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Computers for Beginners

Computers for Beginners

This is a book for people with little or no prior computer knowledge. It will teach basics
moving slowly toward more advanced topics. The primary learning technique will be
tutorial examples since they facilitate learning more effectively. There will be adequate
theory prior to and explaining the examples so the user learns what the computer is doing
instead of just memorizing keystrokes and mouse clicks.
The initial writing of this book will use most examples from Windows XP. However, the
theories in the book are applicable to any modern operating system (ex: Windows 98, Linux,
OSX, Solaris), these operating systems will not be explained separately right now unless
there are fundamental differences.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Buying A Computer
1. Where to Buy
2. Processor
3. Etc.
3. Flat Out Basics
1. Setting Up and Turning on the Computer
2. Free Software
3. Proprietary Software
4. Choosing my system - Priority "freedom"
5. Moving the Mouse
6. Familiarizing yourself with the keyboard
7. Launching and Working with Programs and Windows
8. Gooey GUI
4. More Basics
1. Files
2. Installing Programs
3. Uninstalling Programs
4. Customizing
5. Security
1. Malware
2. Firewall
6. Office Programs
7. Internet
1. The Basics
1. What is the Internet?
2. The Internet and the World Wide Web
2. Web Browsing
3. Choosing a Password
1. Bad Passwords
2. Good Passwords
4. Searching: Getting Here from There

Computers for Beginners

5. E-mail
1. Choosing a username and password
2. Utilizing the options
6. Web-based E-mail Programs
7. E-mail through a specialist program
8. Multimedia
1. Games
1. Playing Games
2. Modding/Making Games
2. Images
1. File Types
2. Viewing
3. Editing
3. Music
1. File Types
2. Listening
3. Editing
4. Video
1. Media Types
2. File Types
3. Watching
4. Editing
9. Networking
1. Setting Up a Home Network
2. Different Uses of Networks
1. Sharing Internet Connections
2. Sharing Files and Printer
3. Playing Multi-Player Games
10. Tips&Tricks
1. Truly Removing Log Off User
2. Kill the Passport Balloon
3. Kill the Animated Search Character
11. Keeping your PC running Smoothly
12. Programming
13. Glossary
14. Author(s)

Computers for Beginners/Introduction

Computers for Beginners/

What can a computer do for me?
A computer is a wonderful tool and improves productivity, entertains, and facilitates
In a work environment a computer is able to perform many useful tasks. One of the primary
functions is word processing. Word processing is a virtual typewriter. It saves data on a
computer and allows for quick editing of a document. It also provides tools for spelling and
grammar checking, ensuring higher quality written work!
Another productivity use for computers are creating databases. These databases are easily
created, and can store information easily for quick retrieval. For example, if you have a
large address book and want to get a person address to send them a letter you can use an
address book application. This application uses a directory, or database, to store the
information about all of the people you input into it. Then you can use a search feature that
lets you look for a persons name, or part of their name, to quickly find there address
instead of flipping through endless pages on an address book to find them.
It's original, and powerful function is in calculations. It is incredibly fast at mathematical
calculations and what would take a human years to complete, are completed in minutes. It
is wonderful for keeping track of a budget, or to plan a savings account. Or simply doing
homework, or engineering work!
It entertains by providing DVD-players and music players. It also can play games. In
addition, if you have a computer with a good internet connection you can download and
watch your favorite TV shows on your own time.
One of the most utilized features of computers is the gateway it provides to communication.
With even a slow internet connection it makes communication easier. You can e-mail
friends and family. E-mail, unlike regular mail, provides instant delivery to the recipient.
Also, if both of you are connected to the internet simultaneously, programs can allow you to
instant message one another. That way you can communicate it real time. This helps save
on expensive phone bills. There are even services, like Skype, that allow for voice
communication over the internet as well, and it's free!
A computer also provides a gateway to the internet. A huge library filled with billions of
web pages that are packed with knowledge and games!
NEXT>> Computers for beginners/buying a computer


[1] http:/ / en. wikibooks. org/ wiki/ Computers_for_Beginners/ Buying_A_Computer

Computers for Beginners/Buying A Computer

Computers for Beginners/Buying A

Building a Computer
Building a computer is not as difficult as it sounds. It is not recommended for absolute
beginners, but if you have toyed with computers for some time, it might be a good idea,
especially if you plan on playing games. It can save you a bundle on hardware. There is a
separate wikibook on this, as well as some other resources online.

Choosing a computer
Choosing a computer is not as difficult as one might think. If all you plan to do is surf the
web, send a few e-mails and write someone a letter, any new computer you find for sale will
work well. Currently available computers have more than enough processing power for the
tasks most people use. The more expensive models provide extra performance or software
that you may or may not use. In fact, even computers as old as five years may be more than
adequate for your needs. You can save a bundle by buying a refurbished or used computer
from a big company (like Dell or Gateway) or from a small, local reseller (like Computer
Renaissance -- a franchise/chain). Most people do not realize this!
What you need to get is determined by what you plan to do with your computer. If you don't
plan to play high end games, you don't need a $500 video card, a $1000 top of the line
processor and a $400 hard drive. If you are typing letters to your grandkids there is no way
you can type faster than even the slowest new computers. Consider what you plan to do,
how much you want to spend and chose your computer from there. Don't be the guy who
bought the SLI pc and 30" flat panel display when he just wanted to play pac-man!
There are a few choices you have to make:

Desktop v. laptop
It comes down to a choice between size and price. Desktop computers (those with a tower
case and a separate monitor) offer better value for the money. They are usually cheaper
and faster than laptops. Laptops, on the other hand, are easy to carry from place to place
and can be set-up on any table or your lap (although lap use tends to be discouraged by
manufacturers due to heat issues, and most have gone so far as to discourage the use of the
term "laptop", preferring "notebook" instead). If you need to move your computer from
location to location, or would like to be able to take your computer with you anywhere you
go, spend the extra to get a laptop. An important factor to consider with laptops is that, due
to their compact design, they are also more prone to hardware failure, making an extended
warranty a must. If you just plan to use your computer at your desk at home, save a few
bucks and get a desktop. For computer gaming, desktops are generally considered greatly
superior. Most laptops are oriented for work use. For an idea of how big the difference
typically is, a laptop will generally cost 20-30% more than a comparable desktop.

Computers for Beginners/Buying A Computer

Optical Drives
Almost all computers come with some sort of Compact Disc drive. With a standard CD drive
you can play music CDs and install software stored on CDs. For a little extra you can get a
drive that will play both CDs and DVDs. That means you can watch movies on your
computer. The next step after that is what is called a recordable CD (CD-R). This allows you
to be able to record your own Compact Discs. You can create music CDs or save data to a
disc for safe keeping. Some CD-R can also play DVDs and are called combo drives. The top
of the line are DVD recorders (DVD-R, DVD+R or DVD-/+R). They can create both read and
write CDs and DVDs. Most home DVD players will play DVDs that you create on your
computer. There are two types of DVD recorders: the +R and the -R. Try to get a recorder
that works with both formats. If one will fit into your budget, get a DVD recorder.
The next big thing in optical media are Blu-Ray discs/ drives. These discs have a large
capacity (upto 50 Gigabytes) and are already available in the markets, although they remain

Hard Drives
Hard drives are like big filing cabinets for your computer. Although they are all the same
physical size (except in desktop v. laptop comparison), hard drives come in different
capacities. When it comes to hard drives, bigger is better, within reason. As of early 2005
the bottom end is about a 40GB (gigabytes*). This would allow you to install a quite a few
programs and still have room left for your data. An upgrade to a 60GB or 80GB is a good
idea, to give yourself that little bit extra room. If you plan to do lots of video editing, or
playing lots of games, you might want to go with a 120GB, 160GB or bigger hard drive. If
you start to run out of room for your stuff you can always add a second hard drive later.
Remember, there's no sense in buying a 400GB hard drive if you only surf the Net.
When sorting through HD controllers, SATA150 is better than IDE, SATA 300 is twice as
good as SATA150, and SCSI is best as it allows for drive speeds for up to 15,000 RPMs. Not
to say that you can't make a high end gaming system with IDE. It can be from 40 gb to 500

The processor (or CPU) is the brains of the computer; it does all the calculating. Simply put,
faster is better. However, faster is generally more expensive. Unless you plan on playing
the latest games, or doing a lot of video editing, buy a middle of the pack processor. You
can save a few bucks by going with a slower processor, or spend a few extra for a little
more speed. This book recommends that you stay away from the very high end as you spend
a lot more money for only a small increase in performance. For instance, the highest-end
processor in the Pentium 4 line, labeled the "Extreme Edition" (EE), will add $1,000 to the
price of the chip for only about a 10% speed increase.
There are two main CPU manufacturers, Intel and AMD. Competition keeps them fairly
evenly matched. Intel offers the high-end Pentium 4 and the low-end Celeron processors
while AMD has the high-end 64-bit Athlon 64 and Athlon FX lines, and the mid-range and
low-range Athlon and Sempron, respectively. The low-end processors (Celeron and
Sempron) tend to offer 80% of the performance of their big brothers, at about 50% of the
price - although this varies between applications.

Computers for Beginners/Buying A Computer

RAM (Memory)
RAM, or Random Access Memory, is memory that is not on your hard drive that your
computer uses to store things you have not saved, such as this web page and a document
that you are typing. RAM is much faster than a hard drive- every letter you type would take
about a second if you used just the hard drive. As with most things computer-related, more
is better. This book suggests getting a minimum of 512MB (megabytes) - 1GB (gigabyte) of
RAM. If you have a little extra money, you may want to go with 2048 (more commonly
referred to in most specifications as simply 2GB). Anything over that is a little excessive.
In any case the amount of memory you will need will be dictated by the applications you
will be using. For example, graphics-heavy applications such as Adobe Photoshop will
demand considerably more RAM than text-based software such as email programs and
word processors.

Operating System
Most likely the most essential part of a computer is the operating system. An operating
system is what connects the computer to the applications, or programs you wish to use,
software speaking.
Although Windows is the most popular operating system, this does not necessarily make it
the best. Linux and Mac are much faster, safer, and more reliable, and if it is within your
budget, consider buying a Mac or a installing Linux on a computer with no operating
system, on which to install Linux.

Virus Protection
If you choose to use a Windows computer and you want to use the Internet, you'll be forced
to buy virus protection software. This means, every year, to protect your computer from all
the malicious software that exists on the internet, you need to buy a roughly $50 program
or upgrade of virus protection software. This does not apply to Mac and Linux machines, as
they are secure enough that they do not require virus protection software, although open
source virus protection programs are available.

Video card
Computers aren't very useful if you can't see anything, unless you build a server or other
form of distributed workstation. A video card allows you to see output from the computer.
If you plan to do any 3D gaming whatsoever, you need a graphics card. There are two
main companies who produce graphics card chipsets: ATI and Nvidia. Both make good
graphics cards in all price and performance ranges and you should do more research
before choosing a specific card. Basically, the more expensive cards allow you to play
fancier games. Video cards have their own onboard RAM and have their own processor
known as a Graphics Processing Unit (or GPU). Sometimes, you will find pcs with dual
graphics. This gives the user 2x the power of one card. It will also cost a paltry 500 bucks
If you only want to surf the web, write documents, send and receive email, then
"integrated graphics" are fine and costs much less. Most bargain computers come with
what is known as integrated graphics--very basic graphics built right into the

Computers for Beginners/Buying A Computer

Also keep in mind that graphics processing requires memory. Memory can be available
from any single source on your PC.
a video card as described here, that has its own on-board memory
video chip(s) embedded on the motherboard that have memory
video chip(s) that need to share the RAM described above
Most desktop and notebook computers have only one memory source for processing

Computers for Beginners/The Basics

What is a computer?
Simply put, a computer is a machine that performs mathematical calculations.

Brief History
Computers, by our above definition, have been around for thousands of years. One of the
earliest computers, called an abacus, used a series of beads on metal rods, which could be
slid back and forth to add or subtract numbers. This is a very rudimentary device and is not
commonly thought of as a computer in modern times. Our idea of computers involves
electricity and electronics.
Electricity makes computers much more efficient. The first computers used an incredible
amount of electricity, which changed voltages in vacuum tubes in order to operate the
computer. These computers were instructed to calculate by the use of punch cards. These
computers were behemoths, taking up entire floors of buildings. Only the more privileged
universities and government facilities had access to them.
In the 1960's, the vacuum tube was replaced by the integrated circuit and transistor. These
greatly reduced the size and power consumption of computers. These computers where still
very large, but this allowed more institutions to utilize computing power. At the end of
decade, the microchip was invented which reduced the size of the computer even more.
By the end of the 1970's, computer use was widespread in businesses. This involved the use
of a dumb terminal (a keyboard and a monitor attached to a large central computer). Soon,
parts became small enough to allow home users to have a personal computer. Thus the
Personal Computer, or PC, was born.
Since then, PC's have become tremendously more efficient. They are much smaller, and yet
have seen extreme performance gains. In addition to these improvements, computers have
become affordable enough for most American families.

Computers for Beginners/The Basics

Hardware is the stuff you can touch, as opposed to software which is abstract and exists
only in a virtual world as computer code. Hardware is made of materials found in the
universe and are subject to the laws of physics. Contrary to the latter, software is bound
only by the creator's imagination and the user's willingness to believe what the creator
wants them to.

The Insides
Inside the computer case are various components that allow the computer to run.

The Central Processing Unit, or CPU, contains the brains behind the operation. It is the
main microchip in the computer that distributes tasks to all other parts of the computer.
When most people talk about the processor, or chip, it is actually the CPU they are
referring to.

Computer memory, more commonly called RAM (Random Access Memory), holds computer
code that needs to be operated on quickly. RAM is plugged into special slots on what is
called the motherboard. It has a large direct expressway (aka CPU bus or Memory bus) to
the CPU, allowing the information held by the memory to quickly interact with the CPU.
RAM size is limited and needs to be constantly cleared and refilled (don't worry; it does this
automatically). RAM is just one part of the computer that determines your speed.
RAM is referred to as "volatile" memory, compared to a hard drive (or a USB "flash" drive)
which has 'non-volatile' memory, meaning that the RAM loses it's memory whenever it loses
power. Non-volatile memory, on the other hand, is semi-permanent, in the same way that
paper is, in that it can be destroyed or erased, but when properly taken care of can last

Hard Drive
The hard drive is the main storage area in the computer. It is usually where you put your
data to be stored permanently (until you choose to erase it), and it retains data after power
is removed.
Virtually all of your data is stored on your hard drive. A hard drive is composed of disk(s),
where the data is recorded onto the surface, similar to records, CDs, and DVDs. The size of
the hard drive (today's are usually in gigabytes) is determined by how dense (small) the
recording is. Many of today's major programs (such as games, media creating and editing
programs such as Photoshop) and files (such as pictures, music, or video) use a
considerable amount of space. Most low-end computers, as of 2007, are shipped with a
60GB (gigabyte) or larger hard drive. As an example, an average mp3 takes between 7.5
and 15MB (megabyte) of space. A megabyte is 1/1000ths of a gigabyte, thus allowing most
new computers to store thousands of such files.
Users who wish to store a lot of media on a computer will want a larger hard drive, as will
users who want to store numerous programs such as modern games which require a lot of
space. Most video games today are distributed via DVD discs that store data, called

Computers for Beginners/The Basics

DVD-ROM (read only memory, which can be read off the disk, but does not allow the drive
to modify it), which can be anywhere from 4.7GB for a single layer disk to 8.5GB for a
double layered disk...and many intensive programs are starting to use all that space, if not
Another concern for users who want higher performance is hard drive speed, measured in
RPM. Most desktop hard drives today are 7200RPM models, with lower end 4200RPM
models not commonly seen in new systems (other than laptops), and higher end 10,000RPM
hard drives generally seen only in gaming and other extremely high performance
computers due to their cost. For example, a 320GB 7200RPM drive costs around 85$ (as of
April, 2007), compared to a 300GB 10,000RPM drive which costs almost 600$ more at 660$
(Also as of April07)
Hard drives are constantly increasing in size, both because technology allows, and because
of demand for more storage space. For example, an apple iMac in the late nineties shipped
with a 4GB hard drive, and sold for 1,300$ US (although it should be noted that the cost
alone is not indicative of the hard drive, or vice versa), compared to a modern iMac which
sells for 1000$ US and carries a 160GB hard drive(As of April07). Compare to the original
IBM PC, which carried only a 10MB hard drive, or 1/100th of a GB.
Some extremely high end computers already have hard drive space in the Terabyte
(Commonly abbreviated as TB, a Terabyte is 1000GB0) range, achieved by linking multiple
high capacity hard drives together. It is entirely likely that within a few years TB sized
storage space on computers will be common, and within decades Petabytes (thousands of
Terabytes) and even exobytes (Thousands of Petabytes) will not be unheard of.

The Peripherals
Peripherals are hardware attached to a computer, but external to the main case that houses
the CPU, Hard drives, and other such equipment. They include your mouse, monitor,
printer, and other devices used by the computer to receive input from the user and return
information after processing.
It is generally a good idea, although not as important as it used to be, to add and remove
hardware from the computer while it is turned off. Things such as USB storage devices and
keyboards/mice can generally be inserted and removed at a whim with no consequence,
however more advanced things such as printers should be installed according to the
manufacturer's instructions, including shutting down your computer.

Keyboard and Mouse

The keyboard and mouse are the most common types of input devices.
The keyboard has keys that, when pressed, send information to the computer. The keyboard
is the most widely used device for interacting with a computer, and even many modern
operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows XP can be operated with nothing but the
keyboard or little but the keyboard. The most commonly used keyboard, by far, is the
QWERTY layout, which almost all keyboards sold use. This is the same layout as most
typewriters sold within the last century. The second most common, but a very distant
follower, is the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard. While this is technically better, the industry
and consumer market as a whole has mostly rejected it.

Computers for Beginners/The Basics

The QWERTY keyboard was designed to prevent typewriters from jamming while keys were
being pushed at a fast rate, by keeping keys as far apart as possible. The Dvorak keyboard
layout was designed for computers, where this is obviously not a problem, and thus places
the most commonly used keys where they are easy to reach, and because of that, quicker.
However, because of the popularity QWERTY had, the Dvorak keyboard layout never
became popular, for two main reasons. The first being that because most people already
know how to use QWERTY keyboards, and people are thus unlikely to switch, and the
second being that because most people know how to use a QWERTY keyboard, there is very
little use of Dvorak.
It is generally advised that you use a QWERTY keyboard, as even though Dvorak users gain
significantly faster typing speeds, the rarity of the layout makes it hard for people who use
Dvorak to use most other computers.
The mouse is an input device which is primarily used by physically moving the device
across a surface, which causes a pointer symbol, called a "cursor", to move across the
screen, and secondarily by pressing a button while the cursor is over an object on the
monitor, or "clicking". All mice have at least one button, with the most common layout
having three.
One button mice: The apple mighty mouse is the only mouse (that the writer knows of)
which uses a single button. This button is usually activated by pushing on the front of the
mouse, or pushing the entire mouse down. This has the benefit of being a simpler
interface, and arguably more attractive, but suffers from this of being slightly more of a
hassle to use, with tradition "right click" needs being changed to pressing a "control" or
"ctrl" key on the keyboard while pressing the main button. These are only used with
Macintosh OS, such as Mac OS X.
Two button mice: The second most common layout, the most common in older computers,
which has a button on the left and right, usually for the index and middle finger. While
less useful than a three button mouse, they are, when teamed with a standard keyboard,
capable of performing almost all computer tasks.
Three button mice: The most common layout, Fundamentally the same as a two button
mice, but with a third button added between the "left" and "right" click buttons. While
the mouse technically has three buttons, this may be confusing to some users, as the
"middle"/"center" click button is also a scroll wheel. This design allows the user to scroll
through documents, make selections, and do other tasks by moving a finger, rather than
pressing an arrow key or "Page up/Page down" key on a keyboard. The center button can
also be press inwards to create a "middle click" button, which although not common, is
used in some programs to perform a simple function, such as the Firefox web browser,
which uses the middle click to open a link in a new tab.
Four (or more) button mice: Usually seen only on gaming and multimedia specialization
mice, extra buttons generally do not serve any native purpose, and rather are assigned a
function to perform by the user. For example, a user who uses the mouse to play games
might assign the additional buttons to switch between weapons in a shooter, or cast
spells in a fantasy game.
There are two other major differences in mice, which is Optical/Laser mice, and Ball mice.
This is how the mice tells where it is, with the laser measuring the distance it crosses when


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

it is moved, and the ball measuring how it rotates. The laser is generally more accurate and
less of a hassle to use, and can be used on more surfaces, but the ball mouse is cheaper.
The last important consideration when buying a mouse is size. You should always try to put
your hand on a mouse and move it around, to see how well it feels in your hand. If it feels
awkward, small, big, long, or short, look for something better! Not only will your hands
thank you, but you will be more efficient.

Media Devices (Floppy, CD-ROM, DVD, USB)

These devices carry data, in the same way that a hard drive does, but are much more
portable. They are the primary method of storing data outside of a computer, and the main
method of transferring information between computers without the use of a network, such
as the internet.
There are four main types of these in use today:
3.5" Floppy: capable of storing 1.44MB of data, the oldest form of storage still seen in use
today, and gradually being phased out. Many computer manufacturers have stopped or
plan to stop making floppy drives, and while they are still available for use by system
builders and modifiers, they are generally intended for older computers
CD-ROM: Capable of storing 700MB of data, the most common method of storing data for
most of the last decade or so, which has recently been replaced by DVDs and USB.
DVD: Capable of storing 4.7GB of data in their single layer form, and 8.5GB in their
double layer form, they are the most common method today for most store bought
programs, as well as videos.
USB/Flash: While not usually used by commercial software, USB 'sticks' and Flash 'cards'
have become popular ways of storing data, because of their ease of use, and low cost.
While sizes range from 128MB on old units to 12GB on larger, more expensive modern
units, the average stick today is 1 or 2GB, with an average 2GB USB stick costing about
15$ US

The monitor is the main method of giving the computer output, in the same way a book has
pages. A book with all the letters in it, but in a way you can't possible understand or even
see is of no use to you, and the same is true for a computer. While older monitors, CRTs,
were rather bulky like TVs, newer monitors, or LCDs, are much more compact, and easily
lifted by even children.
For much of the history of computers, the most common monitors were CRTs, short for
Cathode Ray Tubes. They work on the same principle as a television. These were generally
heavy, had a lower image quality, and were in general less reliable than an LCD. They come
in two forms, the normal version, which has a curved monitor, and "Flat Screen", where the
display is completely level (although it still has the bulky back end). As CRTs contain
dangerous materials such as lead, you should NEVER attempt to open a CRT monitor by
yourself, and you should NEVER simply toss one in the trash. Look in your area for the
proper channels to dispose of them.
The most common type of monitor today is an LCD, or Liquid Crystal Display, which is
much lighter, although slightly more expensive. They have a smaller form, a higher image
quality, and are overall better than CRT monitors.


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

Tip: To take proper care of your monitor, always be sure that the screen is not left on a
static image for long periods of time. This can "burn" the image into the monitor, meaning
that it will have a ghosting effect, even when that image is not displayed. This can not only
be highly annoying, but in some cases, make it so the monitor needs to be replaced. To
avoid this, either set a moving screensaver, which will trigger after a set amount of time, or
simply turn the monitor off

If you have a printer attached to your computer you can print your information and keep a
"hard copy". Depending on what type of printer you have, you can print in color,
double-sided, book form. The output quality of some printers goes from draft (to save ink)
all the way to photo quality.
Printers come in all price ranges and in many types. The most common for home use are ink
jets (bubble jets) and laser. There are specialized printers for data plotting (mapping),
photos only, labels and more.
A lot of printers are "all-in-ones" which simply means they combine more than one function.
They can be any combination of printer, copier, fax and scanner. If you are looking to buy
an all-in-one make sure it has all the features you are looking for. You don't want to get it
home and find out you still need a separate fax machine or scanner that you thought was

What is Software?
Software is what allows the computer to run. Think of the computer as a person- even with
strong muscles, sharp eyes, and a brain to rival Einstein, it's not much good if you can't
even think! Software is what almost all people use to input to the computer. Software
makes it much easier for the average person to use a computer, especially without training.
If it weren't for software, you'd have to train for years to be able to even check email, and
when you did check it, you'd wish you'd just gone to the post office!
If you buy a computer from a store, instead of assembling it yourself, they will almost
always include an operating system (usually Microsoft Windows), which will include almost
all of the software the average person will use on a day to day basis. However, you should
be careful to check, as it is not unheard of for a store to sell a computer off with the
perception of it being cheap, only to find out that you cannot run anything on it due to the
lack of an OS!
While most software is designed to be easy to install and use, there will likely be some
programs that will be hard to install (this is much more the case on Linux than on Mac OSX
or Windows XP, and slightly the case with Vista, due to it's being a new OS), and the easiest
way to figure these out is generally to look for the answer on a search engine, such as


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

Setup and Boot

The first thing to do after taking your computer out of the box is to set it up. While many
stores offer at home installation, this is generally unneeded for anyone able to operate a
computer, as a computer can be hooked up with about the same effort as a television and
The basic parts are:
The Case: Also known as the 'tower', or incorrectly as the 'CPU', the case is what stores
all of the brains of the computer- the graphics card, processor, hard drives, etc. This is
the most important and expensive part of your setup, and technically the 'computer'
The monitor
The keyboard/mouse
Simply place the case wherever you wish to have it, plug the monitor's cable into the
appropriate slot on the back of the computer, place the monitor where you wish to have it,
plug the monitor's cable into the monitor, plug the keyboard and mouse into the
appropriate slots on your computer, and lastly plug the power cable into the power supply
on the back of the computer, and into a standard wall outlet. You should consider using a
surge protector to protect the delicate electronics inside a computer from any power surge,
or loss. You may also consider using a power backup, which will allow you time to shut your
computer down safely during a blackout, or even continue to use it until the power is
restored, in some cases.
You may have a laptop/notebook computer, which all of the components are integrated into
a single compact source that you can carry in a briefcase/backpack. In that case you need
only plug in your battery and power cord. Follow the instructions provided by the
manufacturer of the computer for putting the battery in the laptop/notebook and plugging
in the power cord.
Some additional models differ from the above two designs. For example, the iMac and eMac
series of Apple computers have the internals and monitor housed in one case, with only the
keyboard and mouse separate. Please refer to your instruction manual for setup
instructions (Apple usually has very clear instructions). Note: Many of the instructions in
this Wikibook require a Windows computer.
After everything is assembled, turn the power on to your monitor and speakers, then turn
on the computer. It is important to turn the monitor and speakers on first so that you can
hear and see any error sounds or messages. You should also pay attention to your
computer, and be ready to turn the power off immediately if there are any problems, such
as the fans not starting. Though you should be careful, as computer fans can be extremely
quiet, if the fans do not start, turn the computer off right away to prevent the CPU and
other delicate components from overheating.


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

Operating Systems
The major software application on a computer is called the operating system. The operating
system is like the driver of a car. While it might seem like it's only telling the car
(computer) what to do, it is in fact also interfacing with the different parts of it, as well as
taking any new input (say, a map, or instructions on where to go- which equates to other
software) and performing these tasks to the best of it's ability. Although many things are
compatible across platforms, more involved programs, such as photo editing tools and
games, will not work across all platforms, in the same way that if you started giving your
cab driver directions in French, he'd probably tell you to get out, unless you were of course,
in France!
There are three major OS that you should consider using for your first desktop/notebook
Windows: There are two main branches of this, MS-DOS and Windows NT. Although most
people will not tell you they are running Windows NT, this is actually what Windows XP
and Windows Vista users are doing. MS-DOS OS, The Win9x series, are not in common
use any more. Windows has the advantage of being the most common OS, which means it
is compatible with most software (although users of other OS will say that they have
alternatives which are better). Windows is fairly easy to use, although it is commonly
taunted for using too much of a computer's resources on it's own processes, instead of
what the user is running. Note that almost any computer you buy from a store, unless it's
specifically says it's a mac, will run Windows of some type.
Mac: The second most common OS in desktop systems, Mac OSX is rare compared to
Windows, although not any worse. Macs have been designed to be very easy for people to
use, and are thus a good choice for a first system, as long as you don't mind not having as
many software and games options as windows users. Many Mac users are extremely loyal
to the OS, and it has gained slightly more popularity in recent years, due to the
popularity of the iPod MP3 device, and various other apple products.
Linux: While it is also rare compared to windows, linux does have it's advantages. Linux
is open source, which means that anyone can change the code around and redistribute it
as they want, resulting in many different versions. Though it can be daunting, can help the average person decide which version of the OS would be
best for them. There is a wide range of versions, called distros, ranging from one that's
meant to fit on a 50MB business card sized CD to ones that are meant to be easier to use
than windows! Linux can be harder to use than windows at times, especially because it is
almost required that you use the command line at times, however users who are willing
to put in the effort to search for a solution (usually quick and easy) and copy/paste the
answer into the command line will generally appreciate it, with some being as devoted or
more so than the aforementioned mac users! Linux suffers many of the same downfalls as
Mac, however, including a lack of commercial software, especially games. This is slightly
remedied by the large amount of free, open source linux games, and the WINE program,
which can run many windows programs such as games under linux, without having to
emulate Windows OS. While many 'hardcore' gamers are disappointed by the lack of
games, even compared to mac, there are many games which are either native to linux, or
work well enough under WINE that most casual gamers will not have a problem.
Note: If you do want to use Linux, the writer recommends you use Ubuntu [1], which is easy
to use, and has a large and helpful community- at least until you become knowledgeable


Computers for Beginners/The Basics


enough about linux to decide for yourself which Distro to use.

Basic Operating Tasks

Moving the Mouse
The mouse controls the movement of an on-screen pointer, called a cursor that often looks
like an arrow. When you move the mouse, the pointer on-screen moves too, usually in the
same direction as the mouse. In other words, move the mouse toward you to move the
on-screen pointer toward the bottom of the screen, you move the mouse to the away from
you and the arrow moves to the top, and so on. You indicate to the computer what parts of
the screen you want to interact with by placing the pointer over those areas on the screen.
The visual representation of the mouse's position, by default a small white arrow, is
commonly referred to as the cursor.
One easy-to-use learning tool is called Mouserobics
instructors around the world.


. This training aide is used by

GUI (Gooey)
Almost all programs that you will be working with will have a GUI or Graphical User
Interface. The GUI is the 'pretty' part of a computer- the windows, buttons, scroll bars, and
task trays. The GUI is really just a front for the command line, which is what does the
actual process and such. While almost all Windows and Mac users do not need to worry
about this, this is important for users of Linux to know, as they will use the command line
for tasks, which either cannot be done or are more efficient to do through the command line

The keyboard is used for inputing text into the computer. It is designed so that users can
type all the letters of the alphabet without moving their hands. Many programs from word
processors, media players utilize the keyboard.
The numbers at the right of the keyboard can work in two ways. While in normal mode,
the keys will function as another set of arrow keys, in num lock mode, they will instead
be an alternate way of inputting numbers. This is mainly useful when putting in more
than a few digits at a time, when using the numbers over the letters becomes more of a
hassle than a time saving method.
The keys labeled F1, F2, F3 ... at the top of the keyboard are the "function keys". F1 is
usually assigned as a "help" key, which will open a help dialog when pressed. If you are
having trouble with a program, or just want tips, reading these files can often be useful
or insightful.
"Ctrl" and "Alt" at the bottom means "control" and "alternative". These keys are normally
used to type special symbols or for shortcuts. More on that below.

Computers for Beginners/The Basics

Windows XP
Booting for the first time
Turn on the computer as described above.
The boring process of booting up will begin. Booting is just starting up the computer.
(Remember to turn on peripherals first!). This may take a few minutes, so be patient. Your
computer is testing itself and running a bunch of internal functions that you'll probably
never have to worry about. You don't care what's happening inside when you turn on your
TV. You just want it on. It's the same with the computer. Just let it do its thing!
If it is the first time booting up the computer running XP operating system, a prompt asking
you to choose a user name and password will appear; you may enter up to five different
users. Note: if you want the computer to just boot up straight into Windows XP every time
you use it, you should create only one user and not enter a password. In Windows XP Home
edition, different users have the same programs installed, but may choose different
backgrounds for their desktop (more on this later), and have different program icons on it
as well; if you have Windows XP Professional, the differences are much fewer. Passwords
should be secure, but not as secure as if it were an online password, as you only need to
prevent people accessing the actual computer itself- make sure if you choose a password
you can remember and write it down, as this is one password you simply cannot afford to
lose. DON'T ever tape your password to a keyboard or other part of your system. That's the
first place everyone looks! There will be some questions that show up on the screen.
Answer them the best you can and if you're not sure, use the default. You may be asked to
activate your software if the installer has not done so. Microsoft requires you to activate
XP. If you don't activate it will quit working and you'll have to install it all over. Activation is
usually done over the internet but can also be done by phone. The number will appear on
the screen. Register it ASAP!

Running Windows XP
Now Windows XP has booted up, hopefully, and is running. You should now be looking at a
rolling green hillside with a blue sky and clouds. This view is called the desktop, which
makes sense. The rolling green hillside is called the background and can be changed to a
variety of pictures installed with Windows XP, or to one you yourself load onto your
computer. You'll probably notice a couple of pictures with words like "AOL Free Trial" or
"Shortcut to...something" beneath them (don't panic if these particular ones aren't present).
These are called icons and are linked to specific actions, usually opening a program (see
below). You can create your own icons, as well as delete ones you do not want. Don't worry,
this will be explained later. The blue bar at the bottom of the screen is called the taskbar.
If you have a program open, it will be represented with a little icon and a name here. On
the far left of the taskbar is a large green button which says START; this is logically known
as the Start menu. If you left click (hereafter simply referred to as "click") it with your
mouse, you will open a menu which contains links to almost everything in your computer
(the first time you ever start Windows XP, the Start menu will automatically be displayed).
On the far right of the taskbar, you will see a notification area known as the system tray. It
contains both temporary and constant notification icons. Right now, it probably has only the
clock and a button with a message, asking you to click it if you want to take the Windows
XP tour. If you are unfamiliar with computers, it is highly recommended that you take the


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

tour. If you wish to wait, you can take it later by clicking on the Start menu, clicking All
Programs, clicking Accessories, and clicking Tour Windows XP (this type of menu action
will from here on be represented as START -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Tour
Windows XP).

Some useful keyboard shortcuts in Windows

The following keyboard shortcuts are used for frequently performed tasks and will speed up
your computing. They normally work on all major platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac).
(NOTE: When you are asked to press multiple buttons at once, you can first press the
buttons Ctrl, Alt and Shift, and while keeping them pressed, press the remaining button.
For example, to press Alt+Tab you first press and hold down Alt, then momentarily press
tab, and then let go of the Alt key.)
When filling out a form or a dialogue, enter the text, the press "tab" to get to the next
text box or button. To go backwards, press Shift-Tab. Press "enter" to press a button.
This will save you from taking your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse.
To copy a selected text, or a selected file or folder, press "Ctrl-C"
To paste the text or file into a new location, press "Ctrl-V"
To select all the text (or items) press "Ctrl+A"
To switch between open windows press "Alt-Tab"
To log off from you session or to shut down the computer press "Ctrl-Alt-Delete"
To select a piece of text or a list of files or folders, click the left mouse button on the
starting position, then press and hold "Shift", then click on the end position, then release
To select text, files, or folders that are not contiguous (side-by-side or together), select
the first item by clicking; next press and hold the "Ctrl" (control), click the next item,
release the "Ctrl", repeat if necessary.

Launching and Working with Programs and Windows

Background Information
A program does something. Programs can process words, play music, and much much
more. One simple program is called Notepad, and it is on many computers. Microsoft Word
is a program, AbiWord is a program, and Mozilla Firefox is a program. They will be
explained later.

Task Bar
There are a few more things you should know that you can do with the task bar to
customize its appearance and behavior:
1. You can lock it (preventing other alterations listed below)
To check if the task bar is locked, hover the mouse over some part of the task bar not
occupied by an icon, then click the right mouse button. A pop-up menu will appear,
with an item "Lock the Taskbar" on it (among others). It can either have a checkmark
next to it on the left, or not. If there is a check mark, the task bar is locked. If not, then
it's not locked.


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

To change the locked state of the task bar, click on the "Lock the Taskbar" menu item,
and the state will change to its opposite - if it was locked before, clicking unlocks it; if
it was not locked, clicking locks it.
2. You can resize it (made larger, smaller, or even concealed, vertically)
To do this, the task bar must be unlocked (see immediately above)
Click and hold the thin border immediately above the task bar (you should see the
cursor change to an up-and-down arrow), and "drag" it upward. You'll see that the task
bar becomes fatter, giving it more room for program and quick-launch icons. Dragging
it downward does the opposite. If you drag it all the way to the bottom of the screen,
the task bar vanishes (except for its sizing border, which you can drag upward again to
bring back the task bar.)
3. You can also move it to the top, right, or left edge of the screen
To do this, hover the mouse over some part of the task bar with no icon, then click the
left mouse button and hold it down. Then move the mouse up, to the left, or to the
right, and observe that the task bar will vanish from the bottom of the screen and
reappear at the left, top, or right (according to which direction you dragged it.) When
you release the mouse, the task bar will stay where you placed it.
4. You can select which of its component tool bars are displayed on it
(how-to goes here)
5. You can resize (horizontally) the visible tool bars
(how-to goes here)
6. You can set other properties of the task bar, such as whether the clock appears on it, or
whether the task bar auto-hides itself
(how-to goes here)
Opening a Window
Now it is time for a tutorial.
1. Left click on the Start Menu. It is in the lower left corner of the screen.
2. Put the mouse over the words that say "All Programs" or "Programs" (This depends on if
you have the classical start menu or not which will be discussed in a chapter about
3. More menus will come out of the arrow. Bring the mouse up to accessories and let it
4. Click on Notepad.
Another way to say steps 1-3 in a simple fashion is Start -> All Programs -> Accessories
-> Notepad.


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

Modifying the Window
After doing this, many things happen. First of all, a window appears on the screen. Notice
that there are three boxes in the upper right hand corner of the window.Here is what they
1. Click the first box going from left to right. Oh no! It's gone! Don't be startled because
Notepad hasn't been lost in oblivion. It's just been minimized.
2. To get it back, look at the bottom of the screen. You will see a rectangular box that says
"Untitled - Notepad". Almost every program will have this little box located in the task
bar. When it is gone, the program's not running. Now, click on the box to see Notepad
3. Click the middle square. Notepad now takes up most of the screen. This is called
maximizing. Look at the icon that you just clicked. It has changed.
4. To get it back to normal, click the same button. That is called restoring.
5. Click the last square (with a big X on it) to close the window. It is gone for good and will
never come back (until you do what you did in step one of Opening a Window again). This
button is called the "X" button. If someone wanted someone else to press this, they could
say "X it out."
Moving a Window
Now it's time to learn how to move windows.
1. To begin, open Notepad again with your new skills.
2. The place in the border where the three buttons are located is called the titlebar.
3. Click anywhere on the titlebar except the boxes and hold the mouse button down.
4. While still holding the button, move the mouse pointer. This is called "dragging". The
window will follow the mouse and become an extension of your hand.
5. When the window is in that perfect location, let go of the button.
Working with Multiple Windows
The great thing about computers is that they allow for multi-tasking. You can listen to your
favorite tunes, write a book, get work done, chat with their friends, and check your e-mail
all at the same time. This can be done with much ease if learned correctly.
Time to get busy.
1. Open Notepad again.
2. Open Wordpad, which is located in Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Wordpad.
There should now be two windows on the screen. The Wordpad window is the active
window. We know this because its titlebar is brighter than Notepad's. Also, Wordpad's
taskbar rectangle is a different color than Notepad's. When a program is active, keyboard
and mouse input will go to that program.
1. Type "Hello." The text is in Wordpad's window because this is the active one. (If nothing
shows up, then click in the part where you would type in the Wordpad program).
2. To make Notepad active, click on its titlebar. If it is covered by Wordpad, move it out of
the way (by dragging it). Notepad will come on top of Wordpad once it is activated.
3. To make Wordpad active again, click its rectangle in the taskbar.
4. Play with the two programs until you get the hang of working with multiple windows.
Use the maximize and minimize buttons. Don't really click any of the buttons on the
programs yet. You'll learn that soon enough...


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

Windows Gooey GUI

Menu Bar
1. Open Notepad.
Right under the titlebar, there will be a menu bar. There will be File, Edit, Help, and
2. Put your mouse over the word File and click.
A menu will pop up under the word and some choices will appear.
3. Click Open.
This will open up a dialog to open an existing text file. You don't have to open anything
yet but you may if you want.
4. Click Exit.
This will close the program. It's another way of pressing X.
5. Open up Notepad and explore the menus.
Nothing will break. If you see something confusing, press cancel. Remember that a
great way to learn about the computer is to do stuff on your own. Try opening up other
programs from the menu and see what they do. Just try to get comfortable with using
the computer.
Common Menu Bar Features
Most programs share at least some similar menu bar items. Below is an overview of basic
buttons found in the menu bar. It is broken down the same way that the menu bar is. Try
these out.
File - Basic tasks like saving, opening, printing, and quitting are in the File menu.
Edit - The Edit menu can do a number of things:
Cut, Copy, Paste - This is the same thing as right clicking where the curser is and
pressing cut, copy, or paste. That means also that it's the same thing as Ctrl-x, Ctrl-c,
and Ctrl-v, respectively. To learn more about cutting, copying, and pasting, click here.
Undo/Redo - If you ever make a mistake that's hard to fix, like deleting your 10 page
paper, a great thing to try is Undo. Most of the time, programs will let you undo
numerous times. Redo redoes what you undid with the Undo button. It's like pressing
Back and Forward in a web browser. Also, Ctrl-z and Ctrl-y are for Undo and Redo.
Find/Replace - Find and Replace are very useful tools, and they are incorporated into
many programs. One example below will show how to use find, and the other will show
how to use replace.
1. Let's say that a woman is on a webpage about muffins, but the only thing that she
cares about are blueberry muffins. In order to save time, she goes to Edit -> Find.
Then, she types "blueberry". The computer shows her every time that the word
"blueberry" is on the page. This also works on other things such as word processors.
2. Another person writes a 5 page essay that was supposed to be in third-person.
However, he has a whole bunch of "you"s in his paper. In order to fix that, the
person goes to Edit -> Find/Replace. In Find What, he puts "you" (without quotes),
and in Replace With, he puts "one" (without quotes). After clicking "find" and
"replace" enough, all the instances of "you" were changed to "one", and whoever
wrote the essay got an A+.


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

View - Options in here can change the appearance of a program. Most of it depends on
the program you're using.
Toolbars - This lets you decide what toolbars to display if the program has a lot of
them. An example of a toolbar is the one with the Save, Open, and New buttons.
If you are wondering how to do something in a program, a good place to look is in
Help. After opening the Help menu, you can find help by choosing "Contents" or "Help
Contents" or "Online Help".
About - A general description of the program you are using is in here. Another useful
thing found in here is the version number of the program.
Many options for customizing a program can be found in Preferences. It is a window
that comes up and is usually organized with tabs. Preferences can usually be found in
Edit -> Preferences or Tools -> Options.

Scroll Bar
When there is too much stuff in a program to be displayed on the screen, a scroll bar
appears in the right hand side of the window. Using this scroll bar, one can go up or down
through the text or whatever needs scrolling. Scroll bars can also appear on the bottom of a
window to scroll left and right. You scroll by using the following methods:
Click the squares with the arrow icons. Up is for up, and down is for down. Every time
you click the arrows, the bar between them (known as the "scroll bar") goes up or down
Click and hold the scroll bar and drag it. Dragging it down scrolls down the text, and
dragging up scrolls up. Release the mouse when finished.
There may be a small wheel on your mouse. This is called a "scroll wheel". It will most
likely be between the two mouse buttons. You can use this to scroll up and down.
The Page Up and Page Down buttons on the keyboard will scroll up and down in large
The arrow keys on your keyboard can sometimes be used for scrolling.
On some occasions, there will be scroll bars inside of scroll bars. This may be confusing, but
you'll get the hang of it.

Linux is an operating system, much like Windows is. An operating system, aka "OS", is the
middleman between you and the computer. It creates an environment where the user can
interact with the computer in an efficient manner. It was originally created by Linus
Torvalds, while he was still in college. In its early stages, it was a command interface(that's
where you HAVE to type exactly what you want the computer to do), but now has grown to
a fully featured OS used by Enterprises, Developers, and by the Power-Users at home who
need an OS that can perform in the most rigor environments.
Known worldwide as the core of the Open Source world, Linux's nature is comprised as
"free". Linux is "free" by allowing the average user to observe and make changes to the
source code of Linux as needed. That means if YOU want some kind of special functionality,
YOU can implement it. For that reason, Linux is as diverse as the humans that inhabit the


Computers for Beginners/The Basics

Earth. Unlike Windows, where only a few choices of the OS exist, Linux has literally
hundreds of very different variations of itself created and maintained to perform a specific
function for a community of users.

Installing Linux
You can get Linux by downloading it, burning it to a disk, placing it inside your computer,
rebooting it, and following the installation process. Always back up your data and
defragment your disk before installing Linux.

Booting Linux for the first time

After burning Linux to a disk, leave it inside the computer and reboot it. If the computer is
new enough, it should boot directly from the disk.

Running Linux
You can either run Linux after installing it or directly from the live disk.

Linux Shortcuts
F1 = help

K Desktop (KDE)
[1] http:/ / www. Ubuntu. com
[2] http:/ / www. ckls. org/ ~crippel/ computerlab/ tutorials/ mouse/ page1. html


Computers for Beginners/More Basics

Computers for Beginners/More

Background Information
Any information that is stored on the computer for later use is saved in a file. If there was
music on your computer, it might be saved in an mp3 or ogg vorbis file. If one acquired a
picture of a monkey and wanted to save if for later use, they might save it as a jpg or png

File Naming
When there is a file on the computer, it is saved on the hard drive with a name. This name
can be whatever you may desire, but it will have an extension at the end. For example, the
picture of a monkey might be called monkey.png. There may be spaces, dashes, and
underscores in file names. Using any other special characters such as parenthesis and @
symbols is generally a bad idea. Capital Letters can also be used. If you had a band with the
name of Green Pickles and a song called Soup, the name for this song on the computer
could be GreenPickles-Soup.mp3, Green Pickles - Soup.mp3, green_pickles-soup.mp3, or
whatever you want.
There will also be times when files don't have an extension. Those are mostly text files or
executable files which will be explained.

Organizing and Creating Files

Hard drives are very big these days, and people have a whole bunch of files. To organize all
of these files, a method that can be thought of as a brief case can be used. To look at files,
humans use a file manager. Clicking on My Computer from the desktop or start menu will
Try this:
1. Click on My Computer on the Desktop or Windows Explorer (Start -> Accessories ->
Windows Explorer).
2. Go to Tools -> Folder Options... and click on the File Types tab.
3. If "Hide extensions for known file types" is checked, uncheck it by clicking in the
The previous two steps are not necessary but very useful.
4. Go to the c: drive (pronounced "c drive") by double clicking on it.
You have just dived into your hard drive. This is where most of your files are stored.
a is the floppy drive, d is usually the cd-rom or dvd-rom drive, and other peripherals
like usb drives are the next letters.
5. Scroll up and down. You should see quite a few folders. One will be called "Program
Files" and another one will be called "Windows." There will also be more.
6. The first thing you need is a place to put all of your personal documents. Luckily,
Windows has these folders already pre-made. There are folders called My Documents in


Computers for Beginners/More Basics

1. When you are in the c drive, right click in empty space and click New -> Folder. You
can also do this by going to File -> New -> Folder. Give the folder your name by typing
it, and press Enter on the keyboard when your finished.
7. Now, go into that folder by double clicking on it.
8. If you want, make a few more folders inside of that one for more organization. For
example, have one for pictures, one for school/work, one for music, and whatever you can
think of. You can also make those folders as you go along.
9. Close the window when finished.
Now we are going to make a simple file.

Open Notepad.
Type "Hello, I am practicing my computer skills" or whatever you want to type.
Click on File -> Save As
Navigate to C:\YourName\ and call the text file practice.txt.
Open My Computer or Windows Explorer.
Go to C:\YourName\
You will see that there is a file called practice.txt.
Double click on it.

practice.txt was just opened by Notepad!

9. Close Notepad.

Moving Files with the Cut, Copy, and Paste

You will now learn how to move files.
1. Open up My Computer or Windows Explorer
2. Make a new folder in your folder called computer-practice. For example, it could be
3. Go to C:\YourName\, right click on practice.txt, and press copy.
4. Go to C:\YourName\computer-practice\
5. Right click in empty space and choose paste.
6. Go to C:\YourName\, right click on practice.txt, and press delete.
When the file is deleted, it is not gone forever. To remove it more, read about the
<recycle bin>.
To save time, cut could have been used instead of copy. The difference is that when
you paste after pressing cut, the file is deleted from it's original location. You shouldn't
use this too much just in case something goes wrong.
Moving one file at a time is fun, but sometimes we need to move a whole bunch at a time.
1. Go to C:\YourName\computer-practice\
2. Copy practice.txt
3. Press paste lots of times. (Hold ctrl and keep pressing v)
The new files will be renamed to something like "copy of practice.txt"
4. There are two ways to select all of the files in this folder.
1. Press Ctrl-A or Edit -> Select All
2. Click the one on the top, hold shift, and click the one on the bottom.
5. When they are all highlighted, right click on one of them and press copy.
As usual, the same thing can be done with Edit -> Copy or Ctrl-v
6. Go to C:\YourName\


Computers for Beginners/More Basics

7. Paste the files
8. Delete all the text files that you just made in C:\YourName\
Sometimes, you only want to select some of the files in a folder
1. Go to C:\YourName\computer-practice\
2. Click on the first file.
3. Hold shift down and click on another one towards the middle.
The files you clicked on and everything in between has been selected.
4. Click in empty space so everything is deselected.
5. Click on the first file again.
6. Hold ctrl and click another file.
The files you clicked are the only ones that are selected.
7. Hold ctrl and click yet another file.

Searching For Files

Knowing the name of a file, but not the location, can be very aggravating. Who wants to
spend hours searching through an endless amount of folders? The answer is not very many
people and that is what file searching is for.
Let's say that someone has a file called This person lost it, so they are now
going to find it quickly. Here's what the person would do.
1. Click Start -> Something.
2. Do Stuff.
There are other things to be done with the find utility. One feature is using *. The * means
that anything can be there. For example, searching for *.ogg would find any file that had a
.ogg at the end. Searching for *report* would find anything that had the word report in the
file name.

A shortcut is a file that leads to another file or a website. There main use is for the desktop
(The screen behind all the windows. Icons are on the desktop).
Here is one way to use a shortcut.
1. Right click on the desktop.
2. Click New -> Shortcut
3. A wizard will come up.
4. Make the shortcut name "Notepad" and the link location
With this shortcut, you can open Notepad in the click of a button. You may now delete this
shortcut if you think you'll never use it by right clicking on it.
Here is one way to use an Internet shortcut.

Open up My Computer or Windows Explorer

Go to C:\YourName\computer-practice\
Do the same thing that you would do to make a folder, but click shortcut instead.
A wizard will come up.

5. Make the shortcut name "Never Used A Computer" and the link location http:/ / en.
wikibooks. org/ wiki/ Never_Used_A_Computer/ .


Computers for Beginners/More Basics

With this shortcut, you can go to this book's website when you are in the computer-practice
folder. You may now delete this shortcut because you'll probably never use it.

When a file or more than one file is too big, compression can be used. Compression is used
on the internet a lot because it is better to download smaller files. If you've ever seen a file
with a .zip extension, then you have witnessed the most common type of compression in
Windows. There are also compression formats with a .gz, .bz2, or .rar extension.
"I got a .zip file from the Internet, now what?" is a common question. The answer is actually
quite simple starting with Windows XP. All you have to do is right click on it in My
Computer or Windows Explorer and choose "Extract All..." A wizard will come up and it is
pretty straightforward. When you click next, it will ask you where to put the files. The
default folder is usually good, but you can change it if necessary. Also, if the file has a
password, click the Password... button and type it in. When you click Next, the files will be
extracted to the directory, and one more thing will come up. It'll be a check box that says
"Show extracted files". It is a good idea to make this unchecked because it'll open up a new
window if you don't, which is annoying.
If you have an older version of Windows or want to be able to extract files other than zip
files, a great option is 7-zip [1]. It works basically the same way as the first method, or you
can use their 7-zip File Manager which should be in the Start Menu.
Just like files can be uncompressed, it is also possible to make your own .zip files. The
easiest way to do this is to do these steps.
1. Open up My Computer or Windows Explorer
2. Right click on a file or folder that you want to be compressed.
3. Choose Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder
A .zip file with the same name as the original file for folder will be created in the same
directory as the original file or folder.
For example, if there was a file called C:\Ronald\Bacon\BaconBenefits.doc, and you
compressed it, there would now be a file called C:\Ronald\Bacon\
BaconBenefits.doc is still there.
4. If you want to add to the archive, right click the .zip file and click Open.
5. You can add more files by copying and pasting them in the new window that opens up.
The same can be done in other programs such as 7-zip, WinZip, and WinRar.


Computers for Beginners/More Basics

Installing Programs
Your computer probably came with some software already on it, but what if you need to do
something fancy? For almost every task you could think of doing with a computer, there is a
software program to let your computer do it.
There are a few types of Programs
Open Source or Free (as in freedom) - software where the source code, the language
programmers use to make computers do their jobs, is available to everyone. Anyone can
change the code and see how it works.
Freeware - Freeware is software you can acquire legally without paying for it.
Shareware - typing is here
Commercial - typing is here
Free-Trial - typing is here
There are also a few ways to install programs
Install from a CD or DVD - You put the disc in the drive and follow instructions. The
defaults will usually work fine.
Install from the internet
You download a file, extract it if it's compressed (.zip, .bz2, .gz, ect.), click on the file
with a .exe extension, and follow instructions.
On a very rare occasion you have to compile a program from source. This can be
tough, but the program will probably have a file called INSTALL that should be read.
Learning is fun, so here's some more useful info. An executable file has either no extension
at all or a .exe extension. When a file is executable, you can run it and it will do something.
For example, the executable for Notepad is C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe. When you
click on Start -> Accessories -> Notepad, it is really the same thing as going to notepad.exe
in Windows Explorer and double-clicking it.

Uninstalling Programs
Sometimes a program is installed, but you don't want it anymore. Removing unwanted
programs is like eating pie, easy.

Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs

Highlight what you want to remove by clicking on it.
Press Remove or Change/Remove
Follow the instructions. They will most likely be pretty straight forward.


Computers for Beginners/More Basics

This chapter will not explain every secret and tweak in Windows. What it will do is describe
things that everyone should know in terms of customizing their computing experience to
suite their needs.

Start Menu
Programs usually put themselves in the Start Menu automatically, but you may find that
there is something that needs to be added or tweaked.
There are two ways to edit what is inside of the start menu. Try the first one, and if that
doesn't work, the second method will work.
Dragging, Dropping, and Right Clicking

Auto-Hide the Taskbar
Have you ever seen someone's desktop and noticed that there is no taskbar, but then when
they put their mouse at the bottom of the screen, it appears? That is called auto-hiding the
taskbar. This is the kind of thing where some people love it and some people hate it. Here's
how to do it.

Right click on the taskbar.

Click Properties.
Check Auto-hide the taskbar.
Press OK or Apply. (Apply won't close the window)

To make it normal again, do the same thing but this time uncheck the box.
Show Quick Launch
1. Do the first two steps as Auto-Hide the Taskbar.
1. Right click on the taskbar.
2. Click Properties.
2. Check Show Quick Launch.
To deactivate it, do the same thing but this time uncheck the box.

Screen Size (Resolution)

There are two factors in determining the size of an image on the monitor. The first one is
obvious, the physical size of the monitor. These would be values like 15", 17", 19", etc. Of
course, this can't be changed without buying a new monitor.
The other thing that can determine the size of images on the screen is the resolution. To
understand it, you have to know a little bit about how monitors work. It's not much.
A pixel is dot on the screen that has exactly one color. When all of those dots are combined,
they make up what you see on the monitor. The resolution is how many dots are on the
screen. When people describe resolution, they are talking about how many rows and
columns of pixels there are, like a chess board. For example, a resolution of 640x480 means
that there are 640 pixels going from the left to the right of the screen in one row, and there


Computers for Beginners/More Basics

are 480 pixels going from the top to the bottom of the screen in one column.
Changing the resolution is very simple in Windows.
1. First right click on the desktop, the area in the screen where the icons are, and click
properties. You can also do the same thing by going in Start -> Control Panel -> Display.
2. After that, go to the Settings tab.
3. Click and hold the slider under Screen Resolution. Let go when you are at a suitable
1024x768 is a good choice. If your monitor can go higher, then do that if the text isn't
too small.
4. Press Apply.
If the screen looks really weird and gets all funky, don't panic. If you don't press Ok to
the dialog that comes up, it will automatically change back to where it was in a few
Also, notice the Color Quality section. Putting it on 32-bit color is a good idea if it isn't there
already because it makes everything look so much nicer. If you monitor can't handle it,
change it back.

[1] http:/ / 7-zip. org/

Computers for Beginners/Security

Why Security Matters
Why should you spend effort to keep your computer secure? There are many reasons why
someone would want to do so.

Protect Others on the Internet

Failure to properly secure your computer could end up making it part of DDoS attack, or
sending spam.

Malware can cause trouble with your computer

A virus could cause some programs to stop working. Spyware could prevent you from
viewing your favorite site, because it redirects you to a porn site. Or it could just slow down
your computer. The worst result of malware on your computer is losing all your data.


Computers for Beginners/Security

Protect Your Privacy

Many spyware apps may collect information on stuff like your web browsing habits.

Criminal Intentions of Crackers

Many crackers intend to hack to get a hold of credit card numbers, passwords, and other
items that they can use for making a profit.

An important part to security is making sure your computer's software is up to date.
Software that is out of date may contain exploits that a cracker or worm (a program that
spreads itself through email) can use to cause harm to your computer. In addition, security
software should be updated in order to be protected against new types of threats. Windows
can be updated through Windows Update or the newer Microsoft Update.

User Privileges
The administrator account should not be used for anything but administration purposes, or
for programs that require administrative privledges. This is because it is too easy for your
computer to become victim of malware, crackers, and viruses while logged onto an
administrators account. This is especially important when performing mundane tasks like
browsing the web, checking your e-mail, or word processing. This is because many of the
programs that hackers and like create require that you be an administrator to execute.
They require writing files to certain directories, and registry keys, that "normal" user do not
have access too. These programs are often hidden within webpages, IM chat windows, word
processing documents, and e-mails. It is a very good idea to create a new user without
administrative privledges to use on a normal basis.
In Windows, a problem often arises when a program needs to have administrative
privledges to run. In this case, you can run the program as administrator. In windows
operating systems, this is done by right clicking the program to run, selecting run as.., and
typing in the administrator accounts information. If that doesn't work, you can always login
to the administrators account to run the program, but be wary of running any other
programs while in that account. Especially programs that access the internet like web
browsers, chat programs, or e-mail programs.
Sometimes, damaging programs can infect non-administrator accounts. If this happens,
these programs are usually limited to the that specific user account. Deleting that user
account usually solves the problem. There are viruses sophisticated enough to infect the
entire computer from a non-administrator account; however, if you keep your computer up
to date with (like using windows update) the security holes are closed and the virus cannot
damage the system.
You wouldn't hand out a key that could open everything in your house to anyone who asked,
so why would you hand out administrative account to anyone? If you really want to protect
your data, do not give out your administrator password or account to untrusted people. If
other people want to use your computer, it is a good idea to create a general guest account
without administrative privledges for them to use. If they use it often, creating a new user
for them is also an option.


Computers for Beginners/Security

Physical Access
If a person has physical access to the computer, there are a few measures that can be taken
to prevent damage to the computer. First, change the settings in your computers bios so
that it boots first to the hard drive. Booting from the hard drive first ensures that a person
cannot boot from a bootable media such as a cd-rom or floppy disk. Often bootable media
contains programs that can crack Windows and change the administrators password. As
well, operating system (ex: Windows XP, Linux) installtion disks are bootable and often
have tools that allow users to erase all the information on the computer. NOTE: Do not
EVER go into BIOS if you are not 100% sure of what you are doing. Ask someone who has
extensive knowledge to help you.
Next, make it so a user needs a password to change the bios settings, this prevents
someone from changing the boot order and thus booting from a cd-rom or floppy disk drive.
Last, put a lock on the computer case preventing someone from opening the computer case
and resetting the jumper on the motherboard that clears the bios boot password.

Malware is a class of software, which usually does harm to a computer, and is unwanted on
the computer by its owner. Malware includes viruses, spyware, adware, and trojans.

There are some people who spend their free time writing viruses, programs that do bad
things to computers. The threat of getting a virus is high in the digital age of today
especially if you are using the Windows operating system. In order to protect your files and
everything on your computer, an anti-virus program should be obtained. Anti-virus software
is dependent on definitions. Worms can spread through the internet faster than anti-virus
makers can make definitions for them, so you should not protect your self with only
anti-virus software.
Here are some good ones:
AVG Antivirus [1] - This is an outstanding free anti-virus program. It is free for personal
use only. A more advanced, professional version is available for purchase as well.
Norton Anti-Virus [2] - This is probably the most popular commercial anti-virus. A good
McAfee VirusScan [3] - A competitor to Norton Anti-Virus. This one is also a good choice.
NOD32 [4] - This is one of the top anti-virus scanners based on tests conducted by ISCA
Labs [5]. Although it isn't as well known as Norton and McAfee, it still provides an
excellent degree of protection along with a faster scanning rate than most other
Anti-Virus applications.
TrendMicro PC-Cillin [6] - This is also a good choice and has been around for many years.
Make sure that you set up your anti-virus program to update its virus definitions at least
every week, or you'll get lost in the dust. If possible set up your anti-virus program to
update every day because new viruses are always emerging. To get an idea of how quickly
things change you can look at any of the sites listed above and they will list the current top
virus threats.


Computers for Beginners/Security


Worms are a type of virus that spread automatically through the internet, through exploits
in a running service. Examples are Nimda and Msblaster. These can easily be blocked using
a firewall, or making sure the services and your Operating System are up-to-date. Doing
these can be especially important, because worms can spread faster than anti-virus
software can be created, and often don't need any use interaction in order to install.

Spyware and Adware Blocker

Much of the free software available is not able to remove all spyware and adware.
Spyware and Adware are similar to viruses, except that they don't spread on their own, but
can be installed without your knowledge. They are more annoying and can be just as
Spyware's main motive is to get personal information of whoever is using the computer and
send it to a company. Adware is enhanced spyware. It uses the information that it collects
to show you advertisements on your computer screen. Adware can be received the same
ways as spyware.
There are some good free spyware and adware blockers.
Spybot - Search & Destroy
Ad-Aware [8]
Windows Defender [9]


Together, these make a good defense against evil programs.

There are also commercial spyware and adware blockers. The major companies that make
anti-virus software have been including spyware/adware detection with their products in
recent years.

Common Spyware Infestation Methods and Prevention

A lot of spyware can be prevented. A few simple steps can save you from a lot of nightmares
Internet Explorer/ActiveX Exploits
A common avenue is for spyware to install through ActiveX or an exploit in IE, known as a
drive by download. These usually affect IE shells like Avant. To prevent this type of
installation, tighten up your IE settings, or use an alternative browser like Firefox. If you
don't like Firefox we suggest Javacool's Spyware Blocker as an alterative.

Computers for Beginners/Security

P2P Apps and other Freeware
Another way to get spyware is by downloading free programs that are bundled with it.
Almost every open source program, however, is spyware and adware free. Avoid programs
that are known to contain spyware, especially proprietary file-sharing apps, and instead use
one on the second list.
Filesharing apps known to contain spyware:
Filesharing apps known not to contain spyware:

BitTorrent (watch out for "rigged" distributions however)

Limewire (older versions contained some spyware/adware; make sure you have the latest
version to avoid this)
The best places to download freeware without spyware, adware, and malware in them are: [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

A firewall protects your computer by blocking certain network packets. They come in
different flavors. Even if you are sent a packet that contains an exploit that is unpatched, a
firewall can block the packet.

NAT Firewall
A NAT Firewall is used in routers. It maps one public IP address to multiple private IP
addresses. This will make your whole network appear to be one computer. By default,
unsolicited (inbound) packets are dropped, giving you basic firewall protection. Many
routers offer more advanced firewall features. By default, any servers run behind the NAT
(Network Address Translation) will only be accessible from your LAN (Local Area Network).
Port forwarding can be used so that a server can be accessed from the internet.

Software Firewall
A software firewall runs on the client computer. They're also known as personal firewalls.
(This can refer to any firewall that only protects one computer like the firewall built into
some nForce chipsets.) Because it runs on your computer, it can block or allow traffic
depending on the application. For this reason, many people run software firewalls in
addition to a hardware firewall. Hardware firewalls are harder to configure for new


Computers for Beginners/Security


computer users so software firewalls are more common. However, software firewalls take
up resources on the host computer. Windows XP and above comes with a basic firewall.
We suggest:
ZoneAlarm [16] the free firewall for personal users
Norton's Internet Security [17] More commercial firewall


[1] http:/ / free. grisoft. com/ freeweb. php/ doc/ 2/

[2] http:/ / www. symantec. com/ nav/
[3] http:/ / us. mcafee. com/
[4] http:/ / www. eset. com
[5] https:/ / www. icsalabs. com/ icsa/ icsahome. php
[6] http:/ / www. trendmicro. com/ en/ home/ us/ personal. htm
[7] http:/ / spybot. info/
[8] http:/ / www. lavasoftusa. com/
[9] http:/ / www. microsoft. com/ athome/ security/ spyware/ software/ default. mspx/
[10] http:/ / www. download. com
[11] http:/ / www. fileplanet. com
[12] http:/ / fileforum. betanews. com/
[13] http:/ / www. softpedia. com
[14] http:/ / www. sourceforge. net
[15] http:/ / www. pcworld. com
[16] http:/ / www. zonelabs. com/ store/ content/ catalog/ products/ sku_list_za.
ctry=US& lang=en& lid=dbtopnav_zass
[17] http:/ / www. symantec. com/ index. htm

Computers for Beginners/Office

Office is commonly defined as a suite of programs made by Microsoft. They can accomplish
many daily tasks, and are one of the most commonly used programs of average computer
people. At the time of writing, the most recent version of the program is 2007. In other
words, the newest "Office" is Office 2007.
There are several programs in the Office suite:

Access, a database program

Excel, a spreadsheet program
Outlook, an email program
PowerPoint, a presentation program
Word, a word processor
Publisher, a document publishing program

Also part of the Microsoft Office suite are: Frontpage, a web publishing program and Visio,
a diagram making program.
Office suites are not made only by Microsoft. Some companies have taken their own stab at
making these handy bundles of programming, and many have succeeded. If you don't want
to shell out serious cash (hundreds of US dollars) for the latest version of Microsoft Office,
you should take a look at [1], a free, open-source office suite which offers
almost all the features of Microsoft Office and then some. If you wish to have an alternative

Computers for Beginners/Office Programs

to Word, try AbiWord


Once you learn how to use one office program, you can figure out the other ones without
much effort.

[1] http:/ / www. openoffice. org
[2] http:/ / www. abisource. com

Computers for Beginners/Internet

The Basics
Where is the Internet?
In the 21st century, the Internet is a pervasive presence in our lives, shaping them both for
good and evil. It should not be surprising that the Internet may have motivated you to buy
and use a computer to its maximum potential.
So, people "connect" to the Internet. Where is the Internet? The short answer is nowhere
and everywhere. The nature of the Internet is not centralized, there is no specific place
where the Internet exists. What we call "the Internet" is the ever-changing collection of
computers that are all connected together and configured so that they can "talk" to each
other. Your computer becomes part of the Internet every time you connect to it, and you
usually connect to it through your internet service provider (ISP), and they are permanently
The Internet is what you and others make it by creating a web page and uploading it onto a
server. Your web page has now become a part of the Internet.
To define the term, the internet is a collection of many, many computers, including servers
and desktop PCs, linked together to send and receive information.

The Internet and the World Wide Web

Another point that may need clarification is the difference between the Internet and the
World Wide Web. People tend to use those terms interchangeably, but there is a difference.
The Internet can provide an wide range of services, like web-pages, email, file transfers,
instant messages the list never ends. The World Wide Web (or just "Web"), refers to the
collection of inter-linked web-pages, and web-browsing refers to the exploration of those


Computers for Beginners/Internet

Web Browsing
Web browsing is probably the most accessible beginners' Internet activity. It is the act of
viewing textual or image-based content using the World-Wide Web over the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP). You are doing this as you read this text.
All recent versions of Windows come with a version of Internet Explorer, and most of them
are inextricably integrated with the operating system. The current version, bundled with
Windows XP, is Internet Explorer 7. Windows 98 ships with version 4, and Me or 2000 are
integrated with 5.0 or 5.5 (the difference being that 5.5 has support for more advanced
security measures).
Internet Explorer is not the only browser, and not necessarily the best. Although it's still by
far the most common, many people point out that it's difficult to use and may expose your
computer to security risks. If you plan to use the world wide web, it's highly recommended
that you at least try out one of the alternatives:
Mozilla Firefox [1] is simple and reliable, and one of the most popular alternative
Mozilla Suite [2] (includes e-mail support)
Opera [3]


Linux users sometimes want to use command-line, or textual, browsers such as Lynx or
Links2 where a graphical user interface is unavailable, for instance when installing, but
most browsers are graphical.
When learning to use a browser (graphical or textual) most efficiently, it can be useful to
learn keyboard commands, as well as the discrete uses of the Left and Right mouse button.
If your mouse has a wheel in the middle, it can be useful to scroll, or for browsers with
tabbed browsing support, opening a new tab. Check your settings so you can get the best
use of this tool.
The vast majority of Web browsing is done among sites you might already know. The first
one that you may have seen is your home page. When the browser is out of the box, it may
direct to the company (Microsoft for Internet Explorer, Netscape for Netscape and allied
products), or it will direct to your Internet Service Provider (the people who manage your
connection). You can also have a home page of your choosing. If you are surfing at school or
work, your school or work will have a page, as will the library or the Internet cafe.

Choosing a password
Many web services, such as email, internet shopping or online banking require the user to
"log in" by entering a username and password.
It is important to choose a good password, that is, a password that cannot be easily cracked
by a third party who could potentially gain access to your email account or finances.

Bad passwords
The following types of passwords should never be used. They can easily be cracked by
modern password breaking tools and offer little or no protection in case of an attack.
Dictionary words, common phrases and names in any language, even if combined
with numbers. For example:


Computers for Beginners/Internet

webmail, merci, London, clare, beermonster, install, sony, honey888,
password3, fluffy,
bahnhof, MichaelJackson, mount_everest, jesuschrist, linux7,
venividivici, ...
Passwords shorter than 7 characters. For example:
fG4ir5, bmw, cat, foo, cng56, girl9, ...
Passwords containing a modified version of the user name. (eg. if the user name is
"martin88", a password such as "martmart" or "nitram")
Passwords containing personal information about the user or the user's family such as
dates of birth, social security numbers, number plates, pet names and addresses. For
12021967, 12_2_1967, 12Feb67, y67d12m2, abbeyRoad, ...
Patterns or repetitive sequences
qwerty, 9876789, g3g3g3g3, aeiou...
Contains only digits or letters. For example:
wiki, 9876543... ...

Good passwords
Good passwords should:
be at least 8 characters long
contain upper and lowercase characters, as well as numbers in a random sequence.
be easy to remember
FQr7erfn5, QWd3fTr6U, rgi82eJiFF0, GI$87d90%nj, kEirt4Pw, ...
A convenient way of creating a password is thinking of a "pass phrase" and then
abbreviating it into a password. This procedure usually results in a password that is both
safe and easy to remember. For example:
"Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a bad poet, so are you" becomes "RarVabIabp5ay",
where the first word of each line is represented by a capital and "S" becomes a "5"
because both characters look similar.
"I use this website to buy cheap flights from Stanstead airport" becomes "IutwtbcffSa"
Using special characters such as *&^%$ also improves a password's safety. However, some
applications and websites don't allow passwords to contain special characters. If in doubt,
leave them out and make the password longer.
Another convenient way to creating a good password is to change the letters to numbers or
symbols in a short phrase. For example, if I wanted to use the phrase "Pepsi Man", I could
simple change a few letters to numbers or symbols and get "P3p$1_m4n" an good and easy
to use password that is accepted by most websites.


Computers for Beginners/Internet

Searching: getting here from there

A very useful idea for a home page can be a search engine. In a search engine, you can type
in words or phrases in regard to a site or topic you may know something or nothing about.
There have been many search engines developed over time. Since 1998, the most popular
search engine is Google.
The principles to use all search engines are the same. Search engines differ in how much,
how widely and how deeply they cover the Internet. The Internet is not just the World Wide
Web, it can be Telnet, Usenet, Tymnet, Gopher and File Transfer Protocol. So keep that in
So when looking for a website that we already know, we type in into the box at
the top below the menus. Or we would go to Open Location and press Control+L (all
demonstrations from this point are conducted in Firefox 1.0.1).
When we want to go to Google, we type in http:/ / www. google. com
Once you are in Google type in the box "Windows XP For Beginners". Then press
Enter/Return or click on Google Search. The button next to it, I'm Feeling Lucky, will take
you to the first site that google finds such as "BBC" will take you to "http:/ / www. bbc. co.
uk". When we 'felt lucky', we clicked on this site: http:/ / northville. lib. mi. us/ tech/ tutor/
welcome. htm, which will reinforce many of the concepts we have gone through and learnt.
Many sites have come up. We want to evaluate the ones which give us the most information
about what we want to know.
Google gives us the name of the website (written out in full, so you can recall it later; if you
can't put your mouse over the link's name), the first few words of the website we want to go
to (usually 2 lines long), how big the file is (measured in kilobytes and useful for
downloading, especially if you have limited time and resources), and two links called
'Cached' (which shows past versions of the website in the event the present version may not
work) and 'Similar Pages' which will give similar pages. In the case of our 'Never Used a
Computer Before' search, we found 30 sites similar to the 'I Feel Lucky' site, which
incidentally is the first one. Many people, when they search and research, click on the first
10 files they see and gain information that way. This is not always the best thing to do,
because most search engines have some form of ranking. Some of this ranking is sorted out
by the user patterns of human beings, and others by the vagaries of servers. Some of this is
sorted out by advertising. Google is a popular search engine for the reason it is not
influenced by advertising.
How do we narrow down the search? On the right, there is a small link called Advanced
Search. Advanced Search, as implied, is very powerful. It is something like a similar feature
in your word processor or database programme and even in your operating system.
Advanced Search is here (if you are not located in the United States replace '.com' with
'', '', '.de', '.fr' or some other domain suffix.)
http:/ / www. google. com/ advanced_search?hl=en
and then you can play around.
The first four text boxes are to do with restricting the terms of the search with words or
phrases - adding, delimiting or deleting. You may well be familiar with this from your word
processor's Find and Replace function.


Computers for Beginners/Internet

Web pages are in many different languages, file formats, dates and domains. To protect
yourself and other people, you may want to use SafeSearch. Most things searched on the
Web are 'sex' and 'porn(ography)' in all their forms, so for work and study, SafeSearch
would be recommended. Otherwise, no filtering will do the trick. Google is able to limit all
these things.
If you need more help then you can look at Advanced Search Tips: http:/ / www. google.
com/ help/ refinesearch. html
You might also like to find similar or linked pages to your page.
There are also technology-related searches for Macintosh, Microsoft and Linux (for

E-mail (commonly referred to as email - either spelling is acceptable) is a method of
sending messages with a computer. Sending email costs nothing extra over your Internet
You send email either with an email client such as Microsoft Outlook , Mozilla
Thunderbird or with a web-based email system. The basic principle is the same for both:
The email is written and sent to a server with an email address attached.
The server looks at the domain name of the email (the section following the @) and sends
the email on its way through the internet.
The receiving server receives the email. It looks at the username of the email (the section
preceding the @) and stores the email in an appropriate folder on its hard disc.
The recipient connects to the Internet and logs into their mail client or webmail site.
The receiving server then allows the message to be downloaded by the recipient.
All this often happens in a second or less. The speed depends on the speed of the two
previously mentioned servers and all the ISP servers in between, the amount of internet
traffic, and the distance between the two servers.

Web-based email
Web-based email is very convenient compared to email accessed via a client, but almost
never has the featureset of clients.
Here is how to sign up for a Yahoo! Mail account. Yahoo! was one of the very first
web-based email companies.
1. Having got to the Yahoo site! (the American one), find 'Sign up'.
2. The splash screen shows us three choices: Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Mail Plus and Personal
Yahoo. The one that will be easiest for our purposes will be Yahoo Mail.
3. It is always a good idea to read the Privacy Policy, and Terms
of Service Look at everything marked with an asterisk
and read the Terms of Service very very carefully. (Even print them out if you can't read
them: there is a printable version).
4. The most important thing is to have a user name and password:
For this demonstration we'll type in [email protected] where the
pattern is [email protected].
You can make up your own password


Computers for Beginners/Internet

Follow the tips and hints.
5. Hopefully you won't forget your password, but 'If You Forget Your Password' is next.
6. Now that you have remembered your password, you will have to look at Captcha to
verify your registration or account. It will be different every time. If you can see it, type
7. Now you have your Yahoo account and you can sign in.
Many of these principles and practices apply to any Internet Service Provider or free
service. It is interesting to compare similarities and differences. The basis of getting 'free'
e-mail can and will change over time, especially if you intend to keep your address for
longer than a month and will use it for many different things. Most people do keep their
e-mail addresses for life or as long as is practicable, and will try to maintain continuity over
the services they most frequently use. However, there is a danger of forgetfulness or apathy
in regard to less frequently used or one-time only services. Ideally, a portal such as Yahoo
or Hotmail will provide a very functional and neat e-mail address and many safe
explorations on the information superhighway, like message boards, chat and directory

E-mail through a specialist program

There are many programs designed for reading e-mail. A good one is Mozilla Thunderbird
and it is meant to work alongside Mozilla Firefox. There are also Outlook and Outlook
Express, Eudora and others. Those programs do not need a browser, they are capable of
downloading and reading email on their own they are stand-alone.
1. In your browser, go to Tools -> Read Mail.
2. If you want to write a new message, then go to Tools -> New Message or press

E-mail hygiene: viruses

One of the main ways that computer viruses propagate is via e-mail. This is usually done by
attachments files that are attached to the e-mail message sent to you. If you don't know
the person sending you the email, it's advisable to be careful and not open the attachment
that accompanies the e-mail (if any). The types of files that can be infected by viruses are
files whose filenames end with .exe (executable programs), .bat, .vbs, .doc (Microsoft
Word documents), .xls (Microsoft Excel files), .ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint presentations)
and others. Even if you do know the person sending you the e-mail message, they might not
know that their computer is infected with a virus and they may unknowingly be sending you
infected files, so it's always a good idea to have virus-scanning software. Finally, watch out
for files that have names like file.jpg.bat. The .jpg part of the filename is there to fool you
into believing this is a picture file, but it is almost certainly something nasty (due to the
.bat ending).
One final point you should be careful about: many graphical e-mail programs have a
"preview mode" as the default mode for reading email messages. In this mode, the contents
of the email are presented to you immediately when you click on the message title in the list
of messages. In the past years, we have seen viruses that infect your system immediately
when you just view the email message that carries them. It's advisable to disable the
preview mode so that you have more control on which messages you want to view: that
would give you the chance of deleting the emails you think look suspicious before even


Computers for Beginners/Internet

viewing their contents (yes, you can often judge from their titles).

Online Scams
Common sense in the real world applies online. If an offer sounds too good to be true, it
probably is. A good idea is to research an offer before you accept it.
A typical scam letter expresses an urgent need for a person to do them a favor. This usually
involves some type of inheritance. These scammers are very good, and their letters sound
sincere and legitimate. They are not. They also will target anyone who they think has
money. There are even reports of religious figures being scammed. One occurred with a
Pastor who was scammed into thinking that a Nigerian man had an inheritance of a few
million dollars. However, a stipulation was placed on the inheritance that he had to give
half of it away to charity but he didn't have the initial money to get to the location of the
money in order for it to be released. The Pastor trusted him and in exchange for fronting
the $10,000 or so USD, the scammer was to give him a few million for his church for the
trouble. Unfortunately, the Pastor was scammed, he never received the money and was out
Phishing is another way that crackers will try to obtain your personal information. They
send emails claiming to be from reputable companies like or PayPal. The
emails claim that they need information from you, like your credit card information or
password, for some reason or another. Common excuses are technical glitches and software
upgrades. These emails look legitimate at first glance--complete with company logos and
professional formatting. They may ask you give you information via phone, through a reply,
or through a website, which is also masked as the website of the company that they are
trying to imitate. If you ever get an email like this, always treat it like it is evil as most
companies would never ask for personal information through email. If anything, call the
company and verify that they sent you the email. Also, both Mozilla Firefox and Internet
Explorer will detect many phishing sites and warn users that they are malicious.


http:/ / www. getfirefox. com

http:/ / www. mozilla. org/ products/ mozilla1. x
http:/ / www. opera. com
http:/ / www. netscape. com


Computers for Beginners/Multimedia

Computers for Beginners/Multimedia

Introduction to Multimedia
Multimedia is a process of putting many media together. Even people who have never used
a computer before have encountered images, music, videos and games. Some of this media
is highly similar to their non-computer form, and others are highly unique. Multimedia files,
like other files, are stored on the computer and cannot do anything by themselves. They
need programmes to open them, and programmers, designers and you to edit them.

A game, on the other hand, is an executable file or an application. This means that it is
usually (on Windows) an .exe, .com, or .bat file. Games come from the manufacturer. Some
operating system versions, like Windows 3.1, had games that come on floppy disks or
CD-ROMS. Many of those games were created in Visual Basic or other programming
languages or game engines. Many games can also be downloaded from the Internet and are
often played there.
Games in the computer world are often as variable as those in the non-computer world.
Many games have systems of artifical intelligence to make them more interesting. Many
games get much harder as the player goes on, and some users like to cheat or modify the
game. There are two sorts of modifications: cosmetic and fundamental.

Playing Games
In most games, it is a case of installing and loading the particular game from the Setup file.
The Setup file will ask you where to save the game. It will either have its own folder, or be
installed in Program Files. Program Files is slightly easier, and having games on the
desktop is easiest of all.
Before playing the game, you might like to read the Terms of Service and disclaimers. Most
game developers and publishers who release games on a commercial basis are very strict
on this. With shareware and freeware, it is desirable, though not required, to acknowledge
the developer by paying a nominal amount of money or sending them a postcard.
If your game happens to be limited to a certain amount of play, like 10 days or 28 days,
respect that and delete it when you've got your use out of it. Some games will have a
limited amount of plays, rather than time.
Wikipedia has a list of freeware games and some links to shareware outlets, which will
cover a wide range of the twenty-five year history of personal computing. Each archive has
its own procedures and rules, such as limits on how much a user can download at a time.
Games are considered to be a relatively heavy use of bandwidth, so use common sense and
discretion in regard to where and when you load them on your Internet Service Provider.
In the end, it's all an issue of personal preference-what educates and entertains you. Many
successful games immerse their users into another world where they can learn
computer-and other-skills.
Games also use images, sounds and often videos-either pre-recorded, or in real time.


Computers for Beginners/Multimedia

Making and Modifying Games

As you become more experienced and confident at a particular game (or game principles in
general), you might like to know how to modify your favourite game. Many platform-type
games, for instance, have various modifications, like how many or how few obstacles are
present in a particular level. Text-based adventure games can be modified by changing the
foreground and background colours, changing the grammar of commands or by unlocking a
certain cheat. Often a user can find extra information in the manual or on a website about
the game. Often, too, other people who play games like to share their modifications in
public. Thus we have skins (clothes) from the Sims and Sims 2. Simulation games, like the
ones from Maxis/Electronic Arts, are often customisable across a wide range of functions.
The simplest way to modify a game is if the developer puts in an editor with the game. This
is common with puzzle games, where users like to create their own levels. The editor runs
more or less separately from gameplay, so you can load, save and modify features of the
game to your heart's content. A useful thing which editors can do is test your created
scenarios to see whether and how they are feasible in the context of the game. It might be
fun to make the player-character invincible, as can happen in Pacman, and in some
roleplaying games. Conversely, the player character can be put in extreme situations like
heat, cold, gravity and natural disasters. It is not just the players and their capacities which
can be modified; non-playing characters and the environment can be modified too.
The second easiest way to modify a game is to go to the game's menu and look for
preferences or options. Each game, and each game-playing experience, is different!
How do you actually create a game? Programmes like Klik & Play (available in a free
version on the Internet, but you might like to ask your computer shop to order it) or a
graphic user interface engine would make programming easier. They generally create
genre-games. Many fan-games-often very sophisticated-have been created through a Klik &
Play interface or similar.
A presentation programme like PowerPoint or Impress (part of the suite)
might be another option which does not involve buying specialist software. These
programmes offer 'click on me' interaction and forms. Something of the same kind of idea
was available on almost every Macintosh in the form of HyperCard Player. Windows has
similar applications like SuperCard and ToolBook. It is worthwhile to spend a few hours
with tutorials. If you want your game to have splash screens and animations, spend time in
your graphics programme and then use a client-side language like Flash. If you want to
create a hypertext game, then HTML is a good choice. Perl and Python make clean code.
Again, if you can't see and preview what the game is doing, it is not likely to be very
successful. Get some of your family members to be beta testers or at least to look at your
proposed concept. It can be good to get it on paper, like a storyboard, before putting it to
It's true that with making a game, you need first to try and then to try again. You might also
like to read books on these concepts and techniques to bolster your own practice, and also
theses. One example of a good book is Chris Crawford's The Art of Computer Game Design
[1], and a thesis which describes the processes a class of gifted Queensland students used
to create a transgressive computer game for the education market is Doing Serious Work of
Just Playing: Computer Games in Subject English by Donna Lynette McGrath of the
Queensland University of Technology. Chapter Four is especially relevant [2], as well as the
appendices and tables [3]. Both sources introduce the idea of a strong narrative or story to


Computers for Beginners/Multimedia

a game.
Wikipedia also has many links to tools that will help us make and modify games. Type in
particular concepts or genres into your search engine, or bookmark relevant sites in open
directories and archives.
Another good way to program a game is to use a Logo-type piece of software. This is
particularly used in educational settings, and has a moderate balance between graphics and
instructions with a learning curve similar but slightly more difficult than KlikPlay.
If you're really ambitious, you can use 3D or Virtual Reality. However, please remember
these games need graphics cards and are not available to the majority. The same is true of
games like Active Worlds and Second Life. Much graphic fun can be created with sprites.
Create squares, circles and isometric images first!

Looking at pictures is fun. They spice up time at the computer and make boring text fresh
and exciting. But before you view pictures, you should know what you're looking at.

File Types
Compressed Formats
jpg or jpeg - Most realistic photos are in this format. Almost every digital camera uses the
jpeg format for their pictures. It has great compression and supports enough colors to suit
most people's needs. The only draw back is that it uses lossy compression, which means
that pictures saved in jpeg loose quality. Line art looks really bad in jpeg, but there are
other formats for that.
gif - An easy and common format for creating animated images on web site. Commonly,
used for advertisements. It only supports 256 different colors in any given image, thus it
often looks grainy. Gif images have a lossless compression, so pictures saved in this format
do not lose quality unless they have more than 256 colors.
png - Another popular image type on the Internet. It was created to be an open source
replacement for gif's, but it doesn't support animation. This format like jpeg's allows for
enough colors to create a realistic photo.
mng - An image format that has potential, but isn't used frequently. Mng has a lot in
common with png and is made by most of the same people. The advantage of mng is that it
also supports animation like gif's.
Uncompressed Formats
Images that aren't compressed get really big. The most popular format is bmp.
Every picture format described so far are raster. This means that they are drawn using
different colored dots, or pixels.
Vector images are different because they are drawn with mathematical or vector images.
For example, a circle is described using a mathematical equation instead of a whole bunch
of dots that are placed to look like a circle. Because of this, you can zoom in forever and the
vector circle would not lose quality. Most clip art is some sort of vector format. The main


Computers for Beginners/Multimedia


one is that if there was a circle, diagonal line, or something similar, one could zoom in
forever and the picture wouldn't
Here are some popular vector formats:
swf - A proprietery format used by Macromedia Flash. Most animated movies on the
internet use the swf.
svg - A basic and widely used format. It's not used for animations with sound.

Music is a great way to change the mood while working on the computer. With music on
your computer, you can make customize CDs, create your own jukebox, and listen to a wide
variety of radio stations from all around the world.

File Types
Lossy Formats
Lossy compress music, discarding data in order to compress the file to something much
smaller than lossless compression and the original PCM stream. The resulting file will
sound inferior to the original. Lossy formats can be compressed to varying sizes, with
smaller file sized having lower quality.
MP3 -The most popular lossy compression format, and the one that is synonymous with
digital music. It is supported by all major DAPs and multimedia players.
OGG Vorbis - A higher quality codec than MP3, it is also free, but with limted support
from DAPs. It is supported by the Rio Karma and most iRiver DAPs.
WMA AAC - The format used by iTunes, but with FairPlay DRM. The iPod is the only major DAP
to support it.
Real Audio Uncompressed Formats
Uncompressed formats store music in the PCM format, the same used by the Red Book
audio CD format. For 2 Channel, 44.1KHz 16 bit audio, this takes up 1378Kbp/s compared
to 192Kbp/s for lossy formats like MP3.
AIFF WAV Lossless Compressed Formats
Lossless compression shrinks a music file, without a loss of any sound, and can be
decompressed back into the original file. However, at around 75% of the original file, they
take up more room than lossy compression formats.
FLAC - A patent free format by the Foundation, who made Ogg Vorbis.
Apple Lossless (MP4) Shorten (SHN) - A lossless file format written by Tony Robinson
Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless (WMA) -


Computers for Beginners/Multimedia

There is a wide variety of audio players available for free off of the Internet. They usually
support Audio CDs and MP3s. Oftentimes they also support proprietary formats as well.
iTunes - Apple's popular audio player which supports listening to CDs, converting audio
CDs into a jukebox, making custom CDs, downloading songs off of Apple's iTune store, and
listening to streaming radio stations. iTunes also supports listening to music off other
computers running iTunes through a local area network (LAN) and uploading songs to
popular MP3 players including Apple's iPod.
Musicmatch - Musicmatch similar audio CD features as iTunes. Plus, it has it's own Music
store. One unique feature it supports is the ability to stream any song in the Musicmatch
library for a monthly fee.
RealPlayer Winamp - Compared to the jukebox style music players, Winamp's GUI is simple and takes
up very little screen space.
Windows Media Player -

Media Types
A media type is how one would store video if they wanted to share it with other people. For
exaple, a DVD is what most new movies are stored on.
DVD-Video - The popular format that replaced VHS as the standard for hollywood
production movies. This standard is only produced by manufactures of large movie
companies. Home users can not produce this format of video. Video is encoded in MPEG2.
Audio can be encoded in PCM, MPEG2 Audio, Dolby Digital, and DTS. However, the DVD
spec requires that a DVD contain a PCM or Dolby Digital sound track. Up to 8 audio
channels may be used.
DVD-R and DVD+R - A popular format for home made DVD movies. These disc play in
most standalone DVD players. These disc can be single layer or dual layer. The single layer
are relatively inexpensive and can hold 4.7 GB. The dual layer are very expensive and can
hold roughly twice the information.
DVD-RW and DVD+RW - A similar format to DVD-R and DVD+R expect it is rewritable.
DVD-RAM - A format that requires a special drive and isn't real popular. It can support
single layer 4.7 GB disc and 9.4 dual layer disc. Like DVD-RW and DVD+RW, it is
VCD - A low quality video disc contraining 1374Mb/s MPEG1 video, the same bitrate as
audio CDs. VCDs can be burned onto regular CD-Rs and CD-RWs with a CD burner.
SVCD - Similar to VCD but with slightly higher quality at the cost of not being able to store
as much video.


Computers for Beginners/Multimedia

File Types and Codecs

A file type is the video itself. For example, if someone had a .mpg file on their computer,
that would be the file type. When they put in on a DVD-R disk, they are using DVD-R as the
media type.
Uncompressed video is very large. Because of that, many compression formats have been
developed. Every file type here is a compressed format. Better yet, every file type here uses
lossy compression. This means that in order to make the file smaller, quality is lost.
Because of this, it is not a good idea to convert from one format to another because more
quality will be lost.
MPEG-1: Used for Video CDs, and also sometimes for online video. The quality is generally
less than that of VHS. Includes the MP3 standard. Stored in a MPEG file.
MPEG-2: Used on DVD and in another form for SVCD. When used on a standard DVD, it
offers great picture quality and supports widescreen. When used on SVCD, it is not as good
but is certainly better than VCD. Unfortunetly, SVCD will only fit around 40 minutes of
video on a CD, VCD will fit an hour. Stored in a MPEG file.
Windows Media Video (WMV): Microsoft's proprietary format. It can do anything from
low resolution video for dial up internet users to High Definition video to view on an HD TV.
files can be burnt to CD and DVD or output to any number of devices. It is also useful for
Media Centre PCs. Stored in a .wmv.
RealVideo: Developed by Real Networks. A popular codec in the earlier days of internet
when bandwidth was scarce. Now less popular because the required player adds all kinds
of unnecessary extras, and monitors usage behavior.
Sorenson 3: A popular codec used by Apple's QuickTime. Many of the Movie trailers found
on the web use this codec.
Cinepak: A very early codec used by Apple's QuickTime.
MPEG4: The latest MPEG codec can be used for internet and on disc like WMV.
DivX & Xvid: Types of MPEG 4. Usually stored in an AVI or OGM file.
File Types
A player that can play a certain file type will not be able to play that type of file with a
codec it can not play.
AVI: Used with many different codecs. Can also store uncompressed video. Uses the .avi
OGM: A file format similar to AVI supporting soft subtitles. Uses the .ogm extension.
MPEG: A file format used to store various versions of the MPEG codec. Uses the .mpeg or
or .mpg extension.
QuickTime: Strickly speaking QuickTime is not a codec, but a file format, API set, and
media player developed by Apple. It supports many popular codecs. Some of the more
popular include Cinepack, Sorenson 3, and MPEG-4 Video. QuickTime also supports a
plug-in architecture that allows other popular codecs such as MPEG 2 and DivX to be added
by the user. Uses the .mov extension. And one more product developed by Apple. That is
iTune. Used for Downloading MP3 Musics from Various sites. it can easily access to
Download Musics Easily.


Computers for Beginners/Multimedia

Media Player Classic QuickTime RealPlayer VLC media player (VLC) - A free cross-platform multimedia player than plays almost
anything [5] you give it, including DVDs.
Windows Media Player -

[1] http:/ / www. vancouver. wsu. edu/ fac/ peabody/ game-book/ Coverpage. html
[2] http:/ / adt. library. qut. edu. au/ adt-qut/ uploads/ approved/ adt-QUT20040713. 153317/ public/ 05Chapter4.
[3] http:/ / adt. library. qut. edu. au/ adt-qut/ uploads/ approved/ adt-QUT20040713. 153317/ public/
08Appendixes. pdf
[4] http:/ / www. tonyrobinson. com/
[5] http:/ / www. videolan. org/ vlc/ features. html

Computers for Beginners/

Setting Up A Home Network
1. First let's understand the basic pieces of a home network. We all know what a network
is, right? A network is a set of hardware and software technologies that allow all the PCs
in the home to connect to each other and to the Internet. One example of a network that
most PCs connect to is the internet. The internet is generally easy to join, but slow, open,
and unsecured.
2. How is the home network built? A network is built by connecting one or more operating
systems together allowing for communication between the two. Usually this is done using
hardware devices which move the data from computer to computer, and software
programs that convert the sent data and read the received data. A home network is easily
built by using a broadband router which acts as a server to create the network for your
home. In addition, routers connect to the larger internet and thus allow the home
network computers to all connect to the internet simultaneously.
3. To get onto the internet through a router, you need broadband internet. Broadband
internet is commonly provided by cable and phone companies in the form of cable
internet and DSL respectively. They require special modems to connect to their service,
called broadband modems. A broadband modem is a device that allows you to quickly
send and receive information from the Internet. DSL modems and cable modems are the
two popular types of broadband modem. For the most part, cable modems are easier to
configure and use, requiring only plugging in the cable line to the modem and the


Computers for Beginners/Networking

Ethernet cord to the router. The DSL modem requires users to log on to the ISP in order
to get Internet access working.
4. The broadband router is usually a small box - popular companies that make them are
Linksys, Netgear, and DLink. One of the router's functions is to share a single Internet
account with all the PCs and other devices in the home that want access to the Internet.
Usually your Internet Service Provider (ISP) gives you one IP address. An IP address is a
unique number for your computer's network card in a particular network (In the case of
the ISP, it gives an IP address for the internet). The router works by splitting the single
IP address given by your ISP into routable units that go to each computer within your
home network, using special numbers that are read by the router. The router then sends
the appropriate data to the appropriate IP address of the computer in the home network
Network Address Translation (NAT).
5. Let's look at the typical router. You will see a series of Ethernet ports (which look like
enlarged telephone line plugs), with one usually not grouped with the others or labeled
differently (oftentimes labeled WAN). This port is used to connect to the cable or DSL
modem using a CAT5 cable. The other Ethernet (Local Area Network) ports, which are
used to attach the home PCs' Ethernet cards. Some routers have the capability to provide
wireless networking. A wireless router will also sport one or two antennae, for the
purpose of providing a wireless connection to computers with wireless network cards.

Different Uses of Networks

Sharing Internet Connection
As the setting up section explains. One of the most basic features of home networking is
sharing Internet access between two computers. This can be done with DSL, cable modem,
or dial-up.

Files Sharing
Print Sharing
There are two major ways to share a printer across the network. The first requires a
stand-alone printer, the other is using a printer that is connect to a computer.
A stand-alone printer is a printer that does not require being attached to a computer to use.
Common examples are large office printers. They each have their own network card that
allows them to connect directly into the network. These printers then can be assigned a
network address, or a host name that allows other computers on the network to find them.
In order to set these up please refer to your printer's administration manual.
Most modern printers also have a web-administration guide. A web administration guide
shows options that can be set for the printer using a web-based interface. To get to it, you
simply open your web browser and put the host name of the printer or the IP address. This
will usually ask you for an administrator's account and password to change settings. This
will be found in the administration manual, or you may have set it when setting up the
printer's IP address.
Next, you will have to install the printer drivers and software on each computer that you
want to have use of the printer.
In Windows XP:


Computers for Beginners/Networking

1. Click on the start menu
2. Choose Run
3. Type in: Control Panel and press enter
4. Click Printers and Other Hardware
5. Choose Printers and Faxes
6. Under Printer Tasks, choose Add Printer
7. Click Next, Choose Network Printer, Click Next
8. Choose the bottom option to "Connect to this printer (or browse for a printer...)"
9. In the text box, type in the host name or the IP address of the printer
10. It will ask you if you would like to install the printer, connect yes
11. It will then install the printer and tell that it has been installed!
The second option is to install a printer that is connected to another computer. First, you
need to install the printer according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer on
the computer. Next, you will need to get the computer's network name.
This is done in Windows XP by:
1. Click on the start menu
2. Choose run
3. type cmd and press enter
4. type in ipconfig /all and press enter
5. write down the host name
Next, go to the computer that you want to connect to the printer.
In Windows XP:

Click on the start menu

Choose Run
Type in: Control Panel and press enter
Click Printers and Other Hardware
Choose Printers and Faxes
Under Printer Tasks, choose Add Printer
Click Next, Choose Network Printer, Click Next

8. Choose the bottom option to browse for printer

9. Click Next, this should bring up a list of computers on the network
10. Find the host name of the computer that the printer is attached to and double click it.
(You may have to left-click on the network name before you see the computer).
11. It will then show the computer and the attached printer. Choose the attached printer
and click next.
12. It will ask you if you would like to install the printer, connect yes
13. It will then install the printer and tell that it has been installed!


Computers for Beginners/Networking


Playing Multi-Player Games

How to Take the First Steps in Home Networking


[1] http:/ / wiki. ehow. com/ Take-the-First-Steps-in-Home-Networking

Computers for Beginners/

Truly Removing Log Off User
We all know that WIN+R will launch the Run dialog. And if you didn't know that before, you
do now. It's an easy way to launch programs in your path or Web pages (provided they start
with either "http" or "www"). You can make a shortcut to this command easily in Windows
XP, but first you need to have the default Start Menu view enabled. Once that's done,
simply drag & drop the Run icon from the menu to your desktop (which is akin to a "cradle
to the grave" operation). Rename it at will. While we're on the subject of XP Professional's
Start Menu, if you wanna get rid of the Help and Logoff icons, TweakUI may not do the
trick. But there are 2 methods to do the same used Windows Xp's built-in tools.

1) Using group policies:

Launch gpedit.msc (from the Run command line). Be careful what you toggle in here; you
could very well deny access to essential Windows features. Select User Configuration >
Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar > Remove [This] menu from Start
Menu. Of course, [This] could be "Help," "Logoff," or any other menu component. Note that
the "F1" key will still respond to your call.

2) Using registry
Type REGEDIT on your run dialog box. Now browse
to the following location in the window that opens
Screenshot of removing/disabling logoff
On the right side you may see a value named
NoLogOff. Double click on it and change its value to 1 If you don't see the NoLogOff value
then create a STRING value and name it as NoLogOff; now change its data to 1
You may need to reboot.

Computers for Beginners/Tips&Tricks

Kill the Passport Balloon

Too many people are tricked into believing that you need to sign up for a Passport account
when you get Windows XP. Wonderful job the marketing folks did, eh? Well, if you don't
want to sign up for an account, nobody is forcing you to. At least, not yet. Are you tired of
being reminded about signing up? Fire up REGEDIT.EXE and find your way to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ MessengerService. You'll see a
"PassportBalloon" binary value in the right-hand pane. Double-click to open it. Now, in the
resulting "Edit Binary Value" dialog, press the Delete key and enter: "0a" (that's a zero,
sans quotes). This will effectively set the reminder counter to 10 and you won't be bothered
with it again. Don't want the Windows Messenger to pop up when you launch Outlook
Express? In the Registry, get to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \
Outlook Express and either edit or add a DWORD Value: "Hide Messenger" (sans quotes).
Set this to "2" and you'll be good to go. Thanks to X-Setup (XTEQ.COM) for providing an
easier way to get this done. Within that program, you can right-click on a plug-in and select
"Information" for details and script code.

Kill the Animated Search Character

When I first saw the default search pane in Windows XP, my instinct was to return it to its
classic look; that puppy had to go. Of course, I later discovered that a doggie door is built
into the applet. Click "Change preferences" then "Without an animated screen character." If
you'd rather give it a bare-bones "Windows 2000" look and feel, fire up your Registry editor
and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion
\ Explorer \ CabinetState. You may need to create a new string value labeled "Use Search
Asst" and set it to "no" (sans quotes in each case). Before you go that far, let me make you
aware of two things. First, you can accomplish the same task via the new TweakUI
(available for download at WINDOWSXP.COM). Second, there's a nice benefit to the new
Search Companion in Internet Explorer 6.0 (at least, with Microsoft Office's spell checker
installed). Launch your browser and tap the F3 key. Now, enter your query, intentionally
misspelling a keyword. Look at that! A red squiggly! Right-click on the word and select an
appropriate replacement (if necessary). How's that for helpful?


Computers for Beginners/Keeping your PC running Smoothly

Computers for Beginners/Keeping

your PC running Smoothly
Do Some Research
Is that demo looking tempting enough to download? Or how about that brand new piece of
hardware? Well before you do, perhaps you should do some research on it first. By doing
your research you can avoid future potential problems by at least being aware of bugs,
compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, and undesirable inclusions like spyware &
You can research:

Reviews & Ratings

Frequently Asked Questions
Release Notes
Press Releases
Version History

System Requirements

Update Everything
Applications, operating systems, drivers... Nearly everything on your PC can be updated.
Updates are often released to remove bugs, fix exploits, improve compatibility, optimize
performance, add features, refresh databases, and enhance experiemce.
However you should be aware that some updates are purely optional and may be require
certain conditions to be applicable, especially firmware updates.
While you should avoid interrupting software updates, you should never interrupt a
firmware update.
You should update your:

Anti-Spyware / Anti-Adware
Personal Firewall
Windows XP
Internet Browsers
Communications Software (E-Mail, IM, and Chat Clients)
Productivity Suites
Favorite Applications
Device Drivers

A useful tutorial on a sequence for managing your computer's health is available at [1]
under the WORKSHOP NOTES heading Clean your PC


Computers for Beginners/Keeping your PC running Smoothly

Keep your passwords safe

Your passwords protect your files, your user accounts, and your online accounts, so don't
you think you should protect your password?
General Guidelines:
Avoid using personal data as passwords--you shouldn't use your birthday, your national
insurance/social security number, or proper names as passwords.
Include capital letters, numbers, and symbols.
If you can, avoid using any word in the dictionary in your password, or any proper names.
Crackers (criminal hackers) have lists of nearly all words in English, as well as other
languages, and by using a special program, can test thousands of words per second
against your password. Ideally, a password should be at least 8 characters
(letters/numbers) long, and contain letters and numbers interspersed throughout its
length; for example "9hyl8rn25g"; do not use this example as your password!
Use multiple passwords.
In general, don't EVER give your password to others, even other family members. There
are normally ways they can obtain their own user accounts and passwords. Any person
who knows a secret doubles the likelihood that secret will be revealed, at the very least.
If someone you don't personally know asks you for your password, including individuals
from the "phone company", the "cable company", the "ISP", the "bank", the "police", the
"government", from "corporate", from "IT" or "MIS", or any individual purporting to hold
a position of authority, generally assume that the request is malicious in nature, unless:
1. They ask you in person--not by phone, by email, or instant messenger; 2. You ask for and
they show a tamper-proof photo identification card--merely wearing a uniform is
insufficient; 3. You call where they came from, verify that they are actually who they say
they are, and verify that in their job, they normally ask people for their passwords.
Verify where you enter your password, especially on the Web. There are fake sites that
look like real ones which are designed to trick you into giving out your password.
When in doubt, change your password.
Keep the system free from all junk files:
Remove all the files in the Temp Folder, Temporary Internet files Folder, History Folder
and the recent document Folder. you can do this by doing the Disk Cleanup.

[1] http:/ / seniornetwgtn. blogspot. com/


Computers for Beginners/Programming

Computers for Beginners/

Taking your first step into the world of programming
Computer programming (often simply programming) is the craft of implementing one or
more interrelated abstract algorithms using a particular programming language to produce
a concrete computer program. Programming has elements of art, science, mathematics,
and engineering. The first step to programming is knowing the basics of mathematics
(mainly Algebra). Programming is usually done by writing human-readable code into a text
editor and then compiling that code into a form the computer understands, called binary

Types of programming languages

There are two types of programming languages based on the code or syntax they use. One
is low level and the other is high-level programming languages. The difference between
them is on the way we write their code. For example, Assembly is a low-level language
where the user writes code which is almost identical to the one computers understand (see
below for more info). A high-level programming language uses a more natural and
human-readable syntax which makes it easier for humans to understand and write. The
problem with high-level languages is that the programmer doesn't exactly know how his
code will be translated (compiled) into the code the computer understands, thus making it
less powerful compared to the low level languages. Today, most programmers use some
sort of a high-level language, because it is much easier to learn and understand and often
requires much less work.
Low level languages
A typical example of a low-level programming language is Assembly. Assembly offers the
lowest level of programming experience, meaning that one has absolute control over
everything the machine will do. Although this offers programmers the most power, it is very
hard to learn and even the most basic task can require a painful amount of work on the part
of the programmer. Once compiled, assembly programs offer the fastest execution and most
precise processor control possible. Assembly is often used for smaller, speed critical,
projects such as writing a device driver, but due to its hard to understand syntax and
complexity, today it is being replaced by high-level languages. The big difference between
low-level and high-level languages is how the code is compiled into the binary form.
Compiler used for compiling Assembly code is named assembler and as programmers say,
the code written is assembled into binary form, not compiled (see under compilers for more
details). There are also many Assembly languages, each for its platform. Although they are
extremely hard to use, they are a very good learning tool, because an Assembly
programmer is required to understand how the machine works (mainly CPU and RAM) in
order to write code. MASM (Microsoft's Macro Assembler) is a popular assembler for the
80x86 (Pentium/Athlon) platform for Windows, others popular assemblers are TASM
(Borland's Turbo Assembler) and the opensource FASM (Flat Assembler). NASM (The
Nationwide Assembler), is currently the most versatile and popular compiler in existence.


Computers for Beginners/Programming

Randall Hyde has also written a popular assembler for the 80x86 platform, called HLA
(High Level Assembly) which is an attempt to simplify learning Assembly with a high-level
syntax. Although one can use the high-level syntax, Randall Hyde has repeatedly stressed
that a programmer can still code using a series of CMP's and Jcc's, instead of .IF for
This is an Assembly code snippet of a program written in MASM which adds two numbers
and stores the result.
.model small, C
mov eax,5
mov ebx,10
add eax,ebx
High level languages
Due to the fact that the complexity of Assembly language programming is extremely hard to
learn, and written programs are hard to maintain, low-level languages often cannot be
ported to another platform, because they use platform, or, rather, CPU specific
instructions, thus written Assembly code for the PC isn't portable to another platform (such
as the Mac for example) without the complete rewrite of the program. Programmers were
in a need for a language that could be easily understood and be portable, therefore
high-level languages were created. The major difference between high-level and low-level
languages is the way they are written and compiled.
While Assembly code is assembled into binary without any modifications than converting
the syntax into CPU instructions, high-level languages use a compiler which also converts
code into binary form, but instead of using a syntax which symbolizes CPU instructions, it
used a readable, human-understandable code, thus making it easier and quicker to write,
learn and maintain. The downfall is that the compiler is responsible for converting the code
and often it produces a slower running binary then Assembly would.
Compilers are extremely good at optimizing code and most of the time produce a binary
with the same running speed Assembly would if used correctly. They are also smart enough
to tell us if there's a problem in our code and sometimes even fix it by themselves. Today,
where speed is not as important as it was many years ago, high-level languages are most
programmer's choice.
Although we already know two types of languages, there are also low-level and high-level
languages in high level languages. A programming language may even be high-level and
low-level at the same time. A typical example of this would be C or C++. Both offer
low-level operations (even manipulating the smallest forms known to a computer - bits), but
they also offer a natural and easy to use syntax. A typical example of a fully high-level
language would be C# or Java which don't offer any low-level operations and are thus even
easier to learn and write.
The difference between programming language levels is speed - the higher level the
language, the slower the binary and the quicker the learning curve.


Computers for Beginners/Programming

Below is the code written in C which (as the previous Assembly example) adds two numbers
and stores the result.
int main()
// assign to the variable result the value of 5 + 10
int result = 5 + 10;
return 0;
The mathematical 'equals' operator ('=') has a different meaning in C so let me explain
what this program does. It takes two numbers, 5 and 10, adds them and stores them in a
local variable (which is stored in RAM) we called 'result'.
Another popular high-level programming language is Microsoft's Visual Basic. It is often
used for learning programming, because of it's ease of use and understanding. All
programming languages require some basic knowledge of mathematics (mainly Algebra)
and the basics of how computers work. Also every programming language serves its
purpose. For example, PHP is used for programming dynamic web pages while C# is used
for programming Windows applications and Java is used for programming platform
independent applications.

How programs work

It is very important that you understand at least the very basics of how computers work,
because learning any languge it is required to know this first. Computers use the processor
(CPU) to execute instructions, memory (RAM) to store the running program and hard drive
(HDD) to store data and programs that are not running at that time. In order for a program
to add two numbers like we did in the previous example, the program must know at compile
time and before the program is run, how much memory it should ask for and what it would
store there. Computers use variables to do this. Variables are data stored in RAM which can
be changed any time while the program is running. In our example, we didn't use variables,
but we used constants - plain numbers which can not be changed at runtime. This, you will
find, is extremely useless as most of the time we don't know exactly what our program will
A calculator would be useless without user input and if it could only add numbers that were
already given to him at compile time. Therefore, variables are the primary thing you will get
to know at programming. When you run the program we wrote in C, the program knows it
has two numbers in it and asks the operating system for space in memory for 2 integer
numbers. Integer numbers are whole numbers such as 1, 24 and 1497. Not only does the
program have to know how many space it has to ask, but even what type of a variable it will
store. Will it be an integer or a character string?
Whenever one uses a program that asks for user input (a calculator for example) it has
already made place in RAM for the number one will type in. When you do type it in, it stores
it in that place and marks its type - if you type in 33 it will mark it as an integer, if you
typed in 3.14 it will mark it as a real number.
Real numbers are numbers with fractions. For example 1.33 is a real number, so is 0.25 and
so on. Knowing what type of a variable the program stores, it knows what it can do with it.


Computers for Beginners/Programming

So if we have real numbers or integers we can multiply them, divide them etc. But we can
not do those things with a character string. We can't divide words and letters.
The other major thing to know about programming is that computers can't think.
Computers are pretty much useless machines without a human to operate it. The computer
does exactly what you tell it to do and nothing more. This, as you have probably notice,
doesn't seem true all the time, but it is almost never the computer's fault and almost always
programmer's. Computers do not understand numbers, words or any other human-readable
type. They can only understand two states; true and false.
You have probably heard that computers work with 1's and 0's but that is not the case. They
work with electricity and nothing more. We made up those 1's and 0's to make it simplier
for us to understand them. (1's and 0's represent voltage changes).Computers cannot think
or do anything useful without someone programming it. They can only compare numbers
and nothing else. It is important to know this, so you start thinking as a computer

Computers for Beginners/Authors The last time EuropracBHIT could say she had 'never
used a computer' was in 1990, when an IBM-compatible computer running MS-DOS version
3.1 came into her home. She studied Information Technology from 1996 to 2000, which is
the sum of her theoretical knowledge, as well as a course in Desktop Publishing in 2003,
where she crystallised high skills in PageMaker and Photoshop, versions of which she had
been exploring for the previous ten years first on Macintosh and subsequently on Wintel
platforms. Practically, she reads all the manuals before she opens a piece of software, and
help files and PDF files. And she plays and has fun, ferreting out what a piece of hardware
and its comicontant software can do and testing out its limits. Her principal contributions
will be in Internet and Multimedia, as she believes these are the most fun and challenging
ways of using a computer in the consumer and education arenas for which this book is
targeted. She recommends tutorials because they are a form of 'doing as I do': imitating an
experienced computer user as opposed to 'doing what I say' which is following the
instructions and feeling very foolish. She thinks that people feeling foolish is the greatest
reason why they do not learn to use their computers more efficiently and get out their
maximum potential with this and other related technology. In the fifteen years she has been
using computers, she has had to tutor and help many people of all ages and skill levels. She
thinks the best way to meet the computer's 'mind' is to be logical. However, computers, in
her view, do stir passions and emotions, and it is important to deal with these positively,
critically and constructively.

Deviance99 has had a home PC running Microsoft Windows since he was 9 years old. He
has been consulting friends, family, and neighbors since age 15. He started dabbling in
Q-Basic computer programming at age 12, and started building his own computers at 14,
and discovered Linux at age 17 (23 now). He's been designing webpages since his
sophomore year in high school, and has had several jobs making websites. He studied
Information Technology from 2001-2005 with a speciality in Multimedia Design, and is


Computers for Beginners/Authors

current the System Administrator of the Physics Department at the local univerity.
Most of his knowledge of computers is self-taught and complimented with theory from the
University. He is an expert using Windows, while an advanced user of Linux with
experience setting up and maintaining webservers, mail servers, files servers, clusters,
active directory, and a network environemnt. He just bought his first Apple computer and is
virgerously learning it.


Computers for Beginners/Authors

Article Sources and Contributors

Computers for Beginners Source: Contributors: Ashl, Atiq ur Rehman, Beamer, Darklama,
DavidCary, Deviance99, Hagindaz, Herbythyme, Iamunknown, Jguk, Klafubra, Kram, Mattwj2002, Naryathegreat, Radhekrishna, Robert Horning,
Sideris, Webaware, Whiteknight, 30 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Introduction Source: Contributors: Beamer, Deviance99,
Guycoolmann, Iamunknown, Jguk, Kram, Naryathegreat, 9 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Buying A Computer Source: Contributors: AlbertCahalan,
AmigaBob, Beamer, DavidCary, Iamunknown, Jguk, Joecool94, Jsilve1, Kalloa, Kirun, Kram, Lvova, MetalGeoff, Naryathegreat, Reub2000, Steve10c,
Vern, 38 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ The Basics Source: Contributors: Beamer, Deviance99, Gavintlgold,
Herbythyme, Iamunknown, Jguk, Kram, Naryathegreat, NipplesMeCool, Peteturtle, Poromenos, RossSmith, Vern, 103 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ More Basics Source: Contributors: Beamer, Iamunknown, Jguk,
Kram, Mattwj2002, Naryathegreat, Reub2000, 22 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Security Source: Contributors: BenBauman, Deviance99,
Domthedude001, Gigabyte, Hagindaz, Herbythyme, Iamunknown, Jguk, Kram, Leofan7, Mattjenkins, Reub2000, Saurabhkumar502, Tortoise, Vern, 34
anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Office Programs Source: Contributors: Iamunknown, Jguk, Kram,
Naryathegreat, 10 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Internet Source: Contributors: Ashl, Az1568, Brucewong,
Clsdennis2007, Deviance99, Goodgerster, Hyperlink, IRelayer, Iamunknown, Jguk, Kram, Naryathegreat, Optigan13, Red4tribe, Sideris, Srborlongan,
Van der Hoorn, Wereon, 43 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Multimedia Source: Contributors: Domthedude001, EuropracBHIT,
Iamunknown, Jguk, Kram, Mastermund, Mattwj2002, Naryathegreat, Reub2000, Srborlongan, 17 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Networking Source: Contributors: Beamer, Deviance99, Hagindaz,
Iamunknown, Jguk, Jomegat, Kram, Mattwj2002, Naryathegreat, Neoptolemus, 15 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Tips&amp;Tricks Source: Contributors: Atiq ur Rehman,
Earthstation, Herbythyme, Iamunknown, Jguk, Jomegat, Naryathegreat, Panic2k4, Radhekrishna, Srborlongan, Tawker, Varun kumar, Withinfocus, 8
anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Keeping your PC running Smoothly Source: Contributors:
Guanaco, Iamunknown, Mkumar, Naryathegreat, Reub2000, Robert Horning, 11 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Programming Source: Contributors: Iamunknown, Jguk, Jomegat,
Soaring747, Suruena, 21 anonymous edits
Computers for Beginners/ Authors Source: Contributors: Deviance99, EuropracBHIT,
Iamunknown, Jguk, Kram, 3 anonymous edits


Computers for Beginners/Authors

Image Sources, Licenses and

Image:NoLogOff.png Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Varun kumar


GNU Free Documentation License
http:/ / www. gnu. org/ copyleft/ fdl. html


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