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Time-Domain Numerical Solution of The Wave Equation: February 6, 2003

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Time-domain Numerical Solution of the Wave

Jaakko Lehtinen

February 6, 2003

This paper presents an overview of the acoustic wave equation and the common
time-domain numerical solution strategies in closed environments. First, the wave
equation is presented and its qualities analyzed. Common principles of numerical
approximation of derivatives are then reviewed. Based on them, the finite difference
(FD) and the finite element methods (FEM) for the solution of the wave equation are
presented along with algorithmic and practical considerations.

Introduction and Preliminaries

The sensation of sound is due to small variations in air pressure. The variations are governed by the three-dimensional wave equation, a second-order linear partial differential
equation, which relates the temporal and spatial derivatives of the pressure field. This
paper presents an overview of the wave equation (section 2) and outlines the most common time-domain1 methods for its numerical solution; namely the finite difference and the
finite element methods.
Section 3 describes the approximation of continuous functions and their derivatives
by finite differences and presents methods for discretizing the wave equation using these
approximations. Section 4 introduces methods for solving the resulting ordinary differential equations by time-stepping. We also present the finite element discretization of the
wave equation in section 5, and conclude with some comparisons between the methods in
section 6.

[email protected]
as opposed to frequency-domain

The Wave Equation

This section presents the wave equation and some of its qualities. We first introduce the
nature of the solutions, then discuss the equation of motion along with boundary and
initial conditions, and conclude with a note on the Helmholtz equation.



When determining the acoustic properties of an environment, we are actually interested

in the propagation of sound, given the properties and location of a sound source. Sound
waves themselves are small fluctuations in air pressure. In simple cases (in the absence of
temperature gradients, for instance) these small fluctuations can be treated as small perturbations of an ambient pressure field. The propagation of these fluctuations is governed by
the wave equation, which can be derived from purely mechanical considerations (springs
and masses with certain linearizations, see e.g. Eirola, 2002) or from suitable simplifications of the more general equations of fluid dynamics (Pierce, 1991). Solution of the
complete, non-linear equations of fluid dynamics is generally not required for acoustic
The solution of the wave equation is a time-dependent pressure field u(t, x), with
x and t > 0. Here denotes the set of points inside the environment to be simulated; in realistic situations is three-dimensional, but we shall often resort to lowerdimensional examples for easier presentation. We stress that the solution u to the equation is a scalar function over three spatial dimensions and time; the function describes
the acoustic sound pressure for each point x in the environment for each t. This is the
key difference between solutions of normal algebraic equations and differential equations2 ; roughly speaking, the solutions of differential equations are themselves functions,
while the solutions of normal algebraic equations are points within the domain of some
equation-dependent function.


The Equation of Motion and Boundary Conditions

The wave equation is a second-order linear partial differential equation

utt = c2 u + f
utt =


x2 y 2 z 2



whese u is the pressure field (as described above) and c is the speed of sound, which we
assume to be constant in the whole environment. The equation thus relates the second

Actually, we should be talking about operator equations instead of just differential equations.

time derivative of the pressure to its spatial Laplacian u. f = f (t, x) represents time
dependent force terms, which we discuss soon. The equation is called a partial differential
equation because it involves derivatives of the solution function u with respect to more
than one variable.
Equation (1) is in itself not uniquely solvable. In addition to this equation of motion,
the behaviour of the solution on the boundaries of the environment, which we denote by
, needs to be determined. These so-called boundary conditions (BCs) dictate how the
walls of the environment reflect sound waves. Elementary types of boundary conditions
prescribe either the solutions values or the values of the solutions normal derivatives3 on
the boundary. In this paper we leave out most details on boundary conditions. We mention
in passing that it is possible to construct so-called absorbing BCs, which do not reflect
any of the waves striking the boundary, and the waves appear to just leave the domain.
Absorbing boundary conditions are useful in analyzing enclosures partly bounded but
connected to a large open space.
In addition to boundary conditions, initial conditions need to be specified. This means
that for t = 0, an initial pressure distribution u(0, x) and an initial velocity ut (0, x) distribution are required.
The force term f (t, x) represents sources of disturbations in air pressure; these are
the sound sources.4 Usually, an acoustics application solves the wave equation with f
describing an initial impulse. The solution of the wave equation then describes the timedependent propagation of the impulse in the environment. The solution u is an univariate
function (in t) for each x in the environment, and can be used as an impulse response in
an auralization system.



In the case of wave propagation, dispersion means that waves either travelling to different
directions or having different frequencies propagate with different speeds. Dispersion can
occur both naturally (in a dispersive medium) and artificially. The pure wave equation
presented above is nondispersive, i.e. in the exact solution all waves, regardless of direction or frequency, propagate with the speed c. Unwanted artificial dispersion occurs in
all numerical methods. The effects often include waves travelling along coordinate axes
propagating slower than in diagonal directions, and high-frequency waves propagating
slower than lower-frequency waves. It is possible to analyze the dispersion introduced by
a numerical method either directly by substituting certain test waves into the discretized
equation (Eirola, 2002) or by frequency domain analysis, see Savioja (1999).

Normal derivative: u n, where n is the outward unit normal on the boundary

Another way of describing sources is to use time-dependent boundary conditions, which we will not


The Helmholtz Equation

We briefly mention that separating variables in the wave equation, that is, searching for
the solution u in the form
u = (x)eit
leads to the so-called Helmholtz equation, sometimes called the reduced wave equation
k + k 2 k = 0,


where is the frequency of an eigenmode and k 2 = 2 /c2 is the wave number. Mathematically, the problem is about the eigenvalues of the Laplacian operator (Eriksson et al.
, 1996). For closed domains, solutions only exist for a countable set of different ; the
solutions k for the corresponding wave numbers are the standing waves inherent to the
geometry of the domain. The Helmholtz equation is the basis for a large number of numerical methods for computational acoustics; they are called spectral methods since they do
not simulate time-dependent pressure fields but the responses of the environment to different frequencies instead. Since the focus on this paper is in explicit time-domain methods,
we do not discuss this further.

Finite Differences

The exact solutions to the wave equation discussed in the previous section are infinite dimensional, that is, no finite number of parameters can fully describe the solution, except
in a very limited set of special cases. Since computers work with finite memories and
perform only finite calculations, approximations must be made in order to solve the wave
equation numerically. Here we stress that the complete, correct solution is generally unavailable to us in closed form. Numerical analysis deals, among other problems, with
issues concerning discrete approximations to continuous problems; these include the methods used to discretize the solutions domains in both time and space, methods of solving
the discretized versions of the equations, and error analysis.


Discretized derivatives

In this section we describe the simplest possible ways of discretizing derivatives of functions. We work in one dimension for simplicity.
As an example we look at continuous, bounded, real-valued functions defined on the
interval [0, 1]. In order to represent general functions, we might scatter a large but finite
number N of equidistant points xi , with i = 1, . . . , N , inside the interval and store the
value of the function in those points only. Even though this representation does obviously
not correspond to a continuous function (generally speaking), we do have some idea of
what the function is like. We denote the distance between two node points by h. Now,

suppose that we are interested in the derivatives of the function which we have represented
by point samples. Since we only know the functions values at the node points xi , we
must somehow combine those values to obtain an estimate for the derivative. The simplest
methods are suggested by the usual difference quotient that is used to define the derivative
in the continuous case. This yields the approximations
f (xi+1 ) f (xi )
f (xi ) f (xi1 )
f 0 (xi )
f (xi+1 ) f (xi1 )
f 0 (xi )

f 0 (xi )



which are called forward difference, backward difference and central difference, respectively (Atkinson & Han, 2001).
The Taylor series provides us an elegant approximation for the second derivative. The
expansion gives us
h1 0
f (x) + f 00 (x) + f 000 (x) + O(h4 ),
h 0
h 00
h3 000
f (x h) = f (x) f (x) + f (x) f (x) + O(h4 ),

f (x + h) = f (x) +


from where adding the approximations side by side and dividing through with h2 we get
f 00 (x) =

f (x h) 2f (x) + f (x + h)
+ O(h2 ).


This is an accurate approximation; for smooth functions the error drops according to h2 .
We also note that the central difference scheme in eq. (7) follows from neglecting also the
second order terms and subtracting the equations from each other.
Figure 1 shows a comparison of the first order difference approximations of the function sin(1/x), plotted in blue, on the interval [0.2, 0.1]. The example is arbitrary, with
the function and range chosen so that the function is smooth (infinitely differentiable) on
the interval. The figure illustrates the derivative approximations nature as linear combinations of samples from the original function, and that the central difference scheme is
more accurate than the other two. The original function has been artificially scaled up to
show its form.


Discrete differential operators

By writing values of the point samples of a function u as an N -dimensional vector uh ,

the difference approximations of the last section can be written in a matrix form so that
multiplication of the vector uh of function values with the matrix produces a new vector


d/dx sin(1/x)
Backward difference
Forward difference
Central difference



0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11

Figure 1: Comparison of several difference approximations of sin(1/x) on the interval

[0.2, 0.1].
approximating the values of the derivative (or second derivative) at the node points. These
matrices have banded structure; on each row, nonzero elements are only found on the
diagonal and/or its immediate neighbors. As an example, the central difference and the
second derivative approximations result in the matrices

Dh =


h = 2









so that Dh uh is a central difference approximation to the first derivative of the function u

with samples placed h units apart and h uh is the approximation of the second derivative
in a similar fashion. Here the zero elements of the matrices have been left blank. The
values for the ends of the interval are dependent on the initial and boundary conditions of
the differential equation at hand, and some special care needs to be taken in order to get
the boundary values right. We not discuss this further.
This point of view clearly demonstrates the fact that differentiation can be seen as an
operator that acts on a function and produces another function, that is, the derivative of the
original input function. When we deal with functions discretized as described earlier,
the discretized differentiation operator is represented by a matrix. This is a consequence
of differentiation being a linear operation in the continuous case5 .

Functional analysis deals with properties of general linear operators such as differentiation which
may be defined on infinite-dimensional spaces of functions.


Spatial discretization of the wave equation by finite differences

Here we show how finite difference approximations can be used for discretizing the wave
equation. We work in one dimension, but we keep in mind that the development is essentially the same for higher dimensions.
By using the discretized representation h for the second derivative we derive a semidiscrete version of the one-dimensional wave equation; by substituting uh for u and
h uh for u and noting that uxx = u in one dimension we obtain

uh = c2 h uh + fh ,


where fh denotes the values of the function f in the node points, and primes denote differentiation with respect to time. Remarkably, this semidiscretized form of the wave
equation is no longer a partial differential equation, since the spatial Laplacian has been
reduced into a matrix multiply; it is an ordinary differential equation in N unknowns
with the unknown vector uh , whose elements are the values of the solution function u at
the node points xi . This equation can be solved with any standard method for integrating
differential equations with respect to time. These methods are discussed in the following
We also mention the digital waveguide methods for the solution of the wave equation. These methods are finite difference schemes with a digital signal processing point
of view. The signal processing approach has many favorable qualities; these include e.g.
the possiblity of using frequency-dependent boundary conditions implemented by digital
filters. The interpolated waveguide mesh of Savioja et al. bears some resemblance to the
finite element method. See (Savioja, 1999) for an in-depth treatment of digital waveguide


Two- and three-dimensional problems

The one-dimensional difference approximations discussed in the previous sections are

easily extended
For instance, the gradient operator, defi or more dimensions.

 to two

ned as = x y in 2D and = x y z in 3D, is easily implemented with
one-dimensional finite differences along each coordinate axis. In a similar fashion, the
Laplacian operator see equation (2) takes the form
uh (i + 1, j) 2uh (i, j) + uh (i 1, j)
uh (i, j + 1) 2uh (i, j) + uh (i, j 1)
uh (i + 1, j) + uh (i 1, j) + uh (i, j + 1) + uh (i, j 1) 4uh (i, j)


in two dimensions, where we have assumed that the two-dimensional domain has been
discretized into a regular grid of points, so that the values of the function u are now stored
in a matrix (in stead of a vector) uh , so that uh (ih, jh) u(i, j). For simplicity, we have
assumed the same discretization parameter h for both dimensions. The three-dimensional
case is analoguous.
Writing the difference approximation from equation (12) into a matrix form (as above)
presents some difficulty due to uh now being a matrix in stead of a vector as in the onedimensional case. Still, as the approximation is again a linear combination of the elements
of uh , a similar matrix representation does exist (Eirola, 2002). This is achieved by first
stacking the columns of uh into a long column vector, after which it is straightforward
to derive the required matrix expressions. After this modification the semidiscretized
wave equation in two or more dimensions is exactly the same as equation (11), the onedimensional case.

Time Integration

This section presents the necessary tools for obtaining a fully discrete solution of the wave
equation by time stepping. The process is called integrating the differential equation. To
this end, we first write the semidiscretized equation as a first-order system of differential
equations, and after that present different time-stepping methods for solving the first-order
system. We conclude by some remarks on stability of the numerical solutions.
We first recall the semidiscretized equation


uh = c h uh + fh , x (equation of motion)
uh (0, x) = u0h (x),
(initial condition for uh )

uh (0, x) = vh (x),
(initial condition for u0h ),
where u0h and vh0 are predefined functions defined over the spatial discretization. In addition, the problem-dependent boundary conditions need to be specified. This is a secondorder system of ordinary differential equations in N unknowns.
Most integration methods work on first-order differential equations. This poses no
problems, since all higher-order problems can be transformed into first-order ones by
introducing new variables. To transform the semidiscretized wave equation into a firsth
so that equation (11) takes the form
order system, we define a new variable vh = du
= c2 h uh + fh
= vh .
This has the effect of doubling the number of unknowns, since we are now left with two
vectors of length N to solve for. We can further simplify the system (13) by concatenating

the vectors uh and vh into a new vector w so that we get

w= h ,

= Aw + g, with

, A= 2
c h 0

and w(0) = h0 ,

where each element of A, printed in bold, denotes a N N submatrix, and I denotes

the identity matrix. This is the simplest possible form for a first-order, linear system of
differential equations.
The numerical solution of the above system is a discrete sequence wk , k N, of
vectors corresponding to values of the solution w at different timesteps. We choose to
use a constant timestep for simplicity, so that we have wk w(tk ), where tk = k.
Similarly, we denote g(k) by gk .
To make description of the integration methods in the next subsections still simpler, we
make use of a more abstract formulation. In general, any first-order system of differential
equations6 can be written as
w0 (t) = d(t, w(t)).
Equation (14) maps to this representation by
d(t, w(t)) = Aw(t) + g(t).


This more abstract form (15) is most suitable for describing integration methods.


Explicit methods

The most obvious integration method for the system (15) is the Euler method. It follows
from substituting the forward difference scheme from section 3.1 into (15), yielding
wk+1 wk
= d(tk , wk )

wk+1 = d(tk , wk ) + wk .
Substituting for d from (16) we have

wk+1 = Awk + gk + wk = (A + I) wk + gk .


This method has the advantage of simplicity, but in practice it is not used much, because
it is highly unstable. We come back to stability issues in the end of the section.
The Euler method is the simplest one in the class of methods generally referred to
as explicit Runge-Kutta methods. The classical Runge-Kutta method, often referred to
as the Runge-Kutta method, is one of them. All the higher-order R-K methods work
by subdividing the time interval into smaller sub-timesteps, achieving variable orders of
accuracy. The Euler method performs worst of these methods.

also non-linear systems


Implicit methods

So-called implicit methods help overcome stability problems often associated with explicit
schemes. The difference between explicit and implicit methods is best illustrated by the
implicit Euler method, which follows from substituting the bacward difference approximation into (15):
wk wk1
= d(tk , wk )

wk = d(tk , wk ) + wk1 ,

and after manipulating the indices we have

wk+1 = d(tk+1 , wk+1 ) + wk ,


and substituting for d we finally get

wk+1 = Awk+1 + gk+1 + wk
(I A) wk+1 = wk + gk+1

wk+1 = (I A)1 wk + gk+1 .


The scheme works by borrowing the future value for w in the evaluation of the function
d. The seemingly innocent switching from forward to backward differences has yielded a
significantly different difference scheme; one that requires a matrix inversion. (Note that
when the timestep is constant, the inversion only has to be done once.) The implicit
Euler method is still simple, and has the virtue of unconditional stability.
The most accurate first-order implicit scheme is the Crank-Nicolson method7 . It is an
application of the central difference scheme, and its idea is to evaluate the function d in
the middle of the timestep, with respect to both time and the solution w. The scheme is
defined as
wk+1 wk
= d( 12 (tk + tk+1 ), 12 (wk + wk+1 )).
Substituting d from (16) as before we have

wk+1 = wk + 12 A wk + wk+1 + g(tk + 2 )

I 21 A wk+1 = I + 21 A wk + g(tk + 2 )

wk+1 = I 12 A
I + 12 A wk + g(tk + 2 ) .
As is obvious, the increased accuracy over the implicit Euler method comes at the price of
a more laborious timestep, since one additional matrix multiply now has to be performed.
Again, if is constant, the matrices have to be formed (and the other inverted) only once.

Finnish implisiittinen keskipistesaa nto




The continuous, exact solutions of the wave equation have the property of energy conservation. That is, if the boundaries of the environment are fully reflecting, the solution
oscillates infinitely, with its energy content8 staying constant, if we let f 0. This is an
important property, and numerical methods perform differently with respect to it.
If a numerical method allows the energy of the discretized solution to grow without
bound as time passes, the method is called unstable. We only state briefly that the magnitudes of the eigenvalues of the matrices used in the explicit iteration schemes determine
constraints on the maximum possible timestep size. The eigenvalues magnitudes have a
dependence on h, so that these constraints usually dictate the maximum allowable timestep for a given level of discretization. With larger timesteps the solution is soon ruined by
high-magnitude noise as calculation errors build up in an uncontrollable fashion. Implicit
methods are unconditionally stable. See (Eirola, 2002) for a treatment.
In practice, the timestep restrictions imposed on explicit methods are so stringent that
the additional computation per time step required by implicit methods is outweighed by
the gains from using larger timesteps.

The Finite Element Method

The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a general method for solving both ordinary and
partial differential equations. In this section we show how it can used for solving the
wave equation. Our approach is not the only possible one, since our derivation ends up
(again) in a system of ordinary differential equations, which we solve by the methods
presented earlier another approach would be to use a FEM formulation also for the
time-dependent ordinary differential equation.
The general ideas behind the FE method rely heavily on concepts of so-called Hilbert
and Sobolev spaces. We develop the method from bottom up and do not present these
more advanced concepts.



FEM takes a fundamentally different approach from the point-evaluation based finite difference methods described earlier. The idea is to seek for the solution as a finite linear
combination of basis functions, so that the linear combination is, in a sense, the best
approximation to the real solution from this finite-dimensional set of functions.
Basis functions are best described by an example, again in univariate functions on the
interval [0, 1]. Suppose that we have scattered N node points xi onto the interval, just as
before. Now, we define a hat function i (x) corresponding to each xi ; the hat function

We skip the details of defining the energy content in a formal way.



















Hat functions on [0, 1]











An example linear
combination of hat functions

A piecewise linear basis

function in a triangulation
(from Eirola, 2002)

Figure 2: Illustration of piecewise linear hat functions on the interval [0, 1] and their
linear combinations. The hat functions themselves are nonzero only at their corresponding
nodes and between the adjacent nodes to both directions. Their linear combinations (in
red), on the other hand, define piecewise linear functions on the whole interval.
takes the value 1 at xi and ramps linearly to 0 towards xi1 and xi+1 . Now, define an
N-vector , with its components denoted i , and let
u(x) =


i i (x).



Figure 2 shows an example with eleven nodes, the corresponding piecewise linear basis
functions, and an example linear combination of the basis functions. The linear span of
the basis functions is a vector space in the sense that the sum of any two such functions is
again a function which can be represented in the same way.
By the support of a function we mean the smallest set outside which the function
is identically zero. The functions in the previous example are defined piecewise, and
they have small supports. This has computational advantages, as will become obvious
after we have formulated the full finite element method in the next sections. However,
the development itself does not rule out use of functions with global supports, meaning
functions that are nonzero on the whole domain. For instance, all polynomials on the
whole interval [0, 1] have global supports, as well as the usual trigonometric polynomials
sin(2kx), with k N. Also, piecewise polynomial functions find common use in FEM
applications; the hat functions of the example are 1st order piecewise polynomials. To
be completely precise, the name finite element method is used only if locally supported
basis functions are used; the more general case is the Galerkin method.
The two- and three-dimensional analogue to our hat function example is to scatter
points inside the domain and construct a triangulation of them in 2D or a tetrahedralization in 3D. The piecewise linear functions now take a form where the functions have value
1 at the corresponding node and ramp to zero linearly inside the triangles (or tetraedra) associated with the node. Also higher-order piecewise polynomials can be used. (Globally

supported basis functions cannot be used in non-simple higher-dimensional geometries

because of incompatibilities with the boundary conditions. This is a more advanced topic,
and will not be pursued here.)
We also mention that triangles or tetraedrae are not the only possible geometrical primitives that can be used for constructing the basis functions. For instance, quadrilaterals
and parallelepipedon may be used with piecewise bilinear or bicubic functions, respectively.


Variational Formulation of the Wave Equation

In this section we will show how to search for the solution to the wave equation as a linear
combination of basis functions. Since the solutions are time-dependent, we will make the
coefficient vector time-dependent also, so that the spatially discretized solution has the
uh (t, x) =
i (t) i (x) u.

To start off, we move all the terms of the wave equation onto the other side and get
utt u f = 0.


Now, let V denote the set of bounded, continuous functions defined on having piecewise
continuous first derivatives (gradients in higher dimensions) and fulfilling the spatial
boundary conditions of the problem. (We note that the hat functions, used as examples
in the previous section, are members of V , when = [0, 1], neglecting boundary conditions.) V is obviously infinite-dimensional, and the exact solution u to (23) is also a
member of this space9 . The fundamental theorem of calculus of variations (Guenther &
Lee, 1996) states that if we multiply equation (23) by any function in V and integrate the
product over , we must still get 0:
(utt u f ) v dx = 0,
v V.

The goal of the following development is to simplify this equation in this general case,
and then in the end to switch focus to a finite-dimensional subspace Vh of V spanned by
the basis functions i (x). This will allow us to write out a linear system of equations for
the unknown coefficients (t).
It is easy to verify by Gauss divergence theorem10 that
vu dx = v u dx +
vu n d,


R addition, its first
R derivative along with its Laplacian are continuous.

F n d, where F is a vector field over ; just substitute F = vu to get (25).


where d is an area element on . Applying this result to equation (24) we have

(utt v + u v f v) dx
vu n d = 0,
v V,


which is called the variational formulation of the wave equation. The solutions to (26)
are called weak solutions to the wave equation. Classical theory of partial differential
equations shows that any sufficiently smooth u that solves (26) is also a classical solution
of the wave equation (Eirola, 2002).
Now we approach the heart of the matter. Substituting the approximation (22) into
(26) and requiring that (26) only holds for the members k of Vh (and not the full V )


i (x) k (x) dx +



k (x) i (x) dx



k (x) i (x) n d =

f (x) k (x) dx,

k Vh ,


where we have used




i (t) i (x),

uh =



i (t) i (x),


with primes denoting differentiation with respect to time. We have also switched the
order of summation and integration in the terms. Because Vh is finite dimensional, (27)
is actually a set of N linear equations (one for each k , with k = 1, . . . , N ) for the
coefficient vector . Hence it can be written in a matrix form as
00 A + S B = f ,


Aij =
Bij =

i (x) j (x) dx,

Sij =

i (x) j (x) n d, and

i (x) j (x) dx,

fj =
f (x) j (x) dx.


Again, we are left with a linear system of ordinary differential equations, for which all the
time integration methods described in section 4 apply directly.
As mentioned before, the sizes of the supports of the basis functions affect the computational load associated with FEM. The cost of evaluating the integrals in the expressions
for the above matrices elements benefits from locally supported functions, since small
supports mean small nonzero regions in the integrands.


A Teaser

In the previous section we derived a spatial discretization of the wave equation as a linear
combination of a finite number of prescribed basis functions. We have left out most of
the mathematical structure that helps to understand the FE method from a more geometrical viewpoint because of lack of space. We do still mention a remarkable property; the
finite element solution to the wave equation is optimal in the sense of a certain squared
difference between the real solution and the approximate one, which means that no other
linear combination of the basis functions could achieve a smaller error in this least squares
-sense. This is quite surprising, considering that we do not have knowledge of the exact
solution! This fact is best explained by stating (albeit cryptically) that the finite element
solution is an orthogonal projection of the exact solution onto the finite dimensional linear
span of the basis functions. For more information on vector spaces of functions, see for
instance (Kreyszig, 1989).


The previous sections have shown how the wave equation can be reduced into a system of
ordinary differential equations either by finite difference approximations or by the finite
element method. This section discusses some practical aspects of the methods presented
above and outlines some differences between them.


Solution of large linear systems

In general, time integration requires solution of linear systems at each timestep. These
systems are generally very large, routinely in the order of several millions of unknowns11 .
It is clear that direct solution, e.g. by Gaussian elimination, of the resulting equations is
not feasible. The rescue lies in iterative methods, which do not manipulate the matrix
(as Gaussian elimination does), but instead work by starting from an initial guess vector for the solution and then improving upon it in a successive series of iterations, until
some degree of convergence is reached. Classical iterative methods include the Jacobi
and Gauss-Seidel iterations. So-called Krylov subspace methods, such as the conjugate
gradient method, search for the solution in the span of {x, Ax, A2 x, . . .}, where x is the
initial guess and A is the matrix in the problem. See Golub and van Loan (1996) for an
in-depth review of iterative methods.

Happily, the matrices obtained from the finite difference and FEM approximations are sparse, so that
only a small fraction of the matrices elements are nonzero.



Differences between the methods

The key difference between the finite difference method and FEM lies in the composition
of the matrices. Once the matrices have been formed, the time stepping solution to the
wave equation proceeds similarly.
Generally, the matrices inherent to the finite difference method have regular coefficients for nodes inside the domain; that is, all the nodes behave numerically in the same
way. The matrices of FEM are more irregular, since their elements are integrals of the basis functions products, and in general domains the basis functions do not form a regular
structure. This makes construction of the FEM matrices much more involved than that of
finite difference matrices.
Boundary conditions need special treatment in the finite difference method; detailed
calculations on how to discretize different types of BCs are required. As stated earlier in
the FEM section, the space V , from where the solutions are being searched for, is defined
such that the basis functions fulfill the boundary conditions in a certain way; the rest
of the BCs are enforced weakly in the form of the boundary integral in equation (27). In
other words, FEM incorporates boundary conditions into its formulation in a unified way
that alleviates some of the need for their special treatment.
Also, generation of the triangulations and tetraedralizations used frequently in FEM
applications is far from trivial, and a wealth of research on the construction and quality of
the subdivisions exists. Finite difference methods rely on structured grids, and hence are
not dependent on such algorithms.


Practical considerations

The methods presented above solve for the sound field inside an enclosure in a rigorous
way, i.e. the error in the solution can be made arbitrarily small (bound, of course, by machine precision) by adding more discretization nodes, using higher-order basis functions
(FEM) or higher-order derivative approximations (FD) and using better time integrators.
Despite the correctness of the algorithms, direct application of these methods does
not yield a practical system for solving for the impulse responses, at least if the whole
frequency range of human hearing is to be simulated. This is obvious from geometry
alone; depending on the particular method used, the spatial discretization needs 6-10 nodes per wavelength in order to resolve the frequencies faithfully (Svensson & Kristiansen,
2002). At 22 kHz one wavelength is approx. 1.5 cm, and thus the spacing between the
nodes needs to be 1.5-2.5 mm. Thus, one cubic meter of space needs to be filled with
64-300 million nodes, and this translates directly to the same number of unknowns to
solve for in the simulator. Herefrom it is obvious that full frequency range simulation
of spaces of realistic size is as of yet completely unfeasible, and some hybrid methods
combining direct numerical simulation by wavefield decomposition techniques (such as
the image source method) must be utilized. For reference, modern scientific computing
uses meshes with up to ten million elements. If a rectangular room with a 45 m3 volume

was discretized with ten million elements, the average density of mesh points would be
approx. 15 cm, corresponding to a maximum frequency of 220-370 Hz only. Clearly,
direct numerical simulation of acoustic phenomena in the whole frequency range remains
out of our grasp at present. This is perhaps not too unfortunate, since for instance the
image source method augmented by edge diffraction sources produces an exact solution
for planar geometries12 .

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Albeit at the cost of exponential growth in computation time as the sound field becomes more and more


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