Heidi Nwosu
Heidi Nwosu
Heidi Nwosu
There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and
being chosen to a family, she believes that her life is in order, forgetting the fact that she is
easily replaceable. The audience feels Vivians compressed sadness and the feeling ultimately
translates to the overall experience that Vivian has. Fighting to keep her placeVivianbegins to
conform to the ways of the people around her and starts to hide who she really is. This is a
result of the difficulties that she experiences when she was sentto theorphanageandthenput
on the orphan train. Vivians struggle with acceptance among people also translates to her
experiences and her parents death. Her behavior changes as each new experience comes to
pass. The one adaptation she has made that hasremainedconstantthroughoutherchallenges
is to never forget where she came from. In other words she always remained true to herself
even though she tried to suppress it. With this thinking Vivian makes continuous efforts to
remain in the Byrnes household, but ultimately all her efforts are in vain.Shegetsrelocatedto
another family due to the Byrnes misfortune in their business and inability to support the
workers. Vivian is placed in the care of the Grotes family, a dysfunctional unit who has no
financial stability and relies on the workings of their father.Duringhertimeatthe Grotessheis
not taken care of properly and goes to schoolsmellingunwashedand musty.She makesdo
with whatever is available and is left with most of the household duties. She feels abandoned
and forgotten, she feels as if she has been dropped into a misery worse than her own. As
discouraged and unwanted as she felt she stayed because she had nowhere else to go. Her
thoughts and her reality all come crashing down one fatal night when Mr. Grote wakes her up
without reason. Without any warning she experiences one of the worst events in her life. She
flees from the Grotes house to the one place she knows that she will be safe. Through this
misfortune her ability to trust people has declined, she is therefore heedful to all actions taken
There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains itsown
Through all of Vivian's hardshipsand difficultiesthereisalessonhiddenbeneath.Herresponse
to each experience builds her up to be a stronger person overall. Her life begins to impact
people in more ways than one. Over the next couple of years Vivian has been raised by a
respectable familywhotreatsherproperly.Throughtthemshelearnsthepoweroflovebetween
others and is assured the feeling of acceptance among her family. She experiences many
hardships throughout her life all the way up to her old age, but her traumatic experiences as a
girl hasimpactedanunexpectedcandidate.17yearoldMollyAyeris agirlwhoexperiencedthe
loss of her parents at a young age as well. Brought together from unlikely circumstances they
begin to impact each other without realizing. Though Molly and Vivian have a huge age gap
between them, they teach each other a valuable lesson in life. Vivian was impacted by Molly
through her determination to encourage Vivian to open up about her past. By doing so she is
taught Vivian to accept the past for how it played out. No matter whatmisdeedsthat mayhave
occurred. She taught Vivian to forgive herself and to work harder to undo the wrongs that she
may have done. Vivian impacted Molly by opening up her home to indirectly teach Mollyabout
the importance of responsibility and valuinglifessmallmoments insteadofworryingaboutlifes
difficulties. Vivian accepted Molly for who she is as a person and didn'tjudgeherbasedonher
appearance. Molly rejected her ways of defiance and found a new comfort in Vivian. We only
develop true happiness within ourselves by developing tactics to survive difficult times and the