory threshold or current perception
threshold (just perception of current), then it can be helpful in
evaluating the status of A-beta fibers. If we take motor-level intensity
then motor nerve fibers or A-alpha can be evaluated. If we take
suprasensory painful threshold, then it can tell us the status of
Diagnostic Electrotherapy
C-fibers and A-delta type of fibers. But, hardly these variations are
used clinically since there are sophisticated methods such as motor
and sensory nerve conduction velocity tests which can be performed
with electromyography. However, most commonly strength-duration
curve is used to find out motor nerve fiber innervations of muscle.
Strength-duration curve is simple, reliable and cheaper. It indicates
proportion of denervation. It may be less time consuming as compared
to electromyography. It can be used as hand-side method.
In large muscles only proportion of fibers may respond, hence picture
is not clearly shown. It is a qualitative rather than quantitative method
of testing innervation. It will not point out the site of lesion. However,
the site of lesion may be determined by nerve conduction test.
There are certain other electrodiagnostic tests which are being
widely used for various diagnostic purposes. Description of these tests
and their uses are as follows:
Pulse Ratio
Pulse ratio is the ratio of current needed to produce a muscle
contraction with an impulse of one millisecond to that of 100
milliseconds. In case of innervated muscle, very small or no increase
in current is required when impulse is reduced from 100 m/s to 1
m/s. So the ratio is small and it is around one, but it may vary up
to 2.2 for innervated muscles (1:2.2). In case of denervated muscles,
amount of current required to produce a contraction is more and
consequently the ratio is more than 2.5. The advantage of pulse
ratio is, it can be performed swiftly. But the disadvantage is that the
picture of innervation is not clear if a muscle is partially innervated.
Basics of Electrotherapy
galvanic current term indicates direct current and not modified
direct or interrupted direct current). It was widely used in the past
to rule out whether a muscle is innervated or denervated. Pertaining
to characteristics of faradic current (pulse duration 0.1 to 1 m/s and
frequency 50 to 100 Hz), it will stimulate only innervated muscles
and not denervated muscles. Interrupted direct current with
pulse duration such as 100 m/s will stimulate both innervated and
denervated muscles. If a muscle responds to interrupted direct
current with 100 m/s duration or higher duration but not to faradic
current, then it may be a denervated muscle.
Neurotization Time
Neurotization time is a useful index that represents the ratio of
the duration of neuropathy to the theoretical time necessary for
Diagnostic Electrotherapy
reinnervation to take place. In order to calculate the neurotization
time, measure the distance from the probable site of the lesion up to
the distal most muscle supplied by the affected nerve, in millimeter.
Since, the regeneration of nerve can occur at a rate of approximately
one millimeter per day, calculate the anticipated number of days
accordingly (remember that rate of nerve growth can vary from 15
mm per day). For instance, if the distance of lesion is 105 mm then
anticipated time is 105 days. Now find out the elapsed time in days
from the patient. Calculate the neurotization time by the following
Neurotization time =
Galvanic-Tetanus Ratio
Galvanic-tetanus ratio (GTR) is also called tetanic frequency ratio or
the tetanus-twitch ratio. Normally frequency of 20 to 50 cycles per
second is required to get tetanic response with pulse duration equal
to chronaxie. But in case of denervated muscle, it gets reduced to 5 to
10 cycles per second. This happens because of loss of accommodation
to long durated impulses and slow type of contraction in denervated
muscle. Galvanic-tetanus ratio requires the use of a stimulator
with variable impulse frequency output of 1 to 50 per second and
calibrated duration of impulses. For testing denervated muscle,
this duration must correspond to the chronaxie. It is convenient, to
stimulate the muscle with a single active electrode and with a current
intensity sufficient to cause minimal contraction. Gradually vary the
frequency, starting at a lower range like one per second until tetanus
is produced.
Dermo ohmometry
The study of human skin resistance is known as dermo ohmometry.
It may also be called neurodermometry or galvanic skin response. It
Basics of Electrotherapy
can be studied with GSR device that is at present rarely used for this
purpose. It is nowadays used for relaxation purpose by incorporating
it with biofeedback kind of devices. Normal skin resistance may
vary from 10,000 to 20 million ohms, depending on the distribution
of the sweat glands. In complete lesion of a mixed nerve, there is
anhydrosis due to reduced activity of the sweat glands. As a result
of anhydrosis, there is increase in the skin resistance due to reduced
sweat that permits easy passage of the current.
Polar Formula
It is also known as Erbs polar formula. Normal response obtained to
cathode and anode is CCC > ACC > AOC > COC. It means normally
a better contraction is obtained with cathodal closing current than
anodal closing current. Closing and opening terminologies are
used because when this experiment must have been tried a simple
key switch which is on by closing and off by opening must have
been used. In denervation, reversal of this formula may be noted. In
denervated muscle it may be ACC > CCC > AOC > COC.
Myotonic Reaction
In myotonic cases, typical response to the faradic stimulation occurs.
The muscles remain in tetanic contraction for sometime as long as
twenty seconds even after the stimulus has ceased. This response can
be obtained initially and later on, due to the exhaustion of the muscle,
contraction response ceases altogether. But the same response once
again can be obtained after a period of rest.
Reaction of Degeneration
Reaction of degeneration may occur following peripheral nerve
injuries. Reaction of degeneration is of three types, such as, complete
reaction of degeneration (CRD), partial reaction of degeneration
(PRD) and absolute reaction of degeneration (ARD).
Complete Reaction
Complete reaction of degeneration is also known as full or total
reaction of degeneration. In complete reaction of degeneration,
Diagnostic Electrotherapy
nerve does not respond to either faradic or interrupted galvanic
current. However, muscle may respond to long-durated pulse of
interrupted galvanic current, muscle contraction is slow or sluggish,
motor point may get shifted and polar formula may get reversed.
Partial Reaction
In partial reaction of degeneration, there is decreased response by
nerve to faradic and interrupted galvanic current. However, muscle
may have decreased response to faradic but better response to
interrupted galvanic current. The muscle contraction may be slow
but it is not pronounced as in CRD.
Absolute Reaction
There is absence of response to any current in muscle as well as nerve.
It represents the final stage of complete reaction of degeneration with
unfavorable outcome. You should be sure of this before informing it
to the patient.
Electromyography (EMG/ENMG) is the study of electrical activity
of muscle by means of surface electrodes placed over the skin, or
needle electrodes inserted in the muscle itself. By electromyography,
we can study motor unit potential, motor nerve conduction velocity,
sensory nerve conduction velocity, etc. Electromyography is also
called electroneuromyography or ENMG. Electroneuromyography
is a clinical electrophysiological evaluation, which consists of the
observation, analysis and interpretation of the bioelectrical activity of
muscle and nerve.
Electroneuromyography is used to diagnose the diseases of the
muscle, such as, myopathies, myasthenia gravis, etc. It can be used to
differentiate between lesions of anterior horn cells, the nerve fibers
and the muscles. Also, ENMG can be used to determine sensory
and motor nerves conduction velocities. It can be of major help in
determining site, severity and prognosis of peripheral nerve lesions.
It can analyze the muscle work involved in a complex activity.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Although electromyography with surface electrodes have very
minimal contraindications, electromyography with needle electrodes
is contraindicated in dermatitis, uncooperative patient, pacemaker,
blood transmittable diseases, extreme swelling, abnormal blood
clotting factor and patient on an anticoagulant therapy. Gloves
and eye protection should be used in case the EMG is to be done in
individuals with blood transmittable diseases.
Electromyography machine and various accessories consist of
electrodes, preamplifier, amplifier, CRT display, stimulator, louds
peaker, and ancillary equipment (Fig. 4.6).
Electrode is a device or metal conductor, which introduces or picks up
electricity from the tissues. In other words, electrode is a conductor
that stimulates or records the electrical activity of tissues. Stimulating
electrode: In ENMG study, electrodes are required to stimulate or
evoke action potential in excitable tissues of interest that is muscle
or nerve. Stimulating electrode is a bipolar hand-held electrode that
consists of anode and cathode, separated by two to three centimeter
distance. It is used to stimulate or activate peripheral nerves and/or
muscles during electrophysiological assessment. Pickup electrodes:
In order to monitor the responses of excitable tissue to voluntary or
evoked potential, pickup electrodes are used. These pickup electrodes
record the electrical activity from the tissues of interest.
Pickup electrodes are active electrodes, reference electrodes
and ground electrodes (memorize them by RAG, where R stands
Diagnostic Electrotherapy
for reference, A for active and G for ground). Active electrode is an
electrode which actually pickup the potential difference from the
tissues. Reference electrode is an electrode that helps to pickup
potential difference by acting as a reference terminal, which
completes the circuit. Ground electrode is an electrode, which is
also known as zero potential electrode or shield electrode or guard
electrode. It is made up of metal and is usually larger than active and
reference electrode. It is placed on the body surface at some distance
over an area of little electrical activity such as bony prominences.
Active and reference electrodes are of two main types, namely,
surface and needle electrodes.
Surface electrodes: The surface electrodes are placed on skin to
pickup the electrical activity. These are generally made up of metals
such as silver, gold, platinum. An efficient conduction through these
electrodes can be obtained, if skin is prepared by cotton swab dipped
in spirit and by placing an electroconductive gel in between the
electrodes and the skin. A surface electrode varies from 0.5 cm to several
centimeter in diameter. These electrodes must be held firmly in place
with adhesive tape or straps in order to obtain constant recording of
muscle electrical activity. These electrodes are used when the excitable
tissues include a comparatively large area. Metal-disk electrode, dual
electrode, spring electrode are the commonly used types of surface
Needle electrodes: These are placed underneath the skin, either
near or directly in the excitable tissues of interest. They are prepared
from platinum, silver or stainless steel. Needle electrodes are used
when activity of very few motor units or muscle fibers is to be
studied. This can be done easily with these electrodes as they have
a reasonably small exploring surface. The different types of needle
electrodes are monopolar, concentric, bipolar, multi-electrode, etc.
Preamplifier is a device, which increases the magnitude of potentials
picked up by the electrode so that they can be carried to the amplifier
without getting influenced by unwanted potentials. It is usually
situated in a remote box connected to the main ENMG system by a
cable on one side, and on other side to the pickup electrodes through
leads. This arrangement allows the preamplifier to be placed close to
the electrodes to which it is directly connected by reasonably short
leads in order to minimize the interference.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Preamplifier reduces the noise as it amplifies the magnitude and
the strength of pickup potentials. Noise is nothing but any interfering,
unwanted sound. It may arise from internal or external sources
and hence noise can be termed as internal noise or external noise.
Internal noise originates within the system. External noise originates
from external sources, such as, electric wiring in the building, relay
transmitters, radiofrequency, etc. External noise is also known as
interference or artifact. Preamplifier allows differential amplification
by selecting amplification of original potentials while rejecting
interfering potentials.
Amplifier follows preamplifier. It is an electronic machine, which
is used to increase the amplitude of electrical signal level fed by
preamplifier. Amplifier is used to make small electrical signals larger
on signal display instrument such as oscilloscopes, computer screen
or strip-chart recorders. A characteristic feature of an amplifier is its
gain. Gain is the relationship between input voltage amplitude of the
signal and output voltage amplitude from the amplifier. If the peak
voltage of a monophasic input signal is doubled from two millivolt to
four millivolt then the gain of the amplification is two and if the same
output signals peak amplitude is increased to 10 mV then the gain of
amplification is five. Most amplifiers are constructed so that the users
can adjust the amplifier gain to a suitable level. The amplifier control
for such adjustment is often called as sensitivity. Frequency response
or filter control in amplifier responds to low and high frequency limits
adjusted with frequency response controls, in order to minimize noise.
Amplifier may be simple or differential. A simple amplifier is
a device that enhances all voltage differences between recording
electrodes. Differential amplifier is the amplifier, which increases
the difference between the two signals. As biological potentials are
generally of several orders and magnitude, lower amplitude than
60 Hz interferes and the use of simple amplifier may not allow
the examiner to adequately visualize the bioelectrical potentials
of interest. To overcome this, a differential amplifier is used. The
differential amplification technique reject signals that are common
to both electrodes and enhances signals that are different. This is
called common-mode rejection. Differential amplifier uses a ground
electrode to compare the signals of the two recording electrodes.
Noise appears identical at both electrodes and will be rejected by
Diagnostic Electrotherapy
Ancillary Equipment
For documentation, measurement and verification of transient
potentials, an ancillary equipment records CRT display. Ancillary
equipment may be an instant photographic camera, fiberoptic
recorder, digital storage time transformation recorders, magnetic
recorders, etc.
A loudspeaker is used in EMG apparatus so as to produce audible
sounds for audio monitoring. These audible sounds are produced
when recorded and amplified potentials are applied to speaker. It
allows acoustic monitoring of the potentials.
Total Duration
It is the duration between initial deviations from the baseline, to the
return to the baseline. Total duration depends on the amplification
gain, filter and whether or not
the units are averaged. It varies
between 5 and 10 millisecond.
Spike duration: It is the time from
the onset of the initial negative
spike to the last most positive
directed spike. It is 2 to 10 ms.
Amplitude: It is the maximum
voltage measured from peak to
peak. The density of muscle fibers,
Fig. 4.7: Normal EMG appearance
their diameters and how close
Basics of Electrotherapy
together are their end plates or how synchronously they discharge,
determines amplitude. Amplitude varies greatly in normal muscles. It
may be 100 to 200 microvolts.
Phases: Motor units are usually biphasic or triphasic. Biphasic,
when recorded at end plate. Triphasic, when recorded away from
end plate zone. The total number of phases is determined by
adding one to the number of baseline crosses. A MUP (motor unit
potential) is considered polyphasic if it has greater than four phases.
Frequently, the MUPs have a saw-tooth like pattern where there are
many changes of directions or turns but not actual baseline crosses.
These potentials are referred to as serrated MUPs, and are the
measurements of the synchronicity of the muscle fibers discharging.
Parameters of normal unit potential are, amplitude: 100 to 2,000
v, duration: 2 to 10 ms, waveform: two to four phases, but usually
triphasic, frequency: 1 to 60 per second (150 in eye muscles), sound:
Clear sharp thump or plunk and rise time: 100 to 200 seconds.
Polyphasic Potential
The EMG examination may reveal complex shape than normal motor
unit potentials. These are supposed to be the electrical expressions
of a degenerating or regenerating, but not denervated motor units. It
arises from non-synchronous firing of many muscle fibers comprising
a motor unit. If this polyphasicity occurs in a muscle, which has
previously demonstrated widespread fibrillation on potentials of
denervation, such polyphasic potentials are often called nascent
motor units. Parameters of polyphasic potentials are amplitude: 20
to 5,000 microvolts, duration: 2 to 25 ms, waveform: 5 to 25 phases,
frequency: 2 to 30 per second and sound: Rough, rasping or rattling
(Fig. 4.8). One to 12 percent of normal EMG may show polyphasic
Diagnostic Electrotherapy
Fibrillation Potential
Fibrillation potential (Fig. 4.9) occurs due to spontaneous repetitive
contraction of a single muscle fiber. It is a fundamental sign of
denervation. It appears in 15 to 20 days, but does not appear
immediately following nerve injury. It may occur as early as five days
following nerve lesion. The fibrillation tracing always begins with a
positive voltage. Parameters are, amplitude: 10 to 600 microvolts,
duration: One to two millisecond, waveform: mono or diphasic spike
(usually diphasic), sound: Sharp high-pitched click (like rain on the
roof ).
Nerve Potential
It occurs when a needle electrode comes in contact with nerve
fibrils inside muscle substance. Parameters are, amplitude: 20 to 250
microvolts, duration: One to four millisecond, waveform: Biphasic,
frequency: 30 to 150 per second and sound: Machine-gun like and
high pitched.
Myotonic Potentials
It is a high-frequency fibrillation like discharge. It is heard as a diving
airplane. These are trains of positive waves, which vary in frequency
and amplitude as in Figure 4.11.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Fasciculation Potentials
It is a spontaneous occurring
potential over which the patient
has no volitional control. It may
be found in benign myokymia,
anterior horn cell disease, nerve
compression, and various forms
of muscle cramps, alkalotic
states and incipient tetany.
Fig. 4.12: Fasciculation potential
They occur irregularly at
a rate varying from 1 to 50
per minute. They are of two types, simple and complex. Simple
fasciculations are biphasic or triphasic and complex fasciculations
are polyphasic. Polyphasic fasciculation potentials can be further
divided into usual polyphasic fasciculation potential and iterative
polyphasic potential, based on the number of isoelectric crosses.
Fasciculation potential are presented in Figure 4.12.
Giant Potential
These are MUPs with more than 200 microvolts and duration of 12
to 15 milliseconds. They are frequently seen in anterior horn cell
diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or poliomyelitis. It may
be because of selective destruction of small motor units, so that only
the large ones are intact. It may be because of sprouting of the intact
motor neuron branches to its denervated neighbors, thus enlarging
the scope of the neuron. Its stimulation firing will therefore give a
giant potential.
Nascent Potential
These are also termed as reinnervation potentials. They are of low
amplitude, 50 to 200 V, highly polyphasic that appear in the process
of reinnervation. Initially, they may appear involuntary and may be
excited by tapping the muscle.
Diagnostic Electrotherapy
Myopathic Potentials
These are motor unit potentials with reduced amplitude and
duration. Their amplitude varies from 50 to 200 V in amplitude and
five milliseconds in duration. They result from destruction of muscle
fibers with consequent reduction in number of muscle fibers,
comprising the motor unit.
Basics of Electrotherapy
H-Reflex Test
H-reflex test is also known as H-wave or Hoffman response. It can
be performed in upper and lower limb so as to get quantitative
information about the stretch reflex pathway. In simpler words, it is
an electrically elicited monosynaptic reflex.
F-Wave Test
F-wave test is an evoked response due to antidromically propagated
action potentials transmitted to the anterior horn cells or initial
segment of alpha motor neuron axons. F-wave test is used when the
disease or injury is thought to be in the proximal segment of nerves, for
example, nerve compression in thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS).
Electrodiagnostic tests include rheobase, chronaxie, strengthduration curve, pulse ratio, galvanic-tetanic ratio, nerve con
duction test, nerve distribution test, nerve conduction velocity,
faradic-galvanic test, etc. Strength-duration curve is simple, reliable
and cheaper form of electrodiagnostic test. Following completed
denervation, reversal of polar formula may occur. Electromyography
is the study of electrical activity of muscle by means of surface
electrodes placed over the skin or needle electrodes inserted in the
muscle itself. Normal EMG waveform is triphasic.
Short-wave diathermy is the most commonly used physiotherapeutic
modality for deep heating. The meaning of diathermy is heat given
through an object and not confined to that object (Nagel Schmidt,
1908). Short-wave diathermy has been used for more than fifty years
by physiotherapists around the globe, for deep heating purposes. For
short-wave diathermy, high frequency current with a frequency of
27.12 MHz and 11 meters wavelength is used. Other high frequency
currents with their corresponding wavelengths, which are less
commonly used, are 45 MHz with 7 meter and 13 MHz with 22 meter.
It is not possible to produce a high frequency current required for
short-wave diathermy by mechanical means. Hence, discharging a
condenser through an inductance of low ohmic resistance produces
high frequency current with the desired frequency and wavelength.
The basic circuit consists of two parts, such as oscillator circuit and
resonator circuit. In addition to this, an ammeter can be integrated
in resonator circuit so as to register the resonance between oscillator
circuit and resonance circuit. Oscillator circuit: It consists of a
condenser and inductance. The values of condenser and inductance
are such that they produce high frequency current with a frequency of
27.12 MHz. A valve is used along with condenser and inductance, so
as to allow repeated charging and discharging of the condenser.
Resonator circuit: It is also known as patients circuit. It consists of
a variable condenser and an inductance coil. High frequency currents
Basics of Electrotherapy
When mains are switched on, it causes repeated charging and
discharging of condenser C1 and produces high frequency current
in oscillator circuit. As a result, high frequency current is also likely
to develop in resonator circuit but maximum high frequency current
can be produced in resonator circuit, if oscillator and resonator
circuits are in tune or are in resonance with each other. Tuning can
be obtained manually by varying the capacity of the C2 condenser
and the same can be confirmed from ammeter, which will show
maximum deflection if these two circuits are in resonance with each
other. In an automatic tuner, the machine does this automatically.
Output is controlled by power or intensity control of the machine,
which regulates the output by adjusting the grid bias of valve through
variable resistance.
Physiological Effects
The main physiological effect of short-wave diathermic current on
the body tissue is heat production and other physiological effects
result from the increase in temperature.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Short-wave diathermy application produces heat in the body tissues.
Increase in local temperature may occur due to the production of
heat. But, if the short-wave diathermy is applied for a prolonged time,
then there is a rise in general body temperature by a few degrees. The
general rise in body temperature occurs due to blood that passes
through the tissues in which the rise of temperature has occurred.
The heated blood carries heat to other parts of the body.
Metabolism is the collective process by which the living status of
tissues of the body is maintained. When short-wave diathermy
is applied to the body tissue, it produces heat. Heat production
in the body tissues increases metabolism. This may occur as per
the Vant Hoff statement. Vant Hoff has stated that any chemical
change capable of being accelerated by heat is accelerated by rise in
Blood Supply
Short-wave diathermy application increases local blood supply.
Increase in blood supply may occur due to the direct effect of heat on the
vessels in terms of vasodilation. This vasodilation may occur indirectly
due to the action of metabolites on the vessel walls. Metabolites and
other waste products produced is increased due to the increase in
metabolic activity. Due to increased vasodilation, there is an increase
in the lumen of the vessels, which leads to increased blood supply.
Effect on Nerves
Mild heating due to short-wave diathermy application may reduce
the excitability of the nerves, especially sensory nerves.
Muscle Relaxation
Rise in temperature induces relaxation of muscles and increase their
efficacy of action. The muscle fibers contract and relax very easily, but
strength of the contraction is unaffected.
Tissue Damage
Excessive heating due to short-wave diathermy application may cause
damage to the tissues in the form of coagulation or thermal burns.
Blood Pressure
Prolonged application of short-wave diathermy can reduce blood
pressure. This happens due to reduction in peripheral resistance
to the flow of blood, which is due to generalized vasodilation and
reduction in viscosity of the blood.
Increase in the local and general temperature can cause increased
sweating either in the local region of heating or generalized area,
depending on the extent of heating.
Muscle Spasm
Short-wave diathermy can induce the muscle relaxation and hence, it
can be used in the treatment of muscle spasm.
Joint Stiffness
Short-wave diathermy can minimize joint stiffness due to increased
extensibility of connective tissue as a result of increase in local
temperature and due to the relief of pain, spasm and inflammation.
Usually, short-wave diathermy is used in the treatment of deep joints
where superficial heating modalities may not be effective because of
their smaller depth of penetration. In order to make use of this effect,
short-wave diathermy should be applied prior to manual therapy.
Increase in the blood supply also increases white blood cells, antibodies
and other essential nutritive materials. Increase in all of these may help
Basics of Electrotherapy
in resolution of inflammation. Short-wave diathermic application can
minimize or resolve subacute and chronic inflammation. It may resolve
or minimize acute inflammation, provided it is applied at the precise
time following the onset of acute inflammation (after 72 hours) with right
dosages, otherwise it can aggravate the acute inflammatory process.
Musculoskeletal Trauma
Short-wave diathermy accelerates healing by increasing the
amount of nutritive materials required for healing following
musculoskeletal trauma.
Short-wave diathermy is contraindicated in presence of pregnancy,
cardiac pacemaker, hemorrhage, thrombosis, peripheral vascular
diseases, metal implants, impaired sensations, anesthetic areas,
malignancy, following X-ray therapy, epileptic patients, mentally
retarded patients, patients who are unable to communicate and
those with fever.
Major precautions, should be taken while treating patients with
hearing aids, contact lenses and electrophysiological orthoses.
Basics of Electrotherapy
patient as high frequency current of short-wave diathermy does not
stimulate sensory and motor nerves and treatment can be controlled
Microwave diathermy can be defined as the therapeutic use of
microwaves for the treatment of various diseases and disorders.
Microwave diathermy is also called microthermy. Microwaves are
electromagnetic waves with wavelength in between one centimeter
and one meter. For physiotherapeutic purpose, high frequency current
of 2,450 MHz and wavelength 12.25 cm or 433.92 MHz and 69 cm are
used. Considering the electromagnetic spectrum, one can very well
note that the wavelength of microwaves lies between infrared and short
It is not possible to produce microwaves by mechanical means and
hence, they are produced from magnetron, which is a special type of
thermionic valve.
Functional Parts
Microwave diathermy apparatus consists of the following functional
parts; power supply, magnetron oscillator circuit, magnetron oscillator,
intensity control, coaxial cable and emitter. Power supply unit supplies
high voltage pulsed direct current and magnetron oscillator circuit
control adequate heating and cooling of magnetron (Fig. 5.3). The
primary function of magnetron oscillator is to produce high frequency
current required for the production of microwaves. Magnetron is a
special type of thermionic valve characterized by centrally placed
cathode, which is surrounded by circular type metal anode. The
anode has circular cavities that allow the production of circulating or
alternating current.
Coaxial cable carries high frequency currents from magnetron
and feeds it to the antenna of the emitter. Now the emitter is also
known as director or applicator. The emitter consists of antenna and
reflector. Antenna is mounted in front of a metal reflector. Reflector is
a metal plate, which directs the waves in only one direction. Emitters
are available in various sizes and shapes. The emitter can be kept in
contact with the body, if there is internal spacing in it, otherwise it
should be kept at a distance of 10 to 20 cm from the body surface
to be treated. Intensity knob controls output of the microwave by
varying the power supplied to the magnetron.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Dosages of microwave diathermy are, in acute conditions 5 to 10
minutes and in chronic conditions 20 to 30 minutes with an output,
which will produce just perceptible and comfortable warmth. It can
be measured and up to 200 watts can be given so as to raise the body
tissue temperature in therapeutic range of 40 to 45C.
Oudin current is rarely used nowadays due to the recognition of shortwave diathermy by most of the physiotherapists across the world. In
general, it is monoterminal high frequency current in the range of
long-wave band. It is often marketed as Heal-O-Ray or just by the name
high frequency unit. It fascinates the therapist as well as the patients.
This current may be preferred sometime in those patients who do not
respond to other forms of treatment. These patients like the sparking
sound that occurs during the treatment and the pinkish color in the
glass electrode. This current is applied through the glass vacuum
electrode. In administering this current, the glass electrode is held
close to the body part that is to be treated. When the current is applied
through the electrode, it produces sparking. This produces counterirritation and hyperemia.
This current may be considered in neuralgias, sprains, strains,
myositis and sluggish non-infected wounds and ulcers. One should
use this modality with caution, since literature about the treatment
parameters is not readily available. If this current is applied with high
intensity, high frequency and with very close proximity to the body, it
can produce electrodessication.
Basics of Electrotherapy
wax in melted status. Function of mains is to switch on or off the
heating element, which is located in the casing of paraffin wax bath
unit. Power pilot function is to show whether power is on or off.
Thermostat pilot lamp indicates whether thermostat is on or off.
Thermostat keeps the temperature fixed or static in the range, which
is adjusted with a knob. The cap covers the container when it is not
in use and casters allow the paraffin wax bath container to be moved
from one place to another.
Paraffin wax bath therapy is contraindicated in presence of open
wounds, since it may enter in the wound and act as a foreign body
and delay healing. Infective conditions should not be treated by
paraffin wax bath as it may increase the inflammatory process.
Allergic rashes, deep vein thrombosis, impaired sensations and skin
conditions like, acute dermatitis should not be treated with paraffin
wax bath therapy.
Methods of Application
Dip Method
Dip method provides mild heating. The patient should wash and dry
the part to be treated. The therapist instructs the patient to dip the
body part in the bath and then remove it until the paraffin solidifies,
and a thin layer of adherent solid paraffin is formed which covers the
skin. Dipping is repeated until a thick coat is formed. In other words,
at least 8 to 12 times until the wax has formed a thick glove over the
part. Once the thick glove of wax is formed, the treated area should be
wrapped first in plastic and then wrapped over with a towel. If edema
is a concern, then the area may be elevated. The effective duration
of this treatment is 10 to 15 minutes. At the end of this treatment,
the glove of solid wax is peeled off or removed by slipping a finger
beneath the glove and sliding the wax off and into the plastic sack,
which covered it during the treatment. The sack is then discarded or
the wax is emptied into the bath unit.
Immersion Method
Immersion method of application provides somewhat vigorous
heating. The body part to be treated is dipped three to four times
to form a thin coat and then left immersed in paraffin for 20 to 30
minutes. A thin glove of solid paraffin wax formed, slows the heat
conduction. Use of the immersion method requires cooperation
and tolerance by the patient in a dependent position. Care should
be taken to ensure that the patient is in a comfortable position
during the treatment. With the immersion method, the temperature
elevation of the body tissue is two degree celsius higher than the
dipping method.
Brush Method
Brush method is a less commonly used method of paraffin wax
application. In this method, 8 to 10 coats of wax are applied to the
area with a paint brush using even and rapid strokes. The area is then
wrapped with towel for 10 to 20 minutes and after this time paraffin
wax is removed and discarded.
Bandage Method
In this method, bandage of a suitable size and mesh is soaked in hot
wax and then it is wrapped around the limb. Additional wax then can
be poured or brushed over the bandage.
Technique of Application
Explain the procedure, expose the body part to be treated, remove
the jewelry, check the sensation, check for contraindications, inspect
the body part to be treated before, ensure the comfortable position
of the patient, check the temperature selected on thermostat before
treatment, double check or recheck by inserting finger into the bath.
Use any method of application which is convenient for you and your
patient, and apply paraffin wax, inspect the body part treated after the
treatment is done.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Hot pack is one of the superficial heating agents used for thermo
therapy. They are used to alleviate muscle spasm, increase range of
movement, and for pain relief. However, hot packs should not be
used in an area of impaired sensation, recent hemorrhage, open
wounds and impaired circulation.
Increase in tissue temperature is associated with vasodilation. As a
result of vasodilation, local increase in the blood supply, especially in
superficial tissue is likely to occur. It may be manifested by hyperemia.
Vasodilation may be due to release of chemical mediators, local spinal
cord reflex and cutaneous thermoreceptor.
Pain Relief
Hot packs can be used to obtain analgesia. Pain relief following
hot pack application may occur due to decreased nerve conduction
velocity or elevated pain threshold. It may be due to sedative or
counter-irritation effect by heat. Pain relief may occur due to relief of
muscle spasm if pain is associated with muscle spasm.
Muscle Spasm
Hot pack can bring about the relief of muscle spasm, but the exact
mechanism is unknown. It may be due to decreased alpha motor
neuron firing as a result of reduced muscle spindle activity.
Basics of Electrotherapy
pack machine. Wrap it in dry terry towel; usually six to eight layers
of towel are used in order to wrap the hydrocollator pack. Place the
pack wrapped in towel over the area of treatment, so that it will cover
the treatment area adequately. Do not secure it tightly so that patient
can remove it, if it becomes too hot. Ask the patient about sensation,
it should be mild and perceptible warmth and disregard the patients
feeling hotter the better.
Continue the treatment for 20 minutes and adjust the dosimetry
by varying the thickness of the terry towel which in turn slows down
the heat transfer. If the patient feels too hot, then increase the toweling
layer or remove the hydrocollator pack. Advice the patient not to lie
with body weight on the hydrocollator pack, since it may squeeze the
water; decrease circulation and thereby dissipate the heat. Advantages
of hot packs are; ease of application, it offers comfortable heat and it is
relatively inexpensive from purchase and maintenance point of view.
However, the disadvantages of hot packs are; there is no temperature
control once applied to the patient. It is sometimes awkward to secure
it in place, on a patient. Hot packs do not retain heat longer than 20
minutes, it is a passive form of the treatment and do not require any
active participation by the patient.
Kenny Packs
Kenny packs are named after Sister Kenny. Kenny pack consists of
a woolen cloth, which is steered and then surplus water content
is removed by spinning. The relatively dry pack is then applied
quickly to the skin. It is usually applied at a temperature of 60C.
As it contains little water, it has a little heat carrying capacity and
the temperature drops down suddenly to normal level within a span
of five minutes. It is a short-term but vigorous heating application,
which produces a marked reflex response.
container bag-like structures in which by moving the container a
compartment is broken. This allows ingredients to get mixed or
come together and produce elevation of temperature by exothermic
reaction. All these packs are poorly controlled. Ingredients are
irritating or harmful when outer pack breaks and the content comes
in contact with the skin. Hence, this type of application is least
Preparation of Apparatus
1. Select and collect necessary equipment and accessories like
electrodes, leads, straps, and draping material.
2. Inspect all wires and plugs for frayed or broken connections.
3. Check for current inspection sticker.
4. Turn on and check for leakage of current with current tester.
5. Turn on equipment and check to see that all components are
working properly.
Basics of Electrotherapy
6. Preset all dials to appropriate setting (intensity, mode, pulse
duration, pulse rate, duty cycle, treatment time and electrode
Testing of Apparatus
1. Test the apparatus on yourself, so as to confirm that it is
working properly.
Preparation of Patient
(You can prepare your patient with memory jogger SEE, S for sen
sation, E for explanation and E for exposure of body part)
1. Explain the procedure.
2. Expose the body part.
3. Check for sensation and contraindications.
4. Position the patient appropriately.
Application of Treatment
1. Choose the intensity as per the dosages recommended or use
an optimal intensity, so as to produce perceptible warmth.
2. Determine the appropriate parameters like mode and duty
3. Begin procedure and modify the procedure based upon the
patients response.
4. Perform the procedure.
Termination of Treatment
Short-wave diathermy is the most commonly used physiotherapeutic
modality for deep heating. Advantage of short-wave diathermy is that
the heat is produced in the body tissue and not transmitted through
the skin. Pulsed short-wave diathermy produces non-thermal effects
mainly, physiological effects and therapeutic effects. Uses of the
microwave diathermy are same as that of the short-wave diathermy.
Precautions should be taken while treating patients with increased
temperature, osteoporotic patients, pregnant women, patients with
intrauterine contraceptives, and female patients in the area of the
lower abdomen during menstruation. Oudin current is used rarely
and when applied through the glass electrode, it produces sparking.
The heat transfer during paraffin wax bath therapy occurs through
conduction from the layer of solid paraffin wax into the skin. Infective
conditions should not be treated by paraffin wax bath as it may
increase inflammatory process. Hot pack is one of the superficial
heating agents and increases the local temperature on its application.
Electrical heating pads are cheaper, flexible and can be used by the
patient at home.
Therapeutic Ultrasound
soft tissue conditions with mild heating. Ultrasonic therapy is better
than most of the other electrotherapeutic treatments because of its
effective depth of penetration. Hence, ultrasound is one of the most
commonly used physiotherapeutic modalities.
Principle of Production
It is not possible to produce ultrasound waves by mechanical means
and hence, they are produced by the application of rapid alternating
current to the crystal of piezoelectric substances. For this purpose,
crystal of quartz, barium titanate, lead zirconate, germanium, etc.
can be used. These crystals can produce ultrasonic waves on the basis
of reverse piezoelectric effect. In 1888, Pierrie and Marie described
the piezoelectric effect. The meaning of the word piezo is pressure.
Application of pressure, compression or deformation to the crystal
produces the electric changes in the crystal. In 1910, Langevin
described the reverse piezoelectric effect. Reverse piezoelectric effect
is the application of electricity or potential difference across the crystal,
which produces oscillations or deformation or pressure changes in
the crystal. From the ultrasonic point of view, the reverse piezoelectric
effect is the production of high frequency oscillations, from the crystal
of piezoelectric substances, by the application of high frequency
current (Memory trick: HFO of crystal by HFC).
Functional Parts
The functional parts of the ultrasonic generator are oscillator circuit,
controlling circuit, resistance circuit, coaxial cable, crystal and
transducer. Oscillator circuit produces high frequency alternating
current, resistance circuit controls the amplitude of the ultrasound
waves by controlling the amplitude of high frequency alternating
currents and controlling circuit produces the pulsed output. In addition
to this, there is a coaxial cable, which transfers the high frequency
current from the generator to the crystal. Crystal acts as the source
of ultrasound waves. Transducer or the head serves as an applicator.
Refer to Figure 6.1 for the block diagram.
Various controlling knobs or the parameters of ultrasound machine are,
mains, timer, intensity or output, meter, space ratio, etc. The function of
Basics of Electrotherapy
When power is supplied to the circuit, then oscillator circuit produces
the high frequency current. Pulse mode switches on the controlling
circuit and produces interrupted or pulsed output. The power or
output is then controlled by means of the resistance circuit.
The high frequency current produced by the generator is fed to the
crystal via the coaxial cable. It is applied by means of metal electrodes
on either side of the crystal, say, top and bottom of it. Application of
high frequency current cause repeated oscillations of crystal with a
high frequency and produce ultrasound waves. On the front side of
the crystal, metal plate or the diaphragm of the transducer is located
and on the backside of it, there is an air column. The air column on
the backside causes the emission of ultrasonic waves mostly from
the front side or the treatment aspect of the transducer. Therapeutic
ultrasound machine is shown in Figure 6.2.
Physiological Effects
Thermal Effects
When ultrasound waves are applied to the body tissues, those tissues
absorb them. As a result of absorption of ultrasound waves, heat is
produced inside the body tissue. This heat may be produced because
of the conversion of the sonic energy into thermal energy. If heat
dissipation equals generation, then there is no net rise in the local
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Basics of Electrotherapy
at periosteum level may occur and may lead to periosteal pain or
hot spots and hence, during the treatment subcutaneous bony
prominences may be avoided. Heating effect is also likely to be
increased because of friction between ultrasound head and body
tissue, non-moving ultrasound head, and if ultrasound is used
continuously, repeatedly without allowing sufficient time to cool off
the ultrasound machine.
Thermal effect increases vasodilation, cell activity, blood supply
and removes waste products and thereby facilitates resolution of
inflammation and promotes healing. The thermal effect also causes
increase in extensibility of fibrous tissues such as ligaments, joint
capsule and scar tissues.
Mechanical Effects
Mechanical or non-thermal effects of therapeutic ultrasound are
acoustic streaming, micromassage, standing waves and cavitations.
Acoustic streaming: Unidirectional flow of tissue fluids as a result
of insonation is termed as acoustic streaming. Acoustic streaming
increases permeability of cells.
Micromassage: Acoustic vibrations due to insonation produce a
form of micromassage effect in the tissues.
Standing waves: Stationary or standing waves pattern of ultrasonic
waves may develop, if there is cancellation effect of propagating and
reflected waves. Standing waves may produce blood cell stasis in the
vessels and hence measures like, moving the ultrasound head during
the treatment or using pulsed form, etc. should be taken, so as to
prevent the formation of standing waves pattern in the body tissues.
Cavitations: It is the formation of tiny gas bubbles in the tissues
as a result of insonation. The size of these gas bubbles is of a micron.
Cavitations may be stable or transient. In stable cavitations, gas
bubbles remains intact, size of bubbles does not change and there is
no considerable pressure and temperature change. On the contrary,
in case of transient cavitations there is rapid change in the volume
of bubbles. Collapsing of these bubbles causes considerable pressure
and temperature changes and hence transient cavitations can cause
gross damage to the tissues. To prevent the occurrence of cavitations,
adequate pressure with transducer should be exerted during the
application, pulsed output can be used, only suggested levels of
insonation should be used and any sort of discomfort to the patient
should be avoided during the treatment.
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Chemical Effects
Insonation enhances chemical reactions and processes occurring
at tissue level. The effect may be similar to a test tube shake in the
Therapeutic Effects
Therapeutic effects of insonation are pain relief, resolution of
inflammation and acceleration of healing.
Pain Relief
Pain can be relieved by ultrasonic therapy. Insonation can be used
for the relief of acute, subacute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Exactly, how it causes pain relief is not known. It may due to thermal
or non-thermal effects. Pain relief may occur due to resolution of
inflammation, removal of waste products or altered permeability of
cell membrane to sodium, which may alter the electrical activity or
pain threshold.
Insonation helps in the resolution of inflammation by increasing
blood supply, white blood cells and removal of waste products.
Hence, it can be used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions
and traumatic conditions to reduce the inflammation and prevent
adhesions of soft tissues.
Effect on Healing/Repair
Healing may occur by repair or regeneration. Repair is the replace
ment of damaged cells by some other cells, which are not exactly
similar in structure and function. Regeneration is the replacement
of damaged cells by the same cells, which are same in structure and
function. Human beings have lost their power of regeneration during
the evolutionary process and very little regeneration occurs in human
beings. Ultrasound facilitates the healing at all the three stages of
repair. During inflammatory phase, insonation increases the fragility
of lysosomes. As a result, there is release of autolytic enzymes. These
autolytic enzymes clear the debris. In proliferative phase, ultrasound
increases the proliferation of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Myofibroblasts are the cells, which contain fibril-like structure. In
remodeling phase, ultrasound facilitates remodeling of new tissues.
Therapeutic Uses
Therapeutic ultrasound has been applied to a vast range of conditions.
Few of the conditions, in which successful outcome is likely to occur
are; bursitis, tendonitis, plantar fascitis, plantar warts, calcaneal
spur, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, sacrolitis, coccydynia, low back
pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibrous nodules, rheumatic
nodules, venous ulcers, scars, pressure sores, Dupuytrens contracture,
later stages of myositis ossificans, phantom limb pain, frozen shoulder,
temporomandibular joint syndrome, Bells palsy, sports injuries,
surgical wounds, episiotomies, capsulitis, joint contractures, deepseated muscle spasm, calcific tendonitis, exostosis, causalgia, Sudecks
atrophy, Pyeronies disease, dislocations, sprains, etc.
Therapeutic ultrasound is contraindicated over metal implants, plastic
implants such as high-density polyethylene, acrylic im
plant and
implanted cardiac pacemakers. Insonation over these implants may
be harmful because of maximum absorption of acoustic vibrations,
increased heat production and interference with the function of
implants. Insonation is also contraindicated over specialized tissues
such as eyes, ears, ovaries or testes, as it may have harmful effects,
such as cavitations and may lead to irreparable damage.
An area, where there is presence of vascular problems such as
hemorrhage, hematoma, hemarthrosis, hemophilia, thrombosis,
thrombophlebitis, embolism, arteriosclerosis and ischemia should
not be treated with ultrasound. Insonation should not be applied in
the infected area, as there is possibility of spreading of infection to
the deeper level or to other patients through cross-contamination.
In tuberculous lesion, it may reactivate the dormant capsular lesion.
High doses of ultrasound should not be given over anesthetic areas,
so as to avoid possible skin damage because of heat.
Ultrasound should not be applied to areas that have received
radiotherapy within the last six months, as it may cause more
devitalization of the tissues. Ultrasound therapy over tumor/neoplasm
should be avoided as it may cause metastases. Treatment over or near
the abdomen of pregnant patient with ultrasound should be avoided
because it may produce untoward effects. Ultrasound therapy over
Therapeutic Ultrasound
spina bifida is generally avoided as it may have an adverse effect on
spinal cord. Similarly, treatment over cervical ganglia or over vagus
nerve is dangerous in patients who suffer from cardiac diseases.
Methods of Application
Various methods by which insonation can be applied are bath
method, bag method and contact cream method (You can remember
them with BBC).
Basics of Electrotherapy
body surfaces. During insonation
with this method, ultrasonic head
should be kept in perfect contact with
body tissues, head should be kept at
right angle to the body surface treated
and adequate pressure should be
Container Method
Apply the ultrasonic gel on the bottom of a suitable container and
fill it with water. Place the treatment head under the bottom of the
Therapeutic Ultrasound
container. It produces ripple-like appearance in the water when
output is increased.
Thenar Eminence
Apply ultrasonic gel to your left thenar eminence. Keep the ultra
sound head over this, increase the output and move the ultrasound
head slowly in a circular fashion after adjusting the output by right
hand. You may feel slight warmth, which suggest that the ultrasound
is working properly.
In acute conditions, the dose should be 0.25 to 0.5 watts/cm
for two to three minutes. In chronic conditions, it can be increased to
0.8 to 2 watts/cm. Use three megahertz for superficial lesions and one
megahertz for deep lesions. Any strict guidelines about the number of
treatments, is not there. But usually up to 12 treatments on everyday
or on alternate days can be given and after 12 treatments insonation
should be stopped for at least a week before once again repeating it.
Alternatively, you can watch the patients symptoms and if patient
complains of deep bone pain, then it suggests that there is overdose. In
case of overdose, occasionally the patient may have general symptoms
such as fever. Following overdose, you can reduce the intensity of
application on subsequent treatments, reduce the treatment time or
stop the treatment with ultrasound.
Pulsed Ultrasound
During the early use of this modality, only continuous ultrasound was
used and the intensity was selected in such a way that it produced
appreciable thermal change. But slowly it was recognized that nonthermal effects can have more mechanical effects and direct effects on
the nerves, and hence the use of lower intensity and the pulsed form
came into practice. In the pulsed form of therapeutic ultrasound, the
output of ultrasound commences and ceases at regular interval. The
pulse duration and the interval can be adjusted by pulse ratio. The
pulse ratio is the ratio of pulse length duration of each pulse to the
interval duration in successive pulses.
Various pulse ratios commonly used are 1:1, 1:4, 1:7 and 1:10.
Usually, the pulse duration is two millisecond but the pulse interval
can be varied in the multiples of two millisecond, so as to get
different ratios. When the pulse ratio is 1:1 then the output of each
Basics of Electrotherapy
pulse is two millisecond and the interval between the pulses is also
two millisecond, when the pulse ratio is 1:4 that means, output is two
millisecond but the pulse interval is eight millisecond. Pulse ratio is
often termed as space ratio. Alternatively, the space ratio can also
be expressed in terms of duty cycle, which is the ratio of the pulse
length to the total length of the pulse, plus pulse interval. Thus, when
we choose the pulse ratio of 1:4 that means, two millisecond pulse
duration and eight millisecond pulse interval then, it means the duty
cycle will be 20 percent.
Pulsed ultrasound produces very minimal thermal effects, but
it produces maximum mechanical or non-thermal effects. Hence,
pulsed output of the ultrasound is preferred in acute conditions,
bony prominences, for phonophoresis, for mechanical effects, as in
case of scars and adhesions and in an area of the treatment, where
the satisfactory movement of transducer is not possible as in case
of coccydynia (SP, BAM where S for satisfactory movement of head
impossible, P for phonophoresis, B for bone, A for acute and M for
mechanical effects).
Phonophoresis is the transfer of drugs in ointment or gel form
through the skin under the influence of ultrasound. It is also called
ultrasonophoresis or sonophoresis. The initial reports about this
technique appeared in 1960s and 70s. Phonophoresis is believed
to be an effective method of transferring the medication into an
area without having to undergo painful and sometimes poorly
placed injections. By this technique, the hazard of injection and
accompanying apprehension can be avoided. Phonophoresis with
hydrocortisone can be used in psoriasis, scleroderma, pruritus and
chronic tendonitis. Phonophoresis with iodine is recommended in
scars, adhesive joint disorders, calcific deposits, etc.
Phonophoresis with lidocaine can be used for local anesthetic
effect. Phonophoresis with salicylate ointment can be used for pain
relief in various musculoskeletal conditions. Piroxicam ointment
for pain relief, gives satisfactory results. For phonophoresis, use
lower frequencies such as one megahertz, pulsed output, higher
concentration of the drug and easily soluble drugs so that the desired
effect can be achieved.
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Combination Therapy
In order to achieve treatment goals, therapeutic ultrasound can be
applied in combination with an other modality and this technique
of applying two modalities together is termed as combination
therapy. Ultrasound can be combined with surged faradic current,
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), interferential
current and iontophoresis. The concept of ultrasound and
iontophoresis has a lot of practical limitations. Ultrasound with surged
faradic current or single channel TENS or bipolar interferential current
can be applied by placing one electrode over the convenient area and
connecting the other electrode to the ultrasound applicator, by means
of an alligator pin or through the machine, if such facility is available
in the ultrasonic machine. Bearing in mind the different treatment
durations of ultrasound and TENS, interferential current and faradic
stimulation, this technique may not be very effective.
The word extracorporeal means outside the body and refers to the fact
that the shockwaves are generated outside the body. Extracorporeal
shockwaves are the pressure waves generated outside the body that
can be focused at a specific site within the body. Shockwaves are
characterized by high positive pressures from 5 to 100 MPa for 10
milliseconds, that is over 100 times atmospheric pressure. The energy
pulse quite literally breaks the sound barrier, and this is what creates
the shockwave. A shockwave is an intense, but very short energy wave
traveling faster than the speed of sound.
The basic science behind ESWT is analogous to lithotripsy,
the technology that uses acoustic shockwaves to break up kidney
stones without surgery. The technique of using shockwaves to break
up kidney stones has been around for nearly a quarter century
now, and in the process of treating thousands and thousands of
patients, it was found that many people undergoing the procedure
had other unrelated aches and pains disappear. It was at this point
that scientists began to consider that shockwaves may have an
effect to heal other sorts of tissues. Specialized machines were then
developed specifically with the idea of using these shockwaves on
other parts of the body, and this was the origin of ESWT for other
Basics of Electrotherapy
conditions. ESWT was commonly used in the past for the treatment
of kidney stones, but in more recent years, this type of technology
has become popular in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.
Mechanism of Action
There are a couple of theories, as to how ESWT helps promote healing.
The most accepted one is that the microtrauma of the repeated
shockwave to the affected area creates neovascularization into the area
and neovascularization promotes tissue healing. The second theory
is that shockwave therapy induces acute inflammatory response that
promotes healing.
Presently, ESWT is recommended for plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow,
plantar heel spurs (Fig. 6.4), supra -and infrapatellar tendonitis,
calcific tendonitis of shoulder, supraspinatus tendonitis, Achilles
tendonitis, tendo-Achilles tendinitis, pseudoarthrosis, stress frac
tures, Mortons neuroma and recalcitrant diabetic wounds.
Various contraindications for this procedure include pregnancy,
tumors, patients on anticoagulants, impaired sensation, peripheral
vascular disorders, metal implant, acute rupture of ligaments and
tendon, epiphyseal region, area of infection, and patients who are
unable to communicate. Occasionally, tingling, aching, redness,
Therapeutic Ultrasound
or bruising are reported as side effects of this treatment, but these
symptoms are of short duration.
Ultrasound can produce thermal or non-thermal effects. Acoustic
streaming increases the permeability of the cells. Ultrasonic therapy
can be used for pain relief. Therapeutic ultrasound accelerates the
healing and can be used in vast conditions. Various precautions to be
taken while treating a patient with ultrasound are: Check the thermal
sensation prior to the ultrasound application, use the suggested levels
of ultrasound dosages, move the ultrasound head, avoid superficial
bony prominences, avoid excess sensation of heat during the treatment,
do not keep the ultrasound head in air when the output is on, maintain
perfect contact in between the ultrasound head and the body tissues,
etc. Pulsed ultrasound produces very minimal thermal effects, but it
produces maximal mechanical or non-thermal effects. Extracorporeal
shockwaves are the pressure waves that are generated outside the
body and these waves can be used for the treatment of various
musculoskeletal conditions like calcific deposits and tendonitis.
cryotherapy (HYPOTHERMY)
The therapeutic use of local cold application for the treatment of
various diseases and disorders is known as cryotherapy. In the past,
it was often termed as hypothermy. Personally, I prefer to call it as
hypothermy. Heat abstraction or cooling by cryotherapeutic agents
mostly occurs by conduction except in case of vapocoolant spray.
The magnitude of cooling depends on: area of body surface exposed
to cold, A time of exposure, temperature difference between body
tissues and cooling agent, thermal conductivity of the tissues and
type of cooling agent. The physics of cooling is based on Newtons
law of cooling.
Physiological Effects
Physiological effects of cryotherapy are reduced body temperature,
reduction in blood supply, reduction in metabolism and behavioral
Body Temperature
Cold causes fall in local body temperature. However, severe local
cooling may result in hypothermia. Hypothermia is a condition
where the core temperature is below 35C. It may be a life-threatening
Circulatory Effect
Cold application causes reflex vasoconstriction of cutaneous vessels.
Application of cold causes increase in sympathetic nerves activity,
smooth muscle contraction and may increase the viscosity of blood. All
these changes result in reduced blood flow in the area that is directly
cooled. However, when the temperature is reduced below 10C then,
cold-induced reflex vasodilation may occur. Reflex vasodilation tends
to occur in a cyclic manner and is believed to result from an axon reflex.
Reflex vasodilation following cold application was first recognized
and reported by Lewis, in 1930. The repeated cyclic vasodilation and
vasoconstriction is known as Huntingtons reaction. Cooling more
than 10C causes pain. Pain impulse or afferent impulse is carried
antidromically towards skin arterioles. It leads to liberation of H
substance and thereby vasodilation. Once again, continued cooling
causes vasoconstriction and these events are repeated.
Cooling of tissue decreases the metabolic activity and hence, the
energy and oxygen requirements of cells get reduced. This effect is
one of the most important effects of cryotherapy especially from the
acute injury point of view.
Behavioral Changes
Person receiving cold application for prolonged time may adopt a
contracted posture. Arms and legs may be drawn up to the body by
which the surface area exposed to cooling can be minimized. It is
said that contracted posture can reduce the heat loss by up to 60
Therapeutic Effects
Pain Relief
Cold is one of the highly effective physiotherapeutic modality in
relieving pain. It is commonly used for the relief of acute pain. It
can also be used for the relief of acute exacerbation of pain with a
chronic background. Pain relief may occur due to counter-irritation,
reduced nerve conduction, decreased inflammatory process and
relief of muscle spasm.
Muscle Spasm
Cryotherapy is effective in relieving the muscle spasm. Relief of
spasm may occur due to decreased muscle spindle activity and
secondary to the relief of pain.
Basics of Electrotherapy
It may bring about early resolution of inflammation by reducing
vascular or cellular component of inflammation as a result of
Cold application can reduce the swelling following an acute injury.
It may be due to vasoconstriction of arterioles and reduction in
extravasations of fluid into interstitial space.
Cryotherapy is one of the very effective modalities in the treatment
of acute injuries. Cryotherapy reduces pain, bleeding and swelling.
In addition to this, cryotherapy increases the survival rate of the
tissues. Death of cells following injury may occur due to hypoxia and
increased enzyme activity. Hypoxia may occur due to physical tears of
blood vessels, edema and vascular congestion. Since the cryotherapy
application reduces metabolism and enzyme activity, the survival rate
of the damaged tissues increases.
Muscle Tone
Cryotherapy can reduce the muscle tone. Hence, it is used in the
treatment of spasticity. Reduction in spasticity may occur due to
decreased activity of efferent gamma fibers.
Agility or motor skill gets reduced by cold application. Thus, even
though cold reduces spasticity but to teach a motor task after cold
application is somewhat difficult.
Peripheral nerves: Cold can reduce the velocity of sensory
conductivity, motor nerve conductivity and synaptic activity, if the
temperature of the nerve decreases. Cooling below 12C may cause
paralysis of local sensory and motor nerves.
Basics of Electrotherapy
nerves are superficial such as, medial epicondyle, axilla and head of
fibula. Precautions should also be taken while treating a patient with
cardiovascular disease. While treating a patient with hypertension,
monitor the blood pressure throughout the treatment.
Methods of Application
Vapocoolant sprays, ice cube massage, cold packs, ice packs, ice
towels, cold immersion, compressive cryotherapy and chemical cold
packs can be used to apply cryotherapy.
Vapocoolant Sprays
Vapocoolant sprays or cryogesic sprays (Fig. 7.1) are commonly used
in the management of sports injuries. The most common type of
vapocoolant spray used in physiotherapy is fluoromethane. In past,
ethyl chloride vapocoolant sprays were used. But ethyl chloride is
flammable, explosive and should not be inhaled. Hence, nowadays,
ethyl chloride sprays are rarely used. The spray removes heat from the
skin underlying tissue and can be felt like a cool jet stream of fluid on
the skin. Spray can be applied along with stretch. The advantage of the
spray is, it can be used at home and it takes very little time to apply the
Technique of application: First demonstrate it to the patient by
applying it on yourself. Then you can apply it on the patient by tilting
the spray bottle upside down and aligning it at 30C to the body part,
hold it at 45 cm away from the body part and then apply the spray
in a parallel sweep fashion, with
a speed of 10 cm per second.
You can apply the spray so as to
cover the area twice or thrice.
This will cause adequate cooling
of the body part. If more spray
is indicated, then the body part
must be re-warmed to avoid
injury to the skin.
Ice Massage
Ice massage is usually done
over a small area. Ice massage
is used for pain relief in local
area and facilitation of muscle
contraction. Muscle contraction can be facilitated by rapid and brief
application over the skin dermatome. Massage with ice is simple
and inexpensive. Ice cubes are easily available and hence, it is one
of the easily accessible modality to the therapist as well as patient.
It is usually applied over bursa, tendon, muscle belly, trigger point
(before deep massage) and small areas of muscle spasm. Ice massage
can be taught to patients so that it can be used at home.
Technique of application: Water can be frozen in paper cups to
make handling of the ice by the physiotherapist easier. The cup is
peeled back as the ice melts. As an alternative, water may be frozen
in a wax or styrofoam cup with a wooden tongue stick (ice lollipops)
in the middle so that the person applying ice will not get cold. Ice
cubes from household fridge also can be used for ice massage.
During application, a towel can be used to wipe water seepage from
the treated area because excess water will be cold and will make
the patient uncomfortable. Ice is rubbed over the skin by using
small overlapping circles. An area of 10 to 15 cm can be treated in
5 to 10 minutes. If a larger area is involved then, any other method
of applying cryotherapy should be considered. The treatment takes
usually 5 to 10 minutes for the area to have reduced sensation. Patient
will usually experience four distinct sensations, including intense
cold, numbness, burning, aching and then analgesia. When the
patient touches the area and finds inability to feel the touch sensation,
the treatment is completed. Ice massage produces analgesia and
continues to do so for three to five minutes after treatment. To take
maximum advantage of analgesic effect, manual therapy should be
done immediately after the ice massage.
Cold Packs
Cold packs are canvas bags containing silicate gel. Cold packs
are available in various sizes and shapes to contour the area to
be treated. These packs can be stored in a special refrigerator
unit or in a household freezer. Storage temperature should be
5C for at least two hours before use. These packs are reusable, do
not reduce the skin temperature as quickly as ice bags, the patients
who do not like the cold therapy can tolerate them, cold packs can
easily mold to the body part and they do not open easily as ice packs.
Technique of application: After removal of a cold pack from
refrigerator, it is applied on top of the body part to be treated. Keep
checking at frequent intervals. For hygienic reasons, a layer of towel
Basics of Electrotherapy
can be placed between the pack and the skin surface. Patient should
not lie on the top of the cold pack. Many physiotherapists apply a wet
towel first to the skin and then apply the cold pack and cover it with
another towel or a sheet to insulate the area. If the towel is wet with
the room temperature or lukewarm water, the initial contact will be
more comfortable for the patient. A strap can secure the cold pack
so that the area is well supported. Cold packs are usually applied for
20 minutes. After the removal of cold pack from the treatment area,
they should be refrozen for at least two hours before the next use of
them. For the longer use, the pack should be replaced with another
cold pack.
Ice Packs
Here, a plastic bag is filled with crushed ice. It can be placed directly
on the body part or with wet towel in between patients skin and ice
bag. Ice pack or bag treatment time ranges from 10 to 20 minutes.
They are particularly of help in the treatment of patients who had
undergone surgery. Ice packs in these patients can reduce the
swelling and decrease pain.
Ice Towels
Superficial cooling may be achieved by the use of ice towels. Here,
terry towel is placed in a bucket containing flaked ice and water then
wrung out and applied to the part. It may be used for 5 to 10 minutes
for analgesia to occur. Larger area may be covered but the towel needs
to be replaced frequently as it warms up rapidly. Treatment with ice
towels can be given for up to 20 minutes. Many physiotherapists use
this method for cryokinetics or cryostretching techniques.
Cold Immersion
Here, extremity is immersed for three to five seconds in slush bath
and then it is removed from bath. Ice immersion can be effectively
used for the treatment of extremities.
Compressive Cryotherapy
Here, the compressive pumps provide external pressure and cold
water to an extremity through the sleeve. It is used to reduce swelling
in an area and to prevent loss of function. These machines apply
intermittent pressure to the body part, so as to increase the interstitial
pressure and pump the fluid back into the venous system. Pressure
values used to treat upper extremity are 40 to 60 mm Hg and for lower
extremity approximately 60 to 80 mm Hg (10 mm less than diastolic
blood pressure of the patient). Usually the on and off time ratio is 3:1.
Treatment time varies and usually lasts for 10 to 15 minutes. With
some larger units, two limbs may be treated simultaneously. These
machines are used at sports medicine centers for the treatment of
sprains, strains, and contusions for reducing edema in acute injuries.
Patients with circulatory problems, possibly will have extreme
difficulty in tolerating this treatment.
Therapeutic use of local cold application for the treatment of various
diseases and disorders is known as cryotherapy. Cold causes fall in
local body temperature. Cold application can reduce the pain, muscle
spasm and swelling following an acute injury. Vapocoolant spray,
ice cube massage, cold packs, ice packs, ice towels, cold immersion,
compressive cryotherapy and chemical cold packs can be used
to apply cryotherapy. While treating a patient with hypertension,
monitor the blood pressure throughout the treatment.
LASER is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated
emission of radiation. In very simple words, laser is a beam of
radiation, which is used for various purposes. Lasers are termed
as magic rays since, they have enormous applications in different
fields. For physiotherapeutic purpose, therapeutic laser is used.
Therapeutic laser is also known as low intensity laser, soft laser, cold
laser, medical laser, and class 3A and 3B laser.
Historical Aspects
Historically, Einstein was the first person who gave an account of
stimulated emission. In 1953, MASER (Microwave amplification
by stimulated emission of radiation) was discovered. In 1955,
Dr Theodore Maiman devised a working model for the production of
laser from Ruby crystal. In 1960, Bennett, Javan and Herriott discovered
Helium Neon laser. In 1962, White and Ridgen produced visible red
laser with 632.8 nm wavelength. In 1964, Flock and Zueng for the first
time used laser for surgery. From 1980 onwards, therapeutic laser is
used for physiotherapeutic applications.
Laser has unique characteristics, which differentiate it from
other forms of light. Various characteristic features of laser are
monochromaticity, coherence and collimation. (You can remember
them with CMC where C stands for coherence, M for monochromaticity
and C for collimation).
Here, the word mono means single and chromaticity means color. On
its emission, laser produces single pure color. It produces single pure
color because, it has one specific wavelength. Laser light entering
a prism would be identical on exit because it is monochromatic.
On the other hand, white light is made up of many different colors
or wavelengths and when it passes through a prism, it produces a
rainbow of colors.
Laser rays are synchronous to each other. This property of synchronicity
is termed as coherence. Crest and trough of individual rays match
each other. Laser rays are synchronous to each other in space, i.e. they
travel in the same direction and this coherence is known as spatial
coherence. Laser rays are also coherent to each other in relation to
time and this type of coherence is known as temporal coherence.
Analogy about the coherence can be done with army soldiers when
they are marching in step in the same direction and wearing the same
Collimation is also termed as non-divergence. Laser rays travel
parallel to each other rather than diverging from each other, this
property is known as collimation. Collimation does not occur in
other forms of light for example, bulb and battery. In case of bulb
and battery, the rays divert since they consist of many different
wavelengths and they spread out in all directions. If sunlight is called
crowd scattering after explosion of tear gas, then laser light can
be called disciplined military drill. It is said that the laser rays can
travel up to the moon from earth in parallel to each other, with very
negligible divergence.
Basics of Electrotherapy
or therapeutic laser. The average power of cold laser is less than
60 mW. This power is below the power which causes tissue heating.
Hot laser is also known as high intensity laser or surgical laser. Here
the average power is above the power which causes tissue heating.
The power of hot laser is more than 60 mW.
Lasers Features
There is a variation in the effects of laser depending upon its
wavelength. This leads to application of different wavelengths for
different indications. Please refer to Table 8.1 for further details.
Table 8.1: Laser features
300 to 350
350 to 450
500 to 700
and stimulation of
Wounds and
ulcers healing
700 to 850
and stimulation of
Wounds and
ulcers healing
850 to 1,000
Analgesic effect
Classes 1, 2 & 3A
Class 3B
Class 4
Laser name
Pulsed or
Medical use
Coagulation of tumors
Ti: Sapphire
Semiconductor lasers
Biostimulation and
Kidney stones
PDT, dermatology
193, 248,
Gas lasers
Basics of Electrotherapy
633, 3390
Dermatology, surgery
Production of Laser
Principle of Production
Laser is produced from the substances which are capable of pro
ducing laser rays on the basis of stimulated emission of radiation.
Functional Parts
A Laser device consists of three chief components such as lasing
medium, energy source and mechanical structure (Remember with
MEL and not MEL GIBSON).
Lasing medium: It is a material, which is capable of producing
laser. It may be gaseous, liquid, solid crystal or semiconductor.
Energy source: An energy source is used to excite the lasing medium.
This excitation is usually electrical. It is also known as flashgun.
Mechanical structure: It is central chamber-like structure, which
contains the lasing medium. It has two mirrors at either end. Out of
these two mirrors, one is for reflection of photons of light back and
across the chamber. Other mirror in addition to reflection, serves as
an exit for the output of photons of light or laser (Fig. 8.1).
When an energy particle or a photon is applied to the atom of lasing
medium, it may be absorbed or reflected back. When the atom absorbs
it then, there is a change in its electron configuration. An electron may
jump from lower energy level to higher energy level. An atom with
change in its electronic configuration is termed as an excited atom.
Atom cannot remain in an excited state for long time and tries to
seek its original or ground state. In order to achieve its ground status,
atom emits back the absorbed energy. It is emitted spontaneously
and termed as spontaneous emission. If spontaneous emission is
allowed to take place then, laser rays will not be emitted because the
energy level necessary to achieve this may not be obtained. Hence,
when the atom is in its excited state, then an additional energy is
applied so that the atom emits its excess of energy immediately. This
emission is known as stimulated emission. Since the emitted energy
is more than what is supplied it is known as amplification. Excess of
energy is emitted in the form of photons of light. When these photons
are emitted, they are likely to be collected inside the mechanical
chamber and when they move from one place to another they may
hit one of the mirrors. When they hit the mirror they are reflected
back. Once they are reflected back, they travel further through the
lasing medium and increase the amplification process further. As a
result, more and more photons are accumulated in the mechanical
chamber. When the number of photons is more than what can be
accommodated in the mechanical chamber, they are then emitted
out of the semipermeable mirror or the mirror that has an exit. The
emitted photons are in the form of laser. They are carried by fiberoptic
cable to the probe for treatment purpose.
Effects of Laser
Pain Relief
Laser has got an analgesic effect. It can be used in the treatment
of acute as well as chronic musculoskeletal pain. Exactly, how it
brings pain relief is not known. It may be as a result of endorphin
secretion or due to reduced serotonin level or as per the gate control
theory. Laser can be applied at trigger points, acupuncture points or
at the site of pain. Personally, I never came across any patient who
Basics of Electrotherapy
immediately felt pain relief with laser, but my patients always told
me that they felt pain relief after a few hours. It may suggest that
unlike few other electrotherapy modalities, therapeutic laser takes
some time to exhibit this effect. However, it may be confirmed in
future through research. Usually, 8 to 12 treatment sessions may be
required for the satisfactory pain relief, but if there is no satisfactory
pain relief then, laser treatment can be stopped and any other
alternative may be thought of for pain relief.
Tissue Healing
It is said that laser accelerates wounds and ulcers healing. It may
be due to increased phagocytosis, facilitation of collagen synthesis,
increased wound closure and wound contracture following
irradiation with laser. Cummings (1985) performed experiments on
rats and treated the artificial wounds in rats with daily laser, alternate
laser and sham laser. He found that there was greater healing in those
rats, that were treated with alternate day laser application than daily
or sham laser. Cummings experiment may suggest that therapeutic
laser can accelerate wounds and ulcer healing. There are various
explanations or theories to explain the therapeutic lasers efficiency
in the treatment of wounds and ulcer healing. Biostimulation
theory: Laser stimulate all kinds of biological functions including
biochemical, physiological and proliferative activities. It assists in
proliferation of fibroblasts, re-epithelization and remodeling. Laser
also stimulates intracellular components such as mitochondria, DNA,
RNA and other substances, which are vital for growth and repair.
Photochemical theory: Chromophores are enzymes or membrane
molecules. They are photoacceptors, i.e. they absorb different lights
like laser. When the laser is absorbed by chromophores they get
excited and exert biostimulative effects as above.
In physiotherapy, laser is used mainly for pain relief and for the
acceleration of wound healing. Therapeutic laser is used in many
musculoskeletal conditions for pain relief. Various conditions in
which laser can be used for this purpose are, rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoarthritis, bursitis, periarthritis, bicipital tendonitis, tenosynovitis,
ankle sprain, trigger finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow,
chronic low back pain, sports injuries, etc. For healing, it can be used
in wounds, chronic ulcers (Fig. 8.2), incisions, etc.
Therapeutic laser is contraindi
cated in pregnancy, especially
its application around pelvis.
It should not be applied at the
site of tumors. Exposure to
eyes with therapeutic laser is
contraindicated as it may lead
to opacity of lens (Fig. 8.3). It
should not be applied in an
area of hemorrhage, cardiac
pacemaker, thrombosis and
unclosed fontanels of children,
etc. (Memorize them with
PHEN, CTC where P stands for
pregnancy, H for hemorrhage,
E for eyes, N for neoplasm or
tumor, C for cardiac pacemaker,
T for thrombosis and C for
Basics of Electrotherapy
Sites of Application
Therapeutic laser can be applied with the point probe (Fig. 8.6) or
cluster probe. Various sites of application for pain relief are site of
pain, trigger point, tender spots, acupuncture points, etc. It can be
applied by contact or non-contact technique. In contact technique,
laser is applied by keeping the probe in contact with the skin or at a
distance of few millimeter from the skin. (You can memorize these
sites with SATT where S stands for site of pain, A for acupuncture
point, T for trigger point and T for tender spots).
Infrared rays are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of 750 to
4,00,000 nm. Infrared rays are also called thermiogenic rays, since
these rays produce heat when they are absorbed by the body tissue.
Depending on wavelength, infrared rays are classified as short-wave
infrared and long-wave infrared. Short-wave infrared rays are also
called near infrared rays. Wavelength of short-wave infrared rays ranges
in between 750 to 1,500 nm. Long-wave infrared rays are also called far
infrared rays. Wavelength of these rays is above 1,500 nm. Infrared rays
are also classified as, infrared A, B and C. Infrared A have wavelength
between 750 to 1,400 nm, wavelength of infrared B is in the range of
1,400 to 3,000 nm and wavelength of infrared C ranges between 3,000
nm to 1 mm.
Any body with high temperature than the surrounding can emit
infrared rays and hence, sun is mainly the natural source of infrared
radiation. However, in physiotherapy, various types of artificial
infrared generators are used, for practical purposes. These generators
can be divided into two types namely, non-luminous and luminous.
Non-luminous Generators
Non-luminous generators are also called low temperature gene
rators. These generators produce only infrared rays and hence,
they are not visible. These generators are heated by the passage
of electric current through a bare wire or carbon, held in a
suitable non-conducting material like porcelain, mounted at the
center of a parabolic reflector. Small non-luminous units draw
50 to 300 watts of power and larger ones draw up to 1,500 watts.
These generators emit only infrared rays. All non-luminous
generators emit infrared rays in between 750 to 15,000 nm. The
maximum emission of the rays is around 4,000 nm.
Luminous Generator
Luminous generators (Fig. 8.7) are also called high temperature
generators. Luminous generators emit visible rays, ultraviolet rays
and infrared rays and hence, they are visible. These generators are
in the form of incandescent bulbs. An incandescent bulb consists
of a wire filament enclosed in a glass bulb, which may or may not
contain inert gas at low pressure. The filament is a coil of fine wires
usually made of tungsten. This material tolerates repeated heating
and cooling. The exclusion of air prevents the oxidation of filament,
which would cause an opaque deposit to form inside the bulb. The
wattage of the bulb may vary from 60 to 1,000 watts, though the use
of bulbs with higher wattage is discouraged because of the danger
of explosion during the treatment. Incandescent bulb is generally
mounted at the center of the parabolic reflector and the reflector
is mounted on an adjustable stand. All luminous generators emit
Basics of Electrotherapy
Depth of Penetration
Maximum effective penetration of infrared rays is three centimeter,
however, it may vary from 0.1 millimeter to a few centimeter. It is said
that infrared rays from non-luminous generators have less depth of
penetration as compared to that of luminous generators.
Grothus Law
Grothus law is also known as Grothus-Draper law. It states that, the
rays must be absorbed to produce the effect and the effect will be
produced at the point at which the rays are absorbed. I always explain
this law to my students with a very simple analogy. I say you will pass
the exam provided you will study and you will pass those subjects
which you study. In another words, to pass you should study, but by
studying electrotherapy, you will pass only in electrotherapy and not
in any other subject. Although, this is not a perfect analogy, it helps
me explain the law to my students.
Cosine Law
Cosine law is also known as Lamberts Cosine law. Cosine law
explains the effect of angle at which the rays strike. It states that the
proportion of rays absorbed varies as per the cosine of the angle
between incident and normal. Thus, larger the angle at which the
rays strike to the body surface, lesser will be the absorption and vice
versa. If the rays strike at 90 to the body part then angle between the
incident and normal or perpendicular will be zero and the cosine of
0 is maximum, that is one. Thus, there will be maximum absorption,
if the rays will strike the body part at 90 as per this law. Hence, we
always try to apply the infrared rays in such a way that they strike at
the 90 angles to the body part to be treated.
Beer-Lambert Law
Degree of absorption depends on the wavelengths of radiation and
nature of the absorbing material.
Kirchhoffs Law
Kirchhoffs law states that good radiators are good absorbers.
Wiens Law
Wiens law states that the wavelength of maximal emission is
inversely proportional to the absolute temperature of the source, so
that hotter the source, shorter is the wavelength of emitted rays.
Stefan-Boltzman Law
Stefan, Boltzman law states that the output of the infrared lamp will
depend on the temperature of the element and its radiating area.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Physiological Effects
When infrared rays are applied to the body, they are absorbed by it.
As a result of absorption of infrared rays, the electromagnetic energy
is converted into the thermal energy and thus heat is produced. The
principle physiological effect of the infrared rays on the body is heat
production. An infrared ray applicator is shown in figure 8.8. Other
physiological effects occur as a result of heat production. Various
physiological effects of infrared rays are local rise in temperature,
increased activity of sweat glands, increased metabolism,
vasodilation and relaxation of muscle tissue. On extensive or the
general treatment of the entire body, there is general rise in body
temperature and fall in blood pressure.
Therapeutic Effects
The different therapeutic effects of infrared rays are pain relief,
muscle relaxation and increased blood supply. The analgesic effect
of infrared rays is not well understood. Mild heating with infrared
rays may cause pain relief due to sedation. But, strong heating may
cause irritation and relieve pain by counter-irritation. Pain relief may
occur due to relaxation of muscle spasm. Infrared rays can relieve the
muscle spasm due to decreased firing of gamma spindles within the
muscle. Pain relief may also occur due to removal of pain substance
as a result of increased blood supply and vasodilation, if pain is
associated with the accumulation of waste products.
Infrared rays are commonly used in the treatment of subacute and
chronic inflammatory conditions, in areas which are accessible
to exposure. Various forms of arthritis such as, osteoarthritis and
rheumatoid arthritis where joints are painful and the pressure by
other modalities like hot packs, etc. on it, must be avoided, then
infrared rays can be a treatment of choice. Skin conditions such
as furunculosis, folliculitis, etc. can be treated with infrared rays.
Infrared rays can be used as a preliminary modality before stretching
exercises. It can also be used in the treatment of Bells palsy for the
relief of pain at the root of ear. Infrared rays application in Bells
palsy may also be of a value since it may produce perspiration which
will reduce the skin resistance and facilitate electrical stimulation
of facial muscles. Muscle spasm of traumatic and non-traumatic
orthopedic origin can also be very well treated with infrared rays.
Various contraindications to local heating are fever, pelvic region in
pregnancy, over malignant area, impaired sensations, anesthetic area,
advanced cardiac disease, eczema, dermatitis, impaired circulation,
non-inflammatory edema, altered consciousness, he
conditions, varicose veins, patients who are in extremes of age and
following X-ray therapy.
Basics of Electrotherapy
75 cm. During irradiation of the face, cover the face, eyes and hair.
Eyes should be protected by moist cotton packs, otherwise opacities
of lens may occur.
Ultraviolet rays are invisible rays with wavelengths between 10
to 400 nm. Ultraviolet rays are of three types namely ultraviolet
A, B and C. Although, ultraviolet rays are emitted by the sun,
for physiotherapeutic treatment ultraviolet generators (Fig. 8.9)
produce them. Most of these generators produce ultraviolet rays
from mercury. Various generators such as high-pressure mercury
vapor lamp, low-pressure mercury vapor lamp, fluorescent tubes,
Kromayer lamp, PUVA box, theraktin tunnel, etc. can be used for
physiotherapeutic applications.
esophylactic effect, antibiotic effect, vitamin D formation and general
tonic effect.
Erythema Reaction
Absorption of ultraviolet rays produces erythema reaction char
acterized by redness of the skin. This erythema is produced mainly
because of ultraviolet rays with wavelengths in between 250 to 297
nm. The severity of erythema depends on the intensity of chemical
reaction produced by ultraviolet rays. Intensity of reaction is higher,
if the duration of exposure is higher and the distance between the
ultraviolet ray source and the body tissue is lesser. If the intensity
of irradiation with ultraviolet rays is less, then it may not produce
visible red color of the skin. Erythema occurrence is mediated
through chemical changes. These chemical changes are likely
to occur due to release of H substance as a result of irradiation.
Release of H substance produces triple response. Triple response
is characterized by dilation of capillaries, dilation of arteries and
exudation. These changes are similar to inflammation and hence,
erythema can be termed as inflammatory reaction. Erythema
reaction occurs after 12 hours of irradiation. Depending upon
the severity of chemical reaction and cessation time, erythema
is divided into four degrees. First degree erythema (E1): It is
characterized by slight reddening of the skin with no irritation or
soreness. It subsides in 24 hours. Second degree erythema (E2): It is
characterized by more reddening of the skin with slight irritation.
It subsides in two or three days. Third degree erythema (E3): There
is obvious reddening of the skin, which is hot, sore and edematous.
The reaction lasts for about a week. Fourth degree erythema (E4):
Here, all the third degree erythema changes are present, but in
addition to this there is blister formation.
Desquamation is the casting off of dead cells from the surface of the
body. Ultraviolet rays cause damage to the cells. These damaged
Basics of Electrotherapy
cells are cast off and the process by which the dead cells are cast off
is known as peeling.
Ultraviolet rays may cause conversion of the amino acid tyrosine into
the pigment melanin. The extent of pigmentation varies as per the
individual; it is more in those with dark skin than with fair skin.
Esophylactic Effect
Esophylactic effect is the increased bodys resistance to infection
as a result of ultraviolet rays action on reticuloendothelial system.
Some reticuloendothelial cells are situated in the superficial tissues.
Ultraviolet rays can affect superficially situated reticuloendothelial cells
and reduce the irritability threshold of these cells, so that antibodies are
produced more readily in response to bacteria and their toxins.
Bactericidal Effect
Short ultraviolet rays can destroy bacteria and other microorganisms
commonly found in wounds. Fourth degree erythema (E4) dose can
effectively destroy all such organisms found in wounds.
Vitamin D Formation
Ultraviolet rays may cause conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol
(DHC) into vitamin D. This 7-DHC is present in sebum and hence,
this reaction may occur at the surface of the skin or in superficial
layers of the skin.
Ultraviolet irradiation may cause irritation of superficial sensory
nerve endings and hence, may relieve pain through counterirritation. Usually, a third degree erythema dose is required for this
Destruction of Bacteria
Ultraviolet rays can destroy bacteria. Hence, ultraviolet irradiation
can be used in the treatment of superficial bacterial infections such
as infected wounds, adenitis and acne.
Tissue Destruction
Ultraviolet rays damage and destroy superficial cells. It may be
applied to sluggish wounds for this purpose.
This casting off reaction of ultraviolet rays is of value in the treatment
of acne.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Overdose can be prevented by carrying out test dosages on the
patient before application. Test dosage can be carried out, so as
to find out time duration of irradiation at a particular distance to
produce E1 reaction. Once we know the E1 reaction then, one can
calculate the time period required at the same distance or any other
distance by calculations like:
E2 (is 2.5 times E1)
E3 (is 5 times E1)
E4 (is 10 times E1)
The dose can also be calculated at any other distance by using the
following formula
New dose =
treatment of these conditions, ionozone therapy can be applied for 10
to 30 minutes at 30 to 50 cm distance from the nozzle of the ionozone
therapy apparatus.
LASER is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated
emission of radiation. Therapeutic laser is mainly used for pain
relief and acceleration of healing. Therapeutic laser can be applied
with the point probe or cluster probe. Infrared rays are also called
thermogenic rays. Various laws regulating the absorption of radiation
including the infrared rays are Grothus law, Law of inverse square,
Cosine law, Beer-Lambert law, Kirchhoffs law, Wiens law, StefanBoltzman law and Arndt-Schultz principle. Various therapeutic
effects of infrared rays are relief of pain, muscle relaxation and
increased blood supply. Ultraviolet rays are of three types, namely
ultraviolet A, B and C. Absorption of ultraviolet rays produces
erythema reaction characterized by redness of the skin. Ultraviolet
rays may increase vitamin D formation and exert abiotic effect.
safety precautions
of electrotherapy
Basics of Electrotherapy
Equipment Purchase
Do not buy the cheapest equipment since, they may be the most
expensive to operate. Read the instruction manual carefully before
operating. Check the unit at the time of delivery and if there is
any defect, then exchange the unit immediately. Ask for regular
performance and safety checks as a condition of purchase of the
Try to have a maintenance contract with the manufacturers for
yearly services after the warranty period. Routine maintenance
check-up should be performed on all electrical equipment. Yearly
maintenance check-up by biomedical engineers should be done.
Dated inspection sticker should be affixed to all electrical units.
Various causes of electrical hazards are worn out power cords,
broken plugs, faulty lamp sockets, incorrectly wired outlets, leakage
of current, defects in circuits, absence of earthing, defective electrical
receptacles or sockets, breakage of power cord, etc. With 0.1 mA,
the shock is imperceptible, with 1 to 15 mA, it produces tingling
sensations and muscle contractions. With 15 to 100 mA, it produces
painful electrical shock, with 100 to 200 mA, it can produce cardiac
or respiratory arrest and with more than 200 mA, it produces instant
tissue burning and destruction. There should be proper earthing
connected to all the electrotherapy equipment working on electricity.
Routine maintenance check-up should be performed on all electrical
clinical decision-making
in electrotherapy
Evidence-based electrotherapy practice is based on high quality
clinical research. Clinical research means, research on patients
If the condition is highly irritable, then electroanalgesic modalities [such
as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), interferential,
etc.] and cold therapy can be preferred.
Underlying Pathology
If underlying pathology is very acute then, cryotherapy and
electroanalgesic modalities can be preferred. In subacute, superficial
heating modalities and in chronic cases, deep heating modalities can
be preferred. I always tell my students to note the local temperature. I
suggest them to choose cold if the area to be treated is hot (increased
local temperature) because of underlying pathology and if the local
temperature is not increased then choose hot.
Rule out the possibility of contraindications for the modality you
have decided to use. If it is contraindicated then, think of any other
modality that is not contraindicated for that patient. For instance,
you decided to use short-wave diathermy, but if you come to know
Basics of Electrotherapy
that your patient has got a metal implant in the area of treatment
then, you can choose a modality like infrared or hot pack rather than
short-wave diathermy.
Special Request
Sometimes, the clinical decision-making about the use of electro
therapy modality is done on the basis of special request by the
referring clinician.
Treatment Time
If you have very less treatment time available for the treatment of
your patient, as in case of acute sports injuries. Then, choose an
electrotherapy modality which requires less treatment time. For
instance, vapocoolant spray and laser can be preferred in sports
Area to be Treated
If the area to be treated is very small then, focal treatment such as
therapeutic ultrasound can be preferred. If it is larger then, another
modality like short-wave diathermy can be used.
Depth of Penetration
Modality selection can be done on the basis of depth of penetration.
For instance, if you have a patient with periostitis then, choose
therapeutic ultrasound which has the highest depth of penetration of
all the modalities.
Equipment Availability
Clinical decision-making can also be done on the basis of equipment
availability. For instance, you wanted to use long-wave diathermy
but, if it is not available in your clinic or hospital then, you should
think of any other modality that can have a similar effect.
Reliability of Equipment
You should choose that equipment which gives you a reliable
You should not use equipment unless you get familiarized with its
controls and parameter settings.
Proved Outcome
If the treatment outcome is well proven and clinically established
then, you should try to prefer that modality. For example, therapeutic
ultrasound is proven to be better in the treatment of calcific bursitis
and plantar fasciitis, etc. then, try to use the same in these conditions.
Professional Suggestions
Always follow professional suggestions and guidelines for the use of
therapeutic modalities while treating various clinical conditions.
Patients Response
If your patient responds positively to the modality you have chosen,
then continue the use of it, otherwise, think whether you should alter
the dosimetry or you should prefer another modality.
Basics of Electrotherapy
The physiotherapists previous experience of similar patients,
previous experience of the patients physiotherapy treatment,
irritability of the patient, underlying pathology, contraindications,
medical condition of the patient, special request by the referring
clinician, patients comfort, treatment time, area to be treated,
depth of penetration, equipment availability, reliability of the
equipment, familiarity with equipment, proven outcome, professional
suggestions and patients response can be taken into consideration
while making clinical decisions.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Types of Biofeedback
Just a brief outline of these biofeedback devices is given here and the
reader is requested to refer any comprehensive book on this subject for
more details. The various forms of biofeedback devices are as follows:
Myoelectric Feedback
Myoelectric feedback is also known as EMG biofeedback and
is commonly used in physiotherapy (Fig. 11.2). A set of surface
electrodes is placed on the skin over chosen muscle or muscle group
to detect electrical signals associated with muscle contraction. These
signals are amplified and translated into simple auditory and visual
signals that are very easy to understand. This auditory or visual
information concerning the state of muscle tension or relaxation
is provided to the patient via auditory or visual display. Auditory
display is in the form of clicks or buzzing sound and visual display is
in the form of movement of meter needle or glowing of the lights or
computer display, rather than an oscilloscope trace. As this display
bears an approximate relationship to the magnitude of the muscle
contraction causing it, re-education of the muscles is possible.
In other words, it is possible to get the desired response from the
muscles with this device by increasing or decreasing the activity of
these muscles. Myoelectric biofeedback is commonly used in the
treatment of recovering peripheral nerve injuries, writers cramp,
blepharospasm, training specific muscle activity after tendon or
muscle transplant and dystonic conditions. It is also used to improve
shoulder control, to re-educate dorsiflexion of foot and to reduce
spasticity of plantar flexors in
hemiplegia. Biofeedback devices
can also be used in the treatment
of spasticity in cerebral palsy
and multiple sclerosis.
Postural Biofeedback
Scoliosis biofeedback device is
a modified orthotic device that
is beneficial in the treatment
of scoliosis. Whenever, the
scoliotic wearer leans against a
thoracic pad of this device, he
receives the auditory signals which encourages him to straighten the
spine. Inclination monitor is helpful in postural control. Inclination
monitor device can be worn anywhere on the trunk and senses a tilt
from vertical. Head position trainer device can be used in cerebral
palsy children with delayed head control. The tremor monitor device
measures the hand steadiness and is used to improve hand control.
Feedback Goniometers
Feedback goniometer devices monitor the joint angles. Elbow angle
monitor is used to increase the range of motion of elbow joint. Knee
angle monitor is useful in prevention of hyperextension at knee.
Ankle angle monitors can be used in the treatment of footdrop
during swing phase of the gait. Hip rotation monitor device measures
internal and external rotation of the foot with respect to the pelvis
and may be useful in correction of gait deviations such as, excessive
internal or external rotation of hip.
Basics of Electrotherapy
floor muscles in case of incontinence. It works by measuring the
pressure or electrical activity of pelvic floor muscles through vaginal
or rectal pressure probes or electrodes.
Stress-related Devices
Stress-related biofeedback devices minimize the stress by increasing
relaxation. The EMG biofeedback device can be used in the treatment
of tension headache. For this, relaxation of the occipitofrontalis
muscle and posterior neck muscles is taught, since it is believed that
the cause of this type of headache is tension in these muscles. The
galvanic skin response monitor detects the changes in conductance
of hand caused by the activity of sweat glands. Since, the skin
conductance is associated with arousal, the patient can learn to
reduce arousal to achieve whole body relaxation. It may be valuable
in reducing spasm in cerebral palsy in addition to inducing relaxation
in normal individuals. For epileptic patients, a biofeedback device
that detects the special rhythm in electroencephalograph (EEG) can
be used to reduce the frequency of epileptic fits.
Cardiovascular Biofeedback
In patients with hypertension, blood pressure can be monitored and
displayed to them so that they gradually learn to gain some voluntary
control over it. Biofeedback can also be used in the treatment of
cardiac arrhythmias. Here, the heart rate is monitored and displayed
to the patient who can learn to gain some voluntary control over it.
In Raynauds disease, the temperature of the finger is monitored and
the patient attempts to increase the temperature voluntarily.
Electroencephalograph Biofeedback
An electroencephalograph monitors the activity of brain waves.
These brain waves correspond to different mental states, such as
wakefulness, relaxation, calmness, light sleep and deep sleep. Hence,
this biofeedback can be used for relaxation.
Feedback Thermometer
A thermistor attached to the subjects digits measures the skin
temperature. Since, there is a correlation between a drop in body
temperature and the patients experience of stress, a low temperature
reading indicates the need to begin relaxation techniques.
Temperature biofeedback can also help in treating certain disorders
like Raynauds disease and migraines.
Hemoencephalography Biofeedback
Hemoencephalography biofeedback is an attempt at functional
infrared imaging. It measures the differences in the color of light
reflected back through the scalp based on the relative amount of
oxygenated and unoxygenated blood in the brain.
Pneumograph Biofeedback
A pneumograph biofeedback measures abdominal or chest move
ment while breathing, with a strain gauge. They are used to detect
breathing rate and correct altered breathing pattern.
Capnometer Biofeedback
A capnometer biofeedback measures end-tidal CO2 with an infrared
detector. It aims to normalize end-tidal CO2 at five percent.
Treatment Duration
There are no specific criteria for the duration of the treatment with
biofeedback devices. However, favorable results are likely to occur
with the use of the biofeedback devices for 10 to 30 minutes per day.
Biofeedback treat symptoms and not the underlying cause of
symptoms. Biofeedback training or treatment is uneconomical
as all of these devices are not available commercially at all places.
Biofeedback devices are unacceptable to patients who do not like
Basics of Electrotherapy
to put on wires and electronic boxes over their body. Sometimes,
physiotherapists may need special training for the use of biofeedback.
Biofeedback could be just a form of training rather than treatment.
Biofeedback is the process of furnishing an individual with infor
mation about body functioning, so as to get some voluntary control
over it. This information regarding body functioning can be given to the
individual via visual or auditory signal through a suitable instrument.
Various forms of biofeedback include myoelectric feedback, postural
biofeedback, feedback goniometers, pressure or force biofeedback,
orofacial control devices, toilet training devices, stress-related
devices, cardiovascular biofeedback, etc. These biofeedback devices
provide corrective information to the patient immediately. There are
no specific criteria for the duration of the treatment with biofeedback
devices. Biofeedback devices may be unacceptable to patients who
do not like to put on wires and electronic boxes over their body.
Acne: An inflammatory disease of the skin with the formation of an eruption
of papules or pustules.
Acute pain: A short sharp cutting pain. It is usually associated with acute
Accommodation: Adaptation by the sensory receptors to various stimuli
over an extended period of time.
Acupuncture: Treatment of human ailments by inserting fine needles into
the acupuncture points.
Adhesion: Fibrous band that holds together tissues that are nor
Adenitis: Inflammation of a gland.
Alternating current: Current that periodically changes its polarity or direction
of flow.
Alopecia: Baldness, absence of hair from skin areas where it is normally
Amplitude: The intensity of current flow as indicated by the height of the
waveforms from baseline.
Analgesia: Absence of pain or loss of sensibility of pain.
Anesthesia: Partial or complete loss of sensations with or without loss of
consciousness as a result of disease, injury or administration of an anesthetic
agent usually by an injection or inhalation.
Anode: Positively charged electrode.
Bursitis: Inflammation of a bursa especially located between bony
prominences and muscle tendon.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Cathode: Negatively charged electrode.
Cavitation: The vibrational effect on gas bubbles by an ultrasound beam.
Circuit: The path of current from the generating source through the various
components back to the generating source.
Coaxial cable: Heavy, well insulated electrical wire where central thick wire
component is surrounded by a cylindrical mesh of thin wire.
Collimation: The process of making parallel.
Connective tissue: Tissue that supports and connects other tissues and tissue
Contraindications: Special circumstances or symptoms that renders the
use of a remedy or procedure inadvisable.
Cryotherapy: Therapeutic use of cold modality.
Diathermy: Therapeutic use of high frequency current to generate deep heat
in the body tissue.
Direct current: An electric current in which there is continuous flow in one
Edema: Localized or generalized excessive collection of tissue fluid.
Erythema: Redness of the skin caused by capillary dilation.
Exostosis: Bony outgrowth that arises from the surface of a bone.
Fibroblast: Any cell from which connective tissue is developed.
Fibrosis: Formation of fibrous tissue in the repair process following injury.
Frequency: Number of occurrence of any event per unit time.
Gate control theory: Assumption which states that painful impulses can be
prevented from reaching towards the higher levels of central nervous system
by stimulation of large sensory nerve fibers.
Hemarthrosis: Blood effusion into cavity of a joint.
Hematoma: An area of swelling containing clotted blood, which is confined
to an organ tissue or space and caused by a break in blood vessel.
Hemorrhage: Tissue reaction to injury.
Hertz: A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.
Insulator: Substance or the body that interrupt the transmission of
electricity to surrounding object by conduction.
Indication: The reason to prescribe a remedy or procedure or modality.
Ion: A positively or negatively charged particle.
LASER: Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
A beam of power can also be termed as laser.
Marasmus: Form of protein-energy malnutrition predominantly due to
severe caloric deficit.
Melanin: A group of dark brown or black pigments that occur naturally in
the eye, skin, hair and other tissues.
Modulation: Alteration in the parameters of current to prevent
Phagocyte: A cell that consumes foreign material and debris.
Photokeratitis: Inflammation of the eyes caused by exposure to ultraviolet
Phonophoresis: Transfer of drug molecules into the tissue by the use of
Piezoelectric effect: Generation of electrical change across the crystal of
piezoelectric substance on application of pressure or compression.
Photon: A packet or quantum of light energy.
Plica: Thickened synovial fold.
Psoralen: Photosensitive drug. Methaoxypsoralen, trimethylpsoralen and other
chemicals of similar makeup.
Pulsed ultrasound: Method of administering ultrasound in which the
emission of the sound waves is intermittent.
Radiation: Process by which energy is propagated through space or emission
of energy in all directions from a common center.
Reverse piezoelectric effect: Deformation or oscillations of crystal of
piezoelectric substance on application of electricity.
Spasm: An involuntary contraction of muscle that is protective in nature. It
can occur in visceral and skeletal muscles.
Spasticity: Increased tone of muscles due to upper motor neuron lesion.
Basics of Electrotherapy
Sprain: An injury of ligament, which is less than complete.
Stimulated emission: When a photon interacts with an atom already in a
high energy state, decay of the atomic energy occurs releasing two photons.
Strain: An injury of muscle, which is less than complete.
Substantia gelatinosa: Gray matter of the spinal cord surrounding the
central canal.
Tendonitis: Inflammation of a tendon of muscle.
Thermotherapy: The use of the heat in the treatment of diseases and
Transducer: A device that changes energy from one form to another.
Trigger point: Any localized area of body that when stimulated by pressure
causes sudden pain in a specific area.
Ultrasound: Inaudible sound waves with a frequency in the range of 20,000
to 10 billion.
Vasoconstriction: Decrease in the lumen of vessels.
Vasodilation: Increase in the lumen of vessels.
Viscosity: Relative position of fluid particles due to attraction of molecules
to each other.
Wavelength: The distance between the beginning and end of a single wave
suggested reading
1. Arnheim DD, Prentice WE. Principles of Athletic Training. 10th ed.
Boston: McGraw-Hill; 2000.
2. Behrens BJ, Michlovitz SL. Physical agents, theory and practice for the
physical therapist assistant. Philadelphia: FA Davis company; 1996.
3. Bonica JJ. The management of pain. Malvern, PA: Febiger; Lea and
4. Costello CT, Jeske AH. Iontophoresis: Applications in transdermal
medication delivery. Physical Therapy 75:554-63.
5. Dolphin S, Walker M. Healing accelerated by ionozone therapy,
Physiotherapy. 1979;65:81-82.
6. Foster A, Palastanga N. Claytons electrotherapy; theory and practice,
9th Ed. New Delhi: AITBS publishers; 2000.
7. Gersh MR. Electrotherapy in Rehabilitation. Philadelphia: FA Davis;
8. Gogia PP. Clinical Wound Management. Thorofare, NJ: Slack; 1995.
9. Hayes KW. Manual for Physical Agents. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall; 2000.
13. e ction~
Basics of Electrotherapy
27. Jarzem P, Harvey E, Arcaro N, Kaczorowski J. Transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for chronic low back pain. Journal
of Musculoskeletal Pain. 2005;13(2):3-9.
28. Johnson et al. A double blind placebo controlled investigation into
the analgesic effects of interferential current and transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation on cold induced pain in healthy subjects:
Physiotherapy theory and Practice. 1999;15:217-33.
29. Kahn J. Principles and practice of electrotherapy, 3rd Ed. New York:
Churchill Livingstone; 1994.
30. Khandpur RS. Handbook of biomedical instrumentation. New Delhi:
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd; 1987.
31. Kitchen S, Bazin Sarah. Claytons electrotherapy. 10th Ed. PRSIM
Indian edition.
32. Kovacs R. Electrotherapy and light therapy. Philadelphia: Lea and
Febiger; 1949.
33. Krusen FH, Kotke FJ, Ellwood PM. Handbook of physical medicine
and rehabilitation. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company; 1971.
34. Kuprian W. Physical therapy for sports. 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders Company; 1995.
35. Lehman GF, De Lateur BJ. Therapeutic heat and cold. 3rd Ed.
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1982.
36. Licht S. Electrodiagnosis and electromyography. 3rd Ed. New Haven:
Elizabeth Licht; 1971.
37. Low J, Reed Ann. Electrotherapy explained: principles and practice.
London: Butterworth Heinemann; 1990.
Suggested Reading
38. Michloeitz SL. Thermal agents in rehabilitation. Philadelphia F A
Davis; 1990.
39. Morris CR, Boeh RL, Panus SD, et al. Effects of iontophoresis current
magnitude and duration on dexamethasone deposition and localized
drug retention. Physical Therapy. 2003;83:161-70.
40. Noback CR. The Human Nervous System: Introduction and Review.
4th Ed. Malvern, PA: Lea and Febiger; 1991.
41. Olson et al. The effects of TENS and interferential current on
cutaneous blood flow in healthy subjects: Physiotherapy Canada.
42. Prentice WE. Therapeutic Modalities in Sports Medicine. St. Louis:
Times mirror Mosby college publishing; 1990.
43. Prentice WE. Therapeutic Modalities in Sports Medicine with
PowerWeb. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2001.
44. Reena R, Srinivas C. Iontophoresis in dermatology. Indian Journal of
Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. July 1.
45. Robinson AJ, Mackler LS. Clinical Electrophysiology. 2nd Ed.
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1994.
46. Savage B. Interferential therapy. Boston: Faber and Faber; 1984.
47. Scuderi GR. Sports Medicine:
Philadelphia: Mosby; 2002.
50. Walsh DM, McAdams ET. TENS: clinical applications and related
theory. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1997.
51. Watson T. The role of electrotherapy in contemporary physiotherapy
practice. Manual Therapy. 2000;5(3):132-41.
52. Wolf SC. Electrotherapy. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1981.
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
digiti 33
minimi 31
hallucis 33
brevis 31
longus 32
Absolute reaction of degeneration 62
Achilles tendonitis 104
Acoustic streaming 96
onset and acute exacerbation on
chronic background 109
pain 40
Adductor pollicis 31
Advantages of
interferential current 49
short-wave diathermy 79
Ancillary equipment 67
Ankle sprain 109
Application of
current and recording 56
electrodes 56
Arndt-Schultz principle 126
Arteriosclerosis 109
Arthritis 109
Bandage method 85
Bath method 26
Beat frequency 43
Bedsores 109
Beer-Lambert law 125
Bells palsy 34, 109
Benefits of TENS 42
Bizarre high frequency discharge 70
Blink reflex test 71
Block diagram of
ENMG 64f
microwave diathermy 81f
muscle stimulator circuit 28f
ultrasonic generator 94f
pressure 77
supply 24, 76
Body temperature 106
Brachioradialis 32
Brainstem auditory evoked
potentials 71
Brush method 85
Buergers disease 40, 109
Bursitis 98
Calcaneal spur 98
Calcific tendonitis of
shoulder 104
Cathode ray tube display 67
evoked potentials 71
nervous system 50
cold packs 113
hot packs 88
Basics of Electrotherapy
Chronaxie 54
Circulation 86
Classification of
currents 3
nerve injuries 34
Coccydynia 98
immersion 112
packs 111
urticaria 109
Collimation 115
Combination therapy 103
denervation 57
reaction of degeneration 62
Compressive cryotherapy 112
Connective tissue extensibility 87,
Constant beat frequency 43
Contact cream method 99
Container method 100
Cosine law 125
Counter-irritation 131
Cryoglobulinemia 109
Cryotherapy 106
Current application 52
Drawing curve 56
Dynamic area of interference 44
Facilitation of muscle 23
current 19
interrupted direct current test
type current 20
Faradism under pressure 26
Fasciculation potentials 70
goniometers 145
thermometer 146
Fibrillation potential 69
Fibrous nodules 98
radialis 32
ulnaris 32
digiti minimi 31
brevis 33
longus 33
profundus 32
superficialis 32
brevis 33
longus 33
brevis 31
longus 32
Functional parts 81, 93, 118
of therapeutic laser
device 118f
F-wave test 72
current 12
tetanus ratio 61
Gate control theory 38, 39f
Golfers elbow 98
Grothus law 124
Guillain-Barr syndrome 71
packs 86
water bag 88
H-reflex test 72
H-wave therapy 42
machine 87f
packs 87
Hypothermy 106
massage 110
packs 112
towels 112
Immersion method 85
Impaired sensation 109
Importance of safety precautions 134
Increased blood
circulation 45
supply 131
Infrared ray applicator 126f
Initiate muscle contraction 109
Interferential current 42, 43f
direct current 26
faradic current 21f
Ionozone therapy 132
Iontophoresis 9, 16, 19t
pain 40
stiffness 77
Kenny packs 88
Kirchhoffs law 125
electrodes 46
method 25
Basics of Electrotherapy
Laser features 116t
Law of inverse square 125
Laws regulating absorption of
radiation 124
Leduc experiment 17f
Leg and foot muscles 32
Location of motor points 30
back pain 98
frequency currents 2
intensity direct current therapy
Luminous generator 123, 124f
Maintenance 136
of paraffin wax bath unit 86
Mechanism of
action 104
analgesia 38
Medical use of electricity 11
Medium frequency currents 2
Methods of application 17, 25, 48,
84, 99, 110
Microamperage electrical nerve
stimulation 51
Microwave diathermy 80
Modulation of TENS 37
Mortons neuroma 104
neurapraxia 24
stimulation 28
point stimulation 25
unit potentials 67
and nerve stimulating currents
contraction 23
nerve stimulation 8
pain 40
re-education 24
relaxation 76
spasm 77, 87, 107
Nascent potential 70
Needle electrodes 65
Neoplastic pain 40
method 25
velocity 60, 71
conductivity test 60
disorders 40
distribution test 60
potential 69
Neuromuscular electrical
stimulation 29
Neurotization time 60
New muscle action 24
Non-luminous generators 123
circumstances 39
EMG appearance 67f
innervation 56
motor unit potential 67
disease 40, 109
phenomenon 109
Reaction of degeneration 62
Recalcitrant diabetic wounds 104
acute pain 109
muscle spasticity 109
Regenerating peripheral nerves 109
Relief of muscle spasm 45, 109
Rheobase and chronaxie 54
Rheumatic nodules 98
Rheumatoid arthritis 98
Risk of eye injury 116t
Russian current 49
Sacrolitis 98
Safety precautions of electrotherapy
Salt water experiment 13f
Scars 98
Schaumburg, Spencer and Thomas
classification 35
Seddons classification 34
Sensory nerve stimulation 27
Short-wave diathermy 73, 74f
Silicate gel pack 87f
Sinusoidal current 12, 50
Sodium-potassium pump and pain
relief 40
Somatosensory evoked potentials
Spike duration 67
Basics of Electrotherapy
Spinal cord 39
Sports injuries 78
Static interference 44, 44f
Stefan-Boltzman law 125
Stimulating electrode 64
Stimulation of
facial muscles 31f
innervated muscles 45
motor nerves 22
sensory nerves 22
Strength-duration curve of sensory,
motor and pain fibers
fractures 104
related devices 146
Sunderlands classification 35
Supra- and infrapatellar tendonitis
Supraspinatus tendonitis 104
Surged faradic current 22f
Surgical galvanism 16
Sweating 77, 108
Swelling 109
ultrasound 92
machine 95f
uses 98
Thermotherapy 73
Thickening of epidermis 129
Thoracic outlet syndrome 72
anterior 32
posterior 33
damage 76
destruction 131
healing 120
Toilet training devices 145
Total duration 67
Transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation 12, 35, 103,
134, 139
Trauma 108
Types of
biofeedback 144
hot packs 87
laser 117t
based on source and
medium 117
Vacuum electrode 46
Vapocoolant sprays 110, 110f
Variable beat frequency 43
Vasospastic disease 109
Venous ulcers 98
Visual evoked potentials 71
Vitamin D formation 130