July 24, 2016 Bulletin
July 24, 2016 Bulletin
July 24, 2016 Bulletin
11am Worship
Prelude in D-flat
Cynthia Beverley, Janet Deneke, Janet Jackson
Ladies Trio
Luke 14:16-23
Jesu, Jesu
(Robert J. Hughes)
(Gregg Sewell)
Flower Acknowledgments
The flowers that grace the chancel this Sunday morning are given to the glory of God by
Karen Ridge in loving memory of her parents Charles and Virginia Baldwin, and
Janet Dee Ruthenbergs children and grandchildren on the occasion of her 84th birthday.
Happy Birthday! We love you!
Coming Up
MUMY Youth Ministry Events for the rest of the Summer Today - Incoming 6th graders trip to Big Surf Noon-6pm
July 31 - Youth Messy Games Night!!! 5-7pm
Aug 7-12 - Youth Week!
Youth Week 2016 - Be on the look-out this week as
information will be mailed out for Youth Week 2016. Our
theme verse this year is Hebrews 12:1 as we celebrate the
2016 Summer Olympics and the end of Summer. Youth Week
is one last opportunity for the youth of Columbia to gather
for Fun and Service through various events including a trip
to Sports Fusion in Chesterfield, a day of service at the
Food Bank and other locations here in Columbia, a visit to
a local nursing home to visit with residents, a day of ice
skating and a Swim Party to end out the week. Please look
for registrations to come in the mail and make sure you are
signed up by Sunday, Aug. 7. All youth going into grades 6-12
are welcome to join. If you have any questions, call Rev.
Hank Jenkins at 573-443-3111 or [email protected].
Mens Group Revival Trip - You are invited to join the
Wednesday Night Mens group on Wednesday, Aug. 3 for a
revival trip to Lake Creek Camp Meeting. We will be leaving
the church on the church bus at 5pm that day. The meeting
will start at 7:30pm, and the speaker is Jim Downing, Lead
Pastor at First UMC Sedalia. For more details, contact David
Barnes at [email protected] or 573-808-5544.
MUMC Blood Drive on Sunday, July 31 8:30am-12:30pm. To
schedule an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org (keyword:
MOUnitedMethodist) or just show up at our booth in the
Atrium in the CLC! No appointment necessary.
Mens Group on Wednesday nights 6:30-7:30 in CLC 103 this
summer. Contact David Barnes, Email [email protected];
text or call 573-808-5544.
Choir Rehearsals begin Aug. 3 and will resume singing in
worship beginning Aug. 14.
Save-The-Date Oct. 1: Welcome Service for the New
Missouri Bishop at Missouri UMC
1-1:30pm Gathering music
1:30-3pm Worship
3-4pm Refreshments
Welcome to Missouri
United Methodist Church
July 24, 2016
Please place this in the offering plate.
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Phone ____________________________
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Prayer Concerns
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oConfidential Pastors Only
oMy offering is made via regular electronic funds
oPlease send form/instructions so I can begin
donating electronically.
Preferred Method of Contact:
Starts tonight!
Aug. 7-12
Register for a
t-shirt and fun
events throughout the week!