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06s Rr310303 Thermal Engineering II

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Code No: RR310303 Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2006
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is the use of cooling tower in a steam power plant? Mention the different
types of cooling towers.
(b) With the neat sketch explain the operation of Benson boiler.

2. Compare the mass of discharge from a convergent-divergent nozzle expanding from

8 Bar and 2100 C to 0.1 bar. When the

(a) Expansion takes place under thermal equilibrium

(b) The steam is super saturated condition during part of its expansion.


3. The following observations were recorded during test on a steam condenser.

Recorded condenser vacuum =710 mm of Hg
Barometer reading =765 mm 0f Hg
Mean condenser temperature =340 C
Temp. of hot well =28.50 C
Condensate collected =1800 Kg/hr
Weight of cooling water =57,500 Kg/hr
Inlet temp. of cooling water =8.50 C

Outlet temp. of cooling water =260 C

(a) Vacuum corrected to the Std. Barometer reading

(b) Vacuum efficiency of the condenser
(c) Under cooling of the condenser
(d) Condenser efficiency
(e) Quality of steam entering the condenser.
(f) Mass of air per Kg of uncondensed steam
(g) Mass of air per m3 of condenser volume. [16]

4. In a De Laval turbine steam issues from the nozzle with a velocity of 1200m/s.The
nozzle angle is 200 , the mean blade velocity is 400m/s, and the inlet and outlet
angles of blades are equal. The mass of steam flowing through the turbine per hour
is 1000 kg. Calculate:

(a) Blade angles.

(b) Relative velocity of steam entering the blades.
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Code No: RR310303 Set No. 1

(c) Tangential force on the blades.
(d) Power developed.
(e) Blade efficiency.
Take velocity coefficient as 0.8 [16]

5. (a) what is the Parson’s Reaction turbine?

(b) A 50% reaction turbine (with symmetrical velocity triangles) running at 400
rpm has the exit angle of the blades as 20o and the velocity of steam relative
to the blades at the exit is 1.35 times the mean blade speed. The steam flow
rate is 8.33 kg/s and at a particular stage the specific volume is 1.381 m3/kg.
Calculate for this stage:
i. The suitable blade height, assuming the rotor mean diameter as 12 times
the blade height, and
ii. The diagram work. [6+10]

6. (a) Show that optimum pressure ratio for maximum specific output for a gas tur-
bine plant is rp ( optimum) ={η turbine × η compressor × (T 3/T 1)}γ/2(γ−1)
where T3 is Maximum temperature of cycle

T1 is Minimum temperature of of cycle

(b) List out any four applications of gas turbines. [12+4]

7. (a) What are the important properties of a good propellant?

(b) In a jet propulsion cycle air enters the compressor at 1 bar, 150 C. The pressure

leaving the compressor is 5 bar and the maximum temperature is 9000 C. The
air expands in the turbine to such a pressure that the turbine work is just
equal to the compressor work. On leaving the turbine, the air expands in
a reversible adiabatic process in a nozzle to 1 bar. Calculate the velocity
leaving the nozzle. Take Cp =1.0035 andγ = 1.4 for compressor and expansion
processes. [4+12]

8. Discuss the theory of the rocket engine. [16]


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Code No: RR310303 Set No. 2

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2006
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) With the neat sketch explain stinling boiler.
(b) Explain various heat losses in a boiler.
2. A convergent divergent nozzle is required to pass 1.8 kg of steam per second. At
inlet the steam pressure and actual temperature are 7 bar and 2000 C respectively
and the speed is 75 m/s. Expansion is stable throughout to the exit pressure of

1.1bar. There is no loss by friction in the converging section of the section, but loss
by friction between throat and outlet is equivalent to 71 kJ/kg of steam. Calculate

(a) the required area of throat in mm2 ,

(b) the required area of outlet in mm2 and
(c) the overall efficiency of the nozzle, based on the heat drop between the actual
inlet pressure and temperature and the outlet pressure. [16]
3. The air leakage into a surface condenser operating with a steam turbine is estimated
as 84 Kg/hr. The vacuum near the inlet of air pump is 700 mm of Hg. When
Barometer reads 760 mm of Hg. The temp. at the inlet of vacuum pump is
200 C.Calculate

(a) Min. capacity of air pump in m3 /hr.
(b) The dimensions of the reciprocating air pump to remove the air if it run at
200 RPM and L/D ratio=1.5 and volumetric efficiency =100%.
(c) The mass of vapour extracted per minute. [16]
4. (a) Define and derive an expression for stage efficiency incase of a steam turbine.
(b) In an impulse turbine the nozzles are inclined at 240 to the plane of rotation
of the blades. Steam speed is 1000 m/sec and blade speed is 400 m/sec.
Assuming equiangular blades, determine
i. blade angles,
ii. axial thrust,
iii. force on the blades in the direction of motion,
iv. power developed for a flow rate of 1000 kg/hr. [8+8]
5. (a) What do you mean by compounding of steam turbines? Discuss various meth-
ods of compounding steam turbines?
(b) Explain the difference between an impulse turbine and a reaction turbine?
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Code No: RR310303 Set No. 2

6. In gas turbine plant, operating on joules cycle, maximum and minimum tempera-
tures of 8250C and 27 0 C . The pressure ratio is 4.5. Calculate the specific work
output , cycle efficiency and work ratio. Assume isentropic efficiency of compressor
and turbine 85%and 90% respectively. What is the heat rate in kJ / kW-hr. If the
rating of the turbine is 1300kW, what is the mass flow in kg/s. Neglect the mass
of fuel. Cp=1.005 kJ/kg 0 K. [16]

7. A turbo-jet engine flying at a speed of 960 km/hr consumes air at the rate of 54.5

kg/s. Calculate

(a) Exit velocity of jet when the enthalpy change for the nozzle is 200 KJ/kg and
velocity coefficient is 0.97.
(b) Fuel flow rate in kg/s when air-fuel ratio is 75:1.
(c) Trust specific fuel consumption.
(d) Thermal efficiency of the plant when the combustion efficiency is 93% and
calorific value of the fuel is 45000 KJ/kg.
(e) Propulsive power.
(f) Propulsive efficiency.
Overall efficiency. [16]

8. Discuss the theory of the rocket engine. [16]


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Code No: RR310303 Set No. 3

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2006
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) In a Rankine cycle, the steam at inlet to turbine is saturated at a pressure of
35 bar and the exhaust pressure is 0.2 bar. Determine.
The pump work
The turbine work
The Rankine efficiency
The Condensor heat flow.
Assume flow rate of 9.5 kg/s
(b) In a chimney of height 50mts, temperature of flue gases with Natural draught
is 367 60.The temperature of waste gases by using artificial draught is 127 0 C.
The temperature of outside air is 27 0 C. If air supplied is 19 kg/kg of fuel
burnt, determine the efficiency of chimney.
Assume Cp = 1.005 KJ/kg for flue gases. [8+8]

2. (a) Calculate the throat and exit diameters of a convergent-divergent nozzle which
will discharge 820 Kg of steam per hour. from a pressure of 8 Bar superheated
to 2200 C into a chamber having a pressure of 1.5 Bar. The friction loss in
divergent portion of the nozzle may be taken as 0.15 of the total enthalpy

(b) Discuss the importance of the divergent portion of the convergent - Divergent
Nozzle. [10+6]

3. (a) What are the objectives of a steam condenser in a steam power plant?
(b) Explain the working of high level jet condenser, with the help of a neat sketch.

4. In an impulse turbine the steam issues from the nozzle with speed of 600 m/s and
blade speed is 120 m/s. the velocity is compounded by passing the steam through
a ring of moving blades; through a ring of fixed blades and finally through a ring
of moving blades.
The nozzle angle is 180 ad the blade exit angles and relative velocity coefficients
1st row moving: 20o & 0.8
fixed row : 25o & 0.85
2nd row moving: 30o & 0.9
find the diagram efficiency under these conditions and the power output for steam
flow rate of 5 kg/sec. [16]

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Code No: RR310303 Set No. 3

5. (a) Deduce an expression for work done for stage of a reaction turbine and deter-
mine the condition for maximum efficiency.
(b) A 50% Parson’s reaction turbine has a mean drum diameter of 200 cm. The
speed is 600 rpm and the steam consumption is 5 kg/sec. The other data is:
blade speed ratio = 0.45; velocity loss factor = 0.85;
nozzle efficiency both for the stator and rotor blades = 0.9;
exit angle of stator and rotor blades = 200.

Neglecting carry over and wind age loss, estimate the power developed per
stage, blade efficiency and stage efficiency. [8+8]

6. (a) The following data is refers to a closed cycle gas turbine plant
Atmospheric Air temperature 270 C
Maximum temperature of the cycle 8230C
Pressure at compressor inlet 1 bar
Pressure ratio 4
Compressor efficiency 80%
Turbine efficiency 85%
Heating value of fuel 41,800 kJ/Kg
Turbine efficiency 80%
Heater loss 10% of Heating value

i. Work ratio
ii. Turbine work
iii. Compressor work

iv. Heat supplied Assume the working substance is Air ,regard as simple gas
with Cp = 1 KJ/Kg 0 K and γ = 1.4
(b) What is “regeneration ” in gas turbines. [12+4]

7. (a) Define the following terms:

i. Thrust
ii. Thrust power
iii. Propulsive power
iv. Propulsive efficiency
(b) What is the basic Thermodynamic cycle used for jet propulsion and draw the
T-S diagram for turbojet engine. [12+4]

8. (a) Why liquid propellants are preferred in rocket propulsion?

(b) A simple turbojet unit operates with a turbine inlet temperature of 11000 K, a
pressure ratio is 4:1 and a mass flow of 22.7 Kg/Sec. under design conditions.
The following component efficiencies may be assumed: Isentropic Compressor
efficiency - 0.85
Isentropic Turbine efficiency - 0.90
Propelling nozzle efficiency - 0.95
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Code No: RR310303 Set No. 3

Transmission efficiency - 0.99
Combustion chamber loss - 0.21 bar
Calculate the design thrust and specific fuel consumption when the unit is
stationary at sea level where the ambient conditions may be taken as 1.013
bar and 288K. [6+10]


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Code No: RR310303 Set No. 4

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2006
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain fusible plug used as boiler mounting with the neat sketch.
(b) Calculate the mass of flue gases flowing through the chimney when the draught
produced is equal to 2 cm of water. Temperature of flue gases is 2900 C and
ambient temperature is 250 C. the flue gases formed per kg of fuel burnt are
23 kg. Neglect the losses and take the mean diameter of the chimney as 2 m.

2. A steam turbine develops 185 KW with a consumption of 16.5 Kg/KWh. Pressure


and temp. of the steam at inlet of nozzle are 12 Bar and 2200 C respectively. The
steam leaves the nozzle at 1.2 Bar. The diameter of nozzle at throat is 7 mm. Find
the no of nozzles. [16]

3. The air leakage into a surface condenser operating with a steam turbine is estimated
as 84 Kg/hr. The vacuum near the inlet of air pump is 700 mm of Hg. When
Barometer reads 760 mm of Hg. The temp. at the inlet of vacuum pump is
200 C.Calculate

(a) Min. capacity of air pump in m3 /hr.

(b) The dimensions of the reciprocating air pump to remove the air if it run at
200 RPM and L/D ratio=1.5 and volumetric efficiency =100%.
(c) The mass of vapour extracted per minute. [16]

4. In an impulse turbine the steam issues from the nozzle with speed of 600 m/s and
blade speed is 120 m/s. the velocity is compounded by passing the steam through
a ring of moving blades; through a ring of fixed blades and finally through a ring
of moving blades.
The nozzle angle is 180 ad the blade exit angles and relative velocity coefficients
1st row moving: 20o & 0.8
fixed row : 25o & 0.85
2nd row moving: 30o & 0.9
find the diagram efficiency under these conditions and the power output for steam
flow rate of 5 kg/sec. [16]

5. (a) Show that for a Parson’s reaction turbine the degree of reaction is 50%.
(b) In a 50% reaction turbine stage running at 3000rpm, the exit angles are 300 and
the inlet angles are 500 . The mean diameter is 1m.The steam flow rate is
10000kg/minute and the stage efficiency is 85%.
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Code No: RR310303 Set No. 4


i. Power output of the stage.

ii. The specific enthalpy drop in the stage.
iii. The percentage increase in the relative velocity of the steam when it flows
over the moving blades. [8+8]

6. (a) Derive the expressions for the efficiency and specific work output for a simple
gas turbine cycle in terms of pressure ratio.
(b) What are the assumptions made in the analysis of ideal gas turbine cycle.
(c) How the performance of combustion chamber in gas turbine is given? [10+3+3]

7. (a) Describe the effect of altitude on turbo jet unit.

(b) How do the thrust and thrust power of a turbojet engine vary with flight
speed? Compare these with a reciprocating engine. How thrust is augmented
for the off and climb? [6+10]

8. Discuss the theory of the rocket engine. [16]


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