Blind Spots, Biases, and Other Pathologies in The Boardroom
Blind Spots, Biases, and Other Pathologies in The Boardroom
Blind Spots, Biases, and Other Pathologies in The Boardroom
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Chapter 1 Oversight by Groups of Board Members . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2 Group Influences on Individual Behavior . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter 3 Group Cognitive Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter 4 Group Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapter 5 Groupthink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 6 Group Habitual Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Chapter 7 Group Conflict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Chapter 8 Power, Coalition Formation, and Politicking . . . . . . . . 85
Chapter 9 Group Productivity Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Chapter 10 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
At first glance, our author team might look a little unusual: a junior
organizational behavior professor working with a senior management
accounting professor located at a different university. But we did not
think it was unusual at all. We are both interested in corporate gover-
nance in general and the functioning of boards of directors in particular.
For the purpose of studying this topic, our knowledge sets are comple-
mentary. The functioning of boards depends crucially on how the board
members interact with each other. An organizational behavior profes-
sor who specializes in applying social psychology theory to the business
world can bring a lot of relevant knowledge to the study of boards. So too
can a management accounting professor. Management accounting pro-
fessors study how managers use information for such purposes as choos-
ing and evaluating business strategies, finding and analyzing problems,
and evaluating managers’ performances and allocating incentives. These
are exactly the kinds of tasks on which board members spend much, if
not most, of their time. So our knowledge sets fit together nicely. What
we could do together on this project was much better than either of us
could have done alone.
In writing this book, we drew on knowledge from multiple sources.
We reviewed the research literature on the functioning of groups. While
almost none of that knowledge has been developed directly from stud-
ies of boards of directors, some of the knowledge that has been devel-
oped is clearly applicable to the boardroom setting. We also reviewed the
corporate governance literature. While very little of that literature draws
directly on findings in social psychology, some of it does discuss problems
that board members have in working together. It provides advice and
examples that we were able to link back to the research literature. To sup-
plement the theoretical literature, we participated in and observed board
meetings in multiple companies. Seeing boards in action was invalu-
able in helping us to develop the depth of knowledge needed to write
this book. We also interviewed many board members. These interviews
Oversight by Groups
of Board Members
In January 2001, CEO of Tyco International Dennis Kozlowski
received an employment contract from his board. Like many
CEOs, Kozlowski had served most of his tenure (almost 8 years)
without one. However, by 2000 he was asking for a contract. More
specifically, he was asking for one that included a clause stating
that conviction of a felony was not grounds for termination unless
it was materially injurious to the company and if “three quarters of
the board then voted to oust him.”1
Although many CEOs have negotiated contracts with gener-
ous terms, it was unique to include a felony as something that
would not amount to “just cause” for termination. But neither
this nor the strange timing of the contract request seemed to catch
board members’ attention. It is now speculated that the contract
was desired only after Kozlowski knew he was under investigation
for sales tax evasion.2
Four years later, Kozlowski was convicted of misappropriation of
hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate funds from Tyco, falsi-
fying business records, and violating business law. He was sentenced
to up to 25 years in prison. Tyco, an inspiring tale of free market
business success and once the most admired company in America,
was for a good portion of the decade a name synonymous with the
most egregious examples of corporate greed and fraud.3
How could this happen? How could a board of directors approve
a contract that removed its power to terminate a CEO even in the
case of criminal activity? How could the board of a growing and
reputable global conglomerate become so disconnected from its
governance role and exhibit such seemingly bad judgment?
The aim of this book is to shine a light on the dynamics and group pro-
cesses of boards of directors and to describe, particularly, how these dynam-
ics can cause perhaps nearly inevitable failures. These failures will occur
even in boards that are seemingly well constructed—for example, of the
right size and containing a good mix of highly qualified board members.
The spate of scandals, performance problems, and corporate failures
of recent years have caused increasing attention to be focused on boards
of directors. This is as it should be. Corporate governance is critically
important, and boards of directors are at the heart of the corporate gov-
ernance process. But the subject of board dynamics and particularly what
happens inside the boardroom is almost never explored, largely because
the actual board deliberations are seen to be highly sensitive and con-
fidential. But understanding group processes is fundamental to under-
standing why board failures like Tyco happen. In the following pages,
we describe how even “good” boards can develop blind spots, decision-
making biases, and other pathologies precisely because boards are—and
must operate as—groups.
Corporate governance encompasses the entire set of mechanisms
and processes by which business corporations are directed and man-
aged. Good corporate governance helps ensure achievement of long-term
objectives, satisfying shareholders and other stakeholders (e.g., creditors,
employees, customers, suppliers, local community), while complying
with legal and regulatory requirements. It helps corporations create eco-
nomic value and enhances investor confidence, which is essential for the
effective functioning of a market economy.
While there is no single, well-defined, agreed-upon model of good cor-
porate governance, everyone agrees that effectively functioning boards of
directors are essential. As observed in one publication of the National Asso-
ciation of Corporate Directors (NACD), boards are “the central mecha-
nism for oversight and accountability in our corporate governance system.”4
They are generally considered the front line of defense. As the duly elected
representatives of the shareholders, boards have both the ultimate decision-
making authority in the corporation and the ultimate accountability.
Boards are charged with governing the organization through broad
policies, objectives, and oversight. Among other things, they play impor-
tant roles in ensuring that the corporation complies with all laws and
is about. In this book we show how seemingly ideal boards, those with
“best practice” size, composition, and structure, with enough staff sup-
port, and with enough time to consider issues carefully, can still fail to
provide good governance, simply because they fall victim to some prob-
lems inherent in all groups. That is, all groups of individuals who are try-
ing to work together for the common good are subject to some destructive
group dynamics that cause blind spots, biases, and other decision-making
pathologies. Recognizing these problems is a first necessary step. Only
then can steps be taken to avoid the problems, or at least to minimize
their consequences.
many articles and books and also by activist investors, including pension
funds like California Public Employees’ Retirement System and some
private investment firms, such as Pershing Square Capital Management.
Many ideal board characteristics, and even some sets of best practices
intended as largely complete, are also revealed in the evaluation crite-
ria used by a number of outside agencies that rate corporations’ gover-
nance structures and processes. The most prominent of these agencies
are RiskMetrics Group (RMG), which acquired Institutional Shareholder
Services (ISS), The Corporate Library (TCL), Audit Integrity, and Gov-
ernance Metrics International (GMI). Several of these agencies use fairly
lengthy lists of best practices to make their ratings. For example, RMG’s
Corporate Governance Quotient (CGQ) ratings assess firms’ governance
in eight areas: (a) board structure and composition, (b) audit issues,
(c) charter and bylaw provisions, (d) laws of the state of incorporation,
(e) executive and director compensation, (f) qualitative factors, (g) director
and officer stock ownership, and (h) director education. ISS uses a total of
64 variables both individually and sometimes in combination to develop
the CGQ rating. On the other hand, TCL’s rating is more subjective and
considers just a few factors that are considered to be key indicators.
Research has shown that the differences between some of the ratings
are huge; a 2008 study done at Stanford University found that the corre-
lations between the various formal ratings are close to zero.5 To illustrate
the disparity with specifics, recently several major corporations, including
General Electric, Pfizer, and Wyeth, were given perfect “100” scores by
ISS but given “D” ratings by TCL. Some other companies, including
Home Depot, Lockheed Martin, 3M, and Xerox, were given perfect “10”
scores by GMI but rated as “F” by TCL.
This same Stanford study also tested the ability of the governance
ratings to predict important outcomes such as performance, accounting
restatements, and shareholder suits. All the ratings failed this test. The
findings revealed all the ratings had weak (i.e., economically trivial) to
nonexistent predictive power, except that RMG’s ratings had negative
predictive power. That is, the firms rated by RMG as being well governed
actually had poorer performance indicators—more class action lawsuits,
lower return on assets, and lower stock price performance.
to develop their own sense of priorities and views. They must devote
both the time and attention needed to fulfill their responsibilities.
3. Board size. The board of directors should not be too small or too
large.6 Although three is a practical minimum board size, in most
cases a board of three members is too small. This is because commit-
tees must have three outside board members. Thus, if the entire board
includes only three members, every board member would have to be
independent, and every board member would have to serve on every
board committee, which could mean quite a heavy workload.
Large boards have the potential advantage of including members
with varied industry, technical, and leadership expertise, which
opens up the possibility for more business opportunities. In addi-
tion, the additional resources spread the workload over more people
and potentially allow for more detailed discussions of issues.
There is evidence, however, that firms with relatively small boards
perform better than firms with very large boards.7 The larger the
board, the more unwieldy it becomes to involve each board member
actively in the discussions. Some experts suggest that the optimal
board size is perhaps in the range of seven to nine. But the optimal
size certainly varies with the size and complexity of the company.
For example, because of the need to include some industry experts, a
large conglomerate probably needs a larger board than does a smaller
firm in a single line of business.
4. Board composition. Many characteristics of the individual board
members are important. The rule that a majority of the board mem-
bers must be independent of management and the company is now
institutionalized in various government and stock market regula-
tions. In addition, some board members should have specialized
expertise, which includes knowledge of the industry and manage-
ment functions that are important to the company, such as finance,
marketing, and logistics. More generally, the board members should
be energetic and attentive, traits that are perhaps more likely in
directors who are younger and less busy.
5. Board structure. Some discussions and decision recommendations
should be delegated to committees. Committees tend to comprise
the board members who have the most relevant expertise. Since
committees are smaller in size than the full board group, it is easier
for all committee members to participate in detailed discussions of
issues. Specialized issues can be researched and vetted in the com-
mittees, and the committees’ recommendations can be approved
by the full board. At a minimum, three critical board committees
should be established: nominating/governance, audit, and compen-
sation. Other committees can be established, as necessary. The com-
mittees should meet regularly and on an additional as-needed basis.
To ensure that the full board is properly informed, communication
processes between committees and the full board must be effective.
6. Board leadership. Management should not have control over the
board’s agenda. One easy way to ensure that the board controls its
own agenda is to have an independent board chair; that is, the roles of
CEO and chair can be separated. But some boards maintain control
of the agenda by having it set by a “lead outside director.” The board
should hold regular executive sessions (i.e., without management
present), though meeting management is also important. The board
should be properly engaged. This requires effective leadership from a
leader who uses orderly processes to allow each director to contribute
his or her unique talents and perspectives to the issue at hand.
7. Board focus. The work of the board should be mostly future ori-
ented. It is tempting for boards to spend a great deal of time on
administrative formalities or focused on reviews of financial state-
ments and other reports of what has happened in the past. These
are the easy governance tasks. But boards should spend most of their
time focused on the future. That is where they add value.
8. Board evaluations. The board should evaluate itself regularly. Improve-
ments should be made as necessary. Board membership, structures,
and processes should evolve with the needs of the company.
Many experts and regulators have considered the Enron situation in gen-
eral, and the functioning of the Enron board in particular, and have sug-
gested reasons for the eventual failure. Undoubtedly, there were multiple
causes of the failure. But while it is difficult to say conclusively, without hav-
ing observed the board meetings, it seems likely that Enron was subject to
one or more of the destructive, hidden forces that are the focus of this book.
The same problems might have existed in other companies that have
suffered governance failures. These include major failures such as Tyco,
WorldCom, HealthSouth, Adelphia, Fannie Mae, AIG, and Citigroup,
and, to emphasize that this is not a problem solely in the United States,
also Royal Ahold (Netherlands), Parmalat (Italy), Lernout & Hauspie
(Belgium), Hyundai Motor Company (Korea), Ocean Grand Hold-
ings (Hong Kong), China Aviation Oil (Singapore), Guangdong Kelon
Electrical Holdings (China), and Satyam (India), just to mention a few.
Also included are other smaller corporate governance failures that have
resulted in problems, some of which are undoubtedly never detected,
such as poor investments, the granting of excessive executive compensa-
tion, biased evaluations of management, and misperceptions of risk.