Precon Agenda Final

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Pre-Construction Conference Agenda

Short Job Description
Contract No.:
FM No.:
Date: Time:

(Note: This meeting is being audio/video recorded

and will become part of the construction project records.)
Note: Any sections not needed for this project may be deleted.
Forms for Consultant and Contractor Staff are located at:
1. Introductions
A. Name, Company;
B. Please make sure that everyone has signed the attendance list.
2. Description of Project
A. This project consists of
Total Contract Amount: $
Contract Calendar Days:


3. Important Dates
A. Project Award:
B. Execution:
C. Notice to Proceed:
D. First Chargeable Contract Day will be:
E. Contractors anticipated start date:
4. Delineation of Lines of Authority
A. Contacts:
City of ? / County
Agency Contact/Project Manager
Project Administrator






Office Specialist
Project Manager
QC Representatives

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Max. Time
Agency Contact
Consultant CCEI
1 Day
3 Days
Project Administrator
Agency Contact
Project Administrator


Project Manager

5. Progress Meetings
A. Agreed upon date, time and location (Utilities Meetings will be combined with Progress Meetings).
6. Utilities
A. Utility company comments
1) Status of each utility
2) Point of contact and phone number
B. Resident Utility Coordinator comments
1) Review of Utility Issues
C. Contractor comments
D. Excuse Utility Representatives
7. Construction Schedule / Progress Chart Submittals (Review Specification Section 8 Prosecution of
Work-Submission of Work Schedule in your contract.)
A. CPM schedule Review Submission of a Working Schedule Specification Section 8 Prosecution of
Work-Submission of Work Schedule-Schedule Submissions of the Special Provisions.
1) Submit to the engineer within 21 calendar days after execution of the Contract or at the
preconstruction conference, whichever is earlier.
a) Monthly updates of the Contract Schedule are to be submitted within 7 calendar days
before the monthly estimate cut-off date.
2) Each schedule activity shall be cost loaded.
3) In accordance with 8 Prosecution of Work-Submission of Work Schedule-As-Built Schedule
a) As a condition for Final Acceptance of the project, submittal of an as-built schedule which
describes the actual order, start and stop times for all activities by the Contractor is
B. Night work, Day Work
C. Provide updated schedules at the progress meetings on monthly cutoff dates.
D. Provide two-week look ahead schedules at the progress meetings.
E. If the time granted by Supplemental Agreement is 15 days or greater a Revised Schedule is required.
8. Specification Section 8 Qualifications of Contractors Personnel
A. Prior to approving a consultant for Contractor Quality Control, the Contractor shall submit to the
Department a Certificate from the proposed consultant certifying that no conflict of interest exists.
9. Maintenance of Traffic (plans review and discussion)
A. Lane Closure Restrictions
B. Discussion of MOT Phasing
C. Non Certified MOT items (102-104 Signalization and Maintenance & 102-107 Temporary Detection and
Maintenance). Contractor is responsible for these items from the first day of contract time per the
specification. Local maintaining agencies should be made aware of this requirement per your contract.
D. Certified Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Review Report (DOT Form 700-010-08) due on a weekly basis.
See Specification Section 102 Specific Requirements-Worksite Traffic Supervisor for more details.
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E. MOT worksite contacts in accordance with Specification Sections 102 & 105 Personnel
Qualifications-Worksite Traffic Supervisor.
1) Name of certified worksite supervisor:
2) Training Identification Number (TIN):
3) 24 hour contact information:
F. Law Enforcement.
10. Review of Plans and Special Requirements
A. Any errors or omissions noted by the contractor. (Moved and added to this section)
B. Earthwork
C. Pipe/Drainage
1) Specification Section 430 Laying Pipe-Final Pipe Inspection: Based on Contract pavement
type, upon completion of placement of concrete pavement or the placement of structural asphalt,
but prior to placement of asphalt friction course, dewater installed pipe and provide the Engineer
with a video recording schedule allowing for pipe videoing and reports to be completed and
submitted to the Department and reviewed prior to continuation of pavement. For pipe 48 inches
or less in diameter, provide the Engineer a video DVD and report using low barrel distortion video
equipment with laser profile technology, non-contact video micrometer and associated software to
meet the requirements of the specification.
D. Special Project Requirements
1) Shop Drawing Schedule of Submittals (Due within 60 days of contract start).
2) Provide routing charts for contractors use.
3) Provide the Department pavement marking readings of reflectivity per the specification.
4) When contract has the Directional Bore pay item, the contractor must provide the Department
with a boring path report and as-built plans in accordance with Specification Section 555
Documentation Requirements.
5) When contract has the Jack and Bore pay item the contractor must provide the Department with a
boring path report and as-built plans in accordance with Specification Section 556
Documentation Requirements.
11. Concrete Specification Sections 346 & 347
A. As directed in the contractors QC Plan
B. Concrete Mix Design Submittal Process must be submitted with QC Plan or as an addendum, from the
contractor to the PA, from the PA to Senior Materials Specialist (James Kirkland), Materials & Research
(M&R) will approve and send an e-mail to the PA and producer. For transfer requests use the Contractor
Quality Control Concrete Mix Design Issue Form.
C. Schedule pre-pour meeting with all involved parties prior to initial / major construction activities (structural
elements, deck pours, mass concrete, drilled shafts, etc.)
12. Bridge Work
A. Contractors Quality Control (QC) Plan
B. Pile Installation Plan
C. Drilled Shaft Installation Plan
D. Florida I Beams (FIB) Camber Data Collection
E. Schedule pre-work meetings that are pertinent to the project with all involved parties prior to initial / major
construction activities (i.e. General Structural Concrete Pour, Bridge Beam, Bridge Deck Pour, etc.).
13. Asphalt Paving by
, Resident Asphalt Specialist
A. Pre-paving Meeting to be held
B. 48 hour notice given to CEI (Construction Engineering and Inspection) staff before any paving will be
C. Asphalt Quality Control (QC) Plan approved by the District Bituminous Engineer.
14. Materials
A. Discuss materials precon package.
B. Discuss the review process for monthly materials certification.
1) Materials certification is not needed if the project is $250,000.00 or less.
C. Review Job Guide Schedule (JGS) requirements.
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1) Contractor is required to provide a Job Guide Schedule for all lump sum projects.
a) Use the following link for assistance in creating the JGS
STRG User Instructions
Sampling, Testing, and Reporting Guide (STRG)
b) For further assistance contact the Quality Systems Manager in the District Materials
15. Erosion Control and SW Pollution Prevention Plans
A. Contractor Certification Forms (DOT Forms 650-040-05 and 650-040-07)
B. See contract, page
for details on the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
C. All permits must be posted
D. South Florida Water Management District Permit #
E. St. Johns River Water Management District Permit #
F. Contractor is required to inspect and maintain controls weekly and within 24 hours after a rainstorm in
excess of 0.50 inches. The contractor shall report all inspection findings and corrective actions taken as a
result of the inspection. Inspection reports (650-040-03) shall be signed by the contractor and submitted
weekly to the engineer at the progress meetings along with the name and certificate number of the person
signing this form.
G. Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) - disposal of debris: Off-site contractor is liable even with
a letter of approval from the property owner. Contractor can request DEP to review the site and the
Contractor needs to get a permit from the property owner to allow the area(s) to be filled.
H. Review of Specification Section 110 Disposal of Materials- General (Contractor required to follow Local,
State and Federal Regulations).
I. Environmental Permitting if the permit requires permeability tests make sure the contractor is aware and
running the test.
J. Review permit requirements concerning dewatering. If water testing is required or needed, ensure the
tests are taken far enough in advance to have the results before dewatering.
1) What method will be used for dewatering?
2) Size and volume of pumps?
3) Identification of receiving water.
4) Will dewatering activities discharge to an Outstanding Florida Waterway (OFW), Class I or Class
II water bodies?
K. Per Specification 7-2.3, as a condition precedent to Final Acceptance of the project, Submit to the
Engineer as-built drawings and a certified survey verifying as-built conditions for all installed and
constructed surface water management systems.
16. Signal Installation
A. In accordance with Specification Section 611 Contractors Warranty Period for Installation, the
Contractor is required to provide a 90 day Warranty/Maintenance Bond prior to final acceptance.
B. Contact the Traffic Signal Quality Control Manager (Ray Marlin) in District Traffic Operations 7-10 days
prior to signals going into flash mode.
C. Contractor to coordinate with the maintaining agency and the departments representative prior to the final
D. Contractor to furnish as-built drawings in accordance with Specification Section 611 Acceptance of
Signal Installation-Final Acceptance-As-Built Drawings. All costs involved with providing as-built plans
are incidental to the other items of work associated with traffic signals. Payment for the work associated
with traffic signals is contingent upon meeting the requirements of Specification Section 611 Basis of
E. Notify the District Data Collection Manager in District Traffic Operations (10) working days prior to
beginning work on the Traffic Monitoring System.
F. Immediately upon completion of the Traffic Monitoring System contact the District Data Collection
Manager in District Traffic Operations (Rubie Frase).
17. Landscaping Projects
A. Review Specification Section 580 Planting Requirements-Inspection Requirements. Certify
monthly on a form provided by the Department that the plants have been installed and are being
maintained per Contract Documents. A Registered Landscape Architect acting as the Contractors
Landscape Quality Control representative will oversee the establishment period. The Contractors
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Landscape Quality Control representative must perform quarterly inspections of planting areas and
submit findings in report form to the Department per specification.
18. Subletting Work/Rental Agreements/Purchase Orders/Letters of Entry
A. Construction Project Administration Manual (CPAM) Chapter 5 Section 5.5 "Equipment Rental"
B. Procedures for subletting (provided in handouts).
C. Certification of Sublet Work (DOT Form 700-010-36), submit to District Operations Contracts Office
(DOCO) Representative.
1) Our Representative is:
D. Have the certifications been submitted?
E. List of subcontractors.
F. Procedures for Rental Agreements/Purchase Orders/Letters of Entry (DOT Form 700-010-11)
19. Contract Time
B. Alternative Contract; review provision and incentive/disincentive bonus if applicable.
C. Holidays and Special Events Review Specification Section 8 Temporary Suspension of Contractors
Operations-Suspension of Contractors Operations-Holidays. Check special provisions for special
events. If the contractor would like to work on any of these days they must submit a written request to
work at least 10 days prior to the date requested. The engineer must approve the request; time will be
charged regardless.
D. Weather Days In accordance with Specification Section 8 Computation of Contract Time-Adjusting
Contract Time-Contract Time Extensions.
E. One day of inclement weather = One day of time granted.
20. Controlling Items of Work
A. To be given to the Project Administrator every two weeks at the progress meeting or provide a signed two
week look ahead (may be optional for some projects with CPM schedule).
21. Vehicle Registration in Florida (DOT Form 700-010-52)
A. Due the first working day of the project.
22. Equipment Specifications (Specification Section 100)
A. Place a 2 minimum alphanumeric identification number on both sides of all equipment (other than small
tools). Number should sharply contrast with background. This applies to prime and sub-contractor
B. Provide all trucks with numbers and certify that all trucks have a manufacturers certification or permanent
decal showing the trucks capacity rounded to the nearest 1/10 th of a CY (Specification Section 9
Measurement of Quantities-Truck Requirements). Provide a certified list at the Pre-construction
23. Requested Documentation from Contractor
A. The following documentation need to be submitted:
1) CPM Schedule(s) or work progress schedule as required by the contract.
2) List of subcontractors.
3) Shop Drawing Schedule of Submittals (w/in 60 days of contract start).
4) Lighting Plan showing the type and location of lights to be used for night work.
5) Erosion Control Plan submitted and approved by the governing water management agency.
6) Asphalt QC Plan approved by the District Bituminous Engineer;
7) Vehicle Registrations (DOT Form 700-010-52)
8) Maintenance of traffic plans
9) Emergency phone list
a) Certified receipts of letters to law enforcement agencies and emergencies response
agencies (such as fire department and ambulance service).
10) ATSSA Worksite Traffic Supervisor name, 24 hr/day phone, certifications.
11) Letters to local police, fire and ambulance departments nearby the project.
12) Contractors QC Plan
13) Pile Installation Plan
14) Drilled Shaft Installation Plan
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B. List of officer or director within your company that has the authority to bind your company. In accordance
with Specification Section 4 Alteration of Plans or of Character of Work-Increase, Decrease or
Alteration in the Work-Allowable Cost for Extra Work, at the Preconstruction conference, certify to the
Engineer the following:
1) A listing of on-site clerical staff, supervisory personnel and their pro-rated time assigned to the
2) Actual Rate for items listed in Table 4-3.2.1.
3) Existence of employee benefit plan for Holiday, Sick and Vacation benefits and a Retirement
4) Payment for Per Diem is a company proactive for instances when compensation for Per Diem is
a) Such certification must be made by an officer or director of the Contractor with authority
to bind the Contractor. Timely certification is a condition precedent to any right of the
Contractor to recover compensations for such costs, and failure to timely submit the
certification will constitute a full, complete, absolute and irrevocable waiver by the
Contractor of any right to recover such costs. Any subsequent changes shall be certified
to the Engineer as part of the cost proposal or seven calendar days in advance of
performing such extra work.
24. Monthly Estimates
A. Provide Monthly Estimate Cut-Off dates to the contractor. Dates can also be found at the following link
B. Request for Partial Payment for Stockpiled Material
1) Request for Payment for Stockpiled Materials (DOT Form 700-010-42) due with the required
documentation At least 5 working days before a monthly cut off.
C. QA (Quality Assurance) Guidelines (for information only) Located at the following website:
25. Public Information Coordinator
A. The Department plans on hiring a Public Information Coordinator part-time to handle issues with the
public, area businesses, and lane closure announcements.
Emergency Evacuation Plan
B. In case of a hurricane or other emergency affecting the project, there will need to be a plan to secure the
project, list responsibilities, etc.
26. Other
A. Discussion of Station boards need to be placed throughout the project limits;
B. Discussion of CQC.
C. Contractor to discuss any Cost Savings Initiative (CSI) Proposal and process Engineering Change
Proposals (Specification Section 4 Alteration of Plans or of Character of Work-Cost Savings Initiative
D. Discuss actions to be taken if an unpaid bill letter is received by the Department.
E. Review Specification Section 5 Claims by Contractor-Mandatory Claim Records
F. In accordance with Specification 5 Engineering and Layout-Personnel, Equipment, and Record
Requirements; prior to final acceptance of the project, mark, in a permanent manner on the surface of
the completed work, all horizontal control points originally furnished by the Department.
27. General Discussion Q&A

28. Pre-Work Meetings

A. Schedule meetings with all involved parties prior to initial / major construction activities. Check off
Agendas listed below that are pertinent to the project, and should have meetings scheduled.
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B. Pre-Work Agendas
Utility Pre-Work Agenda
Earthwork Pre-Work Agenda
Drainage Pre-Work Agenda
Pre-Paving Conference Agenda
o Pre-Paving Conference Minutes Amendment
MSE Wall Pre-Work Agenda
General Structural Concrete Pour Pre-Work Agenda
Mass Concrete Pre-Work Agenda
Concrete Pavement Pre-Work Agenda
Concrete Bridge Deck Pre-Work Agenda
Drilled Shaft Pre-Work Agenda
Piling Pre-Work Agenda
Sheet Pile Pre-Work Agenda
Auger Cast Piling Pre-Work Agenda
Bridge Beam Pre-Work Agenda
Post-Tensioning & Grouting
Pavement Marking Pre-Work Agenda
Sign Installation Pre-Work Agenda
Signalization Pre-Work Agenda
Traffic Monitoring Site (TMS) Pre-Work Agenda
o TMS Handouts
PTMS Checklist
PTMS Testing Minimums
PTMS & TTMS Inspection Sheet
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Pre-Work Agenda
Lighting Pre-Work Agenda
o Excuse Representatives not needed for EEO Meeting
29. EEO Programs by,
Separate Handout
30. Meeting was adjourned at

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, EEO Compliance Specialist

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