2016 SP 11 Physical Education 01
2016 SP 11 Physical Education 01
2016 SP 11 Physical Education 01
Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
1. Question paper consists of 26 questions.
2. All questions are compulsory
3. Questions 1 to 11 are 01 Mark questions. These must be answered in 10-20 words.
4. Questions 12 to 19 are 03 Marks questions. That must be answered in 30-50 words.
5. Questions 20 to 26 are 05 Marks questions. That must be answered in 75-100 words.
What does the organizers intend by saying the only such students shall participate on the
intramurals football competition championship in the past 2 years.
Define Anatomy?
10. When and how did the modern Olympics games begin?
11. Explain the meaning of word Yuj.
12. Highlight the components of positive life style.
13. Physical Education is an integral part of general education Justify this statement.
14. What are the functions of IOA?
15. Elaborate the importance of Yoga in modern times.
16. What do you mean by doping? List down the types of doping.
17. Why there is a need of sports environment?
18. Explain the importance of test and measurement in the field of sports.
19. Classify the types of muscles in our body and how do they work. Name any skeletal muscles?
20. Explain the importance of biomechanics in physical education and sports.
21. What do you mean by growth and development? Differentiate between them.
22. Define sports training? Enumerate the principles of sports training.
23. State the difference between the following terminologies:
(a) Skill and techniques
(b) Load and adaptation
24. Define skeleton system? Explain about the freely movable joints in detail
25. Enlist the sports awards and explain about any one in detail?
26. What are the side effects of prohibited substances explain in detail.