List of Studies On Apparitions: Reference
List of Studies On Apparitions: Reference
List of Studies On Apparitions: Reference
Barrett, W.F. et al. FIRST REPORT OF THE LITERARY COMMITTEE, Proceedings 1, 1882-3, pp. 116-55. Describes the
Societys work in collecting accounts of spontaneous psychic communications supplied by the public in response to
advertised appeals. Categorises the types and gives several examples: three children are visited by their absent mother
who at the time is dying some distance away (121); an army officer killed in the Crimea appears to his brother in England
with a bullet wound in his head (124); family members are visited by relations who are dying elsewhere; and others.
Concludes with a general discussion of the difficulties of the research and its purpose. A/crisis/collect
Barrett, W.F. et al. SECOND REPORT OF THE LITERARY COMMITTEE, Proceedings 2, 1884, pp. 43-55. Describes the
work undertaken for the forthcoming book Phantasms of the Living, involving follow-up interviews with witnesses and
their friends and relatives aimed at substantiating the original reports. An appendix gives a single example.
ABSTRACT, Journal 1, 1884, pp. 3-4. Report of a reading of the paper. A/crisis
The theosophists Colonel Olcott and Mohini Chatterji describe instances of Mahatmas projecting themselves in
apparitional form. PR/A/theos/asia
of apparitional cases in which there is 'a clear impression of the agent's personality.' A
Newcomb, Simon & Gurney, Edmund. ON PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Journal 1, 1885, pp. 268-74. Reprint of
correspondence in Science between a sceptic and leading psychical researcher, on whether crisis apparitions can be
explained as chance coincidence. A/scep/scep-r
2, 1884, pp. 109-36. Justifies the scientific investigation of apparitions and attempts to provide a theoretical background
to the work done so far. Topics include: the polarity of public opinion (111); involvement of the public in research (112);
unscientific and scientific objections (113); statistical aspects (116); weakness of a priori objections (117). The
implications of telepathy are also considered as a preliminary study to apparitions: a few reports of telepathic
impressions are given, some experienced by scientists (122).
ABSTRACT, Journal 1, 1884, pp. 37-8. A/crisis/a-theory
Bushell, W.D. et al. SECOND REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON HAUNTED HOUSES, Proceedings 2, 1884, pp. 137-51.
Points out the difficulty of carrying out first-hand investigations and the resulting dependence on second-hand accounts.
Lists characteristics from an analysis of 65 such cases (139-40): lack of sensational features or fixed times; manner of
movement and dress; possible origins (suicide, locality). Two examples: the apparition of an old woman is seen on three
separate occasions by three different people; a vicarage is plagued with bangings, human footsteps, etc.
ABSTRACT & DISCUSSION, Journal 1, 1884, pp. 35-7. Report of discussions on apparitions and hallucination. A/haunt
2, 1884, pp. 157-86. Broaches the class of visual telepathic impressions, giving examples of people experiencing waking
visions of the scene of an accident involving friends and relatives at a distance. The implications are discussed in terms of
physiology, and a connection with telepathy is established (168-70). The possibility of perceptions being influenced by
suggestion and prior knowledge is considered (171). Examples of death imagery (coffins etc.) in apparitional episodes
are given (173); also a possible case of collective percipience (180).
DANGER, Journal 1, 1884-5, pp. 54-6 (and more). Cases are described that illustrate the telepathic theory adopted by
researchers. The subject is continued on pages 77-83, 94-103, 114-30, 142-52, 157-65, 182-93, 213-20, 238-45.
Criticisms of the vagueness of dates and other details in the reports is given on pages 400-407, followed by a detailed
APPARITIONAL CASES, Journal 1, 1884-5, pp. 245-53, 282-4, 292-310, 325-67, 376-98, 433-48, 469-88.
COMMENT, pp. 400-16. A
Smith, G.A. REPORT ON A HAUNTED HOUSE AT NORWICH, Journal 1, 1884-5, pp. 313-7. Sighs, groans, raps,
whisperings and footsteps, etc. are reported by members of a household. The investigator and neighbours are
unconvinced that the causes are paranormal. A/haunt
DEAD, Proceedings 3, 1885, pp. 69-150. Considers anecdotal episodes that suggest the agency of deceased human
beings. Hoaxing and exaggeration are discussed briefly, and illusion and mistaken identity (73, 83) more fully, with
examples. Telepathic hallucinations are considered as potential explanations of collective percipience (86). Reports of
various other kinds of veridical hallucination are given and possible non-psychical explanations given. Reports of
hauntings are given and the lack of evidence noted of certain recurrent themes in ghost stories: connection with only old
houses, significant anniversaries, crimes or tragedies, apparent purpose or intelligent action. Varieties of conditions of
light, sounds, mode of appearance and disappearance and character of percipients are also observed.
Four general explanations are discussed (146), two involving spirit agency, with the notion of non-material
hallucination inspired by the deceased agent viewed as more plausible than the popular belief of the ghost as a material
entity. Telepathic hallucination and material influences in particular localities are also briefly described. The author
acknowledges the difficulties involved in explaining veridical hallucinations, but concludes that they are too few to
ascribe to anything other than chance coincidence and that other evidence is likewise inadequate at present to establish
the reality of apparitions as deceased humans.
A later reinterpretation of the case discussed on p. 115 is found in Journal 42, 1963-64, pp. 273-82.
ABSTRACT & DISCUSSION, Journal 1, 1884-5, pp. 261-2, 371-4. Detailed summary, with comments by Myers and others.
RETRACTIONS AND ALTERATIONS OF VIEW, Journal 2, 1885-6, pp. 2-5. Edmund Gurney explains why two cases
analysed and published by the Society have been found to be unreliable and are being retracted. A
CASES, Journal 2, 1885-6, pp. 7-25, 38-56, 64-80, 98-108, 131-50, 171-82, 208-13, 249-62, 272-80, 334-5, 347-53, 3759, 385-404. A
AN ACCOUNT OF SOME ABNORMAL PHENOMENA ALLEGED TO HAVE OCCURRED AT B-- LODGE, W--, Journal 2, 18856, pp. 196-207. Haunting phenomena at a house in London scare away the occupants. The house is rented for six
months by the Society and investigators occupy it, but observe nothing unusual. A/haunt
Gurney, Edmund & Myers, F.W.H. COLLECTIVE HALLUCINATIONS, Journal 2, 1886, pp. 154-8. Discussion in which,
among other things, Gurney points to evidence of collectively seen apparitions as suggesting that telepathic
transmission of information may be made to more than one person simultaneously. Myers states his objections to this
approach. A
Gurney, Edmund, et al. BOOK: 'PHANTASMS OF THE LIVING' (2 vols). A full description and analysis of apparitional
reports collected by the Society. While Myers and Podmore conducted much of the research, Gurney was chiefly
responsible for the writing and theoretical approaches. Focusing on the coincidence cases generally called 'crisis
apparitions' he develops the theory that they are a telepathic phenomenon. Accordingly he traces the appearance of
telepathy, starting with the experiments in thought-transference conducted by himself and others that seem to confirm
its existence, and continuing through spontaneous episodes, dreams and hallucinations where telepathy seems also to
be operating.
Although the apparitional episode may seem linked to the death of the appearing 'agent', the latter cannot be said
actually to be dead at the time; hence, in Gurney's terms, the issue is not strictly one of survival of death.
Collective apparitions are dealt with in terms of the telepathic image spreading from one percipient to another.
However, the question of survival is clearly implicit and was taken up by later commentators (see for instance,
G.N.M.Tyrrell, Apparitions, 458. A/crisis/collect
Wedgwood, Hensleigh. PHANTASMS OF THE LIVING, Journal 3, 1887-8, pp. 82-5. Comment on the book and on the
authors personal experiences. A
CASES, Journal 3, 1887-8, pp. 85-94, 100-108, 115-20, 132-6, 207-12, 241-56 (322-32), 265-72, 292-7, 307-12, 333-42,
Gurney, Edmund & Myers, Frederic. ON APPARITIONS OCCURRING SOON AFTER DEATH, Proceedings 5, 1888-9, pp.
403-85. Describes a class of transitional ghosts midway between those that appear within 12 hours of death, classed as
phantasms of the living, and hauntings associated with particular localities. Twenty-seven cases of apparitions
appearing up to one year after the death are quoted at length. Features are categorised (473) with brief discussion. This
paper was begun by Gurney and completed by Myers following his colleagues unexpected death.
ABSTRACT & DISCUSSION, Journal 4, 1889, pp. 52-4. A/crisis/haunt
1889-90, pp. 13-65. Testimony is given relating to veridical apparitions occurring some time after death is given. These
examples contain instances of apparent purpose on the part of the apparition, and some have been widely quoted. A
man sees a vision of his dead sister in a hotel bedroom and notes a red scratch on her cheek, which only his mother
knew of, having accidentally caused it after the girls death and then covered it up (17). A woman lying in bed sees an
apparition and wakes her husband, who recognises his dead father, apparently intending to warn him against a course
of action which would have proved harmful (26). A man charged by a dying man with the care of an elderly relative is
visited some time later by the mans apparition to complain that he has not kept his promise; investigating, he finds that
arrangements he made earlier have been altered (29). A persistent unpleasant impression leads a farmer to dig in a
particular spot: he finds the skeleton of a man who used to occupy his room and who disappeared suddenly, possibly
murdered (35). And others. A/purp/coll/haunt/usa
Podmore, Frank. PHANTASMS OF THE DEAD FROM ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW, Proceedings 6, 1889-90, pp. 229-313. A
sceptical approach, focusing on weaknesses and inconsistencies in testimony and the purposelessness of apparitions,
which together suggest an ordinary explanation. The author argues that narrators tend to introduce assumptions
regarding survival into what may in most cases be no more than casual hallucinations. The result is a series of artificial
constructions arising from misperception and mis-remembering. Regarding hauntings, the author argues that
inconsistency in the reports as the apparitions form suggest a predisposition in the witnesses to hallucinate (243). Cases
of collective percipience are accounted for by telepathy (285).
ABSTRACT & DISCUSSION, Journal 4, 1889, pp. 171-4, 204-7
Myers, Frederic. A DEFENCE OF PHANTASMS OF THE DEAD, Proceedings 6, 1889-90, pp. 314-57. A rebuttal of
Podmores case. Myers suggests that Podmores reliance on telepathy as an explanation of certain classes of apparitions
is mistaken, depending as it does on unproven assumptions about its character, while the fact of its existence opens the
door to a wide range of similarly unknown phenomena, of which apparitions are one. He argues against exaggeration
and wrong assumptions about the alleged lack of purpose or about what constitutes a subjective hallucination. He
criticises over-reliance on theories of the transference of hallucinations from one individual to another, put forward in
Myerss and Gurneys earlier work, particularly as regards hauntings, where he implies Podmores explanations are
pp. 149-54. Book review offering a critique of Podmores anti-survivalist interpretation of apparitions. A/scep/scep-r
CASES, Journal 4, 1889-90, pp. 7-15, 26-31, 39-47, 55-7, 67-76, 88-94, 138-43, 157-62, 179-84, 191-9, 210-15, 220-9,
239-43, 253-7, 268-76, 286-94, 304-316, 319-328, 334-46.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 199-200, 243-8, 262, 294-9. A
ARE APPARITIONS OBJECTIVE, AND DO ANIMALS SEE THEM ? Journal 4, 1889-90, pp. 94-6. Noises accompanying an
apparition are plainly heard by the percipient's companions and dogs.
Joyce, Samuel. A THEORY OF HAUNTING, Journal 4, 1889-90, pp. 165-8. Attempts to extend to phantasms of the dead
the theory of telepathy applied to those of the living. A/a-theory
CASES, Journal 5, 1891-92, pp. 5-15, 35-43, 52-64, 68-77, 86-93, 105-10, 134-43, 147-52, 161-4, 172-7, 191-5, 204-9,
221-7, 239-48, 250-60, 268-76, 302-308, 322-4.
pp. 21-30, 111-26 (Illus). The writer describes the success of experiments in which he attempts to telepathically
impress a female acquaintance with certain actions, at a distance. The subject reports seeing his apparition performing
these actions at the time the experiments were undertaken.
Greater detail, with tables and illustrations, is provided in two subsequent papers: Journal 5, 1891, pp. 111-26; Journal 5,
1892, pp. 182-89. PSI-X/A/telepath/dist/halluc
Procter, Edmund. THE HAUNTED HOUSE AT WILLINGTON, Journal 5, 1891-92, pp. 331-52. A classic haunt: heavy
footsteps and voices in an unoccupied room; farm machinery heard moving but found untouched; a luminous figure in
white; people levitated in their beds; witnesses scared senseless; etc. The family flee to alternative lodgings; while
sleeping on their last night a noise of furniture being moved and boxes bundled downstairs raises fears that the ghosts
are planning to come with them. A/haunt
DEAD, Proceedings 8, 1892, pp. 170-252. A number of detailed cases are given tending to indicate continuity between
the apparition or spirit and the life of the person it represents. A letter informing the intended recipient of the death of a
spouse is mislaid and appears to emit ticking noises to encourage percipients to deliver it (218). A proof of survival is
offered by experimental test (248). The paper is especially interesting for two detailed episodes of the type later
described as near-death experiences: one involves a complex series of events in an out-of-body state, popularly called
astral travelling (180); in the other, an incident often referred to in near-death literature, a mountain climber gains
veridical information concerning the actions of his companions while out of the body (195).
ABSTRACT & DISCUSSION, Journal 5, 1892, pp. 215-7.
Morton, R.C. RECORD OF A HAUNTED HOUSE, Proceedings 8, 1892, pp. 311-32. Much-quoted account of a ghost in a
Cheltenham house, recorded by a principal witness. The figure, a woman dressed in widows black and holding a
handkerchief to her face, was frequently seen and by a number of different people, sometimes collectively. The figure
could be followed around the house and garden, with characteristic slow and even footsteps, and would take up a
position by the drawing-room window. It would not respond to communication and evaded touch by disappearing.
Threads fastened in its path would be left undisturbed. Dogs appeared to react to it. Short testimonials by other
witnesses are also given.
Lambert, G.W. THE CHELTENHAM GHOST: A REINTERPRETATION, Journal 39, 1957-8, pp. 267-77. The proponent of a
geophysical theory of poltergeists applies similar reasoning to the Cheltenham haunting reported 60 years earlier. He
argues that the noises heard by a number of witnesses were probably caused by a stream passing under part of the
house, and that these noises were magnified by subjective factors into the appearance of a visual hallucination,
experienced by only a few.
Huby, Pamela M. NEW EVIDENCE ABOUT ROSE MORTON, Journal 45, 1969-70, pp. 391-2. Biographical note
concerning the identity and credentials of a key witness in the Cheltenham ghost episode.
MacKenzie, Andrew. CONTINUATION OF A HAUNTED HOUSE, Journal 55, 1988-89, pp. 25-32. The celebrated
Cheletenham ghost reappears in four separate incidents between 1970 and 1985. The witnesses describe an apparition
similar to the one seen in the earlier reports as well as poltergeist activity.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 170-74, 302-4. A/haunt/collect/animal/geo
CASES, Journal 6, 1893-94, pp. 9-16, 22-30, 52-76, 82-6, 101-6, 115-20, 129-40, 144-51, 163-72, 179-87, 210-14, 230-31,
249-51, 280-5, 290-6, 365-74.
CATALOGUE OF UNPRINTED CASES, Journal 6, 1893, pp. 171-2. Brief abstracts of apparitional cases. A
Sidgwick, Henry, et al. REPORT ON THE CENSUS OF HALLUCINATIONS, Proceedings 10, 1894, pp. 25-422 (contents,
synopsis). The fullest survey of its kind ever undertaken, of interest to psychologists as well as to psychical researchers.
Primary aims were to discover the incidence of hallucinations generally and place the work on telepathic and veridical
hallucinations into a clearer perspective. Four hundred collectors polled 17,000 answers to the question, Have you ever,
when believing yourself to be completely awake, had a vivid impression of seeing or being touched by a living being or
inanimate object, or of hearing a voice; which impression, so far as you could discover, was not due to any external
physical cause? About 1,700 answered yes, ten percent of the total.
Chapter headings and page references are given in the contents at the front of the volume and there is a useful
synopsis-summary starting page 395.
The method adopted is described and tables of results given, broken down into categories of visual, auditory,
tactile and various combinations of these. Possible sources of distortion are considered: deception, refusal to answer,
bias by collectors, forgetfulness; and adjustments are made to allow for a more true estimate of the incidence of
hallucinations by respondents. Main features are then described, examples given and the conditions favourable to the
occurrence of hallucination identified. Headings include: pseudo-hallucinations; illusions; form and development;
physiology; age, sex, heredity, nationality, and health; recurrent hallucinations; mental and nervous conditions;
expectancy and suggestion; organic effects accompanying hallucinations.
The report then deals with hallucinations that appear not to be entirely subjective. Apparitions coinciding in
time with the death of the person seen are found to be the most numerous: after ample allowance for all possible
sources of error is made the number is found to be far greater than the hypothesis of chance-coincidence will account
for (393), confirming the conclusions reached for the evidence of telepathy in such cases in Phantasms of the Living.
Collective apparitions are discussed and telepathy and suggestion proposed as explanations (303). Hauntings are
described (338), but no strong reasons are found for attributing them to the deceased. Stronger evidence of survival is
adduced from death coincidences and apparitions of people known to be dead, discussed in the final section.
A small class of experimental apparitions is discussed in which, typically, an individual succeeds in projecting an
apparition of him/herself to another person at a distance (29, 270). For later analysis see 457 and Broad, C.D., Lectures
on Psychical Research.
DISCUSSION, Journal 4, 1890, pp. 283-5. Henry Sidgwick expresses disappointment at the small interest shown by
members of the Society in the census of apparitions, and gives preliminary results. A
CASES, Journal 7, 1895-96, pp. 7-15, 25-8, 79-80, 96, 99-111, 120-6, 138-42, 162-3, 173-8, 188-196, 238-44, 250-9, 26674, 282-91, 329-39. A
Miss X. A PASSING NOTE ON A HAUNTED HOUSE, Journal 8, 1897, pp. 20-25. Describes attempt to investigate stories
of hauntings in a country house near Guildford. A
Johnson, Alice. A CASE OF INFORMATION SUPERNORMALLY ACQUIRED, Proceedings 12, 1896-97, pp. 116-26. Russian
case: two brothers are warned by a ghost to return a fur coat which will otherwise infect the wearer with a deadly
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 7, 1895-96, pp. 319-24. A/collect/purp/russ
CASES, Journal 8, 1897-8, pp. 10-16, 41-8, 74-80, 120-132, 134-147, 161-3, 192-6, 227-8, 238-244, 277-80, 298-300, 30816, 318-22, 326-30
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 8, 1898, pp. 159-61, 171-9, 186-92. A
Smith, Arthur. NOTE ON FISHERS GHOST, Proceedings 14, 1898-9, pp. 111-4. An Australian case: the apparition of a
farmer who has mysteriously disappeared indicates a creek where his body is later discovered. A/purp/austr/law
CASES, Journal 9, 1899-1900, pp. 12-16, 47-8, 58-61, 73-80, 87-9, 104-12, 122-8, 134-8, 150-58, 195-7, 227, 241-51,
280-6, 298-308, 331-2.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 9, 1899, pp. 158-9. A
Proceedings 15, 1900-1901, pp. 98-100. Brief review of a published case not investigated by the SPR. A/haunt
Stevens, E.W. [WATSEKA WONDER] Journal 10, 1901, pp. 99-104. Describes the possession case of Lurancy Vennum, a
14-year old girl in Watseka, Illinois, who became apparently controlled by the spirit of a neighbours daughter (edited
paper and summary of discussion). A/possess
CASES, Journal 10, 1901-2, pp. 2-32, 38-47, 78-80, 134-42, 161-72, 232-4, 263-7, 274-9, 298-303, 308-20. A
Grasset, J. THE HISTORY OF A HAUNTED HOUSE, Proceedings 18, 1903-4, pp. 464-80. Repeated removal of bed-linen
and other disturbances create suspicions of a supernatural agency in this French case. The author, a psychologist,
explains it in terms of fraud and hysteria. A/haunt/scep/eur
CASES, Journal 11, 1903-4, pp. 25-36, 58-68, 80-84, 103-112, 113-116, 118-27, 135-41, 157-9, 177-9, 181-91, 223-8,
269-72, 315-324. A
RESEARCHERS OF THE PRESENT DAY, Journal 11, 1903-4, pp. 214-20. A man who shoots and kills a practical joker
pretending to be a ghost is tried and condemned for murder, then reprieved. A/law
[RIDER HAGGARD DREAM], Journal 11, 1903-4, pp. 278-90. The well-known writer dreams of his daughters dog, lying
injured by a stream. The dog is later found to have gone missing and is discovered floating in the river, having been run
over by a train. A/crisis/animal/lit
CASES, Journal 12, 1905-6, pp. 14-15, 17-23, 54-63, 99-101, 118-22, 173-6, 184-8, 193-7, 290-4, 302-13, 317-28, 340-3.
THE JOURNALIST AT LARGE IN PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Journal 12, 1905-6, pp. 65-8. Criticisms of newspapers
treatment of ghost stories. A/media
Crichton-Browne, James. REPORT OF A CO-COGNITIVE DREAM, Journal 12, 1905, pp. 145-56. A woman gains
knowledge of a fatal accident to her son during a dream vision. A/crisis/dream
COLLECTIVE (?) APPARITION, Journal 13, 1907-8, pp. 27-30. Account of a hallucination apparently shared by a dog.
HALLUCINATION, Journal 13, 1907-8, pp. 34-5. Brief further discussion on the proper use of the term hallucination.
HAUNTED HOUSE, Journal 13, 1907-8, pp. 52-64. Detailed description of occurrences in an Elizabethan manor house,
whose occupants independently and on several different occasions observe a figure, hooded and dressed in black
drapery, who could not be accounted for. A/haunt
DREAM ROMANCES, Journal 13, 1907-8, pp. 90-96. Report of a Russian woman who describes having been visited
regularly as a child by a female apparition. The visitor is dressed in the style of Louis VI and the narrator subsequently
experiences frequent dreams of Marie-Antoinette. During a visit to Versailles the narrator claims to have been able to
guide friends round the Queens apartments, finding them to correspond exactly to her dreams. A/DV/R/haunt/russ
COLLECTIVE APPARITION, Journal 13, 1907-8, pp. 103-10. Anglers on holiday in Scotland see a boatman known to both
of them, but in a place and at a time when he should have been elsewhere. The man is subsequently found to have
fallen into the water and drowned while on his way home. A/crisis/collect
HAUNTED HOUSE, Journal 13, 1907-8, pp. 156-8. The apparition of a woman dressed in black is seen on different
occasions by a number of independent witnesses. A/haunt
APPARITION SEEN SOON AFTER DEATH, Journal 13, 1907-8, pp. 228-34. A man who is rejected by the woman he loves
shoots himself, and his apparition is seen by a younger relative in a vision.
See also Journal 14, 1909-10, pp. 166-72. A/crisis
APPARITION AT TIME OF DEATH, Journal 13, 1907-8, pp. 234-40. A young man is seen unexpectedly by his fiance
standing in her office and is later found to have died at about the same time. A/crisis
APPARITION, Journal 14, 1909-10, pp. 41-6. Report of an apparition seen on separate occasions by different people.
Lang, Andrew. SPIRIT HANDS, SUGGESTION AND DOGS, Journal 14, 1909-10, pp. 65-72. Report of an incident in
which, during a visit to a Norwegian cathedral, the authors niece sees the shadowy form of a pointing hand and arm.
She later finds her vision corresponds to a similar incident that took place some years earlier. Apparitions seemingly
perceived by dogs are also described. DV/haunt/animal/eur
Piddington, J G. HALLUCINATION, Journal 14, 1909-10, pp. 136-43. A woman giving birth sees an apparition of her
father who died a year earlier. A
290-92. Review of the SPR researchers book, in which he argues that apparitions, although clearly not mere subjective
hallucinations, can be explained by telepathy of the living. A/scep
DREAM, Journal 14, 1909-10, pp. 295-7. A woman has a vivid dream of an old friend and soon afterwards learns that
she died at the time of the dream. A/crisis
DREAM, Journal 14, 1909-10, pp. 327-9. A woman has a veridical dream of the death of an acquaintance. A/crisis
HAUNTED HOUSE, Journal 14, 1909-10, pp. 374-80. Report of apparition seen independently in the same house by
several different persons. A/haunt
COLLECTIVE APPARITION, Journal 15, 1911-12, pp. 249-54. A cat dies and is buried and some weeks later is seen to
walk by several people round the garden. A/collect/animal
COLLECTIVE APPARITION, Journal 15, 1911-12, pp. 289-91. Apparition of a living person seen by two people
simultaneously. A/collect
APPARITION, Journal 16, 1913-14, pp. 3-6. A woman sees an apparition of her stepson on the first day of an illness
from which he subsequently dies. A/crisis
Mattiesen, Emil. A CASE OF TELEPATHIC HALLUCINATION, Journal 16, 1913, pp. 119-26. A German shopkeeper is
visited by apparitions who urge him to send money to his sister. He does so, and later discovers his sister had been
praying for money. A/germ
APPARITION, Journal 16, 1913-14, pp. 152-5. The ghost of a priest, seen by a visitor to a mountain village, is confirmed
by local reputation. A/haunt
Stratton, F J M. THE HAUNTING OF --- HOUSE, Journal 16, 1913-14, pp. 274-97. Testimony of unexplained rappings,
groanings, poltergeist phenomena, apparitions - independently witnessed by several people over a period of years.
Barrett, W F. INVESTIGATION OF A HAUNTED HOUSE IN WORCESTERSHIRE, Journal 17, 1915-16, pp. 34-42. Various
members of a household report groanings and unexplained noises seemingly associated with an invisible presence. One
describes the sensation of being gripped violently by the throat. A/haunt
Johnson, Alice. A FURTHER REPORT OF MR GRNBAUMS EXPERIENCES, Journal 17, 1915, pp. 43-52. A hallucination is
reported that coincides with the accidental death of a relative. A/crisis
COLLECTIVE HALLUCINATION, Journal 17, 1915-16, pp. 118-23. Visitors to a ruined abbey in a deserted location hear a
sound, apparently of monks singing. A/audit/collect
APPARITION OF THE DYING, Journal 17, 1915-16, pp. 230-35. An individuals two distinct visions of a brother in
Australia lying dead or unconscious are later found to have coincided with his actual sudden death. A/crisis/austr
CASES, Journal 18, 1917-18, pp. 19-29, 35-40, 51-8, 92-8, 191-6, 209-11, 225-8, 239-43. A
CASES, Journal 19, 1919-20, pp. 3-10, 30-32, 39-48, 56-8, 76-88, 99-101, 138-41, 161-3, 186-90, 226-34, 262-6, 269-74.
Barrett, W.F. THE GENESIS OF APPARITIONS, Journal 20, 1921-22, pp. 112-5. The author replies to criticisms of certain
of his ideas regarding apparitions, made by James Hyslop and published in the Journal of the American Society for
Psychical Research. A/a-theory
BOOK PHANTASMS OF THE LIVING, BY GURNEY, MYERS AND PODMORE, IN 1886, Proceedings 33, 1923, pp. 23-429.
A substantial contribution to the literature on apparitions, this paper considers cases received by the Society in the 36
years since the publication of Phantasms of the Living and not published elsewhere than the Societys Journal. Chapter
subjects are: experimental cases (31); internalised impressions (90); externalised hallucinations and dreams (151);
collective and reciprocal cases (354). Individual episodes are described and special characteristics noted.
Prince, Walter F. CARBON MONIXID OR CARBON MONOXID PLUS? Journal 23, 1926, pp. 98-9. Account of an alleged
haunting in which the percipients were exposed to chronic poisoning by carbon monoxide. Prince points to facts
indicating that the gas, though known to cause hallucinations, may not have been the sole cause, since the same
hallucination sometimes occurred to different witnesses at the same time. A/haunt/halluc/drug
NOTES ON RECENT CASES [HAUNTINGS], Journal 24, 1927-28, pp. 284-7. Eight cases of hauntings are investigated, but
no paranormal activity is observed. A/haunt
ENQUIRY INTO A HAUNTED HOUSE, Journal 22, 1925, pp. 83-8. A dripping tap is suspected of being the cause of
unexplained noises, but the occupant continues to report a loud groaning and other disturbances. A/haunt
AN APPARITION SEEN SHORTLY AFTER DEATH, Journal 22, 1925, pp. 98-104. A woman has a hallucination of her
husband and is puzzled as to why he is wearing a long and shapeless black garment (100). The following morning she
hears of his death which took place while he was giving a service in church, and wearing a cassock. A/crisis
CONCERNING EVIDENCE FOR SURVIVAL, Journal 24, 1927-28, pp. 336-7. A supposedly true anecdote is related in
which a deceased individual appears repeatedly to his daughter in dreams, complaining that his tombstone has been
erected over the wrong grave. Permission to exhume the grave is obtained, and it is found to contain the body of a man
supposedly buried next to him. The mistake is rectified and the hauntings cease.
See also Journal 26, pp. 64-8. DV/A/purp
CASE OF THE WILL OF MR JAMES L. CHAFFIN, Proceedings 36, 1928, pp. 517-24. A North Carolina farmer is visited in a
dream by his deceased father and told where to find a will which will restore to him a share of the property left to
another brother. The will is found and the handwriting confirmed as genuine by several witnesses, persuading the
current owners of the property not to contest it. Investigators are impressed by the apparent sincerity of those involved
and regard the case as genuine.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 24, 1927-28, pp. 177-8
See also Journal 41, 1961-62, pp. 407-17. A/purp/law/usa
Journal 26, 1930, pp. 95-8. An apparition demands to be given a bigger coffin. A/purp
APPARITION OF A RELATIVE SEEN AT THE TIME OF HER DEATH, Journal 27, 1931-32, pp. 34-36. Brief case. A/crisis
Solovovo, Count P-P. A CASE OF APPARENT HAUNTING IN MOSCOW, Journal 27, 1931-32, pp. 95-7. A Russian case,
briefly described. A/haunt/russ
TWO INCIDENTS, Journal 27, 1931-32, pp. 126-30. Visions of dead individuals appear to correspond to unknown facts.
CASE OF HAUNTING AT RAMSBURY, WILTS, Journal 27, 1931-32, pp. 297-304. The apparition of a deceased chimney
sweep is repeatedly seen by members of his family, sometimes collectively. A/haunt/collect
APPARITION NEARLY COINCIDING WITH A FRIENDS DEATH, Journal 27, 1931-32, pp. 337-8. A second priest is seen in
a church where actually there is only one. The witness discovers that a burial hymn sung at the service is for an
individual who has recently died, and whose apparition he has seen. A
1932-3, pp. 205-49. An analysis of characteristics: how well authenticated are collective cases? how closely identical are
the percipients experiences? how closely do the apparitions conform to ordinary appearance? what evidence of selfconsciousness do such apparitions show? to what extent do the apparitions fit into the space-time environment? how
far apart are agent and percipient in reciprocal or coincidental cases? what emotional and intellectual links exist among
percipient, agent, their concerns and the locality? what evidence of survival do collective cases offer?
Cases are drawn from the published literature of research on apparitions. Statistical analysis makes it
overwhelmingly probable that the reports have some basis in fact (243); apparitions can transcend space and matter,
yet create impressions of ordinary sense experience on observers (246). Apparitions of the dead, collectively perceived,
are found to offer similar characteristics to apparitions of persons known to be living (248). A/collect
A COLLECTIVE VISUAL HALLUCINATION, Journal 28, 1933-34, pp. 251-3. A couple are visited by the womans deceased
mother. A/collect
A HAUNTED HOUSE, Journal 29, 1935-36, pp. 239-43. The apparition of an old lady is repeatedly seen over a number of
years by several different witnesses, some of whom had no prior knowledge of it. A/haunt
Baynes. Godwin, H. THE GHOST AS A PSYCHIC PHENOMENON, Journal 30, 1937-38, pp. 66-79. A physician approaches
the subject of ghosts from the perspective of medical psychology, referring to anthropological accounts and to the
problems of defining the unconscious. A/anthrop
A PHANTASM SEEN BEFORE THE DEATH OF A FAMILY FRIEND, Journal 30, 1937-38, pp. 235-6. A woman watching a
funeral procession of a friend wonders who will be next to die. She then sees a vivid impression of a friend of her father,
whom she has an interest in but whom she has not been in touch with, which lasts for some time. The friend dies six
days later, having been ill for a fortnight, a fact which was unknown to her. A/crisis
leave home in their car to drive to London. After five minutes they pass a neighbour in the street and exchange
greetings. That night they discover that the neighbour had killed her husband and then herself some 12 hours earlier.
AN APPARITION SEEN BY TWO WITNESSES, Journal 32, 1941-2, pp. 119. A vicar and his friend have a simultaneous
glimpse of an unexpected visitor in their garden, who then vanishes. A
Tyrrell, G.N.M. BOOK: APPARITIONS, (London: SPR/Duckworth, 1943/1953). A landmark study building on Edmund
Gurneys telepathic approach to apparitions and analysing examples from the Society's accumulated research, including the
Census of Hallucinations. A/a-theory
Tyrrell, G.N.M. HAUNTED HOUSE, Journal 33, 1943-6, pp. 34-40. The occupant of a country house complains of an evil
presence: rappings, alarming noises, unpleasant smells, and frequent illnesses among visitors and servants. A/haunt
APPARITION, Journal 33, 1943-6, pp. 72-4. A woman has a vision like a shutter opened slowly and then closed again
slowly (72), showing a friend apparently in bed in hospital. Two days later she hears of his death, following an
operation. DV/A/crisis
SOME RECENT INVESTIGATIONS IN THE BORLEY RECTORY CASE, Journal 33, 1943-6, pp. 107-10. An update on Harry
Prices book The Most Haunted House In England (see Suggestions for Further Reading, below), giving the results of
investigations to 1939. Gives an outline of noises (footsteps, knockings, tappings, hammerings, thuds, bangs, cracks,
rumblings, the padding of feet, the stamping of horses hooves, and whistlings(109)), visual impressions, and
apparitions accompanied by cold breezes. The apparition of a nun faked by students was not noticed by the
investigators, although they were impressed by the hoaxers poltergeist phenomena and knockings (109-10).
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 34, 1947-48, pp. 177-82.
1955, pp. 1-180 (index). A sceptical examination of a supposed haunting investigated and publicised over many years by
the independent psychical researcher and journalist Harry Price. Detailed scrutiny of the events convinces the authors
that the case, far from being the outstanding example of psychic phenomena that Price claimed in his books, was a
concoction of suggestion, rumour and outright fraud.
A chronology and abstract is given: the establishment of the rectory in 1863; the reporting of apparitions and
other phenomena; the invitation by new occupants in 1929, via a national newspaper, to a psychical research society to
quell rumours of hauntings; the ensuing publicity and appearance of Harry Price, followed immediately by poltergeist
disturbances; the arrival in 1930 of new incumbents and frequent reports by them of poltergeist phenomena; their
departure in 1935 and Prices renting of the building in 1937 for research purposes; planchette communications
concerning a murdered nun; reports of phenomena by new owners; the destruction of the rectory by fire in 1939;
continuing national interest following the publication of books by Price; the excavation of human bones; doubts and
accusations by some of those involved.
Chapters 1-3 deal with the facade of suggestion put up by Price (1); the building of the rectory (9); and its history
to 1929 (18). The involvement of Harry Price is then considered (29), with comparisons of Prices own claims against the
expressed doubts of others tending to show that he may have manufactured the phenomena, and/or that they were
caused by local pranksters. Phenomena following the arrival of new occupants in 1930 are analysed (75), including the
appearance of supposedly paranormal wall graffiti, and are suspected of being manufactured by the young wife to
attract attention. Prices tenancy in 1937-8 is described (124), and the phenomena supposedly witnessed by
investigators hired by him is attributed largely to suggestion.
A final period following the buildings destruction is found to be characterised by exaggerated publicity, credulity
and possible hoaxing (143); this includes a much-discussed incident where a brick in mid-air, captured by a press
photographer and claimed as paranormal evidence by Price, may have had a quite prosaic explanation (162). In their
conclusions the authors speculate on Prices personality and motives (167).
Coleman, Michael et al. THE BORLEY REPORT: SOME CRITICISMS AND COMMENTS, Journal 38, 1955-6, pp. 249-64.
Draws attention to weaknesses in the report, and in view of the seriousness of the allegations of cheating by Harry Price
expresses surprise at the lack of unequivocal evidence. The authors of the report briefly reply.
CORRECTION, Journal 40, 1959-60, p. 194
COMMENT AND CORRESPONDENCE, Proceedings 55, 1966-72, pp. 65-175; Journal 45, 1969-70, pp. 183, 115-24, 230-37,
Owen, Iris M. & Mitchell, Pauline. THE ALLEGED HAUNTING OF BORLEY RECTORY, Journal 50, 1979-80, pp. 149-62.
Marianne Foyster, an occupant of the Rectory criticised by Harry Price in his book, here gives her version of the events.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 415-8; Journal 60, 1994-5, p. 414
Coleman, M.H. THE FLYING BRICKS OF BORLEY, Journal 61, 1996-7, pp. 388-91. Throws doubt on particular claims of
paranormal activity made by the researcher Harry Price.
See below Suggestions for Further Reading. A/haunt/scep/scep-r/media/planch/fraud
Oman, Charles. THE OLD OXFORD PHASMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Journal 33, 1943-6, pp. 208-16. A founder member of
an Oxford undergraduate society for research into occult phenomena describes its work during the six years of its
existence. A
Nisbet, B. HAUNTING GHOSTS, Journal 33, 1943-6, pp. 222-4. Are ghosts the representation on this plane of existence a
secondary aspect of the mind of a surviving spirit? A member offers a suggestion. A/a-theory
RECOGNISED APPARITION SEEN BY TWO PERCIPIENTS, Journal 33, 1943-6, pp. 239-42. A young man wearing a naval
uniform is seen and recognised by people in the house where he used to live, nine months after his death.
CORRESPONDENCE, p. 253. A/haunt
Price, H.H. HAUNTING AND THE PSYCHIC ETHER HYPOTHESIS, Proceedings 45, 1938-9, pp. 307-43. A major
contribution to thinking on apparitions. Price, Professor of Logic at Oxford University, explores the possibility of something
intermediate between spirit and ordinary visible, or tangible matter (318), which he calls a psychic ether. He hypothesises
that conscious images can be endowed with causal properties, dynamic rather than static entities with a force of their own,
and that such images can interact by a process of telepathic affinity. He argues that this concept can be made to fit with the
requirements of a psychometric theory of haunting. Price goes on to explore the possibility that this quasi-material
substance, though not physical, is not so completely abstract that it cannot be said to have an objective quality.
The theory can potentially explain hauntings, where the mind that gave birth to the image seen by the percipient is
dead but the image itself is a fragment that continues to have a fleeting and temporary existence, possibly surviving for
many years.
Price also refers to philosophical theories, notably by Bertrand Russell (331), which hold that matter is not a single
object but a vast and complex group of sensibilia. A/a-theory/philos
West, D.J. RECENT CASES OF HAUNTINGS, Journal 34, 1947-48, pp. 129-38. A mildly sceptical look at some examples of
cases brought to the attention of the Society and investigated by its Research Officer. A guest at a hostel in South
Kensington is disturbed by lights, voices and his bedclothes being pulled off. A Luton man fails to have his rates reduced
on the grounds that his house is haunted. A family in a terraced house complain of haunting phenomena - footsteps,
noises, luminous vapour - which are here attributed to their personal psychology. Occupants of a large stone house in
Yorkshire are frightened by noises that suggest a haunting. A 16-year-old boy is suspected of being the cause of reported
poltergeist phenomena. A/haunt/scep
West, D.J. MASS-OBSERVATION QUESTIONNAIRE ON HALLUCINATIONS, Journal 34, 1948, pp. 187-96. A small-scale
follow up of the 1890 Census of Hallucinations finds no diminution in the frequency of reports of sporadic hallucinations,
although a mere two percent are claimed by percipients to be veridical and none of more than three hundred cases
considered is substantiated.
See also pp. 223-4. A/halluc/surv
West, D.J. THE HAUNTED DANCE HALL, Journal 34, 1947-48, pp. 294-300. The author here further develops his theme
of hauntings as the effects of ordinary events magnified by suggestion in susceptible and superstitious individuals. This
example concerns a dance-hall which the owners complained was losing money following a string of unlikely accidents,
which they believed was due to a malevolent presence. A/haunt/scep
Hope, Charles & Heywood, Rosalind. REPORT OF A VISIT TO BROOK HOUSE, FRIMLEY, Journal 35, 1949-50, pp. 56-60.
An occupant reports having been awoken by heavy breathing in his room, which ceased abruptly each time he switched
on the light.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 91-2. A/haunt
Osborne, Edward. THE WOMAN IN BROWN: AN INVESTIGATION OF AN APPARITION, Journal 35, 1949-50, pp. 123-53.
A 27-year-old female office worker has repeated visions of a woman dressed in brown getting up from a chair and
crossing to a window, then disappearing. She is unable to describe the womans face, however. Under hypnosis a
pattern of associations is discovered, suggesting that the hallucination is a fantasy projection relating to wartime fears
and experiences. A/haunt/hyp
Broad, C.D. PHANTASMS OF THE LIVING AND OF THE DEAD, Proceedings 50, 1953-6, pp. 51-66. Analyses the type of
evidence offered in the Societys early research on apparitions, with particular reference to reciprocal cases and Edmund
Gurneys theory of telepathic infection. Various difficulties with this approach are noted.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 37, 1953-4, pp. 253-6. A/a-theory
Hart, Hornell, et al. SIX THEORIES ABOUT APPARITIONS, Proceedings 50, 1953-6, pp. 153-239. A two-part study of
characteristics. Considered to be of particular significance is the suggestion in the first part that features reported in
apparitions of the living are broadly similar to those of individuals known to be dead, implying that the dead continue to
share the mental characteristics of the living and, by extension, that survival of death actually occurs.
In the second part, five existing approaches to the nature of apparitions are noted and a sixth proposed. Rather
than trying to determine whether an apparition is composed of physical matter, psychic ether or is merely a mental
hallucination, the new theory classifies and compares the factual characteristics reported. Various conflicts between the
data and the arguments of Gurney, Tyrrell, Myers, H.H. Price and others are then noted and a revision proposed that
combines their strengths and eliminates their shortcomings (229). The implications of the theories in regard to survival
are considered separately (233).
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 38, 1955-6, pp. 380-89; Journal 39, pp. 97-101. A/a-theory
Heywood, Rosalind. EXPERIENCE IN A VILLAGE SHOP, Journal 38, 1955-6, pp. 87-9. A woman takes an electric heater to
her local shop to be mended. The elderly owner of the shop comes down the stairs to serve her, but his son brushes past
him and serves her instead. The old man returns up the stairs. She subsequently discovers the old man had died some
weeks earlier. A/haunt
Gauld, Alan, A CAMBRIDGE APPARITION, Journal 38, 1955-6, pp. 89-91. An undergraduate reports seeing an old man
walking along the street in front of him late one night, then abruptly vanish. The apparition was visible for over a
minute. A/haunt
McEwan, P.J.M. THE ARDACHIE CASE, Journal 38, 1955-6, pp. 159-72. A married couple arrive at a country house to
take up domestic positions. Raps are heard and the woman, apparently frightened, claims on a number of occasions to
have seen a female apparition, making sleep difficult. The disturbances occur over several nights. The appearance of the
apparition, her apparent concern about a favourite rose garden, and other details, all correspond with facts relating to a
previous occupant. The percipient is clearly excitable and certain features of the case arouse suspicion, but no motive
for fraud is discerned. The author concludes that something genuinely paranormal may be occurring. A/haunt
Dalton, G.F. OPERATIVE FACTORS IN SPONTANEOUS TELEPATHY, Journal 38, 1956, pp. 287-319. Authors Abstract:
From Phantasms of the Living and other sources, 124 cases are selected by elimination of (1) experimental cases, (2)
those of lower evidential value, and (3) those which are possibly precognitive. The selected cases are analysed in respect
of : (1) the sensitivity of the percipient, (2) his state at the time, (3) and 4) the efficacy and state of the agent, (5 and 6)
the orientation of each, (7) the linkage between them, (8) the intensity of the experience, and (9) the information
conveyed. The following conclusions are reached: 1. The fundamental process in spontaneous telepathy is the
transference to the percipient of a psychical experience of the agent. 2. In death cases, the agents experience occurs
after death, is of great intensity, and is connected with the loss of the body. 3. collective cases are due to interaction
between percipients under conditions of positive feedback, resulting in a building-up of the experience to great
intensity. 4. Reciprocal cases may be due to the similar building-up of a common drama underlying the apparently
separate experiences of the percipients.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 332-4. PSI-S/A/surv
Hughes, Ian. A PARANORMAL DREAM, Journal 39, 1957, pp. 186-8. A man dreams he is experiencing his fathers death.
Subsequently he learns his father died in an accident on a ship around 24 hours after the dream. A/dream
1960, pp. 83-93. Describes the methodology used in collecting and analyzing apparitional cases in the SPRs early years.
Notes the later decline in the number of spontaneous cases reported to the SPR and the subsequent renewal of interest
in the early 1950s. A
Cambridge undergraduates stage a ghost-walk on three separate evenings but the apparition is not noticed by a single
one of the more than 70 people in a position to observe it. The author speculates that genuine apparitional cases have
some psi factor which engages the attention of the percipient, and which is here absent.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 270, 323-4
Cornell, A.D. FURTHER EXPERIMENTS IN APPARITIONAL OBSERVATION, Journal 40, 1959-60, pp. 409-18. Attempts are
made to amplify the results of a previous ghost-walk experiment, with most observers resolutely refusing to see more
than an art student walking around in a blanket (411), but indications of inconsistent testimony also emerging. A
Turner, P. THE GREY LADY: A STUDY OF A PSYCHIC PHENOMENON IN THE DYING, Journal 40, 1959-60, pp. 124-9.
Patients in a hospital ward for the terminally ill report being attended by a nurse in a grey uniform, who is however not
known to the other staff. A number of details concerning the reports correspond with each other, among them the fact
that the patients who make them to nurses consistently die shortly after seeing it. A/DV/death-bed
APPARITION, Journal 40, 1959-60, pp. 152-3. A British pilot is involved in a dogfight with Stukas over the Western
Desert in 1942. After returning to base he is approached by another pilot who talks to him casually about the action,
uncharacteristically declines the offer of a cigarette and goes into his tent. It transpires that the second pilot had actually
been killed in the action and that this encounter could not in any normal way have taken place. A/crisis/milit
Heywood, Rosalind. A LUMINOUS APPARITION, Journal 40, 1959-60, pp. 185-8. An elderly scientist and his wife both,
on independent occasions and unknown to each other, see a curious luminous figure gliding laboriously up the stairs.
The apparition seems to be male, the face not visible and the clothes some kind of ribbons or tatters. A/haunt
Lambert, G.W. THE GEOGRAPHY OF LONDON GHOSTS, Journal 40, 1959-60, pp. 397-409. A geophysical theory refers
to underground streams and rainfall patterns to explain ghostly noises and disturbances.
Lambert , G. W. SCOTTISH HAUNTS AND POLTERGEISTS, Journal 40, 1959-60, pp. 108-120; Journal 42, pp. 223-7.
Groups two kinds of phenomena that other researchers consider to be separate, and argues that they can be linked to
geophysical patterns. Fifty cases in Scotland are taken to demonstrate the point.
Lambert, G.W. FAMILY DEATH WARNINGS, Journal 42, 1963-64, pp. 180-87. Normal causes, including geophysical
ones, are sought for noises, knocks and crashes reported in earlier times as supposed warnings from family ghosts.
Lambert, G.W. BEAVOR LODGE: AN OLD GHOST STORY RETOLD, Journal 42, 1963-64, pp. 273-82. The geophysical
theory is applied to a an early case. The ghost was a tall lady in grey, often seen by the occupants of the house it
frequented. A/haunt/geo
AN ETHER IMPRINT, Journal 40, 1959-60, pp. 429-30. A house servant reports seeing the apparition of his successor,
who died a few weeks earlier. He had never met this man, but recognised him from a dream he had had and from
photographs subsequently shown to him. A
Salter, W.H., Heywood, Rosalind & Green, Celia. 1959 REPORT ON ENQUIRY INTO SPONTANEOUS CASES, Proceedings
53, 1960-62, pp. 83-161. Cases of apparitions and waking and dream telepathy/clairvoyance/precognition are collected
in a new survey and categorised. Two papers give the background to the research, beginning at the Societys foundation
with Phantasms of the Living and the Census of Hallucinations, and to the present study. Celia Green analyses the 300
reports (20%) of the total that provide sufficient detail, with classifications of percipients, conditions, types, veridicality,
psychological or neurological interest, attitudes to the paranormal, motivation, situations, ESP themes, activity of
percipient, etc. Appendices give the tables in full, also 29 of the reports of varying lengths, describing apparitions,
premonitions of accident and death, precognition, spontaneous communication from the dead, out-of-body experience,
etc. A/survey/precog
Heywood, Rosalind. COLLECTIVE HALLUCINATIONS OF NON-EXISTENT BUILDINGS, Journal 41, 1961, pp. 198-201. Two
cases in which buildings seen by travellers are later found not to exist.
Parsons Denys. A NON-EXISTENT BUILDING LOCATED, pp. 292-5 (illus). The hallucination is discovered to be
Lambert, G.W. PHANTOM SCENERY, Journal 42, 1963, pp. 1-6, 346-8. The author gives the name mislocation to such
incidents, in which a building once seen is later found to have mysteriously vanished. He gives another example,
reported at Bocastle in Cornwall in 1933.
Scott, Christopher. THE ELUSIVE HOTEL, Journal 42, 1963, pp. 34-5. Discusses the nature of scientific
impartiality, and takes issue with Heywood's view that one must not have any presuppositions. He holds that one must
take into account factors other than the directly relevant evidence.
Russ, Sydney. AN EXPERIENCE AND THEORY OF GHOSTS, Journal 41, 1961-62, pp. 329-30. A University professor
observes a ghost at length and decides it is an image imposed on his retina by his subconscious mind. A/scep
Zorab, G. CASES OF THE CHAFFIN WILL TYPE AND THE PROBLEM OF SURVIVAL, Journal 41, 1961-62, pp. 407-17. Cases
considered to demonstrate survival are here attributed to clairvoyance, the agency of a dream apparition being a
subconscious dramatisation.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 42, pp. 36-8, 157-60. A/purp
A LATENT APPARITION? Journal 42, 1963-64, pp. 65-8. Impression of a female visitor, connected with an individual
later found to be dead at the time. A
EXCERPTA, Journal 42, 1963, pp. 209-12. Relates an ESP experience of J. Hewat McKenzie and an account of an
apparition by novelist Pamela Frankau. Also her experience of being psychic when in Ireland. PsiLine PSI-S/A
HARRY PRICE AND THE ROSALIE CASE, Journal 42, 1963-64, pp. 370-73, 420-22; Journal 43, pp. 327-9. The authors of
the critique of the Borley Rectory haunting (above) are taken to task for their further claims of fabrication against Harry
Price in his book Four Modern Ghosts (Duckworth, 1958), this time concerning sance phenomena. A/scep-r
Stevenson, Ian. THE BLUE ORCHID OF TABLE MOUNTAIN, Journal 42, 1963-64, pp. 401-9. A British woman sees the
apparition of her cousin killed in a tank battle in 1944. The apparition takes a blue flower out of his shirt and puts it back,
and repeats this action. His mother in South Africa accepts this as convincing proof of his survival, since it corresponds
closely to a small but significant event not known by the percipient. The apparition also names a special friend unknown
to the percipient. A/milit/purp/africa
Stevenson, Ian. THE CASE OF THE TEDDY BEAR SUIT, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 92-3. A woman has a possibly telepathic
vision of her son escaping from Dunkirk.
1965-66, pp. 363-6. A man hears his nephew speaking to him, although he sees no one and is not expecting a visit.
Looking in his paper later he discovers news of his nephews death. A/crisis/audit
Lambert, G.W. AN APPARITION OF A CHILD, THE CASE OF JOHNNIE M., Journal 43, 1965-66, pp. 429-31. The identity
of an apparition, unknown to the percipient, is confirmed by a relative from the percipients description. A
MacKenzie, Andrew, A CASE OF HAUNTING IN KENT, Journal 44, 1967-68, pp. 131-49. An investigator returns to a case
first reported in the press in 1949. The lady of the house reports seeing a woman dressed in a very full grey skirt (135)
whom she first takes for an intruder; three children independently report a lady walking past or into their room; a
former domestic servant reports seeing a lady in an old-fashioned dress who could not be accounted for (136).
Footsteps and noises are reported. The episode also includes a case of apparent retrocognition, in which a percipient
observes a change of scene and encounters a man wearing nineteenth-century dress. A/haunt/retrocog
Cornell, A.D. & Gauld, Alan. A GHOST ON TELEVISION, Journal 45, 1969-70, pp. 14-17. A hooded monk seen by
some viewers standing next to a participant in a television programme on ghosts is discovered to be an illusion formed
by the light on background masonry. A/media
Turner, K.H. A SOUTH YORKSHIRE HAUNT, Journal 45, 1969-70, pp. 325-53. A number of unexplained disturbances
occurred in the spring of 1968 in a house in Askern occupied by a Mr. and Mrs. Brown and their two children.
Movement of objects, metallic clicks, and the appearance of a figure which disappeared upon investigation were some
of the inexplicable events which led to a complete investigation of the house by the Doncaster Group for Psychical
Study. A total of seven observational visits were conducted by the group. The phenomena observed and recorded
during these visits were mainly thermal and acoustical. Tape recorders, thermometers, a thermograph, microphones,
vibration and soundlevel meters, cameras, mercury dishes, leveling devices, etc., were employed in the investigation
and indicated that virtually all occurrences during that time could be explained by normal physical means. A/haunt
MacKenzie, Andrew and Goldney, K.M. TWO EXPERIENCES OF AN APPARITION, Journal 45, 1969-70, pp. 381-91. A
well-known clergyman and writer on theological subjects describes a visit from the deceased writer C.S. Lewis, who
appears in an armchair in front of him and makes remarks appropriate to his (the percipients) personal affairs.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 46, 1971, pp. 203-5.
Cassirer, Manfred. THE GHOST OF C.S.LEWIS, Journal 55, 1988-89, pp. 33-5. The memory of the witness is found to be
unreliable, diminishing the value of the original report. A/lit
Gauld, Alan. THE HAUNTING OF ABBEY HOUSE, CAMBRIDGE, Journal 46, 1971-72, pp. 109-23 (back). Describes various
phenomena witnessed over nearly a century: noises that frightened servants; the apparition of an animal; the apparition
of a nun; heavy footsteps; and others.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 47, p. 60. A/haunt/animal
Smith, E. Lester. THE RAUDIVE VOICES - OBJECTIVE OR SUBJECTIVE? A DISCUSSION, Journal 46, 1971-72, pp. 192-200
(back). Considers the claim made by K. Raudive in his book Breakthrough to have tape recorded messages from the
dead. Suggests that the imagination may shape incoherent sounds into the semblance of words and phrases.
CORRESPONDENCE 47, pp. 208-12, 396, 531-2
Ellis, D.J. LISTENING TO THE RAUDIVE VOICES, Journal 48, 1975-6, pp. 31-42. Voices recorded by Raudive are found to
be subject to different interpretations, throwing doubt on their paranormal origin.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 250-52; Journal 49, 1977, pp. 476-7, 566-7; Journal 50, 1979-80.
Clancey, Patricia M. [ELECTRONIC VOICE EXPERIMENTS], Journal 50, 1980, p. 550. Brief account of experiments
appearing to reveal sounds and speech of paranormal origin on tape recordings. The author says: I suggest that
spontaneous paranormal sounds on tape are a transmission from denizens of another dimension, and that the efficacy
of this transmision depends on both the psychic receptivity and the elctronic ingenuity of experimenters.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 51, pp. 189-9; Journal 61, 1996, pp. 191-2. A/electronic/scep/eur
hypotheses about the presence of apparitions, citing cases and presenting alternative explanations. Manifestations such
as D.D. Home's materialization of arms, hands, fingers, etc, may have been produced by Home's own psi powers, not by
supernatural entities. Similarly, the phenomenon of the double body is hypothesized to be produced by persons who
may possess a phantom-building faculty, as some persons have a faculty for producing ESP or PK phenomena. Several
phenomena which have been regarded as conclusive proof that apparitions are of subjective origin may be explained
instead by the exercise of this phantom-building faculty. PA
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 247-8. A/a-theory
CORRESPONDENCE: APPARITION, Journal 48, 1975-6, pp. 61-4. Following several sleepless nights a visitor to a
ninteenth-century workmans cottage has a vision of a hanged man. However, no official documentation can be found
to confirm the incident. A
Green, Andrew. A CASE OF PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL BLACKMAIL, Journal 49, 1977, pp. 469-74. Describes how charlatans
exploit a familys fear of haunting to extort money. A/fraud
AN APPARITION, Journal 49, 1977-78, pp. 679-80. A woman meditates and sees the apparition of a former employee
who has recently died. The individual seems uncharacteristically aggressive and distressed (feelings which the percipient
seems to directly experience), suggesting that he is confused by what has happened to him. A
Bayliss, Raymond. HAUNTING - PLACE OR PERSON, Journal 49, 1977-78, pp. 682-5. A parapsychologist describes
unexplained noises and other haunting type effects that occurred in two different houses occupied by him and his wife.
Macintyre, L.I. [PREARRANGED POST-MORTEM APPARITIONAL APPEARANCES], Journal 49, 1978, p. 768. Suggests that
experiments be made by individuals agreeing with friends that the first to die will attempt to appear as a ghost to the
other. A
pp. 938-48. Description and discussion of an apparently retrocognitive experience in rural Scotland: a woman sees men
wearing unusual costume and carrying flaming torches apparently looking for their dead in the aftermath of a battle.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 58, pp. 60-61. A/retrocog
Lawden, D.F. REPORT ON A POLTERGEIST CASE, Journal 50, 1979-80, pp. 73-6. A girl aged 17 dances over tombstones
in a cemetery and subsequently her familys council house is haunted by the apparition of an old woman. A number of
incidents involving poltergeist-type noises and disturbances are described. A/P/haunt
Zorab, George & MacKenzie, Andrew. A MODERN HAUNTING, Journal 50, 1979-80, pp. 284-93. Two experienced
researchers discuss a case where a family and their home help experience a variety of haunting phenomena. A/haunt
CORRESPONDENCE: A COLLECTIVE PHANTASM, Journal 51, 1981-82, pp. 257-8. A young man out for a driving lesson
sees his father standing by the roadside ahead of him. However, when he arrives at the spot his father has vanished. The
apparition is seen also by his companion.
Williamson, C.J. A COLLECTIVE PHANTASM, Journal 51, 1982, pp. 257-8. Describes an instance of a collective
phantasm described to the author in 1952 (at which time notes were made) and recently reinvestigated. The incident
involved a report by two young men of seeing the figure of the father of one of them by the roadside, losing sight of
him, and then coming across him further on. The author concludes that the father, who had cause to worry about the
whereabouts of his son and companion and who habitually followed the same road to look for his son, had projected a
phantasm ahead of himself. It is suggested that a projection of this kind may account for the resemblance of the
medium, Florence Cook, to her control, Katie King. PsiLine A/collect
Hallson, Peter. [APPARITIONS RESEARCH], Journal 52, 1983, pp. 86-7. Suggests the use of hypnosis for inducing
collective hallucinations, as a means of testing Tyrrells theory of telepathically induced apparitions. A/collect/telepath
Stevenson, Ian. [CORRESPONDENCE], Journal 52, 1983-84, pp. 339-40. Draws attention to an apparitional episode said
to have been experienced by John Donne and mentioned by Stevenson in a 1962 letter (Journal 41, pp. 327-9).
Stevenson argues here that the experience never in fact occurred. A/hist/lit
[SPONTANEOUS CASES], Journal 53, 1985-86, pp. 331-2. Thirty spontaneous cases reported to the Society in 1984 are
compared with a similar number from a hundred years earlier. The quality of the earlier reports is found to be superior,
raising questions about the nature of the evidence and its research.
See also Journal 54, pp. 82-4. A
pp. 64-7. A sick woman sees the apparition of a young girls grandfather, urging her to send the girl home. The girl is
reluctant, but agrees at least to telephone, finding then that her grandfather died unexpectedly a few minutes earlier.
Green, Andrew. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 55, 1988, p. 46. Note on archaeological evidence of 'ghost killing'
ceremonies. A
Wilkinson, H.P. & Gauld, Alan. GEOMAGNETISM AND ANOMALOUS EXPERIENCES, 1868-1980, Proceedings 57, 198994, pp. 275-310. Describes a failed attempt to replicate findings by M.A. Persinger that link anomalous events such as
telepathic hallucinations with geomagnetic activity. However, the authors discover a weak but interesting statistical
relationship and concludes that these merit further research. A/geo
West, D.J. A PILOT CENSUS OF HALLUCINATIONS, Proceedings 57, April 1990, pp. 163-207. A new survey of
spontaneous personal psychic experiences, following a similar pattern to the 1894 census. A total of 1,129
questionnaires yielded 840 returns, 275 with some experience to report and 95 estimated as the number who had
genuine hallucination experiences, a similar result to the 10 percent reported in the original census.
A number of cases are described, mainly apparitions and hauntings, but also a few premonitions and near-death
experiences. Some of the apparitions are veridical, a few are collective. However there are no cases of crisis coincidence,
which leads the author to speculate that such occurrences may be less prevalent than during the period of the original
census. A/DVhaunt/collect/nde
Rogo, D. Scott. A TWOFOLD PORTENT OF DEATH, Journal 56 & 57, 1989-1991, pp. 148-154. A female member of a
theatre group in Los Angeles has a dream about another member, a young man with AIDS. After waking she sees his
apparition. He is later found to have died in hospital at around the same time. A/crisis/usa
Berger, Arthur S. et al. SPIRIT EXTRAS ON VIDEO TAPE? Journal 58, 1991-92, pp. 153-64. Images on television screens
claimed by some German viewers to be of the dead are shown to be indistinguishable from images in a projective
Rorschach test and as such are not evidence of survival.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 410-11. A/electronic
Cassirer, Manfred. AN 18TH-CENTURY HAUNT AND THE PRECURSORS OF CSICOP, Journal 59, 1993-94, pp. 114-19.
Describes a German case of a recurrent apparition. A/haunt/eur
West, D.J. NOTE ON A RECENT PSYCHIC SURVEY, Journal 60, 1994-5, pp. 168-71. Reports on an apparitions telephone
survey carried out by the BBC in preparation for a television programme on the supernatural. The question asked was:
Have you ever when believing yourself to be fully awake and unaffected by illness, drink or drugs had a vivid
experience of seeing something or someone, or of hearing a voice, when there was nothing there, and no ordinary cause
that you could find? In the sample of 1007, 22% replied in the affirmative, substantially more than in previous surveys,
including the 1864 Census, the authors own Mass-Observation Questionnaire in 1948, and his Pilot Census of 1990. A
second question asked: Have you ever had an experience which you felt was beyond conventional explanation or
understanding and you believed to be an example of the paranormal such as telepathy, being in the presence of a
ghost or having a premonition? to which 36% replied positively. West compares the results with the earlier surveys. He
concludes that statistics from this kind of media-related survey are interesting in demonstrating the durability of
paranormal belief and experience, but are misleading if not followed up with further detailed enquiries. A/media/surv
ANALYSIS OF PUBLISHED CASES, Journal 60, 1994-5, pp. 385-97. Statistical analysis of a study conducted into the
characteristics of 172 haunting cases (Gauld & Cornell 1979). A/haunt
APPARITIONS EVOKED IN THE LABORATORY, Journal 61, 1996-7, pp. 65-87. Describes an attempt to determine
whether apparitions are subjective fantasies or reflect some form of objective reality. An experiment with seven
subjects suggests that apparitions may be objectively caused by mind-matter interactions or subjective effects caused by
external energies.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 278-81. A/a-theory
INVESTIGATION OF HAUNTING AND POLTERGEIST CASES, Journal 62, 1997-8, pp. 324-36. Author's abstract: Evidence
from field studies and case analyses implicates electromagnetic field activity in processes underpinning hauntings and
poltergeist-like episodes. Consistent with these findings, a comprehensive literature review shows that previous
procedures often included indices of electromagnetic field activity. Unfortunately, most of these approaches have been
limited by the fact that variables of interest were collected and studied separately. Consequently, it has not been
possible to establish cross-correlations between various types of electromagnetic fields through standard signalprocessing techniques. To remedy this situation, this paper describes the application of MESA (a previously described
computerized, multi-energy sensor array for the detection and recording of low frequency energy fluctuations) for
researching the electromagnetic properties of hauntings, poltergeist-like episodes and other anomalous phenomena.
CORRESPONDENCE, p. 475; Journal 63, 1998, pp. 242-3. A/P
Tandy, Vic & Lawrence, Tony R. THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE, Journal 62, 1997-8, pp. 360-64. Author's abstract: In this
paper we outline an as yet undocumented natural cause for some cases of ostensible haunting. Using the first author's
own experience as an example, we show how a 19Hz standing air wave may under certain conditions create sensory
phenomena suggestive of a ghost. The mechanics and physiology of this ghost in the machine effect are outlined.
Spontaneous case researchers are encouraged to rule out this potential natural explanation for paranormal experience
in future cases of the haunting or poltergeist type. A
Wright, Sylvia H. EXPERIENCES OF SPONTANEOUS PSYCHOKINESIS AFTER BEREAVEMENT, Journal 62, 1997-8, pp. 38595. Authors abstract: Studies from many parts of the world agree that widowed persons frequently sense the presence
of their deceased mates. For example, 90% of a sample of Japanese widows and 82% of a sample of Swedish widows and
widowers interviewed soon after bereavement had hallucinations or illusions of the lost spouse. Data are customarily
collected about visual, auditory and tactile experiences and about sensing the presence of the deceased person. Little
data has been collected about experiences of SPK in this context. The authors personal experiences of SPK after
bereavement are compared with similar accounts in the literature. PSI-S/A
Coleman, M.H. PHANTOM SCENERY, Journal 63, 1998-9, pp. 47-9. Proposes a natural explanation to a 1961 case of
'phantom scenery' such as that experienced by Moberly and Jourdain at Versailles, in which a boy and girl come across
an imposing Georgian house near their house which they had not seen before, which locals denied existed and which
they could not subsequently find.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 63, 1998, pp. 191-2, 250-52. A/retrocog
Journal 63, 1998-9, pp. 292-305. Authors abstract: The report is intended to make a contribution to our historical
understanding of ghost and poltergeist phenomena, concentrating on cases from the so-called Age of Goethe.
Historical research into German RSPK phenomena and apparitions is a challenging but elusive area which has so far
escaped the scholarly investigation it warrants. While the Anglo-American literature has produced a body of scholarly
works on the poltergeist, a historical review of such phenomena, ranging from the rapping Klopfgeist to the
mysterious Weie Frau (white lady) cases, fills an important gap in German cultural history and suggests that these
phenomena have a pervasive nature.
To date, the following collections along with some other selected libraries have been thoroughly researched for
documents on 18th and 19th-century ghost and poltergeist cases: the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbttel, the
Herzogin Anna Amalia Library in Weimar, the Bavarian National Library in Munich, and the Austrian National Library in
From this research material an extensive selection has been made of cases concerning RSPK phenomena and
apparitions, and in inventory made for future research purposes. The bibliography covers to date more than 1000 titles
published in the German-speaking area between 1700 and 1900. A short-list of typical poltergeist reports, most often in
the form of monographs, resulted in 50 cases, 15 of which took place before 1700 and 1900. A short-list of typical
poltergeist reports, most often in the form of monographs, resulted in 50 cases, 15 of which took place before 1700, 15
in the 18th, and 20 in the 19th century. A general survey of the authors and their works, as well as the spectrum of
parapsychological phenomena reported in these eras, is followed by the presentation of a classic poltergeist case: the
Gerstmann case from the year 1713. This took place in the house of a well-known physician, the family being
confronted with many different aspects of these phenomena. The documentation has a diary-like precision and was
written by the son in the family and also includes a report by a clergyman who had become a daily eye-witness of the
incidents in Gerstmanns house.
Finally, the form and personification that these phenomena take are seeing in the context of what can be learned from
the tradition of Folklore. A/P/germ/hist
PHENOMENA], Journal 64, 2000, p. 54. Briefly describes software the author believes could be useful in investigating
electromagnetic aspects of haunting and poltergeist phenomena, and gives web site reference for its purchase.
Tandy, Vic. SOMETHING IN THE CELLAR, Journal 64, 2000, pp. 129-40. Authors abstract: An investigation into the link
between infrasound and the perception of apparitions was performed in the 14th Century cellar beneath the Tourist
Information Centre in Coventry. Based on the effect described in The Ghost in the Machine (Tandy and Lawrence, 1998)
details of individuals' experiences were recorded and an analysis performed to test for any infrasound present in the
cellar. Infrasound was found to be present at the point at which individuals had reported apparitional experiences at
exactly the same frequency as that predicted in the original paper. A
McCue, Peter A. THEORIES OF HAUNTING: A CRITICAL OVERVIEW, Journal 66, 2002, pp. 1-21. The term 'haunting' is
generally applied to cases involving recurrent phenomena, of a supposedly paranormal nature, that are associated with
particular places. Approaches to understanding hauntings can be divided into two categories: those that attempt to
explain the manifestations 'naturalistically' (e.g. in terms of the misinterpretation of normal sounds or the effects of
underground water), and those that employ concepts such as telepathy or the laying down of a 'psychic trace' in the
haunted location. Some psi-based theories posit discarnate agency. 'Naturalistic' and psi-based theories are reviewed,
and suggestions are made regarding possible directions for future research in this area. A/theor
Journal 66, 2002, pp. 41-6 (illus). In April 1999 an 'anomalous' image of a male figure was captured by the CCTV
system in the reception area of a Lancaster company. The two security guards on duty noticed the image on the television
screen remained still for several minutes and were concerned for the man's health. Upon investigating, the guards found
nobody in the reception area. The guards continued watching the image for several more minutes before the image
'disappeared'. This incident led the company's facilities administrator to contact the Society for Psychical Research in the
belief that the image may have been a 'ghost'.
This paper outlines the investigation of this case undertaken by the authors on behalf of the Society. The focus of this
investigation was upon examining the video tape displaying the image and exploring conventional (i.e., non-paranormal)
explanations for the image's appearance. A
Tandy, Vic. A LITMUS TEST FOR INFRASOUND, Journal 66, 2002, pp. 167-74. A significant barrier to extending research
into the link between infrasound and apparitional experiences is the high cost of monitoring equipment. This paper is
offered in response to requests from researchers looking for a method of measuring infrasound within a reasonable
budget. It provides the construction details for a filter-set, which can be used in combination with a commercially
available sound level meter. The latter is operated slightly outside its intended parameters to produce what is described
as the equivalent of a litmus test for infrasound. Operating thus is clearly a risk and no absolute guarantee of success can
be given. However, using this meter saves so much time and money that it was felt warranted. As part of the
development process three units were built and four meters tested. Their performance compares very well with devices
costing up to twenty times that invested and they are now entering use in the field. Some prior experience of electronic
circuit construction is assumed. A/mech
Suggestions for Further Reading (books and articles in the SPR library).
Broad, C.D., Lectures on Psychical Research (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962). Full analysis of psychical research
by a Cambridge philosopher concluding that the possibility of survival, though unwelcome, is not inconsistent with the
evidence. Contains a useful analysis of the Census of Hallucinations.
Dingwall, E, K. Goldney and T. Hall, The Haunting of Borley Rectory (London: Duckworth, 1956). A sceptical treatment by
SPR members of claims made by the independent psychical researcher Harry Price. Book version of the report which
appeared in the Proceedings and which generated considerable controversy. (See 460)
Gibson, E.P., An Examination of Motivation as Found in Selected Cases from Phantasms of the Living, Journal American
Society for Psychical Research, 36, 83-105. Argues against the objection that apparitions never show signs of purpose and
cannot therefore be considered evidence of survival.
Gurney, Edmund, Myers, F.W.H. Podmore, F., Phantasms of the Living, 2 vols. (London: Trubner, 1886). A major analysis
of the many reports of apparitions and hauntings received by the Society in its early years. The book establishes various
types in detail, treating the phenomenon as psychic communication between living minds rather than as direct evidence of
survival of death.
Green, Celia, and McCreery, Charles, Apparitions (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1975). Survey and analysis by researchers
based in Oxford.
MacKenzie, Andrew, Hauntings and Apparitions (London: Heinemann, 1982). Overview of the Societys work by an SPR
researcher. Other books on apparitions by this author are also available.
Price, Harry, The Most Haunted House in England (London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1940). Describes alleged haunting at
Borley Rectory, arousing much later controversy.
Rhine, Louisa E., Hallucinatory Psi Experiences I & II, Journal of Parapsychology, 20/21, 1956/7. American analysis by the
partner of Duke University parapsychologist J.B.Rhine. Contains reports suggestive of survival although the author offers a
non-survivalist explanation.
Stevenson, Ian, The Contribution of Apparitions to the Evidence for Survival, Journal American Society for Psychical
Research, 76, 1982. Article by the prominent American researcher.
Tyrrell, G.N.M., Apparitions, London: SPR/Duckworth, 1943/1953). A landmark study building on Edmund Gurneys
telepathic approach to apparitions (457).
Parish, Edmund. ZUR KRITIK DES TELEPATHISCHEN BEWEIS MATERIELS, reviewed by Eleanor Sidgwick, Proceedings 13,
1898, pp. 589-601. Sidgwick offers a detailed reply to the author's 48-page pamphlet criticising the telepathic
interpretation adopted in the Society's Census of Hallucinations. BR/A/scep/scep-r
Lang, Andrew. THE BOOK OF DREAMS AND GHOSTS, reviewed by J.G. Smith, Proceedings 13, 1898, pp. 616-8.
Entertainingly presented collection of apparitional episodes, which the reviewer suspects may be seen by some Society
members as frivolous, but says should be also seen as impartial and comprehensive. BR/A
COLONEL LE MESURIER TAYLOR, reviewed by Frank Podmore, Proceedings 15, 1900, pp. 98-100. Describes haunting
phenomena. Podmore criticises the evidence. BR/A/scep
Flammarion, Camille. L'INCONNU ET LES PROBLMES PSYCHIQUES, reviewed by Frank Podmore, Proceedings 15,
1901, pp. 422-32. A French attempt to emulate the Census of Hallucinations brings 4,280 replies, of which 1,824 are
affirmative. Several cases are quoted in the review. Podmore objects to the author's description of his approach as
'scientific'. BR/A/fran/surv
Ellis, Robinson. THE TENTH DECLMATION OF (PSEUDO) QUINTILIAN, reviewed by F.C.S. Schiller, Proceedings 25, 1911,
pp. 361-2. Reviews a classic fictional ghost story, in which a deceased young man regularly appears to his mother until
his father takes steps to end the haunting. BR/A
Vaschide, N. LES HALLUCINATIONS TLPATHIQUES, reviewed by Eleanor Sidgwick, Proceedings 26, 1912, pp. 251-5.
Attacks the Society's work on apparitions, which the author finds does not tally with his own experiments. Sidgwick
argues that he is actually dealing with what the Society would call 'pseudo-hallucinations' and that no useful comparison
can be made between the two. BR/A/halluc/scep/scep-r
RESEARCH, reviewed byE.J. Dingwall, Proceedings 36, 1926, pp. 379-87. Report on a haunting involving the author's
adopted daughter, who was the subject in the Doris Fischer case of multiple personality. The reviewer offers his own
analysis. BR/A/CP/multi/usa
Seymour, St John D. & Neligan, Harry L. TRUE IRISH GHOST STORIES, reviewed by Helen Salter, Journal 24, 1927, p.
92. Collection of first and second hand reports of apparitions, banshees and death warnings. BR/A/PSI-S/precog
Lavater, Lews. OF GHOSTES AND SPIRITES WALKING BY NIGHT, Journal 26, 1930p. 38. Reprint of sixteenth century
book on supernormal phenomena. BR/A/hist
LA REVUE BELGE, reviewed by Theodore Besterman, Journal 29, 1935, p. 47. Contains a sceptical article on haunted
houses, described by Besterman as contrary, foolish and inept. BR/A/scep/scep-r
Williams, Joseph J. PSYCHIC PHENOMENA OF JAMAICA, reviewed by Theodore Besterman, Journal 29, 1935, pp. 47-8.
Local ghost stories, mainly of the poltergeist type. BR/A/carib
Halifax, Viscount. LORD HALIFAXS GHOST BOOK, reviewed by P-P.Solovovo, Journal 29, 1936, pp. 313-5. Collection of
anecdotes, of limited research value. BR/A
Salter, W. H. GHOSTS AND APPARITIONS, review, Journal 30, 1938, pp. 305-6. Promotes a discriminating approach to
the investigation of apparitional phenomena. BR/A
Bennett, Sir Ernest. APPARITIONS AND HAUNTED HOUSES: A SURVEY OF EVIDENCE, Journal 31, 1939, pp. 113-4.
should do a good deal for the spread of a better public understanding of the real nature of the evidence for
apparitions and hauntings. BR/A
Price, Harry. THE END OF BORLEY RECTORY, reviewed by W. H. S., Journal 33, 1946, pp. 271-2. yet another very
lively and readable book about Borley Rectoryillustrated with a large number of excellent photographs and plans.
Collins, B, Abdy, THE CHELTENHAM GHOST, Journal 35, 1949, pp. 85-6. Collection of famous cases from the Societys
records. BR/A
Stevens, William Oliver. UNBIDDEN GUESTS, Journal 35, 1949, pp. 112-4. Describes apparitional cases culled from
published investigations. BR/A
Henning, A.C. HAUNTED BORLEY, Journal 35, 1949, p. 114. Booklet on Borley apparitional phenomena. BR/A
Thurston, Herbert. GHOSTS AND POLTERGEISTS, Journal 37, 1954, p. 311. Collected papers by the Catholic
commentator on psychical research. BR/A/relig
Hopkins, R. Thuston. GHOSTS OVER ENGLAND, Journal 37, 1954, pp. 389-90. Collection of ghost stories. BR/A
Nardi, Enzo. CASE INFESTATE DA SPIRITI` E DIRITTO ROMANO E MODERNO (Haunted houses and Roman and
Modern Law`). Reviewed by G. Zorab, Journal 41, 1962, pp. 46-7. this scholarly treatise reviewing the legal question
whether alleged haunting is a sufficient reason for the nullification of sales and tenancy contracts isquite unique of it
kind, and may justly be regarded as an excellent contribution to the solution of one of the problems pertaining to
forensic parapsychology. BR/A/law
THE HAUNTING, reviewed by G.W. Lambert, Journal 42, 1963, pp. 134-5. British film based on a novel, The
Haunting Of Hill House, by Shirley Jackson. BR/A/lit/media
Smith, Susy. PROMINENT AMERICAN GHOSTS, reviewed by Kathryn Sheridan Jones, Journal 44, 1968, pp.
298-9. Informal description of twenty cases. BR/A/usa
Mackenzie, Andrew. FRONTIERS OF THE UNKNOWN, reviewed by A. D. Cornell, Journal 44, 1968, 410-12.
Study of case material on prophecies, apparitions, poltergeists. BR/A/gen/precog
MacKenzie, Andrew. APPARITIONS AND GHOSTS: A MODERN STUDY, reviewed by C. D. Broad, Journal
46, 1971, pp. 127-136. Analysis of apparitional cases investigated by the SPR. BR/A
Russell, Eric. GHOSTS, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 46, 1971, pp. 140-1. Discussion of apparitions blending a mildly
critical approach with entertainment. BR/A
Owen, George and Sims, Victor. SCIENCE AND THE SPOOK, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 46,
1972, pp. 95-6. General discussion of haunting cases by a researcher and a journalist. BR/A
reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 57-8. Anthology of true ghost stories, with analytical comment. BR/A
reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 47, 1973, p. 59. useful collection of accounts of ghostly experience at
sea BR/A
Thompson, Francis. THE GHOSTS, SPIRITS AND SPECTRES OF SCOTLAND. Reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 47,
1973, pp. 204-5. Discussion of apparitional experiences in Scotland. BR/A/scot
Christian, Roy. GHOSTS AND LEGENDS. Reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, pp. 204-5. an interesting
collection perhaps more to the taste of the folklorist than that of the psychical researcher. BR/A
Tabori, Paul and Underwood, Peter. THE GHOSTS OF BORLEY, reviewed by G. W. Lambert, Journal 47, 1974,
pp. 331-4. Brings together a large amount of testimony about the Borley hauntings. BR/A
PARAPSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 450-52. Includes an introduction by
JB Rhine and article on apparitions by Louisa Rhine, both discussed in the review. BR/A
Rogo, D. Scott. PHANTOMS, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 453-5. Study of spontaneous
cases: the reviewer takes issue with the authors definition of hallucination. BR/A/halluc
Underwood, Peter. HAUNTINGS, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 837-41. Re-examines ten
celebrated cases of haunting and poltergeist-type phenomena, including Hampton Court, Amherst, Cheltenham, Versailles
and Borley. BR/A
Hallam, Jack. THE GHOSTS WHOS WHO, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 837-41.
Collection of ghost stories from SPR records, folk-lore and legend. BR/A
Evans, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 842-3. Sixty apparition case studies selected from 300 submitted by the public in response
to press appeals, mostly new. BR/A
Fuller, John G. THE GHOST OF FLIGHT 401: AN EXTRAORDINARY TRUE STORY, reviewed by Andrew
MacKenzie, Journal 50, 1979, p. 38. Account of apparitional sightings of a dead pilot following an aircrash in Florida.
Fuller, John G. THE AIRMEN WHO WOULD NOT DIE, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 314-6.
Describes premonitions of a fatal airship accident, and later communications through the medium Eileen Garrett
appearing to come from the dead pilot and giving reasons for the crash. BR/A/eg/disast
reviewed by Anita Gregory, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 538-41. Describes a London poltergeist case in which several SPR
members were involved. The authors belief in the original paranormality of the case is tempered by the appearance to
others that the children involved were play acting.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 50, 1979, p. 258. Maurice Grosse, one of the original investigators, issues a challenge to
sceptics who doubt that a normal-voiced eleven-year old girl could not fake the voice of a gruff old man. See also pp.
420-21, 551.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 552-4 Argues that photographs produced as evidence of poltergeist activity
are unconvincing. See also Journal 51, 1981, p. 35, 115-6, 258-9, 399.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 52, 1983, pp. 92-5. Grosse responds to a published criticism by Anita Gregory suggesting
that a videotape indicating trickery was withheld. Gregory replies. See also pp. 155-6.
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 61, 1997, p. 410; Journal 62, 1998, pp. 377-9; Journal 62, 1998, 475; Journal 63, 1998,
p. 61 BR/A/scep/scep-r
Green, Andrew. GHOSTS OF TODAY, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 29-30. Collection of 463
cases of hauntings, some with only slight evidence.
CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 120-21, 189-90; Journal 51, 1982, pp. 259-10. BR/A
MacKenzie, Andrew. HAUNTINGS AND APPARITIONS, reviewed by Karlis Osis, Journal 52, 1983, pp. 137-9
(published in association with the SPR). Study of SPR case material. the fine points of investigators rigour and
theories are artfully interwoven with case reportsthe cases are well selected to honestly represent the wide range of
experiences of the haunting genre; other varieties of apparitional experiences (e.g. crisis apparitions, out-of-body
phantoms and those arising from mediumistic sittings) are given some attention but not dwelt upon. BR/A
Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 52, 1984, pp. 319-21. Study of apparitions giving examples of the authors own
investigations. The reviewer takes issue with his interpretation of the Cheltenham case and others of his interpretations.
Gauld, Journal 52, 1984, pp. 330-33. Considers how the dead have been perceived in Western European traditions, what
changes have occurred in these perceptions through the centuries, and why these perceptions have altered. Dr Finucane
does not delve into theories of apparitions, but the general tendency of his findings certainly favours the subjective
theories. BR/A
Evans, Hilary. VISIONS, APPARITIONS, ALIEN VISITORS, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 53, 1986,
pp. 462-3. Paperback edition of a much-praised book on apparitions, hauntings, religious visions, demonic entities, 'menin-black', UFO entities, and entities as folklore. 'an excellent book which is bound to provoke thought and discussion'
Andrew MacKenzie, THE SEEN AND THE UNSEEN, reviewed by Brian Inglis, Journal 55, 1988, Journal 55, 1988, pp. 989. Study of paranormal episodes: hauntings; experiences of the dead; collective experiences and apparitions of the
living; and others. 'a valuable companion piece to his Hauntings and Apparitions in the SPR centenary series.'
CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 55, 1988, pp. 300-301. BR/A
Rae-Ellis, Vivienne. TRUE GHOST STORIES OF OUR OWN TIME, reviewed by Peter Hallson, Journal 58,
1992, pp. 397-8. Anecdotes of previously unpublished apparitional experiences, culled from the response to public
appeals. BR/A
Wood, Robert. THE WIDOW OF BORLEY: A PSYCHICAL INVESTIGATION, reviewed by Richard Pusey, Journal 60, 1995,
pp. 408-11. Hostile investigation of the principal characters involved in the Borley haunting. The reviewer finds the
personal data interesting but the account prejudiced and tendentious. BR/A/scep
Banks, Ivan. THE ENIGMA OF BORLEY RECTORY reviewed by Andrew Green, Journal 61, 1996, pp. 168-70.
Sympathetic re-examination of the part played by psychical researcher Harry Price in the Borley Rectory affair. BR/A
Nickell, Joe. ENTITIES: ANGELS, SPIRITS, DEMONS AND OTHER ALIEN BEINGS, reviewed by Hilary Evans, Journal 61,
1996, pp. 179-80. Wide-ranging debunking, commended for its personal investigations of certain cases, but otherwise
criticised as 'disappointingly insubstantial' and 'relentlessly reductionist.' BR/A/ent/scep
KINDRED PHENOMENA, reviewed by M.H. Coleman, Journal 61, 1996, p. 276. Brief guide for investigators, compiled by
the SPR Research Activities Committee in consultation with the Spontaneous Cases Committee. BR/A/adv
Wilson, Ian. IN SEARCH OF GHOSTS, reviewed by M.H.Coleman, Journal 61, 1997, pp. 343-5. Critical study,
welcomed as a 'useful addition to the literature of this subject.' BR/A
Green, Andrew. HAUNTED SUSSEX TODAY, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 62, 1997, pp. 82-3.
Descriptions of hauntings by an SPR member. BR/A
Davies, Rodney. DOUBLES: THE ENIGMA OF THE SECOND SELF, reviewed by Guy Lyon Playfair, Journal
62, 1998, p. 466. Documents examples of the human double or wraith, in which an apparition of a living person is
clearly seen although not physically present. BR/A/halluc
Underwood, Peter. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE GHOST CLUB SOCIETY, reviewed by M.H. Coleman, Journal 64, 2000, p.
125. Brief popular history of an organisation founded in Cambridge in 1851 and continuing with some interruptions until
the present day. Gives some account of its members, who included Osbert Sitwell, Siegfried Sassoon, and many
prominent SPR members.
Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research, Volume