(IJCST-V4I4P26) : Priyanka Malviya
(IJCST-V4I4P26) : Priyanka Malviya
(IJCST-V4I4P26) : Priyanka Malviya
Storage Area Net work (SAN) switches and Storage Arrays have used for many t ime; they have become mo re ab ility of fault
tolerance. These often involve some degree of redundancy. However, there are still issues that can occur and take some t ime t o
resolve that problem co me in the Storage area network applicat ions. The number of Storage Protocols and Storage Interfaces
rapidly increased in a Networking technology field, it avoids the Bottleneck of data centers. This paper focuses on few
guidelines that may help to understand some of the design issues involved in SAN. Those Problems that are abstract and cannot
solve on SAN infrastructure and application run on SAN can solve after understanding all the parameters. Fib re channels also,
make so me concern that is not solvable and creates issues. This paper discusses some of the co mmon problem related to SAN to
prevent the issues.
Keywords:- Storage Arrays, Problems, Problem-solving issues, Fibre Channel, Storage, Performance, Net work, Storage Area
network, Network Attached Storage.
About Storage Area Network (SAN):A storage area network is a network technology
which gives you the access to make stronger storage, block
level data storage. SAN is a truly high-speed network or subnetwork that is connected to each other and present in the
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can handle the data storage activities, e.g., There is a large
business system may have several o f terabytes of data, that
needs to be accessible by mu ltip le devices on a local area
network (LAN).An another efficient way to increase network
storage, only one hard Drive need to be added to the computer
system by Installing SAN setup in the server.
Understanding the advantages of a SAN: The benefits of utilizing a SAN are nu merous
because a SAN, for the most part, has an exceptional yield on
the venture, makes the aggregate expense of responsibility for
less, and has a compensation back period situated in months
rather than years.
Taking after is a rundown of only a portion of the
ways you can anticipate that a SAN will be valuable.
Evaluates the separation furthest reaches of SCSIassociated circles: The most extreme length of a
SCSI transport is around 25 meters. Fiber Channel
SANs permit you to interface your circles to your
servers over much more noteworthy separations.
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customer's Qualifying your customer's class (like business
customer home network, infrastructure based storage
client).Use three tier architecture for Ethernet SAN and two
tier design for FC SAN.
Marking the incorrect configuration of SAN network: These also called as the Zoning; it is the logical
traffic separation between the host and resources. Zoning in a
SAN provide the admin istration tools and the security. Zoning
can do in several ways. Plan available in device level or LUN
level. Zoning can do in two ways (Soft and hard) soft zoning
having the server database and hard zoning having the routing
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Problem determination On SAN: To understand the issues in storage area network, so
it requires first knowledge about each and every term involve
in a particular storage system. The System contain each
configuration and expected behaviors, So when issues come
into the system, then it formalized and learned each
component and able to solve the part icular set of challenges,
and eliminates the part wh ich is not properly work in essential
areas as SAN, host and storage devices.
Check the Performance support metrics: Solving Congestion Problems in Storage Area Network : Issues on the performance can be measured as
regularly check Logs, storage matrices, checking the
configuration of the ports, network, and other devices that
support SAN. These types of manufacturers find the new bugs
and get filled by the new code generated. Keep your
configuration always update, and supportable. So it may
provide a lot of support to avoid issues.
Make Documentation of SAN: These are the huge problem in the SAN to create the
documentation of each and every term. It necessary when the
troubleshooting problem co me and you do not have anything
to do. To read this documentation clearly, you can understand
the structure and design of SAN. You have to make sure that
the each component (Hosts, HBAs, and WWNs) in the SAN
having documentation record and the connection logs and at
the definitive, the SAN documentation must describe the ISLs,
FC, Zoning, and Zone members.
Determine the SAN Performance: Instead of record every point every day. It's hard to
determine that using port is creating the problem or not. It
always makes the problem in baseline performance issue in
Plan for the change: When
imp lemented
the sophisticated
technologies, issues come on it always expect to change.
These methods avoid the help of administration or the outage
help. Use the SAN documentation to the changes before it
happens. Every t ime documentation not perfect to do changes,
when you are executing the changes it will be going wrong.
Configuration Backup Problem solves:-
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Every technology is having some issues which can
solve after understanding comp lete knowledge. The SAN is
the high-end storage technology. If you see that SAN changes
occur recently, Check the SAN Logs and compare the running
configuration and the previously created documentation. If the
SAN co mponent fails, to look for the faulty port and log -out
fro m it. The storage in SAN creates a question how it reports
for errors if any changes occur. So after initialization on SAN
is always having design Issues at some conditions which we
discuss in this paper. So the SAN issues can become non issues when you follow the instruction which shows in this
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article (documentation, Co mpat ibility). It is the best practice
to prevent massive issues when something goes wrong.
To prepare the Survey Paper of-"Survey on problemsolving issues in storage area network (SA N) has been
prepared by Priyanka Malviya.
I would like to thank my faculty as well as my whole
department, parents, and friends for their support and
confidence in me. I have obtained a lot of knowledge during
the preparation of this document.
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