9 To 5 Rehearsal Schedule (Changes For Draft #2)

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The key takeaways are that this document outlines the rehearsal schedule for a production of the musical '9 to 5'. It provides details on rehearsal dates, locations, scenes and musical numbers being worked on.

The show that is being rehearsed is '9 to 5 The Musical'.

On June 27th, the musical numbers 'Cowgirl's Revenge', 'Potion Notion', 'Joy to the Girls' and 'Shine Like the Sun' will be rehearsed. On July 13th, the number 'One of the Boys' and on July 28th, 'Change It' will be blocked.

REGATTA 9 to 5 The Musical Flanagan Theater

JUNE 2016
Thursday June 2nd
No Dan, No Tessa
6pm 8pm Music Rehearsal Solos/Small ensembles
Violet, Roz, Joe
Monday June 6th
5pm 9:30pm Rehearsal
Violet, Judy, Doralee

Solos/Small ensembles

Wednesday June 8th

No Beth
6:30pm 7pm (FULL CAST) Welcome and hand out scripts
7pm 8:30pm (FULL CAST) Read through
8:30pm 9:30pm (FULL CAST) 9 to 5 opening
Saturday June 11th

Gala Screening

1pm 5pm


Sunday June 12th

No Robyn, No Andrew Community Room
1pm-2:30pm (FULL CAST) 9 to 5 music
2:30pm-5pm (FULL CAST) choreo/staging of 9 to 5 opening
Monday June 13th
No Kira
Community Room
6:30pm-7:30pm (FULL CAST no Doralee, no Margaret, no Hart)
Around Here music
7:30pm-8:30pm (FULL CAST) I Just Might music
8:30pm-9:30pm (FULL CAST) 9 to 5 Finale music
Wednesday June 15th No Kira, No Beth
6:30pm-7:30pm (FULL CAST) Review & Finish 9 to 5 opening
7:30pm-9:30pm (FULL CAST no Doralee, no Margaret, no Roz, no
Hart) Begin Choreo Around Here
Thursday June 16th

Gala Screening

6:00pm 9:00pm


Sunday June 19th NO REHEARSAL

Monday June 20th No Kira Possible No Christine
6:30pm-7pm (Hart & Ensemble Men no Joe) Here For You Music
7pm-8:00pm (FULL CAST no Hart) Heart to Hart Music
8pm 9:30pm (FULL CAST) Review of All Music

Wednesday June 22nd

No Beth
6:30pm 8pm (Judy, Violet, Doralee, Roz, Joe & full ensemble)
Act 1 Sc 2 Pages 7-15 Blocking
8pm 9:30pm (Hart, Doralee, Violet, Missy & male ensemble no Joe)
Act 1 Sc 3 Pages 16-22 Blocking
Thursday June 23rd Gala for Residents 7:30pm


Friday June 24th Gala for public 6:30pm- 7:30pm auction/8pm show
Sunday June 26th
1pm 3pm (Violet, Doralee, Judy, Dwayne, Josh, Maria, Margaret, Joe,
Kathy) Act 1 Sc 4+5 Pages 23-32 I Just Might Blocking
3pm-5pm (FULL CAST) Run/Work Pages 1 32
Monday June 27th
No Kira
6:30pm-9:30pm (FULL CAST see Musical # Breakdown for specifics)
Cowgirls Revenge, Potion Notion, Joy to the Girls and Shine Like
the Sun Music
Wednesday June 29th
No Beth
***Act 1 Sc 9a, b, c Pages 48-56 Scene Work***
6:30pm-7pm (Judy, Hart) Dance of Death
7pm-7:30pm (Doralee, Hart) Cowgirls Revenge
7:30pm-8:30pm (Violet, Hart, Christine, Barbara, Kristl, Robyn)
Potion Notion
8:30pm-9:30pm (Violet, Judy, Doralee, Hart) Work Through Act 1
Scene 9
Thursday June 30th
No Kira
6:30pm-7:30pm (FULL CAST no Hart, no Roz, no Violet, no Joe) Joy to
the Girls Choreo
7:30pm-8:30pm (Doralee, Hart, Dwayne, Katie Doe, Libby, Full Male
Ensemble - no Joe) Cowgirls Revenge Choreo
8:30pm-9:30pm (Judy, Hart, Beth, Katie) Dance of Death Choreo

JULY 2016
Wednesday July 6th
6:30pm-7pm (Roz, Violet, Judy, Doralee, Maria, Margaret)
Act 1 Sc 6 Pages 33-36 Blocking

7pm-7:30pm (Doralee) Backwoods Barbie Blocking

7pm-9pm (Violet, Doralee (join @7:30pm), Judy, Roz, Hart, Joe & Full
ensemble) Act 1 Sc 7 Pages 37-42 Blocking (including Heart to Hart)
9pm-9:30pm (Violet, Doralee, Judy, Margaret & Roz)
Act 1 Sc 8 Pages 43-45 Blocking
Thursday July 7th
No Kira
6:30pm-7:30pm (Violet, Judy, Doralee, Joe, Full Ensemble, no Hart, no
Roz) Change It Music
7:30pm-8:30pm (Violet, Joe, Full Male Ensemble) One Of The Boys
8:30pm-9:30pm TBD Music Review
Sunday July 10th Possible No Kira
1pm-5pm (Violet, Judy, Doralee, Joe, Hart, Kathy, Roz & ensemble)
Act 1 Sc 10 Pages 57-79 Shine Like the Sun Blocking
Wednesday July 13th
No Kira, No Ed
6:30pm-8:30pm (Violet, Joe & Men ensemble ) One Of The Boys
8:30pm-9:30pm (FULL CAST) 9 to 5 Finale Choreo
Thursday July 14th
No Robyn
6:30pm-8pm (Violet, Judy, Doralee & Full ensemble) Change It
8pm-9:30pm (FULL CAST) Music & Choreo review
Sunday July 17th
1pm-2pm (Violet, Judy, Doralee, Roz & Men ensemble)
Act 2 Sc 1 Pages 80-86 Blocking
2pm-2:30pm (Roz, Doralee, Judy)
Act 2 Sc 2 Pages 87-88 Blocking
2:30pm-3pm (Violet, Judy, Doralee & Full ensemble)
Act 2 Sc 3 Page 89-95 Blocking
3pm-4pm (Doralee, Violet & Joe)
Act 2 Sc 4 Pages 96-100 Blocking
4pm-5pm (Judy & Dick)
Act 2 Sc 5 Pages 101-104 Blocking
Monday July 18th
Community Room
6:30pm-7:30pm (Violet, Doralee, Judy, Joe, Hart, Margaret)
Act 2 Sc 6 Pages 105-108 Blocking
7:30pm-9:30pm (FULL CAST)
Act 2 Sc 7 Pages 109-Finale Blocking

Wednesday July 20th

No Robyn
6pm-10pm (FULL CAST) Full Run


Thursday July 21st Band Rehearsal

6:30pm-9:30pm Band only, no cast
Saturday July 23rd
12pm-6pm SET DAY


Sunday July 24th

No Robyn, No Libby
1pm-5pm (FULL CAST) Act 1 Focus with costumes
Wednesday July 27th
No Robyn, No Libby
6pm-10pm (FULL CAST) Act 2 Focus with costumes
Thursday July 28th
No Robyn, No Libby
6pm-7pm (FULL CAST) Costumes
7pm-10pm (FULL CAST) Full Run
Saturday July 30th
No Libby TECH
9am-1pm Tech set up no cast
2pm-6pm (FULL CAST) Cue to Cue
Sunday July 31st
12pm-1pm (FULL CAST) Costumes
1pm-4pm (FULL CAST) Full Run w/costumes
4pm-5pm Break
5pm-6:30pm Mic check
6:30pm-9:30pm Sitzprobe w/mics




Monday Aug 1st
6pm-7pm (FULL CAST) Costumes & Mics
7pm-10pm (FULL CAST) Full Run
Wednesday Aug 3rd
6pm-7pm (FULL CAST) Costumes & Mics
7pm-10pm (FULL CAST) Full Run


*Thursday Aug 4th 6pm call 7:15pm Southgate Residents Show

*Friday Aug 5th 6:30pm call 8pm SHOW
*Saturday Aug 6th 6:30pm call 8pm SHOW
*Sunday Aug 7th 12:30pm call 2pm SHOW
Thursday Aug 11th 6:30pm-9:30pm Rehearsal Refresh
*Friday Aug 12th 6:30pm call 8pm SHOW
*Saturday Aug 13th 6:30pm call 8pm SHOW
*Sunday Aug 14th 12:30pm call 2pm SHOW
**Breakdown immediately after show


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