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Mix and Flow

of Matter
Rafting what a rush! As you sweep down a river and manoeuvre
against the strength of the rapids, you feel the pull of the swirling pool
and invigorating shock of the spray.
Water owing down a river is an example
of fluidity, the ability to ow. Wind is another
example of a owing material in nature. Water, air,
blood, and any other materials that are able to ow
are called fluids. Non-uid materials can behave
like uids if they are melted or dissolved in uids.
You depend on uids, such as water and air, in
your day-to-day living. Air rushes into your lungs,
materials are absorbed into your body after they
have been dissolved by water, and blood transports
nutrients and wastes in and out of your cells and
Fluids can also do work. When uids move, they do so with a force
that can be harnessed and used to move mechanical parts in machinery.
Enclosed gases, such as in tires and bubble wrap, can be used to absorb
the force of impact.
Explore this unit to nd out more about how much the technological
world depends on uids and the ability of matter to mix and ow.

Unit Contents

Matter on
the Move

Mixing and




Fluid Pressure




Flow Rate
and Viscosity


Earths Mixtures


Fluid Systems



What are
is light?
the properties
of fluids?
What inventions use
light?are fluids mixed
and separated?
What do these inventions
reveal about
the nature
of light?on fluids?

How many fluid mixtures can you identify?

How do you know that they are mixtures? Do
some mixtures look like pure substances? The
answers may surprise you. In Topics 13 you
will learn how fluids can be mixed and

Why is it easier to do a hand-stand in

water than in air? How can huge objects
like boats float, when a smaller object like
a marble sinks? Why does honey flow
more slowly than water? What other useful
properties do fluids have? Find out in
Topics 46.

4 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Where will the force come from to stop

this heavy load? Simple fluids are
behind the enormous strength of a
variety of machinery. You will find out
why and how in Topics 7 and 8.

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Unit 1 Preview MHR


Matter on the Move

If you have ever watched ketchup pouring from a
bottle, you have seen a uid in motion. You can easily
observe uids such as water owing out of a tap, milk
or juice being poured into a glass, or ketchup oozing
from a bottle. Your body contains many uids, such as
blood and the watery cytoplasm inside cells. It is more
difcult to imagine gases owing, but they do. Take a
deep breath. What happened? Some of the air that
surrounds you owed into your lungs when your lungs
and ribcage expanded. Carbon dioxide ows out of
your lungs when you exhale. Like liquids, gases ow
and take up space. Therefore, gases and liquids can
both be classied as uids.
Can any solids be classied as uids? Breakfast cereals seem to ow when you pour them out of the box. Is
cereal a uid? You pour powdered laundry detergent
into a washing machine. Is the detergent a uid? To
answer these questions, do the Find Out Activity below.

Can Solids Flow?

Salt is a solid. It can be poured, but can it
flow like a fluid such as water? Pour it and
find out. Look for evidence that salt is a fluid
and evidence that it is not a fluid.

Find Out
pour the salt onto one of the plates.
Draw the results.
2. Again, hold your hand steady as you
slowly pour 250 mL of water onto the
second plate. Draw the results again.
3. Wipe up any spills.

salt (about 250 mL)

What Did You Find Out?

2 large plates
2 250 mL beakers

Performing and Recording

1. Place two large plates on a level surface.

While holding your hand steady, slowly

6 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Analyzing and Interpreting

1. Describe any differences in the behaviour

or the appearance of the substances when
you poured them.
2. What characteristic is necessary in order
for a substance to be classified as a fluid?

The Properties of Fluids and the Particle Model

In this unit you will explore the properties of uids. These properties
can help you determine which substances are uids and how uids
can be used to perform work. The properties of uids can be explained
by looking at tiny particles of matter. In further studies you will be
learning about atoms and molecules. These atoms and molecules are
believed to be the particles of which materials are made.
In earlier studies you learned about the particle model of matter.
In this unit you will revisit the model and use it to help explain the
properties of uids.
The essentials of life food, water, and air are examples of
substances that occur in the three different states of matter: solid,
liquid, and gas. As you learned in earlier science studies:
Solid is the state of matter of a substance that has a denite shape
and volume (for example, a sugar cube).
Liquid is the state of matter of a substance that has a denite volume,
but no denite shape (for example, water).
Gas is the state of matter of a substance that has neither a denite
shape nor a denite volume (for example, oxygen).
By using the particle model, you can explain why liquids and gases ow
but solids do not.

Particles of a gas completely fill a

container. If you removed the
stopper in this flask, what would
happen to the gas?



Liquids take the shape of the

container in which they are placed.

A solid cube of sugar does not

need a container to keep its shape.

Matter on the Move MHR

The particle model of matter

involves these key ideas:
1. All substances are made of tiny
2. All particles in a pure substance are
the same. Different pure substances
are made of different particles.
3. The particles have spaces between
4. The particles are always in motion
vibrating, rotating, and (in liquids and
gases) moving from place to place.
The speed of the particles increases/
decreases when the temperature
5. The particles in a substance are
attracted to one another. The strength
of the attractive force depends on the
type of particle.

Particles in Solids
Viewing matter as particles helps explain the
behaviour of solids, liquids, and gases. Solids are
made up of particles that are tightly packed
together. The particles of a solid are so close
together they cannot move around freely they
can only vibrate. This way of thinking about the
particles of a solid can explain why solids are
greatly affected by gravity. A solid will tumble
toward the lowest surface when suspended in the
air and then dropped.
Many solids can be ground into small pieces
so they can slip past each other when they are
poured out of their containers. Sugar, salt, our,
powdered cleansers and detergents, and many
other crystals and powders are examples of solids
that can be poured. However, according to the
particle model, each tiny fragment of these solids
contains billions of even smaller particles that are
tightly packed together. Each tiny fragment is like
a miniature solid in itself. Solids form a pile when
they are poured and they do not keep owing
apart from each other. Even though solids are not
true uids, they can be transported and poured
like uids. You observed this behaviour of solids
in the previous Find Out Activity. Are there any
other ways that solids can behave like uids?

Particles in Liquids
The particles that make up liquids have enough
energy to pull away from each other. Particles in
liquids slide around each other, while at the same
time vibrating close together in small clusters.
Imagine groups of guests talking and dancing at a
party. The party guests can move around by shifting as a group, or by owing in between the other
groups of partygoers. Similarly, liquid particles
can slip past each other. Unlike the particles in
solids, they do not form rigid clumps. As a result,
the particles of a liquid cannot hold their shape;
instead, they ll a container and take the shape of
that container.

8 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Liquid particles are so

tightly packed together
that they are easily
affected by the downward pull of gravity.
Liquids always ow
to the lowest possible
level, like the water
owing over a waterfall
(see Figure 1.1). As
well, liquids form a
level surface when they
are at rest.

Figure 1.1 Liquids always flow to the lowest point possible.

Fluid Circus
What devices do you know that operate
on fluid motion? Bring them to school for
a fluid circus!

Find Out
2. Make a chart in your notebook with the
following headings:
Object Observations Type of fluid Reason for movement

3. Complete your chart as you look at

the display. Examine the objects and
consider how and why they work.
4. Be prepared to explain to the class how
these objects work.
What Did You Find Out?
1. Which objects were your favourites? Why?
Bring materials from home that use fluid motion.
Some examples are whistles, balloons, and
pump-up toys. You might think of many others.

2. List three other objects in your life that

operate on fluid movement.
3. Which state of matter was the most
common of the fluids used in the
fluid circus?

1. Add your objects to the class display.

Matter on the Move MHR

Particles in Gases

The distance between yourself and a friend at

opposite sides of a stadium can be compared
to the distance between gas particles.

All liquids can be transformed into their

gaseous state when the liquids are heated.
Many substances, such as air, are gases at room
temperature. Gas particles are so far apart from
each other that there is an enormous amount
of empty space between them. Imagine that you
and a friend are as far apart from each other as
possible in a baseball stadium, and no one else is
there. This is similar to what it would be like to
be a gas particle. In fact, most gases seem invisible because there is so much empty space. The
particle model can be used to explain why gas
particles ow past each other easily, move in
every direction, and move extremely far apart.
The gas particles spread out so much that in
a brief time, they ll up the space of an entire
container or room. For this reason, gases, like
liquids, take on the shape of the container in
which they are sealed. However, most gases
do not ow to the lowest possible level as do
liquids. Because gas particles are not clustered
or packed tightly together, they move in all
directions, sometimes against gravity, and
remain suspended. Unlike liquids, when the lid
is taken off a container of gas, the gas particles
will start to spread apart again, until they have
lled the entire room or building. The particle
model helps us to understand that gases always
occupy all the space that they can ll up,
down, or sideways.

Solids, liquids, and gases are not the most

common forms of matter in the universe.
The most common form of matter exists in
a fluid state called plasma. Plasma is a gaslike mixture of positively
and negatively charged particles. When matter is heated to extremely
high temperatures, the particles begin to collide violently and to break
apart into smaller particles that can conduct electricity. Some scientists consider plasma to be a fourth state of matter. Glowing plasmas
occur naturally in stars such as the Sun, and in lightning. A rocket
powered by plasma would be capable of much higher speeds than
a traditional chemical rocket. The plasma-fuelled rocket could reach
Mars in about three months, travelling at a maximum speed of
50 km/s. If the rocket travelled any faster, it would not be able to
slow down in time to land on Mars.

10 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Changes of State
As you may recall from earlier studies, all solids can become liquids
through the process of melting. Melting is just one example of a
change of state, which occurs when the physical state of a substance is
transformed into another state (see Figure 1.2). Vaporization, the
change from a liquid to a gas, is another type of change of state.
A change of state occurs when a substance is heated and the particles
of the substance gain energy. If you were to cool the substance, the
reverse changes of state would occur because the particles lose energy.
The change from gas to liquid is called condensation. The change from
liquid to solid is called freezing.
Sublimation is an unusual change of state that occurs when either a
solid turns into its gaseous state or a gas turns into a solid without
becoming a liquid rst. An example of sublimation occurs when dry ice
is used for special effects at a rock concert. A chunk of frozen carbon
dioxide (a solid) gains energy and gives off a thick cloud of fog (carbon
dioxide gas). Figure 1.2 shows this change of state. An example of a gas
changing directly to a solid occurs when frost forms on windows on
very cold days.

Figure 1.2 Solid carbon dioxide is called dry ice because

it does not become a liquid before it becomes a gas. Dry

ice is much colder than regular ice. A fog of condensed
water vapour forms as air surrounding the dry ice cools.

Did you know that

science fiction script
writers often feature
changes of state in
imaginary ways?
Morphing has
become one of the
most popular special
effects developed for
science fiction movies.
By means of computergenerated graphics,
characters on screen
appear to metamorphose, or morph, into
someone or something
else. In some movies,
for example, solid
beings appear to morph
into a liquid that can
creep under doors, or
slip through cracks, and
then quickly resolidify.
Morphing has also
become a popular
feature of music videos,
television programs,
and commercials.















melting (also called fusion)


freezing (also called solidification)


In your Science Log,

write a short story that
involves morphing.
Include an illustration of
the morphing process
that occurs in your story.

Matter on the Move MHR


Paraffin melts
between 50C
and 57C.

Silver melts at 961C.

Silver teapot

Figure 1.3 Every substance has its own

melting point.


How are plastic shopping

bags made? Why is
Styrofoam fluffy? What
is a thermoplastic?
Investigate how changes
of state are used
throughout the plastics
packaging and container
industry, or in recycling
plastics. Choose one type
of plastic, and prepare
a scrapbook of downloaded information about
its properties, its use,
how it is heated, how it
is shaped, and if it can
be recycled.

Evaporation is a slower form of vaporization that

occurs over a wide range of temperatures. A wet
towel will dry even if the air temperature is cool.
On a cool day it will simply take longer for the
water to evaporate from the towel.
Boiling is a more rapid form of vaporization
that occurs at a specic temperature, called the
boiling point. The boiling point of water is
100C (at sea level).
Every substance has its own freezing point and
melting point. The freezing point of water, for
example, is 0C (at sea level). This is the temperature at which liquid water freezes. It is also the
temperature at which ice melts its melting
point. Figure 1.3 illustrates the melting point of
two other substances: parafn (wax) and silver.
The pictures show how the properties of a
substance, such as the melting point, can have
valuable uses. When normally solid substances
are melted, the liquid can be poured into moulds
of various shapes. When the substance is cooled,
it solidies and takes the shape of the mould.
The result can be a wax candle, a silver teapot,
or many other products.


1. In your own words, what does to ow mean?

2. How could you test whether or not a substance is a uid?
3. A substance has a denite volume but an indenite shape. Is the
substance a solid, a liquid, or a gas?
4. Apply Name a product (not mentioned earlier) that depends on
changing state for its formation.
5. Apply Use the particle model to explain why ice cubes form in your
6. Thinking Critically Describe a place or a situation in which you could
nd water as a solid, a liquid, and a gas all at the same time.
7. Thinking Critically Which substances could you use to demonstrate
morphing? Are these substances uids? For each substance, explain
your answer.

12 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter


Mixing and Dissolving

One of the earliest signs of human life on Earth is

the existence of paintings of bison, human hunters, and
other animals on cave walls (see Figure 1.4). Even
though the paint was simple, it survived thousands of
years. What is paint?
Paint is simply a two-part mixture: the pigment (the
solid colour) and the vehicle (the liquid that carries
the pigment to the surface being painted). In order
to make a consistent, reliable paint, pure ingredients
are used. Each pure ingredient is a pure substance, a
Figure 1.4 Which substances might have been
material that contains only one kind of particle.
mixed to form the paint for this cave drawing?
For example, metals such as iron and gold, and
non-metals, such as oxygen, sulphur, and carbon, are pure substances.
Chemical compounds, such as water, table salt, and sugar, are also pure
substances. All pure substances can exist in the three states of matter.
Each pure substance has its own set of physical properties, or
characteristics, such as colour, odour, and hardness.
A mixture such as paint contains two or more pure substances such
that each ones properties are not lost but may be hidden.
Classification of Matter
All Matter

Pure Substances
contain only one type of particle
can exist in three states of
matter: solid, liquid, and gas


iron, gold,

water, salt,

contain two or more pure substances



appear to be
one substance

two or more
parts can
be seen

particles of
substances are

different kinds
of particles
stay together

clear air

soil, blood,

Mixing and Dissolving MHR


Homogeneous Mixtures
Mixtures that look as though they have only one set of properties, such
as paints, are called homogeneous. These mixtures are blended so
thoroughly that every sample of the mixture will contain equal amounts
of all matter that make it up. Therefore, homogeneous means that
every part of the mixture is the same.
A homogeneous mixture of substances in which no settling occurs
is a solution. According to the particle model, solutions occur when
the particles of the components slip in between each other in an even
distribution throughout the entire mixture. A solution of water and
sugar contains particles of both water and sugar. It is homogeneous
because the sugar and water particles are evenly scattered at the particle
level, as shown in Figure 1.5. The solution has one set of properties
using some of the properties of sugar and some of water. The other
properties stay hidden.

Figure 1.5 The particle model can be used to illustrate a sugar and
water solution. Every sugar particle has all the properties of sugar.
Every water particle has all the properties of water. The solution
blends the properties of both.

Heterogeneous Mixtures
What colour is a rock? Rocks might look grey from a distance, but upon
careful inspection, they could contain white, grey, pink, or other
colours, as seen in Figure 1.6.

Figure 1.6 Which properties of minerals can you detect in these rocks?

14 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

The properties of minerals in rocks are not hidden. Some minerals

might be white, shiny, and smooth, and others might be black, dull,
and rough. On close inspection, you can tell that a rock is a mixture
and not a pure substance.
Mixtures that contain two or more materials that are still visible are
called heterogeneous mixtures. Heterogeneous means made up of
parts, or mixed.

Figure 1.7 What type of

mixture will each beaker

contain after the water is
poured and mixed?

In-Between Mixtures
It can be difcult to determine correctly whether a mixture is homogeneous or heterogeneous without using a magnifying glass. Orange juice
might appear to be a solution, but eventually the natural fruit sediment
can settle. A heterogeneous mixture in which the particles settle slowly
after mixing is a suspension. Suspended particles are large enough to
be trapped by most ne lters. Other examples of suspensions are
Italian salad dressing and clay mixed with water.
Homogenization helps the fat globules in milk stay dispersed longer
than suspended particles. A heterogeneous mixture in which the particles do not settle is a colloid. Colloidal particles are small enough to
pass through most common lters. The particles in a colloid can be
dispersed for an even longer period by adding an emulsifying agent to
form an emulsion. Mayonnaise is an example of an emulsion. The
emulsifying agent is often a protein that prevents the tiny droplets of
fat from joining together.
Mixtures that are obviously heterogeneous are usually called
mechanical mixtures. The separate parts of a mechanical mixture are
called phases. For example, when oil separates from water, two distinct
phases are visible. As well, the bubbles in soda water make up one
phase, and the liquid portion makes up the other phase.

Fog is an example of a

Mixing and Dissolving MHR


Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Inspectors Corner
How can you determine whether a substance is a homogeneous
or heterogeneous mixture? Your task in this investigation is to
inspect several beverages, plus ve materials commonly found
in a kitchen and ve materials commonly found in a bathroom
or laundry room.

How can common household products be classied as
homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures?

Make a hypothesis about the features of homogeneous and
heterogeneous mixtures that will help you identify them.
Safety Precautions

magnifying glass

a variety of common household
mixtures, such as milk, orange
juice, jam, salsa, toothpaste,
cereal, and soap.

Decide whether the product

is heterogeneous or homogeneous. Record your
choice in the table.

Put away all materials and

apparatus, and clean any

Under Reason for Choice

in the table, identify and
describe which features of
the material led you to your

Prepare a data table for
your observations, with the
following headings:
Heterogeneous or
Reason for Choice
Observe each product
carefully. Record your
observations in the table.

16 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

1. Propose a standard test or rule (an operational denition)
that will work each time to correctly identify a material as
homogeneous or heterogeneous.

Conclude and Apply

2. Re-examine your hypothesis. How well did your test results
support your hypothesis? Modify your hypothesis to reect
your ndings.
3. Compare your conclusions with those of other students.
Which products were easier to classify? Which ones were
more difcult? Why?

What Makes Materials Dissolve?

When you stir salt into a glass of water, it forms a homogeneous mixture a solution of salt and water. Forming a solution by mixing two
or more materials is called dissolving. Salt dissolves in water. Mixing
materials together does not always make a solution, however. Neither
orange juice nor milk is a solution. The pulp of the orange does not
dissolve, and neither does the milk fat. Why
sugar particle
do these materials not dissolve? What determines whether or not materials dissolve?
Suppose you add sugar crystals to water.
What happens to the attraction among
sugar particles when you place sugar crystals
in water? Why does each sugar crystal break
up and dissolve?
Recall these points from the particle model:
Particles attract each other.
water particle
Particles are always moving.
A group of water particles can attract a
Figure 1.8 The particle model helps us to explain how
dissolving occurs.
sugar particle more strongly than the other
sugar particles around it can. Figure 1.8 shows what happens to sugar
particles on the edge of a crystal. First the water particles pull a sugar
particle away from the other particles in the crystal. Then the motion
of the water particles carries it away. This makes room for more water
particles to move in and attract another sugar particle. This process
continues until all of the sugar is dissolved. Particles of sugar gradually
move around and mix evenly throughout the water.
A similar process is at work in a drop of water left on a table. The
water particles are attracted to each other, but are always moving.
Some particles are on the outside of the drop. The particles on the
outside of the drop occasionally escape into the air. Over time, all of
the particles escape because the attractions of the water particles to
each other are not strong enough to hold them together in the liquid
state (see Figure 1.9).

water particle

water drop

Figure 1.9 Evaporation

occurs when a liquid changes
to a gas.

Fill a glass with cold

water, and let it sit for a
few seconds until the
water is still. Gently pour
one level teaspoonful of a
powdered drink mix into
the bottom of the glass.
Do not stir. Check the
glass the next day. Using
the particle model, write
a brief description in your
Science Log of the
changes you observe.

Mixing and Dissolving MHR


Solutes and Solvents

When sugar dissolves in water, we call the water the solvent and the
sugar the solute. The solute is the substance that dissolves in a solvent
to form a solution. There is usually less solute than solvent in a solution. The solvent is the substance that dissolves a solute to form a
solution. There is usually more solvent than solute in a solution.

Figure 1.10 Nail polish remover can be used as a solvent for

some materials that are not soluble in water. Because it is such

an effective solvent, however, it may also dissolve plastic,
making marks on counters and tabletops.

Another way to say sugar dissolves in water is to say sugar is soluble

in water. Soluble means able to be dissolved in a particular solvent.
For example, sugar is soluble in water. Both solutes and solvents may
be solids, liquids, or gases. Table 1.1 shows some examples.
Table 1.1 Examples of Solutions in Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous States


Made up of

States of matter


oxygen, other gases in nitrogen



humid air

water vapour in air



soda water

carbon dioxide in water




acetic acid in water



ocean water

various salts in water



A group of Swedish dentists and chemists have developed a mixture that may replace the
use of the drill for filling certain cavities. The mixture dissolves decayed dentine in teeth.
The red gel, called Carisolv, is a mixture of three amino acids and a weak solution of sodium
hypochlorite. The sodium hypochlorite solution dissolves the rotten tissue of the tooth.
Amino acids attract the dissolved parts. The whole process can be accomplished in less
than 30 s with very little discomfort to the patient.

18 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Water the Universal Solvent

Two-thirds of Earths surface is covered with water. Water has been
called the universal solvent because it can dissolve so many materials.

Figure 1.11 Water does not discriminate it dissolves life-threatening pollutants as easily as

life-giving nutrients.

Water is crucial for the survival of all living things, second only in
importance to oxygen. Approximately half of your blood is made up
of water. The water portion of your blood dissolves and carries food
molecules, vitamins, minerals, and other essential substances to all parts
of your body. Blood carries dissolved wastes away from your body cells,
too. Plants also need water to deliver nutrients and remove wastes. Sap
contains water and nutrients that are picked up from the roots and
other storage locations in the plant. These nutrients are dissolved and
then transported in solution to every part of the plant.

Considering how useful

and necessary water is,
we are fortunate to have
such a plentiful supply
on Earth! However,
97 percent of the water
on Earth is ocean water,
full of dissolved materials. Over 2 percent of
the water is frozen in the
Arctic and Antarctic.
Only about 0.5 percent
of Earths water is usable
fresh water, but
because water is such a
good solvent, even fresh
water also contains many
solutes. Some of these
are harmless, but others
are not. Water is easily
polluted because it mixes
readily with so many

The Rate of Dissolving

When we measure how fast a solute dissolves in a solvent, we are
measuring the rate of dissolving. What factors do you think might
affect the rate of dissolving?
Consider what happens when you mix avour crystals with water.
Agitation (stirring or shaking) helps the solutes dissolve faster. When
the mixture is agitated, water that was near the crystals is pushed far
away. Water that was far from the crystals is moved closer to them.
The water particles that are near the crystals have a much lower
concentration of avour crystal particles. These water particles can
exert a greater force of attraction on the avour crystal particles.
Agitation is one way of making a solute dissolve faster. Are there
other ways? Think about what lasts longer in your mouth a whole
candy, or one that youve crunched up? When the solute is in smaller
pieces, there is more surface area where dissolving can occur.
Temperature and pressure also affect the rate of dissolving.
Mixing and Dissolving MHR


Ask an Expert

How Much Can Be Dissolved?

The particles of one pure substance are not the same as those of another, so the degree of attraction is different for different substances. The
limit to how concentrated a solution can become is called solubility.
Solubility refers to the mass of a solute that can dissolve in a given
amount of solvent to form a saturated solution at a given temperature.
A saturated solution is one in which no more solute will dissolve in
a specic amount of solvent at a specic temperature. An unsaturated
solution is one in which more of the solute could dissolve in a specic
amount of solvent at the same temperature.
For example, scientists have determined that
Table 1.2 Solubility of Some Common Substances
no more than 35.7 g of salt will dissolve in 100 g
of ice-cold water (at 0C). So the solubility of
(g/100 g of water)
salt is 35.7 g/100 g of water. Table 1.2 shows the
baking soda
solubility of several common substances. Note
canola oil
that solubility is stated in grams. How many
carbon dioxide
grams of each of these substances will dissolve
copper(II) sulfate
in 100 g of ice-cold water?
Turn to page 86 to
find out how Gamini
Dassayanke uses his
knowledge of solutions
to treat waste water.

Epsom salts



ethyl alcohol












salt (sodium chloride)



sugar (sucrose)



water particle

copper (II) sulfate

Figure 1.12 The particle model can be used to explain how a substance, such as copper(II)
sulfate, reaches a point where no more of the substance will dissolve.

20 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

As stated on the previous page, there is a limit to how concentrated

most solutions can become. When you prepare a solution, you reach
this limit when no amount of stirring can make more solute dissolve in
the solvent. At this point, the solution is said to be saturated.
How can the particle model explain saturated solutions? Look at the
photograph and the diagram in Figure 1.12. The photograph shows
crystals of copper(II) sulfate in a saturated copper(II) sulfate solution.
According to the particle model, no more solid dissolves because all of
the water particles are already attracted to as many copper(II) sulfate
particles as they can be. No additional water particles are available to
attract more copper(II) sulfate particles away from the copper sulfate
crystals, even though individual particles are moving.

Beyond the Limit: Supersaturated Solutions

It is possible to pass the saturation limit in some solutions. A solution
that contains more solute than would normally dissolve at a certain
temperature is called a supersaturated solution. You can prepare a
supersaturated solution from some solutes by making a saturated
solution, then cooling it without stirring. The solute stays dissolved
for a short time. When a small crystal of solute is added, the extra
solute quickly becomes crystals, as shown in Figure 1.13.

Suppose that you work

in the school laboratory,
making solutions for
teachers to use in their
classes. Use the information in Table 1.2 to prepare a spreadsheet or
database showing the
number of grams of
solute that are needed to
make 10 mL, 50 mL,
100 mL, 500 mL, and
1000 mL of the following
saturated solutions at
0C: alum, copper (II)
sulfate, Epsom salts, salt,

Imagine that you are

conducting a test for
saturation. Add a small
amount of solute to a
solution. In your Science
Log, explain what the
following results would
tell you, using the
words saturated,
unsaturated, and
The crystal of solute

Figure 1.13 The solution of sodium acetate on the left is still homogeneous. No solid crystals
have come out of the solution at least, not yet. When a single crystal enters the
supersaturated solution shown on the right, the excess solute crystallizes almost instantly.

The crystal of solute

does not dissolve.
Many more crystals

Suppose that you are dissolving a solute into 550 g of water at 0C. You find that no more
than 495 g of solute will dissolve. Calculate the solubility of the solute.

Mixing and Dissolving MHR


Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Solubility Solutions
Mining companies often use solutions to help transport and separate the valuable
ore from the surrounding rock. Your investigation group has been hired to make a
saturated solution of a substance for a company that wants to use the solution to
transport some new minerals they have discovered. The group that creates the
most accurate results in the shortest time will receive the contract. Remember to
be accurate in all your measurements.

Which solute has the greatest solubility in water?
Saftey Precaution
test tubes
rubber stoppers for test tubes
metric spoon (1mL)
graduated cylinder
paper funnel
electronic balance

table salt
potassium nitrate
baking soda
copper (II) sulfate

Choose which solute your
group would like to test.
Get approval from your
Obtain the correct
equipment and the solute
from the assigned area.
Read the investigation.
Design a table to collect
the data.
Measure the mass of 1 mL
of the solute you have
chosen on the electronic
Pour 10 mL of water into a
test tube. Add 1 mL of the
solute to the water. (It is
easier to add a dry powder
to a test tube if you make a
paper funnel out of half a
sheet of paper.) Put a stopper in the test tube and
shake the solution until
the solute has completely

22 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

If all of the solute dissolves,

you have created an unsaturated solution, so you must
add more solute. Continue
adding solute to the test
tube until no more solute
will dissolve. Record how
much solute you add each
time. When a small amount
of solute remains in the
bottom of the test tube,
you have created a saturated
Repeat 23 times.
Calculate the average
amount of solute that can
dissolve in 10 mL of water by
calculating the average of
your trials. Record the results
on the chalkboard. State your
results as grams of solute per
100 mL of solution.
Record the results of all
other groups.
Dispose of the solutions as
directed by your teacher.
Wash your hands when
you have completed the

1. Which solute used by the class was the
most soluble in water? Which was the
least soluble?

potash is mined, it is dissolved in water to

remove it from the ground. Use the Internet
or library to research potash and the technology behind solution mining. Draw a
diagram of solution mining.

2. Which solute used has particles that are

the most attracted to water?

3. Review the solubility graph shown here to

answer the next questions. The graph shows
the solubility of ammonia, sylvite, and
potassium nitrate in water.
(a) A student adds 50 g of sylvite to 100 mL
of water at 60C. The resulting solution
is best described as (i) unsaturated,
(ii) saturated, (iii) supersaturated.
(b) A solution is prepared by adding 50 g
of potassium nitrate to 100 mL of water
at 50C. What type of solution has been
(c) Ammonia is a gas. Describe what
happens to the solubility of ammonia as
temperature increases from 20C to 80C.
(d) Which two substances have the same
solubility at 28C ?

Solubility Curves
Grams of solute per 100 grams of H2O

Conclude and Apply


potassium nitrate




Extend Your Skills

4. Sylvite and halite are the two minerals that
make up the rock potash. Sometimes when

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Temperature (C)

Mixing and Dissolving MHR


Cleaning Up with Solvents

Dry cleaning might better
be called wet cleaning.
Because water can
damage some fabrics,
such as silk and wool,
dry cleaners use different
liquids, such as
perchloroethylene. The
clothing is still put into a
washing machine full of
liquid, but because the
liquid is not water, we call
the process dry cleaning. Carbon tetrachloride
was once used as a dry
cleaning fluid but was
banned because it is such
a dangerous substance.

Simply mixing materials together does not always result in a solution.

The pulp in orange juice is not soluble, and neither are the small
droplets of fat in milk; these are insoluble. Insoluble means not able to
be dissolved in a particular solvent.
Why are some materials insoluble? This question can be answered
by considering the attractions among particles. For example, grass
stains are difcult to get out of clothing. Grass stains are caused by the
chlorophyll found in grass. The particles of chlorophyll are more
attracted to each other than they are to water particles. To remove
grass stains, you need to use a different solvent one whose particles
attract the particles of chlorophyll. Rubbing alcohol can be used to
remove grass stains and other spots, as can other solvents. Chlorophyll
is insoluble in water, but it is soluble in other solvents.
Normally, water just runs off oily, greasy surfaces, and stubborn
stains are often made up of fatty particles. Soap or detergent is needed
to help remove these stains. Detergents are mostly synthetic materials,
containing long molecules whose ends have different abilities to attract
other particles. One end is attracted to fatty particles, such as oil and
greasy stains, but not to water. The other end of this long molecule
does the opposite: it is more strongly attracted to water and less
attracted to fatty particles. Detergent molecules help to dissolve fat
particles so that they can be rinsed away with water.

Figure 1.14 Specialized cleaning products are used to clean off decades, or even centuries, of

accumulated dirt from paintings without dissolving the paint. The cleaned painting on the right
appears as the artist would have seen it.

24 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

WHMIS Safety Symbols

Cleaning solvents are very useful, but they must be used with caution.
Soap and shampoo are not often regarded as dangerous chemicals and
are, in fact, mild compared to other detergents. Bleach, ammonia, and
strong acids are often used to remove dirt and to sanitize.
Skill Focus 1 in the appendix of this book shows the WHMIS
(Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) symbols. These
symbols are used throughout Canada to identify dangerous materials
found in all workplaces, including schools. For your own safety, make
certain you understand what these symbols mean. When you see these
symbols on containers in your classroom, at home, or in a workplace,
use safety precautions.

Find Out

Safety First
If you can recognize and understand the
WHMIS symbols, you can make better
decisions about handling, storage, and
disposal of hazardous materials.

4. Using the information in Skill Focus 1, in

the appendix, summarize the dangers
associated with the substance in each

Safety Precautions


Do not handle the materials directly.

Obtain information about six other

materials from three friends. Include the
new information in your table.

hazardous waste containers or labels
1. Find any two WHMIS symbols on containers in your school or home, or ask your
parent or guardian to look for WHMIS
symbols in their workplace.
2. Prepare a table with the following headings: Name of Material, Storage Location,
WHMIS Symbol(s), Nature of the Hazard,
and Proper Disposal Method. Include
enough room for eight materials in total.

Performing and Recording

Record the name

of each substance, its storage location,
and its WHMIS symbol(s).

What Did You Find Out?

Analyzing and Interpreting

1. In your opinion, which material was the

least harmful, and which one was the
most harmful? Explain why you think so
in each case.
2. Were all the materials being stored
properly? For each one that was not,
explain what would need to be done to
upgrade the safety.
3. Find out which of the materials in your
list are being disposed of properly and
which are not. Of the ones that are NOT
being disposed of properly, what are the
immediate risks to the environment?
What are the long-term effects on the

Mixing and Dissolving MHR


Looking Ahead
Remember to keep
planning for your
end-of-unit project.
Be thinking about the
game as you work
through each Topic
in this unit.



1. Identify the following mixtures as heterogeneous or homogeneous or

both. Explain your reasoning for each.




grape soft drink

Italian dressing


2. What is a solution? What evidence do you need in order to classify a

material as a solution?
3. For each solution listed in question 1, identify which substance is the
solvent, and which one is the solute.
4. (a) What does the term rate of dissolving mean?
(b) Name three factors that can change the rate at which a solid dissolves
in a liquid.
5. Use the particle model to explain how each factor affects the rate of
6. Name one property that you think would not have an effect on the rate
of dissolving. Explain why not.
7. Use the particle model to explain why rocks do not usually dissolve
in water.
8. Why is water considered the universal solvent?
9. Apply After completing an activity to measure the solubility of an
unknown substance in water, Joanne found that she could dissolve only
15 g of the substance per 450 mL of water. Raylene tried the same activity
at home to see if she could conrm Joannes results. Raylene found that
she could dissolve 45 g per bowl.
(a) Is it possible that both girls results are correct? How?
(b) How could the problem of varying results be prevented in the
10. Thinking Critically A cloud is a mixture of water droplets suspended in
air. Is a cloud homogeneous or heterogeneous? Give reasons to support
your answer.
11. Thinking Critically Why do people recommend removing ink stains
with hairspray? Use the terms solvent, soluble, and insoluble in
your answer.

26 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter


Separating Earths Mixtures

Our planet is rich in natural mixtures.

Over thousands of years, humans
have developed technologies to
process these mixtures to make useful
products. Which types of technologies
are useful for separating mixtures?
Explore some answers to this question
in the following Find Out Activity.

Figure 1.15 Most natural resources need

some degree of processing. How do you

think iron is separated from iron ore?

Separating Strategies
What strategies are useful for separating
mixtures? Remember: You must recover all
substances from each mixture in their
original form. Do not open the containers.
10 containers of different mixtures, such as:
salt water
muddy water

Find Out
2. Examine the mixtures. Consider the
physical and chemical properties of each
substance. With your group, brainstorm all
the possible methods that might be used
to separate each mixture.
3. Complete the table. Choose the groups
two best methods for separating each
mixture. Explain why each method
would work.

nuts and bolts

iron filings and dirt
oil and sand
oil and water
salt and pepper
Styrofoam and plastic building blocks
pennies and dimes
wood chips and pieces of brick
1. Make a table in your notebook or on a
spreadsheet with these headings:

What Did You Find Out?

1. Which properties of substances did you
use most frequently?
2. Which methods of separation did you use
most frequently?
3. Which mixtures were easier to separate?
4. Which mixtures were more difficult to
separate? Why?

Mixture separation methods

Why the method works

Separating Earths Mixtures MHR


Separating Mixtures
Whenever uids are used to help solids ow, either by simply mixing
or by dissolving, the solids must later be recovered. When separating
a mixture, it is useful to know the properties of the components, and
how the components differ from each other. Separation methods are
designed to take advantage of these differences. For example, gold
differs chemically from the other components in the ore. First, certain
chemicals dissolve only the gold in water. After this solution is drained
away, another chemical reaction restores the gold to its solid state.
The separation methods that will be discussed in this Topic are
based on differences in physical properties of components. Later in
this Topic you will see how the components of petroleum are separated
based on different boiling points. What other separation methods can
be used?

Desalinating Water
Imagine being trapped on a desert island in the middle of the ocean. Is
there any way you could produce drinking water? You could make the
seawater drinkable if you could desalinate it. Desalination means
removing the salt from salty water. In many parts of the world, fresh
water is scarce, and seawater must be desalinated to provide drinking
water. The desert tent method shown in Figure 1.16 is not expensive,
but it is very slow. Also, it is practical only in areas that receive a lot of
bright sunlight.
Along the Red Sea, where people live between salt water and the
desert, huge desalination plants provide drinking water for thousands
of people. These plants are very expensive to run, and use enormous
amounts of energy.






Make a list of general

situations where
manual separation
would be inappropriate, and, in each
case, explain why.

pure water

impure water




pure water

Figure 1.16 This desert tent apparatus uses a process very much like distillation. The water in
the pans does not boil, but energy from the Sun causes it to evaporate. When the rising water
vapour comes in contact with the cooler plastic sheets, it condenses. The drops of water run
down the plastic into containers.

28 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

The process of removing water from a solution is called dehydration.

The solvent (water, in many cases) separates from the solution via
evaporation. Many convenience foods come in dehydrated form, such
as pasta, sauces, milk, coffee, tea, soups, gravy, cake mixes, etc. To save
time and reduce chances of spoilage while dehydration takes place,
most food companies add heat to help speed up the evaporation
Although solute recovery by evaporation is simple and relatively
inexpensive, it may be necessary to recover the solvent as well.
Distillation is a separation method that allows all liquid fractions of a
mixture to be separated from each other and collected in different
containers. Distilled water is manufactured commercially and is used
where only pure water is needed. Figure 1.17 illustrates how water can
be recovered from seawater using distillation.

In Your Science Log,

use the particle model
to explain how water
particles from seawater
leave one flask and end
up in another one during
a distillation.

water out
steam condenses
as it cools

water in

salt (solute) collects
at bottom of flask as
water evaporates
pure water

Figure 1.17 Distillation involves evaporating a solvent to separate it from the solute and then
condensing it to a liquid. Water circulating in the condenser helps cool the steam as it passes
through the tube.

Seawater contains two very Table 1.4 Percentage of Salt in Some Bodies of Water
important resources: salt
Body of water
Salt (%)*
and water. All seawater
Arabian Sea
contains salt, but the
Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
percentage can vary
Baltic Sea (some areas)
1 (or less)
from one body of water
to another (see Table 1.4).
Dead Sea
It is relatively easy to
Great Salt Lake, Utah
recover the solute from
Red Sea
seawater. Leave the
*Numbers of grams of solute (salt)/ 100 mL solution
seawater in the sunlight,
and let the water evaporate. Eventually you will be left with solid salt.

Separating Earths Mixtures MHR


Processing Petroleum
Oil exploration companies spend millions of dollars drilling test holes
to locate new underground deposits of petroleum, a naturally occurring
mixture of hydrocarbons. Petroleum products, such as kerosene, gasoline, and diesel oil, are burned to produce electricity, move vehicles of
all kinds, and do many other kinds of work.
Pumping petroleum to the surface is only the rst step. What comes
out of the pump is crude petroleum, a raw material. To make usable
products, petroleum must be processed.
The process that yields different petroleum products is known as
fractional distillation. As you have just learned, distillation is a method
for separating the parts of a solution, in this case, a liquid-liquid solution. In any distillation, the mixture is heated so that at least one part
begins to change into a gas (vaporize). The gas travels up and away
from the mixture and the heat. In a separate chamber, the gas is cooled
and it turns back into a liquid (recondenses). The recondensed liquid
is collected in a separate container. Eventually all of the parts of the
liquid-liquid mixture will vaporize and then recondense in a separate
chamber to be collected in separate containers.
Petroleum is a collection of substances that are soluble in each other
but not in water. Each substance condenses at a different temperature.
Fractional distillation is done in a two-tower structure, as shown in
Figure 1.18. In the shorter tower, the petroleum is heated strongly
enough to vaporize every part of the mixture. Then the mixture of hot
vapours is pumped into the bottom of the taller tower.
jet fuel
furnace oils
diesel oil
lubricating oils
Figure 1.18 Fractionating

towers are a common sight

in the oil-producing regions
of Canada. What raw
materials enter the short
tower? What change takes
place there? What
processed materials leave
the tall tower?

30 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter


tar and asphalt

very hot vapours

Inside the tall tower, the hot vapours rise. As they rise, they cool.
Remember that these are different pure substances, so they have
different properties. This means that some of them condense and
form a liquid while they are still very hot, near the bottom of the tower. As the remaining vapours continue to rise, different ones condense
at different levels in the tower. Near the top (the coolest part) of the
tower, a few remain as a gas.
Each fraction is drawn off by the collecting pipes at its own level
and is sent to a different part of the renery for further processing.
There each material may be converted into petrochemicals.
Petrochemicals are entirely new products made from the same raw
material petroleum. Scientists have developed and produced over
500 000 different petrochemicals.

Solid Mixtures From Underground

Most underground materials are solid rock. For
example, the rock shown in Figure 1.19 is a
mixture of two pure substances: white
quartzite and yellow gold. This rock
Examples of products that are made from petrochemicals
is called gold ore because it can be
include Aspirin, basketballs, chewing gum, duct tape, eyeglasses, and
processed to extract gold. An ore is
fertilizer. Continue the alphabetical list of petrochemicals by going to the
a mineral (or a group of minerals)
above web site. Go to Science Resources, then to SCIENCEFOCUS 8
to find out where to go next. Try to find a petrochemical
that contains a valuable substance.
product for every letter of the alphabet.
Another example of an ore is iron ore.
A number of steps are needed to extract
gold from its ore. All
along the way, the gold
must be made to ow
from one step to the next.
First, the ore is blasted
and crushed. The ore
powder is mixed with
water to create a ne
suspension. Chemicals
are added to dissolve the
gold. Anything other than
gold does not dissolve.
Figure 1.19 The white part
Only those particles
of this rock is quartzite.
The yellow parts are nearly
dissolved in water can
pure gold.
pass through lters. The
rest, called solid wastes, get caught in the lters. In the last step, the
gold is released from the solution when zinc is added. The gold residue
sinks and is nally carried into a collecting tray.
In the next investigation you will explore the role lters play in
separating mixtures. You will then investigate several other methods of
separating the parts of mixtures.
Separating Earths Mixtures MHR


Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Using Filtration to Separate Mixtures

Filters are at work in your body, in your car, and in your home. How do they
work? Which components are they able to separate from mixtures?

How can the process of ltration be used to separate the parts of mixtures?
Safety Precaution

retort stand
ring clamp

250 mL beaker
600 mL beaker
stirring rods

filter paper
a variety of liquid mixtures, one
for each group

Make an observation
chart with these headings:
Appearance of ltrate
Appearance of residue
Set up a retort stand, ring
clamp, and funnel as shown
in the diagram.

Obtain your groups mixture

in the 600 mL beaker. Stir
it gently.
Pour a small amount of the
mixture onto the lter paper.
Be sure not to pour so
quickly that you pour over
the edges of the folded lter
paper. The level of the
mixture in the lter paper

should be below the edge

of the lter paper.
Record your observations
on your chart.
Observe the results of
other groups ltration.
If necessary, carefully add
more mixture in the other
lter papers.

1. Which mixtures were successfully separated by the ltering
procedure? Why?
2. Which mixtures were not completely separated by the
ltering procedure? Why not?
Place a 250 mL beaker
below the funnel to catch
the residue.
Fold the lter paper as
directed by your teacher
and place it in the funnel.
Dampen the lter paper
with water so it will stay
in place.
32 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Conclude and Apply

3. What other methods might be used to separate the mixtures
you were unable to separate by ltering? List three of these
methods and the mixtures they might separate.
4. Consider the use of lters in your body, in your car, in your
home, and in recreational facilities. Draw and explain the
workings of at least ve of these lters.

Solute Recovery

Find Out

To test for the presence of dissolved salt, you

will allow three different samples of liquid to
evaporate. Be sure to use the same amount
of liquid for all three samples. Handle the glass
slides carefully so they do not break.
glass slides
(very clean!)

distilled water
tap water
salt water
medicine droppers

wax pencil or
permanent marker


What Did You Find Out?

Analyzing and Interpreting

1. After the drops of liquid evaporated,

what remained on the glass slide for
(A) the distilled water, (B) the tap water,
and (C) the salt water?

Performing and Recording

1. With the marker and ruler, divide the glass

slide into three parts, marked A, B, and C.
2. Use the dropper to place two drops each
of (A) distilled water, (B) tap water, and (C)
salt water on the appropriate place on the
glass slide.
3. Set the glass slide aside, where it will not
be disturbed.
4. After the liquid has evaporated, examine
the slide to see what is left on the plate.
Record your observations for each sample.

2. Which materials are solutions? Which are

not? How can you tell?
3. According to the particle model, solute
particles and solvent particles attract each
other. In this activity, what was the factor
that allowed the solute and solvent particles to overcome this attraction and to
4. Predict what would have happened if you
had placed your slides on a radiator while
you waited. Use the particle model to
explain your prediction.

The unit for solute concentration is very specific, as seen in the footnote for Table 1.4 on
page 29. If 3.7 g of salt is present in every 100 mL of salt solution in the Arabian Sea, how
much salt would you expect to recover from 500 L of the Arabian Sea?

Ordinary table salt is sodium chloride. Other salts include potassium chloride, magnesium
sulfate, calcium nitrate, and ammonium carbonate. Another salt, potassium chloride, also
known as potash, is mined in Saskatchewan. Which kinds of salt have you used? Table salt
is made by adding water to salt deposits and evaporating the brine. Kosher salt is similar,
but it is raked during evaporation. Sea salt is made from water trapped in ponds.

Separating Earths Mixtures MHR


Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Hidden Colours
You have learned how to separate liquids from liquids, solids from liquids, solvents
from solutes, and solids from solids. What if you had a solution with more than
one solute? Would it be possible to separate different solute molecules?
Ink is made up of coloured compounds called pigments. Which pigments make
up each colour of ink? What do you think would happen if you marked a dot on
the dry lter paper with a felt-tip marker, and then allowed water to absorb
through it?

Make two predictions for this investigation and record them in your notebook.
Predict the colours that will appear after separation, and predict which colours
cannot be separated.


small beakers

filter paper (larger than the beaker

felt-tip markers, various colours,
water soluble
felt-tip markers, various colours,
methanol or ethanol

Safety Precautions

Do not taste methanol or ethanol,

or sniff them directly.
Be sure to wipe up any spills, as
wet floors are slippery.
Methanol and ethanol are toxic
chemicals; dispose of all wastes
as your teacher directs.

Poke a small hole in the
centre of a piece of lter
paper, no larger than
0.5 cm in diameter.
With one marker, place six
small, equally spaced dots in
a circle about 0.5 cm away
from the centre circle. Be
sure to keep the lter
paper dry.
Fill the beaker to 1 cm from
the top with water. Keep the
rim of the beaker perfectly
dry. Wipe it if it becomes

34 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Carefully place the lter

paper on top of the beaker.
Meanwhile, use another
piece of lter paper to cut
out a triangle that is 4 cm
tall and 2 cm at its base.
Roll this into a cylinder
that will t the centre hole
of the rst lter paper.
The triangle will act as a
water wick.

Place the pointed end of

the wick into the centre hole
of the dotted lter paper,
and carefully push it down
until it is 11.5 cm into the
solvent. Set the beaker off
to the side where it will not
be disturbed.

Allow your chromatogram

to develop until the pattern
has reached to about 1 cm
from the outer edge of the
lter paper.
Remove your chromatogram
and allow it to dry.
Make an observation
chart to record your

Repeat the procedure with

different-coloured markers,
both water-soluble and
permanent, and different
solvents. Do not reuse the
water wick.
Repeat the investigation
with notebook paper, paper
towels, and any other paper
available. Record your results
on your observation chart.

Continue making trials of

ink, pigments, and solvents.
Mount your dried chromatograms on a poster.
For each one, identify the
solvent that you used, and
the colour of marker used.

1. What was the manipulating variable? What was the
responding variable?
2. Which coloured pigments were more soluble in water and
which ones were more soluble in methanol or ethanol?
3. Which type of paper produced the best chromatography?

Conclude and Apply

4. Which coloured markers had the most surprising results?
Which ones had the least? Propose an explanation for
these results.
5. What happened when you altered or changed the solvent?
Use the particle model and your understanding of solubility
in your answer.

Extend Your Knowledge

6. Research chromatography on the Internet or at the library.
Report on several technologies that use chromatography.

Separating Earths Mixtures MHR


Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

A Sweet Process
Think About It

What to Do

White sugar, golden brown sugar, dark brown

sugar, and molasses are all produced from either
sugar beets or sugar cane. How do the steps of
separation and processing produce different
grades of sugar?

With a partner, examine the owchart below that

shows how various sugar products are made.

B The stalks are washed,

chopped up, and then

A When the sugar cane is ready

to harvest, the dry leaves are
burned off. The stalks are
transported to a factory.
F Evaporators remove
most of the water.
This is similar to
the process used
in maple syrup

E Filtering removes
the remaining
shredded bits and
impurities, and
produces a
clear solution
of sugar in

H Juice leaving the

vacuum boiler already
contains a lot of sugar
G Juice leaving the
crystals. A centrifuge
evaporators is still
spins it at very high
too dilute. It is placed speeds, similar to the
in a vacuum boiler.
spin cycle on a
The boiler removes
washing machine.
almost all of the
remaining water
without making
the juice hot
enough to

36 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

C The shredded cane

is placed in scalding
hot water to dissolve
the sugar.

D The sugar is heated and chemicals

are added to help the filters remove
impurities in step E.
I The remaining liquid is spun
off and collected in the
molasses tank. The pale brown
crystals of raw sugar are also
collected. Both the liquid and
the crystals are sent to a
refinery for further processing.
J In the refinery, the pale brown crystals of raw
sugar are rinsed and dissolved in water. Then the
solution is filtered. The water is removed once again
by evaporation and spinning. Crystals of white sugar
are produced at this stage. The liquid that remains
is used to produce the various grades of brown
sugar. The liquid from the molasses tank is
processed to make several different grades
of molasses.

1. What is the purpose of step B?
2. Does step C produce a solution or a
mechanical mixture?
3. Draw a sketch to show how the ltration
in step E works. Use the particle model to
create labels that explain how ltration
4. Redraw the evaporation in steps F and G
showing where you think the water goes
when it is removed, and where the sugar
5. (a) What are the rst two products that
come from a sugar factory? (step 1)
(b) What happens to each of these
(c) What is the waste product that is
discarded in this process?

Sugar beets are grown in Qubec, Manitoba, and


Across Canada
Almost all of the sugar we buy today is produced from
sugar cane and sugar beets. Most sugar refineries in eastern
Canada use imported sugar cane as the raw ingredient. Most
refineries in western Canada use domestically grown sugar
beets. Regardless of which raw material is used, the end
products are very similar.
Centuries ago, Canadas Aboriginal people collected
sweetwater from maple trees and poured it into hollowedout logs. They turned the clear, colourless sap into a sweet,
amber liquid that we now call maple syrup, adding heated
rocks to speed up the evaporation of the sap.
Some of Canadas 13 000 maple syrup producers in Ontario,
Qubec, and the Maritimes still use the traditional method to
collect and process the sap. They carry it to the sugar shack
on sleds or in wagons. There it is boiled to remove the extra
water and reduce the syrup so that it is the right flavour and

Other producers use more modern methods: kilometres of

plastic tubing connect thousands of trees, carrying the sap
to the sugar shack. Filtering systems and pasteurization
processes are then used to prepare the syrup for sale all
over the world. The basic process is still the same, however
many hours of boiling large quantities of sap down to a
small quantity of delicious concentrate.

Separating Earths Mixtures MHR


Figure 1.20 These shallow basins are being used to recover salt from sea water. The water

evaporates from the basins, leaving behind crystals of salt.



1. Give four examples of naturally occurring mixtures, two from this Topic,
and two from your own experience. State whether each is homogeneous
or heterogeneous.
2. (a) What is a petroleum renery?
(b) Name the process that is used to rene petroleum. Explain how it
works by drawing a simple labelled sketch.
3. How is dehydration different from distillation as a method of removing a
solute from a solvent?
4. Compare the distillation method shown in Figure 1.18 with the desert
tent evaporator in Figure 1.16. What is similar? What is different? Refer
to the particle model of matter in your answer.
5. Sugar can be produced from three different raw materials: cane, beets,
and maple sap. Regardless of the raw material, a lot of fuel is needed.
Explain why.
6. Write your own denition of ltration.
7. List six ways for separating the components of a mixture.
8. Apply Could settling be used to separate the components of petroleum?
Explain why or why not.

38 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter



If you need to check an item, Topic numbers are provided in brackets below.

Key Terms
pure substance


Reviewing Key Terms

1. Which of the key terms best matches each
of these phrases? Write your answer in
your notebook.
(a) a state of matter with no denite
volume (1)
(b) how fast a solute dissolves in a solvent (2)
(c) a homogeneous mixture in which no
settling occurs (2)
(d) a hetergeneous mixture in which no
settling occurs (2)
(e) separate parts of a mechanical mixture (2)
(f ) able to be dissolved in a particular
solvent (2)
(g) characteristics, such as colour, odour, and
hardness (2)
(h) the substance that dissolves in a solvent to
form a solution (2)

mechanical mixture

rate of dissolving
saturated solution
unsaturated solution
supersaturated solution

Understanding Key Concepts

2. From Table 1.1 on p. 18, nd
(a) two solutions that are gases
(b) a solution in which both solute and
solvent are liquids
(c) a solution of gas in a liquid (2)
3. (a) What is the purpose of distillation? Use
the terms solute and solvent in your
(b) Use the particle model of matter to
explain how distillation works. (3)
4. Apply In the past, people collected rainwater
to use for washing hair and clothes. Why do
you think people did this, rather than using
water from a river or a well? (2)
5. Thinking Critically The cleaning and
stain-removal industry understands how to
separate the components of a mixture.
What can you add to a grass stain to separate
it from the mixture of stain and clothing
bre? (2)
6. List the solutes and solvents for these
(a) sweetened tea (b) coffee with cream
(c) ocean water

(d) orange soft drink

(e) perfume

(f ) mouthwash

(g) cherry Kool-Aid (2)

Wrap-up Topics 13 MHR



Flow Rate and Viscosity

Does your mouth water at the
thought of gooey caramel topping,
pancakes drizzled with syrup, or
melted chocolate chips in cookies
hot from the oven?
Some of the most delicious treats
are liquids that ow thickly and
smoothly. The property that describes
a liquids thickness or thinness is
called viscosity. A thicker liquid is
more viscous and has a higher
viscosity. Viscosity is a property of all
uids, including liquids and gases,
whether they are pure substances or mixtures. It is more difcult to
imagine the viscosity of a gas, because gases are invisible and difcult to
feel for thickness.
Viscosity in gases increases
and decreases in a different
way than it does for liquids. You will learn more
about the viscosity of gases
at the end of this Topic.
Most uids in our lives
are liquid mixtures. Some
liquids can ow faster than
others. How would you
describe the ow of chocolate syrup from a bottle or
the ow of honey from a
jar? Look at the uids
shown on the right.
Predict which uid will ow to the end of the pan rst. Then predict
in which order the other uids will ow to the end of the pan.
If you wanted to know how fast you could run, you might ask a
friend to time how long it would take you to run, say, 100 m. The
measurement would be your speed. In a similar way, you could measure
how fast a uid runs. You could measure the time it takes for the
uid to ow from one point to another point. This measurement is
called the uids flow rate.
Just as certain variables can slow you down in a race, certain variables
can also slow down the ow of uids. What properties of uids might
cause a liquid to speed up or slow down? Explore this question further
in the next investigation.

40 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Determining Flow Rate

Part 1
Viscosity is a difcult property to measure directly. However, the ow rate of a
liquid is a good indicator of viscosity. You can determine how fast a uid ows
by measuring the amount of time it takes for a certain amount of the uid to ow
past a specic point.


paper towels

How fast can different liquids


soap for cleaning ramp surface

Predict the relative ow rates of
the liquids to be tested from
fastest owing to slowest.
Safety Precautions

15 mL of any three of the
following liquids (at room
cooking oil


motor oil

liquid detergent


ethyl alcohol

corn syrup
Keep your hands away from
your face and mouth. Do not
eat or drink any substances in
the science laboratory.


start mark

finish line

Draw a nish line 10 cm

below the top line. Then
assemble the apparatus as
shown here.

Wipe any spills immediately.

Do not leave floors wet.

Measure the temperature

of the room and record it in
your notebook.

Dispose of materials properly,

according to your teachers

Make a data table with the

following column headings:

ramp made of smooth plastic or
glass (minimum 0.5 m x 0.3 m)
stack of books (0.25 m0.3 m high)
measuring spoon (15 mL)
with rounded bottom
watch with second hand
or stopwatch
rubber gloves

waterproof marker

Draw a line across the width

of the ramp, approximately
10 cm from the top. Draw
one dot in the centre of the
line and another dot just
above it. When you place
the measuring spoon on
the dot and rock the spoon
forward, the lip of the spoon
will touch the top line. This
is the start mark.

Liquid [water plus 2 others]

Time (s)
Flow rate (cm/s)
Ranked ow rate
Ranked viscosity
Predict which of the three
liquids will ow fastest.


Flow Rate and Viscosity MHR


spoon to get ready for the

next liquid.
Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the
other two liquids. (Do this
at least twice for each liquid;
note that alcohol should be
tested last because it might
erase the start and nish
Test one liquid at a time,
starting with water. The
spoon student will pour
enough water into the clean,
dry measuring spoon so that
it is level, then place the
spoon at the start mark on
the ramp.
(a) Another group member,
the timer, will work the
(b) A third group member,
the marshall, will say
go and then call stop
when the liquid reaches
the nish line.

When the marshall says

stop, the timer stops timing and records the time in
the data table. Clean and dry
the ramp and the measuring

Wash your hands after this

investigation. Keep the ow
rate ramp assembled so you
can do the following Find
Out Activity.

1. Make a list of the manipulated, responding, and controlled
variables in this investigation.
2. Determine the ow rate (in cm/s) for each substance. Do
this by dividing the distance travelled (10 cm) by the time
recorded for each substance (in seconds). Record each result
in your data table.
3. Rank the liquids from fastest ow rate (1) to slowest ow rate
(3). Record these rankings in the fourth column of your data
table (Ranked ow rate). Was your hypothesis correct?
4. Rank the viscosities in the table from lowest (1) to highest
(3). Record these values in your data table under Ranked
5. Describe two sources of error that might affect your results.
Are these errors due to the equipment or to human factors?
How could you reduce or eliminate these errors?

Conclude and Apply

When the marshall says
go, the spoon student
rocks the spoon quickly but
carefully to pour its contents
down the ramp. At the same
time, the timer starts timing.

42 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

6. How is the ow rate of a liquid related to its viscosity?

7. Which liquids were more difcult than others to measure
with the viscosity ramp? What could you have done to the
ramp to make it easier to measure these liquids?
8. Make a bar graph showing ow rate (in cm/s) along the vertical
axis ( y-axis), and the various liquids along the horizontal axis
(x-axis). Plot the data for each liquid on this graph, using a different colour for each liquid. Include a legend on your graph.

Part 2
Another way to determine differences in viscosity is to examine how fast an object
can move through different liquids.

How fast can an object ow through different liquids?

With your group, propose a hypothesis about the relationship between the speed
of an objects movement through a liquid and the ow rate of the liquid.
graduated cylinders (100 mL or
larger) or hydrometer jar
marbles, beads, pins, and any
other small objects

Use your apparatus to determine how fast an object

moves through each of the
liquids in your test. Record
your results in a data table.

Dispose of your materials

properly, and clean your
apparatus with soap and
water. Wipe up any spills
as wet oors are slippery.

rubber gloves

1. How did your variables change in Part 2 compared to Part 1?

12 L of the same liquids used in
Part 1

Design a procedure that
will allow you to determine
how fast an object can move
through the liquids that
you examined in Part 1.
Determine the units you
will use to calculate how fast
the object moves through
the liquid. In a series of
sketches, draw and label the
design of your apparatus,
and how you would use it.
Have your teacher approve
your procedure and
apparatus design.

2. Organize your new rates in order from the fastest to the

slowest. Does this order match the order you determined
in Part 1?

Conclude and Apply

3. Did the rates in Part 2 differ from liquid to liquid by the
same amount as they did in Part 1? If so, what can you
conclude about your hypothesis?
4. If your results were different than the rates in Part 1, how
could you determine whether or not the differences were due
to experiment error? How might you ne tune the design of
your experiment to reduce the chances for error?
5. If you were certain of a good match between the results in
parts 1 and 2, which method would your prefer to do? Why?

For tips on designing your own

experiment, turn to Skill Focus 6.

Flow Rate and Viscosity MHR


Lubricants are used in

machines to reduce the
friction between moving
parts. Motor oil is used
in vehicles to lubricate
the engine, preventing
wear and tear on the
engine parts. Therefore,
motor oil must be viscous enough to coat and
lubricate machine parts.
However, motor oil must
also be thin enough to
reach the engine parts as
soon as the vehicle is
started. Motor oils are
manufactured with a
variety of viscosity
values to suit weather
conditions. Predict
which viscosity values
are needed in which
temperatures. Write
down your prediction in
your Science Log. Invite
a mechanic from a
service garage to visit
the class. Ask for an
explanation about the
conditions under which
specific grades of motor
oil are used.

Figure 1.24 Thermoplastic polymers can be melted, blown

full of air, and cooled to form a solid foam.

Cool It!

Find Out

Can the viscosity of liquids be changed? Go back to Inquiry Investigation

1-F, Determining Flow Rate on page 41. Make a hypothesis stating the
effect that temperature has on the flow rate of a liquid. Cool the liquids to
exactly the same low temperature and repeat the flow rate procedure.
What Did You Find Out?
1. What differences in flow rate did you observe?
2. How can the particle model be used to predict the effect of
temperature on a liquids flow rate?
3. It might be easier to measure the flow rate of low-viscosity liquids
by dripping them from a spout instead of pouring them down a
ramp. Design a viscosity-meter for these liquids. Explain how you
could measure flow rate using your apparatus.
4. Scientists commonly repeat an experiment two or three times to
reduce the effect of errors during the procedure. Each repetition is
called a trial. The average of three or four trials is reported as the final
result. Repeat this activity twice so that you have three trials for each
liquid. Report the flow rate as the average flow rate for each liquid.

All foams are made when air bubbles moving through a liquid get trapped. Foam rubber
and polystyrene foam are solid foams made when air is blown into highly viscous molten
(melted) rubber and polystyrene. When the rubber and polystyrene cool and resolidify, the
air trapped inside forces the new solid to have tiny holes. The air can move in and out, but
the holes stay. A similar process happens when you bake a cake. Cake batter is light and
frothy; baking just solidifies the batter (baking involves chemical changes). The tiny air
bubbles get trapped, making the cake light and fluffy.

44 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Product Performance and Viscosity

Why might it be important to know how to determine the ow
rate and, therefore, the viscosity of a liquid? The viscosity of
liquids is an important property that must be measured precisely
in some industries. For example, the viscosity of paints and
varnishes is closely regulated so that they can be applied smoothly
and evenly with a brush or a roller.
The cosmetics industry depends on the ow properties of
matter. Lipstick is a mixture of many different ingredients, and,
unlike nail polish and mascara, is a solid when sold. Therefore, it
is necessary to change the viscosity of the ingredients so that they
can be combined. Then the nal mixture can be poured into a
mould to obtain a distinctive shape. The manufacture of lipstick
involves heating, dissolving, melting, mixing, grinding, straining,
pouring, and cooling. Figure 1.22 shows the steps in the process.
Solvents Oils

Figure 1.21 Paint, varnishes, and

other such liquids must have just the

right viscosity.



Hot wax

Figure 1.22 Flow diagram of the manufacture of lipstick

A Two mixtures are prepared. One

contains the oils, antioxidants, and any
other oily ingredients, such as sunblock
compounds and fragrance oil. The
second mixture contains dissolving
ingredients (solvents), mainly alcohol.
Both of these mixtures are heated
separately to allow complete mixing.
They are blended together with the
colour pigments or dyes and passed
through a large roller mill to grind the
grainy pigment to ensure a smooth

C The warm pigment mixture is then

added to the hot wax and stirred until a
smooth, homogeneous solution is
formed. The molten lipstick solution is
strained and poured into the tube.
D After cooling, the lipsticks are
inspected for undesirable marks, such
as mould separation lines and air holes.
If the lipsticks have an acceptably
smooth, clean, untouched appearance,
they are inserted into their containers,
capped, and packaged. If not, they are
removed, remelted, and remoulded.

Furniture stripping
liquid was once difficult to use because it
tended to drip off the
furniture before it had
a chance to remove
old paint. The viscosity
was increased to a
gel-like texture. Now
the product is easier to
apply and sticks well
to the surface of the

B A wax mixture is heated and

melted in a separate container. Waxes,
such as beeswax, candelilla wax, and
carnauba wax, enable the final product
to hold its distinctive stick shape.

Flow Rate and Viscosity MHR


Nail polish is applied as a slick uid, but dries into a solid nish.
Mascara is a very thick uid, which dries extremely quickly after it
is applied. The viscosity of both of these products is controlled by
the amount of solvent that is added. Any less, and they would both
be too difcult to apply; any more, and they would take too long
to dry and would possibly run off the intended areas. Solvents
keep the ingredients dissolved and uid while applying, then
evaporate to leave a dry, solid nish.
People in many occupations need to know how to adjust the
viscosity of a substance to suit specic applications. For example,
chefs need to know how to make gravies thinner than sauces
and frostings thicker than icings. Mechanics must
choose an engine oil that is the right viscosity for
the season. Artists need to know how to thin or
thicken oil paints or acrylics. Technicians must
control the viscosity of various chemicals in
chemical processing plants.

Product Appeal and Viscosity

Figure 1.23 What are the

appealing qualities of the

thickness of this salad

Your mouth is highly sensitive to viscosity,

so food manufacturers ensure that ice cream
toppings, pasta sauces, soups, gravies, salad
dressings, and other products are just the
right consistency (thickness). Food manufacturers must also know how to regulate the effect
of heat on the viscosity of a substance.
For example, chocolate coating for candy bars must
be at precisely the right consistency and temperature in order to cover
the bar completely with the same amount of chocolate each time. Some
candy coatings are especially sensitive to temperature. If the candy
were to stay too hot for too long, it might become too hard to bite.

Viscosity at Work
As a class, brainstorm how fluid viscosity might be used in each of these occupations:
candy maker; glass blower; beekeeper; baker; motor mechanic; maple syrup processor.
Contact someone in your community who works in one of these occupations, and ask if you
might job shadow him or her for half a day. (When you job shadow someone, you observe
and assist the person at work.) Take notes on what you learn about the role of viscosity in
the job. Present an in-class report describing your experience, and write a letter to thank the
person you visited.

46 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Flowing Fluid Floods City

Think About It
You may have heard the expression as slow as molasses in January. Read the
following true story and then answer the questions.
standing 15 m above str
30-m wide cast-iron tank,
the United States Indust
level on the property of
art! Like lava spilling from
Alcohol Company, burst ap
flowed into the street.
volcano, crude molasses
sisting of 10 million litres
result was a flash flood con
sweet, sticky, deadly goo.
some witnesses say as hig
The wall of molasses
gh the streets at a speed
as 5 m poured throu
lished buildings, ripping
almost 60 km/h. It demo
ped vehicles over and burie
off their foundations. It flip
trun the gooey tidal wave,
horses. People tried to ou
d either hurled against
they were overtaken an
they fell. Within minutes,
objects, or drowned where
re than 150 injured.
people were killed and mo
Lawsuits were filed agains
The clean-up took weeks.
mpany, charging
rm day. The fine the United States Industrial Alcohol Co
a final
January 15, 19
usetts, it with negligence. After six years, the court made
dings showed
weather lured the citize
ures. It hardly ruling against the Company. The courts fin
was not
outside to enjoy
en overfilled and that it
tes Industrial
seemed like the setting
North End were properly reinforced. The United Sta
The workers
ly, they Alcohol Company had to pay more than $1
enjoying lunch and the ple
in damages.
then an explosive crack. A
heard a low rumbling and

1. Gather some clues from the story:
(a) What was the date?
(b) What was unusual about the weather?

2. Use the particle model to explain why the

tank burst.

(d) How fast did the molasses pour out of

the tank?

3. Energy is reponsible for making things

move. Use the particle model to explain how
something as viscous as molasses could move
as quickly as it did on that particular day, at
that particular moment.

(e) Who was accused of being responsible

for the accident?

4. For what purpose do you think the company

used the molasses?

(c) What was the rst clue that something

disastrous was about to happen?

Flow Rate and Viscosity MHR


How Does the Viscosity of Liquids Vary?

Why do some liquids ow more slowly than other liquids? Even
though all uids ow smoothly, they ow at different rates because
liquids have different viscosities. Particles can move around, but it
may be difcult for them to pass by each other. Another way to dene
viscosity is the resistance to ow. Resistance to ow creates internal
friction. Friction is caused when two surfaces are rubbed together.
For example, it is easier to skate on ice than on pavement because the
friction between the skates and the ice is less than the friction between
skates and pavement.
Similarly, it is easier for some uid particles to move past each other,
compared to other uid particles. Water particles slip past each other
easily, but particles of oil have more internal friction and do not ow
past each other as easily. The particle model explains that attractive
forces exist between particles in any substance. The attractive forces
between particles in some uids are stronger than the attractive forces
in other uids. As particles of oil, for example, ow past other particles,
they are attracted to each other so readily that they slow down as they
pass by.
According to the particle model, as the temperature of a material
increases, the attractive forces between the particles of the material
decrease. As the temperature decreases, the attractive forces increase.
Warmer liquids ow more quickly and cooler liquids ow more slowly.
Therefore, the viscosity of a liquid DECREASES as it is HEATED, and

Figure 1.25 Some liquids have more internal friction because of their strong attractive forces.

48 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

How Does the Viscosity of Gases Vary?

The viscosity of gases can vary although they generally ow more
easily than liquids. Gases ow differently than liquid particles. Gas
particles are so far apart, and the attractive forces are so low, that the
type of gas particle is less important than in a liquid. Particles of gas
are more likely to collide with each other than rub against each other.
How can the internal friction of a gas be affected? When a constricted gas ows, it moves in one direction. For example, air ows out of
a hole in a tire, or out of the neck of an untied balloon. But how do
particles move inside that mass of gas? If the gas particles have low
enough energy so that most are moving in the same direction, then the
viscosity will be low. The gas will ow quickly and easily out of the
opening. As gas particles gain energy, however, their motion increases
in all directions, increasing the number of collisions. Under this
circumstance, internal friction is high, and the gas will not ow as
easily or quickly out of the opening.
The temperature of a gas has a direct effect on viscosity. As gases
are heated, the particles gain energy and move faster. The number of
collisions between gas particles increases. Cooler gases contain particles
that are not colliding as much or as often. Therefore, the viscosity of a
gas INCREASES as it is HEATED, and DECREASES as it is COOLED.
Temperature has the opposite effect on the viscosity of gases as on



1. List two materials that have a low viscosity and two that have a
high viscosity.
2. What is the relationship between the viscosity of a liquid and its
ow rate?
3. How can you test the viscosity of a liquid?
4. (a) What is the effect of temperature on the ow rate and thus the
viscosity of a liquid?
(b) What is the effect of temperature on the viscosity of gases?
(c) Explain these effects using the particle model.
5. Thinking Critically How are viscosity, the size and shape of particles,
and internal friction related?
6. Apply Asphalt is the black, sticky material that binds gravel in the
pavement that covers streets and highways. Explain why paving is almost
always done during the summer months.

Figure 1.26 Heated gases

flow less quickly and

smoothly because of an
increased number of
collisions among particles
at higher temperatures.

Helium is one of the

strangest substances
in the universe.
Although helium is
commonly used in its
gaseous state, it has
unusual properties as a
liquid. At a few degrees
above absolute zero
(about 270C),
helium changes from
a normal fluid to a
superfluid, a substance
that can flow without
friction. Superfluids
have zero viscosity and
no internal resistance
to flow. These properties allow them to pass
through a hole of any
size and to flow up and
over the sides of
containers. Scientists
are researching future
uses of superfluids.

Flow Rate and Viscosity MHR



Could the solid state be

less dense than the liquid
state of the same substance? The answer is
yes. You have probably
seen ice cubes floating in
a glass of water. As solid
ice forms from liquid
water, the ice expands.
This means that there is
more empty space
trapped in a chunk of ice
than in the same amount
of water. Solid ice is less
dense than liquid water.

Have you ever been on a crowded elevator? It is denitely uncomfortable when too many people are jammed together tightly, or densely, on
an elevator. Using everyday words, density can be described as the
crowdedness of the particles that make up matter. In scientic terms,
density is mass per unit volume of a substance.

We can use the particle model to help explain that different substances
have different-sized particles. The size of the particles determines
how many particles can t into a given space. Therefore, each substance has its own unique density, based on how close together the
particles are.
The particle model can also help us to visualize empty space between
the particles of matter. Could as many people t onto an elevator if
each person were surrounded by a large spacing box? Would larger
spaces among the people increase or reduce the density (crowdedness)
of the people travelling on the elevator?
How are density and state of matter related to the physical properties
of a substance? Solid objects can move easily through liquids and gases.
For example, dolphins can leap through the air and then dive back
underwater so smoothly that the activity appears almost effortless.
The uid properties of water and of air allow water particles and air
particles to move out of the way of the rmer, non-uid bodies of
marine animals. Why do solid particles tend to hold together while
uid particles tend to move apart?

50 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Density of Solids, Liquids, and Gases

How is the density of a substance related to the substances physical
state? Imagine lling one container with liquid water and another
container with water vapour. Both liquid water and water vapour have
particles of the same size. According to the particle model, gas particles
have more space between them than do liquid particles. Therefore,
the water vapour in the container would have fewer particles than the
liquid water. The density of the water vapour is less than the density of
liquid water.
If you were to step onto the surface of a lake, the water would not
support your foot. Instead, your foot would push the water particles
out of the way, as shown in Figure 1.27. Liquids cannot support objects
in the same way that solids can. The particles of a liquid move apart
easily, allowing a dense, solid object, such as your foot, to pass through
the liquid. The attractive forces between liquid particles are not strong
enough to prevent your foot from pushing them apart.

Empty space does not

mean air. Empty space
means a separation
between two objects with
nothing between those
objects, not even air
particles. Simply because
empty space and air look
the same does not mean
they are the same! For
example, outer space is
mostly empty space, but
it has no air. Astronauts
cannot venture outside
their spacecraft without
masks and air tanks,
because there is no
oxygen in outer space.

particles of air

water particles

Figure 1.27 Although liquid particles are

sometimes quite closely packed together, they

cannot support objects in the same way that
solids can. Liquid particles move apart easily
because the particles do not have a strong
enough attraction for each other.

Figure 1.28 When you move through air,

you do not have to move as many particles
of air out of the way as you do water particles
in water.

Similarly, you cannot walk on air, because gases are even less dense
than solids or liquids. When you move through air, you are moving
through mostly empty space. You do not have to move as many particles of air out of the way as you do in water (see Figure 1.28). Running
through air is much easier and faster than running through water. In
general, gases are less dense than liquids. Compare the densities of gases
and liquids in Table 1.5 on page 52.

Find any small items in

the classroom (for
example, pencils or paper
clips). Determine whether
these items are denser
than water by dropping
them into a container full
of water. In your Science
Log, organize your
observations in a table.

Density MHR


Table 1.5 Approximate Densities of Common

Substances at 20C










carbon dioxide


ethyl alcohol


machine oil










When an object moves through a uid, it pushes

particles apart and moves between them. Particles
in a solid cannot be pushed apart. To understand
why, imagine that you and a few friends are
together. You want to prevent anyone else from
pushing your group apart and moving between
you. What would you do? First, you would have
to stand quite close together. Then you would
probably hold on to each other very tightly. If you
do not let go of one another, no one can move
between you. That is what particles in a solid do.
Attractive forces among the particles of a solid are
stronger than those between uid particles. Thus
the particles in a solid cannot be pushed apart.
Compare the densities of various solids in Table 1.5.
As temperature increases, a substance will change from solid, to
liquid, to gas. The particle model states that the particles of a substance
spread out as they gain energy when heated. The particles will take up
more space, which means that the density of the substance decreases.
For most pure substances, the density of the solid state is greater than
the density of the liquid state. The substances solid state and liquid
state are, in turn, denser than its gaseous state. Ice, of course, is the
In some cases, the densities of two substances can be so different that
the liquid state of one is denser than the solid state of the other! One
example of this is shown in Figure 1.29. Many solid metals, such as
copper, nickel, and silver, can oat on mercury, one of the densest
substances known. A more familiar example of differing densities is
shown in Figure 1.30.

Figure 1.29 Liquid mercury is so dense that it

can support a solid iron bolt. A layer of oil has

been placed on top of the mercury to prevent
vapour from escaping into the surrounding air.

52 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Figure 1.30 A solid block of wood floats easily

on the surface of liquid water.

Density: How Are Mass

and Volume Related?
How can you measure the density of a substance?
You rst need to know how much of the substance occupies a certain space. To nd out how
much of a substance occupies a space, measure
the mass of the substance. Mass is the amount of
matter in a substance (see Figure 1.31). Volume
is a measurement of the amount of space occupied by the substance.
Figures 1.32 and 1.33 show how the volume of a solid can be measured
either directly or indirectly, depending on the shape of the solid. The
volume of a liquid can be measured using a measuring cup or a graduated cylinder. The volume of a gas can be determined by measuring the
volume of the container that holds it. The greatest amount of uid that
a container can hold is called its capacity. Capacity is usually measured
in litres or millilitres.
Mass and weight are not the same. Weight is the force of gravity
exerted on an object. As you may recall from earlier studies, a force is
a push or a pull, or anything that causes a change in the motion of an
object. Gravity is the natural force that causes an object to move
toward the centre of Earth. All forces, including weight, are measured
in newtons (N). The pull of gravity everywhere on Earths surface is
almost the same. On Earth, gravity pulls on an object with a downward
force of 9.8 N for every kilogram of its mass. A bag of sugar with a
mass of 2.26 kg weighs 22.1 N on Earth.
The mass-to-volume ratio is the relationship between mass and volume expressed as a quantity of the mass divided by its volume. Density,
as shown in Table 1.5, is a way of expressing a mass-to-volume ratio.
In the next investigation, nd out how measuring mass and volume
can determine the density of a substance.

Figure 1.32 If an object has a regular shape

for example, if it is a block of wood you can
use a mathematical formula to calculate the
objects volume: V = l w h.

Figure 1.31 A balance is

used to measure mass in

grams (g) or in kilograms
(kg). This apple has a mass
of 102 g. It weighs about
1 N.

Figure 1.33 The volume of an irregularly

shaped object can be found by measuring the

volume of the water that spills out of an
overflow can.

Density MHR


Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Determining Density
The following investigation will show, by means of accurate measurements,
how mass and volume can be used to determine density.

How can measurements of mass and volume determine the density of a substance?

Predict how the substances will rank according to density. Rank the substances
from least dense (1) to most dense (5). Record your prediction and a brief note
explaining your ranking order.

Part 1

Safety Precautions

Handle balances with care and

use them as instructed by your
Avoid spilling liquids and sand
on the balances.
Do not pour substances down
the drain. Dispose of them as
instructed by your teacher.

(a) Your teacher will divide
the class into ve groups and
will assign one substance to
each group. Subdivide each
group into smaller groups of
partners to provide multiple
trials for each substance.
(b) Copy the data table
below into your notebook.
Pour 100 mL of your
substance into the graduated
cylinder. Be as accurate as

Measure the mass of the

empty cylinder. Record
this value in column B of
your table.

500 mL graduated cylinder
(or 500 mL measuring cup)
balances (or one shared by
the class)
5 different-coloured pencil
crayons or markers

500 mL (per trial) of each of the
following substances: water, oil,
glycerol, molasses, sand
graph paper for each student

Individual Results
Substance tested:


Mass of cylinder
only (g)

Mass of cylinder
and substance (g)

Mass of
substance only (g)

Ratio of mass
to volume (g/mL)


54 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

When each group has

nished, your teacher will
display a set of class results
for all the substances in a
summary chart with the
following headings:
Class Results

Mass-toMass Volume volume

(mL) ratio (g/mL)
Substance (g)

Measure the mass of the

graduated cylinder plus the
substance. Record this value
in column C in your table.
Subtract the mass of the
graduated cylinder (column
B) from the mass of the
graduated cylinder and the
substance together (column
C). Record the difference in
column D.
Repeat steps 3 to 5 four
more times, each time
adding 100 mL of your
substance to what is already
in the graduated cylinder.
(The last time, you will be
measuring 500 mL.)
To nd the mass-to-volume
ratio for each amount of
each substance, divide the
mass (column D) by the
volume (column A). Show
your calculations and results
in column E.

The ratio mass to volume (or

mass : volume) means the mass
divided by the volume. To find the
decimal value, convert the fraction
of mass over volume into a decimal.
For example, suppose a mass of 3 g
has a volume of 5 mL. How would
you convert its mass-to-volume
ratio (3 g : 5 mL) into a decimal
value? Begin by expressing the

ratio as a fraction:
. A decimal
5 mL
is any fraction with a denominator
of any power of 10, for example,
10, 100, 1000, etc. Here is how to

Copy these results into your

notebook. (If there were
two or more trials for each
substance, calculate the
average mass, volume, and
mass-to-volume ratio values
for each substance.)


into a fraction with a
5 mL

denominator of 10:
2 =
= 0.6 g/mL
5 mL
10 mL

Now, try converting the mass-tovolume ratio 6 g : 25 mL into a

decimal value.

To review how to measure mass

using a balance, turn to Skill Focus 5.

For tips on how to measure volume,

turn to Skill Focus 5.


Density MHR


Part 2

Make a line graph of the
class results recorded in
Part 1. Place the volume
scale along the horizontal
axis (x-axis), and the mass
scale along the vertical axis
Plot the (average) results for
the rst substance on the
graph. Draw a line through
these points in one colour.
Record this colour in a
legend on the graph. Write
the name of the substance
beside it.
On the same graph, plot the
results for the next substance. Draw a line through
these points using another
colour. Record this colour
in the legend. Write the
name of the substance
beside it.
Repeat step 3 for the three
remaining substances.
Give your graph a title.

1. Describe the lines on your graph. Are they straight or
curved? Do they have the same slope? If not, are some lines
closer together than others?
2. Look back to the data table you made for your substance.
What happens to the mass-to-volume ratio for each volume
measurement of your substance? Why do you think this
3. Compare your predictions to the nal results.
4. There is a chance of error in every experiment. Suggest ways
to improve (a) how you performed the investigation, (b) how
you calculated results, and (c) how you graphed your results.

Conclude and Apply

5. Why are some lines in the graph similar to each other while
some are different?
6. How can you tell from your mass-to-volume ratios and your
graph which substance is the least dense? Which substance is
the most dense?
7. Look at the mass-to-volume ratios in the Class Results table
in Part 1. Compare these values with the slope of the lines in
the graph that correspond to them. How does the slope of a
line change as the mass-to-volume ratio changes?
8. Add a sixth line to your graph for a substance that is denser
than water but less dense than sand. Between which values
would its mass-to-volume ratio be?
9. Use the particle model to explain the relationship between
the mass, volume, and density of the substances you
examined in this investigation.
10. From your observations, do you think that density and
viscosity are related? Explain your answer.

Extend Your Skills

To review how to make a line graph,
turn to Skill Focus 10.

11. Use the particle model to predict the effect of temperature

on mass-to-volume ratios.

Create a computer file for a data base of all the raw data
in the class. Use the program features to sort the data, find

56 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

averages, and generate computer graphs. Make a poster to

display your results.

A Formula for Density

The density of a substance can be determined by calculating its massto-volume ratio. You can do this by dividing the objects mass by its
volume. The formula for density is:
Density (D) =

Mass (m)
or simply, D = m
Volume (V )

For example, the density of an object having a mass of 10 g and a volume of 2 cm3 is 5 g/cm3. The density of solids is usually given in g/cm3
(grams per cubic centimetre). The density of liquids and gases is often
given in g/L (grams per litre) or g/mL (grams per millilitre). Using
pure water as an example, you could express its density as either 1
g/cm3 or as 1 g/mL (1 cm3 = 1 mL ).
As long as the temperature and pressure stay the same, the mass-tovolume ratio, or density, of any pure substance is a constant, which
means it does not change.

Density is an example of
an intrinsic property of a
pure substance, because
density depends only on
the particles that make
up the substance.
Intrinsic properties can
be used to identify pure
substances, because
each pure substance has
its own specific set of
intrinsic properties.
Therefore, you could
measure the density of
a pure substance to help
determine its identity.
Name two other intrinsic
properties of a pure

What shiny solid has a

mass of 356 g and a
volume of 40 cm3?
(Hint: The substance
is listed in Table 1.5.)

Seawater may look like regular water, but its density is closer to that of milk 1.03
g/mL. The salt A and sugar B shown here both have a mass of 0.5 kg and are
the same colour. However, their densities differ.

Density MHR


Find Out

What Is the Density of a Pencil?

4. Read and record the new volume of water.

You need two measurements to calculate the

density of a pencil. What are they?

5. Calculate the pencils density by dividing

its mass by the change in volume of
the water level when the pencil was
completely underwater.

100 mL graduated cylinder





Performing and Recording

What Did You Find Out?

1. Use a balance to measure the mass of a

pencil in grams.

Is the density of the pencil greater or less than

the density of water? How do you know?

2. Pour 90 mL of water into a 100 mL

graduated cylinder.

Use the same method to find out the density

of another object, such as a rubber stopper or
a cork. Make a prediction, then carry out the
activity to see if you were correct.

3. Lower the pencil, eraser end down, into

the cylinder. Continue to push the pencil
down until it is completely underwater, but
be sure your finger is not also submerged.


The mass of an object

depends on the
amount of matter that
makes up the object.
The weight of an object
changes as gravitational forces change. The
pull of gravity on the
Moon is about one
sixth of Earths gravity,
or approximately
1.6 N/kg. On the Moon,
what would your mass
be? What would your
weight be?

Analyzing and Interpreting


1. Explain why solids can support objects more easily than uids can.
2. (a) What is the only way in which the density of a pure substance can
(b) How can the density of a solution change?
3. If you were to measure the mass and the volume of a material, what
would the mass-to-volume ratio tell you about it?
4. Apply Using information from Table 1.5 on page 52, copy the table
below and ll in the missing information.


Mass (g)



Volume (cm )


58 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Density (g/cm3)
(Mass-to-volume ratio)





A scuba diver exploring the dark and mysterious waters off the west
coast of Canada might well come face-to-face with a Giant Pacic
Octopus, the largest of its kind. The octopus is only one example of the
large and unusual creatures that inhabit the ocean. How can animals
with such huge bodies move so gracefully and so swiftly through the
water? What enables completely submerged animals, such as octopuses,
sh, and whales, to oat at different depths? Why do objects such as
icebergs, sailboats, ocean liners, and oil rigs oat partially submerged
on the surface?
Buoyancy is the tendency for materials to rise or oat in a uid.
Without it, matter could not be transported from one place to another.
Also referred to as the buoyant force, it is the upward force exerted on
objects submerged in uids. The transportation of nutrients through
our bloodstream, pollen oating in the air, and boats and planes moving around the world would not be possible without the buoyant force.

Looking Ahead
As you work through
the rest of the unit,
think about your endof-unit game. Jot down
some ideas to share
with your group.

The Anti-Gravity Force

Buoyancy refers to the ability of a uid to support an object oating in
or on the uid. Floating occurs when an object does not fall in air or
sink in water, but remains suspended in the uid. The particles of a uid exert a force in a direction opposite to the force of gravity. The force
of gravity pulls down, toward the centre of Earth. Buoyant force the
upward force on objects submerged in or oating on uids pushes
up, away from Earth. Like all other forces, buoyant force is measured
in newtons (N). Why do you think uids can support certain objects?
Explore this question in the next investigation.
Buoyancy MHR


Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Build a Density Tower

Find out if density plays a role when a uid supports an object.

How can you build a tower out of liquids that support each other as well as solids?

Make a prediction about the order of the layers of the density tower.
Safety Precautions


Do not pour substances down the

drain. Dispose of them as
instructed by your teacher.

tall plastic jar or cup (or
transparent container) with lid
toothpick or wood chip
paper clips

rubber gloves

water, with food colouring added
vegetable oil

Combine the water, oil,

cork, wood chip, and paper
clips in the container. Allow
the substances to settle (stop
moving). Sketch and label
the tower and its contents.

Shake the tower and allow

the substances to settle
again. If the shaken tower
appears different, draw a
new labelled sketch.

1. Make a data table and rank the substances
in the density tower in order from least
dense (1) to most dense (5).
2. Which substances are denser than water?
Which substances are less dense than water?

Conclude and Apply

3. Can a solid be less dense than a liquid? Use
the particle model to explain your answer.

60 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

4. Does the volume of an object determine

its density?

Extend Your Skills

5. Add more items of your choice to the
density tower, for example, a rubber stopper,
a small rubber duck, a candle stub, a small
plastic toy, and a safety pin. Predict where
you think these objects will settle in the
tower. Then test your prediction.

Sinkers and Floaters

How can people travel in the air and on water if the density of their
bodies is greater than the density of both these uids? Why dont they
sink? Is density the only factor that explains why uids can support
certain substances? Look at Figures 1.34 and 1.35. It seems that water
can support objects that have densities greater than water as long as
the weight of the object is spread over a large enough area. Design can
be as important as the density of the materials used.

Figure 1.34 The Hibernia oil rig in Atlantic

Canada has a mass of more than 14 000 t,
yet it floats on water.

Figure 1.35 The mass of this straight pin is

slightly less than 1 g. However, the pin sinks

when placed in water.

Cartesian Diver
Make your own model of a diving device that
can adjust its own depth.
What You Need
1 L plastic pop bottle and cap

Find Out
What Did You Find Out?
What happens to the amount of water in
the diver as you squeeze the bottle? What
happens to the water level in the diver when
you release the bottle?

medicine dropper


What to Do

Reconstruct your bottle. This time lay an

empty eye dropper on the surface of the water
inside the bottle. Squeeze the tightly sealed
bottle hard with both hands. Can you explain
what happens?

1. Fill the pop bottle three quarters full

with water.
2. Fill the medicine dropper half full
with water.
3. Drop the medicine dropper, or diver, into
the pop bottle. Put the cap on the bottle.
4. Squeeze the bottle hard, then release it.
Record your observations and include a

Buoyancy MHR


Average Density
Ships can be built of steel (density = 9.0 g/cm3) as long as they have
large, hollow hulls. A large, hollow hull ensures that the average
density of the ship (the total mass of all substances on board divided
by the total volume) is less than that of water. Similarly, life jackets are
lled with a substance of very low density. Life jackets lower a persons
average density, allowing the person to oat. Many uids, such as air,
salt water, and petroleum, are solutions. Because solutions contain
more than one pure substance, the density of a solution is actually an
average density.

Figure 1.36 The Dead Sea

contains many salts. Its

density is great enough for
people to float effortlessly
on its surface.

Benefits of Average Density

It took 3 h for submersibles (underwater

vessels) to free-fall
4 km through the icy
waters 650 km off the
coast of Newfoundland
to reach the wreck of
the Titanic. Would it
take as long to free-fall
the same distance
from an airplane? Why
or why not? What
accounts for the

Average density is useful because it enables objects that would otherwise sink such as large ships and oil rigs to oat. Average density
also helps oating objects to sink. For example, most sh have an organ
called a swim bladder (also called an air bladder). The swim bladder, a
large sac near the spine of the sh, contains a mixture of air and water
(see Figure 1.37). The shs depth in the water depends on how much
air is inside the sac. As the amount of air decreases, the sh sinks lower.
As the amount of air increases, the sh rises closer to the surface. This
depth-control structure has been adapted in the submarine, allowing
the submarines crew to adjust its depth underwater (see Figure 1.38).

swim bladder

Figure 1.37 Cut-away drawing showing the swim bladder inside a fish

62 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

pumps air
under pressure
air in


air in


air out

air out water




water in


water in

Figure 1.38 Cross section of a submarine

The buoyant force of air is much smaller than the buoyant force of
water. Although air particles are extremely far apart, they are still close
enough together to support some objects. The Goodyear blimp,
shown in Figure 1.39, is one of the largest oating airships in the
world. It can carry people as well as the substances that make up its
structure. The giant airship is lled with helium gas, the second lightest gas that exists.
An airship such as a blimp can oat because its mass is relatively
small compared to its enormous volume. Its average density is slightly
less than the density of the air surrounding it. Ocean-going ships,
hot-air balloons, and blimps all have huge volumes. The relationship
between the size of an object and the buoyant force exerted
on it was established long ago by a scholar named

Imagine a contest in
which you must drop a
sheet of paper from a
tower five storeys high,
into a small box below.
This contest would take
place in an auditorium,
so there would be no
wind to affect the results.
In your Science Log,
explain why you would
probably not succeed in
winning this contest.
Why can you not rely on
an object such as a sheet
of paper to land on a
small target directly
below you? Paper is
made from wood. Do you
think a wooden block
would fall straight down?
In your Science Log,
comment on the difference between dropping
a sheet of paper and
dropping a wooden
block. What could you
do to help the paper hit
its target? Why might
that work?

Figure 1.39 The

Goodyear blimp is often
seen hovering over open
stadiums during sports
events. It captures a unique
birds-eye view of the
action below.

Buoyancy MHR


Archimedes Principle
The Greek scientist
Archimedes made a brilliant
discovery around 212 B.C.E.
Hiero II, ruler of Syracuse,
suspected that the royal goldsmith had not used pure gold
to make his crown. The king
asked Archimedes to determine whether the crown was
made entirely of gold.
Archimedes knew that all
he had to do was determine
whether the density of the crown matched the density of gold. Recall
that the formula for density requires only two values: mass and volume.
Archimedes could measure the mass of the crown easily with a balance.
How could he measure the volume of an object as irregularly shaped as
a crown?
Archimedes solved the problem while at the public baths. He
stepped into the almost-full bath, and water gushed all over the oor.
The solution to the problem came to Archimedes in a ash a solid
object can displace water out of a container.

Figure 1.40 A solid object added to a container displaces the fluid.

Archimedes reasoned that the water that was displaced must have
exactly the same volume as the volume of his body. Therefore, to nd
the volume of the crown, Archimedes would simply submerge the
crown in a container full of water. He would then collect and measure
the volume of the water that spilled out. When Archimedes carried out
this test, he showed that the crown was made of a mixture of gold and
silver. He concluded that the goldsmith who had made the crown had
tried to cheat the king.
64 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Archimedes applied his

new ideas to another property
of uids. He believed that the
displaced uid held the key to
whether the object placed in
the uid would sink or oat.
He wondered why he would
sink if he stepped into a bathtub, but he would oat if he
stood in a boat on the water.
He concluded that the
amount of buoyant force that
would push up against the
object immersed in the uid would equal the force of gravity (the
weight) of the uid that the object displaced.
If the water in a container is still, or at rest, then the water particles
are neither rising nor sinking. An object immersed in a uid such as
water does not rise or sink if the amount of force pulling down (gravity)
equals the amount of force pushing up (buoyancy). When gravity equals
buoyancy, this condition is known as neutral buoyancy. The water
particles in the lower part of the container must be exerting a buoyant
force equal to the weight, or force of gravity, of the water above it.
When Archimedes stepped into the bath, he sank because the
amount of water that he displaced weighed less than he did. When he
stepped into a boat, however, a larger volume of water was displaced.
The weight of this water far exceeded the weight of the boat and
Archimedes combined. Therefore, the buoyant force was greater and
the boat, with Archimedes in it, oated on the surface.
Why would Archimedes and his boat not continue to rise, with
such a large buoyant force pushing it upward? At the surface of the
water, the uid supporting the object is air. As mentioned earlier, the
buoyancy of air is much less than that of water. Therefore, the upward
motion stops at the waters surface.
Archimedes made the following conclusion, now known as
Archimedes principle: The buoyant force acting on an object equals the
weight (force of gravity) of the uid displaced by the object. Archimedes
principle is useful in predicting whether objects will sink or oat.
The buoyant force does not depend on the weight of the submerged
object, but rather on the weight of the displaced uid. A solid cube of
aluminum, a solid cube of iron, and a hollow cube of iron, all of the
same volume, would experience the same buoyant force!

Buoyancy MHR


The Amazing Egg Hydrometer

Do you think that different liquids exert a
similar buoyant force? Find out for yourself
in this activity.
glass or large bowl




sodium bicarbonate


Epsom salts

fresh egg

Find Out
1. Place an egg in a glass or large bowl halffull of water and observe what happens.
Record your observations.
2. Stir salt into the water one teaspoonful at
a time; stop when the egg floats. Try to
explain why the egg floats.
3. When the egg is floating, carefully pour
more tap water into the glass until it is
almost full. Add the water slowly and near
the side of the glass so the fresh water
and the salt water do not mix. Where
does the egg float now? Sketch a labelled
diagram of your floating egg. Suggest an
explanation for your observation.
4. Repeat this experiment with sugar, Epsom
salts, and sodium bicarbonate solutions.

The freshwater
zebra mussel has
the waterways of
North America. This tiny mollusc sticks to
underwater surfaces such as water-intake
pipes and docks. Zebra mussels can attach
themselves to buoys and ships hulls.
Sometimes they form dense layered colonies
of over 1 million mussels per square metre.
Thus, they can alter the average density and
the stability of floating objects. Buoys have
been known to sink with the added weight of

thousands of zebra mussels. An unbalanced

distribution of zebra mussels can interfere
with a ships stability, especially when it is
being tossed about in a storm.

It is known that Earths continents float on an endless

mass of a denser, semimolten rock called the mantle.
Although the mantle is more liquid than the solid
crust, the mantle stays below the crust because its
density is approximately 3.3 cm3, while the density
of Earths crust is only about 2.8 cm3. While this
difference is enough to allow the continents to float,
they ride low in the mantle, like a full barge.

66 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter



How Buoyancy and Density Are Related

Think back to your density tower (page 60). Both water and oil are
liquids, but they did not support the same objects. The buoyant force
of a liquid does not depend on physical state, but rather on density. (This
is also true for buoyancy in gases.)
As you observed in the previous Find Out Activity, objects oat
more easily in salt water than in fresh water. Seawater (salt water) has
a density of 1.03 g/mL and fresh water has a density of 1.00 g/mL. The
density of salt water is greater than that of fresh water, which means
that the particles of salt water are packed together more tightly. Salt
water can support more weight per volume than fresh water. The next
time you have a chance to swim in the ocean, observe how much more
easily you can oat on your back! The relationship between buoyancy
and density is the basis for the hydrometer, an instrument designed to
measure liquid density. Figure 1.41 shows two kinds of commercial
hydrometers. A hydrometer will extend farther out of a liquid if the
liquid has a higher density, for example, water (1 g/mL). A hydrometer
will sink lower if the liquid has a lower density, such as vegetable oil
(0.9 g/mL).

Would water solutions

likely have a greater
density than plain water?
Use the particle model
and the formula for
density to explain your

Figure 1.41 Commercial


Many different hydrometers are available commercially, all designed for

specic uses. Hydrometers are widely used in the food and beverage
industries. Although they measure density, these instruments can be
used to determine other values indirectly. For example, they can be
used to determine the sugar content of canned fruit syrup, or the
alcohol content of wine. Analyze how a hydrometer works in the next
Buoyancy MHR


Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Measuring Buoyancy
Think About It
All liquids do not have the same density.
Investigate whether various liquids exert the same
buoyant force.

What to Do

Using your calculations from step 1, list the

liquids in order of the buoyant force they exert
on the mass, from the greatest to the least.
Using set 2, list the liquids in order of greatest
density to smallest density. How does this list
compare to the list in question 2?

Observe the photographs and do the following:

Determine the buoyant force on the mass in
each liquid by comparing its weight in air to
its weight in the liquid. The amount that
the weight is reduced is the buoyant force.
Calculate the buoyant force by using the
following formula.
Fbuoyant force = Wweight in air Wweight in liquid
Using the data in set 1, calculate the buoyant
force on the mass in each liquid.

1. Give a reasonable explanation for the
relationship you found between the density
of a liquid and the buoyant force it exerts
on the mass.
2. Using set 2, describe any differences that
you see in the hydrometers.
3. How do these differences relate to the
buoyant forces that these liquids exert on
the mass in set 1?

Set 1

Weight = 1.0 N
100 g mass in air

Weight = 0.85 N
liquid 1

Weight = 0.90 N
liquid 2

Weight = 0.70 N
liquid 3

Density = 1.0 g/mL

liquid 1

Density = 0.67 g/mL

liquid 2

Density = 2.0 g/mL

liquid 3

Set 2

68 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Working Underwater
A number of careers involve scuba-diving in lakes, oceans,
or other bodies of water. One example is underwater
welding. As another example, the divers shown here are
conducting research on marine life. How many other
underwater careers can you think of? Brainstorm in a group
to see how many diving-related careers you can list. The
scuba gear that divers use includes masks, fins, air tanks,
and weight belts. The word scuba comes from selfcontained underwater breathing apparatus. Search the
Internet for information on scuba-diving or look in the
Yellow Pages of your telephone book for companies that
offer scuba training. Try to find out:
how scuba gear helps you sink instead of float on top
of the water
how you are able to rise to the surface after your dive
what determines how long a diver can stay underwater
how much training is necessary before a beginning diver
can dive without an instructor
what careers involve scuba diving



1. Explain how you could make plastic sink and steel oat.
2. State Archimedes principle.
3. Make a labelled drawing to show the most important design features of a
4. Apply A block of an unknown metal measures 5 cm x 3 cm x 2 cm. The
block has a mass of 235 g. Of what metal do you think the block is made?
Would this metal sink in mercury?
5. Thinking Critically
(a) If the buoyant force is less than the weight of an object immersed in a
uid, what will happen to the object?
(b) If the buoyant force equals the objects weight, what will happen to
the object?
(c) Give an example of what can happen when the buoyant force on an
object is greater than the weight of the object.

Buoyancy MHR




If you need to check an item, Topic numbers are provided in brackets below.

Key Terms



flow rate


average density



neutral buoyancy



Archimedes principle


buoyant force


Reviewing Key Terms

1. In your notebook, match the description in column A with the correct term in
column B.

the total mass of a substance divided by the

total volume

viscosity (4)

occurs when gravity equals buoyancy

density (5)

increases as the volume of a ships hull


average density (5)

the property that describes a liquids thickness

mass (5)

the pull of gravity on a mass

volume (5)

the space occupied by an object

flow rate (4)

opposes the force of gravity

gravity (6)

anything that causes a change in the motion of

an object

weight (6)

force (5)

neutral buoyancy (6)

buoyant force (6)

Understanding Key Concepts

2. Name three factors that affect the internal
friction of a uid. (4)

7. State the formula for density, and include the

units in the formula. (5)

3. Name three industries in which measuring

and controlling viscosity are important. (4)

8. Use the particle model to explain buoyancy. (6)

4. Explain why the effect of temperature on the

viscosity of gases differs from the effect of
temperature on the viscosity of liquids. (4)
5. Compare the densities of the solid, liquid,
and gaseous states of a substance. (5)
6. Explain how to measure the volume of a
gas. (5)

70 MHR Wrap-up Topics 46

9. Restate Archimedes principle in your own

words. (6)


Fluid Pressure

Every time you lean against a wall, you are exerting pressure on the
wall. Pressure is a measure of the force acting perpendicular to a unit
area. When you press your hand against a wall, you are applying pressure
on that particular area of the wall. If the wall were made of whipped
cream, your hand would push right through the whipped cream,
leaving a hand shape that is the outline of the area over which the
force was applied. If the force is increased, the pressure will increase.
What happens if the area is increased?

A Formula for Pressure

Pressure can be calculated by using the following formula:
Pressure (P) =

Force (F )
or P = F
Area (A)

Force is measured in newtons (N) and area is often measured in square

metres (m2). The unit for pressure, therefore, is newtons per square
metre (N/m2). This unit is also called a pascal (Pa), named after the
French scientist Blaise Pascal (16231662) in honour of his pioneering
work with pressure. A kilopascal (kPa) is equal to 1000 Pa.

Pascal demonstrated a talent for numbers and relationships at a very early age. By the time he
was 16, he had published a geometry book, and by 19, had invented the first mechanical
calculator. Turning his attention to physics, he was fascinated with fluids. He was the first to
discover that the pressure exerted on a fluid (in a closed container) at one end could be felt,
undiminished, at the other end of the container. This formed the basis for understanding how to
use fluids to do work in large and powerful mechanical systems.

Blaise Pascal 16231662

Fluid Pressure MHR


Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Proving the
Pressure Equation
You need to apply force in much of the work you
do. Mechanical devices have been designed and
produced to make work easier. Can you identify
where the pressure equation is applied?

Examine a mechanical device (no electricity or fuel
required) that requires an applied force, to see
how the pressure equation, P = AF , has been taken
into consideration in its design. Using the existing
mechanical device as a model, and the pressure
equation, suggest a design change that will make
the task easier, or the device work harder for you.
Suggestions only you are free to choose your
own device and construction materials: 3-hole
punch, ruler, stapler, pencil, staple remover, sketch
paper, fork, calculator, shovel, wood dowelling,
cardboard, garden claw, glue gun, food chopper,
hammer, nails

Make area measurements (see Skill Focus 6,

Estimating and Measuring) of the parts that
are involved in the pressure equation. If the
areas are too small to measure directly, suggest
an alternate method for measuring them.
Record your measurements directly on the
In terms of the pressure equation, explain in
a summary paragraph how the device eases a
task or delivers more force than possible
without it.
As a group, discuss a design improvement,
directly related to the pressure equation and
how you would rebuild the existing device to
include it.
Using simple materials, construct your
prototype. You can reconstruct the entire
device, or if possible, simply add the
modication to the existing device.

Design Specifications
You must be able to identify which variable(s) of
the pressure equation will change in your design

Plan and Construct

As a group, analyze the device you have
chosen. Elect someone to draft a series of
labelled sketches of its different parts. Identify
on the sketches where the pressure equation
variables apply.

72 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

1. How many design features in the original
device were related to the pressure equation?
2. Calculate the amount by which your force
output, or force input changes with the
3. How could you improve your design

Compression of a Gas
Imagine being a stunt double and jumping
out of a window in an action movie. Would
you rather land on the hard ground or onto
a huge, billowy air mattress? Why would
the air mattress be a better choice?
Something that compresses when you land
on it absorbs the force of the fall gradually.
Your body would feel only a small amount
of pressure during the landing. The air mattress would work as a huge shock absorber.
How is the compression of a gas made
possible? Consider these requirements:
(1) The gas must be enclosed in a sealed container with sturdy
walls. Gas molecules distribute themselves equally throughout
their containers.
(2) There is so much space between the particles that, even after the
particles are squeezed closer together, they are still far enough apart
to behave as a gas.
(3) An external, or outside, force is applied to the enclosed gas, to push
the particles closer together.
Gases are compressible because their particles can be squeezed closer
together into a smaller volume. Is this true for liquids and solids as well?
Although there is empty
space between the particles
of solids and liquids, the
spaces are already almost
as small as possible. When
a force is applied to a solid
or a liquid, the particles
cannot move much closer
together. Because solids
and liquids cannot be
squeezed into a smaller
volume, they are said to be
almost incompressible.
What happens to liquids
and solids when an external force is applied? Instead of changing the
volume of either the solid or the liquid, the applied force is transmitted
(passed along), from one particle to the next, throughout the substance,
somewhat like falling dominoes (see Figure 1.43). The particles themselves do not move in the direction of the force because there is no
space to move. Only the particles that have space to move will move.

Figure 1.42 Mats in

gymnastics, pistonlike
devices in some bicycles,
and Styrofoam packaging
are all used to absorb the
force of impact to reduce
the amount of pressure felt.

Figure 1.43 An applied

force is transmitted from
one particle to the next, in
both solids and liquids. This
is similar to dominoes
falling in a row. The force
moves along, but the
dominoes stay in the same

Fluid Pressure MHR


Some Advantages of

Figure 1.44 All-terrain

vehicles have wide tires

and are kept inflated to a
specific pressure.

Another useful property of gases is their

ability to exert a force back (a counterforce)
when they are compressed. This property can
be used to cushion shocks. For example, the
air in a car tire pushes back against the force
exerted by the weight of the car. Otherwise,
the car would simply sink to the ground. If
the car hits a bump, the extra force compresses the air in the tires even further. This
allows the effect of the force to be spread
out over the entire tire, rather than being
transmitted directly to the body of the car and its passengers. When
the extra force is removed, the air returns to its original volume, and
the tire resumes its original shape.
An air bag in an automobile is another device used to cushion
shocks. Air bags are designed to be used in addition to seat belts. An
air-bag system consists of one or more crash sensors, an ignitor and
gas generator, and an inatable nylon bag. The nylon bag for the
driver is stored in the steering wheel, and the bag for the front-seat
passenger is usually stored inside the dashboard. If a car hits something
with sufcient force (speeds in excess of 1520 km/h), impact sensors
trigger the ow of electric current to an ignitor. The ignitor causes an
explosive chemical reaction to occur, producing harmless nitrogen gas.
The nitrogen gas propels the air bag from its storage compartment at
the same time as the driver is forced forward, saving the driver from
serious injury. The bag then immediately deates. The entire process
takes only 0.04 s!

Figure 1.45 Some running shoes contain pockets of

Figure 1.46 An air bag in an automobile uses compressed air

compressed air. It is believed that compressed air is superior

to plain rubber soles in shock absorption and bounce.

to protect the driver in a collision.

74 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Balloon Balance
Gases are made up of particles that have mass
and, therefore, weight. Weight is the force of
gravity pulling on a mass. Prove to yourself that
a gas has weight.

Find Out
3. While the mobile is hanging and balanced,
pierce one of the balloons with the pin.
Observe what happens to the metre-stick.

2 balloons, uninflated
string, 12 m
hook or thumbtack
sharp pin
Safety Precautions
Be careful when handling sharp objects.

Performing and Recording

1. Blow up the two balloons to the same size

and tie them.
2. Assemble a balloon mobile, as shown in
the photo to the right.

What Did You Find Out?

Analyzing and Interpreting

1. Describe how the metre-stick moves after

the balloon is popped. Does it move slowly
or quickly? Why did it not move up or
down before the balloon was popped?
2. Explain how this demonstration proves that
carbon dioxide has mass and volume in
addition to weight.

Atmospheric Pressure
Earths atmosphere is approximately 160 km thick.
Gravity keeps the envelope of air around Earth.
Why dont you feel weighed down by air? The
pressure of Earths atmosphere is so well balanced
by your body, both inside and out, that you hardly
ever notice air pressure.
Just as water pressure changes with depth,
air pressure changes with altitude. As you climb
higher in the atmosphere, fewer air particles press
against you on the outside of your body. The air
pressure inside your body does not change as
quickly, however. The number of particles pressing from the inside out
is still the same at the top of a mountain as it was when you were at the
base of the mountain. Your eardrum is a very thin membrane that can
move in response to a difference in air pressure. If the difference in
pressure on either side of the eardrum becomes great, you experience a
pop inside your ear as the pressure equalizes.
Fluid Pressure MHR


(P = 0 kPa)

760 mm



pool of mercury,
with layer of oil
covering it
(mercury is toxic)
Figure 1.47 A mercury


Drink bottles are often

made of flexible plastic.
Have you ever taken a big
sip from a plastic water
bottle and seen the sides
buckle? What about glass
bottles? Do the sides of a
glass bottle buckle when
you take a big sip? At
home, take sips from
various types of bottles
in which the openings are
sealed around a straw,
and record your findings
in your Science Log.
Try to explain your
observations in terms
of low pressure,
high pressure, and
unbalanced force.

Measuring Air Pressure

The most common device for measuring air pressure is a barometer.
The earliest barometers were made with mercury and are still used by
many weather stations. Figure 1.47 shows how a mercury barometer
works. First, a thin, strong-walled glass tube, sealed at one end and
open at the other, is completely lled with mercury. It is then inverted
(turned upside down) in a pool of mercury, allowing no air to enter.
The mercury falls to a lower level in the tube, due to gravity, leaving a
vacuum (no air, only empty space) at the top of the tube. Why does
some mercury stay in and some come out?
As the air pushes down on the mercury in the pool, forcing it up the
column, the mercury pushes down through the column and into the
pool because of its weight. The mercury will stop moving when the
force of the air pressure pushing it up equals the force of gravity
pulling it down. Air pressure can support 760 mm of mercury (Hg) at
sea level.

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

If the inside of a closed container experiences a lower air pressure
than the air pressure pushing on the outside, the walls of the container
will buckle and cave in. In other words, the lower air pressure inside
the container does not balance the higher air pressure outside the container. This results in an unbalanced force. The force of atmospheric
pressure pushes on the walls toward the inside of the container. You may
have noticed this imbalance when drinking juice from a juice box. The
straw makes such a tight seal that as you draw the juice up the straw
and reduce the air pressure inside the juice box, the box buckles
inward. The air pressure outside the juice box pushes the walls of the
box together.

76 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Bottled pop on store shelves does not look carbonated because it has been bottled under
pressure. To manufacture pop, carbon dioxide gas is forced to dissolve into the flavoured and
sweetened water solution called the syrup. The bottle cap is secured before the pressure is
released, and the strength of both bottle and cap prevents a loss of pressure. If you open a
bottle of pop quickly, however, the pressure inside the bottle is released suddenly and the
carbon dioxide escapes rapidly from the solution, forming bubbles, or fizz. The more quickly
you open the bottle, the more fizz is produced. Shaking the pop ahead of time, or warming the
bottle in the Sun, gives the carbon dioxide particles more energy. Thus, more carbon dioxide
escapes when the pressure is released than if the bottle were not shaken, or if the bottle were
taken out of the refrigerator.



1. Dene pressure.
2. (a) What unit is used to measure pressure?
(b) What is another way to express this unit?
3. What is the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces?
Which circumstance can exert pressure? Why?
4. In which direction is a force exerted in a uid at rest?
5. Thinking Critically Mountain bike tires are kept inated to a pressure
of 550 kPa, while car tires are inated to only 220 kPa. A car can support
much more weight (the force due to gravity) than a mountain bike can.
Use the pressure equation to justify the huge difference in ination levels
for each one.

pressure = about 57 kPa at the top

of this mountain (5951 m)

Earths atmosphere does not have the same

number of air particles at sea level as at the
halfway or higher mark. The density of the
atmosphere decreases as you move farther
and farther away from sea level. That is why it
is so difficult to breathe at the tops of very high
mountains, such as Mount Everest. Every breath
you take on the mountaintop contains a fewer
number of oxygen molecules than at sea level.
Since pressure decreases as the force (in this
case, weight) pushing down on an area
decreases, you would experience less air
pressure higher up in the atmosphere.

pressure = 101.3 kPa at sea level

Air pressure decreases with

increasing altitude.

Fluid Pressure MHR



Ultraviolet light can damage cells and contribute

to skin cancer. A layer of
ozone gas in the upper
atmosphere reduces the
amount of ultraviolet light
reaching Earths surface.
However, the ozone layer
is damaged by the CFCs
used in many fast-food
cartons, cavity-wall
insulation, and refrigeration and air conditioning
systems. Ultraviolet light
reacts with CFCs to produce chlorine, which in
turn reacts with and
breaks down ozone.

Fluid Systems

Figure 1.48 Liquids get pushed out with gases under pressure.

Aim, press, and apply! It is as simple as that with aerosol products, such
as whipped cream, hairspray, hair mousse, paint, shaving cream, and
bathroom cleaners. How does an aerosol work? Particles always ow
from areas of high pressure to low pressure. When high-energy gas
particles are squeezed inside strong-walled containers, they exit
through holes or cracks with a great force. If a liquid is also present,
the gas will push a ne foam or spray of the liquid particles as it exits
(see Figure 1.48). Usually the openings are designed to help direct the
spray; they can be tiny holes, which encourage a ne mist or spray, or
elongated nozzles that help to direct the foam as it exits.
Although aerosols no longer contain the chlorouorohydrocarbons
(CLOR-O-FLOOR-O-HYDRO-CAR-BONS), commonly referred to
as CFCs, which damage the ozone layer, there are still dangers associated with aerosols. The liquid/gas mixture inside is under so much
pressure that high temperatures could cause the energy of the particles
inside to become stronger than the container, and cause the container
to rupture. A rupture would allow the contents to escape suddenly and
with a great deal of force, possibly causing an explosion. Puncturing, or
exposing an aerosol can to a spark could also lead to an explosion. It is
important, then, to keep aerosols in a cool place and away from ames.
Gases under pressure are ready to expand, because the particles have
so much energy. If gases under pressure nd a way to escape from a
container for example, through a nozzle or a hole they exit the
container with a great deal of force. That force can be used in many
applications to carry, push, or move objects.
78 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Although fire extinguishers work under pressure,

they operate a bit differently than aerosols. The
common carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher
contains liquefied CO2, which takes up much less
volume than gaseous CO2. Carbon dioxide exists
as a liquid only at very cold temperatures. When
the fire extinguisher is turned on, the CO2 particles
gain enough energy to become a gas again, which
needs a lot more space. The CO2 exits the tank with
a great amount of force. The gas shooting out of the
cylinder is still much colder than its surroundings,
and helps to remove heat from the fire and extinguish it. As well, the CO2 smothers the fire by not
allowing oxygen to continue combustion.



Find Out

Balloon Arm
Find out how squeezing a plastic bottle in one
place can cause movement somewhere else.

3. Press the bottle and observe what

happens. Record your observations.


4. Now press the balloon and observe

what happens to the bottle. Record your

strong elastic bands


small, flexible plastic

bottle with a narrow spout

deep pail

1. Fill the pail with water. Submerge the bottle
and the balloon. Make sure all the air has
escaped from both objects and has been
replaced with water.
2. While holding both objects underwater,
stretch the opening of the balloon over
the opening of the bottle. You should have
a completely enclosed and continuous
liquid inside (no air). Use one or two strong
elastic bands to make sure the balloon is
securely fastened to the bottle.

What Did You Find Out?

Analyzing and Interpreting

1. What makes the balloon arm move?

2. How could you use your balloon arm to
move something else?

Fluid Systems MHR


Hydraulic Systems

An intravenous line,
simply referred to as
the IV, is a long, thin,
flexible tube that is
inserted into a vein so
that medicine, food, or
other substances can
be pumped directly
into the patients
bloodstream. If
patients are unconscious or cannot eat
on their own, they
can be fed a nutrient
solution through an
intravenous line. Some
treatments, such as
chemotherapy or bone
marrow transplants
require substances to
be pumped in and
blood samples taken
out on a regular basis.
A catheter is placed
into the large vein
above the heart and
the entire intravenous
system becomes an
extension of the
patients blood system.

Hydraulics is the study of pressure in liquids. Devices that transmit

applied forces through a liquid to move something else, because of
pressure, are called hydraulic systems. In most hydraulic systems, a
force is exerted on a continuous, enclosed liquid. The applied force
creates pressure that moves the liquid through a series of tubes, pipes,
or hoses, which causes motion at the other end of the system. Try
making a simple model of a hydraulic system in the following Find
Out activity.

Simple Hydraulics

Find Out

Modified syringes filled with water

and joined with plastic tubing
provide a simple model of a
hydraulic system.

4. Push the plunger of the

main cylinder in all the way.
CAUTION Never point the
tubing or syringe toward
anyone when expelling
excess fluid.

2 modified syringes
short piece of plastic tubing

step 1

step 2

step 4

beaker of water
1. Fill the cylinder of one syringe
(the main cylinder) with
water by inserting the cylinder
tip into a beaker filled with
water and pulling back the
plunger (see Diagram A).
2. Attach a piece of tubing to
this syringe. Push the plunger
until the tubing is filled with
water (see Diagram B).
3. Attach the cylinder of the
other syringe (the reacting
cylinder) to the other end
of the plastic tubing (see
Diagram C). Make sure the
plunger of the reacting cylinder is completely pushed in
before connecting the tubing!

80 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

step 3

What Did You Find Out?

Analyzing and Interpreting

1. What happens when you

apply a force on the plunger
of the main cylinder? Explain
your observation using the
term hydraulic system.
2. How would you expect your
hydraulic system to work over
a longer distance? How could
you test it?

Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording
Analyzing and Interpreting
Communication and Teamwork

Compression of
Liquids and Gases
Using the same simple syringe you used in the last activity, nd a
method to determine the percent compression of air and water.
You may develop your own method or use the one listed below.

Make a prediction about the percent compression of liquids and gases.
simple plastic syringe, with tip cap
You may use items such as:
ruler, beaker, graduated cylinder


Prepare a table with the
following column headings:
A. Distance from tip
to edge of pulled
plunger (mm)
B. Distance from tip to
edge of pushed
plunger (mm)
C. % Compression
Air Water
(after 10 min)
Compressing Air: Pull the
plunger out the full length
of the syringe. Place the
cap on the tip of the syringe.
Measure the distance from
the tip to the plunger edge.
Record this distance in the
table under column A.
Holding the cap in place,
press the plunger in as hard
as you can. Measure in mil-

limetres how far you are able

to push the plunger. Record
this distance in the table
under column B.
Calculate the percent
compression of air
(A B 100%). Record the
answer under column C.
Compressing Water: Fill the
syringe with water by dipping the tip into the beaker
of water and pulling the
plunger to the top of the
syringe. Hold the plunger
with the tip up. Tap it until
all of the air bubbles have

reached the top of the

syringe. Push the plunger
until a bit of water comes
out the tip. Place the cap
on the tip and measure the
distance from the tip to the
plunger edge. Record this
distance in the table.
Repeat steps 3 and 4.
Leave the plunger lled
with water. After 10 min,
examine the water-lled
syringe very carefully.
Record any changes.
Repeat steps 3 and 4.

1. What was the manipulated
2. What was the responding
3. What was the control
4. How did your percent
compressions compare?
5. What happened to the
water-lled syringe after

10 min? How did the percent compression change?

Conclude and Apply

6. How close were your
predictions to your
experimental ndings?
7. How would you explain
the outcome of the waterlled syringe after 10 min?

Fluid Systems MHR


An aqueduct is a raised
canal that carries water
from one place (the
source) to another place
some distance away.
The water can flow only
by gravity, so there must
be a gradual decline the
entire way. Research to
find out the force used in
the many aqueducts built
throughout Europe
during the time of the
Roman Empire.

Natural gas in major

transmission pipelines
is compressed to 100
times atmospheric
pressure by spinning
pumps that are operated
by engines similar to the
ones used in jet airliners.
The gas travels on average 40 km/h, which is
about the speed of an
Olympic sprinter. The
gas can leave Alberta
on a Monday and reach
southern Ontario the
following Sunday.

Hydraulics to
Transport Fluids
Just as water gushes out
of an open faucet, liquids
under pressure ow away
from the applied force in
all directions. Hydraulic
systems can be used to
transport uids over large
distances. The ancient
Romans constructed huge
aqueducts to transport
water from lakes to distant
cities. Today, water, naturFigure 1.49 A water pumping station is needed to keep
al gas, and oil are typical
water flowing at a certain pressure through city pipelines.
examples of uids transported in extensive pipelines. Pumps provide the force that pushes the
uid through the pipes. Why do the travelling uids need to be placed
under pressure?
Think about the water that comes out of your faucet. How does
water travel up to reach homes in highrise apartment buildings? To
travel so high, water must be placed under pressure in order to move
against gravity. There must be enough pressure in the pipes to transport the liquid over a large distance, but not enough to burst the pipes.
Friction in the pipes caused by rough surfaces or numerous bends
in the pipeline can affect uid pressure. Particles lose energy as they
brush past each other in conned spaces and as they bump into the
walls of the pipelines. Pumping stations are frequently needed to
restore the pressure lost on long routes (see Figure 1.49).

Pressure and Pneumatic Systems

Pneumatic systems are similar to hydraulic systems, except gases are
used instead of liquids. The operation of most pneumatic systems is
based on the fact that gases can be compressed. Therefore, compressors devices that compress air are needed. Air pressure builds
up in these devices. As the pressure is released, the compressed air
decompresses. In other words, the particles start to move apart suddenly,
creating a strong, steady force that can perform powerful tasks. Many
tools use pneumatics, from large tampers used to pack down dirt and
gravel when building a road, to tiny precision drills used by dentists.
As well, heavy trucks and buses rely on pneumatic brakes (also called
air brakes) to stop quickly and smoothly.
In pneumatic systems, an enclosed gas can transmit a force, causing
motion. Find out how a balloon can behave like a pneumatic system in
the next activity.

82 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Initiating and Planning

Performing and Recording


Analyzing and Interpreting

Communication and Teamwork

Make a Model of a Dentists Chair

Design Specifications
A. Your teams model must use hydraulics to
exert a large force, using minimal space.
B. Your model hydraulic system must transmit
motion smoothly.
C. You must be able to operate your model with
no breakage of parts.

Plan and Construct

1. Work with your team members to make
initial concept sketches showing how your
model will work. Draw a side view and a
top view. Include all measurements and
dimensions. Label the parts of your model.

A dentists chair can be lowered, raised, and tilted

by means of a hydraulic system. Use your knowledge of hydraulics and some everyday materials to
design and build your own working model of a
dentists chair.

Create a working model that simulates the
movement of a dentists chair.
modified syringes; plastic tubing; water; jinx wood,
plywood, stiff cardboard or corrugated plastic;
masking tape; elastic band; glue gun; butterfly
fasteners or paper fasteners; dowelling; thread
spool; scissors or cutting knife; pencil or skewer
for punching holes

Safety Precautions
Be careful when using sharp tools such as
scissors, knives, or skewers.
A glue gun is hot and the glue remains hot for
several minutes.

2. Decide which materials to use as components. Select the materials to use as

connecting parts or hinges in your model.
3. Assemble your model and test it to see if
it works.

1. Does your teams model meet all the
specied design criteria?
2. Did the members of your group work
successfully as a team in designing and
building the prototype? If not, how might
problems or conict be avoided next time?
3. Compare your teams model with those
constructed by other groups. How would
you rate your model compared to the
others? Not as effective? As effective?
Superior? Explain your rating.
4. In what ways might you improve your

Fluid Systems MHR


Across Canada
Since the late 1980s, the Canadian Space Program, along
with NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration), has been conducting scientific research in
space. Recently, flight surgeons on the Neurolab mission
have been investigating questions related to blood pressure,
loss of sleep, orientation in space, and tiredness.
Canadian astronaut Dave Williams, M.D., is a member of
this large team of scientific researchers. Dr. Williams has
been trying to find answers to questions such as: How does
the bodys ability to regulate blood pressure change during
and after spaceflight? He has discovered that over 500 000
North Americans suffer from disorders of the bodys natural
ability to regulate blood pressure and to keep blood flowing
to the brain. These disorders often result in lightheadedness
or fainting when people stand up quickly. For some reason,
the body can no longer increase the blood pressure to
boost the blood the extra height.
Some astronauts experience similar symptoms after
spaceflight. Fighter pilots and stunt pilots, too, sometimes
nearly pass out when they force their planes into a tight turn.
What is common in these cases? In every instance, the
cardiovascular system (the heart and blood vessels) is


Dr. Dave Williams

stressed by gravity. Gravity forces the cardiovascular system
to work hard to maintain the blood flow to the brain. The
results of Dr. Williamss research in space will also benefit
people experiencing this disorder on Earth.


1. Dene hydraulic system and give some common examples of hydraulics.

2. Dene pneumatic system and give some examples of pneumatic devices.
3. Pipelines are used to transport liquids such as natural gas. Why are these
pipelines made with few bends and kept free of dirt and rust?
4. Why do the sides of a juice box buckle when you suck the juice out
through a straw?
5. Apply Which do you think would produce more zz when opened:
a bottle with a twist-off cap or one that has a bottle cap? Why?
6. Thinking Critically Would you be able to drink through a straw in
outer space? Could you drink through a straw on the Moon? Explain
your answers.

84 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter



If you need to check an item, Topic numbers are provided in brackets below.

Key Terms


Reviewing Key Terms

1. State whether each of these statements is true
or false. If a statement is false, rewrite it to
make it true.
(a) Pressure equals the area divided by the
force. (7)
(b) Fluid pressure is exerted in all directions.
(c) Attitude and depth can affect uid
pressure. (7)
(d) Hydraulic systems depend on air
pressure. (8)
(e) Hydraulics is the study of pressure in
liquids. (8)
(f ) A dentists chair is an example of a
pneumatic system. (8)
(g) A barometer measures air pressure. (7)
(h) An air bag in an automobile uses
hydraulics and pneumatics. (7)
(i) Pipelines with many bends lose pressure
more quickly than straighter pipelines. (8)
(j) Liquids must be continuous and in an
open system to transmit forces. (8)

hydraulic systems
pneumatic systems

Understanding Key Concepts

2. Use the particle model to explain why your
eardrums hurt when you swim deep underwater and pop when you travel up in a rapidly
moving elevator. (7)
3. Explain, using the particle model, why gases
can be compressed but liquids and solids
cannot. (7)
4. How do (a) depth and (b) temperature affect
pressure? (7)
5. What are the basic design requirements for a
simple hydraulic or pneumatic device? (8)
6. Use the particle model to explain how air
exerts pressure. (7)
7. (a) What unit is used to measure pressure? (7)
(b) What is another way to express this
unit? (7)
8. Breannas friends got her a helium balloon for
her birthday with Happy Birthday, Breanna!
printed on it. By accident, it slipped out of
her grasp and rose higher and higher into the
air until she could not see it any more. A few
days later, she and her friends found it in a
park. It had burst. Why do helium balloons
eventually burst, or explode, as they rise
higher and higher into the atmosphere? (7)

Blaise Pascal 16231662

Wrap-up Topics 78 MHR






Ever since Gamini Dassanayake was a child, he was interested in

the environment. This interest led to his career as a civil engineer.
Gamini has a masters degree and a Ph.D. degree in Water and
Wastewater Engineering. He has worked in Sri Lanka, Thailand,
Brazil, and Japan. He now teaches at the University of Calgary.




How is sewage treated?

Generally, sewage continuously ows to a

very large concrete tank. When we keep
sewage in the tank for a few hours and
supply air through air blowers or aerators,
micro-organisms start to grow. Organic
matter is food for these micro-organisms.
When we supply enough air to the system,
micro-organisms increase and eat almost all
the organic matter present in the sewage.
Are the micro-organisms harmful?

No. Since these micro-organisms are harmless, naturally occurring bacteria, we dont
have to worry about harmful effects from
them. However, sewage contains pathogens
that originate from our bodies. After treatment, sewage is disinfected to get rid of the
pathogens by adding chlorine, ozone, or being
exposed to ultraviolet light. This treatment
method is called the activated sludge system.
Is sewage treated with chemicals?

We only use naturally occurring bacteria and

air. Therefore, this is an environmentally safe
operation. This is called aerobic treatment,
since we use aerobic bacteria bacteria that
can only exist in the presence of air. We can
also treat sewage by using anaerobic bacteria.

86 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter



Are there big sewage tunnels and pipes under the

city where the sewage flows?

Sewage is collected from each area in smaller

pipes of about half a metre in diameter. Bigger
pipes are used farther from the pumping
stations. People may be able to walk inside
some of these pipes. In Sri Lanka, I have seen
pipes of two to three metres in diameter.
What happens when inappropriate items are flushed
in a toilet?

A lot of solid items get into the sewage

stream toys, pieces of plastics, tiny household items, and even dead animals like rats
get into the system. Before the sewage is
pumped to the treatment plant, there are
pre-treatment devices to separate solids, grit,
and oil and grease. To remove most of the
floating solids, treatment plants have coarse
and fine bar screens. These screens trap and
separate sewage from these items, which are
disposed in a landfill or composting plant.
Next, a grit removal chamber removes all
sand and soil particles that get added during
the flow of sewage to the treatment plant.
Then, fat traps remove all grease and oils in
the sewage. Sometimes shredders are also
included to shred the remaining solid particles into tiny pieces. These three processes
eliminate most of the undesirable elements
in raw sewage before it is treated.

If the cost to treat

sewage is about five
cents a day per person
in Calgary, how much
does it cost to treat one
day of sewage for the
city? How much does it
cost to treat a year of
sewage for the city?

photo of Gamini water treatment plant

still to come


Are garburators good or bad for the water

treatment plants?

They are good and bad. They are good

because all solids get shredded without
causing blockages of pipes. However, once
the particles are shredded, they get mixed with
the sewage and have to be treated. If the solids
are not shredded, they need to be separately
collected as solid waste and landlled. In a
landll, methane gas is produced and methane
in turn contributes to global warming.



Where does sewage go after it is treated?

Treated sewage can be disposed of in water

bodies such as rivers and creeks. Once
disposed, it gets diluted and does not cause
harm to the people who use the water bodies.
Treated sewage looks like water and does not
contain any odour. Regulatory bodies, such as
Alberta Environment, check on the quality of
the treated sewage. These regulatory agencies
are the ones who set efuent standards.


How does Canadian sewage treatment compare to

that in other countries?

The basic process of Canadian sewage treatment is the same as that of other countries.
However, Canada uses far more sophisticated
devises, such as ultraviolet (UV) disinfection.
Calgary has the biggest UV disinfection plant
in North America. Operating these UV
systems is expensive. Pure oxygen is pumped
in to improve the efciency of activated sludge
treatment. Other plants have lter presses for
sludge thickening. In Calgary, the sludge is
pumped to huge holding ponds to thicken.
In summer, these ponds smell bad, causing
people living around them to complain.
About how much water is treated in a facility
each day?

We use more water in Calgary than most

cities in other countries. The average
amount of sewage generated each day is
about 565 litres per person. Since Calgary
has a population of about 900,000, over
500 million litres of sewage has to be treated
each day.

Surprising Sewage
Make a few phone calls or research on the
Internet to learn where and how sewage is
processed in your community. If you are in a
rural area, research how septic systems process

sewage. When you are finished your research,

write a brief summary of your findings. Include a
flowchart showing the steps. What aspect of
sewage treatment surprised you the most?

Unit 1 Ask An Expert MHR


A-Mazing Hydraulics
Use your knowledge of uids and pressure to create and play a unique new
game. Its unique because you have designed it to be as easy or as challenging
as you want. Amaze friends as you guide a marble through your maze and its
series of obstacles and dead ends, using only your own imagination and the
power of hydraulics.

Design a game that uses your knowledge of uids
and hydraulics to move a marble through a maze.
4 syringes (5 mL to 30 mL)
2 blocks of wood (about 15 cm x 15 cm x 1.5 cm)
100 cm jinx wood (1 cm x 1 cm)
15 cm dowelling
block of wood (5 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm)
50 cm clear plastic tubing
various fluids: air, water, vegetable oil, and any
others approved by your teacher
string, paperclips, and rubber bands
coping saw
mitre box
glue gun
hand drill or drill press

Safety Precautions

Be careful when using hand tools such as

coping saws and hand drills.
A glue gun is hot and the glue remains hot for
several minutes.
Wash your hands after completing this project.

Design Specifications
A. Working in groups of two or three, design a
maze on a sheet of wood 15 cm 15 cm that
is operated by 4 syringes working together
to raise and lower the corners of the maze

B. The maze should have only one exit point and

the pathways should be wide enough to allow
a marble to pass through them.
C. Use only the materials specied.
D. Prepare a written presentation of your project,
a title page with the names of your group
members and a picture presenting the game
a design brief (see Plan and Construct)
a design proposal (see Plan and Construct)
a construction procedure
a learning log and record of problem solving
a catalogue that describes and promotes
your toy, and a set of written instructions
explaining to a new player how your game
an explanation of how your knowledge of
uids, pressure, and hydraulics helped you
build and design your game
E. Be prepared to have your game played by
other students. Students may wish to see
whose design is the most difcult, the most
creative, or the most enjoyable.

Plan and Construct

Prepare a design brief that does the following:
states what you are making and the materials
you are using
states how your nished product is going to
be used
states for whom you are making the marble
states where the image is going to be used

88 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

Prepare a design proposal. This should be a

full-size sketch of your marble maze in 3-D,
or a scale drawing of the maze pattern you
design. Also include 1 top and 2 side-view
drawings of the maze unit, including the base
and the syringes.
Working with your group members, choose a
maze pattern. Write a construction procedure,
cutting list for jinx wood and dowelling
drilling points on maze base (2 holes for
syringes and 1 hole in the middle of the
gluing points
choice of uid and reason for choice (your
choice may change as you experiment with
other uids)

Working in a group, organize a Fluids Circus in

your classroom. Use what you have learned about the
properties of fluids to set up demonstrations such as

As you build your marble maze, keep a

learning log of the steps you have taken.
Record any difculties and what you did
to overcome them.

1. How well could other students play your
teams marble maze game? Explain.
2. Were your teams written instructions clear
and easy to follow? If not, how could you
improve them?
3. Did your teams catalogue copy make the
game sound fun to play? If not, how would
you improve it?
4. If you could improve the design of your
marble maze game in any way, what would
you do?

the Cartesian diver in Topic 6. Invite other students

and teachers in your school to visit your classroom to
enjoy the show!

Unit 1 Project MHR




Unit at a Glance
The particle model of matter states that all
matter is made up of very small, moving
particles that are attracted to each other. The
strength of the attractive force depends on the
type of particle.
Matter can be classied as pure substances and
mixtures. All particles in a pure substance are
the same. Mixtures contain two or more pure
substances and can be heterogeneous
(mechanical) or homogeneous (solutions).
Forming a solution by mixing two or more
materials together is called dissolving. A solute
is the substance that dissolves in the solvent.
Properties such as density, buoyancy, and
viscosity are important in the selection and use
of uids. These properties respond to changes
in temperature and pressure.
The Workplace Hazardous Materials
Information System (WHMIS) uses symbols to
identify dangerous materials.
Density is calculated by dividing mass by volume.
Pressure is calculated by dividing force by area.
Pneumatics is the study of pressure on gases. In
a pneumatic system a gas can be compressed,
then decompressed, or used as a cushion when
another object presses against it.

(c) Easily observed properties can sometimes

mislead you. Give an example of a material
that looks homogeneous but is actually
2. Dene the terms mixture and pure
substance. Give two examples of each.
3. Give examples of three common solutions.
For each example, name the solute and the
4. Why is sugar more soluble in water than in
canola oil?
5. The instructions on a package of jelly powder
state the following: Dissolve in 250 mL of
boiling water. Why do you need to use
boiling water?
6. How do you distinguish between a uid and a
7. How can you demonstrate that nely ground
solids are not uids?
8. Some foods taste better if their viscosity is
high; others taste better if their viscosity is
relatively low. Name two foods that you would
place in each category.
9. In your own words, explain what density

In a hydraulic system, a force is applied to a

liquid in a closed container and transmitted
undiminished through the liquid, causing
something else in the system to move.

10. Explain why solids can support objects more

easily than uids can.

Understanding Key Concepts

11. The density of molten lava increases as it cools

and hardens. List other examples of natural
changes in density.

1. Properties of a material can often help you to

classify it as homogeneous or heterogeneous.
(a) Give an example of a material that is
denitely heterogeneous.
(b) Give an example of a material that is
denitely homogeneous.

Developing Skills
12. Design Your Own Explain how you would
separate each of these mixtures:
(a) oil and water
(b) paper clips and pennies
(c) sawdust and sugar

90 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

13. (a) Describe the steps you would take to

recover pure water from dirty dishwater.
What is the name of the process?
(b) Would this process be practical for
conserving water in your home? Explain
your answer.
14. (a) Human activities add harmful materials to
our water. Name ve such activities and
explain why water is used in each.
(b) Choose one of these activities, and suggest
how the same result could be accomplished
without polluting our water supply.
15. Design Your Own Logo You are given two
samples of water, one from Lesser Slave Lake
and one from the Pacic Ocean. Somehow the
labels have fallen off. Design an experiment,
other than tasting, to determine which is
16. The Dead Sea is much saltier than ocean
water. Design an experiment to show
whether a sample of water from the Dead Sea
is saturated or unsaturated with salt.
17. Copy and complete the following concept
map using key ideas you have learned in this


18. Make a bar graph for the following data, with

Flow rate along the vertical axis (y-axis)
and Temperature along the horizontal axis
(a) Which substance is the most viscous?
Which one is the least viscous?

Flow rate at
10C (cm/s)

Flow rate at
25C (cm/s)

Flow rate at
50C (cm/s)
















(b) Which substance is a solid at room

temperature (about 20C)?
(c) Infer why the values for substance 2 are
so similar.
19. Make a collage of the uids that are used in
one of the following industries:
petroleum rening
graphic design
20. Formulate your own question related to
viscosity, and design a fair test to explore
possible answers.
21. The graph on the next page shows the density
of three different substances. (5.2)

not solids
share a physical property
described as thickness or
thinness that is known as

(a) Which substance has the largest mass

when the volume is 50 cm3 ?
(b) Which substance takes up the most space
at 100 g?
(c) Calculate the mass-to-volume ratio of the
lines in the graph.

affected by

Shape of
Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3

Unit 1 Review MHR


Problem Solving/Applying

Mass vs. Volume of Three Substances

25. In this unit, you classied several mixtures as

either homogeneous or heterogeneous.

Material 1
Material 2
Material 3

Mass (grams)


(a) How would you classify a soft drink when

the sealed bottle is on the store shelf? Use
the particle model to support your answer.


(b) How would you classify the soft drink

when it is poured into a glass? Use the
particle model to support your answer.



Volume (cubic centimetres)


22. (a) Plot the following data on a line graph

representing mass vs. volume:












ratio (g/cm3)

(b) Calculate the mass-to-volume ratio for

each mass.
(c) Be a sleuth and identify this mystery
substance from the densities listed in
Table 1.5 on page 52.
(d) Where would the line for a lower-density
substance t on your graph? For a higherdensity substance? Indicate these lines on
your graph.
23. When you press the button on a drinking
fountain, a jet of water shoots upward into the
air. Formulate your own question about this
observation, based on what you know about
the properties of uids. Design an experiment
that could provide an answer to your question.
24. Arrange to visit an automotive service garage.
Make note of all the hydraulic and pneumatic
mechanisms a mechanic uses, and which ones
are needed and must be checked regularly in
a car. What do these mechanisms look like?
How do they work?
92 MHR Mix and Flow of Matter

26. Suppose you have been given a jar of water

that includes some salt and sand. Explain
the steps you would take to remove each
27. Imagine you have been asked to create a milkshake for a well-known fast-food restaurant.
How would you design a straw to match the
viscosity of your new milkshake? What factors
(variables) would you take into account?
28. Design and conduct an experiment to determine the density of a 25-cent coin. Based on
your results, what metals do you think are
used in these coins? (Refer to Table 1.5 on
page 52.)
29. Cassie built a model boat with a mass of
320 g. When she tried it out, she found that it
displaced 260 g of water. Did the boat sink or
oat? Explain.
30. (a) How can you make a substance that is less
dense than water sink? Explain.
(b) How can you make a substance that is
denser than water oat? Explain.
31. Design and make one or more of the

following using simple hydraulic systems:

a jack-in-the box
a door closer
a toy with blinking eyes
a moving miniature billboard
a simple puppet with moving parts
a robot arm that moves up and down

32. Examine the simple hydraulic device shown

below and explain how it works. Use the
words force, cylinder, pressure, transmitted, and hydraulics in your answer.

plastic sheet
(cut one side)




10 mL

plastic tubing

Critical Thinking
33. Callia says that salt and water make a
heterogeneous mixture. Mike says that it
cannot. Decide who is right, explain why, and
give evidence to support your answer.
34. You learned in this unit that water can be a
pure substance. How is it possible that the
water from one source tastes different than
water from another source?

38. Do you think density and viscosity are related?

Provide one example that demonstrates that
they are related and one that demonstrates
that they are not related. Use the particle
model to suggest an explanation.
39. Explain why your body is sensitive to 30 kPa
of water pressure at the bottom of a swimming
pool, but not sensitive to 101.3 kPa of normal
atmospheric pressure.
40. Marco always struggles to open a pickle jar or
any food jar, for the rst time. He has tried
many methods, including hitting the lid with
a knife and using a rubber pad specially
designed to give a good grip on the lid.
However, he still has to wrench the lid open
with as much strength as possible. One day
his brother told him to use a small spoon to
simply pry the lid slightly apart from the glass
lip. Explain why this simple method works.
41. What do you think would happen if a
container such as an aerosol spray can that
has been sealed under pressure were exposed
to extremely high temperatures? (This is
similar to what happened during the Great
Molasses Flood described in this unit.)
Explain your answer.

35. Fats and oils are not soluble in water. Why

do greasy dishes become clean when you
wash them?
36. Some substances are sensitive to heat treatment. If they are heated for too long or to
very high temperatures, they will become very
thin. Keeping internal friction in mind, can
you suggest how such a substance might have
changed at the particle level?
37. In fresh water, an ice cube oats with about
nine tenths of its mass below the surface. Is
this true for an iceberg in seawater? Explain.

Return to the focussing questions on page 4. How would

you answer each question now? How has your knowledge
of fluids grown? Record your answers to the focussing
questions in your science notebook.

Unit 1 Review MHR


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