The Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Encephalitis: Open Access
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Encephalitis: Open Access
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Encephalitis: Open Access
Open Access
Autoimmune encephalitis causes subacute deficits of memory and cognition, often followed
by suppressed level of consciousness or coma. A careful history and examination may show
early clues to particular autoimmune causes, such as neuromyotonia, hyperekplexia, psychosis, dystonia, or the presence of particular tumors. Ancillary testing with MRI and EEG may
be helpful for excluding other causes, managing seizures, and, rarely, for identifying characteristic findings. Appropriate autoantibody testing can confirm specific diagnoses, although
this is often done in parallel with exclusion of infectious and other causes. Autoimmune encephalitis may be divided into several groups of diseases: those with pathogenic antibodies to
cell surface proteins, those with antibodies to intracellular synaptic proteins, T-cell diseases
associated with antibodies to intracellular antigens, and those associated with other autoimmune disorders. Many forms of autoimmune encephalitis are paraneoplastic, and each of
these conveys a distinct risk profile for various tumors. Tumor screening and, if necessary,
treatment is essential to proper management. Most forms of autoimmune encephalitis respond to immune therapies, although powerful immune suppression for weeks or months
may be needed in difficult cases. Autoimmune encephalitis may relapse, so follow-up care is
Key Wordszzautoimmune, antibody, paraneoplastic, encephalitis, anti-NMDAR encephalitis.
Autoimmune encephalitis is a difficult clinical diagnosis due to the similarities in the clinical, imaging and laboratory findings of many forms of autoimmune and infectious encephalitis. Patients generally have impaired memory and cognition over a period of days
or weeks. There may be clues to specific causes on history of physical examination, but
often these specific signs are absent. A broad approach to testing for infectious diseases and
various neuronal autoantibodies can lead to the correct diagnosis. If a clear autoimmune
cause for the symptoms is established, treatment usually involves escalating immune therapies. The process of caring for these patients requires patience and repeated evaluations
to determine the proper degree of immune therapy needed at any given time.
Eric Lancaster, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology,
University of Pennsylvania,
3400 Spruce St., 3 W Gates,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Tel +1-215-898-0180
Fax +1-215-349-4454
E-mail [email protected]
Autoimmune Encephalitis
syndromes, complicating its recognition. The classical presentation of encephalitis consists of a subacute (days to a few
weeks) progressive decrease in the level of consciousness,
often with fluctuations, and altered cognition. Memory, especially retention of new information, may be impaired early in the clinical course. Patients may progress to coma.
While many cases of autoimmune encephalitis are indistinguishable from each other or viral encephalitis, there may be
clues to specific autoimmune etiologies (Table 1).
Psychiatric manifestations are common early in the
course of autoimmune encephalitis. These may include psychosis, aggression, inappropriate sexual behaviors, panic attacks, compulsive behaviors, euphoria or fear. Symptoms
may fluctuate rapidly. Although this presentation is well
known for anti-NMDAR encephalitis,1 anti-AMPAR and
anti-GABA-B-R both may have prominent early psychiatric
manifestations2 (Overall, anti-NMDAR encephalitis is more
common and should be suspected first, especially in young
adults and children, but they could each cause this presentation across a wide range of ages).
Abnormal movements may be the presenting symptom in
several types of autoimmune encephalitis. These include anti-NMDAR encephalitis, where movement symptoms may
occur early in the disease course, especially in children, who
generally have more motor symptoms and fewer psychiatric
symptoms than adults.3 These may resemble dystonia or chorea, with writhing and fixed abnormal postures of the limbs.
In adults with anti-NMDAR encephalitis, writhing movements of the face and limbs may be most prominent in the
comatose phases of the illness. GAD65 and GlyR autoimmunity may present with stiff person syndrome (SPS) or progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus
Dystonia, chorea
Status epilepticus
Most characteristic of GABA-B-R and GABA-A-R but NMDAR is much more common;
may occur in other types as well
GAD65, GlyR, Amphiphysin (with GAD65 being most common in stiff person/stiff limb and
GlyR in PERM, and Amphiphysin in women with breast cancer)
Cranial neuropathies
Ma2, Hu, Miller-Fisher, Bickerstaff (but also infections like Sarcoidosis, Lyme, TB)
E Lancaster
In addition to the antibody-mediated and paraneoplastic
forms of encephalitis, there are other autoimmune diseases
that may present with encephalitis. In the case of ADEM, encephalitis is a common presentation. The characteristic brain
lesions, and sometimes involvement of the optic nerves or
spinal cord, are an important clue to diagnosis.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is generally easier to distinguish
from autoimmune encephalitis due to more focal symptoms
and characteristic brain imaging findings.
Lupus may affect diverse areas of the nervous system,
causing neuropathy, vasculitis, myelitis, venous sinus thrombosis, stroke, and other manifestations.15 Neuropsychiatric
lupus may manifest with seizures, psychosis, or neurovascular disease. These manifestations are most common with severe disease affected other organ systems such as the gastrointestinal, renal and hematological systems. In one large series,
one forth of deaths from lupus were related to CNS involvement and 16% were due to CNS infection, suggesting vigilance for both autoimmune and infectious encephalitis is
warranted for these patients.16
Vasculitis affecting the CNS may rarely present with symptoms resembling encephalitis. When this is suspected,
Autoimmune Encephalitis
Wernicke encephalitis, due to thiamine deficiency, is most
recognized in alcoholics but may also affect patients with
gastric bypass or other causes of insufficient nutrition.34 A
history of weeks to months of rapid weight loss is common
Consider infectious causes of encephalitis in visited region
Opportunistic infections, risk depending on CD4 count
Opportunistic infections (CMV, VZV, HSV1, 6, 7); if recently transplanted, consider infection from donor
Consider lupus cerebritis, vasculitis
Consider specific paraneoplastic syndromes based on tumor, but also lymphomatous/carcinomatous tumor involvement
Consider relapse of initial encephalitis, secondary autoimmune causes, and (if immunosuppressed) opportunistic infections
E Lancaster
in the later group, who do not have alcohol as a supplemental source of calories (The complex nutritional deficiencies
after gastric surgery may present with several distinct syndromes. Of greatest relevance to this review, Wernicke encephalitis may occur along with or following an acute painful lower-extremity-predominant neuropathy.).35 Prompt
and thorough repletion with thiamine, often along with
other nutrients, may be life saving and should not wait on
laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis.
Intoxications such a neuroleptic malignant syndrome and
serotonin syndrome may often present with similarities to
autoimmune encephalitis. Conversely, patients with antiNMDAR encephalitis may develop psychosis as an initial
symptom and be treated with neuroleptics, then later show
catatonia, rigidity, autonomic instability and altered level of
consciousness; this pattern of findings may be mistaken for
neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Autoimmune encephalitis therefore should enter into the differential diagnosis of
any case of suspected neuroleptic malignant syndrome (Patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis may be particularly
sensitive to strong dopamine antagonists, and our group attempts to avoid using these medications).
Once a leading cause in East Asia, but declining due to vaccination programs
PCR, Serology
More often presents with meningitis in patients with AIDS and other
immune-compromised states
CSF opening pressure may be marked elevated
Aspergillus fumigatus
In one study the second most common cause of infectious temporal lobe
encephalitis behind HSV86
May also present with Rhombencephalitis
Autoimmune Encephalitis
Antibody testing
antibody test is based on immunoprecipitation of a complex of protein containing VGKCs, LGI1, Caspr2 and other
proteins. The VGKC RIA was created 15 years before the recognition of LGI1 or Caspr2 antibodies,40 and patients with
these antibodies were thought, incorrectly, to actually have
antibodies to potassium channel subunits themselves.13,14,41
The VGKC test may still detect patients with LGI1 or
Caspr2 immunity, but low titer serum positive results have
uncertain clinical significance. For instance, Paterson et al.42
reported that only 4 of 32 patients with low titer VGKC results (100400 pM) actually had an autoimmune disorder.
Thus a low titer serum VGKC result without corresponding
evidence of LGI1 or Caspr2 antibodies, ideally in the CSF,
should not be taken as definitive evidence of autoimmune
GAD65 antibodies have diverse clinical correlates, including SPS, cerebellar degeneration, epilepsy, and type 1 diabetes.43 In the context of encephalitis, especially with epilepsy,
a CSF GAD65 response is evidence of an autoimmune etiology. However, GAD65 may co-exist with other autoantibodies, such as GABA-B-R, so may or may not represent the
most relevant pathophysiological mechanism in some patients with multiple antibodies. In addition, low titer GAD65
serum responses may not be specific for a neurological disorder, and GAD65 serum antibodies provide little additional information in a patient with known type 1 diabetes.
Conversely, I have observed patients who develop type 1
diabetes after the onset of their neurological syndrome in
the context of GAD65 antibodies. Testing CSF of these patients for GAD65 and a panel of other autoantibodies may
be informative in these cases.
Hashimotos encephalopathy is generally defined as encephalopathy associated with thyroid autoantibodies that
responds to steroids or other immune therapies.44 It has not
been shown that thyroid antibodies can directly affect the
brain, and the abnormalities in thyroid hormone levels are
generally too mild to explain the brain disease. Some of these
cases are due to other autoantibodies, such as to the NMDAR or GABA-B-R, but the true cause of most cases is unknown. Thyroid antibodies are therefore sometime tested
in patients with autoimmune encephalitis. Finding thyroid
antibodies should prompt a careful search for responsive
other autoantibodies to brain that would provide a more
convincing explanation of the symptoms. But if these antibodies are not found immune therapy should be considered.
E Lancaster
This pattern is similar to the findings seen in HSV encephalitis, where 95% of patients have abnormalities on MRI,45
or other viral causes of encephalitis. Tuberculosis, Syphilis,
or other infections may present similarly. Autoantibodies to
DPPX or GABA-A may have less characteristic findings.9,46
Brain MRI therefore does not distinguish between infectious and autoimmune causes, and a normal brain MRI does
not exclude these causes.
Advanced brain imaging with PET or SPECT has shown
diverse areas of regional hyper- or hypo-metabolism in patients with NMDAR, LGI1, Caspr2 or other autoantibodies.47
These studies have not reached the point where any particular form of encephalitis can be distinguished from another,
so I do not generally rely on these studies to rule in or rule
out autoimmune causes in my practice.
Brain biopsy generally is not used in the diagnosis of encephalitis for several reasons. Infections may be detected by
PCR, culture or other less invasive methods. The well-defined autoantibody causes typically have antibody tests that
are much less invasive and much more definitive. In addition, the results of biopsy are generally not definitive for a
particular autoimmune etiology. Overall, the clinical impact
of biopsy done for suspected encephalitis is low, with only
about 8% of cases having clear benefit.51
Cancer screening
Paraneoplastic disorders are, in general, autoimmune disorders that are triggered by tumors. In many cases the target
antigen is expressed by tumor tissue, such as HuD proteins
in small cell lung cancer and NMDARs in ovarian teratoma.52,53 In these patients it is likely that presentation of the
antigen in the context of the tumor triggers the autoimmune
response. However, other patients without tumors may have
an identical clinical syndrome and immunological response
(antibody specificity, neuropathology, etc.).
It is important to detect tumors promptly for several reasons. 1) Treating the relevant tumor is thought to be helpful
for treating the autoimmune disorder. 2) Tumor therapy
and immune therapy may need to be given simultaneously
and in a coordinated fashion. 3) Treatment with steroids,
rituximab, or cyclophosphamide could complicate tumor
diagnosis in the case of tumors like lymphoma.
In the case of onconeuronal antibodies to intracellular
antigens such as Hu, the antibodies may occur more commonly in cancer patients than in patients with the autoimmune disease. For instance low titer serum Hu responses are
common in small cell lung cancer patients without the antiHu neurological syndromes. For this reason, finding such
an antibody should prompt a careful evaluation for tumor
even if there is not a corresponding autoimmune disease.
For instance, an elderly diabetic smoker may be tested (inappropriately) for anti-Hu to evaluate a mild slowly progressive small fiber neuropathy. In this case, a low titer serum
Hu antibody would be far less likely to explain the neuropathy than the diabetes, but should nonetheless prompt
Autoimmune Encephalitis
Autoantibodies to cell surface antigens
Anti-NMDAR (N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor) encephalitis has a characteristic clinical syndrome in most patients.
Symptoms of psychosis and memory impairment are commonly the initial findings with abnormal movements, seizures, and depressed level of consciousness emerging later.1
Patients may experience the psychotic symptoms again as
they wake form coma, a phenomenon analogous to the psychotic symptoms seen after recovery from phencyclidine
anesthesia (Phencyclidine, also known as PCP or angel
dust, is an NMDAR antagonist developed as an anesthetic
but is not used due to the high risk of psychosis). Ovarian
teratoma affects many female patients of reproductive age,
but other tumors (and tumors outside women of reproductive age) are rare. The response to immune therapy is generally good, particularly if the more effective treatments are
used promptly. However, treatment may take many months
E Lancaster
Anti-Hu (ANNA-1) was the first type of onconeuronal antibody described. Patients with anti-Hu most often have
sensory-predominant neuronopathy but may also or alternatively have cerebellar degeneration, encephalitis or encephalomyelitis.70 Multifocal involvement is common. The
antibodies target a family of intracellular proteins. These
antibodies are not directly pathogenic and do not cause
disease in active immunization or passive transfer animal
models. Pathology studies show CD8 positive T-cell infiltrates in affected tissues. The association with small cell lung
cancer is very strong (approximately 86% in one series) and
outcomes are often poor.
Anti-Ri (ANNA-2) associate with diverse syndromes including cerebellar degeneration and encephalitis. Most patients have lung or breast cancers.71
ANNA-3 have only rarely been described and the clinical
Autoimmune Encephalitis
Treatment for suspected autoimmune encephalitis is often
given empirically prior to specific antibody test results. This
may include steroids and/or IVIG. If a cell-surface/synaptic
antibody disorder is diagnosed, initial treatments may include IVIG, plasmapheresis, and/or steroids. Steroids may be
beneficial in a range of autoimmune disorders but could potentially create problems with the diagnosis of certain disorders such as CNS lymphoma. IVIG offers an important
advantage of being unlikely to make infectious encephalitis
worse. Plasmapheresis is also unlikely to significantly worsen infectious encephalitis.
If a synaptic/cell-surface antibody is detected and the patient has any significant symptoms, first-line therapy should
be given if it has not already been tried. In general, prompt
treatment, and escalation of treatment in patients who remain ill, is associated with better outcomes. Although there
are not randomized treatment trials, protocols have been
proposed for anti-NMDAR encephalitis,1 and these approaches have been applied to other diseases in the cellsurface/synaptic autoantibody category. Our group often
uses IV solumedrol (1 gram daily for 35 days then a taper
over several weeks) and IVIg (0.4 g/kg/day for 5 days).
Other groups have advocated plasmapheresis instead of
IVIg, and so far there is not convincing evidence of superiority for either approach.
If the patient remains significantly impaired after first-line
therapy, second-line treatments are typically used. Some
groups might wait 2 weeks or longer to allow first-line ther-
Anti-NMDAR encephalitis is by far the most common type
of antibody-mediated encephalitis in children. The age distribution of other types of synaptic autoimmune disorders
either skews much older (the median age for LGI1 or Caspr2
antibodies is about 60 years) or the disorders are much less
common (GABA-A antibodies) or both. In a study by the
California encephalitis project, anti-NMDAR encephalitis
was more common any single viral etiology.83
Anti-NMDAR encephalitis in children may present differently than in adults.84 Children are more likely to have abnormal movements (chorea, incoordination) early in the disease course and also may have atypical motor symptoms
such as ataxia or hemiparesis. Children more often have seizures than adults. The classic symptoms of psychosis seen in
adults are less common, but behavioral regression is frequently noted. Patients may have prominent speech difficulties. Treatment strategies are similar in children and adults,
but physicians may be more reluctant to use cyclophosphamide, relying more on rituximab as a second line treatment
(As with adults, the optimal treatment strategies are not
known). Responses to treatment are similar in children and
adults, with about half failing first line therapies. Ovarian
teratoma is less likely in female children before puberty, so
E Lancaster
Patients with encephalitis may recover, completely or partially, and then experience worsening symptoms. In autoimmune encephalitis, relapse tends to follow a similar clinical
course to the initial attack. In anti-NMDAR encephalitis,
these relapse tend to be milder than the initial attack and
manifest with confusion, worsening memory, personality
change, hallucinations or new seizures (In my experience,
seizures in my cases of autoimmune encephalitis remit with
appropriate treatment, and new seizure should always raise
concern for relapse). The risk of relapse in anti-NMDAR encephalitis in approximately 12% over two years (but continues beyond that) and is highest in untreated patients, intermediate in patients who had only first-line therapy, and
lowest in patients treated with second-line therapies.84 Relapsed patients are usually treated with second-line therapies, possibly after first line therapies. These patients may
be treated for longer periods of time with second line therapy, especially rituximab, but the optimal duration of treatment has not been established. In other types of autoimmune
encephalitis, the risk of relapse is less clearly established.
LGI1 antibodies and Caspr2 antibodies may associate with
milder encephalitis, compared with NMDAR antibodies,
than is chronic or relapsing. Similar treatment strategies may
be used with these antibodies.
An important recent advance has been the recognition
that patients with HSV encephalitis may rarely develop anti-NMDAR encephalitis several weeks later as a post-infectious complication.85 In these patients CSF from the initial
attack has no NMDAR antibodies with positive PCR for
HSV, but CSF from the second attack now has NMDAR antibodies with negative PCR for HSV. This phenomenon may
be due to exposure of CNS antigens to the immune system
in the presence of a powerful infectious stimulus. Patients
who worsen after infectious encephalitis should therefore
be carefully evaluated for both infectious and autoimmune
etiologies. Similarly, patients who have been treated for autoimmune encephalitis may be immunosuppressed and at risk
for diverse infections. However, opportunistic CNS infections after autoimmune encephalitis are probably very rare
compared to worsening of the autoimmune disease.
The proper diagnosis and management of autoimmune encephalitis requires an organized approach. Evaluation should
begin with a detailed history and physical examination to
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