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Gredoska N. et al.

An Evaluation of Turbo Roundabout Performances: Case Study of the City of Ohrid

UDC: 625.739

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7708/ijtte.2016.6(2).07


Natasha Gredoska1, Kristi Bombol 2, Daniela Koltovska Nechoska31
1, 2, 3

Sv. Kliment Ohridski University, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Depatment for Traffic and Transport,
Boulevard 1st of May B.B., Bitola 7000, Republic of Macedonia

Received 18 December 2015; accepted 24 May 2016

Abstract: The turbo roundabout is an innovative design of the two lane roundabout that has
revolutionised roundabout design. According to the international research, it is determined
that the turbo roundabout has a higher level of traffic safety because of the lower number
of conflicts and the use of raised lane dividers. In addition, compared with the conventional
two lane roundabout, turbo roundabout has higher capacity. Due to these advantages, the
reconstruction of intersections into turbo roundabouts has become a kind of global trend
nowadays. The first turbo roundabout in the Republic of Macedonia was designed in Skopje
in 2011, without tracking the performances. This was exactly the motive to investigate the
performances of this type of intersections.
In this research three intersections in sequence located in Ohrid (two signalized and one
non-signalized intersection) and the performances are determined for the current situation
and the situation with increased flows by using the software tool SIDRA. A reconstruction
of the intersections has been made into turbo roundabouts. The performances for two
different cases (current situation and the situation with increased flows, with and without
the pedestrians influence) are determined with the use of both VISSIM and analytical model
by Brilon&Wu. The analysis has proven that with the input parameters, turbo roundabouts
offer better performances compared to the existing intersections. Thus, the reconstruction
of the intersections is justified.
Keywords: turbo roundabouts, capacity models, performances, pedestrian impact.

1. Introduction
When comparison is drawn between the
intersections either signalized or nonsignalized, and the roundabouts, the latter
display a series of advantages over the
former ones when capacity, level of service,
and traffic safety are at question (Tollazi,
2015). However, at the roundabouts with
multiple lanes and two-laned approaches
and exits, conflictual situations arise when

vehicles enter the circular lanes and when

they move from inner one into outer one
of the roundabout. The most dangerous
are the traffic manouevers at roundabouts
exits. They are one of the main reasons
for nu merous acc ident s on t wo-la ne
The problems stated could be eliminated by
introducing the so-called turbo roundabouts
which was developed by Fortuijn (2009).
A turbo roundabout is a variation of the

Corresponding author: [email protected]


International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2016, 6(2): 196 - 211

conventional multi-lane roundabout where

spiral road markings and physically separated
lanes force drivers to follow a very specific
path according to their intended destination.
T he geomet r y of t u rbo rou ndabouts
completely eliminates weaving and cut in
conflicts by guiding drivers from entry to
exit of intersection.
The reasons for preferring turbo roundabouts
are their key advantages:

Capacity increase at the intersection. The

capacity at the turbo roundabout is
higher to 2 times than the capacity
at a one-lane roundabout, and 1 1
times than the capacity at two-lane
roundabouts (Campbell et al., 2012).
Besides the results reported by Giuffr
et al. (2010), Yperman and Immers
(2003) also reported global capacity
gains of 12 20%, Engelsman and
Uken (2007) estimated capacity gains
for turbo roundabout to be between
25 35%.
Decrease of delay. T he capacit y at
turbo roundabouts is either equal or
higher than the capacity at signalized
intersections and thus the delay at turbo
roundabouts is rarer (Campbell et al.,
Larger safety. Turbo roundabouts are safer
than a give way intersection (number
of fatal accidents and accidents with
serious injuries is lower for about 70%),
they are safer than the intersections
with traffic signals regulation (number
of fatal accidents and accidents with
serious injuries is lower for about 50%),
but in comparison to the one-lane
roundabouts there is 20% to 40% higher
rate of accidents at turbo roundabouts
(Campbell et al., 2012).

Construction space. The spatial need

(m) necessar y for constructing a
turbo roundabout is nearly as large as
the one for constructing a signalized
i nter sec t ion ( prov ided t h at t he
signalized intersection offer two trucks
driving in parallel, in all directions
(Campbell et al., 2012).
Costs. The construction of a turbo
roundabout requires higher costs than
the construction of signalized one, but
the life cycle costs and social costs are
less (Campbell et al., 2012).

The reconstruction of intersections into

turbo roundabouts has become a kind of
global trend nowadays. The first turbo
roundabout in the Republic of Macedonia
was designed in Skopje in 2011, without
tracking the performances. This was exactly
the motive to investigate the performances
of this type of intersections.
In this research three intersections in
sequence located in Ohrid (two signalized
and one non-signalized intersection) and the
performances are determined for the current
situation and the situation with increased
flows by using the software tool SIDRA. A
reconstruction of the intersections has been
made into turbo roundabouts (Giuffr et al.,
2010). The performances for two different
cases (current situation and the situation
with increased flows, with and without the
pedestrians influence) are determined with
the use of both VISSIM and analytical model
by Brilon&Wu.

2. Review of Capacity Determining

The capacity of a roundabout is defined as
the circulating flow at the moment when the


Gredoska N. et al. An Evaluation of Turbo Roundabout Performances: Case Study of the City of Ohrid

busiest entry lane has reached saturation

(Hagring, 1998). To calculate the capacity, in
1997 the multilane roundabout explorer was
developed by modification of the capacity
model of Bovy (1991), which considered
both separated lanes and pseudoconf lict.
Because of its linear structure, this model did
not take into account multilane roundabout
properties in a good way. Therefore a new
model was developed by modification of the
model of Hagring (1998).
Using only the gap acceptance approach to
calibrate the parameters is not sufficient
because the pseudoconflict is not taken into
account. An initial estimate of the capacity
of the turbo roundabout was published by
Fortuijn and Harte (1997).
This study was based on a modification of
the model derived by Bovy (1991), which
was chosen because it takes the effect of
pseudoconflicts into account. For validation
of an analytic model, it is important to
realize that the distribution of gaps offered
in two flows simultaneously is determined
primarily by a stochastic process. Thus, it is
possible to test the effect of the distribution
of the flows over two circulatory lanes by
using a microsimulation model.

2.1. Conflict Stream Models

These models are also known as empirical
models. The linear or exponential relation
bet ween t he ent r y c apac it y a nd t he
circulating flow is evaluated by the observed
The advantages of these models are as listed
The measurements taken at conditions
of saturated flow are directly applicable;


The impact of pseudoconflicts can be

taken into consideration.

The disadvantages of these models are as

listed below:
The connection between the entry and
the circulating f low can be evaluated
only at conditions of saturated flow;

Only simple relationships between

capacity and roundabout traffic can be
calibrated. For instance, an advanced
model of two-lane capacity cannot be
calibrated upon the measured capacity
because of the large number of variables

2.2. Gap Acceptance Models

The structure of these models is also
macroscopic. However, the underlying
theory is based on analysis of the behavior
of drivers entering a major traffic flow from
a minor traffic f low. The main variables
t c critical gap and t F follow-on time
drivers characteristic in entry lane;
t M minimum headway between vehicles
drivers characteristic on the circulatory lane.
As noted above, when dealing with turbo
roundabouts it is useful to consider the effect
of the f low split between the circulatory
lanes. Hagring (1998) derived a general
notation for gap acceptance models of
roundabouts with more than one lane.

2.3. Simulation Models

When these models are used for analysis
of drivers behavior in the traffic, different
v a lue s of s pac e a nd t i me a re u s e d .

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2016, 6(2): 196 - 211

W hen the estimations are made for an

individual vehicle, this model is known as
a microsimulation model.
VISSIM is a microscopic, time step and
behavior-based simulation model developed
to model urban traffic and public transport
operations and f lows of pedestrians. The
parameters that the user can modify (such as
distribution of accepted and rejected gaps)
are calibrated to match the key features of
the gap acceptance model.

3. Features of Analyzed Intersections

The analyzed intersections are located
on the most loaded arterial traffic road in
Ohrid Blvd Turistika, out of which two
intersections are signalized and the third
is two way STOP controlled intersection
(Fig. 1). On the grounds of the conducted
recording of the traffic, data has been
obtained about the structure of the f low
and the road traffic volume at peak hour

Fig. 1.
Macro Location of Intersections
Source: Google Map
Table 1 displays the geometry of the existing
intersections in SIDRA, the newly designed
turbo roundabouts, and the data for road
traffic volume according to direction. As
the town of Ohrid is a tourist place, the

increase of summer traffic f lows will be

taken into consideration. The analysis of
the performances at the intersections in their
real state was conducted with the SIDR A
software tool.


Gredoska N. et al. An Evaluation of Turbo Roundabout Performances: Case Study of the City of Ohrid

Table 1
Geometric Features and Traffic Volume at the Intersections
Existing intersections

Turbo roundabouts

Traffic volume




Source: Gredoska (2015)

4. Application of Analytical and

Microsimulation Models for Determining
the Capacity of the Entry Lane at Turbo
The capacity of the entry lane of the analyzed
turbo roundabouts was determined with
the application of the analytical model of
Brilon&Wu and the microsimulation model


4.1. Analytical Determination of the

Capacity of Turbo Roundabouts Model
of Brilon&Wu
Models with analytical determination of the
capacity are expressed with empirical linear
regression or with gap acceptance theory.
One of the common characteristics of the
analytical models is that they do not take
into consideration the geometric features

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2016, 6(2): 196 - 211

of the roundabout (the central island, lane

width, entry radius, etc.).
There have been longitudinal studies
conducted in Germany for determining
the capacity of the roundabouts.
For all types of roundabouts, except the
Mini, capacities of entries to the circle have
been established as independent from the
flow at the other entries.
On the basis of the model given by Tanner,
a proposed expression for determining the
entry lane capacity at a roundabout came
from Brilon et al. in 1997:



- C = basic capacity of one entry (PAE/h)
- qk = traffic volume on the circle (PAE/h)
- nc = number of circulating lanes
- ne = number of entry lanes the number of
entrance lanes
- tg = critical gap (s)
- t f = followup time (s)
- t min = minimum gap between succeeding
vehicles on the circle (s)
The following table displays the values of
the time headway applied in this research
for German drivers.

Table 2
Values of the Time Headway for German Drivers

Entry type


headway tc (s)

time t F (s)

Min. gap on
the circle to (s)













Left and right lane

Single lane
Single lane


Left lane
Right lane

Source: Brilon (2008)

The capacity of the entry lane of a roundabout
depends on the volume of the circulating
f low and on the number of circular and

entry lanes. It has been determined that

the geometrical details did not show an
important impact on capacities.


Gredoska N. et al. An Evaluation of Turbo Roundabout Performances: Case Study of the City of Ohrid

4.2. Determining the Impact of the

Pedestrians over the Capacity of the
Roundabouts According to the Model of
A s ide f rom t he c i rc u l at i ng f low, a
considerable impact over the entry lane
capacit y of the roundabouts have the
pedestrians f lows. Generally speaking,

entry lane capacity is reduced with the

increase of pedestrians volume. The
model of HCM 2 010 qu a nt i f ies t he
pedestrians impact on the entr y lane
capacity by applying the adjustment factor
for pedestrian (f ped). Tables 3 and 4 display
the expressions by which pedestrians
adjustment factor is determined at onelane or two-lane roundabouts.

Table 3
One - Lane Entry Capacity Adjustment Factor for Pedestrian

One lane entry capacity adjustment factor for pedestrian

If Vc, pce > 881

fped =1

Else if nped 101

fped = 1-0,000137 nped

Source: HCM (2010)
- f ped = entry capacity adjustment factor for pedestrian
- nped = number of conflicting pedestrians per hour (pedestrians/hour)
= conflicting vehicular flow rate in the circulatory roadway (PAE/hour)
Table 4
Two - Lane Entry Capacity Adjustment Factor for Pedestrian

Two lane entry capacity adjustment factor for pedestrian

If nped < 100


Source: HCM (2010)

= entry capacity adjustment factor for pedestrian
- nped = number of conflicting pedestrians per hour (pedestrians/hour)
= conflicting vehicular flow rate in the circulatory roadway (PAE/hour)
In order to determine pedestrians flow impact at turbo roundabouts, the adjustment factor
for pedestrian is applied in accordance with the model of HCM 2010.


International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2016, 6(2): 196 - 211

4.3. Estimation of Turbo Roundabouts The process of designing turbo roundabouts

Performances by Using Microsimulation consists of several steps:
For determining the turbo roundabouts
performances in this research, the VISSIM
model was applied. This program conducts an
analysis of the traffic operations when there
are restrictions such as lane configuration,
flow structure, traffic control, bus stops, etc.
Thus, it was a useful tool for estimation of
the various alternatives based on efficacy
measures planning within the frames of
traffic engineering.

1. Traffic network design,

2. Vehicle inputs,
3. Routing decisions and routes (to direct
traffic within the network),
4. Priority rules,
5. Def ining the reduced speed areas
Creating conflict areas.
Fig. 2 displays an excerpt of a roundabout
design created in VISSIM.

Fig. 2.
Roundabout Design Created in VISSIM
Source: Gredoska (2015)
The basic element of a VISSIM traffic network
is a link representing a single (or multiple) lane
roadway segment with a specific direction of
flow. When the traffic network is designed

by creating links and connectors, the next

step is the vehicle inputs. Traffic volumes are
defined for each link and each time interval
in vehicles per hour (Fig. 3).


Gredoska N. et al. An Evaluation of Turbo Roundabout Performances: Case Study of the City of Ohrid

Fig. 3.
Vehicle Inputs
Source: Gredoska (2015)
Furthermore, the routes from each approach
and from each entr y lane are defined.

Fig. 4.
Defining the Flow Routes
Source: Gredoska (2015)

Fig. 5.
Setting Vehicles and Pedestrians Priorities
Source: Gredoska (2015)


Besides, the vehicles volume is also inserted

for each of the routing decisions (Fig. 4).

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2016, 6(2): 196 - 211

Once the routing decisions and routes have

been defined, the priority rules are set. When
setting the priorities, the critical gaps are
inserted in accordance with the type of
entry lane and then the allowed speed at
the roundabout entry lane is defined (35
km/h). As pedestrians f low impact over
the turbo roundabouts performance is
also examined, pedestrians crossings are
designed by means of links. The volume of
the pedestrians flows is 50 pedestrians at
the approach 1 and 3 (minor flow) and 250
pedestrians at the approach 2 and 4 (major
f low). The priorities are set as well as the
critical gaps of 3 to 6 seconds (Fig. 6) and

the conflict areas (Fig. 7). It is important to

point out that pedestrians priorities are set
to be in a way that once the pedestrians start
crossing, the vehicle yield to pedestrians.
In the Republic of Macedonia, calibration
and validation of critical gaps at turbo
roundabouts have not been conducted.
Upon the conducted research of the values
of the critical gaps, in this case the values
characteristics for German drivers have been
used (Table 2). Due to certain similarities
found in the driving modes attentiveness
when approaching this type of roundabouts
has been used.

Fig. 6.
Defining the Reduced Speed Areas
Source: Gredoska (2015)
The next step is defining the reduced speed areas (Fig. 6), and the last one is setting the
conflict areas (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7.
Setting the Conflict Areas
Source: Gredoska (2015)

Gredoska N. et al. An Evaluation of Turbo Roundabout Performances: Case Study of the City of Ohrid

Once t he t ra f f ic net work h a s been

designed and all parameters necessary
for deter m i n i ng t he rou ndabouts

performance have been used, simulations

are performed (min. 10) to obtain the
relevant data (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8.
Simulation in VISSIM
Source: Gredoska (2015)

5. Analysis of the Performances of services, and the average travel speed. Table 5
the Existing Intersections and Turbo shows a graph displaying the obtained results
regarding the average delay at separate
After the conducted analysis, data was
obtained about the average delay, the level of

approaches to the existing intersections and

to the turbo roundabouts with and without
pedestrians flow impact.

Table 5
Graph Display of Average Delay at Existing Intersections and Turbo Roundabouts with and without
Pedestrians Flow Impact
Average delay (with pedestrians flow impact)







Delay (s)

Delay (s)

Average delay (without pedestrians flow impact)






Intersection and turbo roundabout 1

Intersection and turbo roundabout 1





Delay (s)

Delay (s)

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2016, 6(2): 196 - 211




Intersection and turbo roundabout 2

Intersection and turbo roundabout 2




Delay (s)

Delay (s)







Intersection and turbo roundabout 3


Intersection and turbo roundabout 3

Source: Gredoska (2015)

Existing intersection
Existing intersection with increased flow
A turbo roundabout current state without pedestrians flow impact
A turbo roundabout state with increased volume without pedestrians flow impact
A turbo roundabout current state with pedestrians flow impact
A turbo roundabout state with increased volume with pedestrians flow impact
O n t he g rou nd s of t he a n a l y s i s of
average delay, we ca n conclude t hat
turbo roundabouts offer smaller delay
in comparison to the delay at current
signalized intersections and two way
STOP cont rol led i ntersec t ion. It i s
important to mention that delay is smaller

when pedestrians flow impact is not taken

into consideration. The average delay
increase with the increase of the traffic and
pedestrian flows.
Table 6 displays the level of service at
approaches and the average travel speed.


Gredoska N. et al. An Evaluation of Turbo Roundabout Performances: Case Study of the City of Ohrid

Table 6
The Level of Service at Approaches and the Average Travel Speed
The level of service and the average travel speed

Intersection 1
intersection 2
The level of service and the average travel speed

Intersection 3

A turbo roundabout 1

A turbo roundabout 3

A turbo roundabout 2

Source: Gredoska (2015)

Existing intersection and a turbo roundabout without pedestrians flow impact
Existing intersection and a turbo roundabout with increased volumes without
pedestrians flow impact
A turbo roundabout current state with pedestrians flow impact
A turbo roundabout with increased volumes with pedestrians flow impact
As for the level of service, from the results
obtained, a conclusion can be drawn that
there is a higher level of service at the
turbo roundabouts than at the existing
intersections, excluding the third turbo
roundabout with increased volume and
pedestrians flow impact which displays lower
level of service. The average speed depends
on the volume of traffic and pedestrian flows.


The higher the increase of these flows, the

lower the average speed of the vehicles.
The following graph displays the dependency
on the entry lane capacity on the volume of
the circulating flow and on the pedestrians
f low. There are three variants made for
different volumes of pedestrian flows (50,
250, 500 pedestrians).

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2016, 6(2): 196 - 211



HCM/Brilon (pedestrian)
VISSIM (pedestrian)


HCM/Brilon (pedestrian)
VISSIM (pedestrian)


Entery capacity (PAE/h)

Entery capacity (PAE/h)












Circulating flow (PAE/h)








Circulating flow (PAE/h)

) 50 pedestrians b) 250 pedestrians


HCM/Brilon (pedestrian)
VISSIM (pedestrian)

Entery capacity (PAE/h)










Circulating flow (PAE/h)

c) 500 pedestrians
Fig. 9.
Dependence of the Entry Lane Capacity on the Volume of the Circulating Flow and of the Pedestrians
Flow (50, 250, 500 Pedestrians) According to the Model by Brilon and the One in VISSIM
Source: Gredoska (2015)
As the graph displays, at a rarer circulating
f low and when pedestrians are not taken
into consideration, the entry lane capacity
according to the VISSIM model has higher
values than Brilons model. With the increase
of the circulating flows, the two models give
nearly same values.
With a volume of 250 pedestrians, the
VISSIM model (pedestrian) displays higher
values of the entry lane capacity than the

model of HCM/Brilon (pedestrian), though

the difference between values obtained by
the two models is small.
With a volume of 500 pedestrians, the
VISSIM model (pedestrian) displays lower
values of the entry lane capacity than the
model of HCM/Brilon (pedestrian).
In all three variations, the values of the entry
lane capacity are similar with maximum


Gredoska N. et al. An Evaluation of Turbo Roundabout Performances: Case Study of the City of Ohrid

circulating flows. When the density of the

traffic flow is high, pedestrians most often
pass in between vehicles and through vehicles
lines at the entrance to the intersection,
thus insignificantly influencing the entry
capacity. Therefore, capacity values of the
three variants approximate one another.

6. Conclusion
The choice of intersection control mode is
one of the most important decisions to be
reached by traffic engineers. When making
decision the traffic safety and capacity are
key factors. When turbo roundabouts are in
question, the research conducted worldwide
shows that the advantages over the other
types of intersections are the following:
increased capacity, lower average delay,
increased safety, etc.
On the bases of the conducted analysis with
this research, it can be concluded that turbo
roundabouts performances (delay, level of
service, average travel speed, entry lane
capacity) depend on the density of entry
flows, the circulating flows, and the density
of pedestrians flows.
At intensive traffic and pedestrians flows,
pedestrians do influence the capacity. Thus,
a jam occurs on the circulating lane flows,
which causes saturation flow of vehicles on
the entry lanes and increase of delays.
According to the used parameters, the
analyzed turbo roundabouts offer better
performances than the existing signalized
intersections and two way STOP controlled


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