The Client With Urinary Tract Infection

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The Client with Urinary Tract



The nurse is teaching an 80-year-old client

with a urinary tract infection about the importance
of increasing fl uids in the diet. Which of the following
puts this client at a risk for not obtaining suffi cient fl uids?
1. Diminished liver function.
2. Increased production of antidiuretic hormone.
3. Decreased production of aldosterone.
4. Decreased ability to detect thirst.


A client with a urinary tract infection is to

take nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin) four times each
day. The client asks the nurse, What should I do if I
forget a dose? What should the nurse tell the client?
1. You can wait and take the next dose when it
is due.
2. Double the amount prescribed with your
next dose.
3. Take the prescribed dose as soon as you
remember it, and if it is very close to the time
for the next dose, delay that next dose.
4. Take a lot of water with a double amount of
your prescribed dose.


A nurse is assessing a client with a urinary

tract infection who takes an antihypertensive drug.
The nurse reviews the clients urinalysis results (see
chart). The nurse should:
1. Encourage the client to increase fl uid intake.
2. Withhold the next dose of antihypertensive
3. Restrict the clients sodium intake.
4. Encourage the client to eat at least half of a
banana per day.
Laboratory Results
Test Result
pH 6.8
Red blood cells 3 per high power fi eld
Color Yellow
Specifi c gravity 1.030


A client has nephropathy. The physician

orders that a 24-hour urine collection be done for
creatinine clearance. Which of the following actions
is necessary to ensure proper collection of the
1. Collect the urine in a preservative-free container
and keep it on ice.
2. Inform the client to discard the last voided
specimen at the conclusion of urine collection.
3. Ask the client what his weight is before
beginning the collection of urine.
4. Request an order for insertion of an indwelling
urinary catheter.


A client who weighs 207 lb is to receive 1.5

mg/kg of gentamicin sulfate (Garamycin) I.V. three
times each day. How many milligrams of medication
should the nurse administer for each dose? Round
to the nearest whole number.




A 24-year-old female client comes to an

ambulatory care clinic in moderate distress with a
probable diagnosis of acute cystitis. When obtaining
the clients history, the nurse should ask the client if
she has had:
1. Fever and chills.
2. Frequency and burning on urination.
3. Flank pain and nausea.
4. Hematuria.


The client asks the nurse, How did I get this

urinary tract infection? The nurse should explain
that in most instances, cystitis is caused by:
1. Congenital strictures in the urethra.
2. An infection elsewhere in the body.
3. Urinary stasis in the urinary bladder.
4. An ascending infection from the urethra.


The client, who is a newlywed, is afraid to

discuss her diagnosis of cystitis with her husband.
Which would be the nurses best approach?
1. Arrange a meeting with the client, her husband,
the physician, and the nurse.
2. Insist that the client talk with her husband
because good communication is necessary for
a successful marriage.
3. Talk fi rst with the husband alone and then
with both of them together to share the husbands
4. Spend time with the client addressing her
concerns and then stay with her while she
talks with her husband.


The nurse teaches a female client who has

cystitis methods to relieve her discomfort until
the antibiotic takes effect. Which of the following
responses by the client would indicate that she
understands the nurses instructions?
1. I will place ice packs on my perineum.
2. I will take hot tub baths.
3. I will drink a cup of warm tea every hour.
4. I will void every 5 to 6 hours.


The client with cystitis is given a prescription

for phenazopyridine hydrochloride (Pyridium).
The nurse should teach the client that this drug is
used to treat urinary tract infections by:
1. Releasing formaldehyde and providing bacteriostatic

2. Potentiating the action of the antibiotic.

3. Providing an analgesic effect on the bladder
4. Preventing the the crystallization that can occur with sulfa drugs.


When teaching the client with a urinary tract

infection about taking phenazopyridine hydrochloride
(Pyridium), the nurse should tell the client to
1. Bright orange-red urine.
2. Incontinence.
3. Constipation.
4. Slight drowsiness.


A client has been prescribed nitrofurantoin

(Macrodantin) for treatment of a lower urinary
tract infection. Which of the following instructions
should the nurse include when teaching the client
how to take this medication? Select all that apply.
1. Take the medication on an empty stomach.
2. Your urine may become brown in color.
3. Increase your fl uid intake.
4. Take the medication until your symptoms
5. Take the medication with an antacid to
decrease gastrointestinal distress.


Nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin), 75 mg four

times per day, has been prescribed for a client with a
lower urinary tract infection. The medication comes
in an oral suspension of 25 mg/5 mL. How many
milliliters should the nurse administer for each

________________________ mL.
65. Which of the following statements by the

client would indicate that she is at high risk for a

recurrence of cystitis?
1. I can usually go 8 to 10 hours without needing
to empty my bladder.
2. I take a tub bath every evening.
3. I wipe from front to back after voiding.
4. I drink a lot of water during the day.


To prevent recurrence of cystitis, the nurse

should plan to encourage the female client to
include which of the following measures in her
daily routine?
1. Wearing cotton underpants.
2. Increasing citrus juice intake.
3. Douching regularly with 0.25% acetic acid.
4. Using vaginal sprays.


The nurse explains to the client the importance

of drinking large quantities of fl uid to prevent
cystitis. The nurse should tell the client to drink:
1. Twice as much fl uid as usual.


At least 1 quart more than usual.

A lot of water, juice, and other fl uids throughout
At least 3,000 mL of fl uids daily.

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