The Abcs of 3Rd Grade: (A Guide To Third Grade Policies and Procedures)
The Abcs of 3Rd Grade: (A Guide To Third Grade Policies and Procedures)
The Abcs of 3Rd Grade: (A Guide To Third Grade Policies and Procedures)
Daily Folders:
This is where you will find homework, permission slips, school work and notes from school. The Daily
Folder is also a great way for you to send notes to school. The folders are checked every morning.
We would also appreciate the cleaning out of the Daily Folder daily. Students who do not arrive to
school with their daily folders for three days in a row will receive a reminder sent home.
Field Trips:
Progress Reports will be sent home in the Daily Folders mid-way through each
Quarter, and Report Cards will be sent home at the end of Quarter 2 and 4, and will be
available at Report Card Pickup for Quarter 1 and 3.
Your child will be bringing home homework in their Daily Folder every day. They will receive both
reading and math homework each night, which is due the following day. Completion of homework is
essential to your students success, as well as letting you know what is going on in the classroom.
Homework is a part of a students grade, so please encourage them to turn it in on time!
Important Papers:
There are many activities and fairs throughout the year that students will want to take part in, some of
which may include money. Students are welcome to bring money, but they must keep it away until
they need it! Encourage them to keep it in their pockets or give it to their teacher for safekeeping!
Physical Education:
Questions or Concerns:
We will be doing a lot of reading in 3rd grade. Please allow time for your child to read
to you. Students are expected to read for 20 minutes each night. Talk about the book
with your child. Ask him or her about the character/s, the setting, the problem and
how the story ended. Read books to your child that are more advanced than his or
her reading level. Share your love for reading!
Retention & Promotion:
In Chicago Public Schools, 3rd Grade is a students first benchmark year. During this year, their
standardized testing scores, grades and attendance will decide if a student is promoted to 4th grade
at the end of the year. Students who dont meet the promotion criteria will have to attend summer
school in July. Please let us know if you have any questions about promotion and retention.
School Supplies:
Box of tissues
We am eXcited to work with You and Your child
this year! Make sure he or she gets plenty of
Zzzzs each night as we have eXciting days
planned for this year.