Policy Implications of Autonomous Vehicles

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September 18, 2014 | Number 758

Policy Implications of Autonomous

By Randal OToole


artially autonomous vehicles that can take

over some driving functions, such as steering
and speed control, are on the market today.
Highly autonomous vehicles that can drive
themselves in most situations should be
available for sale in less than a decade. Fully autonomous
vehicles that wont even have an option for a human driver
will be available within a decade after that.
Such autonomous vehicles will transform the 21st century
in the same way that mass-produced automobiles transformed the 20th. Auto travel will become safer. Congestion
will decline if not disappear. People who can be productive
rather than endure the stress of driving will look at travel in
an entirely new way. Eventually, mobility will be available to
everyone, not just those who have a drivers license.
Considering the technology available today and what experts think will be available in the near future, Congress and
other policymakers should consider the following steps:
Congress should stop funding expensive and obsolete rail transit projects, which will have no place
in a future likely to be characterized by widespread
sharing of self-driving cars.
Congress should end the mandate for states and metro-

politan planning organizations to write long-range

transportation plans, as planners cannot predict the
effects of autonomous vehicles and are likely to instead
impose obsolete systems and designs on their regions.
The National Highway Safety Traffic Commission
should not mandate that vehicle-to-vehicle communications be installed in all new cars, as such devices
will rapidly become obsolete, while voluntary devices
in the form of smart phones that can use vehicle-tovehicle applications are already in use by more than
half the adult population.
State and local governments should focus on maintaining existing infrastructure and making cost-effective
improvements, such as dynamic traffic signal coordination, to alleviate todays safety and congestion
problems. The best thing state and local transportation agencies can do to prepare the way for autonomous vehicles is to cooperate in the development and
use of consistent road striping, sign, signal, and similar
standards that can be read by autonomous vehicles.
By reducing congestion, autonomous cars may lead to a
revival of inner cities, but by reducing the cost of travel,
they may also lead to more rapid exurbanization. Cities
and states should not try to restrict either trend.

Randal OToole is a senior fellow with the Cato Institute and author of Gridlock : Why Were Stuck in Traffic and What to Do about It (Cato Institute,

If people can
work, read,
surf the web,
or watch
movies or
traveling, they
may be willing
to spend more
time in
motion, which
in turn could
lead to
another wave
of suburbanization.

Self-driving cars are coming. Cars that can
take over some driving functions, such as steering on highway lanes or controlling speeds to
avoid accidents, are already on the market.
Google has a prototype car that doesnt even
have the option of being operated by humans.
Just as the mass-produced automobile
transformed the 20th century, the autonomous car will transform the 21st. Housing,
work, shopping, and recreation will all dramatically change as mobility no longer depends on
fallible and easily distracted human drivers.
This mobility will contribute to a new birth
of freedom in the United States and around
the world. As Volvo researcher Anders TylmanMikiewicz observes, The core concept of individual mobility is ultimately about freedom.1
One obvious improvement is safety. Highway fatalities have declined by 25 percent since
2005, thanks in part to smart auto technologies such as electronic stability control and antilock brakes.2 The decline in fatalities should
accelerate as motor vehicles become more autonomous.
Other changes will be more subtle. One is
the amount of time people will allot for travel.
One study found that, throughout the world and
throughout history, people have spent an average
of about 1.1 hours per day traveling.3 But if people
can work, read, surf the web, or watch movies or
television while traveling, they may be willing to
spend more time in motion. This could lead to
another wave of suburbanization or exurbanization of both people and jobs.
Partly because the U.S. Department of
Transportation cancelled its research programs on self-driving cars in 1998, most of the
work on autonomous vehicles is being done by
private auto manufacturers, engineering, and
software companies. This is a good thing, as
it has resulted in a variety of competing technologies and innovations.
However, most federal, state, and local
policymakers are acting as if this revolution
isnt happening. For example, not a single
long-range metropolitan transportation plan

has attempted to account for the possibility of

self-driving cars. One of the few federal agencies that is getting involved in these new technologies, the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, is threatening to write rules
that could do more harm than good.
Not all of the changes that will result from
autonomous vehicles are predictable, but what
is predictable is that the changes will be profound. Legislators and policymakers need to
be aware of the implications of these changes
before they make long-range decisions relating to transportation and land use.

Autonomous vehicles, also known as smart
cars or robocars, use a variety of sensors, computer processors, and databases such as maps
to take over some or all of the functions of
driving from human operators. The National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration and
Society of Automotive Engineers have each
defined several degrees or levels of autonomy;
confusingly, one has five levels while the other
has six, so level 4 under one system is level 5
under the other. In both systems, a level 0 vehicle has no automation while the top level can
operate full time without a human driver.4
Three levels of autonomy are important for
Partial autonomy, in which the car can
take over some of the functions of driving while still requiring the driver to remain fully alert to driving conditions;
High autonomy, in which the car can
drive itself in most conditions but still
may need to call upon a human driver
to deal with extraordinary or unanticipated situations; and
Full autonomy, in which human operation is not needed and may not even be
Partially autonomous vehicles rely on radar, lasers, infrared, and/or optical sensors

to detect road conditions and use computer

processors to respond to those conditions.
Highly autonomous vehicles also incorporate
detailed maps so the car can determine the
optimal routes to get to destinations selected
by the occupants and know all of the rules of
the road over those routes. Fully autonomous
vehicles will be capable of dealing with deviations from those maps caused by such things
as road construction, weather conditions, and
traffic accidents.
Partially autonomous vehicles are already
on the market, with some being available for
under $26,000.5 Also known as advanced
driver assistance systems (ADAS), vehicles
equipped with these technologies typically
include adaptive cruise control, which allows
the car to automatically accelerate and brake
to keep a fixed distance from the car in front;
lane keeping, which either steers between the
stripes on a highway or alerts the driver if the
car starts to cross the stripes without signaling; and various sorts of collision avoidance
systems that can brake or otherwise control
the car to prevent accidents.
None of these systems use or require any
kind of centralized computer system to monitor or direct their travel. Instead, all of the
electronics and processing power are in the
vehicles. When parked in a place where they
can get secure access to the Internet, vehicles
may download updates of maps or other data.
Otherwise, they operate completely independently of any central control.

In 2013 Nissan announced that it would
market multiple affordable highly autonomous vehicles by 2020.6 More recently, the
company said it would make available more
advanced partially autonomous cars that can
deal with traffic and change lanes by 2018.7
Google, which has operated its highly autonomous vehicles more than 700,000 miles
since 2009, is even more ambitious, saying it
expects such cars to hit the market as soon as

2017.8 Although Google is building 100 prototypes of a fully autonomous car without any
driving controls, it doesnt expect to manufacture cars itself but hopes to supply software to
A survey of more than 200 experts who
attended an automated vehicles symposium
near San Francisco in July 2014 found that the
median date they expected highly automated
vehicles to reach the market was 2020, while
most expected fully automated vehicles to be
available by 2030.9
Of course, reaching the market and dominating the roads are two different things. The
average car on the road is more than ten years
old.10 This suggests that, even if all cars made
after 2020 were highly autonomous, it could
take close to a decade before half the cars on
the road were capable of driving themselves.
But not all cars made in 2020 will be highly
autonomous. Although the costs of manufacturing the hardware required to make new
cars autonomous, including sensors, processors, and other electronics, are expected to
rapidly decline, IHS Automotive predicts that
highly autonomous cars will initially cost at
least $7,000 to $10,000 more than cars without this capability.11 Moreover, to maximize
profits, auto manufacturers tend to introduce
new features on high-end cars first, and slowly
work down the price chain. Thus, the first Nissan-made car to be highly autonomous is more
likely to be a top-of-the-line Infiniti than an
affordable Versa.
Pessimists note that 17 years passed before
the introduction of antilock brake systems and
their use on just 5 percent of cars on the road.
Similarly, 15 years passed before the introduction of adaptive cruise control and 5 percent
market penetration. In this view, it will be
2060 or so before enough cars on the road are
highly or fully autonomous to make a difference in transportation habits and conditions.
However, highly autonomous vehicles offer far more benefits than antilock brakes. After all, surveys show that the vast majority of
American drivers consider themselves to be
above-average drivers and probably consider

capable of
braking, and
even steering
are already on
the market,
with some
for under

will put
pressure on
to sell
cars at

themselves immune enough from auto accidents that antilock brakes were only important for other drivers.12
A better comparison is the introduction of
the moving assembly line, which allowed Ford
to sell cars at far lower prices than ever before.
In 1913, when Henry Ford began experimenting with the moving assembly line, less than 5
percent of American families owned an automobile. Fourteen years later, 55 percent owned
a car.13 Wed rather do without clothes than
give up the car, a small-town resident told social scientists in the mid-1920s.14
While the key to growing automobility in
the early 20th century was affordability, there
are several reasons to think that highly autonomous cars will quickly become affordable.
First, software makers such as Google will
have an incentive to prod automakers to make
highly autonomous cars widely available so
they can sell their software, which will likely
be sold on a subscription basis due to the need
to frequently update maps and other data.
Pressure will also come from companies offering aftermarket modifications of existing
cars to make them highly autonomous. While
the cost of converting an older car to a highly
autonomous vehicle would be prohibitive,
turning a partially autonomous car into a highly
autonomous one would require little more than
the addition of a few sensors and a software upgrade. One startup company has already promised to convert partially autonomous Audis to
highly autonomous cars starting in 2015.15
This suggests that, when the first highly
autonomous vehicle hits the market, millions
of cars already on the road will be ready for a
low-cost upgrade to highly autonomous capabilities. This will put pressure on automakers to
sell highly autonomous cars at affordable prices
or lose sales to aftermarket manufacturers.
Furthermore, when fully autonomous vehicles reach the market in, or likely before,
2030, converting highly autonomous vehicles
into fully autonomous ones would take nothing more than a software upgrade. This means
that Americas auto fleet could rapidly become
fully autonomous in just a few years after 2030,

both because of retrofitting and because manufacturers would quickly begin making affordable autonomous cars.

The introduction and growing use of partially, highly, and fully autonomous vehicles
will each have significant effects on transportation. Partially autonomous vehicles will help
relieve traffic congestion. Highly autonomous
vehicles will change the way people think
about driving and the costs of travel. Fully autonomous vehicles will allow people who lack
drivers licenses to become as mobile as those
who can drive. Each level will also progressively improve roadway safety.
Adaptive cruise control, an important component of most advanced driver assistance systems, helps relieve the driver of the irksome
task of maintaining a safe distance behind
other vehicles in variable speed or stop-and-go
traffic. But it also provides a useful social benefit in helping to relieve congestion in the first
place. In heavy traffic, much congestion results from slow human reflexes. By substituting computer speeds for human speeds, much
of this congestion may go away.
Actual measurements have found that a
typical freeway lane can move about 2,000 to
2,400 vehicles per hour when moving about
50 miles per hour. However, at slower speeds,
flows can decline to less than half of the full
capacity of the road. This means that if one
vehicle on a road that is near capacity slows
slightly, the entire flow rate on the road can
drop, and speeds can remain slow for hours after the initial slowdown.
Traffic engineers call the transmission of these
slower speeds through a traffic lane a pulse.
Due to its faster response time, a car with adaptive cruise control can interrupt this pulse and
permit flows to remain near capacity levels. One
study has concluded that, if as few as 20 percent
of cars on the road use adaptive cruise control,
about half of all congestion could be avoided.16 A
study in Germany confirms that a small amount

of ACC equipped cars . . . leads to a dramatic reduction of traffic congestion.17

Many traffic engineers speculate that highly or fully autonomous vehicles will be able to
double or triple roadway capacities because
the vehicles will be able to safely operate more
closely together. Such huge capacity increases
wont result from partially autonomous vehicles, but if partially autonomous cars can just
keep flows at near-capacity levels, they will
go far towards relieving the traffic congestion
that plagues American urban areas.
Although highly autonomous vehicles will
also help relieve congestion and improve safety, they will have a more profound effect on
travel by changing the way people assess the
cost of auto travel. While driving is stressful
and requires the full attention of the driver,
operators of highly or fully autonomous vehicles will experience little stress and will be able
to spend most of their time on productive, social, or recreational activities.
Some people believe that it is an oversimplification to say that most people throughout
history have been willing to devote an average
of just over an hour a day traveling.18 However,
it is clear that people have two different travel
budgets: one a dollar budget and one a time
budget. Surveys indicate that, for a slight majority of Americans, it is the time budget that most
constrains commuting and other travel.19
In 2012 the American Community Survey
found that Americans who drive to work spend
an average of about 26 minutes commuting each
way, while Americans who take transit to work
spend more than 46 minutes each way.20 Some
people see this as an example of transits inefficiency, but it also suggests people are willing to
spend more time en route if they dont have the
stress of driving and possibly can be entertained
or productive by reading or doing other things.
Several studies have shown that increasing
commuting speeds increases worker productivity, probably because it gives employers a larger
pool of potential workers to select from and
allows more people to find a job that best suits
their skill set.21 If highly and fully autonomous
vehicles allow people to significantly increase

their time travel budgets, the nation is likely to

see a similar boost in worker productivity.
Fully autonomous vehicles will lead to
another profound transformation in travel.
While highly autonomous vehicles will still
require a licensed driver able to take control
in some situations, a fully autonomous vehicle
will not. This means more cars on the road will
be occupied by disabled people or people who
are too young or too old to drive.
Car sharing may become more widespread
as people who own cars rent them out rather
than park them when they arent using them
themselves. The expansion of car sharing may
change the way people view the cost of auto
travel. Much of the cost of owning a car is
fixed, so once someone owns a car, the marginal cost of taking a trip is low. But people renting shared vehicles will have to pay the average
cost, which may depress travel.
On the other hand, the introduction of
fully autonomous vehicles will lead to a significant number of cars on the road that have
no human occupants at all. People may come
to view vehicles as robotic assistants as much
as a means of travel, sending them off to pick
up groceries, drop off dry cleaning, or do other simple tasks. People may always prefer to
browse and select their own fresh produce and
meats, but retailing of dry and canned goods
may change as people simply order what they
want on the Internet and then send their car,
a shared car, or a store-owned automated delivery vehicle to bring their purchases from an
automated distribution center.
In other words, some aspects of fully autonomous vehicles will reduce per capita vehicle travel, while others will increase it. Will
the net effect be more or less driving? No one
knows, but most experts suspect that vehicle
travel would increase.

Telecommunications engineers refer to
infrastructure as being either smart or dumb.
Dumb infrastructure would do little but offer

of fully
vehicles will
lead to a
number of
vehicles on
the road as
people use
cars as robotic
assistants for
a variety of

traffic signals
is the most
way of
saving energy,
yet few local
have made an
effort to do

avenues of communication; any intelligence

would have to be provided by the end users or
their devices. Smart infrastructure would build
that intelligence into the infrastructure, so that
end users would not need to invest in smart machines to use it.
For example, a smart Internet would have
word processors, spreadsheets, graphics tools,
and other software online, which users could
access from dumb terminals that did little but
accept user commands and display the results.
This would allow users to spend less on their
own computers and software.
The problem is that smart infrastructure requires the owners to maintain and upgrade the
infrastructure to meet new user demand and
needs. It also requires them to foresee what all
those needs might be, an impossible job since
millions of users might each have their own
ideas about what they want and need.
The French Minitel system was an example
of smart infrastructure that preceded the Internet. Introduced throughout France in 1982,
Minitel was the most advanced system of its day
and gave users access to email, online shopping,
train and airline tickets, and other features long
before the Internet became available to the
general public elsewhere. Telephone owners
were given free dumb terminals to access the
system. However, Minitel could not keep up
with the rapidly evolving Internet, and France
Telecom shut the system down in 2012.
In the same way, highways used by autonomous vehicles can be smart or dumb. Dumb
highways would simply be pavement with no
more signs and signals than those observable by
human drivers. Smart highways would have builtin systems to guide and coordinate vehicles.
The General Motors Futurama exhibit at
the 1939 New York Worlds Fair first introduced the idea of autonomous vehicles to the
public. As conceived by designer Norman Bel
Geddes, highways would have built-in magnets that would be sensed by motor vehicles.
The vehicles would drive themselves by following the trail of magnets.22
Nearly 60 years later, in 1997, the federal
government funded a demonstration of this

technology in which magnets were inserted

into a new freeway built in San Diego and eight
driverless cars tested on the road, operating at
70 mph one car length apart from one another.23
After the successful demonstration, however,
the Department of Transportation cancelled
any further funding for self-driving cars.24
Since then, General Motors, Volkswagen,
Google, and other organizations developing autonomous vehicles have presumed that smart
infrastructure will not be available and instead
designed their cars to operate using the existing
infrastructure. This means that highly and fully
autonomous vehicles must be very adaptable, as
traffic signals, signs, and even roadway striping
vary greatly from state to state.
Auto manufacturers were probably right
to be wary about relying on the government to
provide smart highways. The United States has
more than 330,000 traffic signals, and the Federal Highway Administration estimates that
three-fourths of them use obsolete control systems or software. The latest systems dynamically respond to changing traffic conditions, thus
avoiding situations where people have to wait
for signals to go through a complete cycle even
if there is no opposing traffic. Upgrading these
systems is quite possibly the most cost-effective
way of relieving congestion, saving energy, and
reducing air pollution, yet few local governments
have made an effort to do so.25 If city and county
street and road agencies cant keep traffic signals
up-to-date, how long would it take them to install and upgrade smart road systems?
President Obama has endorsed a National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration proposal to mandate that all new cars be sold with
vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications systems.26
These systems could alert drivers of congestions or safety hazards on the road ahead.
While not directly related to autonomous vehicle technology, some engineers believe that
such vehicle-to-vehicle communications will
be essential for the success of autonomous
vehicles, especially in their ability to greatly
increase the capacity of the roads to move autonomous vehicles.

Vehicle-to-infrastructure communications
would be a form of smart infrastructure that
could allow roadway owners to communicate
speed limits, traffic signals, and other information, allowing designers of autonomous vehicles to rely on such radio signals rather than
having to program their vehicles to read and
interpret signs and signals of various shapes
and designs. For this to work, however, all state
and local road departments would have to install and maintain such radio systems, something for which there is currently no funding.
Rather than rely on state and local roadway
owners to install such systems, autonomous
vehicle designers say they will use vehicle-toinfrastructure systems if they are available but
wont design their vehicles to depend on them.
The need for mandatory V2V communications in increasing road capacities is questionable. Although freeway lanes have been
measured moving 2,200 vehicles per hour or
more, this much traffic is prone to breakdown
if someone slows down slightly and slow human reflexes force an entire column of traffic
to slow to stop-and-go speeds. For this reason,
managers of variable-priced toll lanes try to
keep traffic below 1,800 vehicles per hour, or
one vehicle every two seconds.
Todays adaptive cruise control can reduce
the gaps between vehicles to 1 second, effectively doubling roadway capacities.27 Advocates of vehicle-to-vehicle communications
say that capacities can be increased further
through V2V communications, known as cooperative adaptive cruise control, which will
allow vehicles to operate in lock-step with one
another in long platoons.
However, mandatory V2V communications systems are not needed for this to happen. First of all, radar-based adaptive cruise
control can respond nearly as fast as cooperative systems. Second, people who wish to
join platoons of close-formation vehicles can
do so by installing optional vehicle-to-vehicle
communication systems. Such systems could
be installed simply by downloading an app to
a smart phone and plugging the smart phone
into the vehicle.

Indeed, smart phones today already use

vehicle-to-vehicle communications systems.
When Google Maps, Apple Maps, or other
navigation systems report traffic conditions,
they make those reports based on reports from
other motor vehicles using similar navigation
systems. Future smart-phone apps could enable platooning, collision avoidance, or other
benefits of vehicle-to-vehicle communications.
Some engineers worry that the cell phone network would not respond quickly enough for
close-formation platooning to work, but smart
phones wouldnt have to use the cell phone network; they could just form a Wi-Fi connection
with other cars in the platoon.
Compared with voluntary V2V systems
using smart phones, there are several major
drawbacks to mandating that V2V communications be added to all new cars. First, it will
take around a decade for enough new cars to be
sold so that half the U.S. auto fleet has such systems, whereas smart phones are already in the
hands of more than half of the adult population.28 Second, smart phone technology is constantly being updated, whereas a new car with a
mandatory V2V system will be stuck with that
technology for an average of two decades.
Third, a single V2V standard will be more
vulnerable to hackers than multiple smartphone apps from a variety of software makers. One of the benefits touted for V2V communications is that a V2V-equipped car that
broke down or got into an accident could send
a notice to other cars in the area to avoid that
route. This though would make it easy for
someone to shut down an entire city by broadcasting such signals from a thousand different
points within it.
Think of the opportunities for chaos,
says University of South Florida transportation professor Steven Polzin of V2V and V2I
communications.29 The use of multiple standards would make such hacking more difficult,
and private entrepreneurs selling traffic software would have more of an incentive to prevent and fix such hacks than public agencies.
Mandatory V2I communications also introduce the possibility that the nanny state could

If V2V communications
are required
in new cars, a
decade will
pass before
half the auto
fleet has such
whereas half
of adults
already have
V2V systems
in the form
of smart

When shared
use of
popular, many
people who
take transit
today will
find that
car sharing
makes more

try to control how, when, and where people

travel. For example, one tech writer observes
that V2I is so accurate a revenue-hungry town
could write tickets for doing 57 in a 55 zone.30
Worse, suppose a state decides to arbitrarily
reduce per capita driving. With V2I communications, the government could decide someone
has driven enough and simply shut off their car.
This isnt far fetched considering that in 2008
the Washington legislature passed a law mandating such a reduction by 2050, and Immigration and Customs has been known to confiscate
and destroy peoples cars for failing to meet federal safety and air pollution standards.31
While Obama touts the benefits of V2V for
improving safety, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration doesnt plan to have
a proposed rule before 2017, which means a
final rule probably wont go into effect before
2019. Since experts agree that highly autonomous cars are likely to be introduced at about
the same time, the safety benefits of V2V will
be rendered obsolete before half the cars on
the road even have V2V.
Thus, the disadvantages of mandatory V2V
communications greatly outweigh the advantages. The federal government should not add
to the cost of car ownership by mandating that
systems be added to new cars that will be obsolete before many of the cars are even paid for.
To the extent that government plays a role in
autonomous vehicles, it should be to maintain
existing infrastructure and perhaps develop
consistent sign and striping standards to be
used across all states.


Despite steadily growing subsidies, Americas transit industry is one of the most unproductive sectors in the economy. In 1970
taxpayers spent $357 million (about $1.6 billion in 2012 dollars) subsidizing transit operations; the average urban resident rode transit
49 times a year, and 8.9 percent of employees
took transit to work. By 2012, transit-operating subsidies had grown to $24 billion, yet the
average urban resident rode transit just 44

times a year, and just 5 percent of employees

took transit to work.32
One reason transit is so unproductive is
that auto ownership is almost ubiquitous.
Nationally, less than 4.5 percent of commuters live in households with no vehicles, and,
surprisingly, 21 percent of those nevertheless
drive alone to work (presumably in borrowed
or employer-supplied cars). In nearly three out
of four urban areas, more people who live in
vehicle-free households drive alone to work
than take transit to work, indicating that transit doesnt even work very well for people who
dont have cars.33
Nor is transit particularly needed by lowincome people. In fact, people who earn more
than $75,000 a year are more likely to take
transit to work than people who earn less
than $25,000; just 5.9 percent who earn under
$25,000 take transit while 6.2 percent who
earn over $75,000 take transit.34 Considering
that the average life of an automobile today is
around 20 years, auto ownership is so inexpensive that most households that decide not to
own one do so for reasons other than personal
Transit is so unviable today that it requires
$3 in subsidies for every dollar paid in fares.
What will happen when shared use of autonomous vehicles becomes popular? Many people
who today choose to take transit over driving
are likely to find that car sharing makes more
sense, especially if more than one person in
the household is traveling. Transit fares in 2012
averaged 25 cents per passenger mile, while
the cost of driving averaged about 38 cents per
vehicle mile. Even accounting for the profit
earned by the owners of shared vehicles, car
sharing could be less expensive than taking
transit for two or more people.
As with automobiles in general, the advantage of car sharing is that it allows people to go
from where they are to where they are going.
Transit, by comparison, requires that people
go first to a transit stop and then go from another transit stop to their destination, often
transferring from one transit vehicle to another in the process.

An urban area of a million people will have

hundreds of thousands of different origins and
hundreds of thousands of different destinations, and with an average of around five vehicle trips per person per day this represents
millions of different combinations. As University of California planning professor Melvin
Webber pointed out in 1994, one way to tailor
transit to modern life is to offer small-box
transit: jitneys and other small vehicles going
from many origins to many destinations.35
Instead of following Webbers advice, transit agencies have become enamored with bigbox transit: light-rail and other trains going
from a few origins to a few destinations. Rail
transit is a form of smart infrastructure: the
rails do the steering, and in many cases centralized signaling systems also control speeds
and where the railcars stop at each station. Unlike roads, which can be used by pedestrians,
bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, and buses,
rails can only be used by extremely specialized
vehicles and in most cases are open only to vehicles owned by the owners of the rails.
Rails are also limited in extent and, due
to their high construction cost, are likely to
remain so. Just as France Telecom could not
predict everything that people might want to
do with the Minitel system, transit agencies
have difficulties predicting where people want
to go, especially over the 30-year life of a rail
line. This leads to concerns about how people
are going to get the last mile (or, in too many
cases, the last several miles) from rail stations
to their actual destinations.
Many transit advocates hope that fully autonomous cars will provide the solution to the
last-mile problem. But once someone is in an
autonomous car, why would they get out to
transfer to a train that is often slow and unreliable, especially if autonomous vehicles are an
effective answer to congestion?
Autonomous vehicles are probably not going to get the 2 million people who work in
Midtown and Lower Manhattan to work every day. Yet no other American urban area has
this density of jobs, and autonomous vehicles
should be able to transport most if not all com-

muters into other downtowns and other job

centers. This means that transit will be even
less relevant in those areas than it is today.
While transit may be able to evolve to supplement and make use of autonomous vehicles,
one thing is certain: there is no need to build
any more obsolete rail lines.


Congress requires metropolitan planning
organizations to write and periodically update
20-year transportation plans for their regions.
Although highly autonomous vehicles may
dominate the road network in 20 years, not a
single regional transportation plan has considered the effect of such vehicles or even, as near
as I can tell after having read scores of such
plans, even mentioned the possibility of such
Regional transportation planners use computer models to estimate the demand for
transportation in their regions and the effects
of that demand on congestion, transit usage,
energy consumption, pollution, and land uses.
These computer models typically incorporate
information gathered in surveys of how residents actually travel on a day-to-day basis in
order to predict the effects of changing landuse patterns, new transit services, and new
roads on travel.
There are a lot of good questions about the
validity of these transportation models. For
example, the travel surveys are based on selfselected samples. In other words, surveys of
how people who live in high-density developments travel must be made of people who have
chosen to live in such high-density developments. Those surveys may not be representative of how other people would travel if they
were forced to live in such developments.
Even if the surveys are valid, there are many
things planners cant accurately predict, including future oil prices, future economic booms
and busts, and regional population growth
rates. Such unpredictable inputs make the outputs of transportation models of little value.

cars may
dominate the
roads in 20
years, not a
plan has
the effects of
such vehicles
on urban


Rather than
deal with the
future, the
planning fad is
to design for
the past and
then attempt
to impose that
past using

Yet planners use these models to make longterm, irreversible decisions about urban areas.
Autonomous vehicles introduce the ultimate in uncertainties about future transportation. While planners may not know if gas
prices are going up, they can at least predict
that, if they do go up, the growth in driving
will decline. But such predictions about the
effects of autonomous vehicles are impossible.
No one today has a highly or fully autonomous
vehicle shaping their day-to-day travel, so regional planners cant use travel surveys to answer such questions as
Will autonomous vehicles lead to more
miles of vehicle travel or less?
Will they reduce congestion, and if so
will that make inner cities more attractive because they are less congested? Or
will they lead more people to become
How will autonomous trucks and increased employee mobility determine
the locations of new job centers?
Will car sharing reduce the demand for
Will fully autonomous vehicles increase
road capacities enough to reduce the
need for more roads, or will increased
driving offset this benefit?
How will the use of fully autonomous
cars as robotic assistants reshape retail
and service sectors?
How will autonomous vehicles affect
Planners have techniques to deal with uncertainty, but they arent very effective. One
is to do sensitivity runs of their computer
models with a range of assumptions built in. In
the best case, they hope to find that the results
are not very sensitive to changing the assumptions. If instead the results prove highly sensitive to the assumptions, the best they can do is
guess which assumption is correct.
Rather than deal with the uncertain future,
the current regional planning fad is in effect
to design for the past and then attempt to im-

pose that past using regulations and subsidies.

Under this fad, regional planners in Portland,
Seattle, San Francisco, and other urban areas
have proposed to locate nearly all new housing
in high-density developments along new or
existing rail transit lines. The plan for the San
Francisco Bay Area, for example, requires that
80 percent of new housing and 66 percent of
new jobs be concentrated near rail stations or
along transit corridors.36
In effect, they are trying to rebuild urban
areas to look like they did before the automobile became dominant in the 1920s. The
plans incorporate a combination of land-use
restrictions and subsidies to insure that their
plans come true. One goal of such compact
development is to reduce driving. However,
people arent likely to behave as planners hope:
a review of the research concludes that urban
forms effect on driving is too small to be useful in saving energy or reducing pollution.37 If
the relationship between land use and travel
is weak today, autonomous cars will make it
even weaker by giving people one more way of
escaping the restrictive regulations and high
taxes needed to enforce the plans.
The total unpredictability of the effects of
autonomous vehicles should give Congress cause
to review and amend the transportation planning process it has imposed on the 50 states and
342 metropolitan planning organizations. The
long-range planning process should be tossed
out and replaced with a short-range planning
process that focuses on fixing todays problems
now without foreclosing future options.


Urban planning advocates have been on
a decades-long crusade to save the nations
farms, forests, and open spaces from urban sprawl. The rate of suburbanization has
slowed in recent years, less due to this crusade
than because of slower growth in the number
of households. Between 1940 and 1980, the
number of households in the United States
grew steadily at 2 percent per year; since 1980,
growth has averaged just 1.1 percent per year.38

If highly and fully autonomous cars change

the way people view travel, however, exurbanization could accelerate despite the slow rate of new
household formation. This could lead to calls for
more urban-growth boundaries and other restrictions designed to prevent so-called sprawl.
In reality, this is a big country, and urban and
suburban areas occupy such a small portion of
it that they are no threat to other land uses. The
2010 census found that only about 3 percent of
the nations land, or less than 70 million acres,
has been urbanized, including all cities and suburbs in urban areas of 2,500 people or more.39
The Department of Agriculture estimates that
another 103 million acres, or about 4 percent
of the nations land, are in non-farm, exurban
residential uses. These areas are likely candidates for suburban expansion in regions that
dont have urban-growth restrictions.40
Suburban and exurban development pose
no threat to the nations agricultural land base.
More than half the land in the United States, or
1.16 billion acres out of a total of 2.26 million,
is considered agricultural land, but less than
a third of these agricultural lands are used for
growing crops.41 Moreover, the number of acres
used for croplands is declining, partly because
per acre yields of most major crops, including
barley, canola, corn, cotton, flax seed, peanuts,
potatoes, rice, sorghum, soybeans, sugar beets,
sunflowers, sweet potatoes, and wheat, are
growing faster than the nations population.42
Nor do suburbanization or exurbanization
threaten forest lands. About a third of the nation
is forested, which is actually more than was a
century ago. The substitution of trucks and tractors for draft animals after 1920 allowed farmers
to return tens of millions acres of pastureland to
forests. By 1960, the United States had 26.7 million acres more in forest lands than in 1920.43
Although about 15 percent of forests are
reserved in parks and wilderness, this is not
a problem as forest growth has exceeded harvests since 1950 and is expected to continue
doing so for the foreseeable future. As a result,
American forests have 51 percent more timber
volume in them today than they did 60 years
ago.44 This is possible despite a stable forest

base because new technologies allow productive utilization of a steadily increasing share
of the trees that are cut. As a result, per capita
demand for timber is declining.
The nation is hardly short of open space.
Federal, state, and local governments own
more than 850 million acres of land, or 38 percent of the total.45 More than 80 percent of
this land is available for recreation and public
enjoyment. Hundreds of millions of acres of
private rural land also provide scenic vistas
and, in many cases, recreation.
In short, urban and even exurban development is no threat to the nations farms, forests,
or open space. The use of urban-growth boundaries and other land-use restrictions to contain
sprawl is needless and costly: nearly all urban
areas that have used them have seen median
housing prices rise by $50,000 to $500,000
or more.46 Since exurbanization is no threat to
farms, forests, or open space, there is little reason to heed calls for more restrictions on urban

Autonomous vehicles will transform America. In view of the unpredictable but large
changes ahead, legislators and other policymakers should change the way they view transportation. At the very least, the following recommendations make sense.
First, Congress should eliminate the New
Starts program that gives cities incentives to
build obsolete rail transit systems that will have
no place in a world of car sharing of smart cars on
dumb infrastructure. Rail transit is extraordinarily expensive, doesnt significantly increase transit
riders in most cities where it is built, and will play
an ever-diminishing role in 21st-century cities.47
Second, Congress should also eliminate the
requirement that states and metropolitan planning organizations prepare endless rounds of
long-range regional transportation plans. Planners are no better than anyone else at predicting the future, yet their plans often lock regions
in to irreversible commitments of resources
whose value proves to be far less than promised.


Urban and
is no threat to
the nations
farms, forests,
or open space,
and land-use
to contain
sprawl are
needless and


State and local

focus on
while taking
steps to solve
and safety

Long-range plans also make regions susceptible

to the temptation that they can and should attempt to reshape human behavior in order to
conform to the plan rather than shape the plan
to what people want and need.48
Third, the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration should not mandate the installation of vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-toinfrastructure communications devices in
new cars. Such mandatory devices will quickly
become obsolete and may even impair innovations that would take place through the use of
voluntary devices.
Fourth, state and local governments should
focus on providing and maintaining dumb infrastructure that could be used by autonomous vehicles as well as other traffic including pedestrians
and bicycles. The fact that autonomous vehicles
may reduce congestion and improve highway
safety in the future should not excuse state and
local road agencies from taking steps to solve
congestion and safety problems today, but those
solutions should be cost-effective. For example,
no major construction projects should be funded
until all traffic signals in a region are updated using the latest dynamic coordination systems.
Finally, states and regional planning agencies
should avoid land-use regulation aimed at trying
to control where people work and live. States that
have such regulation, including California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, and most of the New
England states, should repeal it. Given reduced
regulation, the congestion-reduction effects of
autonomous vehicles may lead to increased job
concentrations in downtowns and other job centers while they also lead to increased dispersal of
residences in the exurbs. Neither of these are bad
things, but neither are they guaranteed, so the
best thing would be for government to get out
of the way and permit whatever changes make
sense, making sure only that everyone pays the
full costs of their choices.

2. Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities in 2013, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, 2014, p. 1, tinyurl.com/
q83cnnb; Paul A. Eisenstein, Electronic Stability
Control Systems Saving Thousands of Lives, The
Detroit Bureau, November 30, 2012, tinyurl.com/


10. Jerry Hirsch, 253 Million Cars and Trucks on

U.S. Roads; Average Age Is 11.4 years, Los Angeles
Times, June 9, 2014, tinyurl.com/lyvpdkr.

1. Anders Tylman-Mikiewicz, Presentation to

the Automated Vehicles Symposium 2014, Burlingame, California, July 16, 2014.

3. Andreas Schafer and David G. Victor, The Future Mobility of the World Population, Transportation Research Part A 34, no. 3 (April 2000): 171205.
4. Preliminary Statement of Policy Concerning
Automated Vehicles, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, 2013, pp.
45; Bryant Walker-Smith, SAE Levels of Driving Automation, Center for Internet and Society,
December 18, 2013, tinyurl.com/plp38ss.
5. As near as I can tell, the least expensive car
available with these features is a 2015 Subaru Legacy that sells for about $25,800 including delivery
6. Nissan Announces Unprecedented Autonomous Drive Benchmarks, NissanNews.com,
August 27, 2013, tinyurl.com/kblym6n; Joseph B.
White, Nissan Expects to Market Self-Driving
Cars by 2020, Wall Street Journal, August 27, 2013,
7. Carlos Ghosn Outlines Launch Timetable for
Autonomous Drive Technologies, NissanNews.
com, July 16, 2014, tinyurl.com/nsy7czh.
8. Furhaad Shah, Googles Self-Driving Cars Expected in 2017, dataconomy.com, May 28, 2014,
9. Steven E. Underwood, Automated Vehicles
Forecast, University of Michigan, 2014, pp. 24,
26, 31, tinyurl.com/q8jhrva.

11. Chuck Tannert, Will You Ever Be Able to

Afford a Self-Driving Car? Fast Company, January
31, 2014, tinyurl.com/q5xfldq.

22. Norman Bel Geddes, Magic Motorways (New

York: Random House, 1940), pp. 7375.

12. Ola Svenson, Are We All Less Risky and More

Skillful Than Our Fellow Drivers? Acta Psychologica 47 (1981): 143148, tinyurl.com/q23fwq2.

23. Chuck Thorpe, Todd Johnson, and Dean

Pomerleau, Automated Highways and the Free
Agent Demonstration, Carnegie Mellon University working paper, 1997, tinyurl.com/ma27pqe.

13. David Lux, The History of American Technology: The Automobile Industry, 19201929,
Bryant College, 1998, tinyurl.com/kcex4td.
14. Robert S. Lynd and Helen Merrell Lynd, Middletown: A Study in Contemporary American Culture
(New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1929), p. 255.
15. Liz Gannes, Tiny Startup Cruise Beats
Google to Offer Self-Driving Car Tech to Consumers, re/code, June 23, 2014, tinyurl.com/ktrestv.
16. L. C. Davis, Effect of Adaptive Cruise Control Systems on Traffic Flow, Physical Review 69
(2004): 66110.
17. Arne Kesting et al., Jam-Avoiding Adaptive
Cruise Control (ACC) and Its Impact on Traffic
Dynamics, Traffic and Granular Flow 2005 (Berlin:
Springer, 2007), p. 663.
18. Patricia Mokhtarian and Cynthia Chen, TTB
or Not TTB, That Is the Question: A Review and
Analysis of the Empirical Literature on Travel
Time, Transportation Research Part A 38, nos.
9-10,(NovemberDecember 2004), pp. 64375.
19. Tylman-Mikiewicz.
20. 2012 American Community Survey, Census Bureau, table B08134 for the nation. To calculate
average travel times, I assumed the category less
than 10 minutes averaged 7 minutes while 60 or
more minutes averaged 67 minutes.
21. Rmy Prudhomme and Chang-Woon Lee,
Size, Sprawl, Speed, and the Efficiency of Cities, Urban Studies 36, no. 11 (1999): 184958; Robert Cervero, Efficient Urbanization: Economic
Performance and the Shape of the Metropolis,
Urban Studies 38, no. 10 (2001): 165171.

24. Sanghyun Cheon, An Overview of Automated

Highway Systems (AHS) and the Social and Institutional Challenges They Face, Princeton University
working paper, 2003, tinyurl.com/or4wldh.
25. Intelligent Transportation Systems for Traffic
Signal Control, Department of Transportation,
2007, tinyurl.com/ljxbh42.
26. Ashley Simmons, President Obama Calls
for Vehicle-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure
Communication, FutureStructure, July 15, 2014,
27. SWOV Fact Sheet: Advanced Cruise Control, Institute for Road Safety Research, 2010,
28. Mark Rogowsky, More Than Half of Us Have
Smartphones, Forbes, June 6, 2013, tinyurl.com/
29. Interview with Steven Polzin, Burlingame,
California, July 15, 2014.
30. Bill Howard, What Are Vehicle-to-Vehicle
Communications and How Do They Work? ExtremeTech, February 6, 2014, tinyurl.com/kg5phmy.
31. House Bill 2815, Washington State Legislature,
2008 Regular Session, tinyurl.com/342npm.
32. Dollars and trips from 2014 Public Transportation
Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables (Washington: American Public Transportation Association,
2014), tables 1, 68, and 90; transits share of commuting in 1990 from Means of Transportation to
Work for the U.S., Census Bureau, https://www.
txt; transits share in 2012 from 2012 American Com-

munity Survey, table B08301.
33. 2012 American Community Survey, table B08141.

42. According to Crop Production Historical Track

Records (Washington: Department of Agriculture,
2014), the per-acre yields of all of these crops grew
faster than the population between 1980 and 2010.

34. Ibid, table B08519.

35. Melvin Webber, The Marriage of Autos and
Transit: How to Make Transit Popular Again, Access, no. 5 (Fall 1994), pp. 2631.
36. Draft Plan Bay Area (Oakland: Metropolitan
Transportation Commission, 2013), p. 26.

43. Forest Area by Current State Boundaries for

the United States, 1630-2000, Forest Service,
44. National Report on Sustainable Forests2010
(Washington: Forest Service, 2011), pp. I39.
45. Nickerson et al., p. vi.

37. David Brownstone, Key Relationships between the Built Environment and VMT, Transportation Research Board (2008), p. 7, tinyurl.
38. Households by Type, 1940 to Present, Census Bureau, 2013, tinyurl.com/mkoztts.
39. Percent Urban and Rural by State and County
in 2010, Census Bureau, 2012, tinyurl.com/cn7st9j.
40. Cynthia Nickerson et al., Major Uses of
Land in the United States, 2007 (Washington:
Department of Agriculture, 2011), p. 29.
41. Ibid., Table 1.

46. Randal OToole, The Planning Tax: The

Case aainst Regional Growth-Management Planning, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 606, December 6, 2007, p. 12.
47. For more on New Starts, see Randal OToole,
Paint Is Cheaper Than Rails: Why Congress
Should Abolish New Starts, Cato Institute Policy
Analysis no. 727, June 19, 2013.
48. For more on long-range regional transportation planning, see Randal OToole, Roadmap
to Gridlock: The Failure of Long-Range Metropolitan Transportation Planning, Cato Institute
Policy Analysis no. 617, May 27, 2008.


Rapid Bus: A Low-Cost, High-Capacity Transit System for Major Urban Areas by Randal
OToole, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 752 (July 30, 2014)
The Worst of Both: The Rise of High-Cost, Low-Capacity Rail Transit by Randal OToole,
Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 750 (June 3, 2014))
Reducing Livability: How Sustainability Planning Threatens the American Dream by
Randal OToole, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 740 (October 28, 2013)
Paint Is Cheaper Than Rails: Why Congress Should Abolish New Starts by Randal
OToole, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 727 (June 19, 2013)
The Great Streetcar Conspiracy by Randal OToole, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 699
(June 14, 2012)
Ending Congestion by Refinancing Highways by Randal OToole, Cato Institute Policy
Analysis no. 695 (May 15, 2012)
Defining Success: The Case against Rail Transit by Randal OToole, Cato Institute Policy
Analysis no. 663 (March 24, 2010)
Fixing Transit: The Case for Privatization by Randal OToole, Cato Institute Policy Analysis
no. 670 (November 10, 2010)
Defining Success: The Case against Rail Transit by Randal OToole, Cato Institute Policy
Analysis no. 663 (March 24, 2010)
Getting What You Paid ForPaying For What You Get: Proposals for the Next Transportation Reauthorization by Randal OToole, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 644
(September 15, 2009)
Roadmap to Gridlock: The Failure of Long-Range Metropolitan Transportation Planning
by Randal O Toole, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 617 (May 27, 2008)
Does Rail Transit Save Energy or Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? by Randal OToole,
Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 615 (April 14, 2008)
Do You Know the Way to L.A.? San Jose Shows How to Turn an Urban Area into Los Angeles
in Three Stressful Decades by Randal OToole, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 602
(October 17, 2007)
Debunking Portland: The City That Doesnt Work by Randal OToole, Cato Institute
Policy Analysis no. 596 (July 9, 2007)


Opening the Skies: Put Free Trade in Airline Services on the Transatlantic Trade
Agenda by Kenneth Button (September 15, 2014)
The Export-Import Bank and Its Victims: Which Industries and States Bear the
Brunt? by Daniel Ikenson (September 10, 2014)
Responsible Counterterrorism Policy by John Mueller and Mark G. Stewart
(September 10, 2014)
Math Gone Mad: Regulatory Risk Modeling by the Federal Reserve by Kevin Dowd
(September 3, 2014)
The Dead Hand of Socialism: State Ownership in the Arab World by Dalibor Rohac
(August 25, 2014)
Rapid Bus: A Low-Cost, High-Capacity Transit System for Major Urban Areas by
Randal OToole (July 30, 2014)

Libertarianism and Federalism by Ilya Somin (June 30, 2014)

The Worst of Both: The Rise of High-Cost, Low-Capacity Rail Transit by Randal
OToole (June 3, 2014)

REAL ID: State-by-State Update by Jim Harper (March 12, 2014)

748. State-Based Visas: A Federalist Approach to Reforming U.S. Immigration Policy by

Brandon Fuller and Sean Rust (April 23, 2014)
747. Run, Run, Run: Was the Financial Crisis Panic over Institution Runs Justified? by
Vern McKinley (April 10, 2014)
State Education Trends: Academic Performance and Spending over the Past 40
Years by Andrew J. Coulson (March 18, 2014)

Obamacare: What We Know Now by Michael Tanner (January 27, 2014)

How States Talk Back to Washington and Strengthen American Federalism by John
Dinan (December 3, 2013)

Published by the Cato Institute, Policy Analysis is a regular series evaluating government policies and offering proposals for reform.
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