Ancova 2
Ancova 2
Ancova 2
In general, research is conducted for the purpose of explaining the effects of the independent
variable on the dependent variable, and the purpose of research design is to provide a structure
for the research. In the research design, the researcher identifies and controls independent
variables that can help to explain the observed variation in the dependent variable, which in turn
reduces error variance (unexplained variation). Since the research design is structured before the
research begins, this method of control is called experimental control.
Research design the science (and art) of planning procedures for conducting
studies so as to get the most valid findings. Called design for short. When
designing a research study, one draws up a set of instructions for gathering
evidence and for interpreting it. Experiments, quasi-experiments, double-blind
procedures, and correlated groups design are examples of types of research design
(Vogt, 1999).
Control for to subtract statistically the effects of a variable (a control variable)
to see what a relationship would be without it (Vogt, 1999).
Hold constant to subtract the effects of a variable from a complex
relationship so as to study what the relationship would be if the variable were in
fact a constant. Holding a variable constant essentially means assigning it an
average value (Vogt, 1999).
In addition to controlling and explaining variation through research design, it is also possible to
use statistical control to explain variation in the dependent variable. Statistical control, used
when experimental control is difficult, if not impossible, can be achieved by measuring one or
more variables in addition to the independent variables of primary interest and by controlling the
variation attributed to these variables through statistical analysis rather than through research
design. The analysis procedure employed in this statistical control is analysis of covariance
Statistical control using statistical techniques to isolate or subtract
variance in the dependent variable attributable to variables that are not the subject
of the study (Vogt, 1999).
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) an extension of ANOVA that provides
a way of statistically controlling the (linear) effect of variables one does not want
to examine in a study. These extraneous variables are called covariates, or control
variables. (Covariates should be measured on an interval or ratio scale.)
ANCOVA allows you to remove covariates from the list of possible explanations
of variance in the dependent variable. ANCOVA does this by using statistical
techniques (such as regression to partial out the effects of covariates) rather than
direct experimental methods to control extraneous variables. ANCOVA is used in
experimental studies when researchers want to remove the effects of some
antecedent variable. For example, pretest scores are used as covariates in pretestposttest experimental designs. ANCOVA is also used in non-experimental
research, such as surveys or nonrandom samples, or in quasi-experiments when
subjects cannot be assigned randomly to control and experimental groups.
Although fairly common, the use of ANCOVA for non-experimental research is
controversial (Vogt, 1999).
for some i, k
Degrees of
Variance Estimate
(Mean Square)
F Ratio
SS '
K 1
MS '
MS '
SS '
N K 1
The summary table produced in SPSS contains several additional lines. Below is a sample SPSS
printout with the applicable lines marked through to reflect the above table.
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Total DVD assessment
Corrected Model
Corrected Total
Mean Square
The second assumption has to do with the regression lines within each of
the groups. We assume the relationship to be linear. Additionally, however, the
regression lines for these individual groups are assumed to be parallel; in other words,
they have the same slope. This assumption is often called homogeneity of regression
slopes or parallelism and is necessary in order to use the pooled within-groups regression
coefficient for adjusting the sample means and is one of the most important assumptions
for the ANCOVA. Failure to meet this assumption implies that there is an interaction
between the covariate and the treatment. This assumption can be checked with an F test
on the interaction of the independent variable(s) with the covariate(s). If the F test is
significant (i.e., significant interaction) then this assumption has been violated and the
covariate should not be used as is. A possible solution is converting the continuous scale
of the covariate to a categorical (discrete) variable and making it a subsequent
independent variable, and then use a factorial ANOVA to analyze the data.
The assumptions underlying the ANCOVA had a slight modification from those for the
ANOVA, however, conceptually, they are the same.
Assumption 1: The cases represent a random sample from the population, and the
scores on the dependent variable are independent of each other, known as the
assumption of independence.
The test will yield inaccurate results if the independence assumption is violated.
This is a design issue that should be addressed prior to data collection. Using
random sampling is the best way of ensuring that the observations are
independent; however, this is not always possible. The most important thing to
avoid is having known relationships among participants in the study.
Assumption 2: The dependent variable is normally distributed in the population for
any specific value of the covariate and for any one level of a factor (independent
variable), known as the assumption of normality.
This assumption describes multiple conditional distributions of the dependent
variable, one for every combination of values of the covariate and levels of the
factor, and requires them all to be normally distributed. To the extent that
population distributions are not normal and sample sizes are small, p values may
be invalid. In addition, the power of ANCOVA tests may be reduced considerably
if the population distributions are non-normal and, more specifically, thick-tailed
or heavily skewed. The assumption of normality can be checked with skewness
values (e.g., within +3.29 standard deviations).
Assumption 3: The variances of the dependent variable for the conditional
distributions are equal, known as the assumption of homogeneity of variance.
To the extent that this assumption is violated and the group sample sizes differ,
the validity of the results of the one-way ANCOVA should be questioned. Even
with equal sample sizes, the results of the standard post hoc tests should be
mistrusted if the population variances differ. The assumption of homogeneity of
variance can be checked with the Levenes F test.
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A common r-family measure of association (effect size index) is the omega
square. Calculating the omega squared (2) for the ANCOVA is very similar to
that for the One-way ANOVA. We only need to make a few minor adjustments to
the formula to account for the adjusted values of interest
2 =
SS B' ( K 1) MSW'
SS T' + MSW'
The omega square ranges in value from 0 to 1, and is interpreted as the proportion
of variance of the dependent variable related to the factor (independent variable),
holding constant (partialling out) the covariate. That is, the proportion of total
variance in the dependent variable accounted for by the independent variable,
controlling for the effect of the covariate.
A common d-family measure (effect size index) is Cohens d. Like with the Oneway ANOVA, the effect size consists of the (numerator) mean difference between
the contrasts (pairs) divided by the (denominator) averaged or pooled variability.
We can estimate the average variability by taking the square root of MSerror
( MSW' ) from the analysis of covariance, which would standardize the mean
difference in the metric of the adjusted scores. As such, we can estimate Cohens
d ( d ) with the following formula:
X 'i X 'k
d =
Green, S. B., & Salkind, N. J. (2003). Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and
Understanding Data (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Hinkle, D. E., Wiersma, W., & Jurs, S. G. (2003). Applied Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
(5th ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Howell, D. C. (2002). Statistical Methods for Psychology (5th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Duxbury.
Huck, S. W. (2004). Reading Statistics and Research (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Leech, N. L., Barrett, K. C., & Morgan, G. A. (2005). SPSS for Intermediate Statistics: Use and
Interpretation (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Vogt, W. P. (1999). Dictionary of Statistics and Methodology: A Nontechnical Guide for the
Social Sciences (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
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