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The Abcs of 3Rd Grade: (A Guide To Third Grade Policies and Procedures)

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The ABCs of 3rd Grade

(A Guide to Third Grade Policies and Procedures)


Learning and fun take place every day! Please

make sure your child comes to school every day
on time. School starts at 8:45 a.m. If a child arrives
after we have eaten breakfast at 9:00, he/she will
be marked as tardy.


We love to celebrate birthdays.

Please give at least 1-2 days notice
to your childs homeroom teacher.
We usually celebrate sometime in the afternoon.
So feel free to join your child near the end of the
day with the treats! Healthy treats are
suggested, but it is up to you and your child to
decide what treat you would like to share.
Summer birthdays will be celebrated at the end
of the school year. Also, please be considerate
of our students with food allergies.


We like to use ClassDojo as a positive tracking system to reinforce our schools

positive behavior program. ClassDojo is a simple system to keep track of both
positive and negative behaviors. The platform allows us to communicate about
conduct with parents who are connected at home. Additionally, reports may be
generated to help identify weaknesses and points of improvement.

Daily Folders:

This is where you will find homework, permission slips, school work and notes from school. The Daily
Folder is also a great way for you to send notes to school. The folders are checked every morning.
We would also appreciate the cleaning out of the Daily Folder daily. Students who do not arrive to
school with their daily folders for three days in a row will receive a reminder sent home.


The school may need to contact you in case of

an emergency. Please make sure we have the
correct emergency numbers and information on
file for your child. If this changes, please let us
know immediately.


Field Trips:

Our class will participate in field

trips this year. Permission slips
must be signed and returned for
your child to attend.

Progress Reports will be sent home in the Daily Folders mid-way through each
Quarter, and Report Cards will be sent home at the end of Quarter 2 and 4, and will be
available at Report Card Pickup for Quarter 1 and 3.


Your child will be bringing home homework in their Daily Folder every day. They will receive both
reading and math homework each night, which is due the following day. Completion of homework is
essential to your students success, as well as letting you know what is going on in the classroom.
Homework is a part of a students grade, so please encourage them to turn it in on time!

Important Papers:

Job Well Done:



Important notices will be sent home frequently.

Please check your childs Daily Folder for
important papers every night.

We will learn to be kind to ourselves and others

every day! This includes actions as well as words.

Please encourage your child to exhibit good

behavior and to always do his or her best.

Our class will be eating lunch each day from

11:05 to 11:30. If you wish to send your child with a
lunch, please make sure it is healthy! Unhealthy
lunches will be sent back home.


There are many activities and fairs throughout the year that students will want to take part in, some of
which may include money. Students are welcome to bring money, but they must keep it away until
they need it! Encourage them to keep it in their pockets or give it to their teacher for safekeeping!



Physical Education:

Questions or Concerns:

Classroom newsletters will be sent home every

month. They will give you some news on what
we have been working on in the classroom.

3rd Grade students will have gym class each

week. Please be sure your student brings gym
shoes to school for class! If the weather is bad,
please make sure students have a pair of gym
shoes to change into in their backpack.

Good organization habits begin to form in third

grade. Help your child stay organized with his or
her school work.

Please dont hesitate to contact us if you have

any questions or concerns. We can be reached
by phone at (773) 534-6060 or by email:
Mr. Racette - jracette@cps.edu
Ms. Berens - dkberens@cps.edu


We will be doing a lot of reading in 3rd grade. Please allow time for your child to read
to you. Students are expected to read for 20 minutes each night. Talk about the book
with your child. Ask him or her about the character/s, the setting, the problem and
how the story ended. Read books to your child that are more advanced than his or
her reading level. Share your love for reading!
Retention & Promotion:
In Chicago Public Schools, 3rd Grade is a students first benchmark year. During this year, their
standardized testing scores, grades and attendance will decide if a student is promoted to 4th grade
at the end of the year. Students who dont meet the promotion criteria will have to attend summer
school in July. Please let us know if you have any questions about promotion and retention.

School Supplies:

Each child must have a backpack. A supply list

was given out the first day of school and is also
attached. Please send the supplies, without
names since we use them in a community
setting, to school with your child or $5 to help
cover the cost of replenishing supplies
throughout the year.
Supplies needed for 2nd Grade:

Two 2-pocket folders (any color)

Box of tissues

Container of surface wipes

Room 401 only: 2 rolls of paper towels

Room 208 only: 2 black dry-erase markers


Your child must be in uniform at all times. This

ensures a safe and comfortable learning
environment for your child.
Boys khaki pants, belt, green short or
long-sleeved collared shirt
Girls khaki pants or skirts, belt, green short or
long-sleeved collared shirt
*Students are not allowed to wear flip-flops at
Howe for safety reasons.


Reading and writing are closely

linked. This year, your child will be
writing expository essays, narrative
stories, friendly letters, and poetry.


Students will be considered tardy if they arrive in

the classroom after 9:00; however, morning work
and breakfast will begin promptly at 8:45.
Talking to friends about feelings and ideas is an
important part of learning. There are, however,
appropriate and inappropriate times to talk.
Please encourage your child to follow our class
rules about listening and talking. Thank you!


We are always looking for parent volunteers!

Volunteers may sign up for field trip chaperones
or to help us with our Daily Reading activities. All
volunteers need to have an up-to-date CPS
Volunteer Packet on file in the main office. Please
give us a call if you are interested in volunteering!

We am eXcited to work with You and Your child
this year! Make sure he or she gets plenty of
Zzzzs each night as we have eXciting days
planned for this year.

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