She 29

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SHE 29



Revised Edition
[August 1993 with update July 1996]
(Note: e-file prepared by ECC AA June 2009)


SHE 29

This revision for the safe handling of detergent enzymes and products containing enzymes updates
SHE 29 as issued in August 1993 to incorporate notices of intended change that have been issued
since the original document was issued. This document applies to ALL detergent manufacturing
processes where enzymes are utilised.
Section A is an overall summary of the requirements
Section B contains the detailed operational requirements
Section C contains the details of system design.

Document prepared for Home & Personal Care and SHEACO by

Environmental Engineering Section and Manufacturing Applications Group (Detergents)
Unilever Research Port Sunlight Laboratory
August 1993 [update July 1996]


Section A

SHE 29
Page 1 of 5
July 1996

Overall Summary of Requirements





2.1 General
2.2 Powder Manufacturing
2.3 Liquids Manufacturing



3.1 Exposure limits
3.2 Air sampling and analysis
3.3 Reporting


4.1 General
4.2 Training
4.3 Safety reviews

Section B

Manufacturing of Enzymatic Detergents




2.1 Exposure Limits
2.2 Dust/Enzyme Levels for Factory Operations
2.2.1 Enzymatic Powders
2.2.2 Enzymatic Detergent Liquids
2.3 Operator training
2.4 Medical screening



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July 1996


3.1 Principles of Safe Handling Procedures
3.2 Enzyme Encapsulate Handling
3.2.1 Quality
3.2.2 Container Handling
3.2.3 Discharging Containers
3.2.4 General Points
3.3 The Dosing of the Encapsulate into Detergent Powders
3.4 The Packing of Enzyme-Containing Powders
3.4.1 General Principles
3.4.2 Spillage of Powder
3.5 The Handling of Damaged/Rejected Packets/Drums
3.5.1 General Principles
3.5.2 Powder Recovery
3.6 Spillage
3.6.1 Cleaning up Spillage
3.6.2 Deactivation/Decontamination
3.7 Cleaning and Maintenance of Filters
3.7.1 Bag Filters
3.7.2 Panel Filters



4.1 Principles of Safe Handling Procedures
4.2 Enzyme Solution/Slurry Handling
4.2.1 Quality
4.2.2 Container Handling
4.2.3 Discharging of Containers
4.3 The Dosing of Enzyme Liquid/Slurry into Detergent Liquids (Continuous/Semicontinuous





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July 1996

The Dosing of Enzyme Liquid/Slurry into Detergent Liquids (Batch Production Units)
Packing of Enzymatic Detergent Liquids
Ventilation of Enzymatic Detergent Liquid Bulk Storage
The Handling of Damaged or Rejected Bottles
Adjustment to Flow of Galley Sampler
4.9.1 Cleaning up Spillage
4.9.2 Deactivation/Decontamination


5.1 Placement of Galley Samplers

Packing Halls [Liquid or Powder]

Enzyme Tipping Room [Powders]
Enzyme Dosing Area [Powders]
Waste Recovery [Powders]
Enzyme Dosing Room [Liquids]
Product Storage [Liquids]
Waste Recovery [Liquids]

5.2 Sampling Frequency


Normal/Stable Routine Operations [Compliance]

Immediate Action on above Datum Results
Abnormal/Unstable Routine Operation [Non Compliance]
Plant Commissioning

5.3 Analysis of Galley Filters

5.4 Reporting
Section C Design Principles




General Objectives
Enzyme Handling Ventilation
Packing Machine Ventilation
Waste Recovery





Enzyme Handling Facilities



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July 1996

Receipt and Storage

Unloading Area
Unloading Equipment
Keg Tipping
Returnable Big Bags
Container Disposal

Post Dosed Material

Waste Recovery


Enzyme Handling Facilities



Receipt and Storage

Unloading Area
Unloading Equipment
Container Disposal

Post Dosed Material

Waste Recovery



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July 1996



Checklist for Monthly Inspections


Basis of Exposure Limits


Respirator Specification


Operating and Engineering Information for the Galley Dust Sampler


Analysis of Enzymes (Removed)

4A Protease
4B Amylase
4C Lipase
4D Protease (Cobas) 4E Amylase (Cobas) 4F Lipase (Cobas)
4G Clazinase
4H Celluzyme


Reporting of Factory Enzyme and Dust Levels (Removed)


Elutriation Test Methodology for Enzyme Encapsulates


Operating Manual for Factory Returns Database (Removed)


Downflow Booth


General Arrangement Drawings


Enzyme Containers


Filtration System for Liquid Aerosols


Waste Recovery


Keg Tippers


Single Trip Bags


Dense Phase Vacuum Transfer of Enzyme Encapsulates


Core Design for Ventilation Systems for Pouch Packer (Sandiacre)


Core Design ventilation and Enclosure for High Speed Powder Packing


SHE 29/D29999
Section A
August 1993

Section A

Overall Summary of Requirement





2.1 General
2.2 Powder Manufacturing
2.3 Liquids Manufacturing



3.1 Exposure Limits
3.2 Air Sampling and Analysis
3.3 Reporting


4.1 General
4.2 Training
4.3 Safety Reviews



SHE 29
Section A1 & 2
Page 1 of 3
July 1996


Enzymes are complex protein molecules which act as biological catalysts. They are isolated from
fermentation broths. They can cause allergic reaction in a limited number of people. Enzymes are
incorporated at low levels in detergent products. In order to ensure safe handling during manufacture,
the detergent enzymes are supplied either as a coated granule (encapsulate) or as a solution or a
slurry. Enzyme and enzymatic detergent handling systems must be designed to avoid the release of
enzyme dust or aerosol into the working environment.




In view of the possible adverse health effects which may follow inhalation of enzyme containing
dust or aerosol, plants must be adequately controlled and ventilated to keep enzyme levels as low as
reasonably practicable and in any case below the target level. [Table 1]. The wearing of a dust mask
should be unnecessary under normal operating conditions unless the task being undertaken carries
with it any risk for enzyme release, in which case respiratory protection must always be worn as
secondary protection. An effective respirator against enzyme dust or aerosol is always required to be
worn by the operator whilst handling enzyme encapsulate or liquid enzyme, e.g. in an enzyme
tipping operation, whilst emptying a big bag, kegs or connecting a liquid enzyme container.
When manufacturing enzyme containing products, particular attention must be paid to those
operators concerned with the handling of the encapsulate or liquid enzyme. Mistakes, spillages or
plant malfunction could potentially result in the release of enzyme dust or aerosol. Therefore, such
tasks must only be done by responsible personnel trained to handle the enzyme encapsulate and/or
liquid enzyme.
All personnel, including contractors must also be medically screened prior to working in any area of
the factory where enzymes or enzyme containing products are handled.

Powder Manufacturing

This section deals with dispensing of enzyme encapsulate into the process either from 40/50Kg kegs,
200 litre drums, or 1000Kg returnable or lined single trip Big Bags [see Appendix C2]. The current
design for enzyme dispensing areas includes the use of downflow laminar booths with matrix
filtration to replace the older systems [Appendix C1]. Spillages must be vacuumed up not brushed as
this can create high levels of enzyme dust.
Ventilation systems for areas handling enzyme dosed products will continue to use dry filtration.


SHE 29
Section A1 & 2
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July 1996

An employee undertaking all but emergency repairs should not be expected to wear a respirator
unless the task being undertaken has a risk of enzyme release. A permit to work system, which
should specify the correct personal protection to be worn, must be used to cover all such engineering
or maintenance work.
If engineering work is to be carried out in an area where concentrated enzyme dust could collect,
[e.g. tipping unit, ducting or enzyme dosing system, then the plant must be cleaned, before
engineering work commences, by an operative wearing a respirator, loves and overalls. Overalls
which become contaminated with enzyme dust during plant cleaning must be removed and stored in
a sealed bag ready for laundering.
High pressure water lances or steam cleaning units must not be used as they create an aerosol of
enzyme, only low pressure water fog hoses are suitable for this purpose. In addition compressed
air must not be used for dry cleaning as this creates dust clouds. Vacuum cleaning is the only
approved system.

Liquids Manufacturing

In general these recommendations are the same for enzymatic powders with enzyme handling and
dosing carried out in a laminar downflow booth [Appendix 2], but note the following additional
Two forms of enzyme are used in Liquid Detergents; enzyme solutions or enzyme slurries. These are
both normally delivered in either liquid totes (1000Kg) or in bulk tanks.
When handling liquids containing enzyme the potential exists for enzyme to be released into the
atmosphere as a result of aerosol formation. All flanged pipework connections must therefore have
packed insulation boxes on the flanges to prevent aerosol formation in the event of a leak under
pressure. Welded or screw threaded pipe connection do not require any additional protection.
Flexible connections must be of the dry break type. Similarly, liquids containing enzyme,
particularly the raw material itself, must not be conveyed or purged by compressed air because of the
high risk of aerosol formation. The system must always be designed as a closed pipe system. Open
pouring must never be done.
When the enzymatic liquids are exposed to the atmosphere during handling, aerosol release can
occur, (e.g. bottle filling and waste recovery). Therefore a local ventilation system must be installed.
Whenever there is a risk of enzyme release while handling enzyme solutions, [e.g. when connecting
tote bins], operators must wear eye protection in addition to gloves and the recommended respirator.
Respiratory protection must always be used as secondary protection under normal operating


SHE 29
Section A1 & 2
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July 1996

Air extracted from finished product storage tanks and packing machines must be treated before
discharge. The recommended treatment system is a multistage filtration system [Appendix C4].
When handling liquid enzyme solutions and enzymatic products, monitoring procdured similar to
those used for enzymatic detergent powders must be followed. [See Section A3].
In most liquid manufacturing locations little dust is generated and therefore it is expected that dust
levels of <500 g/m3 can be easily achieved. However, aerosols can be generated which contain
enzyme, hence he need for enzyme measurements. Similar types of enzyme are used in Detergent
Liquids as in Detergent Powder formulations and the Detergents Co-ordination target levels for
enzyme concentrations in air are, therefore, the same. [See Section A3 Table 1].


SHE 29
Section A3
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July 1996




Exposure Limits

Alcalase (and Maxatase) have been used safely in Unilever detergent factories for at least 20 years.
This has been achieved by strictly controlling the level of enzyme in the factory atmosphere by a
combination of engineering controls and the use of non-dusty enzyme encapsulates. A convenient
method of expressing the proteolytic activity of Alcalase is a Glycine unit [Gu]. Operational target
levels for each enzyme have been set to ensure a safe working environment. For Alcalase this target
is less than 0.5 Gu/m3 and the dustiness specification for Alcalase encapsulate is less than 165 Gu/60
g of sample in a standard elutriation test [Appendix B6].
Because some new detergent enzymes (e.g. Liplase, {Lipase}, Termamyl, {Amylase}) are not
proteolytic enzymes, their antigenicity cannot be compared directly with that of Alcalase on the basis
of equal enzyme activity. In those cased the new enzyme system is compared with Alcalase at an
equivalent protein concentration. The results of the antigenicity test are expressed as units of enzyme
activity with reference to the specific activity of the new enzyme [e.g. Mu = Maltose units, Lu =
Lipase units, CCU = Clazinase units and CMCU = Cellulozyme units].
Atmospheric target levels and encapsulate specifications for new enzymes are based on the antigenic
potential of the new enzyme relative to that of Alcalase. These limit values apply to both Detergent
powder and Liquid manufacturing operations.
When more than one class of enzyme is used in a factory (e.g., a protease and an amylase) the
atmospheric level for each enzyme should not exceed the maximum atmospheric level recommended
for each individual enzyme. [Each enzyme should be considered on its own].
Table 1

Dust and Enzyme Levels for Factory Operations

Packing Room

Dust g/m3

< 500

Tipping Room
< 500

Other Powder
Handling Areas
< 1000

Protease Gu/m3

< 0.5

< 0.5

< 0.5

Amylase (Termamyl)
Lipase (Lipolase)
Clazinase CCU/m3

< 2.3 x 10-3

< 2.3 x 10-3

< 2.3 x 10-3

< 64.0 x 10-3

< 64.0 x 10-3

< 64.0 x 10-3

< 5.86 x 10-4

< 5.86 x 10-4

< 5.86 x 10-4

Celluzyme CMCU/m3

< 8 x 10-4

< 8 x 10-4

< 8 x 10-4


SHE 29
Section A3
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July 1996

Factories must operate in compliance with these target levels for at least 97% of the time.
The dust concentration for Other Powder Handling Areas must be applied to all areas of a
detergent factory to ensure compliance with individual component exposure limits.

Air Sampling and Analysis

Air monitoring must be done for all enzyme handling and enzymatic product handling areas. Air
samples are collected using a Galley Sampler which simulates, at the face level of a person, the
velocity of air during normal breathing.
The filter in the Galley sampler is subsequently weighed to determine dust/aerosol concentration and
analysed for enzyme concentration.
The Galley samplers should be located such that they sample the air at the highest risk points in the
factory where people could be present.
When 97% of the readings (dust and/or enzymes) are below the operational target levels then the
area is regarded as being in compliance. The sampling programme must be defined on the basis of
whether an area is in compliance or not. A detailed Galley location and sampling frequency
schedule will need to be defined [Section B5, Table 2].
Where results exceed the target levels immediate actions are required:

Above Datum but Below 2 x Datum

a) immediate investigation to determine cause
b) re-sampling undertaken immediately (4 hour sample)


Above 2 x Datum
a) investigate immediately to determine cause
b) immediate re-sampling [2 hour sample] and analysis

If two successive results are in this range, operations in the relevant area must be shut down and
personnel evacuated.
Only authorised personnel wearing the relevant personal respiratory protection, [Appendix B2] in
addition to other protective equipment, may gain access for investigation or repair.


All measurement data must be recorded and must be input directly to the Detergents Co-ordination
database. The frequency of transmission is up to the individual factory but should be at least
once/month. Where datum values are exceeded the cause of the excursion must be reported with the
data. Additional incident codes can be added upon request.






SHE 29
Section A4
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July 1996

The details of the handling and control systems to be used and their operation are covered in Section
B of this document. The designs of new or updated systems to conform to best practice are covered
in Section C of this document.
Critical responsibilities are:

Minimise Employee Exposure

Any system used, must ensure that employee exposure to enzymes is kept as low as is
reasonably practicable and certainly below the atmospheric target levels at least 97% of the
time. In order to ensure that this routinely occurs, standard operating procedures must be laid
down and documented for all operations. These procedures should be reviewed on a regular
basis [see Section A4.3].

Maintain Equipment
All equipment must be well maintained and kept fully functional. Where defects are
indicated/reported, these must be corrected as quickly as possible. If the defect could put
employees at risk of enzyme exposure then respiratory protective equipment must be used
until the defect is corrected.
Where access to process equipment is required for repairs/maintenance then a permit to work
must be used. The permit to work must include details of safety precautions to be observed.

Record keeping and reporting are essential element of managing enzymes safely and these
must be established and maintained.



All employees and contractors involved in work with enzymes or enzymatic products must first be
medically cleared as defined in SHE 30 as part of their induction procedure. These persons must be
briefed on the hazards and trained in the relevant operations to the standards specified in the standard
operating procedures. This should include all checks on the control system [e.g. ventilation static
pressure etc] to ensure their correct and safe operation and also cleaning and spillage recovery
procedures. All training and any relevant retraining should be documented and the records kept
available for future reference.
Where personnel are required to use personal respiratory protection, proper training in its use and the
maintenance of such equipment is essential. This must also be documented.


SHE 29
Section A4
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July 1996

Safety Reviews

In order to maintain and improve safety standards, a system of safety review is essential.
These reviews should include:

A monthly management safety review [checklist in Appendix A1].


Regular task and equipment inspections.

The results of each review must be documented.


SHE 29
Section B Contents
July 1996

Section B

Manufacturing of Enzymatic Detergents




2.1 Exposure Limits
2.2 Dust/Enzyme Levels for Factory Operations
2.2.1 Enzymatic Powders
2.2.2 Enzymatic Detergent Liquids
2.3 Operator training
2.4 Medical screening



3.1 Principles of Safe Handling Procedures
3.2 Enzyme Encapsulate Handling
3.2.1 Quality
3.2.2 Container Handling
3.2.3 Discharging Containers
3.2.4 General Points
3.3 The Dosing of the Encapsulate into Detergent Powders
3.4 The Packing of Enzyme-Containing Powders
3.4.1 General Principles
3.4.2 Spillage of Powder
3.5 The Handling of Damaged/Rejected Packets/Drums
3.5.1 General Principles
3.5.2 Powder Recovery
3.6 Spillage
3.6.1 Cleaning up Spillage
3.6.2 Deactivation/Decontamination
3.7 Cleaning and Maintenance of Filters
3.7.1 Bag Filters
3.7.2 Panel Filters


SHE 29
Section B Contents
July 1996



4.1 Principles of Safe Handling Procedures
4.2 Enzyme Solution/Slurry Handling
4.2.1 Quality
4.2.2 Container Handling
4.2.3 Discharging of Containers
The Dosing of Enzyme Liquid/Slurry into Detergent Liquids (Continuous/Semicontinuous
4.4 The Dosing of Enzyme Liquid/Slurry into Detergent Liquids (Batch Production Units)
4.5 Packing of Enzymatic Detergent Liquids
4.6 Ventilation of Enzymatic Detergent Liquid Bulk Storage
4.7 The Handling of Damaged or Rejected Bottles
4.8 Adjustment to Flow of Galley Sampler
4.9 Spillages
4.9.1 Cleaning up Spillage
4.9.2 Deactivation/Decontamination



5.1 Placement of Galley Samplers
5.1.1 Packing Halls [Liquid or Powder]
5.1.2 Enzyme Tipping Room [Powders]
5.1.3 Enzyme Dosing Area [Powders]
5.1.4 Waste Recovery [Powders]
5.1.5 Enzyme Dosing Room [Liquids]
5.1.6 Product Storage [Liquids]
5.1.7 Waste Recovery [Liquids]
5.2 Sampling Frequency
5.2.1 Normal/Stable Routine Operations [Compliance]
5.2.2 Immediate Action on above Datum Results
5.2.3 Abnormal/Unstable Routine Operation [Non Compliance]
5.2.4 Plant Commissioning
5.3 Analysis of Galley Filters
5.4 Reporting


SHE 29
Section B1
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July 1996

Section B

Manufacturing of Enzymatic Detergents

Enzymes are complex protein molecules which act as biological catalysts. Enzymes are added to
detergent products to aid the degradation and hence the removal of organic stains and hence enhance
product performance. Detergent enzymes can be in the form of a concentrated solution/slurries or an
encapsulated granule. The purpose of encapsulation is to produce a coarse, granular, relatively dustfree material and the solution/slurry to avoid enzyme dust release. Enzymes in these forms are
incorporated at low concentrations in detergent products.
Enzymes are highly active but their action is specific and occurs only under appropriate conditions.
Enzymes are classified as hazardous because of their potential to cause allergenic reaction that they
stimulate in a limited number of people. Enzymes can affect the mucous membranes of the eyes and
respiratory tract, and can produce temporary asthma. The possibility of such problems arising is
increased in conditions of low humidity and in the presence of detergent powder.
Enzyme encapsulates are covered by a double protective shell which enables them to be handled
safely in large quantities whilst ensuring the level of enzyme dust in the atmosphere remains at an
extremely low level. For detergent liquid products, the enzyme is either dosed as a granule or is
retained in a slurry or solution which does not dry out when split but remains tacky, thus not
releasing enzyme dust.
Companies producing products which contain enzymes have found that provided the enzyme and
detergent dust are kept at a low level and there is proper employee training, medical screening of
personnel, no significant problems arise. The low levels of dust and enzyme in the working
environment can be achieved by the use of properly designed and engineered systems.
Thus, provided that all normal procedures are followed, the handling of properly formulated
detergent products containing enzymes does not normally constitute a risk to health. An increased
exposure to enzymes can result from certain operations, e.g. sieving, or by prolonged exposure to the
product. In these circumstances protective measures may be necessary. Processes which reduce the
integrity of the encapsulate [e.g. milling of oversize powder containing enzymes] are not permitted.


SHE 29
Section B2
Page 1 of 3
July 1996


Exposure Limits

Alcalase (and Maxatase) have been used safely in Unilever detergent factories for at least 20 years.
This has been achieved by strictly controlling the level of enzyme in the factory atmosphere by a
combination of engineering controls and the use of non-dusty enzyme encapsulates. A convenient
method of expressing the proteolytic activity of Alcalase is a Glycine unit [Gu]. Operational target
levels for each enzyme have been set to ensure a safe working environment. For Alcalase this target
is less than 0.5 Gu/m3 and the dustiness specification for Alcalase encapsulate is less than 165 Gu/60
g of sample in a standard elutriation test [Appendix B6].
Because some new detergent enzymes (e.g. Liplase, {Lipase}, Termamyl, {Amylase}) are not
proteolytic enzymes, their antigenicity cannot be compared directly with that of Alcalase on the basis
of equal enzyme activity. In those cased the new enzyme system is compared with Alcalase at an
equivalent protein concentration. The results of the antigenicity test are expressed as units of enzyme
activity with reference to the specific activity of the new enzyme [e.g. Mu = Maltose units, Lu =
Lipase units, CCU = Clazinase units and CMCU = Cellulozyme units].
Atmospheric target levels and encapsulate specifications for new enzymes are based on the antigenic
potential of the new enzyme relative to that of Alcalase. These limit values apply to both Detergent
powder and Liquid manufacturing operations.
When more than one class of enzyme is used in a factory (e.g., a protease and an amylase) the
atmospheric level for each enzyme should not exceed the maximum atmospheric level recommended
for each individual enzyme. [Each enzyme should be considered on its own].

Dust/Enzyme Levels for Factory Operations


Enzymatic Powders

It is generally when handling a fully formulated powder the case that if dust levels are low, then
atmospheric enzyme levels are also low. In the packing room and enzyme handling room, it is
therefore recommended that mean dust levels be kept well below 500g/m3 with only rare
excursions above this ceiling. If dust levels in excess of 1000 g/m3 are found to be a regular
occurrence, then the source of dust emission must be identified and eliminated.


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Section B2
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July 1996

Similarly, in all other plant areas the target for dust is less than 1000 g/m3 and excursions above this
ceiling should be rare. This limit is required to ensure compliance with exposure limits for individual
components of the total airborne dust.
The target for dust and enzyme levels, in all process applications, which factories should satisfy are
given in Table 1: All factories must be in compliance with these target levels at least 97% of the
Table 1

Dust and Enzyme Levels for Factory Operations

Packing Room

Dust g/m3

< 500

Tipping Room
< 500

Protease Gu/m3

< 0.5

< 0.5

< 0.5

< 2.3 x 10-3

< 2.3 x 10-3

< 2.3 x 10-3

< 64.0 x 10-3

< 64.0 x 10-3

< 64.0 x 10-3

< 5.86 x 10-4

< 5.86 x 10-4

< 5.86 x 10-4

< 8 x 10-4

< 8 x 10-4

< 8 x 10-4

Lipase (Lipolase)
Clazinase CCU/m3

Other Powder
Handling Areas
< 1000

Enzymatic Detergent Liquids

Two forms of enzyme can be used in detergent liquids; enzyme solutions or enzyme slurries.
In handling enzyme solutions/slurries and enzymatic detergent liquids it is recommended that
monitoring procedures similar to those used for enzymatic detergent powders are followed. [See
Section B5].
In most detergent liquid manufacturing locations little dust is generated and therefore it is expected
that dust levels of < 500g/m3 can be easily achieved. However, enzyme containing aerosols can be
generated, hence the need for enzyme monitoring.
Similar types of enzyme are used in detergent liquids as in detergent powder formulations and the
target levels for enzyme concentration in air are therefore the same. Factories must be in compliance
with these target levels at least 97% of the time.



SHE 29
Section B2
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July 1996

Operator Training

It is the responsibility of each company to ensure that operators handling enzymes are adequately
trained and have an adequate knowledge of the health hazards. All training must be recorded.
Instruction manuals and/or standard operating procedures for the handling of enzyme encapsulate
and enzymatic products should be written for the individual factory in the local language(s). These
should take into account the type of equipment, products and enzyme form used, and which are
suitable for the level of skill amongst the local workforce.

Medical Screening

The details of the medical screening programme are covered in detail in SHE 30. It is essential that
only screened/approved personnel are involved in any enzyme operation.


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Section B3
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July 1996



Principle of the Safe Handling Procedures

In view of the adverse health effects which may follow inhalation of enzyme containing dust,
manufacturing plants must be adequately controlled and ventilated to keep enzyme levels as low as
reasonably practicable and in any case below the recommended target level. Thus wearing of dust
masks should be unnecessary under normal operating conditions unless the task being undertaken
carries with it a significant risk of enzyme release [e.g. enzyme containers opened]. An effective
respirator must be worn when emptying kegs or discharging big bags of enzyme encapsulate,
[Appendix B2].
Throughout the total manufacturing process of enzyme containing products, particular attention must
be paid to those operations concerned with the handling of the enzyme encapsulate itself. Mistakes,
spillages or the malfunction of plant could potentially result in the release of enzyme dust. Therefore,
it is strongly advised that only a few responsible (trained) personnel are employed in the enzyme
dispensing operation. An effective respirator must be worn for these operations at all times.
The best practice design which are recommend use downflow laminar booths with matrix filtration,
[see Appendix C1]. Specialised transfer system for single trip big bags and vacuum transfer systems.
Ventilation systems for areas handling enzyme dosed products will continue to use dry filtration.
An employee undertaking all but emergency repairs should not be expected to wear a respirator
unless the task carries with it a significant risk of enzyme release. A permit to work system, which
defines the personal protection to be worn, must be used when undertaking any engineering or
maintenance work.
If engineering work is to be carried out in an area where enzyme dust could collect, [e.g. tipping
machinery, ducting or enzyme dosing system bag filters], then the plant must be cleaned, before
engineering work commences, by an operative wearing a respirator, gloves and overalls. Overalls
which become grossly contaminated with enzyme dust during plant cleaning must be changed and
then stored in a sealed bag ready for laundering.
High-pressure water lances compressed air or steam-cleaning units must not be used as they create a
dust cloud or aerosol of enzyme.



Enzyme Encapsulate Handling



SHE 29
Section B3
Page 2 of 8
July 1996

Unilever currently will only use enzyme encapsulate which release less enzyme dust than that
specified in Section B2.1 using the standard elutriation test. [See current UMA method, Appendix
Samples of each batch of enzyme encapsulate are sent by the manufacturers to URL, Vlaardingen,
where a representative number are tested for enzyme activity. Sampling and testing is carried out
with a frequency commensurate with the quantity used. The receiving company can always be
assured that the encapsulate is up to Unilever standard by obtaining the routine test results from the
supplier or by contacting the Enzyme Quality Evaluation Section of URLVL. All incoming
containers of enzymes should be inspected visually for any damage, spillage or external
contamination. As such occurrences are unacceptable. The supplier should be notified if they are
responsible for such contamination.

Container Handling

Factories should receive the enzyme encapsulate in 40/50 Kg kegs, 200 kg drums or in Big Bag
containing 1000 Kg. The choice is based on consumption rates etc. [See Section C2].
It should be noted that because of the less frequent handling required, the 200-litre drum or the Big
Bag is preferred on occupational health grounds. However, it is imperative that the mechanical
handling of the Big Bag is undertaken with care.

Discharging Containers

It is worth re-emphasizing that due to the controls in place, this operation is now the only one in the
total process with the potential for the release of significant amounts of enzyme dust. Only trained
and responsible operators should be allowed access to this area to carry out the discharge process.
Whilst opening the keg or drum or untying the Big Bag and introducing enzymes into the process,
the operators must wear an effective respirator [Appendix B2].
This document contains the Best Practice systems which are now available and should be adopted.


SHE 29
Section B3
Page 3 of 8
July 1996

The best practice is to install the dispensing equipment inside a laminar downflow booth [See
Section C2]. The laminar downflow booth must be equipped with an air filtration system such that
the air can be recycled. Keg Tipping
The keg tipper, which must be an enclosed unit with glove box style hand access, should be located
in the controlled area. The floor of the area must be suitable to allow easy wet cleaning by machine.
A vacuum clean up system must be available to deal with spillages.
Keg liners must be collected and treated by incineration. The kegs themselves should be crushed
before disposal to prevent other re-use. Big Bag Handling
Two types of big bag are currently approved, one is the heavy-duty returnable bag, and the other is a
lined single trip bag.
The best practice design is to locate the big bag discharge unit in a laminar downflow booth which
must include a big bag support frame as a fixed structure to ensure that the bag is always in the
correct position with regard to the discharge point and the ventilation system. The air extraction for
the transfer zone and to deflate the big bag when empty should be integral with the downflow booth
air treatment system.
For single trip bags, specialist discharge equipment is required. Details in Appendix C7.


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Excessive deposits of detergent dust on the outside of the bag are unlikely to be totally removed by
the enzyme manufacturer. These can give rise to atmospheric dust when the bags subsequently return
to our factories. Thus a system for polythene-wrapping of the empty bags for their return to the
enzyme manufacturer is required. Damaged bags must not be returned to the supplier but destroyed
to prevent re-use. Vacuum Transfer of Enzyme Encapsulates
The transfer of enzyme encapsulates, from receipt to process may now be undertaken via the use of
dense phase vacuum transfer, provided the granulate is of a suitable quality. At present this may only
be undertaken with the use of PIAB equipment, which meets the stringent specifications required to
ensure safe operation. The outline details of the discharge system are in Appendix C8.
The use of vacuum transfer is not permitted for Maxacal from Gist Brocades as this granulate
is not of suitable strength. Use of 200 L Metal Drums
The use of vacuum transfer enables the safe handling of 200 L drums as an alternative to kegs for the
receipt of enzyme encapsulates. The drums are not lined with polythene and therefore remove the
liner disposal issues associated with other systems. Drums are easily decontaminated and can be
resold. Drums should never be tipped.

General Points

The operators handling the enzyme encapsulate must be issued with overalls which must be
laundered at least once per week (preferably in boiling water [See Section 3.6.3]). Gloves and the
recommended respirator must be worn in the dispensing booth. The importance of personal hygiene
should be emphasised to the operators. Operators who work in the dispensing booth should be
encouraged to shower at the end of each shift.
Skin barrier creams are not recommended since they increase the probability of enzyme encapsulate
sticking to local areas of skins.

The dosing of the Encapsulate into Detergent Powders

Enzyme encapsulate is an expensive ingredient which is dosed at a low level. Therefore, a high
accuracy of dosing is strongly recommended. A loss-in-weight system is preferred this is described
in the NSD Powder P&E Specification, Volume 4, Powder Dosing.
The system used for the accurate dosing of the enzyme encapsulate must be enclosed and ventilated
currently to the wet scrubber or alternatively to a suitable dry matrix filter. This filter will often be
included as part of the laminar downflow booth treatment system. The air velocity within the dosing
enclosure must be such that it is under negative pressure with an inward air velocity at any opening
of 1 m/s.


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A higher air velocity should not be used, otherwise base powder can be carried into the extract
ventilation system. Openings to the working environment should be kept to an absolute minimum to
ensure that the volume of extracted air is small.
Spillages under the dosing unit can be minimised when using weigh dosing by the use of weigh-belts
faced with food grade PVC or similar belt material. When spillages occur they must be removed by
the use of a vacuum system either connected to the wet scrubber or a mobile unit fitted with suitable
filters, [See Section 3.6].
All powder transfer points must be enclosed and ventilated as described in Section C. Conveyors
carrying the powder to the fluidiser/mixer and delivering from the latter to the packing machine
(fluidised) hopper should be designed as described in the NSD Powder P&E Specifications
Volume 4. Particular note should be taken of the velocity of such conveyors, which the P&E
specifications restrict to 15 m/min. higher velocities will cause dust, especially at transfer points.

The Packing of Enzyme-Containing Powders


General Principles

The most likely sources of dust in a packing room are at the machine filling head, the point at which
the cartons exit from the packing machine and where damaged or under weight packs are rejected. It
is very important the whole machine including these points is enclosed and adequately ventilated.
Where the carton enter and exit from the machine the air velocity must be inwards at 1 m/s. This
should be checked on a regular basis. Typically a fully enclosed Acma machine requires a ventilation
rate of 3500 m3/hour of air. The exhausted air must be treated using a reverse jet filter unit [See
Section C]. Experience has shown that it is usually better to have separate systems for powder
recovery and ventilation.
Experience has shown that to consistently achieve an average dust level of less than 500 g/m3, this
ventilation needs to be supplemented by general ventilation so that the total room ventilation
provided by the packing machines and the supplementary ventilation is of the order of 4-8 air
changes/hour. In some location it is almost impossible to control the general ventilation of the
packing room because of the room layout. In these circumstances it is very important that each
packing machine is enclosed and sufficiently well-ventilated to maintain an inward face velocity at
all openings of 1 m/s so that dust can escape.
The precise amount of air required for each make of packing machine is clearly specific to the
individual design. Experience has shown that vertical opening sash type doors rather than hinged
doors are preferable on the enclosure especially following an incident.
The principles outlined above must be applied for the packing of products in polybags, sachets or in
bulk packs. [Appendix C9 for details of ventilation of Pouch packing].



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July 1996

Spillage of Powder

Spilt powder, either within the head of the machine or on the floor must be removed using a vacuum
system. In many successful machine designs, and air extract is provided under the filling head
providing the removal system for spilt powder. Additional enclosure ventilation is usually required.
Experiments have shown that the concentration of atmospheric enzyme dust within the enclosed
head of an Acma packing machine can be well above the general packing room level. Thus it is
important to remove spillage in as safe a manner as possible. This is particularly important if
employees are intending to make adjustments to the flasks or undertake other lengthy repairs.
It is important to maintain and operate the machine so that excessive spillages do not occur. By so
doing the ventilation provided will keep enzyme levels down to such a low level that wearing
respiratory protection should be unnecessary. However, if access to the internal parts of the machine
is required then a suitable dust mask must be worn [See Appendix B2].

The Handling of Damaged/Rejected Packets/Drums


General Principles

Damaged packets usually arise in batches rather than as individual rejections from the operation.
Therefore, it is recommended that an adequately sized receiver/bin is available for their collection,
within the ventilation enclosure of the packing machine. Damaged packets must then be
subsequently handled in an enclosed, well-ventilated area. Air movement during such operations
must be designed to ensure that the operative is always on the fresh air side of the task. Thus, air
extraction must provided to take any dust generated by the task away from the operators breathing
This area can also be used to recover powder from packets or drums returned from the market place.
Dust monitoring must be undertaken in this area. Consideration should be given to any potential
risks to the people involved in the handling and use of the waste cardboard produced by this

Powder Recovery

Whether the powder is recovered manually or in an automated plant will depend on the size of the
recovery operation. Clearly, the use of an automatic system is intrinsically safer, but there is no
evidence in the Concern that a well designed, properly ventilated, manual system cannot be operated
safely [See Section C].
In the manual system, the operator cuts the packet with a knife and empties the powder into a
suitable bag unit, for it to be later reintroduced by weigh belt at the dosing station.


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For routine operation, it is imperative that the recovery system is adequately ventilated to limit the
amount of enzyme dust liberated into the factory air. However, if there is any risk of exposure to dust
then respiratory protection must be worn.



Cleaning up Spillages

Cleaning up spillages either of enzyme encapsulates or enzymatic detergent powder should be by the
use of vacuum systems only. This can either be by a central system or a portable unit. Portable units
must be fitted with two stage air filtration on the exhaust air. The second filter must be to EU13
(HEPA) standards which will not allow enzyme dust to be emitted back into the working


Enzymes can be deactivated by heat treatment, but it has been found that wet contact is necessary for
fast deactivation. Thus hot water treatment at 80oC for 30 mins will effectively deactivate all types of
enzymes used in detergent factories.
Where full water contact with the contaminated surfaces can be guaranteed then wet treatment at
80oC for 30 mins is recommended. [Cleaning of contaminated overalls, decontaminating filters etc].
This process, provided water contact can be guaranteed, will deactivate all of the enzymes in use in
the Concern Detergents business.
It has been shown that this wet surface treatment method cannot be used for treatment of
polyethylene from liners from big bags or kegs as there is no guarantee of total water contact
with all of the contaminated surfaces. Therefore, other methods such as incineration or
thermal deactivation treatment must be used.
If incineration of waste is available then this is an acceptable route for disposal. However, care must
be taken to ensure that such contaminated waste does in fact get to the incineration process and is not
diverted for other use.
Thermal deactivation of the enzymes by dry heat requires a temperature of 200oC for 2 hours. This is
above the softening point of the normal polyethylene used as liners. This process should be carried
out in a small laboratory style oven with exhaust ventilation.
It has been found that if the polyethylene is placed on a metal tray and then heated that any trapped
air expands and can cause the polyethylene to expand like a balloon and then stick to the oven
surfaces. To avoid this problem the waste polyethylene if not already compressed, as in the case of
the one trip big bag system from Flowmat, should be compressed into a metal container. A 3.5 l
metal container with a push fit lid with several small holes in the lid is suitable. This metal container
can then be placed in the oven and the polyethylene will melt into the bottom of the can. This
container can be reused until it becomes too full for further use.


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July 1996

At temperatures above 180oC, polyethylene can start to degrade in the presence of air to give some
volatile materials such as Acrolein. Therefore the oven should be vented to a safe area by a small
vent pipe circa 2.5 cm ID.
In many factories the decontamination of equipment for maintenance purpose is covered by a
permit to work system and this is recommended.

Cleaning and Maintenance of Filters

There are two main types of filter media used in detergent powder manufacture. [Bag filters and
Panel filters]. The cleaning/changing of these are considered individually.
3.7.1 Bag Filters
It has been shown that the concentration of materials on the filter surface can vary considerably from
the concentration in the products. Thus it is possible for filter bags to be contaminated with higher
than expected enzyme concentration or not at all. Therefore changing/cleaning of bag filters must be
regarded as a high exposure risk task. This work should be covered by a permit to work which
should specify that respiratory protection etc must always be used.
Wherever possible the bags should be vacuum cleaned down [See 3.6.2] either in situ or immediately
upon removal. The creation of dust clouds must be avoided. If wet decontamination of the bags is
practicable [See 3.6.2] then this should be done prior to disposal. The bags should be wrapped in
plastic and consideration given to any potential risk to the people involved in the handling and use of
the waste filter bags after/during disposal.

Panel Filters

Panel filters, including those in the downflow booth units, as with bag filters should be changed
under a permit to work system which must specify the respiratory protection requirements. The panel
filters should be sealed in the polythene bags provided. The sealed filters can be decontaminated as

puncture polythene bag in at least two places, and immerse into a water bath and heat to 80oC
and maintain for 30 mins.

Disposal without decontamination treatment should only be permitted if the potential risk to people
involved in handling the waste has been properly defined and is under the control of a competent
contractor. The only method of disposal under these circumstances is incineration.




SHE 29
Section B4
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July 1996

Principle of Safe Handling Procedures

Enzymatic Detergent Liquids

This document contains the Best Practice system, now available and recommended. In general
these recommendations are as for enzymatic powders including the use of laminar downflow booths
[See Section C2], but note the following additional points.

When handling liquids containing enzyme the potential exists for enzyme to be released into
the atmosphere as a result of aerosol formation. All pipework connections must therefore
have packed insulation boxes on the flanges to prevent aerosol formation in the event of a
leak under pressure. Similarly, liquids containing enzyme, particularly the raw material itself,
must not be conveyed or purged by compressed air as the risk of aerosol formation will be
When enzymatic detergent liquids are exposed to the atmosphere, e.g. bottle filling, then
extraction will be required.


Whenever there is a risk of handling enzyme solutions, e.g. when connecting tote bins,
operators must wear eye protection in addition to gloves and the recommended respirator.
The system must always be designed as a closed pipe system.
If open decanting from containers has to be carried out then containment ventilation is
required to avoid aerosols being released into the general room environment. Full personal
protection will be required.


Any air extracted from the enzyme solution dosing and handling areas, finished product
storage tanks and packing machines should be treated before discharge by suitable multistage filters, see Appendix C4. Electrostatic precipitators must not be used as they can pose a
fire hazard if used for treatment of aerosol generated during the handling of flammable

The preferred method of incorporation of enzyme liquids and slurries is continuous in-line dosing.
Companies using different forms of enzyme or processing routes [Section 4.3] should contact
Detergent Co-ordination to ensure that all safely requirements will be met.

Enzyme Solution / Slurry Handling

With enclosed plant and suitable ventilation, only extremely low levels of enzyme have been
detected in these areas of the factory.



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The enzyme solution used is a low-viscosity, free-flowing liquid. The enzyme slurry is often a
suspension of the enzyme in nonionic.
Tote bins should be inspected visually on delivery and any spillage or contamination on the outside
of the bin washed gently to drain. Any such occurrence is unacceptable and the supplier, if
responsible, should be notified.

Container Handling

The enzyme liquid/slurry is currently available in 1000 litre Schutz-type tote bins [See Appendix
C3]. Other equivalent type of transit container may be used. They may be stored in a designated are
having a drained floor.

Discharging of Containers

Prior to discharge, the tote bins must be moved into the enzyme enclosure.
The enzyme enclosure contains an enzyme liquid/slurry stock tank, and a dosing pump the stock tank
is sized to hold at least one tote of enzyme solution, and is filled batchwise by gravity [See Section
When changing the tote bins, as this may involve breaking the containment system, gloves, eye
protection and respiratory protection must be worn to protect the operator from accidental spillage.
The cap on top of the tote bin must be removed to prevent implosion and the tote bin must be
connected to the storage tank. Any accidental spillage must be gently washed to drain using a lowpressure, cold-water hose. High-pressure jets must be avoided since they are capable of producing
aerosols. Floor washings should preferably be sucked up, and only put to drain where suitable
facilities exist downstream to cope with such an effluent.
An accidental spillage of enzyme liquid or slurry onto the skin or into the eye must be washed off
immediately and in the case of the case of the eye, medical attention should be sought immediately.
If overalls become contaminated they should be changed [See Section B 4.9.2].
Direct open pouring of enzyme solution must be avoided as enzyme aerosol can be formed.
However, when damaged containers are to be handled special precautions are required, which must
include full personal protection for operators.



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July 1996

The Dosing of Enzyme Liquid/Slurry into Detergent Liquids (Continuous/Semicontinuous)

The enzyme solution is either injected into the product by an in-line mixer or batch dosing [Section
C2]. All pipework for the enzyme solution/slurry and enzyme-containing product must have
protected flanges to prevent aerosol generation in the event of a leak of liquid.
The best practice is to install the whole dosing facility inside a laminar downflow room [design
details in Appendix C1]. This unit should be designed to treat and recycle the air and thus will not
need any discharge facilities.

The Dosing of Enzyme Liquid/Slurry into Detergent Liquids (Batch Production Units)

The recommendation for a separate downflow enclosure for the tote bins adjacent to the
Manufacturing/dosing area still applies to small-scale production units. The best practice design for
this room is to use a downflow facility [See Appendix C2].
The enzyme solution is transferred from the tote bin unit by an enclosed system directly to the mixer.
All pipework must have protected flanges to prevent aerosol generation in the event of leak of liquid.
As the mixer will be located in a general area it will require ventilation such that a negative pressure
is always maintained inside the vessel during filling of any ingredient and that the inward velocity of
air through any opening is greater than 1 m/2. The enzyme dosing line must discharge into the mixer
below the liquid level, to reduce the risk of aerosol formation.
The exhaust gases from the mixer must be treated by a suitable filter [See Appendix C4], prior to
discharge. The discharge stack must be located such that exhaust gases cannot be directly returned
into the working environment. The building in which the mixer is located mst have general
ventilation of 4 to 6 air changes/hour.



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July 1996

Packing of Enzymatic Detergent Liquids

The same general principles apply to the packing of enzymatic liquids as were described for
enzymatic powders. However, the following additional points should be noted.
The potential sources of formation of aerosol containing enzyme are the filling machine nozzles, the
various exhaust vents on the vacuum pump, pressure equalisation valves etc and the reject pack area.
Each filling head can be ventilated in such a way that an air velocity of 1 m/s at the nozzle is
produced. For linear fillers, individual annular extraction ducts at each nozzle can achieve this, while
for carousel fillers, by a circumferential duct around the quadrant where filling occurs. If the
machine is fully enclosed general extract ventilation must ensure that as buffer tank vents, must be
ventilated or guarded to avoid release of aerosol into the working environment. Experience has
shown that sash type doors rather than hinged doors reduce the risk of release following an incident
inside the enclosure.
It is also recommended that facilities be provided so that the machine can be washed down with the
guards closed.
The amount of air extraction required will depend on the type of packing machine. This must be
calculated to ensure an inward face velocity of 1 m/s at any opening.
Local machine ventilation as described above should be sufficient to ensure that the enzyme level in
the packing room remains below the target levels mentioned earlier.
As there is not a supplementary risk of high dust levels, as was the case with packing enzymatic
powders, no recommendations are made on the number of air changes required in the packing hall.
All extracted air must be treated by a suitable filtration system before being vented to atmosphere
through a stack.

Ventilation of Enzymatic detergent Liquid Bulk storage

Enzymatic Detergent Liquids must be stored in an enclosed tank. When the tank is being filled, the
rate of extraction must exceed the rate of air displacement and the inward face velocities at any
opened inspection porthole must be at least 1 m/s.
The filling pipe must be extended to the bottom of the tank so as to remain below the liquid level.
Air extracted from the bulk storage tanks must be treated by a suitable filter and then exhausted via a



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July 1996

The Handling of Damaged or Rejected Bottles

Damaged or rejected bottles are usually emptied of product adjacent to the packing line. This should
be done in ventilated booth to avoid the exposure of the operator to enzyme containing aerosols
[Design of the ventilated booth is given in Appendix C5].
Similar facilities will be required for the recovery of product returned from the market place.
Monitoring by Galley sampler will be required in these areas [See Section B5].
Consideration must be given to the potential risks to people involved in the handling and disposal of
the waste bottles.

Adjustment to Flow of Galley Sampler

In order to ensure that no liquid aerosol is drawn through the filter, the air flow through the Galley
sampler should be set to between 300-400 litres/min. this is equivalent to a differential pressure drop
of 0.05 bar across the paper [For more details see Appendix B3].



Cleaning up Spillages

Cleaning up spillages of enzyme liquids should be by the use of vacuum systems. This is usually a
portable unit. Portable units must be fitted with two-stage air filtration on the exhaust air. The second
filter must be to EU13 (HEPA) standards which will not allow enzyme aerosol to be emitted back
into the working environment. Water washdown should follow, this should NOT be done with a high
pressure jet as this can cause aerosol formation.


Enzymes can be deactivated by heat treatment, but it has been found that wet contact is necessary.
Thus hot water treatment at 80oC for 30 mins will effectively deactivate all types of enzymes used in
detergent factories.
The decontamination of clothing or equipment can be carried out by either of these methods. It is
important to ensure that liquid contact is made with all surfaces to ensure total decontamination.
The decontamination of equipment for maintenance purposes must be covered by a permit to work
Decontamination of filters should be carried out as per Section 3.6.2.


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Section B5
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July 1996



Placement of Galley Samplers

The purpose of monitoring the atmosphere with a Galley sampler is:


to establish the levels of dust/aerosol and enzyme in the working environment at the highest
risk positions.

to generate data to enable the observation of any trends in the results of monitoring,
particularly if changes are made e.g. when a new encapsulate is used.

to provide background data for the medical surveillance of operators who may be exposed to

Therefore Galley samplers should be located as follows;


Packing Halls [Liquid or Powder]

For a single packing line the area of the highest risk of release is alongside the packing head on the
side of the line where filled packs exit from the filler. This is also the side of the machine where
rejected and damaged packs will be ejected and thus there is a high risk of powder spillage. This
location is the zone most frequently occupied by the operators.
Therefore the ideal Galley location for a single packing line can be defined as equidistant between
the pack exit from the filler and the damaged pack reject position [+ 0.5 m] and no more than 1.5m
away from the line.
For a multiple line filling hall an ideal position should be defined for each packing line. In many
factories this position will also be close to the feed side of the packing head on the adjacent line but
should be regarded as monitoring principally for the line where the position is as defined for a single
line. [See also sampling frequency Section 5.2 for multiple line factories].

Enzyme Tipping Room (Powders)

It is impossible to place the Galley sampler exactly where the operator will be located, as this will
interfere with the task. Therefore, the sampler should be placed as close as possible to the operators
position but not more than 1.5m from this position.
For keg tipping, the optimal sampling point is by the corner of the tipping machine at the operator
end. This is the area of highest risk of enzyme escape since in some cases the liners have to be
manually opened before actuating the tipper.


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For big bag tipping there are two areas of high risk. One is the untying of the discharge sock to
release enzyme into the day bin. The other is the deflating and folding of the empty bag. If these
procedures are carried out close together then a compromise of Galley sampler location will be
acceptable provided it is located within 1.5m of each task. If, however, as in many cased these
procedures are located on two different levels of locations, then two Galley Sampling positions, one
for each task will be needed. Each of these should then be used as per the sampling schedule.
The placement of a Galley sampler, outside and behind the booth surrounding the tip station does not
provide meaningful data and must not be used.

Enzyme Dosing Area (Powders)

In a powder factory, the enzyme dosing area is usually a location in the post dosing area where the
enzymes ae weigh dosed onto the post dosing belt just prior to mixing usually by fluidisation. The
purpose of monitoring in this area is to ensure that the econtainment and ventilation system around
the weigh doser unit remains adequate to protect operators working in this area. Therefore the Galley
Sampling position must be close to this area and within 1.5m of the dosing unit.

Waste Recovery (Powders)

Waste recovery can be carried out in various locations in a powder factory including by the packing
machines, but there is generally a central de-packaging powder recovery area. As with other areas,
the Galley should be placed close to the highest risk position and not greater than 1.5m away.

Enzyme Dosing Room (Liquids)

For liquid processing the enzyme is provided in a solution or slurry and is contained through a liquid
pumping system. The tasks where there is a risk of exposure are when making the connection and
disconnection of the liquid totes, and leakage and maintenance on the pumps. In some factories these
are at the same location and a compromise Galley location can be easily defined within 1.5m of both
operations. However, in other factories these are separate locations and thus monitoring should be
carried out at both.

Product Storage (Liquids)

Wherever product is stored in vessels that are open or capable of being opened to the working
environment, there is a risk of enzyme aerosol and thus Galley Sampling in the area will be required.
As before, the monitoring location must be less than 1.5m from any potential source.



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Waste Recovery (Liquids)

Waste recovery is often carried out on the line by a recovery station where packs/bottles are
decanted. This station is a potential source of aerosol and thus monitoring is required. The Galley
must be placed <1.5m from this workstation again bearing in mind the operator position and the
source of aerosol.

Sampling Frequency

Factory areas can be classified into two categories in compliance and out of compliance which
will dictate the sample frequency. This classification does not replace the requirement for actions to
be taken for results above datum [See Section 5.2.2].

In Compliance
This is achieved by an area routinely showing results below datum values for dust
and/or enzyme. 97% of all results obtained in one weekly basis must be below datum
for at least 3 months for compliance within this category [See Section 5.2.1].


Out of Compliance
Areas are designated as out of compliance when dust or enzyme results are above
datum greater than 3% of the time on a weekly basis [See Sectiion 5.2.2].
NB: Samples should NOT be left on the Galley for eight hours. The optimum time
for a Galley sample is 4 hours and the filter must be removed for analysis at the end of
this period.


In Compliance Operation Packing Room

A minimum of 5 samples for day work or 10 samples for relay/shift work per week are required.
This sampling programme is designed for weekday working only. Where six or seven day working is
operated the sampling programme will need to be increased on a proportional basis.
Where several locations in a particular packing hall are defined as requiring sampling and analysis
the Galley sampler must be rotated around all of these points. The factory should have a specified
programme for this purpose. Where the factory has more than 3 and up to 6 packing lines then two
separate Galley samplers and programme will be required, one for lines 1 to 3 inclusive and one for 4
to 6 inclusive. An example programme is given in Table 2. For more than 6 lines a further
programme will be required.


SHE 29
Section B5
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July 1996 Enzyme Tipping and Dosing for Powders and Liquid Handling and Dosing
Tipping and/or liquid handling areas require a minimum sample of one per working day. These
samples must be taken on different shifts where relay/shift is operated. With a downflow unit and in
compliance 2 samples/week are required.
Dosing areas normally require a less stringent programme of a random sampling of 2 samples/week. Waste Recovery Area
Galley sampling is required once/day during operational periods for both powders and/or liquid
5.2.2 Immediate Action on above Datum Results [Enzyme]
Normal results from Galley sampling must be below the datum level. Where results from Galley
sampling give results above datum the following procedures should be instigated immediately. Above Datum but below 2x Datum [Enzyme]
The supervisor must investigate to determine the cause of the high value. Re-sampling must be
undertaken immediately at the position(s) where the above datum was obtained (4-hrs sample). Above 2x Datum [Enzyme]
The supervisor must investigate to determine the cause of the high value and a 2 hour sample
immediately initiated at the position where the above datum result was obtained. If two consecutive
results from this sampler are in this range above datum, operations in the relevant area must be shut
down personnel evacuated and the appropriate manager informed. Access for repair work must only
be allowed by personnel wearing respiratory personal protection.

Out of Compliance Operations

Any areas of the factory routinely (out of compliance >3% on weekly basis) will require an increased
sampling and analysis programme until it can be proved to be back in compliance and stable. This
increased sampling rate will effectively require all Galley samplers to be run on a 8 hour basis (i.e. 2
x 4 hourly samples/shift).
NB: A change of filters must be made every 4 hours.


SHE 29
Section B5
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July 1996 Packing Room

When the packing room is out of compliance, it will necessary for at least 10 samples/week for day
work, and 20-30 samples/week for relay/shift work to be taken. A random pattern of sampling
positions around a packing hall will still be required unless a particular area is identified as causing
the problem. A routine programme should be specified for this situation [See Table 2]. Enzyme Tipping and Dosing for Powders and Liquid Handling and Dosing
A minimum sampling schedule of at least one per shift is required for these areas. Waste Recovery
Continuous 4 hourly sampling is required in this area whilst operational.

Plant Commission

When enzyme are first used in the factory, it is important to assess that the plant has adequate
ventilation to provide a satisfactory standard of occupational hygiene. In the packing room and
enzyme solution/encapsulate handling rooms, the enzyme levels should be less than the relevant
target level and dust levels less than 500 g/m3. In the general liquid/powder handling areas, the
enzyme level should be less than the relevant target level and the dust levels should not exceed 500
So that this standard of occupational hygiene can be established and maintained, it is strongly
recommended that sampling be carried out to at least the non-compliance schedule [Table 2].
If a sample gives a result exceeding the limits described above, a two-hour should be taken, the
dust/enzyme level quickly determined and the cause of the emission should be rapidly established. If
the enzyme level is again high after the two-hour sample, then the operation must be stopped until
the problem is eliminated.

Analysis of Galley Filters

The full methods of analysis for the relevant enzymes are given in Appendix B4.



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July 1996


Within the factory it is important to nominate a manager responsible for ensuring that enzymes are
used safely and that he reports abnormally high enzyme results to the works manager/technical
director. In some factories this is the responsibility of the Quality Assurance Manager.
At least once a month all the areas where enzymes or enzymatic products are present must be
audited by an independent manager (or group of managers) to ensure that good standards of
occupational hygiene are being maintained. An example checklist is given in Appendix A1 to assist
with this audit.
Dust and enzyme results must be reported. This should be done electronically, directly into the
database at least monthly as Appendix B7.


Table 2

SHE 29
Section B5
Page 7 of 7
July 1996

Examples of sampling programme

Packing Hall with 3 lines







In Compliance

Non Operational
Non Operational












Non Compliance







In Compliance








Any As Required

Any As Required

Non Compliance

Packing Hall with 6 lines







In Compliance

Non Operational
Non Operational
























Non Compliance











In Compliance



Any As Required





Any As Required

Non Compliance


SHE 29
Content C
Page 1 of 1
July 1996
Section C Design Principles






Enzyme Handling
Packing Machine
Waste Recovery


Enzyme Handling Facilities

3.1.1 Receipt and Storage
3.1.2 Unloading Area
3.1.3 Unloading Equipment
Keg Tipping
Returnable Big Bags
Single Trip Bags
200 L Metal Drums and Vacuum Transfer System
3.1.4 Dosing
3.1.5 Container Disposal


Post Dosed Material

Waste Recovery


Enzyme Handling Facilities

4.1.1 Receipt and Storage
4.1.2 Unloading Area
4.1.3 Unloading Equipment
4.1.4 Dosing
4.1.5 Container Disposal


Post Dosed Material

Waste Recovery



SHE 29
Section C1
Page 1 of 1
July 1996

This section provides a guide to current best proven practice in enzyme handling and will be updated
as new handling systems are approved. Equipment and system descriptions are only intended to
outline the available options. To assist in the design and upgrading of enzyme handling facilities,
detailed design information is available from MAG-Detergents.
Wet scrubbers have been widely used in the past in enzyme installations. They are able to de-dust
and treat the exhaust air, but are relatively unreliable and generate a considerable liquid effluent. For
this reason all installations must use dry filtration.


SHE 29
Section C2
Page 1 of 2
July 1996



The main objective is to design safe systems for handling enzymes and enzymatic materials. The
principles of Separation, Containment and Exhaust Air Treatment apply to all areas of enzyme
handling. The operator must be separated from the enzymes and any dust or aerosols generated. The
enzyme dust/aerosol must be contained within the handling facility and the exhaust air must be
treated to minimize the enzyme emissions.

Enzyme Handling

Enzymes are used in detergents in both encapsulate and liquid form. The scale of these operations
range from pilot plants to full-scale manufacturing. Figure 1 shows the types of enzyme handling
facilities according to the consumption rate.
Enzyme dust and aerosols represents the greatest hazard in handling enzymes. Operations with the
greatest risk of exposure must be enclosed within Downflow Booths. The Downflow Booth [See
Appendix C1] forces clean air downward over the operator. This separates the operators breathing
zone from any dust/aerosol generated during enzyme handling or maintenance of equipment. The
contaminated air is then extracted from the booth at floor level together with bleed air to ensure there
is no loss of containment from the booth. Dry filtration is then used to ensure efficient exhaust
treatment (viz 99.997% removal).


Dust and aerosols are generated during the packing of enzymatic detergents. In order to minimise
atmospheric enzyme levels, all packing machines must be enclosed to separate the operator from the
hazard. Exhaust ventilation must be provided with each machine. To ensure containment the
ventilation system must be designed to ensure a minimum inward velocity of 1.0 m/s at all openings
of the enclosure. The exhaust treatment is provided by means of dry filtration. In many cases the
ventilation systems may need to be a separate system from the split powder recovery system (core
designs are given in Appendices C9, C10).

Waste Recovery

Facilities are required to recover waste of rejected material. The packed product is either reworked
manually or automatically depending on the scale of operations. In either case the separation
operation must be performed within a ventilated enclosure. The operator is separated from the
operation by the equipment enclosure. Containment is maintained by means of exhaust ventilation
and the exhaust air must be filtered prior to discharge.


SHE 29
Section C2
Page 2 of 2
July 1996

Figure 1

Types of Enzyme Handling Facilities



40 Kg

200 Kg

1000 Kg

1000 litre

10,000 litre

Pilot Plant
< 200 Kg/wk

Keg or Drums
< 2,000 Kg/wk

Bag Discharger
> 2,000 Kg/wk

Tote Handling
< 20,000 l/wk

> 20,000 l/wk





Dry Couplings
Seal-less Pump

Weigh Scale

Keg Tipper of
Vacuum transfer
system **

Bag Discharger




Buffer Tank
Storage Tank(s)
with exhaust


Dosing Pumps
Mass Flow

Dosing Pumps

Inline Dosing
Mass Flow
Inline Dosing

Totes or IBC = Intermediate Bulk Container


Drum tipping NOT permitted, vacuum transfer only


SHE 29
Section C3
Page 1 of 4
July 1996

Enzyme encapsulates are a dense (BD=1100 Kg/m3) and very free flowing material. The
encapsulation process protects the enzyme and minimizes dust. Enzyme handling facilities must be
designed to safety handle the enzyme and minimize the potential damage to the encapsulate.

Enzyme Handling Facilities


Receipt and Storage

Enzyme encapsulates can be handled either in Kegs, 200 kg metal drums or returnable big bags
[Appendix C2]. Only materials received in approved containers must be accepted. These must then
be stored in a designated space within the factory. Additionally space must be designated for storage
of empty container prior to return or disposal.
The enzyme kegs from different enzyme supplier, range in size, but typically contain 40-50 kg per
keg [See Appendix C3]. The enzymes are sealed within an inner plastic bag and the keg provides
physical protection. The lid is either clamped or stapled to the top of the keg. Kegs are received
stretch-wrapped on pallets and can be safely double stacked.
200-litre drums are not normally lined and have a full top opening lid clamped in place. Drums are
normally supplied as 4 drums per pallet. Drums may only be used with vacuum transfer systems and
must never be tipped.
Returnable big bags are initially purchased by the operating company [See Appendix C3] and given
to the enzyme supplier(s). These bags are filled and shipped on pallets. The bags are designed for
reuse, with a typical life of 20+ cycles. Each bag should be checked on receipt and removed from
service if worn or damaged. It is responsibility of the operating company to ensure the integrity of
the returnable bags.
Single trip lined big bags may also be used provided the requisite discharge equipment is available
specification of bag and equipment in Appendix C7.

Discharge Area

The enzyme containers must be discharged within a downflow booth to ensure operator safety. A
dust collector is also required to extract air from the enzyme handling equipment. A vacuum cleaner,
fitted with high efficiency particulate air filters HEPA exhaust filters, is required for the recovery of
enzyme spillages.



Discharge Equipment

SHE 29
Section C3
Page 2 of 4
July 1996

Keg Tipping
Keg tippers are used for the safe lifting and emptying of kegs within the unloading area [See
Appendix C2]. The glove box separates the operator from the enzymes and the dust generated is
exhausted directly to the dust collector.
The keg (with the lid removed) is clamped vertically, before being rotated (approx. 135 deg) into
position. The keg must seal against the glove box. Using rubber gloves the operator draws the
enzyme liner (plastic bag) into the glove box before opening. The enzymes fall into the discharge
hopper and the operator places the liner through an opening in the glove box into and integral plastic
Details of manual and hydraulic keg tippers are available from MAG-Detergents.
Returnable Big Bags
These bags are designed to discharge, while suspended. Unlike single trip bags no additional support
is required. The bags are suspended on a rigid frame within the unloading area [See Appendix C3].
The bag is received on a pallet and is lifted into position by a forklift or stacker truck. The lifting
loops are attached to the support frame and the pallet removed. The bag can then be discharged
directly into the hopper.


Single Trip Big Bags

SHE 29
Section C3
Page 3 of 4
July 1996

These bags have similar characterization to the returnable big bags but are lined with polythene.
They can only be used in facilities with the appropriate facilities [See Appendix C7]. The discharge
facilities must be installed in a downflow booth.
200-Litre Metal Drums and Vacuum Transfer Systems
Metal drums of this size must never be tipped but can only be used with vacuum transfer systems.
The drum should be moved into the downflow booth and then the lid removed the vacuum lance can
then be placed in the drum and will draw itself down to the bottom of the drum [See Appendix C8].
Empty drums must be safely washed out before sending off site for reuse.


Loss-in-weight feeders must be used for continuous dosing. The dosing accuracy required cannot be
reliably maintained with conventional weigh belt feeders. Belt or vibratory feeders are acceptable,
but to avoid enzyme encapsulate damage, screw, feeds must not be used. Both the feeder enclosure
and weigh hopper must be ventilated to a dust collector [See Appendix C2], usually located within
the downflow booth system.
Batch dosing of enzymes can be done with loss-in-weight feeders or alternatively using a volumetric
dosing cylinder and valves. The cylinder, made of a transparent plastic, is filled through the inlet
valve. The enzymes are then dosed directly into the batch mixer (i.e. rotary drum). Ball valves are
used to prevent enzyme crushing. The system must be sealed and any ventilation is connected back
to the hopper.

Container Disposal

Keg liners must be incinerated and the kegs must be crushed prior to disposal. Kegs and liners must
not be used for any other purpose. Facilities for both operations must be provided on site or
services provided by an approval contractor [See also Section B3.6.2).
After discharge, returnable big bags should be collapsed within the booth. The outlet spout is closed
and an exhaust line is attached to the vent cap on the top of the bag. The bag is then collapsed and
folded. Damaged bags should be decontaminated and safely disposed of. Undamaged empty bags are
stored outside the downflow booth on a pallet and stretch-wrapped to the pallet prior to return.
Metal drums must be washed before sending off site for recycling.
For single trip big bags, the liner must be safely decontaminated [See Section 3.6.2] whilst the outer
can be reused if not contaminated.

Post Dosed Material

Once enzymes have been added to the base powder, the post-dosed product must be ventilated to
conventional bag filters exhausting outside the building. Conveyors and transfer points must be
enclosed to minimize dust generation. In many cases secondary filtration will be required on all
discharge to prevent enzyme escape on primary filter failure.

SHE 29
Section C3
Page 4 of 4
July 1996

Oversized post-dosed material must not be milled. Post-dosed oversize material may only be wet
reworked. The wet reworked unloading facility must have adequate ventilation to ensure compliance
with the limits for enzymatic dust.
A central vacuum system is required for cleaning spillages and equipment. This may be
supplemented by portable vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters.


Dust levels within packing enclosure often exceed the permitted exposure target levels. All
enzymatic packing equipment must therefore be enclosed and operated under a negative pressure.
Openings in the enclosure must have a minimum inward air velocity of 1.0 m/s to ensure dust
containment. Exhaust from the packing machine and feed hopper must be filtered, usually two
stages, prior to discharge outside the building.
Full equipment enclosure is required for all packing machines, including sachet machines. Provision
for pack reject must be provided in the overall machine enclosure. Design details are available from
MAG [See also Appendix C9 and C10].

Waste Recovery

Enzymatic powder can be reclaimed either manually or with automated systems. Both systems
separate powder and product within ventilated enclosures [See Appendix C5]. The packaging must
remain within the ventilated enclosure, until compacted.
Manual reclaim stations must have integral dust collectors or can be ventilated to the plant dust
collection system. Packed product is opened manually and the product falls through the grid into a
hopper or tote. The packaging is then fed through an opening into a compactor (or plastic bag) for
disposal. Ventilation must be provided to protect operators.
Automated waste recovery systems use mechanical shredders and screens to separate powder and
packaging (efficiency ~95%). Packed product is tipped into a hopper and then fed into the shredder
at a controlled rate. The shredder discharge is then screened (either rotary or vibratory). The waste
packaging is then fed to a compactor. Recovered powder is returned to post dosing in totes or
pneumatically. All elements of the system must be ventilated to a dust collector which may require
secondary filtration to avoid discharge risks.



SHE 29
Section C4
Page 1 of 2
July 1996


Liquid enzymes are handled in both solution and slurry form. The handling system must avoid
production of aerosols and prevent skin contact.

Enzyme Handling Facilities


Receipt and Storage

Liquid enzymes are usually received in 1000 or 1600 litre returnable totes (Intermediate Bulk
Containers) [See Appendix C3]. These should be inspected for damage on receipt and stored in a
designated area within the factory. Totes should only be single stacked or stored in racking.
Enzymes are also received in bulk containers (i.e. tanker). A dedicated parking area must be located
adjacent to the unloading facilities.
A designated yard unloading area must be provided, when handling bulk containers.

Discharge Equipment

Totes are discharged by gravity into ventilated storage tanks within the downflow booth [See
Appendix C2]. Tankers are unloaded by using dry couplings and seal-less pumps, to minimize the
risk spillage. Heating may be required for some enzyme slurries.


Liquid enzymes are preferably dosed in-line. This can be done continuously when transferring
between mixer and storage or when feeding the packing machine. Alternatively enzymes can be
batch dosed into a mixer via the re-circulation system or by a fully enclosed dip pipe system.
Enzyme addition by manual system is not permitted.
All pipework for enzyme liquid and product must be protected at all joints to prevent the release of
aerosol. Joints that cannot release aerosol (e.g. threaded couplings) do not necessarily need external
Enzymes should be dosed with a variable speed positive displacement pump (i.e. rotary lobe).
Individual flow rates should be measured by mass flow meters.
The buffer tank, dosing pump (preferably seal-less) and flow meter (preferably coriolis type) are
located within downflow booth. The downflow booth provides containment and ensure operator
safety during equipment maintenance. Whenever containment is broken personal respiratory
protection is required [See Appendix B2].

Container Disposal

Totes must be decontaminated before leaving the factory site. This can be done by filling the totes
with hot water at 80oc. After 30 minutes the water is pumped back to a storage tank for reuse
(typically 5 10 cycles).

SHE 29
Section C4
Page 2 of 2
July 1996

Bulk containers should be returned to the supplier empty, but without cleaning. Pressure washing
would create aerosols and must not be used.

Post-dosed Material

High enzyme aerosol concentrations may occur when pouring enzymatic liquids. Tanks and mixers
should be exhausted through a suitable filter [See Appendix C4]. The exhaust system should
maintain an inward velocity of 1.0 m/s on all openings.


High enzyme aerosol concentrations regularly occur in the packing machine filling area. The
machine must be fully enclosed. Extraction should be directly from the filler and the top of the
enclosure. The air flow should be designed to provide a minimum inward velocity of 1.0 m/s on all
enclosure openings.

Waste Recovery

Damaged or rejected material can be recovered by draining the product within a ventilated station
[See Appendix C5]. Exhaust from the tipping station passes through the suitable filter prior to
discharge outside the building.
Once empties and fully drained bottles can be treated as normal waste. Where bottles are shredded
and reused the plastic can be washed with a dilute hypochlorite solution (2.4 g/l HOCL) to deactivate
the enzymes or heat treated at 80oc for 30 mins.



SHE 29
Appendices Contents
Page 1 of 2
July 1996


Checklist for Monthly Inspections


Basis of Exposure Limits


Respirator Specification


Operating and Engineering Information for the Galley Dust Sampler


Analysis of Enzymes (Removed)

4A Protease
4B Amylase
4C Lipase
4D Protease (Cobas) 4E Amylase (Cobas) 4F Lipase (Cobas)
4G Clazinase
4H Celluzyme


Reporting of Factory Enzyme and Dust Levels (Removed)


Elutriation Test Methodology for Enzyme Encapsulates (Removed)


Operating Manual for Factory Returns Database (Removed)


Downflow Booth


Manual Dispensing General Arrangement
Keg Tipping General Arrangement
Keg Tipping Process Flow Diagram
Returnable Big Bag General Arrangement
Returnable Big Bag Process Flow Diagram
Liquid Totes General Arrangement
Liquid Totes Process Flow Diagram
Liquid Tankers Process Flow Diagram


Enzyme Containers
Enzyme Kegs
Returnable Big Bags
Liquid Totes


SHE 29
Appendices Contents
Page 2 of 2
July 1996

Filtration System for Liquid Aerosols

Manufacturers Information


Waste Recovery
Manual Powders Waste Recovery
Automatic Powders Waste Recovery
Manual Liquids Waste Recovery
Automatic Liquids Waste Recovery


Keg Tippers
Manual Keg Tipper General Arrangement
Hydraulic Keg Tipper General Arrangement


Single Trip Bags


Dense Phase Vacuum Transfer of Enzyme Encapsulates


Core Design for Ventilation Systems for Pouch Packer (Sandiacre)


Core Design ventilation and Enclosure for High Speed Powder Packing


SHE 29/D29999
Appendix A1
Page 1 of 2
August 1993

For each area:

Policy and Safe Operating Procedure


safe operating procedures documentation available and up to date

any changes in procedures

any changes in enzyme type or supply

any new enzyme to be introduced

trials of new products/formulation


Measurement Data

sampling schedules and position defined and adhered to

weekly data for each area

> 97% below datum = compliance

< 97% below datum = non compliance
is reaction system for above datum results in place?

monitoring schedules correct for compliance or non-compliance

data forwarded to DC database

if non-compliance. Note causes/actions/investigation underway

are monthly mean values higher than previous. Any action investigation

any repetitive causes


Factory Inspection

Walk through survey of all enzyme handling and enzymatic product-handling areas.

evaluate reasons for high results and implement corrective actions.

Galley samplers in correct position as per schedule


SHE 29/D29999
Appendix A1
Page 1 of 2
August 1993

Galley samplers operational/good condition/calibration valid

any evidence of spillage

ventilation systems

static pressure gauges in correct zone

filter checks up to date

all machinery enclosures in place and good repair

cleaning equipment in satisfactory condition filters check up to date

decontamination procedures being correctly carried out

waste recovery being done in correct area with correct controls



operators cleared by health centre for enzyme work

operators observing operating procedures

personal protective equipment in use correctly


Personal Protective Equipment


correct type (s) of respiratory protection equipment available

equipment maintenance schedule being observed

storage facilities



SHE 29/D29999
Appendix B1
Page 1 of 4
August 1993

1. Background to Setting Occupational Exposure Limits and Dustiness Specifications for

Enzyme Granules
Alcalase (and Maxatase) have been used safely in Unilever detergents factories for at least 20 years. This has
been achieved by strictly controlling the level of enzyme in the factory atmosphere by a combination of
engineering controls and the use of non-dusty enzyme encapsulates. To ensure a safe operating level in the
factory atmosphere the target level for Alcalase is less than 0.5 Gu/m3 and the dustiness specification for
Alcalase encapsulate is less than 165 Gu/60 g of sample in a standard elutriation test. (The proteolytic activity
of Alcalase [Gu = glycine unit] is used as a convenient marker for the amount of enzyme protein).
Target environment levels and encapsulate specifications for new enzymes are based on the antigenic
potential of the new enzyme relative to that of Alcalase. If the antigenic potential of the new enzyme is no
greater than that of Alcalase then the same target environmental level and encapsulate specification is
recommended for the new enzyme as for Alcalase. If the antigenic potential of the new enzyme is greater than
that of Alcalase, however, a more stringent target environmental level and encapsulate specification may be
recommended, depending on how much more antigenic the new enzyme is judge to be.
Many new detergent enzymes have been protease. This has simplified the comparison of the new enzymes
with Alcalase in the relative antigenicity test and also simplified the recommendations for target
environmental levels and the encapsulate specifications. For example, Savinase and Alcalase were compared
in the relative antigenicity test at an equal proteolytic activity. Because Savinase had a similar antigenic
potential to Alcalase it was recommended that Savinase should have the same target environmental level and
encapsulate specification as Alcalase. Occupational medical experience with Savinase has confirmed the
acceptability of those recommendations.
Because some new detergent enzymes (e.g. Lipolase [a lipase] and Termamyl [an amylase]) are not proteases
their antigenicity cannot be compared directly with that of Alcalase on the basis of equal enzyme activity. In
such cases the new enzyme is compared with Alcalase at an equivalent protein concentration.
Commercial detergent enzymes may contain more than one protein component. Alcalase contains three major
proteins; Subtilisin A, Alcalase C and a smaller amount of amylase. All these protein components are
antigenic and allergenic. Lipolase also contains three proteins; the lipase enzyme, an amylase and a relatively
minor unidentified protein component, all of which are expected to be antigenic and allergenic. It is important
therefore that the enzyme samples used in the antigenicity test are typical commercial concentrates which are
used to prepare enzyme encapsulates and therefore contain all the enzyme associated antigens which may be
released into the factory environment.
The amounts of protein corresponding to the environmental target level are too small for routine measurement
as protein, so the results of the antigenicity test are expressed as units of enzyme activity (e.g. lipase units,
LU, for lipase; maltose units, MU, for amylase) by reference to the specific activity of the Alcalse sample and
of the new enzyme. Historically, the specific activity of pure crystalline enzyme (i.e. Subtilisin A, about 33
Gu/g protein) was used to convert the DC target level for the environment and the encapsulate specification,
expressed as proteolytic activity, into an amount of protein. The environment target level of 0.5 Gu/m3 as
Subtilisin A corresponds to 0.015 g (15 ng) protein/m3 and the encapsulate specification limit of 165 Gu/60
g encapsulate corresponds to 5.2 g protein/ 60 g enzyme encapsulate.


SHE 29/D29999
Appendix B1
Page 2 of 4
August 1993

Conversions based on the pure enzyme are inappropriate, however, because these do not take
account of the other antigenically active proteins in the concentrate. In order to convert the target
level for the factory environment and the encapsulate specification into an equivalent enzyme
activity it is therefore more appropriate to use the specific activity of the enzyme concentrate
(typically about 25 Gu/g protein for Alcalase and 60 Gu/g protein for Savinase). This is the
current procedure.
The relationship of target environmental enzyme levels derived by this procedure to the
corresponding levels based on ACGIH TLV for Subtilisin A is shown in the table. The highest levels
are one third of the ACGIG equivalent, and the most stringent level which is for the antigenically
potent amylase Termamyl is only one ninth of the ACGIH equivalent value.
2. Mixture of Different Classes of Enzymes
When more than one class of enzyme is used in a factory (e.g. a protease and an amylase) the
atmospheric level for each individual enzyme should not exceed the maximum atmospheric level
recommended for that enzyme. This recommendation is based on Environmental Safety Laboratory
Colworth (ESL) data that demonstrated that the presence of more than one class of enzyme does not
increase the antigenic potential of the individual enzymes.
2.1 Proteases (e.g. Savinase)

Recommended Dust Specification

Target level for factory environment:

Dustiness specification for encapsulate:

less than 0.5 Gu/m3

less than 165 Gu/60 g encapsulate

Relative Antigenicity of Savinase

Savinase and Alcalase were compared in the relative antigenicity test at an equal proteolytic activity.
Savinase has a similar antigenic potential to Alcalase and therefore should have the same target
environmental level and encapsulate specification as for Alcalase. The same argument applies to
Maxacal and Kazusase. These limits also apply to Opticlean, Opticlean Multicopy, Biosam, Biosam
Multicopy, Savianse NS035 and Durazym. The target level for Esparase is also the same but the
elutrition test value is < 100 Gu/60 g.

The analytical method for Savinase, Maxacal and Kazusase and other proteases is given in
Appendix B4A.

2.2 Amylase (e.g. Termamyl)


Recommended Dust Specifications

Target level for factory environment:

Dustiness specification for encapsulate:

less than 2.3 x 10-3 Mu/m3

(Maltose units = MU)
less than 0.7 Mu/60 g encapsulate


SHE 29/D29999
Appendix B1
Page 3 of 4
August 1993


Relative Antigenicity of Termamyl

Termamyl and Alcalase were compared in the relative antigenicity test at an equal protein
concentration. Termamyl was approximately 3 times more antigenic than Alcalase and therefore the
target environmental level and the encapsulate specification for Termamyl will be 3 times more
stringent than for Alcalase.

The Analytical Method for Termamyl is given in Appendix B4B

2.3 Lipolase (e.g. Lipase)


Recommendation Dust Specification

Target level for factory environment:

Dustiness specification for encapsulate:

less than 64.0 x 10-3 Lu/m3

(Lipase units = Lu)
less than 21.1 Lu/60 g encapsulate

Relative Antigenicity of Lipolase

Lipolase and Alcalase were compared in the relative antigenicity test at an equal protein
concentration. Lipolase has a similar antigenic potential to Alcalase and therefore should have the
same target environmental level and encapsulate specification as for Alcalase.

The Analytical Method for Lipolase is given in Appendix B4C


SHE 29/D29999
Appendix B1
Page 3 of 4
August 1993
Only Subtilisins (proteolytic enzymes delivered from Bacillus subtilis) have an official TLV as published by the ACGIH (American Conference of
Industrial Hygienists) and adopted by other regulatory bodies as occupational exposure limits and there are no official TLVs for other classes of
Unilever target levels for all enzymes as equivalent amounts of protein fall below the TLV for Subtilisins (i.e. 60 ng protein/m3).

Ratio of ACGIH TLV and Unilever target environmental enzyme levels based on typical production batch specific activities of
the commercial enzyme preparations
(pure crystalline

Specific activity of
typical production

expressed as
enzyme activity
corresponding to
60 ng enzyme


60 ng p*/m3

25 GU/g p*


60 ng p/m3 **



Unilever target level

Fraction of
ACGIH value

As enzyme

As protein In

1.5 GU/m3

< 0.5 GU/m3

20 ng p*/m3


60 GU/g p

3.6 GU/m3 **

< 0.5 GU/m3

8 ng p*/m3


60 ng p/m3 **

0.34 GU/g p

0.0204 MU/m3 **

< 0.0023

7 ng p*/m3


60 ng p/m3 **

3.2 LU/g p

0.192 LU/m3 **

< 0.064 LU/m3

20 ng p*/m3


* = protein
** Assumes the ACGIH TLV expressed as protein applies equally to enzymes other than subtilisins


SHE 29/D29999
Appendix B2
Page 1 of 2
August 1993


Reusable Respiratory Protection Units

The wearing of respirators for prolonged periods is onerous and could lead to the disregarding
of necessary respiratory protective precautions by employees. Therefore, the number of
activities and areas in which the use of a respiratory is required must be kept to the minimum
consistent with protection of employees. Respiratory protection must always be worn whenever
there is a risk of exposure, for example, during the disconnection and reconnection of liquid
totes and during kegs and big bag opening and tipping.
There are two basic types of reusable respiratory protection devices which are suitable for use.
These are face seal mask or the air supplied face/shield helmet units. These are considered

Face/Shield Supplied Air Units

These consist of a fine dust filter unit (P3) driven by a battery-powered fan which blows
clean air down the front of a helmet/face shield. These units do not depend on any face
sealing as there is a flow of air down the shield. They are more comfortable to wear.
Only units with a Nominal Protection Factor (see overleaf for definition) of at least 10
should be considered (THP3).
Face/Shield units can also be supplied, by a flexible hose connection, to a fresh air
supply, which must be of a suitable quality, rather that the battery-powered filter unit.

Face Seal Masks

These consist of an oral/nasal rubber mask that seals to the face and breathing air is
drawn through a fine dust filter. These should have at least a nominal protection factor
of 10 and meet PrEN 140 (P2 Filter) or local equivalent. [In some countries local
legislation may require a higher nominal protection factor]. The disadvantage of face
seal masks is that they are wholly dependent on the face seal and thus will not seal on a
beard etc. and thus the Face/Shield units are preferred.
Normal good practice should be observed for instance, respirators should be cleaned
immediately after use and stored in ventilated cabinets or personal lockers in a dust-free area.
Assembly and fitting must be done in a dust-free area. Where relevant battery units must be
maintained in a charged condition. Respirators should be checked every time they are worn for
air-tightness/performance, and inspected regularly by a competent person for condition of
connections, gaskets, valves and headbands etc. A record of these inspections must be kept.


SHE 29/D29999
Appendix B2
Page 2 of 2
August 1993

The manufacturers instructions should be observed in fitting, maintaining and cleaning

respirators and supplied air fed face/shields. Filters in respirators may either be changed at set
frequency (e.g. once a shift or once a week) or on an as necessary basis.

Disposable Respiratory Protection Units

Disposable masks which give and adequate Nominal Protection Factor (i.e. 10) as specified by
PrEN 149 (FFP2S), or local equivalent can be used, [e.g. 3M 8825]. The use of a simple low
NPF paper dust masks and cottonwool pads provide only limited protection and are therefore
not recommended.
Many makes of respirator are available, and provided they give an adequate Nominal
Protection Factor and at least comply with the requirements of the above specifications they
should be acceptable. Where local regulations require a higher standard of respiratory
protection, this must be met. If operating companies have a choice they should clearly make a
decision based on cost, comfort-in-wear, replacement filter supply, availability etc.

Nominal Protection Factor =

Concentration of contaminant in atmosphere

Concentration of contaminant in facepiece


SHE 29
Appendix B3
Page 1 of 6
July 1996




A key factor in assuring the effectiveness of a dust control system is the speed with which a
representative sample of airborne dust can be collected and analysed. Low capacity samplers
will take a long time to collect a sufficient sample for analysis. A high capacity sampler will
gather a suitable sample in a short period of time.
A specification was written for a high capacity total dust sampler that was rugged, with a
capability of continuous operation in a factory environment. The collecting medium was to be
an inert filter paper that was commercially available. A means of measuring the volume of air
sampled was to be included. The unit was to be reasonably inexpensive as a number of units
would be required to provide the coverage required for a given work area. No known
commercial equipment satisfied all these requirements. Therefore, a design was developed for
Lever Brothers Limited, Port Sunlight by Mr. D Galley of Engineering Services, London.
The Galley sampler has been accepted as the standard unit because it has the following

The unit is simple, robust and reliable.

It has a high volume flow rate.
The air volume is measured by a suitable metering device.
Samples ae collected at a fixed height, approximating to an operators breathing zone
and are omni-directional.
The exhaust air is diffused so that the local air movement pattern is not disturbed.

Subsequent changes in operation requirements for particular plants have resulted in various
options being offered. [See Section 4].

Engineering Specification



This specification covers the four options that have developed from the original design.
The instrument was designed to be rugged, portable and capable of continuous operation under
factory conditions. It was designed to sample air at a fixed height above floor level (1525 mm)
in an omni-directional manner without itself having an influence on the dust levels sampled.
The blower unit selected should produce a differential pressure of 0.06 Bar* across a clean
glass fibre disc. With a 15 cm diameter filter disc this will provide the nominal air sampling
rate of 600 litres per minute, which is required for enzyme encapsulate monitoring. [See 3.1 for
recommended sampling rates for encapsulate or liquid monitoring]. The top opening and the
support plate for the filter are normally 125 mm diameter opening and have a maximum
specification of 135 mm.

SHE 29
Appendix B3
Page 2 of 6
July 1996

A sampling head basically comprises a sheet metal cap assembly and a filter box to house the
filter disc which is supported on a wire mesh. The sideways air gap should be 25 mm to give
the correct velocity to correspond to the velocity of normal human breathing. The cap prevents
non airborne debris falling onto the filter disc while retaining the filter disc in its operational
In the Mk II models a turbine meter is substituted for the orifice plate assembly. The totalised
sample volumes are indicated by the turbine meter system. For all new units this system is to be
preferred to the manometer-based models for all new purchases as it eliminates errors which
could arise from;

Translation of the manometer readings into flow rates.

Non-linearity in the pressure drop vs flow relationship
Interruption of power to the unit

The filter holder and metering tube assembly is supported by a tubular stand mounted on an
angle iron base. The whole unit is fitted with castor wheels for mobility. The base also carries a
blower unit capable of providing the air throughput. The blower unit motor is provided with the
necessary starter gear. For difficult locations the sampling head assemble can be separated from
the blower assembly.
The exhaust of the blower unit is fitted with a close-weave fabric bag to diffuse the air stream
and so to limit the disturbance of dust on surfaces in the immediate vicinity of the sampler.
Attention is drawn to Section 2.4 which notes precautions that should be taken with portable
equipment using trailing main cables. Further, for sampling in areas where flammable solvents
may be present, a flame-proof motor will be required.
Complete Galley samplers (with totalisers, if required) are available from;
The Newton Instrument Company Ltd
Carr Lane
L 47 4AY


Berwit Control Systems Ltd

30 Morley Road



SHE 29
Appendix B3
Page 3 of 6
July 1996

The Turbine Meter

One of the criticisms raised against the early MKI models is that there is no way of telling if the
sampler has been actually running during the whole of the sampling period. An understatement
of running time could lead to very serious underestimates of dust load. Therefore, the MKII
models were developed to incorporate a turbine flow meter. There are two outputs from the
flow meter system:

An instantaneous flow rate in litres/minute

A totaliser register calibrated in cubic metres of air passed

A correction factor is needed to convert the volume recorded by the totaliser, which is
operating at approximately 0.06 bar below atmospheric pressure, to standard conditions. This
factor [k] is typically 0.94; the exact value is calculated from the reading on a pressure gauge
fitted to the Galley sampler to measure the pressure across the filter disc.
The Instromet Q-75 turbine meter was chosen for this duty on the grounds of cost and
reliability. This model can be obtained from:
Nottingham Flow Controls Ltd.
Charlotte Street
Melton Mowbray

Electrical Equipment

The direct on-line starter should be suitable for operating at the voltage and frequency of the
supply on site at the ambient temperature.
The starting unit is mounted in a dust-proof case that complies with I.E.C 158/64, IP 54 and

Motor isolating switch, capable of making and breaking the stalled motor current.


Motor contactor, rated duty of 150 starts per hour with an A.C.4 utilisation category and
with a mechanical endurance of at least 1,000,000 operations. Generally complying
with I.E.C 158.1 1964.


Thermal overload circuitry, suitable for use with motor contactor under b) above and
marked with the overload setting expressed in amps.


Start/stop push buttons mounted on the front of the starter.


SHE 29
Appendix B3
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July 1996

It should be noted that the starter is mounted on a piece of portable equipment. The supply to
this equipment should therefore be taken from some protective device that will limit the energy
available in the event of the flying lead being damaged. The use of Residual Current Devices
(RCD) which monitor the balance of currents flowing in both the live and neutral cores of the
flying lead is recommended. Any damage to the lead or the blower unit drive will result in an
imbalance and will cause the lead to be automatically disconnected from the powder source.
Such a device should have a threshold of 30 mA and take no more than 30 milliseconds to
In earlier documentation reference was made to Monitored Earth Safety Units. With these
devices an imposed voltage of approximately 12 volts was applied across the earth core and the
screen braiding of the flying lead. In the event of the flying lead being damaged, this loop
would be broken and the safety unit automatically remove the power supply to the lead.

Operating Procedure

Care must be taken when siting the unit, as excessive air movements around the sampling point
will give rise to spurious results.
The Cap Assembly should be lifed from the sampler. A 15 cm glass fibre filter disc [Whatman
GF/C] should be weighed to an accuracy of + 0.1 mg after being subjected to 10 minutes in a
vacuum desiccator. The filter disc should be placed on the Filter Box under the Cap Assembly.
Care must be taken that the disc is not damaged in this operation as glass fibre discs tear easily
if mishandled. If the filter disc is inserted or removed while the sampler blower unit is running
there is a danger that the disc will be damaged and the air flow sensor will be affected.
Under no circumstances should the sampler be run without the diffuser bag being in position as
damage can be sustained to the air flow sensor, especially in the MkII models.
Different rates are required for enzyme encapsulates and liquid enzymes.
Air Flow (+/- 5%)


Enzyme Encapsulate

600 litres/min

0.06 bar

Liquid Enzyme

300 litres/min

0.05 bar

* Different pressure across the paper.

The lower air flow for liquid enzymes is required to ensure that no liquid aerosol is drawn
through the filter. This can be achieved by using a variable speed motor or the B revision which
has a butterfly valve on the blower exhaust [See Section 4].
a) At the start-up, record the initial volume totaliser reading and filter differential pressure.
b) At the end, record the final reading of the volume totaliser and filter differential pressure.


SHE 29
Appendix B3
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July 1996

c) Carefully remove the filter disc from the sampler, subject the disc plus dust to 10 minutes
under vacuum desiccator. Weigh the disc plus dust to an accuracy of +/- 0.1 mg and record.
The dust concentration in micrograms per cubic meter (g/m3) is:
(W2 W1) x 106
(M2 M1) x K
[K] is pressure correction factor (see 2.3).
where; W1


initial weight of filter disc in gram

final weight of filter disc in gram
initial reading on totaliser in m3
final reading on totaliser in m3
(1-PD) which corrects for the totaliser operating below ambient pressure.

Analysis of Samples

If the dust collected is to be analysed, the filter disc should be reduced to a slurry with a pestle
and mortar and an appropriate solvent. The resulting mixture is then ready for whatever
quantitative analysis is required.

Model Options Available

MkII The basic dust sampler but with turbine flow meter
MkIIB As MkII but with flow control butterfly valve in blower exhaust or equivalent.
Note: Revision B models are required where liquid or slurry enzymes are handles and
used. It is normal to also include a differential pressure gauge in these versions.
All of the above models incorporate the latest requirements of improved location and sealing of
the filter paper.
For new purchases the model Mark IIB is recommended.


SHE 29
Appendix B3
Page 6 of 6
July 1996


EAU 2001/01 (5/96)

SHE 29
Appendix B6
Page 1 of 9
July 1996

1.1 Application
The elutriation test is used to assess the relative dustiness of enzyme encapsulates and enzymatic
detergent powders.
1.2 Principle
A bed of enzyme encapsulate or detergent powder is fluidized by passing a controlled velocity of air
for a standard period of time. The dust elutriated is collected on a glass fibre filter, placed in a filter
holder. The dust is measured on enzyme activity and the total amount present reported as Total
enzyme activity units. Filter dust can also be expressed as mass, useful as additional information
for particular applications, for which filters are weighed before and after the test.
1.3 Equipment
Elutriation tube

- A glass tube, 175 cm long, internal diameter 3.54 cm 1) with a P2 sintered

filter in the bottom. It can be separated into two parts by a flange joint,
required for placing the sample.

Internal diameter to be determined for each tube.

Pressure regulator - Wilkerson Precision regulator model P15.

Accuracy of setting comparable to pressure of + 2.5 cm water.

- Capacity + 50 l air/min.

Drying tower

- Height approximately 13 cm, diameter approximately 4.3 cm.

Filled with dried silica gel (particle size 3-6 mm)

Filter holder

- Iron steel collector with very smooth inner side. Tight closure during
operation. Suitable for 15 cm filters. The filter is placed onto a perforated iron
steel plate to prevent damage by air pressure drop.

Air extraction pump this pump is to create a certain under-pressure in the system. A typical underpressure in the elutriation tube during operation is 100 mbar and air pressure
drop over the filter 5 mbar. A BVC Exhauster ZP4/115 (UK) is suitable.
Glass fibre filters

- Whatman GF/C, 15 cm

Enzyme analysis

- Via appropriate Skalar autoanalyzer or COBAS MIRA automate, tuned into

the sensitive mode for dust analysis.


SHE 29
Appendix B6
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July 1996

2. Equipment assembly
Layout of the elutriation unit is shown in figure 1 (double unit).
At point (P) air from a central compressed air system enters he elutriator.
By means of the pressure regulator (1) a well-adjusted and stable air flow is obtained.
It is necessary that all manometers on the regulators can be adjusted to 0.6 bar at the
same time.
If not, the air velocity in the various tubes cannot be set properly to the appropriate
speed (0.8 m/sec for granulates) and adjusting the air velocity in one tube will influence
the others.
The air velocity can be set with the control valve (2).
The drying tower (3) is an extra assurance for dry air supply during sample fluidization. The
silica gel will need refreshing only occasionally as compressed air from a central supply is
usually dry. If not an installation is needed to pre-dry the air.
The air passes through the rotameter (4) from which the air velocity can be read after calibrating
its readings into air velocity in m/s (see calibration procedure, par. 3).
Next the air enters the bottom part of the elutriation tube (5). The tube consists of two parts. The
bottom part of 30 cm contains a P2 glass filter which distributes the air. The sample is placed
onto this filter for fluidization. The upper part is 145 cm in length and is connected to the
bottom part via a glass flange joint..
The dusty air leaves the elutriation tube at the top via a glass connection between tube and inlet
of the filter holder (6). The dust is collected on a glass fibre filter paper in this holder.
The dust-free air leaves the system at (E) via the air extraction pump (7). One pump is suitable
for a 2-tube as well as for a 4-tube system.
A safe exhaust system is required. In view of the possibility of the exhaust air
containing enzyme, the air should be discharged into a fume cupboard with extractor fan
Figure A and B show an example of a typical (double) elutriation set-up


SHE 29
Appendix B6
Page 3 of 9
July 1996

3. Rotameter calibration
To ensure correct adjustment of the air velocity the rotameter is calibrated with a
calibrated gas volume meter. During calibration the meter is placed between drying
column and elutriation tube. At various rotameter markings the gas volume is measured
during a fixed period of time. By combining volume with the internal area of the
elutriation tube the air velocity is calculated.
After determining the air velocity for a range of rotameter markings a linear graph can
be plotted from which the relationship between scale units and air velocity can be read.
The rotameter adjustment for the required air velocity can be read from this graph or
calculated by means of linear regression analyses.
3.1 Procedure

Check the elutriation units on leakage (e.g. with foam).


Adjust pressure regulators to 0.6 bar.


Place GF/C filters in all filter holders. Connect filter holders with the elutriation
tube using the glass connection.


Place the gas volume meter between the drying column and elutriation tube of the
unit to be calibrated.


Adjust the rotameters of the other units to 50 scale units (use control valve (2)).


Switch on the air extraction pump.


Adjust the rotameter of the unit to be calibrated to 10 scale units (use control valve


Note the gas volume meter reading at point 0 and start stopwatch.


Note the gas volume meter reading after exactly 10 minutes.

3.1.10 Repeat step 3.1.7 to 3.1.9 for the rotameter markings 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
and 100.
3.1.11 Repeat step 3.1.4 to 3.1.10 for the other elutriation units.


SHE 29
Appendix B6
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July 1996

3.2 Calculation
3.2.1 Calculate for each rotameter setting the air volume which has passed during 10 minutes.




= air volume
= reading gasmeter (m3)

g10 min. g0 min.

Calculate the internal area of the elutriation tube



* r2


= internal area
= 1/2x internal tube diameter

The internal diameter of the elutriation tube is + 3.5 cm but should be actually measured for accurate
calibration. This should be done at + 10 cm inside the tube and not at the edge where the glass flange is
melted to the tube.

Calculate the air velocity for each rotameter adjustment.



= __ a____



air velocity (m/sec)

volume of air passed through meter (m3)
internal area of the elutriation tube (m2)
time during which the air passed through the gas meter

Plot calibration results in a graph: the rotameter readings as the x-range and the calculated air
velocity (S) as the y-range. This graph must be linear. Read from this graph the rotameter mark
required for a air velocity of 0.8 m/sec. Alternatively, analyze the linear regression using the
same x and y range and compute the y-intercept. The rotameter adjustment is calculated by
dividing the required air velocity 0.8 m/sec by the X-coefficient. The correlation coefficient R2
value must be close to 1 which shows that the correlation is linear.
If the calibration graph is not linear;
Check for leaks.
Check if the manometers on the pressure regulators shows 0.6 bar. (For each set-up at the
same time.)
Check if the gas volume meter is working properly.
Check if the glass P2 filter is not blocked.


Calibration of the elutriation units must be carried out:

Every 6 months.
After replacement of a glass tube.
After adjusting the pressure regulator.


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Appendix B6
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July 1996

Regularly the elutriation units should be controlled if rotameter setting is still correct. This is done by
calibrating at 0.8 m/s (see 3.1.1 to 3.1.9). The air volume should be within 1% of the last calibration. If
not, run the complete calibration programme for a new rotameter/air velocity graph. A typical control
frequency is once every 2 months.
4. Elutriation test
The standard elutriation test for enzyme granulates uses 60 g, elutriated for 40 minutes at 0.8 m/s. For
low bulk density fabric washing powders, 30 g samples are elutriated for 40 minutes at 0.3 m/s.
Conditions for higher bulk density fabric washing powders and machine dishwash powders are to be
agreed. However, elutriation of 30 g samples during 40 minutes at 0.7 m/s is typical and used in relative

Check if the elutriation units are well cleaned and dried after the last test.


Place Whatman GF/c-filters in the filter holders (weigh the filters if necessary). Place also
filters in the holders of the set-ups which are not in use. Close the holders tightly.
Note: prior to use, the GF/C filters should be stored dry (desiccator & silica gel).


Connect the outlet of the elutriation tubes to the inlet of the filter holders by means of the glass
Tighten the burette clamps to close the glass connections.


Fill the bottom part of the elutriation tubes with the correct amount of sample.


Connect the bottom and upper part of the elutriation tubes, using the PVC flange joint.


Connect the air supply to the bottom of the elutriation tubes.


Switch on the air extraction pump.


Open slowly the air supply, using the control-valves (2) to the relevant rotameter markings.
Rotameter of the units, not in use, are set at 50.


Elutriate during 40 minutes (stopwatch).


After 40 minutes, tap gently (e.g. wooden stick) to the elutriation tubes and glass connection
between tubes and filter holders to remove dust.


Close the compressed air supply with valve (2).


Switch off the air extraction pump.


Open the filter holder carefully.

Collect all dust on the filter, including the remaining on the inside and on the lid of the filter
holder (use a smooth and clean brush).


Remove the filters carefully from the holders, fold (and weigh if necessary).
Put the filters in small polyethylene sachet.



Store the filters in a freezer.

SHE 29
Appendix B6
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July 1996

5. Cleaning procedure
The following procedure should be carried out after each elutriation test!!
5.1 Disconnect the bottom part from the upper part of the elutriation tube.
5.2 Disconnect the glass connections between upper part and filter holder.
5.3 Remove the remaining material from the bottom part.
This residue should be handles as enzyme waste, following the corresponding safety and disposal
5.4 Rinse the bottom tubes with warm water.
The upper tubes and glass connection pieces are rinsed with demi-water.
5.5 Rinse all parts mentioned at 5.4 with a 0.1% nonionic solution (e.g. Synperonic A7).
5.6 Brush the upper tube after the last elutriation every day (wet).
5.7 Finally, rinse the parts mentioned at 5.4 with acetone and dry with air.
6. Enzyme analysis (Please check updated information with your ECC)
Activity of the elutriated dust is measured after extraction of the filter with the appropriate analytical
solvent with different composition for different enzymes. Enzyme analysis should be carried out with
COBAS MIRA automate or Skalar auto-analyzer. Procedures for filter dust analysis are included in the
respective protocols viz;

cellulase (Clazinase)
cellulase (Celluzyme)

7. Additional

Sampling of enzyme raw material should be carried out carefully, avoiding procedures
which could crush the material.
When sampling enzyme material use metal spoons and glass beaker rinsed with a
water/nonionic solution so as to prevent the formation of static electricity.
The inside of the metal filter holder should be polished to prevent the adherence of dust.
Clamp the upper and lower part of the elutriation tube together without any insert ring.
Use a strong and well closed glass silica get drying tower.






SHE 29
Appendix C1
Page 1 of 2
July 1996

The Downflow Booth is designed to provide the best practicable operating environment for
handling hazardous materials and contain any dust/aerosols generated. Additional benefits
when compared with wet scrubbing are improved reliability and the elimination of liquid
Operating Principle
Low turbulence (laminar) displacement airflow is supplied from the ceiling plenum. This
purges the operating area to ensure minimal dust/aerosol concentrations (typically 10 g/m3).
To ensure complete operator safely an average vertical air velocity of 0.45 m/s is required.
Total product containment is ensured by maintaining the booth under a slightly negative
pressure. This creates a 10% influx of plant air into the booth. Extended side walls minimize
the effects of external draughts to ensure containment.

Once extracted the air is treated in a three stage filtration system. Matrix filters remove and
retain >99.99% of all dust and aerosols. The treated the air is then recirculated. External
distribution panels bleed approximately 10% of this airflow to the surrounding plant. This
dissipates heat generated and ensures the booth remains under a negative pressure.


SHE 29
Appendix C1
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July 1996



Self supporting dual skin construction. Epoxy coated mild steel

floor mouthed with access to fan and filters from within booth.
Maximum noise level 65 dBA.

Panel Filters -

Type Disposal Pleated Filters

Class-EU4 (Arrestance > 90%) Face Velocity max. 2.5 m/s


Type Compact V Minipleat Construction (Disposable)

Class-EU8 (Dust Spot Efficiency > 90%)
Nominal Size 600 x 600 x 295
Capacity max. 4000 m3/hr (each)
with differential pressure gauge (safe working range)

HEPA Filter -

Type High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter

Class-EU13 (DOP > 99.99%)
Nominal Size 600 x 600 x 295
with differential pressure gauge (safe working range)


Forward-curve centrifugal fan unit.

TEFC/High Efficiency/3 Phase/Foot Mounted Motor Frequency
Invertor Speed Control (Manual Adj) with differential pressure
guage (safe working range)

Air Velocity -

Measured indirectly using a Plenum pressure. Indicated on

calibrated pressure gauge (m/s) with audible low velocity alarm
(start up time delay).


Metal framed panels with stretch polyester material top & bottom.
Panels to be standard size (500 x 500) and bottom removable.
Lights to be located above panels and interlocked with fan motor
(30 sec delay).

Common Options:

(A) Exhaust Dust filter used for equipment within booth.

(B) Air cooling coil (sized to suit)
(C) Door to ensure security when not in use.

The operator starts the fan remotely before entering the booth. Both the lights and low air
velocity alarm have a 30 sec delay. The operator may enter the booth once illuminated. The
differential air pressure gauges (Prefilter/Fan/HEPA Filters) and air velocity indicator should
be checked with each use. The air velocity may be corrected by manually adjusting the fan
speed control.
Panel filters must be replaced routinely (typically 8 weeks). The prefilters and HEPA filters
may be replaced once maximum pressure drop is shown on gauge (typically life: Prefilter 1yr,
HEPA 3 yrs). If enzymes are used within the booth, filters must be washed at 80 C for 30
minutes prior to disposal.

APPENDIX C2: Drawings

SHE 29/D29999
Appendix C2
Page 1 of 7
August 1993

Manual Dispensing General Arrangement

Keg Tipping General Arrangement
Keg Tipping Process Flow Diagram
Returnable Big Bag General Arrangement
Returnable Big Bag Process Flow Diagram
Liquid Totes General Arrangement
Liquid Totes Process Flow Diagram
Liquid Tankers Process Flow Diagram










SHE 29D29999
Appendix C3
Page 1 of 10
August 1993

Enzyme Kegs
Returnable Big Bags
Liquid Totes






Cylinder Diameter
Cylinder Height
Inlet Spout
Outlet Spout
Lifting Loops

1000 kg
115 cm
112 cm
30 cm x 50 cm long,
- with buckled tie strap
30 cm x 63 cm long
- with buckled tie strap and two tie patches
- flat with protective base flap
4 x 20 cm


A4 Document Pocket
- Numbered sequentially

Bag Material

12/12 weave PVC coated polyester fabric

(ca 1200 g/m2)
9/9 PVC coated polyester fabric
(ca 850 g/m2)

Spout Material
Approximate cost

150 each (July /93)


IBC Bulk Containers (not update)









SHE 29/D29999
Appendix C5
Page 1 of 5
August 1993

Manual Powders Waste Recovery

Automatic Powders Waste Recovery
Manual Liquids Waste Recovery
Automatic Liquids Waste Recovery








Manual Keg Tipper General Arrangement

SHE 29/D29999
Appendix C6
Page 1 of 3
August 1993

Hudraulic Keg Tipper General Arrangement




Research and Engineering Division

Manufacturing Application Group

SHE 29
Appendix C7
Page 1 of 11
July 1996



To safely transport and discharge bulk granulation enzymes. Each bag

contains 1000 kgs.


The single trip bag is a two piece design with and inner plastic liner an
outer weight carrying bag. The bag design must provide a minimum
safety factor of 8:1 and a safe working load 1000 kgs. A full independent
test certificate must be provided. (EFIBCA Standard 005 or BS6382)

Outer Bag
Closure Skirt:

The skirt is used to close the top of the outer bag, after filling. It is made
of coated polypropylene (100 g/m2) material.
Size: Height 700 mm.

Outer Body:

The bag is a stitched construction. Bag fabric is 250 g/m2 polypropylene.

Size: Approx. W 900mm x D 900mm x 1150mm

Outlet Spout:

The spout is made of coated polypropylene 100 g/m2 material with one
tie rope (170 mm) attached at the base.
Size: Approx. Dia. 250mm x H 500 mm

Lifting Loops:

18 kn 38 mm webbing sewn to seam full length of body.

Size: W 38 mm x H 250 mm (above bag)

Document Pocket:

100 micron transparent polyethylene

Size: W 300 mm x H 300 mm


1 side 1 colour Manufacturers Design


Low density polyethylene 80 micron with antistatic additive. (Minimum

Surface Resistivity 1011 Ohms)
Inserted and tied to ensure minimum discharge neck length (900 mm).
Size: Length 3800 mm.



Research and Engineering Division

Manufacturing Application Group

To provide safely handling of the enzyme single trip bag and isolate the
enzyme from operator during discharging operation.


The equipment was designed into main two parts, the discharge hopper
equipped with liner clamping device which will be fixed in the
Downflow Booth and the movable bag support stand with liner tensioner
which could be move in and out the Downflow Booth for the bag
transport purpose.

Equipment structure: (see also sketch)

Bag Support Stand:

Flomat Flo-Easy FIBC discharger which consists of a fabricated mild

steel shallow hopper complete with corner pads for mounting on the
support stand.
Support stand for bag discharger manufactured from suitably braced
mild steel hollow section complete with fixings for the corner mounting
pads of the discharger hopper, inverted Vee type feet locators and fork
lift truck lifting guides have inside dimension of 135mm wide x 85 mm
deep. Also incorporated are guide tubes for the rigging frame support
arms. One of the legs should be mounted with an air supply pipe for use
with the rigging frame mounted pneumatically driven liner tensioning
mechanism. The top of the pipe having a quick release coupling into
which the liner tensioning mechanism supply pipe is plugged when the
bag is initially loaded into the FIBC discharger. The outlet of the pipe
incorporates a flexible pipe and plug for connecting to the liner clamp
support frame mounted liner tensioning operating valve.
FIBC Rigging frame, construct of mild steel hollow section, designed
with support arm locators, and suitable guides having inside dimension
of 135mm x 85mm deep for lifting by mean of fork lift truck. The frame
being fitted with four posts complete with retaining brackets to prevent
accidental release of the bag lifting loops. The rigging frame has to be
with load tested and supplied with a test certificate.
Flomat Flo Super Clean Mark II pneumatically operated liner tensioning
mechanism mounted onto the rigging frame. The mechanism consists of
the liner take up spool with a pneumatic ratchet drive and automatic
release mechanism complete with pressure and flow regulators.
Pneumatic supply kit is supplied with coiled flexible air piping, quick
release coupling and manual lever operated control valve that is support
structure mounted.

Research and Engineering Division

Manufacturing Application Group
Discharge hopper:

Flomat Flo-Super Clean type buffer hopper, mild steel construction,

complete with liner clamping mechanism, air bleed facility and spigotted
outlet complete with a good quality rubber sleeve. The liner clamping
mechanism consists of a moving spout which is clamp into position on
top of the buffer hopper by the operation of manual clamps to trap and
seal the inner liner.
Support stand for the liner clamp mechanism manufactured from suitably
braced mild steel hollow section. The stand include top mounted tubular
members for location of the inverted Vee feet the discharger support
stand and four of the fabricated feet drilled for bolting to the floor.

Operating principles: 1. The whole unit of bag support stand including rigging frame is lifted
out from the booth by the fork lift.
2. Before lifting out the bag support stand compress air line which
connects to the unit has to be disconnected.
3. The bag support unit is place on floor near to the pallet of full enzyme
bag, disconnect the compress air line between the rigging frame and bag
support stand then lift out the rigging frame from the bag support stand
by the fork lift, low it down and take out the empty outer bag from the
rigging frame and also the rolled inner liner from the spool.
4. Lift the rigging frame over the new full bag of enzyme, hang the bags
loops to the rigging frame then pull the top part of the inner liner to tie
on the liner tensioning spool.
5. Lift up the rigging frame with the new full bag of enzyme to put on
the bag support stand, connect the compress air line.
6. Lift up the whole unit of bag support stand which hold the new full
bag of enzyme and move it into the booth by fork lift, place it on the
support of the discharge hopper then remove the fork lift out.
7. Connect the compress air line the open the valve to operate the liner
8. Un-tie the outer spout of the outer bag at the bottom of the bag then
pull out the inner liner untie the first tie cord, put the inner liner into
clamping unit then clamps it.
9. Now the whole inner liner which contain enzyme is completely sealed,
untie the second cord to discharge the enzyme into the hopper. The inner
liner is pulled and held by the pneumatic operated liner tensioner.
10. Tie the bottom part of the inner liner over the clamping unit when
ensure the bag is completely discharge then release the clamp to release
the inner liner. The inner liner is pulled up by the pneumatic liner
tensioner and rolls it up onto the spool. Then repeat step one for the new







SHE 29
Appendix C3
Page 2 of 2
July 1996
1. Dense Phase Vacuum Transfer of Enzyme Encapsulates.
Vacuum transfer of enzyme encapsulates, where they are of suitable quality, may now be
undertaken safely using equipment supplied by PIAB. Other potential suppliers have not yet
been identified.
Vacuum transfer may be undertaken from;

Traditional kegs

200L metal drums

Returnable / Multi trip Big bags

Single trip Big bags

The use of vacuum transfer improves safety by;

Completely enclosed delivery system under vacuum!

Removal of need to invert kegs

Replacement of kegs with 200 L metal drums

Remote [ground floor] dispensing

Vacuum Transfer also offers;

Increased flexibility at low cost

Low maintenance

Automated control of enzyme delivery to process / day bin

Accurate dosing to batch production systems

Vacuum transfer has been approved for use with all current enzymes in use apart from
Maxacal [Supplied by Gist Brocades] due to the friable nature of this granulate which can
lead to increased dustiness post transfer.
Equipment details are as per standard PIAB catalogue. Size of unit purchased will depend upon
factory specific requirements such as rate of transfer required and distance of transfer. Detailed
design requirements should be discussed with MAG Detergents URPSL.
The correct final filtration must be incorporated into the vacuum pump which allows air to be
returned safely to the working environment, with no need for additional treatment or external
Details of the principle of dense phase vacuum transfer, the operation of the unit and an
example of its application for enzyme handling are attached.






SHE 29
Appendix C10
Page 1 of 6
July 1996


1) The machine enclosure is to a high standard with little or no gaps around doors.
2) The machine has a complete roof [ventilation to SHE 29 requirements will be
impossible without a roof].
3) Restricted opening at infeed and output [to keep ventilation requirements to a
All openings to the factory environment should have an inward velocity of 1 m/s.
1.1 Pack Infeed
Height actual 336 mm allow 350 mm
Width actual 222 mm allow 250 mm
Opening area 0.0875 m2
Air volume required for 1 m/s is 315 m3/hr
1.2 Packed Product out Feed
Height actual 153 mm allow 160 mm
Width actual 210 mm allow 220 mm
Opening area 0.0352 m2
Air volume required for 1 m/s is 127 m3/hr
1.3 Waste/Disposal Bins
It is proposed to have 3 disposal bins on the machine, one for failed seal packs as detected by
the machine and two for dealing with machine failure situations. These units will be ventilated
by the machine enclosure but will not be part of the powder recovery system. This removes the
temptation for operatives to empty powder into the waste bins and remove packing material.
The whole bin should be detachable from the machine and taken to waste recovery. The bin
should have an interlock such that if not in place the machine should not run as the bin itself
plays an integral part of the safety control system.


SHE 29
Appendix C10
Page 2 of 6
July 1996

Assuming that the waste opening in the machine base is 600mm x 300mm with a taper funnel
down to about 550 x 250mm and that the gap from the bottom of the funnel and the bin itself is
no more than 50mm then each bin unit will require 324 m3/hr extraction. Thus the 3 unit will
require a total of 972 m3/hr. The bin dimensions will all thus be about 600 x 300 x 500mm.
1.4 Opening Due to Cup or Scoop Dispensing
a) Cup Dispensing
The drive and support couplings for the unit should be readily enclosable but the dispensing
tube will create an opening into the machine enclosure. It is estimated that this will give an
opening of about 0.007 m2 which will require about 30 m3/hr ventilation.
b) Scoop Dispensing
The drive and support couplings for the unit should be readily enclosable but the dispensing
tube will create an opening into the machine enclosure. It is estimated that this will give an
opening of about 0.01 m2 which will require about 36 m3/hr ventilation.
1.5 Total Extraction Requirement
The total extraction required to adequately cover all openings for the whole enclosure system
will be 1480 m3/hr. On this basis the design requirement should be based on 1500 m3/hr.
2.1 Turret Area
It is best practice to pull dust away from any potential operator interface and to also install the
extract points where they will not have to be removed for maintenance or following change of
packs etc. Therefore it is better to extract from inside the carousel area rather than on the
outside periphery. In addition dust will naturally tend to go downwards and thus ventilation
should be designed to follow this effect rather than move in the opposite direction. It is
accepted that this design will be difficult to retrofit to machines already committed for
production or already installed.
2.1.1 Proposed Design [Future Machines]
a) Assumption;

Inside diameter between backs of carriers 950 mm [Turret diameter]

Clearance between extract nozzles and pack filling cones 50 mm
Gap between cones and base plate 25 mm [Could this be increased?]



SHE 29
Appendix C10
Page 3 of 6
July 1996

Duct dimensions should be as close as possible to minimum value to maintain

duct velocities of 15 m/s. Duct velocities below 12 m/s are not satisfactory and
allow powder deposition in the ducts.

b) Fishtail Units and Duct Connections

In order to provide adequate extraction of dust emitted during carton filling a series of slots will
be required for the filling zone inside the carousel head.
To cover the required filling zone of 180 degrees at a diameter of 850mm [950-2x50] will
require 6 off 220mm wide fishtail units.
Using the standard formula for un-flanged slots [ACGIH Industrial Ventilation 20th edition] of
Q=3.7LVX ; where Q is the volumetric requirement in m3/sec, L is the width of the slot in m, V
is the velocity required in m/s at distance X m from the slot.
Thus for each slot unit this becomes Q = 3.7 x 0.220 x 0.5 x 0.050 = 0.02035 m3/sec or
73.26m3/hr. 6 slots are required for peripheral extraction and on additional by the carriage
sweeper and to recover any spillage particles falling from the cone unit. Thus the total
requirement is for 7 slots. This give a total requirement of 512.82 m3/hr. [min]
Each fishtail unit will require a flex connection to the main duct of 41.5 mmID min or max
50mmID. These flexes should all be identical length to avoid the use of balancing dampers.
The main duct will have to be rectangular in cross section to get under the cones on the rotor
thus assuming an internal height of 20mm the duct will have to be a minimum width of 0.47m
[max 0.7m]. This duct will need to be flared out to a flange face to accommodate the flex
connectors for the individual fishtail units. [If a larger clearance can be made here we can
revise this duct]
The upstream duct from the rectangular duct should be 109mmID [max 134mmID].
The fishtail units with a slot width of 220mm should have a slot height of 40mm [44mm max]
this will give an effective coverage height of 80mms for extraction at the carton/cone area. This
should allow the extraction to be permanently fitted without adjustment for carton size.
c) Spillage Recovery and Main Extract Duct
The upstream duct from the fishtail nozzles will go down to the waste recovery hopper which
will require a Downflow volume of 344m3 [min] and thus the inlet duct for this unit will need
to be 109mmID (min) [max 134mmID] and the outlet 142mmID (min) [174mmID max].
The ideal design will require a similar waste recovery hopper on the other side of the machine
with a downflow volume of 344m3 [min] this will require an outlet duct of 90mmID [max
110mmID] this will connect to the narrow waste recovery hopper at the head of the line which
requires 108m3 [min] and an outlet duct of 103mmID [max 126mmID]


SHE 29
Appendix C10
Page 4 of 6
July 1996

These two systems should be combined in a central extraction duct of 175mmID [max
Wherever possible all machine enclosure base panels should be shaped to aid split powder etc.
into the waste system.
d) Dust Control Requirement
The calculated volume of air on the basis of dust control being required for the whole of this
system thus becomes 1308m3/hr. However to control any potential leakage from the main
enclosure to the working environment requires 1500m3/hr and thus this should be the design
requirement for the system thus uprating all of the individual items from the minimum value
given above.
2.1.2 Evaluation of Existing Design
a) The fishtail slots around the outside of the carousel are not ideal in location as they will
have to be removed for change over etc. However rectification is accepted as not
practicable for the existing machines.
The four slot requirement as shown with 270m3 on each fishtails should provide adequate
control. However access and ventilation could theoretically be made more efficient by
larger number of smaller fishtails but on reflection we would probably not have a sufficient
improvement in efficiency to justify a change at this time.
b) The ventilation on the waste recovery hoppers at 360m3/hr will be satisfactory though that
on the narrow unit at the head of the machine is a little excessive.
c) The upwards ventilation in the cone return area is not required.
d) The ventilation in the hot melt glue area follows the carton top flap brushes and should
e) The waste disposal bins should be slot units in the machine casing approx 600 x 300mm
with a cone shape into a waste bin unit. The waste bins should be designed as fairly close fit
to the cone shape [circa 50mm gap] and with a positive interlock on the machine.
It is assumed that the opening to the working environment will be minimized by the enclosures
including a roof and enclosure at both indeed and output. Thus the overall enclosure will
require a ventilation effort of 1369m3/hr. The internal ventilation on the machine will require
2280m3/hr. Thus there will be adequate dust control and the basis for ventilation of the machine
should be 2300m3/hr.


SHE 29
Appendix C10
Page 5 of 6
July 1996


This will require a full enclosure as there is finite risk of spillage a waste bin unit will be
required on this unit and should be the same size and functionality as the waste bins on the
filler. The design specification is as in section 1.3 above. The ventilation of this enclosure will
need to be at least 324m3/hr. The ventilation would be best achieved by flat flange coupling at
either end of the machine on the end panels circa 50mm above the base enclosing panels on the
waste bin side of the machine. Flange and pipe size 61mmID [69mmID max] combined duct
size 87 mmID [97 mmID max].
The check weigher will only require ventilation at the top of the waste carton chute this again
can be applied as 2 flat flange inlets at about the same level as that for the twister. The
volumetric requirement will be 324m3/hr. The waste bin should be identical to the others on the
line. Flange and pipe size size 61mmID [69mmID max] combined duct size 87 mmID [97
mmID max].



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