Evolution of PLM
Evolution of PLM
Evolution of PLM
earlier 3-letter acronyms such as PDM (Product Data Management) and CPC
(Collaborative Product Commerce). Whereas PDM is focused on product specific
information, CRC extended the concept to the supplier. Finally, PLM evolved as an
enterprise software solution that addresses sharing of heterogeneous product data
across many functions and thus marrying the product data with surrounding business
PDM - Developed in the mid-1990s to deal with the numerous amount of data
involved with product development. Focus was mainly internal for managing the
design process.
Gartner defines PDM as:
"...a set of applications and capabilities for capturing and maintaining the definition of
a product and related data through all phases of a product's life. The four most
commonly used PDM applications are library functions (search and file checkin/check-out), management of bills of materials (BOMs), product configuration
management (PCM) and engineering change management.(ECM). PDM is a core
enabler of CPC and PLM."
In the late 1990s as manufacturing was increasingly outsourced and the
customerization age developed, PDM evolved into CPC (Collaborative Product
Commerce) allowed for collaboration between the manufacturer and its suppliers and
customers. PDM is a subset of CPC. The Internet was an enabling technology, which
allowed companies to work closely with global suppliers and customers.
Gartner defines CPC as:
"...amode of product and business development in which product value chain partners,
motivated by common commercial interests, generate value by sharing product
assests, captial and intellectual property. CPC applications emerged in the late 1990s,
leveraging Internet technology, to enable collaboration in product design and new
business development. Gartner tracked application vendors during this period, and
continues to do so, according to their abilites to successfully enable CPC. The Internet
based software technology that differentiated CPC applications in the late 1990s has
now become fundamental to broad classes of applications. Given the ubiquity of CPC
architecture across a broad class of applications, CPC's greatest value is as a business
PLM In early 2000s, web-based technology, which once was cutting edge, was now
commonplace and CPC was difficult to differentiate. Out of this circumstance, PLM
was born.
Gartner defines PLM as:
"...a process for guiding products from idea through retirement to deliver the greatest
business value to an enterprise and its trading partners. PLM employs product
information and business analysis to support strategy, planning, management and
execution through each phase of a product's lifecycle. PLM supports an enterprise's
ability to monitor activities, analyze challenges and bottlenecks, make decisions and
execute decisions. PLM will become the application category Gartner will track in
2003 and beyond, replacing the CPC market coverage."