BOWLT, J. E. Russian Art of The Avant Garde Theory and Criticism 1902 1934
BOWLT, J. E. Russian Art of The Avant Garde Theory and Criticism 1902 1934
BOWLT, J. E. Russian Art of The Avant Garde Theory and Criticism 1902 1934
Russian Art
of t h e Avant-Garde
Theory and Criticism
Edited and Translated
by John E. Bowlt
P r i n t e d in U . S . A .
Acknowledgments: H a r v a r d U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s a n d L u n d H u m p h r i e s P u b l i s h e r s L t d . : " R e a l i s t i c
M a n i f e s t o " f r o m Gabo b y N a u m G a b o . C o p y r i g h t 1 9 5 7 b y L u n d H u m p h r i e s . R e p r i n t e d b y
p e r m i s s i o n . T h a m e s a n d H u d s o n L t d . : " S u p r e m a t i s m in W o r l d R e c o n s t r u c t i o n ,
1 9 2 0 " by El
This collection of published statements by Russian artists and critics is intended to fill a considerable gap in our general knowledge of the ideas and
theories peculiar to modernist Russian art, particularly within the context of
painting. Although monographs that present the general chronological
framework of the Russian avant-garde are available, most observers have
comparatively little idea of the principal theoretical intentions of such movements as symbolism, neoprimitivism, rayonism, and constructivism. In general, the aim of this volume is to present an account of the Russian avantgarde by artists themselves in as lucid and as balanced a way as possible.
While most of the essays of Vasilii Kandinsky and Kazimir Malevich have
already been translated into English, the statements of Mikhail Larionov,
Natalya Goncharova, and such little-known but vital figures as Vladimir
Markov and Aleksandr Shevchenko have remained inaccessible to the wider
public either in Russian or in English. A similar situation has prevailed with
regard to the Revolutionary period, when such eminent critics and artists as
Anatolii Lunacharsky, Nikolai Punin, and David Shterenberg were in the
forefront of artistic ideas. The translations offered here will, it is hoped, act
as an elucidation of, and commentary on, some of the problems encountered
within early twentieth-century Russian art.
The task of selection was a difficult onenot because of a scarcity of relevant material, but on the contrary, because of an abundance, especially
with regard to the Revolutionary period. In this respect certain criteria were
observed during the process of selection: whether a given text served as a
definitive policy statement or declaration of intent; whether the text was
written by a member or sympathizer of the group or movement in question;
photocopies of the original te,^ f^ve been deposited in the Library of The
Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Apart from the rendition of the Russian soft and hard signs, which have
been omitted, the transliteration system is that used by the journal Soviet
Studies, published by the University of Glasgow, although where a variant
has already been established (e.g., Benois, not Benua; Burliuk, not Burlyuk;
Exter, not Ekster), it has been maintained. Occasionally an author has made
reference to something irrelevant to the question in hand or has compiled a
list of names or titles; where such passages add nothing to the general discussion, they have been omitted, although both minor and major omissions
have in every case been designated by ellipses. Dates refer to time of publication, unless the actual text was delivered as a formal lecture before publication. Wherever possible, both year and month of publication have been
given. In the case of most books, this has been determined by reference to
Knizhnaya letopis [Book Chronicle; bibl. R n ; designated in the text by
KL]; unless other reliable published sources have provided a more feasible
alternative, the data in Knizhnaya letopis have been presumed correct.
Many artists, scholars, and collectors have rendered invaluable assistance
in this undertaking. In particular I would like to acknowledge my debt to the
following persons: Mr. Troels Andersen; Mrs. Celia Ascher; Mr. Alfred
Barr, Jr.; Mr. Herman Berninger; Dr. Milka Bliznakov; Miss Sarah Bodine; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Burliuk; Miss Mary Chamot; Lord Cherman; Professor Reginald Christian; Mr. George Costakis; Mrs. Charlotte
Douglas; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Estorick; Mr. Mark Etkind; Sir Naum Gabo;
Mr. Evgenii Gunst; Mrs. Larissa Haskell; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hutton;
Mme. Nina Kandinsky; Mme. Alexandra Larionov; Mr. and Mrs. Nikita
Lobanov; Professor Vladimir Markov; M. Alexandre Polonski; Mr. Yakov
Rubinstein; Dr. Aleksandr Rusakov and Dr. Anna Rusakova; Dr. Dmitrii
Sarabyanov; Dr. Aleksei Savinov; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Smith; Mme. Anna
Tcherkessova-Benois; Mr. Thomas Whitney. Due recognition must also go
to M. Andrei B. Naglov, whose frivolous pedantries have provided a constant source of amusement and diversion.
I am also grateful to the directors and staff of the following institutions for
allowing me to examine bibliographical and visual materials: British Museum, London; Courtauld Institute, London; Lenin Library, Moscow; Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; Museum of Modern Art, New York;
New York Public Library; Radio Times Hulton Picture Library, London;
Royal Institute of British Architects, London; Russian Museum, Leningrad;
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Sotheby and Co., London; Tay-
lor Institute, Oxford; Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; Widener Library, Harvard.
Last but not least I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to
my two editors, Barbara Bum and Phyllis Freeman, for without their patience, care, and unfailing cooperation this book would not have been possible.
List of Illustrations
tury [Conclusion],
VLADIMIR MARKOV: T h e P r i n c i p l e s o f t h e N e w A r t , 1 9 1 2
Achievements, 1913
MIKHAIL LARIONOV: W h y W e P a i n t O u r s e l v e s :
Futurist Manifesto,
MIKHAIL LARIONOV: R a y o n i s t P a i n t i n g , 1 9 1 3
MIKHAIL LARIONOV: P i c t o r i a l R a y o n i s m ,
OLGA R O Z A N O V A : T h e B a s e s o f t h e N e w C r e a t i o n a n d t h e R e a s o n s
It Is M i s u n d e r s t o o d ,
Suprematist Statements,
I V A N P U N I and
I 12
I 14
IVAN K L Y U N : P r i m i t i v e s o f t h e T w e n t i e t h C e n t u r y , 1 9 1 5
S t a t e m e n t s from t h e C a t a l o g u e of t h e " T e n t h S t a t e E x h i b i t i o n : N o n o b j e c t i v e
Creation a n d Supremati*m," 1919:
VARVARA S T E P A N O V A : C o n c e r n i n g M y G r a p h i c s a t t h e E x h i b i t i o n
VARVARA S T E P A N O V A : N o n o b j e c t i v e C r e a t i o n
IVAN K L Y U N : C o l o r A r t
KAZIMIR MALEVICH: S u p r e m a t i s m
OLGA R O Z A N O V A : E x t r a c t s f r o m A r t i c l e s
E L LISSITZKY: S u p r e m a t i s m i n W o r l d R e c o n s t r u c t i o n ,
KOMFUT: P r o g r a m D e c l a r a t i o n , 1 9 1 9
NIKOLAI P U N I N : C y c l e o f L e c t u r e s [ E x t r a c t s ] , 1 9 1 9
ALEKSANDR B O G D A N O V : T h e P r o l e t a r i a n a n d A r t , 1 9 1 8
ALEKSANDR B O G D A N O V : T h e P a t h s o f P r o l e t a r i a n C r e a t i o n , 1 9 2 0
DAVID SHTERENBERG: O u r T a s k , 1 9 2 0
ANATOLII LUNACHARSKY: R e v o l u t i o n a n d A r t , 1 9 2 0 - 2 2
A N T O N PEVSNER: T h e R e a l i s t i c M a n i f e s t o ,
[Extracts], 1922
The Projectionist Group
The First Working Group of Constructivists
The First Working Organization of Artists
Notes to the Preface
Notes to the Introduction
Notes to the Texts
A: Works Not in Russian
B: Works in Russian
Zolotoe runo [ T h e G o l d e n F l e e c e ] , n o . 1 , 1 9 0 6
P a v e l K u z n e t s o v : The Blue Fountain, 1 9 0 5
N i k o l a i K u l b i n : Portrait of David Burliuk, 1 9 1 3
D a v i d B u r l i u k : Flowers, 1 9 1 0
N i k o l a i K u l b i n : I l l u s t r a t i o n f o r Predstavlenie lyubvi [ P r e s e n t a t i o n
C o v e r of
Love], 1910
Soyuz molodezhi
[ U n i o n of Y o u t h ] , no. 2, 1912
C o v e r o f t h e c a t a l o g u e o f t h e first
" K n a v e of D i a m o n d s "
Neo-primitivism, 1 9 1 3
Still Life in Signboard Style: Wine and Fruit,
Natalya Goncharova,
The Laundry, 1 9 1 2
Apple Trees in Bloom, 1 9 1 2
C o v e r o f A k s e n o v ' s Pikasso i okrestnosti
Natalya Goncharova:
Natalya Goncharova:
Aleksandra Exter:
[Picasso and
Self-Portrait, 1 9 1 1
A l e k s a n d r K u p r i n : Still Life with a Blue Tray, 1 9 1 4
V a s i l i i R o z h d e s t v e n s k y : Still Life with Coffeepot
and Cup,
A r i s t a r k h L e n t u l o v : St. Basil's Cathedral, Red Square, 1 9 1 3
P e t r K o n c h a l o v s k y : Portrait of Georgii Yakulov,
R o b e r t F a l k : Bottles and a Pitcher, 1 9 1 2
Ilya M a s h k o v :
Vladimir Burliuk:
Mikhail Larionov:
cember 1913
P h o t o g r a p h t a k e n at t h e e x h i b i t i o n " o . i o , "
i n
Suprematist Composition,
Kazimir Malevich:
Kazimir Malevich:
C o v e r of Kazimir
tizma, 1916
Painterly A rchitectonics, 1 9 1 7 - 1 8
A l e k s a n d r R o d c h e n k o : Painting, 1 9 1 9
E l L i s s i t z k y : The Constructor, 1 9 2 4
E l L i s s i t z k y : Proun Study, c a . 1 9 2 0
V l a d i m i r L e b e d e v : Apotheosis of the Worker,
N a t a n A l t m a n : Self-Portrait,
N a t a n A l t m a n : Petrokommuna [ P e t r o c o m m u n e ] , 1 9 1 9
C o v e r o f Iskusstvo kommuny [ A r t o f t h e C o m m u n e ] ,
Lyubov Popova:
no. 8, 1919
Tsikl lektsii
[Cycle of
ca. 1918
no. 2, 1923
El Lissitzky:
ca. 1920
Antoine Pevsner:
Vestnik iskusstv [ A r t H e r a l d ] ,
1, 1 9 2 2
G e o r g i i a n d V l a d i m i r S t e n b e r g : P o s t e r a d v e r t i s i n g a " N e g r o O p e r e t t a " in
the second State Circus, 1928
The House
lyudi ezdyat
mashinnykh form
Konstruktsiya arkhitekturnykh i
[The C o n s t r u c t i o n of Architectural a n d
Iskusstvo SSSR [ A r t U . S . S . R . ] , 1 9 2 6
E v g e n i i K a t s m a n : Listening {Members of the Communist Faction from the
Village of Baranovka), 1925
I s a a k B r o d s k y : Lenin Giving a Farewell Speech to Detachments of the
Red Army about to Leave for the Polish Front on May 5, 1920, 1933
C o v e r o f t h e b o o k Izofront
[Visual Arts Front], 1931
C o v e r o f t h e j o u r n a l Krasnaya niva [ R e d F i e l d ] , n o . 1 2 , 1 9 2 8
C o v e r of the b o o k
Defense of Petrograd, 1 9 2 7
Y u r i i P i m e n o v : Give to Heavy Industry,
A l e k s a n d r T y s h l e r : Woman and an Airplane, 1 9 2 6
V l a d i m i r F a v o r s k y : Lenin, 1917-1927, 1 9 2 7
P a v e l F i l o n o v : Self-Portrait,
P a v e l F i l o n o v : Untitled,
A l e k s a n d r G e r a s i m o v : Stalin and Voroshilov in the Kremlin Grounds,
Aleksandr Deineka:
The decade of the 1850s marks a significant turning point in the process
of Russian culture and provides a justifiable date for establishing a division
between what might be called the "classical" and "modern" eras of the
Russian visual arts. Until the middle of the nineteenth century, the Russian
school of easel painting, as opposed to the Moscow and provincial schools
of icon painting, had been centered in St. Petersburg, where the Imperial
Academy of Fine Arts had engendered a neoclassical, idealist movement.
Divorced from the mainsprings of indigenous culture, Russian academism
remained imitative of the models of the Western masters and based its artistic ideal on the technical skill and rigidity of canons inherent in the art of
classical antiquity.
By the early 1850s, however, the academy was beginning to lose its
cohesion and supremacy as a combination of disturbing circumstances gradually made itself felt. It became obvious that ecclesiastical and "salon" art,
for which the academy received and executed commissions, had become
moribund, devoid of inspiration. Students at the academy began to sense the
evident discrepancy between what they were expected to depict and what
they could depictif they turned their attention to contemporary social reality. The advent of a democratic intelligentsia led by Nikolai Chernyshevsky
assisted significantly in the formation of a new artistic consciousness: Chernyshevsky's tract Esteticheskie otnosheniya iskusstva deistvitelnosti [The
Aesthetic Relations of Art to Reality], published in 1855, exerted an immediate and profound influence on certain already dissident artists, such as
Vasilii Perov, who suddenly found their own conceptions clearly mirrored in
such tenets as "that object is beautiful which displays life in itself or reminds us of life." 2
The practical extension of Chernyshevsky's doctrine was the action undertaken by fourteen students of the academy who, in 1863, protested against a
set piece for an annual competition and withdrew from its sphere of influence. Seven years later it was some of this group who formed the nucleus of
the famous Society of Wandering Exhibitions. Championed by the important
critic Vladimir Stasov and later patronized by the collector Pavel Tretyakov,
the Wanderers erected a new artistic code founded not on pure aestheticism,
but on social and political attributes. In this way, thanks particularly to such
impressive painters as Ivan Kramskoi and Vasilii Surikov, the realist movement came to dominate the artistic arena of the 1870s and 1880s.
The Wanderers, although compared sometimes to apparently similar
Western artists such as Courbet and Daumier, were a distinctive group
somewhat isolated from Europe. Indeed, their domination of the progressive
art scene in Russia, together with their own nonchalance toward, or even ignorance of, modern Western European trends, contributed, for example, to
the sudden but anachronistic recognition that French impressionism enjoyed
among Russian artists and collectors in the late 1890s. Conversely, their
isolation contributed to the West's failure to recognize them, although their
formal and stylistic uninventiveness would, in any case, have found little
sympathy with a taste nurtured on the impressionists* unprecedented effects
of light and color.
Because of their close affinities with their social and political environment, the Wanderers must be judged, inevitably, in such a context. One
critic, writing in 1915, was able to sense this in his appraisal of Hya Repin,
perhaps the most famous of the realist Wanderers: "Repin outside Russia is
Talashkino remained dominated by Abramtsevomainly because of Mamontov's more expansive, more forceful personality. Nevertheless, with
both ventures we can perceive the beginning of a rapprochement between
Russian art and industry that would reach its creative zenith in the dynamic
designs and projects of the early and mid-i920s.
In spite of their vital inspiration, the artistic achievements of both colonies, but more especially of Abramtsevo, were often versions of peasant art
adulterated either by an unprecedented mixture of local styles or by elements
of art nouveau that the artists of that age had inevitably assimilated. Such
features were particularly manifest in the theater and opera sets displayed at
performances of Mamontov's private troupe in the 1880s and 1890s in Moscow and other cities. Despite the difference in temperament, despite the fundamentally Muscovite character of Manontov and his colleagues, it was,
however, the St. Petersburg World of Art group that more than any other absorbed and developed this artistic heritage: the innumerable theater sets, costume designs, and indeed the whole decorative, aesthetic production of the
World of Art painters owed much of their stimulus to the stylization, formal
simplification, and bold color scale of the Abramtsevo artists. Witness to
this debt was thefirst issue of Mir iskusstva, which contained a controversial
series of reproductions of Vasnetsov's work. Indeed, Vasnetsov and Vrubel
were but two of a great number of artists whose peasant motifs, bright colors, simplified composition, and pictorial rhythm heralded the marked tendency toward "geometrization," stylization, and retrospective themes that
figured prominently in both the World of Art and the neoprimitivist movement.
Despite the restoration of certain values of traditional art forms that took
place at the instigation of Abramtsevo and Talashkino, the position of easel
painting as such in the 1880s and 1890s had reached a state of prostration
quickened only by the powerful figures of Isaak Levi tan, Repin, and the remarkable Valentin Serov. The exhausted doctrines of both the academy and
the Wanderers created an impasse that bore the fruits only of weak technique
and repetitive theme. Just as forty years before, Russian art had needed,
above all, a thematic and stylistic resuscitation, so now, on the threshold of
the twentieth century, Russian art demanded a new discipline, a new school.
This was provided by the World of Art group, led by Aleksandr Benois and
Diaghilev, through its journal, its exhibitions, and its many general artistic
and critical accomplishments.
Contrary to accepted opinion, however, the World of Art was not an
avant-garde or radical group, and despite their dislike of the realists, such
members as Benois, Lev Bakst, and Konstantin Somov were traditionalists
further the choice of genres that was to be favored by the new Russian
painters at least until 1912.
These salient features of what came to be known as neoprimitivism dominated Russian avant-garde art between 1908 and 1912, the period that witnessed the sudden appearance of "wooden spoons instead of aesthetes'
orchids." 1 3 The recognition and impact of such art forms as the lubok,
signboard painting, and children's drawing had already been witnessed during the 1880s and 1890s as a result of the Abramtsevo and Talashkino activities, but the second wave of interest created a far less stylized; far less aesthetic product. The neoprimitivists, in fact, found in naive art a complex of
devices that had little in common with the basic aesthetic of Western idealist
painting, and these they emphasized often to the detriment of mimetic value.
Their disproportionate concentration on such specific artistic concepts as inverted perspective, flat rendition of figures, distinct vulgarization of form,
outline by color rather than by line, and consequently, the shift in visual
priorities began a process of reduction that one is tempted to relate ultimately to Malevich's White on White (1918).
In a lecture in 1938, the painter Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin summed up this
period of artistic fragmentation: "There was no school. . . . In Moscow,
Zolotoe runo was ending its days in languor . . . the banner raised by
Shchukin began its revolutionary course. Young artists bristled up . . .
became anarchistic, and rejected any teaching." 1 4 The banner raised by
Sergei Shchukinand, one should add, by Ivan Morozovwas a reference
to the two large collections of contemporary Western painting that both men
had accumulated by the mid-1900s.
The effect of canvases by Cezanne, Derain, Gauguin, Matisse, Van
Gogh, etc., on the young Moscow artists was considerable, although not
exclusive. The private showings of these collections undoubtedly influenced
the aims of certain movements within the Russian avant-garde, but there
was, after about 1910, an equally intense reaction against them, notably by
Goncharova and Larionov, who declared their allegiance to indigenous traditionsas Goncharova indicated in her speech on "Cubism" of 1912 (see p.
This dual attitude to the Western masters produced two distinct trends
within the Russian neoprimitivist movement, a phenomenon noticeable especially in the framework of the Knave of Diamonds group. This important
group, convoked by Larionov and Aristarkh Lentulov in 1910, divided
quickly into "Russian" and "French" factions after its first exhibition,
December 1910/January 1911. This inner divergence culminated in the de-
parture of Larionov and his sympathizers and their formation of the Donkey's Tail group later in 1911, while the more academic faction of the
Knave of Diamonds retained the original name and changed the organization
from a mere exhibition platform into a formal society. As such, the Knave
of Diamonds maintained a cohesive, although increasingly eclectic front
until 1918, and since it looked to Paris for inspiration, such highly competent members as Robert Falk, Petr Konchalovsky, Aleksandr Kuprin, Ilya
Mashkov, and Rozhdestvensky were labeled variously as Cezannists and
cubists. Larionov, on the other hand, attempted to base his new conception
of art on indigenous and Eastern stimuli and hence disowned any relationship with Western painting; but in fact, as his futurist and rayonist statements reveal, Larionov was not averse to borrowing certain concepts from
Italian futurism, but they did not form the basic substance of his artistic
tracts. In contrast to the articulate Larionov, the "French" members of the
Knave of Diamonds were comparatively reticent, an attitude paralleled in
their more detached, more measured approach to painting. Although they
did not issue a joint statement of intent, we can accept Ivan Aksenov's critique as their formal apologia and can summarize their artistic credo as the
"deliberate simplification and coarsening of form and the resultant condensation of color and precision of line." 1 5 Under the influence of cubism,
most members of the Knave of Diamonds moved from decorativeness and
polychromy toward a more acute analysis of form and a more architectonic
composition. But however distorted their pictorial interpretations, they never
lost contact with the world of objects and remained at a stage before nonrepresentation. Even at the end of 1914, when French cubist influence was
most pronounced, the critic Yakov Tugendkhold could write of their current
exhibition that the "sense of reality . . . and the gravitation toward the
beautiful flesh of objects has again been found." 1 6 Always opposed to
caprice and debilitating psychological connotations in art, the majority of the
^French" Knave of Diamonds artisbs were among thefirst to accept the, xcalist principles of AKhRRJ Association p i Arti&t^^f ^
, , tKet "^
One of the most "recognizable characteristics of the more derivative canvases of the Knave of Diamonds members is their lack of movement, their
often monolithic heaviness. And it was this in particular that distinguished
them from the "Russian" tendency of neoprimitivism favored by Goncharova, Larionov, et al. The latter artists' evident interest in the dynamic
qualities of the canvastension, rhythm, contrastled them immediately to
the principles of Russian cubofuturism and rayonism. Although Filippo
Marinetti's "Futurist Manifesto" was published in Russia in 1909, and ex-
tracts from similar Italian declarations appeared in the review Soyuz molodezhi [Union of Youth] in 1912, 17 Italian futurism as a whole was interpreted very freely by Russian artists and, while exerting a certain
influence, did not constitute a key element of the Russian avant-garde. Suffice it to say that futurism in Russia came to embrace all extreme movements
in art and literature from neoprimitivism to suprematism. It was because of
this that Larionov managed to include both futurism and rayonism within a
single manifesto. To a limited extent, the Italian and Russian versions of futurism did share one common essential, i.e., the concept of dynamism, of
mechanical aYement,--and it was this in part thafgave 1 mpetusTolffifex ~
treme leftist painters, who quickly condemned the Knave of Diamonds as an
academic flower. Futurism and rayonism, however diverse, reflected the
new reality of urban civilization, of men dependent on machines: such
famous canvases as Goncharova's Cats (1912), Larionov's Glass (1912-13),
and Malevich's Knife Grinder (1912) are linked closely to the concepts of
speed, light, and energy.
It is a curious paradox, however, that both Larionov and Malevich could
have reacted against their own dynamic, industrial conceptions of art and
subsequently have imbued rayonism and suprematism with spiritual, astral
qualities. In a letter to Alfred Barr in 1930, for example, Larionov could
describe rayonism in terms rather different from those in his "Rayonist
Painting" (see pp. 91 ff.): "Ultimately, rayonism admits of the possibility
of a definition and a physical measurement of love, ecstasy, talentthose
spiritual qualities of the lyrical and epic state. . . ." 1 8 It was this marked
tendency toward an intuitive, theosophical fourth dimension (and not toward
a Western, temporal one), this "painting of the soul" 1 9 that formed the
genuine and original contribution to the international cubofuturist and abstract movements.
As the old traditions collapsed, numerous groups arose, for the most part
intensifying the process of disintegration, while, inevitably, not always advancing valuable replacements. Such a criticism might be leveled at some of
David Burliuk's theoretical and practical endeavors, which were often the
product of unbridled enthusiasm rather than of systematic thinking. But
Burliuk's saving grace was his elemental vitality and unflinching organizational support of progressive art. Even after the Revolution, on his emigratory journey to Japan and the United States, he found time to contribute to
exhibitions and discussions of the new art in central and eastern Siberia.20
Sensitive critics such as Benois tended to dismiss his work outright and even
invented the verb burliukat, with its derogatory meaning of "to fool
around." The verb was applied to many artists of the time who took advan-
Tatlin, and the painter and critic Markov. Organizing the "Donkey's Tail"
exhibition in direct opposition to the second "Knave of Diamonds" exhibition, which had just closed, Larionov voiced his disdain forcefully: "My
is not tn nqpfinn the new art, because aftgiUhat it would cease to be
new, but as far as possible to try to move it forward, After organizing the
"Knave of Diamonds two years ago . . . I did not realize that under that
name would arise such a popularization of works that have nothing in common either with the new art or with the old. . . ." 2 3 The second exhibition, the "Target," was more precise in its ideological proclamatTon~ancI, in
v 1 s u 137 at ted a sTfreTtfsT^
jKeoVarrtft ^ldtter-wa
Larionov ' s Hayorust ISausage and Mackerel (1912), but also in its abstract
development, e.g., Goncharova^s
?erception-4&lue and Brown
(T913). a
CSnonW staged the exhibition "No. 4," which, although subtitled "Exhibition of Futurist, Rayonist, and Primitivist Pictures," was primarily a display
of rayonist and so-called pneumorayonist works. Larionov's preface to the
catalogue underlined the contemporaneous orientation toward painting for
painting's sake, even though most of the exhibits were still representational
or at least thematic: " 'Exhibition No. 4' is the fourth in the cycle of exhibitions organized by a group of artists who have nothing in common except
youth, a forward striving, the solution of mainly painterly problems, and a
uniform mood of feeling and thought. . . ." 2 4 Apart from the "electric"
and rayonist pictures by Larionov and Goncharovasome of which, significantly, were called ' 'constructions" \postroeniya]the ferroconcrete poems
of Vasilii Kamensky and ShevcRenko s essays in dynamism exemplified the
fundamentals of cubofuturism.
Rayonism was again represented by Goncharova and Larionov during
their reappearance in Moscow at the grand "Exhibition of Painting. 1915"
in March of that year. 25 However, their efforts were overshadowed by other,
more audacious contributions, and the whole exhibition proved to be a sensational scandal: "the Burliuks hung up a pair of trousers and stuck a bottle
to them; . . . Mayakovsky exhibited a top hat that he had cut in two and
nailed two gloves next to it. . . . Kamensky asked the juiy persuasively to
let him exhibit a live mouse in a mousetrap. . . ." 2 6 Such diverse artists as
Natan Altman, Chagall, and Kandinsky added to the pictorial kaleidoscope;
but perhaps the most original and valuable contribution was by Tatlin, an
artist who, together with Malevich, would exert a profound influence on the
remaining phases of the avant-garde movement. It was evident from Tatlin's
exhibits, one of which consisted of a "leg knocked off a table, a sheet of
iron, and a broken glass jug," 2 7 that he was concerned with constructing a
work of art by combining and contrasting the intrinsic properties of various
materials. This move away from the surface of the canvas to a three-dupensjor^jconcejgtion had, of course, alreadyTed~Tatlin to the creation of his
reliefs and counterreliefs; two of his painterly reliefs were presented at the
parallel exhibition "Tramway V," organized by Ivan Puni in Petrograd.
The year 1913, therefore, pinpointed two distinct |efl<jpncies within the
avant-garde movement: one toward volume, the other toward plane. Tatlin
and Malevich emerged as the respective leaders of these two fundamental
but contradictory concepts.
Although Malevich was represented at the "Exhibition of Painting.
1915," it is not known precisely which works he showed because his contributions were not detailed either in the catalogue or in the reviews. It is
doubtful that he sent examples of suprematism since at the concurrent "Tramway V" his canvases, such as Portrait of M. V. Matyushin
(1913) and Englishman in Moscow (1913-14), were still representational.
Although in his writings Malevich dated his formulation of suprematism in
1913, we do not have concrete evidence in the form of exhibition catalogues
and contemporaneous descriptions that would corroborate this assertion. On
the other hand, it is entirely possible that by 1914 Malevich was already
thinking in terms of the "new painterly realism," since his paintings and
graphics of the time had definite alogical, abstract elements. In any case, the
idea of art as something beyond representational value was, of course, not
new and had been propounded by Kandinsky, Markov, and Rozanova at
least as early as 1913; undoubtedly Malevich relied on certain of their ideas,
particularly those of Markov, and expanded them into his theory of suprematism, which saw its written and visual propagation at the very end of
1915. At the exhibition "0.10," organized by Puni (December 1915/January 1916), suprematist compositions occupied the center of attention, and
their effect was augmented both by collective manifestoes (see pp. n o ff.)
and by a collective picture painted by Kseniya Boguslavskaya, Ivan Klyun,
Malevich, Mikhail Menkov, and Puni, presumably according to suprematist
principles. In addition, Malevich accompanied his own contribution by an
independent declaration in the catalogue: "In naming certain pictures, I do
not wish to show that I have regarded real forms as heaps of formless painterly masses out of which a painterly picture was created having nothing
common with the model." 2 8 It should, however, be noted that although
many of the contributions were exercises in combinations of purely painterly
elements, the word "suprematist" did not accompany any of them.
The "0.10" exhibition was memorable for publicizing a second innova-
Lenin; their numbers were swelled, albeit briefly, by the return of colleagues
from abroadChagall, Kandinsky, Naum Gabo, Anton Pevsner, David
Shterenberg, et al. Such favorable circumstances enabled many of the avantgarde artists to take up positions of administrative and pedagogical authority
within the new cultural hierarchy, and consequently, the leftist dictatorship
in art became a definite, although ephemeral, reality. Specifically, the Utopian ideas of this leftist dictatorship were disseminated both on a theoretical
and on a practical level in three essential ways: through state exhibitions and
state acquisition of leftist works, through infiltration into the reorganized art
schools, and through the establishment of highly progressive research programs within various influential institutions. But because of this broad artistic tolerance, many divisions and conflicts concerning the direction and
function of art arose among the leftists themselves. Some, like Altman,
believed that Communist futurism [Komfut] was the only doctrine that could
successfully transform all the ideological, creatiy*_~aod organizational
aspects of art. Others, like Rozanova, a member 6f.Proltikuj^(the proletarian culture organization, led by Aleksandr Bogdanov), believed that only the
proletariat (i.e., not the peasantry) could create a proletarian art and that
much of Russia's cultural inheritance could be ignored. Of all the major art
organizations, in fact, Proletkult was the only one that managed to maintain
a degree of independence, perhaps because it had been established as a formal entity as early as February 1917and this position worried Lenin considerably. By 1919 Proletkult had a substantial sphere of influence, operating its own studios in all the main urban centers, and its emphasis on
industry allied it immediately with the emergent constructivist groups. Consequently, its formal annexation to Narkompros in 1922 and the automatic
restriction of its activities was a political move that presaged the increasing
government interference in art affairs during the mid- and late 1920s. 31
Through the Visual Arts Section [IZO] of Narkompros,32 the now "official" artists embarked on an ambitious program of reconstruction. In 1918,
under the auspices of Tatlin in Moscow and Shterenberg (general head of
IZO) in Petrograd, the Moscow Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture and the Stroganov Art School were integrated to form the Free State
Art Studios [Svomaslater Vkhutemas/Vkhutein], 33 and the St. Petersburg
Academy was abolished and replaced by the Petrograd State Free Art Educational Studios [Pegoskhumalater Svomas, and then the academy again 3 4 ] .
Such studios provided a further dynamic impulse to the development of
avant-garde art mainly because of their initially flexible structure and because of their radical teaching faculty: Klyun, Malevich, Rodchenko, Shevchenko, and Udaltsova were among those who worked at Svomas/Vkhu-
tic Sciences was being projected, in fact, that Kandinsky reworked his plan
for Inkhuk and presented it in abbreviated form as a proposal for the program of the Physicopsychological Department within the academy (see pp.
196 ff.).
Equally innovative activities were being pursued by the Petrograd affiliation of Inkhuk, called IKhK, which arose in 1922 as an extension of the Museum of Painterly Culture. IKhK was divided into four sections: Painterly
Culture, headed by Malevich; Organic Culture, headed by Matyushin; Material Culture, headed initially by Tatlin; and General Ideology, headed by
Punin. Within their sections, Malevich and Tatlin devoted much time to the
study of "new forms for the new life and for art industry," while Matyushin's experiments remained purely in the laboratory realm, oriented to
such specific problems as "color fields" and "space and its significance for
aesthetic value." 3 9 Although IKhK was smaller than its Moscow counterpart, it contained the most promising of Malevich's students, who had followed him from Vitebsk, as well as Matyushin's very gifted assistants, led
by Boris and Mariya Ender. Despite constant criticism, IKhK, like Inkhuk,
managed to take a very active part in artistic affairs: it organized the large
exhibition "Union of New Trends in Art" in 1922 and staged Velimir
Khlebnikov's Zangezi, with sets by Tatlin, in 1923. IKhK was closed in
1927, and byi929 naa also ceasedto function.
Despite the enthusiasm and intense activity peculiar to the Revolutionary
period, comparatively little "pure art" was created between 1918 and 1920.
This was due, in the main, to the deliberate orientation of artjjetir p.n^gips
toward the so-called mass activities involving street decoration, designs for
mass dramatizations, and agit-transport, to the economic and material uncertainty of the country (Tatlin, for example, experienced great difficulty in acquiring aluminum and plaster),40 and to the underlying theoretical obscurity
of the role of art in a socialist framework. Such reasons accounted for the
large proportion of pre-Revolutionary works submitted to the sequence of
state exhibitions of 1918-21 and to the famous Berlin exhibition of 1922;
they accounted also for the temporary cessation of written manifestoes concerned with easel art. At the same time, many of the articles and proclamations that appeared in such journals as Iskusstvo kommuny [Art of the Commune] and Izobrazitelnoe iskusstvo [Visual Art] were rhetorical and florid,
but deficient in practicable ideas. In any case, since politics had become
suddenly an integral part of the artist's world view, his statements of the
Revolutionary period were often correspondingly tendentious and extrinsic,
and not until about 1922 do we once more find mamfes toes _ concerned
specifically with'the aesffietics of artr It was then that a second, but weaker,
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corated streets and squares. Prominent members of Obmokhu were Konstantin Medunetsky and the Stenberg brothers, Georgii and Vladimir, whose
achievements were shown at the four exhibitions between 1919 and 1923;
Rodchenko also joined the society in 1921. It was amid the ranks of Obmokhu that dissatisfaction with the eclectic policy of Narkompros was first
voiced, for its members saw the grandiose Narkompros exhibitions, culminating in the Berlin showing of 1922, as a sure sign of artistic drift and
debility. The reaction r>f fh*> Ohmr^ artists was to advance constructivism
3s the guideline of Mxnali.a..arkan-endcayor in which thev were assisted by
the propaganda resources of Lef [Levyi front iskusstvLeft Front^of the
A r t s l f T K e l ^ e ^ ^ e r g " $ h o became famous for their movie posters,
and Medunetsky contributed as a constructivist group to the "First Discussional Exhibition of Associations of Active Revolutionary Art" in 1924 (see
pp. 237 ff.), there confronting the ebullient Aleksei Gan and his rival group
of constructivists.
However rhetorical Gan's formulation and apologia of constructivism
published in 1922, the movement emerged-ri^ly jftfr "antiarr " condemning
art as the individualistic manifestation of a bourgeois consciousness and as
alien to a collective society. The initial consequence for the early constructivists, Medunetsky and Rodchenko among them, had been to construct articles of "modern" materials such as aluminum, steel, and glass according
to the precise laws of mechanics. Essentially, such compositions were as abstract and as "artistic" as the pre-Revolutionary achievements of Tatlin, and
the constructivists were, in turn, accused of bourgeois tendencies. Soon,
however, under pressure from Proletkult and Inkhuk, the ideas of constructivism came to be applied to technological design, a move that Tatlin foreshadowed, of course, in his Tower or Monument for the Third International
of 1919-20; hence, in direct contrast to the purist pre-Revolutionary movements and, of course, to Gabo and Pevsner's arguments, constructivism
became utilitarian. The immediate result of this revision was the dynamic
development"orarchitectural and mechanical projects, such as Grigorii Barkhin's Izvestiya building (1927), Yakov Chernikhov's industrial complexes
(late I920s-early 1930s), and on a rather different level, Malevich's experimental constructions, the so-called arkhitektony and planity. To a considerable extent, constructivist concepts were incorporated into designs for textiles (Exter, Popova, Stepanova), the theater (Exter, Popova, Aleksandr
Vesnin), and typography (Rodchenko, Lissitzky).
What is often forgotten in this context is that not only artists but also art
critics were affected by the trend toward constructivism. Punin's cycle of
lectures, delivered in 1919, demonstrated his belief in the need to discover
the constant, rational laws of art so that art criticism, like constructivism,
would become a science and leave behind its intuitive, literary principles.
As Tugendkhold wrote in 1926: "The fundamental methodological aspiration of Marxist art criticism is the affirmation of a scientific approach to
art." 4 5
While in general, the most radical artists turned their attention tp productional design and concentrated on this throughout the 1920s, some still concerned themselves with easel painting but began to reverse the trend from
futurist to realist representations. This change in artistic thinking was inspired partly by the founding of several groups of easel artists in the early
1920s. One of these was NOZh [Novoe obshchestvo zhivopistsevNew Society of Painters], a group of former pupils of Exter, Malevich, and Tatlin
who were quick to respond to the new mass taste, as they indicated in their
declaration at their first exhibition in 1922: "We, former leftists in art, were
the first to feel the utter rootlessness of further analytical and scholastic aberrations. . . . We have not taken the road tramped by the theory of constructivism, for constructivism, in proclaiming the death of art, conceives
man as an automaton. . . . We want to create realistic works of
art. . . ." 4 6 The force of such a declaration, diametrically opposed to
statements of the preceding decade, stimulated the rapid development of
similar organizations, especially AKhRR. The re-establishment of more conventional artistic values, reflected also in the resurrection of pre-Revolutionary associations such as the World of Art and the Union of Russian Artists, was strengthened by the declaration and creative output of AKhRR
demonstrated at itsfirst official exhibition in June/July 1922. And it was the
1922 manifesto of AKhRR that, with certain modifications, came to serve as
the springboard for the formal advocacy of socialist realism in the early
Although the AKhRR credo was the most influential and far-reaching
within the context of Russian art in the 1920s and thereafter, it did not, at
least initially, liquidate other artistic developments. With the establishment
of NEP [New Economic Policy] in 1921, the private art market was reopened and was soon flourishing. As a direct result, the new bourgeois patron stimulated the development of a peculiar and highly interesting visual
compromise between nonrepresentation and representation. This was noticeable within the framework of the short-lived Makovets society, formed
in 1922, though the symbolic, apocalyptic visions of its greatest member,
Vasilii Chekrygin, have yet to be "discovered." 4 7 A more subjective conception of reality was favored also by the members of OST [Society of Easel
Artists], such as Aleksandr Deineka and Aleksandr Tyshler, who at times
supported an almost expressionist presentation. Four Arts, too, was concerned more with questions of form than with revolutionary, thematic content, as their provocative manifesto indicated (see p. 281). But none approached the stature and breadth of imagination possessed by Filonov, who
throughout the 1920s continued to paint his fragmented, tormented interpretations of the proletarian city and other themes.
After 1925 increased attention was paid to the "realist" values of an artist's work, and nonrealist exhibitions, if staged at all, were reviewed harshly
and accused of ideological alienation.48 Experimental design in typography
and film supported by the October group also came to be seen as asocial
and, accordingly, was censured as "formalist"a term that came to be
applied indiscriminately to all art lacking in overt sociopolitical value, from
expressionism to suprematism. But although the resolution of 1932 deprived the unorthodox artist of material and spiritual support (Filonov, for
example, was represented at no official art exhibitions between 1933 and
1941), individual artists managed still to uphold the principles of their
own convictions: Tatlin returned to painting with original and valuable results; Filonov and some of his students continued to concentrate on every
formal detail of the canvas; Altman, Klyun, Shevchenko, Shterenberg, and
others never abandoned completely their essential artistic ideals.
The formal proclamation of socialist realism at the First Ail-Union
Writers' Conference in 1934 established the direction that Soviet art and literature were to follow for at least the next twenty years. Socialist-realist art
with its depiction of society in its revolutionary, technological development
was immediately intelligible and meaningful to the public at large, so forming a truly mass art. However autocratic and severe Stalin's measures in the
early 1930s and however uniform their results, they did provide a sense of
direction and a definite artistic style to artists perplexed by the many conflicting ideas of the preceding thirty years and conscious of an aesthetic impasse. In 1902, at the beginning of the avant-garde period, Benois had written: "Historical necessity . . . requires that an age that would absorb man's
individuality in the name of public benefit. . . would again come to replace
the refined epicureanism of our time, the extreme refinement of man's individuality, his effeminacy, morbidity, and solitude." 4 9 Ironically, but inevitably, Benois's prophecy was proved by the advent of the monumental, synthetic style of the Stalin era.
to our future flowering, a kind of veiled presentiment that we will still utter
the great word within us.
Preface to
The Golden Fleece, 1906
Pseudonym: N. Shinsky. Bom Moscow. 1876: died Cote d'Azur, 1951. Member of
a rfpb -"' him1p"p f nm 4v pla^bo^iof extravagant tastes; provided funds
for the Golden Fleece journal, of which he was editor; sponsored the "Blue Rose"
and "Golden Fleece" exhibitions; patron and friend of many of the early avant-garde
artists and a painter and poet in his own right; 1918: emigrated to Paris, where he
lived as an antique dealer.
The text of this piece appeared, untitled, in ZnJnfne runo [The Golden Fleecel, Moscow, January 1906. no. _u-p.r 4 fbibl. 99, R45]. The Golden Fleece was named after
the Greek legend and also in opposition to the Argonauts, another Moscow symbolist
group led by the writer Andrei Bely. Ryabushinsky was editor-in-chief of Zolotoe
runo, and he contributed occasional articles. This unsigned preface was probably by
him; it was printed in gold both in Russian and in French, but this practice of inserting parallel translations ceased in 1908. The journal, the most luxurious of all the
Russian symbolist reviews, appeared regularly between 1906 and 1909, although the
last two issues for 1909 (no. 10 and no. 11/12) did not appear until January and April
1910, respectively, because of financial problems.
This prgfW appearing just after the civil disorders erf 1905 j>nd the disastrous
Russo-Japanese War, expressed the general wish to esc3testireiproblems qf social
ATifl political
witft ^bP cuj^iL|Diritualism thaf f^ gfl to corrode.
Moscow's intellectual salons. Such terms as ^'whoL^^^Fnree impulse'' jfreifagftty
tb** tenecian cymhr.Hct aesthetic, especially
o^^Sff^Jnf gvmhnli^ ^rit^rs and artifitT In this respect, Zolotoe runo d u n n ^ ^ o o
W W ^ ^ P R e E f a s the doctrinal platform for the Blue Rose artists, led by Pavel Kuznetsov, and this preface was in keeping with their essential ideas. [For details on the
formation of the Blue Rose and its relationship to Zolotoe runo see bibl. 87.]
by tireless search; we believe that we must preserve for them thjfflEternaj ^valU^s Jorged bv many generations. And in the name of this j ^ y ^ p C C c o m e
we, the seekers of the Golden Fleece, unfurl our banner: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Art isfeterna) for it is founded on the intransient, on that which cannot be
""""" "
Art is(fchffte L)for its single source is the(soulL)
is symbolic for it bears within it the symbol, the reflection of theater naljin the temporal.
Art is free for it is created by the free impulse of creation.
The complete text of this piece, "Golos Impressionistav zashchitu zhivopisi," appeared with the catalogue to the "Link" exhibition, organized by David Burliuk in
Kiev, November 2-30, 1908 [see bibl. R249 and also bibl. 58, pp. 285-87 for
French translation of the catalogue list]. Part of the text was reprinted in the journal
V mire iskusstv [In the World of Arts] (Kiev), no. 14/15, 1908, p. 20 [bibl. R43] and
in the newspaper Kievlyanin [The Kievan], no. 332, 1908; this translation is made
from these sources. The "Link," thg-first ipftict pxhihitinn staged by David Burliuk,
included contributions by Aleksandr Bogomazov, Aleksandra Exter, Natalya -Qorv^
^gharovev and Mikhail Larionov.
The importance of Burliuk's text lies in its abrupt dismissal of conventional artistic
norms, especially in the form espoused by the Wanderers, and in its enthusiastic support of the Blue Rose artists. Indicative of Burliuk's tendency to judge rashly and unreasonably is his condemnation of Mikhail Vrubel, an artist who exerted a definite
influence on the Blue Rose and Golden Fleece artists. The Russian impressionists
Burliuk has in mind are such painters as Exter, Goncharova, Larionov, Aristarkh
Lentulov (also at the "Link"), and of course, himselfall of whom were still under
the distinct influence of thg French postimpressionists. At this time there was a group
of so-called Moscow impressionists, which included the painters Igor Grabar and
Konstantin Korovin, but Burliuk was hardly referring to these artists since by then he
considered them academic and nntmnripH Rarlier in <^ Nikolai Kulbin had
founded a group called the Impressionists ^see p. 12), but it had nothing to do with
The Trench movement of the same name; Burliuk contributed to its first exhibition,
i.e., Sovremennye techeniya v iskusstve [Contemporary Trends in Art], in St. Petersburg in May 1908, and it is probable that he was thinking of it here. The grammatical mistakes and semantic obscurities are typical of Burliuk's literary style.
The works of genius and mediocritythe latter are justified because they
have historic interest.
The painting of those who have long since decayed (who they were is
forgotten, a riddle, a mystery)how you upset the nineteenth century. Until
the 1830s, the age of Catherine was enticing, alluring, and delightful: precise and classical.
Savage vulgarization. The horrors of the Wanderersgeneral deteriorationthe vanishing aristocratic orderhooligans of the palette a la Makovsky 1 and Aivazovsky, 2 etc.
Slow development, new idealspassions and terrible mistakes!
Sincejhg first exhibition of the World of Art, in 1899, there has beenja..
new era. Aiti g t g ln oK
fresh wind.blows away Repin's
chaffy spirit, the bast shoe of the Wanderers loses its apparent strength. But
it's not Serov, not Levitan, not Vrubel's 3 vain attempts at genius, not the
literary Diaghilevans, but the Blue Rose, those who have grouped around
The Golden Flee ce and later the Russian imptv^jpnist^ niirhireH on Western
mCSels, those who trembled at the sight of Gauguin, Van Gogh, Cezanne _
(the synthesis of French trends in painting)these are the hopes for the
rebirth of Russian painting. . . .
canVaSfesio^Contemporary Trends, the peasant primitive Petr Kovalenko ( d i s covered" by David Burliuk) contributed five canvases to the "Wreath" subsection at
the "Triangle," where Kulbin himself was represented by several intuitive works
bearing such intriguing titles as Blue on White and White on Green.
The present text echoes the jntuitive, symbolist tone of Kulbin's Impressionistjgrojup
(not to be confused w i t h t h e r r e n c l i orKloscow rmpressmriists) and of some
" e ^ t e & ^ t h e Unigjkpf,Yputh^one.that.caa,jjfijMraaaffidJnifa^art.
R f > w
-Ea^el^Filonp.Y^Alarkfty^ Rozanova,_ and
publication, Kulbin had delivered the text as alecture to tn^Society^ffeoDle's Universities in St.
Petersburg in 1908, and on February 12, igi2, hegavea"Stmrtartalk under the title
"The--New Art -aS"The Basis of Life" at a debate organized by the Knave of Diamonds [see pp. 69-70 and 77-78]. Part of the text is reprinted in bibl. R14, pp. 15-22.
I Harmony and dissonance are the basic phenomena of the universe. They,
are universal and are common to the whole of nature. They are the basis of
Life is conditioned by the play of the mutual relationships between harmony and dissonance and by their struggle.
The life of nature, the common life of the House of God,\ is the life of
.great harmonvT of beauty, of Him.
Complete harmony is Nirvana, and the weary I aspires toward it.
Complete harmony is death. . . .
In music, the plastic arts, and literature, concord calms the spectator, but
discord excites him.
From my own researches I am convinced that it is possible to determine.
concords and discords in the spectrum, in thescales of colors, just as; in
musical scales.
In view of this, I have drawn attention to the very special significance that
combinations of adjacent colors in the spectrum and combinations of adjacent sounds in scales have for life and art. By scales I mean those with
small intervals. . . .
At this point I may mention that by means of these phenomena that I call
"close combinations" 1 and the processes of these close combinations, it is
possible totdepict all kinds of pictures of nature and of subjective experiences in p^nUnjg, ^
other branches of art.*
nf iin M t e t t g M i f c
* Incidentally, from my own experience I advise painters to depict light with the help of discords. The results
are convincing.2
We, cells of the body of the living Earth, fulfill her desires, but not all of
us hear her voice.
It is difficult, very difficult, to read spontaneously the hieroglyphics of life
and of the structure of the crystal, the flower, and the beautiful animaT
Not everyone has the gift of reading the rudiments of the art created by
the most beautiful of animals^rimitive man and our childrenalthough it
is simpler.
There are few loving hearts capable of reading artistic ideas in the great
works of bygone art. While contrasting the old artists with the new, the mob
is still deaf to the ideas of the old artists. Those who love, think, and
desiresuch are the flower of the Earth. They desire poetry and hear it in
the Good Book and in the thoughts oLXeonardo da^inci. Shakespeare
Goethe, and other literati great and small: these are the reajj^jgj^rf^t^
Thic tbgftjy r.f arfktir ^fgatinn the key to happiness ^^^
jtingss^It is the philosopher's stone, the magic wand that turns life into a
. Jt_isj)oetry^
This poetry represents
Knowledge of them inspires
the mood of art, sharpens vision.
He who knows these principles sees poetry in works of sincerity depicted
iyLayTartistpersecuted_an3, wcorrier; work<T abouTwhich
the ignorant say: "Rubbish, daubing!"
Roger Bacon asksT^which is better, to be able to draw an absolutely
straight line by hand or to invent a ruler with the help of which anyone can
draw a straight line?
their own particular guidelines; he reads, converses about art, and thirstily
'imbibes the juice of the fruits of art, throwing away the peel and the mold.
* In his own creations Giotto puts into practice artistic truth, the truth of art.
f^)The eagle's wings function not irregularly but by strict laws that represent
the theory of eagles.
Isf This~isthejfieory of artistic creation. It is essential both for talent and for
iV Tolstoi is the sun. But in his erudition disregards the sciences of Mephistofeles. And so, to the surprise of many, there are spots on the sun.
Chekhov to a lesser extent, but he studied the sciences of life. A doctor's
knowledge 3 not only did not hinder him from creating, but also lent his
creation an extraordinary force, a humaneness almost evangelical.
Ruisdael manifested artistic ability at fourteen years of age, but he first
became a doctor and only later a painter; this helped him to establish a great
new sphere of paintingthe landscape.
The theory of artistic creation has taught man how to compose a poem, to
discover colors, and to discover living harmony. This theory is inherent in
pictures themselves and in discourses about pictures. . . .
I. Theory
/^go/offji^ Symboljof the universe. Delighj^ Beauty^fond googULove isj^aa^
ityrPr^esshsflrea ^
is the myth and
the g^mbcKlSeeaom. Fsirugpe of Titans^tt)lvmpiis." "
HercWcST'Painting and servitude.
A single artof | the word, mupic, and the plastic arts.
Creation. Thought is the word. Feeling. Will. Individuality. Child. Artist.
Talent.. Temperament. Sensation. Contrast. Dynamic principle in
Red. Mood. The sounds of colors. The colors of the word. The
colors of sounds. Scales. Ornament.
Yelloyv. The plastic arts. Free creation. Illusion and form. The
npsychol^YlKHppi^inn Mutual creation of artist and spectator.
Cognition. Sight and blindness. Therosychologyjpf^ the spectator. Sympathetic experience. Criticism.
Supplements. The life of the artist, of the picture, and of the spectator.
January 1 Q 11 J bibl-. R133, pp. 14-16]. Apart from the list of exhibitors [French
translation in bibl. 58, pp. 309-13] and this text, the catalogue included articles by
Izdebsky, Nikolai Kulbin |bibi. R225], a certain " D r . phi!. A. Grinbaum, Odessa"
(perhaps the philosopher Anton Griinbaum), a discourse on "Harmony in Painting
and Music" by Henri Rovel, a long poem by Leonid Grossman (later to achieve
fame as a literary critic), and Kandinsky's translation of Arnold Schoenberg's "Parallels in Octaves and Fifths .* 4 With such a synthetic composition and. moreover,
with a cover designed after a Kandinsky woodcut, this catalogue might well have
formed the prototype for Der Blaue Reiter almanac itself. Although most contemporary trends in Russian painting were represented at the exhibitionfrom neoprimitivism (David and Vladimir Burliuk, Mikhail Larionov, Vladimir Tatlin, etc.) to
symbolism (Petr Utkin), from the St. Petersburg Impressionists (Kulbin) to the
World of Art (Mstislav Dobuzhinsky)the Munich artists (Jawlensky, Kandinsky,
Gabriele Miinter, Marianne von Werefkin) constituted a very impressive and compact group. Indeed, the German contribution both to the exhibition and to the catalogue was indicative of Izdebsky's own interest in Kandinsky (he intended, for ex-
ample, to publish a monograph on him in 1911; see bibl. 97, pp. 186-89) and,
generally, in the Neue Kunstlervereiningung.
Kandinsky's text shares certain affinities with his article "Kuda idet 'novoe* iskusst^.
Jvo^f Where the " N e w " Art Is Going; bibT.~RT^I,~ which w a r p ^ n ^ K e ^ a f e w
week $later (also in Odessa) and in which he wenrso f ^ ^ ' t p ' ^ k i r i ^
orcontent is unartistic and hostile to art. . . . P^inting as s u c j i ^ i j s J ^ ^ j y ^ i ^
' affects tKe"soul by means of its primordial resources: by paint (1)7^
, the distribution of planes and lines, their Interfelation (movement).^" . ? ' Of j
course, both this article and the text below constfotedflffiview^afkaml^^
j f t ^ g / r f c j ^ ^ ^ ^ j y h i c h was given as a lecture by K u j p u ^ n ^ a n d i r a ^ y W f f l ^ r
tn^raff iussu^^onventioii of Artists in St. ^'; nnJQecgmber 2 9 41.
'1911 [see bibl. K222]. The present text reflects both Kandinsky's {^
i n t e ^ i ^ j y ^ ^ j L g ^ a n d his quest f o r ^ j g ^ c s j ^ n U i e s i s ^ attitudes that were ldenunaT
ble with a number of Russian artists and critics at this time, not least ^Kulbin, Aleksandr Skryabin, and of course, t h ^ s y ^ ^ ] ) ^ , Kandinsky's attempts to chart thg,
- 'artist's f mptionfll vibratiofl'' arn^ to think in comparative terms were still very evi-^
dent in his programs for the Moscow Inkhuk and for the Russian Academy of Artistic
Sciences (see pp. 196-98). Part of the text is reprinted in bibl. 45, pp. 281-82.
In art, form is invariably determined by content. And only that form is the
right one which serves as the corresponding expression and materialization
of its content. Any accessory considerations, among them the primary one
namely, the correspondence of form to so-called nature, i.e., outer nature
are insubstantial and pernicious, because they distract attention from the
single task of art: the embodiment of its content. Form is the material
expression of obstruct content\_Hence the quality of an artistic work can be
appreciated in toto only by its author: content demands immediate embodiment, and the author alone is permitted to see whether the form that he has
found corresponds to the content, and if so, to what extent. The greater or
( I n a t u m l O ^ J
j j i t i i M i M
Ff 17?11
V o v o j C\
/ q D l t ^ j f ^ f j
* *^^chiUwcgOmrt^luSEie,
The Principles
of the New Art, 1912
Pseudonym of Waldemars Matvejs. Born Riga, 1877; died St. Petersburg, 1914.
Studied under Yan Tsionglinsky (who was also the tutor of the poet and painter
Elena Guro and of Mikhail Matyushin); traveled widely in Western Europe;
1906-1907: edited Vystavochnyi vestnik [Exhibition Messenger], St. Petersburg;
jjjoK^_cpntrilflitejj jo the "Link" ^^-^-and after; .close tp the ynion of
Youth, contributing to its first exhibition and editing its first and second bpoklq|s
[bibl. R237]; especially interested in the art of China; 191 ; contributedjto the
The text of this piece, "Printsipy novogo iskusstva," is from the^ firs t and second
issues of Soyuz molodezhi [Union of Youth] (St. Petersburg).^April and June_i9i2 ?
pp. 5 - 1 4 and 5 - 1 8 respectivelyTbiBmt237], As a complement to Markov's text,
both booklets carried Russian translations of Chinese poetry rendered by Markov's
friend Vyacheslav Egorev (who, together with Markov, compiled a book of Chinese
verse [see bibl. R235]); moreover, the first issue contained reproductions of Oriental
art and an essay on Persian art, and the second issue carried a Persian miniature on
its cover. On a different level, although of direct relevance to Markov's interests,
was the inclusion in the second issue of Henri Le Fauconnier's statement, in the catalogue of the second Neue Kiinstlervereinigung exhTBffion (Munich, 1910) in Russian
translation. This, in fact, pointed to the close connections maintained between St.
Petersburg and Munich: Nikolai Kulbin and Markov, for example, had been represented at Vladimir Izdebsky's second Salon, Kulbin had read Kandinsky's On the
Spirit ual in Art in St. Petersburg in 1911 [see p. 19], and Eduard Spandikov (a
founder of the Union of Youth) Had translated Worringer's Abstraktion und Einfuhh^o [Ahwar iinn and fafjipgthv]. which the Union inten3ed to pubiish^peff advertisement in no. 1, p. 24].
Markov's essay, in fact, while touching on the idea of construction in Occidental and
Oriental art, reached conclusions quite contrary to those of Worringer and attempted
to establish the aesthetic value of primitive and Eastern art, where Worringer saw
little or none at all.."Intuition" and "fortuitousness" were key words of Markov's
vocabulary and indicated his proximity to Kulbin, Olga Rozanova, and even Ya&iljL
Kandinsky, the more so since Markov was both a painter and a critic. His terminology and metaphors, e.g., "boundless horizons," recall the style of Kazimir Malevich, who undoubtedly was familiar with Markov's writings. Markov's recognitior
or primitive and " n o n o b s t r u c t i v e " art was apparent in his other writings, particularly in his book on Negro art [bibl. R234J published posthumously.
Markov's own art reflected a highly individualistic and apocalyptic vision, as indicated by such titles as Go^go^A^(at^^fffs ^ ^ono^ Youth* 4 exhibition^lSornmg
of Life (at Izdebsky's second Salon), and Spiritual Point of View (at the "Donkey's
Tail"). In the history of modern Russian art, Markov's link with the Baltic countries
is not an isolated case. The painter and musician Mjkalojaus &urlionis, who
achieved a certain reputation in St. Petersburg in the late 1900s, had been a native of
Lithuania, and in the general context of the Union of Youth, many ties were established with Riga and Vilnius: not only were the Union of Youth members Markov
and Vasilii Masyutin natives of Riga, but also Kulbin's "Impressionist" exhibition
traveled from St. Petersburg to Vilnius in late 1909, Izdebsky's first Odessa Salon
opened in Riga in the summer of 1910, and the first 4'Union of Youth" show moved
there from St. Petersburg in June of that year. It is tempting to propose that the presence of a Baltic influence within the^fe- ^etej^E^g a v ^ ^ a r J e acted as aq immediate fink ^ ^ ^
indeed, the darker, more Teu' t ^ c ' q u a l i r ^ r s cmwf^o7MiHnmiWfehings, or even Kulbin's paintings
has certain affinities with Edvard Munch, or, more relevantly, with the Estonian
Eduard Viiralt. Markov's advocacy of an art of chance, of "a world of unfathomed
mystery" is therefore a logical outcome of
Where concrete reality, the tangible, ends, there begins another worlda
world of unfathomed mystery, a world of the Divine.
Even primitive man was given the chance of approaching this boundary,
where intuitively he would capture some feature of the Divineand return
happy as a child.
And he sought to introduce it into the confines of the tangible and to
secure it there while finding forms to express it; at the same time he attempted to find ways by which he would be able to encounter and sense
once again an analogous beauty.
The more of such features man captures, the more familiar becomes the
Divine; the closer becomes the realization of some kind of religion.
Worldly beauty, created from ancient times by different peoples of both
hemispheres, is a reflection and expression of the Divine insofar as it has
hitherto revealed itself to people.
But, obliged for its origin to the intuitive faculties of the spirit, it reveals
within itself the presence of those fundamentals that can be elevated into immutable truths, into the principles on which it is based.
These principles, these canons, which substantiate our intuitive perception, become the guide to all our actions in the achievement of beauty.
The more deeply and broadly mankind penetrates the divine principle of
beauty, the richer and pithier become the religions of beauty, the more heterogeneous and numerous their principles and canons.
has made such major achievements in the field of science and technology, is
very poor in regard to the development of the plastic principles bequeathed
to us by the past.
It is quite striking that certain principles, especially the most worthless of
them, have been selected by many peoples. But despite the fact that they are
jejune in intrinsic content, they are being endlessly elaborated, they enclose
artby their very naturein a narrow, vicious circle. Other principles with
brilliant, infinite prospects, with inexhaustible potential, have appeared for a
moment, but not finding the soil necessary for development, they have
drooped and faded.
If we take a broad look at all the world's art, there arise before us clearly
and vividly two diametrically opposed platforms, two basic trends hostile to
each other. These two worlds are constructive ness and nonconstructiveness.
The first of these is expressed most vividly in Gre^eandthe second in
the East.
&. jit,, _
rational^ and has j ^ scientific basis- gradations and transitions subordinate to
the main factor are clearly expressed; in a word, everything is constructive.
And wherever Europe penetrates with its rigid doctrines, its orthodox realism, it corrodes national art, evens it out, paralyzes its development.
China, Japan, Byzantium, and other countries lost their acuity a long time
ago and have been imbued to a greater or lesser extent with the ideals of the
Italian Renaissance. This caps the delight of the historians and archaeologists who see as the high-water mark of this artalien though it be to them:
its assimilation of Hellenic canons and its analogous elaboration of them;
hence they are always glad to note the appearance in it of the first signs of
European constructiveness and its legitimated reality. . . .
The ancient peoples and the East did not know our scientific rationality.
These were children whose feelings and imagination dominated logic. These
were naive, uncorrupted children who intuitively penetrated the world of
beauty and who could not be bribed by realism or by scientific investigations
into nature.
As one German writer said, "Die Logik hat uns die Natur entgottert." 1
And our prim nonchalance toward the "babble" of the East and our misunderstanding of it are deeply offensive.
Modern Europe does not understand the beauty of the naive and the illogical. Our artistic taste, nurtured on severe rules, cannot reconcile itself to the
disintegration of our existing world view, cannot renounce "this world,"
surrender itself to the world of feeling, love, and dream, imbue itself with
the anarchism that ridicules our elaborate rules, and escape into a nonconstructive world.
There is rhythm in the constructive, and there is rhythm in the nonconstructive, but which has more beauty is still to be investigated.
There is constructive ornament, and there is nonconstructive ornament;
which of them is the more beautiful we still have to find out.
There is a perspective that is scientific, mathematically verified and substantiatedconstructive; and there is a perspective that is nonconstructive
Chinese, Byzantine. But which of them displays more potential and more
beauty is still a leading question.
The same can be said of lighting, relief, form, etc.
Europe's scientific apparatus hampers the development of such principles
as the principle of weight, plane, dissonance, economy, symbols, dynamism, the leitmotif, scales, etc., etc. . . .
Let us turn to the discussion of certain principles.
Let us take the principle of chance.
Can chance be beauty?
Yes, and a beauty that you will not reveal, find, or grasp by constructive
For example, in Chinese villages stand pagodas with many, many little
bells of various tones on them. Only a scarcely noticeable gust of wind need
spring up for their melodic music to softly waft over the village. . . . A
second gust of wind and a second sound sequence. . . . And so it goes on
time after time without end. . . . All these are accidental sound combinations that cannot be created by a deliberate selection of soundsit is the
beauty of chance.
Here is another example of the beauty of chance.
The Chinese liked to cover their vases with a glaze of copper oxide, but
the results of this operation were completely subject to chance. Depending
on how the gases circulated around the object, it could turn any colorfrom
white to bright red, blue, or black. Because of this, the most unexpected,
most beautiful combinations and distributions of colored areas sometimes
occur. No rational combinations could create such beauty; it is beyond the
means of rational, constructive creation.
The Chinese valued the beauty of chance very highly and reverently
cherished these works, among which could be encountered rare, unexpected,
and irresistibly charming specimens; even now they are objects of delight to
the cultured eye.
For Europe, chance is a means of stimulation, a departure point for logical thought, whereas for Asia, it is the first step in a whole series of subsequent, nonconstructive works of beauty.
So, essentially the principle of chance is not the result of rational processes consciously oriented toward a certain aim and is not even a game
played by a hand ungoverned by the apparatus of thought, but is the consequence of completely blind, extrinsic influences.
Why is the hand of man not given, as a photograph is, the ability to transmit forms and reproductions of "this world" precisely?
Why does man not possess an apparatus that, by desire or act of will,
could be aimed at creation that would reflect neither the fortuitous, external
conditions surrounding the artist nor the individual features of his own
Why does the art of so many peoples bear the character of apparent absurdity, coarseness, vagueness, or feebleness?
Art is like a two-edged weapon; it is like the two-faced Janus. One face
is, as it were, coarse, absurd, and feeble; the other is, as it were, radiant
with grace, refinement, and delicate, careful trimmings.
In which of these two faces is there more beauty? Which of them is capable of giving more enjoyment to man's soul? Or perhaps they are both, in
equal degree, the custodians of the concept of beauty, and thereby justify
their existence.
I shall not take the liberty of asserting that the art of primitive peoples is
characterized by thefirst face of Janus.
Suffice it to remember even the misty lines of Chinese pictures, Turkistan
frescoes, Egyptian reliefs, the surviving monuments of Cretan and Polynesian cultures to reject this. In no way can we establish elements of the coarse
or vulgar in their lines and depictions. On the contrary, in appearance they
are all very refined and delicate.
and I asked him how he, a man who had grown up in a Russian environment
with a Russian way of thinking, could go into raptures over a purely German
depiction a la Hoffmann. 3
And only when I had pointed out to him the inimitable, unique, age-old
charm of the antique, tasteful Russian depictions of Christ, and all the vulgarity of this outwardly elegant depiction, did an element of doubt creep into
his rapture, and he laid his purchase aside.
Now one asks, was he expressing his own opinion when he flew into raptures over his purchase? I am inclined to think not. In his rapture he was sincere, but in that superficial, shallow sense applicable to all the followers of
fashionthat epidemic, that tyrant of men's opinions and tastes. I say in a
superficial sense, because his raptures were not founded on the inward order
of his soul created by the presence of all impressions from reality; they were
founded merely on a simple order of feelings from the conception evoked, a
conception that conceals and gradually corrodes the peculiar depths of the
Only this can explain the fact that more and more depictions a la Hoffmann have begun to appear in our schools and churches alongside the artistic charm of the antique icons. These depictions are taken from German
originals, and pictures are executed by the disciples of the academy along
the same lines.
And wherever fashion appears, it drives deep down into the soul that
which has grown and stratified over thousands of years and in its place foists
on people its cheap, marketplace conception of beauty.
All this indicates that the free expression of our "I" has dangerous enemies, because of which it is very difficult for man to be sincere in the sense
of freely expressing his inner essence and not some surrogate evoked by
Hence it is interesting to ask: which expression of the "I" has more
value? The expression of the "I" that bursts from us spontaneously or the
' T ' that is passed through thefilter of thought?
I shall concern myself only with free art, i.e., the art in which chasing or
processing is absentelements that completely destroy the initial mirage
and in which the artist has already ceased to be a creator and becomes more
a critic of his own "I."
It sometimes happens, and not so rarely, that man feels within himself an
influx of ideas, of sensations in his psychology that seem to him somehow
alien, not his own, appearing, as it were, from without by some miracle,
something unexpected but desired.
isted for three thousand years, and imitation and free copying are valued
very highly.
I would go so far as to say that there is no art without plagiarism, and
even the freest art is based on plagiarism in the above sense because beloved
forms of the past instilled in our soul unconsciously repeat themselves.
Hence the demands to be sincere and individual in any special sense of
the word are ridiculous.
It is not my task to analyze our "I" in all its diversity, in all its
nuancesthat is the province of psychology; but I would like to distinguish
three characteristic stages in it that to a greater or lesser extent determine our
creative work.
First, the hidden, subconscious "I," something that has appeared from
one knows not where, often completely alien and fortuitous but at the same
time, of course, individual, because in any case the right basis, whether
temporary or permanent, has appeared within it.
Second, the "I," also hidden, but already mature, something that we are
aware of, which is organically inherent to the individuum and transmitted to
it atavistically: it is all those impulses, stimuli, that, like a ripe seed, demand an outlet, torment and cramp it.
Third, the "I" that presents the outward manifestation of these two hidden, individual "I"s mentioned above.
In free art, of course, it is the third *T' that interests us, but it does not
emerge as the direct echo of the two preceding "I"s, it does not express the
aggregate of the impressions and mysteries that accumulated in them, because much is lost through the effect of many outside factors encountered in
the process of its manifestation that operate directly or indirectly.
Let us indicate just a few:
1. The outward function of the hands and, in general, of the body, which
transmit that rhythm of the soul that it experiences at the moment of creation.
2. The state of the will.
3. Wealth of fantasy and of memory, reflectiveness.
4. Associations.
5. Experience of life creeping into the process of creation, subordinating
it to its canons, laws, tastes, and habits and operating with a hand that finds
it so pleasant to reiterate stereotyped devices; this reduces art to the level of
handicraft, which has nowadays built itself such a warm and secure nest.
6. State of psychosis during creation; the interchange of feelings, joy,
hope, suffering, failure, etc.
7. Struggle with material.
8. Appearance of "sensing into," desire to create style, symbol, allegory, and illusion.
9. Appearance of criterion and thought, etc., etc.
Hence free creation is not the absolutely free and pure echo of our inner
worlds. It will always contain alien elements, surrogates.
Free creation is inherent to the artist not as a simple desire to be original,
to play pranks, or to demonstrate ridiculous affectation, but as one of the
means of satisfying the creative needs of man's soul.
Since there are a great many factors that influence the "I," it is difficult
to establish which to exclude and which to contend with.
But, in any case, those factors that impede the free manifestation of our
"I" and choke it with alien surrogates should be acknowledged as undesirable.
We can distinguish an alien "I" and any factors that impede our full
manifestation of the "I" by criticism and other means.
Therefore those works that the public sees marked as free action painting
and about which they imagine that their little Peter could daub ten such
paintings at home are, as far as the artist is concerned, not woiks of overexuberant mischievousness or of a frolicsome brush; they are a product in
which not a single spot, not one shade can be altered, a product that has appeared as a result of suffering, of long, persistent inner work, searching, and
Hence free creation contains the essentials of true creation and stands high
above simple imitation; in no way is it a game or mischief making, and by
no means can it be called the simple need to liberate the self from an inner
repletion of life-giving energy (dissimilation).
Forms attained by the application of the principle of free creation are
sometimes a synthesis of complex analyses and sensations; they are the only
forms capable of expressing and embodying the creator's intentions vis-a-vis
nature and the inner world of his "I." From the point of view of naturalism
they will appear as quite free and arbitrary, but this does not exclude the fact
that they can be strictly constructive from the point of view of aesthetic
And it often seems that the absurd forms are not the echo and translation
of nature but the echo of the creator's inner psychology.
"They are the swans of other worlds," as the Chinese sing.
The principle of free creation opens up the temple of art as widely and
deeply as many other principles.
Free creation is a general principle; it is inherent in other principles as
their component part and is always giving rise to independent principles that
are wholly derived from it.
The principle of symbols is a vivid example. This supposedly weird nonsense, this oppressive absurdity is life itself in its purest form, it is condensed life. The symbols that we find in Byzantine art, in the lubok, are
flashes of beauty and divinity.
The principle of rhythm, movement, grandiosity is possible only with free
creation, when the hand is held back in its impulse.
These examples will suffice.
The principle of free creation represents essentially the apogee in economy of resources and the least expenditure of technical devices; at the same
time it provides the truest and most powerful echo of the divine beauty that
man has sensed.
And all peoples used, are using now, and henceforth will use free
And only narrow-minded doctrinaires and dunderhead philistines can demand that art should forever remain on safe, well-trodden paths, that it
should not burst the dam of realism and depart for the endless horizons of
free creation.
A man possesses an ocean of impressions. He often receives stimuli that
he does not see but only feels: in creating freely, obedient to his feeling, he
depicts an object quite contrary to how he sees it.
Behind the outer covering of every object, there hides its secret, its
rhythmand the artist is given the ability to divine this secret, to react to
the object's rhythm, and to find forms to manifest this rhythm.
The lost image, word, melody, verse have often irrevocably sunk into
oblivion, but the soul preserves and cherishes their rhythm, remaining in it
as their eternal and indelible echo. And this rhythm guides the hand when
the soul wishes to restore lost beauty. The outward expression is often completely unattained, but we hold it dear by virtue of its analogous rhythm, its
beauty equivalent to the forgotten object.
And often in objects seemingly absurd and coarse, there lies a wealth of
inner beauty, rhythm, and harmony that you will not encounter in objects
constructed by the mind on principles of pure proportion and practical truth.
Distance toward objects is established; practical, constructive aspects of
the object are forgotten.
Free creation is the mother of art. Free creation raises us above "this
world"this is its great prerogative.
And the opinion is quite without ground that people have sought and
demanded illusions at all times. No, many peoples have not been satisfied
with such cheap tricks as deceiving the poor spectator.
The aspiration to other worlds is inherent in man's nature. Man does not
want to walk, he demands dancing; he does not want to speak, he demands
song; he does not want the earth but strains toward the sky. The surest path
to this sky is free creation.
From time immemorial, free creation has been an art for itself; the spectator, the public has been for it a completely fortuitous phenomenon. In olden
times, music and singing were like this, and only subsequently did they
become a means of gathering and entertaining an audience.
If in his attitude to art the artist becomes like the savage, then, like him,
he will think only of himself.
He has the right to tell the public and critics: "Excuse me, but don't pester me with your demands; let me create according to my own inner impulses and criteria."
And he will be right because as soon as an artist begins to listen to extrinsic doctrines, he will be forced to violate the rhythms concealed within, the
motive energy inherent in him; he will have to restrain himself, he will have
to turn into a cart horse, he will grow dull.
Now let us turn to a discussion of the principle of texture.4
and Cubof uturism
Its Theory, Its Potentials,
Its A ch ievements, 1913
Born Kharkov, 1882; died Moscow, 1948. 1905-1906: studied in Paris; 1906-1909:
studied at the Stroganov Art School and at the Moscow Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture; 1910-14: influenced by peasant art; close to Larionov; contributed to the "Donkey's Tail," "Target," "No. 4 , " and other avant-garde exhibitions;
Vkhutemas/Vkhutein; continued to paint and exhibit throughout the 1930s and
The translation is of Schevchenko's Neo-primitivizm. Ego teoriya. Ego vozmozhnosti. Ego dostizheniya (Moscow, l ^ y e m l ^ J ^ b ^ ^
and is
one of two booklets written by Shevchenko in the same year, the other being Printsipy kubizma i drugikh sovremennykh techenii v zhivopisi vsekh vremen i narodov
[The Principles of Cubism and Other Contemporary Trends in Painting of All Ages
and All Nations; bibl. R3551- The cover and text of Neoprimitivism were illustrated
with examples of his work.
Because of its comparatively late date, Shevchenko's text showsconsiderablefutu rist
influencejjt reads more like a futurist manifesto than alucid apologia of the neoprimftfvTst movement: Shevchenko rejf^leH^n^y^FliTs ideas :!5 irTlus"
feoklet on aTbism, which included among its illustrations a child's drawing.
i^j^mitiv'*, Wfl R the only declaration as such of the neoprimitivists even though^
Jthejnov^ent had been in existence ^ ^ 8 were not, however, the first to
express interest in primitive art forms: at Abramtsevo and Talashkino professional
artists had already been assimilating certain devices from Russian peasant art, and
members of the World of Art, Lev Bakst and Aleksandr Benois among them, had
given attention to children's drawings and to village crafts as art forms [see bibl.
R243, R244]. After 1908 Russian and primitive art forms began to enjoy a vogue
among Russian collectors and historians, and the ygarjqyg, in fart witnessed several events that focused public attention on the Russian icon and folk art, e.g., the
'.ISeeeatLAlj- Russian Folk Art Exhibition" in St. Petersburg, ^ndthe large exhibi-^
jiop of jconsincluding examples fronftEe collections of Ilya OstroTo\Tand~Stepan Ryabushinsky (brother of Nikolai)organized by the Institute of Archaeology in
Throughout his life Shevchenko retained an interest in certain of the pictorial analyses he made during the years 1912-13, particularly with regard to the composition
and effect of color. In 1918-19 he attempted to combine a scientific study of color
properties with the results of his own observations on the lubok and the icon. To this
end he established the group Color Dynamics and Tectonic Primitivism together with
the painter Aleksei Grishchenko (who was particularly interested in icons and Byzantine art); this group, which held one exhibition in Moscow in 1919, sought to uphold
its three principles of "structure, knowledge of the laws of color, and knowledge of
the material with which we operate in creating the easel painting" [bibl. R16, p.
119]. Shevchenko's precise, logical analyses of color and other painterly elements
anticipated tn$ lapgfgfory techniques oftheMoscow~Bflcfiu^
-t20s. Althou^liftevcfiiJli^
he did
establish direct contact with Aleksandr Rodchenko and the architects Vladimir
Krinsky and Nikolai Ladovsky within the framework of the short-lived Zhivskulptarkh [Kollektiv zhivopisno-skulptumo-arkhitekturnogo sintezaCollective of Painting-Sculpture-Architecture Synthesis] founded in Moscow in 1919/20 and represented as a group at the "Nineteenth State Exhibition" in Moscow in 1920. Shevchenko was not alone in his endeavor to apply scientific analysis to primitive art
Vasilii Kandinsky, for example, proposed the establishment of a subsection within
the Academy of Artistic Sciences that would deal precisely with this (see pp. I96ff.).
T o Art
Free and Eternal
The artist should not be t o o
timid, too s i n c e r e ^ i d - s h o u W
not be too subservient to mb
P a u l Cezanne, painter
The world jias j^njr^asfon ned into a single monstrous, fantastic, perpetually movirfg iflpchine . into a single huge nonanimal, automatic organism,
into a single gigantic whole constructed with a strict correspondence and
balance of parts.
We and the whole world are the parts of this whole.
We, like some kind of ideally manufactured mechanical man, have grown
used to livinggetting up, going to bed, eating and according to
the clockand the sense of rhythm and m e c h a n i c a l r e f l e c t e d m
the whole of our life7"cannot but pe Fefteciea in our thi^TagTand tn"our spir,
i t a a T T n ^ r n f X r f T ' " *
m f t ^ j w t ^ r w ^ ^ * * ^ ^
w L j w t i a e , i ^ . - ,
J 't' -'Qttatjyf W i l l ^ - ^ - ^ ^ T S l f f ^ p A ^ i v e r g e a l o i ^ d i f -
f tf
ft^r w n r k s _ - L e . ,,Jhp
* Of life and not of nature. Nature is the aggregate of those things of which the world consists; life is the
aggregate of the forms of these things and of their movements.
everything that we see on the surface of the picture and that is related to its
We demand (good stmctSfe h .., a manner of execution that imparts a
good density tc^l^aMij^LlQ-ils disposition^.
We ^ work of arLJ-Z^
that expresses itself
Oor arx js
n f
'Wffi am nnt nfraid of following the pHn^plp.s of this nr
iamporanffiity Thry nra innritnhlr in our scientific a^e.
The word neoprimitivism on the one hand testifies to our point of departure, i Q n d
^{i^itsjHrefix fngoreminds us also of its invoivejjnent in thft |=^1 traditions of our age.
But in saying this, we are not imposing on ourselves any obligations that
could bind us, or make us servile, to theory.
We are free, and in this lies our progress and our happiness.
Any^attachment to a school, to a theory, already "ifffln? < t a n a t i r m
ready whaFiiTsocTefy^is customarily ^"Hltsrfrtelhthfi W n r r l " af, a demism.''
The artist s vitality is determined by
m searching lies
perfecti on.
T h 6 g e y s with reproach and even apparently with regret: "This artist
has not defined himself yet," but in this lies his life, his authenticity. Of the
artist about whom people say, "He has defined himself, he has found himself," one ought to say, "He has died," because "He has defined himself"
means that he has no more experiences, that he is living by what, essentially, he has already lived through, i.e., he is following a definite theory,
like a recipe. In this is stagnation, in this is death.
^ejtre alive forever, young forever because we ignore the opinions of the
idle mobWP IIVP ^ ^ ^
work only in the namf of Art^tiUhir \<t nnr hnnnr
11 11 iT"
Cezanne said: "The artist'd^bogjby means of which he achieves perfec-
We speak out harshly against the old school, the old academy, because it
did not know how to preserve the most precious (for the art of painting)
achievement of the agesthe traditions common to all genuine schools of
all timesand without realizing this, it now inculcates in their place cpjde,
obviousness of manner and unnecessary, absurd ideological tendentious^
ness. " ' ' """""'^gffl ^. '
~~ It forgets thj^^^etf ^s not the
but merely a most insignificant
me^i^r^mtTirar^MMpconsis^ only of itself.
"Art is ittfRrmA^says Oscar Wilde, and in this he is right.
The very word neoprimitivism, as was said earlier, is a word that characterizes the trend of painterly achievements, their point of departure from the
primitive, and also testifies to its relevance to our age.
There are, and can be, no phenomena that are born out of nothing.
There are no ideas that are born, only ones that are regenerated, and everything normal, of course, is successive and develops from preceding
Such is our schooltaking its genesis from the primitive but developing
within contemporaneity.
Generally speaking, the word primitive is applied not only to the simplification and unskillfulness of the ancients, but also to peasant artfor which
we have a specific name, the lubok. The word primitive points directly to its
Eastern derivation, because today we understand by it a whole pleiad of
Eastern artsJapanese art, Chinese, Korean, Indo-Persian, etc.
( In our school this term points to the character of the painting (not the subject), to the means of execution, and to the employment of the painterly
traditions of the East.
But this does not involve simple imitation, i.e., something of which people would normally say: "This was done in an Eastern style," i.e., not
what, for example, is being done by Stelletsky, 3 whose works in no way
reveal old Russia, Byzantium, or icons. They are mere historicitya resolution of high ideas by home-made, amateurish means, an imitation devoid of
perceptionwhereas icons are saturated with the East, with Byzantium, and
at the same time remain entirely original.
* Ngopfiinitiyism is a profoundly national phenomenon.
Russia and the East have^beetTinSsioIuBIy linkecj from as early as the
TatarTnvasionsTand theTspmf of the Tatars, of the East, has become so
rooted in our life that at times it is difficult to distinguish where a national
feature ends and where an Eastern influence begins.
The whole of man's culture has, generally speaking, derived from Asia,
and not vice versa, as some assert.
The whole of our culture is an Asiatic one, and foreign craftsmen, architects, weavers, artists, and people like them who came to our "barbaric"
country from the West bearing with them the spark of European civilization,
immediately fell under the influence of Tatar culture, of the East, nf nim
more distinctive, rqpre temperamental spii-if. and Western civilization crumbled to dust before the culture of the East.
Let us take the painting of old Russia.
We have only to compare our grass writing 4 with Eastern carpets, our
"spiritual-moral painting" and its direct continuationfolk pictures and
color tones. It lost its meaning, because in moving away from the meaning
of color, as paint r it changed into a meaningless reflectionat first, into
some sort of colored decorativeness and subsequently into mere coloration
of insignificant bits of air.
We also recognize running color, i.e., color passing beyond the contour
of an object (see Russian Old Believers' lubki 5 ); but this is expressed not in
a chaotic flow of paint, but in the form of a color's iridescence, which is
based not on the theory of rayonism 6 and not on reflective iridescence, but
on the iridescence of the bodies themselves at their intersections.
We oppose complementary color tones and replace their diversitywhich
because of the variegation has a torpid effect on the eyeby a more effective aggregate of uniform color tones.
In other words, we apply colors in practice not, for example, as the reflex
of yellow on blue, but as an aggregate of greens of greater or lesser density,
while distinguishing black from blue by a separate area; not as orange on violet, but as an aggregate of browns and yellows, while distinguishing red
and black.
Finally, we change the color of objects in order to manifest their spiritual
essence: for example, no one would paint a glass of poison some sort of
frivolous color such as pink or blue, but obviously in such a case a color
would be employed that had a more profound psychological effect.
We tolerate symbolismas long as it is expressed in the construction and
color of a work, in the depths of its content, and not in tawdry cabalism and
cheap accessories.
We demand good texture and, while avoiding unnecessary obviousness of
manner, we are not afraid to omit details subtly if, of course, this is necessary; thereby we achieve a great nobility of execution and, together with our
demand for good composition, greater persuasiveness and monumentally.
We stand for complete freedom of Art and for the advantages of eclecticism as a renovating principle.
These are the theses from which our art, our craft, derives, but we use
them as need and meaning dictate, as possibilities and not as ready-made
The meaning of painting is within painting itself. It is not inherent in the
subject matter, but has its own content of a purely painterly character; it is
inherent in texture, composition, and style.
These are the only demands that can be made of a picture.
Painting must not serve any or anyone's ideas apart from its own
otherwise either it or the subject it serves, the idea, will destroy both, and
they will lose their meaning and strength.
We consider philistine demands of art to be naive and ludicrous, just as
the praise and censure of small-time critics who judge painting only from the
standpoint of its similarity or dissimilarity to nature are ludicrous and
We reject the significance of any criticism apart from self-criticism. Only
the artist himself, who loves his art and concerns himself consciously with
it, can precisely and correctly determine the merits, defects, and value of his
work. The outsider, the spectatorif he falls in love with a certain work
can, biased as he is, neither elucidate nor evaluate it on its true merits; if he
regards it impassively, indifferently, he therefore does not feel it or understand it and hence has no right to judge.
Art is the artist's experiences, his spiritual life, and nobody has the right
to interfere with someone else's life.
People, like all other animals, can be divided into classes and species.
Art is for Art's sake. It is useless but at the same time it is capable of exciting sensations of the highest order in those people to whose class the artist
himself belongs.
We are accused of imitating Western art. But this, in fact, is not true.
If Cezanne, Gauguin, Rousseau have played a role of no small importance
in the development of our Russian art, and if we pay due homage to them,
then it is precisely because they are not the type of contemporary Western
artist whose work is exemplified by the pictures at conventional salons; on
the contrary, they are the exception.
Indeed, what do they share in common? Nothing, of course!
The art of the salons is a typical leftover, the decadence of European art.
Cezanne partly, Gauguin, and especially Henri Rousseau represent the aspiration toward the East, its traditions and its forms.
They, like us, are in revolt, are searching, and in their own age were persecuted everywhere, just as we are.
We are accused of unnecessary academism, but the search for a more perfect style is not that at all; it is simply the aspiration toward monumentally.
And in general, no free, meaningful search can be called that since academism, strictly speaking, is applicable to narrow, soulless work, to the employment of conventional canons, to enslavement, and to the use of old
forms deprived of the traditions of craftsmanship.
Our achievement lies in the fact that by working out just the general
theses for our school and without enslaving theory, we shall always concern
ourselves with the renewal of traditions, both by way of logical succession
and by personal experience.
We do not canonize forms, and by favoring eclecticism we are able constantly to extend our conception of them.
Our theses afford the opportunity of perpetual existence and endless selfperfection, whereas all existing theories inevitably lead to an impasse.
We have eternal life, eternal youth, and eternal self-perfectionand in
this lie our honor and reward.
Preface to Catalogue
of One-Man Exhibition, 1913
B o r n n e a r T u l a , 1 8 8 1 ; d i e d Paris, 1 9 6 2 . 1 8 9 8 - 1 9 0 2 : s t u d i e d at the M o s c o w
of Painting,
called pornographic
roli politsii
1909 ( = 1910),
1915: j o i n e d Sergei D i a g h i l e v in L a u s a n n e ;
A u g u s t until O c t o b e r 1 9 1 3 ; at the b e g i n -
n i n g o f 1 9 1 4 it o p e n e d i n S t . P e t e r s b u r g , b u t o n a s m a l l e r s c a l e [ s e e b i b l . R 2 8 1
and R334].
e x h i b i t i o n in M o s c o w ,
w a r , returned to M o s c o w briefly;
settled in Paris w i t h
This M o s c o w
1910 show,
subjects were
114, pp.
1 1 4 - 1 6 , and in
132, pp. 41-44. The preface was dated August 1913, Moscow. For reviews of this
exhibition see bibl. R261, R337, R344, R345. For details of the public awareness of
Russian and Eastern primitive art forms at this time see p. 41.
In appearing with a separate exhibition, I wish to display my artistic development and work throughout the last thirteen years. I fathomed the art of
painting myself, step by step, without learning it in any art school (I studied
sculpture for three years at the Moscow Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and
Architecture and left when I received the small medal). At the beginning of
my development I learned most of all from my French contemporaries. They
stimulated my awareness and I realized the great significance and value of
the art of my countryand through it the great value of the art of the East.
Hitherto I have studied all that the West could give me, but in fact, my
country has created everything that derives from the West. Now I shake the
dust from my feet and leave the West, considering its vulgarizing significance trivial and insignificantmy path is toward the source of all arts, the
East. The art of my country is incomparably more profound and important
than anything that I know in the West (I have true art in mind, not that
which is harbored by our established schools and societies). I am opening up)
the East again, and I am certain that many will follow me along this path
We have learned much from Western artists, but from where do they draw
their inspiration, if not from the East? We have not learned the most important thing: not to make stupid imitations and not to seek our individuality,
but to create, in the main, works of art and to realize that the source on
which the West draws is the East and us. May my example and my words be
a good lesson for those who can understand its real meaning.
I am convinced that modern Russian art is developing so rapidly and has
reached such heights that within the near future it will be playing a leading
role in international life. Contemporary Western ideas (mainly of France; it
is not worth talking of the others) can no longer be of any use to us. And the
time is not far off when the West will be learning openly from us.
If we examine art from the artistic monuments we have at our disposal
without bearing time in mind, then I see it in this order:
The Stone Age and the caveman's art are the dawn of art. China, India,
and Egypt with all their ups and downs in art have, generally speaking,
always had a high art and strong artistic traditions. Arts proceeding from this
root are nevertheless independent: that of the Aztecs, Negroes, Australian
and Asiatic islandsthe Sunda (Borneo), Japan, etc. These, generally
speaking, represent the rise and flowering of art.
Greece, beginning with the Cretan period (a transitional state), with its archaic character and all its flowering, Italy right up to the age of the Gothic,
represent decadence. Gothic is a transitional state. Our age is aflowering of
art in a new forma painterly form. And in this secondflowering it is again
the East that has played a leading role. At the present time Moscow is the
most important center of painting.
I shake off the dust of the West, and I consider all those people ridiculous
and backward who still imitate Western models in the hope of becoming
pure painters and who fear literariness more than death. Similarly, I find
those people ridiculous who advocate individuality and who assume there is
some value in their "F* even when it is extremely limited. Untalented individuality is as useless as bad imitation, let alone the old-fashionedness of
such an argument.
I express my deep gratitude to Western painters for all they have taught
After carefully modifying everything that could be done along these lines
and after earning the honor of being placed alongside contemporary Western
artistsin the West itself 1I now prefer to investigate a new path.
And the objectives that I am carrying out and that I intend to carry out are
the following:
To set myself no confines or limitations in the sense of artistic achievements.
For me the East means the creation of new forms, an extending and
deepening of the problems of color.
This will help me to express contemporaneityits living beautybetter
and more vividly.
I aspire toward nationality and the East, not to narrow the problems of art
but, on the contrary, to make it all-embracing and universal.
If I extol the art of my country, then it is because I think that it fully
deserves this and should occupy a more honorable place than it has done
On the Problem
of the Contemporary State
of Russian Painting
[Knave of Diamonds]
Born 1884; died 1935. 1910 and thereafter: close to the Knave of Diamonds group,
especially to Aleksandra Exter; known as a poet, critic, and translator; 1915: joined
the Tsentrifuga group in Moscow, which included Sergei Bobrov and Boris Pasternak; interested in Robert Delaunay and Pablo Picasso; 1921: rector of the State
Higher Theater Workshop under Vselovod Meierkhold; continued to publish until the
early 1930s.
The text of this piece, "K voprosu sovremennom sostoyanii russkoi zhivopisi," is
from the collection of articles and reproductions Bubnovyi valet [Knave of Diamonds]
(Moscow, February 1913), pp. 3 - 3 6 [bibl. R268]. Indicative of the Knave of
Diamonds' orientation toward French cubism at this time was the fact that the collection also contained contributions by Henri Le Fauconnier and Guillaume Apollinaire.
Le Fauconnier's essay, "Sovremennaya vospriimchivost i kartina" (pp. 41-51), was
a translation of his introduction to the catalogue of his one-man exhibition at the
Folkwang Museum, Hagen: Die Auffassung
unserer Zeit und das Germalde [Contemporary Perception and Painting] (Hagen, December 1912; Munich, 1913). Apollinaire's essay, "Fernan Lezhe" (pp. 53-61), was a modified translation of his section on Femand Leger in Les Peintres Cubistes (Paris, 1913), pp. 64-68. The
which had
r e a d for h i m at a p u b l i c s e s s i o n o r g a n i z e d b y the K n a v e o f D i a m o n d s o n
1 9 1 3 , i n M o s c o w ( a n d at w h i c h D a v i d B u r l i u k a n d M a y a k o v s k y a l s o s p o k e ) .
close personal
ties with
the central
of the K n a v e
D i a m o n d s at that t i m e n o n e o f w h o m i s s u e d a n y p o l i c y s t a t e m e n t o n b e h a l f o f t h e
g r o u p , a l t h o u g h o n e o f its s e c o n d a r y m e m b e r s , A l e k s e i G r i s h c h e n k o , d i d p u b l i s h
l o n g e s s a y o n it [bibl.. R 2 8 2 ; a n d s e e b i b l . R 1 5 6 , b k . 6 , 3 1 9 - 2 0 , for s h o r t
s t a t e m e n t s b y K n a v e o f D i a m o n d s m e m b e r s ] . A k s e n o v w r o t e c o m p a r a t i v e l y little o n
p a i n t i n g , b e i n g m o r e i n v o l v e d in literature [ e . g . , his b o o k of p o e m s w i t h
art, and only the subject matter was changed. But anyone is free to argue
about the interest of the subjectwithout entering the realm of art; without
understanding anything about painting, you can find a moral satisfaction in a
visual interpretation of the problem of evil (a peasant being flogged) or of
the problem of good (a policeman being beaten), of the problem of theomachy ("the demon is great and beautiful") or of the problem of eroticism
("women in the eighteenth century indulged in fornication"). Literariness
forced artists to abandon painting. There have been exhibitions at which pic-
tures were absent, and articles have been written on the obsolescence and
uselessness of pictures.
All this increases the significance that the work of the young artists of
today holds for the contemporary state of Russian painting; they are not only
contemporary but also, in the main, painters. True, the painterly aims that
they have pursued have not prevented them from displaying their activities
in the field of drawing: they have had the honor of liberating drawing from
stylized lifelessness. Utamaro evoked the uniform density of line in the
kakemono by the purely technical qualities of wood, of engraving plates; in
their water colors the Japanese often diversified linear texture, and there is
no need to go back to Ogata Korin for an example of this; it is enough to
turn to the silk painting of the masters of that same eighteenth century. The
Japanese line of European graphic artists, revived by the genius of Beardsley, is appallingly inexpressive in the works of all the various Secession artists. We are approaching the acute question of independence: if artists' technique in the preceding period was created by the influence of German
prototypes, then how strong must be the influence of French prototypes on
the work of artists of the present generation. There is no need to dispute the
importance of this influence, but the whole evolution of the visual arts in
Russia points to the inevitable appearance of problems that our contemporary artists must solve. The problems contain their own solution within
themselves; the success or failure of the plastic expression of the results of
the process depends on the personal gifts of him who solves them. And who
would deny that our artists are talented? The rapid and brilliant development
of the new movement in Russian painting has long since been confirmed by
the clarity of its tasks. This organicness is expressed in the distinct folk
character of the art of certain representatives of the movementnot the kind
of folk character that requires a whole arsenal of ethnographic material to
become manifest, but that direct sensation of folk character that penetrates
the works of architects of the classical period of the nineteenth century and
that leads Palladian traditions to the erection of facades in a profound folk
tradition; certain of their motifs become the bases of new forms, of domestic , handicraft art.
It is difficult to deny the folk character in the wide-ranging, vivid temperament of Ilya Mashkov.2 This artist is regarded as a version of Matisse;
perhaps he himself thinks that, but at any rate, nobody wouldfind any traces
of that economical restraint, that geometrical deliberation of rhythm in
painted planes that Matisse inherited from the creator of Carnival. 3 The
monumental synthesis of colored bases, which are mutually intensified in a
visual dissonance of colors, is possible only thanks to an extraordinary tem-
perament and an innate (or cultivated?) art of controlling it. The intricate
curvature of Matisse's lines is not to be found in Mashkov's pictureshe
solves the problem of contour differentiation of colored groups with the aid
of soft, lightly curved linear construction and curved, very simple combinations. The softness of contour in Mashkov's compositions does not threaten
to fall into flabbinessa danger that the popular Van Dongen has not
avoided. Sharpness of line allows Mashkov to concentrate perceptions of the
most varied forms within the confines of very simple, graphic combinations
without destroying the general character or force of the coloristic rhythm.
An analogous problem is solved by A. Kuprin. His works reveal a very
strong susceptibility to the characteristics of color perception, a strength,
however, that does not cause any tendency toward conglomeration of contrasts or play on the symmetry of cold and warm tones. This applies to his
very late workshis early ones were, evidently, not without the influence of
painterliness, a sad reminder of the Pont-Aven school. Probably Kuprin and,
moreover, Rozhdestvensky were attracted to Van Gogh by a natural delicacy
of object perception. With Rozhdestvensky this delicacy develops more and
more distinctly at the expense of force; with Kuprin there is a reverse process, and his pictures only gain from the concentration of this property. Delicacy and subtlety form the subbasis of these works, just as the brightly
painted sublayer intensified the highlights of the old Dutch still-life painters.
We do not see this unified division of perception in Lentulov's pictures.
One cannot say that this is connected with the painterly merits of his works,
which, undoubtedly, are always significant precisely by virtue of their painterliness.
Lentulov's talent has matured and strengthened perhaps earlier than that
of the other members of the group, and atfirst glance it would seem that it is
precisely an excess of talent that harms his pictures. Too great a talent can
sometimes be an artist's misfortune: an example from literature is Barbey
d'Aurevilly. Aware of being quite able to work in different directions, justifiably confident of his ability to set himself the most varied tasks, and conscious of being in complete command of the technique essential for thisfor
Lentulov all this resembles those mirrors that can create artificial labyrinths
of panopticons.
So it might seem; in practice, however, an analysis of the individual fragments of Lentulov's painting and, similarly, research into the composition of
his pictures are powerless to disclose the reason for the elusiveness of their
visual center. The reason is not to be found in his picturesit is in the spectator's inability to extend the works into appropriate space, constricted as
they are by their position.
Vladimir Mayakovsky
d i n s k y [for f u r t h e r d e t a i l s s e e b i b l .
t h e o n e o n t e x t u r e w e r e s i g n e d b y N . B u r l i u k , a l t h o u g h it i s o b v i o u s t h a t b o t h
a n d O t h e r D i r e c t i o n s in P a i n t i n g " at a d e b a t e o r g a n i z e d b y the K n a v e o f
in M o s c o w [see p p . 12 a n d 7 7 - 7 8 ] , a n d o n t h e twenty-fourth of t h e s a m e m o n t h ,
w h i c h occasioned a scornful
in turn,
Burliuk's references
a reply by
to the K n a v e o f D i a m o n d s
Petr Konchalovsky,
Olga Rozanova
[see p.
Vladimir Burliuk,
a n d Ilya M a s h k o v , all of w h o m
a n d s e c o n d " K n a v e of D i a m o n d s "
L a r i o n o v a n d N i k o l a i K u l b i n , w h o h a d b e e n a t t h e first
exhibitions (and
s p e c t i v e l y ) , w o u l d i n d i c a t e t h a t t h e t e x t is a n e l a b o r a t i o n of t h e K n a v e o f
of D i a m o n d s
l o v s k y , a n d it h a d w i t n e s s e d a h e a t e d c o n f r o n t a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e K n a v e o f
is c o l o r e d
their genetic
t h e s i m p l e s t e l e m e n t o f s p a c e is t h e
its c o n s e q u e n c e
t h e c o n s e q u e n c e o f line is
all s p a t i a l f o r m s
the direct consequence
o f line is
It w o u l d p e r h a p s n o t b e a p a r a d o x t o s a y t h a t p a i n t i n g b e c a m e art o n l y
the twentieth
there used
to b e t h e art o f p a i n t i n g ,
on museumsOld
These definitions
as distinct from N e w
in t h e m s e l v e s s h o w
that everyone,
the most
arisen between
eternal gulf.
do have
it w a s t h e m e a n s ,
it h a s
the e n d . P a i n t i n g h a s b e g u n to p u r s u e o n l y Painterly o b j e c t i v e s . It h a s
from the artist, and now this magician and sorcerer has the chance of escaping to the transcendental secrets of his art.
Joyous solitude. But woe unto him who scorns the pure springs of the
highest revelations of our day. Woe unto them who reject their eyes, for the
Artists of today are the prophetic eyes of mankind. Woe unto them who trust
in their own abilitieswhich do not excel those of reverend moles! . . .
Darkness has descended upon their souls!
Having become an end in itself, painting has found within itself endless
horizons and aspirations. And before the astounded eyes of the casual spectators roaring with laughter at contemporary exhibitions (but already with
caution and respect), Painting has developed such a large number of different trends that their enumeration alone would now be enough for a big
It can be said with confidence that the confines of This art of Free Paint-
ing have been expanded during the first decade of the twentieth century, as
had never been imagined during all the years of its previous existence!
Amid these trends of the New Painting the one that Shocks the spectator's
eye most is the Direction defined by the word Cubism.
The theoretical foundation of which I want to concentrate on now
thereby Placing the erroneous judgment of the contemporary "admirer" of
art on a firm, more or less correct footing.
In analyzing the art of former painters, e.g., Holbein and Rembrandt, we
can infer the following tenets. These two artistic temperaments comprehend
Nature: the first chiefly as line.
The second as a certain complex of chiaroscuro. If for the first, color is
(for its mathematical conception see epigraph)
texture (the character of surface)
see article on texture
the Artist and for painting, is Exclusively an object of visual Sensation. Indeed, a visual sensation refined and broadened immeasurably (compared
with the past) by the associative capacity of the human spirit, but one that
avoids ideas of the coarse, irrelevant kind. Painting now operates within a
sphere of Painterly Ideas and Painterly Conceptions that is accessible only to
it; they ensue and arise from those Elements of visual Nature that can be
defined by the 4 points mentioned above.
The man deprived of a Painterly understanding of Nature will, when looking at Cezanne's landscape The House, 2 understand it purely narratively: (1)
"house" (2) mountains (3) trees (4) sky. Whereas for the artist, there existed I linear construction II surface construction (not fully realized) and III
color orchestration. For the artist, there were certain lines going up and
down, right and left, but there wasn't a house or trees . . . there were areas
of certain color strength, of certain character. And that's all.
Painting of the past, too, seemed at times to be not far from conceiving
Nature as Line (of a certain character and of a certain intensity) and colors
(Nature as a number of colored areasthis applies Only to the Impressionists at the end of the nineteenth century). But it never made up its mind
to analyze visual Nature from the viewpoint of the essence of its surface.
The conception of what we see as merely a number of certain definite sections of different surface Planes arose only in the twentieth century under the
general name of Cubism. Like everything else, Cubism has its history.
Briefly, we can indicate the sources of this remarkable movement.
I. If the Greeks and Holbein were, as it were, thefirst to whom line (in
itself) was accessible
II. If Chiaroscuro (as color), texture, and surface appeared fleetingly to
III. then Cezanne is thefirst who can be credited with the conjecture that
Nature can be observed as a Plane, as a surface (surface construction). If
line, Chiaroscuro, and coloration were well known in the past, then Plane
and surface were discovered only by the new painting. Just as the whole immeasurable significance of Texture in painting has only now been realized.
In passing on to a more detailed examination of examples of a surface
analysis of Nature in the pictures of modern artists, and in passing on to certain constructions of a theoretical type that ensue from this view of Nature
as plane and surfaceI would like to answer the question that should now
be examined at the beginning of any article devoted to the Theory of the
New Painting: "Tell me, what is the significance of establishing definite
All these concepts follow from the examination of works of the New
painting. Point 3) I placed out of sequence, and it has already been examined above. Both Cubism and Rondism can be based on all these four basic
concepts of the Canon of displaced Construction.
But Cubism and Rondism can also live and develop in the soil of the Academic Canon. . . .
Note. In the past there was also a counterbalance to the Academic Canon
living on (fluency) harmony, proportion, symmetry: all barbaric Folk arts
were based partly on the existence of this second canon (of displaced Con-
struction *). A definitive examination of our relation to these arts as raw material for the modern artist's creative solii would take us out of our depth.
* Note to above note. In contrast to the Academic Canon, which sees drawing as a definite dimension, we can now establish the canonof Free drawing. (The fascination of children's drawings lies precisely in the full exposition in such works of this principle.) The pictures and drawings of
V. V. Kandinsky. The drawings of V. Burliuk.
The portraits of P. Konchalovsky and I. Mashkov, the Soldier Pictures of
M. Larionov, are the best examples of Free drawing . . . (as also are the
latest works of N. Kulbin).
In poetry the apology is vers librethe sole and finest representative of
which in modern poetry is Viktor Khlebnikov. 4
Note II. The examination of the wide field of (painting's) concepts does not
fall into the scope of this article:
Color orchestration
which ought to be the subject
of separate investigations.
Cubism, 1912
For biography see p.
charova at the K n a v e
of D i a m o n d s
is p a r t o f a n i m p r o m p t u
debate of February
6 9 - 7 0 ] . T h e text is f r o m B e n e d i k t L i v s h i t s ,
Archer] (Leningrad,
speech given by
[see pp.
o f t h i s s p e e c h a n d s e n t it t h e d a y
it w a s
not published
after t h e d e b a t e to v a r i o u s n e w s p a p e r offices
until the
in bibl.
1 9 0 6 : w e n t to P a r i s at S e r g e i
of Diamonds,
" D o n k e y ' s T a i l , " " T a r g e t , " "Exhibition of Painting. 1 9 1 5 , " and other exhibitions;
1 9 1 5 : left M o s c o w t o j o i n D i a g h i l e v
Z d a n e v i c h B o r n Tiflis,
i e d l a w at S t . P e t e r s b u r g U n i v e r s i t y a n d in P a r i s ; u n d e r t h e p s e u d o n y m o f E l i
s e t t l e d in P a r i s ; l i v e s i n P a r i s .
(St. Petersburg), C h r i s t m a s n u m b e r ,
La pittura futurista
Gli espositori
b o t h o f w h i c h h a d a p p e a r e d in R u s s i a n t r a n s l a t i o n in Soyuz
1 7 3 - 7 4 . T h e o r i g i n a l t e x t i n Argus
w i t h their faces decorated with futurist a n d rayonist designs, a practice that they a n d
others (including D a v i d B u r l i u k ) e n g a g e d in d u r i n g s o m e of their p u b l i c
i sud
w a s b y n o means an
to satisfy
To the frenzied city of arc lamps, to the streets bespattered with bodies, to
the houses huddled together, we have brought our painted faces; we're off
and the track awaits the runners.
Creators, we have not come to destroy construction, but to glorify and to
affirm it. The painting of our faces is neither an absurd piece of fiction, nor
a relapseit is indissolubly linked to the character of our life and of our
The dawn's hymn to man, like a bugler before the battle, calls to victories
over the earth, hiding itself beneath the wheels until the hour of vengeance;
the slumbering weapons have awoken and spit on the enemy.
The new life requires a new community and a new way of propagation.
Our self-painting is thefirst speech to have found unknown truths. And the
conflagrations caused by it show that the menials of the earth have not lost
hope of saving the old nests, have gathered all forces to the defense of the
gates, have crowded together knowing that with thefirst goal scored we are
the victors.
The course of art and a love of life have been our guides. Faithfulness to
our trade inspires us, the fighters. The steadfastness of the few presents
forces that cannot be overcome.
We have joined art to life. After the long isolati6n of artists, we have
loudly summoned life and life has invaded art, it is time for art to invade
life. The painting of our faces is the beginning of the invasion. That is why
our hearts are beating so.
We do not aspire to a single form of aesthetics. Art is not only a monarch,
but also a newsman and a decorator. We value both print and news. The
synthesis of decoration and illustration is the basis of our self-painting. We
decorate life and preachthat's why we paint ourselves.
Self-painting is one of the new valuables that belong to the people as they
all do in our day and age. The old ones were incoherent and squashedflat by
money. Gold was valued as an ornament and became expensive. We throw
down gold and precious stones from their pedestal and declare them valueless. Beware, you who collect them and horde themyou will soon be
It began in '05. Mikhail Larionov painted a nude standing against a
background of a carpet and extended the design onto her. But there was no
proclamation. Now Parisians are doing the same by painting the legs of their
dancing girls, and ladies powder themselves with brown powder and like
Egyptians elongate their eyes. But that's old age. We, however, join contemplation with action and fling ourselves into the crowd.
To the frenzied city of arc lamps, to the streets bespattered with bodies, to
the houses huddled together, we have not brought the past: unexpected
flowers have bloomed in the hothouse and they excite us.
City dwellers have for a long time been varnishing their nails, using
eyeshadow, rouging their lips, cheeks, hairbut all they are doing is to imitate the earth.
We, creators, have nothing to do with the earth; our lines and colors ap-
peared with us. If we were given the plumage of parrots, we would pluck
out their feathers to use as brushes and crayons.
If we were given immortal beauty, we would daub over it and kill itwe
who know no half measures.
Tattooing doesn't interest us. People tattoo themselves once and for always. We paint ourselves for an hour, and a change of experience calls for a
change of painting, just as picture devours picture, when on the other side of
a car windshield shopwindows flash by running into each other: that's our
faces. Tattooing is beautiful but it says littleonly about one's tribe and
exploits. Our painting is the newsman.
Facial expressions don't interest us. That's because people have grown
accustomed to understanding them, too timid and ugly as they are. Our faces
are like the screech of the trolley warning the hurrying passers-by, like the
drunken sounds of the great tango. Mimicry is expressive but colorless. Our
painting is the decorator.
Nonobjective Art
9 - 4 8 [ b i b l . R 3 1 9 ; it i s r e p r i n t e d i n b i b l . R 1 4 , p p . 1 7 5 - 7 8 . I t h a s b e e n t r a n s l a t e d i n t o
F r e n c h in bibl. 132, p p . 2 9 - 3 2 , a n d in p a r t , into E n g l i s h in b i b l . 4 5 , p p .
T h e declarations are similar to t h o s e a d v a n c e d
e x h i b i t i o n h e l d in M o s c o w
in M a r c h
in t h e c a t a l o g u e of t h e
IQIT fbibl. R 3 1 5 ] ,
the theory of rayonist painting w a s k n o w n already, the " T a r g e t " acted as tReTormaL
d e m o n s t r a t i o n o f i t s p r a c t i c a l "acKieveffllBnty' B e c a u ' S ^ r ^ f f i e ^ a n o u s
allusions to the
of the Russian
Larionov's current rejection of the W e s t and his orientation toward Russian and Eastern cultural traditions. In addition to Larionov
were Timofei
(a s e r g e a n t - m a j o r a n d a m a t e u r p a i n t e r
exhibition, and
We, rayonists and futurists, do not wish to speak about new or old art,
and even less about modern Western art.
We leave the old art to die and leave the "new" art to do battle with it;
and incidentally, apart from a battle and a very easy one, the "new" art
cannot advance anything of its own. It is useful to put manure on barren
ground, but this dirty work does not interest us.
People shout about enemies closing in on them, but in fact, these enemies
are, in any case, their closest friends. Their argument with old art long since
spite of all their mistakes, but express our utmost scorn for the so-called
egofuturists 1 and neofuturists, 2 talentless, banal people, the same as the
members of the Knave of Diamonds, Slap in the Face of Public Taste, and
Union of Youth groups.3
We let sleeping dogs lie, we don't bring fools to their senses, we call trivial people trivial to their faces, and we are ever ready to defend our interests
We despise and brand as artistic lackeys all those who move against a
background of old or new art and go about their trivial business. Simple, uncorrupted people are closer to us than this artistic husk that clings to modern
art, like flies to honey.
To our way of thinking, mediocrity that proclaims new ideas of art is as
unnecessary and vulgar as if it were proclaiming old ideas.
This is a sharp stab in the heart for all who cling to so-called modern art,
making their names in speeches against renowned little old mendespite the
fact that between them and the latter there is essentially not much difference.
These are true brothers in spiritthe wretched rags of contemporaneity, for
who needs the peaceful renovating enterprises of those people who make a
hubbub about modern art, who haven't advanced a single thesis of their
own, and who express long-familiar artistic truths in their own words!
We've had enough Knaves of Diamonds whose miserable art is screened
by this title, enough slaps in the face given by the hand of a baby suffering
from wretched old age, enough unions of old and young! We don't need to
square vulgar accounts with public tastelet those indulge in this who on
paper give a slap in the face, but who, in fact, stretch out their hands for
We've had enough of this manure; now we need to sow.
We have no modestywe declare this bluntly and franklywe consider
ourselves to be the creators of modern
We have our own artistic honor, which we are prepared to defend to the
last with all the means at our disposal. We laugh at the words "old art" and
"new art"that's nonsense invented by idle philistines.
We spare no strength to make the sacred tree of art grow to great heights,
and what does it matter to us that little parasites swarm in its shadowlet
them, they know of the tree's existence from its shadow.
Art for life and even morelife for art!
We exclaim: the whole brilliant style of modern timesour trousers,
jackets, shoes, trolleys, cars, airplanes, railways, grandiose steamshipsis
fascinating, is a great epoch, one that has known no equal in the entire history of the world.
The style of rayonist painting that we advance signifies spatial forms arising from the intersection of the reflected rays of various objects, forms
chosen by the artist's will.
The ray is depicted provisionally on the surface by a colored line.
That which is valuable for the lover of paintingfinds its maximum expres-_
sion in a rayonist picture. The objects that we seein life^play no role here,
... ...
but that which is the essence of painting itself can be shown here best of
allthe combinationol color",' its ^ttufaSo n. the relation of colored masses,
depth, texture; anyone who lsj^ntgrested in painting can give his full atten^ i ,
The picture appears to be slippery; it imparts a sensation of the extratemporal, of the spatial. In it arises the sensation of what could be called the
fourth dimension, because its length, breadth, and density of the layer of
paint are the only signs of the outside worldall the sensations that arise
from the picture are of a different order; in this way painting becomes equal
to music while remaining itself. At this juncture a kind of painting emerges
that can be mastered by following precisely the laws of color and its transference onto the canvas.
Hence the creation of new forms whose meaning and expressiveness
depend exclusively on the degree of intensity of tone and the position that it
occupies in relation to other tones. Hence the natural downfall of all existing
styles and forms in all the art of the pastsince they, like life, are merely
objects for better perception and pictorial construction.
With this begins the true liberation of painting and its life in accordance
only with its own laws, a self-sufficient painting, with its own forms, color,
and timbre.
khvost i mishen
and dated M o s c o w ,
It h a s b e e n t r a n s l a t e d
121, pp.
rio-12] and
inter al.,
Guillaume Apollinaire as an " a r t i s t " and to Natalya Goncharova as a "realist cubist." Both Oslinyi khvost i mishen and the booklet contained rayonist illustrations
by Larionov and Goncharova, although the former also contained several lithographs
mounted separately, as well as photographic reproductions of works by Mikhail Le
Dantiyu, Aleksandr Shevchenko, et al. (see p. 83, 87).
Larionov seems to have formulated rayonism in 1912, not before; no rayonist works,
for example, figured at his one-man exhibition at the Society of Free Aesthetics in
Moscow in December 1911, at least according to the catalogue and to contemporaneous reviews. According to bibl. 132, p. 28, Goncharova was the first to use the
term rayonism, although Larionov's interest in science (manifested particularly while
he was at high school) had obviously stimulated his peculiarly refractive conception
of art. While rayonism had apparent cross-references with Franz Marc, the Italian futurists, and later, with Lyonel Feininger, the upsurge of interest in photography and
cinematography in Russia at this time provided an undoubted stimulus to Larionov's
concern with light and dynamics. It is of interest to note that in 1912/13 the Moscow
enabled the
( 1 9 1 2 - 1 3 ) at the G u g g e n h e i m M u s e u m d e m o n s t r a t e s an o b v i o u s interest in o p -
t e x t u r e t h a t M i k h a i l V r u b e l f a v o r e d in s o m a n y o f h i s w o r k s in t h e
1 9 0 0 s a t e c h n i q u e a d m i r e d b y a n u m b e r of y o u n g R u s s i a n artists.
as the
( q u o t e d in
1958], pp.
by h e r fellow artist I v a n
Painting is self-sufficient;
it has its own forms, color,
and timbre.
Rayonism is concerned with
spatial forms that can
arise from the intersection
of the reflected rays of
different objects, forms
chosen by the artist's
How they are provided for upon the earth, (appearing at intervals),
How dear and dreadful they are to the earth,
How they inure to themselves as much as to anywhat a paradox appears
their age,
How people respond to them, yet know them not,
How there is something relentless in their fate all times,
How all times mischoose the objects of their adulation and reward,
And how the same inexorable price must still be paid for the same great
Walt Whitman
shes, etc.)despite the fact that whole nations have apprehended and embodied life only in that way, age after age.
Any style, the moment it appears, especially if it is given immediate,
vivid expression, is always as incomprehensible as the style of a remote age.
A new style is always first created in art, since all previous styles and life
are refracted through it.
Works of art are not examined from the point of view of time and are essentially different because of the form in which they are perceived and in
which they were created. There is no such thing as a copy in our current
sense of the word, but there is such a thing as a work of art with the same
departure point-served either by another work of art or by nature.
In examining our contemporary art we see that about forty of fifty years
ago in the heyday of impressionism, a movement began to appear in art that
advocated the colored surface. Gradually this movement took hold of people
working in the sphere of art, and after a while there appeared the theory of
displaced colored surface and movement of surface. A parallel trend arose of
constructing according to the curve of the circlerondism. The displacement of surfaces and construction according to the curve made for more constructiveness within the confines of the picture's surface. The doctrine of
surface painting gives rise naturally to the doctrine of figural construction
because the figure is in the surface's movement. Cubism teaches one to expose the third dimension by means of form (but not aerial and linear perspective together with form) and to transfer forms onto the canvas the moment they are created. Of all techniques, chiaroscuro, in the main, is
adopted by cubism. For the most part this trend has decorative characteristics, although all cubists are engaged in easel paintingbut this is caused
by modern society's lack of demand for purely decorative painting. A movement parallel to cubism is spherism.
Cubism manifests itself in almost all existing formsclassical, academic
(Metzinger), romantic (Le Fauconnier, Braque), realist (Gleizes, Leger, Goncharova)and in forms of an abstract kind (Picasso). Under the influence of
futurism on the cubists, there appeared a transitory cubism of futurist character (Delaunay, Levy, the latest works of Picasso, Le Fauconnier).
Futurism was first promoted by the Italians: 2 this doctrine aspires to
make reforms not merely in the sphere of paintingit is concerned also with
all kinds of art.
In painting, futurism promotes mainly the doctrine of movement
turist unfurls the picturehe places the artist in the center of the picture; he
examines the object from different points of view; he advocates the translucency of objects, the painting of what the artist knows, not what he sees, the
transference of the sum total of impressions onto the canvas and the transference of many aspects of one and the same object; he introduces narrative
and literature.
Futurism introduces a refreshing stream into modern artwhich to a certain extent is linked to useless traditionsbut for modern Italy it really
serves as a very good lesson. If the futurists had had the genuine painterly
traditions that the French have, then their doctrine would not have become
part of French painting, as it now has.
Of the movements engendered by this trend and dominant at present, the
following are in the forefront: postcubism, which is concerned with the synthesis of forms as opposed to the analytical decomposition of forms; neofuturism, which has resolved completely to reject the picture as a surface covered with paint, replacing it by a screenon which the static, essentially
colored surface is replaced by a light-colored, moving one; and orphism,
which advocates the musicality of objectsheralded by the artist
Neofuturism introduces painting to the problems posed by glass 3 and, in
addition, natural dynamics; this deprives painting of its symbolic origin and
it emerges as a new kind of art.
Orphism is concerned with painting based on this musical sonority of colors, on color orchestration; it is inclined toward a literal correspondence of
musical to light waves, which stimulate color sensationand it constructs
painting literally according to musical laws. In fact, painting must be constructed according to its own lawsjust as music is constructed according to
its own musical laws; the laws germane only to painting are:
Colored line and texture.
Any picture consists of a colored surface and texture (the state of this colored surface is its timbre) and of the sensation that arises from these two
Nobody would begin to assert that the art connoisseur turns his primary
attention to the objects depicted in a picturehe is interested in how these
objects are depicted, which colors are put on the canvas, and how they are
put on. Therefore, he is interested in the one artist and appreciates him, and
not another, despite the fact that both paint the same objects. But the majority of dilettanti would think it very strange if objects as such were to disappear completely from a picture. Although all that they appreciate would still
remaincolor, the painted surface, the structure of painted masses, texture.
Now, it is necessary to find the point at whichhaving concrete life as a
stimulantpainting would remain itself while its adopted forms would be
transformed and its outlook broadened; hence, like music, which takes
sound from concrete life and uses it according to musical laws, painting
would use color according to painterly laws.
In accordance with purely painterly laws, rayonism is concerned with introducing painting into the sphere of those problems peculiar to painting
Our eye is an imperfect apparatus; we think that our sight is mainly
responsible for transmitting concrete life to our cerebral centers, but in fact, it
arrives there in its correct form not thanks to our sight, but thanks to other
senses. A child sees objects for the first time upside down, and subsequently
this defect of sight is corrected by the other senses. However much he
desires to, an adult cannot see an object upside down.
Hence it is evident to what degree our inner conviction is important with
regard to things existing in the outside world. If with regard to certain
things, we know that they must be as they are because science reveals this to
us, we do remain certain that this is as it should be and not otherwise despite
the fact that we cannot apprehend this directly by our senses.
In purely official terms, rayonism proceeds from the following tenets:
Luminosity owes its existence to reflected light (between objects in space
this forms a kind of colored dust).
The doctrine of luminosity.
Radioactive rays. Ultraviolet rays. Reflectivity.
We do not sense the object with our eye, as it is depicted conventionally
in pictures and as a result of following this or that device; in fact, we do not
sense the object as such. We perceive a sum of rays proceeding from a
source of light; these are reflected from the object and enter our field of
Consequently, if we wish to paint literally what we see, then we must
paint the sum of rays reflected from the object. But in order to receive the
total sum of rays from the desired object, we must select them deliberatelybecause together with the rays of the object being perceived, there
also fall into our range of vision reflected reflex rays belonging to other
nearby objects. Now, if we wish to depict an object exactly as we see it,
then we must depict also these reflex rays belonging to other objectsand
then we will depict literally what we see. I painted my first works of a
purely realistic kind in this way. In other words, this is the most complete
reality o f an objectnot as we know it, but as we see it. In all his w o r k s
Paul Cezanne was inclined toward this; that is why various objects in his
pictures appear displaced and look asquint. This arose partly from the fact
that he painted literally what he saw. But one can see an object as flat only
with one eye, and Cezanne painted as every man seeswith two eyes, i.e.,
the object slightly from the right and slightly from the left.
At the same time, Cezanne possessed such keenness of sight that he could
not help noticing the reflex rubbing, as it were, of a small part of one object
against the reflected rays of another. Hence there occurred not the exposure
of the object itself, but as it were, its displacement onto a different side and
a partial truncation of one of the object's sideswhich provided his pictures
with a realistic construction.
Picasso inherited this tradition from Cezanne, developed it, and thanks to
Negro and Aztec art, turned to monumental art; finally, he grasped how to
build a picture out of the essential elements of an object so as to ensure a
greater sense of construction in the picture.
Now, if we concern ourselves not with the objects themselves but with the
sums of rays from them, we can build a picture in the following way:
The sum of rays from object A intersects the sum of rays from object B;
in the space between them a certain form appears, and this is isolated by the
artist's will. This can be employed in relation to several objects, e.g., the
form constructed from a pair of scissors, a nose, and a bottle, etc. The picture's coloration depends on the pressure intensity of dominant colors and
their reciprocal combinations.
The high point of color tension, density, and depth must be clearly
A picture painted in a cubist manner and a futurist picture provide a different kind of form (a rayonist one) when they radiate in space.
Perception, not of the object itself, but of the sum of rays from it, is, by
its very nature, much closer to the symbolic surface of the picture than is the
object itself. This is almost the same as the mirage that appears in the
scorching air of the desert and depicts distant towns, lakes, and oases in the
sky (in concrete instances). Rayonism erases the barriers that exist between
the picture's surface and nature.
A ray is depicted provisionally on the surface by a colored line.
What has most value for every lover of painting is revealed in its most
complete form in a rayonist picturethe objects that we see in life play no
role here (except for realistic rayonism, in which the object serves as a point
of departure); that which is the essence of painting itself can best be revealed
herethe combination of colors, their saturation, the interrelation of colored
masses, depth, texture; whoever is interested in painting can concentrate on
all these things to the full.
The picture appears to be slippery; it imparts a sensation of the extratemporal, of the spatial. In it arises the sensation of what could be called the
fourth dimension, because its length, breadth, and density of the layer of
paint are the only signs of the outside worldall the sensations that arise
from the picture are of a different order; in this way painting becomes equal
to music while remaining itself. At this juncture a kind of painting emerges
that can be mastered by following precisely the laws of color and its transference onto the canvas. Hence the creation of new forms whose significance and expressiveness depend exclusively on the degree of intensity of
tone and the position that this occupies in relation to other tones. Hence the
natural downfall of all existing styles and forms in all the art of the pastfor
they, like life, are merely objects for the rayonist perception and pictorial
With this begins the true liberation of painting and its own life according
to its own rules.
The next stage in the development of rayonism is pneumorayonism, or
concentrated rayonism; this is concerned with joining elements together into
general masses between spatial forms present in a more sectional, rayonist
1914, p.
a p p e a r e d in F r e n c h
1 5 . T h i s w a s L a r i o n o v ' s first
t h i s , t h e first
in o r d e r t o p r e s e r v e
e l u c i d a t i o n of r a y o n i s m to b e p u b l i s h e d in t h e
Every form exists objectively in space by reason of the rays from the
other forms that surround it; it is individualized by these rays, and they
alone determine its existence.
Nevertheless, between those forms that our eye objectivizes, there exists a
real and undeniable intersection of rays proceeding from various forms.
These intersections constitute new intangible forms that the painter's eye can
see. Where the rays from different objects meet, new immaterial objects are
created in space. Rayonism is the painting of these intangible forms, of
these infinite products with which the whole of space is filled.
Rayonism is the painting of the collisions and couplings of rays between
objects, the dramatic representation of the struggle between the plastic emanations radiating from all things around us; rayonism is the painting of space
revealed not by the contours of objects, not even by their formal coloring,
but by the ceaseless and intense drama of the rays that constitute the unity of
all things.
Rayonism might appear to be a form of spiritualist painting, even mystical, but it is, on the contrary, essentially plastic. The painter sees new
forms created between tangible forms by their own radiation, and these are
the only ones that he places on the canvas. Hence he attains the pinnacle of
painting for painting's sake inspired by these real forms, although he would
neither know how to, nor wish to, represent or even evoke them by their
linear existence.
Pictorial studies devoted to a formal representation by no matter what
kind of geometrical linestraight, curved, circularstill regard painting, in
my opinion, as a means of representing forms. Rayonism wishes to regard
painting as an end in itself and no longer as a means of expression.
Rayonism gives primary importance only to color. To this end, rayonism
has come naturally to examine the problem of color depth.
The sensation a color can arouse, the emotion it can express is greater or
lesser in proportion as its depth on the plane surface increases or decreases.
Obviously, a blue spread evenly over the canvas vibrates with less intensity
than the same blue put on more thickly. Hitherto this law has been applicable only to music, but it is incontestable also with regard to painting: colors
have a timbre that changes according to the quality of their vibrations, i.e.,
of their density and loudness. In this way, painting becomes as free as music
and becomes self-sufficient outside of imagery.
In his investigations the rayonist painter is concerned with variety of density, i.e., the depth of color that he is using, as much as with the composition formed by the rays from intervibrant objects.
So we are dealing with painting that is dedicated to the domination of
color, to the study of the resonances deriving from the pure orchestration of
its timbres.
Polychromy is not essential. For example, in a canvas painted in one
color, a street would be represented by one flat, very brilliant and lacquered
surface between houses depicted in relief with their projections and indentations; above would be a very smooth sky. These different masses would be
combined by the intersections of the rays that they would reflect and would
produce a supremely realistic impressionand just as dynamicof how the
street appeared in reality.
This example is actually rather clumsy and serves only to elucidate the
question of color timbre, since in a rayonist canvas a street, a harvest scene,
a sky exist only through the relationships between their intervibrations.
In rayonist painting the intrinsic life and continuum of the colored masses
form a synthesis-image in the mind of the spectator, one that goes beyond
time and space. One glimpses the famous fourth dimension since the length,
breadth, and density of the superposition of the painted colors are the only
signs of the visible world; and all the other sensations, created by images,
are of another orderthat superreal order that man must always seek, yet
never find, so that he would approach paths of representation more subtle
and more spiritualized.
We believe that rayonism marks a new stage in this development.
Du Cubisme [ i b i d . , p p . 2 5 - 3 4 ] , i n
U s p e n s k y ' s Tertium Organum a n d h e n c e t o
reference to Petr
Vladimir Markov,
and Kulbin
t h e m o r e definite',
more emphatic
theories of
more cerebral
w a s e x p r e s s e d a b o v e all in h e r o w n v e r y analytical p a i n t i n g , in w h i c h s h e
suprematist conclusion,
a n d in h e r poetical e x p e r i m e n t s
[ C u b i s m or R i d i c u l i s m ? ] s e e p.
[see bibl. R 3 3 2 ] . T h e
Art develops; the intuitive impulse in the process of creation is thefirst psychological stage in this development. How does the artist use the phenomena
of nature, and how does he transform the visible World on the basis of his
relationship with it?
A rearing horse, motionless cliffs, a delicate flower, are equally beautiful
if they can express themselves in equal degree.
But what can the artist express if he repeats them?
At best, an unconscious plagiarism of nature, for which the artist, not
knowing his own objectives, could be forgiven; at worst, a plagiarism in the
literal sense of the word, when people would refuse to reject it merely out of
creative impotence.
Because the artist must be not a passive imitator of nature, but an active
spokesman of his relationship with her. Hence the question arises: to what
extent and to what degree should nature's influence on the artist be
A servile repetition of nature's models can never express all her fullness.
It is time, at long last, to acknowledge this and to declare frankly, once
and for all, that other ways, other methods of expressing the World are
The photographer and the servile artist, in depicting nature's images, will
repeat them.
The artist of artistic individuality, in depicting them, will reflect himself.
He will reveal the properties of the World and erect from them a New
Worldthe World of the Picture, and by renouncing repetition of the visible, he will inevitably create different images; in turning to their practical realization on the canvas, he will be forced to reckon with them.
The Intuitive Principle, as an extrinsic stimulus to creation, and individual
transformationthe second stage in the creative processhave played their
role in advancing the meaning of the abstract.
The abstract embraces the conception of creative Calculation, and of expedient relations to the painterly task. It has played an essential role in the
New Art by indissolubly combining the conception of artistic means and the
conception of artistic ends. Modern art is no longer a copy of concrete objects; it has set itself on a different plane, it has upturned completely the
conception of Art that existed hitherto.
The artist of the Past, riveted to nature, forgot about the picture as an important phenomenon, and as a result, it became merely a pale reminder of
what he saw, a boring assemblage of ready-made, indivisible images of nature, the fruit of logic with its immutable, nonaesthetic characteristics. Nature enslaved the artist.
And if in olden times, the individual transformation of nature found occasional expression when the artist changed it according to his individual
conception (the works of archaic eras, of infant nations, the primitives), it
was, nevertheless, an example of an unrealized property, attempts at free
speech, and more often than not, the ready-made images triumphed as a
Only now does the artist create a Picture quite consciously not only by not
copying nature, but also by subordinating the primitive conception of it to
conceptions complicated by all the psychology of modern creative thought:
what the artist sees + what he knows + what he remembers, etc. In putting
paint onto canvas, he further subjects the result of this consciousness to a
constructive processing that, strictly speaking, is the most important thing in
Artand the very conception of the Picture and of its self-sufficient value
can arise only on this condition.
In an ideal state of affairs the artist passes spontaneously from one creative state to another, and the Principlesthe Intuitive, the Individual, the
Abstractare united organically, not mechanically. I do not intend to analyze the individual trends of modern art but wish merely to determine the
general character of the New creative World View. I shall touch on these
trends only to the extent that they are the consequence of this New creative
psychology and evoke this or that attitude in the public and critics nurtured
on the psychology of the old conception of art. To begin with, the art of our
time will be fatally incomprehensible to such people unless they make the
effort to accept the required viewpoint.
For the majority of the public nurtured by pseudo artists on copies of nature, the conception of beauty rests on the terms "Familiar" and "Intelligible." So when an art created on new principles forces the public to
awaken from its stagnant, sleepy attitudes crystallized once and for all, the
transition to a different state incites protest and hostility since the public is
unprepared for it.
Only in this way can the enormity of the reproaches cast at the whole of
the Young Art and itsrepresentativesbe explained.
Reproaches made from self-interest, self-advertisement, charlatanism,
and every kind of mean trick.
The disgusting roars of laughter at exhibitions of the leading trends can be
explained only by a reluctance to be educated.
The bewilderment at pictures and titles expressed in technical language
(directrix, color instrumentation, etc.) can be explained only by crass
Undoubtedly, if a person came to a musical evening, read in the program
the titles of the pieces"Fugue," "Sonata," "Symphony," etc.and suddenly began to roar with laughter, indicating that these definitions were
amusing and pretentious, his neighbors would shrug their shoulders and
make him feel a fool.
In what way does the usual kind of visitor to current "Union of Youth"
exhibitions differ from this type as he creases up with laughter when confronted with specific artistic terms in the catalogue and does not take the
trouble to ascertain their true meaning?
But if the attitude of a certain section of the public is tactless, then that of
the critics and their confreres in art toward its Young representatives is, unfortunately, not only no less tactless and ignorant, but is often even careless.
Everyone who follows the art scene is familiar with A. Benois's articles on
"Cubism or Ridiculism?" 1 is a shameful stain on Russian criticism.
And if such a well-known art critic displays complete ignorance of questions of a specialized nature, then what can we expect from the newspaper
judges who earn their bread and butter by looking for truths to please the
mob's bigoted opinions!
When there is no possibility of averting your opponent's victory by disarming him, there is only one thing leftto depreciate his significance.
The opponents of the New Art resort to this onslaught by rejecting its selfsufficient significance, declaring it to be "transient"; they do not even understand properly the conception of this Art and dump cubism, futurism, and
other manifestations of art life onto the same heap. Hence they elucidate neither their essential difference, nor their common cohesive theses.
Let us turn to the concepts transient and self-sufficient.
Do these words
denote a qualitative or a quantitative difference? In all the manifestations of
cultural life and hence in art as well, only an epoch of Senility and Imitationa period of life's mortificationcan, according to the only correct
definition, be called a "transient epoch."
Every new epoch in art differs from the preceding one in that it introduces
many new artistic theses into its previously cultivated experience, and in following the path of this development, it works out a new code of artistic
formulas. But in the course of time, creative energy begins inevitably to
New formulas cannot be cultivatedon the contrary, those cultivated
previously develop artistic technique to an extraordinary level of refinement
and reduce it to prestidigitation of the paintbrush; the extreme expression of
this is a crystallization into the conditioned repetition of ready-made forms.
And in this soil the putridflowers of imitation thrive. Without going into the
depths of art history, we can cite examples of imitation from the not too distant past (it, too, has grown obsolete), namely, the exhibitions of the
"World of Art" and especially the "Union of Russian Artists" 2 as they
now stand: they give nothing to the treasure house of art and essentially are
merely the epigones of the Wanderers. The only difference is that the servile
imitation of nature with a smattering of Social-Populist ideology (the Wanderers) is replaced in this case by the imitation of an intimate aristocratic life
with its cult of antiquity and sentimentality of individual experience (the
cozy art of the "World of Art" exhibitions and their like).
I pointed out above that all previous art had touched on problems of a
purely painterly nature only by allusion and that it had confined itself generally to the repetition of the visible; we can say therefore that only the nineteenth century, thanks to the school of the impressionists, advanced theses
that had been unknown previously: the stipulation of a locale of air and light
in the picture and color analysis.
Then followed Van Gogh, who hinted at the principle of dynamism, and
Cezanne, who advanced the questions of construction, planar and surface
But Van Gogh and Cezanne are only the estuaries of those broad and impetuous currents that are most well defined in our time: futurism and
Proceeding from the possibilities to which I alluded (dynamism, planar
and surface dimension), each of these currents has enriched art with a series
of independent theses.
Moreover, although initially they were diametrically opposed to each
other (Dynamics, Statics), they were enriched subsequently with a series of
common theses. These have lent a common tone to all modern trends in
Only modern Art has advocated the full and serious importance of such
principles as pictorial dynamism, volume and equilibrium, weight and
weightlessness, linear and plane displacement, rhythm as a legitimate division of space, design, planar and surface dimension, texture, color correlation, and others. Suffice it to enumerate these principles that distinguish the
New Art from the Old to be convinced that they are the Qualitativeand not
just the quantitativeNew Basis that proves the "self-sufficient" significance of the New Art. They are principles hitherto unknown that signify the
rise of a new era in creationan era of purely artistic achievements.
The era of the final, absolute liberation of the Great Art of Painting
from the alien traits of Literature, Society, and everyday life. Our age is to
be credited with the cultivation of this valuable world view age that is
not affected by the question of how quickly the individual trends it has
created flash past.
After elucidating the essential values of the New Art, one cannot help noting the extraordinary rise in the whole creative life of our day, the unprecedented diversity and quantity of artistic trends.
Messrs. art critics and veterans of the old art are being true to themselves
in their fatal fear of what is beautiful and continually renewing itself; they
are frightened and tremble for the little caskets of their meager artistic
achievements. In order to defend publicly this pitiful property and the positions they occupy, they spare no effort to slander the Young Art and to arrest its triumphant procession. They reproach it further with frivolity and
It is high time that we realized that the future of Art will be assured only
when the thirst for eternal renewal in the artist's soul becomes inexhaustible,
when wretched individual taste loses its power over him and frees him from
the necessity of continually rehashing.
Only the absence of honesty and of true love of art provides some artists
with the effrontery to live on stale tins of artistic economies stocked up for
several years, and year in, year out, until they arefifty, to mutter about what
they hadfirst started to talk about when they were twenty.
Each moment of the present is dissimilar to a moment of the past, and
moments of the future will contain inexhaustible possibilities and new
How can one explain the premature spiritual death of the artists of the Old
Art, if not by laziness?
They end their days as innovators before they are barely thirty, and then
turn to rehashing.
There is nothing more awful in the World than repetition, uniformity.
Uniformity is the apotheosis of banality.
There is nothing more awful in the World than an artist's immutable Face,
by which his friends and old buyers recognize him at exhibitionsthis accursed mask that shuts off his view of the future, this contemptible hide in
which are arrayed all the "venerable" tradesmen of art clinging to their material security!
There is nothing more terrible than this immutability when it is not the
imprint of the elemental force of individuality, but merely the tested guarantee of a steady market!
It is high time that we put an end to the debauch of critics' ribaldry and
confessed honestly that only "Union of Youth" exhibitions are the pledges
of art's renewal. Contempt should be cast on those who hold dear only
peaceful sleep and relapses of experience.
The texts that follow were published on the occasion of the opening of the "Last Futurist Exhibition of Pictures o. 10" organized by Ivan Puni in Petrograd (December
19. 1915-January 19, 1916) [bibl. R364] and were distributed gratis as two separate
leaflets (Puni/Kseniya Boguslavskaya as one, Kazimir Malevich/Ivan Klyun/Mikhail
Menkov as the other) while the exhibition was in progress. [The texts are reprinted in
bibl. 33, pp. 52-53; French translation, ibid., pp. 153-54.] The written contribution
by Malevich was virtually the same as the first eight paragraphs of his book From
Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism (see p. 118-19), the first edition of which was
on sale at the exhibition.
The exhibition itself was the first public showing of suprematist works and judging
by the newspaper Obozrenie teatrov [Theater Observer] (Petrograd) for January 9,
1916, this was the first time that suprematism as an art movement had been heard of.
" 0 . 1 0 " witnessed the debut of Malevich's Black Square on a White Background
(called Square in the catalogue, no. 39) and also of his Red Square on a White
Background (called Painterly Realism of Red Masses in Two Dimensions in the catalogue, no. 47), a canvas that he contributed to many of his exhibitions. These, however, were not the only monochromatic paintings at the exhibition: according to one
review (in Vechernee vremya [Evening] [Petrograd], January 20, 1916), Puni also
submitted a "board . . . painted green" (no. 107 in the catalogue). Vladimir Tatlin
was -alsa .represented at-the exhibition, and-his own manifesto
published.on the occasion, of i u opening, but .in.contrast to Malevich and . he
received little critical attgjpJtjjaji,
Malevich and Puni expanded the ideas set forth in their manifestoes at a public
presentation that they organized at the Tenishev Institute, Petrograd, on January 12,
1916. Malevich expressed ideas similar to those in his book, illustrating his talk with
his own pictures and with an "experimental demonstration . . . of a sketch according to the principle of cubofuturism" (from the poster advertising the event); Puni
delivered a lecture that encompassed "academic trends . . . cubofuturism . . .
suprematism, and the fall of futurism" (ibid.); and Boguslavskaya read some of her
own poetry. Both the manifestoes and the lectures underlined basic differences between Malevich and Puni: Malevich emerged as more individualistic, more irrational, yet more imaginative, whereas Puni tended toward a more impersonal, more rational, and more scientific conception. But whatever their differences, it was clear
that thanks to their "philosophy of savagery and bestiality" (A[leksandr] Benois,
"Poslednyaya futuristicheskaya vystavka" [The Last Futurist Exhibition], in Rech
[Discourse] |Petrograd], January 9, 1916), they had indeed "conquered Raphael, Titian, and Michelangelo" (I[gor] Gr[abar]: "O skuchizme" [On Boringism] in Den
[Day] [Petrogradl, January 14, 1916). Apart from the Benois, all the above reviews
are reproduced in bibl. 33, pp. 68-85.
as Jean
c e i v e d early e d u c a t i o n in St. P e t e r s b u r g ;
1894; died
1 9 0 9 : first t r i p t o P a r i s ;
1912: b a c k in St.
a n d " 0 . 1 0 " ; 1 9 1 3 : m a r r i e d B o g u s l a v s k a y a ; 1 9 1 8 : p r o f e s s o r at P e g o s k h u m a / S v o -
Xana BoguslavskayaBorn
1912: in Paris;
1913; married
1915-16: contributed
to " T r a m w a y
V "
a n d " 0 . 1 0 " ; s t u d e n t at P e g o s k h u m a / S v o m a s w h i l e P u n i t a u g h t there; did street d e c o ration; 1920: m o v e d to Berlin; 1923: settled in Paris.
1) An object is the sum of real units, a sum that has a utilitarian purpose.
(Utility is the purpose of the sum of real elements to depict something.
Example: a certain sum of elements is a stone, another a man, etc.)
2) The substance of an object (reality) and the being of an object like a
chair, a samovar, a house, etc., are not the same thing.
A) Freedom of the object from meaning, the destruction of utility.
B) A picture is a new conception of abstracted real elements, deprived of
3) 2 X 2 is anything you like, but not four.
C) (The aesthetic thing in itself.)
An object (a world) freed from meaning disintegrates into real elementsthe foundation of art.
B. 2) The correlation of elements discovered and revealed in a picture is a
new reality, the departure point of the new painting.
1 9 4 2 . S t u d i e d in
M o s c o w , and Warsaw;
mir Malevich,
1870; died M o s c o w ,
1915: supported
1916: joined
1922: m e m b e r of Inkhuk;
during the
Also known
as M i n k o v .
dates unknown.
1915-16: contributed
1 9 1 9 : at t h e " E i g h t h
Every art that is valued by its ability to repeat the visible is a defective
Color must live and speak for itself. Hitherto there was no such thing as
pure painting; there were just copies of nature and of ideas.
in U u s i k i r k k o , F i n l a n d [ s e e b i b l . R 3 0 6 ] ;
d e c o r for t h e A l e k s e i K r u c h e n y k h - M i k h a i l
t h e l e t t e r ' s a r r i v a l i n R u s s i a ; 1 9 1 5 - 1 6 : first
Matyushin opera
94: m e t F i l i p p o Marinetti
of D i a m o n d s , "
at the
of the N e w
1922: joined
s h o w i n g o f s u p r e m a t i s t w o r k s at " o . 1 0 " ;
Ot kubizma suprematizmu.
Novyi zhivopisnyi
Painterly Realism]
in J a n u a r y
1 9 1 5 in P e t r o g r a d u n d e r t h e title
and coincided
its o r i g i n a l f o r m in
[From C u b i s m to
the exhibition
t r a n s l a t i o n is m a d e , w a s p u b l i s h e d in N o v e m b e r 1 9 1 6 , b u t in M o s c o w , a n d i s s i g n e d
and dated
1915. T h e
into English
but with
i n a c c u r a c i e s [bibl. 1 5 9 , v o l . 1, 1 9 - 4 0 ] a n d i n t o F r e n c h [ b i b l . 1 6 3 , p p . 4 5 - 7 3 ] .
eight paragraphs of the text are similar to M a l e v i c h ' s statement issued at " o .
(see p. iroff.).
Only when the conscious habit of seeing nature's little nooks. Madonnas,
and Venuses in pictures disappears will we witness a purely painterly work
of art.
I have transformed myself in the zero of form and have fished myself out
of the rubbishy slough of academic art.
I have destroyed the ring of the horizon and got out of the circle of objects, the horizon ring that has imprisoned the artist and the forms of nature.
This accursed ring, by continually revealing novelty after novelty, leads
the artist away from the aim of destruction.
And only cowardly consciousness and insolvency of creative power in an
artist yield to this deception and establish their art on the forms of nature,
afraid of losing the foundation on which the savage and the academy have
based their art.
To produce favorite objects and little nooks of nature is just like a thief
being enraptured by his shackled legs.
Only dull and impotent artists veil their work with sincerity. Art requires
truth, not sincerity.
Objects have vanished like smoke; to attain the new artistic culture, art
advances toward creation as an end in itself and toward domination over the
forms of nature.
Consequently, his original outline was a framework on which the generations hung new discovery after new discovery made in nature.
And the outline became more and more involved and achieved its flowering in antiquity and the Renaissance.
The masters of these two epochs depicted man in his complete form, both
outward and inward.
Man was assembled, and his inward state was expressed.
But despite their enormous skill, they did not, however, perfect the savage's idea:
The reflection of nature on canvas, as in a mirror.
And it is a mistake to suppose that their age was the most brilliant flowering of art and that the younger generation should at all costs aspire toward
this ideal.
This idea is false.
It diverts young forces from the contemporary current of life and thereby
deforms them.
Their bodies fly in airplanes, but they cover art and life with the old robes
of Neros and Titians.
Hence they are unable to observe the new beauty of our modern life.
Because they live by the beauty of past ages.
That is why the realists, impressionists, cubism, futurism, and suprematism were not understood.
The latter artists cast aside the robes of the past, came out into modern
life, and found new beauty.
And I say:
That no torture chambers of the academies will withstand the days to
Forms move and are born, and we are forever making new discoveries.
And what we discover must not be concealed.
And it is absurd to force our age into the old forms of a bygone age.
The hollow of the past cannot contain the gigantic constructions and
movement of our life.
As in our life of technology:
We cannot use the ships in which the Saracens sailed, and so in art we
should seek forms that correspond to modern life.
The technological side of our age advances further and further ahead, but
people try to push art further and further back.
This is why all those people who follow their age are superior, greater,
and worthier.
And the realism of the nineteenth century is much greater than the ideal
forms found in the aesthetic experience of the ages of the Renaissance and
The masters of Rome and Greece, after they had attained a knowledge of
human anatomy and produced a depiction that was to a certain extent
were overrun by aesthetic taste, and their realism was pomaded and powdered with the taste of aestheticism.
Hence their perfect line and nice colors.
Aesthetic taste diverted them from the realism of the earth, and they
reached the impasse of idealism.
Their painting is a means of decorating a picture.
Their knowledge was taken away from nature into closed studios, where
pictures were manufactured for many centuries.
That is why their art stopped short.
They closed the doors behind them, thereby destroying their contact with
And that moment when they were gripped by the idealization of form
should be considered the collapse of real art.
Because art should not advance toward abbreviation or simplification, but
toward complexity.
The Venus de Milo is a graphic example of decline. It is not a real
woman, but a parody.
Angelo's David is a deformation:
His head and torso are modeled, as it were, from two incongruent forms.
A fantastic head and a real torso.
All the masters of the Renaissance achieved great results in anatomy.
But they did not achieve veracity in their impression of the body.
Their painting does not transmit the body, and their landscapes do not
transmit living light, despite the fact that bluish veins can be seen in the
bodies of their people.
The art of naturalism is the savage's idea, the aspiration to transmit what
is seen, but not to create a new form.
His creative will was in an embryonic state, but his impressions were
more developed, which was the reason for his reproduction of reality.
Similarly it should not be assumed that his gift of creative will was developed in the classical painters.
Because we see in their pictures only repetitions of the real forms of life
in settings richer than those of their ancestor, the savage.
Similarly their composition should not be considered creation, for in most
cases the arrangement of figures depends on the subject: a king's procession,
a court, etc.
The king and the judge already determine the places on the canvas for the
persons of secondary importance.
Furthermore, the composition rests on the purely aesthetic basis of niceness of arrangement.
Hence arranging furniture in a room is still not a creative process.
In repeating or tracing the forms of nature, we have nurtured our consciousness with a false conception of art.
The work of the primitives was taken for creation.
The classics also.
If you put the same glass down twenty times, that's also creation.
Art, as the ability to transmit what we see onto a canvas, was considered
Is placing a samovar on a table also really creation?
I think quite differently.
The transmission of real objects onto a canvas is the art of skillful reproduction, that's all.
And between the art of creating and the art of repeating there is a great
To create means to live fp rft YFT n t newer and newer things.
And however much we ^feqlg eTijniiti^^bout rooms, we will not extend
or create a new form for t h e m J ^ r r ^ ^
And however many moonlit landscapes the artist paints, however many
grazing cows and pretty sunsets, they will remain the same dear little cows
and sunsets. Only in a much worse form.
And in fact, whether an artist is a genius or not is determined by the
number of cows he paints.
T h e .artist c a n ^ creator o n l y j v h e n t b e ^ o r r f ^
For art is the ability to create a construction that derives not from the interrelation of form and color and not on the basis of aesthetic taste in a con-
structior 's compositional beauty, but on the basis of weight, speed, and direction of movement.
Form* must be given life and the right to individual existence.
Nature is a living picture, and we can admire her. We are the living heart
of nature. We are the most valuable construction in this gigantic living
We ire her living brain, which magnifies her life.
To i wtsratei her is theft, and he who reiterates her is a thiefamo nentit^j
who ciinnot givfe, but who likes to take things and claim them asSapSB?^
\An_artjsfis under a vow to be a free creator, but not a free robber.
An artist is given talent in order that he may present to life his share of
creation and swell the current of life, so versatile.
Only in absolute creation will he acquire his right.
And this is possible when we free all art of philistine ideas and subject
matter and teach our consciousness to see everything in nature not qs reaf
objects and forms, but as material,
w n nmfm
Then the habit of seeing Madonnas and Venuses in pictures, with fat,, flirtatious cupids, will disappear.
Colon^nd texture are of the greatest value in painterly creationthev ate
the^sencTOpf painting: but this essence has always been killed by me sub*~~And if the masters of the Renaissance had discovered painterly surface, it
would have been much nobler and more valuable than any Madonna or
And any hewn pentagon or hexagon would have been a greater work of
sculpture than the Venus de Milo or David.
The principle of the savage is to aim to create art that repeats the real
forms of nature.
In intending to transmit the living form, they transmitted i{s corpse in the
The living was turned into a motionless, dead state.
'"HVdl^Wlffi'w&'l^ken alwe an^pifUieirquTvering tothe canvarffjust as insects are pinned in a collection.
f f
But that was the timejjLBabel in terms of art.
They should have (created,)but they repeated; they shouldlhave deprived
forms of content and meaning, but they enriched them with this burden.
They should have dumped this burden, but they tied it around the neck of
creative will.
The art of painting, the word, sculpture, was a kind of camel, loaded with
all the trash of odalisques, Salomes, princes, and princesses.
Painting was the tie on the gentleman's starched shirt and the pink corset
drawing in the stomach.
Painting was the aesthetic side of the object.
Butit Was nevO'" mdej#adenrend in itself.
Artists were officials making an inventory of nature's property, amateur
collectors of zoology, botany, and archaeology.
Nearer our time, young artists devoted themselves to pornography and
turned painting into lascivious trash.
There were no attempts at purely painterly tasks as such, without any appurtenances of real life.
Therewasnoxealism of painterly-form as an end in itself, and there was
no creation.
~~ 1
And througn speed we move more swiftly.
And we, w h o j o ^ ^ e n ^ w e ^
through speed, new relationships with nature and objects.
W^have reached sj^emaQ.n}^_abajidoning futurism as a loophole
those lagging behind will pass.
We have abandoned futurism, and we, bravest of the brave, have spat on
the altar of its art.
I tell you, you will not see the new beauty and the&utlrfyntil you venture
to spit.
Before us, all arts were old blouses, which are changed just like your silk
After throwing them away, you acquire new ones.
Why do you not put on your grandmothers' dresses, when you thrill to the
pictures of their powdered portraits?
Tbis jU cogfimas, ^ - - ^ ^
This is why you find the Somovs, Kustodievs,2 and various such rag
merchants so pleasant.
And I hate these secondhand-clothes dealers.
Yesterday we, our heads proudly raised, defended futurism
Now with pride we spit on it.
And I say that what we spat upon will be accepted.
You, too, spit on the old dresses and clothe art in something new.
We rejected futurism not because it was outdated, and its end had come.
No. The beauty of speed that it discovered is eternal, and the new will still
be revealed to many.
Since we run to our goal through the speed of futurism, our thought
moves more swiftly, and whoever lives in futurism is nearer to this aim and
further from the past.
And your lack of understanding is quite natural. Can a man who always
goes about in a cabriolet really understand the experiences and impressions
of one who travels in an express or flies through the air?
The academy is a moldy vault in which art is being flagell at&LGigantic
speed oftravel, telephones, telegraphs, dreadnoughts are the realm of electricity.
artists paint N e r o s and half-naked^ RoimiL^arriflr.v
Honor to the futurists who forbade the painting of female hams,3 the
painting of portraits and guitars in the moonlight.
They made a huge step forward: they abandoned meat and glorified th
But meat and the machine are the muscles of life.
Both are the bodies that give life movement.
It is hergjhat two worlds have come together
The world of meat and the world~oT iron
""" ~
(Shame on them.)
The futurists displayed enormous strength, of will in destroying the habit
of the oldinijnd, in flajd^-theh^rdened skin of academis'ffi ^^
the face of the old fommon sensfe'
After rejecting reason, the futurists proclaimed intuition as the subconscious.
But they created their pictures not out of the subconscious forms ofjjUy.i
jyjajrgtlt u&id tin- fuiins ^ ^ " ^
difference between the two lives
of the old and the new art will fall to the lot of intuitive feeling.
We do not see the subconscious in the actual construction of the picture.
Rather do we see the conscious caicj^tiQ^.Qf constnicti^
In a futurist picture there is a mass of objects. They are scattered about
the surface in an order unnatural to life.
The conglomeration of objects is acquired not through intuitive sense, but
while the building, the construction, of
the picture is done with the intention of achieving an impression.
And the sense of the subconscious falls away.
Consequently, we have nothing purely intuitive in the picture.
Beauty, too, if it is encountered, proceeds from aesthetic taste.
The intuitive, I think, should manifest itself when forms are unconscipus
I consider that'the intuitive in art had to be understood as the aim of our
it followed a purely conscious*patK7"6^zTng
depictions in
They are superior because they are aliVe-amJ.hayje-^rfoceeded from material that ha&MJ3i^n a new form for the new life.
Here is Djvjnri ofyiering crystals to assume another form of existence.
There shouia^rea miracle in the creation of art, as well.
But the Jealist^ in transferring living things onto the canvas, deprive their
life of movement.
And our academies teach dead, not living, painting.
Hitherto intuitive feeling has been directed to
U1 i i l M W
i n t o s e r o e T E I ^
But there has been no proof of this in art, and there should be.
And I feel that it does already exist in a real form and quite consciously.
The artist should know what, and why, things happen in his pictures.
i i ..
Previously he lived in some sort of mood. He waited for the moonnse and
twilight, put green shades on his lamps, and all this tuned him up like a
But if you asked him why the face on his canvas was crooked, or green,
he could not give an exact answer.
"I want it like that, I like it like that. . . . "
Ultimately, this desire was ascribed to creative will.
Consequently, the intuitive feeli ng did not speak clearly. And thereafter
its state became not only subconsciousTBuTcompletely unconscious.
These concepts were all mixed together in pictures. The picture was halfreal, half-distorted.
Being a painter, I ought to say why people's faces are painted green and
red in pictures.
Painting is paint and color; it lies within our organism. Its outbursts are
great and demanding.
My nervous system is colored by them.
My brain burns with their color.
enslaved by it. And the
spirit of color weakened and died out.
But when it conquered common sense, then its colors flowed onto the
repellent form of real things.
The colors matured, but their form did not mature in the consciousness.
This is why faces and bodies were red, green, and blue.
But this was the herald leading to the creation of painterly forms as ends
in themselves.
Now it is essential to shape the body and lend it Uyine.fQmiin jeal life.
An3"tbjs wiIf happe n^ ^^^ from painterIy mass^Tn!W?7
they will arise just^as tmmmanjom
^^u^lwim^wiil not be repetitions of living things in life, but will them-
Painting in Futurism
If we take any point in a futurist picture, we shall find either something that
is coming or going, or a confined space.
But we shall not find an independent, individual painterly surface.
Here the painting is nothing but the outer garment of things.
And each form of the object was painterly insofar as its form was necessary to its existence, and not vice versa.
The futurists advocate the dynamics of painterly plasticity as the most important aspect of a painting.
But in failing to destroy objectivism, they achieve only the dynamics of
Therefore futurist paintings and all those of past artists can be reduced
from twenty colors to one, without sacrificing their impression.
Repin's picture of Ivan the Terrible could be deprived of color, and it will
still give us the same impressions of horror as it does in color.
The subject will always kill color, and we will not notice it.
Whereas faces painted green and red kill the subject to a certain extent,
and the color is more noticeable. And color is what a painter lives by, so it
is the most important thing.
And here I have arrived at pure color forms.
And suprematism is the purely painterly art of color whose independence
cannot be reduced to a single color.
The galloping of a horse can be transmitted with a single tone of pencil.
But it is impossible to transmit the movement of red, green, or blue
masses with a single pencil.
' " *
Painters should abandon subject matter and objects if they wish to be
pure painters.
But if the artist finds little tension in the picture, he is free to take them
from another object.
Consequently, in cubism the principle of transmitting objects does not
A picture is made, but the object is not transmitted.
Hence this conclusion:
Over the past millennia, the artist has striven to approach the depiction of
an object as closely as possible, to transmit its essence and meaning; then in
obj<^|s together with their^ffleaQing,
mon sense showed him the absurdity of painting anything except nature.
And so he hung his great creative force on the bony skeleton of man,
where it shriveled up.
Many warriors and bearers of great talent have hung it up like washing on
a fence.
And all this was done out of love for nature's little nooks.
And let the authorities not hinder us from warning our generation against
the clothes stands that they have become so fond of and that keep them so
The efforts of the art authorities to direct art along the path of common
sense annulled creation.
But a surface lives; it has been born. A coffin reminds us of the dead; a
picture, of the living.
This is why it is strange to look at a red or black painted surface.
This is why people snigger and spit at the exhibitions of new trends.
Art and its new aim have always been a spittoon.
But cats get used to one place, and it is difficult to house-train them to a
new one.
For such people, art is quite unnecessary, as long as their grandmothers
and favorite little nooks of lilac groves are painted.
Everything runs from the past to the future, but everything should live in
the present, for in the future the apple trees will shed their blossoms.
Tomorrow will wipejnvay thf ygfitice of thf pn^pntT and you are too late
for the current of life.
1 he mire of the past, like a millstone, will drag you into the slough.
This is why 1 hate those who supply with monumentTlol^deacl.
The academy and the critics are this millstone round your neck. The old
realism is the movement that seeks to transmit living nature.
They carry on just as in the times of the Grand Inquisition.
Their aim is ridiculous because they want at all costs to force what they
take from nature to live on the canvas.
At the same time as everything is breathing and running, their frozen
poses are in pictures.
And this torture is worse than breaking on the wheel.
Sculptured statues, inspired, hence living, have stopped dead, posed as
Isn't this torture?
PjIfllfl'Sins thf ffmi 1 ;T1 r
n o t + l b
thf l
of the Twentieth Century, 1915
For biography see p.
of the
Sonnye svis-
[ S l e e p y W h i s t l e r s ; b i b l . R 3 0 4 ] . It a l s o c o n t a i n e d a f o r c e f u l a t t a c k o n
Aleksei Kruchenykh
[see bibl.
1 7 - 1 8 , for E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n ] in w h i c h h e r e j e c t e d r e a s o n as a n artistic
an ideological parallel to his alogical paintings o f the s a m e
159, vol.
Malevich's ideas of
t o t h e n e o p r i m i t i v i s t s , t h e title of K l y u n ' s e s s a y d e m o n s t r a t e s
art form,
a move
1 4 2 ff),
T o t u r n b a c k is t o a c k n o w l e d g e
W e
the principles
one's impotence
of Hellenic
art o n c o m p l e t e l y n e w
in creative
art for
to create
W e
to begin
W e
its d e a d
o u r art is many-faceted
o f its f o r m ,
s o for us,
its p r e v i o u s f o r m
I n c o n s t r u c t i n g o u r n e w art f o r m
in a
take of all art revivals and restorerswe did not turn to the Old Masters and
to the principles of antiquity that, quickly and inevitably, have always led
art into an impasse. Neither did we wish to return to the lubok, 1 to the
primitives of old, or to feign near illiteracy; before us in all its grandeur the
great task has arisen of creating a form out of nothing.
After accepting the straight line as a point of departure, we have arrived at
an ideally simple form: straight and circular planes (sounds and letters in
words). The depth and complexity of our tasks also dictates simplicity of
Those who suppose that we are working (in our own way, of course)
within the artistic framework of a given period are profoundly mistaken. No,
we have left this framework behind and already stand on the threshold of a
new era, of new ideas; in our works you will no longer find a single familiar
feature. For you they are enigmatic pictures, but for us they are an entirely
real language for expressing our new sensations and ideas.
in b i b l . R 1 6 , p p .
110-17; extracts
are translated
into E n g l i s h in bibl. 4 5 , p p .
1919) [bibl.
list is
nine contributors,
in a d d i t i o n
to those m e n t i o n e d
T w o h u n d r e d t w e n t y w o r k s w e r e s h o w n , all p u r p o r t i n g to b e a b s t r a c t . A l t h o u g h
P r o u n s (see p.
T h e tone of m o s t of the statements, with their e m p h a s i s on analysis rather than on synthesis, demonstrated a fundamental
c o n s t r u c t i v i s m , at least o n t h e part o f A l e k s a n d r R o d c h e n k o , V a r v a r a S t e p a n o v a ,
to the
of the pictorial
in l i t e r a r y a n d a r t i s t i c e v a l u a t i o n w h i c h w a s s u p p o r t e d b y s u c h c r i t i c s a s
cially d u r i n g
Concerning My Graphics
at the Exhibition
B o r n K o v n o , 1 8 9 4 ; d i e d M o s c o w , 1 9 5 8 . S t u d i e d at the K a z a n Art S c h o o l , w h e r e
met Aleksandr Rodchenko,
1912: m o v e d to
c o w ; s t u d i e d u n d e r K o n s t a n t i n Y u o n ; 1 9 1 3 - 1 4 : w o r k e d at t h e S t r o g a n o v Art
gave private lessons;
a n d Novyi
1 9 2 4 : professor in t h e T e x t i l e F a c u l t y at V k h u t e m a s ; late 1 9 2 0 s
produced by
c o w , a s a d e s i g n e r ; d e s i g n e d c o s t u m e s f o r A l e k s a n d r S u k h o v o - K o b y l i n ' s Death
Vselovod Meierkhold;
I am linking the new movement of nonobjective poetrysounds and letterswith a painterly perception that instills a new and vital visual impression into the sound of poetry. I am breaking up the dead monotony of interconnected printed letters by means of painterly graphics, and I am advancing
toward a new kind of artistic creation.
On the other hand, by reproducing the nonobjective poetry of the two
books Zigra ar and Rtny khomle 2 by means of painterly graphics, I am introducing sound as a new quality in graphic painting, and hence I am increasing its quantitative potentials (i.e., of graphics).
Nonobjective Creation
The stage after cubofuturism in the world art movement was revealed by
nonobjective creation; this should be regarded as a world viewand not
simply as a painterly trendthat has embraced all aspects of art and life itself. This movement is the spirit's protest against the materialism of modern
times. Painters apprehended it before others did. In passing, I would note
that in spite of all the "funeral dirges" with which ''avowed critics" accompany painting, it is occupying an ever greater place in world culture.
The first slogans of nonobjective creation were proclaimed in 1913.3
From the very beginning, nonobjective creation has proceeded along the
path of analysis and, a new movement, has not yet revealed its own synthesis. In this lies its value at the present momenta moment of terrible disseverance, when art having lost its old traditions, is ready to sink into
academism for the sake of providing a new synthesis. But it is not synthesis
that will open up the new path, but analysis and inventiveness.
If we investigate the process of nonobjective creation in painting, we will
discover two aspects: thefirst is a spiritual onethe struggle against subject
and "figurativeness" and for free creation and the proclamation of creativity
and invention; the second aspect is the deepening of the professional demands of painting. After losing its literary subject matter, nonobjective
painting was obliged to raise the quality of its works, which, in those of its
predecessors, was often redeemed by the picture's subject matter. The
painter came to be presented with highand, I would say, scientific, professionaldemands with regard to texture, craftsmanship, and technique. It is
by virtue of these that the picture in nonobjective creation is placed on the
famed pedestal of painterly culture.
Of course, the ordinary "cultured" spectator who is slow to evolve in his
understanding of new achievements finds it difficult to keep up with the development of the nonobjectivists, for they move along a revolutionary path
of new discoveries and have behind them the transitional attainments of futurism and cubism. But if we accept "continuity" as an axiom, then nonobjective creation becomes the logical and legitimate consequence of the preceding stages of painterly creation. However, the same spectatornot being
corrupted by pictorial subject matter and not being "cultured" enough to
Color Art
F o r biography see p.
The painterly art, which for centuries has delighted the spectator with
views of nature's cozy nooks, with a repeat experience of passions already
experienced, has at long last died.
After beginning with the savage's depictions of the deer, the lion, and the
fish, painting resolutely preserved the savage's testament and, throughout a
whole series of continuously changing trends, aspired to express nature as
pictorially as possible (hence the name "picture"); and the forms of this art
changed in accordance with the demands made of nature by the culture of a
given time.
After exhausting realism, naturalism, all kinds of stylization, various
F o r b i o g r a p h y s e e p.
In mentioning nonobjectivism, I wanted merely to point out that suprematism does not treat of things, of objects, etc., and that's all; nonobjectivism,
generally speaking, is irrelevant. Suprematism is a definite system, and
within this system, color has made its substantial development.
Painting arose out of a mixture of colors and changed color into a chaotic
confusion of tones of aesthetic warmth, and with great artists, objects themselves served as painterly frameworks. I have found that the closer the
framework to the culture of painting, the more it loses its system, breaks
down, and establishes a different order, which painting then legitimizes.
It became clear to me that new frameworks of pure color painting should
be created that would be constructed according to the needs of color; second, that color in its turn should proceed from a painterly confusion into an
independent unitinto construction as an individual part of a collective system and as an individual part per se.
A system is constructed in time and space independent of any aesthetic
beauty, experience, or mood, and emerges rather as a philosophical color
system of realizing the new achievements of my imagination, as a means of
At present, man's path lies across spaceacross suprematism, the_semaL
phore of color in its fathomless depths.
The blue of the sky has been conquered by the suprematist system, has
been breached, and has passed into the white beyond as the true, real conception of eternity, and has therefore been liberated from the sky's colored
This system, cold and durable, is mobilized unsmilingly by philosophical
thought, or at least, its real force is already moving within that system.
All colorations of utilitarian purpose are insignificant, are of little spatial
value, and contain a purely applied, accomplished aspect of what was discovered by the cognition and inference of philosophical thought within the
compass of our view of those cozy nooks that serve the philistines' task or
create a new one.
Suprematism at one stage has a purely philosophical movement cognizable through color; at a second stage, it is like form that can be applied and
that can create a new style of suprematist decoration.
But it can appear in objects as the transformation or incarnation in them of
space, thereby removing the object's intactness from consciousness.
Suprematist philosophical color thought has demonstrated that the will can
manifest its creative system precisely when the object has been annulled as a
painterly framework in the artist; and while objects serve as the framework
and means, the artist's will moves in a compositional circle of object forms.
Everything we can see has arisen from a colored mass that has been transformed into plane and volume: any car, house, man, tablethey are all
painterly volumetrical systems destined for definite objectives.
The artist should also transform painterly masses and form a creative system, but he should not paint nice pictures of sweet-scented roses because
that would be a dead depiction reminiscent of the living.
And even if his depiction is constructed abstractly, but based on color interrelations, his will will be locked up amid the walls of aesthetic planes, instead of being able to penetrate philosophically.
I am free only whenby means of critical and philosophical substantiationmy will can extract a substantiation of new phenomena from what already exists.
I have breached the blue lampshade of color limitations and have passed
into the white beyond: follow me, comrade aviators, sail on into the
depthsI have established the semaphores of suprematism.
I have conquered the lining of the colored sky, I have plucked the colors,
put them into the bag I have made, and tied it with a knot. Sail on! The
white, free depths, eternity, is before you.
One should not look at a picture with the preconceived aim of gaining a
definite impression from it. Its painted surface gives us a visual sensation
that atfirst glance is hardly perceptible. One should not ask for more.
When you have cultivated your taste for the colored surface, then your enjoyment of it will become more definite.
Bom near Moscow, 1889; died Moscow, 1924. 1907-1908: attended the studio of
Stanislav Zhukovsky in Moscow; 1912-13: worked in Paris in the studios of Henri
Le Fauconnier and Jean Metzinger; met Nadezhda Udaltsova there; 1913: returned to
Russia; close to Vladimir Tatlin, Udaltsova, and Aleksandr Vesnin; 1915-16: contributed to "Tramway V , " " 0 . 1 0 , " and the "Shop"; 1918: joined the faculty of
Svomas/Vkhutemas; 1921: member of Inkhuk; gave up easel painting; 1922: did the
set and costume designs for Vselovod Meierkhold's production of Fernand Crommelynck's Magnanimous Cuckold; 1923-24: worked at the First State Textile Print Factory, Moscow.
I. Architectonics
(a) Painterly space
(b) Line
(c) Color (suprematism)
(d) Energetics
(e) Texture
( _ )
I. Aconstructiveness
(a) Illusionism
(b) Literariness
(c) Emotions
(d) Recognition
Hence depiction of the concreteartistically neither deformed nor transformedcannot be a subject of painting.
Images of "painterly," and not "figurative," values are the aim of the
present painting.
Rodchenko's System
Bom St. Petersburg, 1891; died Moscow, 1956. 1910-14: attended the Kazan Art
School, where he met Varvara Stepanova, whom he married; 1916: contributed to
F r o n t o f t h e A r t s ] a n d Novyi
1 9 2 5 : d e s i g n e d a w o r k e r s ' c l u b for t h e S o v i e t
at the E x h i b i t i o n o f D e c o r a t i v e A r t s , P a r i s [bibl. 2 3 7 ] ;
the M e t a l w o r k F a c u l t y at V k h u t e i n ;
photography, and book
[New Lef],
1930: professor
work concentrated on
and dean
To the sound of the funeral bells of color painting, the last "ism" is accompanied on its way to eternal peace, the last love and hope collapse, and I
leave the house of dead truths.
The motive power is not synthesis but invention (analysis). Painting is the
body, creativity the spirit. My business is to create something new from
painting, so examine what I practice practically. Literature and philosophy
are for the specialists in these areas, but I am the inventor of new discoveries in painting.
Suprematism in
World Reconstruction, 1920
Real name Lazar M. Lisitsky. Bom near Smolensk, 1890; died Moscow, 1941.
1909-14: at the Technische Hochschule in Darmstadt; also traveled in France and
Italy; 1914: returned to Russia; 1918-19: member of IZO Narkompros; professor at
the Vitebsk Art School; close contact with Kazimir Malevich; 1920: member of
Inkhuk; 1921: traveled to Germany; 1922: in Berlin, edited VeshchlGegenstandlObjet
[Object] with Ilya Ehrenburg [bibl. R61]; 1925: returned to Moscow; taught interior
design at Vkhutemas.
The text of this piece is from a typescript in the Lissitzky archives and, apart from
the notes, is reproduced from Sophie Lissitzky-Kiippers, El Lissitzky (London and
Greenwich, Conn., 1968), pp. 327-30 [bibl. 247], with kind permission of Thames
and Hudson and New York Graphic Society. Despite its title, this essay acts as a retrospective commentary on Malevich's original formulation of suprematism and advances a far wider concept with its emphasis on such ideas as visual economy and
the universal application of suprematism (ideas also developed by Malevich in his
novykh sistemakh v iskusstve [On New Systems in Art] [Vitebsk, 1919]; English
translation in bibl. 159, vol. 1, 83-119).
Both for Lissitzky and for Malevich, but more so for the former, the architectural
discipline presented itself as an obvious vehicle for the transference of basic suprematist schemes into life itself. In this respect, Lissitzky's so-called Prouns \proekty us-
In a wider contcxt. the spatial graphics of Petr Miturich, the linear paintings of Aleksandr Vesnin, and the mono- and duochromatic paintings of Aleksandr Rodchenko, all
done about 1919, symbolized the general endeavor to project art into life, to give
painting a constructive dimension. More obviously, the suprematist constructions
the so-called arkhitektony and planitymodeled as early as 1920 by Malevich
and the unovisovtsy (members of the Unovis group organized by Malevich in
Vitebsk) also supported this trend, thereby proving Ilya Ehrenburg's assertion that
the "aim of the new art is to fuse with life" |bibl. R450, p. 45]. Lissitzky's description of the radio transmitting tower as the "centre of collective effort" is therefore in
keeping with this process and anticipates the emergence of constructivism and the
emphasis on industrial design a few months later. In this context, Lissitzky's references to the "plumbline of economy" and the "contre-relief" remind us of Naum
Gaboand Vladimir Tatlin, respectively (see their declarations, pp. 208IT. and 205ft'.),
and of course, reflect the general concern with veshch [the object as such] on the one
hand, and the contrary call for its utilitarian justification on the other, manifested in
Inkhuk in the course of 1920.
the empty phrase "art for art's sake" had already been wiped out and in
suprematism we have wiped out the phrase "painting for painting's sake"
and have ventured far beyond the frontiers of painting.
first of all the artist painted the natural scene which surrounded him. then
this was obscured by towns roads canals and all the products of man for this
reason the artist began to paint artificial naturebut involuntarily he referred
in his works to the method for depicting this new nature, suprematism itself
has followed the true path which defines the creative process consequently
our picture has become a creative symbol and the realization of this will be
our task in life.
when we have absorbed the total wealth of experience of painting when
we have left behind the uninhibited curves of cubism when we have grasped
the aim and system of suprematismthen we shall give a new face to this
globe, we shall reshape it so thoroughly that the sun will no longer recognize its satellite, in architecture we are on the way to a completely new concept. after the archaic horizontals the classical spheres and the gothic verticals of building styles which preceded our own we are now entering upon a
fourth stage as we achieve economy and spatial diagonals.
we left to the old world the idea of the individual house individual barracks individual castle individual church, we have set ourselves the task of
creating the town, the centre of collective effort is the radio transmitting
mast 1 which sends out bursts of creative energy into the world, by means of
it we are able to throw off the shackles that bind us to the earth and rise
above it. therein lies the answer to all questions concerning movement.
this dynamic architecture provides us with the new theatre of life and
because we are capable of grasping the idea of a whole town at any moment
with any plan the task of architecturethe rhythmic arrangement of space
and timeis perfectly and simply fulfilled for the new town will not be as
chaotically laid out as the modern towns of north and south america but
clearly and logically like a beehive, the new element of treatment which we
have brought to the fore in our painting will be applied to the whole of this
still-to-be-built world and will transform the roughness of concrete the
smoothness of metal and the reflection of glass into the outer membrane of
the new life, the new light will give us new colour and the memory of the
solar spectrum will be preserved only in old manuals on physics.
this is the way in which the artist has set about the construction of the
worldan activity which affects every human being and carries work
beyond the frontiers of comprehension, we see how its creative path took it
by way of cubism to pure construction but there was still no outlet to be
found here, when the cubist had pressed forward and reached the very limits
of his canvas his old materialsthe colours on his paletteproved to be too
pale and he put into his picture cement and concrete and home-made iron
constructions, not content with that he started to build a model of the structure he had depicted on canvas and then it was only a short step to transform
the abstract cubistic still-life into a contre-relief which was complete in itself.
the short step then required to complete the stride consists in recognition
of the fact that a contre-relief is an architectonic structure, but the slightest
deviation from the plumbline of economy leads into a blind alley, the same
fate must also overtake the architecture of cubist contre-relief. cubism was
the product of a world which already existed around us and contre-relief is
its mechanical offspring, it does however have a relative that took the
straight path of economy which led to a real life of its own. the reference is
to the narrow technical discoveries for example the submarine the aeroplane
the motors and dynamos of every kind of motive power in each part of a
battle-ship, contre-relief is instinctively aware of their legitimate origin their
economy of form and their realism of treatment.
by taking these elements FROM T H E M for itself it wants to become equally
entitled to take its place alongside them as a new creation, it seeks to demonstrate its modernity by surrounding itself with all the devices of modern
life although this is really nothing other than a decoration of its own self but
with intestines stomach heart and nerves on the outside.
in this fragment of T E C H N I C A L I N V E N T I V E N E S S we can see the construction of these pattern systems in the artist's materials, there is iron and steel
copper tin and nickel glass and guttapercha straight and curved areas and
volumes of every description and colour nuance, it is being made by several
master-craftsmen who well know the work of their colleagues but not the
beauty of their materials, this complicated structure taken as a whole represents a U N I F I E D organism, is it not therefore for that very reason "artistic"?
there is one element to which special importance attachesscale, the
scale gives life to relationships in space, it is that which determines whether
every organism remains whole or is destroyedit holds all the parts
together, the index for the growth of modern man is the ability to see and
appreciate the relative scales of everything that has been made, it is right
that this perceptivity shall pass judgment on man's concept of space on the
way he reacts in time, cubism demonstrated in its constructions its modernity in relation to scale, but in painting and contre-relief we have in front of
us an absolute scale which is thisforms in their natural size in the ratio
1 : 1. if however we wish to transform the contre-relief into an architectural
structure and therefore enlarge it by one hundred times, then the scale ceases
to be absolute and becomes relative in the ratio of 1 : 100. then we get the
american statue of liberty in whose head there is room for four men and
from whose hand the light streams out.
seven years ago suprematism 2 raised aloft its black square but no one
sighted it for at that time a telescope for this new planet had not yet been invented. the mighty force of its movement however caused a succession of
artists to focus on it and many more were influenced by it. yet neither the
former nor the latter possessed sufficient inner substance to be held fast by
its attractive power and to formulate a complete world system from the new
movement, they loosed their hold and plunged like meteorites into irrelevancy extinguishing themselves in its chaos, but the second much-improved
phase is already following and the planet will soon stand fully revealed.
those of us who have stepped out beyond the confines of the picture take
ruler and compassesfollowing the precept of economyin our hands, for
the frayed point of the paintbrush is at variance with our concept of clarity
and if necessary we shall take machines in our hands as well because in
expressing our creative ability paintbrush and ruler and compasses and machine are only extensions of the finger which points the way.
this path into the future has nothing in common either with mathematics
and scientific studies or with raptures over sunset and moonlightor indeed
with the decline of the subject with its plague-ridden aura of individualismrather is it the path leading from creative intuition to the increased
growth of foodstuffs for which neither paintbrush nor ruler neither compasses nor machine were required.
we must take note of the fact that the artist nowadays is occupied with
painting flags posters pots and pans textiles and things like that, what is referred to as "artistic work" has on the vast majority of occasions nothing
whatever to do with creative effort: and the term "artistic work" is used in
order to demonstrate the "sacredness" of the work which the artist does at
his easel, the conception of "artistic work" presupposes a distinction between useful and useless work and as there are only a few artists buyers can
be found even for their useless products.
the artist's work lies beyond the boundaries of the useful and the useless.
The Revolution
and Art
and Proletarian Art, 1918
to the
to the
in Paris;
of D i a m o n d s , "
satirical j o u r n a l
P e g o s k h u m a / S v o m a s ; m e m b e r of I Z O N a r k o m p r o s ; d e s i g n e d decoration for
Vladimir Mayakovsky's
i proletarskoe
is from
the journal
[ A r t o f t h e C o m m u n e ] ( P e t r o g r a d ) , n o . 2, D e c e m b e r 1 5 , 1 9 1 8 ,
w a s the w e e k l y journal of I Z O N a r k o m p r o s
a n d d u r i n g its s h o r t life ( D e c e m b e r
1 6 7 - 6 8 . Iskusstvo
1 9 1 9 ) it p u b l i s h e d m a n y r a d i c a l
1 9 2 2 : m e m b e r o f I n k h u k ; 1 9 2 9 - 3 5 : l i v e d in
P a r i s ; 1 9 3 5 : r e t u r n e d t o R u s s i a ; 1 9 3 6 : s e t t l e d in
all leftist
in a r t , "
am using 'futurism'
t h e t e r m is a g e n e r a l
in its e v e r y d a y
sidered t h e m s e l v e s to b e at o n e w i t h the r e v o l u t i o n a r y g o v e r n m e n t , L i k e m a n y
p u b l i s h e d in P e t r o g r a d in
of his
Certain art circles and private individuals who not so long ago abused us
in various "cultural publications" for working with the Soviet government
and who knew no other name for us than "bureaucrats" and "perfunctory
artists" would now rather like to take our place.
And so a campaign has begun against futurism, which, they say, is a mill-
stone around the worker's neck and whose claims to "being the art of the
proletariat" are "ridiculous," etc. . . .
But are they so ridiculous?
Why did it need a whole year of proletarian government and a revolution
that encompassed half the world for the "silent to speak up"?
Why did only revolutionary futurism march in step with the October Revolution?
Is it just a question of outward revolutionary fervor, just a mutual aversion to the old forms, that joins futurism with the proletariat?
Not even they deny that futurism is a revolutionary art that is breaking all
the old bonds and in this sense is bringing art closer to the proletariat.
We maintain that there is a deeper link between futurism and proletarian
People naive in matters of art are inclined to regard any sketch done by a
worker, any poster on which a worker is depicted, as a work of proletarian
A worker's figure in heroic pose with a red flag and an appropriate
sloganhow temptingly intelligible that is to a person unversed in art and
how terribly we need to fight against this pernicious intelligibility.
Art that depicts the proletariat is as much proletarian art as the Chernosotenets 1 who has gotten into the Party and can show his membership card is
a Communist.
Just like anything the proletariat creates, proletarian art will be collective:
The principle that distinguishes the proletariat as a class from all other
We understand this, not in the sense that one work of art will be made by
many artists, but in the sense that while executed by one creator, the work
itself will be constructed on collectivist bases.
Take any work of revolutionary, futurist art. People who are used to
seeing a depiction of individual objects or phenomena in a picture are bewildered. You cannot make anything out. And indeed, if you take out any one
part from a futurist picture, it then represents an absurdity. Because each
part of a futurist picture acquires meaning only through the interaction of all
the other parts; only in conjunction with them does it acquire the meaning
with which the artist imbued it.
A futurist picture lives a collective life:
By the same principle on which the proletariat's whole creation is constructed.
Try to distinguish an individual face in a proletarian procession.
Try to understand it as individual personsabsurd.
Only in conjunction do they acquire all their strength, all their meaning.
How is a work of the old art constructedthe art depicting reality around
Does every object exist in its own right? They are united only by extrinsic
literary content or some other such content. And so cut out any part of an
old picture, and it won't change at all as a result. A cup remains the same
cup, afigure will be dancing or sitting pensively, just as it was doing before
it was cut out.
The link between the individual parts of a work of the old art is the same
as between people on Nevsky Prospekt. They have come together by
chance, prompted by an external cause, only to go their own ways as soon
as possible. Each one for himself, each one wants to be distinguished.
Like the old world, the capitalist world, works of the old art live an individualistic life.
Only futurist art is constructed on collective bases.
Only futurist art is right now the art of the proletariat.
muny [Art
Iskusstvo kommuny;
And an ulterior force was ascribed to all the things that were made by this
kind of duped artist.
They asserted and professed conscientiously:
"The eternal harmony of the builder of the universe is reflected in the
eternal beauty of artistic forms. Works of art reflect the world, the outer,
material, inner, spiritual, and ideal nature of things, the essence and latent
meaning of things."
This splendid theory was elaborated beautifully by the great experts. The
ends were carefully concealed. All contradictions were hidden. It did not
occur to anybody that this was not the genuine product, but merely a surrogate, and a jolly good fake.
The highest goal of bourgeois aspirations had been attained.
The philosopher's stone had been found.
Therightof private property had been extended to the extreme limits of
eternity. It crawled all over the planets, all over the stars near and far. It
flowed throughout the Milky Way. Like sugar icing, it glossed all over the
belly of eternity.
An unprecedented, world-wide achievement had been wrought.
The bourgeoisie had colonized the "ulterior world."
The ecstatic triumph of world imperialism had been achieved. Henceforth
everyone who acquired a work of art prepared by thefirm of the appropriately patented artist would acknowledge and feel himself the happy and assured possessor of a solid piece of the universemoreover, in a pocket edition, very convenient and portable.
And the bourgeoisie coddled and warmed itself in the soft and gentle
pillows of its consciousness of total power.
Such, briefly, is the history of the prostitution of art, solicited to serve all
the incorporeal forces of religion and mythology.
Step by step we are depriving the imperialist bourgeoisie of its global annexations. Only so far the proletariat has not lifted its hand against this most
wonderful annexation of the spirit.
Because the bourgeoisie had put this valuable and prosperous colony
under the lock and key of mysterious, mystical forces, and even the revolutionary spirit of our time retreats before them.
It is time to shake off this shameful yoke.
Are we going to endure the interference of heavens and hells in our internal, earthly affairs?
I think it is time to tell the gods and devils:
Take your hands off what is ours, what belongs to mankind.
Socialism must destroy the black and white magic of the industrialists and
Socialism will not examine things exclusively from the point of view of
the right to ownership.
It can afford the luxury of leaving nature and the world in peace, can be
content with them the way they are, and will not drag them by the scruff of
the neck into its storerooms and elevators.
To the socialist consciousness, a work of art is no more than an object, a
Cycle of Lectures
[Extracts], 1919
Bom St. Petersburg, 1888; died Leningrad, 1953. Ca. 1912 and thereafter: close to
the Apollon circle [see bibl. R41 for his published contributions]; 1918: member of
IZO Narkompros [Visual Arts Section of Narkompros]; 1918-30: many lectures and
articles on modern art; 1919: leading member of Komfut; 1921-22; founding
member of IKhK; ca. 1925-38: married to the poet Anna Akhmatova [for a letter to
her in translation see Russian Literature Triquarterly (Ann Arbor), no. 2, 1972, pp.
453-57]; 1933: arrested but freed on the intercession of Boris Pasternak; 1935: arrested again and deported to Siberia.
The extracts are part of the fifth and sixth lectures in a series that Punin gave in Petrograd in the summer of 1919 at a crash course for student teachers of drawing. In
May of the following year the lectures were published in Petrograd in a booklet
called Pervyi tsikl lektsii [First Cycle of Lectures], with covers designed by Kazimir
Malevich [reproduced in bibl. 160, p. 154]. The extracts are from this booklet, pp.
44-46, 54, 57-58.
Punin's assertion that "modern art criticism must be . . . a scientific criticism"
served as a logical conclusion to a process evident in avant-garde theory and criticism since about 1910 whereby the aesthetic balance had shifted increasingly from a
narrative, literary criterion to a formal, medium-oriented one. The emphasis on material and on the work of art as an entity that we encounter in the writings of David
Burliuk, Malevich, Lyubov Popova, Ivan Puni, et al., therefore acted as an important precedent to Punin's conception. The general tone of Punin's lectures betrays his
keen support of the formalist method in literary and art criticism, which was identifiable with many of the theoretical discussions of Inkhuk and Lef. Much in the
formalist spirit, Punin even succeedcd in reducing the creative process to a mathematical formula:
S(Pi + Pii + Piii + . . . P7r)Y = T
where S equals the sum of the principles (P), Y equals intuition, and T equals artistic
creation [Punin, op. cit., p. 51, and see bibl. 189 for some commentary]. In this respect it is logical that Punin should have preferred the "engineer" Vladimir Tatlin to
the artist Malevich, concluding that Malevich was far too subjective to examine material in a scientific and impartial manner [see bibl. R418]. Although perhaps the
most radical and innovative of the early Soviet art critics, Punin was not alone in his
analytical approach to art; similar methods can be found in the writings of Nikolai
Tarabukin and, to a much lesser extent, in those of Boris Arvatov and Osip Brik.
From Lecture 5
. . . To speak of an artist's world view means either to speak all sorts of
subjective trash, to acquaint you with my various personal impressions, experiences, emotions apropos of this or that work of art, or to speak of the
among our new men of art we see and often hear the most extraordinary and
biting attacks on art critics. Artists, of course, are not always right in this respect. Their immediate task, their immediate interest, is to cleanse themselves of these literary critics, but artists would find it useful to have near
them professional art scholars, i.e., people who would approach works of
art not by virtue of their literary incentives, but from the point of view of
those theoretical data with which modern science has provided them. And
that is why modern art criticism must be, and probably will become, first
and foremost a scientific criticism. This will not consist of those popular
little articles with their various attacks and personal impressions with which
we are familiar in most of our art journals, but it will consist of very careful,
very objective studies of works of art, models for which we canfind in our
so-called leftist literature. . . .
From Lecture 6
First and foremostwe consider science to be a principle of culture. I have
already spoken of science: I said that modern art criticism in general and any
modern judgment on art must once and for allfinish with those arbitrary, individual, and often capricious impressions that spectators get from a work of
art. If modern man wants to assimilate fully all the forces affecting the creation of this or that work of art, he must approach the work by studying and
analyzing it by means of scientific method. Science is not a symptom but
precisely a principle. There have been many brilliant civilizations, including
our European one of the last century, when the sciences prospered and developed. But the prosperity and development of the sciences is one thing,
and the construction of the whole social, communal, and cultural life on the
principles of science is another. We do not strive for science to develop and
prosper in our world; we strive primarily in order that our whole world
view, our social structure, and our whole artistic, technological, and communal culture should be formed and developed according to a scientific principle. In this lies the characteristic difference between culture and civilization. . . .
We should dwell on one other factor, namely, the principle of organization. Understandably, as soon as we stop wanting to act individually and
take into consideration the whole latitude of mass sentiments, the whole latitude of elemental movements from below, we must stop applying these or
those forces casually and organize them so that individual persons will not
be afforded the opportunity of caprice or arbitrary rule. We must create a
cohesion and reciprocity between the individual person and individual
artist's content be limited if he has discovered and shown the whole wealth
of the painterly element? It is quite possible that many of you would like to
read something more in modern artists' pictures than they can and should
give. That is understandable because there still dwells in you, and probably
will dwell for a long time yet, the desire to see in the artist a man of letters,
a philosopher, and a moralist. . . . And often, when critics are examining
modern works of art by the leftists artists, they begin to discover in them
mystical abysses that not one of these artists intended. I have quite often had
dealings with spectators of this kind. On the surface of a Picasso canvas,
which contains only what is put on to it, i.e., pure painterly elements, they
look for goodness knows what kind of religious, mystical ideas. . . . We
are formal. 2 Yes, we are proud of this formalism because we are returning
mankind to those peerless models of cultural art that we knew in Greece.
Isn't that sculptor of antiquity formal, doesn't he repeat in countless, diverse
forms the same gods who ultimately for him are equally alien, equally
remote, inasmuch as he is an artist? And nonetheless, we love these antique
statues and delight in themand we do not say they are formal. This formalism is that of a classical, sound organism rejoicing in all forms of reality
and aspiring only to one thing: to reveal all its wealth, all the tension of its
creative, elemental forces in order to realize them in works of art that would
contain only signs of great joyof that great creative tension that is latent in
us and bestowed on each of us, each of those who are born to be, and must
be, artists.
died M o s c o w , 1928. 1896: joined the Social-Democratic Party; 1899: graduated from
the medical faculty of K h a r k o v University; 1903: joined the Bolsheviks;
a n a c t i v e p a r t i n t h e first r e v o l u t i o n ;
C a p r i ; 9 4 - 1 8 : internationalist; 1 9 1 7 o n : p l a y e d a m a j o r role in t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n
m a i n t a i n e d c l o s e c o n t a c t w i t h P r o l e t k u l t in G e r m a n y , w h e r e s e v e r a l o f h i s p a m p h l e t s
w e r e p u b l i s h e d ; 1921: b e c a m e less active in politics a n d returned to m e d i c i n e ;
1928: died
this piece,
i iskusstvo,"
is from
[ P r o l e t a r i a n C u l t u r e ] ( M o s c o w ) , n o . 5 , 1 9 1 8 , p . 3 2 [ b i b l . R 8 0 ; it i s
R 1 6 , p.
in bibl.
a r e s o l u t i o n p r o p o s e d b y B o g d a n o v at the First
letkult) in M o s c o w in S e p t e m b e r
of Proletkult policy.
proletarian o r d e r w e r e
unacceptable to many
and Anatolii Lunacharsky a m o n g them. By 1920 Lenin w a s openly criticizing Proletkult for its r e j e c t i o n o f t h e p r e - R e v o l u t i o n a r y c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e a n d for its i d e o l o g i c a l
The Paths of
Proletarian Creation, 1920
For biography see pp. 176-77.
The text of this piece, "Puti proletarskogo tvorchestva," is from Proletarskaya kiiltura [Proletarian Culture] (Moscow), no. 15/16, 1920, pp. 50-52 [bibl. R80; it is
reprinted in bibl. R4, pp. 136-41]. This text demonstrates Bogdanov's ability to
argue in terms both of art and of science and testifies to Proletkult's fundamental aspiration to conceive art as an industrial, organized process. The text also reveals
Bogdanov's specific professional interest in neurology and psychology. He wrote
several similar essays.
ical effort to the machine: the worker is turning increasingly into a "master"
of iron slaves, while his own labor is changing more and more into "spiritual" endeavorconcentration, calculation, control, and initiative; accordingly, the role of muscular tension is decreasing.
The second characteristic depends on the concentration of working force
in mass collaboration and on the association between specialized types of
labor within mechanical production, an association that is transferring more
and more direct physical, specialist's work to machines. The objective and
subjective uniformity of labor is increasing and is overcoming the divisions
between workers; thanks to this uniformity the practical compatibility of
labor is becoming the basis for comradely, i.e., consciously collective, relationships between them. These relationships and what they entailmutual
understanding, mutual sympathy, and an aspiration to work togetherare
extending beyond the confines of the factory, of the professions, and of
production to the working class on a national and, subsequently, a universal
scale. For the first time the collectivism of man's struggle with nature is
being thought of as a conscious process.
4. In this way, methods of proletarian labor are developing toward monism and collectivism. Naturally, this tendency contains the methods of proletarian creation.
5. These aspects have already managed to express themselves clearly in
the methods peculiar to those areas in which the proletariat has been most
creativein the economic and political struggle and in scientific thought. In
the first two areas, this was expressed in the complete unity of structure in
the organizations that the proletariat createdparty, professional, and cooperative organizations: one type, one principlecomradeship, i.e., conscious
collectivism; this was expressed also in the development of their programs,
which in all these organizations tended toward one ideal, namely, a socialist
one. In science and philosophy Marxism emerged as the embodiment of
monism of method and of a consciously collectivist tendency. Subsequent
development on the basis of these same methods must work out a universal
organizational science, uniting monistically the whole of man's organizational experience in his social labor and struggle.
6. The proletariat's domestic creation, inasmuch as it derives from the
framework of the economic and political struggle, has progressed intensely
and, moreover, in the same direction. This is proved by the development of
the proletarian family from the authoritarian structure of the peasant or
bourgeois family to comradely relationships and the universally established
form of courtesy"comrade." Insofar as this creation will advance consciously, it is quite obvious that its methods will be assimilated on the same
principles; this will be creation by a harmonically cohesive, consciously collective way of life.
7. With regard to artistic creation, the old culture is characterized by its
indeterminate and unconscious methods ("inspiration," etc.) and by the
alienation of these methods from those of labor activity and of other creative
areas. Although the proletarian is taking only hisfirst steps in thisfield, his
general, distinctive tendencies can be traced clearly. Monism is expressed in
his aspiration to fuse art and working life, to make art a weapon for the active and aesthetic transformation of his entire life. Collectivism, initially an
elemental process and then an increasingly conscious one, is making its
mark on the content of works of art and even on the artistic form through
which life is perceived. Collectivism illuminates the depiction not only of
human life, but also of the life of nature: nature as a field of collective labor,
its interconnections and harmonies as the embryos and prototypes of organized collectivism.
8. The technical methods of the old art have developed in isolation from
the methods of other spheres of life; the techniques of proletarian art must
seek consciously to utilize the materials of all those methods. For example,
photography, stereography, cinematography, spectral colors, phonography,
etc., mustfind their own places as mediums within the system of artistic
techniques. From the principle of methodological monism it follows that
there can be no methods of practical work or science that cannotfind a direct
or indirect application in art, and vice versa.
9. Conscious collectivism transforms the whole meaning of the artist's
work and gives it new stimuli. The old artist sees the revelation of his individuality in his work; the new artist will understand and feel that within his
work and through his work he is creating a grand totalitycollectivism.
For the old artist, originality is the expression of the independent value of
his "I," the means of his own exaltation; for the new artist, originality denotes a profound and broad comprehension of the collective experience and
is the expression of his own active participation in the creation and development of the collective's life. The old artist can aspire half-consciously toward truth in lifeor deviate from it; the new artist must realize that truth,
objectivity support the collective in its labor and struggle. The old artist
need or need not value artistic clarity; for the new artist, this means nothing
less than collective accessibility, and this contains the vital meaning of the
artist's endeavor.
10. The conscious realization of collectivism will deepen the mutual understanding of people and their emotional bonds; this will enable spontaneous collectivism in creation to develop on an incomparably broader scale
than hitherto, i.e., the direct collaboration of many people, even of the
11. In the art of the past, as in science, there are many concealed collectivist elements. By disclosing them, the proletarian critics provide the opportunity for creatively assimilating the best works of the old culture in a new
light, thereby adding immensely to their value.
12. The basic difference between the old and the new creation is that
now, for thefirst time, creation understands itself and itsrolein life.
a n d
Zurich University;
1898: returned
1 8 9 9 : a r r e s t e d for p o l i t i c a l a c t i v i t i e s ; 1 9 0 4 : in G e n e v a ; m e t L e n i n ; j o i n e d t h e
viks; 1905: in St. P e t e r s b u r g ;
M a x i m Gorky on Capri;
[ F o r w a r d ] g r o u p ; 191115: in Paris; 1 9 1 7 : r e t u r n e d to R u s s i a ; 1 9 1 7 - 2 9 :
to the post.
Slavinskydates unknown.
Cooperative of Artists];
The text of this piece, "Tezisy khudozhestvennogO sektora NKP i TsK Rabis ob osnovakh politiki v oblasti iskusstva," is from Vestnik teatra [Theater Herald] (Moscow), no. 75, November 30, 1920, p. 9. [The text appears also in bibl. R60, no. 2/3,
1920, pp. 65-66; R68, no. 1, 1921, p. 20; and R16, pp. 57-58]. Rabis, founded in
May 1919, acted as a trade union for workers connected with the arts, concerning itself with such problems as social security, education courses, accessibility of libraries, etc. [for details see bibl. R60, especially no. 4/5, 1921]. The significance of
the " T h e s e s " was twofold: on the one hand, they stated very clearly certain basic
principles of artistic policy, and on the other, they constituted an attempt to find
common agreement on such matters between the various organizations within the
cultural hierarchy, in this case between Narkompros and Rabis. The program advanced here shares certain ideas with Proletkult (e.g., the desire to create "purely
proletarian art forms" and to "open workers' departments in all higher institutions"), of which Lunacharsky was an active member, although a dissident one,
especially after 1920. If anything, the text betrays Lunacharsky's attempt to steer a
middle course between the extreme right and the extreme left, between, broadly
speaking, preservation and destructiona course difficult to maintain in view of the
inordinate number of radicals in IZO Narkompros [the Visual Arts Section of Nar-
s t i p u l a t i o n , for
v a g u e a s to a l l o w a v e r y free
t h e d i c t a t o r s h i p of leftist
art c o u l d e x i s t in t h e e a r l y
years and
e v e n in t h e m i d - 1 9 2 0 s a l a r g e n u m b e r o f c o n f l i c t i n g t e n d e n c i e s a n d g r o u p s c o u l d still
d o m i n a t e the artistic arena. L u n a c h a r s k y
this must be done in connection with both shock work demonstrated during
certain weeks, days, and campaigns, and normal, everyday work. Art is a
powerful means of infecting those around us with ideas, feelings, and
moods. Agitation and propaganda acquire particular acuity and effectiveness
when they are clothed in the attractive and mighty forms of art.
However, this political art, this artistic judgment on the ideal aspirations
of the revolution can emerge only when the artist himself is sincere in surrendering his strength to this cause, only when he is really imbued with revolutionary consciousness and is full of revolutionary feeling. Hence, Communist propaganda among the actual votaries of art is also an urgent task
both of the Art Section and of the Union of Art Workers.
4. Art is divided up into a large number of directions. The proletariat is
only just working out its own artistic criteria, and therefore no state authority or any professional union should regard any one of them as belonging to
the state; at the same time, however, they should render every assistance to
the new searches in art.
5. Institutions of art education must be proletarianized. One way of doing
this would be to open workers* departments in all higher institutions concerned with the plastic, musical, and theatrical arts.
At the same time particular attention must be given to the development of
mass taste and artistic creativity by introducing art into everyday life and
into industrial production at large, i.e., by assisting in the evolution of an artistic industry and in the extensive development of choral singing and mass
In basing themselves on these principleson the one hand, under the general control of Glavpolitprosvet 2 and through it of the Communist Party
and, on the other, linked indissolubly with the professionally organized proletariat and the All-Russian Soviet of Unionsthe Art Section of Narkompros and the All-Russian Union of Art Workers will carry out in sympathy
and in concord its work of art education and artistic industrialism throughout
the country.
art were valued abroad, whereas our museum workers recognized them only
after their death, living artists not being represented in museums.
New ideas in the field of schoolteaching also remained outside the official
academic schools and found refuge in the private schools of certain young
artists. Paris owes its extremely rich development in the arts mainly to such
schools, a development that made it the only city in Europe that virtually
dictates new laws to the whole of Europe and exerts an immense influence
on the art of all nations. England, Germany, and America, despite the high
standard of their material culture, hardly possess their own art in the broad
sense of the word. But Russia, thanks to the peculiar position it occupies in
relation to the East and thanks to all the untapped resources of its culture, as
yet in an embryonic state, has its own definite path on which it has only just
embarked. That is why the new art schools, the State Free Studios and the
art institutes that draw most of their students from among the workers and
peasants, have developed with extraordinary speed. The new artistic forces
that introduced new methods of teaching into schools have yielded quite distinctive results that will nowat the end of the civil war and at the beginning of our life of labor and Communist constructionprovide us with new
instructors and new artists for our artistic-industry schools and enterprises.
Of thefifty schools in our section, almost half are working very well,
despite the cold and hunger and neediness of the students; if our transport
and Russia's general economic situation can right themselves even just for a
while, then our schools will very shortly be in a splendid position. At the
same time the new body of Russian artists will differ significantly from the
old one becauseand there is no use hiding itnowhere is competition so
developed as among artists; there are substantial grounds to assume that the
State Free Studios will provide us with new artists linked together by greater
solidaritywhich significantly lightens the task of the cultural construction
of the arts. The students' trying position during the civil war cleared their
ranks of untalented groups. Only those remained who live for art and who
cannot exist without it, such as the students of the First and Second State
Free Studios in Moscow: during the present fuel crisis they used to go on
foot into the woods, chop downfirewood, and bring it back themselves on
sledges so as to heat the studios where they could devote themselves to artistic work. These hardened workers are already serving the provinces nowin
fact, the demands of various local Soviets and cultural organizations are
growing, and we are having to take the best students out of our schools in
order to send them to different places as instructors. At present the section's
task consists mainly of putting the social security of our schools on a proper
footing. From towns everywhere we receive letters from young artists, almost always talented (judging by models and drawings), with requests to be
sent to our art schools, but not being able to provide for their subsistence,
the section has to advise them to wait a little longer. I think that our present
task is to give food allowances to all students, not only of art schools, but
also of all schools of higher education throughout the Republic. This is essential, as essential as it was to create the Red Army. It must not be postponed because it will be the same Red Armyof Culture. Similarly, specialists who work with them in schools of higher education should be given
food allowances; only in this way will we rehabilitate our industry by
enriching it with the cultural element of the workers and peasants.
These new forces will give us the chance to carry out those mass art creations that the state now needs. Objectives of an agitational and decorative
nature (it is essential to transform the whole face of our cities and the furnishings of our buildings) are creating that basis without which no art can
The old art (museum art) is dying. The new art is being born from the
new forms of our social reality.
We must create it and will create it.
i revolyutsiya
For a revolutionary state, such as the Soviet Union, the whole question of
art is this: can revolution give anything to art, and can art give anything to
revolution? It goes without saying that the state does not intend to impose
revolutionary ideas and tastes on artists. From a coercive imposition of this
kind only counterfeit revolutionary art can emerge, because the prime quality of true art is the artist's sincerity.
But there are other ways besides those of coercion: persuasion, encouragement, and appropriate education of new artists. All these measures
feelings of the audience and readers and has a direct influence on their will.
It, so to say, brings the whole content of propaganda to white heat and
makes it glow in all colors. Yes, propagatorswe, of course, are all propagators. Propaganda and agitation are simply the ceaseless propagation of a
new faith, a propagation springing from profound knowledge.
Can it be doubted that the more artistic such propagation, the more powerful its effect? Don't we know that the artistic public speaker or journalist
finds his way to the people's hearts more quickly than those lacking in artistic strength? But the collective propagandist is the collective propagator of
our age; the Communist Party, from this point of view, should arm itself
with all the organs of art, which in this way will prove itself to be of great
use to agitation. Not only the poster, but also the picture, the statuein less
volatile forms and with more profound ideas, stronger feelingscan emerge
as graphic aids to the assimilation of Communist truth.
The theater has so often been called a great tribune, a great rostrum for
propagation, that it is not worth dwelling on this. Music has always played
an enormous role in mass movements: hymns, marches, form an indispensable attribute of them. We have only to unfurl this magic strength of music
above the hearts of the masses and to bring it to the utmost degree of definition and direction.
For the moment we are not in a position to make use of architecture on a
wide scale for propaganda purposes, but the creation of temples was, so to
say, an ultimate, maximum, and extremely powerful way of influencing the
social souland perhaps, in the near future, when creating the houses of our
great people, we will contrast them with the people's houses of the past
the churches of all denominations.
Those art forms that have arisen only recently as, for example, the cinema
or rhythmics, can be used with very great effect. It is ridiculous to enlarge
upon the propaganda and agitational strength of the cinemait is obvious to
anyone. And just think what character our festive occasions will take on
when, by means of General Military Instruction,1 we create rhythmically
moving masses embracing thousands and tens of thousands of peopleand
not just a crowd, but a strictly regulated, collective, peaceful army sincerely
possessed by one definite idea.
Against the background of the masses trained by General Military Instruction, other small groups of pupils from our rhythm schools will advance and
will restore the dance to itsrightful place. The popular holiday will adorn itself with all the arts, it will resound with music and choirs and that will
express the sensations and ideas of the holiday by spectacles on several
The Revolution, a phenomenon of vast and many-sided significance, is connected with art in many ways.
If we take a general look at their interrelation before the Revolution and
now, in thefifth year of its existence, we will notice its extraordinary influence in many directions. First and foremost, the Revolution has completely
altered the artist's way of life and his relation to the market. In this respect,
certainly, artists can complain about, rather than bless, the Revolution.
At a time when war and the blockade were summoning the intense force
of military Communism, the private art market was utterly destroyed for artists. This placed those who had a name and who could easily sell their
works in such a market in a difficult position and made them, along with the
bourgeoisie, antagonistic toward the Revolution.
The ruin of the rich Maecenases and patrons was felt less, of course, by
the young, unrecognized artists, especially the artists of the left who had not
been successful in the market. The Revolutionary government tried immediately, as far as possible, to replace the failing art market with state commissions and purchases. These commissions and purchases fell, in particular, to
those artists who agreed willingly to work for the Revolution in the theater,
in poster design, in decorations for public celebrations, in making monuments to the Revolution, concerts for the proletariat, and so forth.
Of course, the first years of the Revolution, with their difficult economic
situation, made the artist's way of life more arduous, but they provided a
great stimulus to the development of art among the young.
complete disappearance of the agitational theater, the emergence of a corruptive theater, the emergence of the obscene drinking place, which is one
of the poisons of the bourgeois world and which has broken out like a
pestilential rash on the face of Russia's cities together with the New Economic Policy. In otherfields of art, albeit to a lesser degree, this same return
to the sad past is noticeable.
However, there is no need to be pessimistic, and we should turn our attention to something else. Indeed, together with this, the improvement in living
conditions, which has come about during the calm time of late, reveals how
powerfully the Revolution has affected the artist's soul. The Revolution advanced, as we now see, a whole phalanx of writers who, in part, call themselves apolitical, but who nonetheless celebrate and proclaim precisely the
Revolution in its Revolutionary spirit. Naturally the ideological and emotional element of the Revolution is reflected primarily in the most intellectual of the artsin literaturebut it does, of course, aspire to spread to
other arts. It is characteristic that it is precisely now that magazines and
anthologies are being created, that societies of painters and sculptors are
being organized, and that work of architectural conception is being undertaken in the area where previously we had only demand and almost no
Similarly, the second thesis, that the Revolution needs art, will not force
us to wait long for its manifestation. Right now we are being told about an
all-Russian subscription to the building of a grand monument to the victims
of the Revolution on the Field of Mars 7 and about the desire to erect a
grand Palace of Labor in Moscow.8 The Republic, still beggarly and unclothed, is, however, recovering economically, and there is no doubt that
soon one of the manifestations of its recovery will be the new and increasing
beauty of its appearance. Finally, the last thingwhat I began withthe
artists' living conditions and economic position. Of course, with theriseof
NEP, the artist is again pushed into the private market. But for how long? If
our calculations are correct, and they are, then will the state, like, a capitalist, with its heavy industry and vast trusts in other branches of industry, with
its tax support, with its power over issue of currency, and above all, with its
vast ideological contentwill the state not prove ultimately to be far
stronger than any private capitalists, big or small? Will it not draw unto itself all that is vital in art, like a grand Maecenas, truly cultured and truly
In this short article I could sketch only with a couple of strokes the
peculiar zigzag line of the relationships betweenrevolutionand art that we
have hitherto observed. It has not been broken off. It continues even further.
which K a n d i n s k y ' s plan was oriented), architecture, etc. T h e broad basis of the academy encouraged
and January
interest in e x t r e m e l y
1, 1 9 2 3 , for e x a m p l e ,
(the object
et al.,
in G A K h N
of Kandinsky's
p l a n , its a i m s w e r e v e r y a m b i t i o u s . T o a c e r t a i n e x t e n t
at t h e P e t r o g r a d I K h K ;
[bibl. R 2 1 ,
he instigated
at I K h K
m u c h in c o m m o n w i t h K a n d i n s k y ' s o w n i d e a s a n d p r o p o s a l s . K a n d i n s k y , o f c o u r s e ,
later i m p l e m e n t e d at l e a s t p a r t of h i s I n k h u h / R A K h N p l a n s w i t h i n t h e f r a m e w o r k
the B a u h a u s . [For the text of the I n k h u k plan see bibl. R 1 6 , p p .
126-39; f
of Matyushin's
research based on I K h K
The department
artistic e x p r e s s i o n .
s e e b i b l . R 4 0 4 - - 4 0 5 ; for d e t a i l s
1, 1 9 2 3 , a n d
w i t h i n e v e r y s p h e r e o f art a n d ,
is e m b o d i e d ,
p r i n c i p l e w h e r e b y t h e i d e a o f a w o r k o f art is
of the department
W e
be carried
of composition
out in t w o
Declaration: Comrades,
Organizers of Life!, /923
Lef [Levyi front iskusstvLeft
The journal
1 9 2 5 a n d t h e n r e s u m e d a s Novyi
1923 until
o f Lef
a revolutionary
f o r m a l i s t s ; Novyi
w a s particularly
[For c o m m e n t s
12, no. 4, 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 ,
lef d e v o t e d m u c h s p a c e t o a s p e c t s o f p h o t o g r a p h y a n d
in R u s s i a n ,
and English
R 7 6 ] . T h i s t r a n s l a t i o n is b a s e d o n t h e E n g l i s h v e r s i o n , p p . 7 - 8 . T h i s w a s t h e f o u r t h
d e c l a r a t i o n b y Lef,
t h e first
c h t o b o r e t s y a Lef?"
t h r e e a p p e a r i n g i n t h e first n u m b e r o f t h e j o u r n a l :
[ W h a t I s Lef
( " W h a t Is
I s Lef
Fighting for?,"
1-7], " V
a r t s . [ T h e first a n d f o u r t h d e c l a r a t i o n s a r e r e p r i n t e d i n b i b l . R 1 6 , p p . 2 9 1 - 9 5 , a n d all
of them
in bibl.
f o r t h t h e u t i l i t a r i a n , o r g a n i z a t i o n a l c o n c e p t i o n o f a r t t h a t Lef/Novyi
s u p p o r t t h r o u g h o u t its s h o r t b u t influential
Today, the First of May, the workers of the world will demonstrate in
their millions with song and festivity.
Five years of attainments, ever increasing.
Five years of slogans renewed and realized daily.
So-called Poets!
Not by accident did we choose the First of May as the day of our call.
Only in conjunction with the Workers' Revolution can we see the dawn of
future art.
We, who have worked for five years in a land of revolution, know:
That only October has given us new, tremendous ideas that demand new
artistic organization.
That the October Revolution, which liberated art from bourgeois enslavement, has given real freedom to art.
Down with the boundaries of countries and of studios!
Down with the monks of rightist art!
Long live the single front of the leftists!
Long live the art of the Proletarian Revolution!
V .
r e m a i n e d , at l e a s t a m o n g h i s f e l l o w
for e x a m p l e ,
used counterreliefs
in t h e i r d e c o r a t i o n s for t h e " F i r s t
c u l t u r a l a n d H a n d i c r a f t - I n d u s t r i a l E x h i b i t i o n , " in M o s c o w in 1 9 2 3 , a n d in D e c e m b e r
1 9 2 5 G A K h N (see p , 196ff.) o r g a n i z e d a lecture a n d d i s c u s s i o n e n t i t l e d " O n the C o u n terrelief."
tarian and
a view
in t h e c l o s i n g
lines of
N A U M GABO a n d
M o s c o w ; 1 9 1 7 - 2 2 : p r o f e s s o r at S v o m a s / V k h u t e m a s ;
w i t h G a b o d e s i g n e d t h e d e c o r f o r D i a g h i l e v ' s p r o d u c t i o n o f La
was published
in A u g u s t
but with
the essential
or absolute
in h i s
the Russian
in fact,
that the m a i n
w a s to jconsoljdatg v ^ o u s j d e a s that h a d b e e n s u p p o r t e d
ones; furthermore,
It m i g h t b e a r g u e d ,
long h e f o r ^ ^ g ^ q
rather than
to a d v a n c e
m e n t of R u s s i a n c o n s t r u c t i v i s m o r o f R u s s i a n art in g e n e r a l a n d h a d m u c h m o r e
nificance in t h e c o n t e x t o f W e s t e r n c o n s t r u c t i v i s i m . T h e text h a s b e e n t r a n s l a t e d
E n g l i s h by G a b o in
University Press,
(London: Lund
1957), pp.
Humphries; Cambridge,
b e e n a d d e d , this t r a n s l a t i o n is r e p r o d u c e d h e r e w i t h k i n d p e r m i s s i o n o f N a u m
w h o requested that I insert the following
T h e translation of it into E n g l i s h w a s a l s o d o n e b y m e . M y b r o t h e r ,
it, t o
Prometei Hi Orfei
[Prometheus or O r p h e u s ]
What does Art carry into this unfolding epoch of human history?
Does it possess the means necessary for the construction of the new Great
Or does it suppose that the new epoch may not have a new style?
Or does it suppose that the new life can accept a new creation which is
constructed on the foundations of the old?
In spite of the demand of the renascent spirit of our time, Art is still
nourished by impression, external appearance, and wanders helplessly back
and forth from Naturalism to Symbolism, from Romanticism to Mysticism.
The attempts of the Cubists and the Futurists to lift the visual arts from
the bogs of the past have led only to new delusions.
Cubism, having started with simplification of the representative technique
ended with its analysis and stuck there.
The distracted world of the Cubists, broken in shreds by their logical
anarchy, cannot satisfy us who have already accomplished the Revolution or
who are already constructing and building up anew.
One could heed with interest the experiments of the Cubists, but one cannot follow them, being convinced that their experiments are being made on
the surface of Art and do not touch on the bases of it seeing plainly that the
end result amounts to the same old graphic, to the same old volume and to
the same decorative surface as of old.
One could have hailed Futurism in its time for the refreshing sweep of its
announced Revolution in Art, for its devastating criticism of the past, as in
no other way could have assailed those artistic barricades of "good taste"
. . . powder was needed for that and a lot of it . . . but one cannot construct a system of art on one revolutionary phrase alone.
One had to examine Futurism beneath its appearance to realize that one
faced a very ordinary chatterer, a very agile and prevaricating guy, clad in
the tatters of worn-out words like "patriotism," "militarism," "contempt
for the female," and all the rest of such provincial tags.
In the domain of purely pictorial problems, Futurism has not gone further
than the renovated effort tofix on the canvas a purely optical reflex which
has already shown its bankruptcy with the Impressionists. It is obvious now
to every one of us that by the simple graphic registration of a row of
momentarily arrested movements, one cannot re-create movement itself. It
makes one think of the pulse of a dead body.
The pompous slogan of "Speed" was played from the hands of the Futurists as a great trump. We concede the sonority of that slogan and we quite
see how it can sweep the strongest of the provincials off their feet. But ask
any Futurist how does he imagine "speed" and there will emerge a whole
arsenal of frenzied automobiles, rattling railway depots, snarled wires, the
clank and the noise and the clang of carouselling streets . . . does one really need to convince them that all that is not necessary for speed and for its
Look at a ray of sun . . . the stillest of the still forces, it speeds more
than 300 kilometres in a second . . . behold our starryfirmament . . . who
hears it . . . and yet what are our depots to those depots of the Universe?
What are our earthly trains to those hurrying trains of the galaxies?
Indeed, the whole Futurist noise about speed is too obvious an anecdote,
and from the moment that Futurism proclaimed that "Space and Time are
yesterday's dead," it sunk into the obscurity of abstractions.
Neither Futurism nor Cubism has brought us what our time has expected
of them.
Besides those two artistic schools our recent past has had nothing of importance or deserving attention.
But Life does not wait and the growth of generations does not stop and we
go to relieve those who have passed into history, having in our hands the
results of their experiments, with their mistakes and their achievements,
after years of experience equal to centuries . . . we say . . .
No new artistic system will withstand the pressure of a growing new culture until the very foundation of Ait will be erected on the real laws of
Until all artists will say with us . . .
All is afiction . . . only life and its laws are authentic and in life only the
active is beautiful and wise and strong and right, for life does not know
beauty as an aesthetic measure . . . efficacious existence is the highest
Life knows neither good nor bad nor justice as a measure of morals . . .
need is the highest and most just of all morals.
Life does not know rationally abstracted truths as a measure of cognizance, deed is the highest and surest of truths.
Those are the laws of life. Can art withstand these laws if it is built on abstraction, on mirage, and fiction?
We say . . .
Space and time are re-born to us today.
Space and time are the only forms on which life is built and hence art
must be constructed.
States, political and economic systems perish, ideas crumble, under the
strain of ages . . . but life is strong and grows and time goes on in its real
Who will show us forms more efficacious than this . . . who is the great
one who will give us foundations stronger than this?
Who is the genius who will tell us a legend more ravishing than this
prosaic tale which is called life?
The realization of our perceptions of the world in the forms of space and
time is the only aim of our pictorial and plastic art.
We affirm in these arts a new element the kinetic rhythms as the basic
forms of our perception of real time.
These are thefive fundamental principles of our work and our constructive technique.
Today we proclaim our words to you people. In the squares and on the
streets we are placing our work convinced that art must not remain a sanctuary for the idle, a consolation for the weary, and a justification for the lazy.
Art should attend us everywhere that life flows and acts . . . at the bench,
at the table, at work, at rest, at play; on working days and holidays . . . at
home and on the road . . . in order that theflame to live should not extinguish in mankind.
We do not look for justification, neither in the past nor in the future.
Nobody can tell us what the future is and what utensils does one eat it
Not to lie about the future is impossible and one can lie about it at will.
We assert that the shouts about the future are for us the same as the tears
about the past: a renovated day-dream of the romantics.
A monkish delirium of the heavenly kingdom of the old attired in contemporary clothes.
He who is busy today with the morrow is busy doing nothing.
And he who tomorrow will bring us nothing of what he has done today is
of no use for the future.
Today is the deed.
We will account for it tomorrow.
The past we are leaving behind as carrion.
The future we leave to the fortune-tellers.
We take the present day.
by Anatolii
charsky because of his extreme ideological position; close association with Inkhuk;
cofounder of the First Working Group of Constructivists; early 1920s: turned to
designing architectural and typographical projects, movie posters, bookplates;
1926-30: member of OSA [Obcdincnie sovremennykh arkhitektorovAssociation of
Contemporary Architects] and artistic director of its journal, Sovremennaya arkhitektura [5/1Contemporary Architecture; bibl. R84]; 1928: member of October group;
during 1920s: wrote articles on art and architecture; rumored to have been executed.
The translation is of extracts from Gan's book Konstruktivizm (Tver, OctoberDecember 1922 [according to KL, advertised as appearing in May in bibl. R59,
no. 5, p. 26)). The first extract, "Revolutionary Marxist Thought," is from pp.
13-19; the second, "From Speculative Activity," is from pp. 48-49; and the third,
"Tectonics, Texture. Construction," is from pp. 5556. [Part of the text has been
translated into English in bibl. 45, pp. 284-87.] The book acted as a declaration of
the industrial constructivists and marked the rapid transition from a purist conception
of a constructive art to an applied, mechanical one; further, it has striking affinities
with the enigmatic "Productivist" manifesto published in bibl. 216, p. 153. It is logical to assume that the book's appearance was stimulated by the many debates on
construction and production that occurred in Inkhuk during 1921 and in which Boris
Arvatov, Osip Brik, El Lissitzky, Aleksandr Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova, Nikolai Tarabukin, et al., took an active part, and also by the publication of the influential
collection of articles Iskusstvo v proizvodstve [Art in Production] in the same year
[bibl. R454]. Moreover, the First Working Group of Constructivists, of which Gan
was a member, had been founded in 1920 (see p. 24iff)- However, the book, like
Gan himself, was disdained by many contemporary constructivists, and the significance of the book within the context of Russian constructivism has, perhaps, been
overrated by modern observers.
In keeping with its tenets, the book's textual organization and imagery are highly
"industrial": the elaborate typographical layout designed by Gan and the book's
cover (designed allegedly by Gan but suggested probably by Rodchenko [cf. the
definitive cover with the project by Rodchenko illustrated in bibl. R76, no. 1, 1923,
p. 106J) were intended, of course, to support the basic ideas of the text itself. Such
terms as tektonika [tectonics], faktur a [texture], and konstruktsiya [construction]
were vogue words during the later avant-garde period, especially just after the Revolution, and implied rather more than their direct English translations. The concepts of
texture and construction had been widely discussed as early as 191 2-14, stimulating
David Burliuk and Vladimir Markov, for example, to devote separate essays to the
question of texture [see bibl. R269, R233]; and the concept of construction was, of
course, fundamental to Markov's " T h e Principles of the New A r t " (see pp. 23ff.).
The term "texture" was also used by futurist poets, and Aleksei Kruchenykh published a booklet entitled Faktura slova [Texture of the Word] in 1923 [see bibl. 133,
p. 341, for details]. The term "tectonics" was, however, favored particularly by the
constructivists and, as the so-called "Productivist" manifesto explained, " i s derived
from the structure of communism and the effective exploitation of industrial matter"
[bibl. 2 1 6 , p.
[bibl. R 1 6 , p.
e x p l a n a t i o n of t e c t o n i c s , t e x t u r e , a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n w a s n o t at all c l e a r : " T e c t o n i c s is
s y n o n y m o u s with the o r g a n i c n e s s of thrust from the intrinsic substance.
t u r e is t h e o r g a n i c state of t h e p r o c e s s e d m a t e r i a l .
as the collective
61-62). N e v e r t h e l e s s ,
. . . Tex-
of c o n s t r u c t i v i s m
. . ."
in t h e fact that it c r y s t a l l i z e d , a s it w e r e , c e r t a i n p o t e n t i a l i d e a s j n e v i d e n c e s i n c ^ at
l e a s t IQ2Q a n d p r e s e n t e d t h e m a s w h a t c a n b e r e g a r d e d a s t h e first
late the constructivist
ideology. The
inconsistencies and
attempt to formu-
And under the auspices of the quasi Marxists work the black
thousands of votaries of art, and in our revolutionary age the
'''spiritual'' culture of the past still stands firmly on the stilts of
reactionary idealism.
The Communists of Narkompros in charge of art affairs are hardly distinguishable from the non-Communists outside Narkompros. They are just
as fascinated by the beautiful as the latter are captivated by the divine.
The character and forms in which art was expressed and the "social"
meaning that it possessed affected them in no way whatsoever.
The proletariat developed and cultivated itself independently as a class
within the concrete conditions of the struggle. Its ideology was formulated
precisely and clearly. It tightened the lower ranks of its class not by playacting, not by the artificial means of abstraction, not by abstruse fetishism,
but by the concrete means of revolutionary action, by thematic propaganda
and factual agitation.
Art did not consolidate thefighting qualities of the proletarian revolutionary class; rather it decomposed the individual members of its vanguard.
On the whole it was alien and useless to a class that had its own and
only its own cultural perspective.
The more vividly the artistic-reactionary wave of restoration manifests itselfthe more distinctly will the sound, authentic elements of the proletariat
dissociate themselves from this sphere of activity.
During the whole time of the proletarian revolution, neither the department in charge of art affairs, nor organizations, nor groups have justified
their promises in practice.
From the broadcast of revolutionary calls to the future, they turned off
into the reactionary bosom of the past and built their practice on the theory
of "spiritual" continuity.
But practice showed that "spiritual" continuity is hostile to the tasks of a
proletarian revolution by which we advance toward Communism.
I N C R E D I B L E C O N F U S I O N I N ITS V A I N A T T E M P T S TO " R E V O L U T I O N I Z E "
D E V O T I O N TO T H E R E V O L U T I O N o f
It arose naturally
developed naturally
and disappeared naturally.
And the more distinctly the motive forces of social reality confront our
consciousness, the more saliently its sociopolitical forms take shapethe
more the masters of artistic labor are confronted with the task of:
B r e a k i n g w i t h t h e i r s p e c u l a t i v e a c t i v i t y (of a r t ) a n d
of f i n d i n g the p a t h s to c o n c r e t e a c t i o n by e m p l o y i n g
t h e i r k n o w l e d g e a n d s k i l l for t h e s a k e of t r u e l i v i n g a n d
purposeful labor.
Intellectual-material production establishes labor interrelations and a
productional link with science and technology by arising in the place of
artart, which by its very nature cannot break with religion and philosophy and which is powerless to leap from the exclusive circle of abstract, speculative activity.
The positive nucleus of the bearers of leftist art began to line up along
the front of the revolution itself.
From laboratory work the constructivists have passed to practical activity.
^ ^ H l
and Construction
these are the disciplines through whose help we can emerge from
the dead end of traditional art's aestheticizing professionalism onto the
path of purposeful realization of the new tasks of artistic activity in the
field of the emergent Communist culture.
T H E P A S T , FOR T H E C O N Q U E S T O F T H E F U T U R E .
The Proletariat
and Leftist Art, 1922
1896; died M o s c o w ,
1908: attended
Youth; ca.
1915: attended
I, January
1922, pp.
Vestnik iskusstv
2, pp.
an answer to Arvatov
[ M o r e o n Leftist Art].
Vestnik iskusstv
V. T. entitled
a d e p a r t m e n t established w i t h i n N a r k o m p r o s in N o v e m b e r
t a k e c h a r g e o f a d u l t e d u c a t i o n ; it l a s t e d u n t i l 1 9 3 0 a n d c o m p i l e d s e v e r a l
rabota i teatr
h i s a m b i g u o u s a t t i t u d e to leftist art: f r o m a n a e s t h e t i c s t a n d p o i n t h e s u p p o r t e d
and Theater]
jective art, but from a social standpoint he v o i c e d a preference for utilitarian art.
s i m i l a r d i v i s i o n o f l o y a l t i e s is e v i d e n t in A r v a t o v ' s g e n e r a l literary a n d artistic
tiques of the early and m i d - i 9 2 0 s i n
formalist analysis and sociopolitical
w h i c h he artfully m a n a g e d to c o m b i n e
It is shouted that the working class does not understand the leftist artists. I
should think so! . . . If you have been brought up on the vulgar, cheap, bad
taste of oleographs and postcards, you will not find it very easy to cross over
to the latest achievements of a superior culture. Anyway, is this really an
argument? Did the Marxists not at one time fight for their own ideas while
the proletariat firmly supported different ones?
All these objections stem entirely from a subjective nonacceptance of leftist art by our "ideologists" and their disciples, contaminated as they are by
old forms. Fetishists to the marrow of their bones, they behave toward in-
condition: that the artist knows how to make free use of those materials that
go to make up the poster as an expressive and actively organizational form;
and moreover, not to use themas was done previouslyin one definite direction (in such and such a "style"), but in any way, as a given concrete occasion dictates. Inevitably this command of material presupposes an abstract
laboratory or, in other words, a laboratory in which the apprentice would
learn to experiment with raw materials in all sorts of ways by applying them
to any kind of direction and solving all kinds of problems with their help.
This laboratory would become the focal point where the paths of art,
science, practice, and theory would come together. And in this is to be
found the cardinal difference between contemporary abstraction and proletarian abstraction (still to come). While the problems resolved by the former
are posed quite subjectively, are planned haphazardly, and depend ultimately on the personal desires of the individual artist, the comradely collaboration of artists and theoreticians in the proletarian laboratory will create an
atmosphere in which each problem will emerge indispensably and objectively from practical and conscious premises.
However, the significance of abstraction is in no way confined to this.
There is no need to explain that it is a direct step toward industrial art. A
decisive dissociation from applied art, from the invention of "nice motifs"
for objects, from the ''application" of art to technology is possible only
through an organic fusion of the industrial process with the process of artistic design. But there are three points in the industrial process: the raw material, the method of processing, and the purpose of the product. That is why
it is quite inconceivable for any artist who is incapable of mastering the raw
material, i.e., material used abstractly, to be in a factory. If he does happen
to turn up there, then the only results of his "creativity" will be fabrics "a
la impressionism," cubist glasses, and futurist plates; 1 that's, at bestat
best, because ail these articles will be original, albeit senseless; at worst
(and this is the predominant case in a bourgeois society), the artist will
devote himself to imitations of Egypt, the Renaissance, etc. Because where
can he get his originality from, if this "originality" has to be not his own
but simply expedientand if expediency excludes preconceived form (i.e.,
"originality")? . . . Hence only abstractionists are suitable for industry.
But if our contemporary artists and intellectuals arrive at the factory from
the polytechnic, i.e., become engineers, this will be the first historic advancebut only thefirst. The organizer and producer would, as before,
remain severed; the design of articles would, to a great extent, be fortuitous
and fragmented. And only the proletariat will overcome thisthe proletariat, which is destined by history to make the second advance: to fuse the
At the Junction
of Art and Production, 1922
1898. Ca.
he joined
1 9 2 0 : w o r k e d in U k r a i n i a n N a r k o m p r o s ; m o v e d t o M o s c o w ,
(see p.
P r o l e t k u l t ; 1 9 2 7 - 2 9 : a c t i v e i n Novyi
lef [ N e w L e f t F r o n t o f t h e A r t s ] ; a u t h o r o f b o o k s
a n d m a n y a r t i c l e s d e a l i n g w i t h R u s s i a n l i t e r a t u r e , e s p e c i a l l y p o e t r y ; k n o w n for
studies of Vladimir Mayakovsky,
a s w e l l as for his o w n v e r s e ; l i v e s in
no. 5, M a y
Vestnik iskusstv
1 9 2 2 , p p . 2 2 - 2 5 [bibl. R 5 9 ; for d e t a i l s o n
j o u r n a l s e e p p . 2 2 5 - 2 6 ] . It is o n e o f P e r t s o v ' s f e w a r t i c l e s o n a r t , t h e b u l k o f h i s c r i t i c a l w r i t i n g b e i n g d e v o t e d t o l i t e r a t u r e , b u t it d e m o n s t r a t e s h i s i m m e d i a t e a w a r e n e s s o f
t h e central p r o b l e m s o f p r o d u c t i o n a l art. A m i d the g e n e r a l e n t h u s i a s m for
t i v i s m a n d i n d u s t r i a l d e s i g n s h a r e d b y h i s c o l l e a g u e s , P e r t s o v w a s o n e o f t h e first
the n e w critics to indicate the d a n g e r s of s u c h an attitude, a n d his o b v i o u s
for t h e c o n t i n u e d i n d e p e n d e n c e
n e c e s s a r i l y a l i e n t o it) d i s t i n g u i s h e s h i s p o s i t i o n f r o m
Brik and Aleksandr Rodchenko.
that of such
is c l e a r l y r e s i s t i n g
bibl. 246 and bibl. 247, p. 36), and Aleksei G a n ' s " a l g e b r a i c " terminology (see pp.
as the authoritarian
attitudes of K a z i m i r
later call for a more human, more "artistic" interpretation of constructivism (see pp.
The productional view of art has come to occupy our artistic consciousness as a broad but obtuse issue. From this has arisen a sensation of mental
noisean echo, undoubtedly, of the commotion that ensued after theoreticians and artists everywhere had felt a certain guilt before contemporaneity, t e c h n o l o g y , and other weighty pheonomena. Although all the opinions of artists on production share the tone of an apology to somebody and
even of some sort of historical repentance, they do have one good consequence: no longer will anyone be surprised that art can be linked in some
way with production and no longer is there any mention of stupid conversations about art and craft.
Ta nh de PO rr og da un ci tz ia ot ni oa nl o Rf a ap np r Ao cr ht ie smt ei cn t
Hitherto, production and art have not known each other and have lived nurtured on the haziest rumors. Despite the fact that history, by its very nature
secure market for the products of their laborwhich, as a rule, sell badly
would come true if productional art became "a reality." Not everyone will
buy a book or picture, but everyone needs a convenient and elegant table or
chair. While people are uncultured enough to prefer an ax to its symbol in
the abstract world, and a pot of geraniums to a Cezanne still life, it is impossible to talk of aesthetic needs as a mass fact, the more so since the "good
taste" of modern aesthetics forbids this.
Against this background the problem of the interrelations of art and production could not be solved, but merely be dissected. This is what has happened to the now dominant views quoted above, not counting the vast flow
of words that have given spice to their little practical content.
Before the very eyes of those thinkers who had attempted to overcome the
above problem, objects of art and objects of industry stood in isolationin
the forms that the uninitiated had perceived and distinguished most easily.
From these two sorts of lumber dumped together in one pile, common features were abstracted; in this way, a fusion was produced all along the line.
The drawback lies in the fact that the methodology of orienting art to
production was sought for in an outdated, isolated, and mechanically sealed
inventorywith regard both to art and to production.
Not Ideas But People
In the meantime, it transpired that the principal characters had been left out
of all this occupation with ideas. The problem of combining the methods of
art and industry could be solved, not in a logical and abstract way, but in a
pedagogical and evolutionary way.
The center of gravity lay not in how, at the wave of a magic wand, to
draw a satisfactory picture of the coexistence of production and art, but in
how to build up a system of educating the engineer and artist by following
the objective directions of both art and industry.
These two educational aggregates served as the point of departure for all
the opinions of the theoreticians, aggregates accepted as exclusive facts.
If the problem of fusing technology with art is taken not as a subject of
topical dispute, but seriously, as a social problem, then it should not be
doomed to the amateurish solution of the artist who understands absolutely
nothing about production, or of the engineer who, correspondingly, has no
artistic training.
It is essential to realize that the enigmatic phenomena of contemporary artistic culture with their ramifications of cubism, suprematism, transsense,1
etc.brilliant material for witty rapprochements with the tendencies of con-
temporary technologydo not in themselves bring us any nearer to a solution of the concrete problem. Moreover, they should be taken only as a sign,
as the consolidation in artistic experience of the teeming industrial impressions of contemporaneity, as a call to practical reform.
The effect of industry on the art of our century is a fact that has been established many times.
One cannot keep on establishing it, by producing the most piquant contrasts and details, without some authoritative, practical inference. And it is
all the more barbaric and uncultured to abolish art before its time and, after
burying it alive, to throw reckless conjectures into a void.
The Experience of Creating
an Artist-Engineer
In order not to remain the dubious observers of the curiosities of "art and
life," we must make this tendency of art, noted above, the subject of a deliberate culture.
The latter can be achieved after we have attempted to re-create the systems of educating the artist and the engineer, and after we have given them
unity in accordance with their new aims. Atfirst this can be doneroughlyby
supplementing the present curricula with missing subjects. Suffice it to remember in this connection that our ordinary engineer-architect, besides the
principles of mechanics and practical technology, also used to learn the history of art styles. In this case nobody was surprised at the combination of
technological/mathematical abilities and artistic flair and talent.
The historical example of their brilliant combination in Leonardo da Vinci
is particularly striking to our age, more than any other.
A broad-based and accurate familiarity with technology should be introduced as an integral part of the system of educating the modern artist.
What will he be called in this case? An engineerof words, an engineermusician, an engineer-decorator, is not important. Which should be
taken as the basis of the new educational establishmentthe art school or
the technological institute? Where will this new kind of social builder draw
the necessary people? Will art or industry, in their former appearance, send
their delegates here? The future will show us.
But we can already believe that the culture before us will be an unprecedented triumph for principles at present still disparate.
The enviable destiny of this day is to reveal its perspicacity by practical
I. Concreteness is the object in itself.
. Concreteness is the sum of experience.
. Concreteness is form.
Preconditions for objects:
1. Contemporaneity
2. Clarity of objective
3. Accuracy of execution
Participants in the group: Petr Vilyams, B. Volkov, Konstantin Vyalov,
S. Luchishkin, S. B. Nikritin, M. Plaksin, Kliment Redko, N. Tryaskin, A. Tyshler (90 various works exhibited: Luchishkin's "analytical painting," Nikritin's "tectonic researches"
["drafts"], painting, maquettes, models, drawings)
materialist world view, the so-called "spiritual" life of society, the emotional qualities of people can no longer be cemented by abstract categories
of metaphysical beauty and by the mystical intrigues of a spirit soaring
above society.
The Constructivists assert that all art makers without exception are
engaged in these intrigues, and no matter what vestments of realistic or naturalistic art they are invested in, they cannot escape essentially from the
magic circle of aesthetic conjuring tricks.
But by applying conscious reason to life, our new young proletarian society lives also by the only concrete values of social construction and by clear
While constructing, while pursuing these aims not only for itself, but also
through itself, our society can advance only by concretizing, only by realizing the vital acts of our modern day.
And this is our reality, our life. Ideologically, as it were, consciously, we
have extirpated yesterday, but in practical and formal terms we have not yet
mastered today's reality.
We do not sentimentalize objects; that is why we do not sing about objects in poetry. But we have the will to construct objects; that is why we are
developing and training our ability to make objects.
3. At the "First Discussional Exhibition of Associations of New Groups
of Artistic Labor," the Constructivists are showing only certain aspects of
their production:
I. Typographical construction of the printed surface
II. Volumetrical objects (the construction of an armature for everyday
III. Industrial and special clothing
IV. Children's books
The First Working Group of Constructivists consists of a number of productional cells.
Of those not represented, mention should be made of the productional cell
Kinophot (cinematography and photography), the productional cell of material constructions, and the productional cell Mass Action.
The First Working Group of Constructivists states that all other groups
that call themselves constructivists, such as the "Constructivist Poets," 1
the "Constructivists of the Chamber Theater," 2 the "Constructivists of the
Meierkhold Theater," 3 the "Lef Constructivists," the "TsIT Constructivists," 4 etc., are, from this group's point of view, pseudo constructivists
and are engaged in merely making art.
From Pictures
to Textile Prints, 1924
B o r n St. Petersburg,
in P e t r o g r a d ;
of Lilya
m e m b e r o f Lef
[Levyi front i s k u s s t v L e f t
for h e r
o f Novyi
2 7 - 3 4 [bibl. R 7 6 ; for d e t a i l s o f t h e j o u r n a l s e e p p .
tained an obituary of Lyubov Popova,
( M o s c o w ) , no. 2, 1924,
w h o h a d b e e n o n e o f t h e first
of the
in a p p l i e d
p r o d u c t i o n , b u t B r i k w a s a m o n g t h e first
Heir of
1927: cofounder
1921: m e m b e r of Inkhuk;
t o i n d i c a t e the n e c e s s i t y for s p e c i a l
p o l i c y , a n d it a m p l i f i e d t h e s t a t e m e n t s o n t e x t i l e s a n d d e s i g n i s s u e d a f e w
before b y A l e k s a n d r a E x t e r a n d S t e p a n o v a [bibl. R 4 4 9 ,
it is indissolubly linked with the forms of the capitalist regime, with its cultural ideology, that the textile print is now becoming the center of creative
attention, and that the textile print and work on it are the apex of artistic
And in fact, our cultural creation is founded wholly on a specific purpose.
We do not conceive of a cultural and educational work unless it pursues
some kind of definite, practical aim. The concepts of "pure science," "pure
art," "independent truth and beauty" are alien to us. We are practitioners
and in this lies the distinctive feature of our cultural consciousness.
There is no place for the easel picture in this consciousness. Its force and
meaning lie in its extrautilitarianism, in the fact that it serves no other aim
than delighting, "caressing," the eye.
All attempts to turn the easel picture into an agitational picture have been
fruitless. And this was not because there was no talented artist around, but
because this is essentially inconceivable.
The easel picture is calculated to exist a long time, for years and even
centuries. But what agitational subject would last that long? What agit-picture doesn't grow old within a month? And if the subject of the agit-picture
grows old, then what remains?
Hence the conclusion: if you want to make good textile prints, learn to
paint landscapes.
The easel painters say: the artist, no matter where he works or what he
does, must master artistic culture, must be artistically educated. And it is
easel painting that gives him this artistic culture, this artistic education.
After mastering the "secrets" of easel painting, he thereby masters the
"secrets" of any painterly work, whether it is a textile print, a book cover,
a poster, or theatrical decor.
And in this the easel painters are deeply mistaken.
A picture is the product of a specific kind of artistic labor. In order to
make a picture, a certain number of technical devices and skills have to be
employed. Precisely those devices and skills with which a picture can be
made. So how does it follow that these devices and skills are universal?
How can it suddenly transpire that devices and skills suitable for one craft
are also suitable for another?
Let us assume that partial coincidences are possible, that some of the
devices can prove to be general; why should one craft prove to be fundamental vis-a-vis another? Why should the making of a still life be more
"fundamental" than that of a textile print? Why should one first of all learn
how to do a still life and then undertake textile prints, and not vice versa?
The easel painters love to compare pure easel painting with pure mathematics. They say that both provide general principles, general tenets that are
then applied in practice.
But the easel painters forget that the picture is not science, but practice,
and that it establishes no "general" tenets. The experience of the easel
painter is not that of the artist in general, but is only the experience of a
single, individual case of painterly labor.
The easel painters want to uphold theirrightto exist.
If easel painting has died as a kind of socially necessary art craft, then let
it be revived as a universal artistic method, as the high school of every artistic practice.
That is how the zealots of classical antiquity advocated the necessity of
Greek and Latin in secondary schools.
However, the pedagogical universality of easel painting is overthrown not
only by theoretical reasoning but also by everyday practical experience.
We know well the sad fate of artists whofinish the easel-painting school
and try to apply their knowledge and skill in industry. Nothing comes of
their endeavors.
Anyway, easel painters in the main do not care a damn for industry. Recognition of industrial art is an empty phrase on their lips.
All the same, work in industry will always be inferior for the easel
painter. That is why it is not the easel painters who will discover the
methods of this work, and not from easel painting that the solution of
productional art problems will ensue.
Only those artists who once and for all have broken with easel craft, who
have recognized productional work in practice, not only as an equal form of
artistic labor, but also as the only one possibleonly such artists can grapple successfully and productively with the solution to the problems of contemporary artistic culture.
Among these artists, still not very numerous, are the Inkhuk members
Rodchenko, Lavinsky, Vesnin, Stepanova, Ioganson, Senkin, Klutsis, and
Lyubov Popova (recently deceased). 1
There is one very serious objection that easel painters make to the productional workers. They say: "In no way does your work differ from the most
primitive kind of applied art; you are doing what applied art workers always
did when 'applying' easel sketches to objects of factory production. And
what would you do if there weren't any easel works? What would you
Indeed, artistic labor and factory work are still disunited. The artist is still
an alien in the factory. People treat him with suspicion. They do not let him
come too close. They do not believe him. They cannot understand why he
covers for Novyi lef, and his anti-Fascist montages in the journal Za rubezhom
Although in transferring his energies to photography, Rodchenko was endeavoring to
support a "nonartistic," utilitarian medium, he did not cease to experiment with the
purely formal aspects of his new profession. "Rodchenko perspective" and "Rodchenko foreshortening" therefore became current terms in the 1920s, and there is no
doubt that his innovative use of light and shadow exerted a certain influence on such
filmmakers as Sergei Eisenstein, Lev Kuleshov, and Dziga Vertov. In a very constructivist way Rodchenko, at least in the 1920s, attempted to expose the mechanism
of the camera and to exploit the photographic method to its maximum, a process in
which he was accused of plagiarizing from Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (see Rodchenko's
reply to this criticism in Novyi lef, no. 6, 1928, pp. 42-44) and of presenting reality
"upside down and downside up" (see his polemics with Boris Kushner inAfovyt lef,
no. 9, 1928, pp. 31-39). In the 1930s and 1940s Rodchenko's photographic work
became less adventurous, and he and his wife, Varvara Stepanova (who had
I was once obliged to dispute with an artist the fact that photography cannot replace painting in a portrait. He spoke very soundly about the fact that a
photograph is a chance moment, whereas a painted portrait is the sum total
of moments observed, which, moreover, are the most characteristic of the
man being portrayed. The artist has never added an objective synthesis of a
given man to the factual world, but has always individualized and idealized
him, and has presented what he himself imagined about himas it were,
personal summary. But I am not going to dispute this; let us assume that he
presented a sum total, while the photograph does not.
The photograph presents a precise moment documentarily.
It is essential to clarify the question of the synthetic portrait; otherwise the
present confusion will continue. Some say that a portrait should only be
painted; others, in searching for the possibility of rendering this synthesis by
photography, follow a very false pathiJhgyJmitate paintingaxid make faces
4iazy-by-generaUzing^ and slurring over details, which results in a portrait
.having no outward resemblance to any partionar-persOTTs^n"pi^ures of
Rembrandt "and
Any intelligent man will tell you about the photograph's shortcomings in
comparison to the painted portrait; everyone will tell you about the character
of the Mona Lisa, and everyone forgets that portraits were painted when
there was no photography and that they were painted not of all the intelligent
people but of therichand powerful. Even men of science were not painted.
You need not wait around, intelligentsia; even now AKhR,R^artists will
not paint you. Truethey can't even depict the sum total, let alone .001 of
a moment.
Now compare eternity in science and technology. In olden times a savant
would discover a truth, and this truth would remain law for about twenty
years. And this was learned and learned as something indusputable and immutable.
Encyclopedias were compiled that supplied whole generations with their
eternal truths.,.
_Does the kind exist now? . . . No.
Now peoplejdo not live by encyclopedias but by newspapers, magazines,
card catalogues, prospectuses, and directionaries.
Modem-science and technology ^e^iQLsearcMng for truths, but are opening up new areas of work and with every day change what has been attained.
not? Not because, as many think, "We have not yet been able to,
we haven't had a genius yet, but certain people have at least done
No, there will not bebecause there isajile of photographs, and this file
of snapshots allows no one to idealize or fal sifyJLgnin. Everyone has seen
(bis file of phQtQgcaphsyandas~a,mattcr .ofxouisc, naQi^ wouW^aIkw.a3i&r
tic nonsense to be taken for the eternal Lenin.
" True, many say that there is no single snapshot that bears an absolute resemblance, but each one in its own way resembles him a bit.
I maintain that there is no synthesis of Lenin, and there cannot be one and
the same synthesis of Lenin for each and everyone. . . . But there is a synthesis of him. This is a representation based on photographs, books, and
It^hould^be^tated-fimilxjhat with the appearance of photographs, there
can'be no question of a single, immutable portrait. Moreover^a man is not
just one sum total'nfe^lTmT ^
lltey> die crcfltr opposed"
By means of a photograph or other do^ments T we cqp debunTainy^rtistic
synthesis produced by one man of another.
So we refuse to let LenTiTbe falsified by art.
Art has failed miserably in its struggle against photography for Lenin.
There is nothing left for it but to enlarge photographs and make them
The less authentic the fac ts about a man, the more romantic and interestjng becomes.
So that is why modern artists are often so fond of depicting events long
past and not of today. That is why artists have enjoyed less popularity when
they have depicted contemporaneitythey are criticized, it is difficult to lie
to their faces . . . and they are acknowledged afterward when their contemporaries have died off.
/ /
an art bfonze^"
oil portraits,
water colors,
The Construction of
Architectural and Machine
F o r m s [Extracts], 1 9 3 1
Born Pavlograd. 1889; died Moscow, 1951. 1907: moved to Odessa, where he entered the Odessa Art School; 1914: entered the St. Petersburg Academy, where he
i mashinnykh form
Chernikhov's text betrays the close tie among painting, sculpture, and architecture
maintained during the 1920s and, more specifically, the debt of constructivist architecture to Kazimir Malevich's suprematism, to Lyubov Popova's, Aleksandr Rodchenko's, and Aleksandr Vesnin's last paintings and drawings, and of course, to El
Lissitzky's Prouns. Chernikhov's own pedagogical and aesthetic theories owe a great
deal to the early researches carried out by the Zhivskulptarkh group (see p. 43), in
Inkhuk, and in Vkhutemas/Vkhutein. Chernikhov's attribution of certain emotive
qualities to certain architectural forms, for example, derived its ultimate inspiration
from Vesnin's initial endeavors to create color compositions that would produce invariable, predetermined psychological effects or from Nikolai Ladovsky's categories
of "(a) Power and weakness; (b) Grandeur and abasement; (c) Finitude and infinity"
Yakov Chernikhov: Illustration from his Konstruktsiya arkhitekturnykh i mashinnykh form [The Construction of Architectural and Mechanical Forms] (Leningrad. 1931). All the
illustrations in this book were devoted to specific problems
of structural composition and design, although the subjects
themselves were often fanciful and rhetorical. The theme here
is "machine architecture."
Fourth law: Elements unified in a new whole form a construction when they
penetrate each other, clasp, are coupled, press against each other,
i.e., display an active part in the movement of the unification.
Sixth law: Every new construction is the result of man's investigations and
of his inventive and creative needs.
Ninth law: Every constructive resolution must have a motive on the basis of
which the construction is made.
Eleventh law: Before assuming its definite form, a constructive representation must pass through all the necessary and possible stages of its
development and construction.
Observance of laws in all constructive buildings is based further on the
fact that we can prove simultaneously the truth and correctness of the chosen
resolution by analytical means. The justifiability of the approach serves as a
criterion for the legalization of the elaborated form.
In all cases of construction we encounter the necessity of giving foundation to and, thereby, as it were, legalizing the construction that we have accepted. We must prove that the construction that we are proposing is correct
and corresponds to the given case.
From "The Formations of Construction":
Conclusion and Inferences
The abundance, variety, and many-sidedness of the phenomena of constructivism prove that it is not some kind of abstract method having limited applicability. On the contrary, we are convinced that constructivism encompasses, and penetrates into, an extremely wide area of man's creative work.
Consequently, it is possible to speak of constructivism as a world view.
What are the basic characteristics of this world view? The mechanization
of movement and building in life peculiar to our time, the intense development of industrial production and of technology in general have radically
changed our way of life and generated new needs, new habits, and new
tastes. One of the most urgent needs of our time is the rational organization
of objects, their functional justification. And this is the rejection of everything that is superfluous, everything that does not bear on the aim and purpose of the object. In this sense one can say that despite the extreme complexity of our life, despite the diversity of its structure, it is in certain
respects being simplified through the perfection of technological achievement. In other words, many processes that previously were complicated and
slow are now being simplified and speeded up. Hence the principles of
simplification, acceleration, and purposefulness emerge as the constant attributes of a constructivist world view.
It is characteristic of constructivism that it forms a new understanding of
the object and a new approach to the creative process; namely, without
denying the value of such forces as inspiration, intuition, fantasy, etc., it
places the materialistic point of view in the foreground. This point of view
unites phenomena that were previously considered quite separate and disparate: the phenomena of engineering and technology and the phenomena of
artistic creation. It is true, we know, that in former times these phenomena
sometimes came into contact with each other and appeared together in a harmonic synthesis, as, for example, in the best works of architecture, which
satisfy both constructive requirements and the demands of good taste, our
aesthetic sense. However, the durable, firm, and logical link between these
phenomena envisaged by constructivism was lacking. Only by the absence
of this link can we explain the widespread development of decorative motifs
devoid of any functional justification (especially in baroque and art nouveau
In former times machinery was considered something profoundly inartistic, and mechanical forms were excluded from the province of beauty as
such; people did not talk about them as forms of artistic creation. But now
we know and see, thanks to the development of the constructivist world
view, that machinery not only lies within the confines of artistic conception
but also has its own indubitable and convincing aesthetic norms and canons.
These norms and canons are to be found in the fundamentals of constructivism, whichfor the first time in the history of manhas been able to
unite the principles of mechanical production and the stimuli of artistic creation. One must not consider constructivism something absolutely new, unprecedented, and unheard of. It could be said that in its elementary principles constructivism is as ancient as the building art, as man's creative
abilities. Primordial man, in building his dolmens, triliths, crypts, and other
edifices was unconsciously a constructivist. These initially primitive trends
of constructivism gradually become complex and crystallized in the course
of man's centuries-long cultural development. The forms of constructivism
differentiated in proportion to the differentiation of culture.
The disunity of artistic and technological forms of which we spoke earlier
is gradually taking the shape of a common, integral aspiration toward rational construction, or one could say that we are gradually uniting artistic construction and machine construction; the boundary dividing them is being
erased. A new conception of the beautiful, a new beauty, is being bornthe
aesthetics of industrial constructivism. If in its general, primary fundamentals its origin is very ancient, it is indebted for the concrete definition of its
principles mainly to the artistic and technological research of the last decades in almost all the cultured countries of the world.
It must be recognized that their last role has by no means been played by
the achievements of the so-called leftist artists, the revolutionaries of art
who are often repudiated andridiculed.Undoubtedly constructivism has to a
certain extent employed the formal and methodological results of modern
trends. These directions have contributed a great deal to the understanding
of modern architecture and mechanical forms. They have indicated the usefulness of laboratory research and the value of the study and analysis of
form connected with contemporary, industrial technology. It is thought that
constructivism has significance only as a means of overcoming eclecticism
and technological conservatism. In fact, its role is much wider; it is not only
destructive in relation to the old, but it is also creative in relation to the new.
Furthermore, constructivism by no means denies art or supplants it by technology and engineering, nor does it ignore artistic content and the means of
artistic effect, as is maintained by certain art historians of our time. Formal
and technological functionalism, as a method of architectural work and analysis, does not exclude the possibility of a harmonic interrelation of the principles of form and content, nor does it exclude the possibility of the coordination of practical, utilitarian tasks and aesthetic attractiveness.
Constructivism does not renounce critical utilization of experiment; it does
not seek an isolated resolution of the particular aspects of this or that task
but aims at the best utilization of all possibilities both formal-compositional
and technological-constructional, by linking them together in a creative,
synthesizing process.
We are convinced that the correct solution of the problems of constructive
forms is equally important for all branches of man's creationfor architecture, mechanical engineering, applied art, the printing industry, etc. Constructivism can, and must, take into consideration all the concrete needs of
contemporary life and must answer in full the needs of the mass consumer,
the collective "customer"the people.
Toward Socialist
of the Association of Artists
of Revolutionary Russia, 1922
Shortly after the forty-seventh exhibition of the Wanderers, in January 1922, a group
of artists, among them Aleksandr Grigorev, Evgenii Katsman, Sergei Maiyutin, and
Pavel Radimov, organized the Assotsiatsiya khudozhnikov, izuchayushchikh revolyutsionnyi byt [Association of Artists Studying Revolutionary Life], which was
shortly rechristened Obshchestvo khudozhnikov revolyutsionnoi Rossii [Society of
Artists of Revolutionary Russia]. After their first group show, "Exhibition of Pictures by Artists of the Realist Direction in Aid of the Starving," in Moscow (opened
May 1), the Society was renamed Assotsiatsiya khudozhnikov revolyutsionnoi Rossii [AKhRRAssociation of Artists of Revolutionary Russia]. The primary aim of
its members was to present Revolutionary Russia in a realistic manner by depicting
the everyday life of the proletariat, the peasantry, the Red Army, etc. In restoring
tendentious theme to the picture, they returned to the traditions of the nineteenth-century realists and declared their opposition to the leftists. In addition to older realists,
such as Abram Arkhipov, Nikolai Kasatkin, and Konstantin Yuon, AKhRR attracted
many young artists, such as Isaak Brodsky, Aleksandr Gerasimov, and Boris loganson. In order to acquaint themselves with proletarian reality, many of the AKhRR
members visited factories, iron foundries, railroad depots, shipyards, etc. By the
mid-1920s AKhRR was the most influential single body of artists in Russia, having
affiliates throughout the country, including a special young artists' section called
OMAKhR [Obedinenie molodezhi AKhRAssociation of AKhR youth], its own
publishing house [see bibl. R513], and of course, enjoying direct government support. In 1928 AKhRR changed its name to Assotsiatsiya khudozhnikov revolyutsii
[AKhRAssociation of Artists of the Revolution], and in 1929 it established its own
journal Iskusstvo v massy [Art to the Masses] [bibl. R70]. In 1932, together with all
other formal art and literary groups, AKhR was dissolved by the decree "On the
Reconstruction" (see pp. 288ff.).
The text of this piece, "Deklaratsiya Assotsiatsii khudozhnikov revolyutsionnoi Rossii," was published in the catalogue of the AKhRR "Exhibition of Studies,
Sketches, Drawings, and Graphics from the Life and Customs of the Workers' and
Peasants' Red Army," in Moscow in June and July 1922, p. 20. It is reprinted in
Sovetskoe iskusstvo za 15 let [Soviet Art of the Last Fifteen Years], ed. Ivan Matsa et
al. (Moscow-Leningrad, 1933), p. 345 [bibl. R16], from which this translation is
made, and also in bibl. R493, p. 289.
The Great October Revolution, in liberating the creative forces of the people, has aroused the consciousness of the masses and the artiststhe spokesmen of the people's spiritual life.
Our civic duty before mankind is to set down, artistically and documentarily, the revolutionary impulse of this great moment of history.
We will depict the present day: the life of the Red Army, the workers, the
peasants, the revolutionaries, and the heroes of labor.
We will provide a true picture of events and not abstract concoctions
discrediting our Revolution in the face of the international proletariat.
The old art groups existing before the Revolution have lost their meaning,
the boundaries between them have been erased in regard to both ideology
and formand they continue to exist merely as circles of people linked
together by personal connections but devoid of any ideological basis or
It is this content in art that we consider a sign of truth in a work of art,
and the desire to express this content induces us, the artists of Revolutionary
Russia, to join forces; the tasks before us are strictly defined.
The Immediate Tasks of AKhRR:
A Circular to All Branches of
AKhRRAn Appeal
to All the Artists
of the U.S.S.R., 1 1924
The text of this piece, "Ocherednye zadachi AKhRRRa," was issued as a circular
letter in May 1924, after the February exhibition "Revolution, Life, and Labor,"
and was then published in a collection of articles edited by an AKhRR member,
Aleksandr Grigorev, Chetyre goda AKhRRa [Four Years of AKhRRl (Moscow,
1926), pp. 10-13. The text is reprinted in Sovetskoe iskusstvo za 15 let [Soviet Art of
the Last Fifteen Years], ed. Ivan Matsa et al. (Moscow-Leningrad, 1933), pp.
345-48 [bibl. R16], from which this translation is made, and in bibl. R493, pp.
In no way does this signify that we should ignore all the formal achievements of French art in the second half of the nineteenth century and to a certain extent in thefirst quarter of the twentieth within the general treasury of
world art (the careful, serious study and assimilation of the painterly and
formal achievements of modern art is an essential obligation of every serious
artist who aspires to become a master). AKhRR objects only to the aspiration to reduce the whole development of art to the imitation and repetition of
models of the French school, a school that is nurtured, in turn, on the
sources of old traditions in art.
After their two years of work in factories and plants, after the many
exhibitions they organizedwhich laid the foundation for the Museum of
the -Union Central Council of Trade Unions and for the Red Army and
Navy Museumthe main group of AKhRR members felt convinced that
subject matter, thematic method in the study and conversion of reality, was
the main element in organizing form.
It became clear to the AKhRR artists that the factory, the plant, the
production worker, electrification, the heroes of labor, the leaders of the
Revolution, the new life of the peasants, the Red Army, the Komsomol and
Pioneers, the death and funeral of the Revolution's leaderall this contained a new color of unprecedented power and severe fascination, a new interpretation of synthetic form, a new compositional structure; in a word,
contained the aggregate of those conditions whose execution would regenerate easel and monumental painting.
For the expression of these new forms created by the Revolution, the
frayed, lost forms and lacerated color hired from the masters of the French
school are absolutely useless.
For the expression of these new forms created by the Revolution a new
style is essential, a strong, precise, invigorating style that organizes thought
and feeling, the style that in our short declaration is called heroic realism.
The difficulty of solving and realizing the above tasks lies in the fact that,
while aspiring toward content in art, it is very easy to lapse into feeble,
simple imitation of a host of outdated art schools and trends.
Those artists, those young artists who wishfirst and foremost to be sincere, who wish to shake off the yoke of vacuous philosophizing and inversion of the bases of visual art decomposed through the process of analysis,
fully realize the necessity to regenerate the unity of form and content in art;
and they direct all their strength, all their creative potential, to the ceaseless
scientific and completely professional study of the new model, giving it the
acutely realistic treatment that our epoch dictates.
The so-called indifference to politics of certain contemporary groups of
heights form will fuse with content. And the presidium of AKhRR and its
Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) faction appeal to all artists who hold
near and dear the behests and aims set before AKhRR to rally around the association in a powerful, united, artistic, and revolutionary organization.
of the Association of Artists
of the Revolution, 1928
For details on AKhR see p. 265.
The text of this piece, "Deklaratsiya Assotsiatsii khudozhnikov revolyutsii
(AKhR)," was published in the Bulletin of the AKhR Information Office dedicated
to the First Ail-Union Convention of AKhR. This convention was held just after the
tenth exhibition of AKhRR/AKhR in Moscow, February 1928, which was devoted to
ten years of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. The text is reprinted in Sovetskoe
iskusstvo za 15 let [Soviet Art of the Last Fifteen Years], ed. Ivan Matsa et al.
(Moscow-Leningrad, 1933), p. 356 [bibl. R16], from which this translation is made;
the text is reprinted also in bibl. R493, pp. 320-21.
of Artistic Labor
Declaration, 1928
October was founded in 1928, but its one exhibition did not open until June 1930, in
Moscow. October encompassed various artistic activities, although it concentrated,on
the industrial and applied artsand this, together with its emphasis on the proletariat
and on contemporaneity, recalled the ideas of Proletkult and constructivism. This is
confirmed by the association's list of members and by the cosignatories of this declaration, who included: representing poster art and book designAleksandr Alekseev,
Mecheslav Dobrokovsky, Vasilii Elkin, Paula Freiberg, Paul Irbit, Gustav Klutsis,
Alois Kreichik, Nikolai Lapin, El Lissitzky, Dmitrii Moor, Diego Rivera (in Moscow 1927-28), Nikolai Sedelnikov, Sergei Senkin, Solomon Telingater, Bela Uitz,
Vikor Toot and, temporarily, Aleksandr Deineka; representing architectureAleksei
Gan, Moisei Ginzburg, Pavel Novitsky, and two of the Vesnin brothers, Aleksandr
and Viktor; representing film and photographySergei Eisenstein, Aleksandr Rodchenko, and Esfir Shub; and Alfred Kurella, Ivan Matsa, and Aleksei Mikhailov
theorists of the group.
Deineka, Klutsis, Lissitzky, Rodchenko, Senkin, and Varvara Stepanova were represented at its sole exhibition [for review see bibl. R70, no. 7, 1930, pp. 9-16]. A
collection of October declarations and articles by members entitled Izofront. Klassovaya borba na fronte prostranstvennykh iskusstv [Visual Arts Front. The Class
Struggle on the Spatial Arts Front; bibl. R500] was scheduled to appear at the same
time as the exhibition, but the adverse political and artistic climate dictated a number
of prepublication changes. When the collection finally appeared in late 1931, the
publishers were careful to emphasize in their separate insert and apologetic preface
that the collection was being published as "material for creative discussion" despite
its numerous "vulgar, materialistic mistakes." In 1932 October was accused of
"abolishing art"[see responses of RAPKh (Rossiiskaya assotsiatsiya proletarskikh
khudozhnikovRussian Association of Proletarian Artists) to the decree "On the
Reconstruction" (pp. 288ff.) in Za proletarskoe iskusstvo [For Proletarian Art] (Moscow), no. 9/10, 1932; reprinted in bibl. R16, p. 650]; in the same year October
was, in any case, dissolved as a result of the above decree.
The text of this piece, "Oktyabr. Obedinenie khudozhestvennogo truda. Deklaratsiya," was first published in Sovremennaya arkhitektura [5/4Contemporary Architecture] (Moscow), no. 3, March 1928, pp. 73-74 [bibl. R84]. In 1931 a second general declaration, entitled Borba za proletarskie pozitsii nafronte prostranstvennykh
iskusstv [The Struggle for Proletarian Class Positions on the Spatial Arts Front], was
published as a separate pamphlet in Moscow. Apart from this, there were three other
specific declarations: one by the National Sector of October (dated 1929), which
rejected the idealization of pre-Revolutionary art forms and cultures, thereby opposing AKhR's support of nineteenth-century realist traditions; the Program of the Photo
Section of October (dated 1930), which rejected the "abstract" photography of such
artists as Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and saw the value of photography to lie in its "actuality," stipulating, moreover, that all members should be linked with industrial production or with collective farms; and an Open Letter (dated 1930) from the young
artists' section of OctoberMolodoi Oktyabr [Young October]to the central presidium of OMAKhR (see p. 265) criticizing the latter's passive, documentary interpretation of proletarian reality. [These three declarations, together with the first, were
published in bibl. R500, pp. 135-60, and are reprinted in bibl. R16, pp. 608-16,
619-23; the first declaration and that of the National Sector are reprinted in bibl.
At the present time all art forms must define their positions at the front of
the Socialist cultural revolution.
We are profoundly convinced that the spatial arts (architecture, painting,
sculpture, graphics, the industrial arts, photography, cinematography, etc.)
can escape their current crisis only when they are subordinated to the task of
serving the concrete needs of the proletariat, the leaders of the peasantry,
and the backward national groups.
In participating consciously in the proletariat's ideological class struggle
against hostile forces and in supporting the rapprochement of the peasantry
and the nationalities with the proletariat, the spatial arts must serve the proletariat and the working masses in two interconnected fields:
in the field of ideological propaganda (by means of pictures, frescoes,
printing, sculpture, photography, cinematography, etc.);
in late 1924,
was established
y a m s , a n d its m e m b e r s h i p
David Shterenberg
easel painting
and Petr
1 9 2 5 t o 1 9 2 8 , all in M o s c o w
t w o , l e a v i n g t h e s o c i e t y e a r l y in 1 9 2 7 ) . A l t h o u g h
as o p p o s e d
to industrial
l e f t ) , it d i d n o t r e j e c t t h e a c h i e v e m e n t s o f t h e o l d a v a n t - g a r d e ; I v a n K l y u n , f o r
s t a n c e , w a s i n v i t e d t o c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e first
l a t e d in 1 9 2 9 b u t n o t p u b l i s h e d u n t i l 1 9 3 3 in
Sovetskoe iskusstvo za
formu[Soviet Art
w h i c h t h i s t r a n s l a t i o n is m a d e . It w a s b a s e d p r o b a b l y o n
i khudozhestvennaya
[The Theoretical
e a s e l a c t i v i t y a n d a c h i e v e d v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g r e s u l t s , p a r t i c u l a r l y in t h e initial w o r k
of G e r m a n
w a s e s p e c i a l l y n o t i c e a b l e , a l t h o u g h this a n g u l a r , skeletal q u a l i t y w a s a l s o v e r y effective in the y o u n g Soviet artists' depictions of industrial and mechanical scenes.
On the basis of the following program, the Society of Easel Artists aims
to unite artists who are doing practical work in the field of the visual arts:
1. In the epoch of Socialist construction the active forces of art must be
participants in this construction; in addition, they must be one of the factors
in the cultural revolution affecting the reconstruction and design of our new
way of life and the creation of the new Socialist culture.
2. Bearing in mind that only art of high quality can envisage such tasks,
we consider it essential, within the conditions of the contemporary development of art, to advocate the basic lines along which our work in the visual
arts must advance. These lines are:
a) The rejection of abstraction and peredvizhnichestvo 1 in subject
b) The rejection of sketchiness as a phenomenon of latent dilettantism
c) The rejection of pseudo Cezannism as a disintegrating force in the
discipline of form, drawing, and color
d) Revolutionary contemporaneity and clarity of subject matter
e) Aspiration to absolute technical mastery in thefield of thematic
easel painting, drawing, and sculpture as the formal attainments of
the last few years are developed further
/) Aspiration to make the picture afinished article
g) Orientation toward young artists
Arts Society
in M o s c o w
1925 by,
and as these n a m e s w o u l d
in M o s c o w ;
in L e n i n g r a d ) s u c h
artists as
K l y u n ( 1 9 2 6 ) , E l L i s s i t z k y ( 1 9 2 6 ) , a n d u n e x p e c t e d l y , I v a n P u n i ( 1 9 2 8 ) , a n d it e v e n
n u m b e r e d a r c h i t e c t s a m o n g its m e m b e r s .
i n 1 9 7 0 [ b i b l . R 2 2 , p . 1 1 5 ] r e f e r s t o five
port this. A c c o r d i n g to Ivan M a t s a ' s 1933 v o l u m e [bibl. R 1 6 , p. 338] a n d Troels A n d e r s e n ' s c a t a l o g u e of the M a l e v i c h collection in A m s t e r d a m [bibl. 160, p. 163], K a z i m i r M a l e v i c h w a s also r e p r e s e n t e d at o n e o f the F o u r A r t s e x h i b i t i o n s , b u t the
1 9 3 0 , F o u r A r t s u n d e r w e n t f u r t h e r d i s r u p t i o n w h e n s o m e o f its m e m b e r s left t o j o i n
[ s e e b i b l . R 1 6 , p p . 5 8 1 - 8 2 ] ; it w a s , i n a n y c a s e , d i s s o l v e d b y t h e
literatury i iskusstva
(see p p . 288ff.).
[ A n n u a l of Literature a n d Art] ( M o s c o w ) ,
5 5 1 - 5 2 [ b i b l . R 1 5 ; it i s r e p r i n t e d i n b i b l . R 1 6 , p p . 3 2 1 - 2 2 ] . D e s p i t e i t s l a t e d a t e ,
or A K h R
a n art form
m o r e delicate a n d refined
than that
m e d i a . T h i s e t h e r e a l q u a l i t y in t h e w a s h e s o f B r u n i a n d K u z n e t s o v , P e t r L v o v ,
Nikolai T y r s a , to m e n t i o n but a few, p r o m p t e d c o m p a r i s o n s with the F r e n c h
s i o n i s t s a n d s y m b o l i s t s , a n d it is r e l e v a n t t o n o t e t h a t s o m e o f t h e o l d e r
list B l u e R o s e g r o u p i n 1 9 0 7 . T h e c o d e o f t h e s o c i e t y h a s r e c e n t l y b e e n p u b l i s h e d in
bibl. R 5 1 4 , pp.
What the artist shows the spectator above all is the artistic quality of his
Only in this quality does the artist express his attitude to the surrounding
The development of art and of artistic culture has reached the stage when
the most profound characteristic of its specific element is to be found in its
simplicity and closeness to human feeling.
Within the conventions of the Russian tradition, we consider painterly realism to be most appropriate to the artistic culture of our time. We consider
the French school, a school that is most fully and most universally developing the basic qualities of the painterly art, to be of the greatest value to ourselves.
in the transference undergone by visible forms, when the artist takes their
painterly meaning from life and constructs a new formthe picture. This
new form is important not because of its similarity to the living form, but
because of its harmony with the material out of which it is constructed. This
materialthe picture's surface and its colorconsists of paint, canvas, etc.
The effect of an artistic form on the spectator derives from the nature of a
given medium, from its qualities and basic elements (music has its own,
painting its own, literature its own). The organization of these qualities and
the mastery of material for the attainment of this goal comprise artistic
the exhibition reached their final stage, it was not opened ultimately for political
reasons and because of pressure from the AKhR artists. The catalogue contained a
preface by the critic Sergei Isakov (pp. -28), who criticized Filonov for his visual
distortion of workers and for his individualism. Filonov wrote the first draft of his
theory of analytical art in 1914-15, a second in 1923 (published as " T h e Declaration
of Universal Flowering" fbibl. R508]), and thereafter several versions, but as such it
did not appear under the specific title "Ideology of Analytical Art" until the publication of this catalogue (which, in any case, carried only the short extract translated
here). The tension between the concepts of the intellect and the psyche, analysis and
intuition, central to Filonov's theory was nowhere more evident than in his frequent
recourse to scientific terminology, paralleled in pictorial terms by his application of
concrete titles to highly subjective and abstract themes. Both the biological and intuitional concepts favored by Filonov betrayed the influence of Nikolai Kulbin on the
one hand, and of Vladimir Markov and perhaps even of Olga Rozanova on the
otherall of whom Filonov had known in St. Petersburg. Filonov's theory had a certain following during the mid- and late 1920s, through his students, such as Yuliya
Arapova and Alisa Poret, and the Filonov School continued to exist during the early
1930s, contributing, inter al., to the remarkable edition of the Finnish Kalevala in
1933 [bibl. R512]. Filonov's proposed exhibition, his unflinching belief in his own
system, and the activity of his students constituted a last open stand against the official and exclusive imposition of realism and socialist realism after about 1930. It
was a tragic paradox that Filonov, so deeply concerned with the formulation of a pro-
A work of art is any piece of work made with the maximum tension of analytical madeness.1
The only professional criterion for evaluating a piece of work is its
In their profession the artist and his disciple must love all that is ''made
well" and hate all that is "not made."
In analytical thought the process of study becomes an integral part of the
creative process for the piece being made.
The more consciously and forcefully the artist works on his intellect, the
stronger the effect thefinished work has on the spectator.
Each brushstroke, each contact with the picture, is a precise recording
through the material and in the material of the inner psychical process taking
place in the artist, and the whole work is the entire recording of the intellect
of the person who made it.
Art is the reflection through material or the record in material of the
struggle for the formation of man's higher intellectual condition and of the
struggle for existence by this higher psychological condition. Art's efficacity
vis-a-vis the spectator is equal to this; i.e., it both makes him superior and
summons him to become superior.
The artist-proletarian's obligation is not only to create works that answer
the demands of today, but also to open the way to intellect into the distant
The artist-proletarian must act on the intellect of his comrade proletarians
not only through what they can understand at their present stage of development.
Work on content is work on form and vice versa.
The more forcefully form is expressed, the more forcefully content is
Form is made by persistent line. Every line must be made.
Every atom must be made; the whole work must be made and adapted.
Think persistently and accurately over every atom of the work you are
doing. Make every atom persistently and accurately.
Introduce persistently and accurately into every atom the color you have
studiedso that it enters the atom just as heat enters the body or so that it is
linked organically with the form, just as in nature a flower's cellulose is
linked with its color.
Painting is the colored conclusion of drawing.
the Production of
1 9 3 1 ) . B e f o r e t h e 1 9 3 2 d e c r e e t h e r e h a d b e e n a t t e m p t s t o c o n s o l i d a t e ar-
such as Vsekokhudozhnik
in 1 9 3 0 [see n .
1 to the October
308], and R A P K h
93 [ s e e i b i d . ] , b u t s u c h o r g a n i z a t i o n s h a d r e t a i n e d a certain i n d e p e n d e n c e
p o l i t i c a l m a c h i n e . T h e d i r e c t r e s u l t of t h e 1 9 3 2 d e c r e e w a s t o d i s s o l v e all official
1 9 5 7 , a s p e c i a l c o m m i t t e e w a s o r g a n i z e d in 1 9 3 6 t o t a k e c h a r g e o f all a r t affairs
po delam
p e a r e d a s a s e p a r a t e p a m p h l e t i n 1 9 3 2 ; it is r e p r i n t e d i n
[Soviet Art of the Last Fifteen
Y e a r s ] , e d . I v a n M a t s a et al.
this translation
is m a d e ;
it h a s
The Central Committee states that over recent years literature and art have
made considerable advances, both quantitative and qualitative, on the basis
of the significant progress of Socialist construction.
A few years ago the influence of alien elements, especially those revived
by thefirst years of NEP,1 was still apparent and marked. At this time,
when the cadres of proletarian literature were still weak, the Party helped in
every possible way to create and consolidate special proletarian organs in the
field of literature and art in order to maintain the position of proletarian
writers and art workers.
At the present time the cadres of proletarian literature and art have managed to expand, new writers and artists have come forward from the factories, plants, and collective farms, but the confines of the existing proletarian
literature and art organizations (VOAPP, RAPP, RAPM, 2 etc.) are becoming too narrow and are hampering the serious development of artistic creation. This factor creates a danger: these organizations might change from
being an instrument for the maximum mobilization of Soviet writers and artists for the tasks of Socialist construction to being an instrument for cultivating elitist withdrawal and loss of contact with the political tasks of contemporaneity and with the important groups of writers and artists who
sympathize with Socialist construction.
Hence the need for the appropriate reconstruction of literary and artistic
organizations and the extension of the basis of their activity.
Following from this, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist
Party (Bolsheviks) decrees:
1. Liquidation of the Association of Proletarian Writers (VOAPP,
The Union of Soviet Writers, founded in 1932, held its first congress in Moscow
August 17 to September 2, 1934. The minutes were published as Pervyi Vsesoyuznyi
sezd sovetskikh pisatelei 1934. Stenograficheskii otchet [First All-Union Congress of
Soviet Writers 1934. Stenographic Report] (Moscow, November 1934) [bibl. R498;
English version bibl. 272]. This congress, under the chairmanship of Maxim Gorky,
played a major role in the history of Soviet culture not only because it constituted an
impressive symbol of solidarity (almost six hundred delegates from almost fifty Soviet nationalities were present), but also because it advocated socialist realism as the
only viable artistic medium for Soviet literature and art. Throughout the 1920s, the
ideas of realism and, more specifically, heroic realism had been supported by Party
officials as well as by a number of Soviet writers and artists (the latter especially in
the context of AKhRR). But while the term socialist realism had become common
currency by 1930, its meaning remained imprecise as Lunacharsky, for example, indicated: "Socialist realism is an extensive program; it includes many different
methodsthose we already possess and those we are still acquiring" [from "Sotsialisticheskii realizm"Socialist Realismin bibl. R403, vol. 8, 501]. The 1934
congress, particularly in the persons of Gorky and Andrei Zhdanov, attempted to
explain the concept of socialist realism and to advance principles such as typicality,
optimism, "revolutionary romanticism," "reality in its revolutionary development,"
as fundamental to the understanding the new doctrine. In literature, in fact, Gorky
was regarded as the founder of socialist realism since these qualities could be identified with much of his work, particularly with his plays and with his famous novel
Mat [Mother] (1906). Within the framework of the visual arts, there was no precursor of Gorky's stature, although the very strong realist movement of the second half
of the nineteenth century provided a firm traditional basis, and later realists such as
d e c a d e in t h e history of t h e R u s s i a n
[bibl. R 4 9 8 ,
L e n i n , w a s t h e o n l y professional artist w h o s p o k e at t h e c o n g r e s s . H o w e v e r , s o m e o f
the literary s p e a k e r s h a d b e e n in contact w i t h the m o r e p r o g r e s s i v e forces o f R u s s i a n
a n d S o v i e t art. V i k t o r S h k l o v s k y a n d S e r g e i T r e t y a k o v , for e x a m p l e , o n c e a s s o c i a t e d
w i t h Lef
f o r m e r m e m b e r s o f Lef,
we constructivists created
[ibid., p.
a construction
that proved
155]. S u c h artists as F i l o n o v , M a l e v i c h ,
to be
artistic policy
in t h e
the political
at t h e c o n g r e s s ,
the numerous
style acceptable
to a Socialist society a n d , h e n c e , as a n
as the
style, together with the several subsequent decrees that attempted to abolish
to his
in t h e a r t s , l e d d i r e c t l y to its e x c l u s i v e a p p l i c a t i o n i n t h e U . S . S . R . ; a n d
a n d c o n t e n t , t h e r e is n o
it s h o u l d b e
of the 9 3 0 s and
1940s. While
called "revolutionary
t i c i s m . " It w a s p r e c i s e l y this q u a l i t y t h a t l e n t a c e r t a i n v i g o r a n d i m a g i n a t i v e n e s s
the S o v i e t w o r k o f the 1 9 3 0 s , e v i d e n t , for e x a m p l e , in the s c e n e s o f factories
of harvesting,
m o d e r n w o r k s in t h i s i d i o m still m a i n t a i n t h e i n t e n s i t y a n d s i n g l e - m i n d e d n e s s of t h e
initial socialist realist
Ilya Ehrenburg,
A m o n g the
B o r i s P a s t e r n a k , M a r i e t t a S h a g i n y a n , a n d A l e k s a n d r T a i r o v . In a d d i t i o n , t h e r e
[First A l l - U n i o n
g r a p h i c R e p o r t ] , e d . I v a n L u p p o l et al. ( M o s c o w , N o v e m b e r 1 9 3 4 ) [bibl. R 4 9 8 ] ,
1 9 3 5 ) [ b i b l . 2 7 2 ] ; a l t h o u g h m u c h a b r i d g e d it c o n t a i n s t h e f u l l t e x t s
Literature and the Tasks of Proletarian A r t " and Nikolai Bukharin's " P o e t r y ,
of the
the congress,
prospects. Our Party has always derived its strengthfrom the fact that it
unitedand continues to uniteparticular activity and practicality with
grand prospects, with a ceaseless aspiration onward, with the struggle for
the construction of a Communist society. Soviet literature must be able to
show our heroes, must be able to catch a glimpse of our tomorrow. This will
not be a utopia, because our tomorrow is being prepared today by our systematic and conscious work. . . .
Create works with a high level of craftsmanship, with high ideological
and artistic content!
Be as active as you can in organizing the transformation of the human
consciousness in the spirit of Socialism!
Be in the vanguard of the fighters for a classless Socialist society/ [Loud
of knowledge and transposes them into very precise, vivid, and intelligible
words. Our young literature cannot boast of this quality. Our writers' reserves of impressions, their depths of knowledge are not great, and one
does not feel that they care much about expanding and deepening their
reserves. . . .
have come here to take a solemn oath that we will justify this trust and
honor in the very near future.
Comrades, we have paid great heed to everything that has gone on within
these walls over the past weeks. We have listened to so many of you state
that this congress has taught you much. Comrades, this congress has taught
us a great deal too. We hope to make good use of your experience and of the
ideas that you have expressed here at our own congress, which will take
place in the near futurea congress of visual arts workers [Applause]. 2
For the moment, allow me to state that your congress has already redoubled our belief in the proximity of thefinal victory of Socialism, that this
congress has trebled our conviction and our will to give over our pencil and
our chisel to the great creator of Socialism and a classless societyto the
mighty Party of Lenin and to its leader, Comrade Stalin [Applause].
Comrades, as a sign of our strength of will, allow me to present this
congress with a portrait of our leaderdone by one of the representatives of
our younger generation, Comrade Malkov [Long applause]. 3
A decisive condition for literary growth, for its artistic craftsmanship, its
ideological and political saturation, is the close and direct link of the literary
movement with the topical issues of the Party's policies and the Soviet
regime, the inclusion of writers in active Socialist construction, and their
careful and profound study of concrete reality.
During the years of proletarian dictatorship, Soviet artistic literature and
Soviet literary criticism, hand in hand with the working class and guided by
the Communist Party, have worked out their own new creative principles.
These creative principles have been formulated on the one hand as a result
of critical assimilation of the literary heritage of the past and, on the other,
on the basis of a study of the experience gained from the triumphant construction of Socialism and the development of Socialist culture. These creative bases have found their chief expression in the principles of socialist realism.
Socialist realism, as the basic method of Soviet artistic literature and literary criticism, requires of the artist a true, historically concrete depiction of
reality in its Revolutionary development. In this respect, truth and historical
conciseness of the artistic depiction of reality must be combined with the
task of the ideological transformation and education of the workers in the
spirit of Socialism.
Socialist realism assures artistic creation of exceptional prospects for manifesting creative initiative, of a choice of diverse forms, styles, and genres.
The victory of Socialism, the intense growth of production forces unprecedented in the history of mankind, the growing process of class liquidation,
the abolition of any possibility of man exploiting man and the abolition of
the opposition between town and country, and finally the unprecedented
progress in the growth of science, technology, and cultureall these factors
create limitless opportunities for the qualitative and quantitative growth of
creative forces and theflowering of all species of art and literature. . . .
1. V. Stasov, "Dvadtsat pyat let russkogo iskusstva," Izbrannye sochineniya (MoscowLeningrad, 1937), vol. 2, 27.
15. Q u o t e d i n V . L o b a n o v ,
( M o s c o w , 1930), p . 62
[bibl. R 1 0 8 ] .
(St. Petersburg), N o v e m b e r 13, 1914.
17. F o r d e t a i l s s e e p . 7 9 .
18. L e t t e r f r o m L a r i o n o v t o A l f r e d H . B a r r , J r . , in t h e V i c t o r i a a n d A l b e r t M u s e u m , L o n d o n .
L e t t e r is u n d a t e d b u t w a s p r o b a b l y w r i t t e n in 1 9 3 0 .
19. A . E f r o s , " N . S a p u n o v , "
( M o s c o w , 1930), p. 140 [bibl. R i 8 6 ] .
2 0 . N . A s e e v , " O k t y a b r n a D a l n e m , " Novyi lef, n o . 8 - 9 ( 1 9 2 7 ) , p p . 3 8 - 4 9 [ b i b l . R 7 6 ] .
2 1 . F o r d e t a i l s s e e D y a k o n i t s y n , Ideinye protivorechiya, p p . I46ff. K u l b i n ' s i d e a s o n t h e t r i a n g l e a n d o n t h e s y m b o l i s m o f colors h a d c l o s e affinities w i t h t h o s e o f K a n d i n s k y [ s e e b i b l .
R224, R230].
22. A . R[ostislavo]v, " D o k l a d N . I. K u l b i n a , "
( S t . P e t e r s b u r g ) , n o . 3 , 1 9 1 0 , p . 17
[bibl. R41].
2 3 . Q u o t e d in V . P a r k i n , " O s l i n y i k h v o s t i m i s h e n , "
( M o s c o w , 1913),
p . 5 4 [bibl. R 3 1 9 ] .
2 4 . C a t a l o g u e of t h e e x h i b i t i o n " N o . 4 " ( M o s c o w , 1 9 1 4 ) , p . 5 4 [ b i b l . R 3 1 8 ] .
2 5 . L a r i o n o v w a s w o u n d e d a t t h e front at t h e e n d of 1 9 1 4 a n d r e c u p e r a t e d i n M o s c o w ; G o n charova r e t u r n e d from Paris ( w h e r e s h e a n d Larionov h a d g o n e in M a y at D i a g h i l e v ' s invit a t i o n ) for t h e p r o d u c t i o n o n J a n u a r y 2 7 , 1 9 1 5 , of The Fan a t t h e K a m e r n y T h e a t e r , M o s c o w (for w h i c h s h e d e s i g n e d t h e c o s t u m e s a n d s c e n e r y a n d t o w h i c h L a r i o n o v c o n t r i b u t e d
a l s o ) ; b o t h left M o s c o w a g a i n i n t h e s u m m e r of 1 9 1 5 .
26. A . Lentulov, ''Avtobiografiya,''
v o l . I , 161,
27. N . Ya[nychenk]o, " V y s t a v k a 1915 g o d , "
(Moscow), no. 4, 1915, p. 63
[bibl. R 5 4 ] .
Sovetskie khudozhniki,
Mlechnyi put
Ideinye protivorechiya,
novykh sistemakh iskusstve
2 9 . Q u o t e d in D y a k o n i t s y n ,
pp. 143-44.
30. K . Malevich,
( V i t e b s k , 1 9 1 9 ) , p . 10.
31. Proletkult exerted w i d e authority from February 1917 until 1925 and w a s especially active
b e t w e e n 1 9 1 8 a n d 1 9 2 1 . D u r i n g t h e s e t h r e e y e a r s , i n f a c t , it r a n a n e t w o r k o f 1 , 0 0 0 s t u d i o w o r k s h o p s t h r o u g h o u t t h e c o u n t r y a n d h a d a m e m b e r s h i p of m o r e t h a n 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 . P r o l e t k u l t
p u b l i s h e d s e v e r a l j o u r n a l s , t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t of w h i c h w e r e
[bibl. R 6 2 ] ,
[R63], and
[bibl. R8o], T h e ideological leader of Proletkult
w a s A l e k s a n d r B o g d a n o v ( s e e p p . I76ff.), a n d A n a t o l i i L u n a c h a r s k y w a s a t l e a s t s y m p a t h e t i c t o s o m e o f h i s t e n e t s . F o r further d e t a i l s s e e t h e a b o v e j o u r n a l s a n d b i b l . 1 7 9 a n d
Proletarskaya kultura
3 2 . I Z O w a s e s t a b l i s h e d w i t h i n N a r k o m p r o s in J a n u a r y 1 9 1 8 . F o r d e t a i l s s e e b i b l . 1 9 9 , R 1 6 ,
R402, R420.
3 3 . A l l art s c h o o l s s u b s i d i z e d b y t h e s t a t e w e r e r e n a m e d S v o m a s . T h e M o s c o w S v o m a s w e r e
r e n a m e d V k h u t e m a s [ H i g h e r S t a t e A r t - T e c h n i c a l S t u d i o s ] in 1 9 2 0 a n d V k h u t e i n [ H i g h e r S t a t e
Art-Technical Institute] in 1926; in 1930 this w a s c h a n g e d to the M o s c o w Art Institute. F o r
details o n the structure of S v o m a s see bibl. R420; o n Vkhutemas/Vkhutein see bibl. R 1 6 , R 2 1 ,
R390, R419, R431.
34. In 1921. For details see bibl. R 2 , R16.
3 5 . Q u o t e d inSovetskoe
ed. I . M a t s a e t a l . (Moscow-Leningrad, 1933), p . 156
[bibl. R 1 6 ] .
3 6 . F o r t h e t e x t of t h e full p r o g r a m s e e M a t s a ,
pp. 126-39. Also see
K a n d i n s k y ' s p l a n for t h e R u s s i a n A c a d e m y o f A r t i s t i c S c i e n c e s ( p p . I96ff.) a n d c o n s u l t b i b l .
iskusstvo za 15 let,
Sovetskoe iskusstvo,
R393. R394-
Vestnikrabotnikov iskusstv
( M o s c o w ) , no. 4 - 5 , 1 9 2 1 , p. 7 5 [bibl.
Sovetskoe iskusstvo,
p . 139.
in V .
( M o s c o w , 1 9 7 0 ) , p . 2 5 [b
Zhizn iskusstva
Blue on White
White on Green
Khudozhestvennye gruppirovki,
45. In
Na putyakh iskusstva, e d . V . B l y u m e n f e l d
Sovetskoe iskusstvo,
e t a l . ( M o s c o w , 1 9 2 6 ) , p . 3 [bibl. R 3 8 1 ] .
4 6 . Quoted in M a t s a ,
p. 310.
4 7 . T h e M a k o v e t s s o c i e t y w a s n a m e d after t h e hill o n w h i c h S e r g i i R a d o n e z h s k y b u i l t t h e
T r o i t s e - S e r g i e v a L a v r a ( n o w t h e Z a g o r s k m o n a s t e r y a n d m u s e u m c o m p l e x ) in t h e fourt e e n t h c e n t u r y , a g e s t u r e t h a t e x p r e s s e d its m e m b e r s ' e m p h a s i s o n t h e s p i r i t u a l ,
q u a l i t y o f art. T h i s w a s i m m e d i a t e l y a p p a r e n t i n t h e s o c i e t y ' s m a n i f e s t o , i s s u e d in t h e j o u r nal
( M o s c o w ) , n o . 1, 1 9 2 2 , p p . 3 - 4 [bibl. R 7 7 ] . F o r d e t a i l s o n C h e k r y g i n s e e
t h e c a t a l o g u e of h i s r e c e n t r e t r o s p e c t i v e [bibl. R 1 6 3 ] .
4 8 . S e e , for e x a m p l e , A l e k s e i F e d o r o v - D a v y d o v ' s i n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e c a t a l o g u e o f K a z i m i r
M a l e v i c h ' s o n e - m a n e x h i b i t i o n a t t h e T r e t y a k o v G a l l e r y , M o s c o w , 1 9 2 9 [bibl. R 3 6 6 ] ; s e e
a l s o S e r g e i I s a k o v ' s i n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e c a t a l o g u e of t h e u n r e a l i z e d P a v e l F i l o n o v e x h i b i tion a t t h e R u s s i a n M u s e u m , L e n i n g r a d , 1 9 3 0 [bibl. R 5 0 7 , a n d s e e p . 2 8 4 ] .
4 9 . Istoriya russkoi zhivopisi v XIX veke ( S t . P e t e r s b u r g , 1 9 0 1 - 1 9 0 2 ) , p . 2 7 4 . A n d s e e p . 5 .
t i o n s J r e t w w a t h e colof s p e c t r u m a n d t h e c o n v e n t i o n a l sevefl-tpne s c a l a . _ T h e s e c o n d a r t i c l e
I n Studio of the Impressionists w a s , in Tact, a p i e c e b y K u l b i n o n " F r e e M u s i c : T h e R e s u l t s
o f A p p l y i n g a T h e o r y o f Artistic C r e a t i o n t o M u s i c " [bibl. R 2 2 7 ] ; fhe m a i n i d e a s o f t h i s a r t i c l e h a d a l r e a d y a p p e a r e d in K u l b i n ' s b o o k l e t F r e e Music [bibl. R 2 2 6 ] , a n d later a p p e a r e d
in G e r m a n a s " D i e freie M u s i k " [bibl. 9 6 ] .
3. B y profession both C h e k h o v and Kulbin were doctors.
MARKav, p p . 2 3 - 3 8
1. " L o g i c h a s d e p r i v e d N a t u r e of t h e d i v i n e . " R e f e r e n c e n o t t r a c e d . P r o b a b l y a q u o t a t i o n from
Novalis or the early H e g e l .
lubki, etc.
6 . S e e L a r i o n o v ' s a r t i c l e s , p p . 87ff.
Mardi Gras
The Park.
6 . I n N o v e m b e r 1911 K o n c h a l o v s k y , t o g e t h e r w i t h G e o r g i i Y a k u l o v , d e s i g n e d t h e d e c o r for a
c h a r i t y ball c a l l e d " A N i g h t in S p a i n " a t t h e M e r c h a n t s ' C l u b , M o s c o w .
7 . T h e p o r t r a i t of t h e artist Y a k u l o v w a s e x e c u t e d in 1 9 1 0 a n d at p r e s e n t is in t h e T r e t y a k o v
G a l l e r y , M o s c o w . F o r K o n c h a l o v s k y ' s o w n d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e w o r k s e e b i b l . R 1 0 3 , v o l . 2,
p p . 434ff.
8. I t a l i a n patriot and revolutionary. T h e reference, presumably, is t o M a z z i n i ' s a l m o s t constant
exile from I t a l y , during which he never ceased t o believe in his dogmatic a n d Utopian principles of Italian nationalism and working-class solidaritydespite the fact that for much of his
life he was o u t of touch with the real moods of the Italian populus.
9. A r e f e r e n c e t o t h e p r e h i s t o r i c i v o r y figures of B r a s s e m p o u y i n s o u t h e r n F r a n c e .
BURLIUK, p p . 6 9 - 7 7
1. " T e x t u r e " [faktura]
i n " A S l a p in t h e F a c e of P u b l i c T a s t e . " S e e p . 6 9 a n d b i b l . R 2 6 9 .
La Montagne Sainte-
2 . W h i c h C e z a n n e l a n d s c a p e B u r l i u k h a s in m i n d is n o t c l e a r , p e r h a p s
( 1 8 9 6 - 9 8 ) , w h i c h w a s in t h e I v a n M o r o z o v c o l l e c t i o n , a n d is n o w in t h e H e r m i t age.
3. P o e t , p h i l o s o p h e r , a n d l e x i c o g r a p h e r .
4 . L e a d i n g futurist p o e t , c o s i g n e r o f " A S l a p i n t h e F a c e of P u b l i c T a s t e . "
LARIONOV, p p . 9 1 - 1 0 0
1. T h e W h i t m a n e x t r a c t s a r e f r o m
t h e first f r o m " B e g i n n e r s , " i n " I n s c r i p tions";
t h e s e c o n d f r o m " I H e a r It W a s C h a r g e d A g a i n s t M e , " i n " C a l a m u s . " L a r i o n o v ' s
c h o i c e o f a u t h o r is significant: W h i t m a n w a s k n o w n a n d r e s p e c t e d in R u s s i a p a r t i c u l a r l y
a m o n g the symbolists a n d futurists, and his
had b e c o m e popular through
Konstantin B a l m o n t ' s masterful translation ( M o s c o w , 1911). F o r c o n t e m p o r a n e o u s attitudes
t o W h i t m a n in R u s s i a , s e e B a l m o n t , " P e v e t s l i c h n o s t i " i n b i b l . R 4 4 , n o . 7 , 1 9 0 4 , p p .
1 1 - 3 2 ; C h u k o v s k y , " O p o i z e b r o m a " in b i b l . R 4 4 , n o . 1 2 , 1 9 0 6 , p p . 5 2 - 6 0 , a n d C h u kovsky,
(Moscow-Petrograd, 1923). Also
nn. 3 and 6 to " R o d c h e n k o ' s S y s t e m , " p. 305.
Leaves of Grass:
Leaves of Grass
2 . U n d o u b t e d l y L a r i o n o v o w e d s o m e o f h i s i d e a s , b o t h i n h i s t h e o r y a n d i n h i s p r a c t i c e of
r a y o n i s m , t o t h e t h e o r i e s o f t h e I t a l i a n futurists. H e w o u l d , for e x a m p l e , h a v e s e e n t h e R u s sian t r a n s l a t i o n s o f
(see p . 79).
La pittura Juturista
3. T h e actual w o r d L a r i o n o v u s e s is
( p l u r a l o f vitrail),
t h i s , p r e s u m a b l y , is a c o r r u p t i o n o f t h e F r e n c h w o r d
m e a n i n g l e a d e d - s t a i n e d - g l a s s w i n d o w s .
4 . L a r i o n o v d i d n o t , in fact, d e v e l o p this t h e o r y , a l t h o u g h a b o o k l e t d e v o t e d to t h e s u b j e c t of
p n e u m o r a y o n i s m w a s s c h e d u l e d for p u b l i c a t i o n , a c c o r d i n g to a n a d v e r t i s e m e n t in t h e m i s cellany
was subtitled
Color S t r u c t u r e " [bibl. R 3 1 8 ] . A further d e v e l o p m e n t w a s "plastic r a y o n i s m , " w h i c h app e a r e d a s a s u b t i t l e t o t w o still lifes s h o w n b y L a r i o n o v a t t h e " E x h i b i t i o n o f P a i n t i n g .
1 9 1 5 " [bibl. R 2 7 7 ] ; o n e r e v i e w of this exhibition also
t o it [ b i b l . 2 3 0 , p . 7 ] .
1. S e e p p . 6 9 - 7 0 .
2 . R o z a n o v a h a s i n m i n d t h e first c y c l e o f " W o r l d o f A r t " e x h i b i t i o n s ( 1 8 9 9 - 1 9 0 6 ) r a t h e r t h a n
the s e c o n d ( 1 9 1 0 - 2 4 ) ,
M i k h a i l L a r i o n o v , et a l . w e r e r e p r e s e n t e d in t h e latter. T h e U n i o n o f R u s s i a n A r t i s t s w a s a
m o d e r a t e exhibiting society b a s e d in M o s c o w that e s p o u s e d t h e ideas of realism a n d naturali s m , a l t h o u g h , u n e x p e c t e d l y , t h e B u r l i u k s a n d L a r i o n o v w e r e r e p r e s e n t e d at its 1 9 0 6 / 1 9 0 7
s e s s i o n in St. P e t e r s b u r g , a n d L a r i o n o v a n d A r i s t a r k h L e n t u l o v w e r e a t its 1 9 1 0 s e s s i o n . It
held regular exhibitions between 1903 a n d 1917, and 1922 and 1923.
1. M a l e v i c h i s r e f e r r i n g t o " A S l a p i n t h e F a c e o f P u b l i c T a s t e . " S e e p . 6 9 .
2. K o n s t a n t i n
Somov: member
of the
of Art
(see Introduction).
m e m b e r of t h e s e c o n d W o r l d of A r t s o c i e t y . K n o w n for h i s colorful
scenes of
m e r c h a n t life.
3 . M a l e v i c h h a s in m i n d t h e r e j e c t i o n of t h e n u d e in p a i n t i n g b y t h e Italian futurists, o n e o f t h e
m a i n points of their L a
h a d b e e n t r a n s l a t e d i n t o R u s s i a n a n d p u b l i s h e d i n Soyuz
m e a n i n g of the Russian.
5. All contributed to the " 0 . 1 0 "
KLYUN, p p .
T h e s e w e r e titles o f u n p u b l i s h e d t r a n s r a t i o n a l p o e m s b y S t e p a n o v a h e r s e l f , o r b y
O l g a R o z a n o v a . F o r e x a m p l e s of R o z a n o v a ' s verse see bibl. R 3 3 2 . F o r s o m e details o n
Stepanova's graphics and poetry see Evgenii Kovtun. 'Varvara Stepanova's Anti-Book.'
Cologne: Galerie G m u r z y n s k a , 1974. Exhibition
catalogue, pp. 5 7 - 6 3 (text in English and in G e r m a n ) .
3. It is n o t c l e a r w h a t e x a c t l y S t e p a n o v a h a s in m i n d p e r h a p s R o z a n o v a ' s e s s a y " T h e B a s e s
of the N e w C r e a t i o n " (pp. i02ff.).
KLYUN, p p . 1 4 2 - 4 3
r . K l y u n , a f r i e n d a n d o n e - t i m e d i s c i p l e o f K a z i m i r M a l e v i c h , is h e r e o b j e c t i n g b o t h t o M a l e v i c h ' s o c c a s i o n a l r e c o u r s e t o " o b j e c t i v e " titles f o r s u p r e m a t i s t p a i n t i n g s ( e . g . ,
and to his aerial, m o r e
phase of suprematism.
Painterly Re-
3. In 1918 IZO Narkompros established a Museum Bureau and Purchasing Fund with the aim
of acquiring works of art and theoretical materials for a complex of diverse museums,
among them five so-called Museums of Painterly (sometimes called Artistic or Plastic) Culture in Moscow, Petrograd, Nizhnii-Novgorod, Vitebsk, and Kostroma. Aleksandr Rodchenko was head of the Museum Bureau and by mid-1920 the Bureau had acquired 1,200
paintings and drawings and 106 sculptures, which it dispersed among the museums mentioned above and other provincial museums. The Museums of Painterly Culture were "collections of works of painting, sculpture, applied art, popular art, spontaneous art, and works
done by experimental painterly and plastic techniques. These Museums are constructed on
the principle of the evolution of purely painterly and plastic forms of expression . .
[bibl. R420, p. 80]. The largest was the one in Moscowhoused in the same building as
Svomas/Vkhutemas. It contained examples of most of the avant-garde, including Aleksandr
Drevin (three works), Vasilii Kandinsky (six), Kazimir Malevich (nine), Lyubov Popova
(two), Rodchenko (five), Olga Rozanova (six), Vladimir Tatlin (one), and Nadezhda Udaltsova (four); Klyun was represented by two canvases and by a small collection of his research
writings and tabulations on cola:. Although initially the Museum Bureau included Derain
and Picasso on its list of wants and stipulated that acquisitions should cover all periods, it
concerned itself almost exclusively with Russian art of die early twentieth century. Each museum was divided into four sections(1) experimental technique, (2) industrial art, (3)
drawings and graphics, (4) synthetic art. The museums worked in close conjunction with the
local Svomas and, in the case of Moscow, Petrograd, and Vitebsk, with Inkhuk. For further
details see bibl. R16, R66, R420. The artist Aleksei Grishchenko presented a list of proposals concerning the museums in February 1919see bibl. R16, p. 83.
MALEVICH, pp. 143-45
1. An extract from Rozanova's "The Bases of the New Creation" (pp. I02ff.) was also included in this section of the catalogue. Rozanova had died a few months before, and the
"First State Exhibition" had been devoted to a posthumous showing of ho* works; works at
the "Tenth State Exhibition" by Ivan Klyun, Aleksandr Vesnin, and others were dedicated
to heT.
2. The journal Supremus never actually appeared, although it was prepared for publication in
Moscow early in 1917 under the editorship of Kazimir Malevich. Apart from Rozanova's
piece, a contribution by Malevich [bibl. 160, p. 148] and an essay on music by Mikhail Matyushin and the composer Nikolai Roslavets were scheduled.
RODCHENKO, pp. 148-51
1. This is the tide of the first section, and the closing line, of Max Stimer's Die Einzige und
sein Eigenthum [The Ego and His Own], first published in Leipzig in 1845. Max Stirner
(pseudonym of Joseph Kaspar Schmidt) had achieved a certain popularity in Russia in the
1900s because of the more general interest in individualism and intuition generated by such
varied influences as Bergson, Nietzsche, and Steiner. Stirner's philosophy of extreme individualism had appealed in particular to the symbolists; a Russian translation of Die Einzige
und sein Eigenthum appeared in St. Petersburg in 1910 under the title Edinstvennyi i ego
dostoyanie. Just after the Revolution, there was a renewal of interest in Stirner, albeit from a
highly critical standpoint, mainly because Marx and Engels had treated him in some detail
[see their "Sankt Max," in Dokumente des Sozialismus, ed. Eduard Bernstein (Berlin:
Verlag der Sozialistischen Monatshefte, 1905), vol. 3, I7ff.].
Ozhirenie roz
2. T h e r e f e r e n c e is f r o m a p l a y b y t h e futurist A l e k s e i K r u c h e n y k h c a l l e d
(a transrat i o n a l title). P a r t of the t e x t w a s p u b l i s h e d i n K r u c h e n y k h ' s b o o k
[Obesity of
R o s e s ] ; this b o o k c a r r i e s n o p u b l i c a t i o n d e t a i l s , a l t h o u g h it d a t e s p r o b a b l y f r o m 1 9 1 8 a n d
w a s p r i n t e d in Tiflis. A m o n g t h e p l a y ' s motifs a r e t h o s e of p a i n t i n g a n d t h e c o l o r b l a c k , a n d
a m o n g t h e d r a m a t i s p e r s o n a e K a z i m i r M a l e v i c h a n d K r u c h e n y k h figure.
(leaves of Grass).
3 . T h e W h i t m a n e x t r a c t is f r o m P a r t F o u r o f " S o n g of t h e B r o a d - A x e "
t h e significance o f W h i t m a n i n R u s s i a , s e e n . 1 to L a r i o n o v ' s " R a y o n i s t P a i n t i n g , " p . 3 0 2 .
4 . T h i s is f r o m O t t o W e i n i n g e r ' s " A p b o r i s t i s c h G e b l i e b e n e s , " i n
[ " R e m a i n i n g A p h o r i s t i c , " i n O n t h e L a t e s t T h i n g s ] , first p u b l i s h e d in V i e n n a i n 1 9 0 7 ( t h e
p r e s e n t q u o t a t i o n c a n b e f o u n d o n p . 5 6 o f t h e s i x t h e d i t i o n , V i e n n a , 1 9 2 0 ) . L i k e M a x Stirner, W e i n i n g e r was k n o w n in Russia especially during the 1900s, and his famous treatise
[ S e x a n d C h a r a c t e r ] h a d b e e n t r a n s l a t e d i n t o R u s s i a n i n 1 9 0 9 , acc o m p a n i e d b y s e v e r a l articles in t h e R u s s i a n p r e s s [ s e e , for e x a m p l e , B o r i s B u g a e v , " N a
perevale. Veininger pole i k h a r a k t e r e , " in bibl. R 4 4 , no. 2, 1909, pp. 7 7 - 8 1 ] .
5 . Q u o t a t i o n n o t t r a c e d . P o s s i b l y a p a r a p h r a s e o f a p a s s a g e from S t i r n e r ' s
See n. 1 above.
6 . T h e W h i t m a n e x t r a c t is f r o m " G l i d i n g O ' e r A H , " f r o m " B y t h e R o a d s i d e " Reaves of
S e e n. 1 t o L a r i o n o v ' s " R a y o n i s t P a i n t i n g , " p . 3 0 2 .
LISSITZKY, p p . 1 5 1 - 5 8
1. S e v e r a l artists a n d a r c h i t e c t s , a m o n g t h e m N a u m G a b o , d i r e c t e d t h e i r e n e r g i e s i n t o d e s i g n i n g r a d i o m a s t s . O n e o f t h e f u n c t i o n s of V l a d i m i r T a t l i n ' s T o w e r w a s t o a c t a s a t r a n s m i t t i n g
a n d t e l e g r a p h s t a t i o n . T h e M o s c o w r a d i o t o w e r , e r e c t e d in 1 9 2 6 after a d e s i g n b y V l a d i m i r
S h u k h o v , is p e r h a p s t h e m o s t f a m o u s .
2. If L i s s i t z k y w r o t e this e s s a y in 1 9 2 0 ( a s i n d i c a t e d b y t h e s o u r c e f r o m w h i c h this t e x t is
taken), then Kazimir Malevich's
t o w h i c h h e refers h e r e , w o u l d h a v e b e e n
p a i n t e d in 1 9 1 3 , b u t w e h a v e n o d o c u m e n t a r y e v i d e n c e t o s u p p o r t t h i s d a t e . T h e first t i m e
that the
w a s e x h i b i t e d w a s , a p p a r e n d y , at " 0 . 1 0 " in 1 9 1 5 / 1 6 ( s e e p . n o ; a l s o
see n. 2 to M a l e v i c h , p. 304).
Black Square,
Black Square
ALTMAN, p p . 1 6 1 - 6 4
1. T h e
o r B l a c k H u n d r e d s , w e r e m e m b e r s of a s e c r e t - p o l i c e a n d m o n a r c h i s t
o r g a n i z a t i o n set u p t o c o u n t e r a c t t h e r e v o l u t i o n a r y m o v e m e n t i n 1 9 0 5 - 1 9 0 7 .
s o o n b e c a m e identified w i t h t h e m o r e g e n e r a l c o n c e p t s o f " r i g h t i s t " a n d " e x t r e m e c o n s e r vative."
PUNIN, p p . 1 7 0 - 7 6
1. P h y s i c i s t a n d p h i l o s o p h e r .
2. T h e R u s s i a n f o r m a l i s t s c h o o l w a s c o n c e r n e d p r i m a r i l y w i t h l i t e r a t u r e , a l t h o u g h c r i t i c s s u c h
as Nikolai C h u z h a k , Nikolai Punin, and Sergei Tretyakov might b e regarded as supporters
o f a f o r m a l i s t a p p r o a c h w i t h i n t h e s p h e r e of t h e v i s u a l arts: l i k e t h e industrial c o n s t r u c t i v i s t s ,
t h e y a s p i r e d t o r e d u c e art t o a r a t i o n a l , e x a c t a e s t h e t i c s .
1. T h e a c t u a l w o r d is
adjective from
2. G l a v p o l i t p r o s v e t ( C e n t r a l C o m m i t t e e of P o l i t i c a l E n l i g h t e n m e n t ) : s e e p . 2 2 6 .
See n. i to Altman,
1919' 0 1 1 February 2, 1921, the academy was reinstated. See Introduction for other details.
3. In 1918, both collections were nationalized and became the First and Second Museums of
New Western Painting; in 1923 both were amalgamated into a single Museum of New Western Painting; in the early 1930s many of the museum's works were transferred to the Hermitage in Leningrad, and in 1948 all the holdings were distributed between the Hermitage
and the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. The idea of establishing a museum of modem painting
was not new in Russia: as early as 909, a group of artists and critics including Ivan Bilibin,
Nikolai Rerikh, and Vselovod Meierkhold had favored such a proposal. See Filippov,
"Gallereya sovremennykh russkikh khudozhnikov" [A Gallery of Modern Russian Artists]
in bibl. R43, no. 4/6, 1909, p. 45; the Union of Youth had also supported the ideasee
Shkolnik, "Muzei sovremennoi russkoi zhivopisi" [A Museum of Modern Russian Painting] in bibl. R339, no. 1, 1912, pp. 18-20.
1. Vsevobuch [Vseobshchee voennoe obuchenieGeneral Military Instruction] was an inclusive title for all bodies concerned with military training of workers. By a decree of 1918, all
Soviet citizens, from schoolchildren to the middle-aged, were to receive military instruction.
2. The Second Congress of the Third International opened in Petrograd June 19, 1920, and
June 27 was declared a public holiday in honor of it; a parade and procession with representatives of Vsevobuch took place in Moscow.
3. On June 19, 1920, a mass dramatization, Toward the World Commune, took place at the
former Stock Exchange in Petrograd; Natan Altman was the artistic designer.
4. The Twelve, written in 1918, was perhaps Aleksandr Blok's greatest poetic achievement.
Ostensibly it was a description of the revolutionary force represented by twelve Red Guards.
5. Lunacharsky was present at Vladimir Mayakovsky's first private reading of the play Mystery-Bouffe,
September 27, 1918. He was impressed with the work and promoted its
production at the Theater of Musical Drama in November of that year. It was taken off after
three days and was revived only with -Vselovod Meierkhold's production of it in May 1921.
6. I.e., New Economic Policy. The period of NEP (1921-29) was marked a partial return to
a capitalist economic system.
7. This simple yet spacious monument in Petrograd to the victims of the February Revolution
was designed by Lev Rudnev in 1917-19 and was landscaped later by Ivan Fomin.
8. In the early 1920s geveral designs were submitted for a Moscow Palace of Laboramong
them one by the Vesnin brothersbut none was executed.
TATLIN, pp. 205-206
1. The reference is to the Yaroslavl Station, Moscow, built in 1903-1904 after a design by
Fedor Shekhtel. Its frieze and majolica details were designed by artists who had been close
to Abramtsevo, including Konstantin Korovin. Similarly, several moderate artists, including
Aleksandr Benois, submitted interior designs for the adjacent Kazan Station between 1914
and 1917 (designed by Aleksei Shchusev, built 1913-26).
2. From May 10 to 14, 1914, Tatlin held a one-man show of synthetic-static compositions in
his studio.
3. Documents indicate that the only Moscow exhibition of 1915 to which Tatlin contributed
some relief collages (hardly "on the laboratory scale") was the "Exhibition of Painting.
1915" (ex catalogue), although he may have opened his studio to the public at the same
time (March-May). In March 1915, he exhibited seven painterly reliefs at "Tramway V,"
in Petrograd, and in December 1915/January 1916, he contributed reliefs and counterreliefs
to "0.10," also in Petrograd. According to bibl. R447, Tatlin showed counterreliefs at a
Moscow "sbornaya" [mixed] exhibition in 1915 but this, presumably, was a reference to
the "Exhibition . . . 1915."
4. No contribution by Tatlin to a 1917 exhibition has been recorded. It is possible that he
means the "Shop" of 1916, which he organized and to which he sent seven reliefs and
GABO a n d PEVSNER, p p . 2 0 8 - 1 4
1. T h e m e a s u r e m e n t u s e d in t h e o r i g i n a l R u s s i a n is
2. T h e m e a s u r e m e n t u s e d in t h e o r i g i n a l R u s s i a n is pud
( = 28 inches).
( = 36 lbs.).
GAN, p p . 2 1 4 - 2 5
1. F o r e x p l a n a t i o n of O l d B e l i e v e r s , s e e n o . 5 t o S h e v c h e n k o , p . 3 0 1 .
ARVATOV, p p . 2 2 5 - 3 0
1. A s e a r l y as 1 9 1 8 t h e S t a t e P o r c e l a i n F a c t o r y h a d p r o d u c e d i t e m s d e c o r a t e d b y N a t a n A l t m a n . In the early 1920s cups, saucers, plates, and pots w e r e being produced with suprematist d e s i g n s b y I l y a C h a s h n i k a n d N i k o l a i S u e t i n .
PERTSOV, p p . 2 3 0 - 3 6
"First Discussional," pp. 2 3 7 - 4 3
1. T h e C o n s t r u c t i v i s t P o e t s s u c h a s V e r a I n b e r , I l y a S e l v i n s k y , a n d K o r n e l i i Z e l i n s k y w e r e
m e m b e r s of t h e s o - c a l l e d L i t e r a r y C e n t e r of t h e C o n s t r u c t i v i s t s [ L i t e r a t u r n y i t s e n t r k o n s t r u k tivistov,
o r L T s K ] , f o u n d e d i n M o s c o w in 1 9 2 4 [see b i b l . R 4 4 1 ] A t r a n s l a t i o n of t h e i r
manifesto appears in bibl. 2 1 1 , pp. 1 2 3 - 2 7 .
2. C o n s t r u c t i v i s t s o f t h e C h a m b e r T h e a t e r ( A l e k s a n d r T a i r o v ' s K a m e r n y i teatr) i n c l u d e d A l e k s a n d r a E x t e r , t h e S t e n b e r g b r o t h e r s , A l e k s a n d r V e s n i n , a n d G e o r g i i Y a k u l o v [see b i b l .
3. C o n s t r u c t i v i s t s w h o w o r k e d for V s e l o v o d M e i e r k h o l d ' s S t a t e H i g h e r T h e a t e r W o r k s h o p i n
M o s c o w included L y u b o v P o p o v a and Varvara Stepanova; as director of the W o r k s h o p ,
M e i e r k h o l d developed his constructivist theory of so-called biomechanics. [For details see
b i b l . 1 9 0 , p p . 1 8 3 - 2 0 4 ; b i b l . 193, p . 7 0 ; R 1 7 ( b k . 2), pp. 4 8 6 - 8 9 . ]
4 . T h e C e n t r a l I n s t i t u t e o f L a b o r [ T s e n t r a l n y i i n s t i t u t t r u d a , o r T s I T ] , r u n b y A l e k s e i G a s t e v in
M o s c o w , a c t e d as a l a b o r a t o r y for t h e a n a l y s i s of t h e " r h y t h m i c r o t a t i o n of w o r k " a n d
a s p i r e d t o c r e a t e a m a c h i n e m a n , a n artist of l a b o r . A m o n g t h e i n s t i t u t e ' s m e m b e r s w e r e t h e
critic V i k t o r P e r t s o v a n d t h e artist A l e k s a n d r T y s h l e r [see b i b l . 4 2 , p p . 2 0 6 - 1 4 ] .
BRIK, p p . 2 4 4 - 4 9
1. F o r d e t a i l s of I n k h u k s e e I n t r o d u c t i o n a n d b i b l . R 1 6 , p p . 1 2 6 - 4 3 . L y u b o v P o p o v a , A l e k s a n d r R o d c h e n k o , a n d V a r v a r a S t e p a n o v a h a d t u r n e d t o p r o d u c t i o n a l a r t s o o n after t h e
c o n c l u s i v e e x h i b i t i o n " 5 x 5 = 2 5 , " in S e p t e m b e r 1921 [see b i b l . R 4 4 6 ] . P o p o v a a n d Step a n o v a b e c a m e p a r t i c u l a r l y i n t e r e s t e d in t e x t i l e d e s i g n , a s S t e p a n o v a d e m o n s t r a t e d i n h e r
lecture " K o s t y u m segodnyashnego d n y a p r o z o d e z h d a " [Today's Dress Is Productional
C l o t h i n g ] , d e l i v e r e d a t I n k h u k in t h e s p r i n g of 1 9 2 3 a n d p u b l i s h e d in Lef [bibl. R 4 6 3 ] .
R o d c h e n k o t u r n e d t o p o s t e r a r t , t y p o g r a p h y , a n d p h o t o g r a p h y ; A n t o n L a v i n s k y t o p o s t e r art
a n d s m a l l - s c a l e c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o j e c t s ; G u s t a v K l u t s i s a n d S e r g e i S e n k i n a l s o favored p o s t e r
art a n d t y p o g r a p h y a n d later w e r e a c t i v e in t h e O c t o b e r g r o u p [see p p . 273ff. a n d b i b l .
R421, R500].
1. The Russian is sdelannost, a noun that Filonov formed from the verb sdelat"to
"Decree On the Reconstruction," pp. 288-90
1. NEP: see n. 6 to Lunacharsky, p. 306.
2. VOAPP: Vsesoyuznoe obedinenie assotsiatsii proletarskikh pisatelei [All-Union Association
of Associations ofProletarian Writers]; RAPP: Rossiiskaya assotsiatsiya proletarskikh pisatelei
[Russian Association ofProletarian Writers]; RAPM: Rossiiskaya assotsiatsiya proletarskikh
muzykantov [Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians],
First All-Union Congress, pp. 290-97
1. Stalin called Soviet writers "engineers of human souls" in conversation with Gorky and
other writers on October 26, 1932. See I V. Stalin, Sobranie sochinenii [Collected Works],
vol. 13 (Moscow, 1951), 410.
2. Such a congress did not, in fact, take place until 1957, although an All-Union Congress of
Architects was held in 1937.
3. Pavel Vasilevich Malkov, a former pupil of Dmitrii Kardovsky, achieved a certain reputation during the 1930s and 1940s for his paintings and graphics on themes such as Soviet industry and the Red Army. The present whereabouts of the portrait in question is not known.
t h o u g h t h e B i b l i o g r a p h y is n o t e x h a u s t i v e , p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n h a s b e e n p a i d to r e c e n t
t i t l e s a l r e a d y l i s t e d in t h e s e b i b l i o g r a p h i e s , a s w e l l a s a l l t h e t e x t s t r a n s l a t e d i n
main part of the book, are omitted
The Bibliography
is d i v i d e d into t w o s e c t i o n s : A , w o r k s in l a n g u a g e s o t h e r
R u s s i a n , a n d B , w o r k s in R u s s i a n . B i b l i o g r a p h i c a l
will b e found
in t h e a p p r o p r i a t e d i v i s i o n o f s e c t i o n A ,
on each
unless indicated
F o r o b v i o u s r e a s o n s the m a n y m i n o r r e f e r e n c e s to c o n t r i b u t o r s a r e n o t g i v e n , b u t for
further i n f o r m a t i o n o n a g i v e n artist, critic, o r m o v e m e n t , t h e r e a d e r is u r g e d t o c o n sult
especially the
A s a g e n e r a l r u l e , 1 9 7 2 w a s s e t a s t h e final
d a t e for b i b l i o g r a p h i c a l
ii. G e n e r a l W o r k s C o v e r i n g t h e P e r i o d c a . i 8 9 0 ~ c a .
10. Froncek, Thomas, ed. The Horizon Book of the Arts of Russia. Introductory
essay by James H. Billington. New York: American Heritage, 1970.
11. Gibellino Krasceninnicowa, Maria. L'Arte russa moderna e contemporanea: pittura e scultura. Rome: Palombi, i960.
12. Gibellino Krasceninnicowa, Maria. Storia dell'arte
Rome: Maglione,
13. Grabar, Igor, ed. Geschichte der russischen Kunst. Translated from Russian by
Kurt Kiippers. Dresden: VEB Verlag der Kunst, 1957-65. Bibl.
14. Hamilton, George Heard. The Art and Architecture of Russia. Baltimore:
Penguin, 1954. Bibl.
15. Hare, Richard. The Art and Artists of Russia. London: Methuen, 1965.
16. Matthey, Werner von. Russische Kunst. Zurich-Einsiedeln: Benziger, 1948.
17. Muther, Richard (in collaboration with Alexander Benois). "Russia." In
Muther, Richard. The History of Modern Painting. Vol. 4. London: Dent; New
York: Dutton, 1907, pp. 236-85.
18. Nemitz, Fritz. Die Kunst Russlands. Baukunst. Malerei. Plastik. Vom 11 bis 19
Jahrhundert. Berlin: Hugo, 1940.
19. Newmarch, Rosa. The Russian Arts. London: Jenkins; New York: Dutton, 1916.
20. Reau, Louis. L'Art russe des origines a Pierre le Grand. Paris: Laurens, 1921.
21. Reau, Louis. L'Art russe de Pierre le Grand a nos jours. Paris: Laurens, 1922.
Bibl. 20 and 21 updated and reprinted as: L'Art russe. 3 vols. Paris: Marabout Universite, 1968. Bibl.
London: Thames
Rubissow, Helen.
N e w York:
25. W o i n o w , Igor.
Annenkov, Georges. See
Aspects de I'avant-garde
1969. Exhibition
in E n g l i s h
of Russian
Art in America
Failed Utopia.
Carter, Huntly.
W h o l e issue d e v o t e d to the R u s s i a n
1964. Exhibition
40. Diaghilev and Russian Stage Designers: A Loan Exhibition of Stage and Costume Designs from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. N. Lobanov-Rostovsky. Introduction b y John E. Bowlt. Washington, D . C . : International Exhibitions
dation, 1972. Exhibition
1950. Exhibition
tism, Constructivism."
Fueloep-Miller, Rene.
N e w York: Harper,
Soviet Survey
Gray, Camilla.
ton Magazine
The Burling-
H a s k e l l , L a r i s s a . " R u s s i a n P a i n t i n g s a n d D r a w i n g s in t h e A s h m o l e a n
Milan: Fabbri,
1971, pp.
Art News
of t h e R u s s i a n text a p p e a r e d variously in E n g l i s h , F r e n c h , a n d
Opus International
Gegenwartkunst: 1. Russland.
Leyda, Jay.
Loukomski, George.
son, 1964.
P a r i s : L a R u s s i e e t le M o n d e S l a v e ,
Vol. 3, 5 9 - 1 0 0 . Translation of
Alexandra Exter.
Edited by
Art International
(Lugano), vol.
1973. Exhibition
L'Art contemporain. B e r l i n :
a l s o in R u s s i a n :
Marc Chagall.
Meyer, Franz.
N e w York: M u s e u m of Modern
T e x t in F r e n c h a n d
Societe A n o n y m e ,
London: Allen
1924. Exhibition
68. Russian Stage and Costume Designs for the Ballet, Opera and Theatre: A Loan
Exhibition from the Lobanov-Rostovsky, Oenslager, and Riabov Collections. Introduction by Georges Annenkov.
1967. Exhibition
Washington, D . C . : International
1968. Exhibition
Salmon, Andre.
VEB Seemann,
123 (April
Bowlt, John E.
Kandinsky, Wassily.
1965. Exhibition
First English
B o s t o n : H o u g h t o n Mifflin,
ing titles, e . g . ,
English translation:
the assistance
Kulbin, Nikolai.
Bibl. information:
of M a n u g
" D i e freie
it h a d a l s o
Nicolas Koulbine.
English translation:
"Free Music."
S o m e bibl. information:
B o o k illustrations: R 2 1 9 , R 2 2 9 , R 2 9 1 , R 2 9 2 ,
Marc, Franz. See
M a r k o v , Vladimir. W o r k s by:
Introduction by R o m a n Suta. Leipzig: Pandora,
La Toison d'or.
( M o s c o w ) , v o l . 1, n o . 1 - 6 ,
six n u m b e r s of N i k o l a i Ryabushinsky's
Zolotoe runo
F l e e c e ] a p p e a r e d b o t h in R u s s i a n a n d in F r e n c h . S e e
[The Golden
Artforum ( N e w Y o r k ) , v o l . 1 0 , n o . 1 0
M a r g a r i t e . Die griine Schlange. S t u t t g a r t :
Hidden Image."
T h e first
(June 1972),
L o n d o n , Bristol,
N e w York: M u s e u m of
Bays, N.Y.),
Bibl. information:
B o o k illustrations: R 2 7 2 , R 2 7 4 ,
n o .
j 11.
The Burlington
Calvesi, Maurizio.
no. 44
Fabbri, vol.
II Futurismo.
del milione,
Chamot, Mary.
The Burling-
Cooper, Douglas.
ton Magazine
London: Phaidon,
Studio International
tember 1973),
of Modern
Compiled by Guillaume
appears on pp.
George, Waldemar.
Art. London:
Futurist Manifestos.
Caroline Tisdall. T h e D o c u m e n t s of 2 0 t h - c e n t u r y
Bibl. information:
B o o k illustrations: R 2 7 2 , R 2 7 9 , R 2 9 2 , R 2 9 6 , R 2 9 9 , R 3 0 6 ,
Gray, Camilla. See
(Copenhagen), vol.
in R u s s i a 1 9 1 0 ,
15 (1969),
Notes et Documents.
et al.
Paris: Societe des a m i s
G e o r g e s Y a k o u l o v , n o . 1, 2 , 3 ( 1 9 6 7 , 1 9 6 9 , 1 9 7 2 ) .
Kriz, Jan. " P a w e l Nikolajewitsch Filonow. Mitbegriinder und Kritiker der russischen kiinstlerischen
96 (1968),
Larionov-Gontcharova. B a s e l : G a l e r i e B e y e l e r , 1 9 6 1 . E x h i b i t i o n c a t a l o g u e .
Michel Larionov. L y o n : M u s e e d e L y o n , 1 9 6 7 . E x h i b i t i o n c a t a l o g u e .
Michel Larionov. I n t r o d u c t i o n b y F r a n c o i s D a u l t e . N e w Y o r k : A c q u a v e l l a G a l -
A s l i g h t l y l a r g e r v e r s i o n o f this e x h i b i t i o n o p e n e d in N e v e r s e t la N i e v r e ,
M a i s o n d e la C u l t u r e d e N e v e r s
with an Introduction by Jean
et la N i e v r e ,
1972. Separate
132, 141,
B o o k illustrations: R 2 7 2 , R 2 9 6 , R 2 9 7 , R 2 9 8 , R 3 0 0 ,
[bibl. R 3 1 0 ] ,
and annotated by E m m a
Neue Kiinstlervereinigung.
Retrospective Gontcharova.
of Cali-
B o u r g e s : M a i s o n d e la C u l t u r e d e B o u r g e s ,
and modified
G o n t c h a r o v a " in L y o n , M u s e e d e s B e a u x - A r t s ,
Neue Kiinstlervereinigung.
Valentine and
Neue Kiinstlervereinigung.
Gontcharova et Larionov. P a r i s : K l i n c k s i e c k , 1 9 7 1 .
V l a d i m i r . Russian Futurism: A History. B e r k e l e y : U n i v e r s i t y
139. Robel, Leon, trans. Manifestes futuristes russes. Paris: Editeurs Franais
140. Rye, Jane. Futurism. London: Studio Vista; New York: Dutton, 1972.
141. Schafran, Lynn. "Larionov and the Russian Vanguard." Art News (New
York), vol. 68, no. 3 (May 1969), 66-67.
142. The Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition. London: Grafton Galleries, 1912.
Organized by Roger Fry. Exhibition catalogue.
Shevchenko, Aleksandr. Autobiography: R177 (vol. 1).
Other work by: R355.
Biography: R283.
Other works on: R254, R256.
143. Tschizewskij, Dmitrij. Anfange des russischen Futurismus. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1963.
144. Vergo, Peter. "A Note on the Chronology of Larionov's Early Work." The
Burlington Magazine (London), vol. 114, no. 832 (July 1972), 476-79.
Yakulov, Georgii. See 124.
145. Zdanevitch, Cyrille. Niko Pirosmani. Translated from the Russian by Lydia
Delt and Vera Varzi. Paris: Gallimard, 1970.
Zdanevich, Ilya. Works by: R356, R357.
Some bibl. information: 133.
. Nonobjective Art
146. Berlewi, Henryk. "Michael Larionoff, N. Gontscharova und der Rayonnismus." Werk (Zurich), October 1961, pp. 364-68.
147. Daulte, Francois. "Larionov, le rayonniste." Connaissance des Arts (Paris),
no. 179 (January 1967), pp. 46-53.
148. Degand, Leon. "Le Rayormisme: LarionovGoncharova."
Art d'aujourd'hui
(Paris), serie 2, no. 2 (November 1950), pp. 26-29.
149. Larionow, Michele, and Gonciarova, Natalia. Radiantismo. Translated from
the Russian by Nina Antonelli. Rome, 1917.
Larionov, Mikhail. For bibl. references see II.
150. Steneberg, Eberhard. "Larionov, Gontscharowa und der Rayonnismus." Das
Kunstwerk (Baden-Baden), vol. 16, no. 8 (February 1963), 11-22.
(Note: entries in this section are highly selective; the reader is referred to 33,
159, and 160 in particular for comprehensive bibliographies.)
151. Andersen, Troels. "Malevich on 'New Art.' " Studio International (London),
vol. 174, no. 892 (September 1967), 100-105.
R333. r 3 3 9 , R340.
172. Seuphor, Michel. "Suprematisme et Neo-plasticisme."
(Paris), no. 7/8 (September 1950), pp. 22-24.
Stepanova, Varvara. For bibl. references see V.
Art d'aujourd'hui
173. Tatlin's Dream. Russian Suprematist and Constructivist Art 1910-1923. London: Fischer Fine Art Limited, 1973. Essay by Andrei Nakov. Exhibition catalogue.
174. Vallier, Dora. "L'Art abstrait en Russie: ses origines, ses premieres manifestations 1910-1917." Cahiers d'Art (Paris), vol. 33-35, (i960), 259-85.
175. Veronesi, Giulia. Suprematisti e construttivisti in Russia. L'Arte moderna, vol.
6, no. 48. Milan: Fabbri, 1967.
176. Westheim, Paul, ed. Kiinstlerbekenntnisse. Briefe,
Tagebuchbldtter, Be-
177. Bogdanow, Alexander. Die Kunst und das Proletariat. Leipzig: "Der Kentaur," 1919.
Bogdanov, Aleksandr. Works by: 177, 180, R367.
Biography: 179.
Bibl. information: 179.
178. Eastman, Max. Education and Art in Soviet Russia in the Light of Official
Decrees and Documents. New York: Socialist Publication Society, 1919.
179. Grille, Dietrich. Lenins Rivale. Bogdanov und seine Philosophie. Cologne:
Wissenschaft und Politik, 1966. Bibl.
180. Lorenz, Richard, ed. Proletarische
in Sowjetrussland
7 9 7 7 - / 9 2 / . Dokumente des "Proletkult." Translated from the Russian by Uwe
Brugmann and Gert Meyer. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch, 1969.
181. Paul, Eden, and Paul, Cedar. Proletcult. London: Parsons, 1921.
189. Bowlt, John E. "Russian Formalism and the Visual Arts." 20th Century Studies (Canterbury), no. 7/8, December 1972, pp. 131-46.
190. Braun, Edward, trans, and ed. Meyerhold on Theatre. New York: Hill and
Wang; London: Methuen, 1969.
191. Bringas, Esperanza Velazquez. El Arte en la Rusia actual. Mexico City: 1923.
192. Carter, Huntly. The New Theatre and Cinema of Soviet Russia. London: Chapman and Dodd, 1924; New York: International, 1925.
193. Carter, Hundy. The New Spirit in the Russian Theatre, 1917-1928. London:
Brentano's, 1929.
194. Congrat-Butler, Stefan, . Russian Revolutionary Posters, 1917-1929.
New York: Grove Press, 1971.
195. Cossio del Pomar, Felipe. "El arte ruso la revolucion." In La rebelion de los
pintores, pp. 271-328. Mexico City: Editorial Leyenda, 1945.
196. "Dans la foulee d'Octobre: Les arts sovietiques des premieres annees." Les
Lettres frangaises (Paris), no. 1207 (November 8-14, 1967), pp. 22-26.
197. Erste Russische Kunstausstellung, Introduction by David Shterenberg. Berlin:
Galerie van Diemen, 1922. Exhibition catalogue.
198. Esposizione internazionale d'arte. XIV biennale internazionale d'arte della citta
di Venezia. Catalogue of the Russian section. Text by Boris Ternovetz. Venice, 1924.
See also 183.
199. Fitzpatrick, Sheila. The Commissariat of Enlightenment. Soviet Organization of
Education and the Arts Under Lunacharsky, October, 1917-1921. Cambridge:
Cambridge University, 1971. Bibl.
Gray-Prokofieva, Camilla. See 43, 44, 45, 182.
200. Gregor, Joseph, and Fueloep-Miller, Rene. Das Russische Theater. Mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Revolutionsperiode. Vienna: Amalthea, 1927.
English edition: The Russian Theatre. Translated by Paul England. London: Harrap; Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1930.
201. Higgens, Andrew. "Art and Politics in the Russian Revolution." Studio International (London), vol. 180: no. 927 (November 1970), 164-67; no. 929
(December 1970), 224-27.
202. Jelenski, K. A. "Avant-garde and the Revolution." Arts (New York), vol.
35, no. r (October i960), 36-41.
Komfut. Works by: consult R73 and references to Osip Brik, Boris Kushner,
and Nikolai Punin.
Works on: R497, R499.
Kushner, Boris. Works by: R395-97, R470, and consult R73, R76.
Some bibl. information: 133.
Lef. Works by: R76.
Works on: consult 84, 133, R16, R341.
203. Lunacharski, Anatoli Vasilievich. Las Artes pldsticas la politico artistica de
la Rusia revolucionaria.
Seix Barral,
R u s s i a n t e x t s in
Lunatscharski, Anatoli.
Bibl. information:
and consult
R73> R82.
S o m e biographical information:
by Sarah
(Berlin), no.
n ,
1922, pp.
1920, pp.
R e p r i n t e d in m o d i f i e d f o r m
in b i b l .
Das Kunstblatt
(London), vol.
Studio Inter-
( N o t e : in a d d i t i o n t o t h e specific titles l i s t e d b e l o w a n d in t h e R u s s i a n
of the Bibliography,
R76, and
W o l l e n , P e t e r . " A r t in R e v o l u t i o n : R u s s i a n A r t in t h e T w e n t i e s . "
Das Kunst-
in R u s s l a n d . "
of Art,
t h e r e a d e r is a d v i s e d
to consult the j o u r n a l s
Andersen, Troels. See 27,
Architectural Design
212. Elderfield, John. "Constructivism and the Objective World: An Essay on Production Art and Proletarian Culture." Studio International (London), vol. 180,
no. 923 (September 1970), 73-80.
213. Elderfield, John. "Line of Free Men: Tatlin's 'Towers' and the Age of Invention." Studio International (London), vol. 178, no. 916 (November 1969),
214. Elderfield, John. "On Constructivism." Artforum (New York), vol. 9, no. 9
(May 1971), 57-63215. Gabo, Naum. "The Constructive Idea in Art." In Circle, edited by J. L. Martin, Ben Nicholson, N. Gabo, pp. 1-10. London: Faber and Faber, 1937.
Reprint: 1971; also New York: Praeger, 1971.
216. Gabo, Naum. Gabo: Constructions, Sculpture, Paintings, Drawings, Engravings. London: Lund Humphries; Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
1957Essays by Herbert Read and Leslie Martin.
Gabo, Naum. Works by: 211, 215, 216.
Biography: 222.
Other works on: 216, 221.
Bibl. information: 216, 226.
Gan, Aleksei. Works by: 211, R372, R437, R438, R465, R466.
217. Gollerbakh, Erich. Prospectus. The Construction of Architectural and Machine
Forms by Jacob Tchernikhov. Leningrad: Society of Architects of Leningrad,
218. Kallai, Ernst. "Konstruktivismus." Jahrbuch der Jungen Kunst (Leipzig), vol.
5, 1924, 374-84219. Massat, Rene. Antoine Pevsner et le Constructivisme. Paris: Caracteres, 1956.
220. Matsa, Ivan. "Constructivism: an Historical and Artistic Appraisal." Studio
International (London), vol. 183, no. 943 (April 1972), 142-44.
Shortened translation of R442.
221. Olson, Ruth, and Chanin, Abraham. Naum GaboAntoine Pevsner. New
York: Museum of Modern Art, 1948.
222. Pevsner, Alexei. Naum Gabo and Antoine Pevsner: A Biographical Sketch of
My Brothers. Amsterdam: Augustin and Schoonman, 1964.
Pevsner, Antoine. Biography: 222.
Other works on: 219, 221.
Bibl. information: 226.
223. Quilici, Vieri. L'Architettura del construttivismo. Bari: Laterza, 1969.
224. Rathke, Ewald. Konstruktive Malerei, 1915-1930. Hanau: Peters, 1967.
Reprint of catalogue for exhibition at Frankfurter Kunstverein, November
1966-January 1967. With introduction by Eckhard Neumann.
225. Rathke, Ewald, and Neumann, Eckhard. "Constructivism 1914-1922." Art
and Artists (London), vol. 5, no. 4 (July 1970), 12-15.
Rickey, George.
Opus International
(Paris), no.
RIBA Journal
Vladimir Tatlin.
New York:
B o o k illustrations: R 2 9 6 ,
S o m e biographical details:
Albert Morance,
tember 1972),
Opus International
(New York),
1 (Sep-
Studio International
and Sperlich,
H . , eds.
11, no.
i e r e et 2 m e series.
B a d o v i c i , J e a n , et al.
Phantastische Architektur.
1925. Exhibition
238. de Feo, Vittorio. URSS. Architettura 1917-1936. Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1963.
239. Fiz, Simon. "EI Lissitzky (1890-1941): de la pintura a la arquitectura." Goya
(Madrid), no. 108, 1972, pp. 362-69.
240. Frampton, Kenneth. "Notes on a Lost Avant-Garde: Architecture, U.S.S.R.,
1920-30." In Avant-Garde Art, edited by Thomas B. Hess and John Ashbery,
pp. 107-24. New York and London: Collier-Macmillan, n.d.
Volume based on: The Avant-Garde. Art News Annual, no. 34. New
York: Macmillan, 1968.
241. Jadova, L. "Rodtchenko." Les Lettres frangaises (Paris), no. 1162 (December
22-29, 1966), pp. 17-19.
242. Khan-Mahomedov, Selim. "Creative Trends 917-1932 in Russia." Architectural Design (London), no. 40, February 1970, pp. 71-76.
243. Kopp, Anatole. Town and Revolution: Soviet Architecture and City Planning
1917-1935. Translated from the French by Thomas Burton. London: Thames
and Hudson; New York: Braziller, 1970. Bibl.
248. Lissitzky, El. An Architecture for World Revolution. Translated from the German by Eric Dluhosch. Cambridge, Mass.: , 1970. This edition also contains an appendix of reports concerning architecture and urbanism, 1928-33.
German edition: Russland. Die Rekonstruktion der Architektur in der Sowjetunion. Vienna: Schroll, 1930. Reissued as: Russland: Architektur fur
eine Weltrevolution. Berlin: Ullstein, 1965.
Lissitzky, El. Works by : 176, 211, 246, 247, 248.
Biography: 247.
Works on: 232, 233, 239, 247.
Bibl. information: 247.
249. Nakov, Andrei. "Alexander Rodcenko. Beyond the Problematics of Pictorialism." Arts Magazine (New York), vol. 47, no. 6 (April 1973), 26-33.
Nakov, Andrei. See 249, 252.
Rodchenko, Aleksandr. Work by: 227.
Biography: 245.
Other works on: 234, 241, 244, 249, R451, R452, R463, R474, R488.
R o s a , Alberto, et al.
O l e g , e t al.
Le Dernier Tableau.
Taraboukine, Nikolai.
lated from
the Russian by
C h a m p Libre,
Michel Petris.
to consult the
art publications
in the
in W e s t e r n
r e f e r e n c e s t o s u c h e x h i b i t i o n s c a n b e f o u n d in b i b l . R 1 5 2 , v o l s . I , 2, a n d
Bibl. Information:
Andersen, Troels.
1 9 6 3 . PP-
Nikolajevii Filonov."
Art in America
Studio International
. . (R1-R23)
. (R24-R40)
: 1890-1917, 1917-1930 . (R41-R87)
1890-1930: 1890-1920, 1910-1930 (R88-R187)
. (R188-R241)
-, -. (R242-R357)
. (R358-R366)
. (R367-R434)
. (R435-R489)
i. . .
R 1. . . . (.): ;
, , 4 , . 4, .,
R 2. , . .: . 1757-1957, ., 1957.
R 3. , . .: , 19011916, ., 1958-1961.
R 4. , . (.): (
). , ., 1929; , , 1969.
R 5. , .: , . 1923.
R 6. , . . (.): . , . I (-), .,
1970; . 2 (-), ., 1972.
R 7. , . . (.): , . 7 ( , XIX-XX .), ., 1970.
R 8. , .: , , 1914.
R 9. , .: ( ), ., 1915.
RI0. , . (.):
, ., 1934(4 ).
Rl 1 , .,
1908 + , 1917 ;
, 1920 .
R12. , .: , .,
R13. , . (.):
'20 . , , , ., 1962.
R14. , . (.): ,
, 1967.
R15. , . . (.): , ., 1929.
R16. , . . (.): 15 , .-., 1933.
R17. , .: , , , . , ., 1968.
R24. , .: 16- , ., 1913.
R25. , .: , .-., 1966.
R26. , .: XIX : , .,
1901. : XIX , .,
1902. .
R27. , .: , ., 1904.
R28. , .: , ., 1912
R29. , .: , ., 1913.
R30. , .: , .-.,
1923; , ., 1948. .
R31. , .: , . 1-6, ., 1910-1915.
R32. , . (.): , . 1-13, ., 19531969. .
R33. , . , .: . ,
., 1963.
R34. , .: , ., 1933.
R35. , .: , ., 1916.
R36. , .: , , 1923. .
R37. , .: .
, ., 1903. .
R38. , .: ,
., 1962.
R39. , .: , .-., 1938.
R40. , .: , ., 1969.
iii. :
1890-1917 .
R41. , ., 1909-1917 (1918).
R42. , ., 1914.
R43. , , 1907-1910.
, M., 1904-1909.
, M., 1906-1909 (1910).
, ., 1905.
, (, , ), , 1911
, ., 1916.
, , 1913-1914.
, ., 1915-1916.
, , 1909-1910.
, ., 1898-1902.
, ., 1898-1904.
, ., 1914-1916.
, ., 1916 ( ).
, ., 1906-1907.
, ., 1914.
1917-1930 .
, ., 1931-1932.
, ., 1922.
(), ., 1920-1934.
, , 1922.
, ., 1918-1923.
, ., 1918-1921.
, , 1921-1926.
, ., 1921-1922; ., 1923-1929.
, ., 1919.
( ), ., 1919.
, , 1921.
( . . . ), ., 1923-1928.
, ., 1929-1930.
, ., 1924.
, ., 1921-1922.
, ., 1918-1919.
, ., 1924-1926.
, , 1919.
, ., 1923-1925; , ., 1927-1928.
, ., 1922.
, , 1927-1930 ( .).
, ., 1921-1930.
, ., 1918-1921.
, ., 1927-1930.
, .-., 1923.
, .-., 1926-1928.
, (CA), ., 1926-1930.
, ., 1918-1922.
, ., 1919-1920.
, ., 1923.
iv. 1890-1930 :
1890-1920 .
R88. , X ( XIX. XX ), , . 1, ., 1968; . 2, ., 1969. .
R89. , .: , , 1971.
R90. , .: , .-., 1966.
R9I. , . , . (.): ,
, ., 1969.
R92. , .: . , . I II, -,
R93. , .: , ., 1918.
R94. , .: 25 , ., 1923.
R95. , .: . . (. . ), .-., 1960.
R96. -, .: 1905 .,
., 1960.
R97. , .: . , .-., 1937. .
R98. , .:
- . , ., 1913.
R99. , .: . . 2. , ., 1915.
R100. , .: . . 4. ' '
. . , ., 1917.
R101. , .: 19-. 20 ., , 1966.
R102. , .: .
, ., 1922.
. , , .
R103. , . , .: ,
, ., 1971 (2 .).
R104. , .: 1- XX ,
., 1970.
R105. , .: . . . (. . ), ., 1963.
R106. , .: . , ., 1972.
R107. , .: , ., 1915.
R108. , .: 25 ,
., 1930.
RI09. , .: . , ., 1968.
RI10. , .: , . II, .,
1909; . III, ., 1913.
R1I1. , .: , , 1922.
RI12. , .: , -, 1955.
R113. , -: , , 1962.
R114. , . (.): . , ., 1917.
RI15. , . , . (.):
XIX- XX , ., 1964.
R144. , .: , -, 1955.
R145. , .: XIX- XX , ., 1968.
1 9 1 0 - 1 9 3 0 .
R146. , . II ( 1917-1920 ;
1921-1934 ), , ., 1957. .
R147. , .: ( . ), ., 1922.
R148. , .: 17 (. . ), .-., 1926.
R149. , . (.): , ., 1973.
R150. , . , .: , 1917-1932, .,
RI51. , . ( .): ., 1917-1927.
, ., 1927. .
R152. , . 1, 1917-1932,
., 1965.
RI53. , .: - 5 ,
, 1924.
R154. , .: , ., 1922.
R155. , .: , ., 1927.
R156. , . .: , .,
1929, . 5 6.
RI57. , .: , ., 1969.
R158. , .: , ., 1970.
R159. , . , . (.): ... (
1917-1960), ., 1968.
R160. , .: , ., 1925.
R161. , . ( . .): 50 : , ., 1969.
R162. , .: ( ), ., 1917.
R163. , . .: . . , ., 1969. .
R164. , .: ,
., 1913, 7, . 53-60.
R165. , .: , , 1922.
R166. , .: , ., 1933.
R167. , .: . ,
., 1971.
R168. , .: , ., 1922.
R169. , .: (
20- ), ., 1968.
R170. , .: , ., 1972. .
R171. , . (.): .
, .-., 1928.
R172. , .: , , 1923.
R173. , H.: . :
. . .,
R174. , .: ,
. . , , 1966.
. .
RI75. , .: , , 1923.
R176. , .: , .-., 1923.
R177. . , ., 1937, . 1-2.
, . , , , , -, , , , , .
R178. , ., , . ( .): -
., 1917-1927, ., 1927.
R179. , .: , .-., 1923.
R180. , .: , .-., 1923.
R181. , .: , , 1922.
R182. , . .: , ., 1930.
R183. , .:
, -, 1972, 192, . 44-48.
R184. , . .:
, ., 1973. ( . .
III ).
RI85. , .: , ., 1971. .
R186. , .: , ., 1930.
, , . , , ,
, .
R187. , .: . 1914-1934, -, 1934.
I. ,
R188. , . . (.):
XIX XX (1895-1907), . 1; ., 1968, . 2, ., 1969.
RI89. . . , , 1904.
R190. , .: , ., 1910.
R191. , .: , .-., 1930.
R192. , .: , .-., 1933.
R193. , .: ' ', ., 1928.
R194. , .: , ., 1969.
RI95. , .: (1915), , 1901-1921, .
., . 7, .-., 1963.
R196. , .: , 1891-1910, ., 1927.
R197. . . , ., 1907.
R198. , .: , , 1907, N 5, . 93-96.
R199. , .: , , .
, 1904, 11 , 101.
R200. , .: , ., 1972.
R201. , .: , ., 1906,
5, . 56-59.
R202. , .: , ' ', , .,
1907, N 2 5.
R203. , .: . . -, ., 1966. .
R204. ., . (, .): , .,
1905, 2, . 54-56.
R205. , .: . R188, . 2, . 129-162.
R206. , .: , , ., 1907, 5,
. 25-28.
R207. , . ( . ): ' ', , ., 1925.
R208. , .: , ' ,' ,
., 1907, 1 , 75.
R209. , .: . N R88, . I, . 341-485.
R2I0. , .: . . -, 1870-1905, .-., 1966. .
R211. -, . (, .):
., 1907, 25 , 69.
R212. , .: , .-., 1934. .
R213. , .: . , , .
R215. , .; , , .,
1908, Ne 7/9, . 120-123.
R216. , .: , .-., 1965. .
R217. , .: , ( ), ., 1970.
R218. , .: (
) , ., 1912, 12 .
R219. , .: .
., 1913 ( . ).
( , . . I III .
. II), ., 1915-1916).
R220. , .: , ., 1912, 14 .
R221. . . , ., 1909; , 1909/
R222. , .:
, . 1911 . 1912 ., .,
1914, . I, . 47-76.
R223. , .: ,
1911, 9 .
R224. , . .: , ., 1910.
R225. , .: , . , 19101911, . 9.
R242. , .: , ., 1967.
R243. , .: , ., 19091910, N 2, . 63-78; 3, . 46-61.
R244. , .: , ., 1909, 18 .
R245. -. . , ., 1907 (-1908).
R246. . . , ., 1908.
R247. -. . , . , 1909.
R248. , .: , ., 1972,
4, . 20-27.
R249. . . , , 1908.
R250. , .: , , 1965.
R251. . . , ., 1909 ( .
) 1909 (-1910).
R252. , .: . . . , ., 1913.
R253. , .: . . , ., 1928, . 1, . 287-291.
R254. , .: , ., 1973, 5,
. 39-46.
R255. . . , ., 1908.
R256. , .:
(1883-1948). . . , ., 1966.
R257. , .: , ., 1916 (2 .
R258. , .: , ., 1917 (. . ).
R259. , .: , , 1924.
R260. , .: .
.-., 1923, 2-3, . 21-32.
R261. , .: , ., 1913, 21 . (
R262. , .: ? , 1912, 23 .
R263. , .:
. . 1911 . 1912, .,
1914, . I, . 41-43.
R264. ., . . (, .): . I. 14 .
, ., 1916, . 92.
R265. . . , . ., 1910-1918.
R266. . , ., 1911.
R267. . , ., 1911.
R268. .
. I, ., 1913.
R269. , .: , ., 1912,
. 102-110.
R270. , .: , ., 1913.
R271. , .: ,
, 1916, , , 1916.
R272. , ., , . .: , ., 1910;
II, ., 1913 ( . , , , , ).
R273. , . .: , ., 1914 ( . ,
R274. , ., , . .:
, ., 1914 ( . . . ).
R275. , ., , ., , . .: , ., 1912.
R276. , .: , .,
1913, 3, . 35-38.
R277. . 1915 . , ., 1915.
R278. , .: . , -, 1930.
R279. , .: . 14 , .,
R280. . . . 1900-1913. , ., 1913.
R281. . . . 1900-1913. , ., 1914.
R282. , . ,
, 1913, N 6, . 31-38.
R283. , . , H.: . .
, ., 1919.
R284. , ., , , .: , ., 1913 ( .
R285. , .: . , 1919, , 1919, 3-4.
R286. , .: . . , , 1923, Na 12,
. 26-30.
R287. , .: , ., 1931.
R288. , .: , ., 1940.
R289. , .: CA, ., 1928, 6,
. 194-199.
R290. , .: ,
, . . , ., 1919.
R291. , .: , ., 1913 ( . ,
R292. , .: , ., 1913 ( . , ,
R293. , .: , ., 1913 ( . ).
R294. , .: , ., 1915 ( . ). : , ,, 1916 ( . ).
R295. , .: , ., 1915 ( . ).
R296. , .: , ., 1912 ( . , ,
, ).
R297. , .: , ., 1913 ( . ).
R298. , .: , ., 1913 ( . ).
R299. , .: , ., 1913 ( . ).
R300. , .: , ., 1912 ( .
R301. , .: , ., 1914 ( . ).
RS02. , .: , ., 1914 ( .
R303. , .: , ., 1913 ( . ).
R304. , ., , . , .: ,
., 1915.
R305. , . , .:
(-) 7 , ., 1913,
N 28 (122), . 605-606.
R306. , . , .: , ., 1912 ( . ).
. . 1914 . .
R307. , .: , ., 1915, I, . 197-216.
R308. , .: , ., 1963, 7,
. 43-53.
R309. , .: , ., 1969.
R310. , .: , ., 1933.
R311. , .: , .,
1914, ; . . .
, ., 1955, . I, . 286-293.
R312. , . .: , ., 1913 ( . ., .
R313. , .: . , ., 1914 ( . ).
R314. , . ():
' '. , ., 1927.
R315. . , ., 1913.
R316. , .: , ., 1923.
R317. , .: . . , ., 1967.
R318. 4. , ., 1914.
R319. . , ., 1913.
RS20. . , ., 1912.
R321. , .: , , 1931, . 5, . 183-186.
R322. , .: , ., 1972, 5, . 27-37.
R323. , .: , ., 1957.
R324. , .: , ., 1962.
R325. . (=, .): . . , 1914, 18 .
R326. , .: .
, ., 1914.
R327. , .: , ., 1915, Na I,
. 14-23.
R328. , .: , .,
1917, I, . 1-17.
R329. , .: , ., 1923.
R330. , .: , ., 1970.
R331. , . ( . ): . , ., 1971.
R332. , .: , , ., 1919, Ns 4, . 1.
R333. , . , .: , , 1917.
R334. , .: ( . . -
), , ., 1914, 23 .
R335. , .: . , .,
1969, . 7, 201-203.
R336. , .:
., 1970, Ne 6, . 44-47.
. .
R337. , .: . , ., 1913.
R338. . . , ., ., 1910-1914.
R339. . . N 1-3, ., 1912-1913.
R340. . , . 1, ., 1915; . 2,
., 1916; . 3, ., 1922.
R341. , . , .: 15 , ., 1928.
R342. . . , ., 1915.
R343. , .: . , ., 1956.
R344. , .: .
, ., 1913, 8, . 71-73.
R345. , .:
, ., 1913, 11, . 153-160.
R346. . . . , ., 1966. .
, . , . .
R347. , .: ( . ), .,
R348. , .: .
, ., 1940, . 337-400.
R349. , .: . .
, ., 1968 ( 5, 1963-1964), . 306-318.
R350. , . , .: ,
., 1970.
R351. , . , .: , ., 1913
( . ).
R352. , .: . , ., 1914 ( . ).
R353. , .: , ., 1914 ( .
R354. , .: . , ., 1969, . 144-201.
R355. , .:
, ., 1913.
R356. , . ( = , .): , ., 1913.
R357. , .: , , 1922,
N 7, . 39-40.
III. .
( : 33, 159, 160.)
R358. (X
). , ., 1919.
RS59. , .: , , 1972, N2 2910,
. 9.
R360. , .: . : . , ., 1921, . 2, . 211-212.
R36I. , .: , ., 1913.
R362- . . , ., 1916.
R363. , .:
, , ., 1916, . 16-18.
R364. , 0.10. , .,
R365. , .: , , 1921, 1, .
R366. -, .: .
. . , ., 1929.
IV. .
R367. , .: , ., 1918.
R368. , .:
, ., 1918, 2, . 23.
RS69. , .: .
, ., 1971, N 1, . 14-15.
R370. , .:
, 1917-1932, ., 1962.
R371. - . . , ., 1967.
R372. , ., , ., , ., .: . , ,
R373. , .: ,
., 1922. . 7, . 140-146.
R374. , .: ,
., 1922, I, . 10-11.
R375. , .:
, ., 1922, . 1, . 65-75.
R376. , .: , .-., 1923.
R377. , .: ? , ., 1924, N 4, . 16-21.
R378. , .:
., 1920, 1, . 6-9.
R379. , .:
, ., 1921, 4/6, . 8-14.
R380. , .: , ., 1966, 11, . 5-9.
R38I. , . . (.): . , ., 1926.
R382. , .: , , 1921, 2,
. 33-34.
R383. , .:
., 1919, 1, . 25-26.
R384. , . . (.): - , ., 1971.
R385. 1921-1925, ., 1926.
R386. . (1-21). , ., 1918-1921.
R387. , .: - , ., 1930.
R388. , .: 15
, ., 1932.
R389. 1 . , ., 1918, 1.
R390. , .:
., 1970, 1 1 , . 36-43.
R391. , .: , ., 1928.
R392. , .:
, ., 1920, 2, . 18-20.
R393. , .: , , .,
1920, N2 3, . 2-4.
R394. , .: , ., 1923.
R395. , .: , 1924-1926 ., ., 1928.
R396. , . . ,
., 1917.
R397. , . .: . , ., 1922.
R398. , .: (1918-1920)
, ., 1970, 11, . 5-6 .
R399. , .:
1917 . , ., 1969, 4, . 32-42.
R400. . . . (. . . .
. . ), ., 1967.
R401. , .: . , , 1923.
R402. , .: , ., 19631967 (. . .).
R403. , .: , . 1-2, ., 1967.
R404. , .:
, , 1928, II, . 311-22. ( .).
R405. , .: .
, .-., 1932.
R406. , . ( ): , .,
, , .
R407. , .: , ., 1924.
R408. , .: . . , 1919-1920, , . 1970,
Ns 9, . 32-40.
R409. , .:
, , 1920.
R410. , . , .: , ., 1918.
R411. , .: , .-., 1925.
R412. , .: , ., 1919,
N5, 5 .
R413. , .: , ,.
1918, Ns 2, 15 ., . 2-3.
R414. , .: , ., 1919,
5, 5 ., . 1.
R415. , .: , .,
1919, 19, 13 , . 1.
R416. , .:
, ., 1919, Ne 1, . 8-24.
R417- , .: , 1917-1922, ., 1922.
R418. , H.:
, .-., 1923, . 17-23.
R419. , .: . ,
1970, N 12, . 7-8.
/ R 4 2 0 . . . . . ., ., 1920.
R421. , . , .: , ., 1924,
1 (5), . 155-159.
R422. , .: , ., 1918.
R423. , .: , ., 1923.
R424. , .: , 1917-1927, ., 1967.
R425. , .: '20-
, ., 1968, 5, . 29-30.
R426. , .: 1917
, ., 1972, 4, . 62-67.
R427. , .:
, ., 1923, N2 8, . 111-118.
R428. , .: ? ( ) ,
., 1923, I, . 192-203.
R429. , .: , .,
1926, . 8, . 56-74.
R430. , .: , , 1923.
R431. , JI.:
V. .
R471. , .: ,
., 1923, 4, . 8-12.
R472. , .: 1917-1932, ., 1972 (
, ).
R473. ., . ( = , .?): , ., 1922, 5, . 25-26.
R474. , .: , ., 1972, 7, .
R475. , .: , ., 1972.
R476. , .:
, ., 1972, 6, . 40-43.
R477. , .: , ., 1923.
R478. , .: , ., 1923.
R479. , .: , ., 1925.
R480. , .: , ., 1926.
R48I. , .: , ., 1925.
R482. -, .: . . , ., 1972.
R483. , . , ., 1930. (
. 1931).
R484. , .: , ., 1931. ( . , , ., 1927).
R485. , .: , ., 1933.
:R486. , .: , ., 1970. .
R487. , .: .
, , 1921.
R488. , .: -
, ., 1966, . 387-417.
R489. , . .: , ., 1921.
30-, 40- 50- .,
[., 1933- ] [., 1934- ].
, 20-
30- . . R152, . 1
R490. , .: ,
., 1927, 1, . 38-41.
R491. , .: , ., 1933.
R492. , .: ,
, 1968, . 108-136.
(1870-1905), xxiv, xxv
Borisyak, Aleksei Alekseevich (1872-1944),
Braque, Georges (1882-1963), 95
Brigade khudozhnikov (Artists' Brigade), 308
Brik, Lilya Yurevna (b. 1891), 244
Brik, Osip Maksimovich (1888-1945), xxxv,
161, 164, 166, 171, 199, 215, 230,
244-49, 250
Brodsky, Isaak Izrailevich (1884-1939), 265,
Bruni, Lev Aleksandrovich (1894-1948),
xxxiii, 281, 282
Bryusov, Valerii Yakovlevich (1873-1924), 2
Bryusova, Nadezhda Yakovlevna (18811951), xxxv
Bugaev, Boris Nikolaevich. See Bely, Andrei
Bundist Party, 186
Burliuk, David Davidovich (1882-1967), xxv,
xxvi, xxix, xxx, xxxi, 3,8-11,12,18,61,
69-77. 78, 79, 87, 112, 171, 216
Burliuk, Nikolai Davidovich (1890-1920), i t ,
12, 69, 112
Burliuk, Vladimir Davidovich (1886-1917),
xxxi, 11, 18, 70, 71, 77, 112
Moscow (continued)
Society of Orchestral Musicians, 182
State Higher Theater Workshop (Meierkhold
Theater), 60, 242
Stroganov Art School, xxxiv, 102, 139
khudozhestvennye masterskie) [Free State
Art Studios], xxxiv, 41, 114, 146, 189,
205, 208
Tretyakov Gallery, 44, 64, 67, 104, 266,
280, 289
TsIT (Tsentralnyi institut truda) [Central
Institute of Labor], 230, 242
khudozhestvenno-tekhnicheskii institut)
[Higher State Art-Technical Institute],
xxxiv, 41, 149, 255
Vkhutemas (Vysshie
khudozhestvenno-tekhnicheskie masterskie) [Higher State Art-Technical Studios],
xxxiv, 41,114, 139, 146, 186, 208, 237,
Yaroslav Railroad Station, 206
"Moscow Association of Artists," xxvi
"Moscow Salon," 66, 139
Munch, Edvard (1863-1944), 25
Polytechnicum Engineering School, 208
University, 208
Miinter, Gabriele (1877-1962), 18
Museum of Artistic Culture. See Museum of
Painterly Culture
Museum of Painterly Culture. See Leningrad,
Museum of the All-Union Central Council of
Trade Unions, Moscow. See Moscow
Museum of the Red Army and Navy, Moscow.
See Moscow
Narkompros (Narodnyi komissariat prosveshcheniya) [ People's Commissariat for
Enlightenment], xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxviii,
116, 149, 182-85, 186, 187, 196, 217,
218, 226, 230, 232
NEP (Novaya ekonomicheskaya politika)
[New Economic Policy], xxxix, 194, 195,
Nero (emperor of Rome) (37-68), 125, 135
Neue Kiinstlervereinigung, Die (The New Artists' Union), 17, 19, 23
New Artists' Union, The. See Neue
Kiinstlervereinigung, Die
New Economic Policy. See NEP
289, 291, 293, 296
Stasov, Vladimir Vasilevich (1824-1906), xx
State Academy of Artistic Sciences. See Moscow, GAKhN
State Higher Theater Workshop. See Moscow
Steiner, Rudolf (1861-1925), 304
Stelletsky, Dmitrii Semenovich (1875-1947),
Stenberg, Georgii Avgustovich (1900-33),
xxxviii, 237, 238
Stenberg, Vladimir Avgustovich (b. 1899),
xxxviii, 237, 238
- I Hi.
Stepanova, Varvara Fedorovna (also known by
the pseudonyms Agarykh and Varst)
(1894-1958), xxxv, xxxvii, xxxviii, 138,
139-42, 148, 204, 215, 244, 248, 249,
250, 273
Stirner, Max, pseudonym of Joseph Kaspar
Schmidt (1806-56), 149
"Store." See "Shop"
Stroganov Art School, Moscow. See Moscow
Suetin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1897-1954),
(1817-I903), 139
Supremus, 148
Surikov, Vasilii Ivanovich (1850-1921), xx,
Svomas, Moscow. See Moscow
Svomas, Petrograd. See Leningrad
Tairov, Aleksandr Yakovlevich, pseudonym of
(1885-1950), 292
Talashkino, xxi, xxii, xxvii, 41
Tarabukin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (28991956),. xxxv, 171, 215
"Target," Moscow, 1913, xxx, xxxi, 41, 79,
87, 91, 116
Tatlin, Vladimir Evgrafovich (1885-1953),
xxvi, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv,
xxxvi, xxxviii, xxxix, xl, 18, IIO, 146,
149, 152, 171, 205-208, 226, 230, 234,
Telingater, Solomon Benediktovich (190369), 273
Tenishev Institute, St. Petersburg. See
Tenisheva, Princess Mariya Klavdievna
(1867-1928), xxi
"Tenth State Exhibition" (Non-Objective Creation and Suprematism), Moscow, 1919,
xxxvii, 102, 114, 138-51