Midterm Report Istd
Midterm Report Istd
Midterm Report Istd
In-depth Study & Critical Analysis Of HRD And Training Aspects
Deepthi Uppalapati
Reg No: 63/ 20228.
Signature: .
Executive Summary
This project is designed to make an in-depth study and critical analysis of HR aspects in
MedTek.Net India Pvt Ltd. At this point in the project, it reports about the progress we
made in analyzing the
training aspects and the progress it made towards its goals; describe obstacles (both
internal& external) faced; detail work accomplished and actions to be taken in the future.
During the process of project, we got to know and notice lot many interesting facts and
points which are really important for the growth and success of the organization. It gave
an opportunity for the HR department to audit the entire HRD aspects of the organization
there by adding more value to way we operate. At the end of this project, all parties of the
organization; Management, employees, HR department are eager to know more about
the findings and improvements that we can make to the organization from the HRD
prospect which can bring an edge to the company when compared to our competitors in
the market. Below pages of this report offers a brief description about the analysis and
work we have done so far in this project.
Within every organization, there is a need to manage learning in accordance with
business requirements. A systematic approach in training and development always adds
an edge to the performance of the organization in all means.
Objective of this project is to do complete analysis on the below training aspects, their
performance impact and recommendations for betterment of the organization.
a) Human Resource Planning, Training Policy, Training Budget.
b) Training Needs Assessment System.
c) Training & other Development Programmes and their evaluation.
d) Strategies for improving HRD activities in the Organization.
With our analysis, findings & recommendations, our attempt is to provide viable
propositions for betterment in the applicable areas of organization. In this process, we
have collected all recorded data like policies, questionnaires, processes followed etc and
live data like interviews and one on one discussion with various employees of different
departments and external data like market scenario, industry analysis etc.
Project Design:
We have designed the project in to four phases.
1. Collecting basic data and information related to all training aspects.
2. Analyzing data, processes and drawing findings for their evaluation procedure.
3. Evaluating the information and processes of various data analyzed.
4. Recommending strategies for the improvement of HRD activities with the help of
above in the organization.
For any company, training and development is an important aspect which boosts
continuous growth and success to the business. We have considered all external and
internal components of the existing performance of the organization with respect to the
targeted objectives set. Some of the components include absenteeism, work hours of the
employees w.r.t their performance, performance of the software (IPAS Integrated
Performance Appraisal System) which was initiated recently, employee hiring and job
enrichment strategies used for retaining the existing employees, HRD activities practiced
for long term growth of the organization etc.
Project Implementation
We started implementing the project by collating data available from all sources.
Simultaneously we started working with people as well by circulating questionnaires and
by conducting one on one discussion. Below explanation will give us a brief of what we
have studied and analyzed in this process with the help of both data and people.
HRD System: Human Resource Planning, Training Policy, Training Budget.
4. All staff are provided with an annual personal training file, which they will keep. In
the file they include details of all training sessions that they attend. The file should
also contain a personal development plan filled in at the same time as the
appraisal. The personal development plan contains details of any training
opportunities that the member of staff seeks to pursue during the year.
At MedTek, Training policy and Training budget got framed by keeping in view of
companies annual HR planning and business growth. Keeping in view of companies
strengths and weaknesses these three components got designed and in the continuous
process slight deviation(more or less) is always there to align with industry and market
changes and requirements.
Analysis on Training needs Identification and Assessment process:
Up on detailed analysis and review Training Identification & Assessment process at
MedTek usually happens by following the below steps:
1. Data Gathering: One on One discussion with Managers/ Supervisors/ employees,
questionnaires etc.
2. Post assessing the need, HR department designs a module defining the purpose
of the need, target group, resource person and the deliverables.
3. Defining the deliverables and methodology to measure the deliverables are very
critical while identifying the need.
4. Training Need Validation: After identifying the list of training needs, the same will
be listed and discussed with functional heads of all departments. During this
exercise, the relevance of each training need with the forthcoming financial year
and the business requirement to be validated.
5. Training Need Prioritization: The training needs identified will be then categorized
as high impact and low impact / high cost and low cost.
6. The deliverables of the training needs which may likely to create High Impact on
the business with Low Cost will be given first priority. The training needs with High
Impact and High Cost will be given 2 nd Priority and the training needs with Low
Impact and Low Cost will be given 3rd Priority.
Review and analysis of 2012-2013 annual Training programs planned & conducted:
The training programs conducted on continuous basis for the year 2012-2013 at
MedTek.Net are mentioned as below:
1. Induction for new joinees- Technical Training, Behavioral Training, HR induction.
2. Technical Training To all employees designation wise for knowledge and skill
3. Management Development Sessions Workshops for the existing managers and
potential employees who are identified for promotions.
4. Soft skills and Personality Development Training programs For the identified
team members of different departments.
5. Sponsoring some training workshops for the identified team members which were
conducted outside the company premises.
T&D activities which left impact towards improvement & development of both the parties
i.e. employees & the organization.
Entry Level: Employees at entry level got highly benefited with induction training program
as it includes both soft skills, technical and company policies related training. The best
part of this training is each employee after training session will be associated with one
senior employee as their mentor for 1 month and on-the job assistance/training will be
given to them till they get accommodated with the work life at MedTek. It is the
responsibility of the mentor to make the new employee comfortable and feedback from
the new employee at the end of the mentorship will be taken and will be added to the
performance points of the senior employee. This process got succeeded and is yielding
some great results so far.
Mid Level:
Technical Training and personality development programs are popular in this segment of
employees at MedTek. Providing mentorship to new employees is also popular as it
inculcates self learning process and adds performance points. Proof Readers and Quality
Controllers generally comes in to the segment of mid level employees at MedTek. They
need high technical knowledge and skill as they are responsible for the final delivery of
report to the clients. Therefore self learning technique and technical training plays a great
role for their knowledge and skill improvement.
Supervisors and Managers:
Management Development sessions which got conducted at both indoor and outdoor left
a visible impact in their skill development. In the company where stress and pressure
rules, these sessions helped a lot for the managers and supervisors to handle the team
members and stress.
As an organization MedTek is able to see advantages in various ways as below:
Performance of new recruits got improved and are delivering their full capacity of
Quality standard got improved and are getting some good satisfaction mails from the
clients about the quality and TAT (Turn Around Time).
Management sessions helped the organization to polish and train the employees who are
identified to elevate for the next level mgmt positions at different levels.
Overall on a note of conclusion, training programs which got implemented are able to
deliver clear return on investment for both employees and organization. The success rate
is clearly visible and is encouraging for both HR department and management to continue
the training programs in a more effective manner for the growth of organization
Analysis of T&D evaluation techniques up on which the organization is relying in
terms of measuring the outcomes of the T & D programs implemented & planned.
At MedTek, training evaluation is done keeping in view of five main elements as
mentioned below:
Satisfaction and participant reaction, with the help of questionnaires and random one
on one discussion. MedTek, also has internal portal where the participants can post their
feedback wrt training sessions attended.
Knowledge acquisition- This can be evaluated by the scores they get in the technical
tests which are conducted very often in the office premises.
Behavioral application This can be observed eventually and often immediate
supervisors or mentors are responsible for recording any change in their behavioral
aspects during the course of time.
Return on investment (ROI) Each individual performance in terms of increase in
number of minutes they process can be considered to evaluate ROI.
Measurable business improvement Improvement in all four parameters collectively
contribute towards business improvement.
Keeping in view of the above five elements, below mentioned evaluation techniques are
often used at MedTek.
1. Kirkpatricks training evaluation model.
2. Robert O Brinkerhoff- The Success Case method
7. Time and money are the game players at MedTek when it comes to T&D activities.
Both management and employees see the value addition of T&D activities but they
want it to be done with in the time frame and budget so that these activities would
not affect work and budget stretch.
Key Issues addressed
1. As we have observed above both management and employees shows interest
towards T&D activities but with in the time frame and budget. On this regard, HR
department had a discussion with Management about the long term benefits of
T&D activities and tried to enlighten them how and what kind of remarkable
changes it can bring to the improvement of business in a more effective manner.
2. HR department also highlighted the importance of hiring few more team members
for support teams like Accounts & Finance, admin, IT helpdesk etc and advantages
of training them in them which can bring a spearhead change in the way they are
operating so far.
3. As it is emergency the temporary or time being strategy for hiring after discussing
with managers and senior level mgmt, HR dept gave the options as below.
a. Providing more work from home options there by reducing operational costs
and paying salary as per the performance i.e. no of minutes processed per
month by a resource.
b. Recruiting and training freshers and making them ready by the time
projects comes in as per the business forecast (In health care industry
freshers usually get paid only after completing the training).
c. Encouraging and motivating existing employees for processing more no of
minutes and paying incentives for the extra minutes they process.
4. But, for many concerns at MedTek, hiring more team members is the single
answer. But considering the concerns of budget, market conditions and business
growth plans, MedTek has to consider the plan of hiring in slow pace (for
experienced) and hiring freshers at good number and making them job ready with
in the short period which really cuts the budget to a greater extent.