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Arcedo, Lloyd L. Ladja, Johnraja-Zaid M. Mendoza, Sheila Mozenda C. Pangilinan,

Jayson E.
I. PROBLEM STATEMENT What can Hank Kolb do to setting up a continuous improvemen
t program and improve their quality performance on producing a zero-defected pro
duct? II. CASE ANALYSIS What are the causes of the quality problems on the Greas
ex line? Display your answer on a fishbone diagram. primary problem is the lack
of The commitment to achieve an excellent quality product.. The management lacks
policies and visible support for quality standards. Although they have recently
hired Hank Kolb to oversee their quality program, which is a good decision, the
lack of support from senior management for quality is very apparent. It was evi
dent in launching the Greasex line to gain market share without testing the proc
esses involved in making the product as well as ensuring safety requirements are
achieved. They saw quality as only a secondary added value. Fishbone Diagram

What general steps should Hank follow in setting up a continuous improvement pro
gram for the company? What problems will he have to overcome to make it work? Ha
nk Kolb needs to study meticulously the fundamental problems relating to the pro
cess in making Greasex line from equipment, input goods, and safety requirements.
He should advise the senior management to be involved in developing quality sta
ndards and seek full support in the implementation of said standards to change t
he attitude across the company. Mr. Kolb can then start an awareness campaign to
empower workers/employees and give them clear understanding regarding the cost
of poor quality products against the value of good quality processes.
Series of Actions Hank Kolb can recommend to the Management Define clearly quali
ty standards and align it with the companys vision mission as a whole Extensive r
esearch and testing of new products should be done first before launching them i
n the market. Processes involved should also be reviewed to ensure compliance wi
th product specifications and readiness of the operations

Analyze if Greasex product fits strategically with their companys goals and objec
tives. Perform cost/benefit analysis if better machines are needed or should dis
continue the product. They could perform a make/buy analysis to determine if the
y should off-load the production into other companies. This could be advantageou
s because it could provide an opportunity to remove the problem and provide a qu
ality product in the quantities needed.

III.RECOMMENDATIONS Short-term Strategies Mr. Kolb should engage senior manageme

nt to provide visible support for a quality philosophy that will change the atti
tude across the company. Then Hank needs to start an awareness campaign that wil
l allow people to understand the cost of poor quality and the value of good qual
ity processes. Mr. Kolb needs to focus on short run to get things under control.
He should start collecting data on why and how the machine breaks down with a m
inimal staff required to keep the machines running Propose sanctions to departme
nts and personnel not following quality standards.

Medium to Long-term Strategies Mr. Kolb should concentrate on the implementing a

quality system such as ISO standards(ISO 9000) or Six Sigma, where they would d
evelop policies and processes for purchasing, design, and testing. Mr. Kolb shou
ld work with senior management to verify some products (i.e. Greasex) area good
with the companys goals and objectives and perform a make/buy analysis. Create St
rategic alliances with suppliers and align quality standards with these companie
s to maintain product quality or minimize defects due to vendor supplies

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