Patch Antenna
Patch Antenna
Patch Antenna
Terrassa 2014
What is antenna...............................................................................................................3
Types of antennas............................................................................................................3
Patch antennas.................................................................................................................6
Antenna parameters.....................................................................................................................9
Radiation pattern.............................................................................................................9
Antenna efficiency........................................................................................................13
Input impedance............................................................................................................20
General information......................................................................................................28
This document contains the final report of designing and implementation of a patch antenna,
among setting up of dimensions (more information is included in chapter 5.1), comparing results from
Momentum Microwave and real measurements, analyzing S11 parameters and others. At the beginning
it intends to explain what an antenna is. Then, types of antenna and characteristic of patch antenna will
be presented. Next chapter is devoted to explain the main parameters of antennas, for example radio
patterns, directivity, gain, polarization, efficiency and even measurement techniques. This report
contains also tools and methods which have been used to design the specified antenna. Also it
describes Feature Selective Validation (FSV) for Validation of Computational Electromagnetic
(CEM). Program that was used to designing process is Advance Design System shared by Universitat
Politcnica de Catalunya. Last chapter raises the main topic of this report, namely general information
about designed antenna, simulation result, measurements, problems and final conclusion. At the end of
document bibliography is attached.
2.1. What an antenna is?
What is antenna? Answer on that question can be little twisted, but it is justify: Piece of wire is
not antenna even ignore that in this wire is flowing current generated by hundreds or thousands
transmitters placed in some close area. In other side, when we plug in this wire to radio working on
VHF and when it fulfill expectations also make better receiving, then our wire become a antenna.
Antenna parameters.
3.1. Radiation pattern.
Often the field and power patterns are normalized with respect to their maximum value,
yielding normalized field and power patterns. Also, the power pattern is usually plotted on a
logarithmic scale or more commonly in decibels (dB). This scale is usually desirable because a
3.2. Directivity.
In the 1983 version of the IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas, there has been a
substantive change in the definition of directivity, compared to the definition of the 1973 version.
Basically the term directivity in the new 1983 version has been used to replace the term directive gain
of the old 1973 version. In the new 1983 version the term directive gain has been deprecated.
According to the authors of the new 1983 standards, this change brings this standard in line with
common usage among antenna engineers and with other international standards, notably those of the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Therefore directivity of an antenna defined as the
ratio of the radiation intensity in a given direction from the antenna to the radiation intensity averaged
over all directions. The average radiation intensity is equal to the total power radiated by the antenna
divided by 4. If the direction is not specified, the direction of maximum radiation intensity is
implied. Stated more simply, the directivity of a non-isotropic source is equal to the ratio of its
radiation intensity in a given direction over that of an isotropic source. In mathematical form, using (31),
it can be written as:
If the direction is not specified, it implies the direction of maximum radiation intensity (maximum
directivity) expressed as
= directivity (dimensionless)
For anisotropic source, it is very obvious from (3-2) or (3-2a) that the directivity is unity since
U, Umax, an dU0 are all equal to each other. For antennas with orthogonal polarization components, we
define the partial directivity of an antenna for a given polarization in a given direction as that part of
the radiation intensity corresponding to a given polarization divided by the total radiation intensity
averaged over all directions. With this definition for the partial directivity, then in a given direction
the total directivity is the sum of the partial directivities for any two orthogonal polarizations. For a
spherical coordinate system, the total maximum directivity D0 for the orthogonal and components
of an antenna can be written as
while the partial directivities D and D are expressed as
e0 =
er =
ec =
ed =
Usually ec and ed are very difficult to compute, but they can be determined experimentally.
Even by measurements they cannot be separated, and it is usually more convenient to write (3-5) as
3.4. Gain.
Another useful measure describing the performance of an antenna is the gain. Although the
gain of the antenna is closely related to the directivity, it is a measure that takes into account the
efficiency of the antenna as well as its directional capabilities. Remember that directivity is a measure
that describes only the directional properties of the antenna, and it is therefore controlled only by the
Gain of an antenna (in a given direction) is defined as the ratio of the intensity, in a given
direction, to the radiation intensity that would be obtained if the power accepted by the antenna were
radiated isotropically. The radiation intensity corresponding to the isotropically radiated power is
equal to the power accepted (input) by the antenna divided by 4. In equation form this can be
expressed as
In most cases we deal with relative gain, which is defined as the ratio of the power gain in a
given direction to the power gain of a reference antenna in its referenced direction. The power input
must be the same for both antennas. The reference antenna is usually a dipole, horn, or any other
antenna whose gain can be calculated or it is known. In most cases, however, the reference antenna is
a lossless isotropic source. Thus
When the direction is not stated, the power gain is usually taken in the direction of maximum
Referring to Figure 3.1(a), we can write that the total radiated power (Prad) is related to the
total input power (Pin ) by
where ecd is the antenna radiation efficiency (dimensionless) which is defined in (3-5), (3-6).
According to the IEEE Standards, gain does not include losses arising from impedance mismatches
(reflection losses) and polarization mismatches (losses).
While (3-9) does take into account the losses of the antenna element itself, it does not take into
account the losses when the antenna element is connected to a transmission line, as shown in Figure
3.1. These connection losses are usually referred to as reflections (mismatch) losses, and they are taken
into account by introducing a reflection(mismatch) efficiency er , which is related to the reflection
coefficient as shown in (3-6) or er = (1 ||2). Thus, we can introduce an absolute gain Gabs that takes
into account the reflection/mismatch losses (due to the connection of the antenna element to the
transmission line), and it can be written as
where eo is the overall efficiency as defined in (3-6), (3-7). Similarly, the maximum absolute gain G0abs
of (3-11a) is related to the maximum directivity D0 by
If the antenna is matched to the transmission line, that is, the antenna input impedance Z in is
equal to the characteristic impedance Zc of the line (|| = 0), then the two gains are equal (Gabs = G).
As was done with the directivity, we can define the partial gain of an antenna for a given
polarization in a given direction as that part of the radiation intensity corresponding to a given
polarization divided by the total radiation intensity that would be obtained if the power accepted by the
antenna were radiated isotropically. With this definition for the partial gain, then, in a given direction,
the total gain is the sum of the partial gains for any two orthogonal polarizations. For a spherical
while the partial gains G and G are expressed as
U = radiation intensity in a given direction contained in E field component
U = radiation intensity in a given direction contained in E field component
Pin = total input (accepted) power
3.5. Bandwidth.
The bandwidth of an antenna is defined as the range of frequencies within which the
performance of the antenna, with respect to some characteristic, conforms to a specified standard.
The bandwidth can be considered to be the range of frequencies, on either side of a center frequency
(usually the resonance frequency for a dipole), where the antenna characteristics (such as input
impedance, pattern, beamwidth, polarization, side lobe level, gain, beam direction, radiation
efficiency) are within an acceptable value of those at the center frequency. For broadband antennas,
the bandwidth is usually expressed as the ratio of the upper-to-lower frequencies of acceptable
operation. For example, a 10:1 bandwidth indicates that the upper frequency is 10 times greater than
the lower. For narrowband antennas, the bandwidth is expressed as a percentage of the frequency
difference (upper minus lower) over the center frequency of the bandwidth. For example, a 5%
bandwidth indicates that the frequency difference of acceptable operation is 5% of the center
frequency of the bandwidth.
Because the characteristics (input impedance, pattern, gain, polarization, etc.) of an antenna do
not necessarily vary in the same manner or are even critically affected by the frequency, there is no
unique characterization of the bandwidth. The specifications are set in each case to meet the needs of
the particular application. Usually there is a distinction made between pattern and input impedance
variations. Accordingly pattern bandwidth and impedance bandwidth are used to emphasize this
distinction. Associated with pattern bandwidth are gain, side lobe level, beamwidth, polarization, and
beam direction while input impedance and radiation efficiency are related to impedance bandwidth.
For example, the pattern of a linear dipole with overall length less than a half-wavelength (l < /2) is
insensitive to frequency. The limiting factor for this antenna is its impedance, and its bandwidth can be
formulated in terms of the Q. The Q of antennas or arrays with dimensions large compared to the
wavelength, excluding superdirective designs, is near unity. Therefore the bandwidth is usually
formulated in terms of beamwidth, side lobe level, and pattern characteristics. For intermediate length
antennas, the bandwidth may be limited by either pattern or impedance variations, depending upon the
3.6. Polarization.
Polarization of an antenna in a given direction is defined as the polarization of the wave
transmitted (radiated) by the antenna. Note: When the direction is not stated, the polarization is taken
to be the polarization in the direction of maximum gain. In practice, polarization of the radiated
energy varies with the direction from the center of the antenna, so that different parts of the pattern
may have different polarizations.
Polarization of a radiated wave is defined as that property of an electromagnetic wave
describing the time-varying direction and relative magnitude of the electric-field vector; specifically,
the figure traced as a function of time by the extremity of the vector at a fixed location in space, and
the sense in which it is traced, as observed along the direction of propagation. Polarization then is
the curve traced by the end point of the arrow (vector) representing the instantaneous electric field.
The field must be observed along the direction of propagation. A typical trace as a function of time is
shown in Figures 3.4(a) and (b).
Figure 3.4. Rotation of a plane electromagnetic wave and its polarization ellipse at z = 0 as a function
of time.
The polarization of a wave can be defined in terms of a wave radiated (transmitted) or
received by an antenna in a given direction. The polarization of a wave radiated by an antenna in a
specified direction at a point in the far field is defined as the polarization of the (locally) plane wave
which is used to represent the radiated wave at that point. At any point in the far field of an antenna
the radiated wave can be represented by a plane wave whose electric-field strength is the same as that
of the wave and whose direction of propagation is in the radial direction from the antenna. As the
radial distance approaches infinity, the radius of curvature of the radiated waves phase front also
approaches infinity and thus in any specified direction the wave appears locally as a plane wave. The
polarization of a wave received by an antenna is defined as the polarization of a plane wave, incident
from a given direction and having a given power flux density, which results in maximum available
power at the antenna terminals.
ZA = RA + jX
RA = Rr + RL
Rr = radiation resistance of the antenna
RL = loss resistance of the antenna
We have used Advanced Design System (ADS) as a software in order to made a simulations
of antennas. ADS is an electronic design automation software system produced by Agilent EEsof
EDA, a unit of Agilent Technologies. It provides an integrated design environment to designers of RF
electronic products such as mobile phones, pagers, wireless networks, satellite communications, radar
systems, and high-speed data links.
Agilent ADS supports every step of the design processschematic capture, layout, frequencydomain and time-domain circuit simulation, and electromagnetic field simulationallowing the
engineer to fully characterize and optimize an RF design without changing tools.
Agilent EEsof has donated copies of the ADS software to the electrical engineering
departments at many universities, and a large percentage of new graduates are experienced in its use.
As a result, the system has found wide acceptance in industry.
Momentum is a part of Advanced Design System and gives you the simulation tools you need
to evaluate and design modern communications systems products. Momentum is an electromagnetic
simulator that computes S-parameters for general planar circuits, including microstrip, slotline,
stripline, coplanar waveguide, and other topologies. Vias and airbridges connect topologies between
layers, so you can simulate multilayer RF/microwave printed circuit boards, hybrids, multichip
4.2. FSV.
Given that correlation lacked sensitivity for the visually complex data typical to EMC
validation and the overall poor response of reliability functions to EMC validation, the FSV method
was developed, which approached the task of validation using a reliability function-like approach but
basing the general structure of the FSV within the context of the psychology of visual perception.
The FSV method is based on the decomposition of the original data into two parts: amplitude
(trend/envelope) data and feature data. The former component accounts for the slowly varying data
across the dataset and the latter accounts for the sharp peaks and troughs often found in EMC data. In
response to the six applicability tests, the output of FSV can be viewed with a number of different
levels of granularity. Specifically, these are as follows.
1) Global difference measure (GDM). This is an overall single-figure goodness-of-fit between
the two datasets being compared. This allows a simple decision to be made about the quality
of a comparison. This may be numerical or converted to a natural language descriptor
(excellent, very good, good, fair, poor, very poor). This is obtained from the overall figures for
the two components, the amplitude difference measure (ADM), and the feature difference
measure (FDM).
2) ADM and FDM. These are similarly available as a numerical value or converted to a natural
language descriptor as for the GDM. These single-figure goodness-of-fit values combine to
give the GDM.
3) GDMi ,ADMi, andFDMi . These are point-by-point comparisons of the amplitude
differences, the feature differences, and the global difference. These allow users to analyze the
resulting data in some detail, particularly with the aim of understanding the origin of the
contributors to poor comparisons.
4) GDMc ,ADMc, andFDMc . These give a probability density function that shows the
proportion of the point-by point analyses of each of the components that falls into the six
natural language descriptor categories. This provides a measure of confidence in the singlefigure comparisons.
FSV implementation involves interpolating the two datasets to be compared over a common
window (often common frequency range or time window) to ensure that the data points to be
compared are coincident. This approach ensures that like is being compared with like and will not
This chapter describes my projected antenna. This is a patch antenna and working on
frequency 868 MHz ( = 0.345 m), feed by microstrip line with input impedance 50 . Shape of
radiation part is IFA (Inverted-F Antenna). Antenna is produced on PCB (Printed Circuit Board).
Used dielectric is FR4 with thickens 1.53 mm. Permittivity of FR4 is r = 4.5. The dimensions of
antenna are written below on Figure 5.1 and Table 5.1. Main idea of shape of antenna was taken from
Texas Instruments Design Note DN023. Power supply is 3 V.
Dimensions in this document is a final. Before that, there was a many tries of changing
dimensions from original Texas antenna. Compare with Texas Instruments, radiation stripe is cut off
almost 20 % of all length. This operation was necessary to match frequency. Second problem was in
microstrip. When frequency was right, the S11 parameter was on -7 dB and to increase that, the
microstrip have is longer 5 mm then original from Texas. Also via is added, because in original design
short between F-shape radiation part and ground plane had different solution appear from construction
of PCB. Thickness of FR4 was also different, but that was a little problem. The last problem is in feed
point. That appear also from construction and to get done with it, We added a coaxial wire which
sticking out of PCB.
In our example, IFA have omni radiation. To manipulate frequency You have to change length
of radiation stripe. If You increase length of this tripe, the frequency is going up, when You cut of
strip, frequency goes down. To make better S11 parameters You must manipulate length of microstrip.
You can't forget about permittivity of used dielectric. In our case manufactured antenna is better than
simulated. One of reasons of this is attached solid coax to antenna. This probably make batter S 11
parameter about 1.5 dB. Wires plugged in to antenna which is working on UHF, must have a solid
attached to case of device to avoid a frequency surfing.
Figure 5.1. Antenna dimensions.
Table 5.1. Antenna dimensions.
20 mm
5 mm
4 mm
10 mm
6 mm
9 mm
38 mm
31 mm
45 mm
1 mm
2 mm
On Figure 5.1 red color define the top layer (radiation part), yellow define the ground plane
and blue striped circle is a via. Length of feed microstrip is 25 mm.
5.3. Measurements.
This chapter talks about real measurements of produced antenna. There is unusual situation,
because produced antenna is over 2 times better than simulated. When You look on Figure 5.12 and
5.13 You can see that produced antenna is excellent. Gain is on level about - 30 dB and the smith chart
shown in Figure 5.13 told that our frequency 868 MHz is near by the middle of graph. On Figures 5.14
and 5.15 You can see comparing of Momentum simulation results with real antenna. That give us over
60 % of "fair" and "good" result.
Figure 5.14. Comparison of Momentum Microwave simulation from ADS (red line) and real measure
(blue line). Y axis is in dB and X axis is frequency [Hz].
To compare this two data, simulated from ADS and measurement of real IFA, I used FSV
Figure 5.15. GDM from FSV (Momentum Microwave sim and real measurements).
Patch antennas in this time is really popular. Almost every mobile and home electrical device
have microstrip antenna, beginning from cell phones, ending on TV's and laptops. The biggest advice
is a dimensions of patch antennas. They are very small and We can put them almost everywhere.
To summarise all results, the best tool to simulation antenna is Momentum microwave from
ADS. That simulation give the most similar results to produced antenna. To mach frequency and to
take the best S11 parameters it is necessary to manipulate length of radiation stripe and microstrip close
to feed point. Final result are better than an original concept from Texas Instruments, that means in
changing prototype we achieve success.
F. Kervel: Design Note DNO023 - 868 MHz, 915 MHz and 955 MHz Inverted F Antenna.
Texas Instruments 2011