SP10 BA101 Syllabus - Rev B - 4-28-10

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BA 101: Business Now (6 credits) – Revision B – 4/28/10

Spring 2010 Course

Instructor: Aaron Lewis

Lecture Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2:00pm-3:30pm
Lab Hours: 5 sections of lab on Fridays in Bexell 324
Office Hours: 330 Bexell - Mon. 12:00PM-1:30PM :::: Wed. 12:00PM-1:30PM & by appointment
Contact: [email protected] Office Phone (541)737-2616
Pre-requisites: None


This broad survey course is designed to introduce you to the world of business. Specifically, BA 101 students will
learn to:
• Explain key business activities and how these activities interrelate.
• Understand how business interacts with the external environment and how this interaction impacts both
business and the external environment.
• Describe the financial, legal, and administrative procedures involved in starting new business ventures.
• Evaluate ethical issues facing businesses.
• Analyze and explain current business news from the perspective of different business disciplines.
• Represent financial analysis models in a spreadsheet including preparation of charts and graphs.


This course covers a great deal of ground in a short period of time, so your success is highly dependent on attendance
and participation. Lecture attendance and participation will be primarily monitored through the Quizdom system. 50%
of the attendance/participation grade will be based on your presence in lecture and lab the other 50% will be based on
in lecture Qwizdom questions. In lecture questions will cover material in both the readings for that lecture and material
from the current or previous lecture.

Each student is allowed three absences from lecture and/or lab. Absences in excess of three will lower the student’s
attendance/participation grade.


Classroom etiquette, like marketing, is governed by 4 Ps: Be prompt, be professional, be prepared, be polite.
Behavior in class should be professional at all times. Effective learning occurs only when people treat each other with
dignity and respect. This includes fellow classmates as well as the instructor and any guest lecturers. To ensure a
classroom environment that is to conducive to learning the following rules are to be observed:
• Students are expected to be on time and stay for the duration of the class. Leaving class should only be done
in an emergency, and if you do so, do it discreetly.
• Laptops should only be used for note taking or to assist in course work, otherwise they should be put away.
• Cell phones, mobile devices, PDAs, etc. should be silenced and put away during class. Routinely engage in
texting, surfing or other device use during lecture will have a negative impact on your participation grade.
• No headphones.
• Unless working in a group setting, side conversations should be kept to a minimum.

To view the COB’s code of conduct: http://www.bus.oregonstate.edu/about/cobcodeofconduct.htm

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BA 101: Business Now – Course Syllabus – Revision B –4/28 /10
Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Students are expected to know and understand these policies
and regulations. If you would like to know more, I suggest reading the university’s code of conduct regarding
academic honesty: http://oregonstate.edu/admin/stucon/achon.htm.


Discrimination and/or harassment will not be tolerated in the classroom. In most cases, discrimination and/or
harassment violates Federal and State laws and/or University Policies and Regulations. Intentional discrimination
and/or harassment will be referred to the Affirmative Action Office and dealt with in accordance with the appropriate
rules and regulations.


Accommodations are collaborative efforts between students, faculty and Disability Access Services (DAS). Students
with accommodations approved through DAS are responsible for contacting the faculty member in charge of the
course prior to or during the first week of the term to discuss accommodations. Students who believe they are eligible
for accommodations but who have not yet obtained approval through DAS should contact DAS immediately at 737-

 Business: A Changing World, 7 Ed. by O.C. Ferrell, Geoffrey Hirt and Linda Ferrell, 2008, McGraw Hill
 University of Indiana Excel IT Training Course pack
 Capsim Foundation computer simulation – YOU WILL GET THIS IN CLASS
 Clicker by Qwizdom (bring this to class every day, extra batteries are a good idea too)
 Bring a calculator, pencil, and paper. We will occasionally be doing problems and calculations in class.
 Additional reading/video/audio for specific lectures – typically posted links or PDFs in Blackboard. Will be
announced in class.
 Further Reading. For general business news and analysis I suggest the following web sites:
 Wall Street Journal – www.wsjstudent.com
 The Economist – www.economistacademic.com current issue http://www.economist.com/printedition
 Business Week - http://www.resourcecenter.businessweek.com
 Fortune - http://www.fortuneeducation.com/student/index.htm
 Inc.- http://www.inc.com/magazine/20090901/index.html
 Marketplace - http://marketplace.publicradio.org


GRADED WORK – 400 total points

30% Final Exam (comprehensive) - During Exam Week – 120 points
25% Mid-Term 100 points
10% Excel Exercise in class - 40 points
10% Class Attendance/Participation – lecture/lab attendance and Qwizdom questions – 40 points
10% Assignments – 40 points
15% Foundation Simulation – 60 points
• 3% Individual simulation rehearsal
• 2% - Team homework
• 5% Simulation final rank in industry
• 5% Team member evaluation from simulation

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BA 101: Business Now – Course Syllabus – Revision B –4/28 /10
I will give plus and minus grades as follows:
A = 94% and above C = 74%-76%
A- = 90%-93% C- = 70%-73%
B+ = 87%-89% D+ = 67%-69%
B = 84%-86% D = 64%-66%
B- = 80%-83% D- = 60%-63%
C+ = 77%-79% F = Below 60%


Only in the event that an examination is missed due to an illness or religious observance will a makeup exam or an
early exam be arranged. In accordance with university policy this may occur only if:
• Notice is provided early enough in advance of the event (i.e. not the day before), and/or
• Proof of illness is promptly provided
Late assignments will lose two points for every day they are late. Late assignments will not be accepted after the
answer key has been posted.
Grades will be posted in blackboard once assignments and exams have been graded. Where appropriate I will post
an answer key on blackboard. Assignments and exams will not be returned to students in class, but you are welcome
to pick them up at office hours.

The final exam will be during exam week, please see the catalog for any inquiries on the final exam date:
http://catalog.oregonstate.edu/ChapterDetail.aspx?key=371 .
Anyone needing an alternative date will need to address this during the first two weeks of class in order to be
considered for accommodation.

As was mentioned Qwizdom will be the primary tool for lecture participation and learning feedback. Failure to bring
and properly use Qwizdom will result in a lower classroom attendance/participation grade. Extra batteries are a good
idea. It is a violation of the university’s academic honesty policy to use another person’s clicker in their absence, and
any instances of this will be treated as a violation of the university’s academic honesty policy.


Outside of the classroom Blackboard will be the main communication tool. I will use it to post grades, class notes,
assignments, additional reading, communicate announcements, etc. Additionally, most assignments will be submitted
via Blackboard. Students are expected to check Blackboard daily. Blackboard can be accessed at
I will also be using your ONID email as a primary communication method. I would recommend you check your ONID
on a daily basis.


The syllabus only provides a general plan. I reserve the right to make changes/additions to it as necessary. Changes will be
posted on Blackboard or stated in class. Material should be read/viewed PRIOR to the lecture or lab for which it is listed.

# Date Topic Read/Watch Assignment Due

1 M-3/29 Course Introduction - OSU Student IT
resources – “The Giant Pool of Money”
2 W-3/31 “The Giant Pool of Money” con’t Chapter 1
Introduction to Business
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BA 101: Business Now – Course Syllabus – Revision B –4/28 /10
# Date Topic Read Assignment Due
3 F-4/2-LAB Excel The Basics: PP. 1-39
4 F-4/2 Intro. to business- “Inside the Meltdown” Chapter 15
5 M-4/5 Business Structure and Management Chapter 5 Assignment # 1
6 W-4/7 Business Structure and Management Chapter 8

7 F-4/9-LAB Excel The Basics: Pp. 45-88

Data Management pp. 4-12
& pp 38-53
8 F-4/9 Management Guest: Laurie Bridges Chapter 7
9 M-4/12 Marketing Guest: Brenda Sallee Chapter 12 Assignment # 2
10 W-4/14 Marketing Chapter 13
11 F-4/16-LAB Excel Charts & Graphics: pp1-28 &
pp. 47-67
12 F-4/16 “The Persuaders”
13 M-4/19 Operations Guest: Prof. John Sloan Chapter 9
14 W-4/21 MIS Guest: Prof. Byron Marshall Chapter 4 Assignment # 3
15 F-4/23-LAB Excel VLOOKUP & Conditional
Formatting pp. 1-19, 32-35 &
Time Value of Money
16 F-4/23 Innovation
17 M-4/26 Finance Chapter 16
Guests: Carol Leder and Nancy Homan
19 F-4/30-LAB Excel Assessment
20 F-4/30 Finance – Midterm Review
21 M-5/3 Foundation Simulation – Guests: Nancy Foundation
Homan and Carol Leder Rehearsal
22 W-5/5 Midterm
23 F-5/7-LAB Simulation
24 F-5/7 Accounting Chapter 14
25 M-5/10 Entrepreneurship Chapter 6
26 W-5/12 Franchising Guest: Aaron Deen
27 F-5/14-LAB Simulation Team Homework
28 F-5/14 HR – Motivation Chapter 10
29 M-5/17 HR – Leadership Guest: Eric Alexander Assignment # 5
30 W-5/19 International Business Chapter 3
31 F-5/21-LAB Simulation
32 F-5/21 “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” Assignment # 4
33 M-5/24 Finish Enron – Ethics Guest: Jon Dorbolo Chapter 2 - Appendix B
34 W- 5/26 Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
35 F-5/28-LAB Simulation
35 F-5/28 Sustainability
36 W-6/2 Family Business Guest: Robin Klemm
37 F-6/4-LAB Final Review
38 F-6/4 Final Review Peer Evaluation
39 TH 6/10 FINAL EXAM – 6:00PM – Location TBD

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