Contact Information
Name: Travis Bauman
ADDRESS: 139 Viking Drive, Apt. 5, Rexburg, ID, 83440
Phone: 503. 949. 4478
Email: [email protected]
TABLE of Contents
1: Flier
2: Event Ad
3: Photodesign
4: Montage
5: Logos
6: Stationery
7: WEb Page
8: Brochure
9: Businesss Card
Description: This photomontage focuses on black waves crashing over an idyllic
toy boat. A quote from Moby Dick is in the foreground, which seems to captue a
perspective on the moment.
Programs: Photoshop.
Date: May 28th
Objective: Create a spiritual Photo Montage using images and type.
Process: I started by finding a quote I could design around. I decided on this
section from Moby Dick, which lead me to choose an ocean theme. I looked for ocean
pictures that featured a top down view, with good black and white contrast, and a good,
high quality boat picture. I found these at upsplash.com, with a bit of searching. I then
rotated my ocean picture to have the black at the top of the picture, then overlaid my boat
picture to align the background with the ocean foam, and applied a layer mask to it. I
used the brush tool to fade the foam into the boat scene, trying to make it seem like they
belong together. I then separated the quote into three sections, to make use of the rule
of odds. I also used a drop shadow to separate the words from the spots of foam in the
background, and used a different font to accentuate the end of the quote.
{Insert Project}
Business Card
Description: This is a business card created for a fictional company, which uses a
labrynthian pattern to accentuate the title of the business.
Programs: Illustrator.
Date: June 11th.
Objectives: This was part one of a two part project: Creating matching business
card and stationery.
Process: This was another project created solely in Adobe Illustrator. I started by
turning on the standard grid, and creating a variety of rectangles that fit perfectly on that
grid, and using the alternate mode of the main selection tool to duplicate and drag the
rectangles into a maze pattern, based around a white rectangle. After creating a maze the
size of a business card, I grouped the black background with the white maze portions, and
divided them to separate the hanging edges from the side of the card. I then inserted a
font that seemed to fit the theme, and ended up coloring it light blue. I followed the same
series of actions to create the stationary, with the maze originally covering the entire page,
while creating my business name in the maze. I ended up shrinking the amount covered
by the maze, and coloring the business name light blue as well. I placed a bit of the same
pattern over the letterhead, and placed that at an opacity of around 10%, and I did the
same with the lower pattern, but placed a gradient over it, to keep it in the corner, and
keep it from being too distracting. I used the same font as the business card, as well as the
same color, on the letterhead.
{Insert Project}
Labyrinth Cryptography
you to succes.
Process: For this, I started by brainstorming ideas, and came up with this, as
something I could get excited about. I then created a logo in Illustrator using the pen
tool and expanding a font to colorize it. In InDesign, I created some borders by using
rectangles, then placed my images. Later, I went back to turn my images into imitation
polaroids. I tried a couple of different things on the front, but ended up with a pattern of
rectangles to place text on. This is where I placed my cut out image as well, and wrapped
my text around it. I later added a small logo to the bottom rectangle, because it looked
empty, and placed a picture of the video game in a travel guide fashion on the side. After
testing, I found that the side flap looked good tucked in, and moved my logo and the back
to accommodate for this change in plans.
{Insert Project}
Description: This is part two of the business card and stationery project. This stationery is for a fictional business, and incorporates the same maze design as the business
card, but in a less intrusive format.
Programs: Illustrator.
Date: June 11th.
Objectives: Create a stationery and letterhead within Illustrator that matches a
business card.
Process: This was another project created solely in Adobe Illustrator. I started by
turning on the standard grid, and creating a variety of rectangles that fit perfectly on that
grid, and using the alternate mode of the main selection tool to duplicate and drag the
rectangles into a maze pattern, based around a white rectangle. After creating a maze the
size of a business card, I grouped the black background with the white maze portions, and
divided them to separate the hanging edges from the side of the card. I then inserted a
font that seemed to fit the theme, and ended up coloring it light blue. I followed the same
series of actions to create the stationary, with the maze originally covering the entire page,
while creating my business name in the maze. I ended up shrinking the amount covered
by the maze, and coloring the business name light blue as well. I placed a bit of the same
pattern over the letterhead, and placed that at an opacity of around 10%, and I did the
same with the lower pattern, but placed a gradient over it, to keep it in the corner, and
keep it from being too distracting. I used the same font as the business card, as well as the
same color, on the letterhead.
Labyrinth Cryptography
Travis Bauman
{Insert Project}
Programs: InDesign.
Date: May 5th
Objectives: Create a flier using specific predetermined elements in InDesign.
Process:For this project, I began by looking at the logos and photos I had been
given to use. I found a few that I felt would work well for my audience, and centered
my sketches around those. I then used Adobes Photoshop and InDesign programs to
recreate my sketch. These programs made it very easy to align my elements, and helped
me to create a sense of unity. At this point, I sought constructive criticism, and adjusted
my design based on their ideas, as well as problems I was able to see through this process.
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{Insert Project}
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Logo Design
Programs: Illustrator.
Date: June 4th
Process: The program I used was Adobe Illustrator, and I mostly used the pen
tool and variations on it. I started by creating three different styles of logos, then asking
around to see a favorite logo out of the three. I used the pathfinder tool to bring the
stacked elements together, and used layering to set up the overlapping colors, and moved
anchor points to connect cleanly with other design elements. I expanded on the logo that
was the test group favorite, by allowing for more white space around the lettering, making
the afro look more like Bob Ross actual afro, and redesigning the background in the full
color edition.
bob ross
{Insert Project}
bob ross
bob ross
Web Page
My process here started with Illustrator, where I used the pen tool and
the shape builder tool to create my rook logo. I then downloaded the html file from the
class website, and worked with it on Notepadder++ for a while to arrange my list correctly and get my logo to show up on the actual page. After this, I downloaded the css file
and used the same editing program to create colored borders around my page and paragraphs, as well as the sharp upper left corner. I tried to stick with a light blue for some of
the elements, to contrast with all of the gray scale elements.
{Insert Project}
Description: This is a picture that was touched up in Photoshop, centered on a
Programs: Photoshop.
Date: May 22nd.
Objectives: Use Photoshop to introduce an idea or product.
Process: My process this time started with taking the photograph. I knew that I
wanted my shoe as the subject, but I didnt have too much control over the photo itself,
since I had to be wearing the shoe at the time I took the photo. I then brought the shoe
into Photoshop, and worked on making it more vibrant. I sharpened the square knobs on
the back end of the shoe, making them more visible. After working on the photo, I made
some drafts, and found an idea that worked for me. After critiques, I made a few adjustments, and was able to align elements more fully.
{Insert Project}
Event Ad
song,Shia LaBeouf.
much in the way of printed media at home, but I did know that I could print and subsequently scan an image from the internet. Originally, this looked like just a fun image to
practice scanning with, but I liked the way it looked when simplified through the filters of
Microsoft Word. This image was the starting point of my drafting stage. I then set my copy
to create alignment, but ended up adjusting the final version of that. The simple look of
minimal text on black and muted red looked good, so I went with it.
A Charity Concert.