1.1 Types of Fixtures
1.1 Types of Fixtures
1.1 Types of Fixtures
A fixture is a device for locating, holding and supporting a work piece during manufacturing
operation. Fixtures are essential elements of production processes as they are required in most of
the automated manufacturing, inspection, and assembly operations. Fixtures must correctly locate
a work piece in a given orientation with respect to a cutting tool or measuring device, or with
respect to another component, as for instance in assembly or welding. Such location must be
invariant in the sense that the devices must clamp and secure the work piece in that location for
the particular processing operation. Fixtures are normally designed for a definite operation to
process a specific work piece and are designed and manufactured individually. Fixtures are widely
used in large batch production to ensure the easy setup and achieving the desired accuracy. Fixtures
vary in design from relatively simple tools to expensive complicated devices. Fixtures also help to
simplify metalworking operations performed on special equipment. It can be used in a variety of
machine tools such as Lathe, Milling, Grinding, etc., though the milling fixtures are the most
widely used in view of the complex requirements for the milling operation. Fixture design has
received considerable attention in recent years.
During manufacturing operations such as machining, inspection and assembly, Fixtures
provide a means to reference and align the cutting tool to the work piece but they do not guide the
tool. Fixtures that have the added function of guiding the tool during manufacturing processes are
called jigs. Fixtures have direct impact upon product quality, productivity and cost. Fixture devices
includes Various standard clamps, chucks, and vises, Metal plates containing dowel and/or tapped
locating holes or key slots and dedicated fixtures with specific design and build requirements.
For Complex part; Locators, Clamps, Supports and tooling parameters are key
concepts while making the design of fixture. Preliminary analysis may take from a few hours up
to several days for complicated fixture designs.
1.1 Types of Fixtures
Generally Fixtures are categorized into five groups:
Plate Fixtures
Angle Plate Fixtures
Vise-Jaw Fixtures
Indexing Fixtures
Multi-Part or Multi-Station Fixtures
Fixture design plays an important role at the setup planning phase. Proper fixture design
is crucial for developing product quality in different terms of accuracy, surface finish and precision
of the machined parts In existing design the fixture set up is done manually, so the aim of this
project is to replace with hydraulic fixture to save time for loading and unloading of component.
Hydraulic fixture provides the manufacturer for flexibility in holding forces and to optimize design
for machine operation as well as process functional ability.
A research has been done in the past to solve the problems. In the paper of modular fixture
machining process a model of modular fixture setup relative to cutting forces is proposed, planned
and assembled. Positioning is discussed and the best solution is offered. Tool movements influence
the final quality of work piece, and fixture influences tool movements. An example is presented as
a possible solution. Modular elements make jigs and fixtures elements interchangeable and
reusable, their design then becomes a task of selecting and assembling the proper elements
together. Primary criterion used for grouping the manufacturing features to form setups is usually
tool approach direction. For load/unload, for pin placements etc. tool carries the main forces that
later form the final shape of the work-piece.
The paper of machining fixture design presents development of an expert system for
machining fixture design. System provides new fixture construction design for specified input
parameters on the basis of adequate production guidelines. Paper provides applied methodology,
basic structure, specific systems, segments review, and example of systems implementation in
industrial production. In closing, there are conclusions, developed systems advantages and
disadvantages, and directions for future research.
Iain Boyle , Yiming Rong and David C.Brown has stated that modern market consumers demands
for variety. For giving variety to consumers, manufactures need more practices about the
flexibility. For sufficient flexibility in manufacturing, rapid product development is required. With
the fixtures, this development can fulfills with the use of computer aided fixture design (CAFD)
tools and approaches. The authors have reviewed over seventy-five tools and approaches with the
consideration of fixture. As per authors thinking, there are primarily two research issues required
for further effort. First is, Current CAFD research is segment in nature and it used to provide more
cohesive fixture design. Second is, a greater focus is required while the detailed design of
supporting fixtures
Nicholas Amaral [6] develop a method for modeling workpiece boundary conditions and applied
loads during a machining process, optimize support locations, using finite element analysis (FEA)
and analyses modular fixture tool contact area deformation. The workpiece boundary conditions
are defined by locators and clamps. To constrain using linear spring-gap elements the locators are
placed in a 3-2-1 fixture configuration and modeled using all degrees of freedom of the workpiece.
To model cutting forces during drilling and milling machining operations, the workpiece is loaded.
Fixture design integrity is verified. To develop an algorithm to automatically optimize fixture
support and clamp locations. To minimize deformation in workpiece, subsequently increasing
machining accuracy ANSYS parametric design language code is used. Unnecessary and
uneconomical trial and error experimentation on the shop floor is eliminated by implementing
FEA in a computer-aided-fixture-design environment.
To reduce the lead-time and cost of product development in fixture design field,
automation and computerization of fixture design are required. Therefore, CAFD has been
developed and used as a part of computer aided design and manufacture (CAD/CAM) integration
[4]. Even though several innovative CAFD approaches have been employed, fixture design still
remains a central bottleneck in improving of current manufacturing process [2]. Various
approaches have been attempted in fixture design, i.e. Case Based Reasoning (CBR), Rule-based
expert system, Genetic Algorithm (GA), Multi-agent Approach, Machine Learning, Geometric
Analysis, etc.[5].
Fixture design is mostly based on experience, capability and knowledge of fixture design
engineers and there is not any throughout theoretical method to support the whole process. On the
other hand, the industrial environment still seeks automated fixture design systems. According to
these reasons, intelligent optimization techniques, which are theoretical and numerical based such
as GA and Ant Colony Algorithm (ACA), combined with Finite Element Method (FEM) have
been employed in CAFD field. They have been mostly used to automate some micro steps of
fixture design. And finally, these micro-steps can be integrated with each other or with the other
existing methods to arrive at automated fixture design systems. Based on this industrial demand,
we try to clarify applications, position, strengths and weaknesses of these techniques in fixture
design systems in this paper.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes significances of CAFD and
requirements. Section 3 is to classify fixture design systems based on degree of automations and
some of significant works for clearness.
Next section is devoted to optimization techniques regarding criteria, applications and
so on. Final section contains some conclusions about gaps as well as some future trends in fixture
design field and specifically in optimization techniques based methods. The value of this paper is
to provide an in-depth review and critique of current optimization approaches in CAFD. Besides,
it clarifies the classification of fixture design systems based on degree of automation, which can
give a better understanding of fixture design studies a well as future trends in this field.
3. Description
Steps of fixture design
Successful fixture designs begin with a logical and systematic plan. With a complete
analysis of the fixture's functional requirements, very few design problems occur. When they do,
chances are some design requirements were forgotten or underestimated. The workpiece,
processing, tooling and available machine tools may affect the extent of planning needed.
Preliminary analysis may take from a few hours up to several days for more complicated fixture
designs. Fixture design is a fivestep problem-solving process. The following is a detailed analysis
of each step.
Step 1: Design Requirements
To initiate the fixture-design process, clearly state the problem to be solved or needs to be met.
State these requirements as broadly as possible, but specifically enough to define the scope of the
design project. The designer should ask some basic questions: Is the new tooling required for firsttime production or to improve existing production?
Step 2: Gather/Analyze Information
Collect all relevant data and assemble it for evaluation. The main sources of information are the
part print, process sheets, and machine specifications. Make sure that part documents and records
are current. For example, verify that the shop print is the current revision, and the processing
information is up-to-date. Check with the design department for pending part revisions. An
important part of the evaluation process is note taking. Complete, accurate notes allow designers
to record important information. With these notes, they should be able to fill in all items on the
"Checklist for Design Considerations." All ideas, thoughts, observations, and any other data about
the part or fixture are then available for later reference. It is always better to have too many ideas
about a particular design than too few. Four categories of design considerations need to be taken
into account at this time: workpiece specifications, operation variables, availability of equipment,
and personnel. These categories, while separately covered here, are actually interdependent. Each
is an integral part of the evaluation phase and must be thoroughly thought out before beginning
the fixture design.
Step 3: Develop Several Options
This phase of the fixture-design process requires the most creativity. A typical workpiece can be
located and clamped several different ways. The natural tendency is to think of one solution, then
develop and refine it while blocking out other, perhaps better solutions. A designer should
brainstorm for several good tooling alternatives, not just choose one path right away. During this
phase, the designer's goal should be adding options, not discarding them. In the interest of
economy, alternative designs should be developed only far enough to make sure they are feasible
and to do a cost estimate. The designer usually starts with at least three options: permanent,
modular, and general-purpose workholding. Each of these options has many clamping and locating
options of its own. The more standard locating and clamping devices that a designer is familiar
with, the more creative he can be. Areas for locating a part include flat exterior surfaces (machined
and unmachined), cylindrical and curved exterior surfaces. The exact procedure used to construct
the preliminary design sketches is not as important as the items sketched. Generally, the
preliminary sketch should start should start with the part to be fixtured.
The required locating and supporting elements, including a base, should be the next items added.
Then sketch the clamping devices. Finally, add the machine tool and cutting tools. Sketching these
items together helps identify any problem areas in the design of the complete fixture.
Step 4: Choose the Best Option
The total cost to manufacture a part is the sum of per-piece run cost, setup cost, and tooling cost.
Expressed as a formula:
These variables are described below with sample values from three tooling options: a modular
fixture, a permanent fixture, and a hydraulically powered permanent fixture.
Step 5: Implement the Design
The final phase of the fixture-design process consists of turning the chosen design approach into
reality. Final details are decided, final drawings are made, and the tooling is built and tested. The
following guidelines should be considered during the final-design process to make the fixture less
costly while improving its efficiency. These rules are a mix of practical considerations, sound
design practices, and common sense [9].
I. Use standard components:
The economies of standard parts apply to tooling components as well as to manufactured products.
Standard, readily available components include clamps, locators, supports, studs, nuts, pins and a
host of other elements. Most designers would never think of having the shop make cap screws,
bolts or nuts for a fixture. Likewise, no standard tooling components should be made in-house.
The first rule of economic design is: Never build any component you can buy. Commercially
available tooling components are manufactured in large quantities for much greater economy. In
most cases, the cost of buying a component is less than 20% of the cost of making it.
Labor is usually the greatest cost element in the building of any fixture. Standard tooling
components are one way to cut labor costs. Browse through catalogs and magazines to find new
products and application ideas to make designs simpler and less expensive.
Use prefinished materials:
Prefinished and preformed materials should be used where possible to lower costs and simplify
construction. These materials include precision-ground flat stock, drill rod, structural sections, cast
tooling sections, precast tooling bodies, tooling plates, and other standard preformed materials.
Including these materials in a design both reduces the design time and lowers the labor cost.
Eliminate finishing operations:
Finishing operations should never be performed for cosmetic purposes. Making a fixture look
better often can double its cost. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind with regard to finishing
Keep tolerances as liberal as possible:
The most cost-effective tooling tolerance for a locator is approximately 30% to 50% of the
workpiece's tolerance. Tighter tolerances normally add extra cost to the tooling with little benefit
to the process. Where necessary, tighter tolerances can be used, but tighter tolerances do not
necessarily result in a better fixture, only a more expensive one.
Designing of jigs and fixtures depends upon so many factors. These factors are analyzed to get
design inputs for fixtures. The list of such factors is mentioned below :
b. Type
d. Available
g. Rigidity and
h. Study of
The location refers to the establishment of a desired relationship between the workpiece and
the jigs or fixture correctness of location directly influences the accuracy of the finished product.
The jigs and fixtures are desired so that all undesirable movements of the workpiece can be
restricted. Determination of the locating points and clamping of the workpiece serve to restrict
movements of the component in any direction, while setting it in a particular pre-decided position
relative to the jig. Before deciding the locating points it is advisable to find out the all possible
degrees of freedom of the workpiece. Then some of the degrees of freedom or all of them are
restrained by making suitable arrangements. These arrangements are called locators. These are
described in details below[11]:
The principle of location is being discussed here with the help of a most popular example which
is available in any of the book covering jigs and fixtures. It is important that one should understand
the problem first. Any rectangular body many have three axis along x-axis, y-axis and z-axis. It
can more along any of these axes or any of its movement can be released to these three axes. At
the same time the body can also rotate about these axes too. So total degree of freedom of the body
along which it can move is six. For processing the body it is required to restrain all the degree of
freedom (DOF) by arranging suitable locating points and then clamping it in a fixed and required
position. The basic principle used to locate the points is desirable below. Six Points Location of a
Rectangular Block. It is made to rest on several points on the jig body. Provide a rest to workpiece
on three points on the bottom x-y surface. This will stop the movement along z-axis, rotation with
respect to x-axis and y-axis. Supporting it on the three points is considered as better support then
one point or two points. Rest the workpiece on two points of side surface (x-z), this will fix the
movement of workpiece along y-axis and rotation with respect to z-axis. Provide a support at one
point of the adjacent surface (y-z) that will fix other remaining free movements. This principle of
location of fixing points on the workpiece is also named as 3-2-1 principle of fixture design as
numbers of points selected at different faces of the workpiece are 3, 2 and 1 respectively. If the
operation to be done on the cylindrical object requires restriction of the above mentioned free
movements also than some more locating provisions must also be incorporated in addition to use
of the Vee block. Guohua Qin[1] focuses on the fixture clamping sequence. It consists of two parts:
For the first time he evaluated varying contact forces and workpiece position errors in
each clamping step by solving a nonlinear mathematical programming problem. This is done by
minimizing the total complementary energy of the workpiece-fixture system. The prediction
proves to be rigorous and reasonable after comparing with experimental data and referenced
The optimal clamping sequence is identified based on the deflections of the workpiece
and minimum position error. Finally, To predict the contact forces and to optimize the clamping
sequence three examples are discussed.
For a fixture designer, the major portion of design time is spent deciding how to locate the work
piece in the fixture. You know that any free body has a total of twelve degrees of freedom as
6 translational degrees of freedom: +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z
And 6 rotational degrees of freedom:
- Clockwise
- Anticlockwise around
- Anticlockwise around
- Clockwise
- Anticlockwise around
Z axis (ACROT-Z)
You must fix all the 12 degrees of freedom except the three transitional degrees of freedom (-X, Y and -Z) in order to locate the work piece in the fixture. So, 9 degrees of freedom of the work
piece need to be fixed. But, how? By using the 3-2-1 method as shown below in fig. 2 :
The major reasons for low production of the components are as follows:
Low production due to high ideal time (i.e. job setting time, tool changing time).
From the present analysis, it can be concluded that process changes could result in great
improvements in quality and productivity. Fixture forms an important factor in traditional and
modern manufacturing systems since fixture design directly affects manufacturing quality and
productivity. Traditionally, fixtures were designed by trial and error, which was expensive and
time consuming. But now, research in flexible fixture and Computer-Aided-FixtureDesign
(CAFD) has significantly reduced manufacturing lead-time and cost. Typically, fixture design
involves the identification of clamp, locator, support points and the selection of corresponding
fixture elements for their respective functions. Fixture design configuration can be separated into
three phases:
Description of design requirements
Fixture analysis
Fixture synthesis
The methodology adopted for present work was as follows:
Studying the existing manufacturing process of Aluminum Mixing Tube
Study of Existing fixture
Fixture Modification
5.1 Existing Manufacturing Process:
Outer Turning
Fig 3: Three jaw chuck
Facing, Turning
Inspection of Face
Earlier all the machining work was done on conventional lathe in which the machining cost, tool
cost, machine ideal time and the rejection rate was high , but the rejections, clamping and
unclamping time, machining time on drilling machine is very less as compared to lathe.
Production Trial
Fig 9: Production before modification
Nos of pieces
Nos of pieces
No. of pieces
No. of pieces
It shows the comparison of existing and modified process. It is clear from that when existing
process was used, average defective components were 8.4% and by using modified process,
defective components variation reduced to 33.1%. This resulted in average 5.1% reduction of
defective components.
The efficiency and reliability of the fixture design has enhanced by the system and the result of
the fixture design has made more reasonable. To reduce cycle time required for loading and
unloading of part, this approach is useful. If modern CAE, CAD are used in designing the systems
then significant improvement can be assured. To fulfill the multifunctional and high performance
fixturing requirements optimum design approach can be used to provide comprehensive analyses
and determine an overall optimal design. Fixture layout and dynamic clamping forces optimization
method based on optimal fixture layout could minimize the deformation and uniform the
deformation most effectively .The proposed fixture will fulfilled researcher production target and
enhanced the efficiency, Hydraulic fixture reduces operation time and increases productivity, high
quality of operation, reduce accidents.
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