Fleas As Vectors of Emerging Zoonoses

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Fleas as Vectors of Emerging Zoonoses

tamaRa k.R. van deR Snoek1

paUl a.m. oveRgaaUw2

Fecha de recepcin: 29 de junio del 2011

Fecha de aprobacin: 25 de agosto del 2011

As blood-feeding insects, fleas are vectors of bacteria, such as Yersinia pestis, Rickettsia
felis, Rickettsia typhi and Bartonella henselae, as well as viruses, such as the feline
leukemia virus (FeLV). Fleas are also intermediate hosts for the parasitic larval stadia of
the dog and cat tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum. The most important current emerging
flea-borne zoonotic diseases are the cat-scratch disease, caused by B. henselea and the
flea-borne spotted fever caused by R. felis. Pathogen transmission by fleas takes place
in many ways. Fleas are not host-specific and feed on many different hosts, such as
humans, and transmission of pathogens may occur through these flea bites. Further
transmission to humans can also occur via certain reservoir hosts, which are usually
companion animals. This review presents information on the emergence of flea-borne
zoonoses, including flea biology, life cycle and transmission modes. Additionally,
prevention and control of flea-borne pathogens is outlined, including flea control failure
in the environment.

Fleas, Arthropod Vectors, Zoonoses, Communicable Infectious Diseases, Bartonella
Henselae, Rickettsia Felis
pulgas como vectores de zoonosis emergentes

Las pulgas, como insectos que se alimentan de sangre, son vectores de bacterias, como
Yersinia pestis, Rickettsia felis, Rickettsia typhi y Bartonella henselae y virus, como el virus de la leucemia felina (FeLV). Las pulgas son huspedes intermediarios en estadios
larvarios de la tenia del perro y el gato Dipylidium caninum. Las zoonosis emergentes
transmitidas por pulga ms importantes actualmente son la enfermedad por araazo

1 BSc, Student Faculty

of Veterinary Medicine,
Utrecht University, The
Netherlands. E-mail:
2 DVM, PhD, Institute for
Risk Assessment Sciences,
Division Veterinary
Public Health, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, The
Netherlands. E-mail:
[email protected].

Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pblica, Vol. 2, N. 2. ISSN: 20278047. Julio-diciembre de 2011, pp. 59-79 [59]

Van Der Snoek, Overgaauw

de gato causada por B. henselea fiebre manchada transmitida por pulga causada por
R. felis. La transmisin de patgenos por las pulgas se lleva a cabo de muchas maneras. Las pulgas no son un husped especfico y se alimentan de muchos huspedes
diferentes, como el ser humano, y a travs de estas picaduras de pulgas la transmisin
de patgenos puede ocurrir. La transmisin a los seres humanos pueden tambin ocurrir a travs de ciertos reservorios, que suelen ser animales de compaa. Esta revisin
presenta informacin sobre la emergencia de las zoonosis transmitidas por las pulgas,
incluyendo la biologa de la pulga, ciclo de vida y modos de transmisin. Adems, se
describe la prevencin y el control de los patgenos transmitidos por las pulgas, incluyendo la fallas de control de pulgas en el ambiente.

Palabras clave
Pulgas, artrpodos vectores, zoonosis, enfermedades infecciosas, Bartonella Henselae,
Rickettsia Felis.
pulgas como vetores de zoonoses emergentes

As pulgas, como insetos que se alimentam de sangue, so vectores de bactrias, como
Yersinia pestis, Rickettsia felis, Rickettsia typhi e Bartonella henselae e vrus, como o
vrus da leucemia felina (FELV). As pulgas so hospedeiros intermedirios dos estdios
larvares da tnia do co e do gato Dipylidium caninum. As zoonoses emergentes mais
importantes transmitidas por pulgas atualmente so a doena da arranhadela do gato
causada por B. henselea, a febre manchada, transmitida pela pulga causada por R.felis.
A transmisso de patgenos por pulgas levada a cabo de vrias formas. As pulgas
no so um hospedeiro especfico e alimentam-se de muitos hospedeiros diferentes,
como o ser humano e a transmisso de patgenos pode ocorrer atravs desta picada
de pulga. A transmisso aos seres humanos pode tambm ocorrer atravs de certos
reservatrios que podem ser animais de companhia. Esta reviso apresenta informao
sobre a emergncia das zoonoses transmitidas por pulgas, incluindo a biologia da
pulga, ciclo de vida e modos de transmisso. Para alm disso descreve-se a preveno
e controle dos patgenos transmitidos por pulgas incluindo as falhas de controle das
pulgas no ambiente.

Palavras chave
Pulgas, artrpodes vectores, zoonosie, enfermidades infecciosas, Bartonella henselae,
Rickettsia felis

[60] Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pblica, Vol. 2, N. 2. Julio-diciembre de 2011

Fleas as Vectors of Emerging Zoonoses

Fleas are important vectors of several pathogens, and transmission takes place
in many different ways. The majority of these pathogens are zoonotic (Parola et
al., 2005). Nowadays there are many companion animals worldwide living in a
close relationship with humans. Transmission of pathogens to humans is likely,
especially when these companion animals are heavily infested by fleas.

Figure 1. Factors influencing new and reemerging zoonoses

Exotic pets

Climate change

Translocation of
infected animals
or persons

Exotic foods
(bush meat)

Infection of
humans or

in livestock

Acquisition of
new virulence

Change in
land use
adaptation to
new host species

Souce: Cutler et al. (2010)

Approximately 15 years ago, zoonotic pathogens such as Rickettsia felis and

Bartonella henselae were isolated for the first time and ever since then an
increasing number of infections caused by these pathogens have been reported
worldwide. These pathogens are considered to be emerging (Otranto & Wall,
2008; Beugnet & Marie, 2009). An emerging zoonosis is caused by a pathogen
that is recognized or evolved for the first time, or re-introduced and which causes
an increase in epidemiology (geographical distribution, incidence, prevalence
and pathogenicity). There are many factors that influence the epidemiology of
flea-borne zoonotic pathogens (Figure 1). In recent years, animal transportation
and pets travelling with their owners has increased. In this way, infected fleas
on animals could be introduced in different parts of the world, which increases

Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pblica, Vol. 2, N. 2. Julio-diciembre de 2011 [61]

Van Der Snoek, Overgaauw

infection risk in both animals and humans. Landscape changes create harbor
niches for peri-domestic hosts. These hosts are necessary to maintain an infection
in the flea population. Climate changes are responsible for a more widespread
distribution of fleas, as fleas reproduce better in warm and humid climates.
Seasonal change may reduce the winter period so that fleas can be active all year.
Moreover, pathogens can adapt to new host species, for example other arthropods,
for wider distribution (Beugnet & Marie, 2009; Cutler et al., 2010). The aim of
this review is to give an overview of flea-borne emerging zoonoses worldwide,
based on flea biology, the fleas life cycle and the transmission modes.

Flea Biology
Fleas (Siphonaptera) are small, obligate, blood-feeding insects without wings.
There are about 2,500 flea species and, morphologically, they are very similar.
Fleas are vectors and are able to transmit a variety of pathogens in and between
animal species, as most flea species are host-preferential for mammals (a few
for birds) rather than host-specific. Flea species that are found mostly on cats
and dogs worldwide are Ctenocephalides felis, Ctenocephalides canis, Pulex
irritans, Archaeopsylla erinacei, Spilopsyllus cuniculi, Echidnophaga gallinacea
and Xenopsylla cheopsis (Akucewich et al., 2002; Alcaino et al., 2002; Durden
et al., 2005; Beck et al., 2006; Bond et al., 2007; Rinaldi et al., 2007; Gracia et al.,
2008; Changbunjong et al., 2009; Farkas et al., 2009). These flea species are
associated to certain pathogens that may cause diseases in humans (Table 1).

Table 1. Flea species, their pathogens, transmitted diseases in animals and humans, and their
geographical distribution
Flea species
(flea species)
Ctenocephalides Worldwide




Bartonella spp.
Rickettsia typhi
Rickettsia felis


Feline leukemia


Murine typhus*
spotted fever*

[62] Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pblica, Vol. 2, N. 2. Julio-diciembre de 2011


Fleas as Vectors of Emerging Zoonoses

Flea species
Pulex irritans

(flea species)
Worldwide, but Bacteria
now uncommon
in the U.S.A. and
most of northern



Yersinia pestis
Rickettsia felis

spotted fever*



Europe, North


Rickettsia felis

spotted fever*





Myxoma virus



Rickettsia felis


North and
South America,

spotted fever*


subtropical and
temperate areas,
now also in
North America


Fowl poxvirus
Yersinia pestis
Rickettsia felis

Fowl pox
spotted fever*



U.S.A., South
America, Europe,
Africa, Asia

Yersinia pestis
Rickettsia felis



spotted fever*
Murine typhus*


Rickettsia typhi


* Zoonotic disease.
** Potential zoonotic disease.
Source: The authors

C. felis, the cat flea, is the most common flea found on cats and dogs worldwide
(Dryden & Rust, 1994; Rust & Dryden, 1997; Taylor et al., 2007). Most cats are
more infested than dogs, probably because of their roaming activities. C. canis
is the dog flea and very similar to C. felis. Domestic dogs are more likely to be
infested by C. felis, but dogs in kennels and in rural areas are more likely to be

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Van Der Snoek, Overgaauw

infested by C. canis. P. irritans is the human flea and can be found on humans,
dogs, cats, rats, and badgers, and is most commonly found on pigs and in farming
areas. A. erinacei is the hedgehog flea; it is hosted by hedgehogs, dogs and cats,
and it may be transferred from hedgehogs through direct contact. S. cuniculi is the
European rabbit flea and the hosts are rabbits, hares, dogs and cats. Dogs and cats
are infested by hunting and frequenting rabbit habitats. E. gallinacea is the stick
tight flea and can be found on poultry and birds, but it can also attack dogs, cats,
rats, rabbits, horses, humans and larger insectivores. E. gallinacea can survive
off-host, mostly indoors and in beddings (Taylor et al., 2007). X. cheopsis is the
oriental rat flea (Wimsatt & Biggins, 2009); its reservoir hosts are rodents, small
ruminants and domesticated animals like dogs, cats, rabbits and rats (Koutinas et
al., 1995; Ibrahim et al., 2006; Amatre et al., 2009; Eisen et al., 2009).
The most relevant flea species is the C. felis. This flea species is the most common
one and has been detected on over 50 different host species worldwide. Moreover,
it is a vector with a wide range of pathogens and plays an important role in the
transmission of certain (emergent) zoonotic diseases (Taylor et al., 2007; Otranto
& Wall, 2008).

Life Cycle of the Flea

The life cycle of the C. felis has 4 main stages: eggs, larvae, pupae and adults (Rust
& Dryden, 1997; Dryden et al. 2000). Only the adults, males and females, are blood
feeders. The duration of the total life cycle depends on environmental conditions,
but ranges from a couple of weeks to several months (Taylor et al., 2007).

Females begin to oviposit between 24 and 48 hours after blood feeding. Eggs
may be laid on the host or on the ground and soon they will drop onto substrates,
where hatching occurs. Usually, eggs will accumulate in sleeping or resting
sites where pets frequently reside. In optimal environmental conditions, females
may oviposit about 30-50 eggs per day on average. The optimal environmental
conditions depend on temperature and humidity and eggs cannot withstand major
environmental changes. Hatching will usually occur in 1 day to 2 weeks (Dryden
& Rust, 1994; Rust & Dryden, 1997; Taylor et al., 2007).

[64] Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pblica, Vol. 2, N. 2. Julio-diciembre de 2011

Fleas as Vectors of Emerging Zoonoses

After hatching, larvae consume the eggshells. For optimal larval development,
they need adult flea feces with dried blood. Larvae are also cannibalistic; they
feed on other larvae (Taylor et al., 2007). Larvae are negative phototactic and
positively geotactic and will usually burrow into carpets in homes. In order for
full maturity to occur, larvae need a relatively moist air or soil and no extreme

After spinning a cocoon by emptying its gut, the mature larva develops into a
pupa. The process of spinning a cocoon requires a vertical surface that they can
focus on. Cocoons are present in soil, on vegetation, in carpets, under furniture
and on sleeping or resting sites for pets. When the pupal stage is disturbed after
completing the cocoon, the larva will leave the cocoon and spin a second one or
develop as a naked pupa. The duration of the pupal stage ranges from 8 to 9 days
when temperature is 24C and relative humidity is 78 percent. Of all immature
stages, pupae are most resistant to desiccation (Dryden & Rust, 1994; Rust &
Dryden, 1997; Taylor et al., 2007).

Pupae develop into adults in the cocoon and they may remain within the cocoon
for up to 140 days or even for up to 12 months (Taylor et al., 2007). The cocoon
has several functions; it serves as protection against predators and as a barrier to
emergence. Emergence of adults is stimulated by mechanical pressure and heat,
which are particularly present when pets are lying down at their sleeping or resting
sites. Emergence, however, is not stimulated by vibrations (Rust & Dryden, 1997).
After emergence, adults begin to feed on the host as soon as possible. Adults
produce feces within 10 minutes after blood feeding, which serves as nutrition
for larvae. Females also mate with several males soon after emergence, within 36
hours (Taylor et al., 2007). The female starts to produce eggs to complete the life
cycle of C. felis.

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Transmission of Flea-Borne Zoonotic Pathogens

Flea-Host Transmission
Transmission of flea-borne pathogens to hosts can occur in many ways. Fleabite is
the best-known transmission route. Fleabites can cause direct damage to the host
through excreting saliva, skin lesions, allergic reactions and blood loss. Besides,
fleas can cause disease in their hosts through the transmission of pathogens. Fleas
can also cause damage indirectly (Otranto & Wall, 2008). Fleas are subsequently
present on the hosts fur. Aside from feeding and producing eggs on the host, adult
fleas also produce a certain amount of feces. Inoculation of flea feces takes place
through scratching feces into skin lesions, caused by fleabites or already existing
skin lesions. Hosts can also inoculate flea feces and/or adult fleas by grooming
(Chomel et al., 1996).

Flea Infection by Pathogens

Pathogens depend on transmission to new hosts in order to survive on a longterm. Pathogen fitness and transmission mode are important for the infection of
new healthy hosts to succeed (Bosch et al., 2010). Primary flea infection probably
takes place through close contact between fleas and pathogens in the environment
or during blood feeding on infected hosts. Infected fleas can spread the infection
in the flea population through vertical and/or horizontal transmission. Horizontal
transmission takes place between infected and uninfected fleas. The route of
transmission is probably by co-feeding. Through transmission of a pathogen
in saliva or regurgitation, an infected flea would be able to infect uninfected
fleas feeding nearby. Another transmission route is by larval feeding, in which
transmission of pathogens to uninfected larvae is facilitated by feeding on infected
flea feces and/or cannibalism of infected eggs/larvae. Vertical transmission of
pathogens is achieved by flea reproduction. Vertical transmission is through
transstadial and transovarial transmission, as described for R. felis (Reif &
Macaluso, 2009).

Reservoir Hosts of C. Felis

Fleas are associated with a wide range of hosts worldwide. C. felis can be found
on cats and dogs and other animals such as domestic rabbits, horses, cattle, sheep,
goats, jackals and poultry. Wild animals that may be infested are coyotes, red

[66] Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pblica, Vol. 2, N. 2. Julio-diciembre de 2011

Fleas as Vectors of Emerging Zoonoses

and gray foxes, bobcats, panthers in Florida, skunks, raccoons, opossums, ferrets,
mongooses, koalas and various rodent species. Companion animal reservoir hosts
are mainly cats and dogs who live in close contact with their owners (Rust &
Dryden, 1997).
Many studies have reported the prevalence and infestation of C. felis in dogs
and cats, but there are not many seasonal studies regarding the flea prevalence.
The flea infestation of C. felis in the west of France throughout the year is shown
in Figure 2. The diagram shows that C. felis is found on dogs and cats all year
round, with peaks in early autumn (September, October) and late spring (May,
June) (Bourdeau & Blumstein, 1995). Seasonal prevalence of fleas has also been
reported by other authors (Rust & Dryden, 1997; Beck et al., 2006; Taylor et al.,
2007) when conditions of larval development are most favorable.

Figure 2. Flea infestation of C. felis in cats and dogs throughout the year

Source: Bourdeau & Blumstein (1995)

Humans as Accidental Hosts

Adult fleas are able to survive off-host and when fleas heavily infest companion
animals, humans can get bitten. Naimer et al. (2002) reported cases of 20 patients
with fleabite eruptions. In adults, stings were mainly concentrated on the legs
and in children mostly on the arms, thorax and neck area. Fleabites eventually
appeared as a central papula with erythema and intense pruritis. This skin reaction,
papula urticaria, often develops after fleabites as a hypersensitivity reaction
(Naimer et al., 2002). Furthermore, fleas can cause disease in humans because
they can transmit pathogens directly through their feeding habits (plague, fleaborne spotted fever) or indirectly via companion animals (cat-scratch disease).

Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pblica, Vol. 2, N. 2. Julio-diciembre de 2011 [67]

Van Der Snoek, Overgaauw

Flea-Borne Zoonotic Diseases

Flea-Borne Zoonotic Pathogens
C. felis may be vector of bacteria (Yersinia pestis, Bartonella henselae, Rickettsia
typhi, R. felis), viruses (retroviridae) and helminths (Dipylidium caninum). All
these pathogens are geographically distributed worldwide (See Table 1) (Otranto
& Wall, 2008). A wide range of Bartonella species are confirmed as potential
human pathogens. Most of these are transmitted by arthropods, especially fleas
(Chomel et al., 2006; Billeter et al. 2008; Chomel & Kasten, 2010). B. henselae
is the most important pathogen that causes cat-scratch disease and is described as
a current emerging zoonosis.
R. typhi can cause murine typhus in humans. R. felis is a newly emerging zoonotic
pathogen with C. felis as currently the only known vector (Reif & Macaluso, 2009).
The cysticercoid larval stage of D. caninum is transmitted by fleas, especially the
C. felis and C. canis (Otranto & Wall, 2008). D. caninum is the dog tapeworm
in canine and feline species and accidentally in humans, but human cases of D.
caninum infection are rare (Otranto & Dantas-Torres, 2010).
Cats are reservoir hosts of feline retroviruses, which may be transmitted through
bites, scratches, exposure to body fluids and needle injuries. Up to this moment
there is no evidence that feline retroviruses are zoonotic. C. felis is a possible
vector of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and can transmit the virus horizontally
(Vobis et al. 2003a; Vobis et al. 2003b). For other feline retroviruses like feline
immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline foamy virus (FeFV), the transmission by
vectors is unknown.
Y. pestis is the cause of the plague, a zoonotic disease with high morbidity and
mortality. Accidental hosts are carnivores and humans (Wimsatt & Biggins, 2009).

Current Emerging Zoonoses

Current emerging flea-borne pathogens are B. henselae and R. felis. Infections
caused by these pathogens in animals are called bartonellosis and rickettsiosis and
in the human cat-scratch disease (CSD) and flea-borne spotted fever, respectively.

[68] Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pblica, Vol. 2, N. 2. Julio-diciembre de 2011

Fleas as Vectors of Emerging Zoonoses

CSD was already described over 50 years ago in France, but B. henselae was only
considered as the causative agent after the first isolation from domestic cats in
1992 (Boulouis et al., 2005). R. felis was probably first discovered in cat fleas in
1918 (Parola et al., 2005). It was later rediscovered in 1990, when a Rickettsialike organism, that resembled R. typhi, was described (Adams et al., 1990). In
1994 and 1995 this organism was isolated and given the name Rickettsia felis
(Parola et al., 2005).

Bartonellosis and Cat-Scratch Disease

Bartonellaceae are small, curved, Gram-negative bacteria. The preferred site of
B. henselae in animals is in erythrocytes and endothelial cells. It is believed that
the bacteria are also capable of infecting bone marrow progenitor cells. This way
the infection persists in erythrocytes and in the infected animals bloodstream.
B. henselae infection in cats has been reported worldwide, in both domestic and
stray cats. The prevalence in domestic cats ranges from 10 to 40 percent (Iredell
et al., 2003). The cat flea is a competent vector in the transmission of B. henselae
to cats. Direct cat-to-cat transmission among experimental infected kittens is not
demonstrated (Chomel et al., 1996). Cats are considered to be healthy carriers,
as there are no major clinical signs of bartonellosis under natural conditions.
When clinical signs do occur, lymphadenitis and gingivitis are the most
frequently reported (Boulouis et al., 2005). When cats are infected with FeLV of
FIV, pathogenicity of B. henselae infection increases (Breitschwerdt, 2008). In
experimental conditions, the clinical manifestations are fever, lethargy, anorexia,
cutaneous lesions, stomatitis, kidney and urinary tract infections, reproductive
disorders, endocarditis and neurologic dysfunction (Chomel, 2000; Boulouis et al.,
2005). Uveitis is also reported as a clinical sign (Kerkhoff et al., 1999). Cats are
usually bacteriaemic from weeks to months, but some for more than a year. Young
cats and strays are more likely to be bacteriaemic than older cats and domestic cats
(Chomel & Kasten, 2010). In a study by Zangwill et al. (1993), the prevalence
of CSD in humans could be related to the type of contact between humans and
kittens (scratching, biting, licking, sleeping with a kitten and combing a kitten).
Besides cats, dogs have also been reported to be infected by B. henselae.
Dogs could probably play a role in the transmission of B. henselae to humans;
however, further research is required (Chomel, 2000, Mexas et al., 2002).

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Van Der Snoek, Overgaauw

The role of dogs as a chronically bacteriaemic reservoir of B. henselae has not been
determined and it is more likely that domestic dogs are accidental hosts of certain
Bartonella spp. (Chomel et al., 2006). Clinical abnormalities in dogs infected by B.
henselae are described as granulomatous hepatitis, peliosis hepatitis, generalized
pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis and endocarditis (Breitschwerdt & Maggi, 2009).
The prevalence of B. henselae infection in humans is worldwide (Chomel, 2000;
Chomel et al., 2006). CSD occurs in humans of all ages, although most of them are
under twenty years old. Most infections are seen during autumn and winter, which
is probably due to the high prevalence of C. felis during autumn (Chomel, 2000),
or maybe to the presence of more young cats with their new owners. Domestic
cats are the main reservoirs of B. henselae for humans. Transmission happens
mainly through cat scratches or, less likely, cat bites (Chomel et al., 2006). Cat
claws can namely become contaminated by infected flea feces (Chomel et al.,
1996; Breitschwerdt, 2008). The presence of B. henselae in cat saliva has not been
clearly documented. Direct transmission of B. henselae to humans by fleabites is
considered, but it has not been proven experimentally (Chomel et al., 2006). After
a cat scratch or bite, a skin lesion appears in 3 to 10 days. The skin lesion evolves
from a vesicle to a pustule and finally into a papule (Chomel, 2000). In humans
with CSD, mainly a benign regional lymphadenopathy develops in one to three
weeks after exposure and persists for a few weeks to several months. Other clinical
manifestations frequently reported are fever, malaise and aching, and sometimes
headache, anorexia and splenomegaly (Boulouis et al., 2005). Common clinical
manifestations in immunocompromised individuals are bacillary angiomatosis
(BA) and hepatic peliosis (HP) (Lamas et al., 2010). There are many other clinical
manifestations of B. henselae infection in human beings, which are reviewed in
Boulouis et al. (2005).

Rickettsiosis and Flea-Borne Spotted Fever

Rickettsiae are small, rod shaped, Gram-negative bacteria. The pathogenesis of R.
felis is unknown, probably because of limited knowledge about R. felis biology.
The only current known biological and primary vector of R. felis is the cat flea
(Reif & Macaluso, 2009). C. felis probably plays an important role in transmitting
the infection to wild animals, domesticated animals and humans (Perez-Osorio
et al., 2008). The maintenance of R. felis in flea populations is probably through
vertical (transstadial and transovarial) transmission in the cat flea (Wedincamp &

[70] Una Salud. Revista Sapuvet de Salud Pblica, Vol. 2, N. 2. Julio-diciembre de 2011

Fleas as Vectors of Emerging Zoonoses

Foil, 2002). Other transmission routes in the flea population are by co-feeding,
larval feeding and feeding on infected feces and/or cannibalism of R. felis infected
eggs/larvae (Reif & Macaluso, 2009).
The main reservoir of R. felis is the cat flea but vertebrate hosts could also serve
as a reservoir, as fleas may acquire R. felis from these hosts (Azad et al., 1997).
Although horizontal transmission between arthropods has not been reported,
occasional horizontal transmission may be needed to maintain R. felis in arthropod
population (Weinert et al., 2009). Hosts associated with R. felis infected cat
fleas are cats, dogs, rodents, hedgehogs, opossums, horses, sheep, goats, gerbils
and monkeys (Perez-Osorio et al., 2008). Horizontal transmission of R. felis to
vertebrate hosts is a potential route of transmission. Vertebrate hosts are likely
to be infected by saliva of infected fleas produced during blood feeding (Reif
& Macaluso, 2009). Although the presence of R. felis in flea salivary glands is
determined, the presence of R. felis in flea saliva is unknown (Macaluso et al.,
2008). If R. felis is not present in flea saliva, other possible transmission routes
are through ingestion of infected fleas or contact of damaged skin or mucosa with
infected flea feces (Labruna, 2009).
Many reports about R. felis infection do not mention clinical features in cats. This
is probably because infection in cats is subclinical. Besides, cats are commonly
infested by R. felis infected cat fleas, but very few cats have been reported to have
active R. felis infection (Hawley et al., 2007; Bayliss et al., 2009).
Rickettsia felis infection in humans has several names, such as the flea-borne
spotted fever, cat flea typhus and R. felis rickettsiosis. Human cases of R. felis
infection have been reported in 12 countries around the world (Reif & Macaluso,
2009). In these cases patients had contact with fleas or animals known to carry
fleas (Perez-Osorio et al., 2008). Fleabites of R. felis infected fleas may result
in infection in humans. The horizontal transmission route is probably similar as
described for vertebrate hosts. Dogs may also play a role in the transmission of R.
felis (Nogueras et al., 2009).
Clinical manifestations in humans are described as fever, fatigue, headache,
generalized maculopapular rash, cutaneous lesion surrounded by a halo, enlarged
and painful lymph nodes in the inguinal region, rash and/or eschar (Parola

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et al., 2005). Other, more severe, clinical symptoms are also described (ZavalaVelazquez et al., 2000; Prez-Osorio et al., 2008; Reif & Macaluso, 2009).

Prevention and Control of Flea-Borne Pathogens

Surveillance of the progress of flea-borne pathogens is needed to prevent an
increase in the number of cases worldwide. Emerging zoonoses are currently
reported and monitored by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and
the World Health Organization (WHO). A global animal surveillance system for
zoonotic pathogens is needed to give early warning of pathogen emergence and
provide opportunities to control outbreak of pathogens (Kuiken et al., 2005). For
the surveillance of flea-borne pathogens, continuous research in fleas is required
for the identification and prevalence of pathogens. Besides, control of zoonotic
pathogens in reservoir host is needed (Cutler et al., 2010).

Flea Control
Preventive measures against fleas are required in order to control the number of
fleas and flea-borne pathogens. Flea control can occur in various ways: control
indoors, mechanical control, control outdoors, biological control and on-host
control. Control indoors is achieved with insecticides and/or insect growth
regulators (IGRs). IGRs are a group of chemical compounds that interfere
with the growth and development of arthropods, but dot not kill the arthropod
directly. IGRs mainly act on immature stages of arthropods and flea eggs and
immature stages are sensitive to the ovicidal activity in various IGRs (Taylor,
2001; Rust, 2005). Mechanical control can be achieved by vacuuming, which
will remove most of the eggs, larvae and adult fleas. Control outdoors can be
achieved with adulticides, but these are not licensed in most countries for this
purpose. Biological control is an alternative way of outdoor control. Placing
ants as predators of all stages of fleas except for the cocoon in the environment
is a way of biological control. On-host flea control can be accomplished with
insecticides, including shampoos, sprays, collars, dips, foams, powders, spot-ons
and oral systemics (Rust & Dryden, 1997). Systemic and topical insecticides have
been revolutionized for the past ten years, thus usually only treatment of animals
is already effective enough (Rust, 2005). A combination of IGRs and insecticides
in spot-ons provide for prolonged ovicidal activity, even when residual activity

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Fleas as Vectors of Emerging Zoonoses

of the insecticide is reduced (Rust & Dryden, 1997). With this combination, the
development of insecticide resistance is considerably diminished, because the life
cycle of the flea is disrupted in many different ways (Blagburn & Dryden, 2009).
Monitoring systems are used to collect information about which flea populations
are resistant to what insecticides. This information is available to researchers
worldwide (Blagburn, 2000).

Owner Awareness and Treatment Compliance

A survey was performed in Hungary in order to determine flea prevalence in
domestic cats and dogs, as well as the owners awareness. The result of the survey
was that most owners did not know that their pets were infested with fleas and
that they were unaware of the fleas capability to transmit diseases to both animals
and humans (Farkas et al., 2009). A survey performed in the UK also revealed that
many pet owners were unaware of their pets flea infestation and the development
of fleas in their home environment (Bond et al., 2007). It could also be that pet
owners cannot afford to buy flea control products or that they may use cheaper
products, which may be not efficient enough (Farkas et al., 2009). Moreover, many
flea control products should be administered frequently (once a month, once every
3 months, once every 6 months, depending on the product) to be efficient. Failure
to control fleas could also be due to the inability of pet owners to adequately
apply flea control products to their pets (Dryden et al., 2000). Therefore, pet
owners might not be properly informed about flea infestation in the environment,
the life cycle of the flea, the need for frequent administration and how to apply
insecticides correctly to their pets.

The zoonotic pathogens B. henselae and R. felis are currently considered as
emergent pathogens. In the USA, the prevalence of B. henselae infection in both
humans and animals is relatively high (Iredell et al., 2003). In the Netherlands,
however, there are about 2,000 cases of CSD estimated every year. Therefore, the
incidence of CSD in the Netherlands is relatively low (Bergmans et al., 1997).
This also applies to the incidence of R. felis infection. Despite the fact that R. felis
is distributed all around the world, human and animal cases of R. felis infection
are rare (Kamrani et al., 2008; Labruna, 2009). Hence, the incidence of infection
caused by these pathogens to this moment may not be as high as expected.

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In this review, only fleas were mentioned as vectors of zoonotic pathogens. There
are other vector-borne arthropods aside from fleas. Other reported vector-borne
arthropods of B. henselae are ticks and stable flies (Chomel et al., 2006). There are
potentially other vectors of R. felis, as R. felis has been detected in ticks and mites
(Choi et al., 2007; Oliveira et al., 2008). Nevertheless, fleas are the main vectors
of these pathogens. B. henselae and R. felis have found an excellent reservoir
host, as C. felis is common worldwide in both domesticated and non-domesticated
animals. In addition, flea infestation can occur throughout the entire year. In many
countries flea control outdoors is not licensed. In this way, C. felis is very difficult
to control in the outer environment and remains the common reservoir. Therefore,
flea control in homes of pet owners is very important. Failure to control fleas is
often related to the development of insecticide resistance, but development of
insecticide resistance does not always have to occur. With the development of
more flea control product combinations, development of resistance against these
products is considerably diminished (Blagburn, 2000; Blagburn & Dryden, 2009).
Pet owners are more likely to be unaware of their pets flea infestation. Moreover,
perhaps pet owners cannot afford flea control products or do not administer flea
control products frequently (Farkas et al., 2009). Hence, it is a great task for
veterinarians and pharmaceutical industries to make pet owners aware of flea
infestation in their homes and the consequences it may bring.

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